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Kevin Rodriguez


Psy 100: Critical Thinking Essay

Psychological Disorders

When one actually searches for individuals suffering from a mental disorder, there is a

high probability that person is related or working with one who possess a mental illness. There is

an estimated 26% to 30% of Americans, at the age of 18 years and older, who deals with a

diagnosable mental disorder each year (Raacke, 233). But with a fair amount of adults going

through their disorder, the question of discussing mental disorder to others is a challenge they

face. Adults who receive such a diagnosis should tell their family, friends, coworkers, and or

employers confidently.

The positive impact of opening up to family and friends about a psychological disorder is

the support and help one can receive. Depressive, substance, and addictive disorders, to name

just a few, are difficulties that trustworthy people in one’s life can help with and encourage

positive behaviors. When discussing to employers or professors, special accommodations can be

made to fit an individual’s specific need. Programs and support are offered for students and

employees through various programs at institutions all over the country. Being able to understand

and communicate to someone with a disorder is very helpful and beneficial from both ends. As a

supervisor at CVS, I came across a young man with autism and though at first glance he didn’t
appear to be, his mother later explained to me his situation about why he seemed quiet and

unresponsive. I later talked to him with his mother around and was able to make him smile and

laugh and helped find what they were looking for at the store. Though he was unable to express

his situation to me, the ability to have a deeper understanding allowed me to embrace the

situation and turn it into something positive.

Mental disorders have a social stigma that seems to violate social norms. The topic to

some is an uncomfortable thing to listen to and talk about. Relationships and friendships may be

broken simply because of one’s unwillingness or inability to talk to their partner about it

comfortably. The issue is also seen in working environments where it come to the point where

co-workers or employers will limit your duties and opportunities. The fear of being rejected and

labeled “insane” or any negative connotation is an unfortunate reality for those dealing with

psychological disorders. In the new film Joker, the protagonist Arthur Fleck writes in his journal

“The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.”

While this movie created much controversy, it truly does depict how some may view themselves

when they are dead difficult cards. It is not the fault of the individual to feel they must hide their

obstacles, but the fault of society for lacking the compassion to assist and welcome these people.

These issues are more common than one may think, but no change can be made in society

if people close their hearts and minds to these individuals with mental disorders. The public, in

my eyes, has yet to fully understand and cooperate with mental disorders o common

psychological disorders such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Mood disorders go undefined
and untreated. Telling those you trust can reduce your stress levels, can improve your mood and

change your perspective on your take on the disorder, but also better your happiness.

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