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Motherships version 1.

3 Massive 3 Cloaked 4 Indestructible



All damage to this
Max 1 damage to
Mothership is halved

Add a

Add a

Add a
this Mothership
(round down)
per round +1 Mothership

M Advanced card M Assault M Destroyer

After the threat phase:
Add a

Add a
Activate all Mothership
-1 Hull -2 Hull
parts not activated
this round

M Carrier M Abductor M Disruptor

Move a
unit here
(max 1)
It stays
until this
Draw 1 new threat is Destroy all Shields
threat card destroyed

Setup: Shuffle 1-3 “head” cards (Massive/Cloaked/Indestructible) into your threat deck, depending on
desired difficulty. Remove unused “heads“ from the game.
Six remaining ‘M‘ cards are shuffled to create separate ‘M’ deck.

Gameplay: When you draw a mothership “head” threat, immediately draw a card from the ‘M’ deck and
add it to the “head” (to the left). Draw another ‘M‘ card if the new card says so (Advanced/Assault).

• All cards from “head” to “tail“ (2-4) are now part of single Mothership threat.
• Mothership’s starting health is shown on “head” card
• Dealing damage to Mothership slides all cards down together (unlike Ouroboros, they are never
• Each card is activated separately, like normal threats, in left-to-right order.
• Defeated ‘M’ cards are discarded (don’t reshuffle them into the ‘M’ deck).

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