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This Mini Publicity Campaign and its attendant strategies & stunts are ultimately intended to create
buzz before ,during and after the event as well as leave a lasting and remarkable impression on the
hearts and minds of everyone who came in contact with the promotions on social media and or
attended the event.

However, the campaign will take a three pronged outlook - BEFORE EVENT, DURING EVENT AND



We hope to invite top influencers and bloggers especially in Port Harcourt to a session with our team
and the organising team to outline media roadmap and plans and seek their active participation by
the method of inclusiveness.

 Before the event, series of well thought out social media roadmaps via content will be used
to generate and peak interest for THE EVENT SHOW, reaching potential sponsors, partners
and concerned individuals plus event goers .
 With clear communication and weekly brainstorming we'll be able to consolidate marketing
initiatives and meet your goals by targeting potential vendors with tailored posts. Thereby
integrating social media activities to the THE EVENT SHOW'S marketing plan.
 Building hype, generating interest, driving traffic to website and social media handles,
causing anticipation before event etc.


A twitterview which simply means a twitter interview will be hosted by one of our twitter handles
preferably @DirectPHC with our affiliates joining in for back up posts and interaction .Interested
'tweeps' and brands will ask pressing questions top on their minds and a representative of the
organisers representing the host brand/organisers via your twitter handle, in a question and answers
series, furthering public interactions with the organisers on a first hand basis. This TWITTERVIEW is
intended to clarify top questions on the minds of the public and peak general interest for THE


Our team in synergy with your team will create hash tags relevant to sell various spheres of the THE
EVENT SHOW. The hash tag will enable organisers and media team monitor the progress of the
campaign from anywhere in the world by exposing the event to a wider audience.


Our team guarantees also that within two weeks of the launch of the social media campaign with us,
we will trend the approved hash tag(S). Which means over 70 people with well about 2000 posts
with the hash tags would have flooded timelines(TL) .Also the hash tag will trend just before the
date of the event and during the event...

During the event hash tags will be used to coordinate live tweeting and posting of highlights of the
event via pictures and graphic arts.... The live tweeting will enable people who couldn't make it to
the event join in the conversation and follow The Event Show proceeding from any part of the

However same goes for Instagram stories and live streaming sessions

Coordinate social media desk of twitter, instagram and facebook admin/handlers for the period,
organise team for the event by assigning strategic tasks ,creating a working understanding and
relationship among handlers, content creators ,photographers ,influencers, bloggers etc. And having
them work as a team to achieve common goals.

LIVE TWEETING: Live tweeting will involve some of our major handles and affiliates with
corresponding backup retweets .

Create content on the go and drive team towards generating great content at various stages of the
event as it unfolds.

AFTER EVENT: After the event we will work with the organising team to pick relevant photos which
projects the events image in the highest form, working closely with bloggers, writers and pour team
of content creators to post highlights of the event to various platforms, sites, blogs etc. considering
that allot of event organisers do not use this medium, but it is very effective and professional.


This will be a participatory process where event goers on social media get to share their favourite
Event Show memories off their diaries. This could be pictures or fun fond moments recounted by
the person.

A second part to the interactive question and answer series where we get to incorporate the Hash
Tag where everyday someone gets to win an item- Check in with exhibitors...

e.g Who was the last Event Show host ,mention two designers that hit the run way, mention at least
two vendors from the last Event Show?


My Dream Wedding will be a fun million dollar question intended to excite people and have them
tell us IN 140 characters (possibly two sentences) what their dream wedding would look like,
thereby evoking a mental picture in the minds of the audience on social media, our team will work
with organisers to see how we can pull this off by probably working out an understanding with
vendors for prizes for winners...The main idea of this challenge is to cause excitement around the
idea of the event show being the only and biggest wedding show in Port Harcourt.

The Art Village is a special concept supposed to be a corner in the hall with beautiful arts and
paintings ,maybe with free wifi connection where young people can come take pictures ,have their
twitter or instagram handles graffiti on a plain' white canvas', chat about arts and ultimately cause a
buzz/wave on social media, just so people who are not present will feel left out and want to come
over to the event venue.

PASSION TO PORTFOLIO: A special session where we incorporate our online TV show idea at the
Event Show by having real time entrepreneurs share real stories of themselves how they turned
something they are passionate about into a pay check/portfolio .This will be replicated at the event
to inspire younger entrepreneurs and pass a message on the need to do what you love and love
what you do.


THREAD: Two well thought out threads will be run on twitter for The Event Show before and on the
1st day of the event...

INSTAGRAM STORIES: Use Instagram stories to show different stages of preparation for the event to
build hype for the event. We’d also use this medium during the event to add extra buzz for people to
se what is going on, create more awareness and probably make those who didn't want to initially
show up at the venue have a change of mind.

PASSION TO PORTFOLIO: A special session where we incorporate our online TV show idea at the
Event Show by having real time entrepreneurs share real stories of themselves how they turned
something they are passionate about into a pay check/portfolio .This will be replicated at the event
to inspire younger entrepreneurs and pass a message on the need to do what you love and love
what you do.


1.WEEK 1 : Posts will be about participating vendors with content created to sell their brand to PH
and the rest of Nigeria before event day.

2.WEEK2: Hypes will be aimed at previous Event Shows through the years and their best moments
from those events. Pictures ,partners etc.

3.WEEK 3: Posts will be geared ultimately towards building hype for the main event and all the
exciting things to expect. From the colourful runway ,bridal selections, entrepreneurial classes, free
wifi, The Art Village, travel tickets and lots more...Here our primary aim will be towards building
awareness for the event









8. Ebuka_Akara











The table below captures our proposed communication plan with The
Event Show Team. This plan indicates the different activities that
require approvals and the frequency of our engagements with The
Event Show team during execution.

S/N Communication Frequency

1 Approval of weekly content plans Once every week

and engagement plans

2 Presentation of Media Monitoring Once every week

Reports and strategising Action

3 Digital Media Engagement and Daily/ As often

Management/ Feedback
COSTING (Recommended Services)

S/N Cost Description Unit Cost Duration Quantity Total Cost


1 Digital Campaign
₦ 50,000 1 1 ₦ 50,000.00

2 ContentDesign and
₦50,000.00 1 ₦ 50,000.00

3 Endorsement and
Social Media
Influencers ₦ 50,000 1 1 ₦ 50,000.00

Sub Total ₦ 150,000

10% Professional Charges ₦ 15,000

5% VAT ₦ 7,500

Total Cost ₦172,000

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