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Understanding The Factors That Force Down


A study underway

I nterim Report

Dessalegn M equanint
Phd Student
Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa
April 2011
1. Background
This interim report covers the activities that have been carried out since December 2010
following the notification of the ISOC community grant award. It consists of background
information about the project underway, its objectives, progresses made since the project kick
off, future activities, methodologies chosen and expected outputs. The issues addressed in the
study are organized in three major themes and in three separate questionnaires labeled Lot I
about Internet use(targeted respondents are Internet users) , Lot II about Internet cafes(targeted
respondents are managers of Internet cafés) and Lot III key informants(targeted respondents
are officials from Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and Ethio Telecom
the sole ISP). A dip-stick study of 200 Internet users, 20 Internet cafes in Addis Ababa, the
capital city of the country and another 20 Internet users and 10 Internet cafes in two other main
cities of the country has been conducted. In addition an interview of key informants working
for the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has been conducted.

1.1. Objective
This project is mainly framed with the view to provide inputs for policy makers to address the
factors that force down (WKLRSLD¶VUDQNLQJVin the digital economy. To this effect, the principal
primarily targets the achievement of the following objectives.
economy ;
x to propose a comprehensive Internet access model that transcends Internet café; and
x to propose a roadmap for enhancing the digital ranking of Ethiopia in light of the
commonly used benchmark indicators.

1.2. The Team Organization Process

In this study a total of 23 enumerators, one statistician, a research assistant and the
principal investigator are involved. We have devised our approach on the data
collection process based on the situations on the ground. The three questionnaires were
designed with utmost care to make them more understandable and with the minimum
biases possible. However by anticipating several factors including language ability or
barrier that respondents may have on key terms and terminologies in the questionnaires,
for Lot I and II the respondents responses have been captured by the enumerators, the
research assistant and the principal investigator like in an interview manner( we provide
the respondents detailed explanation about questions in the questionnaire and we

capture their response as they respond) . To this end the necessary preparation such as
offering training for enumerators organized into three different groups has successfully
been conducted. Thus, in general the data collection/enumeration phase was conducted
by three separate groups.
- Initially, a group of 8 enumerators have been participated in the pilot enumeration
- Two groups composed of 9 and 6 enumerators have participated in the final
enumeration run

2. Methodology
2.1 Sampling technique
We have used stratified random sampling technique to determine the sample size and the
response rate was 100%. The study is a dip-stick one in that for a country as big as Ethiopia
and for a city as populous and big as Addis Ababa, 200 Internet users by no means represent
the entire Internet users community Internet usage practices or habits. However, as a dip-stick
study it can certainly discern or provide indications or a picture on how Internet usage looks
like in Ethiopia and the various constraints there off. The table below is an excerpt that shows
number of Internet café in Ethiopia. Up until June 2010 outside the capital city there are only
three regions out of the possible 11 with Internet café service resellers. However, though few in
numbers all of the 11 regions have telecenter service resellers as well which could at same time
also offer Internet café services. The figure in the table below is self explanatory in discerning
the mammoth nature of the task that lie ahead for Ethiopia to enhance its rankings in the digital

Type of Telecom Service Reseller by Category and Region( an excerpt from data obtained
from the Ethiopian Telecommunication Agency) from December 2002 ± June 2010)
No. Region I nternet reseller Telecenter
1 Addis Ababa 235 176
2 Oromia 29 48
3 Amhara 7 17
4 SNNP 1 8
5 Tigray - 4
6 Afar - 2
7 Harari - 5
8 Dire Dawa - 5
9 Benishangul - 2
10 Somali - 4
11 Gambela - 2
Table 2.1 Type of Telecom Service Reseller by Category and Region
As can be seen in the table above, for a country as populous as Ethiopia the number of service
providers by any standard are extremely low, however we have learnt the existence of some
Internet cafés and telecenters operating without licenses. Implicitly the government encourages

the expansion of Internet/telecenter services as this has been demonstrated by the presence of
Internet cafés operating without licenses.

After investigating the situation on the ground the sample cities have been picked from the
three regions based on their rank in terms of having relatively large number of Internet cafés
and telecenters. Thus, Addis Ababa the capital of the country, Nazareth from Oromia and
Bahirdar from Amhara are chosen. The sample size on number of respondents has been
determined and cut small particularly for the regional cities because of several factors
including the extremely low Internet penetration/density observed.

2.2 Methodological framework

A methodological framework is designed with the view to identify the required data that can
answer the research questions. Different methods have been be applied to gather data required
for the study and appropriate methods of data analyses will be used to draw conclusions and
come up with the required output as set in the objectives of this project. The methodological
framework designed for this study is as shown on Table 1.

Research areas Data to be collected Sources of data Data Collection Analysis

I nstruments techniques
(WKLRSLD¶V x Overall application of x Key informants x Interview of key x Thematic analysis
ranking in the ICT, x Review of informants x Triangulation
digital world x 7KHFRXQWU\¶V,&7 articles or x Review of records,
policy and strategies reports files and other
constructs x Documents documents

Factors that force x ICTs Infrastructure x Key informants x Interview of key x Thematic analysis
GRZQ(WKLRSLD¶V x Internet x Review of informants x Triangulation
rankings density/penetration articles or x Questionnaire
x ICT reports x Review of records,
density/penetration x Documents files and other
Ongoing x ICT projects x Key informants x Interview of key x Thematic analysis
government ICT completed x Documents informants x Triangulation
initiatives x ICT projects in x Review of records,
progress files and other
ICTs Policies and x ICTs policy and x Key informants x Interview of key x Thematic analysis
strategies towards strategy constructs x Documents informants
enhancing the x Review of records,
FRXQWU\¶VGLJLWDO files and other
standings documents

Key factors and x Potentials to acquire x Key informants x Interview of key x Thematic analysis
drivers that impact and use ICTs tools x Documents informants
the FRXQWU\¶V x Status of ICTs x Questionnaire
digital progression infrastructure and x Review of records,
future plan of files and other
improvement or documents

Internet Access x Practices related to x Key informants x Interview of key x Descriptive
points/telecenter Internet café or x Internet users informants statistics
services telecenter service x Internet café x Questionnaire x Thematic analysis
x Government owners x Review of records,
initiatives towards x Documents files and other
the establishment of documents
public access points
to the Internet/
telecenter services

Table 2.2: M ethodological Framework

3. Activities carried out

Several activities have been carried out since the project is officially kicked off. The following
are list of activities carried out up until this report preparation.
-Revisiting the research objectives, questions towards determining the right methodology to
approach the study.
-Two separate questionnaires have been prepared as Lot I for Internet users and Lot II for
Internet cafes(See Annex I & II)
-Semi-structured interview questions have been prepared(See Annex III)
-Training enumerators for pilot and final runs
-Data collection that spans a couple of weeks
-Data cleaning
-Data encoding

The table below is a summary of the activities carried out up until to date.

No. Activity Status Remark

1 Conducting literature review In progress
2 Designing methodological Done
3 Designing conceptual framework Done
4 Preparing Questionnaire for Internet Done
users-lot I
5 Preparing Questionnaire for Internet Done
users-lot II
6 Preparing semi-structured Interview Done
for key informants
7 Data collection Internet users-Addis Done
8 Data collection Internet café-Addis Done
9 Data collection Internet users- Done
Nazreth, Oromia Region
10 Data collection Internet café- Done
Nazreth, Oromiya Region
11 Data collection Internet users- Done

Bahirdar, Amhara Region
12 Data collection Internet café- Done
Bahirdar, Amhara Region
13 Interview of key informants Done partly
14 Data cleansing, encoding Done
17 Data analysis In progress
Table 3.1 Summary of activities carried out

The table below is a description of how the questionnaires administration process

Questionnaire/ Description Task City
Internet users Lot I 8 enumerators have Pilot run Addis Ababa
handled 10
questionnaires each
Internet users Lot I 14 enumerators have Final run Addis Ababa
handled varied
number of
Internet cafes Lot II 10 questionnaires Final run Addis Ababa
have been handled
by the principal
Internet cafes Lot II 10 questionnaires Final run Addis Ababa
have been handled
by the research
Internet users Lot I 10 questionnaires Final run Nazareth
have been handled
by the principal
Internet cafes Lot II 5 questionnaires have Final run Nazareth
been handled by the
principal investigator
Internet users Lot I 10 questionnaires Final run Bahirdar
have been handled
by the principal
Internet cafes Lot II 5 questionnaires have Final run Bahirdar
been handled by the
principal investigator

Table 3.2 A description of the questionnaires administered over the three cities

We have designed two separate questionnaires and one semi-structured interview questions.
The three groups were responsible for administering Internet users lot (Lot I)whereas both the
principal investigator and the research assistant have been responsible for administering the
Internet cafes lot in the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. In addition, the principal investigator
has handled both lots of the questionnaire for the two other cities namely Nazareth and

4. Outcomes & Achievements

As per the project plan, the first phase of the project which includes questionnaire design,
questionnaire administration and conducting interviews(because of the diversity and size of the
interview questions there are still a few key questions which we are seeking for answers from
key informants working for the newly formed ministry, ministry of communication and
information technology) have been done satisfactorily. In general, the necessary activities
towards producing the final report are carried out satisfactorily.

5. Current progress and Activities Left

We are entering in to the second and the final phase of the study which encompasses several
activities. The table below is a summary of the status of activities of the study:.
No. Activity Description Status
1 Completing the few interview The newly structured In progress
questions unanswered ministry of
Communication and
Technology and Ethio
Telecom are
undergoing both
structural and
operational changes
and the process has
taken time, however
over the coming few
days we have
scheduled to contact
additional key
informants to
conclude our
2 Literature review We are making deeper In progress
analysis of the state-
of-the-art for
developing the road
map and internet
access model

3 Draft report A draft report will be
prepared and shared
among the
stakeholders to
capture their take
before the publication
of the final report
4 Preparing brochures and fliers Once the draft report
is completed, fliers
and brochures will be
prepared to
disseminate the
outcome of the study
to a wider audience,
which includes the
use of websites.
5 Publications Publishing articles
6 Preparing the final report Preparing the final
7 Project sign off Submitting final
technical report and
financial report

6. Summary
Over all the project is going on according to plan, in recent months the Ethiopian government
has designed a new general transformation plan, we have learnt the existence of a few
government projects that target the improvement RI(WKLRSLD¶VUDQNLQJLQWKHGLJLWDOHFRQRP\
the full extent of the initiatives will be revealed in the anticipated reports. It bodes well for the
study that the government has a grand SODQ IRU LPSURYLQJ WKH FRXQWU\¶V UDQNLQJV RYHU WKH
coming years. Thus, the timing and relevance of the study could not have been any more spot
on. However, internet services provision mainly in the regional cities are far from satisfactory
and extremely poor. Most Internet cafes are dialup line subscribers and as a result the Internet
connection service they offer to customers is extremely poor. There are many reasons for this
which the study will reveal to their full extent in order to show the scale of the task of
improving both Internet and ICT penetration/density in the country.

7. Annexes
Annex I
Lot I - I nternet Access/Use- I nternet Users
This questionnaire is part of the study titled ³8QGHUVWDQGLQJWKH)DFWRUVWKDW)RUFH'own
(WKLRSLD¶V Rankings in thH 'LJLWDO (FRQRP\´ being conducted under the auspice of the
Internet Society. In order to capture your views of Internet access points that you are
accustomed to, we would like you to respond to the given set of questions. Please take time and
respond to all the questions to the best of your knowledge. Your participation as a respondent
in this survey is voluntary, and your response will only provide inputs to the study and will not
identify you as an individual.
Part I - Background:
Sex: …Male …Female
{ Government employee
{ Non-Government employee
{ Self employed
{ Unemployed
{ Others please specify__________
Which of the following best describes your educational level?
{ Illiterate
{ Primary school
{ Secondary school
{ Diploma
{ B.A/B.Sc.
{ M.A/M.Sc.
{ PhD
{ Others please specify__________
In which part of the country/city do you reside?_______________________
Part I I -I nternet Usage Profile

1. In which of the following settings do you have access to the Internet?

† Cyber café or other settings open to the public
† School
† Library
† Work place
† At home
† Other please specify_________________

2. In which of the following settings do you often gain access to the Internet?
{ Cyber café of other settings open to the public
{ School
{ Library
{ Work place
{ At home
3. When you access the Internet at home which of the following devices do use?
† Computer
† Mobile phone
4. How often do you use the Internet?
{ Once in a month(s)
{ Once in a week
{ Several times in a week
{ Once in Every day
{ Every day without restriction
5. What do you use the Internet for?
† Send or receive e-mail
† Chat/Instant messaging
† Access to Information
† Skype
† Social networking websites(Facebook, Twiter, etc)
† Resource downloading
† Entertainment
† For work purpose
† For School purpose
† Other please specify____________________________________________
6. For how long have you been using the Internet for any of the usages/services you
indicated above?
{ Less than six months
{ Less than a year
{ 2- 3 years

{ More than 3 years
7. How has your usage of the Internet changed over the last year?
{ Slightly increased
{ Strongly increased
{ Remains constant
{ Slightly decreased
{ Strongly decreased
8. In those places where you used to gain access to the Internet which of the following
access do you have?
† Dial-up
† Leased line
† Broadband
9. How many hours per week do you spend on the Internet?
{ Less than 1hour
{ One to five hours
{ No restriction
10. What do you like doing the most online?
{ Chat
{ Retail sales/purchase
{ E-mail
{ News
{ Sports
{ Games
{ Educational/school/Work
{ Music/FM radio
{ Social Networking
{ Other please specify________________
11. While accessing the Internet what factor(s) has/ have been challenging for you?
† Lack of contents in Amharic, contents available are written predominantly in English
† The bandwidth is too low and the connection as a result is slow

† Unreliability of electricity
† Frequent disconnection
† Services blockage(disabling skype, google talk, Internet phone, etc)
† Lack of Computer with a better capacity
† Computer viruses
† Other please specify ______________
12. What factor(s) recur more frequently and inhibit you from using the Internet?
† Lack of contents in Amharic, contents available are written predominantly in English
† Traveling long distance in search of Internet café
† Unreliability of electricity
† High usage charges
† Frequent disconnections
† Computer viruses
† Service blockage/disruption
† Other please specify____________________
Part I I I -I nternet access points
13. How fast do you rate the connection of Internet access points you have access to?
{ Very fast
{ Satisfactory
{ Slow
{ Very slow
14. How much do you pay for Internet access/usage per hour?_________________
15. On those Internet café(s) you are used to access the Internet, is there a minimum usage
time set by the Internet café that you pay for even if you need less connection time? If
so specify_______
16. How do you rate the service charge of Internet cafés?
{ Very expensive
{ Fair
{ Cheap
17. How many Internet café(s) is/ are there in the area you are residing?_________
18. How do you rate the age of computers used in Internet cafés in your area?
{ Relatively latest

{ Old/Obsolete but fit for purpose
{ Very old
19. How long do you queue up for Internet access at an Internet café?
{ No queue
{ I wait for 5-10 minutes
{ I wait for 15-20 minutes
{ I wait longer than half an hour
20. How far do you need to travel to get an Internet café?
{ Less than 500 meter
{ Less than 1KMs
{ More than 1KM
Part I V-I nternet usage competence and related issues
21. In terms of frequency of internet usage, how would you describe yourself?
{ Regular user (daily)
{ Moderate user (once or twice in a week)
{ Infrequent user (a few times in a month)
{ Very infrequent user
22. How do you rate your liking of the Internet?
{ Very emotionally attached to the Internet
{ Well attached to the Internet
{ Not emotionally attached to the Internet
23. Have you ever received lessons on ICT use?
{ Yes { No
24. Have you ever received lessons on how to use the Internet?
{ Yes { No
25. Have you received lessons on how to stay safe on the Internet?
{ Yes { No
26. Overall, how do you rate your skill in using the Internet?
{ Very good
{ Good
{ Satisfactory
{ Unsatisfactory

27. Which of the following is the positive influence that having access to the Internet has
brought in your life?
† The ability to work remotely
† The ability to attend school remotely
† Enabling to buy cheaper products
† Enhancing social life(maintaining contacts with friends, relatives, etc easily)/
† Enhancing family life(maintaining contacts with partner, children, etc easily)
† Other please specify_____________
28. Which of the following is the negative influence that having access to the Internet has
brought in your life?
† It keeps you busy and as a result you have less or no time for family
† Exposure to negative content
† Addiction to online games
† Other please specify__________________________________
29. Overall, how important do you consider the Internet in your life?
{ Not very important
{ Somehow important
{ Very important
30. What do you like to see improve on Internet cafés and other Internet access points?
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________
31. What are the things that please you in using the Internet?
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________
32. What are the unpleasant aspects of using the Internet?
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________

Annex I I
- Name of the cyber/Internet cafe: ___________________
- Name of the Manager: ___________________
- Address(City, Kebele, Sub-city): ___________________
- Establishment/Start date: ___________________
1. Is offering Internet access services the main activity of the business?
{ Yes { No
2. Number of staff trained on computers and computer tools usage working in the Internet
3. How many computers do you have for Internet access?___________
4. Do you use brand computers? If yes describe them
5. What is the average age of the computers being used for Internet access?_______
8. Which of the following Internet subscription or connection do you have?
† Dial-up
† Broadband
† EV-DO Unlimited
† EV-DO Limited
† Other please specify_________________
9. What is the speed of your Internet subscription?
{ Less than 512 Kbps
{ Less than 1Mbps
{ 2Mbps and above
10. How do you rate the connection speed?
{ Very fast
{ Adequate
{ Slow
{ Very slow
11. What time over the day has the fastest Internet speed?
† Morning or before noon
† Afternoon until 17:00 (5PM)
† Evening after 17:00 (5PM)
† The speed is fast throughout the day
12. What time over the day has the slowest Internet speed?
† Morning or before noon

† Afternoon until 17:00 (5PM)
† Evening after 17:00 (5PM)
† The speed is slow throughout the day
13. How do you rate the reliability of the connection?
{ Highly reliable
{ Reliable
{ Unreliable
{ Very unreliable
14. How do you set rates for hourly usage?
15. What is the price for per hour usage of the Internet?_______________
16. How do you rate the profitability of the business?
{ Very profitable, it generates me above 5000 birr per month
{ Profitable, it generates me above 3000-5000 birr per month
{ Not profitable, it generates me less than 2000 birr per month
{ Do not want to reveal
17. On average how many users show up in your Internet café daily?_____________
18. What percentage of your customers are regular customers?_________________
19. Over the week, month or year, when would be the busiest time?
20. Have you experienced internet users queue up for Internet access?
If yes, what is/are the reason(s)?_________________________________

Part I I - I nternet UVHU¶VProfile

21. Who are your clients?
† Teenager
† Adult
† Elderly persons
† Foreigners
22. What is the average time spent by an Internet user?
{15 minutes or less    
{  15 to 30 min.  
{  Half-hour to an hour    
{  More than an hour
23. What type of Internet usage/services do users demand?
†  E-mail
†  Web or browsing    
† Chat/Instant messaging
†  Games
†  Downloads  
† Other please specify__________________  
24. What are the reasons that Internet users like most about your cyber café?

† Low charge
† Convenient Location
† Relatively fast connection
† Better computers
† Other please specify___________________
Part I I I - Business Aspects
25. What is the source of your investment for the business?
† Own    
† Bank    
†  Family    
† Business partner
† Grant    
† Other please specify___________________
26. What factor(s) constrained you running the Internet café smoothly and effectively?
† Unreliability of electricity
† Internet connection costs
† Maintenance problems
† Frequent disconnections
† Computer viruses
† Services blockage
† Government regulations & practices
† Other please specify____________________
27. What other forms of services do you also offer along with the Internet access?
† Photocopy service
† Image or paper Scanning services
† Document binding service
† Typing service
† Printing service
† Other, please specify________________________
28. Do you have expansion plan like opening additional branch (es) of the Internet café?
If yes, describe_________________________________________
29. Do you get any form of support from the Internet service provider (the former
Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation and recently changed its name to Ethio
Telecom) or from another institution or a partner?
if yes, describe ________________________________________________________
30. What form of assistance(s) from government or other agencies do you think would help
you run the Internet café more effectively?
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________
31. Please state the things that you are happy with in running an Internet café?
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________

iii. ________________________________________________________________
32. Please state the things that you are not happy with in running an Internet café?
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________
33. What issues or things that you would like to see addressed or changed or amended by
the government or the sole Internet service provider(Ethio Telecom) with respect o the
provision of Internet services?
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________

Annex III

Lot I I I - Key I nformants

Name of the I nterviewee:
Position held:
Organization/Company Name:

Part I - Background I nformation ± Ongoing or I mplemented I CT initiatives/projects

1. What are the major government completed ICT initiatives towards promoting the use of
ICT for development?

2. What are the major government ongoing ICT initiatives/projects/

3. What are the objectives of the various initiatives?

4. Do you think the initiatives have fulfilled their intended objectives?

5. For the ICT initiatives both completed and ongoing one where comes the source of the

6. Do you think the initiatives are widely disseminated beyond Ethiopia? If yes, describe
some of the means used to do so?

7. Are there initiatives that target the diffusion of ICT to a larger scale or enhance ICT or
Internet penetration to a better level such as by opening ICT/Internet access points?

Part I I - I CT Policy and Strategy

8. What are the ICT priorities areas of the Government?

9. How old is the ICT policy currently in use?

10. Was there any ICT policy amendment or update since it has been in use? If yes,
describe the changes.

11. How the ICT policy formulation went on in terms of involving diverse actors?

12. Does the ICT policy emphasize people with low- income or the marginalized?

13. Does the ICT policy emphasize the use of low-cost devices?

14. Is there an initiative/effort underway to frame the ICT strategy of the country? If yes,
what are the prioritized areas?

15. In what areas major e-transformations(introduction of new ICT-enabled services) is

targeted in 2012?

16. In what areas major e-transformations(introduction of new ICT-enabled services) is

targeted by 2015?

17. In what areas major e-transformations(introduction of new ICT-based services) is

targeted by 2020?

18. What do you think is the most important government policy for the Internet?

19. What is the most important government policy field for supporting cyber-cafe business
and others who provide access points for the Internet?

20. What is the most important government policy field for increasing Internet access
points or ICT diffusion?

21. What is the most important government policy field on enhancing the literacy level of
the citizen on ICT use?

22. How ICT is going to help the general transformation plan of the country which was
launched a few months ago?

23. As part of the general transformation plan of the country are there changes sought in
terms of ICT penetration/diffusion rise?

Part I I I - E-readiness and other related parameters

24. How do you describe the current standing of Ethiopia with respect to ICT use or

25. What is your view of the benchmark indicators being used by UNDP or the Economist
Intelligence Unit to gauge countries rankings with respect to ICT use or diffusion?

26. How do you rate the quality of the existing (WKLRSLD¶VWHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ


27. As a late adopter of ICT Ethiopia has a lot to catch up, how does the use of broadband,
mobile and Internet connectivity have improved in recent years?

28. How do you see the ability of consumers, business and governments to use ICT to their
benefit in recent years?


30. Does the country have a legal framework for cyber laws?

31. Does the government consider ICT as a focal point of education, health, governance,
etc? If yes, describe related ongoing initiatives:

Part I V- I CT Capacity Planning

32. Do you have a short term plan that targets improvements on score for some of the
benchmark indicators?

33. Improvements on which benchmark indicator(s) do you think is achievable in the short

34. What are the benchmark indicators identified potentially as achievable in the long

35. What is the anticipated improvement in Ethiopian standing in terms of climbing up

places in the ranking table in 2012?

36. What is the anticipated improvement in Ethiopian standing in terms of climbing up

places in the ranking table in 2015?

37. What is the anticipated improvement in Ethiopian standing in terms of climbing up

places in the ranking table in 2020?

38. How these improvements in places in the ranking table will be possible?

39. How do you describe the existing IT infrastructure capacity?

40. Is there a plan towards upgrading or expanding the capacity of the IT infrastructure by

41. Is there a plan towards upgrading or expanding the capacity of the IT infrastructure by

42. Is there a plan towards upgrading or expanding the capacity of the IT infrastructure by

43. How the anticipate upgrade/expansion/replacement of the IT infrastructure will be


44. How do you view the current web presence of government, business and non-
government organizations or companies?

45. Is there a plan towards improving the web presence of government, business and non-
government companies or organizations by 2012?

46. Is there a plan towards improving the web presence of government, business and non-
government companies or organizations by 2015?

47. Is there a plan towards improving the web presence of government, business and non-
government companies or organizations by 2020?

48. How the anticipated improvement in web presence will be realized?

49. What are (WKLRSLD¶VPDMRUFKDOOHQJHs in speeding up its way up in the digital ranking?


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