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1. Maliq and Jessica ________ D.

If she had finished her

stomachache after eating those homework
donuts. E. If she finishes her homework
A. Are D. Feel
B. Have felt E. Have been feel 5. “Can we postpone the tournament
C. Are feeling until Saturday?”
“I don’t think so, I ________ football
2. I could have answered this question. that day.”
This sentence means that _________ . A. Would play
A. I did answered this question B. Have been playing
B. I didn’t answered this question C. Played
C. I didn’t answered that question D. Am going to play
D. I did answered that question E. Will have been playing
E. I don’t answer that question
6. When i entered the room, the
3. _________ discussed before the solution _________ by them.
director proposed it. A. Were being figured out
A. The economic crisis was being B. Was being figured out
B. The economic crisis has had C. Has been figured
C. The economic crisis was D. Was being figure
D. The economic crisis had been E. Figured out
E. The economic crisis would has
been 7. “The earthquake happening at
about 3 o’clock yesterday caused
4. Intan said to Ariska, “Did you finish many people to panic.”
your homework?” “Including me, as I _________ on the
Intan asked Ariska _________ . third-floor of my office at that time.”
A. Whether she finished her A. Had been working
homework B. Worked
B. Whether she has finished her C. Was working
homework D. Have been working
C. If she finished her homework E. Had worked

8. He _________ the Tonas results sent to 12. The Anthropologist has been
his home address yesterday. studying that tribe for the last five
A. Have D. Had Had years.” It means:
B. Had E. Had Has He _________ that tribe.
C. Has Had A. Studied
B. Was still studying
9. Afnan : “Oh God! I think Ruli C. Had finished studying
could have past the exam.” D. Is still studying
Barack : “Yeah... He might haven’t E. Has finished studying
studied harder.”
The underline word means that 13. I always admire artists who
________. succeeded in winning the Citra
A. Perhaps Ruli studied harder Trophy.
B. Perhaps Afnan wasn’t study hard I’m sure they ___________ for it.
C. Ruli must have studied harder A. Must have worked hard
D. Ruli didn’t past the exam B. Should be working hard
E. Probably Ruli was study hard C. Had rather work hard
D. Ought to work hard
10. My brother, who was not used to E. Would have worked hard
_________ a room with someone else,
was quite unhappy when he 14. “Jules, you should have given the
couldn’t have his own room in the letter from the Headmaster to your
dormitory. parents.”
A. Be shared D. Be sharing That means that Jules _________ .
B. Sharing E. Shared A. Gave the letter to his parent
C. Share B. Will give the letter to his parents
C. Was giving the letter to his
11. I _________ by someone. parents
A. Have been following D. Is not giving the letter to his
B. Has been followed parents
C. Am following E. Didn’t give the letter to his
D. Am being followed parent
E. Is being followed

15. “I wonder where my reading glasses 19. Anna : “Why don’t you ask Rachel
are. Have you seen them?” to come along with us to the
“No, I haven’t. You _________ left them movie?”
in the office.” Jessica : “I did, but she _________
A. Should have stayed at home.”
B. Should be having A. Would Prefer D. Might
C. Must be having B. Prefer E. Would rather
D. Could have C. Could
E. Ought to have
20. She is just perfect to me. Because
16. My girlfriend would rather that I she is ________ .
would marry her soon. A. Intelligence, patience, and beauty
The sentence means _________ . B. Intelligence, patient, and
A. I will not marry her soon beautiful
B. I will marry her soon C. Intelligent, patience, and beauty
C. I have got married to her D. Intelligent, patient, and beautiful
D. I got married to her E. Intelligence, patience, and
E. I have married her beautifully

17. They really forgot to ask us _______ . 21. He continued playing game _________
A. Why are the students absent his mom called him
B. Why the students are absent A. Although D. Despite
C. Why the students were absent B. Furthermore E. Owning to
D. If the students are absent C. However
E. When the students are absent
22. Ms. Shelivta said to Mr. Dylan, “I
18. I really must get _________ my laptop. have bought two book in Periplus.”
A. Somebody fix The indirect speech of the sentence
B. Somebody fixing is Ms. Shelivta said to Dylan that
C. Somebody fixed _________ two books in Periplus.
D. Somebody to fix A. He had bought D. He bought
E. Somebody to fixing B. She had bought E. She bought
C. She have bought

23. He prepared himself very well B. Had Hated ; would not called
before test. He brought pencil, C. Had hated ; would not been
eraser, and even _________ . called
A. A black rectangular wooden ruler D. Had hated ; would not have
B. A rectangular black wooden ruler called
C. A rectangular wooden black ruler E. Have hated ; would not had
D. A wooden rectangular black ruler called
E. A wooden black rectangular ruler
26. The cat _________ fur is brown have
24. Learning to play a musical five kittens.
instrument often motivates a child A. Where D. Which
to be disciplined and focused, B. Whose E. Who
_________ it can impart a feeling of C. Whom
social worth.
A. Because D. Moreover 27. Talking excitedly to each other, they
B. And E. Although forgot to finish the exercises.
C. So The underlined word means
_________ , they forgot to finish the
25. New Orleans was founded by the exercises.
French. It first had a French name, A. Although they talked excitedly
Nouvelle-Orléans, in honor of the B. In order that they could talk
Duke of Orleans, King of France. The excitedly
city lies on the river Mississippi and C. Because they were talking
a riverboat cruise on the Mississippi excitedly
is an unforgettable experience. New D. When they had talked excitedly
Orleans is also an important center E. If they talked excitedly
for music, especially for jazz and
rhythm and blues. 28. Risna bought a Rp.150.000 shoes on
If the founders of the city (hate) sale at 20% off. How much did she
________ the King of France, they (call pay, including 10% sales tax?
/ not) _________ the place Nouvelle- A. Rp 108.000,- D. Rp 132.000,-
Orléans in honor of him. B. Rp 120.000,- E. Rp 132.200,-
A. Have hated ; would not called C. Rp 121.200,-

29. The speed of sound is _________ the 34. The doctor gained immediate
speed of light. _________ for his great discovery.
A. Slower D. As slow A. Recognize D. Recognizing
B. Much slower than E. Slowest B. Recognizable E. Recognizely
C. The slowest C. Recognition

30. Dito : “My parents have just bought 35. The installation on various high-
a new car”. tech electrical devices in BPS
Fina : “What a coincidence! ________ .” _________ a sophisticated safety
A. My father has too system.
B. Also my father A. Requiring D. Require
C. So does my father B. Requires E. It requires
D. My father does too C. To require
E. He also too
36. Various types of fog are essentially
31. I _________ to have orange juice. clouds that form at the Earth’s
A. Would prefer D. Like surface, produced by temperature
B. Prefer E. Would rather differences and moisture in the air.
C. Had better As warm, moisture-laden air cools,
its relative humidity (the amount of
32. According to the census, the moisture that air can contain, which
number of poor people in our depends on the temperature)
country _________ drastically. increases. Warm air can hold more
A. To decrease water vapor than cold air. So if the
B. Decrease air is cooled sufficiently it will reach
C. Has decreased saturation, or the dew point, at
D. They decreased which point the moisture begins to
E. It decreases condense out of the air and forms
water droplets, creating fogs.
33. She’s smart, but arrogant, _________ ? It can be concluded from the
A. Has she D. Isn’t she passage that _________ .
B. Hasn’t she E. Does she A. Foggy days are caused by cold
C. Is she nights

B. Fog is likely to form in desert C. Barbara is calling his father when
areas Angel wants to borrow his
C. Warm air can hold more water mobile phone
vapor than cold air D. Barbara gives his phone to Angel
D. Fog could form on a cold evening when he meet her
after a warm day E. Angel needs to borrow Barbara’s
E. Hot, humid days are usually phone, but he can’t give
followed by cold, foggy nights
39. My wallet’s _________ on the bus to
37. _________ is regarded as a social Venezuela by someone.
science because it uses scientific A. Nicked D. Left
methods to build theories that can B. Brought E. Dissolved
help explain the behavior of C. Gone
individuals, groups and
organizations. 40. I’m all packed and ready to go; I can
A. Economic D. Economics leave at the drop of a _________ .
B. Economy E. Economical A. Glass D. Leaf
C. Economize B. Hat E. Water
C. Fog
38. Angel : “Barbara, do you have
your mobile phone with you?” 41. That chair seems a little _________ . It
Barbara : “Yes Angel, Why?” shakes a bit when you sit on it.
Angel : ”Can I borrow it, please? A. Inverted D. Burly
I need to make a quick call to my B. Small E. Wobble
father.” C. Cheap
Barbara : “I’m running out of
mobile credit.” 42. He said that he's not comfortable in
From the dialogue we know that social events. He’s (a/an) _________ .
_________ . A. Activist D. Shy
A. Barbara borrows Angel’s phone B. Introvert E. Busy man
to call his father C. Social butterfly
B. Angel and Barbara don’t have
mobile phone

43. Anisya went to her oculist last night 47. Sun loungers and pavilion areas
because her _________ hurt. create ample space for leisure and a
A. Hands D. Heads regular program of water sports
B. Fingers E. Ears and activities is held daily. The
C. Eyes underlined word has same meaning
with _________ .
44. He was asked to disclose A. Far D. Wide
government secrets in exchange for B. Plenty E. Big
money. The underlined word is C. Large
closest in meaning to _________ .
A. Open D. Show 48. Gabriel Fawcett investigates how
B. Keep E. Reveal the Germans commemorate the
C. See losses they sustained in the First
and Second World Wars.
45. We all seemed to be astonished by Commemorate means _________ .
the view until we realized that there A. To provide proof, to say
was a huge wave coming towards us something is true with strong
and destroying everything in its argument
way. The underlined word has the B. To drive away or push back
same meaning with _________. C. To call back, to withdraw
A. Pleased D. Delighted D. To remember an important event
B. Panicked E. Scared through ceremony or
C. Amazed observation.
E. A historical account arranged in
46. A revolutionary new scientific order of time
method may soon help to alter
people’s physical appearance Reading 1 (For Question 49-50)
without the need for surgery. The The rain began early in the
underlined word can be replaced by morning. It fell as hard drops, one after
_________ . another. The sky was full of dark purple
A. Change D. Take clouds. Thunder began as a soft rumble
B. Execute E. Hide and became louder and louder.
C. Help

Lightning crashed every few minutes, On Friday morning we went to
making The sky in a brilliant white. Yogya Kraton. We spent about two
49. What is the main idea of the hours there. We were lucky because we
following text? were led by a smart and friendly guide.
A. The farms needed the rain. Then we continued our journey to
B. The thunder hurt the people’s Borobudur. We arrived there at four
ears. p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the
C. Lightning made the sky bright. announcement that Borobudur gate
D. The storm was very strong. would be closed.
E. The rain began early in the In the evening we left for Jakarta
morning. by wisata bus.
51. Why did they only visit Brahmana
50. How could the sky become brilliant and Syiwa temples?
white? A. Because there was no wisnu
A. Lighting and the loud Thunder. temple.
B. Full of the dark purple sky. B. Because wisnu temple was
C. A soft rumble thunder. amazing.
D. The thunder and the purple sky. C. Because wisnu temple was too
E. Lighting strike continuously. small.
D. Because wisnu temple was being
Reading 2 (For Question 51-52) repaired
On Wednesday, my students and I E. Because wisnu temple was being
went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at destroyed.
Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from
Malioboro. 52. When did they go home?
On Thursday, we visited the A. On Saturday morning
temples in Prambanan. There are three B. On Friday evening
big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and C. On Thursday evening
Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. D. On Friday afternoon
We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa E. On Saturday evening
temples, because Wisnu temple is being

Reading 3 (For Question 53-55) genes-the blueprints for each of the
The first two decades of this enzymes-and are discovering the
century were dominated by the microbe defective genes that cause inherited
hunters. These hunters had tracked diseases-diabetes, cystic fibrosis. These
down one after another of the microbes gene hunters, or genetic engineers, use
responsible for the most dreaded recombinant DNA technology to identify
scourges of many centuries: and clone genes and introduce them
tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria. But into bacterial cells and plants to create
there, remained some terrible diseases factories for the massive production of
for which no microbe could be hormones and vaccines for medicine
incriminated: scurvy, pellagra, rickets, and for better crops for agriculture.
beriberi. Then it was discovered that Biotechnology has become a
these diseases were caused by the lack multibillion-dollar industry.
of vitamins, a trace substance in the diet. In view of the inexorable progress
The diseases could be prevented or in science, we can expect that the gene
cured by consuming foods that hunters will be replaced in the spotlight.
contained the vitamins. And so in the When and by whom? Which kind of
decades of the 1920’s and 1930’s, hunter will dominate the scene in the
nutrition became a science and the last decade of our waning century and in
vitamin hunters replaced the microbe the early decades of the next? I wonder
hunters. whether the hunters who will occupy
In the 1940’s and 1950’s, the spotlight will be neurobiologists
biochemists strived to learn why each of who apply the techniques of the enzyme
the vitamins was essential for health. and gene hunters to the functions of the
They discovered that key enzymes in brain: What to call them? The head
metabolism depend on one or another hunters. I will return to them later.
of the vitamins as coenzymes to perform 53. According to the passage, all of the
the chemistry that provides cells with following were true, except _________.
energy for growth and function. Now, A. Hunters had tracked down the
these enzyme hunters occupied center source of the disease
stage. You are aware that the enzyme B. Biochemist discovered that key
hunters have been replaced by a new enzymes in metabolism depend
breed of hunters who are tracking on one or another of vitamins

C. The enzyme hunters have been machinery was devised to benefit
replaced by a new breed of mankind, it has also brought along many
hunters flaws to match.
D. The use of recombinant DNA Firstly, when it comes to
technologies are to identify and technological equipment such as
clone genes and introduce them computers, disruption most often arises
into bacterial cells and plants between the person using the computer,
E. In the first two decades, the and the household he or she is
hunters discovered that scurvy, surrounded by, or living with. For
pellagra, rickets, beriberi were example, many old family traditions
caused by the lack of vitamins such as eating meals with your relatives
at the dining table seldom take place
54. Which of the following can be cured now that one of the family members
by a change in diet? might be too busy working on his Mac.
A. Tuberculosis D. Pellagra laptop. Thus, family values and morals
B. Cholera E. Diphtheria have changed in order to adapt to this
C. Cystic fibrosis technological age.
Secondly, having many kinds of
55. The author implies that the most machinery at hand is not only
important medical research topic of destroying family traditions, but also
the future will be very harmful to our environment. Many
A. The functions of the brain people are careless about allowing their
B. Inherited diseases car engines to run haphazardly, or
C. The operation of vitamins leaving their laptops on for long periods
D. The structure of genes of time, however they do not seem
E. Cells function aware of the fact that all this energy and
electricity consumption is dangerous to
Reading 3 (For Question 56-57) not only our local environment, but to
Technology has highly evolved the world as a whole. Additionally, it is
over time. In fact, nowadays almost the over-usage of machinery, big or
everybody has some sort of machine at small that is bringing our society ever
hand, be it computers, cars, or even closer to Global Warming, and we must
washing machines. But although stop.

As I mentioned in my introduction, A. It is not a good thing to run the
technological equipment was never vehicle engines haphazardly.
programmed to damage nature per se- B. Possessing too many gadgets is
by itself, but to help people all around the beginning to get out of hand.
the globe. Now that nuclear families C. Having many kinds of machinery
aren’t as closely intact compared to the is very harmful to our
1950s or 1990s, technology has given us environment.
an alternative method to keep in touch D. Technological equipment was
with our relatives thanks to computer ever programmed to damage
applications such as Skype, or even cell nature.
phone applications such as VIBER or E. The use of technology now a day
WhatsApp. Machinery has most needs to be controlled.
definitely done wonders in our lives,
and we as people should be grateful to Reading 4 (For Question 58-60)
easily possess cars, and/or phones On the surface, low fare airlines
when poorer countries do not even have seem to be a very food deal especially
the chance to. for people who travel frequently or have
However, with all the advantages limited budgets. Browse through
machinery has brought to us all, I different airline companies and talk to
personally believe that possessing too frequent passangers to know the
many cars or phones, or even specifics on low-cost flying. It is
consuming too much of their energy and important to weigh the pros and cons
battery is beginning to get out of hand first to determine if you’re truly getting
and needs to be controlled. a good deal.
56. The underlined word in the text On one hand, low fare airlines are
refers to _________. (Third Paragraph) advantegeous. They offer low prices so
A. Summarily D. Hastily passangers can save as much as 50% to
B. Rashly E. Giddily 80%, especially when booking early.
C. hurry-scurry These airline companies usually serve a
few routes and can provide clients with
57. Which of the following statement more competitive prices.
does not represent the writer’s Low fare airline companies hold
opinion? frequent promotions, providing big

discounts on airfares for certain routes Another disadvantage is that many
and available for a few days to book. low-cost flights will limit your options to
Checking the official website of an non-peak hours or days. Airlines usually
airline will present the available tickets offer cheap tickets for very early
for particular destinations. Choose the morning or midnight flights. Several
destination place and date, then reserve. people also realise that they can have
Besides, several airlines offer low their flight delayed or cancelled
cost tickets because they have new altogether.
planes. Passangers get to enjoy state-of- Generally, discounted airline
the-art features and amenities, as well tickets do not allow refunds. The no
as a smooth and seamless flight refund policy will require you to
experience. schedule your flight properly.
Furthermore, the prices could Reschedulling might lead to big costs
even be lower if you’re travelling during that equal the cost of regular tickets.
non-peak hours or days. If you have a One more thing, passangers are
definite schedule prepared, you can also restricted to carry on luggage only
book flights in advance and enjoy a when using low-fare tickets. You will be
stress-free trip. charged extra for checking in or have to
However, for every low-fare deal a pay huge fees for excess baggage.
passangers will supposedly enjoy, there In conclusion, before buying low-
is always a compromise on this. fare tickets, check the background and
There are many occassion when reputation of the low-fare airline
travelers realise that they’re paying only company. Get feedback from frequent
a portion of the total package. There travellers, then keep an eye out for great
may be hidden fees,taxes, insurance deals on the official website.
costs and other added expenses that will 58. What is the purpose of the text?
increase the amount significantly. It’s A. To discuss a topic with two point
important to verify the total cost first. of view.
Besides that, several low-fare airlines B. To explain how to search for low-
will require you to buy a return ticket. fare tickets.
The cost will generally be the same or C. To describe the advantages of
even more expensive than getting a low-fare tickets.
regular one-way ticket.

D. To inform the negatives sides of
low-fare airlines.
E. To persuade people to buy low
fare tickets.

59. Which is the advantage of buying

low-fare tickets?
A. No refund
B. Hidden fares
C. Discounted prices
D. Bad schedule
E. Restricted baggage

60. From the text we can conclude that

low fare airline is not suitable for
A. People who travel frequently
B. Have limited budgets
C. People who bring less luggage
D. Busy people
E. Early booker


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