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Name: __________________________________________

Score: ____________________
Grade & Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________________
DIRECTION: Study the sentences below to find out the meaning of each italicized word. Encircle the letter of the
Correct answer.
1. The citizens have regressive tendencies. a. incoming
a. to advance b. random
b. to relapse c. numerous
c. to endure 7. She describes the scene in breathless prose.
2. Every window had a loud yellow illumination. a. stuffy
a. dull spark b. breezy
b. fading color c. airy
c. glowing light 8. The literary world has enthroned Shakespeare for so
3. Crime was ebbing. long.
a. diminishing a. glorify
b. increasing b. degrade
c. widespread c. abase
4. He stood entranced as the officer called him. 9. She has an enviable reputation for honesty.
a. straight in attention a. dishonest
b. fidgety and nervously b. very desirable
c. filled with wonder c. unbelievable
5. A faint incense puttering from their exhausts. 10. The young runaway gradually became entangled in a
a. making soft, explosive sounds. web of lies.
b. moving in a casual, unhurried way a. untwist
c. spraying or splashing b. intertwist
6. The dogs in intermittent squads. c. untangle

TEST 1: Pronoun Antecedent Agreement

DIRECTION: Circle the letter that corresponds to the BEST answer. There is only one BEST answer for each question.
1. Before becoming a famous chef, Julia Child learned about French food while living in Paris with her husband.
What is the antecedent for her?
a. chef c. Paris
b. Julia Child d. French food
2. Philosopher John Dalton is credited with developing our theory of atoms. Dalton proposed that they make up elements and
combine to form chemical compounds. What is the antecedent for they?
a. John Dalton c. chemical compounds
b. atoms d. elements
3. Most people think friction is a force that acts on solids, but it also acts on liquids and gasses. What is the antecedent for it?
a. people c. solids
b. friction d. liquids
4. Tomorrow the detective and I will turn over all of _______ evidence to the authorities.
a. Your c. My
b. His d. our
5. Steve didn't just complete the assignment. His interest in learning the information made ______ grow smarter.
a. His c. It
b. Him d. its
6. After dinner Sam and Katie will finish ________ homework.
a. Her c. Your
b. His d. their
7. The Egyptians believed that if ________ mummified a dead body, it would be preserved for the afterlife.
a. You c. he
b. They d. we
8. Every student will do ______ best.
a. Their c. its
b. his or her d. your
9. Some of the vanilla has lost _____ flavor.
a. Its c. it's
b. Their d. them
10. What is the pronoun in this sentence? Jinx liked the dancing she saw on television.
a. Jinx c. She
b. Dancing d. television
TEST II: Personal Pronouns Effectively (Identifies the case of the pronoun in boldface.)
11. It was he who wrote Romeo and Juliet, the play about two conflicting families.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
12. The Bible tells us that God created the world in six days.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
13. After lunch, we all watched the Ms. Universe pageant.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
14. Uncle Tony has been very mean to you and the other children.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
15. This agreement is between him and me.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
16. That cat seems to have hurt its paw.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
17. His masterpiece is the toast among art enthusiasts.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
18. The best performance award was given to her.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
19. Both of us brought our mobile phones on the beach.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
20. The teachers looked great in their new uniforms.
a. Nominative case c. Possessive case
b. Objective case
TEST III: (PARALLELISM) Choose the correct phrase to form a parallel structure in each sentence below.
21. When Delores realized that her father had made lima beans and rice for dinner, she __________, claimed to feel nauseous, and
excused herself from the table. The bag of stale popcorn in her room would tide her over until breakfast.
a. did clutch her stomach c. was clutching her stomach
b. clutched her stomach
22. Not only did Hank despise the way June chewed with her mouth open, _________ finding her wet towels all over the bathroom
a. but also disliking c. but also disliked
b. but he also disliked
23. To protect her delicate hands, Fran will not rake the yard, do the dishes, or __________.
a. scrub the bathtub
b. refuses to scrub the bathtub c. won't scrub the bathtub
24. When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys sniffing for edible garbage, __________, and lunging at squirrels.
a. she howls at bicyclists
b. howling at bicyclists c. howls at bicyclists
25. After Amanda cashes her paycheck, the money goes to her savings account, cappuccino fund, and __________.
a. paying her credit card bill
b. toward her credit card balance c. credit card balance
26. In preparation for her run, Alicia __________, applied sunscreen, and increased the volume on her iPod.
a. did tighten her shoelaces
b. tightened her shoelaces c. was tightening her shoelaces
27. We searched the car trunk, __________, and the top of the refrigerator, but we could not find the box of cornflakes that we
remember buying.
a. the pantry shelves
b. on the pantry shelves c. looked on the pantry shelves
28. Bonkers, our ninety pound golden retriever, chews on furniture, __________, and snots up the car windows—inconveniences
we didn't anticipate when we adopted him.
a. drags us around the neighborhood during walks c. he drags us around the neighborhood during walks
b. would drag us around the neighborhood during walks
29. Belinda saw very little of the horror movie, for she shut her eyes __________, when she heard the monster's footsteps in the
dead leaves, and when characters started screaming.
a. while listening to the violins play
b. when the violins began to play c. during the violin music
30. In Mrs. Curall's office, Ruben feigned the flu. He hoped to be excused from class, get an extension on his paper, and ________.
a. to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends
b. spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends c. then to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends
TEST IV: (Dramatic Structures)
31. Drama is assumed to require ___________ and ____________ between actors and audience.
a. Participation, collaboration c. Coding, Decoding
b. Action, reaction d. Process, product
32. The difference between an opera and a musical play is that _____________.
a. An opera is read while a musical is listened to.
b. An opera is entirely sung while a musical involves dialogues.
c. The characters in an opera are professionals while a musical employs amateur actors.
d. The songs in opera are composed by the actors themselves while a musical includes songs from popular films.
33. All the statements below are true EXCEPT ___________.
a. A play is exatcly a form of poetry.
b. The antagonist makes the life of the hero miserable.
c. In a comedy, the protagonist overcomes the spine.
d. When a play deals with middle or lower class, it is known as burgeois drama.
34. What could be the best way to read and enjoy dramatic play?
a. Never pay attention to the stage direction; they could be altered.
b. Always think that actors will perform the same way every time.
c. Watch a film version then read the play for comparison.
d. Read the play as it is being performed.
35. The _____________ is an element of drama that states the message of the play.
a. Plot b. Character
c. Theme d. Dialogue
36. What could be the function of dialogue in a play.
a. The playwright creates the story out of the dialogue. c. It helps move the action of the play along.
b. It determines the visual effects of the play. d. It provides voices to the actors.
37. Sets, costumes, and special effects are important elements of a play called __________.
a. Sepectacle c. Spectacle
b. Spectacular d. Spectackle
38. Characters can either be ___________.
a. Dominant or submissive c. Dynamic or static
b. Aggressive or passive d. Strong or weak
39. An element of plot when complications are slowly being solved is sometimes called ___________.
a. Exposition c. Resolution
b. Climax d. Denouement
40. Choose the option that best illustrates the plot structure of a play.
a. Exposition, Climax, Rising Action, Resolution, Falling Action.
b. Rising Action, Exposition, Resolution, Climax, Falling Action.
c. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.
d. Climax, Falling Action, Exposition, Rising Action, Resolution.


DIRECTION: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only the letter of answer on the blank
provided at the right side of the test paper.

_______41. It is an implied comparison between two objects without the use of like or as.
_______42. The description of abstract ideas in terms of characters, figures, or event. a. alliteration
_______43. A figure of speech in which the name of one object is substituted for something b.hyperbole
closely associated with it. c. personification
_______44. The substitution of a part for a whole, genus for species, or vice versa. d. allegory
_______45. A deliberate understatement. e. apostrophe
f. metaphor
_______46. Using a word which imitates the sound of the real thing.
g. simile
_______47. Stating one thing while meaning the exact opposite. h. assonance
_______48. A self-contradictory statement. i. irony
_______49. The likening of one thing to another with the use of words as or like. j. synecdoche
_______50. This is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of a series of words. k. litotes
_______51. A purposeful exaggeration or overstatement. l. paradox
_______52. The the addressing of an absent person as rhetorically personified thing. m. oxymoron
n. antithesis
_______53. The attribution of personal qualities to something inanimate as it were a person.
o. metonymy
_______54. It combines two contradictory words or phrase that creates a rhetorical effect. p. onomatopoeia
_______55. Opposition, or contrast of ideas or words in a balanced or parallel construction.

TEST VI: DIRECTION: Observe the following terms. Match each terms with its description by placing the letter
of the definition on the space provided after the number. (DRAMATIC STRUCTURES)

________56. City Dionysia a. Unexpected turn of events in a tragedy

________57. Dithyramb b. Greek for tent(where characters canged cloths)
________58. Ekkyklema c. divides the episodes of a tragedy (a choral passage)
________59. Thespis d. rapis conversation
________60. Aeschylus e. Popular name for satyrs means “goat”.
________61. Sophecles f. Choral song in honor of Dionysis
________62. Euripides g. Festival in honor of Dionysis (the party god)
________63. Tragoidia h. A device used to display theh interior scenes in tradgedy
________64. Hamartia i. Gave the chorus a speaking voice (thespian)
________65. Archon j. Added a second speaking character
________66.Choregos k. Producer of City Dionysia plays (funded a tetrology, 3 tragadies, 1 comedy)
________67. Exodus l. A chorus' exit from a play/tragedy
________68. Orchestra m. Dancing floor of greek thatre
________69. Messenger Speech n. The Chorus' entrance song in a tragedy
________70. Parados o. narration of a messenger of crucially important events that happened off stage
________71. Peripateia p. Added a third speaking character
________72. Skene q. wrote comodies
________73. Stasimon r. Greek for "goat song" ->Tradgedy
________74. Stichomythia s. a tragic flaw in a character, a mistake or error
________75. Tragos t. Oversaw preformances at City Dionysia


DIRECTION: Identify the use of modal auxilliary verb in each sentence. Choose your answer from the box and
write your answer on the space provided.

Prohibition Absence of obligation

Possibility Recommendation
Strong obligation Ability
Probability Permission
Willingness Complete certainty

____________________76. According to the publisher, the author’s new book will be released on Thursday.
____________________77. Mother can cook supper while keeping the baby entertained.
____________________78. The hard working father will not be back until tomorrow.
____________________79. Richard should be at home because he only leaves on Sundays.
____________________80. The procedure will not take long; the doctors will be done in an hour.
____________________81. Some of the applicants may be coming from the nearby provinces.
____________________82. Kim might not have received my text message. She has bad reception at home.
____________________83. The pizza they ordered should arrive in 20 to 45 minutes.
____________________84. Madie is on her way. She might be on the train.
____________________85. Cost of living must be high in Singapore.
____________________86. We couldn’t get to the ceremony on time because our flight was delayed.
____________________87. The security guard knows that he must lock the gates all times.
____________________88. My power chord is broken. The dog must have chewed on it.
____________________89. Richard need not pay for his tuition anymore. He got a scholarship.
____________________90. You might want to put on your sweater because it is freezing outside.

TEST V1II: (ENGLISH AUTHORS) Identify the following definition. Write your answer before the number.
A. James Joyce
B. Anne Terry White
C. Grace Ogot
D. Ray Bradbury
______91. She was a Ukrainian teacher, editor, translator, and author.
______92. She was one of the first Kenyan English-speaking female writers to be published.
______93. He was an Irish novelist and poet; he is one of Ireland’s most influential and renowed writers.
______94. Her father taught her the stories of the Old Testament and her grandmother told her about the
traditional folk tales of the district of Nyanza.
______95. She is known for her work in children’s literarure and also known for her nonfiction pieces in
literature, history, and science.
______96. Her political career started in 1983 when she became a member of parliament and the only woman
assistant minister in the President Daniel arap Moi’s cabinet.
______97. He was noted for his experimental use of language and exploration of new literary methods in his
works of fiction.
______98. He was an American novelist, short story writer, essayist, playwright, screenwriter, and poet.
______99. He started to write stories during the Great Depression when he was only 11 years old.
______100. His best works are his novels, “Ulysses,” “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,” and
“Finnegan’s wake”.


DIRECTION: Identify whether the underlined pronouns are intensive or reflexive. Write R if the pronoun is
reflexive and I if it is intensive. Write X if the pronoun is used incorrectly in the sentence.

_______101. The journalist herself witnessed the violent eruption of the volcano.
_______102. Edward propped himself up against the wall.
_______103. Get yourself a well-deserved massage.
_______104. The security guard assisted Shaun and myself in finding the bookstore.
_______105. The interview would like you to describe yourself.
_______106. I myself am afraid of heights.
_______107. The proud toddler showed the painting he did himself.
_______108. Our relatives ourselves prepared for the surprise party.
_______109. Marcus, Aileen, and Alex treated themselves to a shopping spree.
_______110. My sister loves to go swimming by herself at the clubhouse.

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