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By: Charles Tran

What is a disease?

A disease is a disorder that can cause illness or sickness in living organisms such as humans and

animals. They can be transmitted and developed in a variety of different ways, through irregular

genetic makeup or airborne pathogens. Many major diseases may require the assistance of a

medical professional and essential medical care through the means of medical drugs and or

medical surgery.[1]

What are the different types of diseases?


Infectious diseases are diseases that are transmitted by other organisms. These can be passed

from person to person, animals, insects, and even from the environment. These diseases are

caused by pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites that enter the body. It can

spread by being within close proximity of an infected

person or host and can transfer due to direct contact or

airborne pathogens. Infectious diseases are one of the

most dangerous types of diseases as they can spread

rapidly within a population, historically causing many epidemics and pandemics since the dawn

of civilization.[2]

Examples of these diseases are COVID-19, AIDs, measles, influenza, the chicken pox, Ebola, and

the bubonic plague.


Deficiency diseases are diseases that are caused due to the lack of essential vitamins, minerals,

and nutrients. When the body lacks these essential micronutrients, it can cause a nutritional

deficiency which can lead to a wide range of health issues and diseases.

Examples of these diseases are night blindness, scurvy, rickets, and anemia.


Hereditary diseases, also known as genetic disorders, are diseases that can be passed down

from one generation to the next. These diseases are oftentimes the

result of genetic irregularity or deformity in an individual due to the

change in DNA sequencing (mutation).

Examples of these diseases are autism, colon cancer, Parkinson’s

disease, progeria, and sickle cell disease.[3]


Physiological diseases are diseases that affect the function of bodily organs, tissues, and

muscles. This is often caused by the inability of organs to properly function and preform their

necessary tasks. These diseases can develop due to lifestyle choices or hereditary factors.
Examples of these diseases are diabetes, liver failure, glaucoma, asthma, and heart disease.

What are the different causes of diseases?


Non-communicable diseases are diseases that cannot be spread from person to person instead

they are developed within an organism. These diseases can be caused by hereditary,

physiological, and deficiency factors. Examples of these diseases are heart diseases, Parkinson’s

disease, strokes, and most cancers.


Lifestyle diseases are diseases that occur due to choices in lifestyle behavior, choices such as an

unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and use of drugs and alcohol. Example of these diseases are

liver disease, obesity, type II diabetes, lung cancer and depression.


Infectious diseases are diseases that are transmitted from one organism to another, these can

be transmitted from other humans, animals, or the

environment. Examples of these diseases are AIDs, measles,

the common cold, and UTI (urinary tract infection).


Airborne diseases similar to infectious diseases are diseases that can be transmitted through

pathogens by airborne transmission. They can spread through various means such as speaking,

sneezing, coughing, and breathing. Examples of these diseases are COVID-19, Influenza, and the

whooping cough.


Foodborne diseases are diseases that are the result of consuming spoiled or contaminated

foods and drinks. The pathogens and bacteria that develop in

these contaminated foods can cause many different illnesses and

diseases. Example of these diseases are salmonella, E. coli, and the


What are medical treatment options for diseases?


Therapy can be used as an effective form of medical treatment for many different types of

diseases, from psychological to physiological. These options include talk therapy, physical

therapy, and radiation therapy.[4]


Medicine is one of the most effective forms of medical treatment when combating against a

disease. The use of medical drugs can be to prevent, treat, and even cure a disease. Examples
of diseases that can be prevented, treated, or cured through use of medicine are the common

cold, polio, rotavirus, measles, chicken pox, and Influenzas.


Surgery is an invasive but highly effective form of medical treatment against numerous types of

diseases. Examples of diseases that can be treated and cured

through use of medical surgery are liver disease, kidney disease,

heart disease, and cancer treatment.


Self-care is an important treatment and preventative tool against many types of diseases that

anyone can do without the assistance of a medical profession. Examples of self-care can include

proper dieting, physical and mental exercise, and cleanliness such as brushing your teeth and

washing your hands regularly.


1. Burrows, William and Scarpelli, Dante G.. "Disease". Encyclopedia Britannica, 6 Mar.


2. Dobson, A., & Carper, E. (1996). Infectious Diseases and Human Population

History. BioScience, 46(2), 115-126.

3. Edwards, J., & Sharma, H. (1988). The Importance of Genetic Disease and the Need for

Prevention [and Discussion]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.

Series B, Biological Sciences, 319 (1194), 211-227.

4. Klein, Alex. Benefits and Options for Therapy. Healthline. 23 October. 2020.

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