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 Protagonist- main character

 Antagonist-Against the protagonist

 Persona- is a social role or a character played by an actor.
 Dialog-conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or
 Point of view-If first person is someone telling you his or her story, and
second person is you being told how you should do something, then third person is
more like a camera recording events. That's not to say it's necessarily an objective point
of view. A third person narrator can be highly subjective.
 Plot-he main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and
presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.
 synonyms:  storyline, story, chain of events, scenario, action, thread;
 rarediegesis, mythos
 "the plot of her next novel"
 Exposition- used to introduce background information about events, settings, characters,
or other elements of a work to the audience or readers.
 Climax- the highest or most intense point in the development or resolution of something.
 Setting- The setting of a piece of literature is the time and place in which
the story takes place. The definition of setting can also include social statuses,
weather, historical period, and details about immediate surroundings. ...
The setting provides the backdrop to the story and helps create mood.
 Falling action is defined as the parts of a story after the climax and before the very
end. An example offalling action is act four in a five-act play.
 resolution is the part of thestory's plot where the main problem is resolved or
worked out.
 Catastrophe definition is - a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune
to utter overthrow or ruin

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