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Jhansi Lakshmi Bai

Jhansi Lakshmi Bai: Rani Lakshmi Bai

was born on November 19, 1828. Rani
Lakshmi Bai was an ideal woman. She
was the great freedom fighter of the
first independence battle of India. She
came from a Marathi Brahmin family of
Varanasi. Jhansi Lakshmi Bai real name
was 'Manikarnika', her father called
'Manu'. Many kings fought for the
freedom of Indian country and women
also fight for Indian country.
Manikarnika was one of the leading
warriors of India's first struggle for

Rani Lakshmi Bai Family:

Manikarnika's father's name was Moropant Tambe and mother name was
Bhagirathi Bai. Jhansi at the age of 4 her mother Bhagirathi died after her mother's death
Jhansi's total responsibility taken her father Moropant. That time Jhansi and her father
went to Moropant relative Bajirao Pishwa home town place. Manikarnika completed her
education and learned horse riding, sword fighting and shooting with Nanasahebh, she
mastered all the arts. In 1842 Manikarnika at the age of 14, married Gangadhar Rao.
Gangadhar Rao was a king Of Jhansi, after her marriage, she came to be known as
Lakshmi Bai. In 1851 she gave birth to a son but unfortunately at the age of 4 months old
her child was died. After his child's death, Raja Gangadhar Rao could not bear the shock
and after a long illness, he died after adopting son, on November 21, 1853. Jhansi
Lakshmi Bai History was definitely has known, everyone.

Jhansi Lakshmi became a Rani Jhansi Lakshmi Bai:

After her husband's death took up the total responsibility of Jhansi. The
adopted son's name was Dhamodhar Rao. At the age of 18, her husband Gangadhar Rao
died but she is not lost her courage, she was more independent than other girls of her
age and was raised in a manner more usually associated with sons at that time. After
Jhansi's husband died British government Lord Dalhousie planned to occupy the Jhansi.
So he takes advantage and told her adopted son was illegal. Jhansi Lakshmi Bali Life
Story mainly turned from this stage. The queen of Jhansi was as to take 60,000/- rupees
annually and leave the fort of Jhansi in March 1854 and on 7th March 1854, the British
took control of Jhansi. Rani Laksmi Bai did not give up and decided to protect Jhansi in
every situation.

Jhansi Rani Escaped from Jhansi To Kalpi:

Lakshmi Bai who was involved in saving Jhansi created Army. While women
also involved in this Army. Early on March 25, 1858, British guns began to bombard
Jhansi. But Lakshmi Bai soldiers also answered shot for shot, this war continuously from
5 days on Jhansi Fort day and night but with little result. Rani Jhansi Lakshmi Bai
addressed the Army we should not lose heart and we can fight the British on our own.
Thus Lakshmi Bai encouraged the army and continued the battle next day. At that time
Jhansi Bai minister told with Jhansi we will leave the fort tonight and join Rao Saheb at
Kalpi, then with their help, we will defeat the British Army. At midnight Lakshmi Bai tied
her son around her and escaped. Lakshmi bai reached Rao Saheb's camp at Kalpi.

Jhansi Lakshmi Bai Attack On British Army:

Jhansi along with the army of Nawab Of Banda and Rao Saheb's army.
Lakshmi Bai dressed in a man's attire advanced to attack the enemy. Her daring and
force encouraged others. Suddenly, the British government introduced the camel army
in the battle. The British Government took over the fort of Kalpi on May 24, 1858, without
further fighting. They decided to take Gwalior king help, Laksmi Bai went to Gwalior.
When Jhansi Rani reached Gwalior Fort, Maharaja of Gwalior Army dropped their
weapons. Jhansi meets Gwalior king and discusses with him and asked we have a fort,
money and a well-equipped army. We should prepare for our next attack. At that time
Britishers attack on the Gwalior fort. Lakshmi Bai again fights with the British Army.

Jhansi Lakshmi Bai Died:

Jhansi Bai died on June 18, 1858. Rani Lakshmi Bai was the great heroine of the
first war of Indian freedom. Jhansi Lakshmi Bai Biography inspires everyone. Jhansi
Lakshmi Rani was the symbol of patriotism and self-respect. She was determined not to
give up Jhansi and determined to get rid of Britishers. Some places named on Jhansi
Name in India. There are, Lakshmi Bai national University of physical education in
Gwalior and Rani Jhansi Marine national park located in the Andaman and Nicobar

Important Years Of Jhansi Rani History:
we are mentioned below about Life History Of Jhansi Lakshmi Bai
important years and shortcut important information about Jhansi LakshmiBai Life Story.
Date Of Borth - Nov 19, 1828
Living Place - Kashi, Varanasi
Mother Name - Bhagirati Bai
Father Name - Moropant Thambe
Married Year - 1842
Husbande Name - Gangadhar Rao
Adobted Son - 1853
Abobted Child Name - Dhamodhar Rao
Husband Died - On November 21, 1853
British Attacked on Jhansi - Mrach 25, 1858
Jhansi Died - June 18, 1858


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