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Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical

17(4): 161-167, Out-Dez, 1984



César C. C u b a1, Elm er A. Llanos-Cuentas1, Air C. Barreto1, Albino V. M agalhães1,
Edinaldo L. Lago2 , Steven G. Reed3 and Philip D. M arsden1

L eishm a n ia lp a ra sites were detected in 71.2% o fp a tien ts with cutaneous disease

a nd 48% o f patients with m ucosaldisease, usingprincipally scanning o fim p rin tsm ea rs
a nd histological sections a nd ham ster inoculation.
Parasites were m orefrequent in early cutaneous lesions (p < 0.005) ofless than two
m onth duration. A lso they were more com m on in m ultiple than single m ucosal lesions
(p <0.02) in spite o f considerablepriorglucantim e therapy in theform ergroup. 93% o f
cutaneous lesions had a positive leishm anin skin test and m ost o f the negatives
occurred in patients with lesions o fle ss than one m onth duration. 97% o f patients with
single m ucosal lesion a nd 79% with m ultiple m ucosal lesions had a positive skin test.
86% o f cutaneous disease an d 90% o f m ucosal disease was associated with a positive
indirect im m unofluorescent antibody test a t a > 1 /2 0 dilution. In both groups m ultiple
lesions were associated with higher titres a nd titres were significantly higher in patients
with m ucosal disease com pared with cutaneous disease (p < 0.01).

K ey words: L eishm ania braziliensis braziliensis. Parasite isolation. Immuno-


Três Braços is located in the forested littoral W e have presented evidence elsewhere4 that in
cacao growing region of the State of Bahia, Brazil this area L eish m a n ia braziliensis braziliensis (Lbb)
(13° 4 0 ’ latitude South and 39° 4 5 ’ longitude W est) is the parasite isolated from man in 96.7% of cases.
85 kilometers from the A tlantic c o a st F or more than W e will describe in these papers the clinicai pre-
twenty years it has been known to the Brazilian sentation and initial evolution of this parasite in man.
Ministry of Health as a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis. To date no animal model exists for Lbb and parasi-
It is one of the few areas where glucantime treatm ent tological diagnosis in man is difficult1. Therefore in
has been adm inistered by S U C A M personnel. this first paper we discuss our diagnostic procedures in
patients with cutaneous or mucosal disease consídered
W e established a field clinic in this community in the two subsequent papers.
in 1975 and stimulated patients to seek investigation
and treatm en t F requent field trips added further cases M A T E R IA L A N D M E T H O D S
to this selected series collected from July 1976 - July
Patients on first consultation were alloted an
1982. LTB number (Leishm aniasis Três Braços) used for ali
1. Núcleo de Medicina Tropical e Nutrição, University of subsequent reference. A completed protocol included
Brasília, 70910, Brasília, DF, Brazil. details of past and present residence for subsequent
2. SUCAM, Ministry of Health Brazil. follow up and history of skin or mucosal lesions. Skin
3. Cornell Medicai Center, New York. lesions were measured, their localisation recorded on a
This work was supported by the Brazilian Conselho Nacional de body map and their features described as regards
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq - Grants morphology. A search for previous suggestive skin
No. 403682/82 and 403690/82), the Brazilian Ministry of scars and evidence of mucosal disease was made.
Health (SUCAM), UNDP/World Bank/W.H.O. Special
Programme for Research and Traíning in Tropical Diseases M ucosal lesions were examined using a good light
and a United States Public Service grant (AI 16282-04) source, nasal speculum, tongue depressor and indirect
administered by the Department of International Medicine, laryngoscopy. Exam ination of the post nasal space
Cornell Medicai College, New York. was not done.
Recebido para publicação em 16/8/84. Two 4mm punch biopsies were taken from the

Cuba CC, Llanos-Cuentas EA, Barreto AC, Magalhães AV, Lago EL, Reed SG, Marsden PD. Human mucocutaneous
leishmaniasis in Três Braços, Bahia - Brazil. An area o f Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis transmission. I. Laboratory
diagnosis. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 17:161-167, Out-Dez, 1984

active edge of the suspected leishmanial skin lesion or The disease appears to be in constant sporadic
with a cutting biopsy fórceps from mucosal granuloma transmission in the area. O f 288 patients records
after local anesthetic (Lidocaine 1%). Im print available, in 25 the initial clinicai impression of
smears were made from the inferior surface of each leishmaniasis was not confirmed and in 24 the data
biopsy, fixed in methyl alcohol, stained with G iem sa available were too sparse to allow any firm conclusion.
and searched for parasites. The first sample obtained This left 239 patient records, 182 (76% ) with cuta-
by biopsy was triturated in normal saline and the neous lesions and 57 (24% ) with mucosal disease.
suspension inoculated into the hind feet of a hamster. D ata were not always available for ali individual cases
H am sters were examined weekly for signs o f cuta- for the type of analysis selected due to factors such as
neous lesions or failure to thrive. Since our stocks non availability of ham sters at the time, failure to read
frequently visceralise^, animais were killed between the M ontenegro te st4 8 hours later, etc. F o r this reason
six months and a year and the liver and spleen the number o f patients analysed in relation to a
examined for parasites. Forty percent developed a particular test is often less than the total number.
subcutaneous nodule at the site o f injection and this
was aspirated and the m aterial examined for amas- F o r clinicai analysis we have chosen to classify
tigotes. Parasites recovered from these animais were both forms of m ucocutaneous leishmaniasis (cuta-
maintained in Difco blood agar (biphasic 15% rabbit neous and mucosal) according to whether single or
blood agar with saline overlay plus a mixture of multiple lesions were present. D etails of such clinicai
penicillin 550 IU and streptomycin 100 mg/ml) and presentation are given in subsequent papers.
cryopreserved. The same medium was used for primary
isolation attempts. The another skin biopsy was fixed T able 1 - R ates o f parasite dem onstration in relation
in Zenker’s solution for 2-3 hours and then preserved to duration o f cutaneous disease (1 7 7 p a ­
in 70% alcohol for histology. Sections cut after tients)
paraffin embedding were stained by haem atoxylin and
eosin. D etails of antigen preparation and the D uration o f Parasite dem onstration*
methodologies used by us for leishmanin skin testing disease in
and estimation of circulating antibodies by indirect m onths Positive Total % Positive
immunoflorescense (IF A ) have already been des-
cribed3. IF A titres of 20 or more are significant in 1 or less 44 50 88.0 **
our laboratory. 2 28 39 71.8
R E S U LT S 3 16 25 64.0***
4 -5 13 23 56.5
A resident medicai officer in the area has never-
6 or more 25 40 62.5
been possible but the group is accustomed to making
Total 126 177 71.2
four visits a year for 10 days to a month to provide
medicai care. In 1976 w edocum ented 19 patientsw ith * Demonstration of parasite by any one or more of four
leishmaniasis. An increasing acceptance by the methods namely direct smears, histology, culture or
community has led to an increase in patients visiting hamster inoculation.
the field unit and, in 1982,82 patients were registered. Comparing** with*** p < 0.005 (X^ Test)

Table 2 - R a t e s o f parasite dem onstration in relation to duration o f m ucosal disease with single or m ultiple
lesions (50 patients)

Duration o f Parasite D em onstration* Total

disease in Single lesion M ultiple lesion
m onths Positive Total Positive Total Positive Total % Positive
6 or less 3 8 1 2 4 10 40.0
7-12 2 5 4 5 6 10 60.0
13 - 24 3 7 1 2 4 9 44.0
25-60 1 6 2 3 3 9 33.9
61 or more 3 4 4 5 7 12 58.3
Total 12 33** 12 17** 24 50 48.0
* Demonstration of parasites as in Table 1
** Significant p >0.02 (X2 Test).

Cuba CC, Llanos-Cuentas EA, Barreto AC, Magalhães AV, Lago EL, Reed SG, Marsden PD. Human mucocutaneous
leishmaniasis in Três Braços, Bahia - Brazil. An area o f Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis transmission. I. Laboratory
diagnosis. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 17:161-167, Out-Dez, 1984

Tables 1 and 2 show the overall results of our multiple lesions (7/9) (p < 0.05). Since patients had
attempts to detect parasites (by the methods described) often consulted several doctors previously the total
in three groups o f patients namely those with cutaneous amounts of glucantime used before we saw the patients
lesions and those with single or multiple mucosal were large being on average 75 ± 68 grams of drug for
lesions. Although multiple cutaneous lesions were single lesions and 456 ± 328grams for multiple
com m on(32% ) these cases are not analysed separately lesions. In spite of such a dose it is of note that parasites
since we always biopsied only the most recent lesion. persisted in the latter group. One defect of our data on
In ali five patients with cutaneous lesions of less than parasite isolation is that ali four procedures namely
two months duration who had received 3-15 grams of smear, histology, culture and hamster inoculation were
glucantime before consultation we recovered parasites. not available in ali patients. Culture was the least used
O f five patients with lesions of more than six months due to the lack of suitable medium and contamination
duration who had been treated with more than 100 problems.
grams of glucantime parasites were found in four. A
difference was noted in single and multiple mucosal Forty-nine stocks from the 182 patients with
lesions as shown in Table 2. Parasites were significantly cutaneous lesions and 11 stocks from the 57 patients
more common in patients with multiple mucosal with mucosal disease were identified by isoenzyme
lesions (p > 0.02). and/or monoclonal antibodies techniques as Lbb4.
F rom two other patients not considered here parasites
M ucosal disease is rarer and the duration of the of the, Leishm ania m exicana complex were recovered.
active lesion is spread over a long time scale. In some
patients biopsy was not possible for technical reasons. Ali the patients described here had a histological
picture suggestive of leishmaniasis. T hat is to say a
Parasites were detected in 71.2% of patients granulomatous reaction rich inhistiocytes, lymphocytes
with cutaneous disease and 48% o f patients with and plasm a cells. M ore characteristic were areas of
mucosal disease. In cutaneous disease parasites were fibrinoid necrosis (35.2% ) w hichoftendeveloped into
more frequently recovered early in the infection since disorganised granulomas (27.2% ). A small proportion
the isolation rate in the first two months was signi­ of these (5% ) progressed to tuberculoid granulomas.
ficantly higher than in more longstanding infections Parasites were always difficult to visualise in ali
(p < 0 .0 0 5 ). histological forms of the disease being present in very
small numbers. They were usually absent in lesions
In seventy-one patients with cutaneous disease with established granulomata.
personally followed by one of us (EA L C ) parasites
were found in 31.8% (22/69) of G iem sa stained
smears, 48% (33/68) of histological sections, 33% Table 4 shows that 92.8% of the patients with
(11/33) of cultures and 67.9% (36/53) of inoculated cutaneous lesions had a induration 5mm or more in
hamsters. The latter method was significantly more diam eter 48 hours after intradermal inoculation of
sensitive (p < 0.01). However, examining the overall 0.1 ml of antigen (30 yg/protein/m l) in the forearm.
data presented in T able 3, this procedure (ham ster The majority of negative patients had a lesion of less
inoculation) does not differ substantially from smear. than one month duration but due to the small numbers
this does not reach statistical significance. There was
Previous antimonial treatm ent could be shown no association between the size of the skin test at 48
to significantly diminish the chance of recovering hours and the number or size of the lesions in this
parasites in single m ucosal lesions (3/18) but not in group.

Table 3 -R e s u lts o f parasitological exam ination using fo u r different methods

M ethods Sm ear H istology Culture H am ster

Type o f inoculation
disease Positive / Total (%) Positive / Total (%) Positive / Total (% ) Positive / Total (% )
Cutaneous 72 / 174 (41.3) 49 / 172 (28.4) 14 / 91 (15.3) 64 / 156 (41)
M ucosal 14 / 51 (27.4) 8 / 50 (16) 8 / 26 (30.7) 13 / 40 (32.5)
Total 86 / 225 (38.2) 57 / 222 (25.6) 22 / 117 (18.8) 77 / 196 (39.2)

Cuba CC, Llanos-Cuenias EA, Barreto AC, Magalhães AV, Lago EL, Reed SG, Marsden PD. Human mucocutaneous
leishmaniasis in Trés Braços, Bahia - Brazil. An area o f Leishmama braziliensis braziliensis transmission. I. Laboratory
diagnosis. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 17:161-167, Out-Dez, 1984

Table 4 - R ates o f M ontenegro skin test positivity in relation to duration o f cutaneous disease a n d m ucosal
disease with single or m ultiple lesions

Cutaneous disease M ucosal disease

_______ Single lesion_____ M ultiple lesions

Duration o f S kin - test Duration o f S kin - test S kin - test
disease in Positive / Total % Positive disease in Positive / Total % Positive Positive / Total % Po
m onths m onths

1 or less 40 / 46 86.9 6 or less 6 / 7 85.7 1 / 2 50.0

2 37 / 38 97.3 7-12 8 / 8 100.0 6 / 6 100.0
3 21 / 21 100.0 13 - 24 8 / 8 100.0 3 / 3 100.0
4 -5 25 / 26 96.2 25 - 60 6 / 6 100.0 1 / 3 33.3
6 or more 32 / 36 88.8 61 or more 7 / 7 100.0 4 / 5 80.0
Total 155 / 167 92.8 35 / 36 97.2 15 / 19 78.9

Table 4 also indicates similar results for patients was no difference between the size of skin test
with single or multiple mucosal lesions. 91% of the induration in the two groups of mucosal patients.
group as a whole had a positive te s t F our of the five Significantly more necrosis occurred in the mucosal
patients with negative Montenegro skin tests had group when com pared with the group with cutaneous
longstanding multiple lesions of the mucosae. There disease (p < 0.01).

Table 5 - Fluorescent antibody titres before treatm ent in sera o f 1 2 8 patients with cutaneous leishm aniasis and
42 patients with m ucosal disease related to the num ber o f lesions

Disease N um ber o f N um ber o f Titres o f IF A -lg G antibodies % W ith M G T p value

lesions patients positive (S tu d e n t’s t Test)
< 2 0 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 2560 titres
Single 85 14 13 19 5 19 5 - - 83.7 50.1
Cutaneous Multiple 42 4 5 9 9 12 3 - - 90.5 54.5
Total 128 18 18 28 25 31 8 - - 85.9 54.4
Single 29 5 3 8 5 7 - 1 - 85.7 34.11*
Mucosal Multiple 13 - 1 1 2 4 2 2 - 1 100.0 187.75* p < 0 .0 0 1
Total 42 4 4 9 7 11 2 3 - 1 90.2
MGT = mean geometric titre.
A sera dilution of one to twenty and above D IS C U S S IO N
reacting to the immunofluorescent conjugate (anti-
human IgG) in our laboratory is regarded as positive L eish m a n ia braziliensis braziliensis is so
evidence of circulating antileishmanial antibody when prevalent in Três Braços, Bahia that our diagnostic
tested with immunofluorescence antibody amastigotes fmdings can be said to reflect human infection with this
antigen (IF A T ). Table 5 and Figure 1 show that 86% parasite. O ur results confirm that it is a difficult
of patients with cutaneous disease and 90% o f patients parasite to visualise and isolate1. For this reason we
with mucosal disease had such positive titres when first have routinely used four methods.
seen. There was no significant titre difference between
mucosal and cutaneous disease but multiple mucosal A s our results demonstrate, parasites are fre-
lesions show significantly higher titres than other quently found by one method and not by another. In
groups (p < 0.001). Significant associations could not simple visualisation procedures (smears or histology)
be established between the levei of the titre and such amastigotes are scanty and the longer the specimen is
factors as the duration of the disease, age of the patient examined the more chance there is of finding pa­
and success in the parasite detection. rasites^. The effect of formalin fixation causing

Cuba CC, Llanos-Cuentas EA, Barreto AC, Magalhães AV, Lago EL, Reed SG, Marsden PD. Human mucocutaneous
leishmaniasis in Três Braços, Bahia - Brazil. An area o f Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis transmission. I. Laboratory
diagnosis. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 17:161-167, Out-Dez, 1984

shrinkage and bad staining of amastigotes increases the biphasic blood agar medium using Difco agar has
this difficulty in histological preparations. However been m ost successfuP 15 and we have achieved 50%
our material shows a highly significant correlation of positive cultures with this medium. O ur results will
for this method when com pared with the other techni- be reported in full elsewhere.
ques used (M agalhães et al, in preparation).
Like other workers^ 11 14 we have shown that
T iir e
IF I (Ig G ) success in parasite detection is inversely proportional
to the duration of the cutaneous lesion. W e confirm
that parasites are more difficult to isolate in mucosal
d ise ase ll. T he higher isolation rate in multiple
mucosal lesions could be related to the adequacy of the
biopsy specimen. Lesions high in the nose are difficult
to biopsy and those of the larynx require hospitalisation
and a general anaesthetic. On the other hand one
cannot exclude the possibility that host factors favour
parasite multiplication in disseminated mucosal lesions.

Previous treatm ent with glucantime will also

influence parasite isolation as shown in our group with
single mucosal lesions. In one study cultures rapidly
tumed negative after institution of glucantime therapy9.
H ow ever as our results show past glucantime therapy
does not necessarily interfer with parasite isolation
which is always worth attempting even if the patient
gives a history of prolonged antimonial therapy.

Since the parasite is so difficult to isolate it

would be quite wrong to discuss parasitologically
C u ta n e o u s M u co sal S in g le M u ltip le S in g le M u ltip le positive patients in these papers. W e seek three lines of
D is e a s e D is e a s e C u ta n e o u s C u ta n e o u s’ M u co sal M ucosal
indirect evidence of leishmania infection to establish a
Figure 1 - Distribution of titres of IFAT (IgG) according to probable diagnosis, nam ely histology, skin test
the clinicai form ofthe disease and the number oflesions (the reaction to leishmanin and the presence of circulating
points on the vertical lines indicate the mean geometric titres: antibodies.
MGT X + 1 interval of confidence.
The histological appearance is helpful con-
W e have used ham ster inoculation as the main firmatory evidence: even although the chronic skin
method in these early years to obtain isolates7. granuloma is not diagnostic unless parasites are seen, it
H am sters survive well under field conditions but is suggestive. A lso other diagnoses such as Pa-
isolation is time consuming with Lbb since the parasite racoccidiodes brasiliensis infection and carcinoma
develops slowly and frequently visceralise. Animais can be excluded. The presence of necrosis is more
have to be kept for a long time incurring further suggestive of Lbb infection than other skin granulomas
expense. T he discrepancy in ham ster isolation rates due to fungi, tuberculosis, sarcoid or leprosy.
between the 71 personally observed cases and the Unfortunately our early hopes12 that some sort of
overall results in T able 3 probably relates to the care prognostic classification could be established using
with which ham sters were observed and maintained. In histological processes such as necrosis and granuloma
future we will probably employ ham sters more for formation have not been confirmed to date. Fine
isolation attem pts from wild animais and phleboto- details of histological interpretation vary with
mines where^ culture contamination is a problem. pathologists and polar forms such as frank necrosis or
tubercle formation have a variable prognosis. These
O ur results with culture have improved since aspects will be fully discussed elsewhere (M agalhães
this study was completed. Initially we had much et al, in preparation).
contam ination of needle aspirates or biopsies but
recently we have reduced this to 10% of culture in The value of the leishmanin skin test and the
cutaneous disease. O f the various media we have tried indirect immunofluorescent antibody test as ancillary

Cuba CC, Llanos-Cuentas EA, Barreto AC, Magalhães AV, Lago EL, Reed SG, Marsden PD. Human mucocutaneous
leishmaniasis in Três Braços, Bahia - Brazil. An area o/Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis transmission. I. Laboratory
diagnosis. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 17:161-167, Out-Dez, 1984

aids to diagnosis confirm our previous findings^ 3. cutâneas recentes (p. < 0,005) do que após dois meses
W hy the M ontenegro test is negative in few cases later de duração. Tam bém eram mais freqüentes em lesões
in cutaneous disease is not clear. This observation was múltiplas da mucosa do que naquelas isoladas (p < 0,02)
first made by M ontenegro in his original paper^O. The embora o primeiro grupo tivesse recebido anterior­
negative leishmanin skin tests observed in late multiple mente terapia por glucantime. 93% dos pacientes com
mucosal disease is possibly associated with secondary lesões cutâneas tiveram o teste de leishmania positivo
malnutrition. W e have already reported a fatal case in sendo que a maioria dos casos negativos ocorreu em
which such malnutrition occurred and in which we pacientes cujas lesões tinham menos de um mês de
have evidence of reversal of the skin test^, D eaths duração. 97% dos pacientes com um a única lesão da
have occurred in these patients from Três Braços and mucosa e 79% daqueles com múltiplas lesões foram
we believe a negative leishmanin skin test in advanced positivos para o teste de leishmanina.
mucosal disease to be a bad prognostic sign. The more
frequent necrosis encountered in patient with mucosal O teste de imunofluorescência indireta apresen­
disease suggests that a more pronounced hypersensi- tou positividade em diluições de 1:20 em 86% dos
tivity response is associated with this form of the casos de acometimento cutâneo e 90% daqueles de
disease1^. However in terms of induration size a signi­ acometimento da mucosa. N os dois grupos as lesões
ficant difference could not be detected between múltiplas estavam associadas com os títulos mais altos
cutaneous and mucosal lesions. In another study we e estes eram significativamente mais altos nos pacien­
were unable to dem onstrate increased hypersensitivity tes com acometimentos da m ucosa quando com para­
in mucosal disease using 3 different doses of dos com os casos de compromentimento cutâneo
leishmanin (C uba et al, unpublished data). M ore (p^0,01).
studies are needed on this matter.
Palavras chaves: L eishm ania braziliensis bra­
Early serological diagnosis is useful in mucocutaneous ziliensis. Isolam ento de parasito. Imunodiagnóstico.
leishmaniasis and fluorescent antibody titres are
relevant in our area where Chagas’ disease and REFERENCES
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Cuba CC, Llanos-Cuentas EA, Barreto AC, Magalhães AV, Lago EL, Reed SG, Marsden PD. Human mucocutaneous
leishmaniasis in Três Braços, Bahia - Brazil. An area o f Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis transmission. I. Laboratory
diagnosis. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 17:161-167, Out-Dez, 1984

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