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Create a glossary using FiveFilters (Localization Consistency Glossary)

(Do not use FiveFilters with confidential content or very large projects – Ask Venga Engineering to
data mine instead).

FiveFilters is a free software to help you extract terms through a web service. Given some text it will
return a list of terms with (hopefully) the most relevant first. Terms can be returned in a variety of
formats such as HTML, JSON, XML, or plain text. You can also enter a URL to a web article and the
software extracts the article's contents first and then carries out the term extraction. Note: Currently
only English is supported, and the free version has some restrictions.

Term Extraction:

 Go to:
 Add your text (paste from document or extract from memoQ) or URL to the Term Extraction
 Click on Get Terms and you will be provided a list of terms.
 Copy the list to the format you will use for your glossary (i.e. Excel).
 Check the list and remove anything that is not applicable for your glossary, such as proper
names, general terms etc.

Tip: Don’t add too many terms to your glossary. A glossary is best used if it includes the most
essential terms used within the subject field or the account you are working on.

Note: You can also have Venga Engineering do this if the content is very confidential

Create a Glossary tracker:

 Create a new Google sheet and label the headers as you see fit.
 Select the source column > right click > Conditional formatting > Add new rule > Format cells
if (Custom formula is) > =countif(A:A,A1)>1
 This enables you to keep adding terms to your list when you get new content and the sheet
will highlight duplicate terms.
 Paste your terms into your source column
 You can also make a copy of this template

Download/import to memoQ

 How to import your your glossary and import to memoQ

Continuous Updates to your glossary

 Repeat steps 1-3 for the new terms you add to your sheet. Download you sheet and import
only the new terms to memoQ

Translating a Localization Consistency Glossary

Unlike a professional term extraction glossary (Part of Speech, Frequency, Definition, Context), we
are only datamining for frequency and using light clean up so the terms will not have any context. It
is therefore better to have terms added to the glossary while translating. We should not need to pay
the linguists extra for this as this helps them with consistency.

Because we added the source terms to the glossary, they will be highlighted to the linguists while
translating. The translators should use the following method to add terms.
If the linguists see there is a duplicate they should press Merge.

Delivering the Localization Consistency Glossary to client (not mandatory and should be reviewed
based on the client’s needs)


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