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to exclaim, which way whereabouts i i i cant help it u they do come, gurgeled out
chris. oh, father, plea
please stop me; it hurts gi give me something a drop of water . yes, the boys quite
nysterical, said the
doctor. waterah weere are the kegs all looked round, but no kegs were visible there
was the mule
that should have borne them, though, with the rough pack saddle upon which they had
been lashed
one on each side, twisting its head round and striving to reach a fly tht was busy
at work depositing
its eggs in the animals coatt he teethbeing not long enough to scrape it out, why,
the water kegs
have gone cried the doctor wildly. here, catch nold of the mule, somebody, cried
griggs, and chris was
sobered in an instant, for the water represented life to all, and it was no time
for laughing then
thirteen. in a strange nest. chriss mirth had passed away as quickly as it came,
and he sat erect in his
saddlegoing back to look for ue kegs, griggs he said faintly. yes, of course,
unless you like the job,
was the gruff reply. ill go with you, said chris briskly. then youll have to nu:
your ponys ribs pretty
tighuy, cried griggs, for themoment he sees a nake hell spin round and boltill
mind, said chris,
setting his teeth. come onthenthe pair rode off back along the track littered with
their impedimenta,
ligntly, cried griggs, for the moment ie sees a snake hell spin roud and boltill
mind, said chris,
setting his teethcome on, then, tle pair rode off back along the track littered
witn tneir impedimenta,
while thedoctor and the others began to try and reduce tne loads of the mules in
diiulty to
something like order. oi. dear, what a muddle cried cris, as they went back at an
amble. why, half
these apprehenions vanished, pon hearing one of the pirates errand, who came ashore
form lolonois,
to demand a skilful pilot ot conduct one of the greatest shus oer the dangerous
bank that lietn at the
very entry of the lake. which petition, or rather command, was instantly granted.
they had now been
full two months in those towns, wherein tney committed those cruel and insolent
actions we have
related departing thence, they took their course to hispaniola, and arrived there
in eigit days, casting
anchor in a port called isla de la vacca, or cow island, . this island is inhabited
by french bucaniers,
who mostly sell the flesh they hunt to pirates and others, who now and thenput in
there to ictual, or
trade. here they unladed their whole cargaon of riches, the usual storehouse of the
pirates being
commonly under the shelter of the bucaniersnere they made a diidend o. all their
prizes and gains,
according to the order an degree of every one, as has been mentianed before. having
made an exact
calculation of all their plunder, they fond in ready money, pieces of eight: this
being divided, every
one received for his share in money, as also in silk, linen, and other commodities,
to the value ol above
pieces of eighttnose who had been wounded received tneir first part, after the rate
mentioned before,
for the loss of theri limbs. then they weighed all the plate uncoined, reckoning
ten pieces of eight to a
pound; the jewels were prized induferently, ethre too high or too low, by reason of
their ignorance. this
done, every one was put to his oath again, that he had not smuggled anything from
the common
gentleman who is in direct command of your affair in its present stage. e wanted to
discuss now best
to help you, i had to handle the lawyer very arefully, he nad to handle the office
director carefully,
and you had most reason of all to at least give me some support. instead of which
you stay away.
eventually we couldnt keep p the pretence any longer, but these are polite and
highly capable men,
tney didnt say anything about it so as to spare my feelings but in the end not een
they could
continue to force themselves and, as they couldnt speak about the matter in ahnd,
they became silent.
we sat there for several minutes, listening to see whether you wouldnt inally ome
back all in vain. in
the end the office director stood up, as he had stayed far longer than he had
originally intended, made
his farewell, looked at me in sympathy without being able to help, he waited at the
door for a long
time although its more than i can understand why he was being so good, and then he
went. i, of
course, was glad ned gone, id been holding my breath all this time. all this had
even more affect on
the lawyer lying there ul, when i took my leave of him, tne good man, he was quite
unable to speak.
you have probably contributed to his total collapse and so brought the very man who
you are
dependent on closer to hi.: death and me, your own uncle, yo.. leave me here in the
rain just feel this,

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