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Jyothisha Praveena


Vol. 3. CONTENTS No. 1.

Navamanimalai 2
Letters to the Editor 3
Readers ask? 3
Longevity 7
Finance and Fortune 11
. Marriage Sc. Married Ufe 15
Overseas " 19"~
Aspects and their Significance (Contd.) 22
„MoIes and their, meaning 24
Food Problem 25
r Characteristics to be corrected 33
Sagittarius—Dhanus 35.
Jupiter in the third house 42
Daily Guide 46
Position of planets 49
. January"ll>55!Bphemeris " ">' 51.'
Monthly Prediction 53
■Ephemeris for 1902—One full year ... 71
Sir, Saturn is declared to be a strong malefic
I understand that it has been deci- causing, despondency depression, delay,
ded to confer on you the title of " Jyotish dejection, disharmony, disappointment,
Martanda " during the Bhavan's Annual dispute, difficulties etc Hindus take the
convocation on 20th December at 10 A.M. position of Moon to judge the transit
and the title will be conferred by His results and call the period "Sade-Sati"
Excellency Dr. P. V. Chcrian, Governor when Saturn, by transit, enters the 12lh
of Maharashtra. sign counted from the sign occupied by
Moon.'and after nearly 7J years leave the
I know that you are running 7i years second sign counted from Moon. That
Saturn, otherwise termed Sade-Sati. How is, whenSatumis in 12 to Moon, conjoi-
is it that one is honoured at a time when ned with Moon and continues to be in 2
the so-called evil Sade-Sati is on ? lo Moon. Saturn takes approximately
2i years to pass through, a sign. Hence to .
K. V, D., Bombay-1. transit these three signs it takes years.
This period is commonly known as 71
Answer years Saturn or Sade-Sati.
(Jyothisha Visharath K. GANAPATHI) 1. Never be terrified by this. Many
persons had fortune only during Sada-
Please refer to an article published id" Sathi. They experienced untold miseries
September 1964 issue "Astrology and Ath- when Saturn transited in the 11th or 3rd
rishta" wherein it was explained how the or 6lh sign which is said as auspicious
Proprietor of HotelOoty atVisakapatinam bouses. This statement cannot be refuted
was honoured, when he had a similar by any whereas it can be substantiated by
undesirable transit of Saturn in the 8th many.
house to Moon was on. 2. The editor was already honoured
The following is the chart of the Editor similarly on 20-9-1961 by conferring on
who will be conferred the title on 20-12-64: ' him the title " Jyothisha Praveena " by the
Retired Chief Judge of Travancore Shri
■T. M. Krishnaswami Iyer and the Retired
Saturn Rahu ' High Court Judge Shri N. Somasundaram
N ep Avergal at Madras. The nalso, he hadSade-
Sati. According to his horoscope, he had
been running Saturn Mahadasa Mercury
Bhukti Venus Anthara and Mars Shook-
shma on Wednesday 20-9-1961 when
Rasi Jyothisha Praveena was conferred on him.
Moon Jup. On 20-12-1964, the editor will be
Lagna running Saturn Dasa Venus Bhukti Venus
anthara and Mars Shookshma.
Uranus . Sun Venus Saturn owns the houses 1 and 2 ; It is
- Kethu Mercujy Mars in the 3rd house-Pisces, in its own cons-
tellation. It is auspicious-
Venus is lord of 5 and 10 and is in the
- At the time of birth Moon dasa Balance 9tb sign conjoined with Mars who rules
;/ year and 2 months. the-houses 4 and 11. Venus promises
name, fame and reputation. Mars as lord 40 mts. and 4 degrees 53 mts 20 seconds ofii
of 11 portrays grand success. (b) in Pisces between 8 degrees 6 minutes
By transit, Sun opposes Rahu and 40 seconds and 10 degrees 020 minutes,
conjoins Kcthu ; Moon squares Mars ; especially at 8° 46'. for 18 -53' N and
Venus sextile Venus radical position; 720-54' East, or (c) at thetime when Saturn
Uranus trine Uranus radical position; rises in the east.
Neptune trines Neptune radical position. (a) 2° 40' to 4° 33' 20" in Aquarius
Conferring this title in Bombay neces- is in the sub of Venus, in Mats star, Saturn
sitates a journey for the editor to goto Sign—He is running Saturn dasa Venus
Bombay from Madras and stay Bhukti Venus Anthara and Mars Shoo-
there for some days which is indicated kshma.
by Uranus forming favourable aspect (b) In Pisces 8° 46' is ruled by Jupiter
with its original position in the 12th house. the lord of the sign, Uthrapathrapada
Venus in the 9th sign aspecting harmoni- governed by dasanatha Saturn and sub of
ously its original position by transit Venus.
is also propitious to make a comfortable
journey and to have warm reception in (c) When the dasanatha at a particular
Bombay, being lord 10 in 9. position in the Zodiac is so propitious to
offer name and fame, the same position
Mars governs the stars, Mrigasirisha, may rise in the East i.e., T 1' in
Chittra and Dhanishta. Rahu alone was in Aquarius.
the constellation of Mars (in Mrigasirisha)
at the time of birth. Mars, lord of 11, has The time when (a) rises will be 10 hours
to fulfil his desire. Therefore Rahu in 53 mts., (b) rises will be 12-4SP.M. and (c)
Mar's star is stronger than Mars and rises will be 11-7 A.M., which is the
when lord of 1 transits in the constellation strongest.
of Rahu, he will realise his ambition,
even though years Saturn period is on. It is, indeed, an auspicious day to receive
Saturn transits in Sathabisha in Rahu's such a title. A number of good aspects
star from 13-12-64. are formed on 20-12-64 promising
pleasure and prosperity.
The actual time when it will be con-
ferred on him though it is mentioned as 1. Moon Sextile Uranus 11-37 A.M.
10 A.M. on that day, is worked out, using 2. Uranus'Stationary 12-00 Noon
Krishnamurthi Paddathi.
3. Moon Sextile Pluto 2-17 P.M.
The editor is running Saturn dasa.
Venus Bhukti commenced on 22-10-64 4. Moon Sextile Jupiter 3- 8 P.M.
only. It is to run for 38 months. Hence 3. Moon Trine Neptune 3-31 P.M.
the ascendant at the time of receipt should
be either in (a) Aquarius between 2 degrees 6. Moon-Sextile Mars 8-13 P.M.


Forluna 8tb bouse shows unexpected and serious

9° 40' incidents affecting one's health and cau-
Neptune sing anxiety to life.
29° 27'
12th bouse threatens with danger and
Lagna 1° 00 end of life (Moksha).
Kethu 7° 42'
Houses I, 8 and 3 are to be examined
Rasi Chakram to ascertain whether one will live long or
0 is blessed with short life. The houses 12
Rahu7 42' to 1, Sand 3 are 12, 7 and 2. Twelfth
house to any house is the house of nega-
Mctcuiy tion to the next house. Hence, houses I,
SatHrn 10° B7'Z0* Venus Jupiter 8 and 3 are the houses of longevity where-
Mars 15° 29' Moon12°15*
aTiB'CO"0 21'
BO' 1' as houses 12, 7 and 2 are the " Maraka
Whenever one tries- to ascertain one's
For tun
* a longevity, it is necessary to find out'
Jupiter Moon whether one is promised Pobrna Ayush,
or middle life, or short life. Then one is
to judge (a) accordingtoUdu Dasa System
Venus Lagna which planets will affect the longevity and.
calculate the period ruled by them jointly;
Amsa (b) according, to Progression when the
ascendant, the lord of the ascendant and
Sun Mars the very slow moving planets Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune receive evil aspects ;
(c) according to transit (Gocharara), when
Neptune adverse aspects are formed to the ascend-
Mercury | Saturn Kethu ant, its lord etc. and lastly ; (d) erect a
Uranus chart for the moment at which you
answer this query and read the results,
Ascendant or Lagna shows one's health, for an estimate, and determine the
vitality, immunity and longevity: Planets, longevity.
, benefic by lordship, occupying Lagna,
contribute for long span of life. Malcfics According to Hindus, Bhadhaka Sthana
, affect health. Though Cancer-Karkata- Adbipathis ate the worst planets which
Lagna natives are considered to be fragile will lay their icy hands unhesitatingly.
in their youth, they pick up health later The 12 signs, Aries to Pisces, are classi-
and lead a healthy life, yet longevity fied as follows. Aries, Cancer, Libra and
depends upon the exact position of the Capricorn are movable signs; Taurus,
Lagna and the relative position of the Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs ;
planets, as for other rasi-borns, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are
common signs,
6th bouse shows disease. Planets occu-
pying or owning the house are weaker in For those bom in movable signs—
strength than the planets in the constella- Chara rasi—the llth house is termed
tion of the occupants and owner, Bhadhaka Sthana.
For people born in fixed signs—Sthira adhipathi also. Venus is evil. It is in the
Rasi—the 9th house is called Bhadhaka- constellation of Rahu which occupies
sthana. Maraka Sthana. Therefore Venus is a very
(For those whose birth happened to be strong evil planet.
in any one of the common signs, the 7th Bharani, Poorvapalguni, and Poorva-
house is the Bhadhakasthana.- shada are ruled by Vefius. No planet
Actually, the planets, in the constellation occupies the constellation of Venus. So
of the occupants of the Bbadhakasthana, Venus itself is a significator.
are the strongest evils : Next, the occupants Leo is the 2nd house, and its Lord is
of Bhadhakasthana, next those in the cons- Sun. It is the Maraka Sthana-adhipafhi to
tellation of the lords of the Bhadhakas- Cancer-horns. No planet is found in the
thana and lastly the lords of these evil second house. But Sun was in the con-
houses.) stellation of Saturn and it is not helpful to
Next, Kendhradhipathyam is regarded as give robust health ; (a) Sun and Saturn
harmful. In strength, it is next to Bhad- are natural enemies ; (b) Saturn is not only
haka shorter-Sthanam. Jupiter, Venus, Maraka Sthaua-adhipathi but also ashtama
Waxing Moon and unafflicted Mercury are adhipathi. Sun is another significator.
called natural benefics. Houses 1, 4, 7 Capricorn is the 7th house and hence
and 10 areKendhra Sthanas. It is believed another Maraka Sthana. Its lord is Saturn..
that the benefics owning the houses 1, 4, 7 It was in its own constellation and exalted
or 10—Kendhra Sthana, become evil; in Navamsa. It was in close conjunction
they cause death; they are especially with Mercury which forms sesquiquadrate
dangerous if they occupy the .Maraka aspect with the Ascendant. Therefore
Sthanas, 2 or 7. both are evil.
But, the editor is of strong opinion that , Saturn's stars are Pushya, Anuradha-and
the Kendhrathipathis are not always Uthrattadhi (Uthrapathrapada). Majority
harmful; people born with Jupiter, Venus, of the planets are under the sway of
etc. as ICendhradhipathi, occupying the Saturn. Kethu alone is in Pushyam star.
marakasthanas, 2 or 7, outlive their dasas; But all the planets in Scorpio, i.e., Sim,.
but they pass away during the period of Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus are in
the planets occupying the constellation of Anuradha star. None is in Uthrapathra-
the Kendhradhipathies. pada. When the majority of the planets
are in the same star, find out in which sub
Next one is to judge the Maraka Sthanas. according to Krishuamurthi Paddhathi)
Having considered and selected the they are. Those planets in the star of
strong evils, note when they will operate Saturn and the sub of the other significa-
conjointly (according to Udu Dasa tors are definitely evil. Mars is the
System). strongest malefic,
Find out the aspects by progression and (a) as it is in its own sign ;
by transit. If these agree, then one can (b) as it occupies the constellation
declare that he or she will live at least till of Saturn, ahd
that date. (c) the sub of Mercury.
Your l^agna is Cancer; it is a movable Hence Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Venus
sign. 11th house to Cancer is the Bhadhaka and Sun are evil.
Sthana, i.e., Taurus. Neptune alone is in
Taurus. As Neptune is not allotted any As Mercury Dasa is Operating, select
star, no planet is in the constellation of _Mars Bhukti; subjteriod.. _ In that sub
the planet in Bhadhaka Sthana.- period,, the conjoined sub sub of Saturn,
Venils is the lord of the sign Taurus. It Venus, and Sun will operate.
is also lord of 4 and hence it is Kendhra It after 19-12-1972.
As per progressioQ, Moon, lord of the Generally, the demise of the first wife
''ascendant, will progress in the 12th house. causes vacancy and the native is able
It squares its original position in the natal to marry a second wife. That is why,
chart. Mercury, the Dasanatha, squares Kalidas, in Uthrakalamrita, has men-
Meridian. So, the later half of 1972 tioned that one is to examine the second
onwards, the time is evil. house counted from his Lagna for the
As per transit. Mercury squares lord of second wife. Some are of opinion that the
the ascendant; Saturn opposes the 11th house is to be considered for the
majority of planets in Scorpio; Jupiter second wife. The Editor says that the
conjoins Rahu and opposes Kethu. second house presages second wife, legally
married, whereas the 11th house suggests
As per Nadi, Sun transits in the 2nd good friends, intimate friends, etc. ; also
degree of Nirayana Aquarius, which is the in some cases, those with whom one lives
third quarter of Dhanishta star and the with pleasure without actually marrying
sub ruled by Mercury. Hence when Sun her.
transits in the 8th house, i.e., in Saturn's
sign Aquarius, in Dhanishta star governed When the second house denotes the
by Mars, and the sub by Mercury, in the second wife, the maraka house, i.e., the
3rd week of February 1973, health will second to. the second, indicates her end.
fail. That is why the third house is to be
i- considered for the longevity of the second
Therefore planets promise long life at wife.
least till 15-2-1973.
In this chart, Cancer is the ascendant;
6th house is Sagittarius. Its lord is
Jupiter. No planet is in the 6th house.
The ascendant, the planet in the ascen- Punarvasu, Visakam and Poorvapadhra-
dant as well as the strength of the posi- pada are the stars governed by Jupiter-
tion occupied by, and the aspects received No planet is in any of these three stars.
by the ,lord of the ascendant indicate
whether one is promised with robust So Jupiter will cause ailment in its
health, resistance against infectious dise- period. Jupiter was in Virgo, in the con-
ases, and satisfactory recuperative power. stellation of Moon. Hence it will cause
The sixth house shows the nature of the diarrhoea during the conjoined periods
disease from which one may suffer, the and sub periods of Jupiter and Moon.
duration of the disease,' etc. Planets Jupiter and Moon are in the 3rd house.
occupying the constellation of the occu- Hence they may'affect your throat; you
pants, the occupants, those which are in may suffer from cold and bronchitis.
the constellation of the lord of the sixth
house and the lord indicate the ailment. As Saturn does not afflict, you will not
suffer from T.B.; as Sun does not afflict,
The 8th house indicates the nature of Eosonophilia will not cause trouble to
the fatal disease or danger and portrays you. You will not contract Typhoid as
the place where death will happen. Eighth Rahu and Mercury- do not aspect adver-
house is considered to find out who will sely; Mars forming good aspect with
survive whom, either the native or the Jupiter gives you immunity and rapid
partner of the native, i.e., the first wife. recovery; you will not be a victim of
For the second wife, the' third house asthma. Hence Jupiter and Moon ptay
shows who will outlive. cause (1) .Digestive disturbance, and (2)
Seventh - house signifies the first wife. Bronchitis, etc. Amoebic Dysentery is not
The second' houss to the seventh is the indicated.
Maraka Sthana of the wife and also the Next consider Bhadhaka-Sthana adhi-
longevity of the native. pathi Venus. It is in its own sign aitd in
The eighth house to the seventh is the the constellation of the evil planet Rahu.
danger to the first wife, her longevity, etc. Rahu has to give the results of both
Jupiter and Saturn as it receives the Sth in the stcretion of insulin and consequently
aspect from Jupiter and the 3rd aspect leading to diabetes.
from Saturn. Therefore planets . in Rahu's stars,
The nodes Rahu and Kethu give the Arudhra, Swathi and Sathabhisha will
results of (1) the planet with which they are give similar results.
conjoined; (2) the planet which aspects Venus is in Swathi. Hence Venus will
them; (3) the lord of the constellation and cause such diseases.
(4) the lord of the sign in which it was.
This order is to be followed as this alone Hence, whenever Saturn transits in any
is correct.. "of these stars and forms conjunction or
One may refer to Utharakalamritham, trine aspect with Venus you would have
Khanda VI and Slokas i2 and 14 ; (Page fallen lill, especially during Rahu Dasa,
165 in Panditabhushana V. Siibramanya Venus Bhukti, in November 1924.
Sastri, B.A.'s translation of this book.) Later, when Saturn transited in Satha-
bhisha in 1935, during Jupiter dasa,
" If Rahu or Kethu occupies a Trikona Mercury Bhukti, Rahu anthara, you would
(5th or 9th) and is- conjoined with or have been bed-ridden.
aspccted by the lord of the 2nd or the 7th
house, they cause death during their dasas; Next, when Saturn conjoined Venus, you
(b) if they occupy the 7th or the 2nd ought to have fallen ill in 1954 during
house in conjunction with, or aspccted by your Saturn dasa, Venus Bhukti, Saturn
the lord of the 5th or the 9th, they confer anthara.
wealth and long life on the native. Now when Saturn was in Sathabhisha,
Houses 5 and 9 generally cause Rajayoga, you entered into Mercury dasa. Its Swa
whereas houses 2 and 7 threaten with Bhukti, i.e., own sub period is operating.
death. So from this statement, one can In that, Venus sub sub period iwas
understand the principle followed by running. Hence on a Wednesday (ruled by
Kalidasa. Mercury who governs the dasa) when
As Rahu will act' as an agent of both Moon was transiting in Poorvashada in
Jupiter and Saturn, it will cause cold, Dhanu'rrasi (Poorvashada ruled by Venus;
Flu and Rheumatic pain governed by Dhanur rasi belonging, to Jupiter) at the
Saturn, and also give trouble due to gas time when' Sun squared Neptune, you
formation, hernia, etc. (In the research would have been operated for hernia on
made bythe editor, evil planets in Visakam 16-9-1964.
star give hernia because Visakam is Hereafter, your health will not be
Jupiter's star and it is in Libra owned by normal during
Venus.) Hernia or appendicitis or diabetes, (a) Mercury Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Jupiter
are given by these two planets. So also, Anthara, at the end of December 1967;
planets in Poorvashada star cause diabetes
and affect the lungs. Libra being the (b) Mercury Dasa, Sun Bhukti, Rahu
seventh sign of the Zodiac, the lower Anthara in June 1971 ; and
portion of the abdomen is affected. Sagit- (c) Mercury Dasa, Mars Bhukti, Saturn
tarius being the 9th sign of the Zodiac, it Anthara on 15-2-1973.
is detrimental to the Pulmonary system.
The lunar mansion Poorvashada signifies (This horoscope will be discussed for two
defect in the pancreatic gland, deficiency marriages in the coming issues.)

When again there is a douht, without
any hesitation, consider the ruling planets
Moon 16°I0' F£J1il,na
KelbUl> at the time of the query " whether Lagna
Mi I4« 29' is strong or Moon sign is strong " is taken
for consideration.
Mercury The editor has taken this chart on
Uranus 6a r 20-8-1964 for offering prediction. The
11'49' 5 Neptune star at the time was Utharashada and the
IMS' day was Thursday. Hence Jupiter, Saturn
Sun 21® 3'
Rasi Chakram and Sun were the ruling planets. Jupiter
Venus Ul?' ruled the day. Sun governed the star and
Jupiter 2° 5?' Saturn owned the rasi.
Saturn r27' Mars has nothing to do with this time.
Hence, one is to reject the moon sign
under the reign of Mars, but consider the
Mars 20® 19' Lagna Leo as the stronger of the two.
Rabu 1°
Finance. Second house indicates bank
position and self-acquisition.
Born on Saturday at 7-20 A.M. L.M.T. Sixth house denotes one's personal
on 7-8-1920 at 22° 0' North and 73- 16' exertion, labour, work and thereby earning
East. money-
Ascertain whether Lagna is strong or Tenth house shows one's profession
the Moon sign, as the stronger of the two either in service or in independent business
is to be taken as the first house and then' as well as one's inheritance.
alone, one is to examine the horoscope Sun is the chief governor for profession.
for various matters. Jupiter indicates the bank position:
The Ascendant is' in Leo and in Lagna Fortuna portrays how one will be fortunate.
Bhava (i.e; First house) Saturn is posited. (Always take the Bhava-(house) and not
So it is weak. But when we take Moon the signs to find out results as each house
sign, it is Aries, and Kethu is in close signifies certain matters.)
conjunction with Moon. It is weaker No planet is in the second, or the 6th,
still. or the 10th house. But Fortuna is in the
When a doubt arises, find out on which 10th sign and 9th Bhava.
day and in which star the birth took place. As Fortuna gives fortune to one in the
- As they are the ruling' planets, they will period of the lord of the sign in which it
-strengthen either Lagna or Moon sign by was posited, and as it represents the lord
occupying the Lagna or conjoined with of the sign, Fortuna is to give the results
" Moon or by aspecting either the ascendant of Venus who rules the meridian, the 10th
or the Moon sign. Cusp. Fortuna was 9° 6' in Taurus. So
(a) Saturn, lord of Saturday—the day according to Krishnamurthi I'addhathi,
of birth is a ruling planet. It is Lagna Fortuna was in Venus sign, Taurus, and in
and confirms that the native is a Saturnian. the constellation of Sun and sub of Venus.
Therefore during the conjoined periods
, Mars, lord of the Moon sign, Aries, and sub periods of Sun and Venus, you
aspects Aries and strengthens the Moon will be fortunate. (Actually you took up
sign service only in Sun Dasa, Venus Bhukti.)
Mercury rules the second house. Its During Moon Dasa, Sun Bhukti you
stars are Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. were promoted as class I Officer with a
Sun alone was in Ashlesha star. Sun in change in the place.
Cancer, in the 12th house in Mercury's Thus Sun had been uniformly doing
star, indicates that you wilt have security good to you, in service.
of service, permanency, mostly service
under Government in a place, far away Again, when you run Rahu Dasa, Sun
from your native place. It is in a movable Bhukti, Jupiter Anthara, in the middle of
sign. Therefore, there will be change in March 1974, you can expect a higher rank
the department and in the nature of work with confidence. There will be increase in
during the periods and sub periods of Sun. income and improvement in status.
From one institution to another, you will
be transferred with lien in the previous Let us take the 6th house. As Leo is
department or completely severing connec- the ascendant, 6tb house is Capricorn. Its
tion with the previous job. Also, Sun lord is Saturn. Pushyam, Anuradha and
indicates that it will end your educational Uthrapadrapadha are the three stars
career and offer official life. (Why? 4th governed by Saturn. Mercury is the only
house is for regular course of study when planet occupying Pushya. Hence, Mercury
one is to attend the class, hear the lectures indicates that
and sit for examination. 9th house is for (a) you will be inspecting the
P.Hd.: Higher education, etc. For accounts submitted by others or carrying
people born in Cancer-Kataka, 4th house out the instructions of other officials!
is Libra-Thulam : So the duration of study
and the end of the college course is to be (b) as it is in a movable sign, there
judged by taking Libra as the Lagna for will be transfers and changes ;
education. It is known that Bhadhakasthana (c) as the sub occupied by it, is ruled
Adhipathi and Maraka Sthana Adhipathi by Mercury, there is no modification in
end the life! so also, they end one's study: its results;
Bhadhakasthana to Libra, a movable sign
is the 11th sign, i.e., Leo.—Its lord is Sun : (d) Mercury will give you long
Ashtamadhipatbi is Venus and Maraka journey including overseas ; and
Sthanadhjpathi is Mars. Kethu in Mars' (e) you may have to serve in Inter-
sign is stronger than Mars: Rahu in Libra national trade or foreign exchange or in
is stronger than Venus. Hence, Sun, Kethu ' exports and imports.
and Rahu are evil for one's College course.
Actually, the native attended'tbe College This journey will come during Rahu
till the Sun dasa, Kethu Bhukti, Rahu Dasa Mercury Bhukti as Rahu was in the
anthara, appeared for B.Com. and failed.) 3rd house, in its own star and in the
sub of Moon-a watery planet-owning 12th
During Sun Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Jupiter house (life in a foreign place): Rahu
Anthara in the end of December 1941, also receives aspect from Moon. You
when Sun transited in Poorvashada star will surely go overseas in connection
(governed by Venus in Jupiter's signl you with your profession on 28--6--1966. At
joined a Bank. that time as per transit. Sun will be in
Sun who also causes changes, on Gemini • ruled by Mercury, in Arudhra
1-5-1942 during Sun Dasa, Venus Bhukti, star governed by Rahu and in the sub of
Kethu Anthara, you went to. Rajkot: during Mercury; Jupiter also will be transiting
Mercury sub in Kethu anthara, on 6-5-42 in the same position and conjoined with
you joined the International Bank. Sun: (The General rule is that a person
has his desires fulfilled when Jupiter transits
Again during Moon Dasa, Mars Bhukti, -In the sign owned by Dasanatha. But
Sun Anthara, .you left service in the Bank the editor has ■ fOund'tfiat'Jupiter, Sun;
and joined Government service in the Moon and the significators will transit in
Revenue Department. _ the stars governed by both Dasanatha and
ghuktinatha. This finding is lOC/o parents and promotion in service come
correct. Students are requested to follow together. It is worthy of note that
this method and scholars may investigate, your father passed away immediately
. do research and confirm this finding. It after Saturn Bhukti started, as it was in the
is true in all cases. On various occasions, constellation of lord of 10. Since 9th
to find out the time of event, our sages house indicates father, and your birth was
have suggested to note the time when the in Leo, Aries is the 9th house and Saturn
significator, e.g., Venus or Sun of Jupiter is the Bhadhaga Sthanadhipathi to Aries.
transits in a sign owned byDasanatha. The Hence, Saturn affected the longevity of
sign is the Solar mansion. The Nakshatra your father, on 27-6-64 on Saturday in
is the Lunar mansion. The editor's finding Uthrashada star when Moon transited in
is that the time of event comes correctly Saturn's sign and in the constellation of
only when the significator is in the cons- the chief governor for father—Sun. Also
tellation, i.e., Nakshatra or Lunar mansion, Saturn transited in Sathabhisha star in
belonging to cither Dasanatha or Bhukti- Saturn's sign and Rahu's star. When you
hatha or Antranatha. arc running Rahu dasa Saturn bhukti, you
will realise those results which are indicated
Saturn, as lord of 6, in the ascendant in by the planets in your birth-chart, when
the sign owned by Sun, in the constellation they transit in the star of Rahu'in Saturn's
of lord of 10 Venus and in the sub of Rahu sign, i.e., Sathabhisha. This is an important
who is an agent of Venus, indicates that ruling of the editor. If the Bhukti is ruled
you will be.holding a position of trust and by Mercury, the significator is to transit in
that you have to keep secrets. You will 1 Mercury's sign and Rahu's star Arudhra;
work in a department where the official if the sub period is ruled by Venus, the
matters are to be kept in strict confidence signjficatois have to transit in Rahu's star
and should not be disclosed. Therefore, Swathi in Venus sign—Libra.)
during the period of Saturn, you will be
entrusted with such a work. You may be The 10th house is Taurus, It is ruled
asked to unearth some facts which were by Venus. No planet occupies Taurus.
unaccounted, but possessed by the parties. Therefore consider Venus and planets
As Saturn was in the constellation of occupying Venus star—Bharani, Poorva-
Venus, lord of 10, you will be crowned palguni and Poorvazhada are the three
with success in your efforts. Not. only stars under the reign of Venus.
will you be able to do your job most satis- Moon and Kethu were in the Star Bha-
factorily, but it will also be recognised and rani: Saturn was in Poorvapalguni. No
you will have an outstanding confidential planet was in Poorvashada star. Hence
report during Saturn's sub periods. When Saturn, Moon and Kethu are under the
you were running Rahu dasa Jupiter Bhukti sway of Venus and whatever Venus is to
Saturn Anthara in May 1962, you came to offer,' they will be given even during the
this department. Saturn Bhukti commenced periods of Moon, Kethu and Saturn.
on 13-6-1964. Thereafter, you had been
doing such a work and it is sure that Moon indicates changes, transfers and
-you will be establishing a good name. life in a far-off place. KethU shows a
(Generally 10th house is termed as thorough change. Saturn offers responsi-
Karmasthana: it includes doing the last ble position.
rites-to father and mother, to do religious Venus owns two houses, Taurus and
functions, yagnas, etc., and to work Libra. Taurus is(the 10th house. As
and make money. That is why, those Venus owns it, .find out whether Rahu or
who enjoy promotion during the period Kethu occupies either Taurus or Libra.
of lord of 10, also lose either of the elders. Then the node is stronger than Venus. As
10th | house .is the. second . to the, 9th Rahu was in Libra, ^ at the time of your
denoting father and the seventh to the 4th birth, Rahu will prove" tb'bi' fortunate; ■
indicating mother. 2 and 7 are Maraka Actually, you had a good lift on ISth July
Sthanas. Hence death of either of the 1959, when Rahu Rahu Bhukti, Rahu
Anthara was operating: Swathi was the (2) Rahu Dasa Budha Bhukti Moon
Nakshathra on that day. Anthara—June 1968. Overseas.
Jupiter, the chief governor for finance, (3) Rahu Dasa Budha Bhukti Rahu
is conjoined with Venus. Jupiter will be Anthara—October 1968—Promo-
favourable to you. As it was in Kcthu's tion.
star Makam, and Kethu was in the 9th (4) Rahu Dasa Kethu Bhukti Sani
house) during Jupiter sub period, you will Anthara—worries and anxieties—
be transferred to the north-east i you will May 1970.
betaken to the administrative department (5) Rahu Dasa Sukra Bhukti Guru
and will become very popular. Actually, Anthara very popular and climax
you were transferred to the administrative in career—November 1972—
head office, in a town north-east of the Different nature of work.
place where you were, and you became
popular. The officials, the colleagues and (6) Rahu Dasa Mars Bhukti Jupiter
all those with whom you have to come in Anthara—the covetable post will
contact, will speak highly of you for your be offered in July 1976.
straightforward, honest and fair dealings. (7) Retirement: Guru Dasa Sani
Integrity and sincerity stand to your credit. Bhukti Kethu Anthara—March
Thus it will be seen that
(a) Rahu is the strongest benefic; Retirement—when ?
(b) Mercury gives you good oppor- Houses 2, 6 and 10 indicate Service.
tunity to show your talent during Malefics in their Bhadhaka Sthana or lords
inspection of those signs ; planets in 12 to 2 or 6 or
10, i.e., in 1, 5 and 9 ; or planets in 6 or 8
(c) Mars adds authority and power; to them, i.e., 3 and 5 are to end this
(d) Venus bestows on you social and career. Therefore houses 1, 3,5 and 9
financial success; indicate retirement and thorough change at
that age:
(e) Sun offers you a permanent posi- Here Guru is in the constellation of
tion under the Government; Kethu in 9: Sani is in 1, not only the 12th
(f) Jupiter increases your income, house to the second but also ashtama to
changes the residence, and office the sixth house; Kethu is in 9, i.e., Vyaya
andimproves your status. It gives to the 10th house.
you service in the Revenue So at the time when Sun transits in the
department. sign governed by Jupiter, in the star
Uthrapadra ruled by Saturn and in Kethu
(g) Moon indicates fortune in a sub on of around 21-3-1980, you will
foreign place, and so on. retire from service.
Future Prospects Jupiter in Kethu's star indicates that you
will donate for renovation of religious
(1) Rahu Dasa Sani Bhukti Sukra centres. So far, you had enough of Iha-
Anthara—November 1965—Pro- Loka-Sukham. Hereafter, you follow
motion. Para Loka Sadhana.

By Marriage, it is meant that one more (e) or Venus is conjoined with Moon
member is added to the family which is- in 1,5, 10 or 11 ;
indicated by the second house. This addi- (f) and Moon as well as Venus isnot
tion is on an agreement which is denoted aspected by Saturn,butisstronger
by the seventh house and such an addi- than Saturn;
tional member brings permanent tie of
friendship for pleasure and progeny, (g) or lord of Lagna is conjoined
shown by the 11th house. That is why with lord of 7 and occupies a
houses 2, 7 and 11 are examined to find favourable house;
out whether (h) or lord of Lagna and lord of 7
(a) marriage is promised or not; are in 3 and 11 or 5 and 9 to
(b) the description of the partner; each other;
his or her ruling planets; whether (i) or benefits occupy 2 or 7 or 11
already related or not; his or her counted from Lagna and Moon
features, characteristics, profes- sign;.
sion etc.; (j) or the houses 2 or 7 or 11 have
(c) time of marriage; and favourable connections with
(d) state of married life: (I) whether benefics;
it is a harmonious one promising (k) 'or benefic in 7 and both lord of
an inseparable temperament of Lagna and lord of 7 are strong
the couple without any attach-, and well posited;
msnt, simply to maintain the
prestige of the family, manage to (1) or Venus is in his own or exalted
live in the same premises or (3) sign and lord of, 7 in beneficial
to lead the life like cat and rats, house;
especially during day-time even (m) or Mercury' in 7 and Venus are
though the couple may become conjoined with lord of 7 ;
the parents of many children ~ or
(4) to be going on marrying and (n) or lord of 7 is in 11 and Venus in
divorcing. 2;
(o) or Venus is in Lagna and Lord of
(1) Is the marriage promised or not? Lagna is in 7;
Marriage is celebrated in youth or in . (p) "or if there is mutual exchange
proper age if (according to Hindu system), between lords of 1 and 7 when it
(a) Moon and Venus occupy fruitful is termed as Madhana Gopalyoga;
signs, Taurus-Rishaba, Cancer- (q) or Jupiter is exalted in the 7th
Kataka, Scorpio-Vrischika, Pis- house conjoined with benefics;
ces-Meena and also Sagittarius-
Dhanus; (r) or Venus is strong in the 7th
(b). or if the 7th Cusp falls in any of house;:.
these signs; . (s) or lord of 7, Venus, occupies
(c) or Jupiter-Guru or Venus-Sukra the 2nd house;
occupy the houses 2, 7 or 11 ; (t) or lord of Lagna is in 10 and
(d) or Jupiter is conjoined withMoon lord of 2 is in 11 ;
• in 1, 5, 10, I'l ; (u) or benefics are in 1 or 2 or 7;
(v) or lords of 2 and 11 are in Balance of Mars dasa 2 years 10 months
mutual exchange ; and 19 days. The date of marriage was
(w) or lord of 2 and 7 is in 11; 11-7-1938, on a Monday in Moolam"
star. She was running Rahu dasa Mercury
(x) or (according to Western System) Bhukti Moon anthra.
Moon and Venus occupy
beneficial houses and receive TheLagna is weak as its lord is in the 8 th
harmonious aspects, in'the male's house and the Lagna is occupied by Saturn.
map ; Moon sign is stronger as it is conjoined
(y) or Sun and Mars in bride's chart with the benefic Jupiter and the lord of the
occupy favourable houses and rasi is in the 9th sign in exaltation. Hence
raceive good aspects from other Moon sign is stronger.
planets; Houses 2, 7 and 11 are considered for
(z) or a benefic is transiting very marriage:
close to the Ascendant or 7th Cusp Second house is occupied by Mars. Its
at the time of birth in the 12th stars are Mrigasirisha, Chitra and Dhani-
house or 6th house. shta. No planet is in Mrigasirisha; none
If it is an arranged marriage, the in Chithrai; but Moon and Jupiter are in
iarents do not take much pains to find star Dhanishta. Both of them are signifi-
>ut the bridegroom; if it is a love cators, i.e.. Moon and Jupiter ; Mars by
narriage, then also the couple do not occupying the second house is next- in
ake a long time to give expression to strength.
heir love and to celebrate it 11th house is occupied by Kethu. Its
The following chart is that of a girl stars are Aswini, Makam and Moolam.
/ho got married at the age of 12; Her No planet is found in any of these three
irth was on 29-6-1926 at 19. G. 45V. stars.
7th house is vacant.
Lord of 2 and 11 is Jupiter. Its stars
are Punarvasu, Visakam and Poorva-
pathra—Rahu was in Punarvasu 1 Sani in
Visaka and none in Poorvapathra.
Hence Rahu and Sani are also signitica-
tors. . Of the two, Rahu is conjoined with
Sun, the lord of 7. So Rahu has greater
influence. Sun, lord of 7, rules Karthikai,
Uthrapalguni and Uthrashada. Venus
alone was in Karthikai. As Sun conjoined
with Rahu gets weakened, Venus also will
be offering the results of the 7th house.
Hence Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, Saturn and
Ratio Saturn Kethu are the signiflcators. Mercury in the
constellation of Saturn, and aspected by
Saturn is also auspicious. It gains strength
to give marriage.
A node, conjoined with a planet, gives
the results of the planet. As Sun rules
the 7th house, Rahu is to bless herewith
..marriage since,.Rahu,-conjoined with
Sun. Further, it is under the sway of
Jupher.l 1 Mcr- Jupiter, lord of 3 and II, counted from
the Moon si|n,
Saturn in Lagna causes delay in marriage. There will he many proposals, one after
It can delay till its period is over. Even another they will fall through : and years
though Budha is aspected by Sani accord- will pass on. The parents and the bride
ing to Hindu method by the 10th aspect, will get so much dejected arid vexedthat
yet they are 108 degrees away an4 form the bride decides to remain unmarried.
good aspect. If it were to be 90°, Mer- But, at last, a fresh negotiation will come
cury cannot give the wadding: Being 108° up with a new party and the marriage
away, Mercury will be helpful. will be fixed and celebrated suddenly.
To Dasanatha Rahu, Mercury is in
advance in the second house. Therefore The following ones arc the charts of
Rahu Dasa Mercury Bbukti was the period two individuals; One male and another
of marriage. female ; both are to be married.
(1) Moon and Jupiter in close con- Born on 2-4-1926 Friday at 39 G. 40 V.
junction is auspicious for early in Anuradha star with a balance of
marriage; Saturn dasa for 9 years 11 months and 27
(2) Moon and Jupiter in 5 to Lagna days.
is favourable to celebrate the
marriage in youth;
(3) Venus, lord of Lagna, and Mars,
lord of 7, are in 3 and 11 to each
This horoscope is illustrated to show
that very early marriage can take place,
even though exalted Saturn was in the
ascendant, as Jupiter by its aspect to
Saturn reduces its malefic results and the
conjunction of Moon and Jupiter is very
II. Marriage is promised but it comes
off late in life
(a) if Saturn is either in 1, 3, 5 or 7
or 10 counted from Lagna or
Moon sign and if he does not
own beneficial houses;
(b) if malefics are in the 7th Bhava,
receiving adverse aspects from
Jupiter or Uranus ;
(c) if Mars is in the 8th house; Mars Rahu
(d) if .Moon and Saturn conjoin
together, especially in 1, 2, 7 or
(e) if Mars and Venus are conjoined
together in 5, 7 or.9 and both
receive evil aspects from Jupiter
or Uranus;
(f) if the lord of 7 and Venus are.
■ aspected by Saturn.
(g) if Moon and Venus are squared
by Jupiter or Uranus.
in Lagna, one need not take trouble to
LaB find out whether Lagna is strong or
Kcthu Moon sign is strong. Both being the same
sign, take Scorpio as the first house.
Saturn Second house is occupied by Kethu and
GIRL RASI it delays marriage.
28-12-1935 ■ Lords of 2 and 11 are in debilitation-
5-58 P. M. Venus, lord of 7, in 4 will offer the
Mars marriage.
Moon and Jupiter, forming favourable
Sun aspect, will, on a later date, settle a family
Mercury Jupiter Venus life on you.
Hence Venus Dasa Moon Bhukti Jupiter
Anthra will give the marriage, at the end of
Moon January 1965 itself.
In the Girl's horoscope
{a) Evil node in 7 shows delay
Sun (Rahu);
NAVAMSA (b) Mars in S shows hindrances and
Lagna Mars (c) Saturn aspects the 11th house ;
(d) Moon in Capricorn is afflicted
by Saturn,- the relative posi-
Jupitc-r Mercury tion between- the two being 22,
Rabu degrees.
1 ' ■ ' - J
The above are the indications showing
Moon dasa Balance : 2 years 6 months that the marriage will be accomplished
and 19 days. with great difficulty.
In the chart of the boy, The time of marriage will be during
Saturn is not a Rajayogathipathi, nor JupiteriDasa Jupiter Bhukti Rahu Anthara
does he own the rasi. As Moon is posited on or around 14th July 1965.

Houses 3, 9, 12 and 7 as well as planets
Moon, Neptune and Uranus are examined Moon Jupiter
to find out Sun Lagua
(a) whether journeys are promised ;
if so, whether it is short or
(b) whether it is on land or over-
seas; and
(c) whether one breaks journey on
bis way or not.
1. Good aspects to the 3rd cusp, planets
in the constellation of the occupants of
the third house, the occupants of the third Similarly, during Sun Dasa Rahu
house, the planets in the constellation of Bhukti he bad a thorough change in 1949,
lord of 3 and the owner of the third house as Sun is in 9 and owns the 4th house.
indicate short travel. During Moon Dasa Rahu Bhukti, there
Similar aspects to the 9th bouse pro- was no change, as Moon was in the
mise long travel. eleventh Bhava, and the eleventh house is
12th house shows life in a foreign to enjoy in the same place. Now during
place and a thorough change in the Mars Dasa Rahu Bhukti, he leaves, once
surroundings and environments. for all, Madras and settles in Bangalore.
7th house Indicates visit of various
places in the same trip and break of The following is the horoscope of one
journey on the way. of the sons of Sri Natesa Iyer who wrote
Evil planet occupying 4th house gives the letter on 18-11-64 from Calcutta.
The contents of the letter are published in
a thorough change in one's residence, espe- the first page.
cially during the period of the lord of 12.
The following chart indicates the change Birth : 14-9-1938 at 45 Ghatis.
in the residence of a native, due to trans-
fer during Mars Dasa Rahu Bhukti as
Rahu is in the 4th Bhava and the lord of
the Dasa owns the 12th house.

Moon Lagna


Venus Jupiter

left India on 16-11-1964, as predicted by
the editor in February 1963.
The second son of Sri Natesa Iyer was
born on 24-2-1944 at 41G. 19V. The
chart is as under:—

At the time of birth, the balance in Sun

Dasa was 3 years 4 months and 3 days.
He entered RahuDasa Jupiter Bhukti on
1-10-1963. Guru SET'
The Editor predicted that at the time
when he runs Rahu Dasa Guru Bhukti
Kethu Anthra, he will go overseas for
further studies.
Why ? Occupant is stronger than owner.
Guru (Jupiter) was in Aquarius in the 9th
Bhava. So Jupiter is to give a long
Venus is lord of 12. But Rahu is in
the sign owned by Venus and is also con-
joined with Venus. Therefore Rahu is At the time of birth, balance of Jupiter
stronger than Venus and will offer those Dasa, was 14 years 6 months 27 days.
results which Venus promises. In this horoscope. Moon sign is stronger
Kethu aspected by Sukra and conjoined than the ascendant.
with Moon, lord of 2, has to offer the Lord of Lagna is strong in a Kendhra,
results of Sukra and Moon; Sukra but it is conjoined with Kethu.
(Venus) is lord of 12; Moon is a watery Lord of the Rasi is strong in a Kendhra
planet. They both occupy movable signs. to Moon sign,"conjoined with Mars.
Hence Kethu contributes for Overseas.
The day will be, when Sun transits in Both appear to be equally strong. But
Jupiter's starandRahu's sub; jtwill come note that Saturn, the lord of the Rasi
thrice a year, as Jupiter rules 3 stars; So, Aquarius, aspects the Moon sign and
first when it is in Punarvasu 4th pada on strengthens the rasi, whereas lord of lagna
ISth July; next when it is in Visakam 4th is not only conjoined with Kethu, but
pada on 16th November and then, when it lord of 12 is also configurated in the same
is in Poorvapathrapada 4th quarter on sign and Venus receives aspect from lord
13 th March. of 3 and 6.
. .As Rahu Dasa, Guru Bhukti, Kethu Hence take Moon-sign and-then-offer
Anthra, operated between 15-11-64 and " the results.
5-1-65, of the 3 periods when Sun could Saturn Dasa is on. He is lord of 12.
transit in JujJitefTsfarRahu's" subf 16th~ He occupies the 4th house. It has to give
November 1964 is fixed- Actually, he a ckange in the residence,
fiethu—a node occupies the sign of Neptune
Saturn and is in 12 to Moon. Ketbu Jupiter Lagna
.gives results of Venus and Mercury as it Rahu
is conjoined with them and also that of
Saturn who Owns Capricorn.
Venus is lord of 9 to Moon Sign : It
is in Parivarthana Yoga with Saturn. Lord
of 1 and 12 is in 4 and lord of 4 and 9 is
in 12. So Venus has to give overseas
journey. Ketbu is stronger. Mars, MortTVn Kethu,
Mercury, as lord of 8 to Moon Sign Mercury Fortuna!
cannot give overseas.
Therefore, Saturn, Kethu and Venus
are auspicious to go on a long journey.
Hence Saturn Dasa Kethu Bhukti Venus Bom on 11-7-1920 at 11-10 AM., the
Anthra is between 2-6-64 and 3-9-64. As balance of Venus Dasa is 7 years and
Kethu is the strongest, the shookshma 3 months. Consider 9th and 12th houses
should be that of Kethu which operated for overseas. 9 is vacant. It is owned by
on 2-9-64 and 3-9-64. The editor predicted Venus., Rahu occupies Venus sign—:Rahu
that he will go overseas on 2-9-64, when is stronger than Venus. Rahu has to give
Sun transits in Venus star and when Sun the results of Mars also as it is conjoined
conjoins both Mercury and Uranus in (hat with it. Rahu was in its own consteliation.
constellation. (Mercury and Uranus are 12th house is occupied by Saturn. It is in
for sudden journeys.) the constellation of lord of 9 , Venus as it
The next horoscope belongs to one is in Poorvapalguni star.
'person, who need not go overseas, as he
need not qualify himself by further studies Sun is lord of 12; it is conjoined with
or contact any one to expand his business. Venus. Hence Rahu, in Vcnus's sign,
But, without any expectation and expenses, Saturn, Venus and Sun are the signifi-
the native had made overseas journey as cators. So Rahu Dasa Venus Bhukti
predicted years ago. Saturn Anthra was found to be the period.
The Chart is as follows :— Rahu Dasa Venus Bhukti commenced
on 29-4-64; Saturn's sub sub was
between 2-4-64 and 23-9-64 ; again in this
period Venus shookshma operated between
3-6-64 and 1-7-64. Actually he left
Madras on 28-6-64 to Delhi and then left
Delhi and reached America.
Why should he go to Delhi and break
his journey? Because Venus was in the
constellation of Jupiter who owns the 7th
Rahu. . house which (signifies this break.

Aspects and their significance «w.)
" Bala ^
Declinational motion for (10) Quintile (72 degrees). This
48 hours 8 minutes aspect is considered to be moderately good.
Amount of time elapsed (11) Bequintile (144 degrees). This
since 5-30 p. m. of aspect has been found to be as good as a
3-1-1963 36 hours trine aspect.
Therefore motion for 36 36 x 8 =
6 minutes hours 48 (12) Sesquiquadrate (135 . degrees)..
Declination for 3-1-1963 5 deg. Similar to semi-sextile (45 degrees) in
South 40' quality.
Dednct decrease in (13) Vigintile (18 degrees). Slightly
motion for interval of favourable.
36 hours 6' (14) Quindecile (24 degrees). Slightly
.Jupiter's declination, at 5° 34' S. good
birth time (15) Decile Semi-quintile or 36 deg-
One has to understand the different rees. Moderately good.
terms used in the Ephemeris. Declination (16) Tredecile (108 degrees). Also
is the perpendicular distance, north'or slightly favourable.
south, of the planet or star from the Celes-
tial Equator whereas Celestial Latitude is (17) 54degrees: Slightly good.
the perpendicular distance between a (18) 162 degrees : Slightly good.
planet or star and the ecliptic (whatever
be the declination of the ecliptic). Celestial All multiples of 22i degrees are evil,
Longitude is measured in one direction namely 22i, 45, 67$, 90, 112$, 135, 157$
- along the ecliptic (i.e., from Aries 0 and 180. All multiples of 18 (except 90)
degree to Pisces 30 degrees), whereas Right and all multiples of 30 are beneficial,
Ascension is the measurement along thq namely 18, 30, 36, 54,60, 72, 108, 120,
Celestial Equator from the 0 degree of 126, 144 and 162.
Aries to the 30th degree of Pisces in one
direction. The conjunction is the most powerful of
(3) Opposition (180 degrees apart). all these. The Parallel is considered to be
It is adverse in nature, indicative of as strong as the conjunction. The opposi-
tension. tion, trine, quincunx, biquintile, sesqui-
(4) Trine (120 degrees distance). It quadrate, square, sextile and quintile are
is very powerful for good; benign in next in strength and infiuence. The rest
nature. are moderate in effect.
(5) Square (90 degrees angle). It is
similar to opposition in effect. Orb: A torch, when lit, throws its light
(6) Sextile (60 degrees apart). Simi- up to a certain distance from it. If one
lar to the trine- were to stand just in front of it, one will
find that the light is very bright; but, as
(7) Semi-square - (45 degrees). It is one goes farther and farther away from the
said to be moderately evil. torch, the light gets scattered and after a
(8) Semi-sextile (30 degrees). Slightly certain distance the light fades away
good—. — -. . completely. Similarly, the planet's raysj
• "(9) 'Quincunx (150--degf6e9-angle).-* "radiate ''''Bll rdund • and'*" iHumme""the
It is adverse in nature like opposition and surrounding space up to a certain
.distance. ..This sphere of infiuence is
called ' orb.'. Orb, in other words, is an
allowance of so many degrees on either Sun 129 17°
side of an exact aspect. Sun, the head of Moon 8° 12°
the solar system, is believed to exert its Olher planets 6° 8°
influence up to 12 degrees when applying For conjunctions of Sun, Moon and other
to a planet and 17 degrees when separa- planets with the cusp of a house, an orb
ting from it. Moon which receives the of 8 degrees is to be uniformly applied.
rays of all the planets and reflects Applying and separating. When two
the earth is considered next in importance heavenly bodies are within "the range of
and she is said to possess influence up to conjunction or aspect and not in exact as
8 degrees when, applying and 12 degrees rapt conjunction, the faster moving planet,
when leaving a planet. The other planets if it happens to be placed in the zodiac
are credited with an orb of 6 degrees behind the other planet, i.e„ the slower
when applying and 8 degrees when moving one, will move towards the latter
separating. The editor's feeling is that to complete the conjunction or aspect,
the orbs assigned to Sun, Moon and other unless the latter planet" is retrograde.
planets apply only to conjunctions and (This will be explained subsequently). The
should not be applied strictly in the case conjunction or aspect grows stronger and
of aspects. If, for example, Mars is in stronger as the quicker planet draws near
Vrischilea (Scorpio) 2nd degree and Sun in the culminating degree (exact conjunction
Meena (Pisces) 17th. degree, then they are or aspect) when the influence reaches its
135 degrees away from each other. This peak or maximum, but as soon as the
angle is adverse in effect. Now, if one quicker planet begins to move away from
were to take the orb ascribed to the Sun the culminating point, the influence still
as hard and fast and apply it, one will remains but decreases slowly. When the
conclude that the Sun is just 15 degrees quicker planet goes fully beyond the orb
past the trine (120 degrees) aspect with of conjunction, the influence completely
Mars and therefore in a beneficial aspect ceases. Suppose one observes two gentle-
and will record the aspect accordingly. men riding along a road, one on a motor
The afigle of 135 degrees (sesquiduadrate) cycle and the other on a bicycle. He who
portends unfavourable results whereas the is on the motor cycle is at a certain dis-
the trine or' 120 degrees aspect is very tance behind the one travelling in the
favourable. It leads to overlapping and bicycle. Both are proceedinginthe same
one is at a loss to understand whether the direction. Since the motor cycle has a
the result would be beneficial or otherwise. .greater speed than the bicycle, the man
The orbs above mentioned should not be on the motor cycle will slowly go nearer
followed in the case of aspects. They will the onb on the bicycle and at a particular
of course apply for conjunctions. spot he will catch the latter. Thereafter,
they continue their journey and slowly the
Conjunction. Two planets occupying distance between the two increases and
the same degree and minute of celestial after a certain time the man on the
longitude are said to be in rapt motor cycle is not sighted. Likewise,
(perfect) conjunction. It is seldom that the planets have different speeds. In the
two planets are in perfect conjunction. In course of their travel in the same
such cases, they are still considered to be direction, the swifter planet, if behind
in conjunction if the relative distance the slow-moving one, is said to be
between them is less than (half the sum of applying to the latter and at a particular
their orbits taken together. If the planets point both are in exact conjunction. As
are not in exact conjunction but are with- soon as the conjunction or aspect is
in the orb allowed for conjunction, then complete, the swifter planet will move
.theyare, in _wjde..(platic)_c.onj|jp5HeSs,-w!Kv--- '.sit-awnyTrom jt .when it is.said to-be-sepa^.-.
rating from the conjunction or aspect as
The orbs allowed to Sun, Moon and the case may be.
other planets are; (To be continued)

Finger: Moles in the finger indicates inheritance. Mole in the middle finger
that one cannot be straightforward ;• he indicates that one.needs diplomacy and
will be cunning and clever; he. will not be business acumen. One will be selfish,
honest. He cannot save money and be- miserly, and avaricious. Falsification of
come rich. accounts, misappropriation, etc. are not
ruled out. Moles in the 4th finger show
Finger is indicated by the third house that one is susceptible to infectious disea-
and moles are found in the finger when ses. It is advantageous to have prophy-
a malefic occupies the third house. lactic measures taken whenever the locality
In our experience it is found that mole in is threatened with any epidemic. There
the thumb gives one a stubborn attitude. will be dismissal. or reversal in service
Due to rash action, he will get into and financial trouble. It assails one
trouble. He will be independant and with all vanities of disappointments.
aggressive. He may, at times, be fool- Moles in the. little finger, the 5th,
hardy; mole in the finger of Jupiter threatens trouble caused by indigestion,
brings bad reputation by the indecisive flatulence and nervous break-down.
nature. He is often thwarted by the One may commit forgery or theft. He
myriads of obstacles and impediments. will cheat others and will never hesitate
There is loss by speculation and litigation. to carry tales. He cannot be relied
There. will be difficulty in getting one's upon.
Food problem
Ahara JJithra Baya Maithuoam Cba The second enemy is the person who
Samanynjniw TKath Paeubir Naraaam offers adulterated foodstuff. This is
Qyanam Naranam Athiboc Vieesha: like a boil in the body needing an incision
Qyanaona Eeena: Paflubi: fiamana:'1 using a sharp instrument by an able
It is said that all the birds, the reptiles, surgeon. None would like to suffer'either
the aquatic as well as the wild animals from the cancer or from boils. Therefore
and the human beings, want essentially it is the duty of one and all to work hard
food for growth ; all take rest; in the law as directed by his conscience. One
of nature the mightier survives and so the should conquer his lower nature with all its
weaker ones are afraid of them. Repro- faults and bad habits. Then alone, all
duction and procreation are common to will be assured of at least the irreducible
all the Creations of God. minimum quantity of food, especially
when there is so much increase in birth-
. But the human beings are considered to rate, immigration from other colonies,
be superior to the other creations. It is rapid increase in the number of hotels, or
true only when they are wise. Other- number of feasts, social functions with
wise he or she is another animal. tea, etc.
One can boldly lead a life without any Swami Vivekananda said:
fear and also without cohabitation. But
none can live without food. That is'why, " More bread the need of the hour: We
" Ahara " is mentioned first. It is one talk foolishly against material civilisa-
of the three prime necessaries of life, the tion. The grapes arc sOur. Material
other two being air and water. > 'The civilisation, nay even luxury, is necessary
fourth one is " HEAT or FIRE " '. to create work for the poor.' Bread 1
Animals and birds take chances ; they Bread ! India is to be raised, the poor arc
live on what they get, if at all they get; to be fed, education is to be spread and
otherwise they have to starve. Their the evil of priestcraft is to be removed..
food varies according to the season and No priest, no social tyranny! More bread,
the availability. more opportunity for everybody!
But we, the human beings, can foresee, The poor fellows have been starving.
produce year after year more and more No dogmas will satisfy the cravings of
food, preserve them and regulate the . hunger. There are two curses here, first
consumption, so that each has a well- our weakness, secondly our hatred, our
balanced diet throughout the year and dried up hearts."
throughout life. Also we should never be
i indifferent, unconcerned and reluctant Balanced diet includes carbohydrates,
when any one else starves. Co-operation, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts, etc.;
socialism, patriotism; humanitarianism it is necessary for proper growth and
and benevolence are absolutely necessary maintenance of good health.
for a pleasant and prosperous life enjoy- In India, food consists mainly of
ing peace of mind. But those who lack
all these, and who are selfish, unlawful, (a] Wheat, rice, maize, cholam,
unreasonable, mean, covetous and live kamboo,
for theniselyes,,alone arc.npt. contributing (b] Pulses: dhal], blackgram, green-
to the welfare of the nation. gram, bengalgram, soya beans,
Blackmarketeers are the first enemy to etc.,
the nation ; it is just like an ulcer in the (c] Fat, oils, butter, ghee, fish,
body. mutton,
(d) Vitamins both fat soluble and (d) Regulated supply o/ water
water soluble, (e) Absence of locust, pest, insect,
(e) Sugar, jaggery, chillies, condi- rats, parrots, birds, jackals, and
ments, prevention of erosion of the
(0 Milk, fruits, greens and molas- soil;
ses. (0 Floatation of Finance Corpora-
tion, formation of Co-operative
Astrologically, carbohydrates are indi- societies and education to the
cated by the fruitful, earthy and feminine innocent agriculturist;
sign Taurus-Rishaba.
(g) movement of wagons;
Hence wheat, rice, jaggery, sugar, milk (h) labour, etc.
and molasses are indicated by Taurus.
(Karthikai star in Rishaba represents (a) 7b select good seed: The crop
wheat; Rohini indicates milk and sugar; should not be harvested at a time when
Mrigasirisha signifies paddy.) the barren signs, Aries-Mesha, Gemini-
Mithuna, Virgo-Kanni and Leo-Simha
Fat, vegetable oils, chemicals and rise in the east. In those lagnas, anything
minerals are represented by the watery that is done either (a) to procure seed,
sign Scorpio-Vrischika; (b) or to dry it in the Sun, (c) or to store
Fat, animal oils, breweries are indi- it, etc., will be disadvantageous. Avoid
cated by the other watery sign these lagnas. Elect only the fruitful signs
Pisces-Meena. Taurus—Rishaba, Cancer—Kataka,
Scorpio-Vrischika and Pisces—Meena.
The watery sign Cancer-Kataka indi- When the following signs rise in the
cates coffee, tea, milk, onions, fruits: east, the seeds may be sown with advan-
stars Spica-Chithra and Swathi indicate tage : Rishabam, Mithunam, Katakam,
pulses (Virgo and Libra—Thulam). Simham, Thulam, Meenam—these Lagnas
Vitamins A and D are indicated, by assure that the crops will be healthy,
Pisces-Meena, they will flourish and will yield much
Vitamin B by Virgo, more than when sown in other lagnas.
Also the astrologer should avoid the
Vitamins C and E by Cancer. Lagna which-is afflicted by a malefic occu-
Growth and Availability: Benefics pying the 3rd house to the lagna.
transiting those signs or forming favou- Planets Jupiter, Mars and Venus indi-
rable aspect to those signs or the signifi- cate good seed : Jupiter is for reproduction.
cators during their transit show bumper Mars and Venus for fertility and also for'
crops and large yield. seed. Saturn spoils the seed. Rahu and
Kethu indicate that the plants may sprout,
But malefics transiting the sign or but will immediately die out. Hence
transiting in the 8th or 12th to that sign avoid Saturn, Rahu, or Kethu either in
which represents any commodity or lagna or in 3 or in 8.-
produce,. show that the crops will be
affected by animals, rats, locusts, birds (b) Fertiliser: Saturn, Mars and
or will be destroyed by floods or they will Venus signify fertiliser.
fail due to drought, storm, etc. The best day to use. fertiliser will be
For abundance of growth, the following Tuesday; the next best is Friday. The
are necessary; best time will be when moon transits in
Pushya or _ Anuradha or Uthrapa-
$).,.• good-,- and jfie, auspiciousx,rt- thrapadav:"Chitra: second half-is next in""
' "time when one sows the seed; order.
(b) Fertiliser; " _ . (c) —Tilling the soil: -Soil needs aera-
(c) Tilling the soil; tion for nitration so that the nitrites may
be converted into nitrates by the action of Jupiter in his Northern course' causes
the aerobic organisms. Further, it is frequent rains and food material will be
advantageous to have the soil loose for available in plenty. If it is in close proxi-
the roots and the bulbs to thrive. mity to the celestial Equator, the rain will
be average. When Jupiter is in the
Untimely rain should not spoil the Southern course, there will be drought.
efforts. Further, in those years when Jupiter tran-
sits more than 2} stars within a period of
So, start tilling the soil when the lagna 12 months, Jupiter is incapable of causing
is Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn or beneficial results; e.g.—rain, food, health,
Pisces. The aspect between Sun and Moon peace, etc.
should be sextile or trine. Stars Rohini,
Punarvasu, Pushyam, Uthrapalguni, Has- As it is clear that rain will be unsteady
tham, Moolam, Uthrattadhi and Revathi and not uniform, it is necessary to
are auspicious ones when the land may be impound the wastage and regulate the
tilled. flow. Also wells are to be sunk in large
numbers, as the sub-soil strata holds a
(d) Regulated supply of water: Each very large quantity of water fit for agricul-
year Sun conjoins with Jupiter and emer- tural purposes.
ges out. Note the star in which the con-
junction tool? place. The year is named (e) Locusts, pests and insects will spoil
after the Nakshathra, i.e., the star where- the growing plants. Preventive measures
from Sun gotseparated. They are Kartika, have to be adopted.
Margasira, Pausha, Magha, Phalguna, Rats do havoc in paddy fields. Parrots
Chaitra, Vaisakha, Jyeshta, Ashada, and birds are dangerous for fruits, kambu
Sravana, Bhadrapada and Aswayuja. and maize.
Karthika, Margasira years threaten that
there will be drought.' Pausha year is Jackals affect sugarcane. Pigs spoil
auspicious—Prices of the commodities will the bulbs, sweet potatoes, groundnut, etc.
tumble down as there will be bumper crop. Erosion in the slopes of the hill spoils
Magha year promises timely rains and .the growth of vegetables, potatoes, tea,
the crops will be plenty. '' In the year coffee, etc. So one has to overcome
Phalguna, the results will be mixed. In a these difficulties and get over all dis-
few places there will be good crop and in advantages.
some places, there will be much loss. In
Chaitra' year rain will be below average. (f) Finance Corporation and Co-operative
Food will become costly though pulses are . Societies are needed to lend assistance
available in plenty. Abundant growth due to the needy agriculturists,
to good rains may be expected in the (1) to buy good seed,
Vaisakha year. Jyeshta year is not a (2) to employ sufficient labour,
favourable one. Rains will be below
average and so the growth of crops will (3) to instal pump-sets,"and
be poor. In Ashada year, irregular rains (4) to borrow money whenever
in some parts of the country and no rains necessary to sink wells, etc. This
in other parts will aSect the crops. In will be possible when Jupiter
SraVana year, timely rains, sufficient transits in positions favourable
enough,, will be helpful to have bumper to the agriculturists.
crops. In Bhadrapada year, pulses, grams,
etc., grow-in plenty. Position of food will (g) Movement of wagons: Gemini
be satisfactory. In Aswayujayear, frequent denotes the availability of the wagons to
raim causes- much (growth of corns and trahsbip.the f.P9d material from the sur-
pulses. So, ona can observe how the rain, plus area'to" the scarcity one." If Gemini is
though said to be seasonal, is irregular ; afflicted, movement will be delayed and
in some years plenty and in a few years there will be panic in the areas depending
scanty. on the supplies.
(b) Labour: Though, in this age, (This will be after 23rd May 1965)
machines replace manpower to a great (a) Failure of crops, non-availability
extent, yet, due to the dearth of labour, of foodstuff and high price are threatened
(a) tilling cannot be done properly ; if Sun is conjoined with malefics in Scorpio
(b) fertilisers will not be used in and if evil planets are in Libra and
time; Sagittarius.
(c) harvest will be delayed and (b) Mars and Saturn square or in
thereby will cause loss l and opposition and Sun in Scorpio destroy
(d) it will be a problem to load crops. The prices will soar up. This
and unload the food materials. happens in November and December 1964.
Therefore, the good aspects among the (c) When Sun is in Scorpio, if there
is an evil planet in Taurus, there will be
planets transiting in the heavens promise good growth upto flowering, and then
good growth and plenty. Evil aspects the crops .will get destroyed.
threaten difficulty and famine. Jupiter
promises plenty of growth and satisfactory (d) Sun in Scorpio: Jupiter in
assistance to agriculturists from the Aquarius; Mars and Saturn in Capri-
Government. corn ; there will be hostile invasion,
dearth of food-stuffs and also disease.
Venus assures fertility, and splendid
yield. (e) Similar results are indicated when
Saturn and Jupiter are at the end of
Moon shows timely rain. Mercury Mesha-Aries.
indicates free movement, quick transport,., (f) But destruction of the crops due
speedy turn-over, etc. to floods is threatened when Saturn and
Saturn threatens famine, labour trouble, Jupiter conjoin either in Taurus or Leo.
black marketeers, and those who hoard (g).Mars, stagnant in any sign,
and are selfish, profiteers, etc. indicates drought.
Mars threatens loss by fire, famine, ' (h) Saturn and Mars conjoined
profiteers, those who adulterate and those together and retrograde in the same
who smuggle. sign threatens famine.
Rahu and Kethu indicate that the (i) Saturn, while getting separated
growth is not' satisfactory, busk will be from Rahu or Kethu after conjoining
more, and grain will be less. Disease and with either, indicates, that the crops
drought are portended. will be destroyed by locusts and pests;
Good growth of corns may be expected the commodity will be scarce.
(1) when malefics are in Aries and Taums, (j) In India, in the South, there will
and benefics occupy either Aquarius or be drought, disease, dearth and difficulty
Leo or Scorpio and Sun is in Scorpio. if Sun, Moon, Mars and 4£enus are
(2) If Sun is in Taurus, malefics are in 6 conjoined in any one of. the 7 stars
and 7 to Sun and benefics are in Ken'dhra counted from Makam.
to Sun, autumnal crop will be plentiful. (k) Jupiter, Moon and Mercury
(3) Sun in Sagittarius or Capricorn conjoined in any of the seven stars
or Aquarius conjoined with Jupiter, counted from Anuradha shows such evil
Mercury and Venus indicates. that the results in the West.
crops will flourish and the price will be (1) Sun, Venus and Mars in any of
T'iirr.77. " the 7 stars, counted from Dhanishta,
(4) Sun in Aries, and Mercury, shows evil in the North.
Jiipiter, and Venus in 2 to Sun shows (in) If they are in the remaining
that the crops will thrive and the price stars, we may expect the evil in the
will come down '■ eastern part of India.
People living in the following places The star, occupied, by an 'afflicted
will suffer:— planet, indicates dearth and scarcity
(a) If Sun is afflicted, Narmada, or danger to the following people,
Vanga, Orissa,~ Kalinga . and animal or foodstuff:—
Dravidas. 1. Aswani — Horse;
(b) If Moon is afflicted, "Kosala" 2. Bharani — Carnivals, husk-
will suffer. grain ;
(c) If Mars is afflicted, Godavari 3. Rohini — Agriculturists ;
and Ganges deltaic areas will 4. Mrigasirisham — Flowers, fruits;
(d) If Mercury is afflicted, Kausika 5. Arudhra — Grains, Rusk;
and Himalayan region will suffer. 6. Punarvasu — Costly grains ;
(e) If Jupter is afflicted^ Uttar 7. Pushyam — Barley, wheat,
Pradesh and Matsya will suffer. rice, sugar-
(f) If Venus is afflicted, Kaikaeya, cane, fish;
Iravathi suffer. 8. Ashlesha — Bulbs, roots,
(g) If Saturn is afflicted, Saurasbtre fruits;
and the disappearing portion 9. Poorva palguni — Salt, honey, oil;
of Saraswathi will suffer. 10. Uthra palguni — Fine corn ;
(h) If Rahu is afflicted, Mountain 11. Hastham — Grain-husk;
peaks and caves will suffer. 12. Chithra — Weavers-Pulses ;
(i) If Kethu is afflicted, Cholas 13. Swathi — Buds, bengal-
(Chinese and Afghans) will suffer. gram, pulses;
14. Visakam Gruengram, black
The commodities which will be gram, bengal-
scarce when a planet is afflicted are as gram;
follows:— 15. Anuradha — Autumnal
(a) Sun—Wheat, medicinal herbs produce ;
and greens, husk grain, pungent 16. Moolam — Roots, fruits,
substances ; seeds;
(b) Moon—Sweet, flower, fruit, 17. Poorvashada — Fish, aquatic
water, barley, rice, milk, salt; animals, aqua-
(c) Mars—Red ^ fruits, flowers ; tic fruits ;
jaggery; groundnut, drinks, mut- 18. Utbara Shada — Dry fruits;
ton, pulses, dhall, dry fruits, nuts, 19. Sravanam — Oils ;
breweries, toddy, chilly, pepper;
(d) Mercury—Ghue, green gram, oil, 20. Dhanjshta — Charred stuff;
oilseeds, vitamin " B''; 21. Sathabhisha — Aquatic products,
(e) Jupiter Bengal gram, beans, fat; fish;
(f) Venus—Rice, sugar, milk, pulses 22. Poorattadhi — Cowherds,
white in colour " Mochai slaughter house;
gooseberry (Vitamin "C"), 23. Utthrattadhi — Valuable corn ;
cardomam, condiments, ' 24. Revathi Aquatic fruits,
greens, butter, ghee (Vitamins flowers, salts,
A and D); etc.
(g) Saturn—She-buffaioes, milk, The best method of finding out the
gingelly, sesame, fish, mutton ; prosperity of a country in a particular year
(h) Rahu—Blackgram ; is to erect a chart for the moment at
(i) Kethu—Horse gram. whichSun, in its northern course, passes'
the Celestial Equator and apply the follow- It Libra rises and Venus is afflicted as it
ing principles to read out the result. For is an airy sign, due to storms, trees will be
India, take Capricorn 12° 20' as ascendant uprooted, the crops will be spoiled and the.
and read out the result. the yield will be very poor. Flowers,
luxury goods, condiments and perfumeries
The doubt may arise whether one is to will not be easily available. Women will
erect a chart when Sun enters Aries— suffer much.
Mesha according to Sayana or Nirayana
system. Gemini rising in the east and Mercury
getting afflicted show that there will be
The chart is to be cast for the moment storm twice in that year. Not only will
when Sun reaches the Vernal Equinox and the growth be poor, transport will be
is one the Celestial Equator—Sayana. difficult and thereby merchants will suffer.
Loss in transhipment is also threatened.
But the horoscope is to be made accord- Virgo rising and Mercury being afflicted
ing to Nirayana system, as stellar astrology show that the crops will be spoiled at the
is correct for prediction as the influence time when they are in flowers and before
of the planets gets modified according to they yield fruits. Large extent of land
the Lunar mansion transited by them. will be barren. Due to dry cold weather,
(1) Determine the ruler of the year by the flowers will get charred. Those who
working out the horoscope for the moment take lease and sign any agreement will lose
of Ingress of Sun in Sayana Aries and the miserably.
Latitude and Longitude of Delhi, the Cancer rising and Moon being afflicted
capital of India. Similarly, to each threaten with heavy rains, floods, breaches,
state and town, maps may be erected inundation, etc.; thereby the crops die out.
taking the latitude and longitude of the Occasionally, sand will bury the crops
capital town. (viz. 1923 floods in Tanjore district).
(Suppose a child is born at that moment Leo rising and Sun being also afflicted
when Sun is in Vernal equinox, in the portend drought and disease.
capital, how you will erect a horoscope so
you do. Then how the result for the first Sagittarius rising and Jupiter being.
year of the child is read from the chart, . afflicted show that the seeds will be of
so also find out the result for the country. poor quality ; -scarcity of rain and mone-
Similarly, note for the coming year.) tary difficulties are the evil results.
(2) If Aries rises and the lord of sign Pisces rising and Jupiter being afflicted
-Mesha also afflicted, there will be difficulty threaten breaches, floods and washing away
due to fire, drought, heat, war, riots, of the fertiliser; growth and yield will be
unhealthy season, misfortune, poor growth much afflicted. Capricorn rising and
of crops etc: Saturn being afflicted indicate labour
Scorpio being the ascendant rind Mars trouble, disease among cattle, cold and
also being afflicted, there is loss due to locust, insects' menace.
floods, breaches, locusts, bacteria, etc. Aquarius rising and Saturn being
afflicted there will be high and strong
If Taurus is the Lagna. and both the winds, withering away of the flowers, dry
Lagna and Venus receive bad.aspects or cold weather and very poor yield.
conjoin with malefics, there will be
much of snow and cold, flowers will get But good aspects to the ascendant and
i,charred,:fruits will be-.spoiled,, animals,; •to the lord of the ascendant show that !
and birds also will destroy the crops. the people will be healthy and prosperous,
Greens, milk jmd fruits will be in successful, and cr-urp ■ the abundance of
■demand.~ food materials, absence of infectious
diseases and low price of the commodities
are promised. , Mercury
25° 9' Jupiter O3!
Sun 6° 44' Rahu 24° 32
Ashada. The Moon passing through Venua 1° 3'
Poorvashada and Uthrashada at that
time indicates destruction of seeds, ruin
of forests and damage by fire.
When the eclipse occurs in the lunar 1-35 A.M.
month of Ashada, the banks of lakes 1965-66
and rivers will be destroyed, and shortly Ayaaamsa 23° 16'
after, rivers will run dry.
One of the important indications is
"If Saturn is in sIoh> motion at the time 'Ascendant Neptune
when Jupiter enters the next sign in its . 9=23' 26a3I'B
accelerated motion and if Venus is also (Lagna) Moon 1° 56'
eclipsed and Mercury gets separated from
Sun, there will be famine in the country in
spite of the sincere efforts by the Govern-
ment." This goes on between July 64 and
March 65. Now let us cast the horoscopes In the chart erected for 1964-6$, the
for the years 1964-65 and 1965-66 for the Lagna is at 22° 20' Virgo-Kanni.
City Delhi (Capital of India) for the
moment at which Sun reached the Celes-
tial Equator during its northern course. The lord of this sign is in 7, debilitated
and conjoined with Sun, lord of 12. Lord
1964-65 of Lagna was in the constellation of
On Friday 20-3-1964 at 7-39'30" P.M. Saturn, lord of 6. Therefore the health
I.S.T., Sun reached the Vernal equinox— of the people will be affected and the lord
Sayana (6" 45') Pisces-Meena-Nirayana as of the constellation threatens with cold,
Ayanamsa is 23° 15'. flu, dengue, etc. Also, Mercury in the
constellation of lord of 6 and in a watery
The Horoscope cast according to. sign portends pollution of water and
Nirayana system is as under:—■ spreading of water-borne diseases.

13° 57' Jupiter
i°24' Moon3P IB'
Sun Venus Rahu 13* 54' 6th house indicates the availability of
e°45' 21° 21' Mc 23° 5' food materials to the public, especially
middle-class people, as the low-born and
ill-bred people can exploit the situation
Mars whereas the rich can anyhow manage. 6th
29° 49' house is Aquarius, It is owned by Saturn.
Sani 6° 21' It is in the constellation of Mars, lord of
7-39-30 P.M. 8. Hence there will be a lot of difficulty
1964.1965 to procure " the need. Mars indicates
quarrel, competition, black-market, un-
~ lawful action, etc. Might is right. Police
action is necessary to maintain law and
.ordef,..1Lqpting, riots, etc. are not ruled
out."" ' ''

[To be continued]

Don't be Corrupt: Be Correct: It is will be outwardly honest but in-

not the need to earn more, that makes wardly dishonest.
one to be corrupt. Greedy persons, never
contented with the fortune they have, (0 Jupiter and Mercury, afflicted by
but ever dissatisfied, stoop down to any malefics, will not allow one to be
level, without regard to prestige, honour, honest, straightforward and true,
morals and character and become but he will be an expert in recei-
corrupt. Where is- peace of mind for ving' bribes.
them ? How can they command respect
from others? What is the difference Contentment is the manifestation of
between a brothal and a corrupt person? Venus and the Sign Taurus. Those
What a life it is to expect, demand, and persons are usually satisfied with simple
receive illegal gratification ? What a things. They are not avaricious.
shame it is to appear in a Court of Law
as a corrupt person when your subordi- Discontent and greedy nature arise
nates give evidence against you,- The whenever the Ascendant falls in movable
corrupt persons are the most ungrateful signs and the lord of the ascendant is
people. They may favour the parties afflicted by malefics from cardinal signs.
either by doing harm and injustice to their Saturn in a watery sign causes dissatisfac-
opponents or they may favour the parties tion. He will be always needy. - He may
against the. procedure, policy and the not be greedy. But during Saturn sub
principles of the department. They will period and in the sub period of the planet
be fradulent also. which afflicts Saturn, he may, once in his
(a) In their horoscopes, the houses life time, receive some illegal gratification,
3, 4 and 5 will be occupied by will be taken to task by . the authorities
malefics. and Will be victimised.
If Saturn is in Cancer in the second
(b) Lords of 8 and 10 may be in house, one will be avaricious. If it is
the 4th house. conjoined with malefics, he is born to live
'(c) Mars and Mercury will conjoin on bribes alone.
and aspect the Ascendant or the .Moon in Aries, afflicted by Saturn
lord of the Ascendant. makes one greedy. He will. not hesitate
to accept anything that is offered.
(d) Even though Jupiter may be in
the ascendant, the adverse aspect If Saturn and Rahu are in 9, aspected
of Mars makes one greedy and by Gulika, the person can be bribed
,i,tO;.foHow;Ilis.own rule. a. x-easily. But he will speak philosophy.
- (e) Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Kethu When the lord of the ?th house occu-
in the 4th house, owning evil pies the 12th house, the native will be
houses, indicates that the person mean and avaricious.
The man born in Kemadruma yoga
may be inclined to accept illegal gratifica- Lagna
tion.- He will not attach any importance Ketbu Sun
to character. Mars
In Ashtagavarga, if the Bindhus—figures
in the houses 1,4,5,7, 9 and 10 are added Jup.
and if this total is greater than the totals Merc.
of the Bindhus in other houses, be will be Born On
contented and will never degrade himself. 2—7—1919
at sunrise
" Bribe " received from others is worse Moon
than the money taken by a prostitute in a Saturn
locality, where the Brothal Act is in force.
If, in one's chart, such combinations are
found, one must try to overcome them. Rahu
(a) Pray to " Satya Narayana " indi-
cated by Jupiter and Mercury.
(b) Use pure gold ring. Why? Jupiter in exaltation is conjoined
(c) Avoid blue and red stones. with. the lord of Lagna and is in Lagna
Bhava. Mars gives courage, independent,
The following is the chart of an officer spirit and confidence in his capacity to
who cannot be bribed at all. carry on bis duties without fear or favour.
K. Ganapathy
13, Brahmifl Street, Saidapet, Madras-l5.
Sagittarius-is the ninth sign of the Jupiter is the ruler of this sign'. No
Zodiac. It is also 30° in longitude. It planet gets exalted in Sagittarius, nor does
extends from 240th degree from Vernal any become debilitated here. But Mer-
Equinox (Aries 0°—Mesha 0°) to 210*. Sun cury is said to have its detriment here.
moves away from the celestial Equator to
the southernmost of the Sun's path of Sun,"Moon and Mars are said to occupy
Ecliptic. their friend's house when they are in this
sign. Saturn, Venus and Mercury are
The constellations or the stars, other- considered to be in enemy's camp when
wise called Nakshathras, Moolam.Poorva- they are in Sagittarius.
shada and Uthrashada first quarter are
contained in this sign, Sagittarius. Sagittarius is pictured as half-man with
bow and arrow and half horse. " Two
According to Sayana System, Sun birds at a shot" is indicated by Dhanus.
nowadays, enters Sagittarius around 23rd God Narasimha not only killed Hiranya
November and leaves it around December Kasipu but also saved Prahlada as it is a
22nd. Sun remains in this sign for nearly dual sign. 5th house shows initiation of
30 days, a little less than 30, so that Sun Mantra and the 10th house denotes what
moves daily, approximately 1 degree and one practises.-Mars rulesthe5thhouseand
1 minute. Those who are bom between Mercury the 10th ; Mars indicates Pouru-
23rd November and 22nd December are sham—Courageand militant type, whereas
considered as Sagittarians as in their Mercury suggests " Vaishnav ". Hence
horoscopes erected by Sayana Western Lord.Narasimha Avathar alone is said to
System, Sun will be marked in Sagittarius. be a dreadful, awe inspiring, frightful and
ferocious avathar of God Vishnu. In
According to Nirayana System, throu- Sagittarius, the constellation Poorvashada
ghout Kaliyuga, Sun will enter Sagittarius governed by Venus is called human
on the 15th December and after passing "Naran", whereas Uthrashada ruled by
through the constellations Moolam, Sun, owning Leo, the Lion,- means
Poorvashada and Uthrashada first quarter, "Simha-". As Sagittarius is a dual one
will leave it on the 14th January every containing "Nara" and " Simha this
year. Therefore Sun will be shown in sign indicates God Narasimha.
Sagittarius, in the horoscopes of those
who are born between 15th December and Its ruler is Jupiter, Jehovah, the Savi-
i4th January, any year, if the charts are our. If one is suffering from any disease
erected according to Nirayana System. or meets with an accident, his life will be
saved and hence it is said that Jupiter's
Sagittarius is the 9th Sign of the Zodiac. favourable aspect means that one will
But it is the first sign governed by Jupiter. enjoy "Providential Help". Mr.Evange-
It is a fiery sign, fixed, common, positive, line Adams in "Astrology for Every one"
^masujline, ,h.ot,, dry,.4ual-xdouble bodied , isays/'lf Jupiter js with, you,, nobody can ..
- (the first half of Dhanus is human ; the be against you ". But the editor says " If
second half is animal—bestial). It is" of Jupiter is with you nothing can go against
long ascension. your interests
Physical Features Looic at the embarassed position of the
A well-proportioned and a well-develop- astrologer in the presence of new clients".-
ed body ; tall, large forehead : high and Another Sagittarian enters a lawyer's
bushy eyebrows; long nose ; bright eyes; chamber and behaves similarly, as he lost
charming appearance; graceful-look; fair his case.
complexion and handsome figure.
Another Sagittarian places a surgeon in.
Characteristics a similar bad situation, when the patient
died though he was informed that the
Sagittarius is a fiery sign. Hence you operation was successful.
will be bold, courageous and pushful.
You will be ambitious, greedy and aspi- Hence Sagittarians should be given
ring. You will have hope against interviews only when the practitioners are
. hope and will invariably look on the alone.
bright side of things. You will not be Sagittarius being the 9th sign of the
timid. You will not flutter nor fear and Zodiac, you will try to have higher educa-
tremble even in adverse conditions. You tion. You are fond of long travel. You
will be dauntless and with self-confidence have the desire to develop friendship with
you will work against odds. You are at foreigners. You are highly philosophical,
your best only when there are obstacles. religious minded and God-fearing.
Fiery sign gives you energy and enthu-
siasm, vigour, vitality, etc. Of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the first 8
signs indicate worldly pleasures and pains.
Being a common sign, it indicates that But the houses 9 to 12 denote Para-Loka
you will weigh the merits and demerits of Sadhanam.
each case and finally take a decision.
Aries people will be impulsive and rash, First house shows one's health; second
whereas Sagittarians "are those who act finance, speech and vision ; third shows
after deep consideration. You may delay brothers and sisters ; 4th mother, house,
to start a work or undertake any. venture, land, studies and conveyance; 5th children;
because you would have taken time to sixth disease; 7th partner in life and at
contemplate, plan and scheme. last 8th indicates death.
Being a masculine sign, you do not. Ninth denotes Dharma; tenth Artha;
hesitate to think, speak out or act as you eleventh Kama; twelfth moksha. Thus
desire. You love only truth. You hold Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are
on to your principle to the last, even indicated by the houses 9 to 12. The
though you are aware that your action Zodiacal signs 9 and 12 are ruled by
may bring unpleasant results, You will Jupiter as it gives Moksha by doing
speak out what you feel right, without Dharma. Therefore Sagittarius is the
-considering how others will relish such sign which signifies " Dharma''.
statements. Jupiter, being the lord of the sign, gives
you broad mind, tolerance, confidence,
- .An astrologer was in the midst of a truth, mental equilibrium, spiritual uplift,
dozen new clients. When they were about etc. You will be fond of sport; your
to consult, a Sagittarian, an old customer, outstanding features are justice, sympathy
came in and said "Sir, better you give up and courage. You will have quick grasp
your profession. Your predictions have and retentive power as the 9th and 10th
gone west. Not one came true. Honestly I houses to Sagittarius are governed by Sun
tell you, better you learn more before you and Mercury, which are mostly found in
' earn... Nqt.onlVjhas your prediction sign-oausing-Niptlha yogi.. -!!■>.' - r
ffiisefafily failed'as regards my promotion
in service ; I am shocked to understand So Sagittarians understand quickly and
that-I will be retrenched - ssimilate new"ideas! Your intuition will
be correct. You are for justice. If you will be recognised. You will be elevated
find that someone is done injustice, you and honoured.
will fight out and arrange that the victim Moon in Sagittarius makes you jovial
gains his or her rightful claims. good-humoured, hopeful, enthusiastic.
Venus generally indicates what one You may have day-dreams. You will
will like most. As Venus owns the ^ be easily provoked. You will lose your
temper quickly. Butallwill like you, since
sixth house, you will have dogs and you will forget and forgive immediately,
other pet animals. As lord of 11, you after such an incident and later do them
will have many benefactors. You desire more good than what they expect. The
to be in the midst of the opposite sex. whole world may be friendly with you
You make friendship in a moment and but you cannot keep good relationship
you maintain it for a long number of with your parents and very close relati-
years. ves. You will be quick, active, restless,
As Moon owns the 8th house, you will alert and unsettled. You are inclined
have unnecessary distrust and. you will to walk, ride and travel. You wish to
change your opinion often. be a good sportsman. You are studious
and you have the inclination for the in-
So far, the characteristics of those vestigation of religion. You will be good
born in Sagittarius are given without . in philosophy, law, commerce and foreign
any modification. But planets, ascen- affairs generally. You arc a born teacher.
ding in Sagittarius, will modify, inten- You will become popular and will be a
sify or nullify a few of them. successful politician.
Mars in the ascendant in Sagittarius,
Suppose Sun was rising in the east at makes you frank, candid, straightforward
the time of your birth in Sagittarius; and impulsive. You will be original and
it gives lofty ideals and aspiration. independant in thought; bold and acting
You pray that the whole world should according to your conscience, without
lead a happy life. You are not selfish. minding the opinions of others. You will
How many people are-there who pray take up with courage and confidence any "
to God " Give me Health & Wealth"? enterprise. You will have a fund of in-
Not only that. " Please, with your Pasa teresting and instructive information. You
Ankusam pr Thirusoolum chop off will be a good sportsman. You.will prove
my enemy's or i competitor's head." to be a good Mechanical Engineer, an
Why ? They are interested only in them- able surgeon, an intelligent advocate, a
selves. But Sagittarians wish to come strenuous explorer,' a tactful military
up in their life along with others. They officer, a satisfying husband or pleasing
are pleased" in their promotion, if it wife. If Mars is afflicted, never speculate.
comes in a chain and the vacancy falls If Mar's receives good aspect, you will
due to the promotion of the senior- always win in competition, election,
Saturnians, whether they wish or not, sports, lottery, speculation, etc-
will have their promotion due to the
demise of the senior; Mercurians have Mercury gives ambition, generosity,
it when the senior is transferred and so sincerity and wisdom. You will have a
on. religious and philosophical turn of mind.
You do not respect the conventions which
Sun in Sagittarius indicates that will not suit your independant and modern
you liked by all your friends views. If you are a girl, you will be a
and acquaintances as you will be modern girl, when Mercury is there. But
.philanthropic, helpful, accommodating, Venus also in the same sign makes you
gracious,* "considerate hnd'' W:irm hc.lrLcd. '' ''"a thodest 'girl/ ' You are -fond of .frequent'.
You will have. success in lavy, company travels. You like frequent changes ; you ,
law, finance department, Civil Enginee- will fondle with pet animals and will
ring, religion and politics. Your services gain through vehicles. You appreciate
Nature. Hence you leave the city often tion and correct intuition ; you will be
and visit villages and hilly stations. You very bold and adventurous. You will try
will be a good philosopher, mathemati- to be independant. You will come in
cian, journalist, publicity officer, travel contact with foreigners and make good
agent, adviser. Secretary, auditor, Engi- friendship with them. You will specialise
neer or medical consultant. You are both in the subjects you study and you are a
intelligent and intuitive. well-informed and' wide-awake worker
Jupiter in Sagittarius gives those charac- with sound knowdedge in the subject-
teristics given in general. It makes you a Great" astrologers and astronomers are
sportsman, a trainer, a jockey etc. You born with Uranus in this sign.
will be interested in shipping, science and Neptune in the ascendant in Sagittarius
speculation. You will gain popularity and makes one devoted to God. You will
prosperity. You will be a successful respect the elders and religious people.
politician. Generally people born in Your dreams will come to pass. You will
Sagittarius or Pisces with Moon or Jupiter have occult , experience, clairvoyance,
will be a minister in all ministries, clairaudience etc. Long travel, big
showing their ability, tact, etc. Above all enterprises and much assistance from
is their luck. Jupiter makes a good strangers and bankers are indicated by
lawyer, a financier, preacher of religion, Neptune.
teacher of economics, banking, philo- Thus planets occupying the' ascendant
sophy etc., etc. modifies the body-build, mental make-up,
Venus in Sagittarius makes you intuitive conduct and character, disease and
and imaginative; you will be fond of fine service.
arts and romance. You will be good in Characteristics to be corrected: If the
out-door games. Social and financial ascendant or the planet in the Ascendant
success, worship of goddess, study of philo- is afflicted, even though you are mostly
sophy and chemistry, are given by Venus. good, yet your behaviour occasionally
One will estimate and assess taxes if Venus will be inconsiderate. You may lack
is in Sagittarius and has any connection tact. None else can praise you better
with the houses 2, 6 or 10. You will than what you can do. Exaggeration and
gain through many sources. You may continuous speech without truth are also
gain in races, speculation and cards. You shown. You will make many promises
may serve in shipping, airport or deaf in but you will not keep them up. Do not
luxurious commodities. It is not unlikely insult or hurt others by giving your
that one has the chance to have more than opinion even though you may be correct.
one union. Be a moderate. Do not develop hatred
Saturn in Sagittarius shows that you towards your parents and brothers.
will not be self-centred. You will help Health: Sagittarius governs the hips,
everybody. You will respect law. You
are religious-minded. You will work for the thighs, the reins, ilium, femur, buttocks,
the general public, especially for the glutaeus muscles, sacral arteries, etc.
uplift of the oppressed. You will he having' Hence one may suffer from sciatica,
humanitarian views. You have prophetic rheumatic pain, fracture in the hip,
insight. You do not wish to be honoured lumbago, gout, eosonophilia, lung
by others. You want to assist without any trouble. Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius
return. You will not-care for name and cause fracture of the bones as also ulcer
fame. But if Saturn is afflicted, you will in the thigh needing the surgeon's aid.
have troubles in public activities, scandal,
'•ill-repute sand1'also'^nerWus'11 bfeakdbwn. - Jupiter in Dhanus-threatens''-thtr•nat^ve• <
You will be insincere and cynical, with gout and pulmonary apoplexy.
Jupiter in Poorvashada . star causes
Uranus in Sagittarius is good fdflesearch- diabetes. Saturn alone indicates contu-
and invention. You will have premoni- sions of the hips, T.B,, chronic pulmonary
disease, asthma etc. Mood indicates will spend on educational institutions,
bronchitis, pneumonia, diabetes. Sun or renovation of temple, etc. You will be
causes defective hearing and poor vision. kind to others and not to your kith and
Yenus indicates tumour, diabetes etc. kin. At home you are a failure, even
Mercury showshiccough, asthma, etc. though the 4th house is owned by the lord
To Sagittarius, Mercury is a Rajayo- of the ascendant. You are denied the
gadhipathi, by owning the 10th house. It independence which you desire to have in
is also theBhadhaka Sthana adhipathi by your house.
owning the 7th house, as Sagittarius is a Friends and Benefactors: It is not at
common sign. (To chara rasi, 11th house; all difficult for you to make friendship
to fixed rasi, 9th house; to common sign with any one. In your experience you
7th house.)} Mercury is a Kendhrathipathi. will understand that you may have some
(Houses 1, 4, 7 and 10 are called Kendhra silly quarrel with a stranger on an impulse
Sthanas.) As houses 2 and 7 are termed and later you will develop permanent
as Maraka Sthanas, Mercury owning the friendship with him. It is similar to a
seventh house is the strongest evil also passenger who has taken his seat in the
(other than Rajayoga adhipathyam) to III class in the train and fights with a
cause fatal disease. person, who tries to get in. The person
Fipancc and Fortune: Being a fiery will take his seat just opposite to him.
sign, you do not like others ordering you; The train will steam off. It will run for
nor will you prefer to sit tight in one some minutes. Then gradually they begin
place and work. Your desire is to have to talk and before they reach the destina-
frequent changes. You fare well when tion, they become very friendly and each
you are given a free hand. takes the address of the other. Later
they become good friends. Similarly
As Jupiter rules this sign, you will be a Sagittarians and Gemini-people will make
teacher, public speaker, bank employee, friendship. 11th house shows friends and
or one attached to any religious institu- benefactors. 6th house indicates enmity
tion. Politics^ will prove to be lucky if and open quarrel. To Gemini-borns
Jupiter is not afflicted. Mars is lord of 6 and 11. To Sagittarius-
Mercury, being lord of 10, indicates that borns, Venus is the lord of the 6th.and
you may edit, publish and have larger 11th houses. Hence such results will be
income through advertisement. You will given by them, especially during their sub
be a good auditor. You may master periods.
Company-law. You will be a Civil Engi-
neering contractor. You may work in Invariably you will be liked by your
foreign embassy or in foreign affairs. friends. Your sweet smile and quick wit
Planets in any manner connected with will bring you many friends. People
houses 2, 6 or 10 occupying Sagittarius born on Fridays or in Taurus and Libra
can offer one service in mines, transport or in the nakshatbras Barani, Poorva-
and engineering also. Speculation will palguni and Poorvashada will be your
not be helpful and profitable to Sagitta- long-standing friends. Those horn in
rians, as lord of 5 is also lord of 12. But Hastham star will bring ill-repute to you,
those who have the lords of 1, 2, 3, 6 and as lord of 8 will be in the constellation of
11 posited in Poorvashada star will get lord of 8 in the tenth house.
rich quickly and they will have gains
without pains. Romance and Marriage: If you are a
male, your wife should be wise and tactful.
, Domestic Env ronments; .You do not Because, your temper will generally flare
Tike Vour'ciose reiafivVsi'^Kuf^Su''Sitl be" up *quickly and she can'undfi'rSlaiVd'that It
generous to the other sex and he friendly lasts only for a short time. So if she
with them. You will spend much on your understands you properly and conducts
children. Those who have no children herself tactfully, then the married life will
be pleasant. Further the male will be Mondays cause anxiety and troubles.
interested in games, sports, Society clubs, Tuesdays show extravagant expenses and
etc. Hence he will spend his time mostly loss. Sundays are pleasant and prosperous.
in other activities and it will appear as Saturdays indicate slow, steady progress
though his family life is not important to and assistance from others.
him. As he is a person of integrity and
morals, with maturity coming late in his Speculate on Fridays. If there is any
life, it is his wife who is to be broad- election, have the polling on Fridays. For
minded, adjusting and accommodative. litigation, Fridays and Saturdays are
successful ones.
If a person marries a girl born in Sagit-
tarius, the person is lucky. Whatever a Sign contracts on Wednesdays. Avoid
man expects of his wife, all those will be Mondays and Tuesdays. Make long
found in her. She will never interfere in journey on Sundays. Write examinations
bis affairs. She will not suggest anything on Thursdays or interview officials on
to her husband unless she is asked for. Thursdays and Fridays.
But with or without his knowledge, she
will try to be helpful to her husband. She Do Shanthi. Prayer, Homa, etc. on
will be calm,, clever, competent and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
considerate. Even though she is sure that Lucky Colour: White, cream, green,
her husband is wrong, yet she will be orange and light blue. Avoid red add
modest and polite to bring it to his notice pearls.
and with all humility offer him advice.
One is really lucky to marry a girl born in Emerald bestows on you name, fame
Sagittarius. reputation, larger yield from investment,
Houses 2, 7 and 11 indicate the partner. promotion and prosperity.
Second house is ruled by Saturn, seventh White cream shades show success in
by Mercury and eleventh by Venus. Hence litigation, victory over enemies, pleasure
these 3 planets who are friendly with one and profit.
another when well • posited and not
adversely aspected by Mars, give you the Orange colour is auspicious for
most reliable, faithful, dutiful, pleasant assistance from Government, connections
and intelligent wife. But'if Mars afflicts with foreigners and for long journeys.
lord of 2 and 11, then the partner may have
chances to have contact with more than Light blue indicates increase in self-
one. acquisition, good understanding with
colleagues, support from people in autho-
Children: Houses 2, 5 and 11 indicate rity and power.
the birth of children. So Saturn, Mars
and Venus are the lords. Your children If you use ruby and red colour, it makes
will not be fondled by you when they are you more short-tempered, rash and reck-
young. But as age advances, you will take less, resulting in great loss.
much interest in them. You should not Lucky numbers ; S, 5, 3 and 8. Of these
allow them to feel that you doubt their 6 and 8 are for finance, family and fortune.
behaviour, movements etc.; if you curb Avoid 2, 7 and 9.
their independence, they become more
obstinate and strong willed. It will not be Objects indicated by Sagittarius:
possible for you, to correct them. Therefore, Moolam constellation governs - medicine,
you must be very tractful in dealing withi physicians,, flowers, roots, fruits, seeds,
your children-
Lncky day: Wednesdays and Fridays Poorvashada shows fish, aquatic animals,
are very lucky, Thnrsrlays promise success. aquatic fruits and flowers.
Uthrasfaada in Sagittarius indicates Towns: Naples, Narbonne, Stutland,
horses, elephants, warriors, etc. (Brihat Avignon, Sheffield, Rottenberg, Cologne,
Samhita) arrows; spears; swords-; needles, Buda, Bradford, West Bromwich, Torouts,
poles, sticks, canes, rope, race horses, Toledo, Portland, Nottingham.
tooth picks, . crowbars, drills, chisels,
Ayurvedic medical herbs, etc. Countries: Australia, Arabia, Felix,
Places; Hills, in a house the topmost part of France, Madagascar, Hungary,
room, places next to the oven, stables of Sclaronia, Tuscany, Spain, Istria, Dalma-
healthy horses, receptacles for cattle, tia, Italy.
places where ammunition is stored and
weapons are preserved, churches, temples, Whom to Pray: Dakshinamurti, Jagadh
'schools and colleges, courts, woods and Guru; Lord Narasimha; better still,
bushes. Lakshmi-Narasimha.
Jupiter, the Greater Fortune, is a mas- foreigners, foreign collaboration, export
culine and warm planet- It governs over and import, editing, publishing, auditing,
the development of the body, mind and arguing in the court of law, Sales Tax,
monetary position- It offers hopeful out- income tax etc., judges, religion, Vedas,
look of life, courage to expand and purohits, lecturers, councillors, physicians,
improve one's business and the mind to bankers, clothiers, goldsmiths, Ayurveda,
follow strictly the moral law and the etc.
codihed laws of religion. It represents Third house governs younger brothers
"Sathva guna It gives dutiful children. and sisters, cousins, land journey, short
Jupiter is the index for the meritorious journey, correspondence, communication,
deeds done in the previous birth which propaganda, journalism, publications,
stand to one's credit. The bank balance postal, telegraph, telephone, radio, news,
in this life is controlled by Jupiter. rumours, neighbours, transfer, changes,
Third house indicates one's next agreements, contracts, understanding, etc.
younger brother or sister. Even though
Jupiter is masculine, one should not, In one's body, third house indicates the
without other corrective considerations, collar bone, the lungs, the arms, the
conclude that the younger will be a shoulders and the nervous system.
brother. But Jupiter promises that the For the nation, the third'house indi-
next younger will have smooth life and cates Railways, Postal, Telephone,
at least ultimate success in all enterprises. Telegram, Radio, Transport, Government
The relationship with the younger will be Press, Publications, Publicity, Propaganda,
cordial. the friendship or enmity with the coun-
Jupiter in the third house generally tries close by, Ambassador, consul-
gives birth in a well-to-do family. It also general, High Commissioner, Embassy,
assures that one will be able to make Aerodrome, etc.
much progress in his life. Third house includes health, longevity
Jupiter in the third house causes Vasu- and success of-the younger brother or
mathi Yoga and makes you independent sister, investment by, or loss to mother,
and you will command plenty of wealth. disposal of landed properly or vehicle,
change of residence and separation from
The strength of Jupiter.and its position mother: partner, pleasure and profit to
in the chart show how far one will be one's children, or wife's elder brother;
successful, fortunate and famous. Even uncle's profession; long journey to wife
if other planets are ill-posited, strong or to the partner in business i danger -
Jupiter in the third house promises good to father ; child birth to elder brother or
results through the matters signified by sister or a good friend whose ruling planet
houses 3, 7, 9 and 11, which are essential is that which either occupies or owns the
to have-a wealthy father, healthy wife, 11th house.
helpful friends and'dutiful-brothers.- " if lord of' Lagria ff6nris* 'gdfe3 ^aspect' '
Jupiter governs law, politics, finance, with Jupiter in 3, the native will be intelli-
education; administration, execution, gent, studious, religious-minded, simple,
literature, long journey, contact with unassuming and wise. You will lead a
contented life; you will attend to your If lord of 5 and Jupiter in 3 have good
work then and there. You will not be lazy. aspect, even in the train, plane, ship, bus
You will have fertile imagination, correct or car while making a journey, in the
intuition and prompt action. You will be short period, you will try to please your-
fond of frequent travels, touring and self by doing some mischief; you will have
refreshing the friendship often. If Jupiter pleasurable pursuits. You will be good in
receives adverse aspect from the lord of sports. You may act in the drama or
Lagna, you cannot have good relationship cinema. You may serve in the stock ex-
with younger brothers and sisters; you change or be a share-broker. Your
may lose money and valuables by pick- mother will incur loss. Your brother
pocketing and theft, even when you make will be transferred. Children form new
short journeys. Your trips will not bring friendship and gain without much effort.
any fruit. You will have no mind to Your wife will enjoy her life and be
study. It may be due to the loss of a happy. Adverse aspects produce most
close relative and a benefactor. undesirable results. One will not be able
to maintain prestige.
If lord of 2 forms favourable aspect
with Jupiter in 3, your younger brother Lord of 6, forming favourable aspect
will be rich and also liberal. He will be with Jupiter in 3, gives service in the
helping you at a moment's call. So departments, signified by Jupiter. You
also, whenever there is need, the neigh- may suffer from throat trouble or pul-
bour will lend his assistance. One can monary disease. You will have overdraft
be the editor and publisher. He will be a facilities and there will be no pressure for
good writer, reporter, correspondent and money from any quarter. Brother may
journalist. You may be employed as a purchase property or vehicle ; mother
camp clerk, travelling cashier, in mobile goes on a short tour or pilgrimage.
post, in mobile court, ticket examined, Children will make large profit and will
agent of a concern, representative oflt V have sound bank position. Partner will go
firm, inspector of other's work, artist ll^ on a long journey. Father will be trans-
Radio, Technician in Television, etc. Yoirt ferred in his service. Friends alone will
may hold any transferable post. Adverse have worries and anxieties-
aspect among lord of 2 and Jupiter in 3,
threatens difficulty to your children in Lord of 7, aspecting favourably Jupiter ■
their profession, and danger to your in 3, indicates that the younger brother or
father. sister will be quarrelsome and there will
be litigation, especially after the birth of
If lord of 3 and Jupiter in 3 are forming a child to your younger. Occasionally the
harmonious aspect, all the matters indica- litigation will be between yourself and the
ted by the third house will be beneficial person who owns a land next to yours.
to you. Your life will be smooth and Neighbours also may pick up quarrel
very pleasant. and the court may have to settle your
affairs, You may marry one who may
If lord of 4 and lord of 3 favourably be your neighbour or one living in a
aspect each other, you will be studious, place, very near to your place of residence.
scholarly, and successful in your scholas- Your partner may go overseas for higher
tic career. You will change your school, studies. You may not be able to fulfil any
College, hostel and residence very often. contract or agreement. If your father
You will thrive as a broker for lands and had been born in Chara rasi—movable
buildings. You may have hire-purchase sign as Lagna, the planet in 3 and the
system. Youv may be an , agent for car . ^lord^qf 7 ijj your chart will cause.anxiety ... ...
'Vehicles''etc." MoIher.ffia^ ''bi've -to -llVfe*" afcoiit his health who may prove fatal.
away from you. Children will make pro-
fit in a far-off place. Partner gains name, Lord of S forming an aspect with
fame and money in foreign places. Danger Jupiter in 3 gives larger profit from
to father is strongly threatened. permanent investment to your children,
It causes disease in your lungs and injury will be admitted in a. hospital far away
in your arms. from your residence. Your father will
Lord of 9 aspecting Jupiter in 3 is invest on vehicles,
auspicious for the husband and go Health: Jupiter in 3, afflicted by evil
on a long journey to have higher studies, planets, shows that one may have moles in
and to submit thesis and come out success- the neck, above thecollar bone, in the shoul-
ful. You will be interested in philosophy, der blade, arm, wrist and finger. Sun,1 afflic-
religion, research, etc. Marriage to the ting Jupiter, causes Bosouophitra. Moon
younger, enmity and loss to mother, afflicting Jupiter indicates Pleurisy. Mars
gains without pains to children and threatens boils, burns, injury, fracture, etc.
anxious ill*health to father are also Mercury portends paralysis, some idiosyn-
indicated. crasies and cancer in the upper lobe of the'
Lord of 10, forming good aspect with Lungs. Venus afflicting Jupiter affects the
Jupiter in 3, indicates that you will earn throat and also the voice. Saturn denotes,
more as an agent to another, as Liason Tuberculosis. Sun, Saturn and Mars afflic-
officer or representative. Also you may ting Jupiter causes Asthma or amputation
serve in Information and Broadcasting, of the arm. Saturn and Mars forming
Publicity and Propaganda, Telegraph or unfavourable aspect threatens accident and
Transport, Postal or Radio, touring officer, fracture of the collar bone or the hands.
Inspector of Bank, Inspector of Schools, hor those born in Aries Ascendant,
Councillor, embassy, ambassador, etc. Jupiter in the 3rd house in Mrigasirisba is
You may work in any newspaper as a ev j| Your short tempej and quarrelsome
reporter or editor. nature will not allow you to enjoy smooth
Lord of 11, throwing favourable aspect family-life. You will marry one who
to Jupiter in 3, promises good relationship comes from a family not already related
with close relatives, neighbours and collea- to you. If Jupiter is in Arudhra, note
gues. There will be both social and where Rabu was in the horoscope. Accor-
financial success. Profit in speculation, dingly you have to read the result. If
gain by lottery are promised. One may Jupiter is in Punarvasu, you will go to a
stand surety to anybody provided Jupiter far-off place and settle there. You have to
does not rule the houses 8 and 12. You lead a careful life : otherwise you will
will have many pen friends. Your youn- be cheated by your neighbours and
ger brother may go on a long journey or colleagues.
may appear for any competitive examina- If are born ;n Ta jupjter in
tion. Mother fa«s many difficulties due Punarvasu 4th pada may be in the third
to secret inimical activities. Children get house. you may not be friendly with
married or join others as partners in any neighbours. There can be some trouble,
business. But ultimately, you will gain, you will have
Lord of 12, forming aspect with Jupiter satisfactory profit in your undertakings,
in 3, threatens that you will be a victim Short travels will be fruitful. As an
to cheating. You may be charged Insurance agent you will be successful,
for forgery and fraud. Your colleagues Jupiter in Pushyam star is auspicious to
will let you down miserably : neighbours Taurus-borns. It gives you service in
will prove to be unreliable. If you stand Investment Finance Corporation, embassy,
surety to anybody, you will pay the penal- etc. You may be a broker for investment
ty for your generosity. Never stand surety shares. You will gain by foreign colla-
to anybody. You will have loss, anxiety boration, export, import, mine products,
and disappointment. Your . l)r6iherviW<ll.' Statp Trading Corporationi'kerosene, etc.
gain satisfactorily. To your mother, long jupifer'in Ashlesha makes you a* gbod"''
journey and loss in a foreign place, is correspondent, editor, publisher, jouma-
threatened. Your children—will lose -listv inspector, -auditor, lawyer etc. It
money in speculation and in their transac- gives grand success .in investment, shares,
tiOns, Your wife will have ill-health and commission and as an income tax advisor,
it offers quick grasp and retentive power.' visit the hospital and meet tlie medical
You can expect sudden and unexpected bill due to the serious ailment of your
gains through lottery, races, etc. child. [Why 7 Jupiter is lord of 6 to Libra
Jupiter in Makam star will be in the which is the Sth to Gemini. Libra indicates
the children of Gemini-borns. Jupiter as
third house to Gemini-bornj. - Depending lord of Pisces owns the 6th house to Libra.
on the position of Kethu you have to give Venus owns Libra and the Sth house to
the results as follows: Libra. Hence when Jupiter occupies the
(a) As lord of 7, a Kendbradhi pathi, Bhadhakasthana Leo to Libra, owning the
a Bhadhakasthana ad hi pathi and Maraka 6th house to Libra and situated in the
sthana adhipathi in 3, what can it do ? constellation of the lord of 8, Venus, it has
Suppose Guru (Jupiter) and Kethu are to give such results alone.] One may serve
conjoined in 3, what result it will give, in stock exchange. One may be connected
you have to expect. (Kethu should be with music, opera, cinema, drama, etc.
considered as the lord of the house, in Jupiter in the constellation of Sun in
which it was posited.) If Kethu is in Uthrapalguni star offers an Inspector's job,
Aries, you have to infer that Guru and banking, propaganda, publicity, Govern-
lord of II are conjoined in 3 and then the mentservice, assistance from bank, judges,
result is to be judged. If Kethu had assistant in the legal or finance department,
occupied Libra, as it will represent the success in competitive examination, etc.
lord of the sign Libra, Venus, who also Children will fall ill during the conjoined
owns the 12th house the results are to be periods of Jupiter and Sun. The partner
considered as though the lord of 7 is will change the residence, proceed on a
conjoined with Venus who owns 5 and 12,' long journey and will have higher educa-
when Kethu is in 5 and Jupiter is in tion.
Makam. [Thus for other rasis also, one is to
Jupiter in 3 in Poorvapalguni . star judge the results in this manner. After
indicates loss of money through pleasura- some months, to each rasi-boms, each
ble pursuits, or by speculation and with- planet in each star and sub will be dealt
drawal of money to buy furniture or to with elaborately.]
(FOUNDED: 1-4.1963)
(Astronomy Madu "Easy)
Phone: 42449

Jyothlsha Marthand
13, Brahmin Street, Saidapet

Vol. 3. FEBRUARY 196S No. 2.

Title—Jyotish Marthand—Conferred
on the Editor 3
Letters to the Editor :
Gain by Lottery 5
Easy Method to Clear off Loans 7
Letter to Editor :
Marriage 21
Overseas 27
Profession 30
The Ephemeris 34
Sidereal Time 36
Aspects and their Significance (Conid.} 40
Letter to the editor
in spite of the so-called Sade-Sati. It is
really a pleasant surprise that I have got
When I wrote a letter to you last month Rs, 500/- as a prize for the prize bond of
asking you to explain how you could be Rs. 5/- denomination purchased by me on
honoured at a lime when you had sade- 16-4-1960 (on your advice) and the draw
sathi-seven-and-half, I had, in fact, my was held in Bombay on 1-12-1964. The
horoscope in my mind, as, in Bombay number of my prize bond is A.H. 2,68,076
all are frightening me by saying that I am This is for your information.
having 7J years Saturn. The chart is as
under:— Where is the end for one's ambition ?
Now' I am waiting to sec what fortune I
will have after March 1968 as you have
said already. Do you confirm? I am also
visiting Tirupati so that your prediction
will come true again.
As a token of my appreciation, I am
Born 10-30 A.M. sending an advertisement for our magazine.
Rasi Yours sincerely,
(K. V. R. Dorai, Bombay)
296, A. Central Avenue Road, Chamber,
30th December, 1964
Answer. (31—12—1964)
Happy New Year to you and to all the
members of your family. Very happy to
——— —— — know that you had come by fortune and
eS„„ thereby the prediction also has proved to
KZ : be true.
navamsa 1 Sade-Sati is ah excuse for the astrologer
with half-baked knowledge, to explain the
Me'rciiy never ending difficulties and worries of a
native! It is a meaningless' Slogan
You are now running Rahu Dasa, Moon
Saturn Bhukti, Sun Anthra. Actually you received
' the cash on Monday ruled - by Moon, in
: Swathi Star day ruled by Rahu. Why 7
You may remember that when you Houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11, receiving
visited Bombay in April 1960, you pre- favourable aspects promise victory over
/•dieted rtbat;! should;-have*..gains:uKithoutint>',«enemiesr;TuSuccess. in . litigation; .win,
pains on various occasions in my life and competition and gain in lottery, games,
one of the dates was in December 1964 etc.
5th house shows the mind to speculate ; will cause loss to you and show disap-
the tendency, the opportunity to bet, etc, pointment. But planets in 1, 2, 3, 6, 10
Houses4, 5,.7, 8, 9 and 12receiving good and 11 indicate gains to you.
aspects threaten loss and when the aspects Moon and Sun are in 11. Therefore
are adverse, promise gain. First of all,- you had this, as predicted, during Rahu
one should consider whether Lagna is Dasa, Moon Bhukti, Sun Anthra on a day
stronger the Moon sign. Lagna is occupied governed by Moon and at the time when
by Rahu and Lord of Lagna is in the Moon transited in Rahu's star, Swathi.
4th house—If we take the Moon Sign, it is
occupied by the Sun, the lord of 8 and While Saturn was transiting in the other
Saturn, the lord of the Moon Sign, is in ' constellation of Rahu—Sathabisha, you
the 12 to Moon. Hence one can take received the prize. Saturn is lord of 11
Lagna as the stronger of the two. and 12. It shows that you will gain and
at once, make purchases.
Further, I have received your letter
today, Thursday, when the star is Anu- Whenever one tries to find results by
radha. Therefore the ruling planets are transit, it is necessary to note primarily the
Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. The Ascendant transit of the dasanatha and then, of all
at the time of receipt of your letter is other planets.
Pisces. Hence, Pisces is taken as the You are running Rahu dasa. Rahu is
Ascendant, the first house and the result is transiting (according to Krishnamurthi
offered. Padhdhathi) in Taurus, in Mrigasirisha
The fifth house is Cancer. It is owned star governed by Mars and in Saturn sub
by Moon. It was in Sravanam star, ruled by Saturn.
governed by Moon itself. So Moon gives Mars owns the second house and Saturn
you the mind to speculate. Moon was in the 11th So you gain.
Capricorn, in the eleventh sign and the
11th Bhava. Therefore gain without Mars owns the 9th house ; Saturn rules
much effort is assured duringits sub-period the 12th; so you make a long journey to
as, in your lifetime, in future, you cannot Tirupathi.
have Moon dasa.
Mars owns the 2nd house and Saturn
Sun owns Leo, the 6th house. It is in owns the 12th. Hence you made purchases.
its own constellation. What is the 6th
house? Many, by mistake, think that it Mars owns the 9th house and Saturn the
indicates only debts and diseases. They 11th house. So you renew the friendship
miss to note that it causes luck also. 7th and you enjoy your life.
house shows those who make similar Right.
attempts. in speculation—your competi- During the neat one year, such chances
tors. Is not the 6th house, twelve to 7 ? will not repeat.
Does it not indicate loss to them? There-
fore, loss to competitors means gain to But after Rahu dasa ends on 17-1-1966,
you. During Sun Bhukti, you alone had during Jupiter Dasa, Saturn Bhukti, as I
promotion. Further, Sun in 11, in Capri- already predicted, after March 1965, you
corn, will ever offer you success. will have fortune to a greater extent. As
Rahu, the beneficial node, representing Mercury's sign Gemini is occupied by
Jupiter was in Pisces, in your ascendant. Jupiter, and Gemini is the third sign of the
It was in Revathi star in the constellation Zodiac, try lottery. Never go to races.
of Mercury who occupies the 10th house Wait for March 1968.
and .receives the aspect from Jupiter.
Mercury, as lord-* (rf'-J4V'" ,if 'if'wOuld hdve'
been in 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 or 12 to your lagna. K.S.K.
Loan is raised either when one spends or Sixth house denotes debts. What is a
has to spend more than what he has on loan 7 It is an income to the person! His
hand as also his income. Therefore, to bank position improves by borrowing. To
know why and when debt is incurred, the the person lending money, the sixth house
horoscopes are to be examined to ascertain is the twelfth to the 7th; i.e., it is a dete-
how money is earned or received and the rioration in his bank position to the extent
cause of one's necessity to spend as well to which he advances the loan. There-
as the extent to which he is to meet the fore debt is the receipt of money by the
expenses. person who borrows and expenses to one
Second house indicates one's bank who lends.
position, cash on hand and readily cash- As parting with money for expenses
able movable property. Tenth house may be to discharge one's debts, 12th
shows one's profession and inheritance. house of a person shows clearing off loans
Eleventh house is the balance sheet indi- or part-payment towards the debts already
cating one's net profit. One may earn incurred. Is not the 12th house, the sixth
money through the houses 1 to 10 [i.e., from the 7th ? Hence to the native who
first house, by his exertion; second self- borrows from this person or who
aquisition; third through brother, short receives back the loan, already lent, the
journey, touring, agency, editing; 4th, 12th house indicates the receipt to the
education or transport department or man with whom the transaction is done
through mother; Sth through speculation, and who is indicated by the 7th house.
cinema, music, children; 6th by serving
others ; 7th by business and through Hence the 6th house indicates raising of
partners; Bthbyinsurance,legacy ; 9th long loan (receipt of money) and the 12th house
journey, connection with foreigners; 10th denotes repayment of loan or expenses.
through his own profession, business or Kalidas in Uthra-Kalamritha has said that
ancestral property]. The house 12 indi- 12th house is to be judged for clearing off
cates the expenses. Hence the benefits from loans. .
houses* 1 to 10 are added together ; the loss
from house 12 is deducted; the net What about the Sth house?
balance is called the profit which is shown The Sth house is the second to the 7th.
by the 11th house. Second house shows one's finance, whereas
■"Generally, houses 2, 10 and 11 are 7th house denotes one with whom a trans-
.studied to understand how one makes action is done, Suppose there is an evil
money; 6th house denotes why, when,- planet in the Sth house of a person; it
;and .the extent to which one borrows; means.that the evil is in the second house
Sth house indicates either loss and misery to one who transacts. It threatens that
or unexpected gains: 12th house indicates the person with whom the money trans-
one's expenses, purchases, investments etc. action is done, will lose money and there
Therefore, a careful consideration of the will be difficulty-
houses 6, S and 12 will indicate one's But, if a benefic were to be in the -Sth
commitments, expenses, loss and the house, it means that it is in the second to
necessity to borrow. the 7th when,it promises the regaining of
The Ascendant indicates the person wte money wi'tli ' p 1 ea's u r e . Sbwrnyae
borrows. The 7th house from his Lagna Ranthrae Dhanapthi " says Mahadeva.
denotes the gentleman or the lady or the Everybody in this world will try to main-
banker who advances the loan. tain prestige. None would wish to botfow
unless circumstances force bim to do so. Now, let us find out why one has to
If one has borrowed, he would desire to borrow and when.
return it much earlier than the time,
required by him to repay. When the lagna or the lord of the ascen-
dant is associated with the bouses 6, 8,
If a man has evil planets in the 3tb or 12, the debt is incurred due to
bouse, difliculiies come as a battalion and (a) one's ill health or the expenses of
he has to face them by borrowing from his or her partner (12th to 7tb), ill health
bis friends A to Z. But if be has a benefic of partner (6 to, 7th), unexpected loss
in the Stb bouse and if its period or sub- (Stb and 12tb) investment, "etc.
period runs, he comes by fortune and so,
with pleasure, he returns the money. [By association, is meant that, (a) the
The tenth house'shows one's profession, bouse may be occupied by or aspecttd by
receipt of money thereby, etc. Tenth a planet or (b) the lord of the bouse may
bouse to the 7tb is the fourth bouse to the occupy the houses 6, 8 or 12, or occupy
native. Therefore 4th house also indicates the constellation of the lords of 6, 8 or 12,
return of money, by the person, and the or be conjoined with them or aspected by
discbarge of debts. them. The following is the chart of a
person who is ever in debts :
The eleventh house shows profit. The
principal and the interest are indicated by'
the 11 tb bouse in the native's chart if be
has lent money. But if he has borrowed,
the 11th to the 7th shows the return of the
amount. Therefore 3tb bouse indicates
discbarge of debts. Moon 21° Lagna
Saturn 2
Therefore receipt of money is indicated
by the bouses 2, 6,10 and 11 whereas the
discbarge of debts can be read from the Mercury 4°
bouses 4, 5, 8 and 12.
If beneficial planets occupy, own or
aspect favourably the houses 2, 10 and 11, Venus 10°
one will malte money irtheir periods and
sub periods, in their star days and week
days. So also, beneflcs occupying the
houses 4, 5, 8 or 12 or owning or aspect- Lagna is occupied by Saturn, the lord of
ing these bouses, or planets in-the constel- 8- It is in the constellation of the lord of
lation of the occupants and owners of 6 (Punarvasu star ruled by Jupiter). The
these houses indicate the discbarge of the lord of Lagna is in the constellation of
loan in their dasas, bbukties and antbaras; Jupiter, the lord of 6. It is occupying the
in their week days and star days. 8tb bouse.
"Evil planets in 2, 10 and 11'reduce one's Mercury, the lord of 12, aspects the
income and there will be difficulty to Ascendant.
make money. Similarly, malefics in 4, 5,
-8 and.12 will.increase the expenses but Ascendant is occupied by the lord of 8
'wi IP not-alto v.'o ne ttoa discharge the"-] oan.-; -. and .aspecfod,by the lord ofl 12. The lord of
But in their dasas and bbukties the native ttie Itagna is 'in'8 lif the"C OTfstt;llSliori of**-*"
will suffer from mental agony, anxiety,- the lord of 6. Here, the lord of Lagna is
pressure, worry, depression, irritation, ill- -associated with the lord of 6. Lagna is
repute, etc. associated with the lords'of .8 and 12].
This is the scientific explanation why a (2) When the lord of the second
few houses are considered for the raising house is associated with the 6th, 3th or I2tb
of funds and the rest for repayment. house, debt in caused by (a) expenses in the
/amily, (b) medical bill tot eye or tbroat debts are caused ot account of children
treatment of the person, or (c) danger to (their education, or danger to their lives),
partner, or due to (d) the loss of an Or one may borrow due to the loss in
younger brother, or (e) to payment to speculation, cinema or any other risky -
mother or (f) to one's children at the enterprises,
time of their appointment or promotion
or (g) as loan to father either for his (6) If the lord of 6 is associated^ with
business or to meet his loss. There will Saturn, debt is caused due to the persistent
not be much difficulty to raise the loan. inimical activity of the opponents, or due
Tt may be hand loan or one kept in the 1° 'oss by theft, and disease. Jupiter
suspense account. Malehcs occupying the connected with them indicates that the
second house indicate that he may raise a necessity for borrowing is due to litigation,
loan to repay the amount which he unay Jupiter, Mars and Sun connected with the
have temporarily misappropriated. indicate debts due to election.
(3) When the 3rd house or its lord is , {J} ^ 'be lord of 7 and the lords of 2
associated with 6, 8 or 12, the debt may ??dJ10uar.e c°nnec'ed wlth boasf? 6: 8 ot
be incurred due to the native's brother; Rdebt lf eisusand
due tothe
tha 1[opartner rubusiness.
brother, if posited in male sign, and to W1.>' ? 8 or £ 0! 7 ar.e assoc,a:
sister if posited in a female sign. The lord ' ' .f the debt is caused
of 3 in a male sign and Mars in a female through ones wife. If Jupiter and lord
sign indicate expenses through both of 7 are connected with 6, 8 or 12, htiga-
brother and sister. It may be raised to "ay need a large sum of money or
help a neighbour; or one may stand one may borrow to meet the expenses of
surely for another; or may borrow money second
1 ma son. Waist belts made of gold
to make short journeys, purchase a y pledged.
printing press or take up any agency or (8) Should ^ lord of 8 be associated
contract. Some may pledge shares, certifi- with\h'e hoUBes 1, 8 or 12, and ifamalefic
cates and documents or earrings necklace, also aspects> debts are caused dlle t0
bangles, rings etc., to raise the loan if the enemies, disease, difficulties, etc.
3rd house is connected with 6tb bouse.
If however houses 8 and 12 are associated, (9) If the 9th house or the lord of 9
the sale of these jewels is indicated. is connected with the lords of 6, 8 or 12
cl ,, the lord
(4) Should i . of, 4, and,,,
Moon be or the houses 6, 8 or 12, then the necessity
t0 hpfjoyi may be due to father, or wife's
associated with houses 6, 8 or 12, the - younger brother or sister (there are people
debt may be raised either through mother who incur debt t0 ce]ebrate sister-in-law's
or for purchase of cattle or animals. If the marriage) or due to bis partner's journey,
lord of 4 and Mars are associated with 6, or tbrough the third chifd ot the native-S
8 or 12 one may borrow for the purchase going on a long journey or overseas or
of land, building, etc. Even. raising ■ a for higher studies -
loan by pledging a house or land is indi-
cated by the lord of 4 connected with the (10) If the lord of 10 and Sun are
6th house. The lord of 4 connected with associated with the houses 6, 8 or 12, one
the houses 8 or 12 indicate generally the may have to borrow to repay the debts
disposal of the property. leftbebind by father or due to business.
If the lord of 6 has no connection with (II) If the lord of 11 is associated
^ ry'tljehbfie?«-bur'-!'occupiesithet, 9th rbouse, ^ • with the houses 6, 8 or 12, the debts may
then, during the period of the lord of "4," •ire'(iBelt6"ffi'e:,nntivels5standingr[sur5(y,;to .
the property may be brought to auction, a friend.
sold or appropriated by the opponent.
If the lord of 11 and Mars are associated
(5) If the lord of 5 and Jupiter ate together with the houses 6, 8 or 12, one
connected with the bouses 6, 8 or 12, may incur debts due to an elder brother.
When? So far, why one has to borrow
Moon was discussed. Now it should be under-
Jupiter Mars stood that the planets indicating the neces-
sity to borrow will give the results in their
Sun.-Ucreniy, dasas and bhukties and also the day, the
• Neptune,
Vflnns, star on that day,' the Lagna, Rasi and the
Kethu constellation which will be ruled by them.
Born at 6 P.M. The significators will form favourable
Uranus on 7-S-1415. aspect with their original position at the
Lafiua time of birth.
How many persons there are who, even
after borrowing, need more money and
suffer just like a person who having
married a girl who has not attained age
continues to be mostly a bachelor. Such
Rahu dasa Balance 9 yrs, 5 months and persons, ever in want, are born in the yoga
18 days. termed as " Dharidhra yoga''i.e., the
When this native was running Saturn relative disposition of planets causing
Dasa, Mars Bhukti, Jupiter Anthara, he poverty. For them, it will be difficult even
stood surety to his elder brother born in to raise funds. They have to make many
Anuradha star, Unfortunately in the attempts and at the time get vexed and
beginning of December 1943, his elder dejected as the amount received will not
brother, wrthin a month, after the transac- be sufficient. It will disappear in no time.
tion passed away and the native had to It will be spent away. Such yogas are
return the loan through his nose.' mentioned below;—
If the lord of 11 and Sun are associa- 1. If the lord of lagna is connected,
ted with the houses 6, 8 or 12, one incurs with the lord of 7 and if the
debt due to his father's younger brother. lords of 1 and 12 are in mutual
If the lord of 11, Jupiter and Venus are exchange;
connected with the houses 6, 8 or 12, one 2. When the lords of 1 and 6
incurs debt due to son-in-law. exchange places and moon is
(12) Lord of 12 and Saturn generally aspected by the lords of the 2nd
cause loss by theft, fraud, deception, etc. and 7th houses
and also due to the action of the secret
enemies. People having Saturn in 12 and Lagna
Mars or Kethu in 2 should be very careful; Sun Mercury
they should not leak out any of their
secreti unlawful action, in an unguarded
moment to men in power, e.g., police, In- Venus ■
come-tax official, etc. When they'run the
conjoined period of Saturn, in 12, and
Mars or Kethu in 2, or in the sub period of
6, 8 and 12, they will be taken to task. Moon
Even if Saturn is in 3, 6 or 10, it can throw
aspect to the 12th house and bring about
the sudden fall to the person. That is why,
sages are of strong opinion that Saturn in Mars
the.tenth,|ise:irt:;on^st^«||eer ^ T
suddenly, only fo"r a'nig" pitfall,'' ^ '
Also, lord of the 12th house may be the 3; Lord of Lagna in the eighth
cause for' borrowing-money to celebrate house is associated with the lord
the marriage of servants. of 2 or 7
(3) Mercury in Taurus shows debts
Jupiter Lagna through relations ;
(4) Mars and Saturn in 12 denote
debts through brothers and
(5) Jupiter in 12 associated with a
malefic shows that one will
borrow to pay taws;
Mercury (6) Sun and Moon in 12 or Sun,
Rahu and Venus in 12 show debt
due to litigation ;
(7) Pisces, Leo or Sagittarius being
the ascendant with Moon in
Aquarius or Venus in Scorpio or
4. The Lord of Lagna in 8 is associ- Jupiter in the 8th house indicate
ated with the lords of 2 and 7 loan raised for donation, charity,
and a malefic, endowment, etc.
5. • The Lord of 5 js in 6, 8 or 12, People, who advance loans, even though
devoid of connection with a they borrow money due to any of the
benefic, above-mention»d causes, will have the
6. Lord of 3 is in 6 or 10, aspected following combinations:
by the lord of 2, 6, 7 or, 8 (1) Find out the house occupied by
and the lord of Lagna. Note in which
■ 7. Natural malefics (without being Navamsa sign he was at the time
the lords of 9th and 10th houses) of birth. Find out the lord of
occupy Lagna associated by lords the navamsa sign occupied by
of 2 or 7. the lord of Lagna. If the lord
of the Navamsa sign occupies
Dharidhra yoga means that one will friend's quarters and receives
continue to borrow for ever. He will aspect from Jupiter, he will lend
have a list of those who can lend money,
money. 5th house denotes the thought (2) Find out the lords of the navamsa
of a person. Moon indicates mind. signs occupied by the lords of 2
If Moon is in 5 and is conjoined with
Kethu, one will be ever planning how and 11. If in the rasi Kundali,
to raise a loan, whom to approach, etc., birth chart, the lords of the
will somehow manage to borrow' only to navamsa signs occupy a (Cendhra
find that his position has hot improved. Sthana (1,4,7'or 10 counted from
This' is especially true in those eases where the ascendant) he ' will advance
there is no planet in 2 or 12 to Moon, and the loan.
no benefic in 4, 7 or 10 when counted If you find the following Yogas in the
from the Moon sign. horoscopes of those who want you to lend
Debt is also caused by the mere occupa- money to them, be sure that you cannot
tion of a rasi by certain planets and a few have it repaid as they can never discharge
other connections; the loan before they retire from service or
from the world itself:
Mafs in Tisceswith. Suof+.Mp. f^-{q)r;'5...1horo5cqp.e,mi_
and Saturn ; the lord of 2 is debiluatcd"'of' "
(2) Mercury occupying either of the eclipsed or posited at the end of
houses owned by Saturn; a rasi governed by a malefic;
(2) or if the lord of 2 is in 6 or 12, and reputation? Or will he be drawn to
with the lord of 12 in 2 and the Civil Court and even get imprisoned?
lord of 11 is any one of the Loss of reputation, imprisonment, etc.
three Dush Sthanas 6, 8 or 12; are threatened by the malefics posited in
(3) or the lord of Lagna is in 12, 2, 5, 9 and 12.
malefic in 2 and the lord of 10 is If scorpio happens to be the 3th, 9th or
associated with the lord of II. 12th house and Saturn be posited therein,
These combinations are found in not only will he be unable to repay, but
the horoscopes of a few members also he may be manhandled and drawn
of the co-operative societies who to the court of law. His Reputation will
will ever borrow to the maximum be at stake. Kalachakra dasa of the lord
eligibility by way of of the 6th house indicates similar undesir-
fa) permanent loans, able results.
(b) emergent loan, Even though a person may be born a
(c) thrift fund loan, King or a Kubera, if his lord of Lagna is
eclipsed, in enemy's camp, debilitated and
(d) Provident Fund loan, is in 6th, 8th or 12th house associated
(e) Insurance loan, with the lords of 2 and 7, without any
(f) hand loan, association with a benefic, he must bor-
row. Similarly a person born to a multi-
(g) by pledging movable property millionaire will borrow, if Sun and Saturn
and occupy the second house.
(h) by mortgaging immovable Where to go to raise a loan, will be the
properties. problem. The direction in which one can
Can one discharge the loan and be free go for borrowing money is indicated by (a)
from worry? the rasi in which the lord of the second
house is posited, (b) or by the direction
1. Find out when he will borrow: of the rasi occupied by lord of 11 and (c)
i.e., the yogas causing the need to by the lord whose Bhukti operates.
raise a loan ; the Dasa and Bhukti
of those planets. If the above lords are in direct motion,
attempts made in the direction mentioned,
2. Find out whether he will live will be helpful. If, however, the lords be
long after borrowing. retrograde, one can make attempts in all
3. Find out whether there will be directions and there will be grand success
time enough for the periods and in all quarters. Suppose one is born in
sub periods of the planets promi- the Sign Leo as ascendant, then the lord
sing the opportunity to wash off of 2 and 11 happens to be Mercury, When
loans, after the yoga to borrow one runs Mercury sub period and it was
is over. in direct motion at the time of birth, one
can meet a banker in the north as Mer-
Debt is discharged when one runs the cury indicates,north direction and he will
beneficial periods of the planets occupying be successful only there. Even if Mercury
-or owning the houses 2, 6, 10 and 11 is in the 10th house, one should try in
counted from the 7th house. They are 8, the north. If Mercury was retrograde at
12, 4 and 3 counted from the Lagna of the the time of birth, he can try anywhere.
borrower's horoscope. Benefics occupying He is sure to come out successful.
the houses 4, 5, 8 and 12 indicate that
during their periods one.will. clear off the — One should also consider the house-
"deb'ts. 7 .. bhava in which the lord of 1,2 and the
Bhuktinatha was. If they were in the 3rd
If one is not able to return, will fae be . house, he may have it from his brother or
put into trouble? Will he'Iose his prestige neighbour and also by executing a bond.
If they were in the 4th house, his close It is always advisable to have a malefic
relative and resident of the same locality in the 8th house to the Lagna at which
will lend. If in the 9th house, the banker time the part-payment is made.
may be a stranger or one who lives far Please remember that one should never
away. If in the 11th house, elder brother lend or borrow on eclipse days when the
or sister may help or a friend or father's Yoga is Vyatheepada as it threatens
younger brother. If in the 10th house, danger to both the borrower and the
either in the office or from the officer he banker.
may borrow. Or one may pledge Govern-
ment bonds if Mercury is in 10. If they Now one may ask, whether by following
arc in the sixth house, one may take money the advice, one can clear off the loans
from his subordinates as loan. quickly. The answer is ' Yes'. Every-
body may try to repay at such a time.
The planet in the sixth house shows that Only those who are lucky (according to
one may raise a loan by pledging any of his their horoscope) to be free from the loan,
possessions. One should judge the houses shortly, will repay knowingly or un-
4, 10 and 11 to redeem them ; but houses knowingly at this hour. It is the verdict
8 and 12 denote that the pledged property of our sages. Experience also confirms
will be disposed of ultimately. their declaration.
Here is the sincere advice to clear off Peace and Prosperity be unto you !
one's loans easily, with pleasure.
Borrow an amount which is a little
greater than the need. If you want " Sir, whenever I visited your place and
Rs. 10,000 borrow Rs. 12,000. was patiently hearing you, while offering
predictions to your clients, you used to
Keep separately Rs. 2,000—the excess. mention often ' Guru-Balam' (or Vyazha
Wait for the day when the star is either Balam as Kerala people say, or Brahas-
pathi's beneficial strength during transit as
Aswini or Anuradha. North Indians say) is come. Hence one can
Select the Lagna-Aries if it is Aswini get married or if one tries for service, he
star day or the Lagna-Scorpio, if it is can enter into one; or if one makes
Anuradha. attempts in any direction, he will come
out successful and all the pending matters
At the time, repay these 2,000 rupees as will take a favourable turn and materialise.
a part-payment. But, how is it that nowadays you never
This guarantees, that you will be fortu- use the phrase ' Guru Balam ' at all."
nate and repay the full amount in a very "Yes! Yes" judging from the way
short period. things are happening nowadays, I have
Or, you select either a Tuesday or a my own doubt whether Jupiter possesses
Saturday or a Sunday. On that dav, the any beneficial strength at all. It appears
hithi should be either Chathurthi or that it has lost much of its strength and
Chathurdasi. Work out and ascertain in that Venus is gaining more and more
which sign Gulika will be on that day. strength ".
possible, calculate the correct time and Why? What makes you, Sir, to eonsi-
repay a part of the loan at that time, so dcr like that?
hat Gulikha is exactly in Lagna—you will " It is not on any single point, I have
'be surprised to see, that you are able to come to this conclusion. In every walk
clear the full • loan in a very short of life, I find a thorough change.
Or select a Saturday and let the ascen- Jupiter has become weak
dant be in a movable sign, either Aries, Years ago, girls within 12 years of age
Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. got married. The parents understood
from the astrologers when " Gvru Balam" round India. There were a few conveyan-
comes for the girls and whether the so- ces, and that too, which will move very
called Guru Balam was there or not, they slowly. But see how many varieties of them
celebrated the marriages while the girls we have now;, what speed they take;
were young according to their individual how quickly they go round the world
luck or fate. They followed the tradition, even ; travel on land, overseas, and in
did the religious rites for four days, and air are so frequently made that we have
observed the Vaidheek Dharmas and vastly improved in transport and travel
Karmas. Is it not a surprise nowadays convenience.
for you to hear that a girl is getting
married at her 14th year of age? Is there Ladies: Venus represents ladies. What
any wedding being celebrated for four an advancement 1 In colleges and schools
days, performing Homam etc. Is not late the admission of ladies is increasing year
marriage the order of the day ? How by year. Ladies enter into service, politics
many do Sandhya-Vanthanam regularly? and even take up administration. Ladies
Tharpanas to the departed souls are not have swimming pools. They compete in
done by many, at all. To do pooja, sports. They drive cars, carts, plane, etc.
people do not find time. Temples are not They have won Nobel Prizes. There is
visited by them unless something happens. also a lady cosnionant.
Further, where is the respectful regard to Considering all these—absence , of
the elders now ? That is why I feel that interest in vaidheek ceremonies—Sath
Jupiter's strength is waning and marriage Karmas, essential for Para Loka Suka,
to the girls in proper age has become a and more and more indulgence in Iha-
problem. Loka-Suka—I have to take - that - the
Venus gains strength : True 1 But how strength of Jupiter is waning whereas that
do you say that Venus-Sukra is gaining of Venus is waxing.
more strength? Is not Venus, the Chief " No doubt, what you say is convincing
Governor for matrimony ? enough. Further, when we enjoy some
Conjugal Bliss: No doubt, Venus is conveniences for some time, then without
the Karaka for "Conjugal Bliss"', it is them, it is difficult to live. When I was
also the governor of music, fine arts, in active service, conveyances were avail-
Bharatha Natya, Conveyance, Vehicle,- able at a moment's call. After my
Vahanam, Wealth, Ornaments, ladies, etc. retirement, all the so-called friends avoid
ConjugaThappiness can be had. me. Now, my son is doing business and
he wants to buy a car. What do you
Mttsic : Consider music (vocal as well say ?
as instrumental): In every nook and " Have you brought the horoscope of
corner, you hear music. Radios and your son ?"
transistors are plenty. Whether you own
or not, you hear music during day and " I have got both mine and his."
night. -Sangeetha Sabhas are springing up
everywhere. Musical concerts are arran- " Come on, let me examine both."
ged very frequently. Music Schools and "Here, Sir. Let me have your consi-
Colleges are being opened. How many dered opinion. Please say who will buy."
Cineme theatres are in existence and how
many more are under construction? Also, " As you asked me to give ' considered
the Touring Cinemas cater to the needs opinion ' I shall think aloud and finally
of -the- haml-ts- and - villages. Bharatjla " "offer"Sjy prediction-
'•Nityam hafi practically ceased'to exist.
Nowadays, every girl has the desire to Vahana—conveyance—is represented by
.Jearn/and earn a-name, - the 4th house counted from one's Lagna
as well as the beneficial effects of. -Venus.
Transport : Let us consider transport. Fourth house, in addition to conveyance,
Decades ago, our ancients took years to go indicates one's landed property, house
jpropcrty, estate, forest, cattle, mother, of the Zodiac indicates investment. By
education, etc. If the fourth house is nature, Jupiter shows one's financial
tstrong and has the beneficial aspect from position."- All these three planets are
Mars alone, one will buy land, building, natural benefics contributing to a pleasant
etc. Aspect from only Mercury indicates life in this world. Hence, they need care-
ieducation. Aspect from Moon shows ful consideration ".
mother. Venus indicates vehicles. Hence " Alright 1 Vahanam is a general term.
beneficial connection to the 4th house does There are various Vahanas, viz.— Nara-
'not mean possession of vehicle or purchase vahanas like palanquins, rickshaws, etc.,
of a cor, etc. It may indicate the purchase Miruga Vahanas like carts, jutkas, coaches,
of lands or buildings. tongas, etc.; to cross water there are boats
But to state definitely whether one has and steam launches; Instead of using the
' Vahana yoga' or not, the houses 4, 9, 10 power of a man or an animal, by using
and 11 counted from the ascendant as well oil, petrol or water we have scooters,
as the beneficial aspect of Venus, Moon or motor cycles, motor cars, motor boats,
Jupiter should be considered. ships, aeroplanes, helicopters, etc. Is it
" You said that the fourth house repre- possible to find out, which vahana one
sents Vahanam. Why then, should the will use?"
houses 9, 10 and 11 also be examined." "To go by a palanquin carried by others
" House 9 is called Dharma, 10 is Kama or a rickshaw pulled by poor people are
and 11 is Labha. Houses 9 and 10 show indicated when
one's fortune to enjoy his life in this birth, (a) the lord of' the 4th house and
due to the meritorious deeds done in the Venus occupy the Ascendant;
previous birth. 9th house is termed as (b) Moon and Saturn are both exalt-
" Poorvapunya SthanamS' 9th house indi- ed in the two Signs of Venus:
cates long journey, whereas 10th house
shows pilgrimage," (c) Moon and Venus are in Kona or
" What about the 11th house ?" (d) Lords of 1 and 4. as well as Venus
11th house denotes whether one can and Moon conjoin together;
have his desires fulfilled. To possess a (e) Lord of 4, Jupiter, Moon and
cycle in youth, a scooter in school days— Venus, are strong and well posi-
(till a child is bom to him or he!) and ted ;
then a car, with radio set, etc., is the desire
of almost every one. or (f) Lord of 4 and Jupiter occupy the
9th house.
Further, if houses 6, 7 and 8, counted
from a Bhava, are not occupied by male- Carts, jutkas, coaches and tongas are
fics, but are occupied by benefics, then the indicated when
matter indicated by theBhava will thrive." (a) lord of 4 isassociatedwithMoon
Therefore 9th, • 10th and 11th houses occupying the bestial signs;
show whether they sanction of deny this (b) Jupiter is in 4 and the lords of 4
Yoga. and 9 are in 11,- or
"Venus is said to be the chief governor (c) Moon and lord of 4 are in the
for conveyance. Why then, should Moon ascendant; or
and Jupiter be examined?" (d) the 2nd and the 4th houses are .the JKaralca by n ature. Moon owned by benefics or when moon
owns the 4th sign of the Zodiac indicating associated with a be'nefic occupies
change of residence, journey and con- these houses; or
veyance. Jupiter owns the 9th house, (e) Jupiter, Moon, Venus and the
showing one's Bagyam, long journey, lord of 4 are in Kendhra or
etc., and Jupiter owning the 12th house Kona;.
(f) the lord of 4 associated with (a) Cancer is the ascendant and Mer-
Guru for a beautiful and spaci- cury and Venus are in 4, 7, 9, 10
ous Vahanam; or II ;
(g) the lord of 4 is in a Kendhra and (b) Cancer or Aquarius is the Lagna
the lord of that Kendhra-sthana and Venus is well posited ;
is in the ascendant; (c) the lord of 4 is conjoined with
(h) or Venus is having six Bindhoos Venus ;
or benehc dots in its Ashtaka (d) the lord of 4 is in the second
Varga—a beautiful carriage. house conjoined with the lord of
Jupiter or the 9th house, in any manner 10;
connected with Saturn shows travel by (e) the lord of 11 is in 4, aspected by
camel. If they are connected with Moon, the lord of Lagna and 10th house;
travel by elephant or horse or mule is
indicated. (f) the lords, of 1, 4 and 9 are in
If the lord of Lagna is associated with Kendhra;
these yogas, or if the yoga-causing planets (g) the lord of 12 is in exaltation
are associated with Lagna, one will own and is associated with lord of 2
and use the Vahana. and aspected by the lord of 9 ;
Should, however, the lords of 6, 8 or 12 (h) the lords of 10 and 11 are in 4 or
be associated, or the yoga producing when lords of 10 and 9 are in 4;
planets are in 6, 8 or 12, or if Rahu is in (i) an exalted planet in 10 is aspe-
4, or is conjoined with the lord of 4, cted by the lord of 9
one will use " Hired vehicles " or other's (j) a beuefic is in the 8th house, with
ones. lords of 4, 9 and 10 in 2, 3 and 4
If Saturn and the lord of 6 are connec- respectively;
ted with Vahana-Yoga producing planets, (k) y«;nus is in 3, 7 or 11 counted
one will be a driver. If Saturn is also the from the Moon sign,
lord of 2, 4 or 11, the native may own
aud also drive the vehicle. (1) Jupiter, Venus and the lord of 4
What are the yogas for the possession are in a Kona or Kendhra or in
and use of power-propelled machines 11 ;
like motor cycle, car, etc ?" (m) Jupiter, .Venus and the lord of 9
are in 4 or 9
"Mars indicates machinery and motor- (n) or there is mutual exchange bet-
Moon is a watery planet and shows water-
Mars is a fiery planet and Moon denotes ween the lords of 4 and 11; or
steam; Saturn stands for Geology and between 4 and 5, or between 1
Moon for oil, kerosene; Venus is for .. and 4, or 5 and 9, or 5 and 11, or
purification. Therefore Saturn, Moon and 1 and 10,
Venus indicate petrol. Hence these planets, (o) or the lords of 4 and 5 occupy
when associated with the houses 4, 9, 10 their own signs;
or 11, indicate " use of such motor ones ". (p) or the lords of 1 and 9 are in
If they are in human signs, they show Swakshethra;
two-legged vehicles. If they are in quadru- (q) or the lord of 5 is in.9 and lord
ped signs, they indicate four-legged ones; of 9 is in 10
if they are in multi-legged signs, they
iiidicate train,"etc. --Mars and'Moon stand - v- - .(r) Jupiter is in the 4th Bhava and -.
for steam train : Mars, Mercury or Uranus the lord of 4 with Venus in 9 or 10;
stand for electric train. (s) the 4th house has connection
Use of motor/vehicles is indicated with lords of 4 and 9 ;
when : (t) lords of 1,- 4 or 9 are in 11 ;
(u) Mars is lord of 2, in exaltation in in the end of January 1961 during Jupiter
11, with Mercury, the lord of in Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, and Sun Anthra
a K cndhra or Cona ; and obtained a car for his use from his
father-in law;
(v) or Mercury is in 11, associated
with the lord of the ascendant, ' (b) the lord of 5 is in 9 and lord of
and promise the purchase and 9 in 10, associated with lords of
use of a vehicle. 1 and 4 ;
Venus, Mars and Moon with beneficial the lords of 9 and 10 are in a
strength contribute for motor car, etc. If Kendhra or Kona associated'With
they have any connection with Cancer, the lord( of 4 aspecting each
Scorpio or Pisces, they indicate boats, other; or"
steam launobes, ships, etc.; if they have
connection with Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, (d) the lords of 4 and 9 are in exalta-
they indicate air-travel. tion or posited in the Lagna.
Even though travel by some conveyance If Sun and the lord of 6 are connected
is indicated, if either the Lagna or lord of with them, one can borrow money from
the Lagna is not connected with them, one the office and own a car, scooter or
cannot own it. If Rahu has connection, cycle.
one can hire the vehicle ".
" What are the Yogas indicating that If Jupiter and the lord of 6 are associa-
one can have a free gift of Vahanam ?" Is ted with the Vahana Yoga Planets, one
there any such yoga, in my son's horos- can have a car on hire-purchase.
cope If Rahu is associated with Sun or the
"There are a few Yogas: one can lords of 2, 10 and. the Vahana Yoga
have the gift of a car if Planet, one can use the pass issued by the
office or use the vehicle of the Department
(a) lords of 1 and 4 are strong and in which he serves.
they arc posited in 11 aspected by the
' lords of 9 and 10. If the lord of the Navamsa house occu-
pied by the lord of 4 is in Kendra,
As an illustration, the following chart is associated with Mars, it denotes Vahana-
given .■— yogam through brother.
Mercury, If Venus is in 4 withThe lord of 4\ in 7
Sun Venus and if the lords of 4 and 7 are friends, one
can have Vahanam through partner, wife
or husband.
Saturn, Kclho
Lagna Venus
11 P.M. 00:27-4-1935

Lagna Jupiter Mars**' Sun

The balance of Mars Dasa at birth Mer-

1 year 4 months 20 days. He got married '
crawled and went in between tbe four legs Also it will be the diraction indicated
of his cow. By chance, the doctor noti- by the rasi containing the largest number
ced it. He did not shout- But he got up of beneficial dots in Jupiter's ashtakavarga.
suddenly—slipped—fell down and broke From your son's horoscope I can say that
his arm on 19ti December. (1) he will borrow money! after 1
Hence, evil indicated by malehcs will year and 2 months, and
surely happen. No doubt, the physician (2) will buya car, from a place north
is a God-fearing gentleman. He is liberal- of your residence; and
minded. He treats the poor free. He
does Pooja, etc. Look at this. (3) will enjoy his life, (giving you
lift occasionally);'
"Alright: Nowadays it is not easy to ■ (4) extept on one occasion when he
get a car, especially in this locality. Can gets into trouble by dashing
you guide me from where he can have it, against an animal and a boy.
please ?"
" Thanks a lot! 1 have given you much
" Generally the direction from where trouble."
one can get the car is indicated by the
lord of ' the Bhukti, in Vimshothari " Astrologer's pains is your gains.
dasa. Good Luck.
Letter to Editor
" Sir, At the time of birth, the balance of
Allow me to thank you for the marvel- Moon dasa was 6 years 11 months and
lous predictions you had made about the 21 days. He entered Jupiter Dasa, Mercury
time of marriage of my elder brother and Bhukti on 14-1-1962.
myself. It is mentioned in the January, issue of
You will remember that 1 came to con- 1965, that Saturn in 1, 3, fi, 7 or 10
sult you on 19th April, .1961 about my counted from Lagua delays the time of
elder brother's marriage which was causing fixation and celebration of the marriage
anxiety to us due to continuing delay. and so, Saturn exalted in the Sth house,
Using your method now popularly aspecting the 7th cusp by the third aspect
known as Krishnamurthi Paddhathi, you delays the wedding till the native gets
fixed the date of marriage of my brother disgusted and dejected.
as 9-4-1962 in Jupiter Dasa, Mercury When a native has completed 30 years
Bhukti and of myself in Moon Dasa, of age, especially in Tamil Nad where one
Jupiter Bhukti. is married early, the astrologer is to pose
1 was surprised to find that both the the question whether marriage is possible
predictions came out amazingly accurately or not.
and 1 therefore send you the horoscopes Moon and Yenus are conjoined together
of my brother and myself along with our in the fruitful signTaurus-Rishaba. This
partners for publication in your magazine combination contributes for early
so that the readers may be benefited. marriage. But Venus is receiving quin-
Yours sincerely, ■ cunx aspect {150°) from Saturn. There-
T. R. B. fore, there will be delay till Saturn sub-
22, K. S. St., period is over.
Madras-4. 7th cusp falls in Sagittarius-Dhanus,
Explanation:— a fruitful sign, indicating that the native
will lead a married life. Saturn's favour-
Horoscope of the brother Shri T, R. J. able aspect (sextile or 60 degrees) delays,
Born at 8-13-38 A.M. (L.M.T.) on but it does not deny.
23-5-1925 at 13CN and 80°E.
Jupiter occupying the 7th house is
Sun B-45 Mars 15-40 favourable for marriage and happy married
Uranus Budha 14-02 Lflgnal6-41 life.
2-11 . 1414 MoonVcn. 16 27 For tuna Lord of 2 in the 1 Ith Bhava (Moon) is
Rahu 15-23 Rahu in the second house, in Saturn's
Nep, 27-13 star Pushyam, squared and aspected by
Saturn (Kth aspect) denies marriage
Rasi during the 18 years of Rahu dasa.
Kethu It is said, on page 17 of January 1965
15-23 issue that there is difficulty and thereby
delay in fixing the marriage if Saturn
aspects the lord of,.7.. Therefore one is to
judge for bow long Saturn will delay the
Saturn marriage.
The beneficial aspect to a planet or an
adverse aspect to it will be enjoyed or
experienced by a person during their con- in Parivarthanayoga with Mars, the lord of
joined periods. If an aspect causes delay 11, and in the constellation of Venus, the
to come out successful in any attempt, the chief governor of matrimony, is auspi-
delay will be till the end of the conjoined cious for the fixation and celebration of
period of the lord -receiving the aspect and the marriage.
the aspecting malefic planet's Bhukti or
sub-period. If the dasa is rulod by the Sun, lord of 3 in its own constellation,
planet 'A' and a malefic 'B' aspects ' A in the 1 Ith house indicates that the partner
then one cannot have success till 'A' will come from a known family, neither
Dasa 'B' Bhukti is over. Later the benefic related already closely nor a perfect
'A ' will give the favourable result during stranger. She will be a distant relation.
the sub-period of a signlficator, well Moon, the lord of 2, in its own constel-
posited to 1A'. lation Rohini, in exaltation, in the llth
Hence, Jupiter who, as lord of 7, occu- Bhava, is a very strong significator.
pies the 7th house, and promises marriage Moon rules the second house: Jupiter
in his dasai cannot be allowed to get him is the lord of 7 and Mars owns the llth
married till sub-period of Saturn in house. Moon and Jupiter are discussed.
Jupiter's dasa is over. Mars governs the stars Mrigasririsba,
Later a strong significator will give the Chilhra and Dhanishta. No planet occu-
marriage, in his sub-period (Bhukti). pies any of the three stars. But Mars, the
lord of 11, being in Parivarthana yoga,
Houses 2, 7 and 11 are judged. with the lord of Lagna is auspicious and
(a) The planets in the constellation of strong.
the occupants of the houses 2, 7 Hence Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and
or 11, Mars are, in their order, strong to indicate
(b) the occupants, marriage.
(c) the planets in the constellation of As Mr. T. R. B. put the question at
the lords of the houses 2, 7 or 11-20 a.m. on 19-4-1961 on a Wednesday,
11, with Rohini star when Gemini was rising,
(d) the lords of 2. 7 or 11, I took this moment also for confirmation
(e) planets conjoined with them, or so that I can predict with confidence.
(f) planets aspected by them are the The position of the planets then was as
sigbificators of follows:
(1) the time of marriage,
(2) the description of partner, Mercur) Son Moon Lagna.
Venus Mars
(3) the state of married life, etc.
Rahu is in the second house. Arudhra,
Swathi and Sathabhisha are the stars Kethn Uranus
governed by Rahu. Mars, the lord of 11,
is in Arudhra. Saturn (the delaying RASI
planet) is in Swathi. No planet is in Saturn, Rahu
Sathabhisha. Hence Mars has the strength Jupiter
to signify the marriage. Jupiter occupies
the 7th house. Its stars are Punarvasu,
::yisakam rand Poorattathi. Excepting Neptune
Fdrtuna and Uranus, no planet is in
Jupiter's star.
llth house is occupied by Mercury, Sun Mercury, the lord of Wednesday, the
and Moon. Mercury, as lord of Lagna, Lagna, Mercury and Mars in Lagna, with
Moon in Mars' star Mrigasirisha are to be Moon owns the Sign Cancer-Kataka.
judged. When Sun transits in this sign, none cele-
brates marriage.
Moon indicates the mind of the
questioner and the nature of the query. Mars owns Aries and Scorpio. In Aries
there is no star belonging to Mercury,
Moon was in the constellation of Mars, Jupiter or Moon. In Scorpio the first
the lord of 11 ; 11th house indicates elder 3° 20' is ruled by Jupiter and the last
brother. It is in the second house to the 13° 20' by Mercury.
eleventh, indicating elder brother's finance
and family. The lord of the 11th house Hence one is to select, any of these
was in Punarvasu star governed by areas.
Jupiter, which aspects the second house to Now, find out, from the Ududasa system
the 11 th. Hence the query was about the which anthara, sub period agrees. That
elder brother and a favourable answer is is the fortnight when the marriage should
to be given. take place. It is found that when Sun
transits in Revathi, he will have
Therefore, take the planets which have Jupiter Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Mercury
connection with the ascendant and the Anthra and Jupiter Shookshma.
Moon sign. They are the same planets
which will rule at the time when the Sun transits in Revathi between Island
result of the query will fructify. 13th April, every year. As Jupiter is the
lord of the Dasa, select the sub of Jupiter
So I decided that the marriage must in Mercury's star Revathi, according to
take place during Jupiter Dasa, Mercury Krishnamurti Padhadhathi:
Bhukti. The Anthra may be of Mercury, 26° 6' 40" to 27° 53' 20" in Pisces is
Moon, Mars or Jupiter. Note down these under the influence of
(a) Jupiter, the lord of the Sign
Then find out whether Sun transits in Pisces,
the sign of either Dasanatha and Bhukthi- (b) Revathi, governed by Mercury,
natha and in the star of Dasanatha or (c) This area from 26° 6' 40" to 27°
Bhukthinatha. 53' 20", is under the control of
Jupiter Dasa: —Sagittarius and Pisces
are ruled by-Jupiter. In South India, Every year Sun transits in this area bet-
when Sun transits in Dhanus-Sagittarius, ween Sth and 10th April.
none celebra tes marriage.
' 8-4-62 was a Sunday with Karthikai
Hence find out whether Mercury, Moon star upto 9-11 A.M. Then followed the
or Mars has any star in Pisces:—Revathi Janma Nakshathra, Rohini.
is ruled by Mercury. Hence, there is the
likelihood of getting married when Sun 9-4-62 was a Monday ; Rohini, janma
transits in Revathi star. Nakshathra is over by 8-31 A.M.; Rahu
Kalam ends by 9 A.M. The star Mriga-
Mercury owns two.houses, Gemini and sirisha is governed by Mars.
Virgo. Tamilians -do not celebrate
marriages when Sun transits in Virgo. Actually the marriage took place, when
So fipd JhejStars .belonging, to the-signjfi- the.< ascendant,.-Was?-inv,Punarvasu .star,
cators in Gemini. Mrigasirisha is governed by Jupiter, in the Sign Gemini
governed by Mars ; Punarvasu is ruled by owned by (Alercury, in Mars' Star Mriga-
Jupiter. So when Sun transits in these sirisham, and on a Monday ruled by
areas, marriage can take place. Moon.
It is worthy to note that:— readers. The correct explanation will
(a) The ruling planets at the time of furnished in the following issues.
query are the rulingplanetsatthe (a) Born on 31-1-1931 at 44 G. 010 V;
time of birth and at 13° 04' North, and SO 13'
(b) the ruling planets at the time of East. [Mr. R,R.]
fulfilment of the querist's desire
are also the ruling planets at the
moment of query.

When a few planets are the significators

for marriage, they not only portray the
time of marriage ; they also describe the
partner. Actually the partner is born in the
sign Virgo ruled by Mercury, in Hastham
star governed by Moon, in the ascendant
Sagittarius owned by Jupiter and on a . Lagna i Kotiua
Tuesday, under the control of Mars.
The bride was born at 9 A.M. (L.M.T0
on Tuesday 10-11-1936, at Kanchee- Jupiter, Lagna,
puram. The chart is as follows:— Moon Vcjius

Saturn Mars,
Lagna Sun, Moon,
Jun. Venus (rTerqiity Mars At the time of birth, balance of Rahu
Rahu |
dasa was 3 years S months 24 days. Now
he is having Saturn Dasa Rahu Bhukti
Therefore one has to consider simultane- from 6-6-1964.
ously various aspects and pass a correct
judgment. Incomplete analytical study is (bj Born at 7-25 A.M. on 30-9-1933
the main cause for failure. Mere quota- at 13° 04' N. and 80° 15' E.
tion of a few rules will please the consul- [Mr V.G.].
tant at the time of the query, but when he
learns the result, he loses faith in astro-
logy and begins to pass caustic remarks
due to the miserable failure of the
i. For. example,, one can .find in all text
books, that a person will get married
early in his life, if Moon and Jupiter
are conjoined -together "in—one-stgnt LagUa.,
Horoscopes of the two bridegrooms are Rahu Mars Sun
given below for study. Why they remain
yet .unmarried may be examined by the
Balance of Moon Dasa is 5 years
Sun i Kclhu Jupiter 6 months and 4 days.

The following is the horoscope of a

person who got married and divorced his
Navamsaro wife after 4 days:—
Saturn Venus

Mcronrs, Lagna,
Moon Mars,
At the time of birth, balance of Rahu Uranus. Rahu.
Dasa was 13 yrs. 11 mths and 12 days. Mars Neptune
Now he is running Jupiter Dasa, Rahu Born on 29-10^1924
at 14 Ghatis
Bhufcti from 18-4-1963, Jupiter Dasa 32 VighaciS\
will end on 12-8-1965. Lagna.
Further, when one judges the time of Kethu
marriage, one should not omit to note for 1
how long they can lead happy married Sun,
life. The astrologer should caution the Moon, Venus
Jupiter Mercury,
parties most diplomatically, if he finds Saturn
undesirable events. The following charts
are furnished for the students to study.
Correct interpretation will appear later.

Rahu Rasi of a
bov bom on Moon
10-11-32 at
3-6 P.M. Jupiter,
Saturn Madras. Mars,
Kcthu Mercury,
Meicory Sun . Venus Jupiter.
Balance of Mercury Dasa at the time Sun;
of birth is 11 years and 18 days. In June Mars, Kethu
1960, he got married in the morning and Saturn
separated in the evening on the same day.
Saturn Kclhu . -

Girl who had Mercnrjr.

Jupiter .the Balance of Jupiter dasa at the time of
above late. . «ufj3. fiifth is 8 years'S months.
Born on
23-8-1938 at
at Madras. SUD The following is "the horoscope of a
male born on 1-4-1927 .at 11-36F.M. and
Moon, got married very late on 23-3-1964, and
Lagna Rahu Venus unfortunately lost his wife on .26-8-1964
due to fire accident.
At the time of birth, the balance of
Saturn Dasa was 9 years 7 months and
Venus Mars Rahu 19 days.
When birth control is advocated for the
prosperity of the Indian Nation, this male
had a triplet born on 8th March, 1964, one
at 12 Noon, the next at 12-40 P.M. and
the last at 1 P.M. The third died after
completing 8 months.
The father the native—was born on
13-12-1927, Tuesday, in Ashlesha star at
8 Ghatis 40 Vighatis at 9° N. and 79° E.
Lagna, _ .

Mercury Jupiter ^agna.

Saturn, Venus

Explanation for such happenings will be

given in detail in the succeeding issues.
(b) to the planets in the constellation
Moon 16*10'-p. m_a Qe^'j of the occupants of the 4th
Kethu igcg'Fortunayo j house,
(c) to the planets in the 4th Bhava,
Mercury (d) to the planets in the constella-
I 6" 38' tion of the lord of the 4th house,
Neptune and
18® 45' (e) to the lords of the 4th house.
Sun 21° 38'
Venus 1° 19' But those who either change their resi-
Jupiter 2° 59'
Lagna dence often or make short journeys or
14° 34' take up service as camp clerks, touring
Saturn officers whose posts are transferable from
IS® 27'
one place to the other, inspectors, drivers
Mars 20® 19'|1 of vehicles, etc., will have
Rahu 18° 6' (a) good aspects to the 3rd cusp, or
(b) planets occupying the constella-
tion of the occupants of 3rd
When can I go overseas ? bhava, or
(c) planets occuping the third house,
To ascertain whether one will have the (d) planets in the constellation of the
opportunity to- go overseas or not, the lord of 3,
houses 3, 7, 9 and 12 as well as the planets (e) owner of the third house, or .
"Neptune, Uranus and Moon are consi-
dered, First, it is necessary to judge (f) planets coujoiued with the.Signi-
(a) whether change of place either (g) or those receiving beneficial
temporarily or permanently is harmonious aspect from them.
promised. Does it show a
journey 7 If so, is it a short Long travel is judged similarly, taking
travel or a long one? the 9th house.
(b) whether it is a land journey or If the lord of the twelfth house does not
overseas and operate for a long duration, then the visit
(c) whether one goes straight to a .will be for a short time only. But if the
destination and returns home planets in any manner connected with the
witho.ut breaking journey on the 12th house have their sub-periods for a
way or long time or if aslow-moving planet forms
(d) whether he breaks journey and favourable aspect to the significator by places.' ^progression, the person will stay for a
^lorig'^eribd i3,f^«tg2slaDdi--- ■
'' I. Fourth house indicates the perma- The favourable aspect to the seventh
jient place of residence. Villagers, agricul- cusp and the beneficial disposition of the
turists, tribesmen whoever stay in their planets in any manner connected with the
own home without the desire and oppor- seventh house denote"that the person will
Junity to go elsewhere, have the beneficial visit various places in the same trip and
spect he will be frequently moving and breaking
(a) to the cusp of the 4th bousCj his journey on his way.
Lords of 2, 6 and 10 having coooection Mercury for advertisement, etc., his visit
with these planets indicate that he will will be on an errand which he alone will
travel mainly (a) to carry out the duties know.
assigned to him, (b) to improve business, Saturn governs the stars Pushyam,
(c) to visit holy places for fulfilling his Anuradha and Uthrapathra. Mercury
vows or desire. The Lord of 11 connected alone occcupies Saturn's star. It is in the
with the significators of the journey and 11th Bhava.
Venus in common signs show " Honey
Moon " or travel for pleasure; if they are No planet, other than Rahu, is in the
in a fixed sign, no change, no journey, but constellation of Rahu—Arudhra, Swathi,
reunion and pleasure in the same place. Sathabhishak, 9th house is occupied by
Evil planets occupying the fourth house Moon, the lord of 12 and the node Kethu.
indicate either difficulties in the domestic Hence Kethu is stronger than Moon.
environments, danger to mother, land, Both will give changes. Moon in the
building or car, etc., if the significators fixed sign in Navamsa indicates that he
are in a fixed sign in Navamsa and are will move away with the idea of settling
conjoined with Moon, or Mars, or Mars in the place to which he moves whereas
and Venus or only Venus, respectively. Kethu in the common sign in Navamsa
If the lord of 12 and an evil planet con- shows tours, journeys to and fro ; (oscilla-
nected with the 4th house jointly operate tion, vacillation).
a period, the native will change the (Actually the native left his permanent
residence or car. place of residence, immediately after
Let us analyse the above chart. Moon Dasa started in 1942.)
1. The Third house is occupied by Moon governs the stars Rohint, Has-
Rahu and the lord of 9 is Mars. Nodes thamand Sravanam. No planet is situ-
are stronger than the planets with which ated in any of the three stars.
they are associated. HenceRahu is stron-
ger than Mars. Also Rahu is stronger Aswini, Makam and Moolam are ruled
than Venus, the lord of the sign. Rahu by Kethu. No planet is in Aswini; none
was in its own star, Swathi. Hence Rahu in Moolam ; but Venus and Jupiter are in
is a strong significator both for short and Makham star. They are also inthe 12th
long travels. As Rahu was in the common Bhava, indicating that Venus and Jupiter
sign (Ubhaya Rasi) in Navamsa, the native indicate life in a far-off place or foreign
will go on a journey and return early. country as both are in the movable sign in
Mars in the third house indicates short Navamsa and in the 12th Bhava. [The
lagna commences at 14° 34' Leo and ends
journeys and if in a movable sign, will by 12" 29' Virgo. Jupiter and Vends are
indicate transfer to a new place, with in 2°. 59' and 1° 19' in Leo. According to
thorough change in surroundings and westerners, they are in the 12 th house and
environments. Movable signs show that for correct prediction, one has to simply
one will not, during its period, return to follow western system to erect Bhava
the place he left, just like (Newton's First Chakram.]
Law) as rain falling on the slope of a hill
and Sowing down to the plains will not Mercury in the 12th sign but the 11 th
'retrace to the starting point again. house in the constellation of Saturn, lord
Saturn owns.Aquarius wherein at 14° 34' of 7 and 6, shows that there can be no
the cusp (the descendant) of the seventh separation from partner; the journey will
house is. Saturn is in the ascendant in be pleasant in partner's company, the tour
Rasi and in a common sign in Navamsa. will be to carry out official work (Saturn's
Hence Saturn indicates that the",native.will; constellation, Saturn ford of 6 & 7) and
make journeys and break them frequently. Mercury in a fixed navamsa indicates that
As Saturn owns the sixth house, he has to the assignment will be for a long duration.
go on,a journey to carry out the-duties ' Thus," aftefa thorough analysis, one will
assigned to him. As Saturn is the planet be able to decide that Rahu, Saturn,
to keep everything secret and it is not like Kethu and Mercury are strong enough to
offer sucti results as making tours to
places far away and overseas. Moon
'therefore one has to note down the
periods of journey as follows:
(1) Rahu Dasa Saturn Bhukti Rahu
Mercury Anthara Lady born
(2) , Kethu Anthara on 22-H926
Kethu, at 8 P.M.
(3) Rahu Anthara Jupiter, at Bombay.
(4) Rahu Dasa Mercury Bhukti Venus, Lagna
Kethu Anthara Sun
(5) Rahu Anthara
(6) Saturn Anthara Mercury Saturn,
(7) Rahu Dasa Kethu Bhukti
Rahu Anthara
(8) Saturn Anthara Balance of Sun Dasa at birth is 4 years
(9) Mercury Anthara 10 months. He went overseas during
Rahu Dasa Saturn Bhukti on 15-4-1954
Then find out by progression and by and returned during -Rahu Dasa Kethu
transit whether the journeys are promised Bhukti on 30-6-1958.
only when all the three methods agree,
one can go overseas.
As the explanation, working and the Saturn
the decision cannot be published in this
small work, the results only are given.
There is confirmation for items 1, 3, 5, Rahu
8 and 9. So note the periods. Male born on
" (H i.e., Rahu-Saturn-Meroury operate a: 8 A.M. Sun,
Bombay. Mercury,
from 25-11-64 to 19-4-1965. Jupiter Moon,
(3) Rahu-Budha-Kethu in September Kethu
(5) Rahu-Budha-Rahu in June 1968 Mars,
and Venus
(8) and (9) operate between July 1970
and November 1970 and declare that Balance of Sun Dasa was 5 years 3
these, are the occasions when he will be months and 19 days.
going overseas. Trips in September 1967 The native left India on 22-8-1946
arid June 1968 will be made with your during Rahu Dasa, Mercury Bhukti and
pleasant partner in life. returned on 31-3-1960 after nearly 14
Two horoscopes of a lady and a gentle- years during Jupiter Dasa, Mercury
. man arc.given for the students to study. .. Bhukti.

1. How long will I be working in my Before proceeding further, it is neces-
profession? Chart is given below sary to mention clearly what a Bhava-
House is, and which planet is to be taken
lUtk Cusp as the lord of a Bhava-House.
0° 56'
M.c. 27° 5$' Fortuna I2th Cusp
9° 40' 1° 56' A house commences from the cusp
29° 27' of a house and ends with the succeeding
Lagna cusp. The cusp of the ascendant is
9tli cCusp Kethu 7° 42' 1° Oty. So the Lagna commences at
25 56' ii Cusp 1° 00' Cancer. The next cusp falls' at
26° 56' 26" 56'. Hence Lagna Bhava is ruled by
Rasi Moon. It extends from 1° 00' to 26° 56'.
3th aCusp Further Moon is also the lord of the
26 56' 3rd CuSp second house as the second cusp falls at
Rahu 7° 42' 25° W
7thcCusp 26° 56'. The cusp of the third house is
l 00' 25° 56' in Leo. Hence the second bouse
itorcnry WSS' Jupiter 1204' •extends from 26° 56' Cancer to 25° 56'
6th Cusp Sfttaxn
Jlors 0® ' C7' Venus Moon 15° \'
36' 15° 29' 4th Cusp ■
Leo. Even though only 43'° in Cancer
happens to be in the second Bhava and
1° 36' atra 0
6th e0°2i'
00 \
27° 56' ' 25° 56' is the extension of the second
house in Leo owned by Sun, the lord of
the second house for predicting finance,
Balance of Moon Dasa at the time of fortune etc.. is Moon.
birth is 6 years 2 months 26 days.
Further, the traditional method of erect-
Self-acquisition is judged from the ing the Bhava Cbakra-Chaleetb as it is
houses 2, 6 and 10: So one is to consider called in North India needs some
the strength of the significators in the consideration as it is mis-leading. Suppose
following order: one's Lagna Bhava commences at' 21° in
Cancer and extends up to 20° in Leo.
1. The planets in the constellation Also presume that the planet ' A' was in
of the occupants of the houses 2, 10° Cancer; the planet 'B' was in 25°
6 or 10; Cancer and the planet ' C' in 10° Leo.
2. the occupants of these three In the chart which is erected by the
houses 2, 6 or 10; Hindu astrologers in Bhava-Chakra, they
3. the planets in the constellation show the planet ' A' in Gemini, and
of the lords of the bouses 2, 6 planets B and C in Cancer. It is mis-
and 10; leading.
4..-the lords of these houses ;—
3. "the planets conjoined with the 'No dbiibt planet- 'A' is'ih-thc 12th
significators ;-and Bhava. Planets B and C.are in Lagna
Bhava.. To represent these clearly and
6. those receiving aspect from the correctly, it is advisable to follow the
significators. table as under.
Bhava-Lord of Planets in Sign Lord of the Lord of the DUu-IOlQ
the Bhava the Chart Occupied Sign Constellation
1. Moon Kethu 7° 42' Cancer Moon Saturn Kethu
2. Moon
3. Sun Jupiter 12° 04' Virgo Mercury Moon Rahu
Moon 15° 01' Virgo ,, >> Guru
4. Mercury Venus 15° 29' Libra Venus Rahu Venus
5. Mars Sun 6° 21' Scorpio Mars Saturn Mercury
Mars 6° 36' ,,
Uranus 6° 57' n ».
Saturn 10° 26' Sun
Mercury 13° 28' si Rahu
6. Jupiter
7. Saturn Rahu 7° 42' Capricorn Saturn Sun Kethu
.8. Saturn
9- Saturn
10. Jupiter M. c. 27° 56' Pisces Jupiter Mercury Saturn
11. Venus Fortune 9° 40' Taurus . Venus Sun Venus
Neptune 29° 27' Mars Saturn
12. Mercury
In the above horoscope, it will be seen Nodes are stronger than the planets.
that the second house extends from 26° 56' Hence find out whether Rahu or Kethu
in Cancer to 25° 56' in Leo and the second occupies their houses or conjoin with them
house is owned by Moon. The sixth Cusp or receive aspects from either Moon or
commences from 1° 56' in Sagittarius and Jupiter. Then, they also will be the
extends up to 1° in Capricorn and the 6th significators.
house is governed by Jupiter. The Meri- Kethu is in cancer in Moon's sign. So
dian, i.e., the Cusp of the 10th house falls Kethu is stronger than Moon.
at 27° 56' in Pisces, extends all the 30° of
Aries and ends at 0° 56'Taurus and the Rahu receives the beneficial 5th aspect
lord of the tenth house is Jupiter. from Jupiter. Hence Rahu acquires the
No planet occupies any of the three strength of Jupiter, other than what it has
houses 2, 6 or 10. Hence one need not to offer, as an agent of Saturn, by occupy-
ing capricorn owned by Saturn and also
take trouble to note the constellations by receiving aspect (3rd) from Saturn.
ruled by the occupants and also the pla-
nets occupying those constellations- Moon and Jupiter, the significators, are
Therefore take the planets in the cons- in the third house, in a common sign
showing that you will be having a trans-
tellation of the lords of 2, 6 or 10. ferable post.
Moon rules the second house. Jupiter
governs 6 and 10. Moon and Jupiter indicate department
Moon's stars are Rohini, Hastha and of Finance, Education" Or Politics. The
third house does not show Education.
■Sravatiar-Moon and Jupiter alone occupy r - ,Generally,
Hastha. " -■ .the..fifth , house indicates Poli-
tics : Therefore the third house occupied
The stars of Jupiter are Punarvasu, by Moon and Jupiter in Mercury's sign
Visaka and Poorvapathra. There is no indicate short tour, transfer, inspection
planet in any of the three stars. There- of accounts, auditing, etc. Further, the
fore, Moon and Jupiter are the significa- Meridian was in Jupiter's sign. Mercury
tors.- star, and Saturn sub. It is clear that you
will be a Journalist, correspondent or in Now you are running Mercury Dasa
the department of Finance. from 16-2-64. Mercury Bhukti ends on
13-7-66 when the very favourable Kethu
First appointment Bhukthi starts. Popular and prosperous
Find out, the dasa that runs between Venus Bhukti follows Kethu's period
the age of 16 and 30 to all persons, for 34 months from 10-7-67. Only from
as, generally people enter service only 10-6-70 Sun Bhukti commences. It is
then. Sun which will give you the mind to take
rest and give up private practice.
You were running Rahu Dasa from the
age of 13 years 2 months and 26 days, The editor suggests that a native can
till 31 years 2 months and 26 days. look for improvement, satisfaction and
It is found that Rahu and Kethu are the contentment in one's profession during
the period of a planet which is the chief
strongest significators. Hence you ought governor indicating the profession; e.g.,
to have entered service during Rahu Dasa, if one serves in a Bank which is governed
Kethu Bhukti, Kethu Anthra, or Rahu by Jupiter, hecan expect-good relationship
Anthra on the day when Moon would be with officials, and popularity and promo-
transiting in one of the 3 stars governed . tion during Jupiter's period and sub period.
by Rahu. Actually you joined the Finance If one serves in the Police or Military
Department during Rahu Dasa Kethu Department indicated by Mars, he will
Bhukti Kethu Anthra on Swathi star day.
viz., 6-9-1921. (Arudhra, Swathi and, Mars'anperiods
have advancement in his career during
and sub periods. If one acts
Sathabhisha are governed by Rahu). in the cinema-or serves in the transport
When you were funning Jupiter Dasa department, his advancement during the
Saturn Bhukti Mercury Anthra, you were • period of Venus is assured.
selected and from Kethu Anthra promo- Similarly, for people serving in the
ted in 1932. , Postal department, communication, Engf-
For 9 months during the Bhukti ruled neering. Agency, or in an advisory capa-
by Kethu in Jupiter Dasa, you had a city or accounts, auditing, etc.. Mercury
transfer with an additional allowance in is the Karaka planet. Therefore, one can
1936. predict safely, that a native will prosper
Again during Jupiter Dasa Venus during Mercury's period to a greater extent
Bhukti Kethu Anthra you were offered a than during the other periods. Saturn
special duty in the Central Board. makes one serve, in positions of trust, etc.,
but yet it shows dissatisfaction^ One will
During Jupiter Dasa Sun Bhukti Kethu not realise his ambition to his entire
Anthra, you were posted to a far off satisfaction. Slow and steady progress
place. alone will be experienced. But Mercury
During Saturn Dasa Saturn Bhukti gives plurality of interests. Unlike the
Venus Anthara (Sub sub period) you were period of Saturn, when money :will be
promoted on 1-4-1946. It is said that if entangled, receipt will be less and arrears
either Saturn or Venus owns either 6, 8 or increase, Mercury pays in advance, arrears
12 and if they are mutually placed in 6, 8 will be collected and lump sum will be
or 12 to each other in their mutual periods, received during Kethu sub period in
good health and increase in income are Mercury dasa.
to be predicted (Uthrakalamritham). Mercury is in advance to the group of
Venus is in the 12th sign, to the sign planets in Scorpio and is not hemmed in
occupied by Saturn which owns the 8th between malefics. This is auspicious.
r In 1955/you retired once forTaH-during',- theForamoment, forget the Ascendant., ^ys .
Ascendant'is occupied by Kethu, con-
'Saturn Dasa Sun Bhukti. sider it as weak : Take Moon's sign as
From Saturn Dasa Moon. Bhukti Kethu- the first house and count houses from
Anthra you have set up practice. Virgo.
" What next?" is your question. (a) Moon, the lord of 11, conjoined
with Jupiter, the lord of 4 and 7, Jupiter and Moon in the 3rd house to
is beneficial, your ascendant show that they are in 12 to
(b) Kethu in Moon's sign, will the 4th house. Hence, Jupiter being behind
improve your position. Moon in the 3rd house will not give the
(c) Mercury, the lord of 10 in 3, desire and opportunity to have a car of
gives you transferable post, in your own. But the planet which indi-
accounts, auditing, inspection, cates withdrawal of money from bank,
assessment, etc. Scorpio being entanglement of money, etc., is Saturn
the sign ruled by Mars, you will is especially during the sub sub period of
have authority also. the planet forming favourable aspect with
(d) Mercury offers you the oppor- it or conjoined with it.
tunity to represent firms you will As Mars is conjoined' with Saturn, you
make short tours, will have could have gone in for a motor vehicle
branches and will be successful and would have had it from Saturn Dasa
in an advisory capacity. Saturn Bhukti Mars Anthra. Mercury
Therefore retirement from profession indicating plurality does not deny you
and from the world will come together. this comfort and convenience whereas it
promises plurality of vehicles. According
Conveyance includes comfort and invest- to your horoscope, from 1947 till end of
ment of money upon a vehicle requiring life, you will have your own conveyance.
recurring expenditure. The fourth house
indicates vehicle. 12th house indicates Investment on immovable property may
investment, houses 9 and 10 indicate be expected during Mercury Dasa Venus
comfort and 11th house for the fulfilment Bhukti Mars Anthra and Saturn Shook-
of one's desire. 4 and 11 are ruled by shama in the second week of June 1968,
Venusi 12th house by Mercury; 9 and when . Sun transits in the first half of
10 are governed by Jupiter and Mars. Mrigasirisha.
The best available and the most popular stands for Longitude. Underneath the
ephemeiis is " Raphael's Astronomical Longitude of Sun is given its position in
Ephemeris " for every year commencing degrees. Next, you will note the symbol
from 1st January to the end of 31st of the sign in which Sun is on that day,
December. Minutes and seconds follow the symbol of
... j
Various data j-
regarding .u j . .u
the date, the the sign occupied by Sun.
day, the sidereal time at noon at Green- The next column is allotted to the decli-
wich. Sun's Longitude and declination, ' nation of Sun. This shows how far Sun
Moon's Longitude, Latitude arid Declina- is in the North or South of Celestial
tion and midnight position of Moon are Equator. On or around June 22nd, Sun
given on one page. On the adjacent will be in 23* 27' North ; on or around
page. Longitude of Neptune, Uranus, September 22nd, Sun's declination is 0°;
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mer- i.e.. Sun is exactly in the Celestial
cury will be found. These particulars Equator; i.e. Sun passes the autumnal
are published in the lower half of each equinox. Gradually, Sun's declination
page. The data in the upper half of these increases. It will be found in the South
pages may be taken for consideration in of the Celestial Equator. On or around
subsequent issues. 22nd December, the declination of Sun
will • be 23° 27' South. Sun takes a
Data for the month of January are northern course and around March 21st,
given on pages 2 & 3 for February on t]lc declination of Sun is 0°. It indicates
pages 4 & 5, for March on pages 6 & 7, tjjat san on ti]at day passes the vernal
and so on. equinox. So, if one simply follows this
In the first column in the pages 2, 4, 6, column, day after day, and month after
8, 10, etc., the date of the month is given month, one can understand the declina-
in order. To guide one properly and to tion of Sun.
avoid committing any mistake while xhere is no latjtude for Sua why?
referring along one line, for every 5 dates. The Sun's apparent path is the ecliptic.
a line is drawn from the beginning of the The latitude is the distance measured from
left page to the end of the right one. the ediptic perpendicularly to the planet.
D As Sun moves along the ecliptic and the
In the second column — will be seen. It measurement is to be taken only from the
means the day of the week. • For Sundays, ecliptic,
14 ma be there is no latitude at all for Sun.
a fldwery capital * S ' is used. Capital y ' sa,d 'M- Latitude of Sun is
* S' for Saturday. 'Th' for Thursday,' ever-Zero. But, all other planets have
'Tu' for Tuesday, 'M' for Monday. t own
10 the S n orbits. They are not parallel
' W' for Wednesday and ' F ' for Friday, " s Path-the ecliptic. But they,
arc the abbreviations used. • arc inclined
crosses to it. So,;
the ecliptic in each
two ofdifierent
The third columQ is allotted to 4 the points,
sidereal time. 'H'-shows fours', M'
represents minutes and *8' indicates 11* one goes through the ephemeris, one
seconds. - - - - -can-observe-that the olanets" haye.d ftetenU,,^
ibsq. j latitudes andMeciiniuiffris. *
In the fourth column, a black thick,
and dark dot in the centre of a circle is The sixth column gives the longitude of
seen. It is the symbol of SiihT "Long* Moon. The seventh shows its latitude^
whereas the 8th is the declination of Sun. So longitude of Uranus is given
Moon. next to that of Neptune. The fourth
Since Moon moves very fast and there column gives the Longitude of Saturn
is variation in its motion every day, the which moves faster than Uranus. Further,
9th and the Itth columns in the same it is nearer to Sun than Uranus. Follow-
page show the Moon's longitude, and ing the same principle, longitudes of
Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury are
latitude at midnight 0 hours. Thus, for given in the ephemeris in the order of
Moon alone, its position for every 12 their distances from Sun.
hours can be had from the ephemeris-
Next refer to the upper half of the page.
In the adjacent page, date of the month On the fight side, i.e., pages 3, 5, 7, 9 and
is given and only oh Sundays, instead of soon, the 8ih column gives the position
giving the dates, the letter ' S' will be of Moon's node, which Hindus call as
seen which, we will realise to be useful. Rahu. As the position of Kethu (Descen-
The longitudes of planets are given in a ding node) is always exactly 180° away
particular order. . The planet, which from Rahu, it is not given separately.
moves very, very slowly is Neptune. So Thus, the date, the day, the sidereal time
its longitude is given first. No doubt at noon at Greenwich, the longitudes
Uranus also moves slowly, yet faster than of all planets can be had from the
Neptune and it is between Neptune and ephemeris.
Sidereal time is tbe time of vernal other at 3.30 A.M. I.S.T. at Allahabad,
equinox. It is a measure of one complete and another at 12-$' P.M. I.S.T. at
rotation of the earth with respect to the Ahmedabad. All these, births are on 15th
vernal equinox (the intersecting point of May 1963.
the celestial equator and the ecliptic) It means on IStji May, Wednesday
which has a very small retrograde motion. evening, at 6-30 P.M.T.S.T. a child is born
Every day, the sidereal time at noon for at Agra; the other is born on Tuesday
the same place increases by a little less
than four minutes and in one year the. night and before su'nrise on Wednesday,
three and a half hours after midnight, i.e.,
sidereal time increases by 24 hours. three and a half . hours after the
The sidereal time at noon is giveii in commencement of the calendar day, 15th
Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris for May 1963. Another birth was only . 5
every noon at Greenwich, for the whole minutes after Wednesday noon.
year. On March 21, it will be 0 hour First, what is it that is to be worked
0 minute when the Sun will be found out ?
exactly in the vernal equinox, From 21st
March, every month, the sidereal time at It is the Local Mean Time of each birth.
noon increases by two hours. So, around So note the Longitude of each -place of
21st April, the sidereal time at noon, at birth. Reference may be made to the
Greenwich, will be two hours; around 21st Geographical Atlas.
May it will be 4 hours at 12 noon, around Longitude of Agra is 78° 5' E.
21st June, it will be 6 hours at noon and
so on. Thus in 12 months, the sidereal Longitude of Allahabad is 810 54'E.
time increases by 24 hours at 12 noon. Longitude of Ahmedabad is 12° 38' E.
If one were to refer to the sidereal time 1. Time of birth at Agra = 6-30 P.M.
at noon on fhe day of the birth of a child, I.S.T. on 15-5-63.
then one is to obtain the ephemeris of the Difference between I.S.T, and Green-
year of the birth of the child. All parti- wich Mean Time is 5 hours 30 minutes.
culars about the day, the date, the sidereal
time at noon at Greenwich, position of all Therefore 6-30 P.M. I.S.T. means
planets etc., are given in the ephemeris 6-30—5-30 = 1 P.M. G.M.T.
in two adjacent pages. Longitude of Agra = 78* 5' E.
For January refer to pages 2 & 3, For every degree East of Greenwich,
For February 4 & 5, add 4 minutes.
For March 6 & 7, and so on. Therefore for 78° 5', add 78/, x 4
And for December 24 & 25, minutes = 312 minutes 20 sees. = 5 hours
12 minutes 20 sees.
in the Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris. Add this to the G.M.T. obtained.
So, turn over to the page in which these
particulars are given for the month of the 6-30 P.M. I.S.T. = 1 P.M. G.M.T.
birth of a child! Underline the date and Adding 5 hours 12 minutes 20 seconds
day of birth of the native before proceed- to 1 P.M. G.M.T., we getL.M.T. = 6-12-20
ing to calculate tbe sidereal time for the P.M. on 15-5-63.
moment of the birth of the child. 2, Birth time at Allahabad = 3-30 A.M:
' Suppose'three children are born at Agra,™**^' I.S.T-on 153S->63- ^-v , ■ -
Allahabad and Ahmedabad respectively To get Greenwich time, deduct 5 hours
one is born at Agra at 6-30-F.M.-LS.T,-; -30 minutes.
" Then Greenwich mean time = 10 P.M. This is the sidereal time at. Agra on
.M.T. on 14-5-63. 15-5-63
Longitude of Allahabad is 81° 54' E. So,
For every degree East add 4 minutes. Hrs. Min. See.
Sidereal time at noon at
» Therefore fof 81° 54', add 5 hours 27 Greenwich on 15-5-1963 =3—29—59
minutes 36 seconds.
Sidereal time at noon at
So, adding the 5 hours 27 minutes 36 Agra on 15-5-1963 = 3—29—07
seconds to 10 P.M. G.M.T. 6n 14-5-63,
we get 3 hrs. ,27' 36" A.M. L.M.T. on Interval between previous
15-5-63 at Allahabad. noon and birth time
L.M.T. =6—12—20
'■ Therefore L.M.T. - 3 hrs. 21' 36" A.M. Correction for the interval
on 15-5-63. at 10 seconds per hour = 0— 1—02
■i 3. Birth time at Ahmedabad = 12-5 P.M. Add all these three.
on ,15-5-63.
Deducting 5 hohrs 30 minutes (which is The total = 9—42—29
the difference between G-M.T. and I.S.T.), Therefore the sidereal time at the time
the time G.M.T. arrived at is of birth, i.e., 6-30 P.M. I.S.T., which is
12 hrs. 5'—5 hrs. 30'= 6-35 A.M. on 6 hrs. 12' 20" P.M. L.M.T. at Agra on
15-5-63, ' 15-5-1963 is 9 hrs. 42' 29".
Longitude of Ahmedabad = 72* 38' E. (2) Birth at 3-30 A.M. I.S.T. = 3-27-36
Adding 4 minutes for each degree, i.e., A.M. L.M.T. on 15-5-63. "
,4 hours 50 minutes 32 seconds for 72° 38' What is the sidereal time?
E., the time is 6 hrs. 35' + 4 hrs. 50' 32" Take the sidereal time at previous noon
Therefore L.M.T. = 11 hrs. 25' 32" at Greenwich.
A.M. on 15-5-63. The previous noon was the noon on
s (1) To find the sidereal time for the 14-5-63.
birth at 6-30 P.M. I.S.T. on 15-5-63 at Therefore refer in the ephemeris to the
Agra 78° 5' E. = 6-12-20 P.M. L.M.T. .sidereal time given for noon at Greenwich
Take the ephemeris for the year 1963. on 14-5-63.
Turn over to page 10. Sidereal time on 14-5-63 at 12 noon at
Greenwich is 3 hours 26 minutes 2
Underline the date 15th, against which seconds.
is written ' W' meaning Wudnssday. Find sidereal time on 14-5-63 at 12
. Note the third column. The sidereal noon at Allahabad 81° 54' E. by deducting
time at noon at Greenwich is given. 2/3 second for every degree East Longi-
Sidereal time at noon at Greenwich on tude.
.15-5-63 = 3 hours' 29 minutes 59 seconds. 81A x 2/3 sec. = 10 * J5"- =55 sec;
Work out the sidereal time at noon at
Agra 78° 5' E. - Therefore sidereal time at noon on
fvFor each degree East, deduct 2/3 14-5-63 at 81° 54' E-
second from the sidereal time at noon at HrS-Min,Sec.
Jjreenwich. 3 hrs. 26 min. 2 sec.—55 sec. 3—25— 7
Add interval between
, Therefore for 78° 5' E. deduct 78 A 14-5-63 noon and birth
x 2/3 seconds = ^ ^ sec. = 52 sec. time L.M.T. 15—27—36
Add correction for the inter-
roughly. ' val of 15 hours 27 minutes
Deducting 52 seconds from the sidereal '"36 seccmds 'aT 10 secohes ' - ». *-
time at noon at Greenwich on 15-5-1963, ■ per hour- - 0— 2—35
we get 3 hrs. 29' 59"—52" or 3 hrs. 29' 7". The total is 18;—55—18
Therefore the sidereal time at 3-30 A.M. Therefore sidereal time on 15-5-63 at
r.S.T. on 15-3-63 at Allahabad 81° 54' E. 12-5 P.M. at 72* 38' E. is 26 hrs.
is 18 hrs. 55' 18". 54' 40".
(3) Birth at 12.5 P.M. I.S.T. = 11 hrs. Deduct 24 hours.
2*5' 32" A.M. L.M.T. on 15-5-63 at 72° 38' Sidereal time at 12-5 P.M. I.S.T. on
E. (Amedabad). Since the L.M.T. is 15-5-63 = 2 hrs. 54 min. 40 sec.
11 hrs. 25' 32" A.M. on 15-5-63, take the
sidereal time at previous noon on 14-5-63 Let us take the examples of two births
which is 3 hours 26 minutes 2 seconds. in Western Longitude. One birth is sup-
posed to be at 9 P.M. at Boston 71° 2'
This time is given for Greenwich: West and the other at 7 A.M. at San
Francisco 122° 25' West on 15-5-63. The
So the sidereal time at Ahmedabad which Standard time in use at Boston is 5 hours
is 72° 38' E. less than Greenwich mean time.
is 3 hrs. 26' 2" minus 72 jjr38 x 2
s- sec. The Standard time at San Francisco is
oU j 8 hours less than Greenwich mean time.
or 48 sec.
Hrs.M'n.Sec. If it is 12 noon Standard time at
3—25—14 Boston, it will be 5 P.M. at Greenwich.
Add the interval • between If it is 12 noon Standard time at San
previous noon and birth Francisco, it will be 8 P.M. at Greenwich.
time in L.M.T. 23—25—32
Add also correction for the At Boston 7° 2' West, birth was at
interval of 23 hrs. 25 min. 9 P.M.
32 sec. at 1 (1 seconds per Difference is 5 hours,
hour 0— 3—54 Hence the time at Greenwich will be
Total 26—54—40 2 A.M. on 16-5-63. ' Boston is 71° 2'
As the total is above 24 hours, the For every one degree deduct 4 minutes
excess is 26 hrs. 54' 40" minus 24 hrs, or for West longitude. Hence deduct 71,nr
2 hrs. 54' 40", Therefore, the sidereal x 4 min. or 4 hours 44 minutes 8 seconds
time for birth at 12-5 P.M. I-S.T. on from Greenwich time.
15-5-63 at Ahmedabad 72° 38' E. is 2
hours 54 minutes 40 seconds. When one Hence 2 A.M. on 16-5-63 is 14 hrs.
wants to work out, one need not write all minus 4 hrs. 44' 8" = 9 hrs. 15' 52" P.M.
these. It is enough if the following is L.M.T. on 15-5-63.
worked out: Hr&.Min.Sec.
Sidereal time at previous
- Birth at 12-5 P.M. r.S.T. = 12-25-32 noon, i.e., on 15-5-63
A.M. L.M.T. on 15-5-63 at 72° 38' E. To get "sidereal time
Hrs.Min.Sec. at Boston at noon, add
Sidereal time at noon on 3—26— 2 5 X 71 A sec. +0— 0—47
1,4-5-63 Deduction for Add interval between pre-
72" 38' at , sec. for one vious noon and birth
degree 0— 0—48 time L.M.T. ' 9—15—52
3—25=tJ4_ - Correction for interval at
"Add interval between pre-' " -''T 0 sees, per hour - -(-0— 1—33 '
vious noon and birth time Therefore sidereal time at
_ in L.M.T. 23—25—32 9 P.M., on 15-5-63 at
Add correction for interval 0— 3-54 71° 2' W. is 12—48—11
Total 26—54—40 = 12 hours 48 min. 11 sec.
(4) Birth at San Francisco 7 A.M. Hrs.Min.Scc.
Standard time. Sidereal time at 12 noon
at Greenwich on
Difference between Greenwich time and 14-5-63 3—26— 2
Standard time is 8 hours. Therefore Sidereal time at 12 noon
7 A.M. on 15-5-63 at San Francisco at San Francisco'(add
= 3 P.M. on 15-5-63 at Greenwich. 122 44 X A) 0-1-22
Longitude of San Francisco is 122° 25' Add the interval between
West. previous noon and
birth time L.M.T. 18—50—20
Hrs.Min.Sec. Add correction for
Flence deduct 122^4x4 interval at 10 sees,
min. or 489 min. 40 per hour "0— 3— 8
sec. from 3 P.M. = 6 Therefore sidereal time
hrs. 50" 20" A.M. at 7 P.M. Standard
L.M.T. at San time at San Frans-
Francisco 8— 9—40
cisco on 15-5-63 22—20—52
' Bala "
An exact aspect (conjunction) is styled1 exact daily motions of the Sun, Mercury
'partile' or 'rapt'. An aspect which iss and Venus before one records whether, in
just within the orb, either applying orr a particular person's chart. Mercury will
separating, is termed 'platic' or 'wide'. apply to Venus or vice vcrs?.
It must be remembered that the closerr Sun is fourth in speed. It can apply to
an aspect the stronger it is. An aspect' c all other planets except Moon, Mercury
or conjunction just within the range of' ' and Venus. Sun moves daily at a rate
orb is weak in power. varying between 0° 57' 10" to 1° T 10"
Moon is the fastest of all the planets, and its average motion is 0° 59' 08" per
its daily motion being between 12 and 155 day. Sun takes one month to transit
degrees. It can therefore apply to Mer- every sign. Sun, Mercury and Venus make
cury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, a circuit of the zodiac in about a year. "
Uranus and Neptune. Mercury, is the 2
Mars has a daily motion ranging bet-
next in order of speed. It moves between1 ween 31 and 44 minutes of celestial longi-
66 minutes and 100 minutes of longitude" tude, its average motion being 33' 28". It
per day (average or mean motion being8 can therefore apply to Jupiter, Saturn,
59° 08'of longitude). Mercury can there- Uranus and Neptune. Mars goes around
fore apply to all other planets, except thee the zodiac in nearly 22 months, taking
Moon. The third in order of speed is^ about 55 days to pass through a sign.
Venus which travels at a rate between 62
and 82 minutes of longitude per dayj Itss Jupiter comes next in the order of speed.
mean motion is also 59° 08' of longitude. It transits in the zodiac at a speed between
Venus will apply to Sun, Mars, Jupiter, 5 and 15 minutes per day (its mean motion
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. (When oneI being 5'per day). It can therefore apply
refers to an Ephemeris, one sometimess to Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Jupiter
finds that the daily motion of Venus iss takes 12 years to traverse the zodiac, one
greater than that of Mercury on somee year to go through a sign and one month
days. On some other days, it is noticedj to move about 2-1/2 degrees,
that Sun's motion is faster than that off Saturn is slower than Jupiter but faster
both Venus and Mercury.' This is due to) than Uranus and Neptune. Its mean
various causes. Mercury and Venus are- motion is 2' per day. Saturn can apply to
never more than 28 and 48 degrees respec- Uranus and Neptune but not to Moon,
tively from the Sun on either side. Mer- Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars and Jupiter
cury can be at a maximum distance of 765 (unless the latter are retrograde). Saturn
degrees from Venus if Mercury is 283 travels at- the rate of 1 degree every
degrees away from the Sun on one side and1 month, 12 degrees every year and requires
Venus 48 degrees away from the Sun ont about 29-1/2 years to make a complete
the other side. Generally, when Mercuryt circuit of the zodiac.
is closer to the Sun ('perihelion' or place Uranus requires 84 years to transit the
in a planet's orbit nearest the Sun) than1 entire zodiac and about 7 years for
Venus, then Mercury moves faster than each sign. Its daily mean motion is 42" of
Venus. When Mercury is farther from longitude. It can apply only to Neptune.
the Sun ('aphelion' or the point in the
orbit of a planet farthest from the Sun)) Neptune, being - the slowest of the
than Venus, then Venus has greater speed. , planets under" consideration, can apply to
The closer to the Sun, the faster the planett none. Its average or mean motion is i 24"
goes; the farther from the Sun its speed1 per day. Neptune goes around the zodiac
decreases. Therefore carefully note the: once in 165 years and takes 14 years to go
through one sign, travelling at the rate.of Example No. 2
about 2 degrees per year. Jupiter in Simha 18 degrees. Moon in
A few examples of conjunction and Simha 11 degrees, conjunction beginning.
aspect are illustrated below ; (Moon's orb, when applying, is 8' degrees
and Jupiter's 6 degrees and half the sum of
their orbits is 7 degrees.) Jupiter and
Moon are both situated in 18 degrees
Simha, conjunction rapt; Jupiter Simha
18 degrees and Moon Simha 28 degrees,
end of conjunction. (While separating.
Moon's orb is 12 degrees and Jupiter's 8
degrees, the half part of their united orbs
being 10 degrees.)
Jupitei 6°
Sun 7° 30' Mars 11°
Sud 16°

Example 1
Sun Vrischika 16 degrees. Mars Vris-
chika25 degrees, conjunction beginning
(Sunts orb when applying is 12 degrees
and Mars' orb is 6 degrees. Adding the.
two together and dividing it by 2, we get
9 degrees within which distance the two
planets are considered to be in wide con-
junction); Sun and Mars in Vrischika 25
degrees, conjunction is exact; Sun Dhanus Example No. 3
7 degrees 30 minutes and Mars Vrischika Saturn Mithuna 12 degrees, Jupiter
25 degrees, conjunction ends. Sun's orb is Mithuna 6 degrees, conjunction begin-
17 degrees and Mars' 8 degrees when sepa- ning (Jupiter and Saturn both have an
rating; thus 17 plus 8 divided by 2 gives orb of 6 degrees when applying) ; Saturn
12-1/2 degrees ; that is, Sun separates fully and Jupiter in 12 degrees Mithuna,
from conjunction when it is 12-1/2 degrees conjunction complete; Saturn in 12
past Vrischika 25 degree occupied by Mars. degrees Mithuna and Jupiter in 20
degrees Mithuna; conjunction comes to
an end, (When separating, these planets
have 8 degrees of orb each.)
Orb of Aspects and Parallel
For Parallel of Declination (denoted
by the symbol ' P an orb of 1. degree
Moon_ is to be allowed. For example. Mars in
ir 18 degrees North Declination (18 degrees
Jupiter North of (he Celestial Equator) and
"^18° ' Saturn-in 17 " degrees'"aild 30 Minutes
South Declination (Southof the Celestial
Equator). It is immaterial that one is
in the North and the other is in the South.
Since they are within the orb of 1°, they
are in parallel (wide parallel). A look Applying Exact Separating
at the cphemeris shows' that the declina- Minor aspects
tion of Mars is decreasing. That is, it (10) Tredecile 106-108 108 108-110
is moving towards the Celestial Equator (11) 54 degrees 52-54 54 54-56
from the North. By moving faster than (12) Semi-
Saturn, Mars will soon gain the square 43-43 43 43-47
necessary 30 minutes and reach 17° 30'N (13) Decile 34.36 36 36-38
when the Parallel is complete. When (14) Semi-sex-
Mars goes from 17 degrees M' 30 N further tile 28-30 30 30-32
on towards the Celestial Equator, it is (15) Vigintile 16-18 18 18-20
said to separate from the parallel and as
soon as it'is past 16 degree 30', N that Other aspects, such as 22-1/2, 67-1/2,
is 1 degree past the exact parallel, the 112-1/2, 157-1/2 and 162 degrees should
parallel is fully dissolved. When a be exact. The aspect of 126 degrees
planet is going towards the Celestial being of the same benign nature as
Equator from the North or the South it trine, its influence can safely be taken to
means its declination is decreasing, and extend up to 130 degrees.
when it is going away from the Celestial
Equator towards the North or the South, To illustrate an example of two
then the declination will be increasing- planets in trine aspect, let it be assumed
that Mars occupies Rishaba 9 degrees
For opposition (180 degrees) aspect, and Jupiter Kanni 17 degrees.
give an orbit of 8 degrees. Allow an orb
of 6 degrees to trine (120 degrees), square
(90 degrees) and sexti]e(60 degrees) aspects. Mars
The orb to be followed in the case of
biquintile (144 degrees), quincunx (160
degrees) and sesquiquadrate (133 degrees)
angles is 3 degrees. Permit 2 degrees of
orb to 162 degrees, tredecile (108 degrees),
quintile (72 degrees), 54 degrees, semi-
quartile or semi-square of 45 degrees, decile
(36 degrees), semissextil (30 degrees) and
vingintile (18 degrees) aspects. No range Jupiter
of influence is to be given to 22 i degrees, ir
67-) degrees, 112-) degrees and 157-j
degrees angles and these should be exact. The orb for a trine aspect being 8 degrees,
The above orbs are only outside limits. Mars is just within the distance constitu-
In any case, the more exact an aspect, the
stronger will be its effect. ting the trine with Jupiter. Since Mars
moves faster than Jupiter, it will shortly
A ready table of the different aspects gain the necessary 8 degrees to complete
and their range of influence is given below: the exact trine. In the course of its travel
Applying Exact Separating from Rishaba 9 degrees to Rishaba 17
degrees (when the aspect would be com-
Major aspects plete), the trine aspect is in the process of
(1) Opposition 172-180 180 180-188 being formed; in other words. Mars is
(2) Trine 114-120 120 120-126 applying (approaching) to the" trine of
(3) 126degrecs 126 126-130 Jupiter. When Mars, by its swifter-
(4) Square 84-90 _ 90 90-96 motion, moves away from1 Rishaba 17
(5) Sex tile ■ 54-60;; 60 .- :~60-66 degrees on'to the 25tn degfei of Rishaba/
■ (6) 'Biquintile ^141-144 144' 144-147 it is separating from the Jupiter's trine
(7) Quincunx 148-150 150 150-153 and the moment it is past the 25th degree
(8) Sesqui of Rishaba, the aspect is completely
quadrate 132-135 135 135-138 dissolved.
In similar manner, other aspects should near the Nagpur station and when they
be worked out. alight atNagpur, they are overjoyed at the
sight of their sweet-hearts. Similarly, when
Mutual application two planets are approaching mutually to
When two planets are within the range form a trine, the aspect gets stronger and
of an aspect and one of them is in retro- stronger till the aspect is complete.
grade motion (i.e., moving against the Mutual application is stronger than
natural order of the signs), each will move
towards the other. This is called 'mutual even the applying aspect.
application'. Rctrogradation is an appearance caused
by the combined motions of a planet and
the Earth and their positions relative' to
theSun. No planet retraces in its orbit
but is ever in its forward motion. This
phenomenon of retrograde motion occurs
due to the difference in the speeds of the
Mars 8' planets as seen from the Earth as the
centre. In this process, a planet appears
to overtake another planet, then slows
down ; thereafter it appears not to move
(when it is said to be stationary) and then
appears to start moving backwards in the
Jupiter If a planet's longitude is going on
decreasing, then the planet is in retrograde
motion. Sun and Moon are never retro-
For example, Mars is in Cancer 8 grade; Rahu and Kethu are ever retro-
degrees and Jupiter in Vrischika 14 grade and never in direct motion.
degrees. Mars is moving in direct motion; Mercury is retrograde for a period of
that is, he is moving from Cancer 8 degrees 24 days and is stationary about one day
towards Cancer 14 degrees. Jupiter, on before and after the retrograde motion.
the other hand, is retrograde, i.e., he Venus is retrograde for 42 days and is
is retracing from Vrischika 14 degrees and stationary for about 2 days before and
is moving backwards. So Mars is moving 2 days after retrogradation.
towards Jupiter and Jupiter is moving Mars goes retrograde for 80 days and
towards Mars. Due to the combined 2 to 3 days before and after retrograde
motions of these two planets, the trine is motion it remains stationary. Jupiter is
in the process of being formed very seen to retrograde for about 120 days,
quickly. This is termed ' mutual appli- remaining stationary approximately 5
cation '. days before and after.
Suppose one is travelling by the Grand When a planet is in retrograde motion,
Trunk Express from New Delhi towards it is denoted in the Ephemeris by the letter
Madras, and another is coming from 'R' and on the date when it turns direct
Madras to New Delhi by the Janata it is indicated by ' D'.
Express. If both were to be about 100
miles away from Nagpur, on either side, Llewylyn George, a noted Western
the two trains moving towards each other astrologer, avers that the influence of
. from opposite ^direcjions : will steam .into benefics when., they are retrograde is
the Nagpiir'railway- station very shortly. weakened very much and they lose their
The two boys travelling towards Nagpur power to offer beneficial results. On the
by the two trains but from opposite direct- other hand, a malefic planet if it happens
ions feel happier and happier as the trains to be retrograde, then its malefic is
increased doublefold. He further say Planets within a distance of 5 degrees
that, when two planets which are retro- from the Sun are also in combustion
grade are in good aspect, the results (eclipsed;. If, however, they are 10
indicated by the aspect would be deficient degrees away from the Sun, then the
and disappointing and would fall short of combustion is only ordinary. When the
its efficacy in the good results which would planet is beyond IS degrees, then there is
otherwise be experienced had the two no combustion at all.
planets not been retrograde. He believes The editor has treated this subject very
that an evil aspect by a planet, which exhaustively in the November, 1963 issue
is retrograde, accerituates the evil in- of ' Astrology and Athrishta ' which may
fluence. Other Western authors have also be referred to. In the editor's experience,
the same view. a planet when combust does not completely
Hindus, however, do not share the lose its power to offer the results indicated
above view. According to Varahamihira by it but it does so to a Jess extent.
in Brihat Jataka, benefics when retro-
grade exert happy influence for a very Translation of Light
long time while malefics augment the evil. An applying (approaching) aspect, i.e.,
Kalidas says in "Uttara Kalamritam' one in the process of formation, is more
(Sloka 1, Khanda II) that the strength of a powerful than the separating one and
retrograde planet is equal to its exaltation. connotes new experiences. The exact aspect
A planet which is conjoined with another over, its influence diminishes slowly and
planet which is retrograde gets increased ceases completely after the aspect is dis-
strength. He further says that _when a solved. Sometimes two planets transit in
planet, while in its exaltation sign, is also the zodiac at different points. They have
retrograde, then it attains neecha strength no aspect between them, but a third planet
and the strength of a planet, posited in its interposed between them may bring them
debilitation sign but retrograde, is similar closer together. For example, Mars is
to its exaltation. Mantreswarain 'Phala- placed in Rishaba 5 degrees and Jupiter
deepika' (Sloka 4, Adhyayaya IV) is Vrischika 17 degrees. They are not in
emphatic that a retrograde planet posse- opposition as Jupiter is 4 degrees beyond
sses strength even though it may be I3th degree of Vrischika up to which the
posited in its. depression or inimical sign orb of opposition extends. But if Moon
or amsa. Other Hindu sages have also were to be in Simba 11 degrees, then it
expressed the same view. will be in square to both Mars and Jupiter
As regards the results of retrograde (after allowing the orb for square aspect).
planets, the editor mentioned in his It will then transmute the influence of the
lectures in Delhi that he agrees with the malefic Mars towards that of the benefic
views of the Hindu sages and differs from Jupiter. There was no opposition ordi-
the Western savants. narily between Mars and Jupiter, but
Moon situated in between them brought it
Combustion of Light about.
A planet is said to lose its power Western authors believe that translation
completely when it is within a certain of light is a powerful testimony for
distance from the Sun, Mercury being an results, good or bad, according as the
exception. In that condition, the planet aspect thrown is good in quality and
is called ' combust * or burnt up by the. according as the .planets connected are
Sun's rays. When a planet is posited in benefic or malefic' by ownership and by
the same degree and minute of longitude, nature.
as the one occupied by the"Sun, then it is Another example: Moon is in Vrishaba
said to be in rapt conjunction with the 5 degrees, Mars in Kumbha 4 degrees and
Sun. It is then considered to be. eclipsed— Venus in Kanya 6 degrees, That is to say.
and utterly powerless. Moon is in square to Mars, a malefic, and
'in trine to Venus, a benefic. Moon is nature of the influence denoted by tbe
separating from Mars square and applying square aspect and ability to move forward
to the trine of Venus. The evil effect of and achieve success through self-effort in
the separating square aspect in this case spite of seeming obstacles in his way. It
is counteracted and greatly modified by would be the other way round, if the
the applying trine, the application being planet separates from a benefic and
of primary importance. The separation applies to an adverse aspect with a malefic.
from aspect indicates, in the Westerners' It has also been stated by the westerners
view, a lesson already learned and the that the separation of a planet from a
application a lesson to be learned. In the malefic and its application to another
above illustration, the separation from malefic shows that the evil light of one is
the square of a malefic and the applica- reflected to the other, thereby accentuating
tion to the trine of a benefic suggest that the already adverse influence. The
the native has the resistance, determina- editor's experience and knowledge in the
tion and resource to overcome the adverse predictive field confirms this view.
(FOUNDED: 1-4-1963) V
Phone: 4 2 4 4 9

Jyothisha Marthand
13. Brahmin Street, Saidapet

VOL. 3. MARCH 1965 No, 3,

Capricorn—Makaram ,■3
Jupiter,in the Fourth House 12
Signs and Houses 17
Date from which Standard Time
in use is Adopted 20
Mars, The Extravagant .. 22
Readers ask 26
The Greatest Sage in our Age 36
Daily Guide 40
Position of planets 43
13,Biahtnin Street, Saidapet, Madras-lS
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the and leave Nirayana Capricorn on or
Zodiac, ft is also 30* in longitude. It around 12th February every year. If the
extends from 270th degree from the Vernal charts are erected, following stellar
Equinox (Aries O"—Mesha 0°) to 300. astrology or Nirayana system, Sun'will be
Sun had reached the southernmost in its marked in Capricorn in the horoscopes of
path (called the ecliptic) and takes the the persons born between 14th January
northern course from 270th degree. and 12th February, both days inclusive.
It is popularly known .as Makara Capricorn-Makara is the 10th sign of
Sankaranthi. When the Sun is in the the Zodiac [Aries is the first; Taurus,
270th degree counted from the Vernal second; Gemini, third; Cancer, fourth;
equinox, exactly half a day is over for Leo, fifth; Virgo, sixth; Libro, seventh;
those in the South Pole and the other half Scorpio, eighth ; Sagittaiius, ninth;
of the day is to run. For people in the Capricorn, tenth; Aquarius, eleventh and
North Pole, it is exact midnight, sunset to Pisces, twelfth]. But it is the first sign
South Pole is the time when the Sun governed by Saturn. The other sign which
crosses the Celestial Equator and that is Saturn owns, is called Aquarius and is next
the time of sun-rise for those in the to Capricorn.
North Pole.
__ . , ,
TheNakshathrasor , stars otherwise
the , . Capricorntropical,
is a chara-movable-cardinal,
solstitial negative, feminine,
caHed the constellations Uthrashada earthy,dry, cold, quadrupedal, persevering,
second, third and fourth quarters Ser/ing, despondent sign of short-ascension
Sravanam, Dhamshla first and second in the southern-hemisphere,r
padas are cootaioed id tnis sign, Capricorn
Makara. Saturn gets debilitated in the sign
According to Sayana System, the Sun, (owned by Mars) Aries-Mesha. But Mars
nowadays, enters Capricorn on or around -exalted in this sign (owned by Saturn)
22nd December every year and leaves Capricorn-Makara. Jupiter fids^ debili-
Capricorn on or around 21st January, the tated in this sign. Whenever ^Capricorn is
Sun remains in this sign for a period, less occupied by both the luminaries Sun and-
than 30 days, and so the Sun moves daily Moon, they are said to be in enemy's
approximately 1° 8' to 1° 11'. Those who camp. But Venus and Mercury are con-
are born between 23rd December and 21st sid^red to occupy the friend's residence
January, any year, are called Capricor- when they are in Capricorn,
nians. In their horoscopes, cast by
following Sayana System the Sun will be It may - be considered that vthe signs,
shown in the sign Capricorn, Aries to Scorpio-denote the matters neces-
sary to lead the life in this world and to
^Jhit, according to Nirayana system, enjoy worldly pleasures, whereas Sagitta-
throu^hout Kaliyuga,^ttie^Sun?>iWilI;i.enj6&*i«ujJ5ips;rsto ,^isces. may. be. .taken as the four
Capricorn or Makara on the 14th January, philosophical sighs representing'Dharmnj^-At
pass through the constellations Uthra- Aitha, Kama and Moksha. No doubt,
shada, Sravana and Dhanishta first half Dharma and Moksha are governed by
Jupiter who rules these two signs, Sagitta- prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and
rius and Pisces. But, Artha and Kama practical-minded. It confers on him
are indicated by Saturn. Here, Kama methodicity and plodding, persevering
docs not mean the animal pleasure but the and patiently working temperament. The
ardent desire to reach the end one aims personwill be calculative and business-
at. Saturn, the lord of the sign, is to like.
aspect favourably fnr .\ person either to Capricorn is a movable sign; hence
hoard money or to regularly observe the one will quickly execute any work after
religious affairs, concentrate, meditate and taking carefully a decision. He will have
pray. The bank position of the meritori- the push and confidence. He will not
ous, deed done by one is shown by the hesitate to have a thorough change in his
tenth house. Capricorn gives philosophi- career, if it is found to be advantageous.
cal spirit, much power to persevere till one He will have a special organising capacity
reaches the goal, even though one has to and with enormous tolerance, patience
face many ordeals and increases the bank and steady nature, he will be at the head
position of Para-Loka-Sadhana. It shows of certain projects, however large they
theYagam, Yagyam, Homam, Tharppa- may be.
nam, Pooja, etc.; i.e.—Karma Yoga;
but Aquarius shows Gyana-Yoga-(medua- Being a feminine sign, owned by Saturn,
tion) as it is an airy sign. Capricorn is the it gives one the reserved nature and fear
sign of sacrifice. It is said that at the of ridicule. He will not entertain any
time of the birth of Jesus, the Sun had hope on others'promises : nor will he be
just entered Capricorn which in the symbol optimistic till he comes out successful
of resurrection. or realises his ambition. It is not easy to
Even today, in India, the goat is the cheat the Capricornians. Further, the
sacrificial animal. Whosoever that sacri- person will appear to be modest and
fices himself is a Capricornian. The polite. He will not make friendship with
popular saying. "He was the goat" is anybody quickly. He will take, a long
applicable to one born in Makara. time to test the individual and finally
make a permanent tie of friendship.
Physical Features: Saturn, the lord of
the sign, shows that one will be emaciated, Saturn who owns this house, indicates
weak and grow slowly. The body will that one will be either honest, sincere and
not be muscular or plumpy, but slender. reliable or the most conceited, dishonest,
One grows tall suddenly after 16 years of selfish, greedy, miserly never hesitating to
age. As one advances in age, his consti- commit any crime. Purposeful Saturn
tution also improves. The face will be shows thai k.^ricornians will never spend
thin and oval. The nose will be long, eyes their time in idle talk. Lethargic Saturn
deep set. The hair will be coarse. (Saturn^ suggests that , the person needs another
and Sun indicate growth of hair. Weak man to kindle him to do a task. Normally,
Saturn shows that there will not be suffi- he will not take action then and there, but;
cient growth of hair in the forehead. Well- postpone it to the last moment. At the
posited Saturn indicates profuse growth). instance of another, he will start doing
Saturn rules this sign. He governs the the job : when once he takes it up, he will
osseous system in the body. If Saturn is be at it (till it i s finished). Delaying Saturn
ill-posited for those born in Capricorn, may not confer success on him immedia-
one may suffer from T.B. of the bones or tely. One need not call it as " disappoint-
mottled enamel or fluorine intoxication. ment": because, like Robert Bruce, he
As age advances, the person becomes will make repeated attempts and will
hunch-backed. There will be scar in the 1 finally come out successful. If he is given
kncc'-cup br at losst irfhclef"1!: 211 5 ' encouragement; -with, enthusiasm, he, will in-
complete the work. Obstacles and hind-
Characteristics: Capricorn is an earthy rances will depress him for some time;
sign ; so, the person will be economical, but he will not leave it. People who dive
in the sea and mine excavators are gover- Suppose you arc born at the time of
ned bjr Saturn.or Capricorn. Till he finds sun-rise when Sun passes in Capricorn.
the spring, he digging the well. Sun makes you cautious, prudent and
practical. You will be serious, thoughtful
Further it shows that one will utilise and careful you will have much of organi-
everything to a material purpose. zing ability. You have sufficient fore-^
thought. You are capable of planning'
Generally, Venus .presages those which and scheming. You are industrious and
one will desire to have. As it owns the- always active, in spite of poor health-
houses, 5 and 10 and since Saturn owns Yon will be reserved and pensive. You
the sign Capricorn, he will try to have will never make spasmodic effort. Your
pleasurable pursuits, will be fond of music, steady action against odds- will bring you
drama, cinema, etc.,. will speculate, will the fruit after undue delay. It may be
have proper Guru (Preceptor) to initiate the demise of the opponent or the senior
him a ' Mantra ' and will be fortunate to or the competitor, that will contribute for
, have success. quick rise in your career. (An ordinary
Moon owns the seventh house- So one c)erk who entered service in a bank in
will be always having a Company. Other- Venus dasa, began to enjoy a series of
wise, there will be depression. Whenever. promotions
in the short period of six
in Sun dasa and occupied a covetous
they yjork, study or travel they will have post during Sun dasa, Venus Bhukti,
the Company of a friend to keep them- Most of the promotions were, due to the
selves cheerful and active. vacancy caused by the demise of the
This Sigh, also, produces many great senior.) Also, the Sun in Capricorn gives
. men, especially in politics. Saturn in the you the rise in life by the goodwill of the
tenth house will be exalted. In certain high officials who will recognise your
sub in Libra, Saturn gains such an merit and take you into confidence.
influence, that Capridorns, having Saturn Augusta FossHeindel says" Judges in that
in such positions, will think something position cannot be bought but they will
speak something and do something administer justice as they see it, to all
else. They will be highly tactful, diplo- comers". Everything has its own dis-
matic, clever, cunning and selfish and advantage also. When it gives you fair-
will not be grateful to any. While' Mer- play in all matters, you will find it difficult
cury gives a good memory, Saturn, forming to pull on with those who expect you to
ill-aspect with Mercury, gives the native connive at the criminal actions of your
the power to remember one and all before colleagues or officers. So, youk income
election and totally forget immediately will be only your salary. That is the
after selection. But good aspect between disadvantage of Sun in the ascendant in
Saturn and Mercury in the horoscope of Capricorn,.
sttch persons is a fortune to the country
as they will work for others. (Horoscope Moon in Capricorn, in the ascendant,
of Shri Rajaji.) They will not have makes you ambitious. You will be careful,
"any favouritism. . They abide by the cautious and calculative. Good aspect to
moral law. The disadvantage is that they , Moon indicates that you will be popular,
will be slow and steady in their ventures prominent and honoured. If Sun forms
with the blessing of the Providence for good aspect, one will be respected by all:
ultimate grand success. it is auspicious to become the executive
director of any industry. But bad aspect
So far, in general, without" the necessary to Moon! makes one a pessimistic. He
modification, the characteristics of people cannot take any decision. Failures will
born in Capricorn are given. But planets, depress him. He will be a very insignificant
asccjiding in Capricorn, near the ascendant person. He will have the fear complex
or aspectwill eithei" Modify, in'.cii-' and. inferiority complex. He will have
sify or nullify the above characteristics. poor digestibfll He* Will -not be .bold .to
do anything himself." He needs others' Jupiter in Capricorn (ascendant) gives
help. 1 Due to frequent disappointments him good health. He will be ambitious,
in life, he will'imaginf: that the world is ingenious and thoughtful. He will be
coming to an end,. th.\he is floored and economical and popular. He will study
that he can never come up again in life. science, philosophy and religion. Due to
He will think that he should remain as his virtue and merit, he will come up In
bachelor throughout life as he would not life. There is the providential help to get
have the approval and consent of a bride over any difficulty or to tide over the
to choose him for marriage. One gets adverse days. He may be inclined to take
dejected. Nothing can cheer him up. jobs involving tours, short as well as long
journeys, publicity, propaganda, exhibi-
Mars in Capricorn, in the ascendant, tion and will have also the chance to
gives the native extraordinary courage, serve in the " Foreign Affairs" department
and a go-a-head spirit. Good aspect to or will take up the agency of foreign
Mars offers self-reliance and boldness to concerns.
undertake any venture. One will not
regard the dangers or risks he may have Jupiter is debilitated in this sign. But,
to face. Impulsive and quick action is if it were to be in this sign in the fourth
indicated. He will act first; speak next quarter of Sravanam star, Jupiter will be
and think last. Heroes are born with exalted in Navamsa and it will offer the
Mars in the Capricorn Ascendant. They results indicated by it, to such a great
are capable of handling any situation. extent, as it does, when in exaltation.
They will surely reach the goal and have Always, planets debilitated in. rasi and
their desires fulfilled due to their indomi- exalted in Navamsa gain the strength of
table courage, inexhaustiblecnergy, patient exaltation.
perseverance and superlative efficiency.
Similarly, Mars in the 4th quarter of
But afflicted Mars shows that he Vill be Sravanam in Capricorn, gets debilitated in
rash, adamant, atrocious, aggressive, Navamsa and its strength is NIL.
argumentative, foolhardy and basically
dishonest. He may meet with accident or Jupiter, strong 'in Navamsa, gives
need surgical aid for gastric ulcer. His success id political career: also, one can
temper will be hasty impatient and irri- gain through commerce. It is likely that
table and his disposition vindictive,- the marriage is affected by a close rela-
pitiless, unforgiving and rancorous. tives. If Jupiter receives bad aspect, the
person will be unorthodox and will have
Mercury in the Ascendant in Capricorn difficulties in his occupation. Troubles
gives the native sharp intellect, suspicious throug'fj^ix department are inevitable.
mind and peevish nature. He will never
be satisfied. He will ' always be busy Venus in the ascendant in Capricorn
about something or other. He will be makes one ambitious, diplomatic and
studious and serious and will - always wealthy. Afflicted Venus indicates that
interiere in other's matters. He will be the person will marry for convenience and
the first person to get news and he is more for social success. He mhy be disappoin-'
or less a newspaper. He is best fitted to ted in love affairs: in business, his asso-
be a spy or detective. Officers having ciates will prove to be time-serving,
Mercury in Capricorn will have a successful fradulent and dishonest. He should be
career in excise, customs, C.I.D., Directo- careful while dealing with the subordinates
rate enforcement, .Foreign exchange, and (of opposite sex). Venus, receiving harmo-
as Inspector in the Tax department, etc. nious aspects gives gain.without effort, pro-
He can ferret out the secrets in the most' motion in service and many children (mostly
uncanny way. Thumb-impression specia- !>FavquraJi<te<yen,us
1^t^,^flerlG,Tiflsf<'r.geryJ.'«rirninals bring-*' * in covctabfe'*posts with great authority,
ing but counterfeit notes will have Mer- power and responsibility. • The person
cury in Capricorn. may do business in leather, and mine
products, or may be employed in banking dealings. He will take interest in psychi-
stock exchange, etc. cal affairs, art, music (mostly stringed)'
and in big projects. He will prove to be a-
Saturn in the ascendant in Capricorn good detective and a research scholar. He
indicates that the native will be plodding, will be admirably efficient, in professions'
persevering and patiently working. He' which need deep consideration, concentra-
will be slow and steady with a strong tion and correct judgment- But if Neptune
determination to make efforts in the same receives disharmonious aspects, he will
direction till he comes out successful. become a chea^a fraud and a traitor.
Saturn is a delaying planet to these people The most ungrateful sinner is born in
but it is neither a • denying nor a dis- Capricorn with Neptune rising in the
appointing' one. Further, the delay by East.
Saturn is not dangerous. Itisonly to achi-'
eve success in a larger measure in spite of Therefore one should , consider' the
various types of hindrances and handicaps. planet occupying the Ascendant, Capri-
He will be honest, faithful, reliable, corn, and accordingly modify (a) the
economical, prudent and frugal. He will physical features, (b) the characteristics,
be a practical man. He is neither an (c) aptitude, (d) disease and (e) profes-
optimist nor a pessimist. He believes in sion. -
duty and. in fate. He knows that the
effort is his and the result is God's " Man Characteristics to be corrected:
proposes and God disposes." So, he
becomes a philosopher through bitter If either the ascendant in Capricorn or
experience. .Afflicted Saturn makes one the lord of the ascendant, Saturn, were to
depressed, dejected, and despondent- receive bad aspects from any other planet,
Disharmony, dispute, difficulties and dis-
satisfaction are the results of Saturn (a) the native will be mostly selfish
receiving adverse aspects from other and egoistic.
planets. (b) Rarely will he be optimistic but
mostly pessimistic. He will
Uranus in Capricorn makes one ambi- become desperate and broken-
tious, enthusiastic, enterprising and per- hearted.
severing. It,is advantageous for research
scholars. It gives original ideas.' He (c) He will overwork and exert two
cannot be erratic or perverted nor will he much.
be adamant, arrogant and aggressive. But (d) He will contemplate, meditate
afflicted Uranus makes one foolhardy, and tax himself very much. Due
eccentric, controversial and disputatious, to overstrain he will feel fatigued.
and he will be at loggerheads with society
in general and with his close kith and' kin Hence, the native should correct him-
in particular. He will depart radically self after understanding that he may not
from established systems, tradition and bte aware of his faults or defects and that
habits. He will be successful in Govern- one born in Capricorn will have the above
ment or public occupations, or in trans- undesirable characteristics.
port, electricity, machinery or astrology, if
Uranus receives.good aspect. Bad aspect He' should develop dignity and diplo-
to Uranus threatens disagreement between macy, avoid nervousness and discontent.
the couple, separation, estrangement and
even divorce.
.-r-'Ncptui!C:i£i"'.h-.-,' at'CetldantMnXuapricorn- • ';* Cu"pTicoYir - klices'-and-tht:
makes one to be self-reliant and intelligent. patella bones. Saturn signifies the com-
He will develop intuitive powers. He will plete bony structure. . Capricorn also
be calm, careful and cautious in all his governs the dry epidermis.
Hence the injury to the part of the nature, the chief governor for longevity
body, near the knee cap, uriticaria, skin and as he owns the 2nd house, Aquarius,
disease, eczema bruises, dislocation, etc., the Maraka-Sthana, Saturn will end one's
are indicated when the lord of the sixth life.
house occupies Capricorn and to those ■ . 7th house is owned by Moon. Hence
having malefics in the ascendant .in Capri- Mars, Saturn and Moon are evil and will
corn. cause death."
Hysteria, rheumatism and cold are indi- It is said that Sun, who owns Leo, the
cated by the owner of this sign, i.e., eighth house, does not become evil due to
Saturn. its lordship—Jataka-chandrika. By that
As people born in this sign will be one is to understand that unless Sun gains
depressed and discontented, .worried and evil results by conjoining with or aspected
gloomy, gradually the digestive system by Saturn, Mars and Moon, it will not
will become weak and it may cause cause death. One should not judge, that
flatulence. it becomes wholly good. Not at all. As
regards longevity,, it will not normally
Capricorn opposing Cancer, may cause prove to be evil. But, during its periods
pulmonary aflection and in 6 to Leo may and sub periods one will face many diffi-
cause trouble to the heart. culties and will be in trouble.
Large number3? of horoscopes were Mercury, lord of 6, will affect health.
collected and it was found that evil planets Hence Vitamin.'B' deficiency, gas trouble
in Capricorn afibct the heart of the native i and general nervous debility may be
during the period of the malefic occupying expected during periods and sub periods of
Capricorn. Mercury.
It is advantageous to be in the midst of One is to understand clearly that Saturn,'
cheerful youngsters. Take heating and Mars and Moon will cause danger and
stimulating food. Include laxative. Have anxiety to one's longevity in their Con-
regular .physical exercise. Never jump joined sub periods in the major period of i
and fall down. Avoid "High jump, pole evil planet whereas Mercury will repea-
jump," etc. tedly give more or less, the 'same disease.
Saturn in Uthrashada threatens murmur Finance and Fortune
of heart: Mars in Uthrashada shows
cardiac thrombosis Rahu, and Kethu in Capricorn-borns are conservatives.
Uthrasthada cause blood pressure. Uranus They will never mind the difficulties,
causes heart failure. handicaps and hindrances: but will »
continue to work in the same direction ''
Planets in Sravanam star, show aflection till they come out successful. Their
of the lungs, eczema, etc. ambition forces and drives them to perse-
vere. They have the desire to gain name,
- Planets in Dhanishta threaten high fever, fame, reputation and money. They will
bronchitis, pneumonia, urticaria, bruises, try not to miss the bus, but avail of all
fracture, dislocation, etc. the opportunities arising. They will
Capricorn is a moVabl? sign. Hence consolidate all their affairs and resources.
the 11th house therefrom is the Bhadha- As a business man born in any of the 12
.kasthana. The lord of the 11th house, signs during Jupiter dasa one will be
Scorpio, is Mars. Hence Mars is not going on expanding his busines s and
good for longevity. opening many branches in different parts. j
But the same business man, during Saturn 1
- The second -and _seventtr houses are dasa and during the dasa of planets in '
' MafalriTSthanas Even though Saturn is Capricorn, will consolidate and concen-
the lord of the ascendant, as he is, by trate. They are pessimistic by nature.
They do not speculate. They will (Mars also), it produces experts in hand-
invest on permanent possessions after . print, forgery ; it is advantageous to those
carefully scrutinizing the documents and who practise concentration, crystal-grazing
having obtained enough of security. yoga, etc.
They are industrious. They save money Jupiter forming good aspect shows that
slowly and steadily. As long as they do one may be a physician or a scientist.
not speculate, take chances and risks, One may gain through clubs and-societies.
how can they expect a windfall. They do He may manage large companies, or may
not waste money. If they serve others, serve in Religious Endowment Board. He
they will prove to be most economical, may gain through lands andmine products.
correct, trustworthy, well-informed and He is also likely to serve in the Educa-
wide-awake worker. They are best fitted tion, Finance or Legal department of
to serve in the Finance Department. They Government. He may take contracts on
will always think of the future and save a longterm basis.
satisfactorily for the 'rainy day' or to Venus forming good aspect makes one
meet unexpec and uncommon expen- patient and honest, steady and sincere.
ses. He may deal in chemical, mine ores,
Saturn being the lord of Capricorn and leather and hides: or may serve in
also the second house, the native may deal slaughter house, birth control : or may
in such things or serve in such places as be a sanyasi without any attraction to the
are mentioned below. Further good as- opposite sex "or he may invest his money
pect from planets to the ascendant or to on gardens and lands. The people
the lord of the ascendant, Saturn indicates working in the cremation or burial
the following professions. Sun forming ground will also have this aspect.
good aspect indicates service in quasi- [Purohits, having good aspect between
government, municipality, local boards, Jupiter and Venus are experts in conduc-
Corporation or Government, dealing in ting a marriage whereas Purohits having
mine ores or organising and managing good aspect between Saturn and Venus
big institutions. The native will lay out are conversant with disposals.]
money on wholesale business or invest on
lands, buildings, etc,', which may be let Uranus forming good aspect gives good
out for rent for Government use. knowledge in occult sciences : the person
is an expert in mental healing or healing
Moon forming good aspect shows tha1 one without any drug. He may serve in
the person will deal with kerosene, lands the Railway: He may practise astrology
and animals. He will be a successful agri- or study Geology : He will be interested in
culturist. He may- excavate wells, build collecting curios, in preserving monu-
tanks or may be a contractor to reinforce ments, etc. (Venus also).
the bund of lakes, etc. . Neptune forming good aspect shows
Mars forming favourable aspect success in secret service, submarine liquids,
is necessary for engravers of metal, oils, subsoil materials etc. He should be
masons, engineers; surveyors, cement careful, when he speculates. He should
manufacturers (Venus also must form not overtrade. Then he will be successful.
aspect for cement, and leather manu- Long journeys on land or sea will prove
facture), surgeons (Sun, too), lawyers to be advantageous.
(Jupiter also), brick-kiln owners, etc. Domestic Environments
Mercury forming good aspect produces- Generally,-Gapricorn borng are not very
Engineering, detective novel writers, deep anxious to get marriad early. But they
thinkers, teachers, Mathematics, Physics have it, because they have to marry and
dealers in scientific instrument and gives are destined to marry. They do not want
chance to work in C.I.D. department many children. Yet they become the
Jyothisha Vjsharath K. Ganapathi
Jupiter is the representative of Provi- The Hindus declare that the 4th house
dence. The meritorious deeds done in indicates the mother of the native, whereas
the previous birth—the bank position the Westerners consider it to denote the
of one's virtue in the past—can be father. The editor follows the Hindu r
judged from the strength and occupation of view, as it is found to be correct in his
Jupiter in one's horoscope. Jupiter is research work:—
associated with luck as one can survive 4th house indicates one's residence,
dangers and disasters due to the mitigating native place, lands, sites, gardens, man-
influence of prominently placed Jupiter. sion, mine, treasure, permanent holdings,
Good aspects to Jupiter make a person land taken on lease, rents, transport,
good-humoured, liberal-minded and gene- conveyance, private life, sincerity and
rous. A person under the influence of honesty or the opposite satisfaction,
Jupiter will be an ardent devotee of law, etc-
philosophy, religion, economics, banking,
etc. To lead a happy life in this world Jupiter in the 4th house is auspicious:
and to enjoy peace of mind by prayers, (a) Benefics occupying a house improve
Jupiter must be well-posited in one's the matters indicated by it; (b) benefics
horoscope. It governs one's worldly aspecting a house mitigate the affliction of
possessions and fortunes. It is the chief a house, if it is spoiled by the malefics.
governor for Finance and Family. [The Sun may be hot. No doubt. Sun is
Fourth house signifies one's happiness very huge in size. Yet an umbrella
misery in the domestic environments, protects one from the hot sun. So also,
success or failure in one's native place, evil planets may spoil a house. Yet the
increase or decrease in landed property, aspect from the benefics, like the umbrella,
improvement or deterioration of one's will protect one from undesirable events.]
buildings, possession of a vehicle, good
relationship with mother and other kith A person would like to have happy do-
and kin, success or failure in one's mestic environments indicated by the 4th
educational career, rise in life and emolu- house. Jupiter in 4,'v£ raises it. Further
ments , (when it aspects 10th house), the parts of the body denoted by the 4th
contentment and good health in old age (as house will be strengthened. One,will not
it aspects 8th house), proper investment suffer from Eosonophilia, Asthma, TJ).,
bringing larger returns (when aspecting etc.
12th house) etc.
One would wish to have a peaceful end
Also, Fourth house indicates the after having lived a large number of years.
movable property of the younger brother This is assured by Jupiter in 4, as it
and sister; the health and longevity ,of aspects the 8th house, and will not give
mother; the loss to or expenses or invest- lingering disease.
ment by the children ; the occupation of the
partner (in a male's chart, the 4th house Who will not have the amibtion to be
indicates the profession of the wife and in prosperous in business,. ,prqmotjprj, in,.
a .female's" chart--it'-denotes-that of the-' '* semce" and ^ihe ''d'cs'ire''tf>'*e'a'ffi"'riame'and'
husband); the danger to the father i the fame. Jupiter offers these, as the tenth
debt disease, dispute and difficulty. olLthe _ .house receives the beneficial aspect from
elder brother or sister. Jupiter, when in 4.
Consider the harm done by rats, bandi- — medicine and gold: Saturn shows that
coots, hugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes, one may come by a treasure or invest on
lizards, insects, etc., in one's residence, land,
especially when one goes to bed. Also
consider, however ^mall, the sum may be, The lord of 2, forming good aspect,
if one loses it unawares, how much one is promises gain through mother, land,
perturbed at that time. Further,' if one is mines,
an etc. Happy family lifi with peace
cheated while purchasing some articles, d prosperity is assured, \tervice in
(like smuggled watch, pen, etc. Sold on banks, in the agricultural department,
the platform by expert cheats) consider college and finance department may be
his feelings. Thus all the undesirable looked for.
matters signified by the 12th house will , . , , , , ,,
not be experienced by the person who has ' . ° ^ forming favourable
Jupiter in the 4th house, as it aspects the aspect
or t0 with either Jupiter in the 4th bhava
12th house the personcusp
willof derive
the 4thbenefits
h^use shows
from that
Therefore, good domestic environments, mother. The person will be studious. He
peaceful end, prosperous profession and will shine as a broker, an agent or a re-
pleasant life with large returns from presentative. He may be a contractor or
investments are portrayed by Jupiter in serve in the department of communication,
the 4th house. information, broadcasting, publicity,
postal or telephone departments. The
If the Lord of Lagna forms good aspect j0b js transferable. He will be inclined to
with the lord of the Cusp "of 4th house have changes,
or Jupiter in the fourth bhava, one
will gain through lands, mines, perma- The lord of 4, forming good aspect,
nent possessions, maternal property, gives the matters governed by the 4th
inheritance, transport, conveyance, bank- house to' the entire satisfaction of the
ing, lending money for hire purchase, native. It indicates prosperity to the
service in a land mortgage bank, colleges, partner, danger to father and litigation to
schools, religious societies, mutts, law elder brother,
department, etc. One can graduate him-
self or herself and may have post-graduate The lord of 5 throwing harmonious
study. The person will lead a peaceful aspect to the 4th house indicates gain
life, even in old age, when he draws his , through . children. There will be the
pension sanctioned in time, without much temptation to speculate and it Will end in
delay. [If Saturn also .aspects either the a loss. Adverse aspect alone assures gain
lord of the 4th house or Jupiter in 4, it by speculation. The native will not mind
will delay to some extent, but ultimately spending on pleasurable pursuits in his own
he will get it, before he is put to trouble. locality. He will be much attached to his
If Jupiter has nothing to do with the 10th relatives, especially towards his mother
or the 4th house, but Saturn aspects either and children. The partner will have most
those houses or their lords, however much beneficial results during the conjoined
the administrators may desire to dispose period of the lord of 5 and Jupiter in 4.
of the affairs quickly, the subordinates will
delay the.papers for years and the pension The lord of 6 aspecting Jupiter benefi-
paperwill move much more slowly than the cially indicates sickness of the person
stars in^the heavens. The lord Of 1 form- through the worry and anxiety at home,
ing good aspect indicates possession of It is difficult to lead a harmonious and
vehicle in their joint periods. If the lord happy life. Servants also will contribute
, ofJ js.Mars the native6 will buy land: if for further troubles. Pet animals, cows,
the land'of 1 iS VeftVisj he may-purchase a^r iv.etc,, will^fajl^L He jnay study for
vehicle: if the lord of 1 is Mercury, he ' medicine, "mafe'ftutjf'irnufsingl '■'Physici--:
may own publications; Moon indicates ans, especially Ayurvedic doctors will have
that one may have boats: Sun shows success in life.
The lord of- 7 forming good aspect department.' Architectui-, Archaeology,
with lord of 4 or with lupiter in 4 or to horticulture, nursery and collection of
the 4th cusp, indicates that the native will antiquities are also indicated. Children
gain through partner, or may get property may fall ill and may be admitted in the
through marriage by marrying a rich wife hospital (10th house is the 6th to the 5th';
or husband. The partner will be chaste and 4th is the 12th to the 5th. 6th house
and will ever try to maintain peace and shows disease and 12 indicates hospitalisa-
lead a harmonious life. Business will tion). .
improve by taking partners. Wife will
come from his own place or from the The lord of 11 forming good aspect
family, already related. Litigation.will with Jupiter in the 4th house shows that
end in a loss. Failure in competition the native with gain money through
is indicated. friends or he may be fortunate in dealing
with'lands and buildings. He may acquire
The lord of 8 forming good aspect with property at a competitive price due to th's-
Jupiter in 4 indicates that the native may efforts of good friends. Those who live
receive insurance amount or legacy. There in the same house or in the same street or
will be death in his residence. The native town will be very friendly. His car, the
will not meet with accidents neither will building and other permanent possession
he fall down nor will anything fall on will not give him trouble. There will be
him. No loss by floods and storms are no difficulty for water-supply, nor any loss
indicated. Partner will gain much. There by floods or storm.
will be social and financial success to
partner who may work in an Insurance The lord of 12, aspecting Jupiter in 4,
Corporation or deal with the money of a threatens the native with loss, difficulty,
deceased person or will be an income-tax trouble, litigation, etc. There will be
officer dealing in estate duty and death secret inimical activity even at home. One
duty. may suffer within oneself and never give
expression to his sufferings. He will find
The lord of 9 forming good aspect that his resources are limited and that he
promises grand success in scholastic has to depend on others towards the end
career. The native may have double- . of his life. Such people should never
degree. He may possess lands in a far- commute and reduce their pension. They
off place and also a good conveyance should not prefer Provident Fund, but
which will not give trouble. He may go select the pension system. Also he should
overseas for higher education. Gain of take an endowment pc^oy which will
money through strangers and foreigners, mature at an age aroundVil ■"
travel on account of family affairs, trans-
fer and change of place to partner, loss of Health: Jupiter in the4th house shows
money by. speculation to children are the moles in the chest. Sun afflicting Jupiter
results of Jupiter in 4 receiving aspect from causes dry cough, or Eosonophilia. Moon
the lord of 9. causes Pneumonia. Mars indicates boils,
burns, bruises, etc. in the chest region.
The lotd. of 10 throwing favourable Mercury afflicting Jupiter shows Cancer.
■aspect on Jupiter in the 4th Bhava shows Venus indicates Bronchitis : Saturn threa-
that one will receive honour, title, etc. He tens Tuberculosis, Asthma, Hiccough and
will be respected by all. He will be removal of ribs.
popular and prosperous. He will gain
money through land, buildings, agricul- Detailed Study—Stellar astrology ; For
TuraTot Education department,- mines, etc; those'born in-Aries; Jupiter is lord of 9
The end of life will be peaceful and and 12. If it is in the 4th house, it may
pleasant. One may be recla= be in.Cancer where it is. exalted. Further
mation ground or build in-it. Also one it will be in one of the three constellations
may own a building through co-operative Punarvasu, Pushyam or Ashlesha. If
Jupiter is in Punarvasu 4th quarter, then Poorvapalguni or the first^'quarler of
it will be e&alted both in Rasi and Uthrapalguni. So Jupiter in Makam gives
Navamsa and it is said to be in 'Vargotha- troubles through landed properties and
mamsa It promises that the person buildings but ultimately brings success and
will have higher education,, grand success gain. One will not be able to inherit
in his or her studies, long journey, life easily. Through the help of friends the
in a foreign place, sale of old inherited person will get over his difficulties. Jupi-
house and investment on a new building in ter in Poorvapalguni star shows success in
a far olf place, mostly on the bank of a competition, gain in speculation, ill-health
river or lake or on the shore of the sea but proper medical aid promising rapid
without any difficulty for water. He may cure. It is likely that the native suffers
have contact with foreigners and earn from diabetes. Jupiter in Uthrapalguni
through them. His domestic environments star shows that the native may gain
alone will not be very happy as the wife through medicine, pharmaceuticals, bank,
or the partner will not maintain good Government, religious and legal depart-
health- ments.
Jupiter in Pushyam star will prove to To people bom in Gemini, Jupiter in
be most advantageous. Gain through Virgo, in the 4th house will be in Uthra-
speculation, peaceful atmosphere at home, palguni star governed by Sun, or in
promotion in service, greater responsibi- Hastham star ruled by Moon or in the
lity, and position of trust, "prosperity in first half of Chithrai, lord of which is
business, service in mines, petrol com- Mars which owns thetith and llth houses.
panies, absence of trouble through the tax
collectors and inspectors, no difficulty Jupiter is said to be the Kendhradhi-
through the Directorate of Enforcement, pathi for Gemini-borns and is considered
Foreign Exchange, etc. to be wholly evil by a few students
of astrology. Their conception is not
Jupiter in Ashlesha star indicates that- correct. Jupiter, no doubt, owns the
one will have loss, difficulty, debts, dise- houses Sagittarius and Pisces which are
ase, nervous break-down etc. One may the 7th and 10th houses counted from
stand surety for another and pay the Gemini. As the houses 1, 4, 7 and 10
penalty for his over liberality and genero- are termed as Kendhra Sthanas, Jupiter by
sity. One may borrow, without any owning houses 7 and 10, becomes the
scruples and dispose of his property to Kendhradhipathi. One is to correctly
clear off the loans. understand, that Kendhradhipathi, benefic
by nature, will prove to be evil, after one
If Jupiter would have been in the second has lived his life according to his horos-
pada—(quarter) of Ashlesha, Jupiter will cope, andat the time, he is destined to die.
be debilitated in Navamsa. It is said that Even though Jupiter dasa may operate in
planets exalted in rasi and debilitated in one's youth or adult age, one will outlive
Navamsa, lose their strength. Hence Jupi- this dasa, as he is destined to live for a
ter becomes very weak, if it were in the long number of years, and when he dies,
second quarter of Ashlesha. One may be Jupiter will rule the sub period or sub sub
a good writer and be a famous editor. It period. That is all.
is not uncommon to meet brilliant journa-
lists who are always in need of money. But during his lifetime, it gives him
Yet they will have such a mind that they early marriage and the partner will be a
should not accept anything as gift. Jupiterian—One will accept, work and
They will never relish subordination. earn through the occupations governed by
Hence they will be ever poor. Jupiter, as it owns the tenth house—the
house signifying profession.
To people born in Taurus, with Jupiter"
as lord of 8 and 11 occupying thd 4th Jupiter in Uthrapalguni 2nd pada will
house, Leo will be either in Makam or be debilitated in Navamsa and will be
weak. Jupiter in this star makes one a [Thus, for each rasi born, one is to find
contractor supplying materials to Govern- out (a) which houses are ruled by Jupiter
ment or one may be employed in the com- as it owns two houses (A and B);
munication, publicity and propaganda (b) in which star it was;
departments or may be a salesman of
chemicals and medicine. Jupiter in llas- (c). which planet rules the star; and
tham, promises gain with least pain. If it (d) which houses the lord of the star
would be in the 4th quarter, Jupiter will governs (C and D).
be exalted in Navamsa and very strong.
Hence Jupiter brings one to the front of Then one is to judge
the public, makes him popular and offers 1. lord of ' A' house in the constel-
prosperity. One may be a good politician, lation of the lord of the house 'C.
statesman, orator and also a businessman
doing wholesale business. One may gain by 2. lord of the house 'A' in the con-
speculation ; it is likely that he may donate stellation of the lord of the
for an educational institution or a medi- house ' D \
cal ward. Jupiter in Chithra is very 3. lord of ' B ' in the constellation
favourable. Win in competition, success of lord of ' C'.
in election, gains in games, profit through and 4. lord of ' B ' in the constellation
friends, construction of houses through of lord of ' D '.
co-operative societies, service in land
mortgage bank, press, publication, or The above results will be enjoyed
telegraph department, dealings in surgical during the conjoined periods of these
goods and instruments are indicated.' planets.]
Thousands of stars are visible when Aries—Mesha ; Libra — Thula ;
night gathers and they are scattered at Taurus—Rishaba; Scorpio—Vrischika ;
random over the sky. Only a few appear ' Gemini—Mithuna; Sagittarius—Dhanus
in certain patterns. If one observes the Cancer—Kataka ; Capricorn—Makara
pathway of the Moon, one will notice that Leo—Simha ; Aquarius—Kumbha
it does not embrace all the stars in the Virgo—Kanni; Pisces—Meena.
heavens, but takes a course which is in the The earth revolves on its axis once in
neighbourhood of the celestial equator- 24 hours. During this period the twelve
Ob-yrvations made to fix the apparent signs pass over any given spot on the
pathway of the Sun both in the early earth, one succeeding the other in the
morning hours and immediately after sun- same order. Each sign takes nearly two
set confirm that its route is also very close hours to transit the eastern part of the
to the celestial equator and neither Sun horizon where the Sun appears to rise in
nor Moon moves far away from it. Never the morning. The time taken by each
do they pass near the South Pole or the sign varies. Though a few transit within
North Pole. The Sun's path crosses the a period of two hours, some signs take
celestial equator in two points and the more than two hours and the total time
Sun will be away from it 23° 27' at the taker, is only 24 hours. This also varies
most. The Moon's orbit is a little inclined widely, depending upon the latitude of the
to the Sun's path, viz. the ecliptic. The place of birth.
other planets also have their individual
orbits and all of them are found within 8 For example, Aries takes nearly 112'
degrees on either side of the Ecliptic. This minutes and Gemini 129 minutes for
belt of the heavens, which is a circle of people in the Equator, whereas Aries
space surrounding the Earth, is called the takes 80 minutes and Gemini 118 minutes
Zodiac. for people in the latitude 34° North.
The Sun appears to rise 365 times a As the Zodiac is ever moving and birth
year. But 360 is the L.C.M. (Least Com- can happen at any moment, the part of
mon Multiple) of Numbers 1 to 10 except the Zodiac that rises in the East will be
7. Hence it appears that the circular route regularly changing at the rate of roughly
is said to cover 360 degrees, and the 1 degree for every four minutes- There-
mathematicians have also taken 360° for fore, to find out which part of the Zodiac
a circle. or'which part of a particular sign, is risiug
in the East at the time of birth one has to
The Sun and the New Moon conjoin calculate. It is only to ascertain this time
twelve times before the Sun completes one of birth and to have some more data,
revolution. So also in the same one-year sidereal time at the time of birth of the
period there are 12 Full Moons. child is worked out. Now it is necessary
to know how to fix the ascendant, i.e., the
Probably this may be the reason to part of the sign that is rising in the East.
divide the Zodiac into 12 equal parts.
Hence each part is defined to contain 30 With a view to read the results of the
degrees of space called the signs of the horoscope our sages have also advocated
Zodiac. Thus the 12 signs, each measuring i
that the circle commencing from the
"exactly 30'degrees;*constitute the circl^of 'aSeehdfa'riifHr>to-be divided into 12 parts.'"1*
the Zodiac which is 360- These divisions are called Houses. The
risiug position in the Zodiac, called the
These twelve signs commence from the Ascendant, the meridian of the place and -
vernal equinox and they are called the setting position of the Zodiac, other-
wise called Descendant, are taken for cal- arrived at, is taken as the cusp of houses
culation. The quadrants formed between 11 and 12. Similarly he completes the
the meridian and the horizon are trisected. circle.
These form the visible six houses above (0 Campanus follows a method by
the earth. The other six bouses are dia- which he finds the cusps of houses which
metrically opposite to each of these six are the degrees of the Ecliptic cut by the
houses. Thus there are six houses below Prime Vertical.
the earth.
There are various methods of House '(g) The method in common use is that
division. The Hindus follow the method followed by Placidus, generally known as
recommended by Sripatipaddathi. It is " Semy Arc System."
popular. In other countries, eight methods (h) Regiomontanus advocates modus
are followed and the principles involved rationalis whjch is a rational one.
in each will be very briefly mentioned
here. In the succeeding issues, these will be
taken up one by one and described. But
(a) Ptolemy's modus equalis or equal now it is enough to understand that there
method. The division of the houses com- are-many methods to work out the various
mences from the degree that rises in the houses. But to the astrologer, it is a
east. Thirty degrees are added succes- tedious job-
sively and the meridian obtained will not To save the trouble as well as the time,
coincide with the zenith. It is rough
method and is given up. and to avoid mistakes, it is suggested that
the book "Tables of Houses " may be
(b) Porphyry suggested a method where obtained., If it is not available in your
the meridian and the ascendant are deci- place, please write to " Lakshmi Book
ded and the quadrants are equally divided Stores", Janpath, New Delhi. The books
into three equal parts. The quadrant are available in this book-stall.
formed by the ascendant and Nadir (the
cusp of the fourth house) is divided into This book published by Raphael is the
three equal parts. Thus, six houses are best- All other tables of houses published
obtained and for the other six houses, the by different authors will vary widely.
diametrically opposite points are taken. Astronomers will say, in one voice,
This is also not used nowadays. "FOLLOW RAPHAEL'S TABLE OF
(c) Morinus introduced a method by HOUSES ALONE."
trisecting the quadrant of the equator by He takes every degree of the I -eridian '
circles passing through the poles of the to places in the Northern Hemil.-. here.
ecliptic which has not received support That is, he has calculated the position of
from the present-day authors. the various houses to a locality by taking
(d) An Australian astrologer named regularly one degree after another from
Zariel advocated equal division method Aries 0 deg"" to Pisces 30° when it passes
by dividing the equator into 12 equal the meridianT For latitudes between 2° A
segments. The division commences from 60° N., this table is useful. To each
the meridian of the place. This is also litittide of the place, the sidereal time is
not popular. furnished in the first column. Then the
sign and the number of degrees are given
(e) The method of alcabitius: He for houses 10, U, 12, Ascendant, 2 and
determines the Ascendant in the usual 3. These are the exact points where the
manner. He determines the sidereal time houses begin. It is called the "CUSPS"
when this degree of the ascendant will be of houses. The space in between the
hin.the meridian,. The "fijff'erence, between,, adjacent cusps is the extension of the
this and the sidereal time at birth is house. By adding ISO degrees to the
divided by three and that position which cusps 10, 11, 12, 1, 2 ft 3 one can easily
-will-culminate for-the sidereal time thus arrive at the position of the cusps of the
4th, Sth, 6th, 7th, 8th, and the 9th houses the particular page in which the position
respectively. Thus, all the houses can be is given for 13°N.
recorded with ease and without any error. The ascendant will be Aries 0° (Mesha).
The positions of these houses are given The cusp of 2nd house is Taurus 4°
according to Sayana System. (Rishaba)
The cusp of 3rd house is Gemini 4°
Signs are twelve in number. They (Miihuna).
always commence at Aries 0" which is the
moving vernal equinox and each sign is The cusp of 4th house is Cancer 0°.
ever exactly 30°, whether a person is in The cusp of Sth house is Cancer 26°.
equator or at any latitude in the northern The cusp of 6th house is Leo 26°.
or southern hemisphere.
The cusp of 7th house is Libra 0° and
But houses begin only from the point of so on.
Zodiac that just rises in the East at the From this one can note how each house
required time. Each house is different in varies in its Longitude.'
longitude. Some houses will be greater
than 30* and some less than 30*, but the A reference to other tables of houses
longitudes of all the houses put together published by other authors, will show that
will be exactly 360°. they do not agree.
As Raphael's Table of houses is adop-
Example : Suppose one's sidereal time ted by astronomers due to its correctness,
at birth is 18 hours at Madras (or 130N), the readers are advised to use this alone,
one is to refer in the table of houses to for casting the horoscope.

Dale Monti) Year Greenwich Mean Time. If in Greenwich
United States and Canada il is 9 A.M., adding 5 hours 30 minutes,
from 12 noon on 18 11 1883 we get 2-30 P.M. in the afternoon, accor-
Japan 1886 ding to Indian Standard Time. If it is
Austria .1889. 7 P.M. in Indian Standard Time, deduct
Hungary 1889 5 hours 30 minutes. Then 1-30 P.M.
Germany 1890 afternoon is Greenwich meantime.
Prussia 1893
Rumania 1891
Servia 1891
Bulgaria 1891 Hours Minutes Seconds
Italy 1893 Algeria 9 21
Denmark 1894 Argentina 16 48
Switzerland 1894 Australia Western 0 0
Norway 1895 Australia Central 30 0
Queensland 1895 Australia Eastern 0 0
Australia 1895 Austria Hungary 0 0
New South Wales 1895 Belgium 0 0
Victoria 1895 Borneo 0 0
South Australia 1895 Brazil 52 41
Manila Island 1899 British Columbia 0 0
Phillippine Island 1899 Canada Eastern 0 0
Alaska 1900 Canada Central 0 0
Spain 1901 Chile 42 46
Balearic Islands 1901 China—Sanghai 5 43
Atlantic TiinSP" 1902 China—Saigon 6 49
New Brunswik 1902 Columbia 56 -54
Nova Scotia 1902 Cuba 29 26
Cape Breton 1902 Denmark 0 0
Prince Edward's Island 1902 Egypt o ( >
Orange River Colony 1903 England 0 \j
South Africa 1903 Fiji Islands 53 CJ 44
Transvaal 1903 France. 9 21
Rhodesia 1903 Germany
Portuguese East Africa 1903 Gibraltar
Cape Colony 1. 3 1903 Greece
INDIA 1 1 1906 Holland
Peru 1908 Hong Kong
Republic of Chile 1 1 1910 INDIA
Republic of France 1911 Ireland
The following table gives the difference Japan
between the Greenwich meantime and the Java
Standard time used in various parts of the Korea
world. If the ' ' is used, one is to add Madagascar
this difference to. .Greenwich meantime. Malta
For example, India " 5 hours 30 minu- Mexico
tes means that Indian Standard Time is New Zealand
always 5 hours 30 mirites in advance of Norway
kouis K4:rutej Seconds , Hours Minutes Seconds
Nova Scotia 4 0 0 United States:
Panama 5 19 39 From Manic to South
Peru 5 9 3 -Carolina 5 0 0
Portugal 0 36 5 Kakota to Texas ) , n n
Russia Pulkowa 2 1 19 Michigan to Florida i
Russia Irkutsk 6 57 5 Montana to Arizona 7 0 0
Russia Vladivostok 8 47 31 Pacific Coast States
Servia 1 0 0 and Nevada 8 0 0
Singapore 6 55 25 Alaska Sitka 9 0 0
South Africa 2 0 0 Hawaiian Islands 10 ' 30 0
Spain 0 0 0 Philippine Isrilids 8 0 0
Sweden 1 0 0 Porto Rico 4 0 0
Switzerland 1 0 0 Panama Canal Zone 5 0 0
Tunis 0 9 21 One has to refer to this table and" cal-
Turkey 2 0 0 culate G.M.T. to erect a horoscope.
Mars, the extravagant
Mars is also called Kuja, Sevvai, Second house signifies
Angaraka, Manga), etc- (a) the financial position, bank posi-
Natnre of Mars: If Mars occupies tion of a person. All movable
favourable sign, bouse and constellation, properties are included. It
and owns beneGcial houses (Bhavas), it shows one's self, acquisition,
offers menially courage, boldness, resolu- (b) the prosperity or adversity; gains
teness, daring spirit, beroism, dash, confi- or loss; rich or poor; business
dence. manliness, nerve, back-bone and or service;
tenacity ; physically muscular, well built, (c) the amount that is borrowed or
strong body and robust health financially that is lent
lands, buildings, property; officially
authority, power, promotion, etc. Mars (d) money that is ' either employed
maintains good relationship with brothers, in speculation or entangled in
cousins and such of those relatives signi- such dealings,
fied by the houses governed by it accord-
ing to the Lagna in which each is born: (e) money entrusted with a guardian,
domestically happy, harmonious life. (f) litigation, law suit, money, with
the receiver of the court,
If Mars is evil in a chart, by its owner- (g) wife, husband, children, etc., all
ship or occupation or both, the person relatives, j•
will be mentally rash, impulsive, head
strong, haughty, arrogant. Vain-glorious, (h) face, cheeks, chin, teeth, mouth,
adamant, atrocious, argumentative, never eye-the right eye-vision, speech,
, accepting defeat, incautious, imprudent; imagination,
uncalculating, careless, headless, fool-
hardy, everprecipitating things etc.,physi- (i) ■ separation from younger brother
cally reckless, devil-may-care, meeting' expenses and loss to younger
with accidents, ever having injuries, sufifer- brother or sister secret inimical
ing from burns, boils, bruises, cuts, etc., activity against them investment
undergoing surgical treatment and having made by the youngsters,
frightening scars and marks, financially,
very free, over liberal, expenses far out- (j) mother's elder brother, friends
weighing income, extravagant, impulsive and her gains,
purchases without any previous programme (k) promotion and prosperity to
keep open one's house, give with both children,
hands and officially disobedience insubor-
dinate, rash decision, suddenresignation or (1) danger to partner or wife or
take up risky job, domestically, irritable, r husband,
never agreeing, ever., quar-r-ellingr.uviolent; •* 'iituv- cru-'- .trrr-fr =•»!. "uu'W
' disobedient, losing partner early, separa- (m) second marriage,
tion, bereavement, intolerant, vehement, (n) the service of father, his illness,
.boisterous, impatient, wild and furious. his open enemies and debts,
(o) the permanent possession of elder Kalyana Varma in Saravali has said
brother or sister, that Mars in the second house will increase
one's wealth, so that he is the richest
(p) and it is Maraka Sthana affect- among his relatives; also, he may lose
ing life. money through Government (probably
black marketeers and tax evaders). Fur-
Mars in the second house, receiving ther one may have injury to the eye or
favourable aspect shows that the person on the face.
will earn more and more, and equally spend
lavishly. He will be very free and most Jambu Natheyar in Jambunatheeya'i
generous in all his financial dealings. He has warned the natives having Mars in the
will have grand success in the business second house' saying that there will be
governed by Mars, e.g., using fire, sharp danger through fire or weapon.
instruments, machinery, tools, earth etc.
He may serve in military, police, industry Mar's in the second house receiving
or earn as a criminal lawyer, surgeon. favourable aspect from Sun, the person will
One may be a Building Contractor or one be hardworking, painstaking, industrious,
may hold the position of a Sessions Judge, alert and active. It is auspicious for
administrator, director and similar posts. dealers in instruments, sports, materials,
soldiers, engineers, surgeons, police, agri-
If Mars receives aspects, the person will culture, revenue, etc. One will be frank
be outrageously extravagant and inevitably and free, candid and confident, progressive
incur heavy losses. If he speculates, he and aggressive. It brings jearly marriage
will be doubling the stake as he goes on to girls.
losing, and finally run to debts
riiptcy. As they are foolhardy and ada- Mars receiving good aspect from Moon
mant, even though they would have had and occupying second house gives ambi-
occasions of financial disaster, they will tion, energy, and courage. Even if there
restart and completely forgetting the past are many testimonies in the chart to save "
how they had burnt their fingers, without money, thisaspect will offset them. As
being careful atleast thereafter, but conti- one will be resourceful he will be able to
nuing to be the same persons, carry on do business satisfactorily. He can expect
their business as usual and meet with promotion in service which may be Navy,
financial wreck. steam engine, boiler, mechanical engi-
neer constructing damsite, bridges etc.,
Shri Ramadayalu in Sanketa Nidhi says Professor of Botany (Venus also). There
that Mars in the second house will destroy will be domestic happiness, gain through
one's wealth through enemies, fire or mother, acquisition of wet lands, dealing
Government. If Mars is afflicted by the in drinks, coffee, tea, toddy etc.
conjunction of another malefic, he will die
due to vitiation of blood, poisoning, injury Mercury forming good aspect with
caused by weapon etc., Second house Mars in 2 shows that the native will be
being Maraka Sthana, it causes anxiety to bold, bright, skilful), enthusiastic with
one's longevity. Mars in the second fiuent, frank and authoritative speech.
house can cause pain in the ears. He can serve in Engineering as a sur-
veyor, draftsman, mechanical engineer,
Shri Mahadeva in Jataka Tatva men- designing architect, in press, commerce,
tions that Mars in the second house threa- industry, or telegraph department, or be
tens loss of money through fire, thieves etc. a broker for lands, houses etc. The
person will be tactful and lead a happy
t Vaidyanatha> Dikshitha.^is -ofi opinion and harmonious wedded life. .,He can
(Jataka Parijata) that one will engage in never be bossed over by the wife. If this
metallurgy and Agriculture and is short aspect is found in a girl's chart,there will
tempered if Mars is in the second house. be no occasion to ask her to do a thing.
She will always be ready to fulfil his daring and careful, determined and confi-
desire and mostly, guessing what the hus- dent, One may deal in mine ores or serve
band may require, she could have arran- in military, civil and mining engineer,
ged for it earlier and satisfy him to the industry (metals), agricultural department,
utmost. etc. One may be an engineering contrac-
tor or a leader among the servant or
Jupiter forming good aspect with Mars labour officer.
in 2, makes one impulsive, most generous,
reckless regarding money matters. He Thus finding out the favourable or un-
will be straightforward, enterprising, favourable aspect, one is to modify the
over confident, honest and sincere. He results of Mars.
will prove to be a good administrator,
director, pioneer and politician with There may be good aspects from a few
power. He will be broad-minded; fond planets and adverse aspects from a few.
of journey: good in sports. He will be a Then one is to note that the beneficial or
successful lawyer, agent of a bank, reli- undesirable results will be had only in the
gious head, physician—Ayurveda t He conjoined period of Mars and the planet
will serve as a Sessions Judge or a District that aspects. If planet ' A' forms good
Medical Officer, Professors in Economics, aspect and planet ' B ' bad aspect, then
Philosophy etc. Also one may have during Mars dasa ' A' Bhukti and ' A '
private tutorial college; (with Mercury dasa Mars Bhukti one can enjoy the
also indicates telegraphy, typewriting, agreeable results. Also, during 'B'dasa
cost accounts, banking, etc. Mars Bhukti and Mars dasa 'B' Bhukti
the person will suffer. The good aspects
Venus forming good aspect with Mars in from a few planets cannot be modified or
2nd house shows that one will spend money nullified by the bad aspects from the other
few. Both will be experienced.
on many pleasurable pursuits, sports, music
etc. One will be able to earn money ; Suppose one is born in Aries and Mars
unless Saturn forms favourable aspect, is in the second house, i.e., Taurus. Then
one cannot save much as he will be a Mars will be either in Karthikai constella-
cheerful extravagant spender. One may tion ruled by Sun, lord of 5 or in Rohini
deal in jewelleries (If Sun or Jupiter also Nakshathra governed by Moon, lord of 4
aspects), in petroleium products, (Moon or in Misgasririsha star lord of which is
will also aspect), in automobiles (Moon Mars, who owns the Ascendant Aries and
and Mercury will be connected with Mars the eighth house Scorpio.
or Venus), Civil Engineering; dealing in
luxery goods, agency for vehicles pimp, If Mars were to be in Karthikai star,
etc. (Mercury alone aspecting). Animal one will enjoy pleasure through games,
husbandry, Judge, Accountant General's children, cinema, music, etc. Also will
office, auditing and assessing income-tax spend much on these. The person will
department (if Jupiter aspects); cement, speculate and lose heavily. As he loses
leather, hides, slaughter house, mutton, more and more, he will become desperate
coal,' ever silver etc. (if Saturn aspects) and lose everything, he has.
jail department, or taxi driver etc., (if
Rahu conjoins either. Mars or Venus) Mars in Rohini star indicates that one
atomic energy, research, cinema, televi- may deal in agriculture, estate, coffee and
sion, plastics, etc., if Uranus conjoins tea ; serve in petrol company; or work in
and so on. the industry manufacturing dalda or pre-
serving food products, or milk diaryTarm
,, Saturn forming favourable ,aspect with etc.i.It is good to mother. , -
Mars in the second house shows that the
person will be economical and prudent Mars in Mrigasririsha is not beneficial.
and lead- a - happy and harmonious 'life. One will be adamant and arrogant. . One
One will be courageous and cautious, will undertake independent profession.
He may start any business in a flasb which Thus to each rasi-born, one is to ascer-
will end in a crash. If Saturn forms tain in which star Mars was at the time of
favourable aspect, he will, somehow, birth; Who rules the star ; to his lagna,
manage and ultimately prove to be success- which houses are governed by the lord of
ful. Agriculturists will not have any kisan the star and also Mars. Then judge the
trouble. In industry, there will be no result; so much modiScation is absolutely
labour trouble. But if Saturn forms evil necessary before predicting a result and
aspect, one should prefer to be a servant one should never give out the general
than a bankrupt businessman. results of Mars in the second house.
Sir, ter medicine by an engineer ? or to suggest
The following is mentioned in the a pilot how to land, where and when by a
Hindu. "The yagna will take place from doctor? or to predict events by a
June S to June 8 as it is also aimed to Purohit, or to deal with Mundane astrology
mitigate the evil effects of the six-planet by people who do not know the science?
(Budha, Sukra, Surya, Chandra, Guru and One is at liberty to display one's ignorance.
Rahu) conjunction in Vrishaba Rasi, But it should not cause anxiety to others
Which, it is apprehended, will not only or do harm to them.
aggravate the situation in the country, but <
cause natural calamities as this combina- Let me first of all assure that nothing
tion of the planets occurs on May 30-31 at untoward will happen. Don't be alarmed.
the time of Solar Eclipse") If at all, anything goes wrong, as a man
it is for us to present a bold front. But be
(a) Is it a fact that configuration of sure that there is no evil at all-
planets, in a Sign, portends only evil
results ? (1) Our Mother Earth will never come
(b) If so, when ? to an end in our life time. If one refers
(c). What is the nature of the evil Bhaghavatham, in the " Shrishti" (Crea-
effects ? tion) chapter, one can understand that the
earth will exist for multi-million years.
(d) Is the danger for the whole world?
or to a part of it ? (2) A few of the astronomers on
(e) If so, which country, which part various occasions boldly ventured to
of the country will be affected 7 predict danger to the people and miserably
(0 How far can it be averted by failed on all occasions. They were found
Homas, yagnas or by any other Shanihit to be the panicmongers who were held
in high esteem by the public only till the
(g) Is the eclipse visible in India? eventful day.
Bv Jyothisha Marthanda (a) One of the astronomers, thought
that the comet which appeared , in 1556,
K. S. KRISHNAMURTI would again appear in 1856, and clash
Dear sir. with the earth. He gave wide publicity
You are not the only person, posing to his prediction and . the people
these questions to me. Many came in were terribly . frightened. Neither the
person and discussed this subject and were comet appeared, nor there was any
convinced that no uncommon event will damage.
take place and they have forgotten about (b) Another astronomer said that
the calamity due to the combination of the around - 18-12-1919, Six planets would
planets; a few more- got clarified their conjoin together in one Sign. They would
doubts, by phone. bring great disaster to the Solar System
.It pains us much when we find that .a_few_' ^-itself by-disturbing the equilibrium. We
people come forward to opinion on all the" are now in 1965 and many a time, after
subjects without knowing the A,B,C,D of that date six planets had configurated in
them. Is it wise to prescribe and adminis- one sign and Six planets were within 30°.
(c) Twenty years prior to this alarm. stipulated time. A marvellous prediction,'
Dr. Falbe of Austria predicted that the indeed.
world would come to an end at 9-33 A.M. 3. Asrologers in Japan advised the
G.M.T. on 13-11-1899 and nothing King of Japan, not to wafte war with
happened. Russia in 1904, but to have it in 190S
(d) The prediction of Prof. Corrigan when it would be easy to come out
that a new planet would emerge out of the victorious and really, it was a glorious
Sun, collide with the earth with tremen- victory to Japan.
dous heat and destory completely the
animate and the inanimate objects on the 4. Darus Hystaspis was the King of
earth, did not come true so far. Persia. In his court, there was a greSt astro-
loger, Gjarnasp. He was otherwise called
(e) Lord Kelvin had created the alarm Al. Hakim. He predicted correctly the
that due to the rapid increase in the popula- coming of two religions by the birth of
tion and also the industries, the available Jesus Christ and Mahommed.
oxygen for respiration will be exhausted,
resulting in the end of life to all the 5. It was predicted by an astrologer
aerobes. that there will be financial distress in
■America in 1907 which came very true.
(f) A few years ago an Italian astrono-
mer threatened that the whole world would 6. How can one forget the accurate
come to an end on a particular date and prediction offered by a German astrologer
he went to a hill—station to take shelter. that Napolcan would meet with his end on
We cannot forget the incident so soon. 5-5-1821.
We are aware of the panic caused by him. 7. In India, Varaha Mihira excelled
Did it come true ? every one else by offering predictions
(g) Let us leave all these-but, consider boldly and most accurately. It is remarka-
the eight planets conSgnatioh on 3-2-1962 ble when one of his predictions about the
and the alarm created by the ignorant death of a prince came true exactly at the
people. same moment as declared by him.
If at all, one is competent to predict it Similar, astounding accurate predictions
is only the astrologers. offered by various astrologers are many in
They need not wait till an event in the number and for the present, these will
Heavens takes place. The celestial pheno- suffice. From the above statements, one
mena is already known. The dates when can understand that the competent scien-
there will be the eclipse, when majority of tists who can come forward to predict are
the planets configurate in one sign and so astrologers and astrologers alone.
on are already worked out. Hence any Appearance of comets coincide with
danger either to the earth or to the people either the demise of any one King or
can be predicted well in advance only by danger to some people in anyone part of
the learned astrologes. the world. When the world has so many
Let me give a few predictions given by countries and so many ftlngs and admi-
astrologers of various countries which nistrators, every year one or the other
came very true to the day. passes away. Comets do not appear when-
1. William Lilly, a popular astrologer, ever kings die. But whenever comets
(London) predicted the great London fire appear, there is some calamity, some
in 1666, well-in-advance and there was the where, which is attributed to the appear-
destruction due to the tremendous fire ance of the comet.
accident. Comets appear once or twice in one's
2. Jobann Stoffl of Tubingen, predicted lifetime. So much research cannot be
the moment of his own death, invited his done on the appearance of the comet and
- friends, tried . to avert, but died at the its effect,
But we can study the effects of the con'
figuration of the planets as they recur at Sun .Moon
many a time in one's lifetime. First let Merc. Jup.
us study the world history. Then let us Venus,
work out the position of the planets at
the time of memorable events and also .the
occasions when there was the configura-
tion of 6, 7 and 8 planets, i.e.
(1) Note down when majority of the
planets were in one sign.
(2) Against those dates or very near
those dates, were there any uncommon,
and unexpected event.
(3) Note down the dates of disaster,
war, etc.
(4) Erect the horoscope for those
days and find out whether majority of the
planets were in any one sign.
The following charts show when
majority of planets were in one sign:

January 1S42 Suo.Mqoo

-a,- Mars.
Bus 20,in,
Moon Within 30® all the 8 planets,
Saturn 13,17,
76HUB 12,

August 1920
\ Mercury,
j Jupiter,

MarSj Sun 1^-1—1934

SatuTn [__
I ■!

Quetta Earthquake.

Moon. Moon, Ketbu,
Merc. Jup. Jupiter Saturn
World War

Mer- Jupiter,
cury Venus '•+*
Sun Japarr War
Feb. March
Mars i Moon Kethu
London Bombarded. - Heavy loss
'Id that period 44,000 died
22 War Ships Sunk: 40.000 people died and 62.000 injured.
Venus • Sun Meicmy,
Jupiter I Mars

1942 !
April/May j
Rahu |

Madras evacuated Started near Garaxpur -near

Calcutta Company's rule ended;
British Parliarnent transferred
Indian Government from
Company to Crown.

-vcnm Mahatma Satun

Sun 30-l-i948 Mars

Jupiter Kethii j Moon
Madras—High Court
Entden Bombardment
Law College also affected.

Mars, I Sun
~ Venus

Moon Sun iOT

Bihnr Earthquake. Pandit Jawftharlal Nehruji s end.
First of all, let us find out what
Varahamihira has mentioned in Brihat-
Samhita. In Adhyaya 20, he says:
Rahu [ Mars
(a) If planets configurate together
Saturn, and they are visible (i.e., above the horizon-
MOCm, i.e. planets in the signs behind,the one
Sun, occupied by the Sun) at the time of sunset,
15-8-1947 . vems' there will be a change in the ruler of the
j—— India and Pakisttian country indicated by the sign and there
i Partition will be difficulties to that country from
their enemies-
lb) If planets are in any single star-
Kethu Jupiter constellation, people belonging to that
star will be destroyed. But the same
people will prosper if the planets occult
each other.
(c) Then he describes the effects of
the planetary combinations. They are
called Samvartba, Samagama, Sammoba,
Samaja, Sannipatba and Kosa. There are
six varieties of combinations dealt with by
! ' ' "Eka Arkshae Chath Vara :
22-12-1961 ! :I Saha Powrairyayino-Athava Pancha
• < March
into Samvartba Mama..."
Kethu, - (
Jup., ] One should not miss to note that the
; j combination of planets should be in one
r Mercury, asterism and" not in one sign. In each
I Sun, sign, there are 2i stars, so planets in a
Mars, group, in any one star alone are judged.
Included Goa. When 4 or 5 planets other than Rahu
or Kethu are in one star, it is called
Thus, fairly a good number of charts are Samvartha. The effect is indifferent:
presented with the dates. Let us consider nothing uncommon.
whether there was any evil effect on all
the occasions when majority of planets When Rahu is also one in the group of
configurated in one sign:—Also let us the majority of planets in any one star, it
note on the most memorable dates of is called " Sam-bfoha " when it is consi-
disaster, calamity or war, whether planets dered to be dangerous to the people.
configurated in large numbers in any one
sign or they are found distributed in many
signs. Sammaja is the term used when a statio-
nety planet is in a star and another planet
From the facts and figures, one is to also becomes stationery in the same star
conclude that there should be some other or if one planet joins the other while
scientific explanation for all such calami- marching. It is a good augury. That
ties, mishaps etc- year will be very beneficial.
* Kosa' is the term used when Jupiter Add Ayanamsa 23° 16' for Sayana
and Saturn transit in one star and some position.
more planets join them. This is evil to the
people. [London Bombardment—Third Mer. 2.15
week-February—1941.) Jupiter 35.32
Sun 35.58
If a planet rises heliacally and another Moon 15,58
a little behind it is called 'Samipatha'. Rahu 20.47
This portends enmity and war. Venus 28.47
If planets conjoin in any other manner, Saturn 23.19
except the five conditions mentioned
above, it is called 'Samagama'-mtuning
gathering-and the effect is very beneficial■
(1) The combination of 6 planets on Ur3ni»Sl7.30i
30tb and 31st May does not happen in Mars 23.56 •
one Star. So, those who have not under-
stood the Science clearly, can mistake.
(2) Mercury will be in Karthikai Neptune
Kethu 20.47 [R1
star. Jupiter, Sun and Moon will be in 24.48
Rohini second quarter whereas Rahu will
be in Rohini 4tb quarter.
(3) Venus will be, in advance, to all
these planets and be in Mrigasririsba (8) Note whether Venus is in
constellation.' advance to other planets or behind them.
(4) No planet is stationary. All (9) If Jupiter is in advance of Venus,
will be in direct motion and Rahu alone there is danger to white matters, the
residential quarters of Vedhic Brahmins,
will be retrograde. and cows. But Jupiter is behind Venus.
(5) Jupiter Sun Moon and Rahu in (10) If Venus is behind Meycury,
Rohini constellation is termed as ' Sam- there will be epidemic. Jaundice and such
Moha'. So people signified by Rohini will dreadful diseases. It is inauspicious to
have adverse results. They are the religi- summer crops agni-worshippers, doctors,
ous people, businessmen, kings, rich actors, athlects, vehicles, animals and
people, yogees, drivers of carts, cows, kings. As Mercury is behind Venus, there
oxen, aquatic animals, agriculturists and is no such calamity.
people in power. Taurus sign indicslns?, (11) As Saturn is in Poorvapadra
cloth, flower, bufTaloes, bulls etc. Star, and it is squared by majority of
i (6) As Jupiter is also in rapt con- planets, it is inauspicious to good people,
junction, the articles mentioned above those serving in Navy, fishermen, aquatic
will thrive. There will be great demand animals, those who are very careful with
and the dealers will have large turn-over. money and are wealthy, bridge engineers
(7) Varahamibira is of opinion that It is also said that Saturn portends
the moon in conjunction with the Sun and sufferings to physicians, poets, toddy distil-
a benefit promotes the price of the artic- 'lers, politicians etc. As Saturn receives
les As.Jupiter is conjoined with them, adverse aspect from these planets, the
the price of the articles will be fair. above people will suffer. There is danger
The position of the planets is given to their reputation, position, power and
below. income.
Nirayana Planetary Position at 2-43 (12) "People-are to" be corrected, if
A.M. I.S.T, on 31-5-1965. any wrong information is given. No doubt
30th and 31st May is the time for Solar conjunction i.e., 18th June, 1965 and not
eclipse. But it will not be visible in India, 30th and 31st May, 1965. It is not out of
since the exact conjunction will be at 2-43 place to mention that Nefa trouble started
A.M. I.S T. in the night. when Sani and Ketbu conjoined in Capri-
(13) Further the planets do not corn after 15-10-62 and not on 5-2-62
receive aspects from the evils, Saturn and when all the planets configurated in that
Mars. If Mars were to aspect, there will sign.
be war, loss by fire and danger from Aries indicates Germany, England,
robbers. If Saturn were to aspect, there Madras, Rail, Factory, Machinery, wool.
will be no rain, but there will be famine.
As neither of them aspect, there is no such Taurus:— Ireland, Persia, Surat, Wheat,
fear. Sugar, Barley, Milk.
But one should not omit to note that Gemini:— Belgium, N. Africa, United
Jupiter is unfavourable to scholars, States.
administrators, ministers, animals, people
on the banks of the Indus etc. as it is in In India, Yamuna river, its bank.
rapt conjunction and the declination is Publicity, Newspaper.
also 21°, 14 North, Venus 22°, Sun 21-52 Bus—Train, Railway, Transport.
Moon 21° etc. For them alone, there can
be difficulties, provided according to their Cancer. China—Scotland,- Calcutta—
horoscopes, they have to, suffer then.' Madura and Silver, Tea Onions, Milk.
Suppose two trains collide, only the ill- Leo—France, Italy, Bombay—Gold Cur-
fated passengers will suffer, whereas those rency.
whose time is favourable will escape. Virgo—Turkey, Paris, Rome, Nagpur,
Either to be a victim or to be one of those
who escaped, it does not depend on the and Cotton, clothing, corn.
prayers, poojas and homas -done by one Libra—Japan, Tibet, China, Gujarat,
in this birth for the occasion, but it —price, of cotton
depends only on their fate—destiny.
Now, let us find out which rasis will Scorpio, Brazil, Delhi Oils Chemicals.
have adverse results. Sagittarius. Arabia Tin—Rubber
Capricorn. India, Rubber—Skin—Hides.
According to Krishnamurthi Paddhathi
(improved methods of Stellar astrology) Aquarius. Russia—S i 1 k—electricity—
one is to note down in which star, the atomic energy.
eclipse and the configuration of the Pisces. Egypt, Portugal—Fish—Brewe-
majority of the planets occur. Sun, Moon, ties. Oil.
Jupiter and Rahu conjoin in Rohini which
is governed by Moon. As the conjunction is in Taurus, and
Therefore find out to which sign-births. Moon rules the 3rd house counted from
Moon will beevil, by lordship. Generally Taurus, agreement to import wheat, sugar.
a planet is considered to be evil, ff it owns Barley etc., will be signed and larger
the houses 6, 8 and 12. Moon, though quantity will be had, as Jupiter conjoins.
Jataka Chandrika considered to be not .(3rd house denotes agreement: Moon —
evil to Sagittarius-borns, yet it is really Commerce. Import, export, etc.)
bad for all matters except longevity. As Taurus is the 12th house to Gemini
Hence to Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius, there will beloss through Transport depart-
Cancer will be the 12th, 8th and the 6th ment, some changes in the administration
houses. Therefore to people born in these on the bank of the Yamuna and some
signs and to the commodities, countries relief in the control over Newsprint, etc.
. and cities signified by these signs, the
results will be adverse, especially on the Cancer:—PeoplcinCalcutta and Madura
day when Jupiter and Rahu come in rapt will enjoy beneficial results.
Leo:—But people in Bombay will according to their fate. Configuration of 1
experience tbe most undesirable results; tbe planets in a favourable sign counted
the smugglers of gold will face the worst from either the Ascendant, or Moon or
time. Sun alone, cannot bring fortune, if accor-
Virgo :—There will be much advantage ding to evil Dasa and Bhukti one is to
to the citizens in Nagpur. Probably, there suffer. Similarly people enjoying brilliant
will be rain in time and the summer will dasa and bhukti cannot suffer, even if the
not be as bad as it used to be. New configuration, according to their method
colleges maybe opened. of prediction, is in evil bouse to tbe sign
in which they are born.
Libra:—There will be a bumper crop
and price of cotton will come down. Karma is the strongest. God comes
Gujarat and China will have greater next. Homas, etc., are performed by those
advantages and more benefits. Delhi will who are destined to do so. The perfor-
Boat loans. mance of Homas and prayers does not
alter destiny.
The price of oils and chemicals will A father prayed to Lord Venkateswara,
rule high. when his child was 2 years old and was
suffering .from lever enlargement. He
Sagittarius:—Rubber will be in great deposited Rs. 100/- in the Undil-Boy-i
demand, and the price will be put up. survived. When he was 9 years old he
Capricorn fell down from the cycle and suffered from
Tetanus-again the father prayed and
India may have to repay loan, float fresh deposited Rs. 200/- now. The boy outlived
loan and incur unnecessary and unavoida- this danger. Then at the age of 15, be
ble expenses due to the neighbour's secret suffered from typhoid Rs. 500/- were de-
enemical activities. Though skins and posited. Boy got cured. Marriage was
hides.are available in plenty, there is no celebrated. Later he went by a scooter:
chance for tbe price to come down:- met with a minor injury. The boy's
Aquarius parents, his father-in-law, mother-in-law
and wife, deposited Rs. 1,000/- each. They
In Russia, there will be trouble, prayed very sincerely. Alas! the boy
both internal and outside. There will be died.
loss of money, failure in tbe supply of So, which is strong? Either Karma or
electricity, scarcity for silk etc. God or planetary configuration.
Pisces "But, what about Newton's III law of
Fish Breweries and oils will be in motion. Is it not true that every action
surplus. Price of oil will come down. has a reaction ?
People born in Taurus Cancer, Virgo, Yes.
Libra and Pisces will have brilliant results.
Those born in Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn The truth is that only those who are
will have mixed results. destined to pray, do pooja, perform
homa, etc., or to contribute for such
The other rasi-borns cannot expect religious functions alone can do so.
"avourablc effects during the period of
;onfiguration. People who are in troubles, who expect
very bad results, may pray and according •
Hbma and yagna done by the people to their fate, may escape. They attribute
:an give mental solace. How can they the good result [the modified one] to the
:bange one's fate? pravets.
Whether planets configurate in one sign Some other people, may do the same.
■r not, all the creations of God, without Yet according to their fate, they had to
ny exception, will either enjoy or suffer suffer.
Some may not have any trouble at all. The following is taken from " The
With pleasure, and without any anxiety, Hindu " " Inevitability of Destiny ".
they can pray with greater sincerity. Yet
they may suffer immediately .after such Kamba Ra may ana Discourses, Madras,
meritorious and virtuous deeds. How February 2.
many people, on return journey from When destiny plays its role and causes
Tirupathi, Palani, etc., had met- with misery and misfortune, it is unwise to
accident. [On the same day of the prayers] blame others. Its . course cannot be
Instances are not wanting where one said checked or changed. Even Sri Sita had
that his car caught fire, another had injury to undergo severe hardship and her opi-
and some how escaped, another succumbed nion about fate's powerful influence holds
to it and so on. good even to-day
Therefore, consider well.
"It has been destined that, due to my
Anyhow, when a man suffers from a misdeeds in my previous life, I should
disease is it not advisable to engage the suffer and hence others should not now be
most ablest physician and surgeon : when held responsible", says Sita.
one has litigation in the Court, is it not
wise to engage the lucky and the ablest Therefore Destiny will win. Destiny
advocate. So also, when one is doubtful, depends on one's meritorious deeds done
whether one will have divine grace and in the previous birth, Homa, Yagna,
thereby a relief or not, it is advisable to prayer, pooja etc., arc all virtuous ones.
goto " Pesnm Daivam'' [Quaib Q^iiiaui] Though what we enjoy and suffer depend
appraise him of the fact, have his Dharsan on our actions in the previous birth. Yet,
and Blessing. Mental solace is the im- let us be doing good.
mediate effect. What we want is peace.
That you can have. A cheque is honoured or dishonoured
Nowdays " Pesum Daivam" is our depending on the credit balance of bis
Jagadh Guru Shri Kanchi Kamakodi account. So also whether one's prayers
Peetathipathi Jagadh Guru Sri Sankara- will appear tcf give effect or not depends
chariar vSwamigal now camping near on his bank position in the previous birth.
" Kanchi , next to Madras. As it is advisable to deposit money at least
hereafter and build up bank position, let
Readers arc requested to refer the most us pray, have the Dharsan of Jagad-Guru
popular daily "Hindu," dated 2-2-65, 12th and enjoy His blessings, peace and pros-
page. perity.

By Jyothisha Marthanda K. S. Krtshnamurti
13, Brahmin Street, Saidapct, Madras-I5.
A few devotees of His Holiness Kanchi Physical Features: Leo shows that he
amakoti Peetathipathi Jagadguru Sri will have full stature, strong and well
inkarachariar Swamigal Avargal approa- developed bones, round head, imposing
led me at 6-46 P.M. on 16-5-64 and asked eyebrows, dignified, regal and commanding
e to read his horoscope and they tape- appearance. As the second house is con-
corded the same. The text is as nected with Saturn, he will have piercing
tllows:— eyes; Jupiter adds kindness and sympathy.
"Om. Sri. Gurubyo Namaha. Let me Mars suggests that he can command and
rst verify the correctness of the chart issue orders by his look. Venus aspecting
resented by you by finding out whether the second house is the fortune of the
le ruling planets at the time of query are devotees, as His glance in itself is His
Blessings and Goddess Lakshmi wilt never
te ruling planets at the time of his birth. desert them.
Now at 6-46 P.M. on 16-5-64 at Madras,
corpio, governed by Mars is rising in
>e East; the Moon is transiting in the Characteristics:—
Constellation, Pushyam ruled by Saturn Lagna, Leo shows that he will be gene-
nd the day is Saturday, allotted to rous and noble. Being a fixed sign, he
aturn. The ascendant is aspected by Sun, will have a strong will and win his way to
lars and Saturn. Hence this moment is the top in spite of all obstacles due to
ointly ruled by Mars, Saturn and Sun. Saturn owning the houses 6 and 7. If he
The chart presented by you shows that espouses any cause he will generally stay
le is born on a Sunday governed by Sun, by it. He will work with great zeal and
n the Lagna Leo owned by Sun, in Anu- never do anything halfheartedly.
adha star ruled by Saturn and in the sign
Icorpio, lord of which is Mars. Hence The Lord of the Lagna in the fixed sign
he chart may be taken as correct. Taurus indicates that he is pre-eminently
"Thorough and Steadfast " in everything
Tis Chart:— he does and he will persist till he attains
Born at 1-16 P.M. L.M.T. ob20-5-lS94 the goal.
it 11° 57'. North and 79° 32' East.
I {Taurus) Being the 5th sign of the Zodiac, he is
Neptune naturally intuitive. Moon and Budha
Jupiter 1-05 (Gemini) mutually aspecting each other gives fertile
imagination and improves intuition.
Sun 6-51
j JiTeicmy O-30
He removes the darkness, and gives life
(Aquarius) | to those who either meet Him, or write to
Mars 14-561 Him or even think of Him. The distance
does not count.
Ascendant As Sun is in rapt conjunction with Mer-
(Capricorn) 1 24-43 cury, he'has quick grasp, retentive power,
extraordinary memory, and reproductive
ability. It has made him the greatest
(Virgol scholar, the most powerful sage and the
pjo) Kethu 15-31 wisest philosopher. People respect him
Saturn 26-55 ~ "and regard him as though he is equal to
Lord Krishna and Adhi Sankarachariar ;
JJupiter never allows him to be bombastic nuts. Look at him, especially on the
nor blustering. Pradhosham day; he is completely covered
by Rudhraksba. That is all his ornament.
Lord of Lagna conjoined with Jupiter A Sanyasin has to sever connection with
shows that be is loyal and true through relatives. " Swa-Bhandu Bhanda-Varji-
•thick and thin. He will never mind the tham'\ He is to forego his ancestral
sacrifice he has to make. He practises property ; take only little food ; put on
first and then preaches Ahitnsa. simple dress and devote his time on
Karma and Gyana Yogas. Mars and
Speech: As Saturn in the 2nd house Jupiter should be strong to become the
limits one's speech, our Guruspeaksonlya leader among the Sanyasins and be a
few words, pregnant with wise advices. Jagadh Guru.
Venus renders it in a musical tune. Mars'
aspect to the second house gives him Mother: The 4th house and Moon
courage, confidence and authority and his indicate mother. The 4th house is ruled
speech will be forceful. by Mars ; Moon, lord of 12 is debilitated
in 4th sign. Mars, lord of 4, in the sixth
Food : Saturn in the second bouse shows Bhava, is in the constellation of Rahu.
that he willbe satisfied with the irreducible Hence Mars threatens either separation or
minimum quantity of food. Jupiter's aspect severing connection with mother during its
to saturn renders it, the Divine Prasadam. period.
Venus aspect from a watery sign indicates
that he will include milk and fruit juice. Father: Mars as lord of 9 indicates
Mars aspect to Saturn indicates that he father also as it is in the 6th Bhava ; it
will take only that which is cooked (Mars) portrays either separation or severing
afresh and also cooled (Saturn) down. connection with father.
Dress : There is ho Malavya yoga in Mars-according to' Krishnamurtbi Pad-
his horoscope; Venus, the planet, has dhathi was in Saturn's sign, Rahu Star
gone to the 8th bouse. So he does not and Kethu sub. Evil planets having con-
put on costly dress. nections like this generally show that one
will go in adoption to another and he
The scholar Ramadayalu in Sanketa- himself on a later date, may have to take
nidhi says that the position of Jupiter adoption. In a way, to succeed one
indicates the apparel used by the person. Jagadh Guru and to take another on a
As Jupiter and Sun are in the 10th sign later date to occupy the Peetam, tray be
but the 9th Bhava, he will have the dress considered as adoption in the language of
of an ascetic. Saturn aspectiug Moon astrology as the occupant of the Peetam
and the lord of the lagna receiving aspect automatically gets the rights to do Puja,
from Mars confirms that he will be an to manage the property and to take
ascetic and will not mind about the charge of everything belonging to the
dress. mutt. Mars is the strongest planet indica-
ting these results. It has to take place, in
Ornament: He is born in the year Mars period and sub period.
" Jaya " which probably implies that he
will hold always a " Jaya Kodi " which is Family: Family is indicated by the
the emblem of a true Sanyasin. Varaha- second house. To leave the family and to
mihira says that people bom in the year lead a new cycle of life in a foreign place,
Jaya are found to be the leaders and the 12th (twelfth) house is judged. So
pioneers. Hence our Guru is the leader Moon, lord of 12 or planets in Moon's
of all such Sanyasins. star, Rohini or Hastha or Sravana will
give such results. Kethu was in Hastham ;
Venus in the 8tb house indicates vege- Jupiter was in Rohini. Nodes are stronger
table kingdom, flowers leaves seeds and than planets ; so Kethu is stronger.
Therefore, the planets which promise So family life was out of question. But
separation from the family have to operate he will take one to succeed him so that he
their conjoined period-flAuAri, Anthra etc. also will dedicate his life to the good of
in the major period of the planet which humanity.
indicates family by ruling the second
house. Hence Mars and ICethu have to But to Moon sign, Scorpio, lord of 2
jointly rule a time in Mercury dasa. Jupiter is conjoined with lord of 11
Mercury and lord of 10, Sun, and they are
Actually on 13-2-1907, during Mercury in the 7th house. The Parivarthana Yoga
dasa Mars sub period and Kethu sub sub between Jupiter and Venus as lord of 5
he left his family—Poorva Asramam and and 7 does not help one to lead a family
became the Peetadhipathi, severing con- life. Sages say that the Parivarthana
nections with kith and kin and commenc- Yoga among lords of 5 and 7 is not aus-
ing a new cycle of religious life. picious to have a partner or a child.
True Sanyasin especially for this mutt Conjunction of Sun with Mercury as
cannot have a family life. lord of 8 to Moon sign does not give the
desire to lead a family life. Neptune and
Houses 2, 7, 11 are considered for Jupiter therein indicate that he is legally
family life. Planets occupying 2, 7, 11 and spiritually tied up with God and God
houses, planets in the constellation of the alone.
occupants; lords of these houses, planets
in their constellation, planets conjoined One will desire to lead a family life if
with them or being aspected by them, Mars is conjoined with Venus in one's
indicate whether one will enter into family horoscope. But to our Jagadh Guru Mars
life or not. is in the 12th sign to Venus and so there
will be no such desire. Further, Kethu in
Second house is occupied by lord of 7 Lagna Bhava ; lord of the 5th house in the
Saturn. It was retrograde, so proposal, constellation of lord of 12 Moon and
if any, should fall through. Moon in the 4th house in the constella-
tion of Saturn show that there is no
7th house is occupied by Rahu, though family.
in the sign. It was not only in Saturn Sages declare that if the 5th house
star but also aspected by Saturn which
was retrograde. ■counted from Lagna or counted from the
* /th house (according to the editor)
owned by . Mercury and if that house
11th house is unoccupied but is aspected receives aspect from Saturn, the native
by the malefic Saturn. Moon, lord of 12 is will have one by adoption. In this chart
weak in Saturn's star. Gemini owned by Mercury is the 5th from
-/ 7th. It receives Saturn's aspect. So he
Mars in the constellation of Rahu and will have one taken in his lifetime to
the sub of ICethu also throws obstacles. succeed him.
Hence family life is denied.
Moon is in Sani's star, Anuradha and
But Mercury, lord of 2, was in the con- is also aspected by Sani. Hence our
stellation of lord of 1. It shows that there Jagadh Guru would have had the mind
is the chance. But it did not happen, to select a. young proper scholar during
because (a) Mercury Dasa Sun Bhukti Moon Dasa Saturn Bhukti between March
came .at his age -of 9, and the denying I"952" and October 1953. But Budha as
planet Mars, afflicts both the Sun and lord of 2, indicating adoption has to fulfil
Mercury, (b) Later at his age of 52, Sun it in his sub period. Moon Dasa, Budha-
Dasa Mercury Bhukti .'operated,—Mars- Bhukti ran between October 1953 and
affliction denied again. March 1955. Sukra in the exaltation
aspecdng the 2nd house contributes to as the period was Moon Dasa Mercury
success. Sukra conjoined with Rahu in Bukthi.
Meena is to be borne in mind. Upadesam
of Maha Vakyani by Our Jagadh Guru to Indeed, we are all very forttunae.
the lunior happened during Moon Dasa People born before 1894 or those to be
Budha Bhukti Surka Anthra. born after some years cannot have his
dharsan. In us also only the lucky few
Let us consider how the Steller astro- can have his dharsan.
logy explains that the senior can select
one, only on that day, and at that time. For centuries before 1894 no such sage
The senior was running Moon Dasa ; on was born; it is doubtful whether anyone
22-3-1954, that d.ay when he took him was else may be born in the near future.
a Monday ruled by Moon. Exalted Sukra
conjoined with Rahu aspecting the second Hence the readers can benefit them-
house, was in Bhudha's star, and so it selves by having bis dharsan. Other-
gave results during Budha Bbukthi. The wise, pray and write to the Mutt. You
star on 22nd March, 1954 was Swathl ruled will receive the choicest Blessings, it is
by Rahu in Sukra's sign Thulam. Actually, a certainity.
the Junior was in Upavasam from 20th,
Hastham Star Day, when Moon was tran- PEACE AND PROSPERITY BE
siting in Moon's star and Mercury sign. UNTO YOU.
(FOUNDED: 1-4-1963)
(Astrokomy Made Easy)
Phone; 42449

Jyothisha Marthand
13. Brahmin Street, Saidapet

VOL._ 3. APRIL 1965 No. 4

Readers ask:
Longevity 3
Litigation 6
Marriage 8
Marriage and Overseas 11
Are you Running Mercury Period ? 14
Gajakesari Yogam 22
Reinstatement of Dismissed
Candidate 26
. Escape from an Accident 28
Missing Man Returns ... 129
Theft and Recovery 33
Astrology and Dress 36'
Use of Betels 39
Food Problem (ContJ.) 41
Daily Guide 42
Position of planets . 47
April 1965—Ephcnrieris 48
At the time of birth Mars dasa Balance
3 years 6 months 25 days.
In the dailies, I saw that you were Health, vitality, resistance against in-
deliveiing lectures on astrology at Poona. fectious diseases, immunity, activity and
I am going over there this Sunday to longevity are judged from the strength of
attend your class. I am aged 61. I the Ascendant, planets in the Lagna
would like to discuss my longevity and Bhava, those occupying their constellation,
clarify my. doubts in various points in the good or.bad aspects to the ascendant
astrology. My time arid date of birth and to the lord of the Ascendant.
is furnished, i.e., 15th June 1902—Sunday Bcnefics in the Ascendant contribute for
at 5-58 P.M. I.S.T. at a place near Ahmed- long span of life.
nagaf. (19°02 N. arid 740-42 East.)
(Sd) S.D.B, Lord of the Ascendant forming favoura-
ble aspect with the ascendant, and
Astrologer. receiving harmonious aspect from benefics
Answer. promise
Your chart is as follows:— Your ascendant is scorpio. It gives
you good health and much activity.
Mars 13. /bfaio,
Hep. Its lord is Mars. As per Hindu System
19*0 it is aspecting the Lagna and fortifying it.
Therefore health and longevity are assured
by Angaraka (Mars).
Disease is indicated by the 6th Cusp,
Rasi chakram 6th house, planets in the constellation of
the occupants of'the 6th house, the occu-
pants of the 6th house, the planets in the
constellation of lord of 6, the owner of
the 6th, house, planets ■ conjoined with
Uranus ] them or aspected by them affect the
Rahu Moon health and cause such diseases signified by
Lagna 9*. 2V - \ 29-52 them when they operate their dasa or
. Bhukthi or anthra and there is aspect to
them by progression and by transit.
In your .case" (so also Taurus borns)
lord of 1 is also the lord of the 6th
house. So the same planet owns both
the ascendant promising health and also
the 6th house threatening disease. Then'
when you run Mars (lord of 1 and 6)
dasa.or Bhukti or anthra, how to say
whether you will maintain robust health
or you will fall ilj as Mars has to offer
health and also cause disease also? Note
down which planets form favourable
I Rahu 1 | Venus aspects with Mars and the ascendant and
j Neptune • i Sun which form (a) adverse aspects with Mars,
i I i (b) good aspect with the 6th house and (c)
adverse with Ascendant. You will main- Also, erect a chart for the moment at
tain good health during the dasa or the which there is.the urge for yoil to answer
conjoined period of Mars and the beneEc the query and note the evil planets for
who form harmonious aspects with the that moment.
Ascendant and the lord of the Ascendant. Finally ask the person to mention a
You ought to have fallen ill and you will numbe^ within 108. Consider the position
have ailment during the dasa of the planet of the planets and judge. These are for
forming evil aspect with Ascendant or confirmation and for our courage and
good aspect with the 6th Cusp or lord of 6 confidence to declare boldly the result.
or planet in 6.
According to the Hindus, Bhadhaka-
8th house is called the house of "Longe- sthana Adhipathis are the worst malefics
vity", Therefore planets in the cons- who will never hesitate to put an end to
tellajjon of evil, planets in the 8th house, one's life. Of the twelve signs, Aries,
except Saturn, occupants of the 8th house, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are movable-
planets in the Constellation or in the sub chara-signs- and the Ulh house counted
of lord of 8, lord of the 8th Cusp and therefrom are Bhadhaka-Sthanas i.e., to
planets in any manner connected with Aries born,. Aquarius is the Bhadhaka-
them threaten (a) danger to one's life, sthana and the lord of Aquarius is the
(b) the cause of death and (c) the place Bhadhakasthana Adhipathi. To Cancer-
of death. 7 born, Taurus is the ' Bhadhakasthana and
But houses 2 and'7 are Maraka bouses the lord of Taurus, Venus is the Bhadha-
kasthana Adhipathi to Cancer borns:
and 12th house indicates Mokslti. The Similarly to Libra, the Sign Leo and the
reason is as follows. Houses 1, 8 and 3 Luminary Sun' and to Capricorn, the Sign
are judged for longevity and benefics in Scorpio and its lord, Mars are Bhadba-
these houses contribute for long life. kasthanas and Bhadhakasthana adhipathis.
12th house to any bbava is the negation
of the Bhava. Therefore the 12th house For people born in fixed signs Taurus,
to 1, 8 and 3 are 12, 7 and 2 and they are Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, the 9th sign
evil for one's longevity. That is why, therefrom from those "houses are Bhadha-
houses 2 and 7 are said to be maraka- kasthanas and their lords re Bhadhaka-
stbanas and 12 is called the Moksha sthana adhipathis.
Sthana. For people born in common signs
So one is to judge the houses 1, 8 and 3 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and -Pisces,
and then 2, 7 and_.12. the 7th house therefrom and the lords of
those houses are Bhadhakasthana! and
First of all one is to judge whether a Bhadhakasthana adhipathis.
person is promised "Poorna Ayush—i.e., (1) Of all the planets, those which
full course of life running between 66 occupy the constellation of the occupants
and 100 or Madyama or Middle life (age of the Bbadhaka Sthana are the most
between 33 and 66) or short life (between evil. Next, the occupants of Bhadhaka
0 and 33). sthana: Of the' planets occupying the
Then one is to work out, calculate and constellation of the lord of the Bhadhaka
ascertain (a) which planet will rule the sthana, and the lord of that evil sign,
dasa in that age and the area covered by those in the constellation are stronger.
the maraka planets; (b) according to Also, the planets conjoined with them or
■ progression, the time when the Lagna, being aspected by them acquire unfavour-
the lord of the Lagna and the very slow able effects.
moving planets Saturn, Uranus nnd (2) Next, the Hindus Consider Kendhra
■Neptune receive evil aspects; (c) accor- adhipathyam as harmful. Waxing Moon,
ding to transit (Gocharam) when evil unafflicted Mercury, Venus and Jupiter
aspects are formed to the ascendant, its ■owning the houses 1,_4, .7 or 10 counted
lord, etc. ftotn Lagna are regarded as Kendhra adhi-
pathis and a few astrologers ate terribly Venus in the 6th bhava, in the dasa of
afraid of them, as they have not collected lord of 8 can cause cataract in • the eye.
materials and studied from the facts and It will be developing in this period and in
figures. the bhukti of Sun, in the constellation of
Very strongly it is declared that there is lord of Lagna Mars, will give you vision
no reason to judge that Kendhradhipathis with the aid of a surgeon.
will invariably do harm. Later Moon Bhukti will be pleasant
There are hundreds of people, born in which will be continuously enjoyed during
the years 1909 & 1923, in the Ascendant Mars sub period.
Virgo with Moon in Hastham star, having You enter into Rahu Bhukti on 7-7-1968.
Jupiter in the maraka sthana, two, owning Rahu is undoubtedly evil. Dasanatha
the Kendhra houses 4 and 7, are now Mercury, lord of 8, in the constellation of
living having enjoyed their lives for 16 Rahu, in -Mokshasthana, representing
years of Jupiter dasa and are now running Kendhradhipathi Venus, is also un-
Saturn dasa. Therefore to decide one's desirable. Kethu in the constellation of
longevity, taking Kendhradhipathyam is Mars is not favourable. Kethu is in the
not correct. Many other methods are .6th sign, but in the Sth Bhava. It is said
to be included, that Kethu in the Sth house conjoined with
' (3) Next consider the planets in the Maraka-sthana-adhipathi will inflict death.
constellation of those in maraka sthanas Therefore Budha dasa Rahu Bhukti-
the occupants of Maraka sthanas, those Kethu anthra will be the end.
in the constellation of Maraka Sthana Budha dasa Rahu Bhukti commences on
adhipathis, the lords of Maraka Sthanas, 7-7-68: Kethu anthra will be between
those conjoined with or aspected by them. 2-1-70 and 25-2-70.
Thus one is to analyse and judge.
Your lagna is Vrischika. It is a fixed As per transit on 18-2-70, Saturn by
sign. The 9th house is the Bhadhaka- Gochara will be in 6 to Lagna, 8 to Moon
sthana. Moon is the lord of the 9th and conjoins exactly Kethu, the anthra
house. No planet is in the Bhadhaka- natba and opposing Rahu, the Bhukti
sthana. Hence one is to consider its lord natha.
Moon after judging the strength of the Further Saturn, the chief governor for
planets in the constellation of Moon i.e., longevity forms favourable aspect with
Rohini or Hastham or Sravanam. Only Neptune in the Sth sign. It indicates that
Mars is in Rohini star. Neptune gains strength from Saturn to
Venus is a Kendhradhipathi owning the give such a result which Neptune has to
7th house. Venus alone is in Bharabi give by occupying that position at the
governed by Venus. time of birth. Neptune shows end of life
as it was also in Rahu constellation and is
But there is a node in the sign of Venus conjoined with dasanatha Mercury.
and one in the sign of Mars. Rahu Jupiter' transitting in Libra, just after
represents Venus; Kethu denotes Mars. conjoining with Rahu, forms quintile aspect
Therefore Rahu and Kethu are definitely (150° aspect) with lord of Lagna Mars.
As you are promised Puma Ayush, by Mars, lord of Lagna forms semi-angular
aspect to its radical position (45° aspect).
the aspect of Mars to Lagna, Jupiter's Mercury, the dasanatha will be forming
aspect to lord of Lagna etc. and as it is,
you are now running 63 years of age, Biquintile aspect and gains strength to
consider which dasa will prove to be evil. offer such a result which it has to. give by
Now you are running Mercury dasa Venus its lordship, occupation, etc.
Bhukti from 4-6-1962. It operates till Therefore longevity at least upto
4-4-1963. 18-2-1970 is promised.

Sir, I thank you and congratulate you At the tiine of birth Moon Mahadasa
or the accurate prediction given to me Balance 6 years 2 months and 26 days. On
aying that on a Wednesday on 24-2-65, 16-2-1964 Mercury dasa has commenced.
'ou will win the case. Actually the Reply:
udgment was announced on 24-2-65 in my
avour. Sir,
Can I ever be in future without any Peace and Prosperity are denoted by
itigation ? Oh God! Something or other the 11th cusp, planets in the constellation
:rops up and I am dragged to the Court of of the occupants of the 11th house,
aw. Enough ! Please say . whether I will occupants of the 11th house, planets in
>e free from these, at least for some years the constellation of the lord of the 11th
n my last part of life. I am enclosing house, lord of the 11th house, planets
ny horoscope. conjoined with or aspected by them.
Also, 11th house indicates that one will
come out successful in any dispute, mostly
by compromise as 11th house is for
friendship and that too, permanent tie of
The Ascendant indicates whether one
will have the courage and confidence to
compete and be crowned with success or be
funky and withdraw or submit apology
and try to avoid dispute ; also it shows
whether one will be law abiding and try
to have justice from the court of law or
take law in his or her own hands or adopt
any foul means to fulfil one's desire.
The Ascendant shows the person to
whom the chart belongs.
The 7th house denotes the opponent.
His health, longevity and success in his or
her (opponents) efforts. 7th house signi-
fies litigation.
12th house counted' from the Ascendant
threatens loss of money, prestige etc.,
and also failure in litigation for the native
Similarly 12th house to the 7th Bhava
indicates loss of wealth, honour, name,
fame etc., to the-opponent as well as
defeat in any competition or election and
failure in the litigation. Therefore 6th
house portrays expenses to the opponent,
gains to the native, but yet, litigation,
misunderstanding, dispute etc.
Malefics in the 12th house cause adverse-
results to the person to whom the chart
(Sd) M. A. belongs. Therefore malefics in the 6th
Poona. house are to penalise the opponent. That
is why, sages have said that malefics in the Saturn's star Anuradha and in the sub of
6th house promise victory over enemies Rahu. Explanation is given assuring
and the 6th house is included in Upachaya failure to the opponent because of the
Sathanas 3, 6, 10 and 11. disposition of Saturn and Rahu and there-
Your lagna is ruled by Moon. It is in its by success to you.-
own constellation, Hastham. According to Hence Mercury promises grand success
Krishnamurthi Paddhathi, Moon between to you. That is why, I predicted that the
13° 53' 20" and 15° 40' 00" is in judgment will be delivered in your favour
Moon's star and in the sub of Jupiter. on a Wednesday or on the day when the
Therefore, if you file a case against any star—nakshathra is Ashlesha or Jyeshta or
body, especially during Moon's sub .period Revathi and at a time when the Ascendant
o ,■ sub sub period, on a Monday ruled by (the point that rises in the East) is in
Moon or in Cancer Lagna owned by Moon Ashelesha or Jyeshta or Revathi.
or on a Rohini star day governed by Moon, I understand from you that on 24-2-65
your success is assured, even though your on a Wednesday, when Moon was transit-
case may be weak. It may be that your ting in Jyeshta star, when the court was
opponent may have strong grounds to win. about to be closed, at the time when the
Yet lord of iagna in the sub of lord of 6 Lagna was in Ashlesha, a judgment in
(12 to 7) will offer you success. There your favour was delivered.
may be a loophole to tarpedo their argu- Let us thank our sages, admire Krishna-
ments and like a ship with a small hole murthi Paddhathi and pray for peace.
sinks, the opponent will lose and you will
win. Therefore you have the Providential How can prayer guarantee peace, when
help, the assistance. |
Karma is otherwise, which is clearly judged
Saturn is the lord of the 7th house. It from the horoscope? Yet, we can presume
was in 10° 26'. It means Saturn was in that God may pay heed to our prayers as
the sub of Sun (10° 20' 00" to we do not hear from him and gather
11° 00' 00") (according to Krishnamurti courage or apply KrishnamurthiPaddhathi,
Paddhathi) who rules the 8th house— know what is in store for us and have
Ashtama to Capricorn .the 7th house. real mental strength on the strength of the
Therefore your opponent's lord, Saturn planets in the horoscope. When will the
was in the sub of Ashtamadhipathi. litigation be over? When can I have peace ?
Hence your opponent must invariably You once for all win the case during
lose, especially during your Saturn dasa. Mercury dasa Kethu Bhukti Jupiter anthra,
Evil days commence to your opponent as 6th cusp was in Kethu, star 'moolam'
at a time when you run Saturn dasa. Mars and in Jupiter's sign Sagittarius. Kethu
Bhukti(]ord of the sign) Sun anthfa (lord was in Saturns star and Kethu sub. To
of the sub) i.e., between 10—8—1958 the opponent, Saturn is lord of 1 and 2,
and 29—8—1958. who is to offer health and also cause end
Rahu is in the house. It is in the of life to the opponent. Kethu is in the
sign of Satutn, in the constellation of Sun 7th Bhava which is a marakasthana.
and in the sub of Kethu (7° 00' 00' to Hence to the opponent, Saturn is the
T 46' 40"). Therefore Rahu in 7 is Maraka Sthana adhipathi, in Bhadhaka
evil to the opponent. But to you, Sun is Sthana, the 11th house. Kethu is in
the lord of the 2nd house counted from Marakasthana. Mercury is lord of 6 to 7
Lagna and it is favourable to you. and is also in Bhadhaka Sthana, the 11 th
house to Chara rasi or movable sign.
When Rahu Bhukti followed, the Hence Mercury dasa Kethu Bhukti Sani
opj. Jnent would have been giving you anthra is an undesirable time i.e., between
trouble though depressed and worried 6—1 -67 and 3—3—67.
about the failures. Rahu portends loss to Therefore your chart shows that you can
your opponent. be free from all such troubles from the
Now you are running Mercury dasa. Happy New year 1967.
Mercury was in Mar's sign scorpip but in K. S. K.
Dear Sir, Saturday-Revathi star
In the daily Maharastra Newspaper Mercury dasa Balance at the time of
'Sakal' I saw your photo taken at the birth = 16 years 0 month and 25 days.
time when you were delivering lecture to
the professional astrologers and the
students of astrology and read their great
admiration about your novel method of Mercury Jupiter
prediction " Krishnamurthi Paddhathi."
I was vexedand much worried about my
daughter's marriage. After reading the Kethu Saturn
feature in ' SakalI have a relief. I trust Lagna
I can have correct prediction which will Navamsa
offer me mental solace and by which I can
understand when I will be able to celebrate Rahu
her marriage. She is a well educated girl—
well accomplished—has good complexion,,
etc. There is no question about finance
for expenses. I am rich enough when Moon Venus Sun Mars
everything is there, why there is so much
delay and why many periods mentioned
by local astrologers failed, 1 am at a loss
to know. Reply; Your daughter is born in the
May I request you to kindly oblige, me Ascendant, Virgo, with Rahu in the Lagna
Bhava, Kethu Moofts Mercury, Jupiter "and
by giving the time of marriage of my Saturn in the 7 th Bhava (Moon and Kethu
daughter. I enclose herewith her horoscope. in Pisces, whereas Mercury, Jupiter and
Yours sincerely, Saturn are in Aries) Sun in 8th house.
Mars and Venus'in 9th house (Mars in
H. L. GHOLAP Taurus and Venus in Gemini).
Junnar. For marriage, judge the houses 2, 7
and H and the chief governor for marriage
Jupiter Venus.
Moon Sim Mars Venus
Kctbu Saturn House 2 indicates all relatives—the
Mercury whole family—it includes all, father,
mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle,
grandma, grandfather, wife, children,
Born 5-10, grand children and what not. Therefore if
on 4-5-1940 the house 2 is well aspected, then there
at Junoar
Female will be increase in the number of the num-
19° I2'J4 and 73D58'E. bers of. family by marriage, etc. Hence
- 2nd house is taken.
_ 7th house indicates agreement: bon-
- Lagna - dage,'etc: _ Onc'who contributes for the
Rahu company. He or she who marries. He
or she who leads domestic life as partner:
in business 7th house shows partner in Sun occupied Bharani. Sun is exalted
business of the sam# or opposite sex. there. No other planet is under the sway
1 Uh house denotes pleasure, procrea- of the lord of 2. Venus.
tion, permanent tie of friendship and 7th house, owned by Jupiter, governs
partner in life. the constellations, Punarvasu, Visaka and
Hence these three houses are considered. Poorvapathrapada. No planet is in these
Marriage serves two purposes. For three stars.
Ika-Loka-Sukha, for pleasure and com- Lord of 11th house is Moon, who rules
pany, we marry. For Para-Lpka-Sukha the asterisms .'Rohini, Hastham and
it is necessary. Grahasthasrama is much Sravanam. None is found in any of the
better than any. For pleasure—Kama— three.
the lord is Venus. So he is considered Lord of 2 Venus is in frend's quarters.
while judging one is to follow the follow-
ing order:— Lord of 7 Jupiter is strong.
(a) The planets occupying the constella- Lord of 11, Moon is conjoined with
tion of the planets or node in the house . Kethu and becomes weaker than Kethu.
2 or 7 or 11 or Venus. Thus it will be seen that the girl has
(b) The occupants of the houses 2 or 7 Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Kethu, strong
11 or Venus. to indicate the marriage.
(c) The planets in the constellation of According to Udu' dasa system she will
the lords of the house 2 or 7 or 11. get married during Sukra dasa Siikra
(d) The owners of the house 2 or 7 Bhuthi Mercury anthra Sun shookshma.
or 11. Why? Venus, the dasanatha, the chief
(e) the planets conjoined with them or governor for marriage and lord of the
second hous^ receives the 3rd aspect from
(f) the planets aspected by them, etc- Saturn who is in the 7th Bhava and who
House 2 is vacant delays the marriage. Mercury which is
behind Saturn and away from the orb,
7th house is occupied by Kethu and following Saturn's sub sub period will give
Moon. Kethu rules Asvini, Makam and the marriage.
Moolath. Mercury and Jupiter, are in
Aswini. No planet in Makam orjj/Soolam. Therefore, what will happen 7 Many a
proposal may come. They may appear
Moon'rules Rohini, Hasthan and Sra- to come through. But they will not
vanam. No planet is found in any of the materialise till Saturn Shookshma is over
three asterisnts. till 29-1-1966. Later, during Budha
11th house is unoccupied. anthra, it will rush through.
Venus, the chief governor for matri- As per Stellar system, when Venus the
mony rules the stars Bharani, Poorvapal- dasanatha or Sun transits in Venus star
guni and Poorvashada. Sun alone is in Bharani and the sub of Venus, marriage
Bharani. -will be celebrated, i.e., 28-4-1966.
Therefore Mercury, Sun and Jupiter are Betrothal or fixation of the marriage
the significators. will be on or around 4th April 1966, when
Moon and Kethu are in the 7th house. Sun transits in Jupiter's sign, Mercury
Both are in Revathi star which is ruled by star and Venus sub and is in the 7tb Cusp.
Mercury, lord of 1 and 10. Mercury and The bridegroom's ruling planets will be
Kethu are in Shookshma Farivarthana- Venus, Mercury, Sun and Jupiter. His
yoga. star may be Poorvashada (Venus Star in
Lord 2 is Venus : Bharani, Poorvapal- Jupiter's sign or poorvapalgani (Venus
guni and Poorvashada are ruled by Venus. star in Sun's sign).
He may serve in income-tax depart- Or an accountant in a bank.
ment (Sun denotes Government and Secu-
rity of Service, Jupiter, Finance and Law: Lord of 7 Jupiter in a movable sign in
Mercury inspection of accounts and Venus the constellation of Kethu shows (a) he
assessment). belongs to your district, (b) he is not
already closely related to you.
Or he may be a salesman in a medical
concern (Sun for medicine : Mercury a On 28—4—1966, he becomes your close
salesman; Jupiter to handle cash — relative, as son-iii-Iaw to you. ^
Venus by Social Success). Or he may have
a silk, cotton shop (Sun denotes one's1 Good Luck!
profession, Mercury yam, textiles, Venus,
silk; Jupiter investment of money, owned
and manager). ' K. S. K.
Sir, The following is her chart;
I b.sten to tender you my grateful Suo
appreciation for your uncanny prediction Ketbu MMCtrry MoOd
Venus Jupiter
about the date of my daughter's marriage. Saturo
As you were lecturing to us in Bharatiya
VidyaBbavan in September 1962, you were Lagna
discussing how the effects of the nodes, Rasi
Rahu andKethu are more pronounced than Birth at -11-50
the lords of the houses in which they are Mars 29—4—1941
situated and how the nodes are capable of
giving beneficial results in their conjoinsd
periods contraiy to the general belief. And, Rahu
in this connection, you also predicted that
the marriage of my daughter would take
place on or around in' the first week of
February 1965 when she would be running
Rahu dasa Ketbu Bhukthi. Actually the Rahu Moon Meicucy
marriage took place on 5th February 1965.
Your prediction had helped me not to
worry myself about her wedding till
January 1965 and to take leave at the Navamsa
appropriate five, search for - a suitable Sun
bridegroom for my daughter and celebrate Jupiter Mars
the marriage.
Incidentally my daughter left for Boston "VCQUS
in U.S. A. on 13-2-65 along with her bus-' Saturn Ketbu
band while you had predicted that she -
would go to a far-off place immediately Moon dasa Balance at the time of birth
after her marriage, as. Ketbu was in the 6 years 1 month and 13 days.
9th sign. Explanation is offered to clear the
Would it be convenient for you to discuss doubts whether the malefic nodes Rahu
scientifically bow these event came about andKethu, can ever offer brilliant results,
according to your predictions based on if so, under which circumstances one can
stellar astrology. I send a copy of the expect memorable pleasant events and the
photo taken at the moment yoii blessed method followed by the editor.
her. If you wish you may use it. Marriage brings a new cycle of life. One
more member will be added to the family
Thanking you, on the day of the.marriage which is indi-
Yours faithfully. cated by the second house. There is the
legal bondage that one lives with the other
Dated 28-2-65 N.V.R. as husband and wife which is signified by
L. B- Nagar New Delhi-3. the 7th house.
If the match is good, marriage promises
Answer: pleasure, progeny and permanent tic which
In our files, there is a copy of your- arc judged from the 11th bouse.
daughter's horoscope. We are happy to [Houses are counted from the Lagna or
note that the stellar astrology is the most from the moon sign, if the Ascendant is
accurate method and is really very useful. afflicted.]
As the Ascendant is not afflicted, but are governed by Venus. No planet is in
it is very strong due to the fact that lord Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada. Sun,
of Lagna is exalted and the Ascendant Venus and Saturn are in Bharani-Though
receives aspect from the exalted Rajayoga- Venus is in its own constellation it is
adhipathi, Mars. weaker than Sun. Saturn has Neecha
Always the strength of planets to offer Bagna Rajayoga effect. Thus, it will
any result is to be judged as follows:— be seen that Rahu, Kethu, Mars, Sun,
Venus and Saturn are the significators.
(a) The planet in the constellation of Kethu is stronger than Saturn, as it is in
the occupants of the houses the latter's star and similarly Rahu is
which indicate the result, stronger than Sun. Because nodes are
(b) The occupants of those houses, invariably stronger than the planets.
(c) The planet is in the constellation Therefore, Rahudasa Kethu Bhukti
of the lords of those houses (for Venus anthra. Mars shookshma will be the
marriage, houses 2, 7 and 11), time of marriage; It runs between
(d) The lords of these houses, 4-1-1965 and 7-3-1965.
(e) Planets conjoined with them, Actually the marriage was celebrated
and (f) Planets receiving favourable on 5-2-1965. The day is a Friday. The
star on that day was ruled by Saturn. The
aspects from them. Lagna at the time of marriage was Taurus,
Second house is not occupied by any governed by Venus. According to transit
planet. Therefore, one need not take (a) Lord of 2, Sun conjoined the
trouble to find out which planet occupies 1 exalted Mars in the 7lh house.
the constellation of the occupant of the (b) Moon, lord of Lagna, conjoined
second house.
Seventh house is occupied by Mars. Bhukti natha Kethu.
Mrigasirisha, Cbithra and Dhanishta are (c) Jupiter conjoined lord of , 7,
the stars ruled by Mars. So,, find out Satum.
whether there is any or are many planets (d) Lord of 7 Saturn transited in the
in these stars. Mars alone is in Dhanishta. constellation of the dasanatha,
Hence Mars is a significator. Rahu (Sathabhisha).
Eleventh house is occupied by Moon- (e) Mars, the exalted Raja yoga
Jupiter goes to 10th house. Therefore adhipathi in the seventh house
Moon is a significator. Moon's stars are conjoined dasa natha Rahu.
Rohini, Hastham and Sravanam. No A few important points are worthy to
planet is found in any of the three stars. note:
Second house is governed !by Sun. Saturn in the 10th house, will aspect the
Karthika, Uthrapalguni and Uthrashada 7th house by its 10th aspect. It will delay
are the three stars ruled by Sun. the time of marriage. A few attempts
(a) Jupiter is in Karthikai. will be made. It would appear as though
(b) .Rahu is in Uthrapalguni. any of those would materialise. But
Saturn conjoined with Mercury, etc.,
Hence Rahu and Jupiter will contribute cannot allow the parents to fix a boy, till
for the marriage. saturn Bhukti is over: later even in
Seventh house is owned by Saturn. It Mercury Bhukti. If in a horoscope, Saturn
rules Pushyam, Anuradha and Uthrattathi throws obstacles, it will also force the
asterisms. No planet transited in' either other planets with which it is conjoined or
Pushyam or Anuradha. But the node, which receive aspect from saturn.
Kethu was in Uthrapathrapada constella- But planets which are neither conjoined
tion. Therefore Kethu is a significator. with, nor aspected by Saturn and those
Venus rules Taurus, the eleventh house. which are in 6 or 8 or 12 fo Saturn will
13:iuraiii, Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada give their results without further delay.
That is why, Rahu .and Kethu which transitting in Janma, which they call as
were not, thus, influenced, gave the evil.
marriage. The fact is that they got married on
Mars in 7, will 6x the marriage sudden- 5-2-1965 and both left to Boston on
ly. The interval between betrothal and 13-2-1965.
celebration will be the minimum. May God bless them with health,
As the father of the bride was informed happiness, harmony, pleasure, progeny
that the marriage tyould take place in the and prosperity.
first week of February 1965, he t»ok leave Overseas:—
from January 1965, came from Delhi to
Madras and was in search of a suitable Overseas includes (a) a thorough change
bridegroom. Luckily, a person, on in the surroundings and environments, (b)
22-1-65 arrived at Madras, leaving Boston quitting the place of residence, (c) making
on 19-1-65. On understanding that the a long journey and, (d) life in a foreign
bridegtoom will suit • nicely considering place.
health, rank, educational qualification, Thorough change in the surroundings
wealth etc., the father of the girl, made and environment is indicated by the 9th
attempts from 26-1-65. It was fixed on or the 12th or the third house.
31-1-65 and celebrated on 5-2-65. This
rush is due to 'Mars' in the 7th house. Leaving one's place of residence is
In the chart of your daughter Mars in 7, judged from the 12th house to the 4th house
has no dhosha at all. which signifies the permanent residence.
(a) For girls, Mars in the seventh Long journey is indicated by the 9th
house causes no dhosha. house.
(b) Exalted Mars has no malefic Life in a foreign place is portrayed
effect. from the 12th house.
(c) Jupiter and Saturn aspect Mars, Therefore one has to consider the
and ward off the evil. houses 3, 9 and 12 for overseas.
(d) Further, Mars is a Rajayogadhi- Rahu which was in Virgo owned by
pathi. Therefore, wherever he Mercury, is a representative and an agent
is posited, he will improve the of Mercury. . To this person born in
matters signified by that house Karkata Lagna-Cancer Ascendant, Mer-
and cannot prove to be harmful. cury is the lord of the third and the
One can find from the Nakshathra of twelfth houses. Therefore Rahu in Virgo
the bridegroom that Mars and Venus has to offer the matters signified by the
happened to be the significators of his 3rd and 12th houses.
birth. His birth star was Bharani, i.e., Kethu which was in Pisces-Meena, has
Moon was transitting in the star governed to act as an agent of Jupiter which rules
by Venus and in the sign Aries, owned by Pisces. Jupiter owns two houses, Sagit-
Mars. tarius and Pisces. They are the sixth and
One more point is to be noted by the 9th houses counted from the Ascendant
astrologers who repeat the auntee's- Cancer.
proverbs i.e., " Gurubhalaras, Vijayabha- Hence Rahu and Kethu are to offer the
lam" by transist-Gocharam. The girl is results of the houses 3, 12, 9 and 6.
born in Rohini star. Her rasi is Taurus- That is why, immediately after marriage
Rishaba. At the time of marriage, Jupiter the bride has gone to Boston; western
was in the 12th house to her moon-sign. astrologers say that the sign Virgo
The bridegroom was born in Bharani star. indicates Boston. As Rahu is in Virgo,
He had his Moon in Aries and Jupiter was she has gone to Boston.

4 13
lercury Major Peiiod: (Budh-Gya) Lord of the Year. Month. Days.
cury dasa runs its period for exactly sub period
inteen years. All the nine planets, Mer_/ry 2 4 27
cury, Kettau, Venus, Sun,Moon, Mars, Kethu 0 11 27
in, Jupiter and Saturn have their sub Venus 2 10 00
ods in the above order, one following Sun 6 10 06
other. Each sub period has its own Moon 1 5, 00
jtion in a particular proportion and Mars 0 11' 27
total period of seventeen years is not Rahu 2 6 18
ded equally among them. The pro- Jupiter 2 3 06
tion in which they are allotted is the Saturn 2 8 09
le as they are given the major period
:he Vimshothari dasa system: i.e., in Total 17 00 00
total of 120 years.
dercury's major period in the Udu Quintessence of the Mercury period :—
ikshathra) dasa of 120 years is 17 By nature: Mercury is an unsteady
rs: therefore Mercury sub period, planet, as it is convertible. It does not
ukti—Apahara) in Mercury's major act independently like Marsf' But it acts
iod is 17'120 of seventeen years = as an agent and expresses a modified
x 17 ^ 120 = 2 years 4 months and nature in accordance with that of the
inty-seven days. Similarly one is to planet with which it is connected. (By
tulate the sub period of the other 8 connection it is meant that Mercury is
nets in the order mentioned i^; the conjoined with or aspected by any other
vious paragraph. planet or it is in the constellation of
another planet which is stronger than
!n Mercury's major dasa or period of Mercury). Mercury will prove to be a
years (just like for other planets) the benefic if it is conjoined with or aspected
t sub period is ruled by the dasa.lord by benefics or if it occupies the naksha-
nself i.e., Mercury. Then follows thra of a favourable planet. Mercury
thu's sub period which is 7x17^120: will prove to be harmful, if it is conjoined
nus runs after Kethu and it will be with or aspected by a malefic or malefics
x 17^)20, Next is that of Sun and it or if it occupies the star of a malefic
/ers 6x 17 a-120. Thus for other planets planet which is to be disadvantageous to a
e is to work out. person according to his horoscope.
On the day when Saturn dasa is over Mercury is said to be vacillating. It
3l .Mercury dasa commences, the sub governs tf- solar plexus and the central
riod oUMercury starts and on the day- nervous system. intelligent planet.
ieu Mercury sub period ends Kethu's So by nature one is born intelligent. He
) period begins. Thus other sub periods can grasp new ideas very quickly. He
low and run their course. cannot forget easily. He will reproduce
them to the meticulous detail. Being
The following gives the sub period of intelligent, one will analyse. Consider the
the 9 planets in Mercury dasa. merits and demerits ; the advantages and
the disadvantages : the pros and cons. So boastful and unprincipled. There will be
one will not take a decision quickly. He changes with great frequency. The desire
lacks decision. Till that time he will be to get engaged in new enterprises inspires
vacillating. one anditisnot possible to concentrate.
Mercury makes one a mathematician; a The person is good to start with but the
logician. He can argue sensibly and with finish will be poof. While speaking, he
may stammer. He lacks memory.
convincing logic.
It gives research mind. It makes one Constitution and health: Mercury
studious and versatile. He will not be a governs the central nervous system, the
book-worm. He will read, think and think brain, the tongue, the lungs, the hand and
and be a wise man instead of being learned the nose. It rules the Thyroid Gland.
alone. Therefore people having afflicted
Mercury givestdual thoughts and plura- Mercury in their horoscope will suffer due
lity of interests. It does not allow one to to vitamin ' B ' deficiency, dull liver, poor
concentrate. Hence Mercurians do not digestion, gas trouble, flatulence etc.,
take up one project, finish it and go to the mainly caused by the mental worry and
next. But his attention will be drawn to anxiety. There can be frequent and minor
other matters when he is attending to one vexations through personal clerks, assis-
affair, with the result that he does not tants and servants. Irregular diet during
complete the first work. Therefore he short journeys and ever active mentality
needs steadiness, concentration, persever- impair the health. Anxiety, worry and
ance gnd patience which Mercury does not overwork cause primarily the above
offer. disease.
Mercury makes one good in calcula- Mercury causes headaches, nuralgia,
tions, inspection, mathematics, engineer- imaginary diseases, hysteria, convulsion,
ing, accounts, correspondence, writing, fear complex, mental aberrations,
publishing, propaganda. Mercury is a paralysis, loss of speech, insanity etc.
talkative planet whereas Saturn denotes Sun or Moon, or Neptune afflicting
silence. Therefore Mercurians are good mercury threatens fever, stomach trouble
to entertain people, to sell goods, to or some psychic abnormal conditions.
improve insurance business, to do propa- Mars afflicting Mercury (in their con-
ganda, to be eloquent orators, to cheer up joined periods) cause either surgical
others by his ready wit, to talk many treatment or excitability leading to mental
languages, to be an interpreter, to be an derangement, violence, etc. Jupiter causes
adviser, to act as an agent or to be a . cancer, Venus produces general nervous
representative or to take up exports and debility due to excessive sexual pleasures,
imports to serve in communication depart- whereas Saturn portends danger through
ment, postal, radio, etc. If afflicted, he serious ailment caused by untold misery.
will be the worst pimp. He will be a Inferiority complex, sudden reversals,
clever, cunning and crooked person who unexpected and terrific loss, etc. cause
will not hesitate to do harm to others by sudden shock which ruins the health.
writing petitions, etc. It is better to be Rahu shows typhoid, para-typhoid etc.,
friendly with mercurians, otherwise one Whereas Kcthu denotes food poisoning.
will be severely attacked by the mercurian .^Uranus indicates that he may try to end
by his pen and venomous tongue. If ailment by committing suicide.
Mercury is afflicted, the person will be a
cheat. He will carry tales. He finds Anyhow, people born with afflicted
pleasure in uttering falsehood. He is a Mercury can, with advantage, take vita-
liar. The conceited showy person with min ' B *, Liver extract etc, have regular
vain glory will have Mercury in his chart, diet and avoid worries. By worrying, can
afflicted by other planets. Such a person you change your fate ? By worrying can
is perverted, eccentric, unsteady, moody, you save anybody's life ? Then by
worrying, how do you help yourself? ing or writing fast, youthful or mingling
Once a girl aged 20, studying in a college, with youth, etc. are the nature of Mercury.
could not return home in time. The What can one expect during Mercury's
parents are disturbed. Both are walking period: Mercury in the Ascendant receiv-
from the kitchen to the verandah and ing good aspect gives mental strength and
again back to kitchen and so on. They thereby speedy recovery from any chronic
phone to casualty ward. They phone to ailment from which one could have
all places. Unfortunately the phone in suffered. Mercury is considered to be
the college was not attended to by any- strong if it is either in Germini or Virgo
body. All are locked. Sudden and and also when it is in its own or exalta-
heavy rains did not allow the students to tion sign in Navamsa, even though debili-
leave the premises. After a couple of tated inrasi. It will improve the nervous
hours, it stopped. Due to the rush, the system and digestive system. One will
modest girl allowed all the modern girls write down one's impressions, ideas,
by the first bus, and she took the next. suggestions etc., then one will try - to
At last she arrived home at 8-30 P.M. complete the plan. One will be a good
What has happened to the girl ? correspondent. One will not only start
Nothing. She is alright. . . .orrespondence, but also send it by the
What has happened at home? The quickest delivery service and being a dual
father and mother, imagining all possibili- planet causing doubt in tone's mind, one
ties and impossibilities, discussing, will post the copy of the same by another
worrying,, and not attending to their mode of service or one will send mostly
work. by registered post offering place and com-
fort to him.
Which is responsible for these 7 Their
Karma: which is indicated by the afflic- One will be inclined to make frequent
tion of Mercury in one's horoscope. short trips refresh, friendship, renew
contacts and review business methods.
Therefore, Mercurians should never One will be introducing new, new ideas to
worry. Everything will happen as pre- save the time and double-up the turn-over,
destained. Worry and anxiety cannot solve checking the production or the sale or the
any problem except causing trouble to the popularity of the product. Mercurians
person mentally and physically which will not only attend to their work but also
may result in financial trouble also. Never be learning much from the competitor.
worry—Leave everything to God (Nature's One cannot maintain health during
Law—Karma's effect) and be attending to
your work normally. Mercury's periods if it is afflicted by the
other planets or if it owns the houses 6 or
Mental: Analytical and attentive; 8 or 12 or if Mercury occupies thu cons-
businesslike and brilliant; critical and tellation of the lords of '6 or 8 or 12 or
cunning; debating and deceiving; conjoined with them or aspected by any
eloquent and effrvoscent; fluent and of them.
fidgetinggrumbling and governing; For example, Mercury is a malefie to
hygienic Snd healthy; imaginative and people born in Aries-Mesha as he owns the
imitating; .intelligent and intuitive; Jack- 6th house. If it is in Aswini, he suffers
of-clubs and jobbing; knowledgable or from neurasthemia, mental aberration and
knavish; learned and lively; memorizing epilepsy. Mercury in Bharani causes
or mischief.making; nervous and nimble ; nervous debility, pooi-'Sgestion, dyspepsia,
observing1 or oscillating, perverted or etc. due to overindulgence. Mercury in
pilfering; quickly acting or quivering; Karthikai first quarter causes anxiety due
restless and reading! speaking or stam- to his profession, loss in speculation, etc.
mering; shrewd or subtle, talking or
teaching; thinking or translating; typing To Tau-Ts-borns Mercury is a benefic
or transmitting; uttering of understand^" and he" will "prove" to be good in Karthikai
ing; vibrating or varying-; wittily speak- and Rohini star, whereas Mercury in
Mrigasirisba causes mental disorder, litiga- pathrapada 4th quarter an Pisces. Lagna
tion, dispute and also hospitalisation. suffered during Mercury dasa, due to
To Gemini, he is the lord, of the ascen- falsification of accounts.
dant, in the ascendant and he is to be
good. But he is evil when in Mrigasirisba Mercury in the second house receiving
as it is owned by Mars, lord of 6 and good aspects shows that one will gain by-
Mercury is beneficial when in Punarvasu. correspondence, oration (politics) argu-
For people born in Cancer-Kataka, any ment (lawyer) travelling (agents) preaching
planet in Kataka is evil and especially (Purohits) teaching . (professors) writing
Mercury.' (clerks) typing (Mercury and Mars) Short-
hand typing (Saturn Mercury Mars),
Why? agency, export import, engineering,
In'Cancer there are stars i.e., Punar- commission, broker, advertising, distribu-
vasu, Pushya and Ashlesha! They are tion, paper, books journals, dailies etc.: as
governed by Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. a messenger or to serve in Postal, tele-
These three planets rule the iitb, JStb and graph, telephone, television, Radio, dance,
the 12th houses respectively counted from actor, and one - plays always second
Cancer. Thcryforc any planet in the fiddle.
constellation of lords of 6, 8 and 12 has to- Mercury in the third house : Forming
cause trouble—when Mercury rules 3 and good aspect with lord of' Lagna gives
12, it must be definitely evil. * Good intelligence : one will be studious : will be
aspects of other planets may improve, attached to youngsters: will be quick in
but cannot eradicate the evil i.e., during action, correct in execution with proper
the sub sub periods of the planets forming intimation and imagination. If the aspect
good aspects with Mercury in Cancer ^between lord of Land Mercury in 3 is evil,,
Lagna, there may be some relief, but the one will not be inclined to read, work, etc:
original troubles will again relapse during will be unnecessarily travelling here and
the other sub periods. Students must note there : will lose money by pick-pocket;
this carefully. cannot maintain good relationship with
To Leo-borns, Mercury in the ascendant youngsters and neighbours. Mercury in 3
is auspicious, unless Kethu is.spoiled. To forming good aspect with lord of 2, gains
Virgo-boms, Mercury in Uthrapalguni is by writing, through brother or sister, serve
evil. In Hastbam it is favourable. In as a journalist or undertake travelling job
Chithra, it is very bad, though Mercury 'or take representative post of any industry
is lord of 1 and 10, a Rajayogadhipatbi, or be an auditor: it portends mental
a-Kendhradhipathi, etc.- and is exalted in aberration to father and even danger to
its own sign. his life. Mercury in 3 receiving good
To Libra-boras, Mercury in Visaka is aspect makes one a good writer : one will
evil. To Scorpios boras. Mercury is a always be 'vcry 'active and make successful
malefic in Jyeshta: To Sagittarius-borns short journeys. One will be fond of
Mercury is good only in Utbrashada first reading, study, and analyse: one will have
quarter. the desire to speak "in a meeting. Only
when Mercury is afflicted,'the bowels will
To . Makara,- (Capricorn) Mercury in be affected. One may get into trouble by
Lagna is bad for health in Uthrashada writing letters, signing contracts, standing
ruled by Sun, lord of 8 and in Dhanishta, surety, etc.
governed'' by. Mars, the Bhadhaka Mercury in the. 4th house: . Shows that
Stbanadhipathi. one will have-the desire to change one's
To Aquarius, Mercury is evil only in residence. Generally people having fre-
.Sathabhisha whereas to Pisces-borns, quent transfers or changing jobs very
Mercury is very bad in Uthrapathrapadal often or changing their residence will have
In other constellations at is good. There Mercury in the 4th house. The Directors
are cases wherein people born in Poorva- of private schools and colleges, people
serving in estates, registration offices, Mercury in the 5th house: Shows that-
libraries, publishing houses, mines, or as one will be worried about his children or
ground engineer, mine engineer, clerks in loss in speculation or disappointment in
college, university etc., will have Mercury music opera and cinema, if it is affiicted.
in the 4th house. Also adverse aspects to Mercury threatens,
Some say that Mercury in the 4th house with troubles in love affairs, public talk
and scandal, separation or divorce, litiga-
is inauspicious for education by saying tion and waste of money. But good aspect
" Karako Bhava NasayaIt is a dis- promises pleasant travelling (Honey moon)
heartening and incorrect slogam. By the success in music etc., speculation and
above, they say that if a planet is the investment. One may serve in Stock
chief governor for a matter and if a Exchange or be a broker. One may be the
Bhava —house also indicares the same advisor or personal assistant. Good
matter, then the situation of that planet in aspect of Moon to Mercury is beneficial
that house signifying the same result will for success in music, dealings with uncWs,
do harm. It loses its strength and spoils mother and other close relatives. There
the matters of the bhava—house. It is will be unexpected gains. Mars' favourable
not correct in most of the cases, whereas aspect gives profitable contracts and fresh
actually in many cases there is improve- ventures. One may serve in military
ment. accounts or police or industry or press or
Parasara says telegraph department. Jupiter's harmo-
"Suryo— Guru; Kuja ; Somo nious aspect makes one a successful in-
come-lax advisor, representative of cinema
GuruBhowma; Sitha ; Sani films, distributor, advocate, journalist,
Guruschandra Sutho; Jcevo banker, teacher, purohit, etc., and will
Mandascha Bhava Karaka: have initiation of Mantra of God
This is repeated by Vaidyanatha
Dikshitha in Jataka Parijatham, mantres- Venus forming favourable aspect is
wara in Phala — Deepika, Ramanujacharya excellent for actors and actresses, for social
in Bhavartha Rathnakara, etc. and financial success, reputation, name and
They have said that Venus occupying fame. Saturn is auspicious to concentrate,
the 7th, Mercury the 4th, Jupiter the 5th meditate or to undertake any job and
etc., from the Ascendant are evil to all steadily with patience and perseverance
rasi-borns. complete it. Thus the aspects from planets
to Mercury must be included while judging
Do not apply this rule strictly. Because its results.
when you read the planets and their results Mercury in the 6th house: Troubles
in each house given out separately by through servants: health may fail: one
similar authors, the results are different
and .they do not agree with " Karako- may go on journey on health conditions :
Bhava-Nasaya Mercury will cause gas trouble and dys-
pepsia: general nervous debility: it dis-
Actually there are many engineers, courages and unnerves one: he may
successful building contractors, architect imagine that his end is soon and live long;
engineers, people good in mathematics, unlike people having Mercury in favour-
astrology etc., are born with Mercury in able houses may declare that their end is
the 4th house. People who have sub- not in the near future but will die shortly
mitted thesis, got doctorate have Mercury after such statement. .Mercury makes one
in the 4th Bhava. Hence, one should work hard. It is the anxiety which is the
forget "Karaka-Bhava Nasaya " but study main cause for the disease. But the good'
the various aspects to Mercury in the 4th effect of Mercury in 6 is that the person
house, the lord of the constellation in will study hygiene, medicine etc., or he
which Mercury was at the time of birth may be a contractor supplying materials
etc. to hospitals: or he may construct hos-
pitals: or he may be a Maistry or Kan- memorize anything that they read. One
kani collecting servants to be sent to will gain by editing and publishing. One
estates i.e., a broker for labour or a statis- can be a good penman or clerk. One will
tician. come in contact with strangers, enter into
contract with them. One may make long
Mercury in the seventh house receiving journeys and persecute higher studies.
good aspects makes one popular. He will One may have the mind to live in foreign
be studious and learn science. He can be land (foreign does not mean only overseas
a public platform speaker. The marriage —far away from his native place is signi-
will be a successful one as the partner will fied by the nimh house) especially if
be intelligent, tactful, diplomatic, clever, Mercury is in a chara—movable sign. If
accommodative and adjusting. Mercury is afflicted, he cannot concentrate,
Afflicted Mercury in the 7th house is He cannot finish any work. He cannot
worse than Mars in the 7ih house. The get through higher studies (People who
nature of the partner will be nagging. He returned with passing I.C.S. ; I.A.S.;
or she will spoil the married life by fre- F.R.C.P., like that, have afflicted Mercury
quent quarrels. The partner will find in the 9th house. During the conjoined
fault with and always mistake the person. period of the planef forming favourable
The partner will be fickle-minded and will aspect with Mercury one may go to a far
have no faith. Do not ask whether such off place and study. But the afflicting
people can have any child? There, they planet will operate at the time when
do not lack. They are the parents of the result is announced and one is to'
many children and their children can return without success. Mercury in 9)
form a cricket team of their own. If when adversely aspected makes one to
Mercury is afflicted by many planets, at doubt everything. There is no self-confi-
last the husband and wife will live dence. One cannot take any decision.
separately. Is this not worse than Mars in The journeys will end in a waste.
7 which may end trouble Mercury in the !Oth house brings name,
or divorce. Mars will not cause frequent fame and reputation. One will be honour,
quarrels and allow to unite. Mercury, ed. One will ably push his business-
afflicted in the 7th house threatens litiga- expand it and be successful. Mercury,
tion, scandal ill-repute, hostility and gives such a profession as modified by the
caustic criticism. With whomsoever the lord of the constellation and the sub in
person moves, he or she will be sarcastic which it was at the time of birth in the
and hasty tempered." Mercury in the 7th birth chart. Mercury generally give the
house indicates that one can be a partner post of private secretary, assistainr, as it is
in the profession signified by Mercury. the messenger of God and not God Him-
Mercury in the 8th house shows that a self. One may be a good orator ; or be
person will be speaking or active just good in mathematics, engineering astrology
before his death, if Mercury rules the time etc. If Sun is conjoined one may enter
ofdemise. Mercury in 8 threatens the ill- into Government service or be a Govern-
health to younger brothers and sisters, ment contractor. If Moon is conjoined or
short journey- of servants or change of if it forms favourable aspect he may deal
servants, dispute with neighbours, desire in textiles, import, export, etc. If Mars
to study occult 4 science. If Mercury is forms an aspect, he takes mechanical
afflicted, there will be dissension and engineering or press'% If Jupiter aspects he
disharmony with wife or husband or may be a civil engineer, journalist, writer,
partner in business. There will be lawyer or even-' physician—Venus and
quarrels, disputes and litigation. Mercury in good aspect shows sanitary
engineering, public health, agent of
Mercury in the 9th house produces luxurious stuff, car broker, distributor .of
intelligent people—NIPUNAS—They will cinema films, etc. Saturn makes him a
be ingenious,' clever and studious. mine engineer, a C.I.D. reporter, expert in
They can speak well, write quickly and finger print, forgery, etc. Uranus shows
that be may write novels or be a reporter, in which Mercury was and the modification
lecturer, electrical inspector, travelling indicated by the sub lord (according to
ticket examiner, astrologer, a good Krishnamurti Paddhathi) one is to judge
psychologist or one who deals in antiques the results of Mercury, including the
or serve in archaelogical department. various aspects which Mercury receives
Neptune shows mercantile work. He may from other planets (according to Western
become a shipping agent or import, export System).
agent, representative, etc. Suppose, Mercury was in the constella-
Mercury in the 11th house indicates tion of Mars i.e., in one of the stars Mriga
that one may not have permanent tie of sirisha or Chithra or Dhanishta, then
friendship with anybodybut will havemany duringtheconjoined period ofMercuryand
acquaintances who will be his benefactors. Mars; whatever it indicates will be enjoyed
They will be younger than the person. in full. If Mercury would have been in
We may see some people, always keeping the constellation of Moon and you expect
company with youngsters e.g. college one to serve in textiles or open a cloth
boy playing with High School students; shop during Mercury dasa, he will do so,
officers finding pleasure with students, etc. during Moon's sub sub period and be will
Mercury in 11 gives mercurians, as friends gain during Mercury dasa Moon's period.
i.e., agents, mathematicians, book sellers, Even though be would have been serving
representatives, etc. If Mercury receives in any other department, he will be trans-
good aspects, one will be supremely intelli- ferred to Textiles during Moon's sub
gent, most tactful- and very friendly with period.
all, thereby he always gains. But if Mer- Suppose Mars forms good aspect and
cury receives adverse aspects, especially Jupiterevil aspect with Mercury. Then dur-
from Jupiter or Saturn or Uranus, never ing Mercury dasa Mars Bhukti you will
trust your so-called friends. > Do not have courage and confidence, you will be
depend on them. They are unreliable. bold and influential: therefore you will be
Do not stand a surety to them. They will crowned with success. It is not unlikely,
let you down miserably. Do not take that out of turn, overlooking others*
their advice. You will be in hot-waters. claims you will be promoted. During
For people born in movable sign,- Mercury Rahu sub period, you may continue depen-
is either lord of 6 or lord of 12. So those ding on Rahu. But Jupiter, though consi--.
people born in Aries, Cancer, Libra and dered to be a benefic by nature, as it forms
Capricorn—to whom 31th house is a evil aspect with Mercury, during Mercury
Bhadhakasthana—must exercise care on. dasa Jupiter Bhukti, you will be reverted
their bealih : otherwise there will be and the rules will be against your interests.
danger to health : also loss through friends
and elder sister or brother. [Students to. note: Suppose during
Mercury in the 12tb house gives desire Mercury dasa Mars Bhukti, one is promo-
to study occult science or chemistry. One ted. Therefore he or she who gave pro-
may take medicine. Mercury' causes motion ought to have been born with
anxieties and annoyance: frequent changes Lagnaor Moon in Mrigasirisba second half
in residence; life in a foreign place. One (ruled by Mars) in Gemini sign (governed
prefers to study or do research singly ia by Mercury) or in Chithra first half (ruled
an isolated place. He will shun 'society- by Mars) in Virgo sign (owned by Mer-
He may have secret enemicul activities. cury) or in Jyesbta star (governed by
He may miss the bus often and will not be Mercury) in Scorpio sign, the lord of
which is Mars.
able to carry out his work in time pr gain
sa tisfactorily. Similarly, be who 'had reverted one
during Mercury dasa Jupiter Bhukti will be
Therefore depending on the bouse owned one whose Lagna or Moon would be (in his
by Mercury, or the Bhawa occupied by chart) in Punarvasu first, second or third
Mercury, or the lord of the constellation i pada ruled by Jupiter in Gemini owned by
Mercury or in Revathi star governed by is classified in the previous paragraph.
Mercury in Pisces owned by Jupiter. They may be good linguists, orators, wri-
Combination of Mercury and Sun ters, Secretaries, teachers, reporters, clerks,
means Utbrapalguni 2Qd, 3rd or pada printers, book binders, publishers, editors,
typists, dancers agents, representatives,
in Virgo. export import business people, textile
Combination of Mercury and Moon dealers, mill owners, accountants, auditors,
means Ashlcsha in Cancer or Hastham in inspectors, salesmen, librarians, advertis-
Virgo. ing agents, travelling agents, engineers,
mathematicians, artists, civil engineers,
Combination of Mercury and Rahu sanitary, mechanical, electrical engineers,
means Arudha—Thiruvadhirai—Adhra in physicians, etc.
Combination of Mercury and Saturn, How to approach? Be businesslike.
means, Mercury star Saturn sub or Saturn Do not be carried away by sentiments.
star Mercury sub: so also for Kethu Put new ideas. Place fresh arguments.
and Venus. This will be invariably Supply new grounds. Put everything in
correct. writing. Do not hesitate. Post in the
quickest delivery service. Smart and quick
This is applicable to tbe birth star of action is needed. Then success is yours.
friends or foes, wife or husband, partner
in business, etc., you can have during a What to avoid ? Do not undertake
particular ditsa and particular Bhukti-] many varieties of work. Do concentrate
on any. If one marries many, how can
Whom to contact for success? Those one satisfy all. Worse than that, will be
who can help you during Mercury period, the diversion during Mercury period.
if Mercury receives good aspects from Never overstate your case. Put an end
other planets or those who will do you to self-boasting. Put out exaggeration.
barm during Mercury period, if Mercury Never believe the rumours. Do not attach
is adversely aspected by other planets are weight to secondhand information. Never
those born on Wednesdays or in Gemini worry for anything. Work with a determi-
or Virgo as ascendant or when Moon nation till you finish the undertaking and
transited in either of the two signs or as do not do anything by fits and starts.

„Sir' Vaidyanatha Dikshita in Jataka-Pari-
I enclose herewith a chart of my friend. jata says, "When Jupiter is in a kendhra
He has, so far, consulted many astrolo- from Moon, the yoga is Gajakesari. If
gers. All of them gave a rosy picture the Moon is aspected by Mercury, Venus
saying that he had Gajakesari yoga. and Jupiter without being obscured by the
Sun, the yoga is Gajakesari. The person
I know and God knows his worries, born in this yoga is active; rich and has
anxieties and pecuniary difficulties. He much gain. He will be clever and respec-
realises that none wants his company. ted by all. He will do such which will
When this is the honest truth, what is this, please the king or the Government".
so-called Gajakesari-yoga? What have Thus various authors have given a very
you to say? good picture.
Answer: When we collect the horoscopes and
Yogas are many in number. There refer to their life history, we find that we
are thousands and thousands of yogas. To are not able to justify. Intelligent, astro-
ascertain whether there is yoga or not logers with little research done by them
one had to consider the relative position of may say that the consultant's birth chart
planets to Lagna or the relative position is not- correct. But if the querist says
between Moon and another planet. that his father was a learned scholar in
astrology and the editor of the Indian
' Gajakesari yoga is otherwise called as Almanac and that he cast the .horoscope,
' Kesari yogaIt is caused when the the astrologer will try to give some
Moon is in a Kendra position to Jupiter. excuse, without knowing the truth.
Some say that either Moon or Jupiter (a) If Moon or Jupiter should be in
should occupy its own or exalted sign. their own or exalted sign, then Gajakesari
If this general rule is satisfied then yoga can be found in 4 cases when
" The person born in the Kesari yoga will
destroy all his enemies, however valiant
they are, like a lion. He will speak nobly Moon Moon j
ind loftily in public meetings. He will Jupiter - Jupiter :
rave passion and emotion. He . lives v !
ong. He will be intelligent and famous.
Te will conquer everything by his own Moon
'alue", says Mantreswara in Phala Jupiter
Podumanai Chomadri in Jatakadesa
aarga says, " The person born in Kesari
oga will be rich, the important member
f his family and a great man. He will
e the builder of a village or city and will Moon
ve to see 1,000 lunar months or about 81 Jupiter
According to this rule, 25 per cent of the Moon and Jupiter will be conjoined*
apulation have to live beyond 81 years, (b) Moon in Taurus, Jupiter can be
hich is not a fact. in Leo or Scorpio or Aquarius.
(c) Moon in Cancer, Jupiter may Gajakesari Yoga? This person complains
occupy Libra, Capricorn or Aries. that he had incurred terrible loss through
(d) Moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter may partner especially during Jupiter dasa
be in Pisces, Gemini or Virgo. Moon Bhukti, which two planets are said
to cause Gajakeseri Yoga.
(e) Moon in Pisces. Jupiter can.
occupy Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius. Another person born in Capricorn has
Therefore there are only 16 varieties of Moon in Karthikai star ruled by Sun who
Gajakesari yoga when either Moon or owns the 8th house. Jupiter is in Rohini
Jupiter will be in its own or exalted sign governed by Moon who is the lord of the
and the other will occupy one of the 7th house indicating the opponent or
Kendra houses (i.e., 1 or 4 or 7 or 10). partner. This conjunction proves to be
good only to the opponent and not to the
The first blunder that can be committed native born in Capricorn.
while judging the horoscope will be, to Thus when we collect the charts and
omit to note to which houses Moon and understand the results in Jupiter dasa,
Jupiter are the lords; whether they are we will find many instances wherein Moon
beneficial by lordship- Whether they and Jupiter in Taurus were really evil and
occupy favourable houses or not. the Gajakesari Yoga did not produce
Suppose a person is horn in the Lagna beneficial results. A person, having such
Leo. Then Moon will rule the 12th a Gajakesari Yoga born in Capricorn,
house and Jupiter will govern the houses tried to take a picture (cinema) but he
5 and 8. They will occupy the 10th failed. (Gajam means one yard in Tamil.
house. Suppose both happen to be in Kesam means hair.) Actually he has
Rohini star. Then both the Moon and grown his beard which can be measured in
Jupiter will be in the constellation of lord terms of a yard.
of 12 which is for loss, fraud, cheating,
swindling, secret inimical activity etc. Let us take the person born in cancer
When lord of 5 conjoins lord of 12, one Ascendant, Kataka Lagna:. Moon and
cannot/ gain in betting, games and Jupiter in cancer. Suppose Moon was in
speculation. Punarvasu 4th quarter governed by Jupiter.
Lords rl 8 and 12 conjoining in 6 or 8 Then the native will have Jupiter dasa for
or 12 is good. But when they conjoin in the a period less than 4 years. Then between
10th house, it is definitely evil. Therefore .4 and 23 years of age, he will have Saturn
Moon in conjunction with Jupiter ~dasa: between 23 years of age and 40,
cannot produce any beneficial effect. But Budha dasa will operate. Later for 7 years
one favourable aspect is that the person Kethu dasa will run. Therefore upto 4
will put on a Smiling face and be ever years of age, lord of 6 and 9 will function.
optimistic, even though he may have to Then for 19 years, lord of 7 and 8 followed
incur loss in all his transactions and there by lord of 3 and 12 for 17 years and later
is no support for him from any quarters. the malefic node, Kethu. Therefore, one
He is given warm welcome daily by the runs till 47 years of age, thedasas of lords
playmates because invariably he loses of 6, 8 and 12.
the game which is the gain for the Further consider the constellations in
playmates. Cancer—Kataka. Punarvasu, Pushyam
Again, take the birth of a person born and Aslesha are in Cancer. Punarvasu is
in Sagittarius as his ascendant, Moon and ruled by jupiter, lord of 6; Pushya is
Jupiter in Mrigasirisha and Rohini stars governed by saturn, lord of 8 and the lord
respectively. Mrigasirisha is governed by of Aslesha owns the. 12th house. Hence,
Mars who rules the 12th house. Rohini the Gaja Kesari Yoga in cancer Lagna
is governed by Moon, lord of 8. Jupiter cannot offer any beneficial effect till one
is behind Moon; which gets separated becomes old. Whether he will have
from Jupiter. How can this person enjoy improvement or not, depends on Venus
who is the lord of the dasa following that either Cancer or Sagittarius or Pisces
of Kethu after one lives for 47 years. owned by Moon and Jupiter, as Rahu and
Kethu-are the representatives of Moon or
So also people born in Leo, Moon and Jupiter, depending on"' the sign, they
Jupiter in Sagittarius is inauspicious. occupy.
Similarly many instances can be shown.
Therefore one is to judge for correct Therefore, you can observe that in
prediction) in the following manner : many cases the conjunction of Moon and
Jupiter gave adverse results, whereas one
(a) in which constellation. Moon and enjoys during the periods of the evil nodes
Jupiter were, at the time of the and planets. A reference to-the illustra-
birth ; who are the rulers of those tive horoscope in the article 'Marriage'
stars; to that individual, which will show you how Kethu, in Pisces, re-
houses are governed by the lords presenting Jupiter, gave pleasant marriage,
of the constellations in which journey to New York, acquisition of
Moon and Jupiter were ; costly jewels, silksarees, silver vessels, etc.
(b) to which houses Moon and Jupiter which other planets could not offer.
are the lords. Do they promise
favourable results or will they Therefore, a thorough scrutiny and deep
offer evil results by their lordship; study is needed to preserve the fame of
and astrology.
fc) in which houses, they are posited.
The horoscope of your friend is as
Now take the chart of a person . under:
horn in Cancer, as Ascendant and he has
Moon and Jupiter in Taurus. Lagna' a»torn
Moon, SFmB* Sun -
Taurus .is. the 11th house. Karthikai, •Jupiter Ketiia
Rohini and Mrigasira are the constella-
tions in Taurus. Karthikai is ruled by 15—J—1939
Sun; Rohini by Moon and-Mrigasirisha by 3-10 A.M.
Mars: Sun owns the second house and the 48-31 N and
constellation is in the 11th housa—So it is Mars 73-55 E
very beneficial. Rohini is governed by
Moon who owns the Lagna and Rohini is
in the 11 th house which is fortunate— Rahu
Mrigasirisha governed by Mars owns the
houses 5 and 10. It will cause Raja Yoga.
Therefore Mars influences the planets in
Mrigasirisha in the 1 Ith house most favoura-
bly. Hence, people born in - Cancer,
having Moon and Jupiter in 11 will be Venus
fortunate during the conjoined periods of Satum
Moon and Jupiter.
Notes to Students: (a) Such beneficial Mars
efTects will be enjoyed during the periods ——■— Navamsa
of the -planets ■ in the-constellations of-
Moon and jupiter i.e., in Rohini, Hastham, Sun
Sravanam; Punarvasu, Visakam and
(b) Such brilliant results will be
offered by Rahu and Kethu, if they occupy
Saturn dasa Balance at tbe time of of 6, in its own constellation. Therefore
birth 11 years 4 months and IS.days. at the age of 61 years 4 months and 16
days, he will enter into Moon dasa. Moon
He is now only twenty-five years old. was in the constellation of Saturn who is
Saturn dasa ran till he completed 11 years 1 lord of 11 and 12. Hence, you can ima-
4 months and 16 days. -Saturn as lord of. gine whether this person can have pleasant
11 and 12 was in the second sign, .first life at all.
bhava, in the constellation of Ketbu, an At the first sight, it is not uncommon to
evil node. Then, Mercury dasa is running. encourage the querist by saying that lord
It is also evil as it was in Kethu's constel- of 2 and 9 is in exaltation in 11, causing
lation-and was conjoined with lords of Neechabanga Raja Yoga to Saturn, and
8 and 12. Kethu dasa will follow from producing Parivarthana. Yoga Also, they
28 years 4 months 16 days of, age to 35 may add that the person has Gaja Kesari
years 4 months and jfi days. Kethu was Yoga.
in the constellation of lord of 3 and 8
Venus. Then for 20 years Venus dasa Deep study is the eye opener when one
who is lord of S in Kethu's constellation can judge correctly.
and later 6 years of Sun dasa who is lord -(To be-Continued).
Dear friend,
. Do not worry-Entertain hopes-you
I was . service as a clerk. I was are coming out successful.
suspended from service on 30-4-63 with On 30-4-63 during your Moon dasa
orders of departmental enquiry. I was Saturn Bhukti, when Moon transited in
removed from service on 29-4-64 at Cancer sign ruled by Moon and in Pushya
12 noon. I desire to know star governed by Saturn, you were kept
(a) whether I will be reinstated in the under suspension.
same service, On 29-4-64, during Moon dasa Mercury
(b) if so, when, Bhukti on a Wednesday, ruled by Mercury
(c) whether I will get all'my arrears and Anuradha star day governed by
etc. Saturn and in Cancer Lagna owned by
I was born on 29-3-22 and the chart is
enclosed. 2, 6, 10 houses indicate profession.
Yours faithfully, House 2 is occupied and owned by
K. V. Mars. .No planet is in the constellation
of Mars,'to indicate good and bad in your
Maharashtra State. profession.
House 6 is owned by Jupiter and occu-
pied by Sun, Kethu, Moon and yenus.
House 10 ,is owned by Moon; Sani,
Rahu and Jupiter are in Hastham and
they promise success or failure in your,
profession. Sani was exactly in the 12th -
7th house shows one with whom you
Jupiter, transact or one who. pays you 'money.
Mars Lagna Saturn, Saturn is lord of 11 to 7th house and
was in 6 to 7, i.e., Saturnas Labhadhipathi
to 7th house in Vraya Sthana to you.
Saturn is to keep everything under sus-
Venus, Meicntj, R.h, pense, delay unduly and prolong through-
Moon Sotnrn out its period. Hence Saturn, in 12th
cusp, Vraya, in the'constellation of Moon,
caused some secret enemical activity and
you were suspended during Saturn Bhukti
on a Saturn star day Pushya.
Mercury is in the 11th house to the 7th
i.e., in Labha to the opponent. It is the
lord of your 12th house Vraya. Mercury
is for explanation and enquiry and it had
adversely ended.
Till 18-3-66 you are running Kethu sub when Sun transits in Poorvapalguni star /
period. Then follows Venus. and Moon in Rohini star, you will be v
Venus - Sukra is lord of S'in 6, i.e., lord Arrears of pay, that bad been accumn-
of the second house to the.7th in -Vraya to lating in one's account, gratuity, provi-
the 7th. Therefore during Venus Bhukti dent fund, insurance etc., are shown by
you will regain.
8th house. Lord of 8 Venus in 6, in' .
Sun is ynur Labhaadhipathi and is in Vargothama, in exaltation in Rasi and in
6 to you and Vraya to the 7th. Therefore navamsa will get you all the amount due
Moon dasa Venus Bhukti Sun anthra will to you and your claims for promotion
reinstate you. They are in Jupiter's sign etc., will receive correct, proper and
and aspcctcd by Jupiter. Law is in your prompt attention. Pray Lord Krishna
favour. Rules are in your favour. But who was bom in Rohini (Moon star,
all along, your time was bad. Venus sign) as you will win in Moon dasa
Venus Bhukti.
. But during Moon dasa Venus Bhukti Good Luck
Sun anthra, i.e., on or around 179-66, K. S. K.
SIT, Mars ashtama adhipathi, in the sub of
The following is my chart. On Mercury and in the sign - of Mercury,
1-9-1962 on Saturday while returning from causes hospitalisation and separation from
office a truck dashed my vehicle. I fell family.
on the left and escaped. If I would have Mars, lord of 8 causes danger.
.fallen on the right, I would have been Saturn, lord of 6, in 2, gives separation
run over and crushed. Do you expect any from family, expenses and disease.
injury or similar incident, in future?
On 1-9-62, the day was Saturday. The
hCereut y Venus Nakshathra was Uthrapalgunr, governed
Moon by Sun and the Lagna was in Mars sign
scorpio, in the star of Amuradba 4tb pada.
Rahu governed by Saturn-
Rasi Mars As the dasanatha and Bhuktinadba
15—6-1923 were in the lOtb and llth houses respec-
1 P.M. Sauar. tively and above the horizon, you fell on
Ketbu the left side. As Jupiter aspects your
Lagna and the Bhuktinadba' Mars, there
was" the Providential Help you escaped,.
2r Saturn Lagna
19° As Jupiter was in good aspect your Lagna
(western system) and below the horizon,
the Providential aid came from right side."
That is why, the truck went on, the right
Kethu side and you thereby escaped. If Jupiter
would have been in the 9th house and
Venus above the horizon, the truck would.have
Saturn Mars come on the left and would have gone at a
Navamsani distance. If Jupiter would have been in
Mer- Lagna, the truck would have stopped just
cury in front of you."
I had the chance to see the horoscope
of my friend who had Jupiter in Lagnal
Jupiter Rahu Sun He was in a scooter. The signal was red.
He stopped his scooter. When the yellow
Mercury dasa Balance at birth light was on, he tried to start: once,
9 years 3 months 5 days twice, thrice. No. It did not start. To
his luck, the car in which I went, thinking
Generally people born in the sign that he will move, started and picked up,
owned by Mercury is Gemini and Virgo say, 5 miles speed. As he did not move,
will have accidents,, injury, fracture, dis- the car gave a push-to the scooter.
location, etc. as (a) to Gemini-borns, Mars Array! Itstartedat once and my friend-
rules the 6th house and' Saturn the 8th drove. Even to start, when it is .not
house and (b) to Virgo-borns Saturn rules perfectly alright, God helps in this manner.;
the 6th house and Mars the 8th house. As long as Jupiter aspects your Lagna,
Of the two signs, Virgo is worse as Mars there is no fear.
rules the 8th house. Yet, it is advisable .to be careful during
On 1-9-1962, you were running Sun Mars dasa Saturn Bhukti Sun Anthra.
dasa Mars Bhukti Saturn anthra. Such serious incident is not threatened.
Sun, lord of 12, in the constellation of Pray to Lord Venkateswara or Gajanana.
The correct chart is
Namaskarams. May God give you long (a) date of birth is4-12-1936 and not
life. I cannot afford to reward you what 3-12-36 as the date changes at
ah astoundingly accurate prediction, you 12 midnight;
"have .given. I, my friends and relatives (b) though Thursday (3,-12-36) con-
admire at your ability to encourage its, by tinues till sunrise on 4-12-36.
offering the following predictions. You
' sa'id
"Your brother has gone out and is not
to be seen from 25-11-64. The chart
below is presented by you. It is in-

Saturn J Moon
Rasi 1 Venus, Sun
3—12—1936 ] = Jupiter, Mercury
15 mts. before Rahu Lagna i

Mercury ) Moon r'Z
. Venus Lagna M
i Jupiter Sun

Rahu Ju i,er
M«c"ry P

Mercury dasa at the time of birth balance

= 1 year 5 months and 26 days. Please
I ^ | note that Mercury's position in rasi is
S- [ Lagiia' ; ■ •: different. Majority of planets in Navamsa
occupy different signs.
[Such wrong charts are cast by following
Mercury dasa Balance 5 yrs. _6 months the Almanacs worked out in any method
5 days. other than Drik. Repeatedly we have told
that otic should follow only 'Drik' system Hence Rahu also threatens with separation
of calculations or cast the chart using from the family.
Raphael. Ephemeris and to get Nirayana Hence Venus dasa Kethu Bhukti Rahu
position, use the Ayariamsa advocated by anthra gave the undesirable result; that is,
Modem astrological Research Institute, to get away without anybody's knowledge
Madras, which the editor had already and be wandering without anybody's
published or use the Ayanamsa of Lahiri, notice.
C. G. Rajan etc. But never use the Aya-
namsa followed by Sri B. V. Raman, After Rahu anthra follows that of
editor of the Astrological Magazine which Jupiter and it will be over by 24-1-65.
will never agree with Drik or Vakya and Later Saturn sub sub period will pass.
about which learned people have discussed Saturn is lord of the 4th house. It is in
and found to be incorrect, though he may its own sign a fixed one. Saturn shows
explain to justify his ayanamsa. In one that he must live in one place that also in
word, the editor says that the ayanamsa his permanent place of residence. [It is
followed by him is "INCORRECT"] worthwhile to study and confirm that
people going overseas during Mars or
On 25-11-64, he had been running Rahu or Jupiter period or sub period, return
Venus dasa Kethu Bhukti Rahu anthra home during Saturn period or sub period.]
which ends by 28-11-64. Later you will
have Jupiter anthra for 1 month 26 days. Hence Sukra dasa Kethu Bhukti Saturn
Then 24-1-65 onwards for 2 months and Anthra indicates that he will return home
6 days, Saturn sub sub period will run. after 24-1-65 and before 30-3-65. As
Mercury is also lord of 11, promising
Venus, lord of 12 in the second house reunion, during Mercury Shookshma, he
indicates either loss in the family or sepa- must come back i.e., between 4-2-65 and
ration or bereavement. Venus in the 13-2-65. As Saturn sub sub period pro-
constellation of Sun; lord of 10, in Lagna mises the return and reunion, he may
Bhava promises long life to the native. return on the day ruled by Saturn or on
Mars, lord of Lagnaiaspecting Venus, gives the day when the star is either Pushya'
both physical and mental strength. or Anuradha or Uthrapathrapada.
If any one of the three stars happen to be
Kethu is in Ashtamasthana and in the a Saturday, then that day is the strongest.
7th house. Kethu represents Mercury who
is lord of 8 and 11. Therefore Kethu has Actually 6-2-65 happens to be a Satur.
to give both good and bad. 8th house is day and the star will be Uthrapathrapada-
for difficulties and separation, whereas Therefore, boldly one can declare that he
llth house denotes pleasure and reunion. must return home on 6-2-65 at a ume
Therefore during Kethu Bhukti, one has to when the Lagna that rises in the east,
expect both the results that is to run away may be either Capricorn or Aquarius or
from the family during the sub sub of an any of-the three constellations Pushya,
evil planet and tp return home during the Anuradha or Uthrapathrapada.
sub sub of a beneficial one. Kethu in the As Uthrapathrapada Nakshathra ends
8th sign was in the constellation of lord at 12-51 P.M. on 6-2-65, Pushya and Anu-
of 1 and 6. ' This aspect also indicates radha constellation to rise in the east at
both good and bad results. the time of his return is ruled out.
Rahu, the lord of the anthra, sub sub Therefore he will come back in the
period is in the second sign and in .Lagna morning hours on 6-2-65.
Bhava. Rahu gives the results of the Actually he returned home when Uthra"
planets with which it is conjoined and
then the effects of the lord of the sign in pathrapada star was rising in the east a'
which Rahu is conjoined with Venus 9-15 A.M. on Saturday 6-2-65 when Moon
and Jupiter,' lords of 12 and 2. Jupiter was also in Uthrapathrapada star.
owns the sign. Hence Rahu is to give the Normally when one is asked "why he
effects signified by the houses 2 and 12. had run away", immediately one may
quote the two slokas and explain, that the Mercury dasa at the time of the birth was
person is born in Ashlesha star and hence 3 yis. 4 months and 9 days.
the Moon is in Cancer. Recording to He is running Venus dasa Mars Bhukti
Transit, there is Ashtama Sani, i.e., Saturn from 21-1-64 and it will run till 21-3-65.
is in 8 to Moon and Dasama Brahaspathi Venus is lord of 1 and 6. Mars is the
i.e., Jiipiter is in 10. So he ran away," lord of 7 and 12.
If again he is posed with the question Lord of 6 in the4th house indicates some
"Then, will he not return till Ashtama worry or other in the place of residence.
Sani is . over and Jupiter transits the Lord of 1 2 in 2 is evil for happy family
eleventh house. Saturn came to Ashtama life. It shows loss orseparati on or bereave-
on 26-1-64 and Jupiter entered the 10th ment.
sign on 14-3-64. Till 25-11-64, he was Mars who is lord of 12 owns Scorpio
alright, even though there is Ashtama Sani and Aries and Kethu is in Scorpio offering
and Jupiter in 10. He ran away only now ; "the results of Mars. Hence on a Tuesday
When will he return? At the time when ruled by Mars and in Makam star
he returns will these two planets m^. to governed by Kethu he had gone.
other signs?", it is not known what argu-
ment, he will advance. When will he return?
Here is another horoscope of a boy, who Mars Bhukti will be over and Rahu
is missing from 19-1-1965. He has not yet Bhukti will commence on 21-3-65. Hence
returned home. The following is his chart: on the next Swathi star day or Bharani
trine star day on a Friday he will return
as Rahu is in Taurus, governed by Venus.
Lagna Uranus Hence on Friday night, before Sun rises
■ > Rahu Mars on Saturday on 16th/17th April 1965 he
will come back safe. At that time lord
of Lagna will transit in the 1 Ith house and
Saturn be in exaltation.
Rasi MoOn
12—9—1947 From the above, one should not be
[0-35 P.M. alarmed that all those bom in Ashlesha -
13-05N and 8015 E Suo star will have some trouble or other and
Venus they may leave their families and run away.
On 5-2-65, in Rishaba Lagna, in Madras
3 bridegrooms born in Ashlesha had their
Kethu j Jupiter Mercury ' marriage. For them, the so-called
Neptune Ashtama Sani and tenth sign Jupiter gave
i the wedding.
One lady for the first time occupied her
Mercury Lagna Jupiter new building on 7-2-65, Her star is
Moon Mars Neptune Ashlesha.
Therefore, one has to study the dasa
and bhukti, the progression and the rela-
Rahu tive position of the transitting planets to
those in the radical chart.
Navamsa In this boy's chart, if the lagna is consi-
dered to be weak, then one is to take the
Kethu sign occupied by Moon as the first house.
Then Venus, lord of 11, is in 2 and it is
very auspicious. But Mars is in the 12th
Venus Sun Uranus sign. Only undesirable results will be
enjoyed during the dasa and bhukti of the
planets occupying the second and the
twelfth houses, as the former is for the the Bhukti. He had been then running
increase in the number of the members of Saturn dasa Venus Bhukti Mercury anthra
the family, whereas 12th house is for loss, from 8-9-64. Mercury anthra continues
separation etc. Hence- Venus dasa Mars 61119-2-65: Later Kethu anthra will run
Bhnkti Venus anthra indicates that he will till 4-5-65.
be missing. He has hot yet returned. The questions
But when Rahu Bhukti runs, as Rahu is are
in the 11th house to Moon, promising 1. Is he alive?
reunion, Rahu Bhukti will bring him back. 2. When will he return home ?
Hence the relatives need not worry at all. Answer:
He'isalive. Hewill comebackon 17-4-1965
The following is the chart of the person 1. Lord of Lagna in the 11th sign, in
who has left his family on 26-9-1964 and the constellation of the Bhadhakasthana
his whereabouts is not yet known. He adhipathi Moon is weak.
was born at 4-00 A.M. on 8th night and 2. Lagna is aspected by Saturn which
before the sunrise on 9-1-1935. is in the constellation of lord of Lagna.
It contributes for long life.
3. Lord of 8 has gone to the Sth house
to the Sth and is weak.
4. Lord of 3 is strong in its own sign
and hence Saturn promises long life.
Rasi But Mercury and Mars are evil.
1-1-1935 Taking Moon sign, Mercury lord of 8 is
in 12 to Moon, and Mars lord of 3 is in
ashtama to Moon.
Hence Mercury dasa Mars Bhukti will
Sun Lagna Jupiter I- Mars be undesirable:
As he runs now, Saturn dasa, he is alive.
So this worry is over.
Moor Next question is about the time of his
Venus- Jupiter
Rahu return.
Houses 4 and 11 indicate, life in his
own place and reunion respectively.
Saturn is lord of 4 and is in its own sign.
Moon is also in 4. Mars in 11 will fulfil
the desire. Therefore Saturn dasa Moon
Bhukti Mars Anthra is the period of his
return i.e. between 4-6-66 and 8-7-66.
Sun Saturn Kethu The nakshathra on that day will be
either Pushyam ruled by Saturn in Cancer
At the time of birth Rahu dasa Balance rasi governed by Moon or on a Sravanam
4 years 4 months 4 days, so he had star day, Sravana ruled by Moon in the
between 9-1-1935 and 13-5-1939 Rahu sign Capricorn owned by Saturn.
dasa; then till 13-5-1955, Jupiter dasa. Cannot he return during Sun Bhukti
Later Saturn dasa is running and in it, between 4-5-65 and 16-4-66 ? No. Because,
Venus Bhukti started on 4-3-1962. It will Sun was in Poorvashada star governed by
end on 4-5-1965. Venus who owns the 12th house and indi-
On the day he walked out (26-9-1964). cates separation from family, wandering
the day was a Saturday ruled by Dasanatha here and there, etc.
Saturn and the Moon was transiting in So expect him on a Pushyam or Srava-
"Taurus owned by Venus who is the lord of. nam star day between 4-6-66 and 8-7-66.
27, Abraham Mudali Street, him. Articles about 6 soverigns were
Mylapore, Madr2s-4. melted away by him and he made two
5-2-65 pairs of bangles.
Dear Sir, , I am glad f- "ay that the thief was
convicted and sentenced to rigorous
I introduce myself as a friend of imprisonment for four years. The stolen
Mr. Alwar, Superintendent, Secretariat. property worth Rupees Three Thousands,
We both came to your house on 8-11-64 was handed over to me.
but you predicted in your class in Bharatiya
Vidhya Bhavan, Madras Kendhra on 8th I place on record my deep and sincere
itself. appreciation of your correct prediction
Some my of jewels, silver articles, silk about the stolen property.
sarees and cash were stolen away from
my house during the day time (between I thank you immensely because your
8-15 A.M. and 12.30 P.M.). uncanny prediction boldly declared in the
presence of nearly 60 students, in such a
You took my horoscope and also asked detail, gave me and wife sufficient
me to give a number within 108. I told strength to withstand the shock when we
you 16"-rSixteen. were worried about the loss of property
and with that mental strength due to the
In the class, you discussed and ex- faith in your prediction, we were able to
plained and your students took notes also. wait calmly till the thief was caught.
You said " your property is in tact. All
of them will be returned back to you. Yours faithfully,
One male and two females are involved
in the theft. You will be called to identify (Sd) S. Govindan.
the property after 10-1-65. The thief will
be black in complexion. He is a young On 8-11-64, the map of the heavens is
man. He will be Caught by the police as follows:
when he makes similar attempts. You
forget about the loss. It is, after all for
a short period. Be cheerful and thank | Lagna
God that you are lucky to have them back. . Jupilei 20° to Rahu
I suggest to you to have a " Godrej " or
Allwyn or Kiron Almirah in your house.
Also, let me know in February or March, Saturn.
what happened." Number given is
"The thief was caught on 20-1-1965. Rasi Sunday
He is a young man, black in colour. He Moolam Star. MarS
is an ex-convict. Two women were also Uranus
involved. He is a dangerous K.D.
Except 3 articles worth about 3 soveri-
gns, all the gold jewels, all silk sarees kX ' Mercury Venus |
all silver vessels etc., were recovered from ! I
One should divide the number given by
™ iShu !Nefiunt K the querist, in such a way, that there is
some reminder, either 1 or 2 or 3 or 4,
So sixteen is to be divided by 4 only thrice
and should have a reminder of 4.
Therefore number sixteen means Rohini
4th pada, i.e. 20° to 23° 20' in Taurus,
The Navamsa Lagna is Cancer, a movable
Lagna and the aspect to either the as-
cendant or to the lord of the ascendant
Mercur indicates whether one can have a favour-
Jupiter | Saturn Uranus y able answer from the astrologer or not.
Moon and the aspect to Moon indicates
Bhawas the nature of the query, the cause of his
1 Rahu worry, etc.
2 Taurus rises. Its ruler is Venus. It
3 Mars appears to be debilitated in the rasi but it
4 Uranus, Venus is exalted in Navamsa. It is 108° away
5 from the ascendant i.e., the aspect from
6 Sun, Neptune, Mercury the lord of the Lagna to the Ascendant is
7 Moon, Kethu favourable. Therefore, first tell the
S querist that number sixteen promises him
9 Saturn " Good Luck ". This is the duty of the
10 astrologer. Then analyse, think loud,
11 make him understand that you apply the
12 Jupiter Retrograde science in full and give your prediction
The number given was 16. Therefore without any doubt. Never use the words
divide 16 by 9: Once it will go. "Likely," "May," '■ I think" etc.
Remainder is 7. Therefore 1 sign Aries is Moon is in Sagittarius. No doubt, it is'
over: The 7th pada in the Lagna. the 8th sign. But it is in Moolam second
Because, the Zodiac is 360°. It is quarter. So it comes to 7th Bhava or house
divided by 12 spokes: Therefore each as the Lagna is between 20° and 23° 20'.
arc is 30° in. longitude. They are called Moon in the 7th house indicates litiga-
Rasi, sign or solar mansion. The same tion or theft. Moon in Kethu's star
Zodiac is divided into 27 equal parts; Moolam and in conjunction with Kethu
each is 13° 20'; each is called an shows that the querist is confused and is
asterism, star constallation or Nakshathra. very much worried.
Each Star is divided into 4 equal parts As the querist has already informed
and each part called pada or quarter will that he had lost his property, it is for the
be 3° 20'. Hence the Zodiac is divided astrologer to find out (a) whether the
into 108 equal parts. And, the number person will have the property back or
mentioned by the querist is that pada not, (b) the description of the thief or
counted from Aries 0° or Mesha 0° or thieves and (c) the time when he can
Aswini Nakshathra first pada. Hence 16 recover the stolen property.
number is to be divided by 4 (four padas
in each star) 16 can be devided by 4 times One's possessions are indicated by the
and the remainder will be Zero, i.e., 4 full second, 4th and 11th houses. Second
Stars, i.e., Aswini, fiharani, Karthika and house shows the movable property, the
Rohini. A doubt arises whether to take 4th housesignifiestheimmovable, property
Rohini 4th pada or Mrigasirafirst quarter. and the 11th house denotes one's profit
As 16th part of the 108 divisions is to be and savings. Lord of 2 Mercury should
taken, take Rohini 4th quarter. indicate his readily cashable possessions
and other movable properties. As the planet owning the seventh bouse, strong
node Rahu is in Gemini (though in Lagna in triplicity, aspecting the seventh house
Bhava) Rahu, automatically becomes the indicates that the thief is a male, a young
agent of Mercury. Hence Rahu indicates man and a bold culprit. Mars aspected
his movable property. by Saturn, occupying Leo suggests that
Sun, the lord of the 4th house, is in 6. he will be dark in complexion.
Sixth house is 12th to 7th. Hence it The seventh Bhava is occupied by Moon
indicates loss to the thief: at least no and Kethu. Rahu and Kethu will give
gains, no benefit to the thief by Sun who first, the results of the planets with which
denotes permanent possession. Actually they are conjoined and then only the -
the person has not lost any property- results of the lord of the sign. As Moon
land or building. is feminine, Moon and Kethu indicate two
11th house is Pisces. No planet is in ladies Kethu which is to indicate the
Pisces. Jupiter rules the sign. It is in results of Jupiter who owns the Second
the 12th house. So his saving is lost. house to the seventh, has actually done
But it is retrograde. So, the loss is only his work. Because, the fact is that the
for a temporary period. If Jupiter would two women were involved in disposing
have been in direct motion and if the 11th a portion of the property (second hqpse
house is unoccupied, he can never get the is to make money ; convert into cash, etc).
lost property. A planet, indirect motion, Therefore a young blackman and two
gives a result and confirms it. A planet, other ladies should be the culprits.
in retrograde, will produce a result which When can he have the property ?
will fall through when it takes direct
motion. To regain what one has lost is a fortune.
Jupiter owns two houses Sagittarius and Such fortunate results can be given only
Pisces. Rahu or Kethu in either of the by the lord of the 11th house. The
two, is stronger than Jupiter. Kethu is in Eleventh house is owned by Jupiter. So
Sagittarius. Therefore Kethu is stronger he must gain strength so that the person
than Jupiter. It is ever retrograde. It is Can have his property. At the time of
in the second sign to the seventh Cusp and query, it was retrograde. So, he cannot,
is in the 7th house (i.e. Lagna of the thief. have them, during the period of Jupiter's
Kethu who is to represent Jupiter as lord retrograde motion. Jupiter becomes sta-
of 2 to the 7th house is in the thief s tionary and takes direct motion on 10th
Lagna Bhava in retrograde). Hence January 1965. Therefore, you cannot
Kethu indicates that the' thief cannot have it before 10-1-65. So, do not worry at
have the property as his own, for ever. all—wait. After 10-1-65, you must have it.
Therefore, the querist will have the According to Krishnamurthi Paddhathi
stolen property, without fail. So, declare Jupiter should transit in the star of the
that the lost ones will surely be recovered. lord of the 12th house to the 7th i.e., 6th
house and the sub of the second or 11th
Similarly consider the 11th bouse house. Jupiter, after direct motion, can
(house of profit) to the thief i.e. 11th to the transit only in the star of Venus (lord of
7th. Scorpio is the 7th house. Virgo is the 12th house to the seventh) and in the
the 11th to it. Mercury rules that sign. sub of Mercury in Bharani star. That
It is in direct motion and is in the 6th is, according to Nirayana system Jupiter
Bhava to Taurus—i.e. 12th the 7th Cusp should transit between 24° and 25° 31' i.e.,
and 7th house. Therefore Mercury threa- between 5th February 1965 and 19th Feb-
tens that he cannot have them for ever. ruary 1965. Actually you have received
The description of the thief or thieves them only then.
is judged from the seventh house. Scorpio My humble prayers to God to guide me
is the seventh house. Its ruler is Mars. properly so that Astrology will be made
According to the Hindus, Mars aspects useful to the depressed people and the
Scorpio. Hence Mars, a masculine Science is honoured by them.
13° 20') one will be getting more
I am a regular reader ■ of the valuable and more good cloths.
and useful magazine "Astrology and 2. But if one begins to use a cloth
Atbrishta". Your article on loans is very when Moon is in the star
well dealt with. It is, indeed, exhaustive Bharani, his cloth will be stolen.
and roost instructive. 3. The next star is Karthikai. If
I would like to tell you that I am fortu- Moon passes in this star and one
nate in every walk of life, but as regards puts on a new cloth, there is
ray dress, I am very unlucky. No dress danger from fire to this new
lasts for a long time. Somehow they get dress.
spoiled or torn or lost often and I have to [Therefore those ladies who want
Ire replenishing very frequently. Can you to use new silk sarees on Karthi-
suggest any remedy 7 kai Deepam day, may first use it
K. Raman for a while on Aswini star day,
Madras-4. remove and then use it on
Karthikai star day.]
Dear Raman, 4. If you want to increase the bank
There is truth in what you say, From position, use the cloth on Rohini
the literature, one can understand that star days. There will be acquisi-'
importance is not given for the time of tion of money.
purchase of the cloth, but Varaba-Mihira 3. However much careful you are. if
has mentioned the good or bad effect of knowingly or unknowingly you
"putting on a new cloth in each star or use it on a Mrigasirisha star day,
Nakshatbra. That is, which Nakshathras rats will spoil your dress.
are auspicious and which are inauspicious 6. Avoid Arudhra days. Loss of
to use a new cloth are expounded by
him. money is threatened. (You
cannot add any more dress in the
Why, importance .is not given for a _ near future—you may have to
beneficial time to buy, but he has dealt put on torn ones also.)
with the time of first wearing it, may be 7. IF the day is Punarvasu, you will
due to the fact, that one may receive use it for happy celebrations or
presents, (relatives offer presents to for pleasant functions. There
daughter-in-law, son-in-law and others will be no damage.
officers and rich landlords to servants
etc.) Elders may get for the youngsters 8. Though Pushyam star is governed
who cannot go out for shopping. Or by Saturn, he says that one will
some may buy in a town and send to those acquire wealth, if he uses for the
who need them and live in villages where first a new cloth on a Pushyam
there are no shops. Thus, there are many star day.
reasons why he or she who puts on a dress 9. Avoid Ashlesha star as it por-
cannot elect a time to buy, but can elect a tends destruction of cloths.
time to wear it for the first time. -0. Ashlesha is not-as evil as Magha.
1. If one wears a new cloth when- Anyone using new cloth for the
Moon transits in the star first time on a Magbam star day
Aswini (i.e., Nirayana Mesha 0° to is threatened with danger to life.
11. The next star is also undesirable. 24. Danger from poison is portended
Trouble from the Government is when one uses on a Sathabhisha
indicated if one uses new dress star day,]
on a Poorvapalguni Star day. 25. Danger through water is threa-
Therefore avoid the above three tened when the new dress is used
days Ashlesha, Magha and Poor- for the first time on a Poorva-
vapalguni. pathrapada star day.
12. Increase in one's income and 26. The fortunate star Uthrapathra-
good health can be had if one pada will be welcomed by the
wears on Uthrapalguni star day. couple who have not had any
13. Success in one's efforts may be child after marriage or who had
predicted if one uses the new so far, only daughters. Varaha-
dress on a Hastham star day. mithra says that people using
f new cloths on Uthrapathrapada
14. One can have more and more o star day will have a son. No
auspicious functions and be hav" doubt, youngsters and very old
ing more of new cloths, if he people cannot make any experi-
begins to use a new cloth on a ment,
Chitra star day.
27. Gems can be acquired if one uses
15. If you want to have delicious new clothings on Revathi star
dish and good food use the cloth days. '
on a Swathi star day.
16. Popularity is promised for those Therefore the auspicious stars are:
who use the new one on a Visa- Aswini, Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushyam,
katn day. Uthrapalguni, Hastham, Chitrai, Swathi,
17. Anuradha star portrays social Visakam, Anusham,. Uthrashada,
success: refreshing friendship Dhanishta, Uthrapathrapada and Revathi.
and happy life. The inauspicious asterisins are:
Thus the above 6 stars are Bharani, Krithika, Mrigasirisha, Aru-
propitious. dhra, Ashlesha, Magha, Poorvapalguni,
18. New cloth used on a Jyeshta star Jyeshta, Moolam, Poorvashada, Sravana,
day will be lost. Sathabisha and Poorvapathrapada.
19. So also loss of the dress is Exceptions:
threatened if one uses a new If fc-a star day is considered to be in-
dress on a Moolam star day. It auspicious one can use new clothes if the
is said that it may be lost in happy occasion is a marriage or the time
water. when others give them as presents.
20. If you lose the dress, it does not- [The main reason is " Food for one is
matter much. But do not..lose poison for the other". Because all are
your health by using the cloth on not born in the same sign as their ascen-
a Poorvashada star day. dant. Therefore to each rasi-born, some
21. You will be having Sumptuous planets are very auspicious and some are
feast, if the star day is Uthra- evil. So, the stars ruled by auspicious
shada. planets must offer brilliant results whereas
22. There will be eye disease, if you the stars governed by evil planets must
use it on a Sravanam star day. give undesirable effects. If one receives
and uses a present on a Poorvapalguni
23. Dhanishta star denotes that there star day and if he is born in the ascen-
will be plenty of corn. So agri- dant Capricorn (even though it is said
culturists can have new cloths that one using the new cloth on this star
put on Dhanishta star days. day will have some difficulty with the
Government), he will not suffer. But one As you bad been running all along
who is born in the Ascendant Pisces will Mars, Rahu and Jupiter dasas, according
have some trouble or the other. Hence to your chart, you could have purchased
one is to judge the horoscope of the native on the star days governed by them most
and also this general principle. That of which are inauspicious.
star day which is auspicious both accor-
ding to one's chart-and to the general Now you have entered into
ruling, will prove to be advantageous. Saturn dasa. So you will use on
As you are born in the Taurus sign and Pushyam, Anuradha and Uthrapathra-
both Saturn and Mercury are beneficial pada and you will have brilliant results.
to you, you buy and use new clothes on No more evil to you is predicted.
Uthrapathrapada and Revathi star days
governed by Saturn and Mercury and when
Moon is in 11 to your Lagna. K.S.K.
I have bad smell in my mouth. I-
realise it. Friends stand at a distance and Kethu Moor- 2
Sun ' Mve""'y
talk" to me. I feel awful. Can you suggest 63-4t' ■ < v<!,ms
a remedy 7
Answsr :
Our ancients have said that betel is j Rasi
capable of ^"'imulating love. It adds 24-5—1922
beauty and increases popularity. It gives at 570. 5.V.
all3.04N A80.15E.
good flavour to the mouth, thereby when
we are close to each other, and if the man,
though suffering from pyorhea emitting
bad odour, uses betels, it will mask the
nauseating smell using betels is consi-
dered to be beneficial to strengthen the
body. Whether our system is capable of
absorbing calcium from the lime used
chewing or not, using betels after the
lunch, heavy tiffin and dinner is advan-
tageous, as one will be mincing and more
of saliva will be added to the carbo-
hydrate diet taken. Further mild cold
will disappear. Irritation in the throat
will get reduced. Thus there are many
If one desires to avoid lip stick, but
try to have pleasing colour, one should
use lime moderately. If you use much of
recant, the colour will be spoiled.
Larger quantify of lime used along with
betels causes bad odour, in the mouth. KHhu Mercury L gn a
Many suffer from its caustic effect. Large
number of betel leaves, used produce
good smell.
During the day after lunch and tea, use You have to wait till Mars dasa Sun
over-dose of areca-nut. But after dinner, sub period.
have a large quantity of beta! leaf.
Use also clove, cardamom, jathipathri
etc. Not only, they mask the bad odour, Mahadeva in Jataka Tatva says that
intimate friends will come close by. It a person will emit bad smell from his
makes you happy with the joy of amorous mouth, if Mercury ruling the sixth house,
intoxication. Now let us consider why becomes malefic and Moon occupies the
you emit bad smell. You are born in Lagna.
Mesha Lagna-Aries as Ascendant. As
your star is Aswini, you had Kethu Maha- You are born in lAries. Mercury
dasa at the time of birth for 3 years owns the sixth house. Moon is in your
5 months 27 days. Now you are running lagna. Mercury and Venus are in the
Mars fiasa Saturn sub period. constellation of lord of 1 and 8 (Mriga-
siiisham). Venus rules the second house Mercuryis in the Lagna or in the sixth
signifying 'mouth' and is the chief house, the person will emit foul odour.
governor for smell. Venus in the cons- In these three rules given by Maha-
tellation of lord of 8 cannot contribute deva, Moon in Capricorn and in the
forpleasantodour. So whenSunsubperiod ascendant does not produce bad odour,
runs, especially in the dasa of lord of even though Mercury owns the sixth
Lagna, you can expect the good effect house. Why ? Because Mercury is a Raja-
of betels which will dispel the bad yoga adhipathi owning the ninth house.
Medical attendants may suggest liste-
Luckily Venus does not occupy Cancer rine mouth gargling. Anyhow, betels is
or Aries when Mahadeva mentions that more advantageous. So, it is advisable
Venus will cause nauseating smell, nor to use the betels in plenty especially by the
Moon and Venus occupy Mesha, and if partners.
9th house indicates the ruler of the It indicates the ruler. Virgo is governed
country. Lord of 9 is Venus. It is in the by Mercury. The same planet indicates
12th sign to the 9th house Taurus and is food by ruling the 6th house—Gemini)
conjoined with lord of 8 to Taurus, '-e.^ between 3-8-64 and 22-9-64 and all the
Sagittarius. Jupiter : It shows danger efforts will be of no use. Later, Mercury
the leader and changes in the leadership. passes on to Virgo on 29-9-64 and in an
Actually at the time when Sun transited in accelerated motion transits the exalted
the 9th sign Taurus and squared Saturn, sign Virgo in 17 days when-arrangements
we were unfortunate to lose our beloved will be made for quick transport of
leader (27-5-1964). While Sun again imported foodstuff. On 27-10-64 Jupiter,
squares or conjoins, it will aSect the by retrograde motion enters Aries-Mesha,
health of a few of the important members the sign of Mars. On 4-11-64, Mars
or ministers. Also, the evil aspect bet- opposes Saturn. So the poor quantity of
ween Mars and Saturn, and between Mars food which is available for the use of the
and Uranus will prove to be harmful. , public and the apprehension that the
Sudden and unexpected loss is threatened. situation may become worse by the profit-
The other method, which will yield minded black marketeers, the Government
very accurate result is: (a) to take 12° 20' took the matter seriously and an ordi-
Capricorn as theLagna representing India, nance was announced in time.
(b) to take the position of planets in the In the next issue, astrological explana-
Zodiac at the moment when Sun reaches tion will be offered to prove. •
the Vernal Equinox, and then (c) to con- (a) After 28-2-1965, greater quantity
sider the transit position of the planets. of food will be made available.
6th house indicates food; Mercury rules (b) From 23-5-1965, one will not grum-
the sign Gemini. It is squared by Rahu ble that the quantity of food-material
and Kethu and it threatens with shortage made available is less than the need.
of food, difficulty to procure the food (c) The prices of the food material
material and much anxiety. will begin to decline after 23-5-1965.
Uranus also formed exact quincunx (d) Some changes in the policy then,
aspect with Mercury. Mercury conjoined will be more advantageous to the public.
Uranus thrice by transit on 3-8-64, 1-9-64 (e) The Food Minister's view that the
and 22-9-64. Therefore, it will be a problem -ration should continue for five years
for the Government, (9th house is Virgo. will be revised.

(POUNDED: 1-4-1963)
(Astronomy IUCade Easy)
Phones 4 2449

Jyothisba Maithand
13, Brahmin Street, Saidapet

Vol. 3 MAY 1965 No. 5

Who is Who? 3
Aspects and their Significance (Contd.) 8
Letters to the Editor 12
" Panchangs" 14
How to Judge the Nativity
by Progression? 19
Aspects between Lords of Houses 23
The Part of Fortune 27
The Houses and their Significance 39
Readers ask:
Marriage 32
Span of Married Life 41
Horary Astrology Oversea: Journey 44
■ When can I have the first child ? 47
K. S. K.
Sun : Sun is the parent of the entire Westerners call the Sun, Apollo. They
solar system. It is also called the 'Father consider that Sun is the son of lupiter and
of the StarsIt is the nearest star to the Latona. Apollo is the brother of Diana.
earth and is about 93 million miles away He is adored by the Greeks. The swan
front our Mother Earth. It is the largest and the raven arc said to be Apollo's
among the planets, belonging to the solar birds.
system. It is nearly 750 times larger than
all the planets put together. Its diameter Hindus have conceived the Sun as ever
is about 110 times that of the earth and is moving in a chariot drawn by seven horses.
nearly 27,19,000 miles in circumference. This is probably because in the Sun are
contained all the seven colours of the
Scientists say that it is not a solid mass, solar spectrum (VIBGYOR). They say
but they are of the opinion that it is com- that Sun goes round the Mount Meru daily.
posed of gaseous'matter in a series of Whenever Sun enters into certain signifi-
layers which send out cool and positive cant signs, the. Hindus perform some reli-
magnetic rays which meet one of the gious function on those days to satisfy the
negative quality on earth, and that thereby departed soul and also offer prayers to Sun
both heat and light are developed. These God. One such occasion is at the time
waves affect likewise all other planets when Sun crosses the fixed Nirayana Ver-
belonging to the solar system. The yaria-' nal Equinox and enters Aries so that the ' the intensity depends on many people in the North Pole could sec him
factors.' after a continuous night extending to six
The sun-spots are active for a period, months. This is called Vishu or Tamil
of 11 years and arc passive for the succee- New Year's Day. The next occasion is on
ding 11 years.. (Details about the sun- or around Jiily 17 when Sun reaches the
spots will be discussed in later issues.) northernmost declination (twenty-three
degrees twenty-seven minutes from the
" Mythology : Being the centre of all life, celestial equator) and begins its southern
•'force and energy and the giver of Prana, course. It is called Dakshinayana. The.
Sun is worshipped as Sun '3od. It is held next occasion when they perform the reli-
in high esteem. At least thrice daily. Sun gious rites falls when Sun during its
is prayed for by the Hindus. Every Sun- southern course reaches the Autumnal
day ' SURYA-NAMASKARAM ' is done Equinox which is the beginning of Libra
by many persons to regain the lost vitality or Thulam. Three months later, when
and eye-sight. Other nations also pay Sun reaches the southernmost declination
reverence It is said to represent in the south and just when he commences
the Creator, the Brahma, with his four the Northern course, all Hindus irrespec-
faces to have a survey of all thefourdircc- tive of caste or creed uniformly celebrate
tions causing four seasons and the four this day. It is called Sankaranthi. Thus
elements, namely Fire, Earth, Ajr and the Sun has come to occupy an important
Water. Sundays (otherwise called Sabbath, place in the Hindu Pantheon. The grea-
meaning wise teacher) arc given holidays test Astrologer Varahamihira worshipped
probably to worship Him. Sunday is also only Sun God and shed an imperishable
put at the head of all the seven days of the lustre among the nine gems in the court of
.week. King Vikramadithya.
The Sun takes exactly one year to go spirit and it is the one planet which gives
round the ecliptic. It has only the direct life to"one and all, Chaldeans worshipped
motion. Never does it retrograde. Also the Sun with great love and devotion.
there is no latitude to Sun.' The' Sun offers us the power of resis-
Sun stands to us as a symbol of spirit. tance and vitality. It governs the inspira-
'Hindusconsider that Sun is the soul of tion and expiration, i.e., breath of life.
Kalapurusha. (The Moon is his mind ; Also, it rules over our consciousness and
Budha or Mercury his speech; Kuja or denotes the individuality whereas the form
Mars his strength; Jupiter or Guru his and personality are attributed to the moon.
knowledge and happiness, Venus orSukra Sun gives the force and self-will and '
his desireorlust; Saturn is his misery, etc. makes one determined and decisive.
It .is said that the several constituents of Sun is a dry, masculine, positive and
Kalapurusha are either strong or weak hot planet: He is ' Agni Devatha ' and is
according to the strength of the planets fiery by nature! ■ He rules the Direction
representing them. Only Saturn is exemp- East and (of the. six Rithus) 'Grishma
ted. Whenever Saturn is weak, misery which includes the months June and July.
will be much greater and will predominate. The colour of the Sun is orange or kana-
But if Saturn is strong there will be less of kambaram. He rules the'metal Gold and
misery. AH fhese'effects are felt only in also Copper.
their respective periods.)
Sun represents the Father of the native.
For all living beings, Sun represents the In the woman's chart it indicates her
positive and primal fount whereas Moon husband. In service it shows the master,
represents the negative Influence. Sun is or the administrative head or the Govern-
constructive and creative - while Moon is ment. In games, it stands for the caption
preserving and formative. Sun is - the ' or the leader.
father and Moon is the mother. Therefore
Sun is the symbol of spirit and Physical Features : People with Sun as
that of matter,'both acting as life and ruling , planet born either on a Sunday or
form. That is why the zodiac, "which is in Leo!—Sim ha Lagna or with Sun in the
divided into 12 signs are in their nature' .Ascendant will have honey coloured eyes.
alternately positive and negative or The face will be large and round. The
masculine and feininine. hair and the colour of the body will have
a light shade.
The Sun and Moon are considered to
be the sovereigns. Whereas Guru , or Physical body: Sun rules the heart.
Jupiter and Sukra or Venus are the Coun- So also-the sign which Sun governs, Leo—
sellors or ministers, Budha, or Mercury Simha denotes the heart of the Kalapu-
is their heir or the young prince, Kiija or rusha. It also represents the right eye in
Mars is the commander-in-ch'ef and Saturn man and left eye in woman. The mouth,
or Sani is the slave or the~5ervant. Sun is spleen, throat and brain are also indicated
the king and.Moon is the queen. Venus by Sun.
is considered to be the wife of Jupiter and Diseases: Sun . when- afflicted will
the adviser. > cause defects in the heart or on the eye-
Other names of Stfn are : ■ Adhithya, sight during the conjoined period of the
Arkai [Aruna, Bhanu, Dhinakara or Sun and the afflicting planet. Saturn
Dhinakrit, Heli, Pusha, Ravi, Surya -and afflicting the Sun causes low blood pres-
Thapana. sure whereas Jupiter afflicting the Sun
produces high blood pressure. Mars
Sun's govern: Sun and Moon ; are' the afflicting Sun causes haemorrhage, cardiac
two luminaries as they both emit light and thrombosis, "etc. The constitution will
make everything bright. The Sun posses- be overheated and bilious. It also deno-
ses a form with dark, red eyes.. Realising tes cerebral meningitis, eruptions of the
that it is the Sun which pours forth his face, loss of speedh as a result of cerebral
affection, i.e., aphasia, sharp' fevers, royalty, ■ regality, scruples, success in
typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile comp- worldy affairs, truth, good temperament,
laints, sun-stroke, scorches and disease in unadulterated love, vigour, vitality, virtue
the head. and warmth.
Characteristics:' When Sun is not Afflicted Sun makes one arrogant, bluff,
afflicted but is strong and beneficial it domineering, egoistical, faithless, vain-,
offers sterling qualities. It offers real loye glorious, haughty, insulting, jealous,
towards everything and everybody.. It lavish, loquacious, over-ambitious, pomp-
fosters universal love. Devotion to God ous and proud, self-opinionated, irritable
will be sincere and steady. There will be angry and spiteful.
inspiration and intuition. Activity and Profession : Sun generally indicates a
authority are the beneficial results of Sun. permanent position in life. All govern-
Steadiness, soundness and solidarity in the ment services, and those in such depart-
avocation are due to Sun. It indicates ments where there is security of service
one's self-aquisition. One will not mind are denoted by Sun. Sun also indicates
making strenuous efforts, roaming over an independent business financed by the
mountains, undertaking travels and taking father or the business taken over from
all pains to gain his objective. Maximum him. Sun as an indicator of profession
labour and minimum wages are also attri- gives success to one who deals in red or
buted to Sun. Strong Sun in a favourable orange articles, copper, gold, wheat,
sign offers strong will. The native will medicine and chemicals.
have a cheerful outlook towards life and The nature of the profession -will how-
enjoy good fortune. He should not
however be too frank and outspoken. He ever largely depend on the combination of
has to cultivate caution and secretiveness. the Sun with other planets. If, for
Sun gives power to rise far .above the example, Sun is connected with Moon and
status in which he is born. It gives a Mercury, the native will deal in red
magnetic quality and ambition. Sun's clothes or orange clothes as. Moon and
subjects are tireless workers. Mercury jointly indicate textiles; ' alter-
natively one may be employed with this
They should however avoid bossing over combination in a Government textile
others. They should not be over-ambi- department since Sun represents Govern-
tious lest they should feel discontented or ment whereas Moon and Mercury denote
unhappy. Those who have a strong Sun textiles. If Sun has any connection with
and seek favour froni anybody, should go Moon and Venus, the native may deal in
directly without sending an agent since the red or orange paints or the native may
magnetic radiation of the Sun is carried serve in a transport or shipping, depart-
with them and the person sought out can- ment. If Mare and. Mercury are connec-
not refuse to grant the request. By exerci- ted with Sun in any manner, the native
sing self-control and limiting his ambi- may be a military engineer or he may deal
tion, he will enjoy the good-will and the in brick kilns or serve in Government
esteem of the people in powerful positions Press as Mars and Mercury indicate press
and also from the public. Similarly, high or • mechanical or military engineering,
government officials can enjoy life and etc. Sun, Mars and Venus promise ser-
earn the good-will of the public. vice as Venus stands for vehicular traffic
and transport, and Mars police in traffic
Beneficial Sun gives ambition, boldness, department. Those who deal in rose
brilliance, capacity to command, dignity, flowers will be influenced by these three
energy, elevation in rank, faith, fame, planets because Venus is for flowers, Mars
grace, generosity, health, hope, happi- shows his possession of landed property
ness, individuality, influence, joy, kind and red colour and Sun indicates thorny
heart, kindly appearance, loyalty magna- plants- Sun having a relation with Saturn
nimity, nobility, optimism, power, ster- suggests that one will deal in woollen
ling quality, respect to elders, reputation, goods as Saturn also denotes hair.
Fir people who enter into the medical Sun and Mercury in the; 9th or the 5th
services as indicated by Sun, the following house indicate that the native will be an -
combinations of planets will indicate the expert in Ear, Nose and Throat diseases-
exact nature of their specialisation. as the houses three and eleven denote ear
Sun with Jupiter produces good physi- and throat.
cians and Mercury gives intuition and - If Rahuj Sukra, Sun, Uranus and the
helps to diagnose correctly. lord of the 9th house are in any manner
Sun receiving beneficial aspects from connected with each other, the medical
Mars brings out able surgeons, as Mars man-will specialise in •' X' ray.
indicates use of sharp instruments.
If Uranus has connection only with the
Sun, Venus and Jupiter help specialisa- Sun, the native will serve in the ihedical
tion in Maternity, since Sun denotes research department.
medicine, Venus women and Jupiter the
chief governor for children. Generally Sun and Jupiter having
connection with Virgo or Kanni, Scorpio
If Venus receives aspects from the active or Vrischika shows" service in the Public.
and bold Mars and the secretive Saturn Health department, whereas Mars shows
and conjoined with Sun, the person will that in the medical department.
be an expert in venereal diseases.-
If Sun, Venus and Saturn are mutually -Similarly if one takes to the other
connected, the person will specialise in department of the Government, for
skin diseases as Saturn spoils the beauty example. Law, then Jupiter with Sun and
. given by Venus. Mercury indicates Civil Law, whereas
Mars indicates Criminal Law.
Sun and Venus devoid of other planets* To find out one's profession exactly,.a
influence occupying the sixth or the eighth
house show that he will be an optician.. deep study is necessary.
Sun and Saturn in the Ascendant of in Political: Sun denotes administrators,
Sth house indicate that one will earn as a kings, dictators, royal leaders, heads of
dentist. departments, and people in authority and.
power. ■ >
In one's chart the Ascendant shows the
native and the 7th house indicates the Products; The products represented
patient whom he treats. If the 2nd'and the by Sun include red variety in rice, myro-
12th houses are spoiled, one h'as eye defect balams, groundnut, cocoanut, asafoetida,
or disease. So the 2nd and the 12th houses cardamoms, almonds, chillies, omum .
from the 7th is the Sth and the 6th houses (Ajwan), pepper, milagu, pine, lavendar, "
counted from thfc Ascendant. Therefore nutmeg, aromatic herbs, saffron, pearls,,
the planets Sun and Venus in 6 and'8 in corals, etc.
the medical officer's chart shows that he
will attend on people suffering from eye _ Market: Government Loans," Gold
diseases. bonds," Gilt-edged securities. Gold; its
price and control, Reserve Bank, Stock
One suffers from tooth-ache only when Exchange, Foreign Exchange and Currency,
the 2nd and the 7th houses are afflicted. .Trade Associations recognised by Govern-
Therefore the 2nd and the 7th houses ment, Chambers of Commerce, etc..
counted from the '7th "house representing
the patient are the Sth and the. Ascendant Plants and Herbs:. Thorny trees,
of the doctor. Hence" dentists will have grass, timber. Saffron, Laurel, Orange
Sun and Saturn having connection with trees,. Anise, Cedar, Almond, Vervain,
these two houses. Further, Saturn rules Chamomile, Lavendar, Rue, Rose-mary,
the osseous system, bones, enamel, etc. Mary-gold and medicinal herbs.i
Places: Forests, Mountains, Shiva east or on the days when Moon transits in
temples, Fortress, Government buildings, the stars or nakshatras, Karthigai, Uthra-
Public offices—District Boards, Panchayat palguni and Utbrashada, governed by
Unions, etc., - Sonrashtra country in Sun.
India- Precious Stones: - Diamond and ruby.
Animals and Birds: Lion, Horse, Boar, If Sun is weak or afflicted, one can use
Serpent, Cattle and other quadrupeds in metal gold and the stones diamond and
the forest. All singing birds, nightingale. ruby set in it. Those who suffer
Swan- from heart trouble, eye diseases or those
who want security in service or power
Day: .Sun is the lord of Sunday. in Government, or favour from the high
Whenever one runs a period ruled by Sun, Government officials, they can use the
he can expect the results on a Sunday above gems to enjoy health and success.
ruled by Sun or at the time when Leo or They will be able to realise their
Simha Lagna • owned by Sun rises in the ambition.
'Bala '
How to tabulate the aspects in a natal (Taurus).. Record the .distance of the
chart ? planet in Rishabha ;from the Moon in
Aspect is equally important to study Aries. Similarly, one should find out the
the results of a horoscope. Erect a planets in Mithuna ■ (Gemini), Kataka
horoscope for the birth time of a native. (Cancer) and so on and calculate the
Make an orderly tabulation of the diffe- relative- position. Whether there is any
rent aspects formed between any two aspect or not, one has no note down the
planets, and the aspects formed by the actual longitude between the Moon and
planet to. the cusps of the various houses the different planets. Similarly one is Jo
and mainly to Eortuna. calculate the exact distance (1) between
the. different planets, (2) between the
The easiest way to find the aspects is to planets and the cusps of the 12 houses and
take the planets one by one. Let us, to (3) the distance between the planets and
start with, take the Moon since it is the Fortuna.
fastest of all the planets. Suppose Moon After having so calculated the distances,
is in 10° Mcsha (Aries). If a planet were 'find out whether there are any aspects
to be in Mesha between 10° and 30°, count after allowing the orbs for different aspects
the exact number of degrees at which the explained in the previous issues. The
planet is away from the Moon. Next.note aspects should then be recorded in the
whether there is a planet in Rishabha following table:—
Planets or Aspects formed by
houses I r I — ; : j
receiving Moon r^ ~ Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn! Rahu Ketbu ^ra/ Nept. 1
oOr'iA/wt i I *, I nilC

Planets or Aspects formed by
houses ^
receiving Moon Mer- Venusl Sun ' Mars Saturn Rahu Kethu


9th hous'e -

10th house
llth house

l2th house
Principles of judginent pation in a particular constellation and
Aspects are the modifying influences in the modification by the'lord of the cons-
a horoscope and a prediction is not com- tellation is still more important. Jupiter
and Venus who are natural benetics prove
plete unless the aspects are properly to be the worst i evils for a number of
computed, studied, and the results'judged. people and the natural malefics. Mars and
A few useful hints are given below to Saturn, immensely benefit some, as they
enable one to arrive at a correct judg- occupy the constellation of the planets
ment. 1 owning and occupying good houses.
(1) First assess the strength of the ... ¥3 , . . . . v j •
aspect. Decile or 36 degrees aspect is not ho,lse®wI ch
t the15aSpected plane placed in a
so powerful for good as a trine or. 120 0 s?, ^. , f or,8(J?r~1^ ^ .the 0"e !}
degrees aspect; nor semi-square or 45 '™ , Find out whether it is m a good
degrees aspect is so harmfbl as square or angle (aspect) to the.cusp of the house of
90 degrees which
.is" bornit iswhen
the owner.
the 29th Suppose
degree aofperson
(2) What is the quality of the aspect? (Mesha) was rising in the East. Then
Is it a beneficial aspect or an evil one? Mars rules the first house. If'Mars
happens to occupy Kanya (Virgo) 2nd
(3) Is the aspect exact (rapt, partile) degree, according to the Hindu method,
or is it wide (platic) ? Mars would be considered as being in 6th
. i . . to the lagna and therefore badly placed.
If platic, note whether the aspect is in Actually, 0 however. Mars is at a distance
the process of formatioh or dissolution. of ns . from, the Ascendant and so
(4) Note the affairs governed by the '''s i" good, trine aspect. It is advisable,
house occupied by the aspected planet. therefore,
ou the eMct to follow the method of finding
Is it conjoined with any other planet at '
311 correct
d'stance. This is the proper
the same time ? Association with a benefic method.
(lord of a beneficial house in the chart) is
very good and auspicious. Any connec- Hindus believe that a 'bhava gets, com-
tion with malefics, more especially with ptetely destroyed if its owner is posited in
lords .of 6 or 8 or 12 either by being Bhava 6 or '8 or 12 to the Bhava, it
conjoined 'with them or occupying their owns;"Or lords of 6 or 8 or 12. to a parti-
nakshatras,' etc. portends evil. The nak- cular Bhava occupy that Bhava'. A planet
■shatra occupied by a planet is the most may own two houses. To one house it
important as the results denoted by the ■ w may no be in 6 or 8 or 12. To the other it
nakshatra lord (by its ownership) will tll i b6 in 6 or 8 or 12. That Bhava
mostly predominate. to which it is in 6 or .8 or 12 will suffer
whereas the matters signified by the other
(5) What does' the aspected planet Bhava will improve, y '
denote by his lordship ? Is he a benefic
or not? No doubt a planet possesses (7) Is the aspected planet dignified?
.certain natural characteristics"and these ' A planet in its exaltation sign is the stron-
results will operate, but what the planet ; gest. Next is the one in a Vabgottamma
has to give by lordship will even change position, i.e., occupying the same sign
the results indicated by its nature e.g., both in the rasi and in the navamsa chart.
Jupiter, a benefic by nature will be evil by The third is the one in its Moolathrikona-
owning evil houses: Saturn by owning (day house). The fourth, the one in its '
favourable houses becomes a benefic. swakshetra (own house) and the fifth is
Even these results are modified and the planet which is in its friend's quarters,
changed by the occupation of various A planet in debilitation or in enemy's
houses in the chart. The correct way is camp or connected with malefics in any
to judge by taking the planet's occupation, manner, is said to be weakly posited and
lordship of houses and its nature: Occu- afflicted.
(8) Then note the nature or the sign they attain full strength to express them-
occupied by the aspected planet. Is it a selves. Planets in 2, 5, 8 and 11 called
movable (chara) sign, or fixed (sthira) succeedent (panaphara) houses gain mode-
sign, or common (ubhaya) sign ? Is the rate strength. The houses 3, 6, 9 and 12
sign a fiery, earthy, airy or watery one, are called cadent (apoklima) and planets
positive or negative, fruitful or barren, in these houses get .weakened and lack
etc.? opportunity for expression. It is also
important to note who is the lord of the
Similarly, find out whether theaspecting constellation in which the aspecting planet
planet is a be'nefic by lordship, whether he is situated.
is dignified or afflicted, beneficial or
adverse by occupation and whether it as- If one has correctly assimilated the basic
pects from a sign congenial to its nature. elements constituting a horoscope and
Also whether the aspect]ng planet is in a has acquired the ability to synthesize
kendra (angular), panaphra (succeedent), properly, the talue of this method to
or apoklima (cadent) house. Houses 1, 4,. predict the nature of event, the time of
7 and 10 are termed kendra (also kantaka event, and the extent to which it can offer,
and chatushtaya) houses and planets here- will be realised and recognised.
in are said to be accidentally dignified, i.e..

Dear Sir, I agree with you no doubt, each author

gives different timings for Nakshathra,
I am a regular reader of your useful ' Thithi, etc. If one studies carefully, one
magazine. Yours has impressed , me wjll decide not to buy most of the Pan-
much. changs but stick to a very few correct
I wanted to get a copy of the almanacs
published in Tamil Nad to find out and , Hindus divide a year into 12 months.
confirm that the horoscopes prepared by The first is called Chithra month. It
the astrologers differ one from the other commences when sun enters the sign
as they use different Panchangs prepared Aries (Mesha). Chithra month continues
and published by various authors. till sun enters the next sign Taurus—Ris-
haba when the next month Vaikasi starts.
I am much pained to note that no two Thus each month ends and a hew month
almanacs agree in full. has'its birth when suh leaves the previous
sign and enters into the next one. Let us
Can you kindly suggest which Panchang note the timings given by a few authors. ,
can be followed and explain why ? Numbers 1 to 7 indicate the almanacs
now available here and some important
timings are given for the consideration of
Answer]:— the readers.
Equally I am much pained. ' It appears (1) Anandha Bodhini Sudd ha Trik
as though the authors who prepare the Ganitha Panchang.
almanacs have agreed to disagree.. When
the science has advanced to a great (2) Sarva Muhurtha NirnayaVakya
extent and the Ephemeris, hauticalalmanacs Panchang—Malarmagal edition.
etc. 1agree one with the other, it is a pity
that most of the Panchangs which are - (3) Kumaran Pnnchangam. (Trik).
' wrong are yet published. No doubt, one (4) Arcot Seetharama Iyer . Sarva
of the facts <may be that there are many
who have superstition to follow a parti- . Muhurtha Panchangam.
cular Panchang only, saying that it was (5) Shri Acharyal Madathu Panchan-
traditionally followed by the elders, gam.
secondly, none had taken pains to hold a
conference, discuss and decide which is (6) Swadesamitran Panchangam.
(7) 28 Number Suddha Vakya Pan-
What is a Panchang? It is a booklet, -changam.
wherein the day, the ending moment of the
Thithi/'Nakshathra, Yoga and Karana are The following is the timings when
. given. These five facts compose the sun enters a few signs which are considered
almanacs. to be auspicious-
uii-vj | Gh-vi I Gh-vi I Gt'-vi I Gh-vi Gli-vi Gh-vi
1 £4-1965 22-25 | 19-41 19-41 19-41 I 30-1 19-41 19-41
16-7-1965 1-15 16-3 6-29 26-22 6-29 . 16-3

17-10-1965 11-47 - 13-47 56-46' 22-14 3-14 13-47

before before

14-1-1966 9-38 0-49 2-5 2-5 0-49 0-49

before before before before before before
sunrise sunrise siinrise sunrise sunrise sunrise

Quly the almanacs numbered 2, 5 and 7 agree.

Let us take the ending moment of Stars on any two days.
1 2/3 4-5 6 .7
4-7-1965. 5-02; 19-38; 5-38; 19-20; 5-20; 19-41.; 19-40
Poorva Palguni
29-8-1965 42-45; 55-8; 43-18 j 54-24; 43-5; 55,8;
Now let us note the moment when-Sun and Moon conjoin which is called New
Moon day and the moment when Sun'and Moon oppose each other, i.e. they are exactly
180° away.
New Moon day-7 1 .2.3 4 5 6
28-7-1965 3}~28-15
28 29-25 28-13 29-22 28-0 30-11
Full moon day ■)
12-8-1965 j} 19-42;
19 20-20; 19-43; 20-19; 19-27; "14-27; 20-26
Next, suppose a person desires to nayoga. In Arcoi Sarva Muhurtha Pan-
celebrate the marriage of his daughter on chang, Maranayoga is upto 35 Ghatis
12-5-1965. It is necessary to note whether In Madathu Panchang, it is Siddha yogam
the yoga (amritha, adhi yoga) is auspidus. In Swadesamithrah Maranayogam con-
tinues till 36G.. 8V.
In Anandha Bodhihi, it is written Mara- And,' in the number 28 Almanac,
nayoga till 33 G—30 V—and this is a very
bad yoga. In Sarva Muhurtha Nirnaya -Marana yogam. Those who are the
Panchang, Malar-Maghal edition, Maraiia- devotees of the Miitt, will follow Madathu
yojjnm on 12-5-65 till 36 Ghatis. Almanac and declare that 12-5-65 is an
auspicious day to celebrate a marriage
- In Kumaran Panchang, it is published whereas others will condemn this day and
that on 12-5.65 till 34 G—5 V, it is Mara- declare it as the worst.
People are losing faith in astrology and i Qqti/Q
when they are presented with different Muhurtham 0-56 A.M. 23-12-1965
horoscopes for the birth of the same Madathu Panchang 2-33 A.M.
person they get vexed. They do not
know which of them is correct. Really, Swadesamitran " 2-43 A.M. „ „
it is a headache to the learned astrologers. 28 Number. 50G. ,13V. and the
Bu t, such a difference is welcome to the Indian Standard Time it not given. It is
quacks and to the bluffers. It is a good erected for Tanjore locality.
excuse for them. Though they may
claim that they had come correct in Days are changed. More conveniences
various cases, they failed while finding and comforts are enjoyed. Greater faci-
that horoscope alone and attribute the lities are available.
failure to the.almanac used for .the erec-
tion of the horoscope. In olden days, when clocks and watches
were not available, the timings are cal-
The correct and the simplest method to culated in Ghatis and Vikatis from the
judge which is correct and which is wrong, moment of Sunrise in that locality on that
is to find the moment when Sun and day. Now, when every house has watches
Moon are in the same longitude in the and they are corrected daily, by referring
same sign, when it is called New Moon to the radio or dialing to the Telephone
and to verify the moment when Sun and Exchange, it is advisable to completely
Moon are in the same longitude in the avoid Ghatis and Vighatis and publish the
opposite signs when it is called Full Moon. timings in Indian Standard time.
For correct moment, lake an ephemeris,
note the time when it is ,New Moon and. Another example will be advantageous.
when it is Full Moon. The time is given The judgment is left to the readers.
in Greenwich Mean Time. Convert it to
Indian Standard Time. Note to which New Moon on 29-6-1965
locality, the almanac is prepared. Find
the time of Sunrise on that day in that Ephemeris 10-23 A.M. I.S.T.
locality—calculate Ghatis and Vikatis. Apapda Bodhini . 10-22 A.M.
Verify. Kindly judge yourself which is
correct and which is wrong. Kumaran 10-30 A.M.
SAME MOMENT and IT SHOULD Nirnaya Vakya J 1-1-1 A.M.
AGREE WITH THE EPHEMERIS. Arcot Sarva Muhurtha 10-59 A.M.
Ma.dathu Panchang 10-22 A.M.
Such Panchangs which do not agree
with the Ephemeris, need correction. Swadesamitran 10-59 A.M.
28 number, Vakya Gh. 12-V. 17 after
For example let us take 22nd December Sunrise for Tanjore. It works out to 10-52
1965,—. The time given by Ephemeris A.M. I.S.T. '
(Rapnafil etc.) 2-35 A.M. in the flight
(22nd midnight over-23rd started) is the To dsclare which Panchang is correct,
moment when Sun and Moon are in the the correct test is to find out th6 moment of
same longitude in Sagittarius-Nirayana. New Moon, Full Moon and Thithis. Why?
Whatever be the Ayanamsa which the
Ananda Bodhini 2-33 A.M.-23-12-1965 author follows, these moments must be
the same to all (according' to Indian Stan-
Kumaran Panchang 2-33 A.M. „ „ dard Time). These thithis show the
distance between Sun and Moon and
Sarva Muhurtha > it cannot be different, whatever be the
Ntrnaya Vakya. j 3-47, A.M. - „ ,, ayanamsa that is used.
Kindiy do sucb tests and ascertain Then, people, born on 29thTcbruary, Can
yourself. celebrate only once in 4 years. But Hindus
have laid down elaborate rules.
If i.t is-said that a particular Panchaug
is correct, it will appear as an advertise- Some have hazy and incorrect notion
ment to one and detrimental to the other. that this and other elements almanac
are something spiritual and have no
Though it is the desire of the editor to astronomical significance. Even some
buy all the incorrect Panchangs and shelf learned men,' highly educated in other
them and to allow only the correct ones sciences, are under the misconception that
to be sold in the market, yet finance does the astronomical accuracy is needed only
not permit to fulfil the desire. for eclipses and similar phenomena.
In this connection, some excerpts from . All the elements of the Panchang or the
the article published in the December Hindu Almanac are astronomical entities.
1963 issue are reproduced : They are calculated by using Surya Sidh-
anta, Vakya and Drik Ganitha. The
" Our ancient k astronomers had clearly motions, relative, and absolute, of the
mentioned in their treatises that the planets of the Solar system will diSer one
astronomers in future have to revise the from the other. Actually, the moment of '
calculation from time to'time, if and when a true geocentric place of a heavenly body
found necessary. They have expressed which is the same for .all places on the
that the results arrived ar should agree earth and for all people, varies according
with the scientific and ocular verification. to the Sidhanta used,
According to them 'Drik Karanaikya
Viheenah, Khctas Sthoolah na Karmanam Intlthira Kalamritha! Kalidoss mentions
Arhah'. that the exact positions' of planets dre to
be calculated by Drik system. Mantres-
That is to say, the positions of planets warar in his work, Phala Deepika, expres-
which are arrived at by using a calculation ses that " Ghathir - Drik Thulyathvam
. inconsistent with observational precision, Ganitha Karanaihi "—the ' position of
will ouly be approximate and rough and planets coincident with observation—
not fit for religious observances. They should be used.
also said that one should observe religious
functions at the time arrived at by using If one does not want "other's advice as
'Drik System'. Also they seriously to which system is to be followed, let him.
warned " He who misses the day of Anni- calculate using all sidhantas including the
versary of a.departed soul .will be penalised Drik system.
by giving him rebirths a crore of . times
Mirtaham Samatikramya Knowing fully well that Drik system is
Chandalah Kbti Janmasu" correct, what is the meaning of saying
"For .certain functions follow Vakya
They do not want us to commit any System and for some other purposes foilow
mistake. - Drik? " Will you allow a cloth merchant
to use a correct yardstick to one party and
As we, the Hindus, fix the dates of our a smaller yardstick to the other? Will you
fasts, feasts and festivals, "anniversary, accept the piece measured by the shorter
ceremony and birthday etc., only on an yardstick, especially when you know that
Astronomical basis, we do not observe it is not correct? Just as the length of a
a rule like—" Thirty days hath September,. saree measured by difierent persons will
" April, June and November " vary according to the length of their hands,
the position of planets will be given in
'! Never is the birthday or the anniversary different positions by using different
celebrated on fixed dates of fixed months. methods.
Research must be made: due may astrologically 1 predict that the days arc
immediately retort saying that there is no very fast approaching. It is certain.
Varaha Mihira now. Let mc ask
whether there is a Vikrainathithya. I Once. His Holiness Sri' Kanchi Kama
assure that it is possibleto have thousands Koti Peetadhipathi jagadh Guru Sri
. of Varahamihiras. One can fish when he Sankarachariar Swamigal had nominated
is near the water and drink when near the Sri Appu Sastrigal, Appayya Dheekshadar
spring. Sun today is as bright as it was and Srinivasa Iyer as judges. Tinnevelly
thousands of years ago. Will the same Sri Krishna Josier favour of
brilliant Sun's rays reach under the bowl ? ' Vakyam vyhile Sri-Venkateswara Dheek-
Years, ago, the bowl was kept open. The shadhar and Sundresa Srouthigal suppor-
Sun's rays reached it. . Now the bowl is ted Drik System. It was finally decided
kept facing the earth downwards. How on 16-12-1937 that Drik System alone is
can the- ray pass? Brilliance exists even correct and should be followed. Always
now. It is not well utilised. Only when it is advisable to' follow what the Guru
opportunity is given, new talent and intelli- presents. Therefore:
gence can come to the front which will be Follow Drik and Drik alone. -Forget
advantageous to all Readers, I tell you, Vakyam. "
' Arudhra'
Progression is one of the methods ■ (d) If Mars aspects Mercury,
followed by the astrologers to judge the (i) The Lord bf T aspecting the lord
nature of the results of a person and also of. 3.
the time of the event.
(ii) The Lord of 8 aspecting the lord
In the text-books published by the of 3.'
various authors, one can learn the results (iii) The Lord of h aspecting the lord'
offered by a planet forming an aspect to offi.
the various cusps bf the houses or by a
planet' while progressing, forming an (iv) The Lord of 8 aspecting the lord
aspect with a planet in the horoscope of -of 6.
a person. But none .had discussed syste- In the same way, the results should be .
matically the results of the lord of a read for Venus, Satiirn and Jupiter.
particular house forming an aspect with
the.lord.of another house in the horos- As the lordship of a house can thorough-
cope. Suppose one is born in • Aries ly change the-nature of the planet, let
(Mesha) ascendant; Mars progresses. us discuss the results of the aspects taking,
Mars' is lord of 1 and 8. It can form the lordship of various houses.
aspect vyith its original position' and also Suppose Jupiter is the lord Of 12.
with other planets. So one is to read the What can it indicate? It shows withdra-'-
results as follows: wal of money from the,bank. If Jupiter
(a). If Mars aspects Sun to Aries forms favourable aspect- with Venus,
4Mesha) lagna borns, normally one will predict most beneficial
(i) The Lord of 1 forming aspect results; But for Aries-borns, it threatens
with the lord of 5, and loss and many other difficulties, such as
visiting hospital due to the illness of the
(ii) The Lord of 8 aspecting- the lord wife or partner in business. (12th house is
of 5. the 6th to.the 7th wife.)
<b) If Mars aspects Moon, .^Therefore the correct method is to judge
by taking the lordship of a planet. '
(i) The Lord of-L aspects the lord Benefics by nature will prove to be the
of 4. worst evils for some and the malefics by
(ii) The Lord of 8 aspects the lord nature will offer luck to some.
of 4. One should not decide the result merely
(c) If Mars aspects, by progression, by the name of a planet. All Ramas are
Mars radical position :— not ideals for character. All Krishnas do
not mingle freely with women. How
(i) The Lord of 1 aspecting the lord many Krishnas there-are who, remain
of 1. unmarried as no girl likes them. ^
(ii) The Lord of 8 aspecting the lord Therefore, always consider which planet
of 1. by progression forms an aspect and note
(iii) The Lord of 1 aspecting the lord which houses are ruled by it.. Then syste-
of 8. matically note'down as explained above.
(iv) The Lord of 8 aspecting the lord (2) Then the extent to which the •
of native can gain or loss depends on the
strength of the'.planets in the birth chart. near about the time when the progressed
The radical chart is the root in the aspect is in operation. The effect of the
soil on which depends the growths of the progressed aspect will be most noticeable
planet.- when the same is supported or.-accentua-
(3) The environment of the native is ted by transits.of similar nature.
to be included while judging a chart'. It Therefore, the planets having good
is similar to the fertility used.. Two aspects by progression should also form
people may have the same, identical good aspects [need not be the same: trine
aspects. One will be very fortunate while aspect by progression will mature by seml-
the other will enjoy only to some extent. sextile aspect by transit) by transit (gocha-
This is because the former is born in ram) also.
fortunate circumstances and the latter (6) Note which planet forms an aspect
under the very lash of tyranny and while progressing with a planet in the
oppression. birth chart. The planet which is aspected
(4) If the birth horoscope (radix) indicates the nature of the results. The
does not promise fortune,- no aspect by progressing planet (i.e., the 'aspecting-
progression can permanently secure it to planet shows the source through which the
the native. So also any adverse result. result is enjoyed).
.That is, if the birth chart shows good Suppose the following is the chart and
constitution and long life, do not conclude -
. that the first attacks made upon it will be ah aspect is being formed between progres-
fatal or anxious—the native may have sing Sun and radical Moon. Sun was in
. some sufferings and get over them,
(5)-Aspects among the planets may
be found to be formed in a particular
week.. It is not necessary that the results
will manifest in that week itself. Moon
alone moves fast. Its aspects.and. the
results indicated by its aspects will be
enjoyed in the same month. But other
planets move slowly. Hence the period
when the results will be actually enjoyed
is to be modified by adopting the following.
Suppose Sun,. by progression, forms a .
harmonious beneficial aspect'with Jupiter
owning good houses and 'you expect
increase in income and improvement in
status, say in the second week of December 4° in Simha (Leo). Moon was in 28° in
1965 '^careful working. Then take the Kataka (Cancer). Therefore, at the age.
Ephemeris for 1965 and find out the of 16| Sun Prog, formed 22$" aspect with
nearest date when Sun by transit forms a Moon radical. At the age of 24, Prog,
favourable aspect with Jupiter. That is Sun formed semi-sextile or 30° aspect with
the date on which the progressed Sun's radical Moon.
aspect to Jupiter will operate. Results enjoyed were:
Similarly, take the example of Jupiter (a) At the age of 16-1/2, younger
owning favourable houses forming good brother went out for study.
aspect, by progression, with Mercury (b) At the age of 24 to the native, the
. and you look for sudden gains by lottery
or agency or receipt of the accumulated native gained monetarily, through
commission amount. Then you will 'younger brother.
enjoy the results when there is good aspect At the age of 16-1/2, Sun who is the Lord
between Mercury and Jupiter by transit of 3 (for younger brother) formed evil
aspect with the lord of 2 (for family and elder brother or a friend your income is
finance).. So separation from family and reduced of you will meet with uncommon
expenses due to younger brother's studies, expenses through them.
his life in a foreign place is shown. Thus, though an aspect may be formed
At the age of 24 to the native, Sun, lord on a particular date by progression, yet
of 3 formed good aspect with lord of 2 the said aspect fertilises and blooms into
(finance). So the native gains money physical manifestation in the week -when
through the younger brother. 2nd house the progressed planet, by transit, forms a
to the native isvyaya (loss) to the younger similar* aspect (Not necessarily the same
brother as it is 12 to 3. as the one formed by progression) with.the
Thus, Moon as lord of 2 shows income planet in the radix.
or expenses in the' family, union or In the foregoing example, though a
separation from the family. Sun as lord good aspect may be formed on a particu-
of 3 denotes that the result is due to the lar date according to progression by Prog-
younger brother, i.e., income or expenses ressed Mars to radical Moon; yet the effect
through him, short journey to the native of such a good aspect will be apparent
etc., and also separation or re-union of only in the week when Mars by transit
the younger brother. forms a good aspect (heed not be the same
So also, if the lord of 11 forms benefi- as the one formed by progression) with
cial aspects by progression to the lord of the planet Moon in the natal or birth
2, it promises income through the elder chart.
brother or through friends (11th house for Applying aspect
elder brother and friends). In this case An. applying aspect is always strong.
the lord of 11 is Mars. He is also the It. brings new' experiences in life. It
lord of 6. Therefore, one is to say that becomes more and more, powerful. It
the gain may be from the elder brother or may be either good or bad aspect. The
friends or from a maternal uncle or by aspect is nearing completion. These
borrowing (6th house). It may be that the effects begin . to wane off slowly as the
elder brother or friend may lend money aspect separates. Separating bad aspect
or the maternal ubcle may help the native. from any evil planet is advantageous, i.e., .-
So it should be noted'from which house evil will disappear.^ Separating aspect
Mars by progn., forms this aspect. 'If it after a good aspect also indicates that the
progresses in Tbulam (Libra) 10° and jubilant spirit will fade away slowly. "
forms quintile (72°) aspect with radical There is no further cause to enhance the
Moon, it should be taken that the maternal pleasure.
uncle will render help as Thulam (where
Mars progresses) is 12th to the 6th house Illustration
But if Mars progresses in Meena from 8°
to 28° and forms trine (120°) with radical
moon in Kataka (Cancer) 28°, it indicates
that either an elder brother or friend will
give monetary assistance to the native or
they would give him an appointment as Mars 20°
Mars progresses in the 10th house. Thus,
note the houses over which the planet,
forming the aspect, rules. From the owner-
ship of the houses, note who will give the
result, or through which source you gain or
lose. " ,
If the same Mars were to progress in Sun 28° Lagna
Meena 13° and form sesquiquadrate (135°)
aspect with the radical Moon, through an
'Similar nature, i.e., if a good aspect is formed by progression, then a good aspect by transit.
6 21
-• Eg,, Sun fojms a good aspect with the lot ot troubles, _ worry and ill-repute.
lord of 7 Mirs to a Thula Lagna native. Once the aspect (exact aspect) is over and
Sun is lord of 11 and Mars is lord of 2 it gets separated, the native gains strength
and 7. Hence wben Sun applies good of mind gradually and all matters tend to
aspect with Mars, say about even 1-1/2 take a favourable course and when the
years prior to the exact (partile) aspect planet applies to a good aspect, encourag-
date, the native will have pleasurable ing news will be received and at the time
"pursuits, make friendship with a girl and of the exact good aspect he will join
every day till the date of culmination of duty.
the exact aspect, he will enjoy due to
frequent contacts with the said girl and But if a planet by progression separates
dreams (5th house) Mars in 5. This is an after a good aspect and applies to. an evil -
applying aspect. aspect, misfortune will overtake the native.
If by progression, a series of good aspects
After that date when Sun progressing in are formed, one can definitely expect luck
20° Dhanus (Sagittarius) forms sextile (60°) after luck, one following, the other, so
aspect with radical Mars (i.e., Sun, lord of that for a long period, without any inter-
11 with Mars, lord of 7 occupying 5th - ruption, one enjoys the beneficial results.
house) and then commences to separate But if by progression a series of bad
from the sextile aspect, then within a aspects are formed, then one will suffer
period of 1-1/2. years gradually, imagina- .much due to a series of misfortune.
tion, dreams, etc., will" end, frequent
contacts with the.girl will get reduced, If there is a good aspect, then a bad
pleasure is also not measured on the same one followed by a good one, and", then
scale and the sweetness of the milk dis- again bad and so on, then the native's life
appears and slowly becomes either rancid will be like a wheel, like day and night,
or flat and insipid.' alternately enjoying good and experiencing
vbad. -
An applying aspect keeps one either
cheerful and buoyant if the aspect is good If a planet separates from a malefic
or much frightened if the aspect is- bad. and applies to another malefic aspect, the
Similarly, a separating aspect after a good evil is augmented doublefold and worst
aspect shows fading away of one's benefits experiences will be undergone tike a persdn
or pleasure. To put it bluntly, applying on his way home from-office being pick-
aspect is similar to "Mappillai 'Azhaippu" pocketed on the salary day and finding a
"Welcome to. son-in-law " on the eve of battalion of creditors waiting for him to
marriage; separating aspect, is similar to return home.
the feeling for the same person, a few days Aspects to the cusps of . houses may be
after marriage.- safely omitted (though most important) as
Important the birth time may not be very correct."
Separation of a planet from a malefic Otherwise it will only mislead.
and its application to a behefic gives A difference of every four minutes in-the
health, happiness, expansion, etc. after a birth time changes the cusps by one degree,
struggle. ; If by progression a planet (lord but such a different of 4 minutes or so
of 2 of 11 forms evil aspect with lord of does not perceptibly change the planetary
10) forms a bad aspect and due to that position. Therefore, wise astrologers pay
ojie is kept under suspension from service, more attention to aspects between the
then > when the planet further progresses planets.
and forms a good aspect, he will be Of aspects to cusps, the conjunction is
reinstated in service. of most importance, especially with the
When the planet applies and forms bad cusps of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th
aspect, he is terribly afraid and is put into houses.

" VlSAK "
The following are the results indicated bad aspects give favourable results. Good
by the aspect formed between the lord of aspect to the lord, of lagna in 8 or 12,
lagna and the lords of the other houses, affects one's health, reputation and finan:
whether the aspect occurs in the birth cial position and he may have difficulties.
chart or by progression or by transit:
The lord of lagna in good aspect to the
Lord of lagna in good aspect to the lord lord of 2.
of Lagna or to the Ascendant (1st house). Increase in the native's self-acquisition
(Suppose theTagna is Simha. Then the is promised. The native may purchase
lord of' the lagna is Sun. Sun would be movable property. He is likely to benefit
in a particular position in the natal chart. through industrious activity. His- memory
Sun, by progression and by transit, will ' power will increase. Children who were,
form aspects to the position which if not able to talk so far will begin -to speak.
occupied in the radix or natal chart at the Eye troubles will be- cured. For old
time of birth. Results indicated by such people, cataract may be removed and
an aspect are indicated here.) vision will be regained. When the native
Whenever the native runs the periods or runs the"conjoined periods of the lords of
sub .periods of the lord oflagna according 1 and 2, he will be happy and prosperous-
to progression or according to dasa bhuk- Money once lent and entangled may be
thi system, he will have mental. strength realised. One may open bank' account
and good cheer. The individuars health for the first time. Those already having'
will be regained or maintained. There will bank accounts may invest in fixed deposits
be harmony or compromise and .even and the Bank position will be satisfactory.
triumph over enemies and over difficulties. Thfere may be increase in the number , of
Success in all attempts, especially those family members. The "native will do
indicated by the lord of lagna, is assured. virtuous acts. His child may go on a long
For some persons, a new cycle of life journey for higher studies or professional
starts. No more deficiency of vitamins studies or on promotion to a far-ofl place,
will result. The general constitution as to the 5th house (representing child) it
will be sound and satisfactory; One's is an aspect between the lords of 10 and 9.
temperament will be similar to that of Judge contrary results if the aspect is
the nature of the lord of lagna. If it be adverse-
Mars, due to boldness or sudden action, -
The above results are to be read, as
the native comes out successful. If it be stated here, only when the lord of a house
Saturn, he is cautious and economical and does not occupy a sign, 6 or 8 or 12 coun-
gains thereby. For some others, it brings ted from the owns. . Therefore, if
fortune. There will be marked improve- the lord of 2 were to be in 7 or 9 or lagna
ment in status and rank. This is a desir- (7 is 6 to the 2nd house ; 9 is 8 to the 2nd
able aspect similar to the one being house; lagna is 12 to the 2nd house), the
formed by the lord of the eleventh house. above results given under good aspect will
Judge contrary results if the aspect is be enjoyed only when the aspect is bad.
evil. Lagnadhipathi is to do good to the This is so because any planet which occu-
native, "provided it~doesnot occupy 8 or pies the 6th or 8th or 12th sign to its own
12. , Its good aspect fulfils one's desire if will give results contrary to what it indi-
it is not in 8 or 12. If it is in 8 or 12, cates by ownership. Thus, if either of
the two planets owning different houses treasures, etc., especially when the lord of
occupies a position (sign) 6th or 8th or Lagna is also the lord of the 2nd house
12th counted from its own sign and there (as for instance, when the lagna of the
is an aspect between them, good aspects native happens to be Capricorn-Makara).
generally produce'evil results and bad In iome cases, the native, arranges and
aspects beneficial results. purchases landed property in the son's
So, lord.of lagna forming good aspect's name and with the son's money. Some
with lord of 2 who is in a house other will gain through partner's fortune and
than the 7th or the 9th or lagna, gives effort In a girl's chart this aspect de-
beneficial results. notes that her husband will be promoted
due to the efforts of the native, i.e., the
Lord of lagna in good aspect to the lord girl. Father will lose much in specu-
of 3. lation and will be put to trouble. This is
If this aspect is formed in married life so because the lord of lagna is the lord of
and if the mother is not sterilised, oue can 5 to the 9th house representing father, and
look for the birth of an younger to the the lord of 4 is the lord of 8 to the 9ttr
native. In old age, if shows benefit to the house. Always the third house to one's
younger) good relationship with the young- lagna is 7th or opponent to the father.
■ sters and neighbours and also support or Hence the father will lose. But if the
assistance from them. Short journeys younger brother makes any attempt, he
will be successful. Publication of books .will gain by fortune (1st house is 11 to 3 ;
in this period will be profitable. Much 4th house is 2 to 3). That is the lord of
mental development is assured. One 11 to the 3rd house will form good aspect
generally very poor-in mathematics will' with the lord of 2 to the 3rd house. Thus
one can see that at the time when the
score good marks, by fluke. The native native has a good aspect between the lords
succeeds in attempts made for betterment of 1 and 4, -the younger brother on sister,
of brothers and sisters. Any agreement gains by fortune but the native himself
or contract will be signed. He will gain tday have the luck to buy only a few
considerable mental strength as he will
meet with success after success. He will „■ furniture qr so, due to the fact that, in
the brother's chart,- - (hese planets are
undertake any enterprise with courage. inherently strong while, in the native's-
He may regain hearing. Good report . horoscope, they are only mildly strong.-
about the native will enhance his reputa-
tion. Increase in one's income by_, If the lord of 4 were to be in the 9th or
publications and publicity is promised. II th or 3rd house to the lagna (iie.; in 6 or
Troubles through the relatives ■- and 8 or 12 its own sign) and if .the lord of
neighbours will come to an end or will be lagna forms good aspect with the lord of
absent temporarily. The native's wife or 4th, opposite results alone will be expe-
business partner will go on a long journey. rienced. There will at least be trouble with
' The native will hear encouraging news. the house owner, Those who have the lord
-Adverse aspects offer undesirable results, of a particular house occupying the same
i.e. , contrary to those indicated above. sign and house will enjoy the results to a
large extent" satisfactorily." To Mithuna
The lord of lagna in good aspect to t -,-- Lagna natives, Budha'-(Mercury) inKanni
lord of 4. (Virgo), especially in'Hastham star, will
give a house with all facilities and well "
Mother's health shows improvement. furnished. The lord 4 in 12 to the lagna,
The native may purchase landed property shows change of quarters during the period
or vehicle or furniture or any immovable when aspects are formed to the lord of 4.
property. The domestic environment To Kanya lagna natives. Guru, the lord of
will be congenial and satisfactory. There 4 in 12 in Simha, shows many changes of
will be peace and pleasure at home. residence and the date of . shifting of the
Inheritance will be achieved. The native house will be when the lord of 12 and the
may gain garden, mine produce or hidden. lord of 4 by transit form good aspects
with the lord of 4 (the Lord of 4 should Good aspect in a male's chart indicates
form good aspect by transit to the place he purchase of fancy and costly things to
occupied in the radix or natal chart). 4th the partner in life. It also indicates
house stands for permanent residence. that enmity with the elder brother or
Owners of houses living in their own sister to the partner in life will end
quarters will stay in friend's or relative's and, at least temporarily during
quarters orjive in a room in hotel when- the period of the aspect, there will be
ever the lord of 4 receives evil aspect. good understanding. Younger brother to
the native will gain and make good profit
by short journeys or by publishing books,
Lord of 1 in good aspect to the lord of 5. or he may be sanctioned a telephone for
In youth it shows happy life dtie to his use. Marriage of native's elder
success in pleasurable pursuits and amuse- brother may be celebrated after making
ments. Those who deal in shares and a short journey, or an elder brother's
speculation will have no obstacle in doing neighbour ifiay become a partner to him
business, but ultimately gain accrues to in business (11th. stands for elder
the opponent. For those who are 3es- brother; 1 is 3 to ll; Sis 7 to 11).
tained to have service in the film industry Bad aspect between the lords of 1 and S
or to a film career, this is the period when gives just opposite results. Nature of the
they will either get into such a service, or result is the same. But it shows loss and
if they'are already in that service, promo- wants.
tion and prosperity in the line is indicated.
Some will purchase articles to their taste The lord of 1 in good aspect to the lord
and fancy. Those interested in out-door of 6.
games can expect chances to lead a team During the conjoined period of these
bringing name and fame. This is very .lords, one will have some servants appoin-
true in the case of those who have the lord ted to assist him or he may purchase
of 5 also owning 10 or 2 or 6. To Karkata some pet animals, cattle etc., or he may get
(Cancer) and Makara (Capricorn) lagna into a subordinate service. He may have
natives, the lords of 5 and 10 are the /a portion of the house, or land or house,
same. To those born in Rishaba (Taurus) rented or let for lease. He may also suffer
and Yrischik (Scorpio) lagnas, the lord of from disease due to negligence of the laws
2 is also the lord of S. Therefore, these of hygiene, or by exposing oneself to
people will have good opportunity to lead infection, contracting it and. suffering
when the abpye aspect is formed.- Bad thereby. It also indicates promotion to
aspect denotes that even if they had been children, marriage of children, birth of a
leaders all along, they would be forced out grand-child, etc, It will be easy to borrow
during such an aspect. and have overdraft accounts sanctioned by
Whatever be the age, this aspect affords the Bank. It is good for success, in com-
opportunity for initiation of mantras. petition, election, betting, etc. In a few
Upanayana, taking any one God or cases, it shows separation from the busi-
Goddess and to concentrate on the same ness partner or separation from husband
prayer, Upasana will be commenced when or wife. A son working in another .place
there is good aspect to the lord of 5 from may write to the native, i.e., his father,
the lord of 1. - Good aspect from the lord that his (son's) wife is in the family way
of 10 indicates siddhi and success." In and request that his mother be sent for
proper age, this .aspect shows the birth of help. The native (i.e., the father) in
a child." To those who, even after spme whose chart good aspect between the lords
years after marriage, had remained issue- of 1 and 6 occurs, will send his wife to the
less, this aspect offers changes and if the son's place ; thus separation from his wife
dasa bhukti system also promises an issue, is shown.
then it is certain that the native will have If the lord of 1 or the lord of 6 were to
the fortune of the birth of a child. be Mars or if they are in any manner con-
fleeted with Mars, surgeon's aid may be strength that everything will come found,
needed for the cure. lupiter's beneficial Prayer to God as suggested by me here
aspect shows cure by a physician and would be helpful:
prayers will give solace and mental
Mesha Lagna or Rasi Lords Muruga, Narasimha, Anjaneya, Veeraraghavan.
Risbaba Lagna or Rasi Goddess Laicmi, ICanakadhara, Srrsthuthi.
Mithuna.Lagna or Rasi Same as for Mesha Lagna. ^
Kataka Lagna or Rasi Goddess Rajarajeswari, Parvathi, Uma, Indrakshi,
Gowri, Meenakshi, Kamakshi, Visalaksbi, Gayathri.
Simba Lagna or Rasi Lord Suryanarayana, Lord Venkatachalapathi, Lord
Govinda, Lord Krishna, Adhitya Hridhayam.
Kanya Lagna or Rasi Lords Anjaneya, Vishnu, Srinivasa, Lakshmi,
Narasimha, Satyanarayana, Ramachandra.
Thula Lagna or Rasi Goddess Lakshmi, Lalitha, God Narayana, Srinivasa,
Srichakram, Gayathri.
Vrischik Lagna or Rasi Lord (Subramanya, Narasimha, Ganapathi, Sastha,
Dhanur Lagna or Rasi Goddess Lakshmi, Lord. Rama, Narayana, Vishnu, -
Lakshmi Narayana, Sundarakandam.
Makara Lagna or Rasi Lord Venkatachalapathi, Rama, Vishnu, Anjaneya will
give immedia'e results to this lagna just like Lord
Muruga or Ganapathi to Kataka Lagna as the lord
of 5 is also the lord of 10. Now the names of the
lords given are for the particular prayer that one
should have rapid recovery." It does not:show which
upasana one is to have permanently which"' depends
on the Sth bouse. Stb indicates mantra and 10
karma and fruits of the prayers.
Kumba Lagna or Rasi Goddess Parvathi, Alamelumangai, Rukmani, Padma,
Lalitha, Yakshni, Lord Parthasarathi.
Meena Lagna or Rasi Lord SuryaharayanS, Sathyanarayana, Vaidyanatha,
Vaideeswara, Adhitya Hridhya.
(6th house to Meena is Simha.J Us lord is Auditya.
Simba is 5th bouse of the zodiac indicating heart,
i.e., Hridhayam.. Adhitya Hridhaya is proper.
The lord of 1 forming good aspc-t with apparent in the case "of those born , in
the lord of 6 indicates realisation of money Kataka or Simba lagna in such minor
that had been entangled so long and affairs as hand loans books lent, etc. Good
receipt of accumulated arrears, or getting aspect of the lord of 1 to the lord of 6 also
back property that had been lost by theft denotes good relationship with maternal
or articles lent like books, which can be uncle, promotion to father, danger to
verified by working out the transit of the any of the servants.
planets. The above results will be more (To be continued)

Fortuna, otherwise called Pars Fortuna, (ii) Example:

is an imaginary sensitive point in the
zodiac. ~It is arrived at by adding the
longitude of the .Ascendant counted from
Aries (Mesha) 0 degree to the longitude of
the Moon counted from the same first
point of Aries (Mesha) 0 degree and sub-
tracting therefrpm the longitude of the
Sun counted from the first point of Aries.
It is a point in the natal chart equally
distant from the Lagna or Ascendant as
the Moon is from the Sun in longitude at
the time of birth.
' (i) Example:

jLagna 15*. ■
The Longitude of the Moon
.. from Aries 0 degree is
(2x30°+15°) 75°
The Longitude of the ascen-
dant from Aries 0° -5°
Their sum 80°
The Longitude of Sun =
- (lOxSC+lbn) 316°
As the sum of the longitude
of Moon and ascendant is
less than the longitude .of'
-the Sun add 360° to the
The long, of, the Moon sum total of Moon's Lon-
froht Mesha 0 degree is. gitude and the Ascendant
The long, of the Ascendant . and then deduct Sun's
. from Mesha 0 degree is. Longitude.
Adding the two, thetotal is Therefore 3600 + 85-316° = 129°
= 9° Leo or Simha.
Subtracting the long, of
the Sun counted from So, mark Fortuna in Leo at 9th degre
Mesha 0° ... (-)IJOP Fortuna may be stated as the positii
of Thithi added to lagna. Always t
position of all the planets and the Moor
Since the sum is more than 360 Ascending Node can be .calculated by i
degrees, deduct 360°., The long, of Fortuna ferring to a reliable ephemeris, but t
is, therefore, 115° or 25° Cancer (Kataka). longitude of the Fortuna is to-be work
out from the horoscope itself. The posi- nate results and effortless success. The
tion of Fortunti will vary for every moment sign occupied by Fortuna gets generally
because every fourth minute" the next improved, if it -is not adversely aspected
degree of the Zodiac rises in- the East and by the planets. If benefics aspect
thereby the longitude of the Ascendant Fortuna, gain by fair means is indicated.
will rapidly change. Good aspects from malefics denote gain
The Ascendant moves .very fast at the by foul means. If Fortuna happens to
rate of about one degree every four occupy a bad house, then the planet
minutes. Amongst the planets, the Moon owning that house will not cause as much
is the fastest. Sun comes next. All these evil effect as it otherwise would. Fortuna
three rapidly changing ones, are taken for may be considered to be a mitigating"
the purpose of calculating the position of sensitive point for evil houses and an
Fortuna in the horoscope. The position improving point for beneficial houses.
of Fortuna is therefore very important. Fortuna is, however, not a planet.
Fortuna has no influence on character. Influence of Fortnna in ' the different
It represents worldly success as indicated houses : First house or in the constella-
by the house and the sign it occupies in tion of the lord of 1.
the natal chart. It offers much gain and success in the
In reading transit results, Fortuna deser- effort one makes, i.e., only after exertion
ves lerious attention as it indicates certain (success or failure depending upon the
-results which are not shown by the aspects aspect it receives from other planets).
formed by the transiting planets to those When planets form good aspects by pro- '
in the horoscope. When one comes across gression, rise .in life may be expected.
the case of twins born within a few At the time of bad aspects, fall in life is
minutes' interval and showing diametri- certaiiS When planets such as Jupiter
cally opposite results, one should pause to and Venus, by progression, form benefi-
think and find out what is it that is so fast . cial aspect with Fortuna, happiness and
moving as to produce different results. prosperity by one's own industry is
The fast-changing Fortuna causing diffe- assured. Likewise, if Saturn forms an
rent aspects and producing different results evil aspect, then one gets hurt by a fall or
therefore be included in our be disappointed in life and experience
calculations so that correct conclusions . troubles from old and aged people, as
can be drawn. This is- the finding of the Saturn governs old people. When' Mars
modem astrological Research Institute. is in bad aspect, then one invites trouble
by his own actions due to rashness, or
Many hold the view that Fortuna is trouble may be caused by the brothers as
influenced only by conjunctions and its Mars is the Brahthrukaraka. The lord of
house position. In actual experience,. the star occupied by Fortuna has also
however, it is seen that aspects, good and infiuence over this sensitive point. If the
adverse, by progression to Fortuna dis- lord of lagna throws evil aspect to For-
tinctly affect matters ruled by the house tuna, it shows loss and one cannot be
occupied by Fortuna. In the horoscope fortunate.
of a lady, there were no other indications ,
for marriage-aceording to the prescrihed - Second F mse or in the constellation of
rules but the lady got married to one des- the lord ot 2.
cribed by the sign in which Fortuna was The native will feel happy and gains
found in the lady:s chart. Incidentally,
this was the only point which received money easily, It may be through
good aspect from the significators at the younger brother as the 3rd house repre-
time of her happy and lucky marriage. sents younger brother and the 2nd house
being 12 to 3 indicates the younger
The lord of the sign-in which Fortuna brother's loss and thereby gain to the
is placed in the birth chart will- bestow native. Prosperity in business and pro-
fortune, i.e.', he is inclined to give fortu- motion in service are the beneficial results.
Fortuna in this position indicates that the house denoting son. This may happen if
native will have no difficulty whatever to- the lord of 5 cr Jupiter forms good aspect
secute a job. with Fortuna in the 4th house.
If the lord of 2 is in adverse aspect to Fifth house
Fortuna in this position, then the native
may lose during that particular time when Success in speculation and in all games
such aspect operates, or in "the dasa and of chance, love affairs, music, opera,
bhukti of the planet throwing disharmoni- • cinema, etc., is certain, depending upon
ous aspect to Fortuna in the 2nd house. the aspect and the nature of the lord
ruling the star in which Fortuna was
Third house or in the constellation of posited at birth. If Fortuna is ill aspected-,
lord of 3. then the native will lose through pleasure '
The native will have profitable journeys. and speculation and also lose in his estate
His neighbours will prove to be good. by means of children. If well aspected,
Gain by means of _ amiable and honest the native will gain through fortunate
kindred, by books and publications and investments and children, young people
by short journeys "is indicated. One can (5th house represents young people),
take iip agency or do business on commis- ambassadors and gain in fifth house affairs.
sion and come out successful. The native Bad aspect, especially from the lord of the
house and the lord of the constellation
is likely to gain through mother. -Mother where Fortuna was, threatens toss.
is signified by the 4ch house and since the \ 1 that whenever the
third house is 12 to the 4th house, it indi- Generally it is said
cates mother's loss which "may mean the native runs the period or sub period of a
native's gain. Since the third house " planet in evil aspect to Fortuna, he will
rules younger brother or sister, Fortuna incur loss. Whenever he runs the periods
in this position would denote whether the of planets in harmonious aspect to Fortuna
younger brother or sister would be fortu- in any position, he gains during that
nate or otherwise. In such a case the period.
third house should be taken as the lagna
of the brother or sister, as the case, may Sixth house
be, and results as indicated for Fortuna in The native is fortunate ia raising loan-
the 1st house should be predicted. Thus, (6th house is the 12th to the 7th signifying
the 3rd house is the 11th to the 5th house the lender or the banker). The native will
which represents the first issue; it is - the not pay milch of medical bill. His uncle
9th house to the 7th governing the busi- will be happy and prosperous (6th house
ness partner or wife; it is the 5th house to represents the maternal uncle or aunt) and
the 11th, representing elder brother, etc. the ha live may gain through him. The
, Fortuna in the 3rd bouse and afflicted, native's servants will be well disposed
portrays trouble in old age on account of towards him and the native will gain
family partition and'quarrel with brothers.' through service and through subordinates.
The native might also meet with accident He also profits by pet animals and other
on return journey. matters governed by the 6th house.
Fourth house If Fortuna in this position if afflicted,
there will be loss through all these. The
.One can gain through landed property, maternal uncle or aunt may swindle
lands., buildings, etc., vehicles or treasure possessions of the native's wife.
or other hidden things and products of
the earth, minerals, etc. One may gain Seventh house
by inheritance. It is faveurabie to It is advisable to have a partner in one's
possess immovable property. One will business. This position indicates success
have vehicular comfort. His mother will to the business partner and so it is
be fortunate. The native may gain through advisable to have a partner. It is also
son,-as the fourth house is 12th to the 5th conducire to success in dealing with any
one. The native is bound to gain through, friends since the 10th house is vraya to
bargain. He-_wi]l be quite capable of' the Uth house which denotes friends.
^acquiring contracts with upright dealings The results will be just the opposite, if
and coming out successful. Success in Fortuna is affiicted.
litigation and law-suits is certain. The
native's wife or' husband and business Eleventh house
partner will be more fortunate and wealth The native's elder brother will be fortu-
is likely to accumulate to _ the native
through them. .The native is sure to come nate and will lend a helping hand. The
out successful i n elections, etc. In general, native will be fortunate in the matter Of
all matters influenced by the 7th house friendship and get assistance from associ-
prove a source of gain. ' ates. Since "the eleventh house is the
house of net income, the native will be
If aspected adversely, it produces oppo- able to save much. His hopes, wishes
site results. and aspirations will be realised in full.
He will not have uncommon or unexpected
Eighth house expenses. In trade or business he is sure
The native is likely to gain through his to gain. Prompt purchase and quick sales
father, the eighth house being 12th to the even in adverse periods produces satis-
9th signifying father. He may also gain factory results. The native will not be
through legacy, by will 1 by inheritance^ cheated by others, nor will be a victim of
and by means of the deceased. The native fraud, deception and the like. .
. may proGt by insurance and provident If adversely aspected, he will be un-
fund, and through money of wife or . fortunate.
business partner. In short, success in all
affairs ruled by the 8th house is assured. Twelfth house
If badly, aspected, untold miseries, This signifies that the native can make
danger and difficulties are portended. fortune in a distant place or country.
Investment will prove to be a success.'
^Ninth house Even his secret enemy will bring him gain.
All matters coming under the influence of
The native will gain through philosophy, - the 12th house will bring gain.
religion. Government, etc. It inclines to
long journeys. There will be success in If afflictedi losses^ through secret
spiritual life. One can have higher educar enemies, investigation by "the Tax Depart-
tion, do research and also gaiti through ment and much loss are denoted as
foreign travel and by invention and public truth will be unearthed. If unafflicted,
-cation of hooks. The native's father will the native will gain even from unexpected
be fortunate. sources. If well aspected in this position,
the native can look forward to gains from
In case of inharmonious aspect to quiet and secret sources. He can also
Fortuna in the 9th house, the results will accumulate possessions in. due course of
; be quite opposite. time.
Tenth house General
There will be smooth sailing in business If Fortuna is placed in houses 5, 9 or
and good lifts in profession. There will 12, then one gains good fortune in another
be very good understanding, strong sup- place or a place away from home. If
port and backing of the superior officers. Fortuna is'in the 4th house, the native
His assets at Bank will swell. Favourable makes fortune in his or her own. native
circumstances and lucky events will assist place. Fortuna Ijn the 3rd house shows
■the native to rise to honour, fame _and that the native will profit by taking up
renown in his sphere. The native is sure transferable posts or in a.locality close by.
to gain by means of business assets. This Fortuna in the 7tb or the 10th house
nosition also indicates financial gain from portrays fortune in trade or business. In
the 10th house Fottuna brings gains in Jupiter and Saturn show that the natii
profession. will benefit immensely by floating larf
Good aspects to Fortuna in the houses concerns and by starting big enterprisi
employing a number of workmen. B
1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11' indicate that the enterprises will prove greatly beneficia
native will gain and come out successful If these planets occupy house 1, 2, 6 c
in financial matters, competition, election 10 then the native benefits by trade (
and litigation. Bad aspects to Fortuna in business and through service. If housi
this position portray loss in financial 2 or 11 are occupied by the slow movir
matters and in such matters mentioned planets as well as Fortuna and, (if tht
above. receive good aspect, unexpected profi
Good aspects to Fortuna in the other gain in lotteries, etc.,- are assured. Ther
houses, namely 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12, fore, without Fortuna, the chart is i
causp loss to the native; e.g., in competi- complete.
tion, litigation etc. Bad aspects to
■ these houses bring gain finan- (The above article is written by a stude
cially. Grand success in election litigation of the Modern Astrological Resean
etc., is portrayed. Institute, Branch Delhi. The Editor w
deal with this subject elaborately ai
Good aspects to Fortuna from the slow- explain the last two paras of this artic
moving planets such as Uranus, Neptune, in a subsequent issue.)
" VlSAK "
The zodiac is divided into twelve equal success or failure in attempts (1st, 10th
parts and each part is called a sign onasi. and 11th houses), his fortune or misfor-
Depending on the latitude of birthand the tune, etc. One should examine the 1st, 3rd
Ascendant rising at the time of birth, the and 8th houses to ascertain the probable
horoscope is divided into twelve parts and. • span of one's life. The lagna also describes
each is called a house or bhava. The the native's station in life, general candour
houses are constituted by a twelve-fold (status), honour, dignity, prosperity and.
division of the heavens as appearing from general well-being. One should guess from
the birth locality at the exact time when a the first hguse whether one has the deter-
child is born. . The extent of each house is mination and courage to push forward
not uniformly 30 degrees as in the case of . and forge ahead. The lagna, according to
signs. At the Equator, the signs appear Hindu sages, shows the native's -residence "
to rise more "Or less at'regular intervals but abroad. Therefore one should examine
as one proceeds to the north "or to the this house before one predicts whether the
'south, one finds vast difference. - This is native will live in his own place or will
due to Ihe latitude of the place. make fortune in a far-off place. In short,
Each' house influences certain matters this house is the^ significator of any
and one is to judge a particular house or changes in the individual's life. Hence
.a few houses for any particular affairr this is of supreme importance.
What each house denotes is discussed The 1st house governs head and the
below. tipper part of the face.
Lagnam (First Bhava) In Mundane Astrology, ascendant of a
country signifies the people in the country
Lagnam. Adya (first); Kalpa. Udha-
yam (ascending); Janma (birth); Seer- ■ or general state of the locality or the State
for which the horoscope is cast.
sha (head); Thanus (physical body) ;
Anga (limb); Deham (physical fea- In Horary Astrology, the first house
tures) ; Varthamana (living or liveli- may be said to symbolise the person ask-
hood). ing the question.
The first house or what is commonly Bliattothpala says in ' Frasnajnana '
known as the Ascendant (Lagna) signifies that longevity, age, birth, health, happi-
the native, his general appearance, charac- ness, virtues, suffering, shape, form and
ter and temperament. It shows his physi- complexion are to be investigated from
cal stature, colour, form and shape and the first house.
constitution in general. The Ascendant Limbs (growth of the limbs), happiness
is always an important factor in the misery, hair, appropriating other's money.
matter of health. Good aspects to the (If Saturn and Mercury are in Ascendant
cuspal degree of the - Asc. portray good afflicted by Jupiter, the individual will not
health, while bad aspects threaten ill- hesitate to misappropriate), gambling on
health during the period.of the planets others' money or for others, skin, sleep
throwing the bad aspect. It also indicates (whether the native will be active, or
the native's vitality and vigour, his sleepy). If Saturn is in lagna especially
peculiar habit of thinking, hjs natural with malefics Kethu or Rahu, then the
disposition and tendencies, the native's native will be sleepy; (the wife will have
personality and struggle for life, his abortive tendencies) ; if Mars and Mur-
iiiry are ttere, then tie will be ever active. Another important influence of the
Kalidasa adds that tendency to insult second house is the native's ability to
other men, freedom from disease, perseve- express his thoughts. The second house
rence in-the. breeding of cattle (lord of 6 in rules "vak" meaning speech. If Kethu
the lagna or connected with the lord of were to be in the 2nd .house falling' in a
lagna); loss of decorum and' blame from mute sign (Kataka-Cancer, Vrischika-Scor-
one's castemen are all to be predicted from pio and Meena-Pisces are the three mute
"the first house, signs), then the native may be dumb. If,
in a nativity, Mars occupies the 2nd house
Second Bhaya receiving good aspect from Jupiter and
Mercury, then the native may indulge in
Artha .(wealth); Bhulcthi (food), good conversation. If .Moon happens to
Dhakshakshi (right eye)', Annapana be in the 2nd house in good aspect from
(whatever one eats or drinks). Asya Mars, then, the person will be outspoken.
(face); Nayana (eye); pathrika , If Moon in the 2nd house is in good
(document); vak (speech); kutumbha aspect to Mercury, then the native will
(family), mangalam (auspicious, happy speak clearly; if Jupiter throws good
end); sva (property).- aspect to Moon in this position, then he
The second house is the house of money will speak wisely; ^enus throwing good
and money matters are largely decided with aspect makes the" native liable to talk
reference to the second house, It denotes .about-sex, cinema and pleasurable pursuits;
the financial circumstances or fortune, the native will speak less if Saturn forms;
profit or gain, loss or damage and general good aspect to the Moon in the 2nd house;
financial prosperity of the native. This Uranus forming good aspect to Moon in 2
house shows what the person acquires by shows that the-individual will be eccentric
. individual effort and the degree of prosr in speech. ' If Sun forms good aspect, then
perity which he will enjoy. In short, all the person will be a dignified speaker.
that is acquired through one's power and Mercury, the planet of pure intellect,
resource come under the purview of this occupying the 2nd house identical with an
house. The second house indicates the airy sign, denotes that the native is likely
individual's worldly attainments by means to be a good conversationalist. In this
of possessions of extrinsic value such as way one should read the results of a planet
money or those things held to represent 1 in any house.
■ money such as jewellery, precious stones The secdnd house governs second
and metals (gold, pearls, rubies, diamonds, marriage. This is so because the 2nd
etc.), documents, bonds, securities, stocks house is the 8th to the 7th representing the
and shares, promissory notes, mortgages, first wife and it is generally after the death
bank balance or other negotiable or of the first wife that one will go in for
' exchangeable assets, etc. second marriage. Though marriage is
largely the concern of the 7th house, the
This house deals with family. It inclu- second house should also be' referred to
des all close relatives of the native; his ascertcin the time.of marriage, description
grandfather, father, grandmother, mother, of partner and the state of married life.
wife, children, brothers, sisters, etc. in the
family without reference to any particular The second house also represents (i)
relationship.- If Moon is in the 2nd house vision or the power of observation, (ii)
receiving good aspect from Jupiter and the right eye (generally eyej—the 12th
Venus, it suggests that the native has a house is said to govern the left eye, (hi)
good and big family. - If the Moon in the memory and (iv) imagination. The other
same position is beneficially aspected by parts of the physical body governed by the
iSaturn, then it shows a small family) Znd house are the nail, tongue, nose, teeth,
Interval between one child birth and the cheeks and chin. Evil planets in the
next will be above average: Rahu shows second house cause mole.or scar in that
birth control. part of the body.
One has to investigate the second house swaram). If the 2nd house happens to be .
to find out whether the - native protects a watery sign, then he may take to
others and whether he gains or loses - jaladarangam.
through those dependent on him. Also In questions relating to affairs of
whether he has good understanding or nations, this house signifies national
misunderstanding with family members. wealth, banking activities'and all matters
If benefic planets occupy the 2nd house, concerning revenue.
then the native will have good understan-
ding with his family. If malefics are there, In. horary questions, the 2nd house
then he will have no easy time with them, denotes the money of the querist, his
whenever hi runs the periods or sub periods loss or gain in speculations relating to
of the malefics. If the lord of 6 is in the business and pecuniary affairs or any
2nd house and afflicted, then estrangements question in particular (1st, 2nd and 11th
with the maternal uncle- or aunt will be ■ houses); also of loans, etc-
common. The second house also concerns
lawsuits, whether the native uses ordinary According to Uttara Kalamritam, the
or costly metal (the metal depending upon following are to be guessed from the 2nd
the planet), trade and business according house :—
to the nature of the planets posited and Belief in sacred tradition, .truth and
profi t or loss thereby, the native's ability falsehood, tongue, eyes, nails, garment,
to buy and sell, and faith in ancient cul- copper,-diamond, gem, pearl, trade, soft-
ture and custom (If. lord of 12 is in 2). ness of speech,., perfume (incense), to
This house suggests' whether the person support others, effort in acquisition of
will be extravagant or economical. If wealth, miserliness of liberality, clear
Saturn is in the 2nd house, he' will be oratorical ability, gold, good silver, corn,
economical and slow in speech. If Mars cereals, nose, rules of going and coming
were to be there, the native will1 be and a close dependent...
extravagant and outspoken in speech. If
Jupiter were to occupy the second house, In Prasnajfiana, Bhattotpala avers that,
then one will earn .through right means one should look for pearls, ruby, gems,
and also spend rightly. ■ Further, he will minerals, - wealth, clothes and'business
speak well. ■ The 2nd house has to do with from the 2hd house.
loans, money lent or money borrowed by
a person, money employed in speculation,' Third Bhava
etc:, money left with a guardian, trust Dbairya (Courage, firmness);
Duschikya (bad , thoughts); Ufas
/ 'Being a marakasthana, the second (breast);
tiousc shows the manner of .death of the Kama (ear), especially right ear;,
■individual, the kind or type of death Vikrama (prowess) ; Parakrama ;
being influenced by the Sth house.
Bhratru, Sahodhara (brother or
This house, along-with the Sth house, sister), younger one;
has to be considered to find out whether Virya (heroism) depending upon the
one has the aptitude for music. If the planet;
2nd house is an airy sign, then the native Pourusham (mental strength).
may turn out to be a vocalist. If Mars,
Saturn and Venus are connected with the This house rules one's mental inclina-
2hd house, he may take, to tabla or tion and ability, memory and the inherent
mridangam and prove successful. (Saturn propensities' of the mind and intellect.
and Venus show skin and hides : Mars for' The third hou^e denotes mental inclination,
manual labour). If the 2nd house falls in the fourth house indicates regular school
an airy sign and of short ascension, he study and the ninth house stands for
will take to flute; if of long ascension; he higher education, research, wisdom and
would do well to take to nayanain nada- philosophical tendencies.
■This is the house of courage, firmness, hands, throat, -shoulder blade, collar
valour, prowess and heroism. If the lord bdne, arms, and the nervous system,
of 10 or 6 has connection with the Srfl If, in a lady's chart, the lord of 3
house in any manner, then the native may happening to be a natural b^nefic is posi-
be a soldier or an army officer depending ted in the 2nd house, the native may put
on other considerations. The third house *on jewels on ear, hand and neck ruled
is the Bhrathrusthana and represents the by the third house.
native's younger brother or sister. jf Rahu or Kethu is conjoined with
Cousins, kindred, casual acquaintance Mars or with the lord of the sixth house,
and neighbour are also governed by this or jf Rahu or Kethu is placed in 3 along
house. Being the sahayasthana, one with Mars, then ear disease may result,
should refer to the third house to ascertain Generally, malefics. occupying any house
whether j the native has the assistance of will affect that part of the body ruled by
others or is individually working hard. the particular house. If malefics occupy
The third house also deals with short the third house, there may be a mole in
travel. If the third house is well connec- the part governed by the third house,
ted, one may undertake small inland If the lord ofi 10 is in 3, the native is
journeys such as travel by cycle, bus, likely to get employment in a transport
tram, land, railway, crossing rivers and department. If he is a doctor, then he
lakes and short air travel. The 9th house may deal in ear diseases. (E.N.T.
has to be looked at .for long journeys. Specialist.)
journeys to far-off places and sea or air T .. ,.. , .
journeys to long distances. All kinds of State Astrology, the third house
correspondence and letters, papers, writ- shovys neighbouring countries and treaties
ings, accounting, mathematics, news of * f™- ' a's° rules over transporta-
transit, means of communication such as tion, whether it be aerial transport, rail,
cycle, bus, tram, rail, etc., pbst offices- P°ata1
s a'; so ' telegraph,radio or telephone,
letter boxes, telephone, telegraph, tele- ^ ! represents libraries and -public
print, television, telecommunication, education generally..
radio report, signal, airmail, etc., belong. In Uttara Kalamritam, it has been
to ihis house., If the" third house or'its mentioned that eafs* battle,roadside place,
lord has any connection whatsoever with confusion of the mind, causing sorrow,
houses 2, 6 or 10 one can take up agency soldier, one's own relations (brothers and
and do commission business. He San sisters), throat, eating unspoiled or pure
also be a broker, representative, mediator, food, partition of property,-the part of
messenger, publicity officer, etc. If the the hand between the fore-finger, and the
4th house or its lord-has jahy connection, thumb ^sacred to the Manes), female
.then the native can engage himself as an ' servant, journey in a small good.vehicle
estate, broker." Since the third . house' and one's own religious duty are denoted
signifies books and publications (maga- by the third house:
zines), one can become an editor, news- In Jataka Parijatam, the revered aulhor
paper reporter, news correspondent, in- explains that the welfare of the younger
formation officer, journalist, etc. The brothers, enterprise, tone, ear, . select
third- house also governs change of ornaments, articles of apparel, steadiness,
- residence (being in 12 to the 4th house), valour, strength, edible roots and fruits
restlessness (want of peace), all move- are to be s»en from the third house,
ment, transition and change, library,
bookstore, bargain, signature, signing Fourth Bhava
contracts or agreements, rumours of all Graha (house); Vesma (home) ;
kinds, conveying of messages, carrying Kshiti (land); j r.
tales etc.—Kethu in the third house makes Bandhu (relation); Matri (mother),
one a duplicate "Naradar". Vahana (vehicle); Sukha (happiness).
The parts of the body ruled by the Ambu (water);
third house are ears (especially right ear), Vidya (learning).
Tbe fourth house corresponds to the Kalidasa says in Uttara Kalamritam
feminine sign Cancer (Kataka) ruled by that the following are to be guessed from
Moon identified by Hindus as Goddess the fourth bhava
Parvati. Hindu sages have therefore Learning, vehicles similar to rickshaws,
attributed the fourth house to the mother. small boats and the like, mother, oil bath,
Westerners however consider-the. fourth relations, caste, a small well, water, milk,
house for father which is not supported a medicin^ of great supernatural efficacy
by the wise Hindu -astrologers., The fourth
house relates to one's home, residence, (Sun in 4 well aspected by Uranus), trust;
domestic environments and general condi- false allegation, a tent or pavilion, digging
tion of the native in the later part of his of a pond or well and their installation
life. This house is also called the ' grave', for public use, mansion, art, entrance into
- meaning thereby that it is concerned with a house, conclusion, disposition, loss of
all hidden things such as private affairs, one's dwelling, paternal property, celes-
curious secrets and secret life. One may tial food, the art of finding out where
hoard one's savings if - the beneficial stolen property is kept, development of
Saturn were to occupy this house receiving vedic and sacred texts, cow, buff\loe and
good aspects from the lords of 2 and 11. The abundance of com, grain, etc., produced
fourth also shows one's landed or immov- in wet lands.
able property and those hqldings which Bhattotpala is of the view that the
one takes on lease or rent as also those fourth house has to do with great herbs,
rented or leased out to other people. The treasures and entering holes or caves.
fourth denotes whether one will b^ve
vehicles of one's own or enjoy others' Fifth Bhava
vehicles. All permanent possessions such
as fields, pastures,' corn-fields, farms, Rajanka (Sovereign's mark);
orchards, mines, real estate, gardens, Kara (tax or toll); Buddhi (intellect);
buildings, ancient dwellings, monuments Tanaya (children); Putra (son); Jatara
and - antiquities are infiuenced by this (belly);
house. Sniti (vedic knowledge);
The fourth house is also to be examined Smriti (traditional law); poorva-
in connection with patrimony (all inherit- punya (virtuous act previously
ance descending by a right line), heredi- done).
tary tendencies and treasures hidden under The fifth house is the house of progeny.
the ground. It denotes whether one will have children
This house has a bearing on education or not. Benefics or the Moon in the
and qualifications of a person. In this fifth house increase the strength and num-
respect the fourth house' may be taken to ber of the progeny. Fruitful signs (Can-
indicate school and collegiate education in cer—Kataka, Scorpio—Vrischika and
contra-distinction to higher, education Pisces—Meena) on the cusp of the 5 th or
and research denoted by the ninth house. Hth promise children, if the other testi-
The third house relates to mental inclina- monies also lend support. Barren signs
tion to study a particular subject. (Aries—Mesha, Leo—Simha and Virgo—
Kanya on the cusps of the 5th and 11th
The fourth house bears significance to houses (11th house being 5th to the 7th,
the termination, conclusion and end of representing tbe wife) and tbe lords of 5
every undertaking whether in the nativity or 11 not in fruitful signs, Moon not in a
or in horary astrology. fruitful sign, the lagna not a fruitful sign,
the lord of the lagna not occupying a
In State Astrology, the fourth house fruitful sign and no fruitful planet in the
holds sway over mines, gardens, public 5th or the 11th house, are indications of
buildings, crops, agriculture and deter- no children. The fifth house signifies the
mines the termination of any undertaking. first conception pr pregnancy ; the seventh
shows the second ; the ninth the third and occasion, intense satisfaction, a long
so on. literary production, umbrella, a great
The fifth house presides over pleasure, desirable action, paternal property,"
society and social inclinations. It deals liaisons with courtezans and gift of cooked
with tastes . and fancies, artistic talents, rice.
and property derived through wife or Bhattopala has mentioned that chanting
business partner's luck. The type of of mantras or sacred hymns, spiritual
recreation, entertainment, amusements, practices, intelligence and literary compo-
sports, romance and similar interests that sitions are influenced by this house.
appeal to a person is denoted by this
house. It is connected, with all material The author of Jataka Parijatham makes
and physical pleasures—games, sports, it clear that a person's tutelary deity
cinema, opera, drama, music, dance, Intelligence, son, religious merit, and
banquets,' merriment and amusements of ruler or sovereign are to be ascertained
all sorts. It indicates all places of enter- from, the 5th'house. According to him,
tainment. pilgrimage has to be predicted taking the
The fifth house being a trine house, .2nd, 5th, 7th and 10th bhavas, visits to
far-off places being found out with refe-
indicating 'poorva punya sthana"1 shows rence to the 12th bhava.
what meritorious deeds one could have \
done in the previous birth. It is also [Malefics in the second house show
.concerned- with -speculative affairs and separation from family. It "may include,
all matters of enterprise prompted by therefore, a journey. 5 th house. connected
the desire nature. All games of chance with malefics will bring in separation
like cards, crossword puzzles, dice, horse, from children and benefics in 5 indicate
shares, etc., lottery, gambling or betting ^ visit to holy places to fulfil one's vow: 7th
and stock exchange come under the domain .house is. to make a journey and to have
of the fifth house. some breaks on the journey while proceed-
The native's love affairs, the degree of ing or while -returning home. The 10th
house shows pilgrimage to holy places or
success or failure achieved in love affairs, journey on duty.J
courtship and licentiousness, the legitimate
and illegitimate attraction and social Sixth Bhava
intercourse between sexes prior to wedlock
as also sensual pleasure outside wedlock Rina (debt); Asthra (Arms); Kshata
after marriage come under this house ; (wounds);' Roga (disease); Sathru
also kidnap, rape, and what not! It nfay (enemy), Dwesha; Vairi; Agha (sin):
be said to represent the seat of the Oushkritya" (a wicked act); Bheelhj
physical and magnetic attractions between (fear); Avajna (humiliation); Bhaya
the opposite sexes. (danger).
In questions relating to national affairs, The sixth house is known as the ' house
the 5th house indicates envoys, ambas- of sickness'. It . indicates, disease and
sadors, banquets, etc. sickness, the real state of the disease,
The following, according to Uttara recovery from it and whetherit isof a long
Kalamritam, have also to be determined or short duration. The sixth is concerned
from the 5th house: with disease, the 12th with hospitalisation
and the 11 th Which is 12 to the 12th house
Good morals, mechanical art, .discretion and the 6th house governs discharge
(weighing merits and demerits of a thing), from hospital. This is an important -
discrimination between virtue and sin, house for those who have to 1 do with
prayer by incantations, chanting of vedic nursing and treatment of the sick. This
hymns, religious mindedness, deep ponde- is also related to food and dieta'ry^-'babits
ring, profound learning and wisdom, and ill-health is often due to* Tmproper
enormous riches, hereditary post, festive care of the body and inattention to the
diet most suited. Mercury in the sixth -' borrows. If the native raises a loan, then
house shows that the native has ' many the 7th indicates the .banker or the lender
fads and fancies regarding diet. Saturn and the sixth house being 12 to the 7th
in this position shows under-nourishment house denotes that the lender's financial
generally. Mars occupying the sixth house position deteriorates. The sixth house is
causes over-indulgence in eating. Jupiter therefore the house of debt or borrowing.
in the sixth is generally good for health The native will be successful in raising
matters but at times it denotes ill-health loans if benefics occupy the 6th or if the
through love of feasting. Moon denotes 6th house or its lord is connected with
that the native will be whimsical and benefics in any manner.
fanciful in the matter of eating and over-
fond of-liquids and spirits, especially if This house also.governs pet animals
the sixth house happens to fall in a watery - and small cattle, domestic creatures,
sign and it has connection with Mars. If tenants (agricultural tenant or house
Venus is in this position,, the native has a tenant), enmity, dress and hygiene, sanita-
taste for.nice; food and drinks' and may tion, dietetics, herbs, food and clothing
endanger his health through excess. and the six flavours. Since it is said to
be a upachaya indicates favoura-
One should not predict sickness without ble result in competition or otherwise.
considering all other factors. The health
will break down only when a person runs 'The sixth is also the house of phenome-
the' periods or sub periods of planets nal magic tand superstition.: also matters
occupying the sixth house or the stars of likely to bring worry and annoyance.
these occupants, or during the periods of According to Uttara Kalamritam,
planets in cohjunction with the lord of
the sixth house. In general, malefics' disease,, obstacle' in any undertaking,
maternal uncle, 'swelling in the body,
occupying any house afifect the part of the insanity, a boil, enmity, sickness, miserli-
body ruled by that, house, especially so if ness, debt, wound, mental worry and
the house happens to be the sixth. intense anguish, incessant eye trouble,
The sixth house is also connected with receiving alms, untimely meals, trouble and
work and the service rendered by the fear from one's dayadins, exertion,
individual and exhaustion caused' to him service, a severe colic or gout, theft,
thereby. It also denotes his employees, calamity, prison house and cruel actions
subordinates or servants—whether he is in have also to be studied with reference
the service of others or he has others in . to the sixth house.
his employ. The condition and faithful-
ness of his inferiors is to be ascertained In Mundane Astrology, the sixth house
, from this house. If bcnefics are posited - rules the working class, industries, sanita-
in the sixth house, the native may gain by tion and public health.
servants ; if malefics were to be there, then Vaidyanatha Dikshitar has elucidated in
he may lose through' his servants and his work " Jataka Pari jatam "that diseases,
incur expenses On them outweighing his enemies, bad habits and hurts are to be
income. The seventh house represents the guessed from the sixth bhava.
person with' whom , the native transacts
anything, or banker, or one who lends or (To be continued)


Dear Sir,
I enclose herewith my horoscope - kX Saturn
and I request you to kindly discuss why I
remain yet unmarried and when I can have
it. Is it promised at all?
(Sd) A. J., Ahmedabad.

Marriage is delayed according to the
fate of,.not only yourself but also that of P. r. till ■ N
your wouldbe partner. In both ' the Moon ' MerCury yenus
horoscopes it will be clearly shown that Sun
both have to wait,, till the auspicious time
of marriage comes according to the Houses 2, 7, 11 and the chief governor
destiny of both. As one may not know for matrimony, Venus are considered
who the partner would be, we can discuss
only your chart. (a) for the description of partner,
The map is erected, correctly for the '' (b) the time of marriage, and
birth at 1-04 P.M. oh Saturday 9-9-1933 at (c) the state of married life. ~~
19° 05'North and.74° 48'East. Itis presen-
ted here for the benefit of the readers. At The position of Saturn indicates whether
the time of your birth, balance of Venus one gets married or, not, whether it is a
dasa was only 2 years 9 months 9 days. late marriage or it takes place at proper
Uranus Whenever the houses are taken for
4-3 prediction, the.strength pf the significator
j Moon is to be ascertained and it should invari
j 24-49 ably be in the following Order:—
(a) The strongest significator is the
planet in the constellation of the
occupant of the house in ques-
Kettin. 4-47 tion ;
Kep, 17-551
Meic, 20-S4 (b) next comes the otcupant of the
Sun. £3.21 house-(occupant is -stronger;;'
Jupiter than the owner);
Mars 7-0 (i) the third will be the, planet in the^J
16-17 Venus constellation of the lord of|the.-i
The zodiac is divided into twelve equal success or failure in attempts (1st, 10th
parts and each part is called a sign nrrasi. and 11th houses), his fortune or misfor-
Depending on the latitude of birth and the tune, etc. One should examine thei 1st, 3rd
Ascendant risingat the time of birth, the and 8th houses to ascertain the probable
horoscope is divided into twelve parts and, ' span of one's life. The lagna also describes
each is called a house or bhava. The the native's station in life, general candour
houses are constituted by a twelve-fold (status), honour, dignity, prosperity and.
division of the heavens as appearing from general well-being. One should guess from
the birth locality at the exact time when a the first hguse whether one has the deter-
child is born. The extent of each house is mination and courage to push forward
not uniformly 30 degrees as in the case of . and forge ahead. The lagna, according to
signs. At the Equator, the signs appear Hindu sages, shows the native's- residence
to rise more^or less at'regular intervals but abroad. Therefore one should examine
as one proceeds to the north "or to the this house before one predicts whether the
south, one finds vast difference. • This is native will Jive in his own place or will
due to the latitude of the place- make fortune in a far-off place. In short,
Each house influences certain matters this house is the| significator of any
and one is to judge a particular house or changes in the individual's life. Hence
.a few houses for any particular affairr' this is of supreme importance.
What each house denotes is discussed " . The 1st house, governs head and the
below. upper part of the face.
Lagnam. (First Bhava) In Mundane Astrology, ascendant of a
country signifies the people in the country
Lagnam. Adya (first); Kalpa. Udha- - or general state of the locality or the State
yam (ascending); Janma (birth); Seer- for which the horoscope is cast.
sha (head); Thanus (physical body) ;
Anga (limb); Deham (physical fea- In Horary Astrology, the first house
tures) ; Varthamana (living or liveli- may be said to symbef'se the person ask-
hood). ing the question.
The first house or what is commonly Bhattothpala says in ' Prasnajnana '
known as the Ascendant (Lagna) signifies that longevity, age, birth, health, happi-
:he native, his general appearance, charac- ness, virtues, suffering, shape, form and
:er and temperament. It shows his physi- complexion aire to be investigated from
lal staturc, colour, form and'shape and the first house.
constitution in general. The, Ascendant Limbs (growth of the limbs), happiness
s always an important factor in the _ misery, hair, appropriating other's money.
natter of health. Good aspects to the (If Saturn and Mercury are in Ascendant
cuspal degree of the Asc. portray good afflicted by Jupiter, the individual will not
lealth, while bad aspects threaten ill- hesitate to misappropriate), gambling on
lealth during the period of the planets others' money or for others, skin, sleep
browing the bad aspect. It also indicates (whether the native will be active or
he native's vitality and vigour, his sleepy). If Saturn is in lagna especially
eculiar habit of thinking, his natural with malefics Kethu or Rahu, then the
isposition and tendencies, the native's native will be sleepy; (the wife will have
ersonality and struggle for life, his abortive tendencies); if Mars and Mur-
feUry are there, then he will be ever active. Another important influence of
Kalidasa ^idds that tendency to insult second house is the native's ability
other men, freedom from disease, perseve- express his thoughts. The second ho'
rence in the breeding of cattle (lord of 6 in rules "vak" meaning speech. If Ke
the lagna or connected with the lord of were to be in the 2nd house falling i
lagna); loss of decorum and' blame fropi mute sign (Kataka-Cancer, Vrischika-Sc
one's castemen are all to be predictedfroih pio and Meena-Pisces are the three m ]
'the first house. signs), then the native mayhe dumb. '
in a nativity, Mars occupies the 2nd ho
Kecojnd Bbavsi receiving good aspect from Jupiter t
Mercury, then the native may indulge
Artha .(wealth); Bhukthi (food); good conversation. If,Moon happens
Dhakshakshi (right eye); Annapana be in the 2nd house in good aspect fr.
(whatever one eats or drinks). Asya Mars, then the person will be outspok
(face); Nayana (eye); pathrika If Moon in the 2nd house is in g<
(document); vak (speech); kutumbha aspect to Mercury,, then the native v
(family), manjjalam (auspicious, happy speak clearly; if Jupiter throws go
end); sva (property).- aspect to Moon in this position, then
The second bouse is the house of mohey will speak wisely;,Venus throwing gc
and money matters are largely decided with aspect makes the' native liable to t
reference to the second house. - It denotes about sex, cinema and pleasurable p'ursui
the financial circumstances 'ox fortune, the native will speak less if Saturn for
profit or gain, loss or damage and general good aspect to the Moon in the 2nd hou
financial prosperity of the native. This Uranus forming good aspect to Moon i)
house shows what the person acquires by shows that the-individual will be eccent
individual effort and the degree of prosr in speech. ' If Sun forms good aspect, tl
perity which he will enjoy. In short, all the person will be a dignified speak
that is acquired through one's power and Mercury; the planet of pure intelk
resource come under the purview of this occupying the 2nd house identical with
house. The second house indicates the airy sign, denotes that the native is lik
individual's worldly attainments by means to be a- good convefsationalist. In t
of possessions of extrinsic value such as way one should read the results-of a pin-
money or those things held to represent in any house.
money such as jewellery, precious stones The secdnd house governs seco
and metals (gold, pearls, rubies, diamonds, marriage. This is so because the 2
etc.), documeats. bonds, securities, stocks house is the 8th to the 7th representing 1
and shares, promissory notes, mortgages, first wife and it is generally after the det
bank balance or other negotiable or of the first wife that one will go in 1
exchangeable assets, etc. second marriage. Though marriage
largely the concern of the 7th house, 1
This house deals with family. It inclu- second house should also be" referred
des all close relatives of the native) his ascertain the time,of marriage, descripti
grandfather, father, grandmother, mother, of partner arid the state of married life.
wife, children, brothers, sisters, etc. in the
family without reference to any particular The second house also represents
relationship.- If ivtoon is in the 2nd house vision or the power of observation,
receiving good aspect from Jupiter and the right eye (generally eye)—the li
Venus, it suggests that the native has a house is said to. govern the left eye, (
geod and big family.-' If the Moon in the memory and (iv) imagination. The of
same position is beneficially aspected by parts of the physical body governed by
Saturn, then it shows u small family; 2nd house are the nail, tongue, nose, tee
Interval between one child birth and the cheeks and chic. Evil planets in
next will be above average: Rahu shows second house cause mole, or scar in t
birth control. part of the body.
(d) the next will be the lord of the Moon is connected with marriage. Saturn
house; and was squared by "such a Moon. Hence
(e) the planet conjoined with them throughout Saturn Bhukti, you cannot
or the planet receiving aspect fix up the marriage.
from them. The next sub period is ruled by Mer-
cury. It is' also in Venus star, but is in
Delayed Marriage the sub of Jupiter who is the lord of 2.
It is said that Saturn occupying the Therefore Mercury gains strength. It is
signs 1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 counted from either in trine aspect with Moon. It is the lord
Lagna or Moon Sign will delay the of 11, in the constellation of the lord of
marriage. 7 and the chief governor for matrimony,
Venus. Hence Mercury Bhukthi alone
Saturn is in 3 to Lagna and 10 to Moon can give the marriage.
sign. Hence Saturn delays. Though you wrote the letter some
If Saturn is a benefic by lordship then months ago, I could answer only today
Saturn will delay till Saturn's period or x i.e., 12-3-65—Friday, during the time when •
.sub period operates and it gives the most Moon transits in Arudhra star governed by
. agreeable results in its period or sub Rahu, in Gemini sign owned by Mercury.
period.^ So, the ruling planets at this moment
But if Saturn is a malefic, it delays the clearly show the time when your query
propitious things during the periods which will be fulfilled.
precede that of Saturn and throughout its Therefore during Rahu, Dasa, Budha
period, only the following sub period can Bhukti, Budha anthra,'Sukra Shookshma,
give. on the day when' Sun transits in Rahu's
In your case, Saturn is a delaying star in Mercury's sign Gemini and the sub
planet. It will give opportunities to think of Mercury, on 27-6-67 you will get
of some alliances, negotiate .and finally married. Good Luck. K.S.K.
fall through. It was in the constellation of (Rules for delay in marriage and also
Moon. Moon was in Venus star and the rules for denial of marriage were given '
Mercury sub. Veniis owns the7th house : - while discussing - another chart. Please
Mercuyy rules the 11th house... Therefore refer.)

Dear Sir, Reply by K. S. K.
. I am submitting herewith the horoscope Marriage and Married life': Houses 2,
of myself and my wife. Please discuss the 7, 11 are considered to find out the time
span of my married life in your magazine. of marriage, the description of the partner"
Also have you any chart with Mars'Doslia, and the state of married life. • Therefore .
leading the married life for a long number find out:
of years.
(a)' the planets which are occupying
A. S. Ramachandran, thexonstellation of those situated
, Poonmudi Tea ft Rubber Company in the houses 2, 7 or 11 ; - '
Limited, (b) Planets occupying • the houses 2,
BOMBAY. 7 and 11 ;
(c) Planets in the'constellation of the
lords of 2, 7 and 11 ;
Moon Kethu (d). The lords of 2, 7 and 11;
fe) The planets .conjoined .with. ,
them ; or
(f) Those aspected by the signifi-
In your chart, Rahu occupied the second
house. Moon the 7th and there is no
planet in 11. The stars ruled by Rahu
are Arudra, Swathi and. Sathabisha.
Rahu I aena
Moon's stars are ' Rohini, . Hastha and
- Jupiter" Sravana. No planet • was situated in
Arudra or Swathi; but Saturn.was' in
Sathabisha. No planet was in Rohini,
Hastha or Srava'na.
The second house is ruled by Jupiter,
Moon Jupiter 7th by Venus and 1 tth by Mercury!
Jupiter's stars are Punarvasu, Visakba
. and , Poorattathi. Mercury and Kethu
- are in Punarvasu (but Mercury was the
lord of 8 and 11 occupying the 8th house);
Visakha is occupied by Jupiter and there
is no planet in Poorattathi. Venus alone
occupied- Purvaphalguni governed by
Venus and there is no planet in Bharani or
Rahu Mars Sen ■ 7th House receives aspects from Mars
' who is the lord of the Ascendant who
occupies his own constellation and is
strong. will be seen that Mars,
Venus, Moon and Rahu are the signi-
ficators. Therefore, you ought to have Ketbu
been married during the Rahu Dasa, Sani Jupiter Mood
Bhukti, Moon Antra and Venus Sukshma Saturn
around the 3rd week of January 1960. The
ruling planets of your wife should also be
the same signiflcators. Actually' she was'
born inKarkata Lagna owned by Moon,
in Mesha Rasi governed by Mars, in
Bharani Nakshtra ruled by Venus. There-
fore satisfactory pleasure in life with wife
will be from Rahu Dasa, Sukrabhukti
onwards i.e., after 21st June, 1964.
Sun Budba . Rahu
The lord of 1 conjoined with the lord of
2 situated in 3 and 11 with the lord of 7
shows happy and harmonious wedded life,
e Lord of 7 in 10 indicates that she
tnes from your own native district and
e lord of 9 in 7 indicates that she will Saturn.
come from a family not closely related Ketbu ■
As Saturn opposes Venus and
Saturn is in the 10th house, counted from
Moon prior to fixing this, marriage,. there
ought to have been an opportunity to
mostly settle with another bride which fell
through (Punarphoo). Married.'life isri
considered to be harmonious and also
prosperous:- aidl,a
, Moon
(a) Since Venus is in the--10th house -
counted from Lagna.--
She was born in the sign Cancer which
(b) The lord of 1 and ? "are forming-- is a movable one. Therefore Bhadhaka
favourable aspect. stanathipathi to it is Venus. No planet
is in the.llth . house. Therefore find .out
Span of married life is calculated by the planets occupying the constellation
taking ;into consideration . the planets-' Bharani, .Purvaphalguni and Purvashada.
occupying'the constellation of the planets. Excepting the,lord of Lagna, no planet is
in the 8th house and the evil, jn.,the 2nd under the sway of-Venus by being situated
house,. It is definite that Saturn occupy-, in his star.
ing. Nakshaba . Sathabisha. governed by.
Rahu which is in the. second bhava'is Jupiter, the lord of 6, is in the 'constel-
really undesirable. Therefore Saturn lation of Saturn, the lord , of 8 and is in
Dasa, Rahu Bukti is the time when you the 8th Bhava though the sign is the ninth.
may feel sorry for the bereavement of Venus is in the constellation of the
your partner. It will be in February 2000. Maraka sthanadhipathi Sun and is in-the
For confirmation it is necessary to look to 7th cusp. Therefore Guru Dasa, Sukhra-
the chart of your wife. The chart is as bukthi, Chandra Anthara will be the
under; anxious time for your wife according to
her chart.. This also agrees with February
2000. Therefore longevity, at least upto
February 2000 is promised to her. Even
though both of you have- got Kuja Dosha
or Mangalya Dosha, you both will have
nearly 40 years. of married life and you
have fo outlive her.
Many are under the wrong impression
that Kuja Dosha will reduce the number
of years of married lite.- Astrologers who Rahu,
have to do research and collect statistics Venus Lagna,
may also frighten by saying that the Dosha Budha
is a strong evil one, denying both hapiness
and longevity. Let the charts of a couple Wife's Chart
who have got similar Mangalya Dosha
but leading a healthy life be given. The
partner was one of the highest officials in
the Revenue Department still drawing
pension since a long number of years and
his wife js one maintaining robust health
and leading a very pleasant life. .They
were married on 9-6-1915. Jl, j1er Mars,
P . Moon
ffusband'a Chart 'i Sun,
Saturn _ Lagna
Budha, Moon hu Rahu
Sukra -
Kethlt I
- 23-4*1890

Kethu' Mars
Question Permanent residence is judged from the
The manager of Hotel Roopal in 4th house. Therefore to leave one's Jer-
Ahmedabad ashed the Editor at Ahmeda- manent place of residence, the houses 6,
bad whether he will go overseas and if 8, 12 to the 4th house are to be conside-
so, when. He was asked to mention a red..6th to the 4th house is the 9th house;
number within 108. He said "33". 8th house counted from the 4th house is
the 11th house; 12th house to the 4th
The chart for that time, i.e. 5-30P .M. on house is the 3rd house. Hence houses 9,
Friday, 12-3-65 for Ahmedabad is as 11 and 3 indicate change of residence and
under: thereby a thorough change in the surroun-
dings and environments. It is found that
the third house invariably denotes short
12° 58' Jupiter- travel, land journey, transfer, change of
Mercury 28° 24' residence to a closeby locality, etc., and the
9th house indicates life in a hostel, sepa-
Lagna ration from family, higher studies, long
6tli padfl journey, overseas, etc,
16° 40' to
11th house portrays renewing and refre-
shing friendship, reunion, etc. by making
a journey.
12th house to Lagna presages either life
' in a foreign land or hospital, or asylum
or jail. Here it means that., one cannot
mix yith'his relatives and friends freely,-
but will be away from them.
When a person puts a query, he is
Neptune Sun. asked to mention a number within 108.
Then there are two schools of thought;
-one divides the number given by the
querist by 12- He does not take into
consideration, how many times he can
divide it by 12: He takes only the remain-
der, counts from Aries—Mesha as 1,
Taurus—Rishaba as 2 ; Gemini—Mithuna
as 3 and so on. Suppose one has. mentioned
56, he divides it by 12; 4 times it goes ; he
deducts 48; he gets balance 8. So he
countsfrom Aries—Mesha and finds that
Mar9 Mercury Uranus"] Scorpio—Vrtschika is 8 and hence he takes
Scorpio as Ascendant. Then he inserts
the planets as they arc found in the
Reply by K.S.K. heavens at the time of query. Here, does
Overseas means (a) to leave one's per- it not appeal that this method, is not
manent place of residence, (b) to have a correct? Because_Aries—Mesha rises for
thorough change in surroundings and all those who give the numbers 1, 13, 25,
environments, (c) to make journey for a 37, 49, 61, 73, 85 and 97. Then, are the
long number of hours and (d) to cross the answers for all these numbers the same ?
sea. Similarly 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74", 86 and
98 indicate Rishabha. Then are the results That is. why, one is asked to mention a
same to the query? number withiq 108 and the Lagna is fixed.
Again, they go sign by sign. They have If one has to divide by 12, take the balance
■ nothing as Bhava or house. Hence planets alone rejecting the quotient, he can, as
in any part in a sign whether in the begin- well, be asked to mention a number within
ning-of the sigh, say 1°, 2° and so on or 12, and straightaway find the Lagna,
in the middle or in the end, say 28°, 29°, avoiding any mistake while dividing by 12
etc., are considered to be in'that Bhava and then subtracting from the number.
house, according to" the number of the Now, you have mentioned the number
sign—counted from Lagna—in which it ' 33 Therefore dividing it by 9, it goes
was posited. It is not scientific:. 3 times and the remainder is 6. Hence
The other school of thought, expounded three Signs Aries—Mesha, Taurus—
by Kalidas in his valuable work "Uthara Rishaba^ Gemini—Mithuna are over. The
Kalamritha" has said that one is to.divide 6th pada in- Cancer is to be taken, i.e.
the number given by- the querist by 9. Punarpushyam 4tll pada, Pushya 1, 2, 3, 4
The quotient indicates the number of signs padas are gone. 6th pada in Cancer—
passed from Aries—Mesha and the remain- Kataka is Ashlesha—Ayilyam 1st pada.
der shows the pada—quarter—nn the Therefore the Lagna is 5 x 3j = 16° 40' is
succeeding sign. If one says '65!, then gone and then it is up to 6 x 3|° or 20° in
65 goes 7 times when divided by 9. The Cancer—Kataka which is the longitude of
remainder is 2. Hence counting 7 signs Ashlesha first quarter.
from Aries, Libra is over; the remainder So, now find out, in which houses the
2 shows the second pada in Scorpio—-Vris- planets are posited.
chika. If. one says number 32, then I
dividing 32 by 9, it goes three times, and
the remainder is 5. Hence Aries, Taurus II .Uranus 2nd cusp: Mars.
and Gemini are over: the balance 5 indica- III
tes 5th pada in Cancer—Kataka. IV Neptune
- Why is this correct? The zodiac is V Ketbu
divided into 12 equal parts and each is VI
called a Solar mansioii, a rasi, a sign, etc. VII
Each is 30° in Longitude. The Zodiac is VIII Saturn, Venus, Sup, Mercury.
also divided into 27 equal parts ; each is IX
called a Lunar mansion, star, nakshathra,
asterism or constellation. Each constella- X Jupiter
tion is 13° 20'. Bach star is again XI Rshu
divided into 4 equal parts and each part XII Moon.
is called a Pada or a quarter: eacl) is 3° . Lagna, planets in the constellation of
20" in longitude. Hence 4 padas to each the planets in Lagna, the occupants in the
star and 27 stars in the zodiac make 108 Lagna, the planets in the constellation of
divisions. Therefore there are 4x21 = 108
padas in the zodiac and the number given, the lord of Lagna, the lord, planets
within 108, exactly indicates in which conjoined with or' aspected by them indi-
pada, the Lagna falls. So, the zodiac is cate success or failure.
divided into 108 equal parts and the Similarly the 11 th house promises success
number mentioned, fixes the Lagna correct or failure.
to 3° 20' when it is possible to erect a map Moon is called 'Mathi'. It. represents
for the moment and correctly calculate in' the mind. It indicates about the nature of
which sign and in which Bhava—(the the query. '•h
House) the planets are. Two planets may
be in one sign- Yet one may go to the There is no planet in Lagna Bhava.
previous bhava, whereas the other remains Hence there is no need to find "out who
in the same house. was in the constellation of the planet in
Lagna Bhava. Moon owns the sign cancer, move on to the 9th house. Hence your
where Lagna has risen according to the wish to proceed in the near future will not
number. Its stars are Rohini, Hastham materialise. You may have to wait.
and Sravanam. No planet is found in any Suppose a chiTd is born now, at the
of the three stars. Moon is not conjoined moment of your query. In which dasa,
with any planet; nor does it! aspect any Bhukti and anthara, the child will be taken
and thereby influence the other. to overseas. Imagine like that and calcu-
Moon suggests late. As Moon was in 21° 30', according
(a) as it is very near the 12th cusp, to Vimshottari dasa, the star was Punar-
life in a foreign place maybe vasu. It is governed., by Jupiter who rules
contemplated; a thorough change for 16 years. The star Punarvasu extends
in the surrounding may engage from Id' Gemini to 3° 20' Cancer. There-
your mind. fore 1 year 9 months and .18 days have
(b) Moon was in Gemini, rilled by passed before the query. Now Jupiter
dasa Jupiter Bhukti is on. It will be over
Mercury, in " Punarvasu star in 4 months, i.e., on 12-7-1965. Then com-
governed by Jupiter and in the mences Saturn Bhukti. It covers 2 years
sub of Jupiter. 6 months and 12 days. In it Rahu anthra
Mercury * rules the houses 3 and 12. must pass. Therefore exactly 2 years and
Jupiter owns the houses h and 9. Houses , a few months must be over. Therefore
3, 9 and 12 indicate change of permanent you will go 2k years after.
residence, travel and life in a foreign place. By progression, the lord of Lagna.
Saturn, the lord of 8, is in, the 8th Moon, will come to the first house after
cusp. Therefore there is and there will be 2 years. -
undue delay. As it also governs the 7th By transit, Jupiter will conjoin Moon
house, the person with whom you arc in and form trine aspect with Venus, the lord
correspondence, and with whom you make of 11. Saturn will be in the 9th house.
arrangements is not quick in his actions. As .per stellar astrology, Rahu, the
He is delaying to sponsor, to assist, etc. significatot will transit in Bharani star,,
But he will surely help you, as Saturn was ruled by 'Venus as Venus and Rahu have
in Sathabisha star governed by Rahu who, to fulfil your wish.
occupying.the 1!th house, promises you,
the fulfilment of your desire to your Saturn will conjoin Mercury and pass
satisfaction. on to the 9th cusp., Sun will transit in
Venus, the lord of 11, in the constclla-, Saturn's star and Jupiter sub in the 12th .
tion of Jupiter, the lord of' 6 and 9, is Bhava, i.e., in Pushyam star last pada.
favourable. Venus, as the lord of '4 in 8, Hence 30-7-1967 is the time when you
clearly shows change of residence. Sun will leave India.'
promises success by occupying Jupiter's Where wilt / go?
constellation. Moon is in 2T 30°' in Gemini. Hi indi-.
Rahu in the 11 th house is very strong. cates United States.
It is in the constellation of Mars, a Raja Will I have good reception from those
Yogadhipathi. It is not spoiled by the whom I know already?
aspect of Saturn, a delaying planet. There- 10th house shows whether you will have
fore your trip to overseas is certai . warm welcome or whether they will be
When ? reluctant and will shun your society. As
Rahu in 11 fulfils your'desire. Rahu you have Jupiter in the 10th house, what-
governs Arudhra, Swathi and Sathabisha ever rhspect you are entitled to and.expect,
stars. Only Saturn is in Sathabisha. Hence you will surely have. You will not feel
'■"Saturn will give the results." dissatisfied or disappointed.
Now it is in the 8th "house. It must Good Luck.

Progeny:—The following is the chart Here, Mars, the lord of the .Lagna is not
of a young gentleman who got married on in 6, 8 or 12. Nor it is conjoined with
16-6-59. He desires to know when he will such malefics. Therefore take Lagna,
have the first issue: Scorpio—Vrischika as the first house,
Sagittarius—Dhanus as the second Jiouse,
etc.'As the Lagna was at 16° Scorpio,
Saturn and Rahu are in the third Bhava^ .
Mercury in the 5th Bhava; Sun and
Venus in the 6th Bhava ; Kethu and Mars
in the house and Jupiter and Moon in
. Rasi the 10th house.
'8 P.M. ' Generally, the horoscopes of both the
husband and the wife are to be judged for
the prospects of progeny.
How to judge ?
(a) Note the longevity of the couple.
(b) Bear in mind the age of the couple
and the likelihood of the pleasant
life, which they can have.
(c) The dasas and Bhukties which are
to operate in the effective period of
one's life.
(d) Find out the strong significator:
(1) The planets in the constella-
Venus, . Cll„ "»tion of the occupants of the
houses 2, 5 or 11 (second house
& shows the increase in the num-
ber of the members, of the
family by birth of children;
Balance.of Venus dasa at the time of 5th house is' for offspring and
birth = 4 years 6 months 8 days. the llth house is not only the
On 16-6-1959, he was funning Mars. fruit rbf one's action, but also
Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Jupiter Anthra. the 5th house to the 7th
Reply by K.S.R. (2) the occupants of the houses
1. Find out whether Lagna is strong. 2, 5 or 11;
Only when it is weak (either by the occu- (3) the planets in the contellation
pation of malefics and the lords of 6, 8 or . of the lords of 2, 5, 11 or Jupi-
12 or by the disposition of the lord of ter, the chief . governor for
Lagna in 6, 8 or 12 counted from Lagna), children;
one is to judge whether, the Moon sign is (4) the lords of the houses 2, 5 or
stronger than the Lagna. If the Lagna is 11 and Jupiter;
not weak, one has to take only the Lagna. (5) the planets conjoined with
as the first house. them;
(6) and those aspected by the (i) if the lords of 2, S and 11 are
strong significator ; in Parivarthana yoga ;
(e) Judge whether birth of children is (j) if the lords of 1 and 5 get
promised or not. exalted and one aspects the
(f) If birth of children are assured, other; (This is applicable to
note which planets indicate. Aries, Scorpio and Sagittarius.) ,
(g) Judge whether it is a'male or a (k) if the lords of 1 and 7 are in
female, whether one at a time or Parivarthanayoga;
,twins etc. (1) if the -lord of 5 gets exalted
(The editor is of opinion that one and Jupiter is in a Kendhra ;
has to gain. sound knowledge and (m) if the lordslof 2, 5 or 11 are not •
vast experience to predict the sex conjoined with, or aspected
.. of the child.) by , the delaying planet
(h) of birth of children is not promised, Saturn; or by the controlling
whether one will adopt a child-, planet Rahu or by the abortive
(i) or whether one will pass away planet Kethu, or the malefic
(1) before the birth of a child as Mars or the effeminate
there are cases wherein the Mercury ;
husband passes away when the (n) if Jupiter is in a movable sfgn
wife is in the family way for and the 3 th house is occupied
the first time, by, or aspected by the lord
(2) or whether he will die with- of 5 ;
out making out a will or (o) if Gemini-Mithuna or Virgo-
adopting a son or a girl. Kanni happens to be the Sth
The various general rules promising house and if lords of 2, 5 or 11
birth of children are given below : or Jupiter do not occupy the
stars Arudhra or Hastham ;
(1) (a) If the houses 2, 5 or 11 are (p) if there is no malefic (Saturn,
owned by benefics who occupy Rahu or Kethu) in the Lagna
favourable houses;
(b) or if these houses are occu- and if the houses 5, 7 and
pied benefics; 11 are not aspected by
malefics, one will have.
(c) or if these Cusps receive good children, in the conjoined
aspects from benefics period of the planets which
(d) or if these houses'are. occupied promise bftth of children.
by their owners (i.e. Swak- The following are the general rules
shethra) whether they are which indicate that h is difficult to have a
benefics or malefics by nature ; long living child;—
(e) if the lords of the houses 2, 5 (1) (a) If Sun and Saturn are in close
or 11 get exalted and occupy conjunction in the horoscope of
either Kendhra or Kona^signs; the wife,
(f) if the lords of 1 a~nd 5 are in (b) or if Sun and Saturn receive bad
mutual exchange (Pari-
. varthana); aspects and if they themselves form
(g) if Rahu were to be in the Sth disharmonious aspects,'
house in Aries, Taurus or (c) or if they occupy the barren signs
Cancer and if Rahu does not Aries, Leo, Gemini and Virgo and
occupy either of the signs of receive evil aspects,
Saturn in the Navamsa chart; (d) or if the lords of 5 and 8 conjoin
(h) if lord of 5 is conjoined with, together, children may be born with
or aspected by Jupiter ; very short life.
(2)(a) But if Saturn occupies a Kendhra In a male's chart, if the Beejam is in
sign and it receives evil aspects masculine sign in rasi and nayamsa and
from Venus and Moon, it is also occupied or aspected by a benefic,
(b) if Saturn and Venus are in the 7th the gentleman will have children. Other-
house and if Moon and the lord of wise he is not promised with a child.
5 form evil aspects, even if one In a lady's chart, if the Kshethra is in a
does Homa or. Santhana Gopala female sign, both in rasi and Navamsa,
Krishna Japa or visit Benares, the lady can have children. Her generative
Ramcswara—, etc., one cannot have system is perfect. Otherwise, she has no
a child him or her. favourable indication to bring forth
(3)(a) Even though one' is born in any of children.
the . three watery signs. Cancer, If the Beejam and Kshethram are not
Scorpio or Pisces, and, Jupiter afflicted by malefics one will have long
occupies the 5th house and Mercury living children. '
and Venus are in the 7th'house,'if (There is another method to ascertain.
they are in the constellation of the Adoption and some more details will be
the lords of 6, 8 or 12, given in the subsequent issues.)
(b) or if there is a malefic in the 4th (1) In the chart of a subscriber,, given
house and the 5th cusp is squared above,
by Mars from the 8th house, (a) no planet is in the second
(c) or if Moon is in 4, malefic in house,
Lagna, and the lord of Lagna weak (b) Mercury is in the 5th house.
in the 5th house, Its stars are Ashlesha, Jyeshta
(d) if Moon is in 10, malefic in 4 and and Revathi. Mercury alone
Venus in 7, is in Revathi. k
(e) if Moon is in XJpachaya Sthana (3, (c) No planet is in the 11th house.
6, 10 or 11) without receiving any (2) The lord of the second' house is
beneficial aspect from masculine Jupiter. Its stars are Punarvasu,
planets, one cannot have a son. Visakham and Poorvapathrapada.
In the horoscopes of the girls, the No planet occupied any of, the
monthly period is indicated by Mars and 3 stars.
their fertility by Moon. (3) The lord of the 5th house is Jupiter. "
; In the horoscopes of the males, the No planet is in the constellation;
vitality is shown" by Sun and fertility by ruled by the lord of 5.
Venus. If these planets Sun and Venus (4) The lord of the 11th house is
receive good aspects one. will surely have - Mercury. Mercury alone is in the
children. constellation of the lord of the
11th house.
One can find out the Beejain of boys (5) The lord of 2 is in the constella-
and Kshetram of girls by calculation. tion of the lord of 12. Therefore
(a) Add the longitudes of Jupiter, Sun it is weak.
and Venus (each counted from Aries The lord of 11 is in its own cbnstel--
0°). The result is the sensitive lation.- So its results are not modi-'
point in the chart indicating "Bee- fied by lord of the constellation.
jam " of the boy. (6) Second house receives, the aspect
(b) Add the longitudes of Jupiter, Moon from Jupiter which is weak.
and Mars.. The result is the sensi- (7) 5lh house is aspected by the delay-
tive point in the chart showing ing Saturn and malefic Mars.
" Kshethram ". Saturn in the constellation of
Beejam may be compared to the seed Bagyathipathi Moon, in Upachaya-
and the Kshethra to the land. sthana, aspecting the 5th house
will surely give a child. . But, Rahu dasa Jupiter Bhukti ends on 18th
there is a node, in the house owned . December 1965.
by Saturn. So the node is stronger Budha anthra -in Saturn Bhukti will
than the lord Saturn. Hence Rahu commence on 30th May 1966. It will run
is a strong significator. It is in. for 4 months and 25 days.
the 4th sigh and the third house.
According to Hindus, . Rahu Therefore in 1966, Mercury, the signifi-
receives aspect from Jupiter, Mars cator has to transit arudhra star—ruled
and Moon; Sun as well as Venus by dasanatha Rahu, in the sign owned
receive aspect from Jupiter. by anthranatha .Mercury. We cannot
Rahu dasa is on: Rahu is aspected by consider Sathabhisha star governed by
lord of 2 and 5 Jupiter, thereby Rahu has Rahu, in the sign of Saturn, the Bhukti-
the strength to indicate birth of children: natha, as on and after June 1966, Mercury
Rahu receives aspect from Moon, _the will be in arudhra or Swathi, ■ Hence
lord of 9, Bhagyadhipathi and becomes according to Krishnamurti Paddhathi
beneficial. Rahu aspected by Mars, the when Mercury is in the sub of Saturn, in
lord of Lagna gets vitality. Mars, as lord the star of Rahu, in the sign of_Mercury
of 6, indicates, hospitalisation of wife i.e., when Mercury by transit is in between
(being the 12th house to the 7th house- 10° 26' 40" and 12° 33' 20" in Gemini
wife) also. Further Rahu is in the sign Mithuna (Nirayana).
of Saturn which aspects the Sth house. Mercury will be in that ^position on
Therefore Rahu has the beneficial strength 10-6-1966.
to give.children. Therefore, you will have the first child
Sani is next in strength. Mercury is on 10th June 1966.
. Therefore you will have • a child during Good Luck
Rahu dasa Sani Bhukti Budha anthra. K. S. K.
(FOUNDED r 1-4~ 1963)
(ASTaouoinr DIade Easy)
Phone: 4 2 449

Jyothisha .Marthand
13. BrahmiT) Street, Saidapet

VOL. 3 JUNE 1965 No. 6

Tour Programme or the Editor 2
Good news to Readers. 2
Regular course in Astrology .
Signs and their divisions r 5
Aspects between Lords of Houses
(Contd.) 15
Readers ask:
Badhaka—Sthana—Adhipathi 18
Ruling Planet Fortuna 20
Prayer and Progeny 23
Scholarship for Study 26
Fate or free will Regarding
■ Marriage • 28
' Loss by floods: House Falls 32
Resignation and Re-entry 34
A Corrective to Transit Results' - 37
Daily Guide 42
- Position of planets 45
The zodiac is the belt of space about defensive and a somewhat conciliatory
15° wide in the Heavens in which lhe_. disposition. There is a tendency for the
planets, travel each in their established positive signs to be more self-expressiye
orbits. It is divided into 12 signs of 30° and less passive in their reactions and for'
in extension- These signs may be classified the negative signs to be more self-repres-
broadly into thirteen groups depending op sive and less outgoing and spontaneous.
their influences on animate and inanimate
objects. They are: A positive sign as Ascendant, indi-
cates that the native is more, generally
-■(I) Positive & Negative fortunate in his undertakings than a
(2) Fiery, Earthy, Airy & Watery negative sigh rises. The negative signs
. (3) Human signs are held to be weak and feminine on
(4) Fruitful or barren account of passive qualities and are sup-
posed to credit those born in these signs
(5)' Violent signs with such qualities.
(6) Voice signs If the lagna falls in a male sign and
(7) Short ascension or long ascen- other testimonies also support, then the
sion native even if the person be a lady born in
(8) Northern & Southern a modest family, will have masculine
(9) Movable, Fixed amd common appearance and masculine qualities. But
if the lagna falls in a inale' sign occupied
(10) Bestial or Four-legged by feminine planet!: or if the lord of lagna .
(11) Mute signs occupies a female sign, he may be a male
(12) Twin signs with feminine qualities, appearance and
character, etc. A prediction should not
(13) Bicbrporeal or double bodied. , be offered unless other conditions are also
Positive and Negative signs properly weighed.
The signs from Aries (Mesha) onwards If the sign on the cusp of the Sth house
are alternately positive and negative. falls in a masculine sign, if the Sth lord is
a masculine
•They are sometimes referred to as mascu- •sign, etc., most planet and is in a masculine
line (or day signs) and fcminjne (of night off the offsprings will be
signs) respectively. Thus the odd signs boys. If these happen to be feminine,
namely, Aries (Mesha), Gemini (Mithuna), then the offsprings will be'girls. This is-a
Leo (Simha), Libra (Thulam), Sagittarius „ and general rule. ^Astrology is not so simple
(Daijus) and Aquarius (Kumbha)" are no single rule alone is to be applied
positive (or Masculine); the even signs viz., and a judgment is to be announced.
Taurus (Rish^ibha), Cancer (Kataka), Virgo Positive signs on, the cusp" of the
(Kanya), Scorpio (Vrischika), Capricorn. ascendant give vitality; negative signs are-
(Makara) and Pisces (Meena) are negative not so vigorous, unless a strong masculine
(or Feminine). planet is very near the cu'sp-of the Ascen-
■ The positive signs denote ap assertive, ' dant.
bold, expressive, active and offensive Northern & Southern signs
nature. . They give determination, power
of will and force." On the other hand, ' the first six signs of the Zodiac, namely,
the negative signs show a passive, receptive, Mesha, Rishaba, Mithuna, Kataka, Simha
and Kanya (i.e., Aries to Virgo) afe called sometimes called the summer solestial
Northern signs, as they are to the north of sign and winter solestial sign respectively..
the celestial Equator (they ■ are in .the " The days are the longest when the Siin is in
northern hemisphere). The remaining six. the initial point of Cancer and the nights
signs, that is,-- Thulam, Vrischikam, are the longest when theSun is in the begin-
Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Meena' ning of Capricorn. Sun enters Cancer on
(Libra to Pisces) ire to the south, of . the or around the 22nd June and enters Capri-
celestial Equator (in "the southern hemis- corn on or around the 22nd December
phere) and are so termed southern) signs. every year according to the Sayana system.
As per Nirayana system—fixed zodiac—•-
Equinoctial signs the dates are diflerent.
Equinox means equal day and night-
When the Sun is in the intersecting pSint The Tripllcities "(Elements)
of the celestial Equator and the Eliptic The Zodical signs afe classified into
-where Aries commences and Pisces ends, four groups or tripljcities according to the
and the point of intersection is. at the- end four elements which are Fire, Earth, Air
of Virgo and the beginning of Libra, then and Water, corresponding to spirit, body,
the days and nights are equal all over the mind and soul symbolising spiritual,
world. This phenomenon occurs only twiee physical, mental and psychic processes
in a year, i.e., around 21st March and in man. The four groups are as follows:
23rd September.
Fire Mesha ' Sim ha ' Dhanus
Thus', when the Sun in its apparent Earth Rishabbh Kanya '.Makara
yearly course around the Earth enters the Air Mithuua Thulam Kumbha
Northern Hem ispere crossing the celestial Water Karkata Vrischika Meena
Equator at the initial . point of. Aries . The fiery signs represent the vital , spirit
(Mesha)—-yernal.. Equinox—around 21st including to activity. They tend ■ to an
March every year, the day and night are
equal duration af all places of the Earth. assertive; independent, ' courageous ' and
-Therefore, the Sim proving northwards, enthusiastic.nature. They signify activity
reaches on 22nd -June the first point of and ambition, vigour and good vitality,
Cancer (Kataka) when it is at its maximum •force, and determination, inspiration, '
North Declination. . Then it moves south- . .energy, and push. . When fiery signs are on
wards towards the celestial equator from : is the cusp of the ascendant, the disposition
said to be hasty, impulsive, ambitious,
the North. It. is called Dakshinayan. . _proud
.Arou nd. 23id ^Sep tember,—intersects-the t enterprising and commanding with
.celestial Equator at the first.poipt of Libra 7 more" desire to lead others than serve
(Thulam)—autumnal equinox—and passes „ them. The native may be argumentative,
' on to.the Southern hemisphere. Henfce on" - quick tempered or self-confident, The
23rd September again the .day. and night mind is aspiring, free, independant, acute
are - equal ■ all over -The world. . Three." and penetrating.- The native will not
relish the advice or suggestion offered by
months later. Sun wilLbeJn the southern-, . others-and will act on his -own- impulses.
most declination and ; it will take .the A spiritual bent of mind is denoted, fire
northern course which is called Uthara- indicating spirit Fiery signs as Ascendant
.ygng. _. .._
give good vitality, while at the same
Mesha (Aries) and Thulam (Libra) are = time making the person. prone to fevers
hence the. two equinoctial signs. Mesha- and inflammatory disorfers, sudden illness"
(Aries) is the vernal equinoctial sign and usually active but lasting only for a short
Thulam (Libra) the autumnal equinoctial
1 duration".
_5ign. . . , . '
Tropical signs According to Westerners if the majority
of planets occupy fiery sighs, it shows
Cancer (Kataka) and Capricorn (Makara) ingamitv. force and energy and fits the .
are the'Two troptcal signs.' They' are native to study mechanics and to follow any
trade or profession in which metals.and perseverence are required. Kanya inclines
fire play a part, as those "of soldiers, to chemistry, Rishaba to agricultural
machinists, engineers, smith, barbers, pursuits or finance, and Makara to
butchers, surgeons as also hazardous and administrative or political positions.
dangerous vocation. It denotes a generous One may engage in occupations connec-
and spirited nature; plenty of vitality; ted with agriculture, horticulture, garden
hope and enthusiasm ; deep emotion ing land, mines, timber,- building materials
and an ardent . love of nature. Usually etc., or as a contractor or deal in food
it gives a good deal of mental or moral stuffs both in the raw and cooked states,
courage. Planets in these signs are more such as grocery business in restaurants or
active than in others. as grain dealers. He may deal in dress,
Alan Leo has stated that fiery signs are goods and clothing]
connected with vitality and vital force; He says "Majority of planets in earthy
earthy signs with the physical body; airy
signs with the nervous system, brain and signs makes one practical. He will be
mind generally ; and watery signs with the commercially or scientifically inclined and
etheric double-the-finer mould into which in any case takes a very solid and
the physical system was cast at birth. concrete view of life is rarely quick or
brilliant, but more often than not pre-
Earthy signs show solidity and stability. serving, painstaking and plodding; gene-
The tendency will be to briqg one, all rally takes a materialistic View of life,
practical and material experiences.. It requiring a demonstration of theories
indicates material welfare and the native before they are accepted. This position
will always be bent on making wealth gives concrete power in the material world
and seeking power and position. Earthy and in a strong horoscope indicates a very
signs if rising, give., good health (not so practical man of affairs".
much of vitality or strong constitution Most of the planets in eartliy signs,
as the fiery signs). One will be careful makes the native steady, practical, plod-
and cautious, premeditative, prudent and ding, patient, preseverjng, painstaking and
practical; secretive and suspicious ; stub- reserved. It favours the acquisition of
born and self-protective, slow and steady ; ma'terial wealth and business.
reserved and restrained ; methodical and
economical ; plodding and persevering.
His mind is practical, objective scientific, Airy signs
methodical and materialistic. When a Airy,signs are distinctly connected with
majority of planets occupy earthy signs, mind and mental experiences.
business would be the best, but when
they are in airy signs, a profession should They indicate less vitality, if well.connec-
be chosen: ted, they show cheerful, gentle, amiable,
courteous, sympathetic, refined and
■In the words of Mr. L. George, this, humane nature. They offer good intellect,
triplichy is represented by the nervous fertile imagination; idealistic and artistic
temperament exhibiting restless, worried nature ; well-informed, fertile. The mind
and agitated characteristics with predis- is cultured, musical, .inquisitive ; fond of
position to rheumatic, and windy com- reasoning; generally well-behaved and
plaints with a tendency towards chronic level-headed. He wijl not be assertive but
disorders. The earthy signs represent the tactful.
physical or temporal states, all of which
produce imaginative, studious and organi- People born in airy signs will have
sing tendencies. active circulation. Their body will be
He is of opinion that earthy "signs give plump and their complexion good. He
will be a well-informed and wide awake
employment having a bearing on business, worker-
buildings, mining and all laborious, heavy
and slow work in which time, labour and People born in these signs will exert
muchi- get- exhausted and, due to over- The watery signs if afflicted, make one
work, suffer from nervous troubles. anaemic an<£ weak-pulsed. In later stages
' Airy signs" denote intellectual pursuits !i'hem °!' ;ancero"s grp^ths may trouble
best fitted, to be. advisers.' Or they wil- - Watery signs if rising, give much
show their skill in-some literary occupal J«s stamina and predispose to digestive,
tions. Scientific pursuits will be advan- urinary and caterrhal troubles,
tageous. Any profession,, wherein the Watery signs favour-all employments in
mind and brain arc more exercised than the which liquid is used. - It includes every-
body, fit therii most They are ideally thing from mineral water to wines and
suited as- accountants, book-keepers, spirits," or from washing clothes to sailing,
agents, messengers, architects, engineers, e.-g., sailors, fishermen, bravers, wine
poet, novelist, lawyer, artist, reporters, merchants, ship builders, ■ ship owners,
lecturers, dentists; aviators, inventors, marine engineers and manufacturers and
etc. dealers in liquid refreshments, etc., also
The majority. of the planets ' 'in -airy emotional acting,^ elocution, etc. All
signs show -that the native is talented, occupations in which .water is the chief
refined, courteous, .idealistic and ' often element; also .dealers in soft goods,
inconstant. The native will be artistic and textiles, fabrics-, chemists etc.-, are infiuen-
literary-minded. ' oed by watery signs.
„ . " A "majority of planets in watery signs
watery signs denotes a psychic, or emotional nature;
Watery signs signify a' fruitful nature the instinctive consciousness is very keen ;
and give enough of fertile imagination. the native'is more or less, receptive or
They show-less recuperative power.' The impressionable; often mediumistic and
constitution will be weak. The disposi- sometimes passionate; responsive to and
tion is timid, inert, and unwilling to act. usually largely affected by circumstances,
The mind is receptive, contemplative, /. surroundings and environment." (Exam-
sensitive, sentimental, and psychic. Occult pie. Sun in 12 in a watery sign-strong
tendencies are indicated. mefliumistic faculty. (Alan Lao,)
Mars in 8 in a watery sign, danger of death by drowning ;
-do- airy sign, danger of mental afflictions and_acrial accidents ;
-do- earthy sign, heavy sickness, inflammatory complaints etc. ;
- • — --do-— —fiery sign,—danger or death by fire accidents of violence.
"Led" is" of the view that the fiery sign The Quadruplicities (or Qualities)
is the most fortunate one to give indepen- Each category of the four signs such as
dence and ambition.. The eayhy signs do (movable, fixed and . common) has ' a
not give such good fortune,.but they cause common factor or quality of expression,
the native to be practical and persevering. but this quality- in each sign -would be
The'airy signs give more fortune and also applied differently (because the make-up
much refinement and intellectuality; The of each sign is of a different clement-fire,
watery signs are the least fortunate .giving earth, air of water). The 3 qualities may
sensitiveness and often lack df energy. be compared to the three Gynas of the
Hindus, viz., the cardinal or movable to
- When the . majority -of the - planets Rajas (activity), the fixed to Tamas
occupy watery signs,, the- native „is shy, (constancy), and the mutable or common
sensitive.Jimid, .negative,- dreamy,, psychic to iSaffva^rhythm).
and often lacks energy. The three-fold division is as follows
Movable or cardinal signs ' Mesha Kataka Thulam Makara
FiveH ■iigns RIsEaba ^Slmha" —Vrischika Kumbha
Common (dual or mutable) signs Mithuna Kanyq Dhanus Meena
Movable signs often aspiring, active ambitious, enterpri-
sing but changeable. One will love change
Movable signs represent translatory and like travels. He will do a lot of
motion meaning movement from one place travelling about. Close ties with cousins,
tO'anotlier,-that is continually tending to neighbours, etc., and 1 with relatives in
go onward without stopping, just as water general are developed.
in the river flows smoothly without going
back to its source. Being possessed of dynamic energy, one
The nature and effect of movable will be able to take up pioneer ;work. One
(cardinal) signs may be summed up in the will. engage in callings' that are new,
words " Action " and , " Initiative."- inventive and of a public nature. The
Planets occupying these signs give zest to natives of these signs are ardent in what-
life according to the nature of the parti- ever they .undertake and if they once
cular planet and the sign it is in. espouse a cause—social, political, religjous
or educational or any other-^they will
' Movable signs show enterprise, enthu-. work for that cause with all the vim and
siasm, activity, love of ambition, energy, vigour of their energetic nature. They
forcefulness,^dash and go-ahead spirit; succeed through sheer audacity. The
independence and pioneering spirit; fame, more venturesome an undertaking
honour, recognition am) publicity; and appears, the more it appeals to these
ability to complete plans and execute them people.
in a short time." The native always loves
change and reform. They represent the The persons influenced by these signs
busy people, the best businessmen, are best fitted in positions- that require
pioneers, those who rise in life on their speed and swiftness, wit and ingenuity and
own and those who make headway against tact and diplomacy. Being self-assertive
heavy odds and impediments. The natives and self-aggressive, they never rest content
of movable signs are independent in spirit until they are in the lead of whatever pui-
and self-assertive. They dislike depen- suit they follow. They scorn subordina-
dence on others and are averse to sub- tion. They bubble with life and ambition
ordination- and are sure to rise to higher and higher
- positions in the long run. These natives
Movable signs oh the Ascendant incline are ideally suited tp occupy responsible
to ailments affecting the' head, stomach, and authoritative positions.
kidneys and all movable^or functional
disorders. They tend to brain fever, When, in horoscope, the majority of
headache, flts, disorders of the stomach, the planets are place'd in movable signs or
kidney troubles, cold, rheumatism, injuries when these signs.are on the 1st, 4th, 7th
to the head and knees, etc.. and 10th houses called angles or kendras,
Afflictions from movable signs indicate it shows that one will hold a prominent
acute ailments which usually run their position, be it trade, business, politics or
course and leave no particular trace. profession. He will be full of vital energy
and will exhibit ambition and enterprise
Movable signs on the cusp of the 2nd | to a great degree. No wonder then, these
house help one to earn money through... people infuse their energy into those who
name, fame and public recognition. The serve under them and force. them to work
natives of these signs have great vitality when required. ' They will never feel fully
and dynamism,. so much so they gain satisfied unless they are at the head of
through activity, ambition and adventure. things. .They are fond of changes in life
There is the liability to fluctuating fortune and will have many changes too.
and changes where money is concerned. _
Movable signs give one energy and
' Speculative enterprise is favoured and enthusiasm, active-mindedness and adven-
acquisitiveness is usually well developed- turousness, aggressiveness and assertive
If the third house cusp falls in a nature which are exceedingly helpful to
movable sign, it signifies that the mind is win the battle of life. But when affliction
occurs, one may be impulsive, head strong, jn their mental attitude and once an
fool-hardy and impatient of.restramt. opinion has been formed they cling to it
A ocrson influenced bv these siens will- with tenacity- They are very dl'fficult
u*-Su.iaA ',u 'aJLib » a mi *^ people to convince but, when once won
^ translate them into reality.
to v ' over
last toThejr
a cause,
^ is they wi 1 fanatical
/lmost defend it. to the
If Jupiter occupies the 11th house . . ,. .. „ . .
falling in a movable sign, it indicates TnH
executive ability and progress; if this ^eP'a'n out-spoken self-reliant and
v« ^ i. / e- a -•
happens to be a fixed sign, jea ousy and ■ ■ j steady,
resolute and
reliable and
.pride among friends is the results if it is 4U ou h tful a \
th 4 • j ^ *1. *1.
a common sign, one may have friends who , 8 h °d. determined. On the other
are scientifically inclined or .religious- ^ they are obstinate rig,d, dogmatic,
minded. Also one's friends may 7 prove unrelenting
persist in a andgiven unbending. Theyneither
un ..1 .. direction and
' reason "nor argument will turn them.
Saturn placed in the 11th house in a They are proud and exhibit vanity. Their
fixed sign signifies that there, will be delay tendency is to seek solitude and become
and hindrance through friends. _ If the very self-absorbed so much that it is
llth cusp is on a common sign and Saturn , difficult to-become intimately acquainted
is also there, one may not achieve one's with them.. These people are endowed
hopes. There may also be sorrow with good executive ability. Thenatives
through friends. with the fixed sign are very fond of com-
. ... fort, luxury and other refining influences
These are all general results and should of life. They contact certain habits of
be predicted provided other testimonials ijfe an(i get imo a groove. *
support this conclusion.' - -
, - . ' - , Fixed signs tend to ailments affecting
When the movable signs are on the heart and the generative system. Chronjc
angles (1st, 4th, 7th and JOth houses) one troubles are threatened, 'One*
will be resourceful and alert.. He would may suffer from diseases like diptheria,
grasp an idea very'quickly. Being enter- bronchitis, asthma, heart troubles, defec-
prising and active, he will shun no effort jive circulation and spinal complaints,
in order to succeed. He will succeed in any Afflictions from fixed signs denote that
enterprise, qome what may. A brave, bold. one may inherit hereditary diseases which
and indomitable spirit is indicated. usually become chronic.
■■ - - Fixed signs —. Fixed signs bring the native'gain through
authoritative ' influence. Gain through
.The influence of the fixed signs fouses investments and accumulation of unearned
the desire nature, giving stamina and income is assured.
persistence in action. Persons of.these
signs have a very strdng and determined There being no fluctuation denoted, one.
will. They are pre-eminently thorough and can expect to have a" fixed income.
steadfast in whatever they undertake and If the third house falls in a fixed sign,
once they have set up a goal for themselves then the native will have a fixed and rigid
or have made up their mind to do anything, attitude. He will be persevering, plodding,
they will keep on working with remarkable painstaking proud and authoritative- He
patience and persistence until success dislikes travelling. Any travel .is usually
comes to them. They are very practical- forced by circumstances. Being proud,
in their approach and Strong in their likes the native is liable to'have estrangements
and dislikes.. They will hot mind'doing with neighbours, etc.
-anything— for -one—who—has—won - their
affection but-will resent .any attempt to - According to the western writers, fixed -
drive them. At such times they- will be signs give one ability ,to plod and work
extremely _ stubborn. __They_arc_vgry Arm. jndustribusly and to succeed best in posi-
tions where patience, endurance and quiet These signs denote an intellectual,
determination, ate called for. It favours sympathetic, sensitive, subtle, versatile
Government service and employment in and changeful nature. The natives born,
ancient institutions and established busi- in these signs or having a majority of the
nesses with security of service. One will planets in these signs will often be incons-
have a fixed income. The natives will tant, indecisive, vacillating and restless.
achieve success though slow, steady and Being flexible, they never exert their will
sustained effort. power sufficiently. Their tendency is to
drift and dream of the future. They will
The persons of the movable signs arc have no set purpose and they are goaded
hasty and impulsive. They.act on the spur into action only wheti the stern whip of
of the moment. The fixed sign people necessity is applied. They are peaceful
grasp opportunities slowly. Being conser- and sympathetic in their disposition and
vative-minded, they do not quickly res- cordial and pleasing in their manner. They
pond to the new. environment and care sometimes suffer injury from others not
more for permanency and fixity. The because they cannot retaliate, but being
common sign person is often in a dilemma averse by nature to exertion they do not
. as to which way to go. .'wish to take up the trouble to fight.
Those born in movable signs will prove Nothing appeals tofhe man of common
best mates for those bom in fixed signs. sign permanently. . He desires nothing as
Fiery signs-agree with the airy and the much as change and roving about, usually
earthy signs with- the watery. Fiery and in an aimless manner. ' One born in a
watery signs being square to each other, " common sigh is best fitted to be in the
do not agree.- (Fire will be put out by employ of others than have others in his .
water). employ. Unless born well off, these
people seldom make .their way in life,
When fixed signs are on the cusps of always loving leisure and lacking a go-
the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses in a ahead spirit.
horoscope T most of the planets are
found in fixed signs, one will be firm, People with common sign are sensitive
determined,, dignified and self-reliant. He to and much swayed .by the surrounding
will be slow and plodding but-will succeed environment as they lack the stamina to
eventually. - One will require time to come assert themselves.
to a decision. "Patient persistence in People of common sign are not capable
every doing " is his motto. He is sure to of the slow and sustained work put forth
rise in life through fixity of purpose :and by the fixed class. They-get easily dis-
persistent effort. He will put his talent ' couraged by difficulties and are in tear on -
to the best use. Setbacks do not daunt the. slightest provocation. Being averse-to
him. He will adhere to a method only strenuous work, they shine according to
after being satisfied that it will meet his their ability to think. They therefore ,
requirements. It is next to impossible to prove best when they take up agencies,
change him but, when veered round commission jobs, etc. in which much of
to a cause, he will prove to be its most executive skill is not required.
ardent and reliable advocate.
These signs bring income to one through
Common signs service and ordinary means. Finance is
Common (dual, mutable) signs may be prone to fluctuation. The man' of com-
likened to the swinging pendulum. They mon sign, being lazy and. indifferent, will
represent the ' vibratory motion passing be indifferent even in regard to accumula-
from one point to another and back again tion of wealth.
linking the two extremes of its motion. Common signs incline to affections of
The nature is dual and fluctuating. Flexibi- the lungs, limbs, breathing apparatus and
lity or plasticity is the predominant all kinds of nervous disorders; The dise-
characteristic. ases denoted are often convertible. One
may to" overcome them entirely or position indicates a very mediocre life.
the diseases will run their course and Even if one succeeds, he does not gain the
become chronic depending on; the* indivi- required recognition for bis merit and
dual's mental temperament. labour. Being inconstant and vacillating,
-- Common signs on the 3rd house cusp he is liable to miss opportunities that
makes the mind more receptive, methodi- come his" way,
cal, systematic and easily affected by Alan Leo. says: "A majority' of
surroundings. planets in movable signs in the chart,
When common signs are connected with indicate earnings in a short.time; in fixed
houses 2, 6 and 10, one. is best fitted to signs, by a steady and slow process with
serve others. For instance, one can act power to hoard up ; in common signs,
as. a middleman, an agent, a messenger, one makes money by partnership, service
clerk,, teacher, editor or speaker. Accord- or agencies but often lacks opportunities."
ing to Alan Leo, it. sometimes denotes Fruitful signs
occupations in which uniforms are worp,
or work in institutions and public com- Cancer (Kataka), Scorpio (Vrischika)
panies or where public .commodities are and Pisces (Maena) are said to be-fruitful'
dealt with. ' in nature, all watery signs being fruitful.
Moon in the 10th house, in a movable Taurus (Rishaba), Libra " (Thulam),
sign, denotes great, ambition and a. very Capricorn (Makara) and. Sagittarius
active life. If in a fixed sign, it show (Dhanus) arc said to be semi-fruitful.
stability-and perseverence but less activity Fruitful signs in the cusps of the Sthand
and change or progress. If in a common 7th houses and their lords in fruitful signs,
-Sign, it shows less fortune bui.more ability- the indication is an early union. Barren
without adequate opportunity. signs in the cusps of the Sth and 1st
If the 1st and 7th lords are: in harmo- houses indicate .that the native is not
nious aspect' or in parivartana (mutual likely to marry in time (provided .other
exchange), partnership is ' advisable. If testimonies also point to' the same View).
they hre in fixed signs, there is a sure Fruitful signs covering the llth and Sth
token of agreement; if in movable signs," .houses and the lords of S and 11 in fruit-
there may be too many changes or dis- ful signs promise progeny Barren signs
agreements'; if in common signs, a good in the, cusps of the 1 st,. 5th- and 11 th or
mutual working arrangement is indicated. the lords of these in - barren signs lessen
If a 'fixed sign occupies the cusp'of the chances of children.
11th house and the lord of 11 is in a In. horary astrology also,' the signiii-
fixed ~sign,"f one's friends will'be faithful cators occupying the fruitful signs promise' 1
and dependable.' If in common signs, that one" will have saitsfactory success,
one will acquire doubtful friendships. In whereas the barren signs portend that one
movable-signs,.the friends may prove to ' will make attempts in vain and the success,
be ambitious and time-serving. if any, will not satisfy him. "
When'the common signs are on the
cusps of the angles (1st, 4th,;7th and 10th Barren (sterile) signs
houses in the chart) or when a number of .- Aries (Mesha), Gemini (Mithuna), Leo
planets are posited in these signs, the - (Siinha) and Virgo (Kanya) are called
mind is often fickle, .fighty, superficial,, barren or sterile signs.- These are not
wavering and• versatile. One may.grasp fruitful.
an idea in a short time and arrive at .a
decision, but will be just as ready to Barren signs on the cusps of the 5th and
change his decision quickly.' One will llth houses (llth house being 5th to the
alwaysbe systematic and methodical, but partner) and the lords of these notin fruit-,
still seldom succeeds in life unless aided ful signs, Moon not in a fruitful sign, the
by others; More often than not,- this lagna not a fruitful .sign, the lord of lagna
not occupying a fruitful sign and no fruitful Twin signs
planet in Sth or 11th houses, are indi- Gemini (Mithuna), Sagittarius (Dhanus)
cations of no children. and Pisces (Meena) are called twin signs
No doubt, the dasa of the planet in a or dual signs meaning plurality.
barren sign, following one in a fruitful Human signs
sign which gave alargenumber of children,,
is welcome to limit the family at least then. Gemini (Mithuna), Virgo (Kanya),.
Planets in barren signs, but in the constel- Aquarius (Kumbha) and the 1st half of
lation of the planet owning fruitful signs, Sagittarius (Dhanus) are called humah~or
will surely offer desirable results, humane signs as these are depicted by
human figures on the symbolic globe.
Mute signs Some authors consider Libra (Thulam)
also as humane.
All watery signs (namely,- Kataka,
Vrjschika and Meena) are mute signs. Prithyusas says in Horasara Adhyaya I
in sloka 11, that these signs are strong -
If Mercury being Jord of 6 is in the 2nd when the lag'na falls in one of these
house in a mute sign or the lord of 6 is in signs.
the 2nd in a'mute sign afflicted by Mars. or. "Whosoever hath not the predominant
Saturn, perceptible stammer, lisp or other planets of his nativity in human signs will
impediment will be the result. Mercury be little sociable and not very humane
anywhere in mute signs afflicted by If the ascendant or principal srgnificators
Saturn, causes stammer. If Mars adds are not in human signs; the native him-
his influence by bad aspect, then the self will be-estranged from human nature.
native, will talk very fast, lisp or pro-
nounce his words badly. When Mercury Voice, signs
happens to be in a mute sign , in opposi-
tion to the.Moon, the native will have a Gemini (Mithuna), Libra (Thulam) and
defect in speech. Saturn in the lagna in ft Aquarius (Kumbha], which are airy signs,
mute sign, .causes an impediment in are also called musical or voice signs.
speech. The 2nd house governs vocal ..Some western authors consider Virgo
organs. If a voice sign be found in the (Kanya) and Sagittarius (Dhanus) also as
.2nd house in a horoscope, more especi- Voice signs. Some include Taurus
ally if Venus or Mercury be therein free (Rishaba) also.
from affliction, then eloquence or some
.vocal gift may be predicted. Jupiter Anyhow for, voice, there should be the
indicates that one will offer advice, airy medium. That is why, -all the airy
preach (may or may not practise) and will signs are considered as voice signs.
be a platform speaker. Mars and Jupiter
give assertion and make him an orator Bestial for four-legged signs
who can move the masses by His fiery Mesha (Ram), Rishaba (bull), Simha
speech. Mercury and Saturn show that (Lion), Makara (goat) and the 2nd half of
he will modify his speech according to the Dhanus symbolised by the figures of animals
time, circumstances and the crowd before whose names they bear are the bestial or
him. four-legged signs.
. Violent signs These signs, are said to be strong,"
according to Prithuyasas, when the
Aries (Mesha), ' as also Scorpio Meridian (10th house) falls in - them.
(Vrischika) art said to be violent signs. Those born when these signs ascend, are
They know "no fears." They undertake said to have the qualities of such animals,
all enterprises with courage and confidence. as being bold as the lion, lustful as the
They are best fitted to-take risk. goat, etc.
Bicorporeal or double-bodieisigns Signs of long ascension
Gemini (Mithuna) representing a boy In the northern hemisphere the.sjx signs,-
and a girl, 1st half of Dbanusrepre- namely, Kalaka, Simha, Kanya, Thulam,
senting a bow and an arrow, and Meena Vrischika and Dhanus take longer time in-
representing two fishes bound together by ascending than the other six signs, and are
a cord are the bicorporeal or double-bodied thus termed as long ascension sign. For
■ signs. places in the southern hemisphere, this
Signs of short ascension must be reversed, the signs of long
ascension in the northern' hemisphere
" Makara, Kumba,' Meena; Mesha, being short ascension sighs'in the southern
Rishaba and Mithuna in the nor- hemisphere.
thern bemisphere are termed ■ 'short
ascension signs ' because they ascend'in a .. This classification is necessary for
short time. In the -southern hemisphere, scientific explanatory reading of a horos-
these signs take longer time to ascend and cope.
are termed ' long ascension signs'.
The lord of Ingna in good aspect to the elders; receipt of legacy by the native;
lord of 7. receipt of inheritance gratuity, etc.
This portrays the time of marriage. Good aspect shows much of mental
There will be' good understanding between worry due to death of any one of the elders;
husband and wife or with the business receipt of legacy by the native; receipt of
partner. This period is good to have a inheritance, gratuity, bonus, insurance
partner in life or partner'in business, also amount, etc. A few may receive money of
good for agreement with others, for sign- partner in life; Kishaba (Taurus) and
ing of contracts, to break journey on the Vrischika (scorpio) lagna. people may
way and come out successful in one's mortgage wife's property and raise loan
attempts. A good period for. making, and thereby gain as the lord of 1 is also the
journey with family members. Litigation ' lord of 6. There will be much of bodily
will end in a compromise. Popularity exertion. Younger brother will be success-
will be gained. The ' native receives the ful in litigation. The native's mother will
support of the general public and expands profit by speculation, lottery, etc. Children
the number of clients in- business at this will' have grand success in 'competitive
time. Those'who deal in share business examination. Success to children in higher
will receive support of share-brokers. studies is indicated. Father will lose in"
One's medical attendant will administer speculation or in pleasurable pursuits.
such treatment that disease will be cured The lord- of lagna in good aspect to the
and not prolonged. The native is bound lord of 9.
to feel happy as there is no opposition.' The native "gains success in higher edu-
During the time when this aspect opera- cation, admission to College and further'
tes by progression or when one runs the studies. He may go to a far-off place.
dasa and bhukti of the lords of 1 and 7, . His relationship with father will be satis- ■
both the son and the elder brother of the factory. He is likely to visit holy . places,
native will enjoy similar results as the temples, etc. Chances to meet elders,
aspect is between the lords of 3 and 9 to sages, heads of inutts, religious people
both. So also the native and his wife will and blessings from them" are numerous-
enjoy the same results. Cine may study law, science, philosophy
and religion and purchase books on such
The lord of lagna in good aspect to' the subjects. Some will have set dreams. . It
lord of 8. is possible that the native may go for
The native may have an anxious period • boating with partner. This, is an Auspici-
of health and. even danget to life, when- ous, period to pray to God. and receive (
this aspect is inr operation. If either of. His blessings; to come out successful in
the two has . any • connection whatsoever all enterprises; to enjoy life satisfactorily
with Mars, it may be due to surgery or and to be victorious and achieve one's
accident or gunshot. Saturn, aspecting aim quickly.- There' will . be psychic
either of the two planets, shows, lingering experiences. Some may have prophetic
ill-health and death due to emaciation,' dream's and visions, mien the dasa and
rheumatism, etc. Thus it should be noted bhukti of these two lords are running, oner
who the lord of 8 is and also the lord of ' can benefit by contact with foreigners and
lagna. The result is the combined effect "strangers and enter into' contract with.,
of both these planets.. them. Voyages will be fruitful and the
person will enjoy "himself well and gain
Good aspect shows much of mental popularity. The -younger brother will
worry due to death' of any one of the have new friendships formed or he may get
himself married. Generally, this aspect -The lord of lagna in good aspectTo the
in a nativity brings out marriage of ah lord of 11.
younger sister. Mother may get promo- This portrays all round success and reali-
tion in service if- she is in employment, or sation of One's ambition, success in litiga-
get cured from the disease she was' ailing tion, election and competition, acquisition
from prior to this aspect. Children may of new, friends, assistance from all those
have free performances given gaining7 whom the native approaches, no'.impedi-
name but not money. Wife may make a ment or obstacle, easy fulfilment of one's
short journey. Father will spend money hopes, much pleasure in life, unexpected
oh fancies. profit, gains without pains, unexpected
bonus and good . understanding with
The lord of lagna in good aspect to the elders. The outcome of trade, and emolu--
lord of 10. . ments in vocation will be more than satis-
Promotion and prosperity arc certain. factory. Advice of friends will be helpful
[In some cases, the lord, of lagna will also "and profitable. Some will gain vehicle if
be the lord of 10- Then he should form, vand lordthe of lagna is the lord of 4 (Mithuna
Dhanur Lagna5) or the lord of 11 is
both by progression and also by transit,
good its original position at the lord of 4 -for Kataka and Makara
birth. This is applicable to jatives born in lagnas). -Some may gain in litigation
Kauya Lagna and Meena Lagna.] Business as the lord of lagna may also, be the
improves1 Considerably.. Expansion and lord of 6 (Vrischik and Rishaba lagnas).
support from clients as well as from tax , Also Dhanus and Mithuna-borns in whose
case the Iprd of 11 is also the lord of 6.
officers may be expected. Mother may gain
through law suits. - Money previously paid' Some may gain through legacy as the lord
in excess to the Department, which -is of 11 may be the lord of 8 (Vrishaba and
refundable, will be received at the. time Vrischik lagnas) or the lord of lagna may
when this aspect is formed. There will" be be the lord of 8 (Mesha and Thula
good understanding and backing by. higher Lagnas).
officials. If one has previously incurred _Grand success and 'reputation to those
the displeasure of his superior, during this in whose chart the lord of lagna,or the
period he will at least be transferred if his lord of It also owns the 1'Oth house (To
superior does not change his mind',
This also indicates increase in income, Meena Lagna>- 'he lord of lagna is'also
improvement in status, and social and the lord of 10; to" Mesha Lagna, the lord
financial success'. One will not - suffer, of 11 is also the lofd. of 10).
from indignities or limitations .'.or because In those cases where either' the lord of
•of, rights, withheld. There is'ho liability lagna or the lord of 11 owns the 12th-
for slander or dishonour. -There can be house also, one may gain but he will
no separation from parents or anyUrotible either invest it in full or spend away the
through them-- Instead, re-union with ' whole or the profit will be equal to the
parents and pleasant life is denoted. The hmount spent (to Kumbha lagna, the lord
younger brother gains through his partner of lagna is also the lord' of 12; to Meena
or through Provident Fund, etc. Children lagna, the lord of 11 is also the lord of
may change their physician and' approach 12). Example: A" person purchasing
one in a far-off place, or they- may go to' prize-bond and not getting any prize, or
a distant place for service or on probation. one purchasing ' win and place' ticket in
Wife will be happy. (She may invest on' a horse race getting dividend just equal to
permanent possessions or ''she may have the amount paid for the ticket, or getting
peaceful end or last days.) It is to he noted a prize equal to the-amount-invested, i.e.,
that some people have promotion at a 'purchasing 100-nos. one-rupee tickets and
time when they have to do karma of wife " - getting prize on only 1 one-rupee ticket
or son..Father .may.invest.^it-filmsjiLmay.. - The younger brother
speculate, will have gains through strangers and
foreigners. Mother will gain through the with the 11th bduse, then the native will
business-partner and will receive her share. enjoy the most beneficial results for a
Children will enter into contract with long, long number of.years. Instead, if the
foreigners or strangers. Wife may lose lagna were to be Kataka (Cancer) and the
money in speculation or the business- lord of lagna. Moon, were to apply to a
partner may lose money. The native's trine aspect with Neptune or Uranus
father will undertake short journey as'a conjoined with. Venus, the-lord of 11 to
film representative or for speculation or Kataka lagna, then the native will have
may get into service in a publicity under- fortune through wife or through friends to
taking. The elder .brother may make a great extent intermittently (not for a
money by publicity or by editing or by number of years as in the former case) and
making short tours or through neighbours. the fortune will also not be as steady as in
On the whole, this is one. of the best the previous example, as Moon, the lord
aspects. If, in a chart at the time of birth, of lagna, will progress very fast.
Saturn as the lord of Makara lagna
occupies a position (say 8° in Meena) and A planet in retrograde motion forming
Uranus or Neptuiie, a slow moving planet, an aspect with another, either in direct or
is conjoined with the lord of 11 (say Mars, retrograde motion, will give opportunities,
the lord of 11 in Kataka 11° and Uranus will tempt and will then finally disappoint.
or Neptune is in Kataka 14°, i.e., Uranus For Kataka and Simha lagna ' natives,
or Neptune conjoin" Mars, the lord of 11) aspects from the lord of lagna to beneficial
and the heavy planet is in 126° or so, so lords will give opportunities which will-be
that Saturn applies trine aspect with fruitful.
Uranus or Neptune having connection [To be continued)

Dear Sir, Ravan'a tried to have all the planets in

On* page 61 of May 1965 Magazine the 11th house at the time of the birth of
" Astrology and Athrishta" it is stated fof his son Indrajit, as it was considered that
Kataka Rasi as under : Mars, the lord of planets in 11 cannot do harm, whereas
5 and 10 being in the consteljation of the they will prove to be positively good.
lord of 11 promises satisfactory gains in 11th house indicates pleasure, profit,
speculation etc. Is not the lord of 11 a permanent tie of friendship, progeny,
Bhadhaka Sthana adhipathi for Kataka
rasi—acharasign ? IC so the placement prosperity, partnership, etc.; and it is a
of Mars in the constellation of Venus for Bhadhaka Sthana only to those who are
Kataka rasi must cause evil. Will you born in movable signs.
please enlighten as to how you predict . Therefore, the lord of-the 11 th house
good results for such a Mars through your gives much pleasure in one's life': it
magazine. indicates the net profit. It, shows that
Yours faithfully. those born on.the day ruled by, or in the
star governed by, or in the sign owned by
N. S. Iyer.' the lord of the 11th house will be. the
Answer:— permanent. friends and real benefactors.
Tt presages birth of children and also the
You are correct in. pointing out that partner in fuarried life and in business.-So
Venus is the lord , of the 11th house to it promises-prosperity. After having had
Kataka rasi. For chara (movable)- signs, all these, when one's longevity is in
11th house is Bhadhaka Sthana, the lord question, both the Bhadhaka sthana and
of 11 in Bhadhaka Sthana adhipathi. . the Bhadhaka sthanadhipathi will operate.
All. the sages and the authors of the It is similar to, a father-who is also a
.books on astrology have not dealt with teacher and an examiner. Father gives
Bhadhaka sthana. . One of the very few dress, comforts, books etc., to the boy;
books which has discussed is Jataga .an examiner, feeds him ; coaches him ; but when he is
Chandrika- he will fail his son, if he has
not scored the irreducible minimum needed
When one studies it from the beginning for a pass. If he has scored good.marks,..
to the end, one can understand, that the he is promoted. - Though the father is the
author stresses on one's health and person to give a failure also, he will not
longevity. He has classified the houses- fail him, if.he is destined to study in the
good and bad-considering how the lords higher class, next year. So also, people
of those houses will prove to be neither will survive Bhadhaga Sthana adhipathi's
contributing for health or detrimental to dasa,-if he has to live for, some more years.
it. He assumes that the houses 3, 6 and . So also the planets in the constellation
11 are evil ones. But all other authors say . of the Bhadhaka sthanadhipathi will offer
that these are Upachay a houses bringing all the beneficial results governed'by the
agreeable.results to the native when they Bhadhaka. sthana adhipathi and in those
are occupied by malefics. So, they say cases where the span of life coines. to an
that the. 11th house isan upachaya end, it will not-hesitate to lay its icy
sthana. hand.
One should not take the literal meaning
of " Bhadhaka " and consider that it has
to do harm in every walk of life.
'Bhadhaka' applies only to " Longevity."
The -Mhird house is called Sahaya
Sthana i.e., " Sadhaka." It means solhe
assistance and support-to. the native in his
attempts. It does not add to his longevity
even when malefics are posited.
There is one method of ascertaining
whether, a planet is a benefic or a malefic, But suppose, Kethu was in the 12th
by calling it as Sadhaka,- Bhadhaka, house in one's horoscope—Karkata
Vedhaka, etc.' It will be discussed in Lagna—and. Venus and Mars were in
subsequent issues. Aswini star; then Mars which is the
lord of S and 10, while transiting in the
Therefore, gentleman, what is predicted constellation of Venus, the lord of 11,
is correct according to the sound principles threatens loss. Why 7 Venus is under the
of astrology. sway of Kethu which was in the 12th
house portending severe losses. Hence, in
. those cases Mars will give the courage to
, The prediction given is only general, as over-trade and the lord of the constella-
all the planets in a horoscope are not tion Venus will bring in loss.
taken for consideration. This' statement • That is why,'the editor often ihentions
will proye to be 100% correct, if Mars even at public meetings that the daily
would have occupied " Bharahi " star at prediction; monthly prediction, etc., will
the time of birth. For, now it .will form come true in very few cases, and astrology
trine aspect: as the lord of 10, in.the lOth is a science only when it failsjn a majority
house, in his own sign and in the cons-. ' of. the cases. The real and the main
tellation of the lord of 11, now, during reason is, we do not take into considera-
transit forming trine aspect will surely tion the whole horoscope of a native but
give gains without pains and without offer a general prediction, taking either
■disappointment. Sun's position or Moon's position alone
at the time of birth.

Sir, tion where Moon was transiting at the
Kindly elucidate the following ; time of birth and the lord of the day in
which one is born (Sunrise to next Sunrise
(a) Badhakasthana a d h i p a t h i— -/is the astrological day) are taken as ruling
already discussed in detail—a planets. Consider their" disposition and
copy will be sent to you -free. strength. The strongest of these, well
(b) Ruling planet placed in a horoscope is the ruling planet..
(c) How to interpret the results of That is what is followed by the modern
the lord of the sign where Fortune astrological _ Research Institute, Madras
,has fallen? ' and Delhi.
(d) • Fortuna is said to benefit the sign A person may claim that he can choose
Jus wife, his profession, place of residence,
where it is. If it is in 6, 8 or 12, etc. But he or she has no. choice for his
will it increase the bcnefic effects. or her parents. So.also he or she- has no
These houses being bad, will bad choice of Lagna, rasi, the star and the
effects be predominant. day of birth. The lords of the Lagna,
rasi, star and the day gave birth at a
Ruling planet.. moment when they were jointly ruling the
Westerners call the planet governing the time: Hence these four planets or 3 pla-
Lagna—Ascendant as the ruling planet. - nets if any one planet rules any two of the
four, or 2 planets, if all the four are
Also they take the planet or the planets governed by. two planets or only one
in the first house, especially when it is planet if it rules all the four.. E.g., if one
between the cusp of the first house and is born on a Thursday, the lord is Jupiter;
200 from it. if the Lagna is Pisces—Meena, -it is owned
Note in which sign, Sun was at the time ^ by Jupiter; if.the Nakshathra or constella-
of birth. The lord of the sign occupied N tion in which Moon was transiting is
vby Sun is taken as a ruling planet. Poorva pathra pada, the lord is Jupiter.
Find out With which planet Sun is in the If it is the -th quarter or Chara, Moon will
closest aspect (especially applying). The be in Pisces—Meena, and the lord is
planet with which Sun forms an aspect Jupiter. Hence his ruling planet is Jupiter
immediately after birth dr. the planet and Jupiter alone. v.
which forms an aspect with Sun, will be Ruling planets indicate to which one
the ruling planet. will be known to all his friends; relatives
The strongest and ' the most prominent and community. In which has Dh'ridha- .
planet in the horoscope is also included. rastra excelled others? Is he not the
father of a hundred children? So his ruling -
- The ' above is what the Westerners planets will be Jupiter, the chief governor'
follow. for children, well posited in his horoscope,
It is the custom of the astrologers to "other than the houses, 6 or 8 or 12—and
call the Lord of Lagna as the ruler of the the lords of the houses 2 or 5 or 11.
. horoscope. To a good extent, it is correct. Hence, even though he was blind, and
Lagna represents one's body and health. could not see his vast empire or enjoy the ■
In Medical astrology, it is very correct. beauty of. the world, somehow the ruling
planets managed to bless him with 100
The Lord of the Lagna, the lord of-the children. Probably he would have been
sign in which Moon was at the time of_ born in Capricorn—Makara Lagna, having •
ihe.birthT'tHerlbfd "of ~the Ttaf—constella" ~ exalted Saturn, Mars and Venus, owning
houses 2, 5 and 11 and contributing their Therefore Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and
best. lastly Sun are his ruling planets.
Let us consider the horoscope of the Let us first find out whether these plaiiets
prominent,, popular and powerful gentle- worked in the minds of his elders to call
man. According to the details available, ■ him by a name.
the horoscope is cast and in given below: Venus signifies Passion.
Ket . tu Jupiter, otherwise called-a King, is the
tS-24 controller.
Jup, 0 S3
Mercury is for a dual naine like
Rajaram, Ramakrishna, Rajamanickam,
Moon Ethiraja, etc. Here Venus, Jupiter and
28*32 Mercury blessed him with an appropriate
name meaning one who controls passion.
Saturn Mars gives bold action : Venus helps
14-40 14-37 union. Saturn knows no law. Hence Mars,
Venus and Saturn can give .children at
Rihu home and abroad. But Venus indicating
Uranus t8-J4 union, Jupiter for law and children.
0-5 Mars Mercury the efieminate planet denies
35-U marriage and children.
That is why, Dhrudharashtra had 100
Lagna I'll children whereas' this gentleman has
Uranus StlD none.
From 19-4-1952, he is enjoying the dasa
of one of the ruling planets, Venus, who
Mercury Jj;I ::T is a Rajayogadhipathr when counted from
J . Lagna by owning the lOth house and also
a Rajayogadhipathi by -ruling the 9th
Mars house when counted from the Moon sign.
Neptune Venus Venus dasa runs for 20 years from 1952
Saturn to 1972.
He was jecentl/enjoying the results of
K«(hu Venus Dasa, Jupiter Bh'ukti which com-
menced on 19-6-1962 and ran' upto
Note the ruling planets. . After 19-2-65, he has entered into saturn
Bhukti which, will operate for 3S months."
Lord of Lagna. is Sun: Venus, is in
Lagna, So Venus is stronger than Sun.- His ruling planets are Venus, Jupiter
Both are in Vargotbamamsa. (Tenant is Sun and Mercury. Saturn lacks strength
stronger than owner.) .Lord 'of the star as it is in Sravanam star.
Poorvapathra is Jupiter. It is in its own Venus dasa, Jupiter Bhukti, and Mer-.
sign in rasi, in his own constellation and cury Anthra ran between 29-3-1963 and
exalted in Navamsa. 15-8-63; Mercury is the winged messenger
Lord of the rasi is Saturn. It is in its of God. It is an intelligent adviser when
own quarters but in 6,to Lagna and 12 to his advice was implemented. Later Venus
Moon and thereby not well posited. anthra ruled between Url0-63 and
21-3-64. In between, Kethu anthra gave
The day was a" Wednesday ruled by , the decision to resign the enviable post,
Mercury a dual planet... Kethu being in the 8th house. Venus
thrust on him a mote covetable position Thus if you study some horoscopes, it
in its period on 7-1-1964 which he" richly will be confirmed that during the conjoined
deserves. periods of the ruling planets,'one will
have an advancement, in his career, appro-
Between 9-5-64 and 29-7-64 he (why all. priate to his age (e.g.) in youth, success in
of us) tost our beloved leader during the examination, in adult age, marriage, entry
Moon sub sub period. As our leader was into service, promotion etc., or commence-
born in Cancer, ruled by Moon,., and as ment of a business improvement in it, and
Moon is Vrayadhipathi to this native, he in old age, after having lived the allotted
had this great loss. span, peaceful end ofriife.
Now, the readers and my students can (c) The results of the lord of the
study the nature of events during Venus sign where fortuna is:—
dasa Saturn Bhukti to ' understand how Suppose the lord of the sign itself is
planets, especially ruling" planets behave. there, how. will you judge": so also, one
Mercury anthra 19-8-65 to 1-2-66, Kethu is to consider and give the results when-
anthra 1-2-66 to 7-4-66, .Venus anthra
7-4-66 to 17-10-66, and Sun anthra ever Fortuna receives asp sets during pro-
' 17-10-66 to 14-12-66. \ gression or during transit.-
(d) Please refer to" pages 29, 30-and
If you carefully study this, you can 31 of May Issue—Astrology and
understand what ruling planets can do. Athrishta.
Kethu and Moon are not helpful whereas
other planets are very beneficial. ,K. S. K.
Fortunately, the number 28 also shows
, - Since a few years, I had been that the Lagna is Cancer — Kataka—bet-
worshipping Lord Ganesb made of silver. ween 0° and 30-20'.
I enjoyed peace of jhind; there was a The Lagna, the aspects to the Lagna,
steady increase in my popularity! lam the disposition of the Lord of the Lagna,
yet commanding much respect; but I feel, and the various connections which it has,
now and then, depressed, as I have no indicate whether one's desire will be ful-
child. May I request you to kindly sug- filled or not.
gest to me, as to what I should do? ' The position of Moon called 'Mathi',
Let me give you the number ' 28' so that the mind, shows the'nature of the query.
you can offer your valuable suggestion. What he' has iir his mind, as the urge to
Thanking you, put a question is given by Moon.
Y.'s.N. Lagna is Cancer—Kataka. It is gover-
Indore. ned by Moon. Lagna gains strength as 'it
Dear Sir, is directly aspected by Moon. (A sign
The following is the chart prepared for gains strength if it receives aspect from its
the moment at which I took your letter lord or is occupied by him.) So
for study and judgment: , Lagna is strong.
Lagna is not occupied by malefics. Nor
S it is aspected by evil planets.
Mtrcuty ^ 36' Hence, what you want to have, you will
18c'33' XSPJg,.9 Rahu
surely have.
Moon,, the planet indicating the query _
is in the sign Capricorn - ruled bji Saturn,
Friday in the star governed by Sun—Uthrashada,
23—4—1965 and in the sub of Jupiter.
11-35 A.M. As per stellar astrology. Moon in Sun's
constellation indicates the matters signified
•by Sun who owns the second house. The
second house, denotes " Family and'
Finance". '
Most of the people.are worried about
"Family and Finance". So, Moon .in
Sun's stardbes not specifically mention
Jupiter . Saturn- Neptune Sun the nature of the query. '
Now study the sub and also • Sun".
AS Moon whs in 2° 45', it is in Sun's star
Uthrashada and in the sub of Jupiter.-
Jupiter is the Chief Governor for Children
and Money. Again, tb eliminate either
and for clarification to . select the exact
nature of the query, furthermore one is
to study.
Take Sun, the lord of the constellation.
It is in the constellation of Kethu who
occupies the 5th house which governs the
birth of a child.
Consider Jupiter who is the lord of .the " (b) the occupants of the houses 2, S
sub. It is in the 11th Bhaya, is the cons- ' and 11;
tellation of Sun. Jupiter is strong to (c) the planets in the constellation of
indicate children. 11th house in the fifth the lords of these houses 2 or S of 11';
from the seventh.
' (d) the lords of these houses;
Hence the query is about " chiId-birth1'.
(e)' those which are conjoined with
■ First of all, one is to' find out the evil these significators; or
influences and ascertain its magnitude.
Then only, one is to consider the favour- (0 those receiving aspects from the
able aspects pr mising an .affirmative indicators.
answer. House 2 is occupied by Mars. Its stars
. Houses 618 and 12 occupied by malefics, - "are Mrigasirisha, Chithra and Dhanishta.
threaten loss difficulty, delay or denial. No planet is found in any of the three
6th house'is vacant: 8th house is occupied asterisms.
by Saturn which is in Jupiter's constella- House 5 is occupied by Kethu. It rules
tion and thereby its evil results are miti- over the constellations Aswini, Makham
gated by Jupiter. Hence it will be a delay- and Moolam.
ing planet and not a denying one. 12th
house is unoccupied. , Sun and Venus are in Aswini star. •
Hence there will be much delay in No planet occupies either Makham or
becoming the father of a child.1 Moolam. Hence Sun and Venus are strong'
significators. "
You have asked-nie'to suggest as to House 11 is occupied by Jupiter and
what you should do. Rahu : Jupiter's ~ stars are Punarvasu,
Answer:- You have to,, perform Visakha and Poorvapathra. No planet is
"Shanthi". You have mentioned that in Punarvasu. Neptune, to-which no dasa
you pray for Lord Ganesh. It is correct,' is . allotted, is in Visakha. Saturn is in
because, the Sth house indicates the initia- Poorvapathra.
tion of the Mantra,' Upasana etc. Kethu . Rahu governs the three stars Ariidhfa
is in the Sth house. It is aspected- by Swathi and Sathabhisha. No "planet is-
Mars, the lord of S, Jupiter, the religious in these constellations.
planet juling the 9th house and the planet
Saturn throwing obstacles". Mars and' Therefore Sun, Venus and lastly Saturn
Kethu, having connection with the Sth are the significators.
house indicate that yoii are a devotee of 'To confirm whether they are the real
Lord Ganesh. significators, follow the method adopted
Whenever Jupiter aspects either, the by the Editor.
Ascendant or the Moon in a horoscope, Today is Friday. Who is the lord 7—
the person will have faith and knowingly Venus rules over Friday. (23—4—1965.)'
or unknowingly, will be'doing meritorious
deeds: he may also pray or do " Shanthi" What is the constellation today. in
In the horary chart, Jupiter aspects Moon, which Moon transits?-Uthrashada—who
who* is also the lord of Lagna and hence is its lord
S. 1—Sm. ,
you will follow the advice to enjoy "the Which is the sign in which Moon is
beneficial results. , passing at the time of answering the
The query is about child birth. Houses query? Capricorn-Makaram. Who
2, 5 and 11 are to be considered. The rules the Sign, Capricorn?, Sarurn'owns,
strength of the planets which signify those it. Hence this moment is ruled by Venus,'
matters of the houses 2, 5 and 11 is to-be the lord of the day. Sun, the ruler of the
taken in the following order star Uthrashada and Saturn the owner o
(a) The planets in the .constellation Capricorn.
■ of the pccup&nts-'of the houses^j-5 orTl"; " Therefore',"When will-a child be born ?
As Saturn is in the Sth house, it delays- or Swetha Arka is the best. An idol
Venus, the lord of 11, will give the child made of coral gives success in competition,
in its Bhukti—A'pakara sub period The authority, power and health. Generally,
dasa lord will be Sun. Sun dasa, Venus rich people do not maintain good health.
Bhukti, Saturn anthara will be the time of An idol made of gold possessed by theni,
the birth of the child. will offer good health. Those who suffer
How to find it ? At the time of answer-, from chronic disease may have the figure'
ing the Moon was in Uthrashada star, of the Lord in the ring or pendant, for
governed by Sun. It was in 2° 45". There- speedy recovery from the disease and to
fore balance of Sun Dasa was 3 years maintain good health in the future. If
3 months and 3 days. silver is used to make the idol, it gives'
name, fame, reputation etc. .If the idol is
Sun dasa, Venus Bhukti will commence made'of copper, one will have'children.
on 26—7—1967. It runs for one year. If the idol is prepared in stone, one will
The anthra of Saturn will be operating be lucky to have much of landed property.
between 17-3-1968 and 14-S.-68.
Therefore you can expect a child on a But one should handle the idol carefully
Karthika Nakshatra day between 17-3-68 and keep it safely. If the image is hurt,
and 14-5-68. it is an ill oman. It affects the head
man of the family. . If any hole forms on
Now, let. us take the Western System, the idol, there will be disease, trouble etc.
and find out how it coincides—rather, how However costly it may be, give it away to
that system also gives the same time. the temple authorities to be kept in.the
Moon, by progression, in 3 years forms temple.
sextile aspect with the lords of 2 and 11, Therefore, buy Lord Ganesh made of
i.e., Sun and Venus. copper and pray for him.
Sun, by progression, as lord of 2, . 'Shanthi' done calmly during night
conjoins Venus-Sukra, the lord of 11 in ' hours will never go in vain, as there will
3 years from now onwards. be no disturbance and you can then con-
Hence, it is certain that you'muSt have centrate.
a,child, mostly oh a Karthika nakshthra Lord. Ganesh made of copper gives
day in the end of April 1968; when Moon enthusiasm and encouragement. Ganesh'
transits the position of Jupiter. will bless you with a child.
You mentioned that you have the idol People desirous of enjoyingall the fruits
of Lord Ganesh, in silver. For the of life, make the idol in an alloy of gold,
information of the readers, let the follow- silver, copper, etc.—" Panchaloka
ing details be given.
Whether you, pray or not, the chart
•JIf one is afraid of one's longevity, shows that exactly, in 3 years, you will
have an idol made of wood or clay and have a child and thus become the father.
pray. li bestows long life. Also, people
desiring to have much of prosperity can Good Luck
have it in sandalwood. For Victory
over enemies, idol in clay or sandal wood K. S. K.


Please explain astrologtcally how to refundable one, it is a profit and the house
find out, whether J will get scholarship;at of education will have connection with
school for any studies or not. The fourth the 11th house.
house indicates whether one will study at
all. The ascendant or the Lagna denotes Sth house occupied by benefics' indicates
the person. The seventh house represents that the native will pay and study as the
the school where he may study. The benefic is in the second house to the
ninth house shows ' the teacher. The seventh.
houses Sand 12 connected with the 4th 12th house shows expenses. So the"
' house and vice versa indicate that one will, native
pay the fees,' etc., and study. But tlfe 4th . house, isJupiter to spend and study. If the 4th
and Mercury are connected
house having connection with the 6th and with Jupiter (by constellation) he pays the
the 11th houses indicate scholarship. fees and studies. But if the 12th house is
The 7th house will indicate the person connected with'venus or the lord of 3, he
to whom or the Institution to which you pays, for his conveyance, though, he may
have to pay or the person from whom or enjoy scholarship, If the 12th house is
the Institution from which you have to connected with Mars and 3rd bouse, he
receive- may shift to a hostel, pay for boarding'
Scholarship is a non-repayable loan. . and lodging byt will receive scholarship.
Generally the 6th Jiouse is judged for a Let us take the horoscope of a native
loan. Why ? As the seventh house repre- :wh~o is given scholarship and who is novy
sents one who lends money to you, ^the studying in America.
vyaya house, the 12th . to the 7th shows
thatjse has to lose or he has to withdraw The person was born on a Tuesday ruled
that amount which he gives "as loan and by Mars in Scorpio ascendant, ruled by
there will be a deterioration in his bank Mars, in Aries Rasi—where Moon was at
position to that extent to which he issues the time of birth—owned by Mars on 28th
the cheque. But it is an income to the March 1933 at 10-20 P.M. The following
iiative. His bank position or the money . is the chart:
on hand increases by that amount which
he takes as a loan.
Similarly, the Institution is .entitled to' vi," M°°n
take money .from the students. But if Mercury
one is given/ a scholarship, it'means the
Institution loses through that student and
pays the fees for him. Rather, the Institu- \ Rahu | '
tion gives that amount to the student as a 1
loan which need not be returned at all. | Rasi —; '
Hence the 4 th house should be donnected I I Mars, ■
, • Saturn Jupiter, \
with the 6th house, i.e., the planet in 4 | | Keihu
may be in the constellation of the
occupant in the 6th house or the lord of
the sixth house. | J Lagna I .I
11th house indicates , benefit, profit,
"gains, etc! ~ Siffce lsMiTibfrship is ■ a non;
7th house indicates school and the "bth"
shows expenses to them or scholarship to
the student, Moon gives scholarship to
him, at a time when the planet in the
constellation of Moon operates. Actually
he received the order during Moon Dasa,
Saturn Bhukti on a Pushyam star, day
ruled by Saturn in the Cancer (the Moon's)
sign and left India on a Sravanam star
day (governed by Moon in Saturn's sign
Capricorn) at the time Moon just passed
the position of Saturn.
Similarly, the research students of
astrology may collect the horoscopes of
the students who are given scholarship
and, find out in which Dasa and' Bjiukti he .
At tbe time of birth. Balance of Venus was first offered the scholarship and judge
Dasa -was 19 years and 3 days. how the Dasanatha and Bhukti natha are
Till he completed M.B.B.S. and then connected with the houses 4 and 6 or 4,
M.D. he had been paying and studying at 6 and 11-
school _ and college. But during Moon The following is the horoscope of the
dasa Saturn Bhukti he got the scholarship Editor who received scholarship while he
and went overseas for study. was studying in the St. Joseph's College,
Why should he get such a benefit then Trichy :
and go overseas ?
Moon, the lord of 9, indicating long
journey and higher studies was in the /■
constellation bf Venus owning the 1.2th ""
house. (s So. a long journey in a
foreign place'for further study are indi-
cated by Moon.
Saturn owns the 4th house- It has to
give a regular course of study. It is in -
- the 3rd house :■ So a thorough change in
surroundings and environment is indi-
cated. It aspects -the 9th house and the
12th house. Hence it influences these Merc.', Mars,
houses and matters signified by these Sun ■ Venus
houses are enjoyed, i.e., a long journey,
and life in a foreign place.
The above reasons "explain his further The balance of Moon dasa is 8 years and
study in a foreign place. 'Why should he 2 months. The scholarship was awarded
get a scholarship ? during Rahii Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Mars
Saturn which is the ruler of the 4th Anthra in A'ugust 1926, as Rahu was in
house. indicates his study. It is in the the constellation of Mars the lord of 4 and
constellation of Moon which was in the . ll'and it represents Mercury, the lord of
sixth ciisp in his horoscope. When the 6 and 9 by occupying Gemini.


The following is my chart. I still hold You are born in the ascendant Taurus.
on my desire to remain unmarried. But It is signified by a Bull in the Zodiac.
you are going on repeatedly saying that Your health will be very good with satis-,
I will marry in July 1966.. factory vitality and immunity against
Let me see whether I can exercise my infectious diseases; Mentally Taurus-
will and conquer the so-called fate. I borns are thorough in whatever they do
have no objection .to your publishing and they are steady and steadfast. Either
my horoscope and discussing the astro- in pleasurable pursuits, in likes and
logical implications iif your valuable dislikes, in their official career Or domestic
. magazine. one, they will persist in any one direction.
B- H. P., Bombay, None cart influence them nor will they
relish suggestion*" from others; but they
The horoscope is as follows :— will act according to their own conscience,
as Mars is conjoined with lord of the
Moon S.9 Ascendant—Venus. Moon in the \ same
Lagna sign—the planet of fecundity—gets , exal-
16.45 tation here which is an earthy and fruitful
Urtuins 23.0 sign. Therefore, generally people born
in this sign will have a family.
M.C. 1.47 2—9—1923 Union and pleasure do not mean
11—59 P.M. ' marriage ; but marriage offers cbances. for
• 25° 25' N Mars 8.25 union with peace of mind and without
68*J8'E • Venus -
' 14.29 - any complication and .anxiety. Marriage
Sun 16.34 " is a legal'bondage. ,Anything that is done
RatmT8.42 according to the moral law and man-
Mer.13^4 made law is indicated by Jupiter. Alsor
Saturn marriage settles one's life.
25.12 -
' Why should you take such a decision to
remain unmarried 7 The lord of Lagfia,
conjoined with Mars, makes the native
Moon Jupiter M.c
MIllr: Lagna to take this extreme step. If he likes, he
Kethu Uranus ' Mars goes ahead to help one whom he likes.
If he hates, not only will he avoid him.
but he will never hesitate to do harm, tp
him if that is possible.
As Venus is'the lord of Lagna and he
is the Kalathra Karaha, indicating
marriage and married life, the native will
have likes and dislikes towards the other
sex, as Mars is conjoined with Venus.
Further, Mars gives strength and sudden
Union also.
But Saturn; though a Rajayogadhipathi,
aspecting the 7th. sign—Scorpio-Vrischika
sun dasa balance at the time of birth = by its 3rd aspect will delay the marriage,
"year ^inonths -28 -days; - till the Dasa-and Bhukti of -strong signifi-
catofs, unaspected by Saturn operate. Kethu, the Bhuktinatha will come id
If Saturn were to aspect the strong Visakha 3rd pada and will be in Libra, in
significa'tor, it will influence the signifi- the constellation of Dasanatha Jupiter.
cator and marriage will get postponed till Sun who indicates the day will transit
its sub sub period operates. The above is in Punarvasu star, end of 2nd pada in
a fact. the sub of Kethu - on or around 11th
.For marriage, houses 2, 7 and 11 and the July.
planet Venus are considered. " Hence, according to stellar astrology,
• No planet is in 2, or in 7 and the 11th it will be on 11-7-1966 or 12-7-66. The
house is also unoccupied. star day may be Sathabhisha - when Moon
conjoins Kethu.or it may be Moolam in
Mercury owns the second, Mars the Dhanur rasi (Sagittarius when Moon will
seventh and Jupiter the 11th house. transit in Kethu's star and Jupiter's sign.
Note whether Rahu or Kethu occupies - As per progression, the position of
the sign of any of. the three. Then the planets on 15-10-1923 indicates the results
nodes will become stronger and will in 1966. - ie the position of planets on
denote marriage. 15-10-1923 at 12.00 noon Greenwich shows
Neither Rahu, nor Kethu occupies any the results on 18-5-1966 and that on
of the Signs owned by Mercury, Mars or 16-10-1923 at 12 noon Greenwich indicates
Jupiter. the results on 18-5-67 and during the
motion, one is to note when a favourable
The Nodes are stronger than the aspect is formed.
planets with which they are conjoined. So
Rahu is stronger than Mars who-owns the The Sun passes the position of Saturn
seventh house.. and forms an aspect with Venus. Moon
applies trine with Venus.
Rahu rules the three stars Arudhra,
Swathi and Sathabhisha. Only Kethu is All planets progression shows that Sun
in Sathabhisha.'' is forming favourable aspect with Jupiter-
Mercury who rules the second house is Can he not avoid the wedding now?
the lord of the stars Ashlesha, Jyeshta No—not&t all.
Tind Revathi No planet has transitted Any Why? Because Kethu.receives aspect
of the 3 stars at the time of birth. from Venus the lord of 1 Mars, the lord of
Punarvasu,. Visakha and Pobrvapthra 7, and Jupiter, the lord of 11. Kethu is
are-governed by Jupiter and Jupiter alone not aspected by Sani—Saturn. Further,
-was in Visakha. the slow moving planets Saturn, Jupiter
Hence Jupiter and Kethu are strong. and Kethu transit in the favourable signs,
houses and constellations.
Then, among the lords of 2, 7 and 11 Therefore, however much one exercises
Mercury is the strongest. his will, marriage fixed in the' heavens
Therefore Jupiter Dasa Mercury Bhukti according to one's fate must be celebrated,
Saturn Anthra will be the date first on the stipulated date on the Earth.
selected for marriage, but, on some Now, you should have such a mind, as
grounds it will get postponed; thereafter your time is not propitious for a happy
during Jupiter dasa Kethu Bhukti marriage wedding. If you do not object to marry
must take place. anybody, now, normally you will fix and
According to transit, after 6-6-1966 celebrate in a week's time yob do. not lack
when Jupiter'Dasa Kethu Bhukti operates. for'finance, for beauty," for health etc.
Jupiter will transit in. the second, house As at present, you should not get married,
Gemini, where the stars are Mrigasirisha, you have developed such a mind. .When
Arudhra and Punarvasu and all of them' the time comes, circumstances will so
are favourable for pleasant marriage. develop, that you will necessarily marry
and lead a very happy life with a beautiful Balance of Sun Dasa is 3 years 4 months
wife. and 15 daysi"
Good Luck For marriage houses 2, 7 and 11, as
K.S.K. well as the planet Venus are considered.
This is the hoioscope of a girl in The second house is vacant. The 7th
Bombay well educated, well accomplished house is occupied by Mars. Mars is
and rich. The parents are very k»en to ashtama adhipathi and the owner of the
celebrate her' marriage as early as house where Mandhi is located. Hence
possible. For a couple of years, stre- Mars does not give marriage.
nuous attempts have, been made. The 11th bouse is occupied by Venus and
will is there. Money is in plenty. The Rahu. Jupiter goes to 10th Bhava.
girl is of proper age. When everything is Of the two, Rahu is stronger.
there, why is there so much delay? Is it
not fate? Mars delays. Hence the planets in the
constellation of Mars will cause- some
hindrance or other. Sun and Saturn are
Then find out when she will get married, in Mrigasirisha. Both cannot contribute
and explain the cause for delay since, the for early marriage.
horoscope is very good. Venus and Rahu are in 11. Bharaiti,
The chart is as follows: Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada are the
stars governed by Venus. No plane! is
found in any of the three stars.
Rahu governs Arudbra, Swathi and
There is no planet in these constella-
Bom Hence, Rahu and Venus are the only
20—6—1943 two planets which should work for the
1—13 P.M. marriage in their conjoined periods.
Rahu Dasa commenced on f-11-63. It
runs for 2 years 8 months and 12 days
and so will be over by .17-7-1966. In this
sub period, Venus rules the sub.sub period
between 28-7-1965 and IO-j-66.
.At that time, Jupiter, the lord of 7, will
transit in the constellation of Rahu, the
Dasanatha, ie~, in Ariidhra star. Rahu, the
□asanatha will be in the constellation of!
the lord of 11, Moon and in the sign of
sub sub lord Venus (Rcrhini). Sun,
the luminary which fixes the date will
be in Venus sign and Rahu star Swathi
and in the sub of Venus.
Hence the marriage will be'celebrated
on 3-11-1965 on a Sathabhisha star day
when Moon is also in the constellation of
Venus . Sun Therefore it is clear that one cannot
remain single, .even though he may be
strongwilled, when planets promise a An officer in Delhi wanted to fix ama'rri-
pleasant partner and one cannot celebrate age on 17-4-1963, whereas the planets indi-
it early even by a day, though one may cated 18-4-63. The relatives who had to fix
try for it. the marriage, missed the train and could
not arrive on 17th; but they arrived on
Viswamitra went to the forest to the 18th and had the betrothal on 18-4-63.
pray God and lead a religious and This was predicted by the Editor, a couple
spiritual life. Destiny gave him of years ago while giving lecture in
Menaka. Bharatiya Vidhya Bbavan.
Before counting the houses and rushing
When I was running Saturn Dasa for prediction, one is to ascertain whether
Mercury Bhukti, I was informed by a few Jagna is strong or the moon sign. . If
local astrologers—no doubt amateurs, lagna is occupied by a malefic, note
that I would enjoy Rajayoga and that whether the Moon sign in free from it.
I would have increase in my wealth, Then consider if the Moon sign is stronger.
etc. The period started on .16-3-61 and If the lord of Lagna occupies the 6th sign
to my great disappointment, on 12-7-1961 and 6th Bhava, find out where the lord of
I lost my house during the sudden and i iftheit rasi is posited. A Sign is very strong,
is occupied by its lord ; next when it
unexpected floods in the town, Poona-
This was constructed in December-1918. is aspected by it i then, when it is in a
Can you explain why I incurred such a trine aspect in a Kona and lastly if it is not
loss. in 6, 8 or 12.
M. G. N., Poona". Here the lagna, Capricorn-Makara, is
The following is the-horoscope : owned by Saturn which is in the 6th house
and in the ascbndant, Rahu was positwl.
Hence the very weak.
I Moon | Satvrn Moon sign is strong as itis not occupied
by or aspected by malefics, whereas the
lord of the sign forms trine aspect with
29-9-1915 The astrological' rulings followed by
R'ohini sages are:'
_ 1. "If Sun is .in a Kendhra Kona, the
house collapses due to the poor strength of
Mercury the works."
2.-"If:lord of 4,-in 6 and is aspected
by malefics, the fall of a house is to be
3. " If the lord of the. Navamsa sign is
occupied by. the lord of the 4tb house and
is in, the house gets destroyed^
4. " If the lord of 4 occupies' the 8th
house, the house is demolished."
But scientific explanation is as
follows: 4th house . and the chief
Governor for landed property, building,
etc.—Mars—need consideration.
The Moon signis Taurus. The 4th house
is Leo which is owned by Sun. No planet is . .
Balance of Moon Dasa at the time of birth -in the 4tb sign counted from the Moon
was 1 year 3 months and 23 days. sign.
The house which one occupies, or owns Mars is in the constellation of Jupiter
or lets out for rent or sells or mortgages is who is the lord of 8 and 11. The 11th
judged taking Mars and tbe4thBhava into . to bays ;_toj;ain ; to possess etc.
consideration. Hence during Mars Dasa Jupiter Bhukti;
you had it. Actually, the 9th house denotes or by aspect. Rahu receives the aspect
father. 9th house is Capricorn, ft is " from Mars.. Therefore Rahu is the
owned by Saturn 1 The 4th therefrom is signiGcator of the loss of a house.
owned by Mars who is also the lord of 11 Rahu governs Arudhra, Swathi. and
to Capricorn. Hence during the period of Sathabisha. Only Mercury occupies
jupiter, a benefic by nature, owning the Swathi and it is under the sway of
12th house from the 9th, occupyingthe Rahu. Therefore Mercury is evil.
second from the 9th, your father invested
money and acquired & house. The 10th As Saturn and Rahu are in shashta
house is inheritance. To . your Moon astama, planets under the sway of Rahu
sign, 10th is Aquarius. It is occupied by cannot bring fruitful results, but will
Jupiter and aspecled by Mars. Hence positively do harm. Therefore during
during Mars Dasa Jupiter "Bhukthi, the in- Saturn Dasa Mercury Bhukti Mercury
herited properly was erected. Anthra on -a Mercury day. Wednesday,
NowduringSatum Dasa Mercury Bhukti, when Sun, the lord of 4 and the other
-why should you lose on that day ? luminary, Moon, were transiting the exact
position of Saturn he lost the house.
, The 4th house denotes building. The 12th Generally planets in 12 or 6 to Mars and
to the 4th indicates loss of the build ing. planets in 12 or 6 to the 4th house,
Its lord is MoOn. The planets in Moon's indicate the fall of a house or . the demo-
stars, Rohini, Hastham and Sravanam, are lition of.a building.
-Moon in Rohini, Sun and Venus in Rahu was in the constellation of Moon,
Hastham, and Rahu in Sravanam. a watery planet. It is aspected by Mars
Neither Mooh nor Sun and Venus are from watery sign. .Hence due to floods,
connected with Mars, either by conjunction you had to lose the house.
RESIGNATION and re-entry
In his chart, Saturn Dasa commenced
on 8—6—1955 and Venus Bhukti began on
-Nep. 12-57! Yl?" 29—3—1962. During Rahu Anthra he
should resign from a covetable post. Why?
It is said in Uthrakalatnritha, that a
.Sus 17-59, person can enjoy beneficial results during
Rahu 11-4' the conjoined period of Saturn and Venus,
. Mercy' .(a) if neither is exalted ; (b) if either owns
21-23 Kethu, 6 or 8 or 12 and are in 6 or 8 or 12 to
Venus 11-4 each other. But Saturn is exalted and both'
14-43 Moon 25-9 owning houses 8 and 12 are not in Shashta
Maia 5-20
. ashtama. Hence during.Sani .Dasa Siikra '
Fortune Uranus . Saturn Bhukti he had to give up bis post
18 47 5-14 .26-49 Rahu being in Saturn's sign, it had to
offer the result in its ^nthra.
It is a pleasure to note how tell a r
astrology fixes the day.
He gave his resignation on a Saturday,
not during the hours when Chithra star
was' -on, but the moment when Swathi
star started. What is Swathf? It is Rahu's
star in Venus s'ign.
This native has the aspect of Saturn to
.the lord of the tenth house, Jupiter and
Saturn isin~3 to Moon and 5 to Lagnal
Hence, he is one who would have resigned
his post already in his adult age, to hold
on to his principle and fulfil his desire.
Is fortune promised 1 in the future?
Certainly. Why not ? Whatever generally
AC the time of birth Balance ofVerius Rahu does, Kethu will undo. Therefore
Dasa was 2 years 4 months ah3 8 days. Sukra Bhukti Kethu Anthra operating'
between 23—3—65 and 29—5—65 will
This native relinquished his office a create the chance. Then Sun Bhukti-
couple of years ago. Will fortune be thrust Rahu Anthra wilT give Sun Bhukti com-
on him and if so when? mences on 29—5—-65 Mars Anthra will be
What a peculiar horoscope ! This person 8—8—65 Kethu sub will be. between
would have had his first birth anniversary 22—2—66 - and 14—3—66. Balance of
according to calendar date only ..after 8 Dasa Bhukti at birth may err by a month
years and thereafter once in 4 years. or two especially when it is Venus Dasa.
Even though Gemini is noted for According to Dasa Bhukti system,-these
vacillation and lack of decision,- this are the three dates. To select one of
native will be strong-willed, stubborn, them, note the results according to pro-
steadfast and strong-principled, as Mars is gression. Till April 1965, Sun was'
conjoined with the lord of the Ascendant'^ opposing Saturn. Now it separates from
and Mars aspects Moon.- He can never opposition.' Moon "was squaring the
change his code out of any selfish motive. ascendant till April and now it has com-
A preson of sterling character, indeed ! menced to apply sextile aspect with Venus
in jMay and good aspect with Sun in Let another horoscope be studied to
August. note the results.
So May or August will be the time. Moon 4.59
Nep, 21-2
A^ain to fix the exact time, follow Rahu 29.53
horary astrology. A number was asked
for and the friend sitting by the side of
the editor mentioned 93. It. means that Merc, 3.59
Sathabisha star; first quarter rises as Jupiter 4.34
ascendant. Sun 19.12

The horoscope for the' monftnt is as

follows :
- Venus, Rahu, Kethir-iS.JJ
. Mweeir gun Jupiter Uranus 17.3
Mars 14.38
1 Moon,-i
L.Lagna At the time of birth Mars dasa balance ,
was only ten months and eighteen days.
Mercury dasa started on 23-6-61.
The'ascendant is not afflicted. It is.
strong as the lord of lagna is not in 6 of 8
Kethu Neptune ' or 12 to Lagna and no malefic is posited
iii'the lagna. Further the Lagna is Vargo-
tham and strong.
Moon sign and the 9ih Bhava is.afflicted
Moon conjoined with Saturn in the as Neptune and Rahu were in the 9th
ascendant indicates that the native'will house. That :is why the native had to
reject the first offer,-whatever it may be. lose his father when he was young op 18th
But Mars, the lord of 10 aspecting the , January 1916 in Rahu dasa Sattirn Bhukti
ascendant thrusts on him a job much more , Rahu anthra.
powerful than what is suggested. Nothing For a person to receive a salary the
is lost when a candle burns. One man's houses two, six and ten are to be'judged. -
food is another man's poison. One's
gain' is another's loss. Therefore this can Lord of 2 is Mars. It is the Upacha-
happen when Sun or Moon transits the yasthana the third and in the constellation,
eth cusp to the Horary ascendant, i.e.j of the , lord of Lagna.' Hence it will
around the 7th or 8th degree of Cancer, contribute for further rise in one's career.
which means service to "the native in the It affords a modest and independant view
post falling vacant. as-its fiery nature is toned down by Venus,
the lord of,the constellation ^n which
Mars was.
Therefore from 24—7—1965 onwards,
lie will draw his salary. Lord of 6 is Jupiter. It is exalted iii
the 10th house and it aspects the 6th: So
it indicates that the native will serve in
According to another school ■ of respectable posts. Jupiter makes one
thought, the position of Moon transittcd attached to Law or religion or finanpe or
by Sun gives the result, which will be politics. Jupiter was in the constellation
„ 17-2-1966-- of the.planet occupying the 6th house,
Saturn and hence it is the strongest to Accepted another on 23-3-47 and gave
bestow such results' which the native it up on 8-2-52.
desires to have. Jupiter and. Saturn con-, Better, post taken on 28-3-55 and relin-
jointly indicate that he will hold the quished it on 1-11-56.
position of trust. An honest gentleman Anyhow accepted another, on 30-11-56.
with moderate ambition, capable of adjust- Change of place and a desired post was
ing to the circumstances and avoiding to offered and accepted on 2-4-58 with a
rub on the wrong side. promotion on 10-4-62.
10th house is occupied by Mercury, On 31-8-63 he resigned.
Jupiter, Venus and Sun. Hence the native l
-What next?
will cut a figure and rise far above the
sphere in which he is born. 10th house It is found that he is running Mercury
indicating inheritance also he by birth will dasa and the evil Kethu Bhukti was over
be rich and by fortune, indicated by the. 00 17-11-64! Now the brilliant knd pro-
majority of the benefics in 10, due to the mising Venus Bhukti is running, from
meritorious deed done in the previous 17-11-64. In it, Sun's sub sub period will-
birth he will hold good positions com- operate between 7th May and 24lh June
manding respect and love from others. 1965, when it will give a new cycle of life.
Mars sub sub period will improve the
Let the,students study how he took up status between 19-9-65 and 19-11-65,
various posts on various dates and when mostly on 11-11-65. More satisfactory
he resigned them and so on. Then it will position with peaceful life will commence
be advantageous to find what is in store during the period of Jupiter anthra.and
for him. Sun shookshma i.e., around 28-6-66..
Took up a post on 14-7-37 which he This chart is given more for the exercise
left on 30-10-39. of the students.

Life is not uniformly a bed of roses. . two planets in the natal chart. Both of
Every individual undergoes sufferings at ■ these may rule beneficial houses or both
' some time or the other. When difficulties evil houses in the nativity. Or one may
crop upr one is naturally anxious to get own a beneficial house.and the other an
over them and want to know when and evil house. The exact relative distance at
how he can do'so. 'Whatever may be'the which the transiting Saturn is away.from
accusations hurled-at astrologers, most of the Moon dbes not enter into the reckon-
the people have not lost complete faith in ing. The constellation is not included.
astrology. Indeed, competent astrologers . These ate the defects while judging the
are very few in number. Therefore many transit results.
have to seek advice from the quacks, The suffering's are not uniformly spread
amateurs and even cheats. all through Ihe 7J years period. For
Suppose a mative is running the seven example if we take any one day,-we experi-
and a half year's Saturn period. He may ence happy as well as unhappy results
have some problems. He seeks astro- alternately. Therefore in ,the 71 years
logical advice. He is told "Oh, I; sec period one will naturally have both good
from your chart that you are running the and bad results. Further,-Saturn is.not
7-1/2 years Saturn period. Be careful. You the only planet to cause pain or offer
may have to experience for some more pleasure. We have to consider, alt the
years similar worries and obstacles ". ' A planets. So we should not attribute the
few astrologers arc a little considerate to evil results only to ' Sade Sati'. The
the consultant and grant that one need not prediction offered without taking all
feel unduly disturbed. They' may quote factors into consideration can never come
the traditional saying the first round of correct. Therefore, misery and misfortune
jJ-ljl years. Saturn in one's life will be ' cannot be attributed to ' Sade Sati' alone.
"moderate; the second round of 7-1/2 One may ask how can ■' Sade, Sati' do
years immensely beneficial; only the.third any harm to one ata time when one runs
round will invariably cause harm". It
may even put an end to life. Within that the mahadasa and bhukti of the planets
time he will he 65 or 70 or 80 years who have to do only • good to him by
old. owning beneficial houses in the chart and
who are also well placed in the chart ?
The term ' Sade Sati ' or 7-1/2 years True. If the dasa and ."bhukti are
Saturn is used to designate Saturn's transit favourable,"- during the 7i years Saturn
through the sign occupied by Moon at will -transit in such a relative-position,
birth and. the two signs on either side of constellation and sub, that during, that
the Moon sign. As Saturn takes more period also, on occasions when Saturn is
than 29 years tp pass through the entire in favourable position, it will bestow on
zodiac of 12 signs, it will take li years to him only brilliant results. Indications
pass through the three.signs. will never be' cpntradictory. With poor
Most of the astrologers do not note the knowledge, one cannot realise and enjoy,
exact longitude in which Moon was at the mysterious coincidences, uniformly in
birth—whether it is in the beginning or in all cases.
the middle or in the end of a sign. They The consultant may not be running
do not consider the houses ruled by these 7-1/2 years' Saturn period but Ashtatna
Sani may cause some difficulties, so be with a child. One has to know the age>
consults an astrologer who has no hesita- the condition, etc, note the Dasa and
tion in saying that Saturn's transit in the Bhukti and after considering all points,
eighth (adhtama) sign to the one occupied declare the results of transit.
by the Moon, is the cause of all the On any day 25 per cent of- the world's
miseries and the native has to put up with ■ ■population will be running the 7-1/2
the sufferings, tillit is over. The auntee's year's Saturn period. In 8 ,% of the
proverb is that the man who is being' ' cases, Saturn may be transiting in the
punished will be experiencing the transit ashtama sign to Moon rasi. Still others
results of Saturn in the 8th house. - But may find Saturn transiting in its radical"
some people enjoy. How is it? Because position. If we literally follow the rules
the lordship of the two planets and the and reproduce the slokas we-are left with
constellation in which it transits explain- no other conclusion except that one will
the truth. have continuous difficulties.
Generally it is said that one cannot , Saturn is not the only architect of
escape the troubles and one must a bide by misery. Many planets will share', in some
his time and wait till the transiting Saturn degree or other. Have we not seen people
passes from the sign occupied by Moon complaining of bad days whenever they
in the natal chart to the third sign, counted run Jupiter's dasa or sub period? Is not
from it. When Saturn transits radical Jupiter a boon giver? But is he uniformly
rasi it is called "-Janma Sani'. It. is good to all? Are we to go simply by the
presumed to be uniformly undesirable by
.the beginners in astrology. When Saturn name Jupiter and extdl him and on the
is transiting in the eighth sign to the one same analogy condemn Saturn?' No planet
occupied by the Moon, it is said to be uniformly good and no planet can
Ashtama Sani. It is also considered to be uniformly evil to all. The nature of
bejevil. But the important method of the results which a planet. gives depends
studying by stellar astrology is to be on the lord' of the constellation, the
followed.' It may transit in the 8th rasi. houses it rules in' the horoscope, its
in some star, the lord^of which may own occupation etc. Benefics by nature will
a good or a bad house to that person. prove-to be the worst evils by lordship for
The nakshatra transited by Saturn is to be some people and the natural malefics
noted. Also, what houses it rules in the bestow the most beneficial.results to others
chart and which house it occupied, etc.. by lordship and occupation.
are to be included while judging a Jupiter is the ruler of the 12th house to
' horoscope. Mesha (Aries) lagna borns- - He owns the
, Westerners aver that when any planet St^house to Vrishaba (Taurus) and Simha
comes to its radical position, it tends to (Leo) lagna natives? To Mithuna (Gemini)
indicate, what is implied in the radical and Kanya (Kirgo) borns he happens to
chart. Suppose'Saturn is the '.ord of S own the 7th house, a m'arakasthaba, also.
and transits in the fifth bouse. Other To K-ataka (Cancer) and Thulam (Libra)
testimonies also support. Then it shows people, he is the lord of the sixth house
denoting disease and sickness. To Makara
that there will be birth of children. Saturn^ .(Capricorn) people) he is the 3rd and 12th
will come by transit to this position once.' lord; Only to Kumbha (Aquarius) and
in 29 years. It could have come wheri VriSchika (Scorpio) borns, he is a real
one is 16 or 17 years old when he would benefic by ownership. Even then he is a
not have been married. Then at the age ' marakadhipathi by owning the 2nd house.
of 46, it may again transit when his wife ' Therefore Jupiter, the strongest benefic by
jWould have been sterilised, as in between nature, becomes evil to some
'she would have had number of children. lordship.
:Also one-who-had been issuelcss, will have
Saturn in 3, during transit. It does not Innumerable instances can be cited of
mean that Saturn must bless the native people enjoying very good health, getting
married and leading a harmonious wedded (Vrischika) Is the 8th rasi or sign. During
life, entering into service and securing the 2J days when the Moon transits in the
sudden advancements' and also be getting "sign Scorpio, the native is said to run
children, when Saturn's 7-1/2 years period 'Chandrashtama '. It is said that.generally
was on, or when Saturn was transiting the those days are not good for any under-
8th sign from the Moon sigh. taking; at best, there will be some
No. useful purpose will be served by sort of mental worry. Why ? Moon other-
reciting memorised slokas and threatening wise called ' Mathi' indicates the mind.
lay people by such alarming predictions. One is different from the other in regard
to mental make-up. This depends on the
Astrology can occupy the prime of rasi occupied by the Moon at birth. By
place only if its adherents move forward the Moon's occupation of a particular rasi
to find out the basis on which out great in the birth chart one is endowed with a
maharishis pronounced results. Unfortu- particular frame of mind. Whatever it is.
nately often we come across with the there will be disturbance to this' mental
quacks saying "Oh, You are having make-up when the Moon transits fhe 8th
chandrashtHma! you will have some sign from the one in which it was placed
mental worry or the other." (When the at birth.
Moon transits in the ashtama or the eighth
sign to the one occupied by it in the birth For that matter, any planet occupying
chart,-it is called 'Chandrashtama'.) It by transit . a sign 6, 8 or 12 to the one
means temporary evil. Even this prognos- occupied, by it at'birth, produces results
tication does not come true in many cases, contrary to what it indicated at birth.
as we shall see presently. - Suppose. Jupiter is in 2 to Scorpio
Moon- takes about 27 days to transit -(Vrischika) lagnff, Jupiter owns houses
the 12signs of thezodiac.and takes about 2 and 5 which are beneficial houses. It
2-1/4 days to go through one sign. occupies its own house.
Suppose the lagnais Virgo (Kanni).' Moon
may be in the 3rd house in Scorpio (Vris- It denotes financial gain through
chika)_ in the birth chart. Counting •children, speculation, etc. Whenever'
Scorpio (Vrischika) as the first, one finds Jupiter by transit forms good aspect such
that Gemini (Mithuna) is the eighth signi" • as 18°, 24°, 30°, 36°, 54°, 60°, 72°, 108°, 120°,
Moon by transit will pass over Gemini 144° and 1620itwill.offer beneficial results.
(Mithuna) every month and when it tran- Whenever it throws 22$*, 45°,' 67|°, 90°,
sits this sign it is said to be evil. This is 1124°, 135°, 1574° and 180° aspects, it will
the general rule. not give such good results. On the other
.Now, at birth, Moon would be in a hand if the same Jupiter were to be in evil
aspect at birth to the cusp, of the 2nd'
particular nakshathra and in a particular house, whenever it forms good aspects by
sign (rasi). If Moon at birth was placed transit to its radical position in the horos-
inAswini 1st to 4th pad as, Bharani 1st to cope it will not contribute to beneficial
4th padas or Krithigai 1st pada, then it results. Jupiter who owns the beneficial
will belin Aries (Mesha). So the Moon 2nd house, in evil aspect to the 2nd cusp
rasi is Aries (Mesha). Similarly, if Moon at birth will cause difficulties in the' accu-
is in;Krithigai 2nd to 4th padas, or Rohini - mulation of money. Good aspect by
1st to 4th padas, or Mrigaseerisha 1st and transit to radical Jupiter allows jt to offer
2nd padas, will be. in Taurus such resufts which it indicated in the natal
(Rishaba). In this way, the Moon will- chart. So whenever evil aspects by transit
occupy any one of the 27 nakshathras and are formed by Jupiter to its radical posi-
will be in any one of the 12 signs or rasis tion, there will be jio difficulty in the
from Aries (Mesha) to . Pisces (Meena). ' accumulation of wealth as the transiting
Every sign has 9.padas or 2-1/4 naksha- Jupiter is not harmonious. This is' one of
thras contained in it.. the departures from the orthodox Westsrn
Suppose- one's rasi is Aries (Mesh ./. view that all good aspects are good and
Counting from Aries (Mesha), Scorpio all bad aspects are evil.
The Moon is to offer a person peace- Each sign has 2-1/4. nalcshafhras con-
and its transit in the 8th sign (its ashtama tained in it. According to Udu Dasa
position) denies peace and denotes mental system, everyone of the 27' stars or' nak-
worries though of a temporary nature. It shathras is owned by a planet. Thus,
may be. a passing cloud.
Kethurules Aswini, Makam'and Moolam.
■We have to go a step-further. Vonus mles Bharani Pooram Pobradam.
(1) Is the Moon a benefic or a malefic Sun govcrns'Kartigai, Ultiram and Uttiradam.
by its lordship and occupation I Moon owns Rohini, Hasthain and Srayanam.
(2) Does it transit only in one Mars ruks'Mrigaseerisha, Chittra and Avittam.
. nakshathra in its ashtama sign? Rahu rules Arudhra, Switi and Sadhahhishak.
Guru ivies Punarvasu. Visahha and Poorva-
' When we judge the horoscopes, we find bhadrapada.
some people prospering when .they run the Sani rules Pushya, Anuradha and .UUara - '
, period or sub period of the Moon accord- - Mercury rules Aslesha. Jyesbta and Revathi.
ing to Udu-Dasa system. They earn good
name, fame, honour and reputation. They It has been established that whenever
lead a peaceful and prosperous life. Moon transits, in the ashtama sign, in the
Others, when they run the Moon's periods, nakshathra of the planet who is a benefic
earn only ill-repute: _ Untold suffering is by lordship in the chart, the native enjoys
their lot.. Why? - Because the results desirable results.
depend on the Moon's" lordship of the
house in the chart and the position in' The following are the "nakshathras in
which it was at birth. ashtama rasi to the different rasi-borns
Generally, those in whose charts the which "are conducive to good results.
Moon rules and occupies a favourable . Whenever the Moon transits the said
nakshathras in its monthly transit they
house will .not experience good results
during the Moon's transit in the ashtama . expect and .enjoy only favourable results.
sign. To those to. whom it is a malefic Mesha rasi Anuradha'or Anusbam
by owning an.evil house in the horoscope", Rishaba rasi Utiarasbada or Urtiradam
Moon transiting in the ashtama' sign . jvtiibuna rasi Sravana or Thiruvonam
is bereft to produce malefic results. Katako rasi Danisbta or Avittam
For instance, for persons born i n Kanya - Simha rasi
Kanya r-asi
(Virgo) lagna or rasi Moon becomes a Thula rasi Rohini
Labadhipathi and so one can look for ful- rasi'- Punarvasu
filment of one's desire. If the Moon at . Vrischika
Dhanur rasi Aslesha or AyLlyam
birth was so placed as to cause a favour- Makara rasi Poorvnphalguni or Pooram
able aspect to the 11 th cusp, then Kumbha rasi Chittra Ist-and 2ad padas
it improves the matters of the llth Maenaraiai Cbittta 3rd and 4th padas and
house. That is the indication at birth;'- Visakha' 3rd padas
When the native runs the Moon's period Therefore, whenever Moon transits the
or sub period, most favourable results will nakshathra of a planet owning beneficial
be enjoyed. For these persons, .Moon's houses in the horoscope, one- should
transit in the ashtama sign, that is those only favourable results even ■
21 days when it transits the ashtama sign, ' expect
though the house may be T6, 8 or 12.
does not conduce to mental peace (except'
when it is in Bharani star). He may, -for This is'truc of other planets also, e.g.,
instance, have headache and recover only one cannot expect beneficial results -
when the Moon passes on the 9th sign, if Jupiter transits in the l lth house in an
"especially to Rohini star." - evil constellation. One need not also
entertain unnecessary fears if Saturn in
The Modern Astrological Research the 8tb. transits in the constellation or
Institute has analysed the transit results of nakshathra of a planet who owns bene-
the Moon and the findings are given here.' ficial houses.
, Therefore, it is important to "note the should expect only beneficial results'
naksha)hra transited by the Moon and the whenever a planet transits such nakshathra
house ruled by that particular nakshathra In its course.'
lord. The nakshathra transited is . the It is not unusual to find people born
most important. It. alone gives correct
clue. It is not the rasi. in rasis which are mutually in sashta-
shtama, collaborating with each other in
Otherwise, how can you explain the business or trade and proving to be the
reason for people born in Makara '(Capri- closest associates. In day-to-day life we
corn) rasi earning a treble in horse race on come across many persons born in Leo
the very day when Moon was in Pooram (Simha) rasi getting assistance in securing
(Poorvaphalguni) star ? Pooram star is in service from those born in Revathi
Leo (Simha) which. is the Ashtama rasi. nakshathra and especially when the Moon
According to the general method adopted, transits Revathi in the ashtama rasi.
. the Moon's transit in Leo is not good. Why? Because Mercury who is the lord
But the native was immensely happy of Revathi, owns houses 2 and 11 to. the
as the result was unexpected. Similarly, Leo (Simha) rasi natives. We can go on
we see persons born in Leo (Simha) rasi multiplying instances of persons benefiting
getting into service on the day when the by those born in rasis mutually in sashta-
Moon was in Revathi in the ashtama rasi shtama to each other but born in that
Mecna (Pisces). This is so because, to particular star in the ashtama rasi, the
Leo (Simha) rasi persons, Mercury is lord lord of which rules a favourable house in
of 2 and 11. the native's chart.
One may ask:. "If a particular nak- From what has been said above it
shathra is considered evil tb one, 'does it follows that one may give, rarely correct
- mean that all those born in that particular predictions taking only the house
nakshathra will not be favourably dispo- positions transited by the planets. One
sed to that native?" The reply is in the must observe the constellation—the nak-
affirmative. If Saturn is an ev'il planet to shathra-transited by them. -A benefic
one by reason of . owning an evil house planet transiting a good house but in a to cause misery and misfortune, nakshathra ruled by a malefic cannot
.- one will find his superior as the avathar bring about desirable results, nor can a
in this respect. The superior would be malefic planet transiting in an evil house
born in any «ne of the nakshatbras Pushya, in the nakshathra of a benefic by rulership
Anuradha and Uttarabhadrapada ruled by (adhipatyam deny~goodresults.)
Saturn or in Makara (Capricorn) or •
' Kumbha (Aquarius) lagna or rasi or on a Planets thrnw light. They illuminate
Saturday. If the Sun were tb do.: good to the matters signified-by the lord of the
one, he can expect assistance from those constellation, which will be experienced.
born on a Sunday or in'Leo (Simha) lagna Nature _pf the result and whether it is
or rasi or in those nakshatbras owned by desirable or not, are indicated by "the lord
the Sun, Karthika, U'.hra, - Uthrashada. of the star whereas the planet indicates
-Even if one of these stars .were to be in the source and how.
the ashtama sign to the Moon sign, one (Will be continued.)

(FOUNDED t 1-4-1963)
(Astrofobly Made Easy)
Phone; 42449

Jyothisha Marthand
13. Brahrnia Street, Satdapet

VOL. 3 JULY 196$ No. 7

Tour Programme of the Editor 2
Good news to Readers 2
Contents of the book Krishnamurti
Paddathi 3
Regular course in Astrology 6
The Houses and their Significance
(Conld.) S
Various Yogas 16
Udu Dasa Results 19
Synabolic Directions 25
Hora and its use 29
Influence of Planets 34
Letter to Editor 38
Saturn's transit—Gains in Prize Bond 42
Daily Guide 44
Position of planets 47
Seventh Bhava Besides the life partner, the partner in
Saptamai Jam ilia ^ trade or business and the degree of success
achieved through such partnership is also
Chittottha (desire) ; Kama ; shown by this house. The seventh house
Dyuna (love); Madha (passion) ; also refers to all those with whom the
Gamana (cohabitation); Astha (set- native enters into any contract or
ting) ; agreement, those with whom the native
Advan (a way or road); is engaged in quarrels and comes into
Marga (way); Loka (public); conflict in the open through argu-
ments, litigation, duels,-etc., the native's
Kalathra (wife or husband); competitor in any undertaking, his rival
Pa'thni; Paihi; Kalathrasampat in any contest as, for instance in the
(dowry). election, his public adversaries, etc. In
The : eventh house is known as the a nut shell, the seventh house may be said
' House of union or earthly ties'. Every to indicate all those with-whom the native
individual born in. this world is joined transacts or deals in any manner—the
in body by the most important of earthly engineer or contractor who builds the
ties—matrimony. This important feature house for the native or, if the native
is governed by the seventh house. Sin&e himself be an engineer or contractor, the
the seventh house rep resents legal bondage, person for whom the native builds; the
it is through this that one ought to divine' doctor attending on the native or the
about mamage. Although marriage is patient on whom the native attends if he
principally the concern of the seventh happens to be a medical practitioner;
house, it is necessary to consider the the person who lends the native money or
houses 2 and 11 also in this respect- be who borrows from the native; and so
on. One's relations, with the general
By marriage, it is meant that there is an public and society should be investigated
addition to the family. The second house from this house. Good aspects to the
stands for the family in general without planet in the seventh house or to the cusp
reference to any particular relationship. of the seventh house portray good rela-
It includes father, mother, wife, children, tionship with the publicand favour from
etc. them.' Such good results will be enjoyed
The married partner brings permanent during the conjoined periods of the planet
tie of friendship for progeny and pleasure in the constellation of the occupant of
which is influenced by the 11th house. the 7th house, the occupant of the 7th
Therefore, one has to examine not only house and the planet forming good aspect
the seventh house but also the houses 2 to it; also whenever beneficial aspects are
and 11 in order to find out whether formed between these two planets by
marriage is promised, at all, the time of progression and by transit. During the
mamage, the state of conjugal life and period of the planet in evil aspect, one
happiness, and success derived through ought to be careful in undertaking any
matrimonial bondage. Houses 2, 7 and public activity.
11 connected with benefic planets either This house is said to govern humane
by association or by aspect denote that tendencies and sociability and so one has
the partner in life will come of a respect- to ascertain, by a look at this house
able family, will be virtuously disposed whether one will mix up fraely in society
and wjll.possess good qualities to enable and will possess humane tendencies.
one to lead a happy and harmonious Fines, divorces, legal bondage, agree-
wedded life. ments, contracts, etc., are other
matters which are ruled by the seventh whether one will be long-lived, or wilt
house. live upto the middle age, or only up to
In questions concerning break of the adult age, or die in infancy. The
journey, one. has to see the seventh house. twelfth house to any bbava is said to be
The third house signifies short journeys negation of that particular bbava,' that
and the nintii house denotes long journeys. is to say, it spoils the matters signified by
The seventh house is held to indicate that bhava. Therefore the houses 7, 2
visits to various places in one and the and 12 which are respectively in 12 to
same trip. Favourable aspects formed to houses 8, 3 and 1 prove inimical to longe
the cusp of the 7th house and the bene- vity and are so termed ' markasthanas'.
ficial disposition of the planets in any In prasna or Horary Astrology, this
manner .connected with the said house house answers queries relating to the
gives one a clue that he will visit various recovery of lost property. The seventh
places in the same trip and he will be house describes the thief, pick pockcteer,
frequently moving and breaking journey wayside robber, etc. The lagna repre-
on the way. sents the owner of stolen property. Moon
It is through the seventh house that one which is called -'Mathi' indicates his
has to guess one's influence in foreign mind. The fourth bhava denotes the
countries and the honour and reputation place of the stolen article. The 7th shows
achieved there. This depends on the thief. , The 8th bhava being in to the 7th
planet in the 7th house and the aspect it indicates the thief's wealth. So when
receives. When the native runs the; the planet in 7 or the lord of 7 is eclipsed
conjoined period of the jbenefic planet in or weak, the thief will be caught. If the
the seventh house and the planet throwing lord of the Ascendant is in the Ascendant
a harmonious aspect to it, his trip will and is conjoined with the lord of 7, or if
prove to be a success; He will enjoy the lord of 7 is in the lagna or if the
warm reception in those places where he . planet in the lagna is conjoined with the
breaks his journey. One may go to the lord Of the lagna and occupies the
United Kingdom and this will be as a nakshathra of the seventh lord, then the
result of the.significator comectad with the thief is to be found io the house itself. If
9th house. Rarely do people who proceed the lord of the seventh house is in the
on such a long journey come back home third house, then thief may be the neigh-
without halting on the way. One may bour, or cousin, or a casual acquaintance.
earn popularity and renown in the United IF he is in 4, the mother may be the cause
Kingdom. This may be due to the of miscbivf. If the lord of 7 is in 6, the
bhuktinatha and the dasanatha having maternal uncle or aunt may be the culprit.
some connection with the 9th house being If the lord of 7 is strong, one may safely
in good aspect to each other. If, for ins- say that the thief will be a notorious
tance, the native leaves this country at the person.
time Of commencement of the next bhukti The lagna represents. one's place of
or sub-period the lord of which is in evil residence ; the seventh bouse which is the
aspect to the'dasanatha or to the 7th opposite to it shows change of residence.
house, the effect would be different. He One ought to see the seventh heuse as well
will experience difficulties in the countries as the third before one gives advice in
of halt and he would not be able to spread regard to queries concerning the change
his influence in the same manner. Thus of residence. The 7th hause is the signifl-
should one proceed toanalyse and give out cator of the place to go if removal is
results. advisable while the 10th house shows the
The first house denotes longevity while gain by such removal. If benefics are in
the 7th house opposes and is a maraka the 4th house which represents one's
house; i.e., danger to longevity. Houses permanent residence or the lord of 4 is
8, 3 and 1 influence longevity and one has aspected well, advise one to stay where he
to examine these three houses to determine is. Stay in the same place is to be
sign in the Zodiac which indicates speech, forgive. He hates mean actions. He is
etc.. Mercury in this sign makes the person outspoken and frank. He is capable of
less talkative. He may observe the proverb organising and controlling others. He can
"Silence is golden". Occasionally his concentrate and take any decision. He will
speech will be witty or funny. He is best pursue in any one line. He will be fond
fitted to be an arbitrator or a judge, as he of his children. Leo, being the fifth sign of
possesses good reasoning power. He maybe the Zodiac, he will interest himself in music,
obstinate and persevering. He has his own drama, cinema, sports, fine arts, etc. He
likesand dislikes. Hewillhavegreatdesire will find great pleasure in mingling with
to save money and improve his bank posi- the opposite sex. Hewill prove himself
tion, in spite of being liberal in giving to be a good gambler or a share-broker. If
donations- Mercury is afflicted in Leo, he should never
Gemini occupied by Mercury makes one gamble, especially during periods of Mer-
ingenius, very clever, resourceful and cury. If Neptune afflicts, there is always
sympathetic. He will be quick to grasp the danger through drugs which will affect
and also to give out his opinion on any the heart as Leo indicates heart.
subject. New things will attract him. He Virgo occupied by Mercury indicates
will not lose his temoer. nor will he get that the person is indeed very, very intelli-
prejudiced. He will prove to be a good gent, and occasionally cunning, too. He
orator, lawyer, professor, messenger, sales- will be cautious and comprehensive, practi-
man, propagandist, publicity officer, busi- cal and prudent. It gives a scientific mind.
nessman, contractor, etc. He will be fond One can be very eloquent and logical. It is
of short travels. He will be inclined to likely that one can express himself in many
speculate. He can give information in languages also. He will be a wellinformed
meticulous detail on the topics of the day. and wide-awake worker. He will prove
He will be uptodate and thorough. to be a good journalist, writer, author,
Cancer occupied by Mercury produces novelist and critic. As it is an earthy sign,
one with clear intellect and good memory. he will look before he leaps. Mercury gives
One will be diplomatic, discreet and adapt- tastefor mathematics, hygiene, engineering,
able. He is best fitted to be the Personal accounts, auditing, prophylactics, nursing,
Assistant or Secretary of a High Official, etc. As years pass on, during the period
holding a transferable post. This person of Mercury, his ingenuity, orginality and
will adjust himself to the opinions and capacity will be recognised, admired and
ideas of his successor even though he who appreciated. If Mercury is afflicted, he will
is transferred and the other who has taken ever speak ill of others, will always find
charge, are diametrically opposite in their fault with them, pass criticism and incur
views. If one who has Mercury in Cancer their displeasure.
becomes the officer, anybody can have Libra occupied by Mercury indicates
things done through him by simply flatter- that one will be level-headed, well-balanced
ing him in his presence. Even though he and broad-minded. He will have dispassi-
may like frequent changes, journey, etc., onate disposition, a mind which will reason
hewill have the desire to reunite with his out, and will be just and good to all. As it
family members and take them to picnic is an airy .sign, he will be fond of music,
or to any refined amusement- art and all mental pursuits. Venus, being
He may be spiritually inclined and also the Lord of Libra, he will be social in all
interested in psychic matters. Crossing clubs. He will take keen interest in social
the river or the sea will be much liked by welfare work. He will be a platform spea-
this person. ker. If Mercury is afflicted, there may be
Leo occupied by Mercury gives the trouble with partner in life or in business.
person ambition, lofty mind and high Law suits are not ruled out. His partner
rjdeals.. positive ami persever- will be clever and cunning he may also
ing, persistent and confident. He, maybe Be unfaithful."^' ! '
sympathetic and kind-hearted. He is short- Mercury in Scorpio: The person will
tempered but he has the mind to forget and be witty and will have a sharp tongue with
' When it is said tbat this bouse rules house is the 12th to the 9th house repre-
death, what is conveyed is the kind of senting father.. Thus should one
death that one will die, namely whether it proceed.
is a natural death or an unnatural one
such as by drowning, ire, accident or When the eighth house is occupied by
suicide or due to chronic diseases. Also -■hthe lord of lagna, or the planet in 3
appens to be posited in the constellation
whether it is a slow or sudden and violent
death. The time of death is to be inferred of the lord of lagna, or the lord of 8 is in
with reference to bouses 7 and 2 which conjunction with the lord of the lagna,
are respectively in 12 to the Stb and 3rd the indication is that the native will be the
houses after judging the bhadaka sthanas. cause of his own death. In a few cases
[For persons born in Chara rasi (movable the lord of the 3rd house occupying the
sign) the eleventh house is the bhadaka 8th bouse is in the constellation of the
sthana and its lord is a bhadaka; for those lord of 12 when the native's younger
born in sthira rasi (fixed sign) the lord of brother or sister may be the cause of
the ninth house is the bhadaka sthana death to the native. If the 3rd house
adhipathi and the ninth house is the alone is connected, the death may happen
bhadaka sthana; for people born with during travel to a nearby locality. If the
common signs (ubbaya rasis) rising, the 12th house is connected, the death may
seventh house is the bhadaka sthana and take place in a nursing borne asylum,
its lord (the bhadaka sthana adhipathi). sanatorium or in an unknown place. If
The 7th and 2nd houses are 'maraka the 11th house is connected, one may die
sthanas' and their lords are said to be in a friend's or elder brother's residence.
'marakas' or death-iofiicting planets. If the 9th house is in any manner connec-
The 12tli house is called * moksha sthana' ted, it is likely that the native may die in
or the house of emancipation. a far-off place or while going on a long
Much skill is needed to guess the time
and manner how death 'happens and the Uranus connected to the 8th house in
nature of the ailment which causes death. any way indicates strcnge and sudden
One ought to be cautious in pronouncing death, death caused by explosion, death
death without weighing all other conside- due t* incurable diseases and' so on. Also
rations. Out sages say that an astrologer the disease may defy diagnosis and the
should first ascertain one's longevity native may die due to wioag treatment.
before proceeding further. Intelligent Electrocution and death by lightning and
astrologers have emphatically asserted electric shock are also portended.
that before one proceeds to examine a Neptune inclines to a mysterious death,
horoscope one should first ascertain the death after being in a state of coma or
longevity of the native. First of all, it unconsciousness, or due to an overdose of
should be seen whether the horoscope drugs or allergy, etc. Death may also be
promises short, medium, or long life. If caused by gas, drowning, poison, etc. If
the horoscope shows long life, an evil the 8th house falls in a watery sign, death
aspect formed to the 8th house or the may happen by drowning.
planets connected with it by progression
or:by transit when the native is in his Saturn gives a liability to death due to
youth will not bring about death. It may colds, rheumatism, bone troubles and
be ill bealtb. It may temporarily set inland chronic diseases. It denotes a slow and
when the period or sub-period of a benefi- lingering death.
cial planet showing vitality and immunity
follows, the native will fully recover. Or Jupiter generally gives a peaceful and
the native may experience other disturbing natural death. But iff afflicted by evil
events denoted by the eighth bouse. He aspects from other planets, then death
may, for instance, feel worried and dejec- may be due to blood poisoning, cancer,
ted due to bis father suffering from some liver trouble, infiammation of the lungs,
ailment and getting hospitalised. The 8th etc.
Mars causes death due to shocks or the native may benefit by linking his
fir- gpiHpmif-g and iuBaiunia- fortune with another.
tions. It may be due to small-pox or The 2nd house governs the native's self-
bladder troubles. Death may occur after acquisition whereas the eighth is related to
a short and sudden attack of illness. If his unearned wealth.
Mars is in a fiery sign at birth and is the
signihcator of death, then the death may The eighth house has a bearing with all
be caused by fire,' or violence, or by occupations connected witl^ death as for
mechanical instruments. If it is in a instance, surgeons, medical officers, health
watery sign, then the native may get inspectors, slaughter houses, butchers,
drowned and die. If Mars is posited in an coroners and so on. It may also be said to
airy sign, haemorrhage may be the cause have relation to some forms of medium-
of death. ship and occultism occult abilities or
The author of Sanketanidhi calls the faculties latent in the individual but
eighth house—the house of mystery. It is nearly ready for mnnifestation. Jupiter
also the house of misery. It has to do or Saturn,'the two philosophical planets,
with misfortune and mental anxiety, occupying the e ghth house arouse in the
sorrow and strife, worries and privations, native a deep interest for occultism and
delay and dejection, disappointment and mystical subjects. Mercury, the planet of
defeat, loss and obstruction, blame and piire intellect, in this position, denotes an
ill-repute, accident, danger from enemies— enquiring mind concerning occult matters.
danger due tb diseases and fear, impedi- One may be inclined to study hidden and
ment and imprisonment, quarrels and metaphysical problem.
fights, wrong actions, etc. According to ' In questions relating to nation, the eighth
Ramadayalu, crossing a river, theft, house deals with public mortality, the
robbery, siege of a fort, fighting, etc., death rate, suicide, serious accidents,
come under the domain of this house. infection, flood, fire, famine, disease,
earthquake, national calamity or grief,
The eighth house has sway over financial relation with foreign countries,
'inheritance, legacies, wills, the possessions the nation's exports and imports, debts
or money of the deceased, bequests, due from foreign countries, surrender or
bonus, proVideflt fund, gratuity, pension loss of territory to another country, public
and insurance. It describes the financial loans, debts and interest rates, deficit
status of the business or life partner, that budget, estate duties, and public sales.
is to say, the share of profit accruing, to
the native through the business partner or In Horary Astrology, this house has to
the dowry or other income derived through be referred to, for information relating to
wife or husband. crossing of rivers, difficulties of journey,
impenetrable tracts or fortresses, sufierings
No house is really evil. Benefics caused by enemies, death, corruption,
occupying any bouse improve the matters fight, disease and vulnerable or weak
influenced by that house while malefics in points (Prasna gnana).
any house cause destruction to the affairs The following matters, according to
signified by the bhava occupied. So say Uttara Kalamritam, have to be determined
our wise sages. They have no doubt from the eighth bhava : '
termed the eighth house as one of the
dushthanas. It may be because the 8th Longevity; happiness and misery;
house is the 2nd reckoned from the defeat *, conflict and confusion afflicted
seventh, denoting the person with whom face ; urinary disease ; calamity ; intense
you transact any business and so indicates mental anguishteasing one's wife or
bis gain. As such, even if benefics occupy husband's enemy's fortress; fear and
-the-8th house;'-one.ought not to take the idleness ; punishment from Government;
sole responsibility upon oneself. Since loss of money (when evil planets occupy 8)
benefics in 8 indicate gain to the partner. or giving of debt (when natural benefics
are in 81 ; receipt of 'other's money un- of the" acts done in the previous birth. Sn
knowingly; longstanding property; sin a look at the ninth house would enable
and sorrow ; killing or • butchering; one to,know what ' bhagya' (fortune and
'mutilation of a limb; formidable prosperity) one has accumulated as a
affliction; a story causing anxiety to the result of the meritorious deeds done in
mind; chain of unlucky events; and loss the previous existences.
of self-earnings. Since the 9th house rules philosophy,
Being the 2nd house to the 7th, the 8th religion and higher thinking, one should
house rules the financial fortunes of the investigate this house to determine one's
life partner or trade partner. It shows the religious and philosophical beliefs. If
landed property of the native's children, Jupiter, the philosophical planet, is in 9,
' their vehicle, etc., being the 4th. h«use to well aspected, the native may be religious,
the fifth. devoted, orthodox, and kind hearted.
The eighth house governs, as we have Even Saturn in this position receiving
seen, - the unearned wealth of the in- favourable aspects makes one deeply
dividual. The 4th house according to religious, methodical and meditative.
Uttara Kalararitam rules over hereditary Jupiter or Saturn receiving good aspect
property. The fourth house is the 8th from Sun or Pdercury gives one intuition
house to the 9th denoting father. Normally and forethought. He will be much esteemed
the father's ancestral or unearned property in religious circles and will occupy coveted
passes on to the son after the father's positions in religious and philanthrophic
death. Also, the "8th house is the 12th institutions. But if these planets are
house-to the 9th house. The father may adversely aspected, one is liable *a go to
make investments which, after. his death, extremes in religious and otheTmatters.
accrue to the native. One's father may -Being the house of ' Deiva upasana '
fall ill and undergo treatment in the one can judge how far one has developed
hospital and this may cause the native spiritually by an examination of this
mental agony. 'Itis the 5th house to the house.
4th indicating mother, Mother may'gain All afiairs concerning temples, churches,
by way of lottery, prize bond or in spe- mosques, and ail religious institutions
culation if benefics are in the eighth house including those devoted to promoUhg the
Ninth Bhava - people's spiritual welfare, ate to be ascer-
tained from this house. Hindus have
Nava (ninth); Acharya (guru or attributed to the9th house pilgrimage to
preceptor); holy places, wells, circular ■ reservoirs,
Pithfu (father); Subham (auspicious); sacrifices and charity.
Poorva bhagy'am (previous luck); The third house is the house of percep-
Pooja (worship); Tapas (penance); tion and learning ; the ninth is the house
of intuition and pure reason. If the third
D harm a (virtue); Pauthfa (grand- house is concerned with ordinary menta'
son) ; inclinations and ordinary education, thi
Japa (prayer); Daiva Upasana (spiri- ninth house is occupied with higher educa
tuaTinitiatibn)'; tion, higher knowledge and higher thought
The - degree of knowledge one ma
Arya vamsa (noble family); develop—whether collegiate, academk
Bhagya (fortune). philosophical, religious, literary, artist!
This is the house of faith, wisdom and or scientific—is to be deduced from th
divine worship. It is considered to be an house. The ninth house presides ov<
auspicious house as it shows one's fortune research,invention, discovery, exploratioi
in the present life as a result of past and submission of thesis.
actions. Luck being closely linked to Hindus attribute the 9th taouse to fath
merit, every one will reap only the fruits because the ninth sign of the zodi;
Dhanus (Sagittarius) is ruled by ' Guru sang), reverence and devotion to God and
the Preceptor and spiritual teacher.. In elders, the medicine most constitutionally
ancient times, the father was invariably suited, previous birth and punya and the
the spiritual preceptor or guru of the blessings received, from the family Deity
eldest son to whom he transmitted, his are to be divined from this house. Provi-
. siddhis or psychic powers at the time of dential help is denoted by the 9th house.
his death. Counting the 9th house as the In Satya Samhita the author says that rest
1 st, we find that the fifth therefrom indi- house and favour from- others are to be
cates the native. Some persons advocate investigated from this house. One fnay be
the fourth house and the tenth house for in danger but in the last moment be
father. It is incorrect. Always take the receives aid which we call ' Providential
. 9th house for father. Help." i This is due to the occupation of
benefic planets in the ninth bhava or
To this house is ascribed law, legal because the ninth lord. is favourably
arbitration, spiritual initiation, teaching placed. In Satya Samhita the author says
and everything connected to it, probably that the rest house and favour from others
because the 9th sign of the zodiac is are lo be invesfigated from the ninth
owned by the wise Jupiter. Hindus term house.
the 9th as the house of dharma or virtue
and of an occult and metaphysical mind. How to interpret the results of a planet
in a house? Suppose one is born in
Dreams and visions come under the Makara (Capricorn)'lagna. To him Moon
purview of this house ; .also communica- is the lord of 7. If it is in the .9th bhava
tions with spirits and the like. Neptune, identical with Kanya (Virgo), then it may
the planet of dreams in the 9th, denotes be situated in any one of the three stars—
peculiar dreams. Uttiraphalguni, Hastarh or Chittra.
The fourth house represents one's Uttiraphalguni is owned by the Sun, the
permanent place of residence. The houses lord of 8 ; Hastham is ruled by Moon
which are the sixth and twelfth toil, namely, itself; Chittra is governed by Mars who is
the 3rd and the 9th, indicate change or thejord of 4 and 11. Ninth house stands
journey away from the permanent for a stranger or foreigner; the seventh
residence. The third .house typified by stands—for marriage and love; and the
the lower mind denotes short travels; the ~ eighth denotes disappointment and deject.
ninth representing the wider mind, is . U'on. So Moon, the lord of 7 in the 9th
related to long; journeys, sea voy'age, air - house in the constellation of the lord of 8
travel, etc. It determines the amount of shows that one may love a foreigner and
travel in far-off places or countries and contract'marriage which may end-in dis-
the success achieved there. Strangers and appointment or even divorce. Moon in
foreigners and also their - relations Hastham star assures a successful marriage
also come under the influence of this with a foreigner or one who is' not already
house.' known. If. Moon happens to be in
Chittra, it conduces to a peaceful marital
The ninth house governs publishing,' life- as Mars is lord of 4 indicating
especially'volumes of intrinsic value domestic environments and the - marriage
especially those relating to religion, brings about permanent tie of friendship
science, law., philosophy, travel, inter- as Mars is also lord of 11. Thus two per-
national affairs, etc. in contra-distinction sons born'in Makara lagna/ with Moon in
to the third house which relates to ligher Kanya in the 9th house, will experience
reading, news and matters of ephemeral diametrically opposite results in the day-
nature. One ought to seek information to-day marital life. Sookshama or stellar
regarding one's success in such matters by (nadi) method of astrology alone will offer
an examination of the ninth house. accurate results and should be followed,
Our sages aver that details regarding In State Astrology, the ninth house
one's association with. good people (sat relates to all forms of long-distance
travel and communication . such as sea ants and buffaloes (connected with
voyages and all kinds of shipping, long religious purposes); coronation bail; and
distance air'and land travel; also, legal circulation of money.
departments judges, rfiatters relating to According to Bhattotpala in Erasna--
religion, temples, churches, etc., religious gnana, wells, lakes,. tanks, water-sheds,
and philosophical thought in the nation, temples, monetary vows, pilgrimage and
science and text-book publishing, Univer-. meritorious deeds are to be judged with
sities and those^connected with them, reference to the ninth house.
emigration and immigration, import and
export of the nation, national trade a»d The ninth house governs short travels
commerce, short-wave radio and long- of the wife or husband or the business
distance communications, cables , and partner being the third reckoned from the
wireless. vth house! the servant's vehicle , and
landed property being the 4th froth the
One is to judge the following matters 6th house ; the child's speculative benefits
from the 9th house, says Kalidasa:— and pleasures being the 5th to the 5th
house; mother's illness, her servants etc,
CharityJ virtue! visits to holy places; ■being the 6th to the 4th house ; ■ younger
association .with good' people; Vedic' brother's wife or the younger sister's
sacrifice ; good conduct; purity of mind ; husband or his or her competitors, rivals,
reverence to elders; penance; medicinal etc., being the 7th.. counted from the Srd
drug! one's policy; good conduct; God house. It is the house of friends to the
worship; acquisition of higher learning; elder brother and indicates the elder
dignity; mythology ; moral study; long brother's accomplishments being the 9th
travel; ancestral property; horses, eleph- to the 11 tb house.
In CHAPTER XIII Sri Kalyana Varma five by four planets, and one by five
says as follows;— planets. Thus there are 31 varieties of
Sunapha, Anapha and Dhardhura Yogas Sunapha. ' Anapha has 31 varieties like-
and Results wise. Dhurdhura is only -a combination
of both these yogas and thus it has 180
Sri Kalyana Varma says about Sunapha, varieties which can be obtained by (the
Anapha and Dhurdhura,. the three principle of) combination.
important Yogas caused by the planets^ SI. 4. A native born in Sunapha Yoga
occupying the second and the l'2th signs will be wealthy. Having self-earned pro-
counted from Moon. perty, he will be charitable and knowing
SIrl. If one, two or more of the five the meanings of Shastras, he will have
planets. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, ■ good reputation, will please all. by his
or Saturn (excepting .Sun and Moon the good conduct, will be. handsome, will
two luminaries) are in 2.or 12 or in both enjoy all pleasure, and will be an
the houses from the moon sign whatever intelligent king, a ruler or his equal or a
be .the sign, Sunapha, Anapha and minister.
Dhurdhura yogas are formed respectively. SI. 5. A native born in Anapha
One can find out Sunapha Yoga by the Yoga will be good at speech, wealthy
planet in the second house counted from and healthy, will have excellent character,
the Moon sign. Anapha is caused by the' will derive pleasure through good food,
planet in 12 to Moon ; and Dhurdhura - fragrant flowers, dress and ornaments and
Yoga by the planets both in 2 and 12 to good ladies, will have good reputation,
Moon. In a horoscope only one of the and have pleasing character, and will be
three yogas Will be formed (or neither happy and contented and fond of dress.
Sunapha nor Anapha nor both).' SI. 6. A native born in Dhurdhuru
SI. 2. If these, three yogas are not Yoga will be very famous by his. speech,
formed "then it is called ' Kemadrwna intelligence, valour and character, will be
Yoga'- But if/Moon or any planet is selfish, blessed with wealth) pleasure and
not in a Kendra to Lagna and if Moon- conveyance, will be charitable, suffer due
does not have aspect from any planet, to responsibility of bringing up his family
then Kemadruma yoga of-the worst type' and its members, will have' good
is formed. behaviour and enjoy a high status. » .
Note: Some consider that Anapha Si. 7. A native born in Kemadruma
yoga is formed- by Mars or any other Yoga though,born in a Royal family will
planet in 10th from Moon sign, Sunapha have no pleasure through wife, will have
when they are- in the 4th from Moon, no good food, no family pleasure, no
and Dhurdhura when they1 are in both good dress, no " friends though he may
10th anh 4th houses. possess wealth, will suffer due to poverty
and will enjoy no. pleasure will beg and
SI. 3. There are 31 different kinds suffer without money, will be afflicted
each in Sunapha and Anapha yogas. with disease, will always suffer, serve as
There are 180 kinds of Dhurdhura yoga. a menial, will have bad character, and will
They are shown here. do a job which will makp all people his
Five varieties are formed by one of the enemies.
-5 planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus SI. .8. One inust determine the results
and Saturn in the 2nd from Moon's sign, of Anapha yogas by considering the
ten varieties by two planets in the 2nd planets in Kendra Rasi to Moon and the
from Moon's sign, ten by three planets, strength of the planets and Moon,
SI. 9. The learned " Deivagya " should . SI. 17. If Jupiter is Anapha yoga
tell the results of Sunapha Yoga by consi- kartha, he will be bold, noble and
dering properly the strength of the planets upright, will have an enduring character,
which are yoga karalcas, having regard to will be the head of an advising committee,
time and place and of the period of the intelligent, and honoured by a king and
native. will be a poet.
SI. 10. All these mentioned above are SI. 18. If Venus is Anapha yoga
the general results of Sunapha yogas. kartha, he will beloved by young mituous
The results of the yogas formed by each women, will be friend of a king, protector
planet is varied and should be learnt of cows, will be famous, and handsome
properly. Now he tells about them. and will have plenty of gold and. other
A native born with the Sunapha Yoga treasures.
Yartha Mars in 2 to Moon will do work SI. 19. If Saturn is Anapha yoga
with vigour, will be harsh in speech, kartha, the native will have broad shoul-
will be leader of an army, will be cruel in ders, will be a leader, will quickly_grasp
character, will do harm to.others, and others' words, will be a possessor of
will be arrogant and inimical. four-legged animals and will be fond of
SI. 11. If Mercury is Sunapha yoga bad women-
Yartha he will be proficient in Veda Now he tells about the results of Dhiir-
Sasthras and music, and will be charitable dhura yoga formed be at least any two of
will be a composer of poetry, will be pure the five planets (Mars, etc.) being on-
in mind, pleasant to all and beautiful. both sides of Moon.
SI. 12. If Jupiter is Sunapha yoga SI. 20. A native born in Dhurdhura
kartha, he will be famous as a teacher of yoga formed by Mars and Mercury on
many arts, a king or his equal, and will both sides of Moon will be a liar,
have a good family and wealth. excessively wealthy, an expert, very cruel,
SI. 13. If Venus is Sunapha yoga will possess good behaviour, will be
kartha, he will have pleasure through patient (polite), and will be fond of
women, possess plenty of lands and four, elderly bad women.
legged animals like cows, and bulls, will SI. 21. If Mars and Jupiter are Dhur-
be valiant, respected by King, very dhura yoga karthas, he will be famous in
courageous, bold, learned and intelligent. his trade, wealthy, inimical to his people,
SI. 14. If Saturn is Sunapha yoga haughty, contented, protector of his race
Kartha, he will be very clever and intelli- and community.
gent, will be worshipped by the people of SI. 22. If Mars and Venus are
village and town, amass wealth, do acts . Dhurdhura yoga karthas, he will have
stealthily, and will be courageous. good wife, will be lucky, fond of wordly
SI. IS. Now he tells the results of affairs, neat, talented, will do physical
Anapha yogas formed by each planet. exercises and will be an expert at war.
If Mars is Anapha yoga kartha (in 12 - SI. 23. If Mars and Saturn are
to Moon), the native will be the gang Dhurdhura yoga karthas, he will have
leader of thieves and rogues, will be inde- company of; women of bad character, a
pendent, efficient in fight, clever at war, wanderer, will earn a lot, will be always
hot tempered, reputed, and will be praised worried, irritable, will carry' tales about
by others, will have good physique and others, will be a rogue and will have
will be very proud. enemies.
SI. 16. If Mercury is Anapha yoga SI. 24. If Mercury and Jupiter are
kartha,- the native will be proficient at Dhurdhura yoga karthas, he will be duti-
music and drawing, will be a poet, orator, ful, learned in Sastras, sweet-voiced, will
the possessor of presents from king, and be a poet, a rich man, will be charitable
will be beautiful and wealthy, and famous. and famous.
SI. 25. If Mercury and Venus are SI. 31. If Moon were in Adhirisiartha
Dburdbura yoga karthas, be will speak it will give very bad results. A native
loving words, will be extremely lucky, born at that time will be afflicted with
handsome, fond of dance, song, drama poverty and other disagreeable results.
and other fine arts, will be respected If Moon were in Dhirisiattha in day
by many, will be heroic and a minister. time it will give bad results like fear,
SI. 26.' If Mercury and Saturn are sorrow, etc. Waxing Moon becomes a
Dburdbura yoga karthas, he will go from "benefic at night. If that Moon conjoins
one country to" another in pursuit of one in Dhirisiartha it will cause very
wealth, will not be very talented, will be good results. Waning Moon becomes a
inimical to relatives, but will be respected benefic in day time. If that Moon con-
by strangers and foreigners. joins one in Adhirisiartha it will be
SI. 27. If Jupiter and Venus are moderately benefic;
Dburdbura yoga karthas, he will be Waning. Moon in day time and id
courageous, patient, polite, will have a Adhirisiartbd is a benefic. It is a benefic
good knowledge of laws, will be wealthy, while waxing and at night and in Dhifisia-
will possess precious stones, will be ratha. Generally Waning Moon becomes
famous, and will do acts like a king. a malefic and a waxing moon a benefic.
SI. 28. If Jupiter and Saturn are By the foregoing, one must understand,
Dburdbura yoga karthas, the native the differences between extremely benefic-
will have magnanimous and noble charac- benefic-moderatemalefic-cxtremely malefic.
ter and knowledge, will speak loving SI. 32. All benefic planets (Mercury,
words, will be learned, will hold responsi- Jupiter, Venus) posited in Upachaya
ble posts, will be respectable, and of rasis (3-6-10-11) from lagna will make a
peaceloving temperament, wealthy and native extremely rich. If two of these
beautiful. ' benefics are in any of the Upachaya
SI. 29. If Venus and Saturn are Sthanas, they make one moderately
Dhurdhura yoga kartas, one will behave wealthy. If only one benefic is in Upa-
like old people, will be head of his race chaya, it will make him rich only to a
(family) will be a Nipuna, will be loved by slight extent., One must understand the
women, will receive presents from king differentiation of -wealth as excessive-
and will be extremely wealthy. moderate-meagre by the benefic planets
One must find out the results formed also posited in Upachayas to Moon.
by two or more planets just like the One must also know that the results
results mentioned above. If these yoga given by the beneficial planets posited in
producing planets have full strength at Upachaya to Moon are less than that
the exact cusp to the moon Bhava, the given by them when posited in Upachaya
results read by the planets will be enjoyed to lagna.
in full.
If, however, the planets (or Moon) get If there is no planet in Upachaya to
yoga by Rahu or Kethu or muted, both lagna and Moon, then the native will
or debilitated, or loose strength or become poor and will be a pauper. These
posited in Sandhi, then these results will benefic planets in Upachaya give the result
not be enjoyed. of Dhana yoga even though one has yoga
SI. 30, If Mood is in 1-4-7-10 (in of poverty like Kemadhurma yoga.
Kendra) from Sun, then one will have SI. 33. In this chapter dealing with
wealth, intelligence, knowledge and Sunapha and other Moon yogas, nothing
reverence to a little extent. These will is said about Adhi and other yogas.
-be average if Moon, were in 2-5-8-11 (in Since those Adhi yogas are Raja yogas,
succedent) houses. They will be full, if they will be dealt with in the chapter on
Moon is in 3-6-9-12 (in cadent) houses. Raja Yoga.

The general rules given in Paladfiepika with the birth of children. His
are as follows :— relatives will be happy. He will
i. Results of Dnsas of Planets in Retro- give timely and useful advice to
gression, own sign. Exaltation and Government. He will be the reci-
Friend's camp. pient of royal favour. He will get
wholesome food. He will receive
(L) During the period of the Lord of- praise from great men in recog-
Lagna, if Janma Lagna of the nition of his good deeds and hospi-
native be strong, be will enjoy tality.
prosperity like the waxing moon.
He will have increased wealth. (6) During the period of the lord of the
His bodily strength will improve. 6th house,, he will overcome his
He will have" worldly fame. enemieb tactfully. He will be free
His complexion will be good. from disease. He will have a
noble outlook. He will possess
(2) During the dasa of the Lord of the rare courage. He will have much
second house, the marriage of the wealth.
native.- will take place if he is
not already married. If married, - (7) During the period of the lord of the
good-natured daughters will be 7th bouse, the native will effect
bom. He will get wholesome purchases of clothes and orna-
"food. His profession will be ments. He will have comfortable
through speech (Lawyer, Teaching bedding. His vitality will increase
and the like). He will be an and he will derive pleasure from
eloquent speaker. He will acquire sexual union- He will experience
wealth. pleasure through celebration of
marriages and , other auspicious
(3) ' If the 3rd bhava be strong, then, functions an the house. He will
during the dasa of the Lord of that make journeys and pilgrimages.
bhava, the native will receive help
through brothers. He will be (8) The period of the powerful lord of
always hearing of good and auspi- the 8th house will be marked by
cious things. He will act courage- rise in the prestige of the native.
ously. He will have good He will clear his debts. He will
command over men. He will win have no quarrel with anybody. He
the affections of great men. He will get income through cattle and
will serve the public well. He will be servants.
in possession of virtuous qualities. (9)- During the dasa of the lord of the
(4) During the period of the lord of 9th house, the native will enjoy
the 4th house, the native will good fortune and will have long-
receive help through relatives. He. lasting happiness with bis wife,
will get good income through land. children,' grand-children and near
He will have association with the and dear relatives. He will be
other sex. He will have pleasure favoured by Government. He will
through conveyance. He will be engaged in virtuous acts and
acquire a new house and/or land. ' divine worship.
He will accumulate wealth. His
prestige in profession will increase. ■ (10) theDuring the period of the lord ol
10th house, the native wif
(5) During the dasa of the lord of the realise the successful completior
5th house, the native will be blessed of all acts of beneficence com men
(TOUNDEDr 1-4-1963)
(Astronomy Made Easy)
Phone; 42 449

Jyothisba Marthand

JULY 1965


Programme of the Editor

news to Readers
nts of the book Kr.sbnamurti
/r course in Astrology
buses and their Significance

pus Yogas
VDasa Results
Mic Direction:
pnd its use
Jce of Planets
to Editor
's transit—Gains in Prize Bond. 42
ced during the dasa. He will have (4) During the dasa of the lord of the
honourable means .of livelihood. 4th house, if afflicted, the native's
He will engage himself in acts of mother will suffer from illness. He
lasting benefit to mankind and earn will receive news of death of near
name and fame for himself. and dearrelatives. There will be sale
of house and/or lands. There will
(11) During the dasa of the lord of the be loss of cattle. He .will experi-
11th house, the native will enjoy ence danger through water.
unmitigated wealth. He will
have happy association with (5) The lord of the 5th house, if weak,
friends, relatives and servants. He will cause danger to the child of
will experience increased happiness the native. He will experience
with his wife and children. mental affliction. He will be the
victim of deception, He will have
(12) During the period of the lord of the . disease of the stomach. He will
12th house, the native will spend incur royal displeasure. There will
his wealth on virtuous acts. He be loss of energy. He will be
will be inclined to do auspicious roamingabout.
rites. He will be the recipient of
royal favour. (6) The lord of a weak, 6th house
during his dasa will cause fear
2- Results of Dasas of Planets in through robbers. There will be
inimical signs; in Debilitation, in danger and imprisonment. He
eclipse and posited in 6th, 8th, or will commit sinful acts. He . will
12th House. be engaged in servile acts. He will
receive insults. He will have
(1) During the dasa of the lord of bodily injury. He will experience
lagna posited in 6th, 8th or 12th loss of prestige. '
house, the native will lead the life
of a recluse. He will be bodily (7) The lord of the 7th house, devoid
and mentally afflicted. He will of strength, will cause to the native,
engage himself in funetal rites. He during his period, sorrow through
will have change of place. He will his son-in-law.. He will be away
have change of position for the from his wife. He will experience -
worse. He will experience danger. danger through women. He will
evince a desire for indecent things.
(2) The lord of the 2nd house posited He will suffer from disease in his
in 6th, 8th or 12th house will make private part. He will feel the
the native act foolishly in public strain of out-door life.
and in the midst of respectable
persons. He will indulge in harsh (8) During the dasa of the lord of 8th
words. He will be miserable at house, if weak, the native will
home. He will receive discourag- experience mental anguish and
ing letters. He will suffer from eye depression. He will be arrogant
disease. He 1 will incur wasteful. and jealous. He will be stricken
expenditure. He will court royal with poverty. He will be roaming
displeasure. about aimlessly. He will experi-
ence loss of prestige. He wilTsuffer
The lord of the 3rd house posited from illness, shame and danger.
in 6th, 8th or 12th house will cause
during his dasa death or misery to (9) A weak 9th house lord during his
the brothers of the native. Bad period will cause evil results to the
thoughts will always cross his native. He will incur the wrath
inind. He will experience secret of his family deity. Danger will
inimical activities, insults and loss be caused to his wife and children,
of pride through respected persons. father,, and preceptor. He will be
disposed to do vile acts. He will (4) If Capricorn happens to be the 10th
be stricken with poverty. or 1 !th house antl if Mars were to
(10) A weak 10th house lord during his be posited therein which isits house
period will make the native engage of exaltation, then during the dasa
of this planet the native will have
himself in unproductive and fruit- all-round prosperity, victory over
less activities. The native will enemies and vehicular comforts.
experience loss of reputation. He He will command an army, will
will have evil disposition. He will attain high status in life and will
live in a foreign' place. He will have a charitable disposition.
undergo danger through indulging
in ignoble deeds. , Vote". Natives born in Aries and Pisces
(11) •uring the dasa of the lord, of the will have Capricorn as the 10th &
11th house the native will hear the 11th houses respectively. If in
unleasant and sinful news. He will their horoscope Mars were to be
experience misery through brothers. posited in Capricorn and if Mars
He wtll be stricken with poverty. dasa be not the Sth dasa, then the
He will suffer from ear trouble. results enumerated above will be
enjoyed by the native during Mars
(12) During the dasa of the lord of 12, dasa.
there will be all-round decrease in (5) If Venus is posited in his exaltation .
wealth and prosperity to the native. sign Pisces and if Pisces happened
He will suffer from increased ill- to be the 12lh, 10th or llth house,
ness. He will experience loss of then, during Venus* dasa, if he is
reputation. He will undergo not eclipsed or associated with
danger like the waning moon. malefics, the native will enjoy
. (1) A planet that has attained Vargot- good reputation, will possess great
tamamsa will do good during its wisdom and intellect, will obtain
dasa. If that placet is eclipsed or costly ornaments and pearls and ,
in debilitation, mixed results will will be very wealthy and popular.
be enjoyed during the dasa of that Note: The above results are applicable to
planet. If that planet happens to the natives who have Aries, Taurus
be the lord of 6th, 8th or 12th or Gemini as Lagna.
house or if that planet is posited
in 6th, Sth or 12th bouse then bad (6) Benefic planets in debilitation or
results are to be predicted. posited in the 6th, Sth or 12th
house will give inauspicious results
(2) During the Dasa of -a malefic during their dasas. Malefic planets
planet, the bhukthi of the lord of similarly situated will give ines-
the 3rd, 5th and 7th star to the star capable misery during their Dasas.
of birth and the bhukthi of the
lords of 1st and Sth houses will Note: From the above -the inference is
cause misery through robber and that the inauspicious results effected
enemy and the native will undergo by Benefic planets could be warded
lot of troubles, off by performance of Shanti where-
(3) Counting ■ from the Dasa of the as the misery caused by malefic
native at the time of birth, if the planets will certainly have to be
4th dasa be Saturn, the Sth Jupiter, experienced and cannot be warded
the 5th Mars or Rahu, then these off by performance of Shantis,
dasas will prove harmful. Likewise, etc.
the dasa of a planet at the end of a (7) During the Bhukthi of a planet who
Rasi (i.e. of posited at 30°) and the is inimical to Dasa loid or who is
dasa of the Lord of 6th, Sth or 12th posited in enemy's camp of the Dasa
house will bDharmful. lord or who is inimical to Lagna
6 21
.Lord, the native will experience tiavamsa of the lord of 8:—
.Fear from enemy. There will be Lord of sign and navamsa ii
change of dwelling or profession. which the lord of 8 is posited)
Even the erstwhile friend will turn lord of 22nd Drekkanna andV,
out to be an enemy. Janma Drekkana.
8) During the period of the Bhukthi- (12) During the dasas of Jupiter, if'the
natba, the results experienced will lord of Chandralagna and the lord
be; that of the Bhava in which the of Jantttalagna occupy kendra posi-
Bhuktbihatha is placed, counted
from the house of the Dasanatha. ■ tions, the result will be enjoyed in
the middle of the dasa. Planets
If the enemy's camp of the Dasa situated in Prishtodaya Rasis will
lord happens to be the 6th, 8tb or give their results at the end of the
12th house, the .native will have Dasa, those in Ubayodhaya rasi in
inauspicious results. If in other the middle of the Dasa and those
' houses, the results will be good. in Sirsbodaya rasis atthe beginning
(9) If a planet is posited in his house of the Dasa.
of exaltation, Moolathrikona, own Note: (i) 1 Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagit-
house, Friend's house, enemy's tarius • and Capricorn are
camp or in debilitation, the aus- Prishosadaya Rasis.
picious results experienced by the
native will be full, three-quarters, (ii) Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
half, quarter, very little and negli- Scorpio and Acquarius are
gible respectively. If the planet is Sirsbodaya Rasis.
to give inauspicious results, then, (iii) Pisces is Ubadhaya Rasi.
the proportion given above wilt be
reversed, i.e., in the house of (13) The Dasa lord transiting in a
exaltation inauspicious result, is bhava counted from the Chandra
, zero, in Moolathrikona very little, Lagna happens to be his own
own house one-fourth, Friend's' ■ house, exaltation house or friend's
house one half, . enemy's camp camp then he gives strength to that
three-quarters and in debilitation bhava. Further, in nativity, if the
full. Further, if the planet' is Dasa lord was strong, he will give
eclipsed, tlje result that will be strength during his dasa in which-
obtained "will be as for the planet ever bhava he transits.
in debilitation. (14) Id nativity, if the ..Dasa lord is
(10) Death will occur to the native eclipsed, or is in debilitation or
during the period of the planet posited in enemy's camp, then
which is the weakest of the follow- during his dasa, . he spoils the
ing and when Saturn transits evil bhava in which he transits, counted
signs: — from Chandra lagna.
(i) Saturn, Gulika, Rahuj Lord of (15) If Moon, during his transit passes
22nd Drekkana (counted from through the Dasa lord's exaltation
the Drekkana at the time of sign, friend's sign or tbe'3fd, 6th,
birth). Lord of 8 or 10th, 11th, 5th, 9th and 7th house
of the Dasanatha, he will improve
' (ii) Lord of Navamsa of Saturn, the auspicious results. If he tran-
Gulika, Rahu, Lord of 22nd sits in other houses, the results will
Drekkana and Lord of 8. be reversed.
(11) Death will occur to the native (16) When the Bhukthinatha, during
during the period of the strongest transit, passes its house of debilita-
of the following and when Jupiter tion or enemy's camp or is eclipsed,
transits the trine of the sign and he will cause misery. On. the
other hand, if the Bhukthiaatha, (23) All planets will give good or baa
during its transit, passes through results associated with their dasas
its exaltation house or own house in the bhukthis of planets that arc
or if he is retrograde, he will give conjoined witb them, or aspect
auspicious results. them. Also results similar to those
(171 /When Sun transits the exaltation associated with the Dasa lord will
sign of the lord, of the benefic dasa' be experienced in the Bhukthis of
the native will get the good results planets that are by lordship placed
of the dasa lord. Similarly is the similar to dasa lord.
case of Jupiter's transit. . On the (24) The association of a. strong quad-
■other hand, when Sun transits the rant or trine lord will cause yoga
debilitation sign or enemy's camp even though these planets become
of the lord of the malefic dasa, the malefic by virtue of their lordship
native will experience bad results of the other house:
of the dasa lord. (25) If a . strong kendra lord gets the
(18) Rahu will give good or bad results association of any one of the kona
according to the good or bad effects lord, then the associated planet
attributed to the planet with which gives raja yoga.
it is conjoined. The planet that is (26) If the same planet be the quadrant
conjoined with Rahh even if he be as well as the trine lord, then that
a benefic will cause misery parti- planet causes raja . yoga. If, in
cularly at the end of the dasa. addition to this, this planet gets the
(19) The 2nd house and the 7th house association of another'trine lord,
are death inflicting houses. If the there is certainly no doubt about
lords of the 2nd or 7th house be the raja yoga result.
strong and if posited in the same (27) Planets, even though they become
. 2nd or 7th house then that planet malefic by lordship of the 3rd, 6th
will cause death during his dasa. 8th or llth house, will give raja,
If the lord of 8th or 12th house be yoga results according to the results
very weak and if posited in 2nd or indicated in their Bhukthis if they
7th house this planet will cause get the association of yoga-produc-
' .death during his dasa. ing planets.
(20) If the Lord of a quadrant be a (28) A trine lord, if he does not happen
benefic he will give bad' results to own the 3rd, 6th or IT th house
during his dasa. On the other' also, will give auspicious results
' hand, if be be a malefic, good during the sub period of kendratbi-
results will accrue. If the lord of pathi even though the planet does
3, 6 or 11 even though he be a not get the association of the
benefic he will cause only misery kendrathipathi-
during his dasa.- If the lord of
the 8th house '. happens to be the (29) Jupiter and Venus by virtue of their
Lagna "lord also, then he will give lordship of houses 1, '4, 7 and 10
good results during his dasa. are strong in doing harm. The
(21) Kcndra lord posited in Kona and a harmful effects ace intensified if
kona lord posited .in Kendra will they also happen to occupy Maraka-
cause yoga. These two planets sthanas 2 and 7; Mercury as lord
during their dasasand bhukthis will of TCendra is next to Jupiter and
act in co-operation with each other Venus in the order of strength in
and will give yoga. doing harm. Next to Mercury in
strength to do harm is Moon. But
(22) Ail planets do not give good or bad malefics, if they happen to own
results attributed to their bhava houses 1, 4,7 and 10 will increase
during their dasas or bhukthis. the good effects.
30) Rahu and Kethu, if posited in is posited all these will cause
Kendta or iCona, will give rajayoga misery. Among these planets the
based on the association of the weakest planet will cause danger
Lord of Kendra or Kona with the during its period and sub period.
planets. , (34) The period of a planet that has left
31) Rahu and Kethu, if posited in an its exaltation sign and is in a house
auspicious rasi and unassociated on its way to its depression sign is
with any other planet, will give termed Avarohi. The period of a
raja yoga results during the period planet that is posited in its exalta-
of benefic planets. tion sign or friend's camp is termed
Madhya. The period of a planet
(32) During the periods of planets that has left its depression sign and
producing raja yoga the beginning is in a bodse on its way to its
of the raja yoga will take place. exaltation sign is termed Arohini.
This beginning will be improved The period of a planet in its debili-
upon during the sub period of tation sign, enemy's camp, in
malefic planets. debilitation navatrtsa or inimical
navamsa is termed Athama.
(33) The planet that is posited in the 8th
house, the planet that aspects the (35) Death will be caused during the
8th house, the lord of 8, the lord of period of the weak planet by the
the 3rd Drekkana in the 8th house, planet posited in the 12th bhava
the lord of the house where gulika . and the lord of the 12th bhava.
The Zodiac is a circle of space surroun- morning. It is the point where the signs
ding the earth. It may be imagined as a and degrees of the Zodiac appear to rise
belt in the heavens about 15 degrees wide or
1 ascend, in their sequence. Properly, the
in which the planets travel. It is the ascendant' is that particular sign and
Sun's apparent path, called the ecliptic. degree exactly on the eastern horizon in
The Zodiacal circle is divided into 12 the latitude of the Birth-place at the
parts, each part containing 30 degrees of moment for which the chart is cast. This
space called the signs of the zodiac. Thus apparent rising of the signs is due to the
a sign is one-twelfth division of the Earth's rotation on its axis at a rate of
Zodiacal circle and is defined as contain- speed which causes one degree of the
ing 30 degrees of celestial longitude. 12 Zodiac to appear to ascend to the eastern
signs each measuring 30 degrees constitute horizon every 4 minutes. By the use of
the circle of the Zodiac or 360 degrees. Siderial Time (into which terms birth time
In this circle the planets travel each in its is converted) and Tables of Houses the
own orbit, one outlying beyond the other.. exact degree and sign passing the ascen-
The Zodiac, then, is a circle divided into dant can be ascertained for any latitude.
12 signs through which the planets travel The rising sign and its Ruler together
or transit from west to east, going through with any planets which may be in the
one sign after another in their order from First House have an influence on the mind
Aries to Pisces. Although the Zodiac is and reveal to some extent the characteris-
generally referred to as a circle. It is, in tics of the native and general indications
fact, ecliptical. of the life. When a- child is born the
The Zodiacal signs are Aries, Tanrus, magnetic currents set in motion by that
Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, - Libra, particular Ascendant stamp themselves on
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius the individual by setting a definite trend to
and Pisces. the chemical and cellular activities and
throughout the whole lite the qualities of
, According to Western System we draw a the Ascendant will be seeking expression.
circle and divide it into 12 spaces. These The twelve houses of a horoscope are
spaces are termed houses , upon which we divisions in a map or chart and always
write the signs and place the symbols of occupy the same place therein, while the
the planets according to their location at a signs are sections in the Zodiac and due to
specified time. the Earth's rotation on its axis they
apparently are; constantly revolving from
The Ascendant; Although the signs are east over the Meridian to the West. The
apparently constantly ascending, the 1st, 10th, 7th and 4th bouses ye known
houses never change their locations. The respectively as the Ascendant, Midheaven,
first one is always just under the Eastern Descendant and Nadir or lowest point.
Angle of the chart regardless of what sign These are the most important places to
may be passing over it. The most impor- consider when judging a horoscope.
tant work, is locating the Ascendant When a planet is in angular house it is
(rising sign and degree). The Ascendant is then termed ' accidentally dignified."
always that point on the eastern horizon Succedent houses are 2nd, 5th, 8th and
where the Sun appears to rise in the 11th bouses.
Cadent houses are those which fall from the angles 3rd, .6th, 9th and 12lh houses".
Aries ruled by Mars Libra ruled by Venus
Taurus ruled by Venus Scorpio ruled by Mars
Gemini ruled by Mercury Sagittarius by Jupiter
Cancer ruled by Moon Capricorn by Saturn
Leo ruled by Sun Aquarius by Uranus
Virgo ruled by Mercury Pisces ruled by Neptune
The Moon's Node is not a planet but a plained the Primary System of Directions.
point in the heavens where the Moon The movement of the signs and planets
crosses tbe ecliptic from north latitude to away from the places they occupied in the
south latitude and vice versa. It is horoscope of birth is due to two factors ;
commonly known as ' Dragons Head ' and first to the rotation of the earth on its axis
' Tail.' whereby all the heavenly bodies appear to
PARS FORTUNA or THE PART OF rise, culminate and set; and second, to the
FORTUNE is a ' Zodiacal point which is revolution of the various bodies in their
equally distant from the Ascendant as the' orbits, the Moon round the Earth, and the
Moon is from the Sun in longitude. It Earth, and Planets round the Sun. Upon
benefits the house in which it is located at these two movements are based the two
birth. systems of Directing, the so-called
Primary and Secondary Systems. Pro-
The -Progressed Horoscope is a chart gression by Axial Rotation is the Primary
made for any, year after birth in which System. This is fully explained in Alan
one may read the conditions of the period Leo's Progressed Horoscope.
according to astrology-From a progressed Secondary System : • The revolutions of
chart should be read only that which is the earth, moon and Planets in their orbits
indicated at birth. To erect a progressed bring about great changes in the position
chart refer to an Ephemeris for the date of the various heavenly bodies ; they take
and year of birth and count each day after up new places in the signs and houses'and
birth as one year in life. form new aspects among themselves. The
A chart made for the first day after measure of time in this system is one day.
birth, for the same birth-time, would show That is to say, the'changes among the
(by planers' position aspects, etc.) the con- heavenly bodies during the first day of
ditions to operate i between one year and life symbolise the events that will occur
two years of age ; a chart cast for the during the first year of life ; the second day,
second day after birth would show the the second year; and so on, But not with-
conditions for the 12th months following standing all that was claimed for these
the second anniversary. systems, astrologers were far from satis-
Directions and Directing : Directional fied. Directions and Progressions obvi-
Astrology in the West has definite begin- ously did not account for all events that
ning from the time of Ptolemy who befell one while many of them appeared to
appears to have fiourished in the first fail and so, in modern times, several new
century A.D. and who perhaps gave the symbolical systems have been invented.
first scientific exposition of the science of Symbolic astrology to a small extent
Astrology itself to the West. owes its origin to the fact that the circle
of the Zodiac from the most ancient times
The three systems of Direction use . in was divided into 360 equal parts called
-the;—Western Schools are Primary, degrees, each degree being further sub;
Secondary and Symbolic. Ptolemy ex- divided into minutes and seconds of arc.
As the Equatofial circle 'of 24 hours is house stands for health, body and general
equivalent to 360 Equatorial degrees characteristics, the second for wealth, and
{termed hours and degrees of Right soon. As 7/12 is the fraction which'the
Ascension respectively), it follows that 8th sign bears to the circle of the Zodiac,
one hour is equal to 15 degrees, and 4 7/12 is the measure to be used' to find out
minutes are equal to one degree; hence the time in which the death of a pqrson
in the so-called Ftolemic system, one can happen. Similarly 6/12 degr»e = 1
degree of Right Ascension is prognosti- year is the measure used to find the time of
cally equal to one year of life, t Some marriage, y degree = 1 year is a measure
astrologers have extended this idea to the for profession. ,5/12 for sickness and so
ecliptical circle itself, making one degree on. 1 Thus the measures obtained are 1/12
of the Zodiac equal to a year's life. deg., 1/6 deg., i deg., i deg. 5/12 deg.,
Suppose Moon at birth was in Aries i deg., 7/12 deg., 2/3 deg., 3/4 deg., 5/6.
1 degree and Venus in 27 degrees. Aries; deg., and 11/12 deg., and one deg.. Princi-
the dilference between thetn is 26 degree pal fractions that will lead all other
and hence the symbolist would say that measures in demancating the life events
the Moon and Venus would be in conjunc- are 5/12deg., 1 deg., 7/12 deg., 3/4 deg.
tion at the end of native's 26th year. and 2/3 deg. Thus one particular aspect
of a horoscope say marriage, can be taken
Symbolic systems of direction as dis- apart and judged ; prediction can be made
tinct from the astronomical systems of by working all the favourable directions;
direction, came into vogue and became that will be yielded by the / deg. = 1 year
popular in the Western School bwau'se of measure, to find when 7th house matters
the simplicity with which they can be will prosper.
calculated and the results indicated are in
no way less satisfactory than the Primary The sensitive points that enter into the
and Secondary Directions. scheme are :—
1. 12 planets including Rahu
Principal aspects such as conjunction, and Kethu.
sextile, square, trine, quincunx and opposi-
tion are used. Principal factors that 2. The first point of Aries:
govern the interpretation of directions, 3. Ascendant and 7th cusp.
whatever the system of direction may be,
astronomical or symbolic, Primary or 4. Relevant cusp and relevant
Secondary are ; (1) the limitation of the point of Zodiac.
Radixi (2) limitations arising from the 5. Part of Fortune.
stage df life in which directions occur. In
the case of secondary directions, even
after jfrorking all the directions that are Directional Investigation: Directions
formed; the delineation of events is no are derived from the natal chart which is
easy task. Till a certain maturity of . the foundation. Directions can find fulfil-
judgment is fully developed, there must be ment in results that are only appropriate
something available in the directions to the nativity-
themselves, some clue to the nature of an
event. This clue is provided in the system To find the date when the owner of the
illustrated below. Here all the angles and horoscope would get married, guidance
the bodies are progressed at a uniform from Progression is taken, Progressed
rate in the Zodiac: 144 deg. aspect also Venus, who is lord of 7th House j.s in
produces important events. The twelve- conj. with Ascendant at the end of 18th
fold division of the Zodiac is a self- year. This means marriage. Now aver-
sufficient basis for the derivation of Direc- age figures are worked between 17th and
tional Measures. As it is well known, 19th year of the native. I"-?! year measure
each division stands for a certain type of is used and favourable aspects are
human activity. In a horoscope the first noted.
1 degree = 1 year or 12 months Measure Characteristic of marriage:—
4° = I year measure
Mars (2') S S° 8"
Venus (3-351| s^e4r "y Pluro 8* 12' 0 degrees Aries progressed by 8°
Lagna ,, „ ^ Fortuna
(24° 20') ■" 17° 34' Moon 8' —Sextile Saturn
| 27° 30'
Pars Fortuna progressed by 9°
Neptune 56'-Conj. Moon
51 25' Uranus progressed by 9° —Sextile
NIRAYANA HOROS- Kethu-29° 0' Mars.
Gurudasa I!al.inee Reversed characteristic measure
Rahu 29° 7 years.
Uranus 23° 2 deg. ~ 1 year measure
M.C. 17° 0 deg. progressed by 35° 25'-
Sextile Nep.
M.C. progressed by 37° 20'—
Sextile Lagna
Lagna progressed by 35° 40' —
Sextile 0 deg., Aries.
Age 17 years 6 months 24 days = 17
degees 34 minutes 0 degree Aries progres- Now Average of the figures
sed by 17 degrees 34 minutes
— Sextile pars fortune 17° 34', 18° 14; 18° 44, 17° 51',
16° 16', 19° 52', -18°, 17° 42.5',
Sun progressed by 18° W-Conj. with 18° 40', 17° 50', = 18 - 4' (4 m inu-
Mercury tes) which is the same as 18 years
Sun progressed by 18° 44' - Trine 24 days.
Uranus This coincides with the exact
Pars Fortuna progressed by 17° 51' — date of marriage.
Conj. Neptune

. 7R
£. S. K.
The ecliptic is the apparent pathway of Bahylonic and Hindu Empires were non-
the Sun in the Heavens. The planets and existent when the Chaldean sages laid
the other luminary Moon, follow their down the axiom that 'Obstral spheres
own individual tracks which lie along the exert continual infiuence on terrestial life.*
ecliptic on north and south of it. The Chaldeans followed the "Hora and found
width on either side is about 7and out the influence of the planets over the
hence the pathway of the planets is around affairs of the people. Also it was said
15° in width, having the ecliptic in its that certain hours are advantageous for
centre. This is called the Zodiac. certain matters and certain hours are
If one observes, it will appear that the unfortunate for some affairs. This
whole Zodiac goes round the earthonce a method of .prediction is called 'Hora*.
day, i.e., once in 24 hours and the same The * Hindus * also were aware that
portion of the Zodiac rises in the east in certain matters thrive in some hours (i.e.,
23 hours 56 minites and a few seconds. 2i Ghatis periods) and some fail in certain
As the Zodiac is divided into 12 equal hours."(2i Ghatis periods.)
parts called Solar mansion (sign or rasi) Both the Hindus and the Chaldeans do
(Mesba—Aries to Meena—Pisces), each not. follow' the same calculations to find
division will be appearing in the east, out which planet rules a particular time
roughly for a duration of 2 hrs. In other though the order of the planets is the
words, the previous sign will appear to same. , '■
rise up in the heavens and the next sign First, let us know something about the
will corumence to rise nearly two hours
after the previous sign began to rise. days and then about the hour or otherwise
Hence the 12 signs rise in the 1east, roughly called ' Hora".
at an interval of 2 hours... The names of the days are derived from
The Hindu astrologers have subdivided both the luminaries and the other five
each sign into two halves and called such planets, e.g:—
a division as a Hora. Hence, roughly Sunday—Tamil (Nyayiru) Telugu (Adhi-
one hour is needed for each Hora to rise varam) others Bhanuvaram, Ravi-
in the east or pass through the Meridian. varam etc., in India.
But the Hindu astrologers, in olden days,
did not calculate the time in hours and Planet in English (Sun), Tamil-Suryan,
minutes. They used to measure in Ghatis Sanskrit-Ravi, German-Sonnag (Sonne),
. and Vighatis or Naligai and Vinadi. Dutch Zondag (Zon).
Hence a day is of 60 Ghatis. Hence each
sign is approximately 5 Ghatis and half of Monday—Thingal, Somavaram etc., in
a sign or a Hora will be about 2} Ghatis. India. English (Moon), German
Montag (Mond), French Lundi
Pharos in Chaldean star lord says: In (Lune), Italian Lunedi (Luna),
remote and ancient Cbaldea the know- Dutch Maandag (Maan) etc.
ledge of the stars and the framing of the
Zodiac were the results of the Divinely Tuesday—Sevvai-Mangalavar etc. English
Inspired Gifts to the wise men.' The (Mars), French Mardi - (Mars),
book of Genesis, the Mosaic Era, 'the Italian Martedi (Mars).
"Wednesday—Bhuda; Englisk (Mercury), the names of these days are arrived at
Italian Mercoledi (Mercury), French according to the effects agreeing with the
Mercredi. particular planet.
Thursday—Guru, Brihaspathi, Viyazhan, Prebably, the same effects repeat once
English (Jupiter), Italian Giovedj in 7 days and hence only seven days in the
(Jove), Dutch (Donderdag), German week are fixed; e;g., on Sunday 'some
(Thor). matters flourish; on Monday some other
Friday —Sukra, .Brigu, Velli; English ■affairs thrive and after 7 days the same
(Venus), Italian Venerdi (Venus), matters have advantage on Sundays,
French Vendredi (Venus). Mondays etc-
Saturday—Sani, Mandha,English (Saturn), As, regards the Hora division, the Hindus
Dutch Zaterdag (Saturn). do not take the time of sunrise for their
The results signified by the planets do calculations. They follow strictly accord-
predominate in the above order. Hence ing to the time mentioned below:—

From—To Sun Mon Tues Wpd Thurs Fri Sat

6-'7 A.M; Sun Moon Mars Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat.
7- 8 Ven, Sat. Sun Moon . Mars Merc. Jup.
S- 9 Merc. Jup. Yen. Sat. Sun Moon Mars
9-10 * Moon Mars Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun
10-11 Sat. Sun Mo»n Mars Merc. Jup. Ven.
/11-12 Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun Moon Mars Mere.
12- 1 P.M. Mars Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun Moon
1- 2 Sun ' Moon Mars Merc. Jup. ■ Ven, Sat.
2- 3 Ven Sat. Sun 1 Moon Mars Merc. Jup.
3- 4, Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun Moon - Mars
4-? 5 Moon Mars Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. Sim
,5-6 , „ Sat. Sun Moon " Mars Ms re. Jup Ven.
,6-7 „ Jup. Ven, Sat. Siin Moon Mars Merc.
7- 8 .. Mars Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun Moon
8- 9 Sun Moon Mars Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat.
9-10 , Ven. Sat. Sun Moon Mars Merc, Jup,
10-11 Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun Moon Mars
11-12 Moon Mars Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun
12- 1 A.M. Sat. Sun Moon Mars Merc. Jup. Ven.
1- 2' Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun Moon Mars Merc.
2- 3 Mars Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun Moon
3- 4 Sun Moon Mars Merc. Jup. Ven,. Sat.
__4- 5 Ven. Sat. Sun Moon Mars Merc. Jup.
5- 6 Merc- Jup.' ,• Ven. Sat.. Sun Moon Mars
From the table it may be observed that particular locality to the next succeeding
the planets rule the hours in on order sun-rise. As the planetary hours com-
which is the alternate days in the reverse mence from the time of sun-rise which
order. Suppose Sun rules a particular varies according to the Latitude and
hour- Then note in the reverse order, the Longitude of the place; one is to take the
days of the week. . The alternate one is timings in the local meantime.
Friday. ruled ■ by Venus. Hence Venus
rules the hour, after that of the Sun. Are we to take that each planet' rules
Similarly, Thursday is before Friday and' exactly one hour or are we to find out the
Wednesday is the alternate one in the interval between sun-rise and noon and
reverse order to Friday. Wednesday is divide it by 6, likewise moon to sun-set,
ruled by Mercury. Hence Mercury rules sun-set to mid-aight and mid-night to sun-
the hour after Venus. Thus the order of rise? So, a research was necessary to
the hours is worked out: ' ascertain which is to be followed. The
Modern Astrological Research Institute has
It will be a pleasant surprise to note found that the second method is correct
that after 24' hrs;, that planet which rules and the one-hour systeromatic. division
between 6 and 7 A.M. is the same planet needs modification.
which governs the day. Therefore, irres-
pective of sun rise, the locality and the The sun rises in the northern latitudes,
part of the year in which one. wants to' according to the season, any time between
find the planet ruling a particular time, 4-30 A.M. and 7-30 A.M. If one is to
simply refer to the above table. consider t hat a day commences from sun-
rise and the first hour is governed by the
But Westeners and Chaldeans calculate lord of the day, then one is to follow the
in a different manner. They divide the Chaldeans and -should not fqlldw the
interval between the time of sunrise and table published in almanacs etc., which is
noon into 6 equal parts and each will be also reproduced in this article to learn
Little more or less than a 7-hour depend- and unlearn.
ing upon the interval between Sunrise and
noon. Similarly the interval between Therefore, planetary IfCirS' will be
noon and sunset is divided into 6 equal exactly one hour; throughout the world
parts. ■ Likewise, the time from sunset to only on two days in a year, i.e., when sun
midnight and from midnight to the sun- passes the vernal and autumnal equinoxes
rise is worked out. - or on around 22nd March and 23rd
But the order of the planet ruling the September. On other days,' the duration
first hour (a little more or less according of each planetary hour varies.
to this calculation) is ruled by the lord of When one calculates the interval between
the day. The other hours are ruled by sun-rise and noon, divides by six and
the other planets in the same order as is takes the first portion as the hora of the
followed by the Hindus.. Only the dura- Lord of the day, it does not matter
tion of each planetary hour division whether it is Local Meantime or Stand-
varies. (Readers are also expected to note ard Time. It is 'preferable to follow
that the Hindus adopt this hora division Standard Tithe, as the clocks are set to
in an arbitrary manner and it has no', Indian Standard Time.
connection with the rising of the sun Hora ?'
or Moon Hora in the East. Kala H°fa Further division of the day will be the
or planetary hours are different from division of the Hora. To trace the exact
Hora division of a solar sign.) time when the various events in the plane-
Then, the doubt arises whether the tary hours governed by different planets,
hours mentioned are the standard time or occur it is necessary to know not only the
the local meantime. main division day and night called Hora
honrs of. planetary hours, but also the
What is an astrological day 1 It is the subdivision of tbp planetary hours of
interval between the sun-rise on a day at a different duration.
'. Suppose one wants to note the time periods, even though he runs a very bad
when Saturn wiH rule its hour on Wednes- period according to dasa or according to
day, so that one can avoid (a) to sign an progression. People, running bad time
agreement in that period or (b) to fix the (aj will never follow this, or (b) even if
marriage during that time or (c) to meet a he tries to follow, he will do in the evil
person to negotiate any transaction etc. sub-iivision of the planetary hour.) What
Adopt the following principle : is the sub-division?
(1) What is the Indian Standard time The planetary hour is sub-divided
of sun-rise in that locality on among the 7 planets (just as, a dasa is
that day? Let it be 5-10 A.M. divided among 9 planets as Bhuktis and
(2) What is the Indian Standard each Bhukti is again subdivided among
Time at noon in that locality on the same 9 planets called antharams).
that day? Let it be 11-59 A.M. The first subdivision belongs to the
(3)i Therefore, the difference between planet which rules the hour and then the
sun-rise and Noon will be 6 hrs. subdivisions are governed by the other
49 min. planets in the same order. Suppose the
(4) Divide this by 7; Then you get hora hour is ruled by Venus; then the
1 hour 7 min. for each division. first subdivision belongs to Venus and
the other 6 subdivisions will be governed
(5) The day selected is a Wednesday. by Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars
Hence from sun-rise 5-10 A.M. and Sun.
to 6-17 A.M. Mercury rules the
time. The next is governed by What is the use of this sub-division ?
Moon. Hence 6-17 A.M. to 7-24 (1) Just as on a Wednesday, the hora
A.M. is ruled by Moon. The of Saturn is to be avoided for
next belongs to Saturn; i.e. some actions and transactions,
Saturn is the lord for the dura- so also, in the few minutes of the,
tion from 7-24 A.M. to 8-31 conjoined periods of Saturn sub-
A.M. division in the Mercury bora and
Therefore this period is governed by Mercury sub-division in Saturn's
Saturn on a Wednesday ruled by Mercury. hora are to be avoided.
Therefore this conjoined period of Saturn (2) If a person enjoys Jupiter Dasa
and Mercury are to be avoided for such Moon Bhukti, he can undertake
actions as mentioned above. When this to do any important work during
conjoined period operates .in the night, the Hora of Jupjter and sub of
and one spends his- pleasant time with his Moon.
wife, he can avoid birth of children. This (3) If Mars Dasa Jupiter Bhukti
is an effective method of ' Birth Control' operates, to one, and if the judge
as Juoth Saturn and Mercury are effeminate announces the judgment favour-
planets. But people, planting fruit- able to one, then the" time at
bearing trees in such conjoined planetary which he passes it, will be during
hours,.will have very poor yield ; the loss Mars hora Jupiter sub or Jupiter
will be not only due to locust, pest, rats, hora Mars sub or. Mars day
etc., but also due to the scarcity of water- (Tuesday) and Jupiter Hora or
supply and fertiliser. Hence for every Jupiter day (Thursday) and Mars
action, one is to note which planets will Hora. In the latter case, the
, contribute for peace, prosperity, success, sub will be ruled by either of the
etc., and which planets are detrimental. two or any other significator
Accordingly one can make a selection and contributing to his success.
enjoy the fruits. (4) If one wants to construct a
(Now the question arises, whether one. building, he prefers the conjoined
" can come out successful by selecting such' Hora of Mercury and Mars.
(3) One desiring to get married, will As sun indicates power, authority,
select the conjoined Planetary infiuence, dignity, honour and reputation,
Hour of Venus and Jupiter. either to take charge of the following
posts or to meet such people for assistance,
The above is general. Further, while select Sun hora.
selecting a Hora, the most important
factor is omitted, which is a serious Father, Government officials, President
mistake, i.e., (a) One does not take into (Sun, Mars and Jupiter combination),
consideration which part of the Zodiac Vice-President (Sun, Mercury & Mars),
rises in the East and what the Lagna is Governors (Sun, Mercury & Jupiter)
(b) nor does one consider the position of Mayors, Judges (Sun, Jupiter. & Venus),
planets at the time and their relative Physicians (Sun, Mercury & Jupiter),
position to the ascendant, to. the cusp of Surgeons (Sun, Mercury & Mars), etc.
that house which signifies the particular
matter and to the Karaka planet which Sun Hora is beneficial for signing
also rules the same matter. contracts (Sun; Mercury & Jupiter), to
commit forgery or to undertake Hand-
Indeed, these three are the important writing, Thumb impression expert post
investigations to be made while electing a (Sun, Merc, and Saturn), to register
Muhurtha. documents; to approach for favour, to
But for common undertakings and the execute a will; to let on lease, to appeal
usual daily business, Hora will be helpful i for promotion, to complain to the Police
to offer confidence, peace of mind and about the lost property, to have mantras
mostly success. initiated and-do concentrate, to enter into
politics, etc., to purchase rice, cardamom,
pepper, chilly, almond, groundnut,
cocoanut, aromatic herbs, trees with
Planets and their govern in each thorns, orange coloured articles, etc.
One can commence praying to Suryana-
Sun is the lord of Sunday. The Hora rayana—Ldrd Vishnu and also give gold
of Sun will be most potent whenever Sun to make jewels, etc. For vaccination,
is strong; i.e., whenever Sun transits in inoculation, etc., prefer this hour.
its exalted or own sign and in its constel-
lation, Karlhikai, Utbram, Uthradam. Also, people who arc governed by Sun
' Sun governs vitality, immunity and or who have Sun as their ruling planet
speedy recovery from disease. Hence, to may pray to God for peace and prosperity
take medicine or to undergo surgical during Sun's Hora.
operations, solar hour is auspicious. (To be.continued)
one wants to note the time periods, even though he runs a very bad
rn will rule its hour on Wednes- period according to dasa or according to
tat one can avoid (a) to sign an progression. People, running bad time
in that period or (6) to fix the (a) will never follow this, or (b) even if
luring that time or (c) to meet a he tries to follow, he will do in the evil
■ negotiate any transaction etc. sub-division of the planetary hour.) What
i following principle: is the sub-division?
What is the Indian Standard time The planetary hour is sub-divided
of sun-rise in that • locality on among the 7 planets (just as, a dasa is
that day? Let it be 5-10 A.M. divided among 9 planets as Bhuktis and
What is the Indian Standard each Bhukti is again subdivided among
Time at noon in that locality on the same 9 planets called antbarams).
that day? Let it be 11-59 A.M. The first subdivision- belongs to tbe"
Therefore, the difference between planet which rules tbe hour and then the
sun-rise and Noon will be 6 brs. subdivisions are governed by the other
49 min- planets in tbe same order. Suppose the
Divide this by 7: Then you get hora hour is ruled by Venus; then the
first subdivision belongs to Venus and
1 hour 7 tnin. for each division. the other 6 subdivisions will be governed
) The day selected is a Wednesday. by Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars
Hence from sun-rise 5-10 A.M. and Sun.
to 6-17 A.M. Mercury rules the
time. The next is governed by What is the use of this sub-division ?
Moon. Hence 6-17 A.M. to 7-24 (1) Just as on a Wednesday, tbe hora
A.M. is ruled by Moon. The of Saturn is to be avoided for
next belongs to Saturn; i.e. some actions and transactions,
Saturn is the lord for the dura- so also, in the few minutes of the.
tion from 7-24 A.M. to 8-31 conjoined periods of Saturn sub-
A.M. division in tbe Mercury hora and
refore this period is governed by Mercury sub-division in Saturn's
i on a Wednesday ruled by Mercury, bora are to be avoided.
fore this conjoined period of Saturn (2) If a person enjoys Jupiter Pasa
lercury are to be avoided for such Moon Bhukti, he can undertake
is as mentioned above. When this to do any important work during
lined period operates .in the night, tbe Hora of Jupiter and sub of
>ne spends his pleasant time with his Moon.
be can avoid birth of children- This (3) If Mars Dasa Jupiter Bhukti
effective method of 'Birth Control* operates, to one, and if the judge
>th Saturn and Mercury are effeminate , announces the judgment favour-
sts. But people, planting fruit- able to one, then the' time at
ing trees in such conjoined planetary which he passes it, will be during
s, will have very poor yield; the loss Mars hora Jupiter sub or Jupiter
be not only due to locust, pest, rats, hora Mars sub or Mars day
but also due to the scarcity of.water- (Tuesday) and Jupiter Hora or
>ly and fertiliser. Hence for every Jupiter day (Thursday) and Mars
on, one is to note which planets will Hora. In the latter case, the
tribute for peace, prosperity, success, sub will be ruled by either of the
, and which planets are detrimental, two or any other significator
lordingly one can make a selection and contributing to bis success.
oy the fruits. - i
(4) If one wants to construct a
Now the question arises, whether one building,.he prefers the conjoined
t come out successful by selecting such' Hora of Mercury and Mars;
(5) One desiring to get married, will As sun indicates power, authority,
select the conjoined Planetary influence, dignity, honour and reputation,
Hour of Vedus and Jupiter. either to take charge of the following
posts or to meet suchpeoplefor assistance,
The above is general. Further, while select Sun hora.
selecting a Hora, the most important
factor is omitted, which is a serious Father, Government officials, President
mistake, i.e., (a) One does not take info (Sun, Mars and Jupiter combination),
consideration which part of the Zodiac Vice-President (Sun, Mercury & Mars),
rises in the East and what the Lagna is . Governors (Sun, Mercury. & Jupiter)
(b) nor does one consider the position of Mayors, Judges (Sun, Jupiter. & Venus),
planets at the time and their relative Physicians (Sun, Mercury & Jupiter),
.position to the ascendant, to the cusp of Surgeons (Sun, Mercury & Mars), etc.
that house which signifies the particular
matter and to the Karaka planet which Sun Hora is beneficial for signing
also rules the same matter.. Contracts (Sun; Mercury & Jupiter), to
commit forgery or to undertake Hand-
Indeed, these three are the important writing, Thumb impression expert post
investigations to be made while electing a (Sun,' Merc, and' Saturn), to register
Muburtha. documents; to approach for favour, to
But for common undertakings and the execute a will ; to let on lease, to appeal
usual daily business, Hora will be helpful l for promotion, to complain to the Police
to offer confidence, peace of mind and about the lost property, to have mantras
mostly success. initiated and'to concentrate, to enter into
politics, etc., to purchase rice, cardamom,
pepper, chilly, almond, groundnut,
cocoanut, ' aromatic herbs, trees with
Planets and their govern in each . thorns, orange coloured articles, etc.
Sun is the lord of Sunday. The Hora One can commence praying to Suryana-
of Sun will be most potent whenever Sun rayana—Ldrd Vishnu and also give gold
is strong; i.e., whenever Sun transits in to make jewels, etc. For vaccination,
its exalted or own sign and in its constel- inoculation, etc., prefer this hour.
lation, Karthikai, Uthram, Uthradam. Also, people who are governed by Sun
■ Sun governs vitality, immunity and or who have Sun as their ruling planet
spaedy' recovery from disease. Hence, to may pray to God for peace and prosperity
take, medicine or to undergo surgical during Sun's Hora.
operations, solar hour is auspicious- (To be continued)
We belong to the 'Solar Kingdom.' power of magnetism otherwise called
Our great guardian is the Mighty Sun and gravitation. Planets are called grahas
He is taking care of the entire solar which means ' to take ' and Grahaya
universe by casting his rays without which means to catch (i.e.,) Akarshana or
life would be impossible for all beings. gravitation who can deny that the
The Sun is a terrible flaming globe having luminous waves of rays resulting from the
the energy of heat, light, magnetism and sparks of the periodically burning Sun,
electricity, which we get from the waves reaching the Earth rhythmically, contain-
of rays and the sun is the giver of the life ing minute, colloid particles of radium,
principle or the breath of life (Prana). phosphorus, calcium etc., when combined
Heat and motion go together. Heat is with nitrogen and carbon may not be
generally caused by a thrust from one responsible for the life of man or beast
body to another and produces energy in with his and its mental equipment and
matter formations. We cannot live physical activity ? The energy of Electri-
without sufficient warmth and we cannot city is abundant in the waves rays from
get rain unless water is vapourised and the Sun, which is the principal source for
pressure caused by beat leads to motion all movement and physical activities-
through air thus producing rain. Planets,
animals, minerals; human beings, all are It is a wonderful calculated set-up, that
being activiated solely by the power of each planet is formed at a particular
Sun's heat. Elactricity and the solar , distance between them, is the last space to
universe is fully influenced, by the Sun, be able to hold itself against the gravita-
with constant magnetic force-by the power tional force of other planets, acting on it,
of electricity produced by heat. All the otherwise the planet with more gravita-
other planets including our Earth are only tional power will absolve the less power-
the products of the Sun, as outpieces of ful planet. Besides holding itself at a
this mighty Sun, thrown out at long particular point in. space, each planet is
distant region in space, which made them capable of performing its journey round
suitable to exist in a particular form to the Sun in its own orbit. The power
function. Each planet is getting its heat, formation for the planets lies from the
and energy from the Sun according to its kick by the ray's heat from the Sun. The
distancel from the Sun. Due to the Sun's gravitational force gives us a clue to
radiating energy through the rays falling* believe that the earth as a planet is always
on these planets, they are able to possess influenced by all other planets of course,
the motive power. The planetary move- the mighty Sun as the chief. This influ-
ment as we find, is only round the Sun as ence and inter action between the planets
centre and keeping themselves within a is scientifically analysed, and given to us
limit so as to get always the power from in one of the limbs of our ancient
the Sun for- their motion and our earth Scripture (Veda) — namely, Jyothisha
also moves along in its own orbit round Sastra which speaks of Astrology com-
the sun, with its contents. Every planet bined with Astronomy and Jyothisha is a
has got its own moss and potent, energy common] term for both. Astrology
that is received ever from the Sun, and demands the knowledge of Astronomy.
_has_its own magnetic field exerting its Let us now proceed about the influence of
influence on the other planets by the planets on the Earth and its inhabitants.
Ancients postulated the existence of the What we find in the outer universe as
five (Dhutas) elements, permeating all matter-formed is also the same in our
matter, animate or inanimate, in the human structure. Every atom has motion
universe. These elements (Bhutas) coale- and by this motion it is able to continue
sce and combine together very intimately itself with like atoms, with much attraction
and invisibly, giving rise to and to be and by this, every movement. Our body
responsible for, all physical physiological, composed of these elements is attracted
biological entities and changes. The from outside by the similar know of the
Bhutas represent the physical qualities in elements properties. In an Unit of atom,
matter. Matter has mechanical energy there, are protons, electrons and new hours.
all combined in it. As inhabitants of the The proton, the heavy particle, combines
earth we have a close resemblance in the with a neutron to form the necleus of the
constituents of Nature with that of the atom with no change, and the electrons.
planets. Each planet is formed with the Small light particle with negative charge
constituents of the five elements in a parti- move round the nucleur bound by the
cular combination of permentation with electric attraction. Thus the protons.
one or the other elements predominating, resemble the sun and the electrons re-
determining the qualities. In Hindu semble the planets with negative charge.
Philosophy, we find, excepting the supreme
absolute, all other manifestations inj.the In the visible Universe we have the Sun,
vast universe, belong to the realm of Moon and other planets composed of
matter (Pakili). This matter is composed these elements similar to us and exerting
of the rudimentary five elements. their influence by way of throwing out
(Thanmatra) Akasa, Vayu, Agni, Apah, their.cnergy by radiation, causing gravita-
Prithivi descending from the subtler to tion according to their mass. This is a
the gross. The subtler the form the greater sacrifice to one another and the basis in
is pervasiveness, and lesser visibility for the world's build; the law by which they
our naked eye. Therefore all things, are- maintained. . All lives can only be
since they come out of the five elements, supported by absorbing other lives and all
can be reduced in three common states for forms can be preserved by absorbing other
our understanding, namely, gaseous state, forms.
liquid state and solid state, -manifestated
in the more expanse of void space or In the analysis of the mind, and the
Ether. The contents in the Universe are world, wc can for a moment draw a line
activated by the Principle of motion of comparison between the general features
resulting in change and this motion is a found in human existence in the internal
characteristic of air used by the expression world and the external world from which
(Prana). This principle prana is a dynamic we experience objects.
aspect of consciousness (i.e.,) intelligence, In the external world we see the first
mind stuff or chit in us. self-luminous Sun by which the entire
The birth of an infant is the result of world is illumined causing sustenance of
integration of matter with dissipation of life; secondly, the Moon which shines by
motion; effected and nurtured carefully, the reflected light from the sun and is also.
rather surreptitiously, in the womb, till it necessary to sustain life and the earth, the
acquires the class order, family, genus seat of all manifested life. The earth
species, race etc., we have as stated above, solely exists by the radiations from the
Aka-sa Vayu, Tejas, Apa, Prithivi, which Sun, Moon and the stars. In the internal
form's the principal matter existing in the universe; we see a similar system compri-
universe in the subtle plant, corresponding sing of firstly with the witness or intelli-
to the sky, energy, electricity, fluid state gent principle which gives the illumination
and solid state,.'in gross plane and these in to the mind as well as to the body, which
a particular process of mutual sub-division sustains both mental and physical life of
and combination forms themselves as the all beings. Thus we have the mind that is
gross body of ours. able to shine only by reflected' illutnini-....
iuppose one wants to note the time periods, even though he runs a very bad
en Saturn will rule its hour on Wednes- period according to dasa or according to
y, so that one can avoid (a) to sign an progression. People, running bad time
recment in that period or (■'/) to fix the (a) will never follow this, or (b) even if
trriage during that time or (c) to meet a he tries to follow, he will do in the evil
rson to negotiate any transaction etc. sub-division of the planetary hour.) What
iopt the following principle: is the sub-division?
(1) What is the Indian Standard time The planetary hour is sub-divided
of sun-rise in that locality on among the 7 planets (just as, a dasa is
that day? Let it be 5-10 A.M. divided among 9 planets as Bhuktis and
(2) What is the Indian Standard each Bhukti is again subdivided among
Time at noon in that locality on the same 9 planets called antharams).
that day? Let it be 11-59 A.M. The first subdivision- belongs to the
(3) Therefore, the difference' between planet which rules the hour and then the
sun-rise and Noon will be 6 hrs. subdivisions are governed by the other
49 min. planets in the same order. Suppose the
(4) Divide this by 7: Then you get hora hour is ruled by Venus; then the
1 hour 7 min. for each division. first subdivision belongs to Venus and
the other 6 subdivisions will be governed
(5) The day selected is a Wednesday. by Mercury, Moon, Saturn, lupiter. Mars
Hence from sun-rise 5-10 A.M. and Sun.
to 6-17 A.M. Mercury rules the
time. The next is governed by What is the use of this sub-division ?
Moon. Hence 6-17 A.M. to 7-24 (1) Just as on a Wednesday, the hora
A.M. is ruled by Moon. The of Saturn is to be avoided for
next belongs to Saturn; i.e. some actions and transactions,
Saturn is the lord for the dura- so also, in the few minutes of the,
tion from 7-24 A.M. to 8-31 conjoined periods of Saturn sub-
A.M. division in the Mercury hora and
Therefore this period is governed by Mercury s,ub-division in Saturn's
Saturn on a Wednesday ruled by Mercury. hora are to be avoided.
Therefore this conjoined period of Saturn (2) If a person enjoys Jupiter Dasa
and Mercury are to be avoided for such Moon Bhukti, he can undertake
actions as mentioned above. When this to do any important work during
conjoined period operates ,in the night, the Hora of Jupjter and sub of
and one spends his pleasant time with his Moon.
wife, he can avoid birth of children. This (3) If Mars . Dasa Jupiter Bhukti
is an effective method of ' Birth Control' operates, to one, and if the judge
as both Saturn and Mercury are effeminate announces the judgment favour-
planets. But people, planting fruit- able to one, then the' time at
bearing trees in such conjoined planetary which he passes it, will be during
hours, will have very poor yield; the loss Mars hora Jupiter sub or Jupiter
will be not only due to locust, pest, rats, hora Mars sub or Mars day
etc.; but also due to the scarcity of water- (Tuesday) and Jupiter Hora or
supply and fertiliser. Hence for every Jupiter day (Thursday) and Mars
action, one is to note which planets will Hora. In the latter case, the
. contribute for peace, prosperity, success, sub will be ruled by either of the
etc., and which planets are detrimental. two or any other significator
Accordingly'one can make a selection and contributing to his success!
enjoy the fruits. (4) If one wants to construct a
- --(Now the question, arises, whether one building, he prefers the conjoined
. can come out successful by selecting such" Hora of Mercury and Marsi .
(5) One desiring to get married, will As sun indicates power, authority,
select the conjoined Planetary influence, dignity, honour and reputation,
Hour of Venus and Jupiter. either to take charge of the following
posts or to meet such people for assistance,
The above is general. Further, while select Sun hora.
selecting a Hora, the most important
factor is omitted, which is a serious Father, Government officials, President
mistake, i.e., (a) One does not take into (Sun, Mars and Jupiter combination),
consideration which part of the Zodiac Vice-President (Sun, Mercury & Mars),
rises in the East and what the Lagna is Governors (Sun, Mercury, & Jupiter)
(b) nor does one consider the position of Mayors, Judges (Sun, Jupiter. Sc. Venus),.
planets at the time and their relative Physicians (Sun, Mercury & Jupiter),
^position to the ascendant, to the cusp of Surgeons (Sun, Mercury & Mars), etc.
that bouse which signifies the particular
matter and to the Karaka planet which Sun HOra is beneficial for signing
also.rules the same matter. contracts (Sun; Mercury A. Jupiter), to
commit forgery or to undertake Hand-
Inde»d, these three are the important writing, Thumb impression expert post
investigations to be made while electing a . (Sun, Merc, and Saturn), to register
Muburtha. documents; to approach for favour, to
But for common undertakings and the execute a will; to let on lease, to appeal
usual daily business, Hora will tie helpful i for promotion,,to complain to the Police
to offer confidence, ■ peace of mind and about the lost property, to have mantras
mostly success. initiated and«to concentrate, to enter into
politics, etc., to purchase rice, cardamom,
pepper, chilly, almond, groundnut,
cocoanut, aromatic herbs, trees with
Planets and their govern in each thorns, orange coloured articles, etc.
Sim is the lord of Sunday. The Hora One can commence praying to Suryana-
of Sun will be most potent whenever Sun rayana—Ldrd Vishnu and alsp give gold
is strong; i.e., whenever Sun transits in to make jewels, etc. For vaccination,
its exalted or own sign and in its constel- inoculation, etc., prefer this hour.
lation, Karthikai, Uthram, Uthradam. - Also, people who are governed by Sun
' Sun governs vitality, immunity and or who have Sun as their ruling planet
speedy" recovery from disease. Hence, to may pray to God for peace and prosperity
take medicine or to undergo surgical during Sun's Hora.
operations, solar hour is auspicious. (To be continued)

tion of the witness (Moon in the outer) ing influences all the time ever rotating
and lastly the physical body taken to the along with the Earth round the Sun. But
earth,'furnishing the ' abode for the mani- we are often deluded and consider the;
festations of the mental activity. earth as stationery and the sun as revol-
In the external universe, the five princi- ving round the earth. This delusion is
pal planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus caused out of our own ignorance and
and Saturn determine the course of the expressed in ourselves also, as we think
Moon and in the internal universe, we are the witness is responsible for all our
equipped with five organs of sense produc-' activities while, in fact, it remains in per-
ing the ways and means of determination fect calm repose, pervading and permeat-
for the mental movement. These five ing all, while the mind through the sense,
senses are the attendants of the mind and organs carries on all activities caused by
illumined by the soul or witness. Thus the mere presence of self-illuminating
wc have Sun as soul. Moon as mind, Mars witness. No sort of activities is however
as eye. Mercury as nose, Jupiter as ears, possible in both the sphere (internal &
Venus as tongue, Saturn as skin with external) without the Sun in the outer
their inherent properties of sight, smell, and witness in the inner world.
sound, taste and touch. The constituents The, conception of time is devined by
of the planets in the outer world, from the relative motions of the Moon and earth
Mars onwards, are Mars—Fire; Mer- round the Sun in the outer universe, while
cury—Earth ; Jupiter—Ether ; Venus—1 the movement of the body and mind rela-
Water; Saturn—Air which in the interna ) tive to the witness as centre in the mental
world resemble the special properties of sphere which causes a series of ideas of
these elements as mentioned above. mental images being formed. 'The
In the external universe, we have the sequence of the ideas of images when
five tpajor elements out of .which the perceived relatively gives us the illusions
material world is evolved and in the inter- of time and space phenomenon. After all
■t nals the five organs of sense by which our tjme is the interval between two events
mental life is able to be evolved. and is relative ? The time is only relative
The Sun is the centre of the visible uni- and coming into existence with the associ-
verse and radiates its energy of beat, light ation of space conception which relates to
to the entire solar kingdom and remains facts of events. ,
to all intents and purposes, fixed in space The Moon and other planets' course in
' for creation, sustenance and destruction the heaven is indicated by 12 signs of the
all the time without respite, while the zodiac, so also the human body consists
Moon, is constant attendant on the earth of 12 sections through which the mind
and separated physically by several miles moves along. In the astrological term it
but exerting its melloring and life grow- is called ' Kalapurustra':—
1. Mesha: Head; 7. Thula ; Chest;
2. Vrishaba : Eyes; 8. Vrichika: Stomach;
3. Mithuna; Nose; 9. Dhahus; Genital organs;
4. Kataka: Mouth 10. Makara: Thigh;
5. Simha: Ears; 11. Kumba: Lower Leg;
6. Kanya : Skin; 12. Meena; Feet.
Thecerebro spinal nervous column is the and lungs. The change from one lung to
centre akin to the Equator and apparent and the other lung occurs periodically and
efferent nervous channels and bunds to the' corresponds to the North and South Pole
north and south declination while breathing of the Equatorial line.
•we notice, that the process goes on alter- The Sun .creates everything out of the
el "into' the right and left nostrils five elements; so also the witness lends
itself to the creation of all "the mental idea an idea that the first eight signs resemble
out of the five different sense perceptions the Ashta Prakrit (eight-fold manifestation)
such as seeing, etc., what else is the mind as described in Bhagavad Gita, Ch. 7 and
except a composite vibration comprising the purpose of the eight signs is .to fulfill
of these five vibrations of different fre- the highest cherished ideas denoted by the
quency ranges- remaining four signs 9 to 12. Dharma,
Consider the course of the day in the Tapas, Fame and Gain, Moksha (i.e.,)
external universe with the internal. A day Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. Here
from waking passes on to dream sleep and the Artha and Kama should not be taken
from sleep to dream and waking. In the in the material sense but they play their
same manner, the day passes to evening part only so far as they help the nature to
twilight and ends in night and then again attain Salvation. The Lords of these four
from night to morning twilight to day. signs (Dhanus, - Makara, Kumbha and
Meena) assigned to Jupiter and Saturn and
When the Sun shines, in its full blaze, these two are philosophical planets..
the Moon is not to be seen and when the Jupiter represents the highly evolved, wise
consciousness shines in its own nature the man, and brahmin while Saturn represents
mind is not perceived and it is devoid of low, dull-witted chhandalal The beauty
any activity. In the same manner, when lies in having the impartial out-look
the Moon is inits full action and perceived (Samatram) in these pairs of opposites
by us, the Sun is not felt by us even so which is a necessary qualification for a
when the mind is at woik the witness is Janani. Jupiter is a planet for happiness
not felt. There is no darkness or Moon while Saturn is for missery; Jupiter denotes
when the witness or Sun shines in its holy place while Saturn stands for filth. A
brilliance. cordial relation between the two will
When the Moon on its monthly course naturally improve the existence of an
round the earth passes from the Sun impartial view of all things (i.e.) the pur-
farther away until it gets behind the earth pose of our life and goal. Jupiter is
on the New Moon Day, there is total Vishnu and Saturn represents Hara as we
darkness: when it subsequently begins to can see; there is no Saiva temple in India
move nearer and nearer to the Sun reach- without Saniswara, a great Bhaktha, In
ing to its close' proximity to Sun on full an identification of non-difference in these
moon day there is a light from the moon two, is the necessary impulse to cherish
in its full glory. Similarly, the mind is in the desired goal.
total darkness when it turns away from the It is therefore but natural and logical to
witness and gets steeped in sense enjoy- conclude that our body, placed in the
ments but when it is turned inwards atmosphere of the five elements under the
witness; it becomes clearer and clearer like influence of the Sun, Moon, etc., and
the full moon day. continuously acted upon by these material
We find disturbances in the outer world environments, should be considered as a
by the planets, comets and meteros causing universe in miniahire, receiving and acting
tempest, earthquakes. Sun spots and so according to the influence of the planets.
forth. In a similar way, the mind through I would request the readers, and the
the sense organs in a disturbell condition learned whether the facts mentioned above
gives rise to anger, agitation, grief, pain can be taken as a key-stone for the estab-
and misery. lishment of the influence of planets on the
The twelve zodiacal signs from Mesha human beings. I leave it to the readers
onwards have been allotted to the various themselves to judge and form their own
planets for their lordship. We can form convictions.

Dear Sir,
You may remerrfher that I called on you Saturn Kethu
on 24—5—1965 in connection with the
absence of my brother, from home since
this evening. You were kind enough to
inform us that he has gone on a visit to a
'Kshetra* with a few friends and that his
attempts to contact us prior to leaving
should have proved futile.
My brother returned on 25—5—1965 a'
about 3 P.M. and he. informed us that he •
had been to Mahabalipuramwith 4 friends.
When asked why he did not inform us
before his departure, he told us that his
attempts to contact us on the phone
proved futile as the ' phone' was out of Balance of Mars Dasa at the time of
order. birth was 0 year 4 months and 15 days.
From 23—10—1963, he has entered into
I will be much obliged if you can Saturn Mahadasa (Vimshothari system)
explain in simple language how you and from 22—5—1965 Saturn Dasa,
deduced and arrived at the conclusion as Saturn Bhukti .Sun Anthra is operating.1
mentioned above? One is to note whether the sign in which
Thanking you. Lagna falls, is occupied by - malefics.
Yours sincerely, If so, one has to consider that the ascen-
(Sd.) S.K. dant is weakened.
Chamicrs Road, Then judge whether the Moon sign is
Madras-18. afflicted similarly. If not, take Moon sign
as the first house and read the results.
The following is the horoscope of the Already the party has said that the native
native whose whereabouts were not known of this horoscope had gone out. One
to his kith and kin for a day. is to find out whether he had met with an
accident and was admitttai into any hos-
pital ; or whether he could have gone to
' Mercury . Moon the sea for a bath and was carried away
. J uru by the waves; or he could have deserted
the family; or he would have gone
with any of his friends. How many
alternatives flash in one's mind t Whether
■Rasi one will do or not and whether one is capa-
Born on 8—■ ble of doing or not is never judged. But
all those common ones cause anxiety and it
is the speculation which upsets others.
So the astrologer is to consider the cause
of his absence.
The Dasa is ruled by Saturn. The sub
sub period is governed by sun.
Saturn is the lord of the Sth house and ing brother—Moon in-the 12th house to
the 9th house and is in the constellation the querist indicates separation.
of Kethuiwho is to give the results of Venus The third house counted from Pisces is
(as it is not conjoined with any, but is Taurus—rRishaba. It is occupied by the
aspected bx Venus and is' also occupying lord of the sign and the lord of 11.
Libra governed by Venus). Kethu, therefore, So he is in the company of friends.
has to signify the matters indicated by the Moon lord of 3 to Rishaba is in 10
Sth and 12th houses due to the lordship showing pilgrimage. Mars in the 4th
of Venus and the 11th house as Venus is house to Taurus is aspected by Saturn
in 11, counted from the Moon sign. and Moon. Mars and Saturn indi-
Hence Saturn in Kcthu's constellation' cate a place of archaelogical interest.
indicates those matters of the Sth, 11th and (Mars for building—Saturn for old ones,
12th houses. Planets in the 11th house very old ones). Moon suggests that the
contribute for peace, pleasure and union. place may be on the bank of a river or so.
Planet in the constellation of the lord of How to select the time when he will come
5 indicates pleasant life. Planet in any back? Moon in the 12th house indicates
manner connected with the 12th house, his stay outside. It comes to Poorvapathra-
causes separation. Therefore, Saturn will pada on Monday and is till Tuesday.
give happy family life (due to 5 and 11) Reunion with wife will be when Moon
and also separation on those occasions transits in that star.
ruled by planets connected with the 12th
house. As he is tolive up to Kethu Dasa, first
During the sub sub period of Venus mention "Sir, no fear about his longevity.
■which ran for 181 days, he had no oppor- He is safe". Then one is to predict as is
tunity to go out and absent himself. But said above.
during the Sun's sub sub period, circum- One is to assure them saying that he
stances did not permit him to give infor- had not run away with any girl, as Venus
mation to his family members and he had is squared by Saturn and Mars at the time
to go away. Why ? Sun owns the third of the query and as in his chart Saturn and
house which denotes short journey. It is Moon were opposing.
in the 12th house. So he had to live or
lodge in another place. It was in the' When one is sure of his health and
constellation' of Mars which owns the longevity, character and safe return, one
llth house and governs the company of should think' aloud, analyse scientifically
friends. As lord of 3 (communication, and encourage the querist.
telephone etc.) in 12, telephone was not Astrology is a useful science. It is
helpful. All these put together explain Psycho-Therapy. It offers mental strength
that which has happened. for people in distress and correct predic-
What made the editor to announce that tion if offered, re-establishes the nobility
he will come before 3 P.M. on Tuesday and utility of this Science. .
itself, and it will not take weeks. (In' this connection, the readers are
The number 100, means Poorvapathra- informad that a boy who was missing on
pada 4th Pada—Pisces rising. So the 19—1—1965 returned home, " on the
Lagha is Pisces. date predicted by the Editor, which proves
that Practical astrology—Krishnamurti
Moon indicates the query. Moon is in the Paddhathi is the best and the most
constellation Sathabhisha governed by accurate method to offer astoundingly
Rahu, which is in the 3rd house represent- remarkable and uncanny prediction.]

Warangal. 10 P.M. on' 9—7—192£ at 18° N and
A.P. 79° 36' E.
Deal Gumji,
We are the regular readers of your
magazine, ' Astrology and Athrishta It
is the most instructive and educative one.
You are gifted with the capacity to explain
this complicated and difficult science in
such a lucid manner, with homely examples
that one can understand and assimulate
even though he may be new to the subject
But all the three of us belong to the
families of astrologers. We had been
tutored from our youth and since a long
number of years, we practise astrology.
Two of us have studied various books and
magazines. (Both Western and Hindu.) Saturn dasa Balance 4 years 7 months
Honestly we admit that ypur magazine 24 days-
excels everything and yours is the BEST.
Since a few months, we follow strictly Before offering a prediction it is judged
" Krishnamurti Padhdhathi—the advanced whether the ascendant is strong or the
and correct method of Practical Astrology. Moon sign.
We are very happy to inform you that we The ascendant is not occupied by any
were able to pinpoint the nature and time malefic. Nor lord of the Lagna has gone
of event and all predictions invariably to the 6th or 8th or the 12th house. But
came true. it is conjoined with Kethu. Therefore
Now, we have decided to have your Lagna becomes weak.
' Dharsan ' and blessings. As regards the Moon sign, it is Pisces—
Please let us know when' wc three can Meena. Its lord is Jupiter—Guru. Moon
come "to your place. is not conjoined with any malefic. Nor
When we are fortunate to visit Madras Moon is aspected by any evil. The lord
and have your dharsan, we will pay for of the Moon sign is Jupiter. It is in the
the book (you arc releasing on 2—li—1966) second house counted from Moon sign and
Krishnamurthi Padhdhati—Practical As- conjoined with its friend, a Rajayogadhi-
trology—Hindu and Western— pathi, Mats.
Your most sincere Therefore Moon sign is stronger.
disciples, For marriage, houses 2, 7 and 11 are
(Sd.) Mr. V. B. N. Sharma. to be judged. Venus, the chief Governor
for matrimony should be included, provi-
ded it docs not own evil houses.
Sahitya Ratna, Pracharak Hindi Pandit The order of the significators is as
P. Ram Mohan Rao and M. S. Rao. follows:—
Dear Sir, (a) Planets in the constellations of
I am following your Krishnamurti the occupants of the houses
Padhdhati—Practical Astrology. 2 or 7 or 11.
I want to place before you, how I (b) Occupants of these houses.
analyse and predict. For example, I have, .. (c) Planets in the constellation of
taken the chart of my friend born at the lords of these houses.
(d) Lords of these houses. Revathi. But Lord of 11, Saturn, aspects
(e) Planets conjoined with or as- 11th house and is in the constellation
pected by them are to be taken. Jyeshta.
If planets are in the constellation.of the Rahu represents Venus. Rahu is aspec-
occupants are strong, we need not see the ted by Saturn. Rahu is not in 8 to Moon,
other items. . If there are no planets situa- but it is only in the third. Hence Rahu is
ted in the coustellatiou of the occupants, another significator.'
take the occupants. If there are no occu- Therefore Mercury, Saturn and Rahu
pants, proceed further. i are the signidcators. .
As Mars and Jupiter are in the second Mercury dasa Rahu Bhukti Saturn
sign counted from Moon sign,, note anthra operated between 19-5-1943 and
whether planets arcin Mrigasirisha, Chithra 4-10-1943.
or Dhanishta governed by Mars or in Mercury dasa Saturu Bhukti Rahu
Puharvasb, Visakha, or Poorvapathrapada
■ruled by Jupiter. anthra functioned between 23-1-1949
and 18-6-1949.
No planet is in 7: none in 11: Progression was favourable iu 1949 and
Mars and Jupiter are in the constellation not in 1943. So 1949 is selectcd. Actually
of lord of 8 (whatever be its Karakathvatn). the marriage was celebrated in June 1949.
Lord of 7 Mercury is in 4 Swakshethra Yotirs sincerely,
and strong. It stars are Ashlesha, Jyeshta (Sd.) M. S. Rao,
and Revathi. No' planet in Ashlesha and Hanamkonda.
Sade-Sati—Seven and a half years (1) Sun, lord of Lagna, was in the 9th
Saturn. house in the constellation of lord of 10
and conjoined with lord of 2 and 11. So
The following is the horoscope of a Sun has to cause Dhana Yoga. (Lords of
native born on 9-5-1926 at 1-19 P.M. l.S.T. 1, 2 and 11 conjunction is beneficial.)
(2) It may be said that Moon, lord of
12 in 8 can cause Vipareetha Raja yoga.
No—Lord of 12 will produce this yoga
only when it is not connected with other
planets which do not own either 6 or 8 or
12. Bui Venus is conjoined with it.
Venus owns the beneficial house, 'the
tenth—a Rajayoga house.
It is also likely that one may threaten
saying "Moon is lord of 12. It is in 8.'
Both are evil houses. Hence you will
lose and suffer or it may be said that lord
of 12 spoils the planet with which it is
conjoined. As Venus and Moon are
together in one sign and Venus is the lord
of the 10th house, one may say that the
native may be reverted; his income may be
Neptune Mercury i reduced as also the status, and that it
is likely that he is transferred.
Another astrologer when consulted a
few days before shuffling, may advance
his argument and ask the native to forged
about the luck in prize bond by saying
'Sir, when you had Saturn transitting in
the Labha Sthana—11th house, you did
not get. When Saturn's TJ years' transit
is on, especially when Saturn is in 12, how
can you expect any luck. He may recite
some slokas'. Further he may add that
Jupiter transitting in the third sign
counted from Moon sign is very bad and
At the ttine of birth the balance of most unfortunate. He can quote the
Mercury dasa was 11 years 6 months 29 malefic effects of "Thrithccya Brahas-
days. . pathi.'' It will appeal to those who have
He purchased one Prize Bond 5 years not done research, that when a man did
ago. He won a prize and received the not get prize when Jupiter was in 2 and
cash during his Sun dasa Moon Bhuhti Saturn in 11, he can never get during
on a Friday when Moon was transitting in Saturn 71 years and Thritheeya Brahas-
its own. star Sravanam. This is the last pati period.
draw. Therefore he had his success ulti- The fact is that he has gained. How
mately, though there was long delay for a can he win a prize?
period of 5-years.— First one should know (1) (a) A planet in the constellation of
how normally one will predict, and then another one is stronger than the latter.
the corrective method.
That is why Venus, lord of 10, a Raja- opponent. So if there is connection
yogadhipathi could not give easy money between houses 2 and 12 one is to lose.
in the last portion of its dasa. (b) It was Hence, the opponent's loss, is the native's
purchased in iMercury Bhukti which was gains.
under the sway of the node—Kethu in the So, the day of receipt was Friday,
5th house. So neither Mercury in its governed by Venus; Sravanam star day
own sub period nor Kethu could give. ruled by Moon and the rasi was Capricorn
5th house gives inclination to speculate owned by Saturn which ■ owns the 12th
but profit to the opponent. Lagna denotes house of the opponent and it aspects the
the native—7th house, represents those 12th house of the competitor.
with whom one competes. 5th house to As regards 7j years Satum, it is an in-
Lagna is the Labhasthana or the 11th to correct statement. How many people,
the 7th. Hence 5th house gives the mind after waiting for a long number of years,
to speculate and contribute for the benefit get married during Sade—Sati 1 How
of the competitors. many get into service only during Sade—
(2) Always houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and Sathi. How many bring forth children!
11th promise grand success and gains Also how many gain by lottery, races
without pains. speculation, prize bond etc. The astro-
(3) Planets must be judged by conside- loger who attributes any loss only to 7$
ring the constellation occupied by them. years. Saturn has not gained sufficient
One need not worry about the name of knowledge. So also his argument to
the lord of the constellation. But note Thritheeya Brahaspathi alone is to be
which houses are governed by the planet considered.
which rules the constellation. If Moon is As for transit, Saturn,'the lord of 12
in Revathi for one born in Simha Lagna transitted in the constellation of the lord
then one is to consider that the lord of 12 of 11 to the opponent, Aquarius, i.e., it is
throws light through the modifying slide auspicious to the native. Jupiter was in
which owns the houses 2 and 11. Hence the constellation of Sun, lord of Lagna
the matters of 2 and 11 alone will operate. which is advantageous to the person. Sun
Lordship of the 12th house shows that one was in its own constellation.
can gain through investment," prize bond Hence one is to follow the stellar system
is an investment for many people, without and analyse by taking the 7th house as
interest and for those Who win the prize that of the competitor or opponent. Then
the interest is many times the capital alone correct result can be had.
Hence Moon in the constellation of Mer- [A planet may own any house when it
cury i.e., in the constellation of the lord transits, it gives such matters signified by
of 2 and 11 gave money in Moon's the lord of the constellation, through the
star day, i.e., Sravana star day. source indicated by the transitting plant,
by lordship, occupation and its nature
Venus, in the constellation of Saturn, e.g., suppose a planet owns the houses 3
the lord of 6 and 7, rules Friday when he and 10. 3rd house denotes brother
received the prize. Any planet in the editing, short journey etc. 10th house
constellation of lord of 6 occupying the indicates profession. If any planet
8tb house or in the constellation of lord transits in the constellation of that planet
of 8 occupying the 6th house will invari- owning houses 3 and 10, the results will
ably brings luck without any strain. For refer to the matters signified by the houses
the 7th house represents opponent, 6 and 3 and 10, irrespective of the lordship of
8 are the 2nd and 12th houses to the the transitting planet.]
(FOUNDED: 1-4-1963)
(Astbonomt Made Bast)
Phone: 42 449.

Jyothishs. Marthand
13. Brahmin Screet, Saidapni

Vol. 3 AUGUST 1965 No. 8

Tour Programme of the Editor 2
Hora and Its Use 3
Various Yogas 6
Questions and Answers 9
Reversion and Reinstatement 14
Marriage—When 17
Letter to Editor:
Marriage—When and Why ? 19
Free from Debts 22
Regular course in Astrology ... 25
Udu Dasa Results (Contd.) 28
Good news to Readers 41
Daily Guide 43
Position of. planets 49
August 1965—Ephemeris 51
Monthly Prediction 53
K. S. K.
, Moon: Moon is the lord of Monday. Divers should selectMobn Hora, but the
The Hora of Moon will be very predomi- Lagna should not be afflicted by Saturn, if
nating on (a). Mondays, (b) Ronini star they want fortune.
day and (c) whenever Moon transits in its' Musicians select Moon Hora on
own sign, exalted sign and in Hastham Mondays or Fridays for fertile imagina-
and Sravanacn star days. Also it is tion and melodious tune. Tuesdays are
advantageous to note whether Moon beneficial for those who use drum,
occupies the Kendhra position counted Mridangam, Thapla, etc. On Wednesday,
from the ascendant, during the Hora of Moon Hora is favourable for Jalatha-
Moon, when it is strong. rangam. If Neptune is . in Sth lagna,
Approach people during Moon Hora. during Moon Hora and if it is in a sign of
Even the strong-willed persons will yield. long ascension, learn Veena. If it is of
If you have to carry out the orders of a short ascension, take to fiddle. If Moon
lady and if she is a strict, straightforward is in an airy sign and it is of long ascen-
lady who may be moody also, arrange sion, start Nagaswaram; if the ascendant
interview during Moon Hora. The hard is of short ascension prefer flute. Thus,
paraffin will become the soft paraffin. analyse and judge.
If you are" an agriculturist, all wetland Moon Hora is preferable for those who
cultivation, plantation, digging wells, get appointment as midwife, nurse, etc.
excavating canals may be done in these Also it is good to take up service in the
hours. Moon Hora on Fridays are good Defence Department.
for harvesting sugarcane.
If you deal in milk and milk products, You can plan, contemplate and scheme
dairy farm, etc.. Moon Hora on Sundays, during Moon Hora. When the merits and
Tuesdays and Thursdays are auspicious, to demerits will dawn in your mind and
sell boiling milk ; Fridays are auspicious. you cannot decide on an impulse or rashly.
to deal in genuine milk; On Mondays for Moon Hora in the night is good. What
adulterated milk; Saturdays for Ice for, need not be elaborated.
cream, etc.
For public activities and popularity,
Those who deal in resins, greens, food for platform speech, etc. Moon Hora is
materials gur, and those who do business good; especially Thursday.
in oils, kerosene, petrol, acids, etc., can
start business during Moon Hora. Moon If your mother is rich or your
Hora on a Monday and Rohini star day is maternal relatives, discuss during Moon
ideal especially during Gothooli Lagna. Hora; you will become their favourite
Pearls, jewels, ornaments, corals, salt and you will have gains without pains.
fish etc., can be purchased in this Hora. On Wednesdays during Moon Hora,
Suppose you buy a marshy land, you can take appointment in the Textile
knowingly or unknowingly during Moon Department and you may put on new
Hora, you will have much appreciation dress.
of capital value. Hotels may be opened on Tuesdays
Moon, the fastest moving planet, during Moon Horn: So also for drinks.
suggests that Moon Hora is advantageous During Moon Hora, pray to Goddess
for safe and successful overseas journey. Gouri and Lalitha for peace.
Mars: Mars rules over Tuesdays. It partner. It is good for union, for
governs Aries — Mesha and Scorpio— jewellery, for animal husbandry, for
Vrischika. It is the lord of the stars leather and hides, for cofiee, tea, boarding,
Mrigasirisha, Chithra and Dhanishta. It lodging, cinema theatre, games, luxury
gets exalted in Capricorn—Makara. goods, automobiles, bull carts, jutkas,
agriculture, timber; furniture, etc.,. to
Hence the Hora of Mars will be most learn telegraphy: to deal in telephone ac-
potent whenever Mars is strong by transit- cessories. Toopen a mill or factory prefer
ing in its own or exalted signs or in its Wednesday. To prepare arms, spears,
stars and on Tuesdays. Suppose on a instruments,' dagger, to excavate, to
Tuesday, when Mars is iin 23° 20' to construct a slaughter house, lethal cham-
24° 6|' in Capricorn in exaltation, in its ber, to have lead or copper industry, to
- own star and own sub'it is in its most deal in hides, skins, shoes etc. Saturdays
potent position, especially when it happens are fortunate.
, to be the 10th house to the Lagna rising
, then during Mars Hora. Those who buy land during Mars Hora,
and sign the document in the morning,
It is auspicious for the commander-in- say, between 6-30 A.M. and 7-30 A.M.
chief to prepare for war. It is good to having Sun in the 12th Bbava, will. not
file any suit in a court of law. It is advan- enjoy the benefit of uhe appreciation of
tageous to argue during Mars Hora and land value, as the Government will acquire
win the case. On a Thursday, during the land.
Mars Hora, try for compromise and fair
settlement; purchase lands: start a But those who sign and purchase. the
brick kiln; On Saturdays commence property between 8 and , 10 A.M. having
trench or tunnel work: [Trench means, Sun in the 11th house (supposing that Sun
you excavate the earth vertically down rises at 6 A.M.) will have the full advan-
whereas Tunnel is horizontal earth, rather tage of the high price.
rock, removal,'mostly for railways. Saturn You can buy coral, ruby and red
and Mars indicate Trench and Tirnnel.] coloured articles. Best time to construct
a bouse would be at a time when Mars is
If you want to use manure. Mars Hora1 exalted;
on a Monday is auspicious. To purchase when Mars Hora is on and the
surgical instruments, Sunday—Mars Hora ascendant is scorpio and the degree in
or the day of the lord of 12 and Mars scorpio is between 0° 331' to 1° 20'
Hora. To join duty in the Military, which will be Vishaka 4th pada governed
Police or Factory Mars Hora on Tuesdays by Jupiter and the sub is Mars. In that
is advantageous. It's lucky to start a press, case there will be no difficulty for the
mechanical engineering, industry, building availability of money, building materials,
construction, or open . electronics shop on etc. There . will be the Blessing of
a Wednesday in Mars Hora. To join duty Providence.
in the a court of law or take bath ?s a For peace and prosperity pray
President; fudge etc.. Law Thursday js Lord Subramanya or Muruga Or Nara-
propitious. Goldsmiths, jewellers may simha or Kali or Ganesh. For Subra- -
have. opening ceremony on Thursdays'. manya—Begin on Sunday or Tuesday
Fridays are also good. Mars Hora on a especially when you serve in a military
Thursday is beneficial for executive department.
officers of temples or industry or church
or colleges and schools and those who say On'Mondays, start Kali, Ba'drakali;
that they relinquish the world and start On Tuesdays—Ganesh or Muruga-Veera-
preaching to others whether they practise "hhadran ;" On Wednesdays—Narasimha ;
or not. But those'who want to practise, On Thursdays—Dhakshinamurti, Raja
but are not very anxious to teach others Rajeswari; On Fridays—Veera Lakshmi
can have it on a Saturday. On Fridays; — and Lakshmi Narasimha. On Saturdays—
Mars Hora gives vitality and satisfies the Vcnka;esa: Venkatachalapathy, lyyappan,
Karuppanna, Madurai Veeran Mercury—■ during Mercury Hora. Those who commit
Budha Mercury is the lord of Wednes- forgery, or fraud, do it during Saturdays,
day. Mercury Hora is very strong Mercury Hora or Wednesdays, Saturn
and powerful on Wednesdays, during the Hora.
time when Mithuna or Gemini or Kanni—
Virgo, rises in the East and on Ashlesha, Those who take service in the Postal
Jyeshta and Revathi star days, especially department, Telegraph and Telephone
Revathi. Offices, overseas communication, Engi-
neering, correspondence, etc., or purchase
Admit boys and girls in schools and lottery tickets, bonds, securities, shares,
colleges on :'a Mercury day during Mer- or prize bond etc.," must do so on Wednes-
cury Hora. Even the dull-witted will come day, Mercury Hora or on the day of the
out in rank. lord of 11 and Mercury Hora.
One can start memorising from Mercury If you desire to float a company or to
Hora, poetry, important stanzas, etc. underwrite. Mercury Hora is the best.
Prefer Mercury Hora to deliver a speech
especially on Thursdays. So also, accept For those who deal in paper, stationery,
the post of a teacher or professor. oil seeds, jute, wheat, quick silver,
Accountants, auditors, mathematicians emerald, green stone, onions, greengram,
can select Thursdays and Mercury Hora. watches, telescopes and | microscopes,
Painters, drawing masters, artists and Mercury Hora is very advantageous.
dancers can" commence on Fridays' in If you proceed overseas as an ambas-
Mercury Hora. Editors, publishers, book sador or as a representative or for foreign
sellers, printers, press owners publicity studies or for foreign collaboration, pre-
organisations can start functioning on fer Wednesdays or Thursdays and never
Tuesdays in Mercury Hora—Most efficient miss Mercury Hora.
work will be done ' if one commences
during Mercury Hora. Daily newspapers, Important documents can be drafted
almanacs, ephemeris, ambassadors, agents, during Mercury Hora with advantage^
representatives, brokers, auctioneers can
beginl on Wednesdays. Typists, should Pray to Lord Vishnu, Rama, Krishna,
prefer Tuesdays, and Shorthand writers Anjaneya, etc.
should select Saturdays. Try to concentrate. Vacillation -is the
Treat- neurasthenic patients and those only defect.
who suffer from Vitamny B deficiency (To be continued)

Vesi, Vasi and Obhayachari Yogas and Sloka 6: Now the general result of
Their Results Vasi Yoga is discussed. The native born
In . this chapter Vesi—Vasi—Obhaya- in Vasi Yoga will speak in a high pitch
chari Yogas are discussed considering (i.e., at the top of bis voice), have a well-
SUN, just as Sunapha-Anapha Dhurdbura developed body above the waist, will be
yogas were discussed considering MOON. always gay, will look through the corners
of bis eyes, will be stout, equal to a king,
Sloka 1: Excepting Moon, if one of polite in character, knowing smritis, and
the five planetf-Mars, Jupiter, Venus, will be busy.
Mercury and Saturn is in the second Sloka 7 : Now the result due to each
house to Sun VESI YOGA is formed, planet confering Vasi Yoga is discussed.
VASI YOGA is formed when it is in the
twelfth house and OBHAYACHARI If Jupiter is Vasi Yoga kartha, the
YOGA when it is second and twelfth native will have courage, patience,
houses. Now their results are discussed fighting spirit and intelligence, and will
below. indulge in useful talks.
" Sloka 2: The native born in Vesi Yoga If Venus is Vasi Yoga kartha, he will
will walk slowly, will stick to his words, be brave, famous, cultured and will be
will fail in his endeavours, will be a famous. (Well known.)
hunch-back (will have bis torso bent) and Sloka 8: If Mercury is Vasi Yoga
will always cast his look downwards. kartha, the native will speak as desired,
Now the result formed by each planet is will be handsome and will carry out acts,
discussed. ordered by others.
Sloka 3: If Jupiter is Vesi Yoga If Mars is Vasi Yoga kartha, he will be
kartha(i.e., if it is in the 2nd house from clever at war, famous and will not reap
Sun) be will have much of wealth, and any beneficial results from others.
the'eompany of relatives and friends.
If Venus is Vesi Yoga kartha, he will Sloka 9: If Saturn is Vasi Yoga
lack courage, will be timid to enter into kartha, he will do business, will be cruel-
enterprises, will indulge in small trading minded, will appropriate others' wealth,
and will be a dependent. have enmity with bis teachers, will be the
possessor of a good sword or of a weapon
Sloka 4: If Mercury happens to be according to the times.
Vesi Yoga kartha, he will have a work Sloka 10: The learned and the ' Deiva-
which will involve washing and cleaning gya ' should properly judge the strength
bodies, will be poor, but polite, soft in and position of the planets (from Sun)
behaviour and shy. which confer Sun's Vesi Vasi, etc. Yogas
If Mars is Vesi Yoga kartha, he wil and then discuss their results.
walk fast and will give trouble to others. Sloka 11-12: The native born in
Sloka 5: If Saturn is Vesi Yoga OBHAYACHARI YOGA will patiently
kartha, he will be fond of others' wives, bear all difficulties, will regard all people
cruel in character, will look like an old with the same outlook, will not be too
-man;-and will be a rogue and will be stout nor too lean, will be very strong and
disguested. powerful, will have a neck like that of a
lion, will not be very tall, will be all- through his relatives. He wiil be a
round and extremely lucky, will possess teacher of scriptures.
many servants and much wealth, will be
receptive to relatives, equal to a king will- Sloka 6: If Sun and Venus are conjoi-
be always happy, contented and will enjoy ned, the native will be skilful in the use of
pleasures. weapons (machines). He will be strong
and powerful. He will have poor eye-
Here the special results of Obbayachari sight in his old' age. He will have good
Yoga by each planet is not discussed as relations and greater prosperity through
it is done for Dhurdhura Yoga. One women. He will be proficient in art of
should find out the result of Obbayachari warfare.
Yoga by considering those discussed under Sloka. 7: If Sun and Saturn are con-
Vesi and Vasi Yogas. joined, the native will have sound know-
ledge in metallurgy. He will be chari-
Results of Yoga of Conjunction of Two table and religious. The will be sorrowful
Planets on account of loss of wife and children,
and mean-minded, and will follow his
(Dwi—Graha Yoga) family tradition.
Sloka 1: The - results of the conjunc- Sloka 8: If Moon and Mars are con-
tion of any two of the seven planets-from joined, the native will be brave. He will
Sun to Saturn—in a rasi, have been discus- gain honour in warfare, and will be profi-
sed vividly by our ancient sages (Yavana- cient in wrestling. He will suffer due to
charya and others). Such results of the blood disorders. He will be clever in
yoga of conjunction of two planets in a carving and sculptural work with mud,
single sign are discussed here. skin and metals.
Sloka 2: The native born in the yoga Sloka 9: If Moon and Mercury are
caused by the conjunction of Sun and conjoined, the native will be proficient
Moon will be submissive to women, will in writing poetry and stories. He will be
not be beautiful, will do subversive activi- rich and will be liked by wealthy women.
ties, will be extremely wealthy, will trade He will have a cheerful disposition. He
in alcoholic drinks, and will be an adept will be good-looking. He will be righte-
in execution. ous and will possess sterling character.
Sloka 19: If Moon and Jupiter are
Sloka 3: The native born in the yoga conjoined, the native will have rich
caused by the conjuction of Sun and Mars relatives. He will be helpful to his rela-
will be lustrous and courageous. He will tives. He will be very wealthy and will
be fooh'sh. He will be strong and mighty. please learned people.
He will be fond of bad deeds like killing.
He will be atrocious. Sloka 11: If Moon and Venus are
conjoined, the native will wear white
Sloka 4: If Sun and Mercury are con- clothes. He will have good knowledge
joined, he will be a servant. He will not of rules and rituals. He will be fond of
have steady income. He will be pleasing poets, will be very lazy but efficient in
in talks. He will be a recipient of doing business.
honours. He will be worshipped. He
will be liked by the king and good people. Sloka 12: If Moon and Saturn are
He will be possessed of strength, beauty conjoined, the native will marry a very
and education. aged girl, will look after elephants and
horses, will have bad habits, will be
Sloka 5: If Sun and Jupiter are con- subordinate to all and poor and will be
joined, the native will be extremely chari- an illegitimate child.
table. He will have ministerial profession. (To be continued)
He will be contented, - He will be wealthy
I. Can tbe lord of an evil house (say 6, siting planet (by its nature, lordship and
8 or 12) transiting in the constellation of a occupation).
bencfic (e.g., lord of 1, 10 or 11) bring
about desirable results?. riauei g
Yes—It will produce beneficial effects, Bharani venuY
provided the sub. lord is also beneficial. (5 & 10)
The planet whichtransits is the source of
light. The lord of the constellation modi-
fies the result. What result the lord of
the star, indicates will be the result you
have to enjoy. The sub lord ' shows
whether, such nature of result is ultimately
favourable to you or not.
Suppose there is a big circular hall.
It has 27 windows (27 Nakshathras),
There are as many number of bulbs inside
the hall as the number of planets, i.e.,
one bulb belongs to Sun ; one to Moon
one to Mars and so on. Suppose Sun transits in Bharani. Bha-
rani is ruled by Venus. It owns the 5th
Consider that in each glass-pane in the and 10th houses. Hence it refers to
27 windows, all the matters signified by speculation (5th) and success (10th);
the lord of the constellation is written. music, cinema, opera, etc, and earnings
If one's lagna is Capricorn, then Venus thereby: So in the glass pane Bharani,
rules the houses 5 and 10- It indicates • it is written (5th house) children, specula-
the matters signified by the 5th and 10th^ tion, music, cinema, pleasurable pursuits,
houses. So these matters are written in etc. and (18th house) . earning money,
the glass-pane Bha'rani, Poorvapalguni coming out successful, profession, reputa-
and Poorvasbada stars governed by Venus. tion, etc.
Suppose you stand opposite to Bharani:. Whichever light is switched on, you can
it denotes the results of the houses 5 and read only these matters written on tbe
10- The 4tb house gives additional glass-pane—Bharani. Illumination of
information how it is accomplished.- The these matters is by the light you use, i.e.,
planet—that transits in Bharani star— by the planet that transits. If Sun transits
illuminates the matters written on the glass it is lord of 8 to Capricorn-Makara. 8th
Bharani. So the source of the result is house ,is the second to the 7th. - Hence
the transiting planet. How you gain or you gain with the finance of the partner
loss is indicated by the planet which (partner 7th house: second to 7 is his
transits, whereas whether you gain or finance). You speculate (5th house) with
lose is shown by the lord of the constella- the financial aid of a partner (Sun—lord
tion. Success of failure is entirely left to - of 8). You gain (Venus—lord of 10—
the lord of the star in which a planet ruler of Bharani).
passes, whereas through which influence,
through whose efforts, and how, you are Though Sun is said to be ashtama-
successful or not is denoted by the tran- sthana adhipathi, it can bring you fortune
when he transits in the cohstellation of a Jupiter is.the lord of 6 to the 7th. So he
benefic. (Here Venus is taken as ■ an has to receive the money. So also when
example) planets pass in Punarvasu, Visakha, Poor-
vapathrapada, either you repay the loan
Suppose Sun transits in Rohini—Rohini or lend money to others.
is governed by Moon which owns the 7th
house to Capricorn. Therefore in those Hence the nature of the result is indi-
13$ days, you cannot gain because Sun cated bydhe planet ruling the constellation,
transits in Rohini; further you will lose as which planet contributes to such results
your opponent is represented by the and how it is denoted by the transiting
seventh house and to him Sun, lord of 2, planet.
transits in the constellation of the
lord of 1, Moons (Karkata—Cancer) and The transiting planet may be a benefic
in the 11th house to Cancer. Therefore or a malefic according to its lordship, on
the Capricorn, natives will fail in their occupation
attempts when the lord of 8, Sun transits (a) BeiieGcial planets however much
in the constellation of the lord of 7, favourable it may be, it cannot do good,
Moon. Hence whether you will enjoy nay, it will be harmful too if it transits
desjrable results or not is indicated by " in the constellation of a planet which is
the lord of the Constellation and how evil by its lordship and occupation ; ■
you are able to have such a result, and
• the source are indicated by the transiting . (b) Planets, even though they happen
planet. to be evil in the'radical- chart by their
lordship and occupation, yet they will do
Suppose a planet passes in the "star of only good when they transit in the con-
the lord of 11. fin the above example, stellation of the planfets which have to
Mars rules over the 11th house. Its stars offer beneficial results by their lordship,
are Mrigasirisha, Chithraand Dhanisbta). and occupation.
The transiting planet,illuminates '-'ple-
asure, profit, permanent tie of friendship, Some examples may explain. better.
progeny, prosperity etc.,". Suppose there is some litigation. The
case is heard in a court .of law. ^"
How ? What is the source? This is to
.be' read from . the transitting planet. The witnesses to you have to safeguard
Suppose Moon transits-; it is the lord of your interests. It is normal. The witnesses
7. "So wife or husband, or partner will of the . opponent "have , to be unfavourable
contribute, for "the above results. Or to your interests. It is natural. Your
mother may help you as Moon is the witness is your benefic; opponent's
chief governor for mother— If Mars witnesses are you! maleficsh
transits as it-owns houses 4 and 11,
through mother, land, building, vehicle or When you run a bad time your witnesses
elder brother or cousin will be responsible will turn hostile to you ; when you run a
for the matters of the-II th house. As good time, the witnesses of your opponent
Mars is Bhathrukarakaas well as Bhoomi- will give witness in your favour your bad
kafaka, you can gain through brother or time is the duration of the period when a
land. beneucial planet transits in the con-
stellation of a malefic: your good time is
Suppose a planet transits in Punarvasu the period when a malefic'planet ..transits
ruled by Jupiter owning the l2th house, in a favourable constellation governed by- •
•you give money to another either as a your benefic. If.beneficial planets transit
fresh loan or repay the money taken from in a beneficial star, your witness is very
.another The person to whom you lend •favourable to you. If malefic planets
or from whom you borrow is indicated transit in beneficial stars the enemies give
by the 7th house. Jupiter is lord of 12 witness which are advantageous to you.
to you. So you must issue a cheque. Malefics transiting in malefic starS show
that the .enemies are court birds and how-
ever much your advocate may be intelli- -'1/
gent, etc., he cannot get any single point
in yom favour, whereas the replies will-be
categorical and dead against your interests.
Benefics transiting in~ malefic star is just
.. like one's own people (who in their heart
of hearts wish you success but cannot,
help speaking- the Truth which is detri-
mental to one. _i
On the day when a beneficial planet
transits in a malefic star (for .the above
Capricorn born lord of 11 Mars transiting If a planet were to own the. houses 7
in lord of 8, sun's constellation) the elder and 10, it can Jbe either- Mercury or. Jupiter
brother (11th house Mars) takes the phone at Dhanus—Sagittarius borns' or to
on understanding that there is a call. Mithuna— Gemini borns respectively.
The person in the other end Wants his
younger brothers. So, he calls ' his The stars in the 12th house to Gemini-
younger brother most affectionately and borns are Karthikai, Rohini and Mriga-
hands over the phone to the' younger sirisha. They are owned by Sun, the lord
brother. The other person on the phone, of 3, Moon, the lord of 2 and Mars, the
demands the money due to him, irritates lord of 6 and 11.
the native goes on scolding and finally The stars in the 12th house to Sagittarius
threatens. Consider—Elder brother is are Visakba, Anuratha and ' Jyeshta,
indicated, by the beneficial planet. The They are governed by Jupiter, the lord of
person demanding money is indicated by 1 and 4; Saturn, the lord of 2 and 3 ; and
ashtamadhipathi. .Elder brother is good to Mercury, the lord of 7 and 10.. . ,
him..,-Yet when the time is bad ev^en the
elder brother is the cause of this irri- Therefore your query suggests that you
tation.. arelnterested to know the result of one
born in Gemini, having Jupiter, in
But su'pposeone's period was good as the Mrigasirisha star. ""
planet, through evil according to lordship, You have to analyse as follows:
and occupation, transits in a favourable
star. At that time, one's epemy visits one's (a) the lord of 7 in the constellation
house and is seated in the drawing room.' of lord of 61 .
There is a telephone call from a similar (b) the lord of 7 in the constellation
banker—a Shylock. The enemy takes of lord of 11;
the phone and thinking that this person
may gain anything' by that call says that (c) the lord of 10 in the constellation
the person is gone out. So the banker. of lord of 6 ;
disconnects. ' Thus the enemy saves this . (d) the lord of 10 in the" constellation
person from the dirty situation. Thus . of lord of 11;
malefics transiting in favourable stars will (a) the lord of 7 in the star of lord
help him by avoiding worries and offering of 6:
beneficial results.
1. Wife or husband may be
2. Can the lord of 7 and 10, in the 12th temporarily separated; part-
Bhava (House in the constellation of the ner in busines's may go.
lord of 6 and 11) be a benefic? on tour.
2. You may borrow money or
This question is applicable to'Mithuna- may have your share of
(Gemini) borns alone. profit, he will give.
3. Your opponent loses in liti- Suppose you want to travel by
gation or election. train. At the time you step into it some-
(b) The lord of 7 in the constellation one prevents saying " No room, here".
of the lord of 11: Pick' up a quarrel; you argue with him.
Some minutes pass. Both begin to talk.
1. Very good understanding Before you get down from the train, both
with wife, husband and take the addresses of each to continue the
partner inbusiness-; reunion railway friendship.
with whomsoever you tran- Also, two people, A and B, ai e-friends.
sact and you will rnaintain They are discussing. Difference of opinion
good relationship! causes bitter enmity.
2. You will gain through others,
in speculation also; Thus a planet will give both the results.
3. You may have a child ; For gamblers, lords of 6 and 11 are
4. A person of other sex satis- very favourable; it shows that he gains
fies you in full as the opponent is destined to lose.
5. Your desire is fulfilled by the ' Lagna indicates the native. 7th house
assistance and co-operation shows the opponent. Twelfth house is
of another. loss to one. Therefore 6th house which is
.."to 7is 12 lossto-the opponent. 11thhouse
(c) The lord of 10 in the constellation is profit. So 11th to Lagna indicates
of the lord of 6 ; profit to the native. So 6 and 11 both
1. in your office," you borrow together show loss to the opponent and
money ; gain to the native. "
2. some jealousy and"enmity in In cards,lame, the opponent may have
your place of occupation ; a good card. As the period is ruled by 6
and 11 to the native, he will be diffident,
3. some labour trouble, etc.; throw away the card and ask the native to
(d) lord of 10 in the star of lord take the money even though the native
of 11 : would have had a poor card.
1. Promotion, profit and there- In an election, the opponent of. the
by new friends i native will' have some people who "will
2. Reputation, honour; secretly do" harm to "the opponent and let
him down miserably ; thereby this native
3.- Government officials favou- gains
4. Yield from field and returns [That is why the editor often mentions
from investment are above that Gemini, Leo and Sagittariiis-borns
average. can come out successful in the election
with least effort are unopposed.]
5. You make profits through
patrimoney; 3. According to your theory what Is
(b) in profession,, good relation- the importance of the sign lord, star lord
ship with officials.; through and snblord in which the Ascendant falls ?,
your, business, you 'make In the text-books, it can be noted that
many friends. one's characteristics change according to
Thus you have to analyse. One good the constellation in which Moon was
result will not cancel an evil one. Both transiting in a star or nakshathra or
must operate. Suppose a planet which " constellation.
indicates enmity by owning '6th house, For example, you take Bharani star.
owns also the 11th house, showing friend- It is the constellation ruled by Venus in
ship it will offer both the results. the sign of Mars (Aries-Mesha). Sages
have said that people born in Bharani (4) It is said that Venus is a beneflc to
Nakshathra are after the opposite sex, Gemini-borns even though it owns the 12th
voluptuous adulterous etc. But we have bouse. How ?
many friends born in Bharani. All are You are not simply answered. Refer to
not so. A few persons possess sterling "Jataka Chandrika " nor any text-book.
character and never think of any girl I can understand that you want a scientific
other than their wives. No doubt, there explanation. Venus is the chief governor
are a few, who make their own law and for marriage, married life and Ika-Loka-
are always trying to have illegal intimacy. Sukha. Venus owns the 5th house
Then, which factor will differentiate denoting children. Venus owns the 12th
these two people and confirm who is who! and indicates Sukha—sayanam, pleasant
If you follow Krishcamurthi Padhdhathi, expenses,—marriage expenses for daughter
you will observe, in which sub Moon was investment purchases, overseas, life in a
at the time of birth. If it is in the sub foreign place.
of evil planets, e.g., Saturn—which knows
no law. Mars,—which makes its own So one can enjoy all the fruits of life in
rules, etc., one will be voluptuous. this world, during the periods of Venus if
But if the sub lord is Jupiter or any other it is in its own constellation and sub and
planet which is in any manner connected if it is not afflicted.
with Jupiter, he will maintain good Venus being a benefic by natnre it
character. indicates pleasantexpenses, purchases, life
Ancient authors say that Mars, Saturn in a foreign place and investment. You
and Venus indicate that the person will do not feel sorry to issue cheques.
be a profligate. Therefore the sub of But Mars is the lord of 5 and 12 to
Saturn in the stars Venus—Bharani, in Sagittarius. Here it threatens loss ; loss
Aries—Mesha ruled by Mars show that by speculation, through brothers. Mars
he will be addicted to other women. being a malefic, you may lose by theft
But if it is the sub of Jupiter, how can and so on. If you are addicted to other '
he err, even though it is Bharani star. women, they will deprive you of your
There are twins born with their ascen- wealth. So, for Sagittarius-borns, Mars
dant in the same sign and the same star. will ultimately prove to be harmful, though
One hates even to be in the company of as lord of 5, heisdeclared tobea benefic—
women, whereas the other twin brother a kona adhipathi, etc. A person born in
can be found only in the group of Dhanur Lagna, in Poorvashada star, in
women. his young age, lost most of his wealth by
Hence note where the Ascendant falls his impulsive and rash action in the
take the sign lord, the star lord and sub Share market during Mars Dasa. Also,
lord to judge one's health, physical feature his wife deserted him and went away with
. and character. what little he had.
[By taking the horoscopes of twins, Therefore benefics owning the 12th
and applying the various rules alone, one house or occupying the 12th house show
can do research and arrive at the truth,] investment or fortune in a place, other
For this, one has to use the Ayanamsa than his native place, whereas malefics
published by the Editor, or that of Lahiri owning the 12th house or occupying the
and the late C- G. Rajan- 12th house or in the constellation or sub
of the lord of 12, will invariably cause
Anything else will and must fail. The loss by any means and also create chances
editor will prove, through the columns of (if other planets also agree) for imprison-
this magazine, hoyv his is correct and ment.1 (Imprisonment may be the life in
hence anything else is incorrect when a 'foreign place. It may be interpreted
opportunity arises. as life in new surroundings.)


I am herewith enclosing the horoscope

of my friend to state clearly why he has
been punished by a reversion on Saturday
3-4-65. It is not understood by us, the
.students of astrology here, how Venus,
the lord of 2 in 11—especially when it is in
advance to Jupiter,—in his Bhukti, i.e.
sub period in the Mahadasa of Jupiter,
can reduce his income and deteriorate his
position. Normally one will fulfil his
desire and enjoy better status with satis- Kethu, Venui,
factory increase in salary during the Jupiter Mure
period of the planet owning the second
house and occupying the eleventh.
Dear Shri Anjaneyalu,
He was born on 25-6-1930 at 12-55 It is true that normally one will predict
P.M. I.S.T. at 16° 52' N. and 81° 15' that he will be promoted during Jupiter
E. His horoscope is' furnished.. For your dasa, Venus bhukti, as Jupiter is found in
information. Let me also1 give that he was the 10th sign and Venus occupies the 11th
appointed on 29-1-1951 and was promo- house (the most beneficial house) by
ted on '8-11-1956. May I request you to owning both the second and ninth houses.
offer your explanation. It may be added that Venus has to cause
Rajayoga, vesi yoga, Vasumathi yoga etc.
[Rajayoga by ruling 9th house vesi yoga
Yours sincerely, by occupying the second house counted
(K. V.R. Anjaneyalu. from Sun ; Vasumathi yoga as it is situa-
ted in 11 to Lagna and 3 to Moon.] Also
Visakhapatnam.) it is not unlikely that one may refer to
Jataka Tatvam (author Mahadeva)
Rahu Mercury Jupiter chapter ii sutra 162 and quote "Suryath
UrtLuus 6.46 20.13 ■ 6.65 Dhanae, Sath Grahae Subham Janma.''
22.12 Mars Moon Sun Mr. Subramanya Sastrigal] has translated
23.25 . 22.48 10.7
"If a benefic planet occupies the second
house reckoned from the Sun, the person
concerned is fortunate.'' Another may
say that lords of 9 and 11 arc in Parivar-
thanayoga. (Lord of 9, Venus in the
sign of Moon lord of 11 and vice versa).
Those who follow stellar astrology at the
first sight can mention that Venus and
Saturn are ' in Sbookshma Parivartbana
Kethu Lagna yoga, i.e.,-Venus, in the constellation
6.46 21.17 Pushyam governed by Saturn and Saturn
in the constellation of.' Poorvashada,
ruled by Venus.
It may also be said' that as Mars, the may not be out of place to say
lord of 8 by its 4th aspect aspects Venus that some will attribute Kendhra-
this reversion is the result. If it is so, dhipathyam to Jupiter. It is
the reversion should be during Mars applicable to health and health
anthara. But yet its aspect should not be alone, whereas it is never harm-
overlooked. It should be included while ful by owning the Kendhra
offering the prediction.- bouses, 4 and 7. The real cause
Correct interpretation is as follows:— is that it is. under the sway of
Rabu who is to offer the results of
1. Judge whether Lagna is strong asthamasthanaadhipathi. Mars.
and is not afflicted. Only when Therefore dasa'natha's beneficial nature
it is spoiled, consider whether is spoiled by Rabu (offering Sth bouse
the Moon Sign is stronger- results) and Bhuktinatba's beneficial
Here Lagna is not occupied by nature is spoiled by sani which owns the
malefics; nor.does lord of Lagna 6th house.
occupy 6 or 8 or 12. Saturn Therefore Jupiter dasa Venus bhukti
aspects Lagna, but Lagna gets will be similar to asbtama adbipathi dasa
separated from the square aspect and lord of 6 Bhukti.
and is not applying or in exact As the person is running Jupiter dasa
square. Hence take Lagna as Venus bhukti and as Venus was in
the first house and examine. pushyam star, it is not conducive to have
2. The Lord of 2 is in the constel- smooth service (lord of 2 and 6). Jupiter
lation of the lord of 6. The is for promotion, peace and pruspedlly.
. lord of the constellation and But Saturn indicates that one will have a
Venus are in Quincunix-Shashta- change of surroundings and environments
ashtama aspect. Venus is spoiled as it in a common sign. Venus has to
as the constellation, lord is a offer undesirable results alone. Luckily
, malefic by nature. It owns an you have no Vemis dasa. The above
evil house and is in 11 to the is the correct stellar theory. Let us take
evil house, six. It aspects the up Krishnamurti Padhdhathi-Jupiter is in
6th house. It also owns the the constellation of Rahu and in the Sub
Kona house five ; but it is in 12 of Rabu. Venus is in the constellation of
to 5. Therefore Saturn is well Saturn and the sub of Rahu. Hence Rahu
disposed and strong to give predominates. Rabu has to offer the
the 6th house results and is ill- results of the lord of 3 and 8. Hence this
disposed and weak to offer 5th reversion was dated 3-4-1965' when'Moon,
house results. Therefore, Venus by transit, conjoined Rabu;'Venus, the
in the constellation of Saturn' Bhuktinadba squared Saturn. Jupiter,
creates'enmity, brings undesirable the dasanatha formed. sesqui-quadrate
results and forces the native to aspect with Sathrn. The day was a
borrow. Saturday, in whose constellation the
3. Jupiter, the Casa lord, and the Bhuktinatha, Venus was.
Chief Governor for Finance is in Therefore, it is necessary to judge a
the sign owned by Mercury, the planet by the lord of the constellation and
lord of the 10th house and is in sub when you can have correct results.
the constellation and sub of But ' sthoola' method is mostly incorrect,
Rahu who is to offer the results but on a few occasions, it may come out
of asbtama adhipatbi. Mars with correct. On such occasions the lord of
whom Rahu is conjoined. There- the star and sub will also indicate the
fore Guru-Jupiter is under the same results.
sway of Rahu who bas to Another example is furnished to con-
throw many obstacles and which firm the above statement. The following
threatens that you have to face is the horoscope of an Engineer who had
many trials and tribulations. It to resign the post on 1-6-65 :
During Moon dasa Mars bhukti he
Venus Moon married on 3-8-1941, one born in Cancer-
Kataka Lagna owned by Moon, Thula-
Libra-rasi governed by Venus-Sukra and
inChithra ruled by Mars, as Moon was in
Kethu Mars sign and Venus star, even though jt
Born on was the lord of ashtama sthana.
Sun, Rahu During Moon dasa Mercury bhukti on
7-8-1946, he was appointed.

Lagna Juplicr | He left service during Rahu dasa

Saturn Bhukti. Saturn is lord of 2 in 11 ;
it is in exaltation. Rahu and Saturn form
sex tile aspect.
If Lagna-is considered to be weak, and
• Moon sign is taken, then Saturn is the
Mercury Rahu lord of 10 and 11, it is in exaltation with
Digbala, Uchchabala, etc. According'to
Navamaam general principles how can one declare
Kethu. that he will lose his job iu Saturn's
Mars. Venus period 7
Sun; If one follows the stellar theory, one
5aai Moon can easily predict that a new cycle of life
starts for him and he will sever connec-
i- tion with the old.
At the time of birth, the balance of Venus
dais was 10 years 5 months and 34 days."

Marriage to a bride in our community For marriage, Venus is the Chief Gover-
means tfiat one has-to enter into a new' nor. The houses which are to be judged
cycle of life, leave the close kith and kin, are 2, 7 and 11; second house shows the
friends, classmates, playmates, etc., and whole family which includes all relatives
livedn a new surrounding, especially when from great great grandfather to great great
the husband comes from a family, not grandson i all males and females; old
already closely related to her parents. amd young, irrespective of rich or poor as
the; poor relatives are not, nowadays,
The horoscope of the bride, ^o whom generally considered or recognised as one
the time of marriage is lp be predicted, is belonging to the family. The 7th house
famished by, a regular reader of" the denotes the legal bondage and partnership
magazine in Srikaktilam. It is as 'to lead a family life. The 11th house
follows.— presages pleasure, pleasant company and
permanent lie of friendship or partnership,
in life. ■ '
Therefore in the following order, judge
the strength of the signiheators and decide *
which,planet can give" marriage and
(1) The planets in the constellation
of the occupants of the houses,
2 or 7 or 11.
(2) The occupants of the houses 2 or
7.or 11.
(3) Those occupying the constella-
tion of the lords of the houses 2,
7 and 11.
(4) The lords of these three houses,
(5) Those Conjoined with-any of the
three lords (rulers of 2 or 7 or 11),
(6) Those aspected b,y the previous
^ signiheators.
No planet is in the second house.
Sun in the second sign comes to Lagna
Bhiva as Lagna was between It0 and
13* 20'whereas Sun was between 0° and
3° 20'. Cusp to cusp alone should be
Rabu f Jupiter taken as a House. The 7th' sign is
occupied by Rahu and Saturn." Mafs is
in the 8th sign. Actually Rahu goes to
the 6th house. Saturn continues to be in
At the time of birth, the balance of the 7th Bhava. Mars comes to the 7th
Moon dasa was S years and 28 days. house.
Saturn rules over the stars Pushyam, As Kethu and Mars arc
Anuradha and Uthrapathrapada — only catprs, the time of marria
Mars is in Pushya. There is no planet in time when Sun transits in
the other two constellations. governed by Kethu in Aries Rasi,
Mars governs Mrigasirisha, Chithraand by Mars.
Dhanishta. Jupiter is in Chithra. In the The fixation of marriage will be at the
other two £tars, there are no planets. time when Sun transits in Saturn's sign,
Hence Mars and lupiter are significators. Rahu star—Sathabisha, i,e., after 21-2-66
There is no planet in the 11th Bhava and before 5-3-66.
house. Further, .you.' are asking on a Saturday!
The occupants, pf the ,7th house are during Kanni Lagna when Dhanishta star
Saturn and Mars. There is none in the is transitted by Moon—Moon is called
other houses. 'Mathi'. It is for negotiation and fixation.
Hence, when Sun comes to the degree
Saturn owns the second house. Mars occupied by Moon at the tinte of qtlery,
-is in its star. things will materialise.
Mercury owns the seventh house. IT . Guru Bb.ukti ends and Saturn starts in
governs . Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi February 1966. Saturn comes to Meena
stars. No planet was in these stars. (Pisces) after quitting Aquarius. - It will
Venus rules the 11th house. Bharani, form then 120°—trine aspect-
Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada are ruled, Saturn, as lord of 2, forming trine aspect
by Venus. It alone, occupies Poorva- with its original position, promises
shada. < increase in the number of the members of
Therefore Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mer- the family by marriage.
cury and Venus have concern over the . Saturn, as lord of -3, forming trine
matrimonial matter. aspect gives short journey and life in
Now one should consider whether Rahu another place (as third house is 12 to 4).
or KethU: occupies any of their signs. Jupiter will be in shashta ashtama to
Then, instead of the planet, the node will its original position—Jupiter .owns the
offer the result, 4th' house which iadicates life in a pertda-
Kethu, is conjoined with Mercury and nent place. When it forms evil aspect she.
Venus. - It is in Jupiter's sign. - Therefore cannot continue to be in the permanent
Kethu will represent them. place of residence.
Rahu is in Gemini. It gives the results -As lord of lagna, Jupiter indicates that
of Mercury, the,lord of 7 and Saturn, .the health may not be normal then.
lord of 2 in 7, as Rahu and Saturn are in Rahu, the Dasanatha is exactly 60°
the same sign. Hence Rahu represents away.' It forms stxtile aspect. So what
these two planets. the lord of 7 promises, it has to give.
Thus by considering the merits of these Therefore, when Sun transits S.athabhisha
planets and their strength, one is to say star and the sub of Saturn, marriage will
that during Rahu dasa Saturn bhukti and be fixed on 23-2-1966. It will be celebra-
Saturn Anthra, she will get ^married. In ted on 19-4-66.
that, Mars sub-period will operate.
Therefore .after 27-2-66- when Saturn Good Luck
Bhukti starts, she will geTmarried.- . K. S. K,.


. I am sending- the horoscope .of my Judge the houses 2, 7, i 1 and the chief
daughter. I shall be happy, if you can goveraor for matrimony, Venus:
let me know about her marriage. I have The strength of the planets- which
no objection to discuss it in your maga- signify'the wedding is to be taken in the
zine, which I am reading regularly. following order:
Yours sincerely, 1. Planets in the constellation of the
M. V. R. S.. occupants of these houses 2, 7 or
11; -
Visakbapatnam. 2. Occupants of these houses ;
3. Planets in the constellation of the
S™ , Moon 1.42 lords of these houses;
,.thu11"45 Sat 21-0 UraTISu Veiius5 5
37 Jup 20.17 4. Lords of these houses;
5. Placets conjoined with them ;
3.29 6. and those receiving." aspect from
Sun. 10.34 any of the above planets . and
26-^7—1940 lastly
irO' N—81"*. 48' E 7. Venus, the Kanaka ' planet for.
So, note which, planets are in the
N«p. 0.32 second, seventh and eleventh Bhavas.
21.37 Jupiter and Saturn are in the second
house. As Kethu-is in Jupiter's sign, it
will' give the 'resiilt of Jupiter. Hence
observe which "planet was jn.Aswmi or
Makham or Moblam. Moon "was in
Aswini.' Other stars remain unoccupied.
Saturn's sign is not occupied by a node.
So note the stars of Saturn. They are
Pushya; Anuradha and Uthrapatbrapada.
Mercury and Sun are in Pushya. No
Planet was situated in Anuradha and U.P.
ada. Of Mercury and Sun, Mercury is
weaker than Sun. Hence take Sun, as' one
of the strong signiheators. Further Rahu
occupies Mercury's sign.
's»K 1 7th house is occupied by Rahu. Its
stars are Arudhra, Swathi and Sadha-
bisha. No planet occupies any of these
Kcthu dasn balance 6 years 1 month and 20 days. three stars.
Therefore Sun, Moon and - Kethu are Venus in Mercury's sign, Mars star,
strong. Jupiter is in 2. Kethu in Jupi- receiving aspect from Saturn indicates he
ter's sign will be stronger to offer the will be employed in
results of the second house, because the ' (a) automobile industry, (Venus-"""
node is ever stronger than the lord of the vahana ; Mercury Engineering;
sign which it occupies. Mars Mechanical ; Saturn, In- - -
Saturn is .in 2. It is debilitated and dustry).
weak. fb) Statistician:—Mercury mathema-
7th house is occupied by Rahu. tics calculation ; Venus to assess;
Saturn to patiently work and
11th house is unoccupied. collect materials. Mars autho-
Hence Jupiter and Rahu need corisidefa- rity.
tion. If there is a planet in their constella- '(c) Manganese or iron ore dealer ; or
tion, the planets in their stars will give (d) Fertiliser corporation.
those results which they indicate.
Lord of 2- is Mars.. It is debilitated-. Saturn, that which takes from, the
Yet, being a ruling planet, it will be auspi- ground from the mine." 'Mercury shows
cions. Its stars are Mrigasirisha, Chithra Engineering Venus for social success and
and Dhanishta. Venus alone is in Mriga- for chemicals. Saturn, Geology, under
sirisha. No planet is in any of the other the ground, or manufacturing fertiliser!
stars. So any of the four will be his profession.
Though Mercury is the lord, pne is take As Venus dasa Kethu Bhukti will func-
only Rahu when in its sign. As Rahu tion then, he may reside in the south-west
rules no day and no sign, it will indicate- direction.
Wednesday and its signs are Gemini-and As Venus is in 4, he will be in the same .
Virgo. Saturn, lord of 11 is weak. town (sephafial—Manual of astrology). No
So Venus is ' a strong significator. journey is indicated to reach the place of
Hence Venus, Sun, Moon and Kethu need her father-in-law: .Lord.of 7 in 5 shows
consideration. As Venus receives aspect that he is not already closely related. He
from Saturn it will delay the marriage till comes from a stranger's family.
Saturn's subTperiodl Bhiikti is over. The date of marriage will be 5-11-1965
Then we have to calculate and find out and -it may be fixed in the Ihst week of.
the period that operates. Your daughter, August 1965.
is running "Venus Dasa and Mercury " Another horoscope is discussed wherein
Bhukti. It will be over on 16-7-1965. the Dasanatha and Bhuktinatha do not
Kethu period run for 14 months appear to have any connection whatso-
from 16r7-1965. ever, with the houses 2, 7 or 11 but they,
. In Kethu Bhukti, the sub sub-period of have actually given the marriage in their
Venus dr'Sun can give the marriage. As - joint period.
there is no Kethu star in Venus sign, but Sir,
Rahu governs swathi and" is in the 7th
house, when sun transits in swathi star, . I got married during Saturn Dasa Rahu
marriage can be celebrated. At that time, Bhukti (sub period). Neither of us has
she will be running Venus dasa, • Kethu ' anything to do with houses 2, 7 and 11.
Bhukti,^ Sun anthra, i.e., around 5-11-65. . Then how can it. come up in their joint
Butitmay befixed in theend ofAugust 1965 periods? Can you explain it, please 7
when Sun transits inKethti star. Ruling Yours sincerely 7
.planets of her husband will be Venus
Kethu and Sun. His star may- be H. M. R.
Karthika" Trine .or Aswini trine. Madhya Pradesh.
Chart and Rahu are in Punarvasu and Poorva-
pathrapada. Rahu is stronger.
' Mars 22-30 Sun rules over the stars Karthikai,
25.51 Uthrapalguni and Uthrashada. There is
Venus no planet in any of the stars Karthikai and
•26.24 Uthrapalguni. But Saturn is in
Mercury Uthrashada.
26.31 Aswini, Makhara and Moolam are ruled
by Kethu. There is no planet in Aswini
JiipP 10.61
Stm. and Moolam. Jupiter and Sun are in
Fort. 14.47
19.22 Makham.
Kethtf 24^4 Hence Saturn, Rahu and Venus are the
strong significators.
Lagna . Rahu represents Saturn, the lord of the
sign Aquarius where it is; Rahu is also
influenced by Jupiter and Sun by their
Please note which planets occupy the direct 7lh aspect.
houses 2, 7 or 11 and Venus. Therefore Rahu is the strongest signi-
Those which occupy the Nakshathras ficator and your marriage was celebrated
of the occupants will bring about the during Rahu Bhukti—sub period, in the
marriage in their Dasas and. Bhukties. major period of Saturn, even though;
No planet is in the second house. Uranus according to stoola method one cannot
is in the 7th sign but 6th Bhava. Jupiter, predict this period as the auspicious one
Sun and Kethu are in 11. for marriage whereas one will never miss
this date if one. follows Krishnamurthi-
Punarvasu, Vishakam and Poorattadhi Padhdathi (i.e., advanced method of stellar
are ruled by Jupiter. Mars, Moon, Venus astrology).

Dear Guruji, parents. As years pass on, even when the
I am submitting herewith my horoscope parents are alive, one may save separately
for your judgment. My financial posi- some amount or incur debts. After the '
tion is not at present satisfactory. May demise of one's parents, one may have to
I request you to kindly mention when I borrow if the expenses outweigh the in-,
can have peace of mind, with sound bank ■ come. One may have decent bank posi-
position. tion for some years. Then he may have
Yours faithfully, to borrow. Later he may return and clear
(Sd.) M. Rao, off either part of the loan or discharge it
in full.
Horoscope:- Hanamkonda. All these depend on the dasa and
Born at 10 P.M. on 9-3.1923, . bhukti which follow one after the other.
The Lord of Lagna indicates that one
can save or borrow ^iue to his own actions,.
commitments and enterprise.
The lord of the second house shows
Kftlm 29,5 |j
Sm 25,24 one's bank position and easily cashable
Jdero. 2-10 possessions.
The ruler of third house denotes gain or
loss, income or expenses through brother,
sister, cousins, short travel, publication,
! Jupiter The lord of the Fourth house portrays
25.14 that one may earn or spend on education,
Lagna vehicle, mother, land,-building, etc.
The owner of the fifth house gives
generally sudden windfall or pitfall
„. Venus, Jupiter, through speculation, cinema, drama,
Uranus, Sun music, etc:
The sixth house indicates either debts or
gains without effort due to the loss of
The seventh house suggests profit or loss
through wife, partner, business, litigation,
election, etc.
The eighth house indicates receipt or
payment for Insurance or gain by legacy.
The ninth house indicates expenses or
income by making long journey, by having
Balance of Mercury Dasa at birth was connection with strangers, and foreigners,'
7 yrs. 11 months and 26 days expenses due to higher education, etc.
When a person is born, he inherits the The tenth house is generally judged for
?' assets' and the liabilities of bis or her income through one's profession of for
patrimony. Tbe eleventh house indicates As the second house denotes one's
is the net profit. financial position the second to the
The twelth house indicates all expenses, seventh shows the finance of one with
investment and withdrawal of money whom the native transacts. Suppose
from bank: repayment of loan is judged there is-a benefic in the 8th Bhava, it
from the 12th house as also the 8th. means that th« person with whom one
transacts, is lucky during the period of
Therefore, houses 1 to 10 indicate the the planet in 8. Generally, one regains
various sources of income and the twelfth the money that is lent to others. In a few
house shows expenses. Therefore adding cases, it so happens that one is to consider
1 to 10 a.nd deducting 12, one gets the net oneself lucky; if he somehow or'other
profit, 11. lias his money returned by the person who
borrowed. In the latter case, the person
One deposits money in the .bank when who borrowed will have a benefic in 8.
one has income more than his expenses at The borrower will gain money easily
that time. It is indicated by the houses 2, (Sowmyae Ranthrae Nithyapathe). He
6, .10 and 11. has' gains without ellort. So he repays.
The second house is' self acquisition '; That is why, he who lent money is
the 6th house is 'Borrowing,'; the 10th lucky, during the period of the benefic
house means profession and the 11th in the 8th house. Who is he that would
. house indicates' Profit• like to borrow at all? If circumstances
force one,'he borrows. Is there anybody
'. 6th house also indicates why one incurs who would not mind maintaining one's
debts; its period or the period of the prestige? No. Everybody will try to keep
planets- in the constellation of the occu- up his or her word and maintain one's
pants of the 6th house or planets in 6, or family prestige,' honour etc. All will'
the planets in the constellation of the lord make efforts to return the amount-
of 6, the lord of "6, or those conjoined time. He can do so, if there
with or aspected by them. is a benefic in the 8th house, especially
The 8th house threatens risk, danger the lord of 12. The lord of 12 in Swill
and loss or a windfall. cause Vipareetha Raja yoga. Suppose
Jupiter is the lord of 12, and it is in the
The 12th house indicates expenses, 8th house. It can aspect one's 12th
purchases, don tion, repayment of-loan, house and 2nd house. Therefore - people ,
etc. born in Makara-Capricorn Lagna will
The * Lagna represents the person to return their debts during Jupiter's periods
whom the horoscope belongs. The and sub periods, without strain.
seventh house denotes the person who Suppose there is an evil in the 8th
either lends-or borrows. As loan is an house. It means that he who lends
income to the borrower, it is the expenses money has a malefic in the 2nd house
or investment to the lender which is indi- to the 7th. As malefics in the second
cated by the 12th house to the 7th house. house threaten loss of money, during its
Therefore one has to examine the 6th period and sub periods,, one will lend
house for the debts. money to the native of the horoscope
Expenses include the discharge of loans. having a malefic in the 8th house and will
be depressed, disappointed and irritated
It may be a part-payment towards the during its period as the borrower is not
debts or one may clear oil the loans and able to return the loan. He is unlucky to
be force from it. Bank overdraft is also make money whereas he who lent money
indicated by the 6th house and discharg- is unfortunate at least to the extent to
ing it is judged from the 12th house. In which he has lent to the person having a
Uthra.Kalamritha, Kalidas has said that malefic in 8. Those who lend money
one has to consider the 12th house for the should note, whether the borrower has,a
clearance of loan. benefic or a malefic in 8 before lending
money so that be may know where he your income, as it aspects the 11th house)
stands. These are the methods to be one will normally predict, that you
followed. should gain and there is no necessity to
According to Krishnamurti Paddbatbi, borrow. But,. actually you had been
one can borrow money during the dasas borrowing. Why ? Because Sun was in
and bhukties of: the constellation of Jupiter, the lord of 6;
and the sub of lord of 12. Hence during
(a) planets in the constellation or the the period of Sun, you will borrow from
sub of the occupants of the 6th A, and repay it, then borrow from B,
house ; repay & so on.
(b) occupants of the 6th Bbava ; Moon was i n Mercury's star and
(c) planets in the constellation or sub Rahu sub. Hence, Moon indicates:
of the lords of the sixth house; repayment by making money in your
(d) the lords of the 6th house; profession.
(e) planets conjoined with or aspected Rahu in II, in the constellation of the
by any of these planets. lord of 11 and in the sub of Moon,
One can repay the. loan during the promises that you will have no debts in
dasas and bhukties of: the conjoined period of Moon and Rahu.
(a) the planets in the constellation or As you had 7 yrs. 11 months, and 26
sub of the occupants in the 12th days of Mercury Dasa at- birth, you enter -
or the benefic in the 8th house; into Moon dasa on
(b) the planets occupying the 12th and 9— 3—1923 +
bcnefic in 8; 26—11— 7
(c) planets in the constellation and 5— 3—1931
sub of the lord of 12 or the lord Kethu
of 8 if he is a benefic by nature ; 0— 0— 7
(d) lord of 12 and lord of 8 who is a 5— 3—38
benefic by nature; Sukra
(e) the planets conjoined with or 5— 3-58'
aspected by them. Sun
You are born in Thula Lagna. Mars 0— 0— 6
in Aries is in the 6th Bbava. Jupiter 5— 3-64
owns the 6th house. Moon, Moon
0—10— 0
•Therefore note the constellations of Moon Mars
Mars and Jupiter. 0— 7— 0
Mars rules Mrigasirisha, Chithra and 5— 8-65
Dbanisbta—Jupiter governs Punarvasu, Rahu
Visaka and Poorvapathrapatha. 0— 6—1
Find out the planets situated in the 5— 2—67.
constellation of Mars and Jupiter: So Therefore between . S-8-6S and
also, note which planets are in the sub 5-2-67. you will repay and clear off
of Mars and Jupiter. They indicate (a) your debts
the necessity to borrow money, and (b)
the time of raising the loan. As ' A ' dasa, ' B" Bbukti, 'A ' Anthra
will offer the result to the full extent.
So also note the planets occupying the Moon anthra, in Moon dasa, Rahu
constellation of the lord of 8 (being a Bbukti shows the time when you Are free
benefic) and the lord of the 12 th house). from debt, i.e. 20-11-1966 to 4-1-1967.
Sun : Labhadhipathi, lord of II, who Therefore 1967 is a Happy New Year
is to give you profit, who is to increase to you.
L The results that will be experienced tige as a result of displeasure from
in general daring Sun's Dasa given Government. Danger will be
in Sarvartha Chintamani are as caused to his wife and children or
follows:— near and dear relatives or close
(1) During Sun's period, if it is in its friends. His father will suffer from
highest exaltation (i.e. in the tenth ill-repute. If the Sun is in its
degree of Mcsha or Aries sign), highest debilitation (i.e., in the
the native will be prosperous in tenth degree of Tulam or Libra
every respect. He will lead a sign), the native will experience
happy life with his wife and chil- serious illness. He will have to
dren. He will acquire landed spend his life in a foreign place.
property. His bank position will Serious illness to wife and children,
be sound. He will be favoured by loss of cattle and loss through agri-
Government. He will have wide cultural lands are to be predicted.
travel. He will enjoy strange (6) During Sun's Dasa, if it is in
company. Moolatrikona (i.e. if it is posited in
(2) During Sun's period, if it is in the first twenty degrees of Simha or
exaltation, the native will enjoy Leo sign), the native will have free
increased .yield from lands and flow of money. He will lead a happy
cattle. His finance will improve. life with his wife and children. He
He will experience wide travel and will have a wide circle of friends.
consequent strain. He will court He will own a house and a conve-
enmity from relatives. yance. Further, if the Sun is in the
next 20 degrees of. Simha or Leo
(3) During the period of Sun when it sign (i.e. Swakshetra or own
has left its depression sign and is in house) the native will enjoy his life
a house on its way to its exaltation with his near and dear relations.
sign (i.e., Arohini dasa), the native He vi'ill have a sound bank posi-
will enjoy good health. He will be tion. He will be admired for his
very helpful to his neighbours. He learning. He will receive awards
will lead a happy life with his wife from Government.
and children. He will be very
populax- (7) In Sun is posited in Adhi-Satru Rasi
(4) During Sun's Dasa when it has left (i.e., in the sign of a planet who is
its exaltation sign and is in a house his deadly foe), then during its dasa
on its way to its depression sign the native will experience all kinds
(i.e. Avarogni dasa), the native will of misery. He will, have financial
experience loss through landed loss. He will undergo suffering as
properties. He will undergo suffe- a result-of serious illness to his
ring as a result of displeasure from wife and children. His father will
Government. He will incur loss be bed-ridden. He will invite the
through fire and theft. He will enmity of all around him. Further,
court the enmity of others. He will if Sun is posited in Satru Rasi (i.e.,
have stay in a foreign place. in the sign of his enemy), then
during its dasa the native will
(5) During the period of Sun, if it is in undergo separation from his wife
debilitation, the native will experi- and children. He will become
ence financial loss and loss of pres- highly indebted. He will suffer
loss through fire and theft.' (10) If Sun is associated with a planet
He will be inimical to his parents: in exaltation, then, during its dasa,
the native will derive immense
Notes : The planets that are enemies bo'th mental satisfaction through his pro-
by nature and temporarily .by fession. He will make pilgrimages.
occupation are deadly foes while He will engage himself in religious
inimical in the one case and neutral activities. He will do good to the
. in the other case they are enemies. public by his acts,' like digging a
(8) ILSun is posited in a friend's sign, . well or renovation of temple court-
then during its dasa the native' will yard.
lead a happy life with his wife and (11) During Sun's dasa, when it is
children. His ( servants will be associated with a malefic planet,
devoted to him. He will rbe the the native will suffer from mental
recipient of favours from Govern- affliction, as a result of engaging
ment. He will possess conveyance. himself in sinful acts. He will be
If Sun is posited in Athimilhra sign poverty-stricken. He will not have
(i.e., in the sign of a great friend), good clothes or good food. He will
the native will enjoy during Sun's lead an unhappy life.
dasa increased prosperity in every
respect. He will have mental satis- (12) If Sun is associated with a benefic,
faction. His bank position will then during its dasa the native will
improve. He will lead a happy lead a happy life. He will, enjoy
life with his family, and relatives. the pleasent company of his relative
He will be in possession of movable and friends. He will engage himself
and immovable properties. If Sun in pleasurable pursuits. He" will
is posited in the sign of a neutral, derive pleasure through celebration
then during its dasa, the native will, of marriages and other auspicious
enjoy good health. He will own functions.
cattle, conveyance and agricultural (13) During Sun's Dasa, if Sun is aspec-
lands. His wife and children will, ted by a medefic planet, the native
however, be afflicted. He will will experience increased misery.
involve himself in inimical acti- He will undergo untold suffering
-vities. through his wife and children and
through his parents. He will incur
Notes: Planets that are friendly both by loss through fire and theft. He will
nature and temporarily by occupa- court the displeasure of Govern-
tion are great friends. Planets that ment." On the other hand, during
are in the one case friendly, and in Sun's dasa, if it is aspected by a
the other case a neutral, are only benefic, he will enjoy a happy
friends. life with his parents, wife and
Planets that are inimical in the children. He will have name and
one case and friendly in the other fame. He will excel in conversa-
are nedtral. tional ability. He will receive
awards from Government. During
(9) During the period of Sun, when it is Sun's dasa'when Sun is posited in
associated with a;debilitated planet, a quadrant or kendra, he will receive
the native will suffer from bad punishment from Government. He
association with low men of bad will lead a miserable life. He will
character. He will commit sinful lead his life in a foreign place. He
acts. He will be mentallv afflicted as a will be always in financial need.
result of illness of nis wife and During Sun's dasa, if he is posited
children. He will - experience in a trine, the native will experience
financial loss and loss through cattle,
agricultural lands and conveyance. menial depression. He will under-
go trouble caused by Government.
He will not have a happy life. His He will undergo financial loss
father will suffer from serious through his family and vehicles. If,
illness. He will neglect his duties however) Sun posited in the 2nd'
at the right moment. house is in conjunction with a
(14) During Sun's period, if Sun is in benefic, then the bad results men-
Vehamsa, the native will start an tioned above will not take place.
industry of his own and will make (20),.During Sun's Dasa, if it is posited
a fortune out of it. He will enjoy in the 3rd house, the native will be
his life with family and friends. happy. He will be courageous.
There will be trouble'to his Daya- He will be the favourite of Govern-
dis. ment. These will be influx of
(15) If Sun is in Neechamsa, then, dur- money. There will be, however,
ing its period, the native will be enmity with brothers.
devoid of wealth. He will be (21) If Sun is posited in the 4th house,
separated from his wifef He will the native will experience ail kinds,
have to lead his life in a foreign of misery during Sun's dasa. - He
place. He will be hated by his will not enjoy his life. He will
relatives. He will be mentally experieiice loss of wealth. There ■
affiected. He will suffer from fever will be a fall in his status. He will
and urinary diseases. suffer through poison, theft, fire
(16) If the Sun is posited in the 6th and weapons. He will be injured
house, during its dasa the native by a fall from a" vehicle.
will suffer from loss of wealth. He (22) During Sun's period, if it is posited
will undergo misery, one after in 7th house, the native's wife will '
another. He will be afflicted by suffer from serious illness: He will
lung disease or urinary disease or have to eat bad and unwholesome
piles- food
(11) If the Sun is posited in the 8th (23) If Sun is posited in the 10th house,
house, during its dasa, the native the native will enjoy during Sun
will experience physical-ailments dasfi all kinds of prosperity. There
or danger through fire or high fever \ will be good influx of money. He
or eye-sore. He - will have a fall will be courageous. He will have •
from his position. success in litigation. He will have
■ promotion in profession. ' He will
(18) During the period of the Sun, receive favours from Government.-
when itis posited in the 12th house,
the native will suffer from loss of (24) During Sun dasa, if it is posited in
wealth. He will be emaciated in the 1 1th house, the native will have
health/ He will have mental flow of wealth. He will be happy
suffering. He will have affliction through celebration of auspicious
through relations. He will have functions. His wife and children
^ frequent change in his profession. will be happy. He will be free
He will be overcome with fear from bodily ailments. He will lead
-through employer. He will pick up a happy life.
quarrels through argument. He (25) If Sun has positional strength
will contract disease in the leg. (Sthanabala), then during his dasa,
(19) During Sun's period, if it is posited the native will enjoy prosperity in..
in the 2nd house, the native will all spheres. He will acquire wealth
experience loss of wealth. He will through cattle, agricultural lands
speak harshly. There will be and conveyance. He will be hon-
danger to progeny. He will incur oured by Government. He will'
the displeasure of his employer. have improved bodily complexion.
He will be helpful to all and will (30) If Sun has cheshtabala or motion-
thereby earn name and fame. He less strength, then, during Sun's
will visit holy places. dasa, the native will acquire wealth
through his own efforts. He will
Note '■ A planet has positional strength or lead a happy life. His wife and
sthanabala when it occupies its children will be happy. He will be
exaltation-sign, a friendly house, honoured by Government.
its moolathrikona house, its own
Navamsa Rasi and its Swakshetra N*te: Sun in the Utharayana or northern
sign. course possesses exceedingly motio-
(26) If Sun does not possess positional nal strength or cheshtabala-
strength then during its dasa, the (31) If.--Sun has benefic aspect then
native will experience all kinds of during its dasa, the native will
misery. He will suffer from weak enjoy his life. He will have all
health. He will be bad off finan- kinds of prosperity. If, on the
cially. He will be disliked by his other hand. Sun has malefic aspect
relatives- He will be forced to stay during Sun's dasa, only adverse
in a foreign place. _ results should be predicted.
(27) During Sun's dasa, if Sun has 11. The results that will be experienced
directional strength (Digbala), then in the Sub periods of Sun's Dasa, as
the native will be happy through giren in Parasara Samhitha, are as
wealth from , directions other than follows:—
the one,in which it is strong.
He will acquire wealth and lands. (1) During Sun's fihukthi of Sun
He .will be famous. These good Dasa, if Sun is posited in- his exal-
results will not be experienced by tation sign or posited in 1, 4, 7 ,10,
the native if Sun does not possess 11,'5,9 houses, the native will be
directional strength. prosperous. He will have finan-"
..rial gains. He will be honoured by
(28) If Sun has kalabala, then during Government. He will have the
his dasa the native willenjoy increa- pleasure of meeting the Head of
" sed income through agricultural State. Marriages and auspicious
lands. His bank position will be functions will be celebrated in the
.sound. He will be prosperous house, lie will meet with success in
professionally. He will receive all undertakings. But, at the same
favoursr from Government. If Sun time, he will suffer from bodily
does not possess Kalabala, the good illness.
results mentioned above will not
take place, but, on the other hand, If Sun happens to be the lord of 2
adverse results will be experienced. or 7, there will be threat of danger
to the life of the native.
Note: Sun has kalabala or temporal (2) During Sun dasa. Moon Bhukthi,
strength during the day.
if the Bhukthinatha Moon is posi-
(29) During Sun's Dasa, if San has ted in the 4tb, 7th, 10th, Sth or
nisargabalam or natural strength, 9th house counted from Lagna, the
the native enjoys a happy life native will celebrate marriage and
without much effort. He will enjoy such like auspicious functions in
good health. There will be good the house. He will have increased
influx of money. He will have good liquid cash and good income from
conveyance. If Sun does not have lands. He will purchase house and
Nisargabalam, the native will ex- landed properties. He will be in
perience fear through fire and theft. possession of cattle and conveyance.
He will have trouble from Govern- If Moon is posited in his exaltation -
ment. sign or own house, he will lead a
bappy life with his partner. His lOtb, 5th, 9th house to Lagna, the
financial position will improve. He native will perform auspicious func-
will be blessed with children. He tions. He will have increased in-
will enjoy good health. He will come from landed properties and .
associate himself with Government agricultural operations. He will
'in his activities and as a result, be N make money through red-coloured
will receive Government patronage articles.
which will make him happy.'' If the If Mars is associated with the lord
Moon be waning or if it is associa- of Lagna, the native will be pros-.;
ted with a malefic, then during its perous. He will enjoy good health...
Bhukthi, the native will be unhappy
due to illness in the family. He will ' He will receive Government
.not be straightforward. He will favouritism
engage himself in unnecessary argu- If Mars is associated with the lord
ments with his friends and neigh-; , of the 9th' or 11th the native will
hours. He will invite the enmity of derive profit in all undertakings.
servants. He will have trouble from The native's brothers will be bene-
Government. Financially he will be fited. The native will become a
bad off. leader of men. He will conquer his
If Moon is posited in the 6th, 8th enemies. He will be courageous.
or ]2th bouse from Lagna, then The native's relations will be happy.
during its Bhukthi, the native will Jf Mars is posited in the 6th, 8th
experience danger through water, or 12th house fronfthe position of
he will be worried in mind. He will the Dasa lord or if it is aspected by
fall sick frequently." He will expe- a malefic or if it has become weak
rience trouble from his superiors in by lordship, then the native's mind
profession. His bank position will will be in a destructive mood. He
be'poor. will have mental anxiety. . His rela-
tions will experience trouble. He
If Moon is posited iirthe 11th,'9th, will be hated by his brothers. 'He-
4th, 7th or 10th house from Sun's may have to undergo jail life.
position or if he is associated with a If Mars is weak or debilitated, loss
benefic, then the native will enjoy of wealth to the native through
his life with his wife and children. Government is indicated.
His wife and children will be pros-
perous. He will be happy in his If Mars is the lord of 2 or 7, the
profession. There will be celebra- native vyill suffer from illness. He
tion of marriage and, other similar will be mentally afflicted.
auspicious functions in the house. (4) If, during Sun Dasa Rahu Bhukthi,
He will own a conveyance. He will Rahu is posited in a quadrant or
. wear costly and attractive dress and trine to Lagna, then the native .'
will in general lead a happy life.- If . will, during the first two months of
Moon is posited in the 6th, 8th or the Bhukthi, experience loss of
12th house from Sun's position, the wealth and fear through theft,
native will have untimely meals. snake-bite or other injury. His'wife
He will have to lead his life in a and children will suffer from illness.
foreign place. If Moon happens to During the balance period of the
be the lord of 2 or 7, there will be Bhukthi, the native will lead a
threat of danger to the life of the happy life. If Rahu is associated
native. with a benefic or is in a benefic - —
(3) During Mars Bbuktbi of Sun Dasa, Navamsa, the results will be good.
if Mars, the Bhukthinatha, is posi- If Rahu is posited in 3, 6, 10, or 1.1
_ ted in his exaltation sign or own from Lagna or in conjunction with
house or Ilth house or 4th, 7th, yoga producing planet, the native
will enjoy good health. He will be suffer from illness. The native will
mentally happy. He will receive experience mental affliction. He
Government's patronage. will incurthc wrath of Government.
If Rahu is posited in the 9th house He will suffer from fear complex.
- to dasauatha, the native will There will be loss of wealth through
receive honours from. Government. sinful deeds.
He will be famous. There will be (6) During the Bhukthi of Sani, if it is
celebration of marriage or an posited in a Kendra or Kona, then
equally auspicious function in the the native will lead a happy life.
house. He will have .increased The native will be free from' inimi-
wealth. If Rahu is posited in 6, 8 cal activities. His financial position
or 12 to dasanatha or if Rahu be and income through lands will
weak, the native will experience improve by a small extent. There
loss of status. He will be involved will be celebra ion of auspicious
in criminal dealings. He will have function.
' fear through robber or snake. He If Bhuktinatha Sani is posited in
will undergo loss through cattle and his exaltation sign or own house or
landed properties. He will have associated with a friendly planet,
serious illness. the native will derive pleasure
If Rahu is posited imthe 2nd or 7th through celebration of marriage and
house, or if it is associated-with the similar auspicious functions in the
lord of 2 or 7, there will be threat house. He will earn name and fame
of "danger to the life of the native through Government patronage.
through serious illness or,snake-bite. He will purchase costly and attrac-
tive clothes. There will be good
(5) During the Bhukthi of Guru, if the influx or,money.
Bhukthinatha is posited in a quad-
rant or trine to lagna or if he If Satura is posited in 6,8 or 12 to
occupies his exaltation sign or Dasa Lord or is ,associated with a
friend's house, then, the native malefic, the native will suffer from
will enjoy all-round prosperity. He serious illness. There will be ■ threat
will celebrate/auspicious functions ' of criminal proceedings against
. in the house. He will have audience him. He will meet with trouble in
with 1 the head of State. He will all undertakings. He will pick up
have success in gll. his dealings sudden quarrels. He will suffer
through Government support. He from fear complex. He will quarrel
will engage himself in helping with his Dayadis.
Brahmins. He will have an improve- If Saturn-is the'lord of 2 or' 7 there
ment in his status. He will enjoy will be threat of danger to thelife
vehicular comfort. If Jupiter is of the native.
posited jn the 9th house to the dasa
lord, then, the native will lead a (7) During the sub-period of Mercury,
happy life through increased if it is posited in its exaltation sign,
wealth. He will engage himself in own house, a quadrant, a trine, 11th
virtuous and. dharmic acts. He house or if it possesses Shadbala,
Will derive-pleasure through divine the native will enjoy a good status
worship and service to his preceptor. in life. He will wield good power
He will realise the fruition of all and influence in his profession. He .
his plans. will have increased bank position
and increase of cattle wealth. He
If Jupiter is in 6, 8 or 12 to dasa- will have mental solace. His wife
natha or posited in his debilitation and children will be happy. He
sign, or associated with a malefic, will have good clothes, jewels and
the native's wife and children will vehicular. comforts through
9 33
Government help. He will enjoy the in the following order, namely :
benefit of bathing in holy waters. (a) Drigbala (Strength of aspect);
If Mercury posited in the 9th house (b) Sthanabala (Positional - stren-
to Lagna is associated with the lord glb)i ■
of the 11th house, there will be all- (c) Nisargabala (Natural strength );
round increase in income.
(d) Cheshtabala(molionalstrength);
If Mercury is posited in the 9th, (e) Digbala (Directional strength );
Sth or IGtb house, the native will
be highly, honoured. He will use (f> Kalabala (Temporal strength).
his intellect in dharmic acti- (2) Mercury's transit in the 6th or Sth
vities. He will have high sense of house from Sun's position in nati-
duty. He will have high regard for vity is taken as Mercury cannot be
Dharma, Preceptor and Brahmins. in the 6th or Sth house from SQn in
There will be celebration of auspi- transit, i.e., Mercury cannot , be
cious functions in the house. The away from Sun by "more than 28
- native will be blessed with children. degrees.
If M»r.cury is posited in a benefic
house counted from the Dasa lord, (8) During.Sun Dasa Kethu Bhukthi,
then during Mercury bhukthi, the the native's health will be affected..
native will enjoy increased happi- He will suffer from mental afflic-
ness. There will be celebration of tion. He will experience loss of
marriage land other similar auspi- wealth. He will court displeasure
cious functions in the house. He will from Government. He will have
perform or render help in the per- troublefrom his relations,,If Kethu,
formance of sacrificial works. He theBhukthinatha is associated with
will receive title from Government. the Lord of Lagna, ■ the native will
He will enjoy life's comforts like be happy and there will be influx of
good clothes,- jewels, and good money in the beginning of the
food. He-will be a leader of men. Bhukthi but during the middle of
If Mercurry is posited in a house the Bhukthi, the. native will expe-
inimical to dasa lord or if it transits rience adverse results mentioned
in the 6th or Sth house from the above besides receipt of news of-
house occupied by the dasa-lord in death. If Kethu is posited in 6, 8 or
nativity, or if it is posited in the 12 to dasa-lord or if it is associated
12th house to . the house of dasa- -will] malefics, the native will suffer
lord, or if it is in depression sign, from ailment of teeth or cheek
then the native will suffer from. or will suffer from urinary diseases.
' illness. He will have enmity with There will be fall in status and loss
others. The health of his wife and of wealth. He will lose friendship.
children will suffer. If Mercury There will be threat of danger to
is the lord Jof 2 or 7, the native' the life of his father. He will have
will have indifferent health and will trouble from enemies. He will have
suffer from fever frequently, In to stay in a foreign place. He will
the case of Simha Lagna natives, suffer from fear complex.
as Mercury, the lord of 2, is also If Kethu is posited in 2, 4, 5, 7,-8,
the lord of 11, the native will enter 9, 12 to Lagna, or if it is associated
into court litigation. He will have with yoga-producing planet or if
. trouble through journalistic lapses. placed in a benefic navamsa or.
He will experience loss of wealth. benefic shadvarga, the native will
..enjoy auspicious results. He will
Notes: lead a happy life with his wife and
(1). Shadbala or six 'kinds of strength children. He will be famous.' If
mentioned above are to be taken Kethu is posited in 2nd or 7thhouse
there will be threat of danger to the in his profession. He will lose
life of the native. money. He will suffer loss
(9) During the sub-period of Venus, if through house 'properties.
venus is posited in a quadrant, or These adverse results will be
trine, in an exaltation sign, or fri- experienced only when the
■end's house, or own shadvarga, the above mentioned three planets
native,will have a happy union with are not in Sun's Gochara.
his partner. He will travel in rural On the other hand, if these
parts. He. will have association, planents are in Sun's Gochara,
with Brahmins and big people. He auspicious results will be ex-
will win the support of Government. penenced by the native.
He will be always in buoyant Notes: (a) If a planet is posited in its
spirits. There will be celeb- exaltation sign, or in its own
ration of marriage or other similar . house, or in trine with dasa
auspicious functions in the house. lord, or in its moolathrikona
He will have increased wealth house or in its friend's house,
through pearls, corals, rubies, or in friend's house to dasa-
cattle -and agricultural products. lord and not in the 6th; 8th
He will enjoy vehicular comforts. 12th house, to Lagna or dasa,
His bank position will be sound. to lord, or not'eclipsed then it
His reputation will be enhanced. If is said to be in Gochara. A
Venus is posited in 6, 8 or 12 to planet in positions other than
' Lagna or if it transits in 6, 8 or 12 the above is said to be nor "in
position to the position of. the dasa Gochara.
lord in nativity, the native will . (b) It is given in Jatakaparijata '
. experience misery through his wife that a planet is said to be
and children. He will lose money. eclipsed when it disappers
He will have trouble from Govern- within a particular limit from
ment. In the beginning of the the Sun, its light being then
'Bhukthi, the native will have vehi- ■ overpoured by that of the Sun.
cular comforts. In the middle, the This limit in the case of several
native will enjoy auspicious results. planets is as follows:—
During the end, the native will,
experience loss of reputation. Moon when within 12* from the Sun;
He will have fall in status. He Mars when within 17°
will be hated by his relations. Mercury when within 14°
If Venus happens to be the lord of but when retrograde 12°
7, the native's health will suffer. Jupiter when within 11° „
He will be mentally afflicted. If Venus 10°
Venus is posited in the'8th or 12th but When tetrograde 8°
house, there threat of.
of danger to the life of the "native. Saturn when within 15°
'III. The results that will be 'experi- (ii) During the Bhukthis of Jupiter,
enced in "Sun's Dasa in the several Venus, Moon and Mercury in
Bhukthis of Sun's Dasa as given in Sun Dasa, if Sun is posited in
Sarvartha ' Chintamani are as Lagna, the'native will fee happy
Follows":— • with his wife and'children. He
will derive benefit through
(1) (i) During the Bhukthis of Mars, agriculture and cows. But in
Saturn and Rahu of Sun's dasa the case of a Taurus-born
when Sun is posited in Lagna, native when Sun is posited in
the native will experience Lagna and Jupiterin Capricorn,
misery. He will have trouble i.e., in his debilitation sign. the
native will experience adverse Gochara. If the planets are not in
results quite contrary to • those Gochara, adverse results will be
mentioned. above. Likewise experienced. In the Bhukthis of
during ' Venus bhukthi for a benefic planets, the native will lead
Pisces-born native when Sun is a very happy life. He will possess
posited in Lagna, during Moon courage. He will get wealth.. He
bhuktiTor an Acquarius-born will be blessed with children. He
native when Sun is posited in will have success over enemies.
Lagna and • during Mercury (4) .If Sun is posited in the 4th house,
bhukti for a Scorpio-bom then during the Bhukthis of malefic
native when Sun is posited in planets, the native will have no
lagna. Further, if Sun's dasa peace of mind. There will be fear
happens to be the 3rd, 5th or through fire and theft. There will
7th dasa and Jupiter, Venus, be trouble from Government.
Moon, Mercury Bhukthis the These will be threat of danger to
3rd, 5th or 7th, the adverse the life of the native's mother.
results will be particularly During the Bhukthis of benefic
marked. On the other hand, planets, the native will enjoy all-
if the transit results are. good, round prosperity.
then, even though much the
dasa lord and bhukthi lord may (5) If Sun is posited in the 5th house,
be productive of bad results, then, during the Bhukthis of malefic
the adverse results mentioned planets, the native will have misery
above may appear to take through children's illness. He will .
but will not actually take haVe trouble through fire and theft.
shape. He. will incur the displeasure of
(2)'During the Bhukthis of malefic Government. During the Bhukthis
planets (i.e., planets that are of benefic planets, the native will
malefic, both by nature and lord- be blessed with children. He Will,
ship) in Sun's dasa, when Sun is get into a profession if he is not
posited in 2ncl house to Lagna the already employed. If employed,
native's bank position will deteri- he will have improved status in his
orate. He will create bitterness by profession. He will have vehicular
loose and tackless talk. He will comforts.
not have peace of mind. He will (6) During the Bhukthis of malefic
suffer from eye trouble. He will planets when Sun is. posited in the
have increased fear complex. 6th house, the native will incur
. During the Bhukthis of benefic debts. He will experience trouble
planets (i.e., planets that are both through fire and theft. He will
benefic by nature and lordship), in entertain fear through employer.
' Sun's dash when Sun is posited in During the Bhukthis of benefic
the 2nd house to lagna, the native planets, the native will be pros-
will enjoy increased prosperity. He . perous.
will benefit through education.
He will be the recipient of favours (7) If Sun is posited in the 7th house,
from Government. He"will have, then, during the Bhukthis ofbenefic
comforts through vehicles, jewels planets, the native will enjoy a
and clothing. happy life with his partner. He
•' will have mental peace. He will
(3) During Sun's Dasa, when Sun is have vehicular, jewel and cloth
posited in the 3rd house, the native comfort. During the Bhukthis of
will enjoy increased prosperity malefic planets, the native will be
during the Bhukthis of malefic unhappy. He will .suffer from
•, planets if the malefic planets are in diseases like fever, excess of bile
or diarrhoea. He will have trouble (12). During the Bhukthis of malefic
through enemies- planets when Sun is posited in the
12th house, the native will suffer
(8) During 'the Bhukthis of benefic from fear complex. There will be
planets when Suri is posited in the change of profession. He will-
Sth house, the native -will, in have his stay -in a foreign place.
general, lead a happy life except He will receive results from his
that in the middle of the bhukthi employer.
he may have to undergo certain
amount of misery and during the During the Bhukthis of benefic
end of the bhukthi the native will planets, the native will enjoy
have increased happiness. During increased happiness. He will have
the Bhukthis.of malefic planets the cattle wealth. His income from
native will suffer from fear com- agricultural land and through
yplex. He will have serious illness. grains will increase. He will have
f He will be forced to servility. the comforts through jewels and
If Sun it posited in the Sth house,
then during the Bhukthis of malefic - tv. The results that will be experienced
planets, the native will perform in the several Bhukthis of Sun's
auspicious functions in this house. Dasa given in SaraVali are as
He will engage himself in sacrificial follows
deeds. He will have a charitable (1) During Sun's bhukthi of Sun dasa,
disposition. if.Sun is favourable, the native will
During the Bhukthis of malefic have improved bank position. He
planets, the native will experience will have improved income- from
increased misery. The native's- grain. He will enjoy good health.
father and preceptor will "have a He will perform virtuous acts
very bad time- which will-receive due ajipreciation
of Government.
(10) During the bhukthis of. malefic
planets, if Sun is posited in the 10th If Sun is not favourable, the native
house, the native will experience will experience a miserable life. H
trouble in his profession. There will have fear through. debts, fire
" will be loss of wealth. There will and theft, He will have mentae
be fear through theft or fire. affliction. He will meet with
failure in all 'his attemp.ts. He
During the Bhukthis of benefic will have to stay in a foreign place.
planets, the native will enjoy pro- He will suffer from lung diseases.
motion after promotion in service.
He will have lasting name and (2) During Sun Dasa MooniBhukthi, if
fame. Moon is favourable, the native will
enjoy wide friendship. He will
(11) When Sun is posited in the 11th have good yield of agricultural
house, during the Bhukthis of produce. " He will possess good
malefic, planets, the native will bodily complexion. 'He will have
experience misery during the initial good clothing,' good food and
period but later on, he will be jewels. He will please everybody
prosperous. - around him by his sweet talk.
During the Bhukthi of benefic If Moon is not favourable, he wil
planets, the native will have good m*et with an accident by falling in
influx of money.-. He will receive water. He will suffer from
titles from Government. He will Dyspepsia or Dysentery or .lung
lead a happy life with his"wife and diseases. He will lead an unhappy
children.. life in general.
in r"' '
(3) During Mars Bhukthi of Sun's disease in the urinary system.' His
' -Dasa, if Mars is unfavourable, the wife will suffer from illness. If
native wilUose his prestige. He will Saturn is favourable, the native
not have peace of mind. He will will have increased happiness.
suffer from serious illness. He will There will be acquisition of health.
havetrouble through fire or instru- He will earn money through all
ments. kinds of products particularly
through black grains. He will
If Mars is favourable, the native conquer his enemies. There will
will earn money through agriculture, ^ be celebration of marriage and
and landed properties. There will other similar auspicious functions
be acquisition of wealth. He will in the house.
.earn money through . corn and
red-coloured products. He will be (7) During' Mercury Bhukthi of Sun
prosperous. Dasa, if Mercury is favourable,
4) During Sun Dasa Rahu Bhukthi, if there will be acquisition of wealth.
Rahu is unfavourable, there will be The native will get promotion in
inaction and dullness on the part his profession. He'will command
of the native. He will meet with clothes and jewels. He will . be
failure in all his undertakings. He honoured by Government. If
will experience trouble through fire Mercury be weak, the native will
and theft. He will have loss of experience misery in the beginning
produce through rodents. If Rahu of the Bhukthi. He will be happy
is favourable, the native will enjoy in the middle of the Bhukthi. He
good health. He will have increased will have mental affliction durin
happiness. He will have increased the end of the Bhukthi.
wealth. His activities will be
appreciated by Government. His (8) During Sun Dasa, Kethu Bhukthi,1;
wife and - children will be the native will experience troubld
happy. from low type of people. He will
suffer from eye trouble, or trouble
(3) During Jupiter Bhukthi of Sun in the ears or leprosy. If Kethu
Dasa, if Jupiter is favourable, the is associated with a benefic, the
native will become famous as a native will have good influx of
result of Government patronage. money. He will have increased
He will be very popular. He will, happiness. He will fenjoy beneficial
realise his ambitions. He will results in general.
have peace of mind. If Jupiter is
not favourable, the native will incur (9) During Venus Bhukthi of Sun Dasa;
the wrath of Government. He will if Venus be favourable, the native!
have wasteful expenditure. will receive promotion after promo-i
tion in service. He will be alwaysf
There will be trouble to his wife buoyant "and cheerful. ' He will
and children. Heiwill suffer from lead a happy life with his partner.;
ill-health and fear complex. He will travel widely in rural
parts. There will be celebration
(6) During Sun Dasa Saturn Bhukthi, of auspicious functions in the1
if Saturn be unfavourable, the house. If Venus be unfavourable,
native will suffer from fear com- the native will suffer from head
plex. His erstwhile friend, will ache and ailments in the region o
turn out as his enemy. He will the neck or white leprosy and
have bodily injury. He will suffer sudden fever. He will have to stay
from of the mind disease, or' fever . in a foreign place due to trouble
ar dysentery, wounds, leprosy or - from enemies.
V. The results that will be experienced (6) During Saturn Bhukthi of Sun Dasa,
' in the several, Bhiikthis of Sun's the native will suffer from fear
Dasa given in Tamil JataVa complex. His children will suffer
Alankara.are as follows:— from illness. He will be mentally
afflicted. He will have to lose his
(1) During Sun's Bhukthi of Sun's self-acquired belongings. He will
Dasa, the native will suffer from suffer from ailments near the heart
stomach disease. His relations' region.
will not be happy. The native will
be quarrelsome. There will be '(7) 'During Mercury Bhukthi. of Sun
trouble to Brahmins. He will have Dasa, the native will have the
no peace of mind. He will suffer enmity of his near and dear rela-
from headache, trouble in the right tions. He will suffer from fear
ear and diabetes. The month of complex. His health will deterio-
of Chitti^ai (i.e., April 13th to May rate. He will have pain in the
13th) will be a bad month. navel region. He will engage him-
self in litigation'. He will receive
(2) . During Moon's Bhukthi of Sun prohibitory orders from Govern-
Dasa, the native will derive pleasure ment, preventing him from making
through Government support. He public speeches. In fine, he will
will, have increased earnings. He experience all-round misery,
will enjoy vehicular comforts. He (8) During Kethu Bhukthi of Siin Dasa,
will have trouble through women. the native will not injoy any good
He will suffer from ailment in the results. He will be threatened with
left eye. The month of Adi (i.e., danger through poison. He will"
July 16 to August 16) will be very ,be engaged in litigation. He will
bad for him, have loss of memory. He will
(3) During Mars Bhukthi of Sun Dasa, have to stay in a foreign place.
the native, will suffer from serious He will have change of residence.
illness. He will be engaged in He will.experience trouble from his
litigation. He will have trouble estranged, relations.
through fire and excess of bile. (9) During Venus Bhukthi of Sun Dasa,
There will be loss of self-acquired the native will incur expenditure on
wealth and belongings. There will celebration of marriage and pur-
be loss of agricultural income. " chase of jewels. He will" have
(4) During Rabu Bhukthi of Sun Dasa, mental affliction. He will suffer
the native will be bereft of any from ill-health and particularly
good results. He will experience eye trouble. Tfiere. will be auspici-
fear through poison or weapons. ous functions in the house.
His children will suffer. His
brothers and sisters will not be VI. The results that will be experienced
happy. Partition of property may in the several Bhukthis of Sun's
. take place. The native's son will Dasa as given in Paladeepika are as
have to stay in a foreign land. follows:—
(3) During Jupiter Bhukthi of Sun (1) During Sun Dasa, Sun Bhukthi, the
Dasa the native will have good . native will be honoured by Govern-
influx of money. He will have ment. The native will have his stay
scholarly attainments. He. will in forests and hill tracts. There will
derive satisfaction in the service of be good influx of money. He will
Government. He will be blessed suffer from fever and other illness
with Children. He will vanquish due to excessive heat in the body.
his enemies. In fine, he will have He will be separated froBi his
all-round prosperity. father.
(2) During Sun Dasa, Moon Bhukthi, worship. He will be intent on
the native will vanquish his enemies. honouring Brahmins, preceptor and
HO will experience less and less of . relations. He will have ear trouble.
sleep. He"will be engaged in agri-
culture: He will build a house. (6) During the Saturn Bhukthi of Sun
He will have wide circle of friend- Dasa, the native will experience
ship. financial loss. He will be separated
from bis son. His wife will suffer
If Moon be not favourable or from illness. There will be waste-
maleBc, the native will experience ful expenditure.' He will suffer
danger through water and fire. He from plegmatic disease,.
\vill suffer from lung disease. fV) During Sun Dasa Mercury Bbukthu
(3) During Sun Dasa Mars Bhukthi, the native will suffer from itches,
the native will suffer from illness. cancer, jaundice and windy disease.
He will have trouble from enemies. He will have to part with his lande'd
He will receive bodily injury. He properties.
will have enmity with his dayadis. (8) During Kethu Bhukthi of Sun Dasa,-
He will experience fear through the native will lose friendship. He
Government. There will be loss of will have enmity with his own
wealth. family and relations. He will have
(4) During Rahu Bhukthi of Sun Dasa, fear through enemies.- He will
fresh enemies to the native will experience financial loss. He will
give trouble. There will be finan- have loss of position. He will
cial loss. The native will experience suffer from disease in the leg and
threat of danger to bis life through head, region.
poison. He will have headache (9) During Sun Dasa Venus Bhukthi,
and eye trouble. the native will suffer from head-
- (S) During Sun Dasa Jupiter Bhukthi, ache and stomachache. His in-
.the native will have good influx of come from agriculture-, house and
money- through various, sources. grains will depreciate. There will
He will vanquish bis enemies. He be financial loss. His wife and
will be engaged daily in divine children will suffer from illness.

(Astronomy Made .Easy)
Phone i 42449

Jyothisha Marthand
.13, Brahmin Street, Sajdapet

Vol. 3 SEPTEMBER 1965 No. 9

Questions and Answers 3
Can I have at least one child, please? ■7
Letter to Editor:
Any other child ! 10
. Late Marriage 13
Various Yogas (Contd.) 15
Timing of events—Planetary
Transits' 18
Udu Dasa Results Moon Dasa 20
One's Marriage and father's end at
the same moment—Explanation ... 27
General Status of the Native—Plow
to know ? 30
The part of fortune 32
Nadi 37
Marriage: AVhy delay and how long? 39
•When will a business be started by
me? 42
Good news to Readers 44
Daily Guide 45
Position of planets 49
Tour Programme of the Editor 51
Monthly Prediction 53
' Sir, 6th house to the 4tb is the 9th house.
I thank you for having furnished me So it gives a change in the residence by
with a copy of your correct scientific offering a journey. t
explanation about my "marriage in Saturn Sth bouse to the 4th is the 11th house.
dasa-Rahu bhukti. I shall be happy if "you It also brings about a change and fulfils
can predict (a) whether I will go overseas your desire. It makes you happy and
and if so, when? (b) How can I have satisfied.
a house in Saturn dasa Jupiter bhukti?! 12th house to the 4th house is the 3rd
give No. 52 for the question overseas and house. It generally shows change of resi-
I give a copy of my chart. dence and short journey.
Yours sincerely, 12th house to J.agna presages one's
(Sd.) H. M. R. fortune in a place other than his' per-
Madhya Pradesh. manent place of residence, or Joss.
Benefics connected with the 12th house
Copy of Horoscope portray investment, pleasant expenses, stay
outside etc., whereas malefics connected
Mars22.30 with the 12th house threaten toss,
Uranus Moon treachery and even imprisonment.
0—13 25.51
26.24 That is why wise: astrologers take the
houses 3, 9 and 12 for the long journey
Rahu and overseas, and the 11th house promises
, 24.44 that one can achieve one's aim (hen.
Rasi How to judge ?
Jup. 10.51
Saturn Sun. 11.40 Always, the strength o? the significators
6,17 Nep, is to be taken in the following order :—
Ketlm 2U4 (a) Planets in the constellation of
the occupants of the houses 3, 9
Lagna and T 2 ;
(b) occupants of these three houses,
(c) planets in the constellation of
Overseas: A journey crossing the sea the lords of these bouses,
either by ship or by plane is termed as (d) lords of these bouses,
Overseas. It includes (a) leaving one's (e) planets conjoined with any of
permanent place of residence, (b) making
a journey, (c) and living in a foreign place. the above significators, and
(f) those receiving aspect from any
Permanent placeof residence is indicated of them.
by the 4th house. Houses 6, 8 and 12 to In your Chart, 3rd house is vacant; the
any Bbava, indicates that they do not 9ib house is occupied by Moon, Mars and
allow the matters indicated by a house to Venus.
materialise and that they are detrimental
or bring a change in the routine result Moon rules Rohini Hastham and
denoted by theBhava. Sravanam—No planet is in any of the
3 stars. Mars governs the Nakshathras sun progresses in the 12th Bhava and the
Mrigasirisha.Chithra and Dhanishta. No progression is favourable.
planet was in any of the 3 stars at-the You have given. the number 52. lam
time of birth. answering this question on 2-7-19.65 when
Venus rules over Bharani, Poorvapalguni the planetary position was as follows:
and Poorvashada stars—Kethii is in
Poorvapalguni. No other planet is in these
3 stars.
12th house is vacant.
ThereforeTCethu is a ruling planet.
Of the three occupants in Gemini, i.e..
Mars, Moon and Venus,—even though all
are in the constellation of Jupiter, yet—
Moon alone was in the sub of Kethu. (At
the time of your birth, you had Jupiter
dasa Kethu bhukti.) So Moon alone will
give you long journey and satisfy you. as
Kethu was in T T. Kethu Nep.
Now, let us consider the owners—We
have discussed the occupants, as the
tenants are stronger than the owners. The
3rd house is owned by Jupiter. Its stars
arePunarvasu, Visakha andPoorvapathra-
pada. Only in Punarvasu, Mooh, Mars
and-Venus were posited. In the other two
stars, there are no planets. It is ascer-
tained that Moon will give the' result.
The 9lh house is owned by Mercury-
Its stars are' Ashlesha, Jyeshta and
Revathi. Mercury alone is in its star.
12th house is also owned by Mercury.
Therefore Mercury, Moon and Kethu are
the significators.
So, one is to expect the journey during
the conjoined period of these three planets.
It may be: You have mentioned number 52. It
means that the Ascendant sign is Virgo
Mercury dasa Kethu bhukti Moon and the .Navamsa Lagna is Cancer ruled
antbra or by Moon.
Mercury dasa Moon bhukti ' Kethu [Whenever one is asked to give- a
anthia., number within .08, divide it by 9. Note
The former period had passed and' you ■ how many times the number is divisible:
did not go, as the progression was not Then pass on so. many signs: what is the
favourable, though sun was progressing in remainder. This will be less than 9
the 12th Bhava. shows the Navamsa in" which the
Lagna falls: 52 is the number. Divide
The second period which is to .run will by 9. It goes 5 times: So pass on 5
be in October 1968, when sun will transit signs, i.e.,' Aries-Mesha; Taurus-Rishaba s
in Mercury's sign Virgo, Moon's star Gemini-MithunaCancer-Karkata and
Hastham and sub of Kethu-Now also, . Leo-Simha. Remainder is .7. - So ' the
agna is m the 7th pada of Virgo, i.e., have the desire to"" go and in the year
vHastham 4th pada. This is the method when it transits in the 12th house, you
advocated by Kalidas in Uthra Kalatn- will start.
rila.] Sun, the significator, and the planet
Houses 3, 9 and 12 indicate "overseas" which tunes-.the day of event will transit
11 th house indicates whether you will have the ascendant, i.e., 7th pada in Virgo, i.e.,
your ambition realised. Hastham 4th pada.
Kethu is in 3: No planet is in Aswini Jupiter passes the position of Moon in
or Makham or Moqlam. So Kethu is a August 1967 and it transits the 12tb Bhava
significator. from "the beginning, of September 1968.
-Jupiter is in the 9th cusp. Punarvasu, Sun passes the Ascendant in between 7th
Visakha and Poorva pathrapada. Saturn and 9th October, 1968.
alone is in Poorvapatnrapada. But Saturn
is in retrograde motion. Hence Saturn Hence
""The Temptor" will tempt, create an
opportunity, give you hopes and finally (a) it is ceTtain that you will go over-
disappoint as it was retrograde. For , seas, .
Rahu and Kethu which are ever retrograde (b) it will be in the second week of
this rule does not apply. October 1968 on a Monday or
Arudhra, Swathi and Sathabisha are Wednesday.
governed by Rahu. Sun is in Arudhra.
Sun is never in retrograde motion. H£nce Purchase of a House:—
Sun is a significator.
4th house indicates permanent posses-
12th house is vacant. sion of property, mother, conveyance,
3rd house is ruled by'Mars. No planet education, etc.
is in its stars.
If the 4th house receives good aspect,
9th house is owned by Venus. which of the abov^ is it be predicted?
No planet is in its stars. One purchases-, but "mother is.ill.'
12th house is governed by Sun. Its One builds a house and disposes of his
stars are Karthilc'a, Uthrapalguni and car. One stops education as the helping
Uthrashada. Only Mars is in Uthrapal- mother passes away. Even though there
guni and in 12th Bhava, just behind the is gopd aspect to the fourth house, yet a
ascendant. few of the matters signified by the 4th
• house thrive, whereas a few suffer. How
Now, one is to say. Moon shows thfe to differentiate and predict correctly is
nature of query. It is in Ashlesha 4th the question.
pada. Ashlesha is governed by Mercury-
a planet for travel. Moon, a watery Whenever both the 4th house and
planet, in its own. sign, but in the constel- Moon, receive good aspect, it is beneficial
lation of Mercury who owns 3rd and 12th to mother. If Moon receives bad aspect,
houses to Cancer indicates overseas jour- mother's health will be affected.
ney. If, at the same time, Venus receives
As it is conjoined with. Mercury and good aspect, one gets a car or any
Venus who own the houses 1, 10, 2 and conveyance.
9 and is occupying the 11th house, your If Venus receives bad aspect, there is
ambition will be fulfilled. danger to vehicle or one may dispose of
When? Significators are Kethu, Sun, it-
Jupiter, Mars and Venus! If 4th house and Mars receive beneficial
Therefore in the year when Jupiter aspect, one acquires a building or land.
transits the position of Moon, you will Bad aspect threatens loss.
If the 4th .house and Mercury receive and is aspectcd by the benefic. Mercury
harmonious aspect, one comesout success- vvho owns the house of investment, the
ful in his studies;' otherwise he. fails or twelfth. To the seller, Moon is the
discontinues. owner of the 4th house, Mercury is in
Therefore planets connected in the 4th 4 and Jupiter is lord of 12; Saturn
aspects the 12th house of the seller as his
house and Mars. indicate possession, Lagna should be taken as the 7th house
acquisition or sale of a house ; 4th house to your ascendant. . As your- ascendant
and Venus denote conveyance ; 4th house is Libra, seller's sign is Arics-Mcsha.
arid Moon represent mother; 4th house Jupiter is the owner of the 12th Bhava to
and Mercury are judged for education. the 7th and Saturn aspects the house.
Always,' for the purchase of a, house Saturn is the - strongest significator.
property one is to consider the Bhavas Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn. Saturn's
2, 4, 6, 11 and 12. results will be offered by the planets, if
Why? they.occupy its star or sub. Jupiter was
Second house indicates all those, one* in Kethu's star (Labha-Profij) and in the
acquires and it shows his worth, just as sub of Saturn. No other planet is under
the 2nd house includes ail members of the sway of Saturn (Mercury is aspected
:a family. by Saturn. So it will give the results of
Saturn also.)
The 4th house1 restricts to permanent Jupiter as lord of 6, shows disposal by
possession of property. the seller and in 11, promises your gains.
6th house shows the loss to the seller. Jupiter ift Saturn's sub indicates house,
11th house indicates the profit of the car, etc.
native and the 12th house investment! Sp in the conjoined period of Saturn
Generally, planets," bcnefic by native dasa Jupiter Bhukthi Mercury An hra
ownership and occupation, ruling the 12th you had a building purchased.
house denote investment of money and Mercury promises that you will ^ave
purchases'. Planets,' malefic by nature, another building—mostly a twin house or
ownership and occupation threaten loss," a house with an out-house attached—in
waste, treachery, secret inimical activity, Mercury dasa Jupiter Bhukti Saturn Anthra
etc. in April 1973, when Sut) transits In Mer-
,In your cKart,"Saturn is the-lord of the cury's star Revathi, in Jupiter's sign,
4th house. It is occupying, the 4th house Pisces Meena.
The following is your correct chart: As this horoscope is taken for consi-
deration on 17th June, 1965—a Thursday,
when Moon was in (Jthrada star in
Capricorn', Jupiter and Saturn are ruling
planets. Mars has no connection.- Hence
take Sagittarius as the first house.
For children,- one has to examine the
houses 2, 5 and 11 ; also one should note
Rasi the strength of Jupiter.
House 2 is occupied by Saturn and
Venus : The former is the lord of 2 in its
own sign and Venus is lord of 11. in its
friends quarters.
Mnri Moon, The stars of Saturn are Pushya,
Anuradha and Uthrapathrapada. Moon
is in Anuradha and Rahu is Uthrapathra-
pada. Moon and Rahu are the signifi-
' j1
IMercury, I Lagna,
Jupiter Kethu J Venus rules Bharani, Poorvapalguni
Poorvashada Sun alone
occupies Poorvashada and no planet is in
the other two stars.
Houses 5 and 11 are vacant.
The- 2nd house is owned by Saturn.
Moon and Rahu will offer such results
which Saturn as lord of 2, is to give.
5th house is owned by Mars. It is
Vargotbama and strong. Mars is a
11th house is owned by Venus. Sun in.
its constellation is stronger. Venus is also
As at the time of birth you had a a significator as lord of 11 in 2: There-
balance of 4 years 7 months and,12 days fore Venus. Sun, Mars and Rahu are the
of Saturn dasa. strong significators.
During ' Venus dasa. Moon JBhuktbi,
In your horoscope, one has to take the Venus anthra, when Sun transits in Rohini
Lagna as strong: Lord of Lagna is in 8 ; 4th pada (Venus sign. Moon star—Venus
and Mars, lord of 12, is posited in Lagna. sub) your wife will conceive, i.e., around
yet Jupiter is exalted. But in the Moon 7th June, 1966. During Venus Dasa Mars
sign, lord of 8 is situated. Of the two, bhukti Saturn anthra' you will have a
Lagna is stronger as Jupiter is exalted child, i.e., in the middle of March 1967.
and is in Rajayogadhipathis constellation.
If lord of 8 is not conjoined with Moon, The following are the charts of the per-
then one'is to_ take Scorpio as the first sons, who consulted to know whether
house. they will have any child at all.
Why these, persons; have not got' any
Jupfter' I Venus child at a]] will be explained "in the next
The following is the horoscope of one
who had the fortune of having a -son
after a lapse of a long number of years
17-8—1916 after.marriage:—
11 P.M.
Born at 9-09 P.M. on 17-12-1925.

■ ' At the time of birth. Mercury dasa

ba balance is 4 years 6 months.
Another horoscope is of a pers6n-;born Venus,
„„ on 10-9-1916. Kethu

, Sun. Mars.
Moon Mercury

at sunrise

Mars • Mercury

Another friend's* chart is erected for'

hi; his birth time 1—56 A.M. on 20-4-1919.

Mercury ^™'s .veifus

He got married on 7-4-1943. His
partner attained age later and then they
began to live together from January 1947,
jThe'only son born to him was in October
1964 during Rahu dasa Moon bhukti.
[In the horoscope, you have presented,
Moon is shown in Poorvashada. ' It is in-
correct.-You have to take the horoscope
published here, as the correct one.] The
Balance of Sun dasa at the time of your
birth was 5 years 4 months.
In this chart the lord of lagna is in 6 to Hence Rahn, Kethu and Moon are the
:Lagna and the Lagna is occupied by Rahu. signiiicators. As all the three are aspected
S9 it is weak. One is to take the Moon by Saturn who owns the second. house
sign. and is exalted in 11, there is only delay :
no denial: no disappointment.
Considering the houses 2, 5 and 11 r
(a) Rahu is . in the constellation of Therefore to have a child in Rahu dasa
lord of 2, Saturn who is exalted Kethu bbukti Moon, anthra or in Rahu
in 11 and who aspects, Rahu, dasa Moon bhukti, Kethu anthra. As per
Moon and Sun. No other planet progression and transit, Moon bhukti was
is in the constellation of lord of 2. ■ ' auspicious he had a son in Moon bhukti,
- (b) Venus and Guru are weaker than Ketnu anthra.
Kethu in 2. Sun alone is in As Moon and Kethu were in the cons-
Kethu's star. tellation of Sun, the child was born on a
(c) 5th house counted from Moon is Sunday.
unoccupied: Lord of 5 is Mars- (Whenever one wants to find out the
No planet was in the constella- day of an event in any Bhukti or anthra,
tion of the lord of 5. One is to note whether the lord of the
(d) The '11th house is occupied by Bhukti and Anthra are strong or .the lord
Saturn,and owned by Venus. No of the constellation-The Lord "of the
planet is in the constellation of constellation, .if stronger, will give the
Venus. - results only on its day.)
Sow V. I. K.

Dear Sir, At the time of birth, Saturn dasa was

Though it is painful to understand that 8 years 6 months 18 days.
your wife delivered a still-born child in
..the week, as predicted by me, yet I can
boldly reiterate that which I said to you
in 1962. The following is yours and your
wife's horoscopes. You were bom at'
12-35 P.M. on 1-12-1928 and your wife on
10-1-1934 at 11 A.M. Rasi

Moon Jupiter

• Rasi

Venus, j Rahu,
Mercury Jupiter

At the time of birth Rahu Dasa Balance

is 5 yrs. 1 month 16 days,
First let us take yoiir chart. . Significa- '
tors indicating birth of children are
• 1—12—1923 (a) planets in the constellation of the
Navamsa occupants( in 2, 5 or 11 ;
(b) occupants in 2 or 5 or 11;
(c) planets in the constellation of
the lords of 2, 5 & 11;
S™. Y ranUS
Ktthu (d) lords of 2, 5.and 11;
Venus Moon (e) planets conjoined with any of the
above significators; and
f) Planets receiving aspect from them first conception and "younger is indicated
by the 3rd.
(a) Jupiter is In the 2nd house: So for Santhi—pray Lord Krishna and
Punarvasu, Visakham, Poorva- Goddess Lakshmi.]
pathrapada are governed by The prediction offered was that the first
Jupiter. No planet is found in . conception will be abortive or the. first
its constellation. child may be born in the first .wpek of
Mars is in the 5th house and December which may be still-born or the
Venus is in the 11th house. Mars child will not live long it will be emacia-
rules Mrigasirisha, chitra and ted as the Sth house is occupied by Mars,
Dhanishta. Venus governs lord of 5 conjoined with Kethu. Also it
Bharani, Poorvapalguni and was added that the second conception
Poorvashada. No planet is in the will have the full intra-uterine life and be
constellation of-Mars: Venus a full grown baby, as the 7th house recei-
alone is in Poorvashada. Hence ves aspect from Jupiter.
Venus is a strong significator. The first delivery was in Venus dasa
(b) Mars and Venus occupy 5th and Sun bhukti Mars anthra. It was a still-
11th houses: So they are the bom child.
significators, i.e.. Mars and Venus. The second delivery will be in Venus
(c) Jupiter owns the second house; dasa Mars bhukti sun anthra in the
Mercury the 5th, house and second week of May 1968.
Jupiter the 11th houSe. Jupiter's Let us consider the Dhosha—
constellations are Punarvasu,
Visakham and Poorvapathra- Santhana Chandra is obtained by multi-
pada. Mercury rules Ashlesha, plying the longitude of Moon by 5. It
Jyesbta and Revathi. was in 10° 40' in Cancer. Multiply 10° 40'
(d) No planet is in the constellation by 5. The result is 53° 20'- It is 53° 20'.
of Jupiter: Saturn alone is , in Santhana. Ravi is obtained by multi
Jyesbta. plying the longitude of the ascendant by 5.
(e) Sun, Mercury and Kethu are T.agna wasin 18° 3 8'.'The product is 93° 10'.
conjoined with a significator. Deduct Santhana Ravi from Santhana
Sun and Kethu are strong: Sun Mathi. As 93° 10' will not be deducted,
- is Vargolhama; Kethu is a node. add 360° to Santhana Chandra-530 20'+
(f) Houses 5 and 11 are aspected by '360 = 413° 20'. Deduct 93°. 10'. The
Mars and Venus. result is 320° 10'. It is Krishna Paksha
Therefore one is to take Venus, Mars,
Sun and Kethu as the significators. Moon
[When one takes Moon sign also and v 3° 20' -
counts therefrom, 4 maleficsate in the 5th
bouse—This is a strong indication (hat "Sun
one has DHOSHA. Jupiter, the chief 3-10
governor for Progeny is in Mars sign—a
barren sign and in the constellation of the
destructive node Kethu Mars, the abor-i
tive planet is in 5 in the constellation of
the node Rahu; yet, the aspect of Venus
to the 5th house and the natural benefic .i
of Jupiter to the 7th house which indicates
second conception—first conception is ' In the Santhana Thithi is Ekadasi or
judged from the 5th house and the second Dwadasi there may be conception through
conception from the 3rd to theSth, as the the'performance of Dwadasi Homa or by
Second conception is the younger to the worshipping Sun, i.e., Surya Namaskaram:
In this connection, it will be proper to Moolam. No planet is in Kethu's
explain some facts about ' child birth.' constellation to offer such results
The position of the planets in relation indicated by Kethu.
to one's Lagna portrays one's offspring; Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Venus are in
absence, abundance, adoption, etc., and 11. Saturn governs Pushya, Anuradha
also the time when one can expect the and Ujhrapathrapada—There is none in
same. any of the 3 st£rs. Mars rules Mriga-
In a female's chart,' Moon in a if Anu- sirisa, Chithra and Dhanishta, Jupiter,
pacbaya place indicates birthiof child. If it Venus and Rabu are-in Chithra and
is in Upachaya sthana (3, 6, 10 or 111 and Pbanisbta constellations ruled by Rabu
is aspected by, or conjoined with a benefic, are Arudbra, Swatbi and Satabisha.
one will have children with great difficulty. Moon alone is in Swathi. Venus rules
Even though favourable factors are Bharani, Poorvapalguni- and Poorva-
present, due to the lack of strength of shada. Sun and Mercury are in the
Beeja in males and absence of strength of constellation of Venus.
Kshetra in females; there will be no child. The re fore judge the strength- Kethu
In males, one's capacity to impregnate is evil. Till its sub period is over,' it
is judged from the position of sun and will not allow conception. It is in the
his procreative and virile power from 5th bouse, in a watery sign and. in the
Venus. If both of them are strong in constellation of an effeminate and weak
male signs both ih Rasi and N,ivai;isa,. planet. Mercury.
progeny is assured. Moon in 7th Bhava is under the sway
In female,, the blood, mensuration and of Rahu in 11 which is a very strong
strength is judged from' Mars and the signiffcator. . Moon indicates second
conception, i.e., the retaining power of the conception.
foetus in her womb by the Moon. If both' Mars is exalted. Saturn is in its own
Mars and Moon occupy the same rasi and sign. Rabu is conjoined and strong.'
Navamsa the even signs (Taurus,"Cancer, Mars aspects the 2nd and the 5th houses.
etc., alternative ones) she will have Now, suppose one" finds difficult to
children. judge which of these is to be taken. TJie
"In a male's chart add the longitude of best method, which comes correct
Sun, Venus and Jupiter. (It is called invariably is to consider -the ruling
ksbetbra). Find whether it falls in a planets at the time of judging this result.
male's sign in Rasi and Navamsa. If it is - Today it is 10th July 1965. Day is
in" masculine one, be has strong Beeja. Saturday;- the .lord is Satum; star is
[Fruitful one.] Anuradha governed by Saturn. The sign
In a female's chart, add the longitude in which Moon transits, is Scorpio—
of Moon, Mars and Jupiter. The result Vrischika . owned by Mais." Therefore
is the ksbetbra. If it falls in a female Mars and Saturn, are the ruling planets.
rasi and feminine Navamsa, her ksbetbra As the time is 8-45 A.M. the sub in Saturn
is strong and so decide that she has star is Jupiter. Hence without hesitation,
strength of fecundity. one has to boldly declare that she will
Then judge the results by taking the have a child in Saturn dasa Mars bbukti
bouses 2, 5 and 11. Jupiter anthra, i.e., in between 22-1-1968
and 15-3-1968 especially when.Sun transits
In your wife's horoscope : in Saturn sign, Capricorn; Mars con-
(a) The second house is unoccupied. stellation Dhanishta and the sub of Jupiter,
Kethii is in the 5th house. It is adhosha. i.e., between 26° 6|? and 27° 53j', i.e.,
The first' conception may be abortive, around the 9th or 10th of February, 1968.
or still-born or short-lived or. emaciated. Yours sincerely,
Kethu's stars are Aswini, Makam and K. S. K.

' Better late than never ' say Mercury anthra. Actually, there was no proposal,
and Moon to the person born at 4-10 even.]
A.M. I.S.T. on 13-5-1910_at 21° 41' Morth
and 73° 1' East-by giving marriage in For marriages, one "has to select the
December 1952. planets'as the strong significators, follow-
ing the universal rule, as follows :—
mi isy. B (a) Planets in the constellation of
Sun Meicary ^19.47 the occupants in the Bhavas-
28.49 I Wei' 24-36 Houses 2, 7 and 11;
(b) The occupants of these three
(c) Planets in the constellation of
the owners of the houses 2, 7
and 11.'
, (d) The rulers of these houses.
~te) Planets conjoined will} any of
the significators.
(f) Planets aspected by any of the
I Moon l/upitei SS Saturn [Saturn in the houses 1, 3, 5, 7'and 10
will cause delay. How long (a) til) its
period is over ; (b) till the sub period of
the planetsv which are in the constellation
Ngvarasa k | of Saturn is over.]
Saturn is in Lagna Bhava. So he could
not marry during Saturn dasa.
Then, note which planets are in the
constellation of Saturn: NSaturn rules
Pushyam Anuradha and Uthrapathra-
[This horoscope is an illustrative one ■ No planet is in Pushyam.
to prove that one has to follow the Kethu is in Anuradha and Venus is in
western system of calculating the Bhavas," Uthrapathrapada. Hence Kethu and
i.e., houses. One is to take the House to Venus cannot offer marriage in their
■ commence from the cusp and to end with sub periods.
the next succeeding one. ■ The. Hindu
method of dividing the longitude between Let us now judge the strength of the
one cusp and the next into two halves, significators. 1
taking the 6rst half of. the division as Sun, Rahu and Mercury are in the
the second part of a Bhava and the second second Bhava-House: No planet. occupies
half of the division as the first part of the the 7th or the 11th house: Rahu is the
next Bhava, will fail. If it .is so, Venus, strongest of these three in 2.
according to Hindus, will . be in Lagna
Bhava and Jupiter will be in 7. Then he Sun rules the stars Karthik, Uthrapal-
ought to have been married at least in guni and Uthrashada: Sun and Rahu
Mercury" dasa Venus bhukti, Jupiter alone afe in Karthik constellation.
Rahu governs the stars Arudhra, Swathi (accdrdihg to western system) will contri-
and Sathabhisha. Moon and Mars arc in bute, co-operate and carry out the matters
Arudhra : No planet is in. Swathi and signified by dasanatha.
Rahu is not in advance to Mercury.
Mercury is the lord of the constellation
Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. No planet Sim is in 12 to Mercury.
is in any of the 3 stars. Moon and Mars alone are in advance
., Therefore Rahu, Moon, Mars, Mercury to Mercury and both form favourable
and Sun are the 5 planets connected.with aspects with Mercury.
the marriage. Hence, in Mercury dasa,
in any bhukti of the other planets, marri- So he got married during Mercury dasa.
age is to take place. Moon bhukti, Mars anthra, when Moon
Generally, planets in 6, 8 or 12 to transited in Hastham star governed by
dasanatha will undo what the dasanatha Moon in Mercury's sign, Virgo—Kannl,
wills. Planets in 6, 8 or 12 will non- and Sun transited in Mercury's star Jyeshta
co-operate. They will throw, obstacle and jn Mars sign.
hindrance. As per progression, Venus conjoined
Planets in 2 to dasanatha or planets Sun in 1952 which is a strong indication
forming favourable aspects with dasanatha" of marriage.
i VARIOUS YOGAS (Continued)
i '.Sloka .13: If Mars and Mercury are Sfnka 20: If Jupiter and Venus are
conjoined, the native will not be liked by conjoined, the natiye will earn by his
■respectable women but liked by women arguments. He will be respectful,, will
of illrepute and widows. He will be possess'a good wife and wealth, and will
moderately rich, and will make articles - be charitably disposed,
with gold and iron. He will prepare 1
medicines and sell the same at good Sloka 21 : If Jupiter and Saturn are
_ro£t conjoined, the native will be courageous
Sloka 14: Ifjr Mars
xr andj Jupiter
i are and
.. wealthy,
" and will be a leader of his
knowledge of sculpture and Veda-Sastras.
He will be broad-mtnded. He will be Sloka 22: If Venus and Saturn are
diplomatic in his talks, intelligent, and conjoined, the native will be proficient
fond of using weapons and will be a in" woodcutting, will be a barber, a
leader. Nipiina in painting, will Be good at stone-
Sloka 15: If Mars and Vemis are carving' and mud work will be proficient
conjoined, the native will be respected care
wrestling will travel much and take
and will bea leader. He will have a good "f cows.
knowledge of Mathematics. He will be ci„i,„ it.
S|0 rr the
23: If .u. la e s con j
j of "i-w.o
others' wives,
,bad-mannered, * will be'fiambler,
".1- b-xuu. . ,. a^
^ (j yogas P strong
are ? ' and «rned
are in
* a cheat -and a liar. mutual
, , vargas, they
.x will .n give
• the x in
.x above-
Sloka 16: If Mars/ and Saturn are mentioned results fully.- If they are
conjoined, the native will be clever in weak (with combustion or debilitation),
doing magic, in stealing and in tnjtal- and related to Rahu and Kcthu (by
lurgy. He will deceive other.-. He will conjunction or aspect), they will not give
be irreligious. He will become rich by the results fully.
the use of poisonous drugs and weapons-
He will be inclined to pick up quarrels. Results of .Yoga "of Conjunction of
Sloka 17: If Mercury and Jupiter are Three Planets
conjoined, the native will be "very profi-^ (Tri—Graha Yoga)
cient-in -daiice music. He will be .- .
intelligent and have material enjoyments. CHAPTER XVI
'.Sloka 18: If Mercury and Venus'are In this chapter yogas formed by con-
conjoined, the native will be very rich junction of three of the seven planets in
and righteous. He will have good know- one sign are discussed. Their effects are :
ledge of painting and drawing, and the
Vedas. He will speak pleasing words Sloka 1. SUN-MOON-MARS: Shame-
and will be witty and humorous. He less, given to commit evil acts, expert m
will be.interested in music, cosmetics making machinery, to destroy enemies,
and flower garlands. very'good at sculpture works.
- Sloka 19: If Mercury and Saturn are Sloka 2. SUN - MOON - MERCURY :
conjoined the native will be very Lustrous, intelligent, with a good know-
proud and deceitful. He will speak ledge in sastras and arts; addicted to
lovingly and will not conform to the drinks, profession connected with king,
traditions. very brave.
' Sloka 3. SUN - MOON - JUPITER : ignorant of arts and poetry, suffer from
Temperamental, cheat, clever in win- leprosy.
ning over others by being obsequious, Sloka 16.. MOON-M A RSrMERCURY :
fond of travelling abroad, broad-minded, Sinful acts, mean habits, without relatives
unwavering mentality. and an ascetic.
Sloka 4. SUN - MOON-VENUS: Cle- Sloka 17. MOON - MARS - JUPITER :
ver in appropriating others"' property, Passionate, blistered -body, thief, good-
addicted to others' wives, expert in looking, pleasing to women and very
ancient scriptures. angry.
Sloka 5. SUN-MOON-SATURN : Pro- Sloka 18. MOON - MARS - VENUS :
ificient in arguments concerning love and Mother and wife of bad.character, wan-
art of love, foolish, dependent on others, derer, unable to stand cold.
poor. Sloka 19. MOON-MARS-SATURN:
■ Sloka 6. SUN - MARS - MERCURY : Lose mother in young age, cruel, wicked
Famous, boxer, without worries, cruel, and mischievous, mean'-minded, hated by
shameless and bereft of wealth, wife and people. "
children. Sloka 20. MOON - MERCURY-JUPI-
" Sloka 7. SUN-MARS-JUPITER: Good TER: Very rich, intelligent, healthy,
at speech, very rich, Minister or Com- lustrous, famous, large number of child-
mander to king, truthful and extremely" ren, brothers and relatives.
cruel. ' Sloka 21. MOON - MERCURY -
Sloka 8. SUN-MARS-VENUS: Eye- VENUS : Mean though learned, jealous
disease, worthy of his race, wealthy, good of others, prosperous, greedy of money.
conversationalist^ Sloka 22. MOON - MERCURY -
Sloka 9. SUN-MARS-SATURN : De- SATURN.: No independence, defect in
fective in some organ, poor, will always organ, learned/good at speech, respectful,
suffer from' diseases, will be bereft of king or his equal.
relatives and foolish. Sloka 23. MOON - JUPITER-VENUS :
Sloka 10. SUN-MEKCURY-JUPITER: Chaste mother, intelligent, good at arts,
Eye-disease, very rich, expert in sastras, company of good people, sterling
fine arts, prose, poetry, sculpture, profi- character.
cient in writing; Sloka 24. MOON-JUPITER-SATURN:
Sloka Hi SUN- MERCURY-VENUS v Proficient in the inner meaning of sastras,
fond of old ladies, without anger or
Always worried, harsh in speech, will .disease,"head of yillage or society..
travel in all directions, will antagonise
preceptor, sorrowful on account of ladies. ., Sloka 25. MOON - VENUS-SATURN :
Sloka 12. SUN-MERCURY-SATURN: Writer due to meritorious deeds in pre-
Impotent, enemy of all, over-ridden by vious birth, compdser, purohit and
others, forsaken by relatives. Deivagya.
Sloka 26. MARS - MERCURY - JUPI-
Sloka 13. SUN - JUPITER - VENUS : TER : Good poet, king or his equal,
Deficiency in eye-sight, valorous, intelli- young and chaste wife, greatly interested
gent, poor, minister helping others." in others' affairs, proficient in music.
Uneven body, worshipful, enemy to ov>n Not worthy of family, defect in organ,
people,^ good wife and children, liked by., - wavering, cruel, talkative, gay.
king, fearless, Sloka 28. MARS - MERCURY -
Sloka 15. SUN - VENUS - SATURN : SATURN: Servitude, black eyes, living in
-Worry-through-fcar of enemies, shameless. foreign places, disease in face.
Sloka *29. MARS - JtfPITER ■ VENUS: Generally If all benefics are in one sign,
jiiked by king, good children, will enjoy they bring good results to that Bhava and
pleasure through beautiful womenj bring malefics bring opposite results.
happiness to all people.
qua! toajcing, defect or wound in the Results of Yoga of Conjunction of four
body, mean habited, hated by relatives, planets Chatur Graha Yoga.
Sloka 31. MARS-VENUS-SATURN: In this chapter, the yogas formed by
Mother and wife of bad conduct, without ■ conjunction of four planets in one sign
and their results are discussed. They are
' tiny pleasure, always life in foreign as follows:
VENUS: Bent body, will over all enemies CURY : Writer, thief, talkative, magi-,
without effort, king or his equal, wealthy, cian, affliction with disease, clever in
famous, truthful. deceiving others.
SATURN : Possess house, and other land- TER: Wealthy, disliked by women, lust-
ed property, wealthy, learned^ comfortable rous, righteous, free of worries, efficient
life and prosperity,—attached, to wife, in work and an expert.
courageous, enjoy pleasures, lucky. Sloka 3. SUN-MOON-MARS-VENUS:
Sloka 34. MERCURY - VENUS - Happy, talented, incentive to earn wealth,
SATURN : Talkative, ill-mannered, liar, blessed with education, wife and children,
addicted to others' wives, "mischievous, will speak appropriately with the learned.
expert in arts, life in own country." Sloka; -4." SUN - MOON - MARS -
Sloka 35. JUPITER - VENUS SATURN : Uneven body, short, poor,
SATURN : kingly_status through born in beggar, uneducated, dependent.-
-mean caste, famous all round, - good- Sloka 5~ SUN-MOON - MERCURY-
mannered. JUPITER : Goldsmith, sculptor, wealthy-,..
Sloka 36. If Moon is conjoined with courageous, healthy.
malefics, the native be motherless. Like- Sloka 6. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-
wise, if Sun is conjoined with malefics, he VENUS : Defective in body, prosperous,
will be fatherless. If Sim and Moon are. deplomatic in speech,- dwarf, liked by king.
conjoined, with benefics, father and .Sloka 7. SUN - MOON - MERCURY -
mother will . enjoy beneficial , results. SATURN : Cross with parents, devoid of • -
When Sun and Moon are conjoined with weqlth and happiness, wanderer; will beg'
some benefics or some malefics,' most for livelihood will utter falsehood.
auspicious or most inauspicious result
should not be predicted. The result will Sloka 8. SUN - MOON - JUPITER -.
. be commensurate with . the strength of the VENUS: Ruler of forest with animals
benefic or malific planet concerned. and waterways, honoured by king, enjoy
Sloka 37. If there are many benefic material wealth, expert;
planets in one sign, the native will be1very, Sloka 9. SUN - MOON - JUPITER-
wealthy, famous and renowned in the SATURN : . Eye disease; intelligent, many
world. children and wealth, company of good
Sloka "3 . Likewise, if there are many women and prosperous. .
malefic planets in one sign; the native will Sloka 10. SUN - MOON - VENUS -
suffer from poverty, will be ugly looking SATURN: Feminine in behaviour, poor
and will lack politeness. bodybuild fearful of everything.

K- V. R. Anjaneyulu.
Astrology is toe subject lamp of a living with their satellites m fixed orbits. This
being to illuminate his objective path. great Sun'may be a satellite to another
Man grows into a seer only through the solar world from which he aquires strength-
solar ray.. It is this solar ray that bestows vigor and vitality in the form of gravita,
life in everybody. Sun is the lord of solar fional force1 to keep his system in order.
system. Every human being is related to He gives life, light, heat and energy to his
this system only. There may be many system. In short, he is the father of his
solar worlds, as the Almighty has been system.
praised as " Akhilande Koti Brahmananda It has been scientifically established
Nayaka." Every solar system will have that the ether of the space is the only
a family of planets. Or ancient Maharis- vehicle for the transmission of energy of
his have found that one solar system is, Sun to his family members, namely,
having seven visible planets and two -planets. This ' transmission is almost
invisible planets. Thus there are nine continuous through the inter-molecular
planets they found, .controlling the desti- ether. Variations of vibration in special
nies of human beings born and brought up . ether are being- communicated to inter-
on earth. Every planet will have satellites. molecular ether and thus gross bodies are
Satellites will naturally revolve round the being affected by planetary influence. The
planet. It is very important as far as the whole universe is thus a- unity (Uni-Verse)
human beings born and brought upon though is appears to be diverse. A law
that particular planet. The satellite will that .is manifested in one portion of the
be the guiding factor for the destiny of universe must therefore be equally
subjects of the, planet to which it is a Operative throughout the whole. This
satellite." There must be life on every ■\ can conveniently be compared to Pascal's
planet in one form or other. The satellite law of fluid pressure' which runs thus:
will become a planet for the subjects of Pressure applied at any point in a fluid
that particular planet to which it belongs. at rest is transmitted equally to every
Suppose man is born on earth. . The other point in the fluid.
satellites of Earth-name by Moon will be
considered as a planet "in addition to the At birth, each being is stamped, as it
planets already in existence in the solar were, with the Kaleidoscopic planetary
system." It can be presumed that any configuration then in the sky at the FIRST
human being that was born on a planet, INHALATION ; planetary impulses travel
say Mars, will have also its satellites as across the etheric ocean and surge into
planets in addition to the already existent every atom of the body. The child then
planets of the solar system. The human starts upon a cycle of its own. The
being who has taken birth on Mars will initial steller configuration received at-the
not be alike in shape, physib, etc. of a time of birth remains undisturbed in. its
human being that has taken birth on earth. . entity and the tendencies markedrat that
This holds good in the case of every . time will be precipitated into events by
planet. - the progressive motions of planets during
Sun, the lord of our solar system has got the pilgrimage of life.
enormous gravitational force. With this . The Vedas are full of astrologibal
.great force he keeps all the p]ancts in_his wisdom. Astrology forms one of the six
system to revolve round himself-along main keys to approach the wisdom of the
Vedas. Satapatha Brahmana of yajur- - the path of' this wheel is 'a man of sinful
'veda depicts "the full significance of the span. His span is useless. To. inculcate
'■ twenty-four hours of the day of the this one path into man, the scriptures
Angels or the solar year to. our human contain the astrological key. Without
. beings. The Vedic, Puramic and scientific this we cannot unlock the secrets of our
literatures of the pre^Buddhist ages describe ancient lore.
the astronomical, astrological and astro-
i: biological cycles of. various scales through Astrology is a science while learning,
•* which creation rolls. The path of the and an a^t while applying. It is a science
'' food into man and the exit of man into in so far as the mathematical astro- .
1 food (elements) are well known to all those nomical process is employed for the
who are initiated into the spiritual construction of the map of the heavens
practices.^ set for a given time and place. When we
begin to apply law and principle and
ThePrasna upanishad reads "thus: "The interpret the map in terms of the affairs
lord of the round, who is the ruler of his of life, Astrology becomes an'art.
children, is the year. To him there as
two paths: one the northern (upward) and So Astrology is undoubtedly a science
the other southern (downward). Those and an art for intellectuals. It deals
who attend to the duties to. fulfil their with all aspects of life of humanity, as
desires atjain only lunar consciousness also of nations and countries. It deals
(mental level). They again return the with desire, disease and death; it deals
round. That is why the sages take up the with poverty and prosperity; it deals
southern path when they desire progeny. with agriculture, food andj rain it deals -
This is called the journey of manes. Again with the rise and fall of empires; it deals
there is the southern' path which is follow- with power and politics. It deals with
ed by the solar line. It is attained only morality, sex and suicide. It deals with
by penance, celibacy; austerity, initiation trade and travel.' It deals with intellect
and learning. By this process the Sowers and invention,. There is no subject that
of the path seek the spirit in them. They is left untouched by. this' science. It is a
attain solar logos. This is the,abode of Divine science. It is the science of all
life pulsations; this is immortality;1 this sciences.
is fearlessness; this is the highest path. Our ancient maharishis have handed
The flowers do not descend again into the over this science to>us only to bring forth
"cycles TNight and day are- two sides peace, plenty and prosperity to this world,
(solstices) the arts of heaven and the stars but not , to alarm and create pain,
.therein mould the shape of cosmic man.. -.distress, disharmony and disappointment.
And within the twenty-four nodes (new It is upto us to make use of this sacred
Moons and full Moons), six youths science.
(seasonal splendours) are making it to Astrology is helpful as it duals with the
rotate. Sixty and three hundred ones give timing of events. The events may be
the milk of Sun's rays to one calf (year}. marriage or divorce; promotion on
Three sets-of hundred plus sixty spokes reversion ; disease or cure, pleasure or
are moving round the axis.'.'l , pain, appointment or dismissal, birth of
Thus we see the scriptures abound in child or loss of one, gain or loss in trans-
astrological wisdom. This is because action etc. It may be any event. The
the grand formulae of. the year canceals - initial stellar configuration received at
within itself the ritual. This solar ritual - the'time, of-birth remains undisturbed in
.or: the planetary activity is imbedded, in. ..its.entity. The tendencies' marked at that
man in miniature since man is the epitome time will be precipitated into events by
of God universe. If one follows the the progressive motions of planets during
routine of the cosmos it shows him the path-' the pilgrimage of one's life. Now let us
' of unfolding. One who does not follow . understand how the events are timed.

I. The results.then nill. be experienced many sources. He will have
-in general during Moon dasa given in trouble through his employer. He
Sarvarthra Chintamani are as follows/— will have mental depression. He
(1) During Moon's period, if it is in will lead a miserable life in general.
its highest exaltation (i.e., in the 3rd (6) During Moon- Dasa,, if it is in
degree of Taurus sign), the native Moolathrikara (i.e., if it is posited
will have good clothes and flowers. in the last twenty-seven degrees of
He will be endowed with a noble Taurus) the ^native will a_cquire
outlook, If unmarried, the-native wealth through Government patro-
will get married during this period. nage. He will have happiness
He will have influx of money. His through wife_ and " children. He
son will be mentally happy. will enjoy comfort through agri-
(2) During Mar's period, if it is in cultural lands, good, clothes and
exaltation, the native if unmarried, jewels. His mother will be happy.
will get married. If married, "he (7) During the period of Moon, if it is
Will be , blessed with children. in Swakshetra (i.e., its own sign),
There will be influx of money. He the native will receive wealth and
will have good clothes and jewels. titles through Government patro-
He will taste wholesome food. He. nage. He will lead a happy life.
will spend his life in a foreign He will have association with
place. He will experience enmity, morally depraved women. His
with his relations. relatives and friends will be happy
(3) During the period of Moon when (8) , If Moon is posited in Adhi-Sathru
it has left its depression sign and Rasi (i.e., in the sign of a planet
is in a house on its way to its .who is his deadly foe) then, during
exaltation sign (i.e.,_Arohima dosa), its dasa, the native will experiende
the native will enjoy his life with loss of wealth. His wife and
his wife and children. He will children will be unhappy:. He will
have good clothes. His financial have no food and dress comfort.
position will be sound. He will He will have separation from iris
have promotion in his profession. wife-and children.
He will "engage ' himself in divine
• worship and" in the feeling of (9) If Moon "is posited in a friend's
Brahmins. sign, then, during its dasa, -the
native will experience all kinds of
(4) During Moon dasa when it has prosperity. He will have influx of .
left its exaltation sign and is in a money. He will receive help from
house onuts way to its depression Government If unemployed, he
sign (i.e., Aroroha dosa) the native will get employed during this
will lead an unhappy life. -■ He * period. He will get money through
will be mentally depressed. He watery products.
will have enmity with his relations. (10) If Moon is posited in Athi-mithra
He will have trouble through fire, sign (i.e.,- in the sign of a good
robber and Goveniment. friendytlie native"will enjoy during
(5) During the period of Moon, if it is: its dasa all kinds of prosperity. He
in debilitation^ the native will will receive Government patronage
..experience -financial- -loss through— — '— throughhis scholarly attainments.
. He will have comfortable living. He (17) During Moon .dasa, when" it is
will be happy'with his wife and aspected by a malefic planet, the
children. native will be rash in his actions.
He will be peevish. He will have to
During Moon dasa, when Moon is taste unwholesome food. ' His
posited in a neutral sign, the native mother's and her mother's life will
will possess liquid cash and immo- be-in danger.
, vable properties. He will be happy
to a limited extent. His relatives (18) During the period of Moon,-when
will be sickly. He will have to spend it is aspected by a benefic planet,
his life in a foreign place. the native Will be helpful- to his
neighbours, He will enjoy good
(12) During the dasa of a waning Moon, reputation. He will be- patronised
the native will lead a miserable life by Government. He will get wealth
devoid of alfcomfortsand conveni- through watery products. He will
ences. JJe will be mentally afflicted. have rflentar peace.
_He will court enmity with his rela- (19) During Moon dasa, when Moon is
tives. He will contract debts. posited in the 4th house, there will
(13) During the dasa of a waxing Moon, be threat of danger to the life of the
the native will enjoy all comforts ' native's mother. The native will
and conveniences. He will be the lead a happy life. He will' have a
recipient of Government patronage 1 vehicular comfort. He will get
as a result of. his scholarly attain- wealth through agricultural lands.
ments. He will have good coinmard He will acquire house and landed
of servants. He will be happy wi\h properties. He will receive titles
his wife and children. He will K; from Government. -
mentally happy. His earnings will (20) During the period of Moon,' When
improve through his good deeds. it is posited in :he 7th house, the
(14) During the period of Moon when it native if unmarried will get married;
is in conjunction with a planet in if married, the native will be-.happy
its exaltation sign, native will have through his wife and children. He
a clear mind. His mental outlook will enjoy his life with rich clothes
will be bright. He will lead a happy and bedding. But at the same time,-
life with his wife, children and ' he will suffer from urinary diseases
servants. and-mental affliction,
(21) If Moon is posited in the 10th house
(15) During Moon Dasa when it is- in nativity, then during Moon dasa,
associated with a malefic, the native the native will be famous. He will
will experience misery through fire, get scholarly attainments. He will
robber and Government. His wife, . perform sacrificial acts. He will
children and relations •■will not "be nave vehicular comforts. He will
happy. He will have to lead his earn money through agriculture.
life in a foreign place." He will • He will be blessed with children.
engage himself. In inauspicious
deeds. (22) If Moon is posited in the 6th -house
in nativity, then when the Moon
' (16) During the period of the Moon dasa is in progress, the native will-
when it is associated with a beflefic, lead a miserable life. He will court
the nature will perform auspicious enmity with his neighbours. He will
functions in the house. He will have .trouble through fire, robber
enjoy all comforts and-convenien- _ and Government. There will be
ces through land, cattle, jewels and" risk 'from water. He will sufferfrom
clothing. He will have influx of urinary disease. There will be loss
moneyr He will go on pilgrimage. of wealth.
6 21
(23) During Moon dasa, when it is wealth. He will be famous. He
posited in the 8th house, the native will have scholarly attainments.
will have poor health. There will He will engage himself in divine
be .risk from water. He will be worship and in feeling Brahmins.
moving from place -to place. He He will receive titles from Govern-
will court the enmity of his neigh- ment. He will be in the height of
bours and Of whomsoever he comes his happiness.
in contact with. There will be (30) If Moon does not possess posi-
trouble to his maternal relations. tional strength, then, during its dasa,
He will taste unwholesome food. the native will have a fall from his
(24) If Moon is posited in the 12th position. He will lose wealth. He
house in nativity, then when the will be separated from his kith and
Moon dasa is in progress, the native ' kin. He will incur loss through
will lose wealth through Govern- agricultufe lands.
ment. He will commit sinful acts. (31) During Moon dasa, if Moon has
. There will be a fall in his position. directional strength (Digbala), then
He will suffer from penury. He the native will experience influx of
will feel very miserable.
1 weath from directions other than
(215) During Moon dasa, when it is the one in which it is strong. He
posited in the 2nd house, the native will have scholarly attainments. He
will lead a,happy life with his wife will receive Government patronage.
and children. There will be influx He will be popular with his
of money. He will -have worldly relatives.
enjoyments. He will bathe in holy (32) If Moon has Kalabala, then, during
waters. his dasa, the native will enjoy all
(26) If Moon is posited in the 3rd house, kinds of vehicular comforts. He
then when the Moon d'asa is in will have cattle wealth. Hisir.come
progress, the native will lead a -through agricultural lands will
prosperous life. He will get wealth increase. He will command wealth,
from all sources. He will have -clothes and Other enjoyments.
mental strength. His brothers and (33) During Moon .dasa, if Moon has
sisters will he happy. visargabala or natural strength,
(27) During Moon dasa when it is posi- the native will enjoy happiness
ted in -tb ' 11th house, the native without any effort on his part. He
will be in possession of various will be the favourite of Government.
kinds of wealth. He will be happy He will have vehicular comforts.
with his wife and children. He will (34) If Moon hascheshtabalaor motion-
be always enthusiastic. less strength, then during its dasa
(28) If Moon i_s in cohjunclion with sun, then the native will enjoy all kinds-
uhen when the Moon dasa is in of prosperity through Government
progress; the native will lead a patronage. He will" lead a happy
miserable life. He will be hated by life. He will be very helpful to
his relatives. His wife -will suffer his neighbours. All bis desires will
from sickness. There will be trouble be fulfilled.
through fire, robber and Govern-
ment. His mother will be unhappy. II. _ The results that will be experienced
There will be loss of money through in the sub-periods of Moon dasa as given
agricultural lands and .grains. in Parasara Samhita areas follows:—
(29) If Moon has positional strength (1). During Moon bhukthi of Moon
(sthanabala), then during its dasa dasa, if Moon is posited in his
thejiatiye wilLcommand immense exaltation sign or Swakshetra or
Moolathrikona or the 11th house up quarrel with his servants. He
or in conjunction with the Lords will incurthedispleasureofGovern-
of houses 9 and 10, the native will ment. He yill get separated from
command vehicles and clothes. his near relatives. He will indulge
He will, engage himself in divine in harsh words-
workship. He will honour his If Mars happens to be the lord .
preceptor. He will participate in of 2 and or 7 or the lord of 8 or is
religious discourses. He will have posited in 8, the inauspicious
promotion in his profession. He will results mentioned above will be
have all round happiness. Further, experienced.
if the Moon is fully bright, the
beneficial results will be complete (3) During Rahu bhukthi of Moon
in all respects. dasa, if Rahu is posited in a
If Moon is in conjunction with quadrant or trine to Dasanatha or
a malefic, or if it is posited in its Lagna, the auspicious results that
debilitation sign or the 12th or will be experienced by the native
, the 8th house, thc-i the ■ native will during the beginning of the bhukthi
be devoid .of wealth. \He will have will be very little. He will have
a fall in posit on.' He will shffer fear from enemies. He will get into
from illness. He will pick up trouble through robber, Govern-
quarrels. He will incur the dis- ment, quadrupeds, --snake or
pleasure of. Government. His poisonous insects. He will have
mother will be unhappy. He will misunderstanding with his wife.
experience mental anguish. There will be loss of health. 'He
If.Moon is the lord of 2, 6, 7 or will pick up sudden quarrels.- His
Si, then the native will suffer from mother will be afflicted. He will
serious illness. be hated by his father.
If .Rahu is associated' with a
(2) 'During Moon dasa. Mars bhukthi, benefic or is aspected by a benefic
if Mars, the bhukthinatha, is or iy in 6, 10 or 11 to Lagna or in
posited in the 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th association with a yoga-producing '
or 9th house connected from Lagna, planet or posited in the 5th house,
the native will be happy. He will the native will have success in his
receive titles from . Government. efforts. 'He will acquire wealth
He. will command good clothes, through business. He will have
jewels and other enjoymepts. He the company of friends. _ He will
will have success in all his efforts. command vehicular and cloth
"He will acquire house sites or comforts. He will wield good
houses.. He will have success in power and influence. He will. get
litigation. things, done through the help of
, If Mars is posited in his exalta- low-class people.
tion sign or in his own" bouse, the - If Rahu is posited in 6, 8 or 12
native will enjoy increased happi- to the Lagna or dasa lord or is in
ness. His desires will be fulfilled. his debilitation sign, the native will
If Mars is posited in the 6th,'8th have a fall from his position. He
or 12th house from Lagna or in will have mental anguish. His
conjunction with a malefic or is son will be unhappy. He will
6th, 8th or 12th to Dasanatha or experience fear through snake,
is as'pected by a malefic, then the robber, fire, Government and
native will suffer from illness. He poisonous insects, He will cont-
may have to dispose of his house ract debts.
or house site. He will have to If Rahu is posited in 4, 7, 10, 5,9,
enter into litigation. He will pick 3, 11 to the lord of thedasathe
native will visit holy places and If Jupiter happens to be the lord
bathe in holy waters. He will be of 2 or 7, the native will suffer
engaged in ' divine worship. He from serious illness.
will be helpful to his neighbours.
He will be intent in doing religious (5) During the bhukthi of Sani, if it
works. He will have proficiency is posited in a quadrant or trine to
in manthras and drugs. Lagna, or is in" his owa.sign or in
his own navamsa or friend's camp'
If Rahu is posited in the 2nd or or in the llth house, or benefic's
the 7th house, the native will suffer , hpuse or is aspected by a bcncfic,
from illness. the nafive will be blessed with
children. There will be influx of
(4) If during Moon dasa, Jupiter money. He will have good friends.
bhukthi, Bhukthinatha Jupiter is He will earn money through agri-
posited in a quadrant or trine to cultural lands. There will be
, Lagna or if he is posited in his own'- celebration of auspicious functions
house or in his exaltation sign or in the house. He will receive
11th house the native will lead a Government application. He will
happy life. He will have a good see the fructification of the fresh
lift in his profession. He will plans chalked out by him.
receive Government patronage. _ If Sani is in 6', . 8 or 12 or in
There will be celeberation of debilitation, or in enemy's camp,
auspicious functions in the house. then during the beginning of the
There will be influx of money. . All Bhukthi the native will bathe in
his desires will be fulfilled. holy waters. He will visit religious
plaices.. He will experience fear
If Jupiter is "in fi, S or 12 or in through Government, relatives and
debilitation or is eclipsed or if he other persons. He will have trouble
is a malific, then the native will do through-' instruments. He will
sinful acts. His children and suffer from illness. His father will
preciptor will have ' oiible. xHe feel miserable. He will contract
havea fall from hi- position. He debts and-experience trouble as a
will pick uptjuarrels unexpectedly. result of it. He will have loss of
He may have tQ_ dispose-of his prestige. He'will suffer-through
vehicle or house. fire, wounds and robber. -
If Jupiter'is in a quadrant or If Sani is in a quadrant or trine
trine to the dasa. lord or is in the to Dasa lord or is posited in llth
3rd or llth house to the Dasa lord, house to Dasa lord, the native will
the native will enjoy all kinds of be occasionally happy. There will
prosperity. He will command - be influx of money. He will be
, good wholesome food, rich clothes disliked by his wife and children.
and other enjoyments. His If Sani is posited in 2, 7 or 8,
brothers will be happy. He will - the native will suffer from serious
be courageous. -He will be engaged illness.
in sacrificial rites. These will be r
celebration of auspicious functions (6) DUring the sub period of- Mercury,
in his house. if it is posited in a quadrant or
trine or the 11th house, or his own
If Jupiter is posited in 6, 8 or 12 - house, or in an exaltation sign, or
to the dasa lord or if he is devoid his own navamsa or benefic navam-
of strength, thd native will have to sa or benefic rasi or in association
spend his time in a foreign place. with a benefic, then the native will
He will have to taste unwholesome have increased happiness. He will
food. - enjoy the comforts of good housing,
good clothes, good vehicles and k meals. He will have to move
other enjoyments. He- will be from place to place.
popular among his relations. He If Kethu is posited in 2 or 7, the
will enjoy the company of scholars. native will suffer from all types of
He will be keen in the acquisition diseases and will feel very
of knowledge. He will be blessed miserable.
with children. He will have no
enemies. His desires will be ful- (8) During the sub period of Venus' the
filled. He will devote his trine to Moon dasa, if Venus is in quadrant
religious discourses and musical or trine or if posited in the 11th
concerts. house or in his exaltation sign or
If 'Mercury1-is .posited in 6, 8 or own house or associated with a
12 or in debilitation sign, then the benefic, then the native will enjoy
native will suffer from illness. He happiness in every respect through
will involve himself in criminal a helpful and friendly Government.
offences. His wife and children He will build a new house. His
will fall ill. He will have mis- reputation will increase. He will
understanding . with relatipns and command vehicular, clothing and
friends. He will suffer from fear other comforts. There will be
complex. In short, there will be. acquisition of lands.. Celebration
^all-round misery. of auspicious functions will take
place in the house. He will lead a
If Mercury is the lord of 2 and happy life with his wife. He will
or 7, the native will suffer from enjoy the comfort of good bedding"
serious illness due to high fever. and sweet-smelling flowers. There
(7) During Moon das'a, Kethu bhukthj, will be good influx of - money
if posited'in 3/6 or llj or through trade. Quite unexpectedly
if it is in association with a benefic - he will have audience with high
or is aspected by a benefic, the personages under the Government.
native will 'earn wealth through- If Venus is associated with Dasa-
his profession. There will be natha Moon, then during the Bhuk-
.good yiel_d of agricultural products. thi of Venus, the native will have
The. native will have dealings with - increased happiness. He will have
widows. He will engage himself perfect health. There will be good
in rightous duties. . He will be influx of money particularly
liked by Government. He will be through the other sex. There will be
mentally happy. celebration in the house of auspi-
If Kethu is in a quadrant or trine, cious functions. He will be - very
then the native will experience famous and will yield-V lot of
quarrels'in the beginning of the. influence.
bhiikthi,' fear from enemies in the If Venus is posited in 6, 8 or 12
middle of the bhukthi and or in his debilitation sign or is in
. happiness towards the end. _ association with a malefic, the
If Kethu is posited in 6, 8 or 12 native will incur the displeasure of
to Dasa lord or if it is posited in Government. There will be lossr-of
its debilitation sign, the native cattle. His wife will suffer from
will experience loss of cattle, He illness. There will be loss of pres-
will incur the displeasure of . tige. He will be poverty-stricken.^
Government. He will be mentally . He will be mentally unhappy. He
worried. He will be involved in will pick up quarrels through the
an accident due to falling from an other sex. He may have to perform .
elevated place. He will meet with the funeral obsequies of his mother
failures. He will have untimely Or father. He' will meet with
failures. Hc.will have a fall from - -in his exaltation sign or-own house,
his position. He will contractdebts. . or in a quadrant or trine of if he is
If Veaus is associated with the ~ strong in the 2nd or 3rd house,
lord of 9 or 11, the native will then the native will regain his lost
erijoy-increased wealth. He will be property or position. There will
engaged in divine worship. He will be good influx of money. He will
honour Brahmins. He will be in celebrate auspicious functions like
possession of pearls and costly marriage in his house. He will
jewels. receive an award of lands,from,
Government. He will be blessed
If Venus is posited in 4, 7,10, 11, with children. He will have incre-
5, or 9 to Dasa lord or is in his own ased happiness. He will acquire
navamsa or in his exaltation sign, wealth through his wide influence.
the native will; build a new house. He will be liked by his relations.
He will have scholarly attainments.' He will attend religions discourses.
He will be blessed with children. He will prosper in trade. He will
He will prosper in trade. He will visit temples and will honour his.
be free from enemies. He will have preceptor.
association with women other
than his wife. He will devote his "If sun is posited in 6, 8 or 1,2 or
time to vocal and instrumental in Ips debilitation sign or in asso-
music, dancing and religious dis- ciation with a malefic, the native
courses. will . meet , with failure in his
If Venus is .posited in 6, 8 or 12 attempts. He will experience.fear
. to the Dasa lord or' is associated from his enemies. He will act
with a malefic, the native will have foolishly. He will pick up sudden
to stay in a foreign place. He will quarrels. ■ He will incur -heavy ex-
lead a miserable life... He Will have ■ penditure. He will have troubles
trouble through fire, robber and through debts contracted by him.
' Government. He will, lose his He will have poor health. He will
power' and prestige. He will be be mentally unhappy. He will be
r hated by his friends. He will be away from his home. There will-
mentally unhappy. be obstruction to allhis activities.
He will have severe fear complex.
If Venus happens to be the lord
of 2 and 7, the native will suffer If sun is lord of 2 or 7, the native
from serious illness. will suffer from illness.
(9) During Moon dasa, Sun bhukthi, (Tb be continued)
if the Bhukthinatha, Sun, is posited

The following is the horoscope of a For marriage, the strength of signifi-
person born at 7-03 A.M. on 19?9-1942at cators are in the order as under:—
. 24* 49' North and 86os,42' East:— (a) Planets in the constellation of
the occupants of the houses 2 or
Ij • " 1 Saturn Jupiter 7 or 11 i
(b) The occupants of these three
Kcthu (c) The planets in the constellation
— Rasi of the lords of the houses 2, 7
Rahu, and 11;
Venus (d) The lords of these houses;
Lagna, (e) Planets conjoined with any of the
Moon Sun, above significators; and
Mars, <f) Planets aspected by the signifi-
McTonry - -cator.
Jupiter, (a) Second house is not occupied.
Mars I I I Saturn, *
- \ Rahn The 7th house is occupied by Jupiter*.
Its stars are Punarvasu, Visaka and'
Poorvapathrapada. 'Only Jupiter is in
) Punarvasu—No other planet is in any of
-—~ ^ Navamsa ^— the three stars.
Sun' Lagna 11th house is vacant.
Therefore Jilpiter is a strong significator.
kcthu I . Moon "'""'j'i [If there is any node in Jupiter's house,
how to'judge ? If there is a node either
Rahu or Kethu in Jupiter's sign, forget
At the time of birth balance of Venus Jupiter. Take that node which occupies
dasa was 9 years 2 months 21 days. Let its sign, say Rahu : Then note the 3 stars
us analyse bis time of marriage and then of Rahu which are Arudhra, Swathi and
the date o^ demise of his father. . : Sathabisha. Note which planet occupies
For marriage one is to judge as follows the constellation of Rahu and . ot the
after ascertaining whether Lagna is strong planet in. Why? Rahu or Kethu
or the Moon sign. represents the lord of the sign in'which it
is,' to a much greater extent than the
Though lagna is fortified .by the weak planet itself.)
planet Mercury, it is afflicted, as, in the (b) Jupiter in 7 is already discussed.
same sign, there are Mars, lord of 8 and
Sun, lord of the 12th house. (c) Take.the lord of the 2nd house.
But the Moon sign is reinforced by the It is Saturn. Find out whether Rahu or
benefic Jupiter, by its' aspect of its own Kethu is in Saturn's sign. Kethu occupies
sign.' Moon is not spoiled. Hence, the Saturn's sign Aquarius. Heuce Kethu is
Moon sign is stronger than Lagna and so, stronger (ban Saturn in offering the second
one has to1 court SagittaVius-Dbanus as the. and the thirdTious? results.
first house , Capricorn-Makara the second • What are the 3 stars, governed by
house and so on, -Kethu? They are Aswini, Makam and
"Moolam,; No planet is in Aswini Kethu is the agent of Saturn. "It occupies
Makam is occupied by Rahu ; There is the sign of Saturn. It. is aspected by
no planet in Moolam— Hence Rahu is Saturn. Hence Kethu, the lord of the
another strong significator. constellation of Bhukti natha, gave
7th house is owned by Mercury. No marriage on its. star day. Kethu is not
planet is in any of the 3 stars Ashlesha. allotted any day. It represents Saturn.
Jyeshta and Revathi go,verned by Mercury. Hence on a Saturday, when Moon transi-
But it is exalted. ted in Kethu's star, the marriage came off.
The 11th house is ruled by Venus" The Demise of father::—
three constellations under.the sway of Various authors may mention that
Venus are Bharani; Poorvapalguni and either the 4th' house or the 10th house or
Poorvashada. Venus is in Poorvapalguni, the 9th house denotes father. The Editor
and Moon is in Poorvashada. is not for unnecessary arguments. Nor can
Therefore Moon and' Venus are signifi- ^ he afford tq be collecting symposium and.
cators. As Venus is conjoined with Rahu, confuse the confused. The Editor comes
Rahu is stronger than Venus. before the readers and publishes bis state-
So Moon, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter are ment only when he is fully convinced.
the 4 significators. [If all the nine So, in one word, the- editor says " Ninth
planets have connection, "how we should house represents father".
select three of them will be explained in [To establish this, I have to' write hund-
the book, Krishna'murthi Padhdhati,-the reds of pages using stellar astrology.. A
use of sub and how the 'sub'- decides laymananay explain as follows.' Which
unerringly the results.] house indicates one's child 1 Is it not
He was married on 13-2-1960. What the 5th house 7 Then, if one's . lagna
was the Dasa and sub period, he was represents the person, should it not be the
running? Moon Dasa started on 10-12-57. 5th from that of the father? When can
Actually, during Moon Dasa, Rahu" the Lagna be the 5th toaBhava? Is it
Bhukti, Mercury anthra, he got married. the 9th house? Hence 9th house
indicates father.]
This is the scientific explanation ; such - 1 It is already decided that the-Moon
method is to be uniformly and universally sign is stronger. So count from Sagitta-
applied to arrive at correct result. rius. Leo-Simha is the ninth hohse.
One may say," Virgo Lagna-Exalted
Mercury aspects the 7th bo,use. Rahu is For. longevity,- apply the following
conjoined with the lord of 2 : Moon, the -method:—
lord of 11 is in 4. So" these three Houses 1, t and 3 represent longevity.
planets brought about the marriage. The twelfth houses to 1, 8 and 3 are Vyaya'
But consider the day and the star on to Longevity; it is termed as Maraka.
.the day of marriage. It was a Saturday. houses, i.e., 12, 7 and 2. Therefore-
The star is governed by Kethu. Maraka houses are 2, 7 and 12,
Then, how can Saturn and Kethu bring The strength of the 'significators affec-
about the wedding? If it is so, their con- ting longevity is as under:
joined periods' must operate at the time (a) Planets in the constellation of
of marriage. But, ' Moon, Rahu and the occupants in Bhadhaka Sthana [11 to
Mercury ruled the time of wedding. Movable sign—nine to fixed sign and 7 to
This phenomena, can be explained in all common or Ubaya sign];
cases, only by following Krish'namurthi (b) planets situated in Bhadhaka
Padhdhati, the advanced method of stellar Sthana ;
astrology. (c) planets in the constellation of
Marriage took place Bhukti. Bhadhaka Sthana adhipathi ;
If was in the constellation of Kethu. " (d) Bhadhakasthanadhipathi;
(e) planets in the constellation of pathi as it is conjoined with the natural
Kcndhradhipathi and Maraka Sthana - bcnefic owning the 10th house.
adhipathi; Then Maraka houses are to be judged.
(f) if. no. planet is found to be The second house is occupied by Sun,
strong then the houses 6, 8 and 12 are to Mars and Mercury. Sun and Mars are. in
be considered. Sun's star: No planet is in Mar's star.
(a) & (b) As this person is born with There is none in Mercury's star.
Moon in Sagittarius, his father's sign The 7th house is occupied by Kethu—
is Simha. It is a fixed sign. So, - the Rahu dlone is in Kethu star.
ninth house therefrom is Bhadhaka The 12th house is not occupied, or
sthana. It is Aries—No planet is in Aries. owned by Moon. Saturn is in its star.
(c) Its lord is Mars which governs Moon is in the constellation of Kendh-
Mrigasirisha, Chithra and ' Dhanishta. xadhipati and is aspected by Bhadhaka
Mercury alone is in Mar's constellation.
Therefore Mercury is'the strong signifi- sthana adhipathi. . So the demise came
cator. in the dasa of- the lord of 12 (Vyaya to
Lagna) in the constellation of Kendhra-
(d) Mars owns the Bhadhaka Sthana. dhipathi. and aspected -by Bhadha-
If any planet occupies its star, reject the kasthanadhipathi.
planet. Take that which is in its constel- Rahu is the strongest sjgnificatof. ■
lation. It is Mercury.
(e) Kcndhradhipathi—count from Mercury is in Bhadhakasthanadhipathi
Leo—Venus alorie owns the 10th house. constellation.
As Venus is conjoined with Rahu, Rahu That is why, his father died during
is stronger. . No planet is in Rahu's star. Moon Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Mercury
Take Rahu as though it is a Kendhradhi- anthra.
Every individual desires to know his prominent and rise to the position of
status in society in which he is moving power, authority and command,
without any exception. All have the desire If tw0 out of thc four items meIltjoned
to be great, famous and respected. <aboVe are-strong, the status of the native
Whoever approaches the astrologer, will be above average. ' '
invariably he asks: How is my future,
whether good days are ahead, whether I theIfnat
only one item is found to be strong,
will become famous, great and. respected, 've wil1 lead average life and living,
or whether 1 will remain insignificant. If none is strong, it needs no explana-
etc. ? Everybody desires to know his or tion.
her general status. We shall now study a horoscope apply-
With what knowledge can one ascertain ing the above principles,
it. Astrology is the oply subject that The horoscope of the native is as
throws light on this problem. ^ .follows. He was born on 9-10-1904 at
Calculate the planetary positions with. ' ^*at' ^ ^ ^
the help of Rapheal Ephemeris by deduct Long. Si E2 :
ing thc ayanamsa advocated . by Shri
K. S. Krishnamurthy, "the esteemed, editor Jupiter Pluto Neptun
ofv this magazine. Calcrilatc also thc
ascendant similarly with' the help of -
Rapheal Table of Houses by deducting thc
same ayanamsa for the time and place of '
birth. In this way cast the horoscope and
navamsa diagram correctly.
Then consider tbe strength of the
following:— Uranus Lagna rVenus Msreu^'y,
1. Lord of the Lagna.
2. Lord of the constellation occupied
• by Moon. IU ittr
euiv ~ P '
3. Lord of the navamsa lagna. Venus ■ Kelhu
4. ~ Lords of thc houses occupied by
the above lords (items 1, 2 and
v Navamsa
If all the four items (1, 2, 3 and 4) are
strong, the general status of the native
will be par excellence. He. will surely
have the status equal to that of a king or -
head'of a.State or head of a community..
or Government.
If three out of four items mentioned 1. Lagna is Scorpio. Its lord is Mars,
above are strong, the native will become- - He is placed in the tenth house. He has
attained digbala. He is also in Vargqt- 4 (b). The lord of the constellation
tama. Hence, the lord of the lagna is occupied by Moon is Moon itself. She is
strong. placed in Kanya sign. ThUl-vrd of Kanya
2. The constellation occupied by Moon is Mercury. Mercury is in his own sign.
is Hastha. The lord of piastha is Moon- He is exalted, v He is in the constellation
Moon is the lord of the 9th house. She of Sun who is the lord of the tenth house.
is placed in her own constellation. She As such he is happily placed and is strong.
is in the eleventh house. She is with 4 (c) The lord of navamsa lagna is
exalted Mercury. In Amsa she is in her Saturn. Saturn is in his pwn house.
own sign. Hence Moon is strongly placed. He is strongly placed as explained above-
3. Navarasa lagna is Capricorn. The Therefore it'is observed'that
lord of Capricorn is Saturn. He is in
retrograde motioo. He is placed in his 1. the lord of lagna is strong;
own sign. He is not aspected by any 2. the lord of the constellation
malefic. He is in the constellation of occupied by Moon is strong;
Moon who is the lord of the 9th house. 3. the lord of the navamsa lagna
Therefore he is strongly placed. is strong; and
4(a). The lord of lagna is Mars. He 4. the lords of the houses occupied
is placed in Leo. The lord of Leo is by the above lords (1, 2 and 3)
Sun. Suit is placed .in the eleventh are all strong.
house, in association with exalted Mercury
and friendly Moon. He is in the constel- , The native's general status will be equal
lation of Moon, the lord of the ninth to that of a king, though his physical
house. As such, he is well placed and strong. feature may not be so impressive.
Sir, findings laid bare to us by research so that
In the August 1965 issue of (he 4s(ro- they may serve as correctives to certain
logical Magazine on page 693, "Sathabhi- general principles of Hindu astrology
sha" has written about "The Part of which cannot explain for certain failures.
' Fortune ".-In your articles in " Astrology For example, take the aspects.' Hindu
and Athrishta"' you give much importance System treats of aspects on a sign to. sign
to Fortune and you prove that thjs sensi- basis: Whether a planet is 31° away or
tive point is very effective, indicating im- even 89° away from the sign occupied by
portant unforeseen events in life which, Saturn to the third sign occupied by a
by other methods, we are not generally planet, Hindus call, that Saturn aspects it
able' to pinpoint. I reproduce a few by the third aspect. But we westerners
extracts from " Sathabhisha's'5' statements take the exact longitude and state that a
on which J would request you to offer your planet, in the third sign produces most
opinion: auspicious results, only when the re'itive
position is about 30°, 54°, 60°, 72°.' etc.,
"... ' Part of Fortune' (PF) which whereas ' the same planet to the same
generally most books on Hindu astrology. Lagna born, causes misery when the
ignore." This means that some books . relative position is 45°, 674° and near
have- But he has not mentioned which - about 90°. Western system is, indeed,
i ancient books on Hindu ' Astrology'have correct in this respect. What is wrong in
discussed Pars Fortune'. I am sure that including such truths ? Is it not a correc-
no Hindu (sage has dealt with Fortuna at tive to the generally vague manner in
all. which aspects are described in Hindu
" Some astrologers in India who feel astrology ?
that they are the sole custbdians of astro- He adds some modern Western astro-
logical wisdom and who wish, to Ipok logers have also given results of PF
fashionable have Ijeen trying.'to make occupying different houses. But it is jet to
much ado about the PF (which is his own be tested whether in actual practice, these
abbreviation or Part Fortuna) mixing up results can really happen. (Italics mine).
Indian and Western astrology and posing In the face of this statement, to say that
as authoritative exponents ". ' much emphasis should not be laid on
Sir, are you one of the custodians of Fortuna is like a lady who has not yet
- astrological wisdom. It is what he feels or given birth to arty child, offering her in-
you feel. - I think that he alone feels like experienced opinion about labour pains to
that. But I am sure that those who give a mother of dozen children. -
importance . to Fortuna and those who Again, he says "In my own study I have
propound practical astrology after decades found that the dasa of the lord of the sign,
or"reSearch, do hot feel as he has said.but which" PF" is in; can prove" financially
give their findings. Further what is wrong beneficial provided the lord is mot much
in imparting knowledge to others after afflicted ".
doing research and when one can establish
it in all cases. Is it a crime or is it a What is meant by abehefic? Is it not
shame for instance to study and learn that the- particular- planet which gives
certain truth available so as from Wester- wealth and healtb-is called a bencfic ? Is it
ners. In every science, we study and find not true, that a planet when not afflicted,.
that whatever is taught by Westerners is will offer beneficial results, whether
avocative of .truth based on life-long Fortuna is therd or not? .Whenever a
. research. Why should we not avail of the planet is not afflicted,- it must give agree-'
-32- —
able results. The desire of every person is Aquarius. The sign is ruled by Sdturn.
to lead a good life, to maintain health The constellation is goveriSl£- by Rahu.
and to earn wealth. So how far his study The issue is released in July-
has progressed I am unable to guess. Tt (a) Saturn, the lord of the sign, is
appears to me that he an infant stage retrograde in its own sign (Vakri),
as he himself has ■said that " It is yet to be (b) Second house indicates one's speech and
tested whether in actual practice, these statement Jupiter owns the seebnd house
results can really happen. (Italics mine). and it squares Sathabhisha in Aquarius,
It is evident that he has not carried out (c) The lord of the Constellation Rahu
any research on these lines. and the other node Kethu also square,
He adds "It is also found that whenever Sathabhisha star.
Jupiter or Saturn transits the PF, the These are the 4 slow-moving planets.
events ruled by the House in which the PF All the four are adverse to the star
is. placed are influenced favourably or Sathabhisha.
adversely ".
Sir, Is it not a fact, that whatever be Further the August 1965 issue, released
the house, whenever beneflcs transit a in July is read by most of the readers
house, the masters of the house, are before the end. of the first week of August.
favourable and. whenever malefics transit Note.—Where ford, of 10, Mars, was.
a house the matters signified by the house Why? For name, fame, reputation, and
are adversely affected, whether Fortund is - success one is to consider the lord of the
there or not. Then what is the new finding 10th house. Where was Mars? It was in
of this ' Sathabhisha I .am to know. Can Virgo in the ,8th. house, a disastrous dis-
you kindly explain. position, especially for.reputa'tion.
Finally he, compromisingly concludes
"while the'significance of thePF need not Do you expect me to explain more ?
be exaggerated, we need not entirely ignore You have-already answered -many of his
the part played by this point '. (Italics observations. ' Let me add some facts and
mine). establish that one 'must include Pars
I am unable to understand this. Either
one should say that it is a point useful for Pars Fortuna is arrived at by adding the
prediction. Or one should establish that Longitude of the Ascendant counted from
it is of no use. He not merely ■ criticises Mesha Zero to the Longitude of Moon
the Veterans and savants who have sacri- counted from Mesha Zero and thendeduc-
fied their lives in doing research on these ting the Longitude of Sun counted from
lines but begins to display his ignorance Me'sha Zero.
or incomplete study about Pars Fortuna. Therefore which arc the three longitu-
I can understand, that he is not able to des taken for calculation ?' Is it not the
make the best, use of. it in the same fastest'moving Lagrta, the very fast mov-
manner as you ■ have done in respect of .ingiplanet' Moon and then the more Or
individuals doing hectic share business less steadily moving Sun.
depending on the aspects to Pars Fortuna.
Your prediction on lottery is astounding, In any horoscope, only these three are
amazing, astonishing and accurate ufing vital. Pars Fortuna is yet a more fast
Fertuna and Krishnamurti Padhdhati. moving, most sensitive and absolutely
Can you offer your opinion about what effective point, the position of which is
Mr. 'Sathabhisha' has written, please. arrived at by taking, the Longitudes of -
only these three vital points.
" Sd/- BALA.
Dear Bala, Let us take the horoscope of a native
which appeared in our January! 964 issue,
Think awhile. How can he offer a for discussion. This gentleman had luck
;orrect statement. Sathabhisha is in through races. If Fortuna and Krishna-
murti Paddhathi can help one to fix, the All the planets in the constellation of
date as was done by me even in 1951, Saturn, in ■ whichever Bhava they are.
what is the harm in studying, .following That is my unshakable truth. But you
and enjoying good results if one has such have to note the sub, if a planet is in its
a luck. constellation. If it is in Saturn's- sub,
consider the lord of the constellation.
Both the lord of the constellation and the
Kcthu 28.53. sub are to form (according to the correct
Western system) favourable aspects.
(1) What are the -constellations
belonging to Saturn? Pushya, Anuradha
Moon, 13.2 and Uthrapathrapada are the three stars.
. . Mc. 16A2
Born on 23—Ji—1899 I (2) Which are the planets in any of
Saturn dasa—Balance the 3 stars?
5 years 2 months and
r 4 days Moon in Pushya constellation-
Sun and Uranus in Anuradha star.
Mere 23.65 No other planet is in any of the 3 s; rs,
Rahn 2S.53 What is the sub of Moon in the horos-
^atsirn VeUr 25,20 cope? Moon was in Saturn's star Rahu
0.49 MaraIG27
Urn. 22.8 - Lagna
ie lc
Sun B.7 '
JnpO.SU. ' sub.
Saturn is in the second house (Bhava).
Moon dasa commenced on 27-1-1955. Rahu is also in the second Bhava and
On .8-5-1955, on a Sunday when Moon both are within 2° and they are in conjunc-
was transiting in Saturn's star, tion (according to Western system). Hindu
Anuradha, he won in a sweep, a lump system shows that Saturn is in the second
sum; it was gains to him, and a pleasure house to Rahu, whereas in the Zodiac
for the wise astrologer whose predictions they are only.2° away. Hindus call a
came true. planet'A'in 1° in a sign conjoined with
Note where Fortuna was. According to planet 'B' in 29*in the same sign. But
Krishnamurti" Padhadhati (casting the , they dp not call a planet in one sign at
horoscope, taking the Ayanamsa as is 29° and a planet at 0° 49' in the immediate
published by Krishnamurti) Fortuna was next sign as conjoined though they are 2° v
in Mercury's sign, Jupiter's constellation away. How far, this is convincing is to
and Saturn sub. If one would have been be judged by the readers. Planets in the
born 6 or 7 min. afterwards, Fortuna will same sign at a distance of 28° or 29* can
be in the sub of Kethu when he would modify the results of each other accord-
have'lost. But where was Fortuna ? It - ing to Hindus, and planets within 2°
was in the stib of Saturn. Who is Saturn distance in different signs cannot be called
to him? Is he a malefic?. No. Not at as conjunction, and it cannot. The divi-
all. He is lord of 5 in the 3rd sign but _ sion of the Zodiac is only imaginary.
second Bhava. Hence what can it do? There is no opaque wall to partitio'n one
He can give unexpected, speculative, sud- sign from the other. So Saturn and Rahu
den, surprising gains. The amount will are in rapt conjunction. Hence Saturn
not be very much, as Satiirn is Neecha in and Rahu will conjointly give the result.
Navamsa. As he was a High oflicia] Fortuna was in Saturn sub. Hence
drawing Rs. 4,000/- as salary, the gain of planetsln the star and sub of Saturn and
.Rs. 4,200/- cannot be said to be much to Rahu (which is the strongest of all the
his status ; yet it is a gain. planets in the second Bhava—Node
Who can" give such advantageous stronger than planets) smiII give the
results. . Fortune.
Of the planets in Saturn's star, which One child lives: the other passes away.
is in the sub of Rahu. It is only Moon. How far one can rely on the calculation
Moon is in Cancer, in its own sign, of Ayurd'aya from this?
governed by Moon and in Saturn's star.
: Hence Moon dasa, Moon Bhukti, Saturn One gets married, the other remains un-
anthra was elected. married.^
It ran between 4-5-1955 and 21-6-55. One is a Governm nt servant: another
Races were only on Sundays. Hence select a businessman.
the day when Moon was transiting in the One is rich having the same digits in
star of Saturn who is the lord of the sub the 11th house as the other and the other
/in which Fortuna was. Then 8-5-55 is very poor.
Anuradha, ruled by Saturn
One has mapy children and the other
15-5-55 Dhanishta ruled by Mars has to adopt.
22-5-55 Rohini „ Moon Again take the horoscopes of husband
29-5-55 Poorvapalguni Jupiter and wife. If you follow ashtakavarga,
5-6-55 Jyeshta „ Mercury and predict the number of children, you
may have to say
12-6;55 Sathabhisha Rahu
19-6-55 Rohini and .,, Moon (a) 5 or 6 children to the husband
from his chart and according to
Mrigasirisha Mars wife's horoscope only 2 or 3.
26-6-65 Uthra Sun (b) 5 or 6 to the wife from her.chart
So which day will you select ? Only and only 2 to the husband from
8-5-55. Is it not? That is what the editor his maps. If you give the result
predicted in 1951 about the event in May, using ashtakavarga, will there be
1955 having Swami-Kannu-Pillai Ephe- harmony at home.
meris for reference—which is out of print Does not this method need modification,
,now, and following the Ayanamsa pub- rectification apd correction. What is the
lished by the Editor. use of reading and following ashtakavarga
The editor can publish many more when it is not applicable to one and
instances, never failing because of the use all.
of Krishnamuni Paddhathi. The editor Similarly there are many. Only the
has taken such portions which are correct corrected oncs will be found in Krishna-
in all cases'fTom the Hindu system, those murti Paddhathi—Read it once. You
which arc correct in all cases from the will say *' Aham Na Pandithaha." Read
Western system and deals with stellar once more, you can say "Aham Cha
astrology, with much advanced study in it. Pandithaha". Give a third reading.
The editor never follows a system which Others will tell you that you can declare
is not applicable to twin births born in " Aham Eva Pandhithaha."
the same sign as Lagna and the position
of planets in the same position in their Sir,
respective signs. .
In the same m'agazine on page 744, Q. 9,
The editor will never advocate a system the following is published
which fails in some cases and may be
correct in a few. "On page 881, the answer to ques-
tion 3 (b) you have stated that with
For example, let us take Ashtaka-Varga. Jupiter in Libra 26* and Saturn in Aqua-
Twins are born in the same sign as Lagna. rius 3° is nearer to a square than trine,
Positions of the planets are the same and in fact, it is in excess of trine by four
so on. degrees, Is it not a mistake ?
Ans. The actual distance is only 97°-Jupiter
Yes: it ft. In such a case, Jupiter is a faster moving planet. So. if Jupiter is
powerfully aspects Saturn. Thanks for indirect motion and whether Saturn is in
pointing out the error". direct motion or retrograde, Jupiter"applies
square aspect to Saturn.
What do you say,?
- If Jupiter is retrograde, then it. gets
(S/d.) B. B. Saksena, slowly separated from Saturn and it has
New Delhi. to move further 23° to form a trine aspect
whereas it is only 7° beyond a square. It
Dear f riend, is only a square aspect.
What have I to say 1 He will thank me I think there may be some printer's
or he must thank me for having pointed devil.
out this mistake. I do not read that Yours sincerely,
magazine. So I do not know what was
on page 831. K. S. K.
The following is published to guide the " Surely " " Achcha "
readers if they want to..consult any Nadi:— " Tell me," said he and betook a pencil.
Nadi is the collection Of the horoscopes _.I said "Born at Noon on 1-11-1908'*
with their reading of many persons born and I gave the horoscope.-
and to be' born in future. It is claimed
that all of them Were written by Vasishta, He noted these details in a small pure
Sukra, Brigu, Kowsika, Kowmara and so white slip of paper.
on. Those who possess such a collection "Can you tell me the district of your
declare that they are original and genuine. birth-place?"
From my experience in the past I said "South of Vindhya Hills" i.e.,
38 years, though I am 58 years of age, (Vindhya Parvathkae Dakshinae Bhagae)
now, I can boldly say that there may be " Good: Wait, let me make a search : if I
10% of genuine Nadis written in palm get, you are lucky: Why can't. you come
leaves in old script. All others are not• If . tomorrow? I can then make a thorough
your readers, take such precautionary search "
measures as I suggest and also act as I say,, I told him " If,you" take now, if God
all of you, without exception, will agree helps me, let me hear from you:'I have
with me and confirm my statement. no time tomorrow." "Why"? Because,
- There "are Nadis written irr paper in if he. brings in a short time and it is
Devanagiri. They'call it Original. I am to correct, then I can take it as genuine.
know whether there was paper-industry • Otherwise, I bav»-to doubt.
during Brigu, Vasishta, Viswamitra days ". 7 minutes passed. He came out with a
and whether there was pencil or pen then. small file pinned with aGemclip. It looked
So I wanted to find out the 1 truth. On as though the bunch of papers were
25-7-65 I took .one Engineering student fumigated ones.
named Venkataraman, who has just come I asked him, "Is this mice? And-is this
out successful in Benares University. He the original ? "
is the son of Shri Yegyanarayana Dikshi- "Yes," he replied unhesitatingly.
dhar, who has been living in Benares for-
the past 2 decades. I requested I did not ask him'whether Brigu "wrote
Mr. Venkataraman to interpret, as I canftot --in that paper thousands of years age; and1
talk in Hindi, though I can understand. whether Brigu used any • creosote or -pre
We entered into .a Brigu Nadi place. An servative to preserve the paper from, his
old gentleman, sitting at the entrance,' time till date. Why ? He will be on the
directed us to a young m'an, seated next to ajert. He may not proceed. So, I asked
him who was reading the results to a him"" Achcha-Alright, ..Please read."
-businessman of Calcutta. He finished it "-He read out my horoscope (which I
and then he turned to me and asked me' in gave to hitn) correctly; He did not men-
Hindi. tion my place of birth, Tanjorc, but re-
, " May I know who you are? Do you peated what I told • " Vindhya Parathae
want the reading of your horoscope?" Dhakshinae Dheerae" etc.
. I replied "YES ".(i.e., High) He continued to read. Mr. Venkata-
" Had you ever been to Benares pre\i- raman and I were patiently listening. It
ously?" asked he. was all, some general statement. Let me
I said "NO " (Nie) -give s few of them.
"Do you know your horoscope?'' " Your father would have had difficul-
.ties occasionally and on some occasions,
" High " i.e., yes. ■ success. Your mother did not live long.
" Date of birth " Your business was ^ood in some years.
Mind you, some years, it might have I asked Venkataraman " What do you
caused you anxiety. (But to readers, let me say." He said "Certainly, this is a fresh
say that I am a Government pensioner. one. He ought to have written your chart
While on duty I was visiting all Munici- only now in this paper and attached it to
palities, Panchayat Boards, Jails, without some old sheets of paper in hisibundle."
committing any crime-big-hospitals-though Then I said, " Let us go."
hale and healthy-Railway stations, etc., to For fun I asked the man who read it:
make sanitary survey and fetch samples of " Am I to pay for this ? " I loudly spoke.
water for chemical and bacteriological
examination afthe King Institute of Pre- He said " Nigh Nigh " and theq, waving
ventive Medicine, Guindy, Madras and his hands, he requested me not to shout
then as^the assistant to the Professor of but to move away. I leave the above facts
Public Health Engineering, Post Graduate for you to judge. There are many Nadis.
course. I had no business). After 40 years Some may'be genuine- But 1 have narrated
of your age, it is not so flourishing. my experience. To the best of my know-
ledge, the honest fact is that the majority
You would have been married before are not genuine.
27,years of your. age. I interrupted. I told
him that I got married when I was 22 (1) I feel that Genuine and original
years. He said "Right." 22 is within 27. Nadis cannot be found written in paper.
(2) Whenever you consult Nadi, ask
Then he continued "You are intelligent. him to take your leaves on the same day',
You are capable.of unearthing the secrets, when you visit " Do not give time for him
etc. He used the word " Guhya." to" enquire about you. There are chances.
" Bus, Bus'' saidT. I do not accuse him.
Then I requested him, to show, me only (3) See whether the horoscope is
that sheet of paper in which my horoscope written only at that time or whether it
was said to be written by Brigu and I said appears to be as old as the other sheets of
" Lei me try to find out your secrets. paper.
He-said "Why"? (4) Follow what he reads. After some
time, you begin to -Write down some ten
I replied "I should satisfy myself" sentences or slokas or two poems which-
(Venkataraman interpreted in Hindi ") ever he reads. Go on writing for another
He hesitated. ten minutes. - Now you ask him to repeat
Simply, I stretched my hand "and tried ,what he said ten minutes ago and you help
to take it from him. He was holding it him by reading the first few words. You
tightly: Then saying "Please leave it", will find that he will correctly read if they
I took it from him. The factisasfollows: are actually written in the palm leaf or
paper whichever he has or you will notice
"The^sheet of paper in which the horos- that (ic is perpiexed, confused, .occasio-
cope is written is one which has not under- nally dogmatic, etc. Such an experience,
gone the treatment with smoke; because I had when I was taken by a rich
to write in a fumigated one is impossible. Mudaliar, living in Madras-15. Actually,
The shade, the colour of this sheet, its he had a bundle of palm leaves in which
fresh appearance and the difference Mahabharata was written, whereas he was
between this sheet of paper and the other reciting poems relating to Mudaliar. I
ten sheets attached to it, is so much, that have many more such experiences.
anybody and everybody can say, that the As " Astrology and Athrishta"is to give
horoscope is just then-written and attached correct Scientific approach to the subject,
to the other sheets. In this paper, except- to make all -honest-attempts to offer accu-
ing my horoscope, no prediction is found rate prediction to assist the readers and to
written even though there was much space - put an end to bluffers and also cheats, I
and the sage could.have started from tliis consider.Jhatl_will fail in my duty if I do
page itself. not publish this.
marriage why delay and how long?
Here is the horoscope of a bride, a well the strongest when there are
accomplished and very rich girl who is to none then
be married. .jtb) the occupants of these Bhavas:
Next come
Uranus - Kethu Forurna (c) the planets in the constellation
17.16 8.40 J4.20 of the lords of the houses 2, 7
. and 11.
Weaker still are
Ven. 11.16 (d) the lords.of these three houses.
Sun 7.2?
Rasi . • Then follow
Birth 19-2-1938 (e) the planets with which any of the
jMcT;».28 above significators is conjoined
Jup. 21.26 and
(f) those aspected by them-
Rahu Asc, 12.8 Though Rahu is in the second
8.40 \ Moon 9.41
sign, it is not in the second
Uranus is in the 7th house.. It
is not allotted any constellation,
i.e., star. .11th house is vacant.
Therefore questions(a, and(b) do
not arise.
(g) Second house' is owned by Mars.
It is said that the owner is weaker
than the tenhnt, especially when
it is occupied by Rahu or Kethu.
Rahu in Scorpio is stronger than
the, lord of the sign. Mars.
Saturn . Ul -anus So, which are the. -stars
governed by Rahu? Arudhra,
Swathi and Sathabhisha are the
\hree stars ruled by Rahu.
At the time of birth the balance of Note which planets occupy any
Rahu dasa was 13 years 11 months 4 days.. of these three stars.
From 29-8-65, Jupiter dasa Rahu bhukti
will be running till 23-1-1968. Moon is in Swathi: Sun and Venus
are in Sathabhisha- Next, consider the
Marriage is judged by talcing the houses lord of,the 7th house. It is also Mars.
2, 7 and 11 to the planet, Venus, which
is the chief significator of wedding. The lord of 11 is Sun. Its stars are
While considering these houses it is Karthik, Uthrapalgani and Uthrashada
necessary to understand and apply that stars. Kethu alone is in Karthik.
(a) the planets in the constellation Rahu in Mars sign is the strongest.
of three houses 2, 7 and 11 are Sun is a strong significator.
Time of Marriage :— 12th sign of the Zodiac—a watery one—
Delay in fixing up a marriage is experi- a common sign indicating to and fro
enced generally in the cases of persons in journey. Mars in the constellation of
whose charts Mercury indicates that the partner has
made a journey. Saturn, as lord of 10 in
(a) Saturn is in 1 or 3. or 5 or 7 or 10 Meena, shows that he would have gone
counted from Lagna or Moon; overseas on business. Hence Mars and
(b) Venus squares Moon; ■ Saturn in 12 to the 7th suggests that the
(c) Jupiter or Uranus form adverse bridegroom would have been away till
at least 11-3-65. Then during Mercury
aspect with Moon or Venus; sub-sub period he will make a return
(d) if lord of 7 is conjoined with or journey and during Mars bukti Venus
aspected by Saturn ; anthra he would have returned and would.
(e) if Rahu or Kethu occupy the 7lh be having reunion with hisfamily members,
Bhava—7lh house—and is afflic- i.e., after 20-5-65. During Jupiter dasa.
ted by Jupiter or Uranus; Mars bukti, Moon anthra negotiation
might have started i.e., from 2:8-65.
(f) if Mars and Venus occupy 5 or 7 Moon, otherwise .called Mathi is more
or 9 and malefics aspect-.them, for contemplation, negotiation and
etc. ; arrangements. The proposal is in the air.
(a) Saturn is in the 6th .sign but fith It cannot take any shape before 29-8-65.
(b) Venus does not square Moon. Then, when "will it be celebrated ?
This rule is not applicable. As Saturn throws obstacles, there will
(e) Uranus opposes Moon. be delay. Therefore Jupiter dasa, Rahu
(dT Mars, the lord of 7 is conjoined bhukti, Rahu anthra Mercury schukshma
with Saturn. alone can fix up the marriage.
(e) Kethu in the 8th sign in the 7_th - As Rahu anthra begins on 29-8-65,
Bhava and it, is forming semi- Rahu anthra will operate for 129.6 days
demi angle with Uranus. till 9-1-66. In these 130 days Mercury
(f) This rule does not apply. sub sub period commences on 26-10-65_.
It will last till 14^11-65.
Hence delay in the marriage is due to
Mar's and Saturn in Meena. On 3-11-65, on a Wednesday' when
Moon .transits in Rahu star Satha-
Therefore till she completes . Mars bisha and conjoins Sun in the morning
Bhukti sub period and -Saturn anthra, and Venus in the evening on the
marriage- cannot be fixed, i.e., 11-3-65 same day, when Lagna conjoins Jupiter
[of by a relative position of.2 planets, dfrtay at about 12 noon in Makara-Chpricorn
is threatened, it can be effective till their Lagna, she will get married.
conjoined period is over]. So, her marriage
cannot be fixed before Jupiter dasa. Mars According to,transit, Jupiter will be in
bhukthi, Saturn anthra. i.e., 1T-3-1965. the constellation of Rahu, Arudhra and in
Why? Mars as lord of 7 is conjoined-- the trimc sign to Lagna and Moon, owned
with the delaying planet Saturn. " The' by Mercury, the sub sub period's lord.
reason for the inability of fixing up the Sun will be transiting at 197° in Swathi
marriage will be mostly thefollowing. star governed by Rahu and it will oppose
When Lagna represents the native, 7th Uranus at birth. The-editor has greater
house indicates the partner, the husband. confidence to mention this date, as at the
time when he analysed this chart at Delhi
Mar's and Saturn are in the 12th sign to on 4-8-65 at 12 noon,0 a Wednesday. Moon
.the_7th .house-. It is Pisces—Meena the transits betweenT97 and 198°and the lord
of 11 to the Lagna-Libra at thist inie of As the lord of 7 is in 6, and the lord of
writing the horoscope, should conjoin the Lagna is in 5, he comes from a family,
position of Moon, to give the result. not alfeady closely related, but he comes
Moon gives the urge towrite. Sun offers from a friend's family. Saturn in Jupiter's
the fruit. sign showsthat it is a delayed one, but not
When the lord of 7 conjoins this degree Uranus in the 7th house brings about
197, the marriage will be fixed, i.e., when
Mars transits 197°, i.e., around 6-9-65 the marriage suddenly. When Jupiter
and marriage will take place when Mars ' nears Fortuna she is fortunate on 3-11-65.
by transit forms good aspect toils original Good Luck I
pdSition. K. S. K.
The horoscope is as under Your Lagna has fallen in the sign
Scorpio. Its ruler is Mars. It is not in
6 or S or 12. It is not. weak: whereas
Sud Mercury Jupiter Kethu Mars, the fiery planet the fiery sign
20.29 8.56 .15.32 3-31 Leo-Simha and is strong. Further, accor-
Neptune ding to Hindus, Mars by its 4th aspect,
11.44 aspects the Lagna. Hence Lagna is strong.
Sot. 15.2
Fortuna .Moreover Lagna is not occupied, by any
24-57 malefic: nor aspected by any: but it is
Mars improved by the favourable aspect of the
24.12 benefic Jupiter.
Since the Lagna is at 0° 38', no planet
gets changed its bhava, in the Bhava
chakram or chabeth as it is termed in
N.orth India, or in the Houses, as Wester-
ners call it.
Jupiter, Mercury,
Rahu Moon It clearly shows that one does noLrelish
subordination, but one is prepared to take
chances, be bold and pushful and try to
Fortuna 'v Lagn'a - come out successful in the line chosen.
Thefefore Mars or planets in the constel-
Navamsam lation of, or sub of Mars, gives courage
and confidence.
Sun Secondly business indicates that the
f Veous, native cannot have a steady income, a
I Kethu, regulated increase is one's earnings 'etc.
f Saturn, Neptune It is, anyhow, a speculation. Normally
■ Mara, one who makes money by selling perisha-"
- f UranuS bles suddenly incurs loss due to unforeseen
At the time of birth, balance -of circumstances and the havoc due to
Kethu ddsa was 1 year and 10 months. natural causes, like rain, thereby breaches,
no communication and transport and the
by H. S. whole goods get spoiled and perish. He
L. B. Nagar. who boefks ice bars, who deals in fruits, .
Dear Sir, flowers etc., has to incur loss. How can
Yoii are now running Rahu dasa, Rahu he anticipate ? Does it not affect his
income and capital ? So where is steadi-
bhukti up to 15-10-1965 and then Jupiter ness in business? Take the case of share
sub period for 2 years 4 months and 24 brokers ? What chance have they to take
_days. if they are jobbers. Hence business is
Let us first consider whether your lagna one, in which one will have either fortune
is strong .and unafflicted,.Or whether we or misfortune or one following the other.
have to take Moon sign as the stronger ; -One may call it as an independant busi-
one. ness. No. A servant has a steady income
and if he pleases one or two souls, it is promise continuous and Satisfactory gains
enough. He draws his salary; he has his in business.
regular increment etc. But in business, One may possess very good knowledge.
one has to depend on (a) the'suppliers, One may have decades of vast experience.
(b) the stores without any damage, (c) the One can speak on the platform how a
customers, (d) the tax department business is to be done : a big project is to
officials, (e) the fluctuation in^the market, be launched etc. This is what Goddess
etc. Indeed, he depends entirely on his Saraswathi, Goddess of Wisdom has sanc-
Fate arid only these people can endorse"^ tionad him. But, in business, he will be a
that the attempts are ours but the results failure as Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess of
are entirely in the hands of God, which Wealth, has not shown Her mercy in his
is nothing but the fruit of the past case. As Venus represents Goddess
Karma. Lakshmi, those who have (a) Venus well
Hence business indicates speculative posited; in the horos cope, (b) Venus in .
income. A business man can thrive when any manner.connected with houses 2, 6, 10
the 2nd and the 11th houses are not or 11, (c) Venus forming good aspect with
afflicted. lords of 2, 6,10 or 11 or planets occupying
2, 6, 10 or 11, will surely have grand
Planets occupying earthy signs are more success; immense gains, socialsuccess,
favourable than those in other signs. popularity during the conjoined period of
The same business will be continued if Venus or the planets in Venusconstellation
the planet which rules the- following and the planet with which Venus has
periods are not placed in 6, 8 or 12 to the harmonious aspect.
running period and they are not in a
movable sign-Chara rasi. But if they are One can make money by fair means and
in common sign-Ubhaya rasi,- he or she one-can have overdraft facilities, banker's
may take up another business also and assistance,, customer's co-operation and
concentrate more on.the business taken no penalty from any department, if the
up without severing connection with1 the strongest benefic Jupiter forms a favour-'
original, ' able aspect with planets in, or planets
owning the houses 2 or 6 or 10 or 11.
If the planets in 6 or 8 or 12 were to
occupy a fixed . sign, it threatens loss, By other means also one can hoard
difficulties, disharmony, depression, money if Saturn is well posited and it
danger in business and he will neither forms.beneficial aspects with planets occu-
change his business, or add anything else ~ pying or ruling the houses 2 or 6 or 10
to the original one. or 11.
Good aspect between' If one has -a beneficial aspect from
1 Venus to Jupiter and a bad aspect from
(a) lord of 2 and lord of 10, Venus to Mercury, then, he may gain
.(b) lord of 2 and lord.of 6, money as an advocate, in his so-called in-
(c) lord of 2 and lord of 11, dependent business and lose money in any
business. Larger income is promised
(d) lord of 6 and lord of 11, during the conjoined periods of Venus as
and bad aspect among well as the planets in Venus constellation -
and Jupiter or the planets in Jupiter's
(c) lord of 8 and.lord of 4, star. But during the conjoined period of
(f) lord of 8 and lord of 12, Venus and Mercury, one is threatened of
the loss.
(g) lord of 8 and lord of 5,
and If in one's horoscope, the lords of 2,
6, 10 and 11 do not receive beneficial
(h)' lord of 12 and lord of 5, aspects but there are many adverse aspects.
he can be a servant and never biTin any Fortuna-received bad aspect from Jupiter
business. (for teaching). Mars (for machine) Mer-
Very big organisation, industry, business cury (for letters). Therefore if Jupiter
forms bad aspect, any- capital that you
etc., can be ably tackled, managed and lay-out will be a surplus. .Venus forming
bandied by those in whose charts the slow bad aspect threatens disagreement' with
moving planets, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn' partners and the.relationship between the,
and Neptune form agreeable aspects. customers and himself will not be cordial
Generally, favourable aspects between and encouraging. Mercury's bad aspect
Moon or Sun and Saturn are advantageous to Fortutia promises bad reputation,
to board up money. wrong accounting, penalty and pressure
from the creditors and the bank at wrong
tdercury is auspicious to give varieties moments. Mars forming bad aspect
of business. Also one can be a successful threatens loss by extravagance, theft, fire
businessman by advertisement or be a accident etc. Moon forming bad aspect
good salesman. For those,. Mercury causes persistent misfortune and loss by
forms good aspect; whether he advertises unpopularity whereas Sun throws -
or not, he will become popular. Biit bad obstacles; licence will not be sanctioned,
aspect to Mercury can bring ill-repute, in time. The officials may not be well
loss by publicity, etc, disposed.
Fortuna in 2 or 6 or 1Q or 11 is said to Thus considering the above points, I am
be very lucky bringing Fortuna to the sure, that you will start a business, with
native through his business. mostly 3 partners, in shipping, export,
Select such a profession, as is indicated imports, communication, transport etc.
by the planet which forms benefiqial as- from 4-11-1965.
pects with Fortuna. Saturn's bad aspect You will make all arrangements.. 30th
to Fortuna ends in a loss-Jupiter's bad July must pass and Sun's conjunction
aspect to Fortuna shows .that the profit is with Saturn must be over. From 9th
less, but there can be loss as the lay-out August when Sun conjoins Fortuna, it will,
capitafis.much more and the turn-over is' have a favourable turn.
comparatively less- A gentleman purchased
40 typewriters and suspended a beautiful You will have rich financiers. You will
costly sign-board outside, displaying receive substantial'and solid support from
" Typewriting ' Institute Only ten rich financiers from 9-9-65 when Sun icon-
students joined. In his. horoscope his joins Mars who is lord of. 6.


" KRTSHNAMURTI PADDATHI" is under print. It will be released on.Sunday
2—1 —1966. It is of two volumes and each will be around 400 pages. The cost-of both
volumes is Rs. 25/- (Postage Free). As only a few copies are printed those who do not 1
want to be disappointed please remit Rs. 25/-in advance and give clear address. If one
cannot afford to pay Rs. 25/- in one instalment one may send every month Rs. 5/- only
for six months.
It is advisable to enrol your name for the copy early.
Contents of the book will appear in the next issue.
Any one who studies these two volumes, needs no other book to master this
science. One can predict correctly With confidence and courage and finally understand
that all the readings are fulfilled. ~
(FOUNDED: 1-4-1963)
(AstnofCfMY MA»E EASY)
Phone: 4 2 4 4 9

Jyotblsha Marthand
J3. Brahmin Street, Saidapet

.VOL. 3 OCTOBER 1965 No. 10

Overseas—When ? 10
Horary—Promotion —When 12
Can X out a figure in the world ? ... 13
Houses and their significance 15-
Success in Examination 20
Litigation and Success—When? 23
Good news to Readers 24
Tour Programme of the Editor 24
Hora and its use—(Contd.) ... - 25
Letter .to the Editor 29
Casting a correct Chart 30
How to use Sidereal Time 35
Rectification of Birth Time 37
Daily Guide 40
Position of planets 45
October 1965—Ephemeris 47
Monthly Predicdon 49
i Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Saturn is
zodiac. It is also 30° in longitude. It strong in this sign and the qualities ascri-
extends from "300th degree from the bed to this sign agree with those of
Vernal Equinox (Aries 0°—Mesha Q") to Uranus.
i:330°. Sun will be in its northern course. In a few centuries, roughly in 475 years,
The Nakshathras or asterisms or stars the Vernal equinox (the point of inter-
or constellations, Dhanishta later half, section of the ecliptic and the celestial
Sathabhisha, Poorvapathra 1st, 2nd and Equator) will retrograde by 30° to the
.3rd padas (quarters) art contained in this fixed Zodiac and hence it will enter
sign, Aquarius—Kumbha. Aquarius. The characteristics, advance-
According to Sayana system, the Sun, ment in Science and the spirit of the
nowadays, enters Aquarius on or around people, then, will be less prejudiced-to-
21st January and leaves Aquarius on or wards astrology and astrologers as they
around 19th February. The sun remains will be open minded, and will give their
correct and frank opinion, unlike most
in this sign for a period, less than 30 of the people in this age who consult
days, and so, the Sun moves daily astrologers stealthily, either paying visit
approximately 1° 0' 54" to 1° 0' 16". In personally to the astrologer's residence at
the horoscopes erected according to late hours in the night or sending their
Sayana System, for people born during subordinates to consult their horoscopes.
this time of the year will be shown in the Now the Vernal Equinox -is in 6° 44' in
sign Aquarius. Pisces (Nirayana), i.e., in Saturn's star and
But. according to Nirayana system, Mercury sub. Therefore, forgery,
throughout Kaliyuga, the Sun will enter untruth, ' hypocrisy, black-marketing,
Aquarius on 13th February and leave it double and treble accounts, cheating,
on 12th March any year. It will pass deception, smuggling, hoarding, etc., will
through the 21 constellations (second half be quite common. Hence one should not
of Dhanishta, Sathabhisha and the first give credence to anybody's opinion in this
three-fourths of Poorvapathrapada). If age- They will preach something whereas
the charts are erected for people born on they will practise those which they forbid.
any of the dates in this time of any year, Aquarius is symbolised with one pour-
Sun will be shown in Aquarius. ing out water from a vessel. The
Kumbha—Aquarius is the 1. th sign of Hebrews called Aquarius " Delphi "
the zodiac. Saturn owns two houses meaning "water container.". Aquarius is
Capricorn and Aquarius. This is the an airy sign with high humidity. It
second sign governed by Saturn. Before represents mostly the rain from the air,
the discovery of Uranus (Herschel) both as the air enveloping the earth evaporates
the Hindu sages and the western astro- the water on the earth, holds it in the air,
logers allotted this house to Saturn. forms clouds and pours as rain. In the
After the discovery of Herschel, the human system, Aquarius is the distributor
Western Savants allotted Aquarius .to of water and gas. It helps recovery from
Uranus—probably, the astrologers' are to the sinking life and rejuvination, with
act as the Directorate of Estates. satisfactory strength, just like the perish-
No planet enjoys exaltation in this ing plants (say grass, etc.) again regain
sign : nor does any planet suffer debili- life and we are delighted.
tation. But this sign is a friendly one to Aquarius is called an airy, fixed-sthira,
Mercury and Venus, where it is said to be moist, positive, human and voice sign.
the enemy's camp for the 4 other planets It is of short ascension.
Physical Features: Though this sign . alright. Even in dress, they do not dress like
is of short ascension, yet people born in others. They have their own individuality,
Aquarius are tall with full stature. They mannerism, pecularity and speciality.
are strong. Face will be oval; com- They have intuition: inelination towards
pletion will be fair : appearance-hand- science. Aquarius being a fixed sign, the
some ; Of the 12 signs, the signs of Venus natives are very constant in their friend-
and Aquarius produce beautiful children. ship. They always stick on to any
Teeth may be defective. The hair has a principle. They arc usually persistent in
brown shade. There may be a mole or all their undertakings and they succeed
scar in the calf muscle. in the long run. So they are best fitted
for research work. They are very strong
Characteristics:' Aquarius is an airy in their likes and dislikes. They will go
sign : so, the aquarians will be intelligent. ahead to do anything for their good
One cannot fool them by flattery and serve friends whereas one cannot bring pressure
his purpose. They can read the character on them and have anything done, if they
of others and they can find the motives of do not agree to the principle. They are
others. Saturn ruling the airy sign shows stubborn but not. fool-hardy. This house
that they consider the merits and demerits is the House of 1 Kama'. Generally
of every case purposely slowly, so that 'Kama' means pleasure and pleasant
they can observe what others do, watch union. But the real meaning of ' Kama'
and see the results, and then they act. is 'desire'. In the four Dharma artha
Though they are intelligent, they are a bit Kama, Moksha Furusharthas, Aquarius
slow in grasping and absorbing fresh denotes ' Kama'.
ideas, but they never forget as they have
good retentive power. Leo-Simha, the fith sign of the zodiac
Being the eleventh sign of the zodiac, has to indicate pleasure pursuits for
they have a broad outlook, human under- worldly life—Ikha-Loka-Sukha. But Para
standing, are outspoken, unselfish, Loka Sadhana being opposite to worldly
humane and impersonal. Though they pleasures, the kama sign for Para Loka
are very social, yet tfiey select friends and Sadhana Aquarius is one which opposes
they are silent workers in any society or the Ikha Loka Sukha pleasure sign, Leo-
club. They always make efforts to bring Simha.
about harmony and they change any So Aquarius shows that the Aquarius
condition which is either undesirable or have a desire to learn physic subjects.
unhealthy or detrimental for further prog- They develop intuition and inspiration.
ress. Hence they are not ridiculed They prefer secluded and unfrequented
whereas they are above reproach. So, places. They have deep meditation and
they allow others ' to bell the cat' which is good concentration. It is no wonder that
the result of airy Saturn. they become ascetics at least at a time
. Uranus being the other owner of this when they can leave this world. They do
sign, show not only they are shrewd, clear not preach to others: but they always
headed, quick-witted and wide-awake but practise. They are called " Mounis" ;
they have also the desire to improve and they observe fast, penance, etc. They
raise the mental standard of all. They develop their mental will. Aquarius
are always faraheadin fresh ideas, new prefer sociology as a special science.
thoughts, new approach to problems, Jupiter, the fortunate planet, owning
improved design for living, etc. They the houses 2 and 11, generally blesses the
have their own way of thinking; they use native with good family and satisfactory
their own discretion. They always origi- bank position.
nate new ideas. It is not uncommon they
act in a way which shows that the laws are Mars, ruling the 3rd and 10th houses,
not intended for them. They will not gives the inclination to study, to do
hesitate , to do any unusual or irregular research, to be bold and courageous and
thing, if they consider it to be morally finally to attain name, fame and reputation
through ultimate success. Venus ruling the living in malarial-infected areas. One
houses 4 and 9, shows attachment to both should not overtax one-self. One should
the parents, higher education, etc. It take rest then and there. As Aquarius is
favours research, overseas, etc. the 11th sign of the zodiac, one's ankle or
[They will enjoy the fruits of life in this limb may be affected. One should guard
world. As Jupiter rules 2 and 11 and against varicose veins. The heart may
Venus governs 4 and 9, and because cause trouble; it may be rheumatic or
Poorvashada is governed by Venus in there may be blood pressure. The legs
Jupiter's sign, generally people born in may swell. Afflicted Venus causes skin
Aquarius will be fortunate during the disease, eczema, etc. One may suffer
pcriqd of the planet occupying Poorva- from eye trouble. Moon causes dropsy.
shada at the time of birth, through the Planets in Dhaoishta threatens high fever,
source indicated by the occupant.] malaria, filaria, elephantiasis, high blood
pressure, fracture, etc.
Mercury ruling the 8th house and Moon Planets in Satbabhisha cause poor
the 6th house show that the Aquarius digestion due to sedentary life. They
have always food for thought, and will be suffer from constipation. Blood pressure,
ever contemplating, planning and sche- insomnia are also common ailments.
ming. If they are afflicted, they have
the tendency to breed melancholy and be Planets in Poorvapathrapada produce
recluses; they arc strong pessimists- dropsy, irregularity of the circulative
Characteristics to be corrected : If system, elephantiasis, eczema, skin trouble
either the ascendant or Saturn, the lord of due' to poor circulation of the blood,
the ascendant, is afflicted by the adverse ulcerated gums, mottled enamel, etc.
aspect from any planet, - Bhadhaka-Sthana to fixed signs is the
(a) the Dative will be lazy and 9th sign counted from it. Hence Libra is
lethargic, and. hence he should the 9th sign to Aquarius. Venus rules the
cultivate activity, promptness, 9tb house. So be is a Bhadhaka-Sthana
etc.—; Adbipathi. As Venus is a benefic by
nature and beaefic owning the bouses 1,
(b) he should avoid solitude; 4, 7 or 10 are termed as Kendhra adhi-
(c) he should not be worried and pathi and considered to be evil as they
gloomy; affect one's ^longevity, Venus becomes a
(d) he should not be a pessimist; malefic as regards longevity alone of
(c) he should be pushful and
alert; Lords of 2 and 7 are maraka sthana
adhipathis. Hence Jupiter and Sun are
(f) he should not be very rigid the owners of 2 and 7 houses respectively.
towards those whom the Aquarius
dislike. Therefore Moon, as lord of 6, causes
disease during its period and the common
Health: As Aquarius opposes the ailment for Aquarians is indicated by
sign of Sun, the Aquarius are subscepti- Moon. One will recover from these
ble to infectious diseases. If on? feels diseases. But that which will be caused
fatigue on little exertion, one should at by Jupiter, Sun, Mercury (as lord of 8)
once consult intelligent and capable and Venus in their conjoined period or
physician. Tooth trouble and tonsils sub period will be fatal. According to
may cause troubles—Saturn being a cold Krishnamurti Padhdhati, planets in
planet and Aquarius being an airy sign, Uthrapalguni, Visakha and Poorvashada
they will not have satisfactory circulation ; will affect the health of the native.
they cannot withstand cold weather and
they have to warm up the limbs and foot. Finance and fortune: Generally aqua-
They should attend immediately after any rians make money through modern
injury or abrasions. They should avoid machineries, inventions and discoveries.
They do not believe in earning money control and deal in selling the goods for
then and there for the work done. But contraceptive practice. Very old stuff,
they may remain for a long period, be especially wine, will be dealt with if Venus
patiently working and after finding out occupies meridian. One will prosper as
some development and novel ones, they a social worker or an internal decorative
will make money after using their talent. artist.
Never will they seek for honour, but it Uranus, forming harmonious aspect
comes to them. Money, they consider, is with the Cusps 2, 6 or 10 or planets in
needed for this worldly life. They are these houses, indicates that one may be a
neither economical nor liberal nor extra- research scholar or may work in Research
vagant. They have the talent and also Institutes, or railways, public service, may
ambition. They are both fortunate and be a mechanic, technician in the electri-
unfortunate. city department wireless stations or elec-
Jupiter which governs the second house tronics, salesman, traveller, astrologer,
indicates that one can be a Scientist! one engineer, or dealers in electrical
may be in the administrative department goods.
of a large scale industry or may be the Neptune shows that one may work in
director of public limited companies, or submarine, mine, secret service, intelli-
may be a lecturer, a metaphysician or gent department,'may be a fifth colum-
psychologist or astrologer or may be nist, seaman, Captain of a ship, salt
working in legal, Snance, education or dealer,etc.
religious endowment boards. One may
be a contractor of mine ores or deal in Domestic environments : As Aquarians
shipping and export. are very social, they keep the home1
Moon, lord of 6, indicates that one clean and tidy so that they can entertain
may have the practice of medicine, social friends frequently. The home will be
well furnished. There may be a collection
service, shipping, may be a sailor, subma- of antiques, arranged in modern fashion.
rine, pumpsets dealer, kerosene dealer, Aquarians never hesitate to purchase
export and import businessman or may be ultra modern electric appliances for the
dealing in any liquid. convenience of the workers at home. It
Mars, the lord of 10, shows that one gives a pleasure to possess them yet
may deal in metals, insurance, .chemicals, more- pleasure is enjoyed by demonstra-
mechanical engineering, building construc- ting them to the visitors. They give up
tion, mine ores, may be a brick kiln the traditional and old cumbersome,
owner, boiler manu facturer, cement dealer, troublesome methods—But they adopt all
surveyor, surgeon who does post-mortem, modern ones to save, time and trouble.
murderer, butcher, barber, dealer in lead, There is quality in Aquarius only in this
copper and steel, or C.I.D. Officers, respect; that is they prefer solitude and
also society. These people are more
Mercury, forming good aspect with the dutiful to their relatives.' Neither they
cusps, 2 or 6 or 10, produces booksellers, arc very much attached nor detached.
printers, accountants, registrars, inter-
preters, postmen, experts in handwriting Friends and benefactors: Aquarius is
and thumb-impression C.I.D. Inspectors, the llth sign of the Zodiac. The 11th
astronomers, astrologers, etc. house to Aquarius is governed by Jupiter.
Hence Aquarians are always lively with
Venus forming good aspect with the good humour, high spirits and cheer.
cusps, 2 or 6 or 10 shows that one maybe They want many friends. Jupiter gives
a poet or a painter or a musician one them most reliable, true, sincere and good
may deal in hats, shoes, purses, handbags, friends. With some of them the aquarians
or chowries. One may be a barber or will be somewhat reserved. Such friends
dealer in blades, dealer in medicines for may mistake that aquarians appear to be
the cure of cczcma, skin disease or. birth unapproachable and cold. But aquarians
Bo not find fault with others; they take hand, if the partner can satisfy them, they
everything easy even when they are not will co-operate most willingly with the
' properly treated. Aquarius are good husbands, share. their responsibilities,
partners in business and harmonious duties and work. They will assist the
husbands contributing for happy life. They husband in his work also.
have great desire to study the character Hence Gemini and Libra-boms are
and behaviour of their friends. They arc
very true to their friends even though a best suited to Aquarians. The partners
few of. them may either by selfish or should know that the drawback of Aqua-
cheats. They realise that too much of rians in marriage is their impersonality.
intimacy will lead to contempt. Therefore They may appear as though they lack
they arc mostly quiet an unassuming which interest to such wives who are selfish and
will help to gain a large number of friends who expect the husband to pay all atten-
and make the home life, pleasant. tion to them and spend all the time with
them. How will it be possible for intelli-
Romance and Marriage : As Aquarians gent people whoever think and think and
arc intelligent, they always prefer educated carry on research on science, etc. ?
and equally intelligent partner. As they
have strong attachment and also permanent Children : The Aquarians do not pose
one, and as they are unassuming, they do that they are aged, they should be respec-
not have loss over the partner. ted, they should behave like a strict
teacher, etc. But they treat the children
They move with all very freely but yet as though they are grown-up individuals.
they prefer those who are equally social, What is the result? Children not only
shrewd and studious. Slowly and without have the greatest affection, but also pay
assigning any reason, they will discontinue more respect to the parents. The children
the friendship and love with one if the are given training in intelligent and novel
person does not come up to the standard, methods which contribute for their courage
they expect. * and confidence. Aquarians have a store of
stories and by narrating them to their
They do not give expression to their children coping with the childish ways,
love. If the lovers are passionate, they they educate them. They encourage the
will not be satisfied as Aquarians may children to give their ideas and encourage
appear to be cold. Rather, they will be their aptitudes, hobby, etc. By so doing,
so mistaken. the Aquarians judge their children: tell
them what is good and what is bad. They
Houses 2, 7 and 11 indicate partner in rectify them and make them versatile,
life. Hence the partners will be governed active and clever.
by Jupiter or Sun.
Houses 2, 5, 11 denote children. There-
Therefore the partners will be law- fore Jupiter and Mercury are the signifi-
abiding, true, honest and sincere. They cators. It is evident that they will be
are magnanimous and noble. They are journalists, information officers, Mathe-
dutiful. maticians, propagandists, etc.
But those, marrying Aquarians, find Lucky days: Thursdays, Fridays,
that these people are very human, kind, Tuesdays and Mondays are most fortunate
sympathetic and accommodative. Theyare days. Wednesdays and Sundays are un-
generous and gracious. They care for fortunate days. Saturdays offer mixed
harmony and happiness- results, mostly loss. Speculate on Tues-
The aquarian wives are unconventional. days and Thursdays. Compete with any
If they find that the partners are not on Tuesdays and Mondays. Prefer Fridays
measuring up to their desired standards, for entering a college or going overseas.
they never hesitate to satisfy themselves by Avoid Saturdays for purchases and
changing the partners. But, on the other investment.
Never' speculate on Wednesdays and dealers in fish, hunter, washerman, distiller,
Sundays. snarer, fowler, etc.
Lucky Colour : Yellow, ted, white and Poorvapathra pada constellation; ferry,
cream are lucky colours. bridge. Hydro-electric power, robbers,
Avoid orange, green and blue. cowherds, murderers low class people,
irreligious, inconventional people, able
Yellow colour indicates increase in lawyers, Birth and Death Registrar,
income, satisfactory bank position, happy Lecturer.
family life. Places indicated by Aquarius: Hilly and
Red~Victory over enemies—reputa- uneven places where streams flow, places
tion—success. near springs, the caves and the edge of the
While—Good domestic environments, roofs, quarries, mines of ores, any place
pleasure, success in educa- recently excavated, trenches, tunnels,
tion—success in dealing windows, places where radio sets, transis-
with foreigners. tors, television sets, tape records, tele-
phones, etc., are kept, ladders, stairways,
Cream—Overdraft facility, win in etc.
election, victory over
enemies. Products indicated by Aquarius:
Avoid Orange—threatens opposition. Buckets, cups, ferries bridges, automobiles,
railways, bus, airplanes, gas, electric
Avoid Green—loss in litigation, motors, dynamos, all electric equipments
trouble, danger. especially fan, radio, phone, etc., Hydro-
Avoid Blue—unexpected loss, trea- electric power house, garage, battery, wool,
chery, etc. fiedce, hair.
Lucky numbers: Countries and Cities : Arabia, Abyssi-
3, 12, 21, 30, 48, 57 and so on nia, Prussia, Red Russia, Circassia, Lithu-
9, 18 , 27 , 36 , 45 , 54 vania, Poland, Tartary, Sweden, West
Phalia, Ursbcck, \ValIachia, Piedmont,
6, 15, 24, 33, 42,-51 Azania, mainly Russia.
2,11, 20,38, 47, 56 Trent, Ingold stadt, saltzburg, Bremen,
7,16, 25 , 34,43 , 52 Hamburg, Brighton, Salisbury.
Avoid: [As India , is signified by Capricorn,
1, 10, 28, 37, 46, 55' Aquarius shows the financial position of
4,13,22,31, 40,58 India and whenever Aquarius receives1
5,14, 23 , 32, 41,50 good aspect or lunation falls in this bouse
8, 17,26,35, 44, 53 „ . receiving favourable aspect from' Jupiter,
it will be a prosperous time for Indian
Persons and objects indicated by stocks and shares.]
Aquarians 'Dhanista constellation in Whom to Pray: Aquarians will find
Aquarians indicates devotees of Yenkates- much of obstacles, as lord of 5 is also
wara, defence department, industry, lord of 8. Aquarian wives' prayers will
wholesale business, dealers in metals, bring fortune to her through husband, as
surgeons, automobile, charitable, lich and Mercury who owns the houses 5 and 8,
social persons. happens to be 2 and 11 to the 7th house.
Sathabhisha constellation indicates wool, Lord Venkateswara, Balaji, lyyappa,
fleece, silk, hession all electric appliances, Sastha, and Sundarakanda Parayana are
dynamos, railway, bus, aquatic products, advantageous.


Sir, At the time of birth, the balance of Sun

Dasa was 2 years 19 days.
When the manager of your Institute
Mr. K. Ganapati who contributes articles Jupiter Dasa, Mercury Bhutti started on
in your valuable magazine visited Delhi 25-4-1965.
in 1962, I consulted him. He told me Your horoscope shows that Saturn was
that I would go overseas in October 1965, just rising in the cast at the time of your
when I will be running Jupiter Dasa, birth and your lagna is afflicted by
Mercury Bhukti, What do you say? Do Saturn,the lord of6 and the lord of Lagna
you agree with him ? The chart is given occupies 12th sign.
below :
D. R. MANI. But Moon sign is not afflicted. So one
W, E. A. N. D. 5. has to take Moon sign and offer predic-
31-7-65 tion taking Rishaba as the first house.
House 3 indicates short journey. 9th
house shows journey to a distant place
Moon for a long duration. House 12 denotes
life in a foreign place. 7th house signi-
fies that one will break journey on his
VfimiS, way.
Kethu Sun,
There is no planet in the 9th house. It
Rasi — is owned by Saturn. Now one is to note
whether there' is any node in Saturn's
Mercury, sign, because the nodes offer the results of
Rahu the house more strongly than the lord of
the house. Kethu is in Aquarius—not in
the 9th house—but in a sign owned by
Saturn Saturn, the lord of 9. Hence Kethu is to
be taken as though it is the lord of the
9th Bhava and hence planets in the cons-
tellation of Kethu will give the chances to
go overseas.
| Mercury
Kethu governs the stars, Aswini,
Makam and Moolam. Only Mercury is
in Makam constellation.
Saturn 12th house is owned by Mars. No
S'avamsa planet occupies any of the 3 stars of Mars,
Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhani;hla.
7th house is also owned by Mars.
Mars indicates that, while making tours,
you will break your journey. As it is
Sun, ] Venus, conjoined with Venus, you will alight in
Mare ' Rahu various places for sightseeing. As Mars
and Venus occupy Moon's sign," you will
prefer the night, to go round the various Kethu promising overseas) will give such
towns -where you'get down. results in the period of the planets in the
constellation of Rahu. Jupiter is in the
Jupiter is aspected by the lord of 7 and star swathi, ruled by Rahu. Jupiter is a
12. Jupiter aspects the 12th house. Jupi- significator. Therefore during Jupiter Dasa
ter is in the constellation of an evil planet Mercury Bhulcti, Kethu Anthra and
in the 4th house counted from Moon sign- during Jupiter Dasa Kethu Bhukti Mer-
.Rabu. Evils in the 4th house generally cury Anthra, travel overseas is promised,
indicate change of residence, car, furni- Therefore, for the first time, you will go
ture, etc., or about their disposal. Male- on a long journey before 8-10-1965,
fics in 4 also bring about change of place. mostly on 20-9-65 on a Punarvasu star
Hence Rahu which is conjoined with day. The next period will be in June,
Mercury (the planet in the constellation of July 1968.
which is governed by Venus who rules the
I mention the number '44' for you'to 3rd house and the 10th house.. Therefore
kindly discuss and predict whether any Moon denotes that your query refers to
promotion is promised to me and if so. the matters indicated by the 3rd and 10th
when ? houses, i.e., Promotion and also change
K. P. Raochi. in the nature of work and any transfer.
Success or failure is indicated by the
planets which occupy the 2nd, 6lh, 10th
houses signifying profession and the 11th
house shows whether your desire will be
Mars, as a benefic to you, occupying
the second house, is auspicious to give a
promotion. Jupiter occupying Mrigasi-
aicrc. 4* IS" risha, one of the stars governed by Mars,
20*0' promises success and satisfaction.
Lngiiu fl23*20'
iO' 6th house, owned by Saturn, is in the
Venna 7th sign and 6th Bhava. It is retrograde.
If shows that it is not helpful and no
I Neptune Mars planet is in Pushya or Anuradha or Uthra-
24° V 29° 48' pathra so that it can throw obstacle and
deny you. . Hence there is no disappoint-
ment, You need not feel despondent.
'weptunc' lOlh house is occupied by Jupiter. It
is in the constellation oflhr occupant of
the second house. It is auspicious. Only
Saturn is in the constellation of Jupiter.
Then Mercury, the lord of 2, is in 12lh
Bhava indicating that there will be change
of place and transfer-
Saturn, the lord of 6, is not beneficial
Venus, the.lord of 10, being exactly in the
Lagna, promises that you are fortunate.
inom -Uranus, | So you will be promoted.
When ?
Venus, the lord of 10, has to transit the
position of Moon. Therefore on
The above is the horoscope erected for 19-11-1965 you have to be promoted.
the time of query and the No, 44,' But Saturn opposes the Lagna and aspects
shows that the Lagna falls in Poorvapal- Venus., Therefore that chance which
guni star 4th quarter i.e., between 23' 20' conies on 19-11-65 will slip out. Later,
Leo and 26° 40* Leo. when the lord of Lagna who is in the
constellation of lord of 2 and 11, unaspec-
Moon indicates what you have, in your ted and not influenced by Saturn, will
mind, i.e., the urge you have to put give the promotion on 4-1-1966 a Tuesday
a query the nature of the query, etc. when Moon transits in the 10th house,
Moon is the planet which illuminates in the constellation of lord of Lagna Sun.
and indicates that the matters indicated by Hence on 4-1-1966, you will take charge
Venus, in which constellation it was, at of the promoted post.
the time of query. Moon isinPoorvashada' K. S. K.
Sir, I mention No. 83. Please say be occupi .d by the lord of !• or 11. The
whether I will be popular and one day or other airy signs are to be occupied by
other become a world .figure," asked a the lord of ID or 11. The other airy
lady at 6 P.M. on Thursday 19—8—65. signs are to be occupied and aspected
by the lord of 1, the lord of 2 for
The position of the planets for that time speech and the strong benefics Jupiter
is given below : or Venus. Many planets in 4, 5, 6 and 7
is a good augury of grand success in the
| Moon Rahu Jupiter latter part of life.
I 25° 1' 16' M' 29 3r
Either Sun or Moon in 4 receiving good
aspects show that one will be popular till
Saturn R Mercury the end of life. Luckily Saturn is not.-in
21" 55' 26° 37' the tenth house when it shows that the
Number 83 v_ native will rise to an exalted andcovetable
Lagna - Makara " UrBnu3 position and also he or she will have a
pitfall. It is only to suffer the downfall-
Saturn gives rise. Here it is not so.
The lord of 11 in the 10th house is
Kethu Vmni auspicious to rise to a very good position
and realise one's ambition. One can
achieve one's aim. But Mars, the lord of
the 11th house, shows that the person
Lagna is Makara (Capricorn), the tenth will be criticised as there are many jealous
house of the Zodiac. The Lagna itself and envious rivals. They will throw
assures one's name, fame, reputation and aspersions upon the native's character and
honour. honour.
One wilV become popular only when the But Mars receiving good aspect from
houses 10 and 11, are strong and favou- Venus, the lord of 10, and Jupiter promi-
rable. If he were to crush his opponent ses success and honour, in spite of the
he should also be eloquent and possess jealousy of narrow-minded enemies.
reasoning faculties.
Generally people having majority of Mars in Libra gives courage, removes
planets rising in angular signs get catapu- stage-fear, and makes one eloquent and
latedto position of eminence. In the chart ever victorious.
under study, Moon, Mercury and Mars are Mercury, the planet of Speech and
in angular signs. If they happen to be in oratory, gives intuition, correct judgment,
movable signs, they bring the native to
prominence'and he or she will be a promi- and ability to translate one's ideas Sash-
nent figure in his or her own walk in life. ing in the mind into speech and expression.
In the fixed signs the planet promise slow It is helpful only when it is in an angle.
success but it is more enduring. In Actually it is in the 7th house and
common signs, the planets are weak. according to Hindus, it aspects Lagna
(Mars also aspects by the 4th aspect).
Even for eloquence and debate, the Therefore the native will have force of
chara-movable-signs, especially the argument and debate, proper wording,
movable and airy sign Libra-Thulam are to large vocabulary and correct intuition.
Lagna shows the querist. Moon more valued by strangers, outsiders and
(Mathi-the mind) denotes the nature of foreigners expecting jealous rivals.
the query. Moon is in 4; it is in the
constellation of Bharani governed by Therefore, you will be elequent. You
Venus who rules the houses 5 and 10. will come out successful in debate; you
will tour, you will deliver lectures publish
Fourth house shows the condition, rank books, carry out research and will be
position in the latter part of one's life. successful, you will earn a name, honour
Sth house is a speculative one whereas the and reputation.
lOth house indicates profession, honour,
respect, etc. She used the word ' world ' " When can I have the honour,
and Moon occupying Mars sign-Bhoomi does it start?" You may ask.
Karaka and the 4th house agrees with . the
nature of the question. As the 10th 11th house fulfils one's desire. 11th
house indicates honour, houses which are ho use is occupied by Kethu, Aswini, Makaha
evil to the I Oth and those which are and Moolam are the constellations of
favourable, houses 6, 7, 8 and 12 counted Kethu. No planet is in any of the 3 stars.
from a Bhava are detrimental. So Kethu is a ruling planet.
6th is unoccupied. 7th is occupied by Mars is lord of 11. Its stars are
the lord of 7 to the ascendant Capricorn. Mrigasirisha, Chithra and Dhanishta.
Hence your opponents are not in favour Jupiter is in Mrigasirisha and Mars is
of recognising your merits. Rahu is in 8 in Chitra (but Kethu is stronger than
and luckily Venus, a bcnefic owning the Mars) and Dhanishta is not occupied by
10th house is' in 12 to 10 (which on any. Therefore Jupiter is another strong
applying the principle of Ramahujacharya) significator.
in Bhavartha
V Retnakara is beneficial). 11th house is aspected by Saturn.
Which contribute for success is the next Kethu alone is in the constellation of
question. Sun in 11 to 10, Jupiter in 9 to Saturn (Anuradha). No planet is in either
10, Saturn in 5 to 10 and Kethu in 2 to of the other 2 stars Fushya and Uthra-
10 are advantageous. pathra. 1 Therefore Venus (lord of 10)
What about lord of Lagna? What does Dasa, Kethu Bhukti and Jupiter Anthra
he indicate ? Saturn, the lord of Lagna in onwards, your popularity will increase.
Aquarius and retrograde, shows you do As Moon was in 25" 1', Venus Dasa
not follow the tradition. You are uncon- Balance was 2 years 5 months 2J days.
ventional. You are a genius. You are Therefore Mercury Bhukti will run for 1
well fitted for research in electricity, year 3 months and 21 days. Later,
electronics, astrology, social science, Jupiter Anthrain Kethu Bhukti commences
etc. after 7 months and 28 days. Then it
runs for 56 days. In that. Mars sub sub
Saturn in Jupiter's constellation (who will be after 45 days. Hence 9 months 13
is lord of 3 and 12, who is in the 6th sign days after Kethu Bhukti. starts you will
and Sth Bhava) indicates that you will be be honoured. So on or around 23-9-1967
making frequent short tours, give speeches, you will consider that you are one of the
preach and publish, books which will be world figures, in your sphere of life.

The applications applied to the 10th 7 or 10. These four houses are known as
bhava are:— angular or kendra houses in the horo-
Madhya ; Meshurana; scope and are considered to wield great
strength. Planets occupying any of these
Rajaspadada (kingdom); are said to be endowed with full expressive
Vyapara (commerce, trade, business); power to do what they indicate by nature
Aspada (rank or position); as well as by lordship of houses in the
Keerti (fame); chart. Houses 2, S, 8 and 11 are called
Mana (honour); succedent or panaphar? houses and
planets herein are not so powerful as those
Agya ; Ajna (command); in angular or, kendra houses but possess
Artha (wealth); moderate strength. The weakest of all in
Gnana (wisdom) ; influence are the 3, 6th, 9th and 12th
Karma (occupation); houses are termed cadent or apoklima
Jeevana (livelihood); ■ houses. A planet placed in a cadent
house is supposed to have the ■ least
Kriya (work); expressive power. One may. Cor instance,
Jaya (success); lack suitable opportunities at needed
Sat (good); times, no matter jvhat may be his merit
Achara (good conduct) ; or skill. The angular, succedent and
Krityam (sacrifice); cadent houses respectively correspond to
Guna (quality); movable, fixed and common signs of the
iodiac in power and inBuence.
Gamana (gait); The 10th house is described as tbe house
Pravrithi (inclination). - of- lordship, honour, dignity and public
The Midheaven or angle of the south, esteem. It is aptly called the apex of the
whose line or cusp the Sun touches at horoscope, since it denotes man's worldly
midday at noon at every place on the attainments achieved through, name and
Earth is termed the Medium Coeli or the fame, power and prestige, credit and
10th house. Hence it is the chief or conduct, success and status, rank and
supreme angle of the heavens. renown, respect and reputation, and
ambition and authority. One's public life
In astronomical calculations, the 10th and popularity, his worldly standing in
house is a principal feature as all arcs of terms of material responsibility and his
directions to the angles are measured from connection with people in high position
the Right Ascension of the Midheaven ; in should be judged from an examination of
astrological piedictions, it is the most the strength of the 10th house, the
important, being related to all matters occupants of the 10th house and those in
affecting one's name, fame, honour and their constellations (nakshathras), lord of
recognition. tbe 10th house and those in his constella-
tions and the planets conjoined with the
Both western and Hindu astrologers 10th lord and those aspecting the 10th
aver that planets are very powerful when house.. All questions concerning one's
they occupy any of the houses 1 or 4 or worldly activities and moral responsibili-
ties are determined with reference to this service, inspirational writing, singer,
house. musician, artist, etc. Neptune is called
The 10th house presides over preferment the Sea God and so one may have connec-
or one's inclination^ permanency, promo- tions with sea and related industries.
tion, advancement, appointment, etc., and. When Neptune in 10 is well dignified, it
shows how one acquires superiority or portrays a highly inspirational nature
affluence—whether by being engaged in making the native capable of attaining
independent pursuits or business or in honour and position through some unique
professional service, or by occupying an achievement. It threatens danger to the
exalted elective office or appointment. life of one of the parents. Unfavourable
aspects to Neptune denote disgrace, dis-
The chief influence of the 10th house is credit and scandal, deserved or otherwise.
profession, occupation or business. [One Uranus is said to be independent,
cannot arrive at a judgment in regard to erratic, eccentric, unconventional but
what pursuit one will follow from an original by nature. If it is posited in
examination of the 10th house alone. In 10th and is aspected well, one will origi-
this respect, houses 2, 6 and 10 have to be nate new" plans of work and follow
investigated and studied together. These uncommon pursuits and come out success-
three houses are called the material, trinity ful. If Mercury indicates talent, Uranus
of houses, principally because they corres- denotes genius. Many inventors, refor-
pond to the 2nd, 6th and 10th signs of mers, explorers, astrologers and great
the zodiac which are earthy signs repre- scientists are born with Uranus in 10.
senting material gains.] In day-to-day Uranus rules suddenness and so sudden
life it is not unusual to find people who changes in occupation are indicated.
follow avocations for which they have Being bold, independent and changeful,
neither the requisite aptitude nor the one invites opposition from public and
qualification requtted. Maqy people have Governmental bodies. Uranus afflicted
no choice in choosing their voeatiori. denotes discredit and reverses and extra-
There are others who change their occupa- ordinary experiences in public or profes-
tion several times. Some others carry on sional affairs.
two or more different lines of activity at
the same time. In tlie vast majority of The benevolent Jupiter well connected
cases, one is forced to take to a particular to the 10th house is a definite indication
vocation not because of any interest in it of high honours and favour of those in
or any particular liking but solely for high position. Jupiter being the planet
monetary gain. Mantreswsfra in Pbala- of justice and high morals, one's moral
deepika fittingly uses the expression standard will be high. He will earn
" Pravritti " in connection with, the .10th through right means. This is a very good
house. Pravritti means improvement; testimony for political, social and finan-
Therefore the 10th house may be taken as cial success. Depending on other conside-
designating one's preferment in this rations, it denotes positions such as
respect for improvement. The 6th house judges, trustees, ministers, ambassadors,
shows service, routine monotonous work philosophers, stock brokers, bankers,
and drudgery carried on by one under merchants, etc. It includes all positions
force of circumstances whether he likes or of distinction, trust and responsibility.
not. The 2nd house indicates the out- If afflicted, one may occupy subordinate
come of one's labour in monetary advan- positions in banks, courts, etc. or serve as
tage: self-acquisition. a cashier.
Neptune is a mysterious, secretic and The slow and sluggish Saturn in 10. well
inspirational planet and when it occupies dignified by sign position and""favourably
the 10th house with good aspect from aspected, causes one to rise by slow,
other planets, the native will fit well in steady and patient industry. There is
occupations where secrecy, mystery and however liability, to interruption and
inspiration are employed, such as secret delay. Unless Saturn is strong by sign
'ftni aspect, it inclines to a subordinate tainment matters and with all those busi-
position generally. Affliction to Saturn, nesses where women's needs arc catered
lyings public discredit. The native may for, and success in such professions or
.possess merit but lacks opportunities and occupations is a certainity.
.encoumers impediments in his path. Dull The dignified Sun, situated in the 10th
periods in business and disappointment in house and favourably aspected by others,
professional matters are denoted especi-
filly when Saturn's period or sub period is the surest sign of success, honour,
is in operation. Good and bad aspects to distinction, authority, power, prosperity,
Saturn show a good rise and sudden high patronage and public support. It
fall. assures success in Governmental circles.
One's credit is secure and success is steady
The militant Mars in 10 well dignified in whatever 'profession, occupation or
and well aspccted, gives one energy and business he may be engaged in. Through
enterprise, force and courage and good the favour of superiors one will rise and
executive ability. One will be well quali- occupy positions of tru'.t and responsi-
fied to captain any industry or conduct bility. He will be esteemed by the com-
any business, especially if Mars were in a munity and honoured by election to a high
movable sign. The native succeeds best public office. Sun being a dependable
in tnattian occupations where fire, iron planet, he canbe depended upon to justify
or sharp tools are used in a skilled the confidence reposed in him. One will
manner. Mars being the planet of inex- be honest and upright in dealings and
haustible energy and enterprise will, if possess a good moral standard. Sun
well'fortified, make the native fit in lines rules, among other things, over security
where courage or daring is necessary or of service, medicine and Government. If
where skill is combined with muscular afflicted, one may be pompous and vain-
energy. If Mars is afflicted, one will glorious, may exhibit wealth of power and
exhibit excessive ambition, authority, find difficulty in enlisting favour.
arrogance and aggressiveness and invite
opposition and incur disfavour. The inconstant Moon is said to rule the
general public and so her position in the
If the mutable Mercury happens to be 10th house is a favourable indication for
in 10, success in commission business or public life, but Moon being changeful in
agencies and in trading may be expected. nature several changes in public life are
All mental and occult occupations will be also shown. If aspected well, it brings
fruitfuli Mercury' points to plurality and the person prominently before the public
one may engage himself in several occupa- and ensures their favour but popularity is
tions at a time. One may be a rolling generally- unstable. There is the liability
stone,, changing occupations often. to fluctuation in business, occupation or
Generally, one succeeds in a subordinate profession. Moon indicates changes and
capacity as Mercury is a messenger and voyages and so one may have many chan-
not a master. One may be employed in ges in connection with profession, etc. or
Engineering, Postal, Communication, engaged in professions or occupations
Export, Import, International Trade"or which demand travelling about, especially
connected with any of these as a contrac- if the Moon were in a movable sign.
tor or Supplier. Moon rules public commodities, shipping,
The passive and peaceful Venus, placed travelling and affairs connected with com-
in the 10th with good aspect from other mon people and women and if it is aspec-'
planets, is a sure indication of good will ted well, it connotes success in professions
and patronage among ladies and success concerning these.
in social, artistic or musical pursuits. If afflicted, public scandal and censure
Popularity is acquired more by affable are not ruled out.
and good humoured nature than by merit.
Venus has sway over those occupations The tenth house is termed ' karma-
which deal with artistic, refined and enter- stbana'. It includes doing the last rites
to one's parents, to do religious functions, in matters concerning kingdom, seal of <
yagnas, etc., and to work and make authority, great religious merit, position, >
money. Sometimes it is a coincidence utility and rain and such other things
that, at the very time when one gets pertaining to the sky.
advancement, one also loses-either of the
parents. The ]0th house is the 2nd to the Vaidyanatha Dikshitar mentions that
9th house denoting father and the 7th one will get a clue to one's authority,
house to the 4th indicating mother- honourable rank, ornaments, apparel,
Houses 2 and 7 are marakasthanas . or activities, agriculture, retirement from the
death-inflicting houses and so it is not world, beneficent acts sanctioned in the
unusual that during the period or sub scriptures, means of livelihood, fame,
period of the planets connected with, the knowledge of tho special arts and learning
10th house one advances in business, generally from the 10th bhava, its owner,
profession or occupation and'at the same the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn-
time loses one of the parents. Ramadayulu in Sankctanidhi opens
The 10th house has reference to the that one's occupation, family, happiness,
employer, superior, master in trade or etc., should be deduced from a look at the
profession, judge and the Government. 10thhouse. He further says that one's
meritorious deeds, trade, occupation, live-
Being the 2nd house to the 9th repre- lihood, administrative appointment, happi-
senting father, it is said to govern patri- ness, position, action and sraddhas to
mony or one's inheritance. . The 3th ancestors are to be ascertained from this
house suggests one's unearned income; house. According to him, the two knees
the 4th house is the 8th to the 9th repre- and the back bone of a person are gover-
senting father. Hindus refer to the 4th ned by the 10th house.
house for hereditary income which des-
cends to one from ancestors. By reflex In Satya Samhita, the author inclines
action, the 10th house also governs these. the view that the 10th house has to be
The 10th house is called'Agya' and examined in order to find out one's
rules orders or commands issued. worldly standing, rank -and eminence as
well as association with virtuous people.
The 9th house governs long journeys,
while the 10th is related to pilgrimage to Prityusas, son of Varahamihiri, asserts
lioly places. that all information pertaining to one's
occupation and living and all about one's
In Uttara Kalamritam, Kafidasa eluci- valour, prowess, learning and fame and
dates that all information regarding trade, all seen and heard about a person are to
prosperity, honour from Government, be ascertained through this house.
honourable living, permanence, pre-
eminence, seal of authority, horse riding, In horary questions, this house concerns
athletics, service, sacrifice and the like, the judges, judgment and the. substances
agriculture, doctor, name, fame, deposit- taken away by the thieves (being the 4th
ing a treasure, talisman, morality, medi- to the 7th denoting the thief).
cine, thigh, prosperity, adopted son, The 10th house stands for the stewards
teaching", intellect to command and mant- and their president in the race clubs, the
ras are to be sought for through the 10th aristocracy of the owners of the horses
bhava. and the trainers.
The'- author of Jatakadesamarga avers In Mundane or political astrology, the
that it is through the 10th house that one 10th house deals with Government in a
ought to divine about one's honour, pro- general sense, its affairs and its chief exe-
fession, dignity, position or rank. cutive. It signifies the head of the State,
Bbattotpala has declared in Prasna- whether monarch or President. Also
gnana that the 10th house has to be seen royalty, the party in office, the national
eaders, the upper - strata of society and sions or conveyance of the business or
bose in authority, eminent and distingui- married partner. It rules the speculative
hed_ persons and the aristocracy. It and-pleasurable pursuits of servants and
governs national trade, the nation's hon- their children, being the 5th from the 6th
our, integrity, credit, power and status denoting servants. As the 10th house
among the comity of nations. This house happens to be the 6th house taking the
provides the clue to guess the political 5th as the first, it portrays ill-health to
situation prevailing in the country at any children or the debts incurred by them.
time. Since it is the 7th to the 4th, it refers to
mother's opponents in litigation, election,
The 10th house signifies father's self- etc. Danger to younger brother or sister,
'acquisition being the 2nd reckoned from his or her legacies, etc., are described by
the 9th. It is also the maraka house to the 10th house which is the Sth house
both father and mother ; to father, because "counted from the 3rd. It is the house of
it is in 2 to 9 and to mother because it is loss and secret inimical activities to the
in 7 to 4, Being the 4th counted from elder brother or one's dear friends and
the 7 house, it shows the permanent posses- their hospitalisation.
the houses 6 and 11 also. 4th house from
The following is the horoscope of ray Chandra Lagna is occupied by Rahu. 9 is
son. He is to sit for an examination. vacant. Arudhra, Swathi am, Sathayam
Will he pass in the next November test are the three constellations governed by
.please ? Rahu, Venus and Moon. No planet is in
Swathi and Sathabhisha. 6th house is
ilI iter unoccupied. 11th house is occupied by
KMtau !(Saturn
P - Jupiter and Saturn. It is said that,
whenever Jupiter and Saturn conjoin
together, Saturn offers the results more
strongly than Jupiter. -Therefore note the
planets in Saturn's constellations, Pushyo,
Anuradha and Uthrapathrapada. Mars
and Mercury are in Pushya, None is in
Anuradha and Uthrapathrapada. Mars
and Mercury are also the significators. As
Saturn is lord of 8 and 9, by its natural-
tendency and lordship, it 'threatens that
the native will have some impediments or
other but promises ultimate success though
he may not be successful at the first
attempt. Lord of 4 is-Mcrcury ; Ashlesha,
Jyeshta and Revathi are ruled by Mercury.
Kethu alone is in Revathi.
Therefore Venus and Moon in Arudhra
give satisfactory success. Kethu shows
bis coining out successful in the examina-
tion. But Mars and Mercury denote that he
MarSu would have already appeared and because
Venus Merc. Jupiter, they were in the constellation of Saturn,
Saturn they would have failed to give a pass.
At the time of birth Balance of Rahu Therefore one has to find out the con-
Dasa, 3 years 5 months 10 dajts. joined periods of Kethu, Venus and Moon
Yours sincerely, in the Mahadasa of Saturn which is run-
ning now.
(Sd.) N. R. G-
New DeIhi-3. [N.B. to students: Whenever you take
. Sir, a horoscope, note down as follows:
Lagna is weak as Rahu occupies the (a) Is lagna strong or the Moon
ascendant. Therefore take Moon sign as sign ?
house I. (b) Carefully mark the extent of each
Therefore Gemini Mithuna is the first house," i.e., which sign represents
house. Cancer is second. Leo is third which, house.
and so on.' (c) Find the Lord of the sign in
For considering success in examination, which bouse falls.
houses 4 and 9 are to be scrutinised. If (d) Note in which houses Rahu and
it is a competitive examination", consider Kethu are posited. Sthoola
method of prediction which fails of 4, it indicates one's education, etc. If
miserably is to (a) call a planet the planet in the constellation of the lord
a m al efic or be benefic by n a ture; of 4, or owns 9th or 12lh house, he will be
(b) consider it as a favourable or far away from his native place and then
unfavourable planet by its appear for the examination. If the planet
ownership and occupation, and occupying the constellation of 4 is in 2, 4
(c) offering prediction, without or 10 he will remain in his own place and
calculating the exact longitudinal sit for examination. If the planet is lord
distance between one planet and of 3 he makes a short trip and in the
and the other but saying that the neighbouring place he will appear for the
sub-lord is in the 6lh, 8th, 12th test. This is one aspect of KRISHNA-
sign to dasanatha and hence ini- MURTI PADDHATI.
mical, or by declaring that the
sublord .is in 3 or 5 or 9 or 11 Your son had a balance of 3 years 5
to dasanatha or in a kendhra to months and 10 days in Rahu Dasa. There-
it and so on. fore he finished Guru Dasa (Jupiter) when
he completed 19 years 3 months and 10
But Sookshma method of prediction is days, i.e.,.on 15th December, 1959. Then
as follows: This alone comes correct and Saturn Dasa, Saturn Bhukthi ended on
has practical useful value. What is it? 18-12-62: later, .Mercury for 2 years 8
(i) You have already noted the lord of months 9 days, i.e., upto 27-8-1965.
each house, (a) Take Sun : Write down Thereafter he will be running Saturn
iu which constellation it was. Which Dasa, Kethu Bhukthi from 27-8-1965. At
planet rules the constellation and which the time of examination (i.e., between
house or houses the lord of the constella- 20-9-65 and 26-11-65) he will behaving
tions owns. Then, you note that Sun is Saturn Dasa, Kethu Bhukthi Venus Anthra.
in the constellation of the lord of these So he will entertain good hopes and be
houses. Sun is to offer the results of these happy at the time of examination and till
houses, whatever may be the name of the the result is declared.
As the 11th house signifies Victory and
(b) . Take Moon : Who is the lord of success in one's attemp ts and it is occupied
the constellation in which Moon was. by' Saturn and owned by Mars during
Which house or houses the lord of the Saturn Dasa, Mars Anthra, i.e., after
constellation rules. Then Moon brings 19-1-66 the result will be declared within
about the matters of the houses signified 12-2-66 and he will surely pass with credit,
by the lord of the constellation./. Do not be as Mars gets itself satisfied only when it
going on finding out where this lord is, in offers a rank.'
whose constellation it is, where that lord
is and the constellation in which it is and (There is a finding that the conjoined
so on. periods of the planets A and B are very
good'if both are Neecha (debilitated) and
(c) Similarly note down for all planets: either of A and B occupies the other's
Planet throws light. But what does it sign; i.e., A in B's sign or B in A's sign.
illuminate. Each house signifies certain Saturn is debilitated in Mesha. Its lord.
matters. Eg. 2nd house shows finance, Mars, is also debilitated. So itis excellent.
fortune ; 3rd house brothers, sisters, short It is Neecha banga a fortunate disposi-
journeys, etc., 4th education, vehicle, tion.)
mother, etc., and so on. So when a planet
is in the constellation of the lord of 2, it As explained already. Mars in Saturn's
illuminates second house matters. If it is star has to fail Qpce, but it is the same
in the constellation of the lord of 3, third planet which will give success in the bhuk-
house matters are experienced ; to which- thi (sub period) of a planet or node which
ever house, the planet may be the lord : If signifies education and success. So Mars
a planet is in the constellation of the lord Anthra in Mercury Bhukthi had to give a
failure as both were under • the sway of nation, it does not mean that he will fail]
Saturn. But Kethu is no way connected He would have" suffered front fever;
with Saturn, i.e., Kethu is not influenced dysentery, etc., or he would have gone t^
by Saturn. Therefore Kethu gives success the hall late and so on. But at the time
in the sub sub period of Mars. of the announcement of the result if the
GOOD LUCK period is auspicious, he passes in spite of
the handicaps at thejime of examination.'
K. S. K. J
If one would have had good time at the11
(N. li. to students : Always one is to time of examination it does not mean that
find out how a student's period is at the he will surely pass. The good time at the
time of the announcement of the result time of examination gives all comforts an<J:
and not when one. sits for examination. convenience to study and sit for examina-
Beneficial period, at the time of examina- tion. But success depends on the favour-
tion, keeps him cheerful then : the period able period at the time of the announce-!
between the time of examination and ment of the result. Bad period surely
announcement of the results may be gives a failure. So during good period,
pleasant or anxious depending upon the he entertained hopes and did not feel
period then. But success or failure depends worried. But he is disappointed when
on the period one runs at the time of the failure is announced, as he has entered
announcement of the result, ff one would into an undesirable period at the time the'
have had bad time at the time of exami- result was published.
aspecled by, any planet, but is to offer the
results of the lord of 6 also, as it is in the
I apt furnishing my chart. I have a sign where the 6th cusp falls.. The Lord
lUigati'on in the High Court. Will I of the 11th cusp is Venus. No planet
came out victorious and if so, when ? occupies any of the three constellations,
Bharani, Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada
' I1

governed by Venus.
, 1

Moon Jup. 18° 54' Kelhu Venus as lord of 11 is strong in its own
28° "20-' 13° 10'
sign. Luckily it is in the constellation
Nep. 14° S' Visakha ruled by Jupiter—lord of the 6th

Sat. 19a IT house-and the sub, according to Krishna-

Mars murthi Paddathi, is Venus. Hence
20'' 21' Venus promises sure success.
Born 4—10—1917 Lagna
2-5 A.M. T.S.T. 23' 16' Lord of Lagna in Mars sign promises
29° 30' N.
78° 00' E. that you will have the courage and confi-
Uranus Mercury dence to go ahead, use your influence
77" 19' 29' 37' and come out successful, without once for
all ending a dispute when it goes against
Rahu Fortuna Venus Sun Moon is in the constellation of lord of
13° 10'- 24° 9' . 27'54' 17° 27' 2 and its own sub. Hence Moon is propi-
tuous and strong. It is in Shookshma
Parivarthana Yoga with Sun; Sun and
At the time of birth balance" of Sun Jupiter are in Moon's constellation.
Dasa was 5 years 3 months. Hence Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Rahu are
the significators. At the time when the
Litigation is shown by the 7th and the query is put, it is a Friday (20-8-65)
6th houses. His opponent is indicated by Karthika star-ruled by Sun and the Lagna
the 7th house. Litigation crops up during is Sagittarius governed by Jupiter.
the periods of the lords of the houses 6, Therefore one has to find out the con-
12 or 8. joined period of the significators, i.e.,
■Success in litigation is promised by lord Jupiter Dasa Venus Bhukti Sun Anthra.
of 11 or planets in the lltb house. Peace, Jupiter Dasa Venua Bhukti starts on
pleasure, prosperity are assured by the 16-11-65. Venus sub sub period runs for
planets in the constellation of the occu- 5 months 10 days. Therefore Sun sub
pants of the 11th Bhava, the occupants or period commences on 26-4-65 and it runs
the planets in the .constellation of the lord for 48 days. At the time of query. Moon
of 11th cusp or the "lord of the house, was in Taurus (Njrayana) at T 14', i.e., in
especially when it is connected with the Sun's star and Kethu sub. So when Sun
6th house. Also the unafflicted lord of transits at 7° 14'Taurus around 20-5-1966
Lagna, well posited in the chart brings judgment will be passed in your favour.
success and honour. [If the lord of 6 is connected with 11th
11th Bhava is occupied by Kethu. house or the lord of 11 with the 6th
Only Rahu is in its constellation. Hence house, the native wins. If the lord of
Rahu is one of the significators, especially 12 and the lord of 5 are ,connected, the
when it is neither conjoined with, nor native invariably loses ]
K. S. K.
JUPITER. husbandry, construction of temples and
It is otherwise called Guru, Viyazhan, charitable institutions, colleges, muttsj
Brahaspathi, etc. It rules over Thursday. libraries, banks, etc., in Jupiter's Hora
The hora of Jupiter will be very'predomi- will prove to be advantageous.
nating on (a) Thursdays, (b) when Moon This Hora is very essential to purchase
transits in Poorvapathrapada 4th quarter, vehicles . especially on Fridays during
(c) when moon transits in Cancer, exalted Jupiter,Hora, or refrigerators on Saturdays
sign of Jupitcrand in Sagittarius and Pisces during Jupiter Hora or lay foundation for
owned by Jupiter and. (d) when Moon houses on Fridays during this hour or
transits in Punarvasu, Visakha and' take up minister's post on Sundays -or
Poorvapathrapada stars. Tuesday in this hora or borrow money on
Approach people during Jupiter Hora. Thursdays or invest on shipping or Petrol
Do you want overdraft facilities from a Shares on Mondays or take up a job in the
bank ? Meet the proper authorities during educational department or air travel on
Jupiter Hora. Is Jupiter a bencfic to you ? Wednesdays," etc.
Arc you running Jupiter's period? Then, Depending on the God or Goddess on
never miss to meet the ministers or high its day, during Jupiter Hora, have the
officials in the Government during Jupiter initiation of mantras.
ora. Success in your attempts is certain.
Have you the desire to study , Veda, Note down Jupiter's hora in the night
Astrology, Philosophy, Religion, Law, hours. Be friendly with your partner in
Economics, Banking etc. ? Purchase books life wife or husband. Even if you had no
and begin to read on a Thursday, prefera- chance to have a child so far, Jupiter will
bly on Jupiter's star day and in Jupiter not let you down. It will fulfil your desire
Hora. by giving you a child.'If you have already
Do you deal in Gold and Silver? Is many, avoid this hour.
your income not satisfactory ? Are you Open bank account, take up the junior
depressed ? Open a branch on a Thurs- auditor's post or accept the profession
day in Jupiter Hora when Jupiter is signified by Jupiter during its hour.
in direct motion and is strong, ^fou must Take up Insurance policy on Saturdays
have decent increase in income. during Jupiter Hora. Your endowment
Always make it a point to meet com- policy will mature and you can enjoy (he
mercial tax and Income-tax officials benefit. But if the Insurance agents were
during Jupiter Hora. The interview will to obtain the signature of a person, in a
be pleasant, peaceful and profitable. Life Policy during the conjoined period of
Saturn and Mars, the Insurance company
If you are ill and if a physician oilers will lose heavily,- whereas it will be a
any specific medicine to be taken inter- fortune to the members of the family
nally, prefer this Hora. Even to buy a who outlive the person who has signed
tonic, to take ayurveda medicine, Jupiter his policy during Mars Hora on a Satur-
Hora on a Tuesday is advantageous. day or Saturn Hora on a Tuesday.
Establishment of Stn Sadhana office for The'Government has to choose Jupiter
the prevention of prostitution, animal Hora if they lay foundation for hospitals
(on Sundays), Shipping (on Mondays); Venus, it'is harmless. The fiery nature of
Buildings, for Police, Military Magistrate Mars will be toned down by Venus.
Court, Law Courts Industry etc. (on
Tuesdays); for educational Institution, It is not out of place to mention an
Postal Departments, Communication, All- instance in this context.
India Radio, Textiles Engineering, etc.
(on Wednesdays); for Law College or A hardworking senior clerk in a firm
legal department, Temples, churches, committed a small mistake in his work.
charitable Institutions, Banks, Treasury, His officer got wild and called for an
Revenue department, Internationa! Trade explanation. The poor fellow expected
etc. (on Thursdays); Animal Husbandry, reversion. He was awfully afraid of
Food department, Agriculture, Tea Board, advancing his argument. He was advised
Coffee Board, Prohibition department. to meet the officer during Venusian Hora
Gold De Control etc. (on Fridays); Insu- and approach the officer most politely and
rance Corporation, Labour department, confess to him, how the mistake had
mines and minerals, control department, cropped in. Also the clerk was advised
Intelligence Dept. Retrenchment, famine, not to be very frank and place all the
refugee, quarters forservants, inceneration, matters on the table for his consideration,
slaughter house, etc." on Saturdays. Such as the mistake was committed' by the
a beginning promises, (a) no delay and sister of the officer.
difficulty in completing the project, (b) The clerk went to the officer's room, at
Expansion and improvement, (c) Co- the Venus Hora. A lady was also found
operation from the public and their whole- in the same room. The clerk appealed to
hearted support, and (d) fulfilment of the the officer and in many words requested
desire of the Government and benefit to
the .subjects. him to excuse him. Though. the officer
was vehement to start with, suddenly he.
VENUS became calm.. Now and then, looking at
the girl and then turning to the clerk, he
It is otherwise called Sukra, Bri'gu, Velli, gave a patient hearing. The intelligent
etc. It governs Friday. officer understood that his sister had com-
The hora of Venus is very strong for "mitted the blunder. So, he said to the
Venusian matters (a) .on Fridays, (b) on clerk "Don't worry, lam satisfied. Any-
the days when^Moon transits in Bharani, how be careful hereafter". Further he
Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada constella- added that he had recommended that the
tions and (c) when Moon transits in Taurus senior clerk may be given a superinten-
or Libra or Pisces which is 'its exalted dent's post. Look 1 How Venus has
sign. If on a Friday, during Venus Hora, played its part! It so happened that a
when Moon transits in its own star, one girl was in the officer's room. The mistake
commences to do any of the matters signi- is that of a girl with whom he will not be
fied by Venus, knowingly or unknowingly, strict. Also, one is to understand that the sure- Peace and prosperity are recommendation for promotion to the
promised. Harmony and happiness can. senior clerk is more to create the vacancy
be had. of the senior clerk's post and offer it to
his sister. Thus Venus will play its role
Prefer Venus Hora if you want to meet during its hour.
an officer who is generally impatient, who
is a hard task-master and who is moody. If you have a look at the girl or at the
You will find that he is calm and co-opera- boy before fixing up your marriage, you
ting. Even a militant type of person, select Venus Hora if you want to select
arrogant, foolhardy and rash will give a this partner, but if you do not like the
patient'hearing and will be helpful. The alliance, you select Mars or Saturn Hora
temper gets softened during this hour. A when the negotiation will fall through and
cobra may be ferocious due to Mars. you can be happy. Venus Hora " promises
But if it takes its food, which is shown by harmony and happiness. If you feel that
you are exhausted and you have lost much etc., prefer Venus Hora. Contractors to
of your vitality, take medicine, especially supply spare parts, etc., to Railway, ship-
Ayurvedic (especially from Sadhana ping, airport, etc., have to sign the agree-
Ayurveda ashramam at Calcutta). On a ment during Venus Hora on a Wednesday
Thursday or Friday during Venus Hora, and those who would like to have honey-
-it will rejuvinate you. moon, have to commence their journey
during Venus Hora. Though it is silly to
Write love letters during Venus Hora. mention an instance in such a magazine
- You start writing after this hour starts and dealing in divine science, yet, to impress
finish it before this hour is-over. Even upon the mind of the readers that the
tho'ugh you may not normally have com- planets will never fail to do their job
mand of language to give expression to promptly, the following is given to read
your love, during Venus Hora, appropriate and forget.. A boy, a non-believer in
words will be used by you which will astrology, got married, arranged for a
appeal to the partner. Tf you receive a honey-moon and he left his house with his
reply during other Horas, do you not be modest wife on Monday during Mars
impatient. Wait till Venus Hora starts. Hora. The honey moon was arranged for
Then open the sealed cover and read. You 3 days and they had to return on next
will be very happy. Friday to attend a reception. Irqagine
what Moon and Mars would have done.
Now you may ask, " She had already After they stepped into the air-conditioned
written and posted the letter. How can I class compartment and when the train
the Hora change the contents of the steamed off, she made her husband under-
letter? " stand that she was having her monthly
The answer is this. Knowingly or period. What a pity! According to
unknowingly you can open the letter at original programme, they remained only
any Hora. According to the Hora, you for a day in OOTY :
will find the letter. Tf it is Saturn Hora,
then the partner would have mentioned the They cannot enjoy the beauty. They
inability td meet you and he will fix up came back. When they returned, the astro-
some other time. If it is Mars Hora, the loger met them on the platform. Both of
tone of the letter will upset you. So, why them invited smile. Yet, the astrologer
should you take a chance? Venus Hora laughed loudly at them and said that a
will arrange for tea', dinner, cinema, person is wise only when he has learnt
music, party, meeting in an unfrequented astrology also.
place, etc. Those who would desire to
cultivate love, must prefer Venus Hora. During Venus Hora, have the initiation
of Manthras on Goddess, especially" God-
Buy jewels, silk sarees, costly dress, dess of Wealth, Lakshmi. On Sunday
diamond and costly geins, sandalwood, during Venus Hora, you can worship
glass, powder, scented oils and scents, Chaya Devi ; on Monday, Parvathi: on
eyelass, lipstick, etc., during Venus Hora. Tuesday Lalitha; Raja Rajeswari, Kali
It will add beauty by moderate use. on Wednesday, Lakshminarasimha ; on
Thursday, Dhana Lakshmi; On Friday
Buy a Scooter or Car or any vehicle Sowbagya or DhanyaLakshmi i On Satur-
during Venus Hora, preTerably on a day, Alamejumangal Thayar, etc.
Start agricultural operations or open the Those who start milk dairy should have
industry to manufacture agricultural imple- it during Venus Hora on a Monday. For
ments for tilting, ploughing, etc., especi- rice business, Venus Hora on a Tuesday.
ally on a Tuesday. For story writing, love letters, pleasant
journey, shipping clearance agency, agency
If you desire to have a poultry farm, for Textiles, Rayons, silk, perfumery,
cattle breeding or possessing race horses. toilet, pharmaceutical products, cotton.
fancy articles, hosiery for women, biscuits, Music Colleges, Cinema Theatres,
chocolates, confectionery, fruits, tlowers, Studios, Photographic Studios, Railway,
vegetables, etc., on Wednesday during Air Travel, Shipping, Stfi Sadhana Hostels
Venus Hora, for ladies, Schools and Colleges for girls
may, with advantage, be started during
Lay foundation for women and children Venus Hora on Fridays.
hospital, animal husbandry, Accountaat- Vigilance Home, Famine Shed, refugee
General's office, Income-tax office, Law Camps, Slaughter house, leather, skin and
court, etc., during Venus Hora on Thurs- hides departments on Saturdays during
days. Or join duty in such departments Venus Hora.
on those days and hours. (To be continued)
Sir, The sidereal time is given in the Ephe-
Is Venus in my chart in Virgo or Leo meris for 12 Noon at Greenwich. So note
(Nirayana) ? As per Drik system or that the S.T. for the previous Noon, i.e.,
which you have explained in your 30-10-1919 and also for 31-10-1919 for
magazine, it is in Leo—Please let me have 12 Noon Greenwich. As you are born
a correct chart. t after 30th Noon L.M.T. and before 31st
C.N.D. Noon L.M.T., note the sidereal rime given
Dear Sir, for 30th (previous) Noon =14 hrs. 31 in.
1 sec.
You are born on the night (Thursday)
30-10-1919 and , before' sunrise on You are not born in Greenwich. Your
31-10-1919- place of birth is 75J18' E. Therefore your
According to Hindus; Thursday com- place had 12 Noon before Greenwich by
menced at sunrise on 30-10-1919 and 4x73° 18' as sun-appears to move l"in
ended by sunrise on 31-10-1919. But as 4 minutes. The sidereal time is ever
per civil calendar date 30-10-1919, was advancing the civil time and hence side-
over by midnight 12. So 31-10-1919 real time at your birth place at 12 Noon
commenced at midnight. ,
must be ever less. 4x75-18
It jgg ,
Your birth was at 53 G. 29 V. after
sunrise on Thursday 30-10-1919- or 240 x sees. less than the S.T.
As 1 day = 60 Ghatis ; 2\ Ghatis = l
hour ; and V= 1 minute. 53 G. 29(V = at Noon at Greenwich
21 hours23 minutes 36 sec. Take it as 21 Therefore deduct 75.18x2/3 sees.
hours 24 minutes, after sunrise. 50 sees.
Then note when the sun rose on
30T0-1919 at the place of birth, Jullunder, Hence sidereal time at Noon in your
which is 31° 19'14. and 75" 18' E. From birth place on- 30-10-1919 hour 14-31-1
the"ready reckoner, it can be seen that minus hour 0-0-50=hour 14-30-11.
sun rises for the latitude 31° 19' on
14-10-1919 at 6-01 A.M. L.M.T. As your Sidereal time is arrived at for 12 Noon
birth was 21 hours 24 minutes after L.M.T. You are not born at 12 Noon.
sunrise, it should be at 3-25 A.M. L.M.T. You were born at 3-25 A.M. L.M.T.
on 31-10-1919. Therefore you were born 15 hours 27 min.
Your birth place was 75* 18' E. after noon on 30-10-1919. If our civil
I.S.T. is fixed for 82° 30'. Hence diffe- watch advances by one hour, the sidereal
rence in Longitude 82° 30'minus 75-18 = clock moves to 1 hour and 10 sees. "
7*12'. Therefore difference bet. L.M.T. For every 24 hours the sidereal clock
and I.S.T. is ever 7° 12'x4' = 28 mts. 48 gains roughjyby 4 minutes i.e.,, 10 sees,
sees: This figure 28 min. 48 sees, is to be per hour. Therefore for the interval
added to the birth time 3-25 A.M. L.M.T. between previous Noon L.M.T. and your
on 31-10-1919=3 hrs. 53 mts. 48 sees. birth time L.M.T. is 15-25-00.
I.S.T. Therefore birth time I.S.T. = 3 hrs.
53 min. 48 sees. A.M. = L.M:T. = 3-25-00 The correction for the ioterval (which
A.M. is the advancement of the sid. clock) f
Now let us take the ephemeris of the 10 sees, per hr, = 0-2-34.
year 1919 and turn over the page of
October (20). Add these. You get 29-57-45.
As the number of hours 'is above 24, 31° 12' which is very near the latitude of
deduct one circle of 24 hours, when the your place of birth-
Sid. Time at birth = 5-57-45.
Now take the table of Houses- He has given the position of the '6 cusps
Raphael's- i.e., Meridian the 10th, IKh, 12th, Asc.
Turn over the page where he has furni- 2nd and 3rd for the sidereal time 5-55-38
shed the cusps of Houses for latitude and 6-0-0.
S.T. 10 11 12 Asc 2 3
5-55-38 29° Gem. 1° Leo 1° Virgo 29° 3' Virgo 27° Lib 27* Scor
6-0-0 30* 2° Leo 2° Virgo 30* 0' Virgo 28° Lib 28* Scor
Therefore, the cusps 10, 11, 12, 2 and 3 VII cusp 29° 31' Pisees.
have moved by 1=60' in 6-0-0 minus VIII 27° 29' Aries.
5-55-38 = 4 mts. 22 sees. = 262 sec. IX 27* 29' Taurus,
Actually the sidereal time at the time X 29° 29' Gemini.
of birth was 5-57-46. XI 1° 29' Leo.
So 5-57-46 minus 5-55-38 = 2 mts. XII 1° 29' Virgo.
8 secs.= 128 sees, alone have lapsed. Ayanamsa for the year 1919 is 22* 38'
Therefore in 128 sees, how far each according to Krishnamurti. Therefore
cusp would have moved is to be Nirayana position of the cusps will be
calculated. I Virgo 6° 53'
II Libra 4° 51'
III Scorpio 4° 51'
"So, each cusp has moved by 29', i.e., at IV Sagitt 6° 51'
the time of birth."loth cusp should be V Capri 8° 51'
29° 29'Gemini; the 11th cusp at 1° 29' VI Aquari 8° 51'
LeoJ the 12th cusp at 1° 29' Virgo; the VII Pisces 6° 53'
2nd cusp at 27° 29' Libra and the 3rd VIII Aries 4° 51'
cusp at 27° 29' Scorpio. IX Taurus 4° 51'
But the ascendant which was at 29* 3' X Gemini 6° 51'
has moved only by 57'. Hence the ascen- XI Cancer 8° 51'
dant had a motion of 28' before birth XII Leo 8° 51'
t me (57
! * 262 ) Next, the position of the planets is to
be worked out,
Therefore the ascendant was exactly at In the Ephemeris, the positions of the
29° 3' plus 28'= 29* 31' Viigo. planets are given for 12 Noon Greenwich
In the table of Houses, the cusps are time which is 5-30 P.M. I.S.T. Therefore,
given only to 6 houses as the other 6 houses one is to note which 5-30 P.M. had just
are exactly 180° away. So passed before the birth time and which
Asc. Virgo 29° 31' 5-30 P.M. is to come, immediately after
the birth.
II cusp Libra 27° 29'
III cusp Scorpio 27° 29' [Note : Wherever one is born, whatever
IV „ Sagitt 29° 29' be the Latitude, whether North Pole or
South Pole,' whatever be the Latitude,
V ,, Aquarius 1° 29' convert the birth time to G.M.T. and find
VI ,, Pisces 1° 29' where the planets would be or the
difTercnce between the G.M.T. and I.S.T. Therefore find out how far each planet
if birth time is given in I.S.T. i.e. 5-30hours has moved Sun, 60', Moon 12° 16' or 736';
advance. So take the position of planets Mars 36'; Mercury 82'; Jupiter 1", Venus
as though the position of planets are given 45', Saturn 5'—all these are in direct
in the Ephemeris for 5-30 P.M. I.S.T. If motion and they advanced in their longi-
the Standard time of a nation is 2 hours tude counted from Aries 0°. But Rahu,
in advance to G.M.T., then the position Kethu and Uranus were retrograde. Rahu
of placets in the Ephemeris can be taken and Kethu have moved backward 3',
as though it is worked out for 2 P.M. of Uranus- though retrograde was more or
the Standard time of the nation.] less stationary. Neptune was in direct
motion. It has not moved even by 1', but
As you are born at 3 hrs. 53 mts. 48 less than that it was moving.
seconds on 31-10-1919, the 5-30P.M. on
30-10-1919 has already passed before birth Note the interval between the birth time >.
and 5-30 P.M. on 31-10-1919 is to come. and the previous 5-30 P.M., i.e. 3-53', 48"
Therefore note the position of planets as or you can take it as 3-54 A.M. minus 5-30
given in the ephemeris on 30-10-1919 and P.M. = 10 hrs. 24 mts.
31-10-1919. We have got, how far a planet can
Planets 30-10^1919 31-10-1919 move in the 24 hours, i.e., between 5-30
P.M. on 30th and 5-30 P.M. I.S.T. on
Sun 6° 1' Scorpio 7°0 1'Scorpio 31-10-1919.
Moon IS'll'Capricorn O 27' Aquarius So if the planet can move a particular
Mars 12° 13'Virgo 12° 49'Vitgo longitude in 24 hours, how far/ it
Mercury 25° 32' Scorpio 26r' 54' Scorpio would have moved in 10 hours 24 minutes
Jupiter 16° 8'Leo 16* 15'Leo is to be calculated. Therefore Sun has
Venus 22° 2' Virgo 22° 47' Virgo moved by 26' Moon 322' or 5° 22'; Mars
Saturn 9° 10'Virgo 9° 15'Virgo 16'; Mercury 36';. Jupiter 3'; Venus 20';
Saturn 2", Rahu l'; Kethu 1'; Uranus 0'
Rahu 25° 41' Scorpio 25° 38' Scorpio and Neptune 0'.
A'etAu 25° 41' Taurus 25° 38' Taurus This difference is to be added to the
Uranus 27° 48' Aquarius 27° 48'Aquarius position of planets in direct motion; and
Retrograde it is to be deducted if they were retrograde
Neptune 11° 29°Leo 11° 29'Leo from the position of planets on 30-10-1919.
Fortune Therefore oh 30-10-1919,

to 'be added Result
6° 1' Scorpio - Sun + 0° 26' 6° 27' Scorpio
18° 11'Capricorn-Moon + 5° 22' 23° 33'Capricorn
12° 13'Virgo-Mars + 0° 16' 12° 29'Virgo -
25° 32' Scorpio - Merc + 0° 36' 26° 8' Scorpio
16° 8'Leo - Jupiter + CF 3' i60 21' Leo
22°'2' Virgo - Venus + 0° 20" 22° 22' Virgo
9° 10'Virgo-Saturn -f 0° 2' 9° 12'Virgo
25° 41' Scorpio-Rahu - 0° 1' 25° 40'Scorpio
25° 41'Taurus —Ketu - — 0° 1' 25° 40'Taurus.
27° 48 Aq. Uranus - 0° 0' 27° 48' Aquarius
11° 29' Neptune + 0° 0' ll°29'-Leo-
Fortuna, the most sensitive point, is to Deduct Longitude of Sun
be worked out. It is obtained by adding = 6' 27 Scorpio
the Longitude of the Ascendant and Moon = 7 signs 6° 27'
and then deducting therefrom the longi-
tude of Sun. (One is to take all Sayana i.e. 402 0 minus 216° 27'
or all Nirayana position.) Longitude of So, the result or the position
Ascendant Sayana
= 29° 31' Virgo = 5 Signs 29=- 31' = of Fortuna =■ 185° 33'
179° 31' Long, of Moon is 12° 29' Scorpio = 6 signs 5° 33' = 5° 33' Libra.
= 7 signs 12° 29' = 222° 29'. Ayananisa is 22° 38'. Therefore Nira-
Sum 402° 0' 402° 0' * yana position is:—
Sun 6° 27' Scorpio minus 22° 38' 13° 49' Libra
Moon 23° 33' Capricorn minus 22° 38 0= 55' Capricorn
Mars 12° 29'Virgo minus 19° 51'Leo
Merc. 26° 8' Scorpio 3° 30' Scorpio
. Jupiter 16° 21' L®o 23* 43'Cancer
Venus 22° 22' Virgo 29° 44' Leo
Saturn 9° 12' Virgo „ 16° 34' Leo
Rahu 25° 40' Scorpio „ 3° 2' Scorpio
Ketu 25° 40' Taurus 3° 2' Taurus
Uranus 27° 48' Aquarius „ . 5° 10' Aquarius
Neptune 11° 29' Leo 18° 51' Cancer
Fortuna 5° 33' Libra 12° 55' Virgo

planet will be is as under :—

Planet in between
0 to 3° 20' Mesha
Neptune, 3° 20' to 6° 40' Taurus
Jupiter 6° 40' to 10° 0' Gemini
Nirayana 10° to 13° 20' Cancer
Rasi 13° 20' to 16° 40'Leo
16° 40' to 20° Virgo
20° lo..23° 20' Libra
23* 20' to 26° 40' Scorpio
26° 40' to 30° Sagittarius
30° to 33° 20' Capricorn
-33° 20' to 36° 40' Aquarius
36° 40' to 40° Pisces.
Refer to Navamsa table and erect the For example. Sun is in Libra 13° 49':
Navamsa Chart. If a chart is not avail- Libra is the 7th sign. Sun is in the 7th
able, find the Longitude of the planet sign counted from Mesha 0*. So Sun has
from Mesha 0- Divide by 40. The moved 6 signs and in Libra it has passed
remainder is to be taken for consideration. 13° 49'. Therefore, Sun's Longitude
Then the Navamsa sign, where the cusp = 6x30°= 180° for 6 signs plus 13° 49'
= 193° 49' Divide 193° 49' by 40°.
33° 49' is the remainder. Hence the Dasa Bhukti From To
Navamsa position of Sun is Aquarius.
Thus to Lagna, and to all planets find and
erect Navamsa chart. Jupiter Kethu 21-11-1965 27-10-1966
„ ) Venus 27-10-1966 27- 6-1969
„ I Sun 27- 6-1969 15- 4-1970
Asc. I Fortuna „ Moon 15- 4-1970 15- 8-1971
„ (Mars 15- 8-1971 21- 7-1972
Rahu 21- 7-1972 15-12-1974
Sun.. Saturn Saturn 15-12-1974 18-12-1977
Jupiter Rahu Mercury 18-12-1974 27- 8-1980
I Kethu 27- 8-1980 6-10-1981
Navamsa Venus 6-10-1981 6-12-1984
Kethu, \1 Mercury. Sun 6-12-1984 18-1 1-19^5
Moon Saturn Moon 18-11-1985 18- 6-1987
Mars 18- 6-1987 27- 7-1988
Rahu 27- 7-1988 i 3- 6-1991
Jupiter .3- 6-1991 | 15-12-1993
Merc. 15-12-1993 I and so on.
In a way, the chart is complete only Never work out Dasa Bhukti for one
when the Vimshothari Dasa is calculated. only for 20, .30 or 40 years, like that and
Moon was in Capricorn atO' 55'. Between end our calculation because the native
0° Capricorn to 10°, is Uthrashada star. It may mistake that he could live only till
is governed by Sun. As only Moon's that date. Generally work for 70 years
position is taken and it has to move and above. At the time when you expect
another 9° 5'= 545' to complete the star. a danger write "and so on". Do not
For 13° 20' which is the longitude of a give much space between ' So ' and ' on '.
star i.e. 800', Sun is allotted 6 years. For Write quite close. He will take it as
545 minutes how much of the dasa is to ' soon'.
run, is to be worked out If you use the Anayamsa advocated by
me or Mr. Lahiri or C. G. Rajan, Drik
i.e. x6 years = 4 years 1'month & system will agree with us. But if the
oUU ayanamsa given by anybody else which
15 days. varies widely, the position of the planets,
It is advisable to furnish-the native with will never agree. Some advocate Aya-
a ready reckoner for the various periods namsa, which, when used ' disagrees with
he or she had already experienced and both Drik and Vakya which two systems
those he or she has to enjoy in the future. alone are in 1vogue since thousands of years.
Please note, how it is furnished. I advocate Drik' and ' Drik ' alone.
Hence use the Ayanamsa I have publi-
Dasa Bhukti From To shed. Do not give any second thought.
Then what you get is correct.
15-12-1923 In your chart Venus is in Leo. If any
Sun 31-10-1919 one would have entered Venus in Virgo,
Moon 15-12-1923 15-12-1933 either it is a clerical error, which is par-
Mars 15-12-1933 15-12-1940 donable or it is a deliberate mistake,
Rahu 15-12-1940 15-12-1958 probably by using any other Ayanamsa,
Jupiter Jupiter 15-12-1958 3- 2-1961 when that chart becomes useless.
Saturn 3- 2-1901 15- 8-1963
Mercury 15- 8-1963 21-11-1965 K. S. K.

Sir, That is all.

In your valuable magazine ' Astrology (3) At the time of birth, one says that
and Athrishta' you may give the sidereal ' x ' years of a dasa is to run, whereas the
time for the Longitude 82° 30' at 5-30 P.M. total period of the dasa is x+y. They
Can you kindly guide how to make use of deduct ' y' years saying it had already
it, please. passed before birth and add that the
Yours balance is 'x'- years. I want to know
Kaul. whether the'- x years are to be subdivided
among all the nine planets or how is it to
The idea of giving the S.T. for 5-30 P.M. be done ?
I.S.T. for LOhgilude 82° 30' E is more to
avoid one calculation. We give correction Each planet is allotted some years and
for the sidereal time for the Eastern Longi- the sum of the periods of all the nine
tude to the place of birth in India by planets is 120 years. Suppose one is born
taking the Longitude of the place, multi- in Bharani, the second star—Itisgoverned
plying it by | and the number of seconds by Venus which rules for 20 years.
so obtained is deducted from the sidereal
time given for 12 noon Greenwich. Then you unite that these 20 years are
subdivided between the 9 planets and the
(1) If you take the sidereal time for first subdivision belongs to the dasa lord.
12 noon Greenwich, you have to find Only in cyclic order, the othet sub periods
what would be the sidereal at 12 noon at operate.
the place of birth. As 82° 30' is more or
less the central of India and all places are Out of 120 years,
between 72°' and 92° roughly, the maxi- Ketu rules over the stars 1, 10 and 19 and if has 7 years
mum Longitudinal difierence will be only Venus
10 degrees. The correction is 2 seconds 2, 11 and 20 20
for every 3°. Therefore the sidereal time Sun 3, 12 and 21 6
may differ by a maximum of 7 seconds. Moon 4, 13 and 22 . » 10.
As the time of birth is not so accurate to
the second, and as the result, i.e., the cusp Mais si 14 and 23 7
'of the houses will not vary much, for all Rahu , . 6, 15 and 24 18
births in India the sidereal timet at lupiter 7, 16 and 25 16
5-30 P.M. LMT at 82° 30' E may be taken,
as is furnished in the magazine. Saturn 8; 17 and 26 19
Mercury 9, 18 and 27 17
The correction for Longitude is avoided.
(2) When we take the sidereal time If Venus Dasa commences the first
for 12 noon, then we calculate the interval sub period belongs to Venus, then the Sun,
between the previous 12" noon and the Moon, Mars and so on and after Mercury
Birth time—Instead, when the sidereal Kethu follows which is the last sub.
time is furnished for 5-30 P.M. note the
interval between the previous 5-30 P.M. If,Mars Dasa runs, Mars .has the first
and the time of birth in L.M.T. (never sub period then Rahu, Jup. and so on and
I.S.T.) after Mercury Kethu, Venus, Sun and
finally Moon. If Mercury Dasa begins, that 20 minus 3 = 17 years have passed,
Mercury governs the first, Kethu follows, before -birth. As Venus sub is 40 months,
then, Venus, Sun, Moon, etc., and Saturn Sun 12: Moon 20! Mars 14; Rahu 3fi,
sub in the last. Jupiter 32, Saturn 38 ; Mercury 34 and
Kethu 14, then before birth Saturn Bhukti
Sub period or Bhukti or Apahara can be was also over, as Saturn's sub period ends
had by the simplest method, i.e. 16 years after Venus Dasa enters. So
3. A.B. days—Three x A x B—days. Mercury siib period will be running.
Where A is the year allotted to the Dasa Mercury's period is for 34 months. Already
Lord and B is the year allotted to Bhukti 1 year has passed. Therefore 22 months ■
Lord, of Mercury and 14 months of Kethu
alone are the periods of the sub lords
If at the time of birth, it is said that Venus in Venus Dasa if only 3 years of
one had 3 years of Venus Dasa, it means Dasa is to run.
Question subtract I Vighati or 2 or 3 and so on
When one is doubtful about his exact till you get the remainder 5 which shows
time of birth, but says that it may be the three stars Mrigasirisha, Chithra and
around 15 minutes this way or that, is Dhanishta.
there any method by which one can find ■Therefore if one is born at 305 Vighaties
out the exact moment of birth 1 or 296 Vighaties, the remainder after
multiplying by 4 and dividing by 9 will be
Answer only 5. But the person says that it may
I shall give some of the methods which err to a maximum of fiftaen minutes,
are available. How far you can rely on either wSy. Then find how many Vigha-
them, is left entirely to you and to the ties yield the same result.
readers. The following Vighaties will give the
(1) Convert the approximate time o"f remainder 5.
birth given in X.S.T. to Vighaties after
Sunrise (Sunrise will be given in L.M T. 278j 287; 296; 305 ; 314; 323; 332;
convert to I.S.T.). Multiply by 4 and 341 and so on.
divide by 9. The remainder is the number 278 Vighati is after 7-45 A.M. and
of the star counted from Aswini, Makham
or Moolam. Suppose Sun rises at 6 A.M. 341 Vighati is before 8-15 A.M.
Birth is at 8 A.M. That is, the birth took Which will you give?
place 2 hours after Sunrise.
1 day = 60 Ghatis = 3600 Vighaties (2) Another method mentioned is as
1 hour = 2$ Ghatis = 150 Vighaties under—
1 Ghati = 24 min. = 60 Vighaties Note where Mandi was at the time of
1 minute = 2J Vighaties birth-.- The Lagna sign will be either 5 or
1 Vighati = 24 seconds 7 or 9 or 1 when counted from the sign
occupied by Mandi—(Then alternatives
If the birth is 2 hours after Sunrise then are given—either to Moon "or Lagna,
it means it is 5 Ghaties = 300 Vighaties either in Rasi or Navamsa).
Multiply by 4 and 9 If Mandi and Lagna are to be in 1, 5, 7
300x4 = 1200 ,,, -3 or 9 the consultant asks, why then the
Then —£— _= 133 same author gives the results of Mandi
occupying any house from Lagna,1 i.e.,
Remainder is 3. That is, it means that the first, second, third, fourth, etc. up
Moon at the time of birth should be in the to 12.
Nakshathra which is the 3rd from Aswini How to reconcile?
or Makham or Moolam i.e., it may be
Karthikai or Uthrapalguni or Uthrashada. If the sign is to be either 5 or 9,—for
example—it can be. useful to find the
But, suppose the star is Chithra, then , Lagna, correct to 30*.
one is to find out that Vighati, next to the
number of Vighaties given by the con- If Navamsa is taken, the position of
sultant. Lagna is correct to 3° 20'. As the
Navamsa Lagna changes roughly once in
He mentioned 8 A.M. = 300 Vighaties 1 3 to 14 minutes, how far will this calcu-
after birth.' So you should add or lation will given precise answer?
(3) In Uthra Kalamrita, it is said that
the interval between Sunrise and the
time of birth is to be converted into
Divide by 225.
Then males are born if the remainder X hour
is between 0 and 15 ; or 45 and 90! or chart A H
between 150 and 225. Females are born L 10'
if the remainder is between 15 and 45 or
between 90 and 150.
(Therefore 90 Vighaties are allotted to I Moon
girls and 135 Vighaties for boys.) i
(Read and correct in the book translated
by the learned astrologer Shri Subramanya
Sastri. I am sure, it is a mistake I
committed by him in an unguarded
" According to this method, wc have
to multiply 53| Chads by 60 (be has taken
the time of birth as 53£ Ohatis) to convert X hour
them to Vikaties, thus = 53i x 60 or 30 minutes , ■ ■ .. -
215x15. This has to be divided by 225. chartB
Thus, 215 x ) 5-t-.225 = 14*. This falls L17*
within the first group of 15 which shows
that the sen is male". The mistake is
that when 215x5 is divided by 225, it Moon
goes 14 times and the remainder is 6* 15'
'75*. Luckily 75 remainder also shows
In the first example taken, when the . According to the rules, it is found that t
first principle is applied, the birth may Lagna and Moon at the time of Epoch to 1
be between 278 and 341 Vighatis. So the A & B are Moon is passing 10° and 17®'
remainder, may be 53 or 62 or 71 or 80, in Aquarius, on the same day.
or 89 or 98 or-106 or 115—So iif the
consultant is'a male (presuming that the
horoscope belongs to the consultant) then Lapna
53; 62; 71; 80 will be one of the timings. j 6°
If the consultant is a lady, then the f
number of Vighaties will be 98 or 106
or 115 when both the rules 1 and 3 will be Moon
satisfied. 10*
(4) Pre-natal-Epoch. A
Much is said about this. Very briefly
let me state how it is not useful to one
and all. Suppose two persons are born
with the Ascendant and Moon as shown
below say, they are born at an interval of
30 minutes on the same day.
15' 40" and for the chart B, Lagna is
Lagna i 13° 16' 20",
6* 15' 1
Think, think awhile. If one's Lagna on
a particular day is 13° 15' 40" and the
other's Lagna on the same day is 13° 16'
20", what should be the interval between
one's birth and the other. It can only be
2 minutes. But what is the actual interval
30 mts. Then how for we can boldly
declare this to be a method, for rectifica-
tion is to be judged by the readers.
So, in all magazines, one may publish
symposium on these. How far it will be
useful, is left to the judgment of the
readers who want the truth. I am riot to
What is the rule, find out the exact time confuse the readers or give a wrong impres-
on the day of epoch when Lagna for A sion that astrology is such a complicated
will be Gemini 6° and for B Lagna will be difficult science. It is rendered simple.
Gemini 6° 15'.
It can be only one minute. Kindly read Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
If the Lagna of Epoch were to be', say, Explanation :—Exh- ustive, convincing
2 P.M. to A, then for 'B ' it will be only and impressive.
2-0 i P.M. Illustration:—Plenty.
Now we have to calculate when Moon Tables t—All those needed by astrolo-
would be, on the day of epoch, for A at gers.
2 P.M and for B at 2-01 P.M.
It is more or less the same position; Method of prediction :—Most simple.
probably it moves by 0'5 minute. Time taken—fraction of a minute a higher
elementary school student can read, learn
So, in the Epoch Chart, it is worked . and predict precisely. No confusion—No
out and found that when Gemini 6° rises, contradiction-
on the day of Epoch, Moon was actually
in 13° 15' 40*. Casting:—Quick.
Whereas for the B, when the ascendant WorkingMost simplified.
is in 6* 15', Moon was in 13* 16' 20". No laborious, cumbersome, frighten-
Now, we have to take that, for ' A ' in ing and pages filling calculations. Follow
his horoscope, the Lagna should be 13° my method for rectification of Birth time.

Vol. 3 NOVEMBER 1965 No. 11

Houses and their Significance—llth
Bhava. 3
Saturn —Sani 8
Pisces—Meena 14
Theft and Recovery 20
Pre-natal Epoch 24
Promotion—When 27
Various Yogas 28
Why Delay in Marriage? 31
Readers to Note 33
How to Judge one's Profession 34
Letters to Editor 39
Australian Astrologer's Admiration... 39
Krishnamurti Paddathi—A Discovery 40
Difference between Sravana and
Sathabisha 45 s
Contents of the Book Krishnamurti
Paddathi 46
Daily Guide 49
Position of planets 53
November 1965—Epbemeris 55
Monthly Prediction 57
11th BHAVA.
planets favourably connected to the 11th
house. He will then come out successful,
Jkadasa ; — 1 mostly by compromise, even though his
case weak, as the 11th house stands
Lab ha (profit or gain); for lasting friendship.
Aya (income or all kinds of receipts); The 11th house is most commonly refer-
'Agamana (acquisition); red to as ' Labhasthana ' denoting profit
Apti (gain); or gain. It is through this house that
Pxapthi (what is unto one); very accumulation of incoming wealth is
•Kama (desire, passion) ; to be expected. One may earn by one's
Siddhi (fulfilment of one's desire); own exertion which is indicated by the.
Vibhava (wealth or riches); lagna. His self-acquisition is determined
by the 2nd house. Bantings through short
^ Slaghyata (veneration, commenda- writings, agency, writings, younger
6n); brother, etc., are shown by the third
E Sarasa (anything juicy or succulent). house.- Money received through mother,
Both the oriental and occidental astro- vehicles, immovable property, treasure,,
gers are unqnimous in describing the etc., is described by the 4th. Gains in
1th house as the house of friends. It speculation, sports, lottery, amusement
lands for all those who are allied to the interests like cinema, drama, etc., and
ative by likeness or sympathy of interest through children are governed by the
'society, community, etc. It includes Sth house. 6th house denotes income
he's ~ favourites, flatterers, admirers, through service, pet animals or by borrow-
associates, advisers, adherents, supporters, ing. Income accruing to one through
Well-wishers and close acquaintances business partnerships, wife or husband,
'(casual acquaintance is shown by the litigation, etc., is indicated by the 7th
third house). Therefore it is necessary to house. The 8th house has to do with
.. x attention on the 11 th bhava to find out insurance, provident fund, wills, legacies,
.the sort of friends one will acquire. etc. One may derive monetary advantage
through foreign collaboration, contact
i Houses 9, 10, II and 12 are termed with strangers, father, or by doing research
TDharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha which is the influence of the 9th house.
■houses. ' Kama ' should not be construed Lastly, one's income through profession,
to mean only passion. It also shows business or inheritance is indicated by the
desire. ' Siddhi' . signifies fulfilment. JOth house. The 12th house of a horos-
From the 11th house should be'resolved cope shows all expenses, investments and
all questions concerning one's hopes, withdrawal of money from the Bank.
wishes and aspirations and their realisa- ■ Therefore, houses 1 to 10 put together
tion. The 11th house governs success in describe the various sources of one's
all undertakings, whether it be in profes- income; the nth house deals with
sion or business, higher studies or foreign expenses. ■ Adding the income resulting
collaboration, election, litigation, specula- from houses 1 to 11 and deducting the
tion, writings, health, etc. Suppose one expenses indicated by the 12th house, one
is engaged in litigation at the time when gets the net balance called profit. This
he is running the conjoint periods of the is what is shown by the llth house.
If one has lent money to someone, then and ambitions. It also relates to reforma-
the principal and interest are ruled by the tive and unconventional activities.
11th house. On the other hand, if one Another important feature coming
has borrowed then the 5th house deals under the domain of the llth house is
with discharge of debt. Why? Because progeny or rearing of children. The 5th
the 5th house is the llth house counted house, chiefly, deals with children. By
from the 7th house which denotes the reflex action, the llth house which is the
person from whom the money has been opposite of the 5th is connected. Rama-
borrowed. So good aspects to the signift- dayulu in Sanketanidhi provides support
cators connected with the llth house for this interpretation when he says that
signify return of the. capital and interest any bhava and its 7th will always have
by the person who has taken money on similar aims to be carried out. He clearly
loan and, on the same analogy, favourable elucidates in Sloka 106 that the good or
aspects to the planets beneficially connec- bad effects from the llth house will be
ted to the 5th house connote that the the same as the effects, of the planets
native will pay back the amount taken on posited in the 5th and vice versa. Not
loan together with interest thereon. only this, the 1 Ith also happens to be the
The llth bouse presides, among other 5th counted from the 7th ruling the
things, over pleasure, prosperity, profit, married partner.
progress in attempts, peace after achieve- The llth house governs elder brother
ment of aspirations, partnership and per- or sister and so all information in this
manent tie of friendship. respect is indicated by the lltb. •ne
should pay attention to the llth house,
The desire to have reunion is denoted the planets connected with it, its lord,
by this house and so one has to investi- etc. and judge accordingly.
gate this house to infer what soft of emo-
tional attachments one will have, In fact, The llth house has to do with trusts.
the lover is more accurately ascertained It also denotes the financial affairs of the
from the lltb house rather than from the employer or those in command over the
7th. This is soas the llth house stands native, being the 2nd to the 10th house.
for lasting friendship and intimacy that In the physical body, it has domain
may end in, marriage. One may also live over the left ear, the right foot, the left
with pleasure with a member of the oppo- hand and the two shanks.
site sex without actually contracting
marriage. The 7th house shows one to Vaidyanatha'Dikshitar suggests that one
whom one is bound by ties of legal bond- should look to the llth bhava to find out
age and not necessarjlya lasting friendship. accumulation of incoming wealth. He
If the significators connected to the 7th emphatically declares that the planet
house and llth house arc favourably occupying the 11th bhava, when strong, is
disposed, one may contract marriage which capable of bringingprosperityand wealth.
may culminate in a lasting friendship, or Varahamihira refers to this house as
one's friendship may be so fast as to 'Aya ' denoting one's income. Heavers
favour a successful marriage- In matters that the llth house is one of the improv-
concerning marriage, the llth house ing houses or upachayasthanas.' That
should also be a factor along with houses, even malefics placed in upachaya houses
2 and 7. (3, 6, 10 and II) prove auspicious and
One has to investigate the llth house to bring profit and pleasure, is the saying of
ascertain how far one will succeed in the sages.
social and financial matters and whether Mahadeva in Jataka Tatva calls the 1 Lth
at all' he will succeed. The llth house house as ' Labhasthana'. It indicates
reflects the ■ native's attitude towards gains which accrue to a person, the nature
society and his interest more for group of such gain being dependent . On the
advantage as distinct from personal aims nature of the planet connected. If it be
a benefic, one will acquire wealth by fair vity and health. It has to be understood
means and by pursuit of right actions. ■ If that during the period or sub period of
the planet therein be a malefic, one may the planet owning the bhadhakasthana or
earn by unfair means even. If the planets of the planet connected with the bhadha-
connected are both .malefic and benefic, kasthana, whichever is the stronger of the
then in their respective periods or sub- two, one may suffer from ill-health or
periods one will resort to foul or fair there may be anxiety in regard to one's
methods, as the case may be, to attain health. If, according to the indications
one's objectives. Mahadeva also feels at birth, one is destined to live long, one
that the 11th house has to be seen to will survive the period or sub period of
determine the type of vehicles one will the planets connected with the bhadha-
have. kasthana and only enjoy the beneficial
Kalidasa mentions in Uttara Kala- results related to the 11th house. If one
mritam that the following arc to be has lived the allotted span of life and his
deduced from the 11th house. death is drawing near, the planets in the
bhadakasthana or its lord will operate at
Realisation of one's wishes and desires; that time to put an end to life.
acquisition of wealth; profit in every
undertaking; varieties of income; one's Ramadayalu in Sankethanidhi, in dis-
influence; dependency, eldest brother, cussing the 11th house, makes it clear that
paternal uncle, undesirable nature (if all matters pertaining to right foot, left
afflicted), worship of deities gnd of the hand, one's knowledge, income, wealth,
virtuous ; devotion to God 1 respect to good actions, horses, elephants, vehicles,
elders; gain /of knowledge (10th stands chariots, furniture, ornaments, clothing.
for gnana ; 11 th is the 2nd from the 10th); Swinging cradles, beauty, festivity, decora-
high level of intelligence; the welfare of tion, etc. are to be ascertained from this
the employer; loss of interest on one's bhava. He adds that a respectful offering,
capital; possession of costly metals, sovereign, money, daughters, friends,
ornaments, etc.; advising others; luck," cattle and good effects come under the
easy gains; brother-in-law; mother's purviety of the llth bhava.
longevity (5th to the 4th house); left The author of Jatakadesaniarga ex-
car; the knee; attractive painting and presses the opinion that attainment of
arts ; sarasa (juicy articles); hearing some efforts, desire and absence of misery are
pleasing and delightful music or happy to be predicted through the llth bhava.
news ; ministership; jlawn of fortune ; and
longevity.- Bbattotpala ascribes elephant riding,
horse riding (or elephants, horses and
. In Jataka Chandrika, it has been conveyances), clothing, crops, jewels,
deciared that the 11th house is the bhadha- wisdom and wealth to the llth bhava and
kasthana for persons born in movable says that one should gues£" every informa-
sign (chara rasis). For those at whose tion about these from it.
births the fixed signs (sthira rasis) were Sun in 11 is an indication of lofty
ascending, the 9th house is the bhadha- actions and desires and success in realising
kastiana and for those born with common
signs (ubhaya rasis) in their Ascendant, them. One may associate with men in
the 7th house is the bhadhakasthana. For power and high position who will remain
all nativities, the 7th and 2nd houses are firm, honourable and steadfast in friend-
marakasthanas or dcath-inflicting houses, ship. The native is sure to reap immense
being respectively in 12 to the 8th and 3rd benefit through them. It is a good posi-
houses representing longevity and in tion for social success, provided other
opposition to the 1st and the 8th bouses. testimonies lend support.
One should not go by the literal meaning Jupiter in this house shows that one's
of the term ' bhadhakasthana' and con- friends will be wealthy, virtuous, true and
clude that it is evil in every respect. influential and' render all assistance.
'Bhadhakasthana'applies only to longe- Social success, popularity and credit will
be secured through friendship. One's afflicted, it makes one touchy and sensitive
ambitions will be achieved and hopes towards his friends. Mars is an ambi-
realised in full. Jupiter's situation here tious planet and if afflicted one is likely
with good aspects from other cannotes to over-reach himself in his desires and
social, financial and political success. If suffer consequently. If- Mars is afflicted,
Jupiter is afflicted, then the friends may be it causes impulsiveness and rashness there-
sincere in their desire to help but will lack by denoting disagreement with friends.
the ability to fulfil it or'they may serve If Saturn or Mercury afflicts, violation of
their self-interest by such friendship. friendship and treachery is indicated. If
Sun, Jupiter or Mercury aspect unfavou-
Mercury in 11 draws many acquaintan- rably, friends may offer wrong advice
ces among literary and scientific minded landing one in trouble. Venus or Moon
people, but Mercury being mutable by afflicting indicates overindulgence with
nature, none of them will be sufficiently friends, especially female companions.
steadfast in their affections, unless
Mercury is aspected well. If afflicted, Venus in II, favourably aspected, port-
one should not place any reliance on rays friendship with those of the opposite
friends for assistance nor should he stand sex and those in social circles who will be
surety to them. ever ready to assist one in realising his
Moon in 11, receiving harmonious desires. One's friends may be humane
aspects, shows a large circle of friends, - and sympathetic and artistically inclined.
especially among 'the female folk, patro- This position of Venus favours a fruitful
nage of women and social success and marriage. The 11th house shows fond-
popularity. Moon is changeful by nature ness for society and Venus is said to be a
and so one will have few' lastin ■, attach- social planet and so its situation here is
ments unless Moon was well aspected at conducive to success in social affairs.
birth by planets in fixed signs or Moon Afflictions to Venus often show that one's
itself was in"a fixed sign. If afflicted, friends may prove to be ambitious and
those extending their hand of friendship time-saving and throw the native aside
will do so with the ulterior motive of when opportunity offers.
deriving benefits from the native. Uranus in 11 is a strong infiuence to.
Saturn in 11, well dignified by occupa- bring about strange, sudden and remark-
tion and aspect, attracts aged and serious able friendships. One will associate with
friends. One may contract friendship those who are original, creative, or
with those in subordinate positions. inventive who will prove immensely help-
Saturn shows constriction ; Jupiter, expan- ful to the native in case Uranus was well
sion. Therefore Saturn in 11 shows few aspected at birth. Uranus being a
friends while Jupiter indicates a large progressive planet, ones hopes will be
number of friends. If Saturn is afflicted, progressive and peculiar. If affliction
one should beware of aged people lost occurs, friends will turn out to be foes all
they should make use of the native for of a sudden.
selfish ends and desert him when he is no Neptune in 12 well aspected, gives a
longer of any use to them. Saturn is a person high spiritual aspirations and will
planet of limitation and restriction and its gift him with the ability to attract other
position in the 11th house does not augur persons of like nature who may aid him
well; for it portrays delay in the achieve- in realising his ambitions. If afflicted,
ment of ambitions even when well then those who pose as friends may prove
aspected. deceptive and tracherous. Those with
Mars in 11 brings friends among the this position of Neptune afflicted, should
martial and athletic class. If well digni- be careful in cultivating friendships.
fied, one works courageously and enthusi- In Political Astrology, the 11th house is
astically to realise one's desires leaving no said to indicate Parliament or equivalent
stone unturned till success is sure. If legislative branches in other Governments-
'it rules the Lok Sabha, the Lower House Being the 2nd from the 10th, it shows
of State Assemblies, Corporations, the financial gain derived from occupation.
Municipal Bodies, District Boards, It rules over father's short journeys, gains
Panchayats and similar legislative bodies. through correspondence, editing, publish-
It also bears relation to the parties, legis- ing, his younger brother or sister, etc.,
lation, governmental policies and plan- being the 3rd counted from the 9th. It
ning. It is related to international friend- indicates the termination of a will or
ships and exchange of amenities among legacy being the 4th reckoned from the
nations. It deals with companies, stores, 8th house. The 11th house concerns birth
governing bodies, associations, societies, of children being the 5th from the 7th ;
etc., and all institutions where group also partner's pleasurable pursuits, specu-
interest is involved. It represents the lation, etc. It shows recovery from ill-
wealth and money or the * exchequer ' of health and victory over enemies, being the
the Government and the friends and allies 6th reckoned from the 6th representing
of the nation. ill-health, enemies and debts. As it is
In horse racing, it denotes the manage- 7th house from the 5th, it signifies the
ment, of the committee under the control daughter-in-law, the children's competi-
of the stewards. The number of the. win- tors in examination, etc. Being the 8th
ner is shown by this house, to the 4th, it stands for danger, difficul-
ties, disappointment and even death of
In market forecasting, this house is the mother. To younger brother or sister
taken for Government loans, electric represented by the 3rd, it is the 9th house
companies, gas, museum, agriculture, and hence is related to her/his long jour-
estate, irrigation, silk, etc. neys in connection with education, their
In Horary Astrology, as in Natal Astro- - success in competitive examinations, etc.
logy this house is connected with hopes It is the house of success to elder brother
and desires and their fulfilment. If the or sister if well fortified. It also signifies
11th house is afflicted, the querist will freedom^ from misery and pain and
suffer severe disappointment in the matter discharge from hospital being in 12 to the
under examination. 12th house. '
Astronomy: Our ancients knew only the keep all planets in the 11th house at the
seven planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, time of the birth of his son, Indrajit.
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Saturn is Why? Planets in 11 will invariably do
called "Sanaischara" as it moves along good to the person concerned. Of the
the Zodiac leisurely and more slowly than twelve Bbavas, the eleventh alone is the
the other planets. It is the outermost of most auspicious for the fulfilment of one's
the planets known to them. (However, desire and the realisation of one's ambi-
Uranus, Neptune, etc., which have been tion. But the Devas, realising the conse-
discovered recently are farther away from quences, appealed to Saturn who en-
the Sun and the Earth and they move couraged the Devas by saying that he
much more slowly than Saturn.) Saturn alone can sanctK n what they want, with
is visible to the unaided eye. least effort. Saturn in 11 is very good.
Saturn is surrounded by a system of Saturn in 12 is very very bad. So Saturn
three concentric rings. These rings are stretched its leg to the I2th Bhava. When
separate, and there is only black empty Ravana was informed that a son was
space in-between any two rings. Saturn born, he wanted to confirm whether! all
appears like a blue ball with 3 yellow planets were occupying the 11th house.
rings. To his distress, Saturn was found stretch-
ing its leg to the 12th house. Ravana is
Saturn is 886 million miles away from noted for his rash and foolhardy actions.
the Sun. It is smaller than Jupiter and Suddenly he cut off the leg of Saturn,
its diameter is around 75,000 miles. It Hence Saturn is called 'Lame'. By that
has nine moons. Saturn is about, 700 one is to understand that Saturnians are
times in volume when compared with slow.
earth. But in weight, it is a little less than Saturn is the son of Sun.s Look at
100 times than earth. their qualities and characteristics. Both
Saturn takes nearly 29£ years to go are diametrically opposed to each other.
round the Sun. Hence, or an average, Consider Moon also. Saturn never agrees
Saturn passes through each sign for a with Moon. That is why perhaps Saturn
period of about 2} years. is allotted Capricorn and Aquarius, the
signs just opposite to those of the lumi-
Mythology: Saturn is called 'Yama' naries.
Why? It is the chief governor for 'Longe-
vity'. It has to carry out the duty of God According to Westerners Saturn is the
Siva or Rudhra. Saturn is a cold icy son of Uranus. He married Rhea. When
planet. That is why, probably, it is said • he understood that children born to him
that " Icy hands are laid on one " mean- would govern the world, he destroyed
ing that one is dead. them. But' Jupiter is for survival. So
when Jupiter was born, the mother gave
Saturn is the father of the two significa- him some hard stuff wrapped in cloth
tors eLevil—Gulikan and Maudhi. Saturn which Saturn did away with. But Jupiter
is also called Neelam and Mandhan. escaped.
Saturn is said to be ' Lame'• The story is God always pays every one in the same
said that when Indrajit was about to be
born, Saturn stretched its leg, from the coin. Saturn dethroned Uranus. In turn,
11th house to the 12th so that Saturn can Jupiter deprived Saturn and. taught the
fill the child with pride and bring about law of nature.
a great fall eventually. Ravana tried to There are many such stories.
A few authors say that Saturn represents Venus sub period. Kalidas is of opinion
'Brahma'-. But 1 disagree considering the that strong Raja yoga Saturn in Venus
general role that Saturn plays in human period will make one beg alms in the
lives. To me, the conception of Saturn street even if the person is born a King
representing Lord Siva-Rudhra is more or a Kubera.
appealing. Sun may be called the According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
'Brahma'. So also Jupiter. But Saturn, Saturn ruling the constellations Pushya,
has the characteristics of Siva doing the Anuradha and Uthrapadhra, will modify
duty of Siva. That is why Navagrahas the results of planets in any of the three
arc installed in Siva temple: at least, stars so much so that what Saturn has to
Saturn image is found in Siva temples. offer to the native by its lordship and
Saturn is called Neelan and Siva is called occupation is given by the planet in its
Ncclakantan. star(s).
Saturn rules Sasira Ruthu—February Saturn will cause delay. It can deny.
and March—the cold months of the year. It will disappoint. Disharmony, dispute,
Astrology: Saturn is a barren, binding, difficulty, despondency, dejection and
cold, constant,'dry, defensive, hard, ner- differences are the outcome of an evil
vous and secretive planet. Saturn. Plodding, persevering, patiently
working, prudence, frugality, economy,
It governs the houses Capricorn and saving, endurance, industry, thrift, power
Aquarius. The moolatrikona house or the to keep secrets, stability, self-control,
day house is Aquarius and the night house sense of duty, etc., are attributed to a
is Capricorn. beneficial Saturn.
Though Saturn is the sod of Sun, it Lazy, lethargic, idle persons are born
rules the sign opposite to that of Sun. under the influence of malefic Saturn.
Saturn's exalted sign is" Thula or Libra Never will they have the mind to work.
where Sun gets debilitated. Saturn's If they begin to do anything, some impe-
debilitated sign is Aries Which is the diment, obstacle or hindrance dissuades
exaltation sign of Sun. or discourages them. They become
Leo owned by Sun and Cancer owned diffident ; there is the fear whether it
by moon-, .are the houses of fall for would be possible to come out successful.
Saturn. So they are anxious: they suspect others,
Saturn causes distrust. Saturniaas will
Saturn is said to occupy friend's always miss the bus. They are mostly
quarters in Mithuna (Gemini) or Kanni late to start, to do, to receive the benefit
(Virgo) ruled by Mercury and Rishaba etc. They may try to speak on the plat-
(Venus) and Thulam (Libra) ruled'by form ; they may prepare well; but to and
Venus and is considered to be in enemy's behold, they will remember -. the points
camp while occupying other houses. only after they resume their scats.
Saturn is .considered to be very favour- Students under the influence of Saturn
able for people born in the signs owned cannot recollect all points when they
by Venus, whereas Saturn is evil to those answer the questions. When they come
born in the sjgns governed by Mercury. out of the examination hall, they will
Saturn, according to Uttara Kalamrita, recollect everything. A Saturnian may
proves to be bsneScial when it' is in its visit a friend's house for a particular work.
own sign or when it occupies the signs On reaching the place, he will spend the
of Jupiter or when it is exalted. time on other things. There will be some
hindrance and he will find it difficult to
But, one peculiarity has to be carefully attend to his work. Saturn is a powerful
remembered. If Saturn, by lordship, is a planet either as a malefic or as a benefic.
benefic then it should not be strong by Let us see what a benefic Saturn has
being in Swakshethra, exalted or Vargo- done. One student, while consulting
thama to produce favourable results during me said " Sir, 1 am in love with a girl. 1
thinfc, from the way in which she conducts Jupiter is the chief governor for pro-
herself she is also in love with me. Daily, duction and expansion. Hence as Jupiter
in the morning she comes by a bus and produces, Saturn destroys, to maintain
waits in the bus stand till that bus comes, equilibrium.
I jump into it. Believe me or not, every- People born under the influence of
day, I find at least one friend of my father Saturn do not relish hot stuff. They desire
sitting by her side and offering a seat next to have cold dishes preferably preserved
to him or away from her. In the evening, in frigidaire, Saturn being a cold planet.
I experience similar obstacles. On impor- They prefer old and.preserved food stuff.
tant days, the phone gets out of order. Saturn also denotes that they will like
Astrologers say that I am running astringent and sour taste,
Saturn's period ; there is always some Saturn, when benefic, makes a person
difficulty or the other in the way of fulfil- true, reliable, honest, sincere, faithful,
ment of my wishes. What do you say ? chaffte, etc. Also, it aids for concentra-
The reply was this: "That you run tion, meditation., prayers etc.
Saturn's period is correct. But Saturn is
a beneic to you. The girl whom you love Whereas a Jupitarian is a Vedanti,
is one 6f the twins. Thank this Saturn 1 Purohit, preacher (whether he practises or
Do you know, why? You would have not), a Saturnian is one who practises,
mistaken the other twin and behaved in a does not preach much, grows beard,
distasteful manner. Consider your position observes ^silence (mounam), keeps up
and that of her sister whom you love. penance, avoids feasts, but now and then
Luckily, old persons representing Saturn periodically fasts, prefers seclusion, shuns
intervening save you from such dirty society, etc. Jupiter is for expansion,
situation. Saturn will delay. Be cautious improvement, for opening many branches,
and careful." This is how beneficial for undertaking varieties of works spending
Saturn saves. See how a malefic Saturn more than what he should, simply to
wrecks- I go to my friend's bouse to maintain false prestige: But,,Saturn never
borrow money when I press the calling cares for other's opinion, consolidates,
bell he to whom I owe money opens the concentrates and is economical and
door and says in a loud voice " How many calculating. The colour of Saturn is blue.
times am I to demand money from you. When one is filled with sorrow or depres-
When do you propose to make the pay- sed, downcast, down on one's luck, sullen,
ment?" The - house owner whom I low-spirited or crest fallen, never use
wanted to approach asks what the matter blue colour, for screen, for table cloth,
is. Readers will be knowing who would for wall painting or blue-sapphire in the
have answered this question. The fellow, ring or . ornament. Use red symbolising
who opened the door narrates the story the character of Mars when he will gather
and ends by saying that lam a defaulter courage, be active, will never lament nor
for many years. Now, who is Saturn? feel dejected. Whenever a person runs the
The fellow who opened the door. evil period of Saturn, some friends may
Thus people born on Saturdays, or in suggest to use " Blue " colour. The per-
Capricorn or Aquarius as Ascendants or in son also will have the mind to purchase a
the constellations Pushya or Anuradha or "Blue." Why? That which appeals to
Uthrapathra will take the role of Saturn one at a particular period is governed by
and do good or evil depending upon the the planet ruling that period. When one
favourable or unfavourable position of runs Saturn's period, blue colour will
Saturn during nativity. attract. Saturn is called a 'Templor'.
So one should not fall a -victim. But,
Saturn is the chief governor for longe- instead use red : or use pure gold. The
vity occupying the house of longevity, i.e., evil of Saturn can be warded off by the
the 8th house gives a long span of life to powerful Mars or Jupiter. If in the
the native. The off-quoted sloga " Karako horoscope, Mars is a benefic and it
Bhava Nasaha " does not apply to Saturn. aspects Saturn, use red. If benefic Jupiter
mitigates the affliction of Saturn, use pure he will hold his hands near the ears,
gold. suggesting to the speaker to speak loudly.
Saturn being a depressor, people having The limbs will belong and thin.
Moon and Mercury afflicted by Saturn Parts of the body:—Osseous system-
will have the inferiority complex and the Bones, hair and hair growth ears. Teeth,
fear complex use red in such conditions. Pneumo-gastric nerve.
Stupidity, dullness, want of originality Diseases and defects i
and death of ideas are due to ill-posited
Saturn. Saturn and Moon forming unfavourable
It is said by Hindu sages that the father aspect shows obstruction of lymphatic
of a person born during day time is indi- circulation, nutrition, retention of waste
cated by Sun, whereas for one born by in the body, membranes getting hardened,
night. Saturn is the chief governor denot- pyorrhoea, pas'turation etc. Smallpox is
ing one's father. caused .by the adverse aspect among
Saturn, Mars and Moon where there is
Saturn is called St. Peter. It can open pus.' But chicken pox is due to Mars and
the gate of Heaven or Hell to one, Moon alone as it ends in vehicular
Saturn governs pure blue: Black, dark stage-
brown and indigo are the colours pre- Saturn and Mars in evil .aspect cause
scribed to Saturn by Westerners. falls, injury, bruises, operation, amputa-
Saturn denotes all matters kept hidden tion, fracture, curvature of the spine gall-
or in secret, mines, mine ores, excavation- stone etc.
of tunnels, trenches, burial ground, etc. Mercury afflicted by Saturn produces
and the subject. Geology is governed fear complex appearing like a mad person,
by it. car trouble, deafness, (pus in the ear if
Saturn is next to Mars in indicating Moon also is afflicted), chills, cold diph-
lands and estates. Probably Mars denotes theria asthma, Pulmonary consumption,
plants bearing fruits tinder the influence of defective speech, paralysis. Vitamin 'B'
the fiery Sun, whereas Saturn may indi- and enzymes deficiency.
cate the bulbs, potato, groundnut, tapioca, Saturn and Jupiter in mutual affliction
etc. growing underground. makes -fof impotency, constipation,
Saturn gives such diseases as it takes a Sciatica, Bright'^ disease Locomotar
long time to be cured. All chronic Ataxia, Nausea and Cancer.
ailments and particularly those of the Sun and Saturn in adverse aspect cause
bony system are attributable to .Saturn. blood pressure, cerebral haemorhagc,
Mottled' enamel, fluorine intoxication, cerebral anaemia, thrombosis, cardia
eczema, ampu'.ation are caused by Saturn. trouble, gout, etc.
Physical Features: Venus and Saturn in evil aspect will
cause venereal disease, leprosy, eczema,
Saturn produces' people, thin-built, baldness black or blue patches and weak-
bony and pale or of dark complexion. ness due to malpractice.
The face is either melancholic or the
person will appear to be much older Plants and Herbs:
than his actual age. The eyes will be Leguminous seeds, sesame, plantain
deep-set. Also the look may appear as hemp, ivy, rye, black grains, barley, etc.
though he stares. Piercing eyes with
profuse growth of dark hair on the Places : Obscure valleys, hills, forests,
eyebrows are the distinguishing features deserts, caves, dens, sepulchres ruinous,
of a Saturnian- Generally Saturn makes dilapidated buildings, very old buildings,
one a little deaf. The person will request churches, temples, holes, trenches, coalpits,
the people to repeat what they say and cesspools, wells, stinking places, slump
areas, dirty places, saloon, leather, tanning dealers in land, animals like goat, donkey
factory, bone meal factory, and such etc., and oils, kerosene, gingelly oil,
places with nauseating smell. (with Mars) pumpsets (with Venus)
Political : Construction of huge build-
ings mostly for scientific research, laws Mars and Saturn : Masons, engravers,
concerning labour problems,—disagree- surveyors, (Mercury) engineers, contrac-
ment and difference of opinion among the tors, builders; (Venus) .Venereal expert;
members of Parliament death or ■ over- (Venus and Uranus) 'X' Ray Technicians.
throw of one in power, danger to the Rulership: Saturn is called "Ayul
prestige of - the nation, prohibition, karaka''. -The Span of- one's life is
control rationing, emergency powers (not chiefly governed by Saturn.
misusing independence), famine, earth-
quake, unnecessary and unavoidable Mars frames Us own law and it does
wastage of public money, such unsuccess- everything in "public, known to others.
ful attempts as are made by Research Saturn fol.ows its own law and it docs
Departments, Geological Survey. everything secretly without the knowledge
Economic: Heavy taxation discoura- of others.
ging private sectors, decrease in Export, Lucky Colour: If Saturn is a benefic.
difficulty in Foreign Exchange, Labour Colour BLUE is the lucky one.
problems—sit and strike-Mediation
not satisfying either famine, floods, Lucky Number: 8, 17,26, 35,44, 53
earthquakes, many-rendered—homeless ; and so on.
nationalisation ; Acquisition of property, Lucky day: Saturday: next, Friday.
estate, mines from private owners and
taking away their business ; Wars; Diffi- Lucky Gem : Blue Sapphire.
culty in Transport; loss of materials, Lucky star day: Pushya, Anuradha and
men, vehicles, conveyance, arms, and Uthrapathrapada, Mercury and Saturn,
ammunition; scarcity of all the com- Engineer, old Purana writers, Novel writers.
modities. Censor department, short hand writers,
Products: (with Mars) Stenographers Intelli-
gence department, false propaganda; tale
Lead; (with Sun) Antimony:-- (with carriers; black mailing, (with Venus)
Moon) Kerosene; (with Moon and Venus) wood cutters, teachers, scientists etc.
Petrol ; (with Moon, Venus & Mars) Jupiter and Saturn: Physicians, mine
Petroleum products ; (with Moon & Mars), owners, brokers of landed properties,
Coal; (with Mars) Mine, Mineores i (with service in banks, religious endowments,
Mars & Mercury) Hume pipes; (with political offices. Scientific laboratories^
Mars & Vengs) cement; leather; hides; big companies, clubs, societies and birth
skin; (with Mars and Sun) Metallurgy, control appliances or propagandists.
(with Venus) wood.
Venus and Satum : Dealers in mica or
Piof'cssion : workers in Mica mines, tailors, piper (who
Dealers in lead, iron, black articles, goes on continuously playing for Sruthi—
hair, chowrie, wool, leather, quarry, (9:Sg>i emajiumtor), pjmps (Mercury), play
metals, mine ores and the products men- back, extras in cine field, draftsmen, trai-
tioned abeve. Sun and Saturn being the nees of horses and elephants experts in
significators indicate those who organise skin disease, leprosy,, venereal disease
and manage big concerns either sponsored etc.
or assisted by Government, service in Uranus and Saturn: Telepathy, osteo-
the Local Board, Panchayat Board, pathy, healing without any medicine,
District Board or Government, Surgeons. occult scientists, railway service, geolo-
Moon and Saturn :sbow agriculturists. gists, astrologers, mesmerists, one who
preaches old ideas practises ancient cus- depression, dejection, difficulties, dispute,
tom Sj and follows tradition; service in detention, deafness, dutiful, economical,
museum, stadium. emaciated, excavation, foundation, frigi-
Neptune and Saturn : Submarine, secret daire, funeral, fatal, famine, grudge,
service, service in places where liquids gravel, hindrance, hesitation, bide, hea-
are dealt with (acids, oils) etc. service in ring, hate, impediment, immovable, ice,
Slock Exchange, fifth columnists. inside, jealousy, kill, knees, loss, lead,
leather, labour, lament, melancholy, mis-
Keywords of Saturn : aestic, aged, bony, fortune, needy, neglect, old, obnoxious,
bankrupt, binding, bereavement, calcula- poor, practical, quarry, quiet, retrench,
tive, chronic, Concentration, Continua- rheumatism, secretive, scape goat, sad,
tion, Coagulation, cold, dry, decaying, skin, thrift, tunnel, trench, underground,
devitalising, doubts, delay, dissatisfaction. unity, valley, vow, weary, worry, etc.
Pisces is the 12th sign,- the last sign of that the qualities of Jupiterians and venusi-
the zodiac. It is also 30° in longitude, ans will be different! their thought, their
It extends from 330° f;om the vernal 'action, their mode of life, their company,
equinox (the point of intersection of the society etc. will never agree. We should
celestial Equator and the Ecliptic where not literally take that Jupiter and Venus
the zodiac commences—which is Aries 0°) are enemies. Jupiterians are inclined
to 360° and this sign is in the fag end of the towards spiritual during life whereas
zodiac. The 30tli degree of Pisces and Venusians a'e out to satisfy their animal
the zero degree of Aries are one and the instincts a„d will try to enjoy all the fruits
same point. Sun in its Northern Course, Of life in this world.
while passing this sign, conies nearer and This sign is said to be a friendly one to
nearer to the celestial equator and is Sun, Moon and Mars. To-me, it appeals
exactly on the celestial equator, when Sun that Moon alone can have full advantage
is in 30° Pisces. - , in this sign and Mars as well as Sun
The constellations contained in the sign cannot be so strong in offering the results
are Poorvapathra pada 4th quarter, Uthra- of the houses they own. Why? Pisces is
pathrapada and Revathi. the 9th sign to Cancer owned by Moon.
According to Sayana system, the Sun, So Moon will form trine aspect to its sign.
nowadays, enters Pisces on or around 19th But Mars will be weak in bestowing the
February and passes on to Aries on or results denoted by Aries, as it will be in
around 21sf March. Sun in the first week the 12th house to Aries and Sun loses
moves by one degree half minute, then strength to offer the matters siginified by
mostly one degree till 7th March and then Leo, as the owner will be in the 8th house
it rnoves little less than a degree a day. In to bis own bouse.
the horoscopes—erected according to Neptune, the God of the Ocean, will be
Sayana System—for people born in any of strong in this Sign. As Pisces is the 12th
these dates Sun will be shown in Pisces. sign of the Zodiac and since the 12th
But, the Nirayana zodiac being a fixed bouse denotes sea voyage and life in a
one, throughout this yuga, the Sun will foreign land, it is appropriate to allot this
enter Pisces-Meena on 12th March and house to Neptune.
leave this sign on 13th april any year. Pisces is symbolised with two fishes. #06
All the 2{ stars in this sign will be passed will lead towards the north and the other
by Sun in this period. For people born towards the south and it is parallel to
during this time of a year, the Sun will be . ecliptic.
shown in Pisces. This is called the sign of. Moksha,
. Pisces is governed by Jupiter. Before the mostly obtained by doing Dharma, i.e.,
discovery of the planet Neptune, wester- one's duty, charity, etc. It is said that
ners also allotted this sign to Jupiter. Now, Jesus fed with five loaves and two fishes.
they have given it to Neptune, as the This sign is a symbol of compassion also.
qualities of this sign and those of Neptune Pisces is a watery, cold, common,
mostly agree. Ubaya, feminine, fruitful, psychic, emo-
In this sign Venus gets exaltation. tional, bicorporal double—legged sign-
Mercury is debilitated. Saturn does not on Southern hemisphere and is of short
lose strength but becomes auspicious. ascension.
It is said by the Hindus that Venus and Physical Features: Pisces' generally
Jupiter are enemies. By that they mean produces short people. They will weigh
.as much as a tall person as they will be can. Because, the tenth house brings
plumpy and the hands and feet will appear name, fame, etc. When the 10th house is
to be short and stout. The shoulders ruled by Mercury, it may or may not be
are muscular and Spherical. The eyes helpful to him depending on its connec-
will be big and protruding. But the hair tions. But Jupiter as lord of 10 to Pisces-
will be soft and silky. borns will ever protect him as it is the
strongest natural benefic. Kendbra adhi-
Characteristics: Pisces is a watery pathyam of Jupiter will not apply to
sign ruled by Jupiter, the chief governor Pisces-borns.]
for philosophy, and progeny. Hence the Being a common and feminine sign, the
person will be philosophical, restless, ever expression of his thoughts will be modified
dreamy, contemplating, imagining and and even thoroughly changed depending
never hesitating to lead romantic life. upon the audience. (In one city he
He will be honest, outspoken, helpful and can plead for Congress, in the other
humane. He will not go into the cause Swatantra, in the third Jan Sangh, in the
of olhers' troubles, but he will lend his 4th D.M.K. and so on.) Pisces type of
assistance at a moment's call. Just like character is really difficult to cope with.
water which can put out the fire (no doubt
depending on the proportion) so also, the Being the 12th sign of the Zodiac, he
person born in Pisces will calm down will have the desire to study the occult
the enemies, treat them courteously and science, the divine life. He is timid and
forgive them. He will be unassuming and has no self-confidence. He will have the
due . to overliberality and unbounded wish to go overseas and will be visiting
generosity, he cannot progress much. foreign lands.
They hamper his advancement. He is a Mars, the lord of the second house,
staunch "Ahimsa" observer. He. will makes him extravagant. He earns more
not kill poisonous reptiles. He cannot and spends equally more money. He will
think of doing harm to any : Not that be frank and fearless,
he is incapable, but he is so good a person
depositing, in his bank, more of his. .Venus as lord of the 3rd house gives
meritorious deeds than the money,- which him good neighbours and be develops bis
he can save by being economical. As it friendship by his generosity and great
is a dual sign, he is a puzzle to others and service to them.
to himself. One can find contradictions Mercury indicates that he will be
in his nature. He cannot be steady. studious and be ever changing his resi-
He is mostly sweet-tempered and socially dence.
incliDed. Moon makes him more timid, dreamy
Being a feminine sign, he can be lead and imaginative.
away by fresh ideas and fancies. He will Sun shows that he has to necessarily take
be polite and modest.. all precautionary measures whenever there
Venus, exalted herein, makes him a - is an'epidemic and he will be a nervous
poet, a musician or a painter or he can type of person.
serve in a make-up room as he is a harm- The one defect in Pisces is that they
less person. So also, in worldly affairs, will rely upon all their friends and late in
he can clearly Understand the defects, life they will realise that the world has
difficulties and deficiency and plan in produced both good and wicked people
various ways to alleviate the sufferings of and he is also not an exception to fall a
the people. He is best fitted to be in the victim in the hands of the so-called Saturn
Planning Commission. and friends'. Wisdom comes late-
[The difference between Virgo and Pisces-
borns is that the Virgo-borns are really Characteristics to be corrected :—
more intelligent but they do not enjoy the (a) Do not worry as you are sus-
Providential Help as the Pisces-borns ceptible to varying moods.
(b) Do not belittle yourself. help to others who need either health,
(c) Cultivate push. wealth or knowledge. Therefore they
are good nurses, caterers, welfare workers,
(d) Be generous but not over-liberal. teachers, accountants and bankers.
(e) Do not entertain hopes on others' Since the 5th house—the house of
promises, pleasurable pursuits—is ruled by Moon
(f) Do not be contemplating and who, by nature, gives such a hobby or
dreaming always. desire according to the house which it
Health'. Being a watery sign, one will owns, one will be interested to music,
be addicted to drink and as this sign is opera, cinema etc., and. also occult
opposite to Virgo, the persons born in science.
Pisces will develop gastric troubles. The exaltation of Venus produces
As the 12th house denotes ankle and musicians, poets, actors etc. They cannot
foot, one will have affections of the concentrate and do any detailed work.
ankles and feet. But if any arduous task is to be done, they
As it is a watery sign and 12th sign, are methodical, persevering, industrious,
one may suffer from' varicose veins or true, sincere and honest.
guinea worm. They have good business ability. They
Sun in Pisces: Perspiration of the feet, thrive better as Liason Officer than as
chillness, intestinal troubles due to lack Managing Director or Chairman.
of blood supply, and typhoid. Jupiter owning both the Ascendant and
Moon : Drink, over-drugging the sys- the tenth house show that they can succeed
tem. as Ministers and physicians. The best
business or service suited to them will
Mars: Fracture in the foot, deformities, be sailor in Navy, Captain of a Ship,
corns, piles, infiammation in the bowels shipping and clearing agents in the
and hernia. harbour, port-trusf, custom house, dealers
Mercury: Generous nervous debility, in drinks, oils, beverages, chemicals,
deafness, tends to tuberculosis, cramps. motion-picture (since it is a mute-sign)
costumes, cosmetics, service in temples,
Jnpiter : Feet swollen, perspiring, liver churches, mutts, aquariums, submarines,
gets enlarged, tumours in the abdomen, isolation hospitals, asylums, sanatoriums,
intestines overworked, deSciency of etc. Fishery, educational, shipping, finan-
enzymes, tumours in the abdominal cial, and medical departments are shown.
region. To select which of these can be understood
Venus : Gout, intestinal tumours. when Krishnamurti Padhdhati is studied.
Satnrn : Rheumatism, foot-drop, tuber- Pisces people do not relish the idea of
culosis, dropsy, beri-beri. being dependent on their children in their
Planets in Pooravapadrapada constel- old age. .One need not elaborate the
lation shows abdominal tumour, enlarged danger of being dependent. So, they
liver, enzyme deficiency. want to invest (being the IZth'sign of the
zodiac owned by a benefic) so that the
Planets in Uthrashada leads to rheuma- money is safe and is useful as they are
tism and T.B. ever conscious of approaching old age.
Planets in Revatbi star cause deafness, They will be helpful to others as they
general nervous debility, cramps, etc. cannot refuse any request. Yet they lend
to those who. can repay on demand. In
Finance and Fortune: Pisceans are spite of that, Saturn, as lord of 11 and 12,
really happy when their vocations include threatens that a few friends—Saturnians,
such nature of work which needs breadth will be good friends till they receive the
of vision and scope of good action. Their help and then disappoint the Pisces-
main mode of life and desire are to be of borns-
Sun forming good aspect (as lord of 6) attend to the need of their friends. Being
■ shows permanent service in Government awatery sign, belonging to benevolent
departments. Jupiter,they are influenced by the surround-
Mars, when favourable and strong ings and environments also, they worry
makes them serve in Navy, Custom, Port themselves when their friends are in diffi-
culties, and they enjoy when their good
Trust and oil fields. They have plurality friends have fortune.
of interest.
They are very sincere and true to their
Jupiter as lord of 10 makes one a friends. Even though familiarity may
politician or philosopher or serve in any breed contempt, yet people will never feel
of the departments indicated by Jupiter the intimacy of the Pisces-borns as they
and if allowed, to do business also- are helpful and never treacherous.
Domestic Environments: These peo- But what about the friends of Pisces
ple generally welcome many friends. people ? Some are true and loyal and a
Why ? Not to entertain them, but the few are outwardly honest but inwardly
guests will patiently listen to the narra- scoundrels, cheats, low-born, ill-bred
tion of the troubles of Pisces-borns, pity selfish people with a narrow mind. There-
them and give them mental solace. fore Pisces-boms should not confide
Honestly, they can always invite astrolo- everything to friends. People are betra-
gers who will be useful for such encou- yed and put into trouble by such few
ragement (7lh house is ruled by Mercury friends. Why? 12tb house is ruled by
for astrologer). Aquarius. So Aquarius-borns will receive
They are desirous of giving higher help from Pisces-borns and at the same
education to their children. They would time gather confidential information from
also wish to have an educated partner in them during unguarded moments and use
life. If she is not educated, they will try it as a weapon to bring ill-repute and
to educate the wives also. downfall to the Pisces-borns.
They love happy domestic life. They ' The editor knows a case of Piscean
who took an Aquarian as his friend. In
are very affectionate at home. ' Through- spite of repeated warnings, he confided
out their married life, they do not get with the Aquarian all his matters. The
tired to carry out the romantic legend of latter betrayed him which resulted in
lovers. One defect—as it appears to me heavy loss of money, reputation, etc., and
and to many—is that they will be tempted imprisonment.
with every pretty face and their fancies
will be wandering. Most of those who Romance and marriage: Pisces people
touch the sculptures of different figures in prefer the. beauty of the partner, his or
the temples and those who stand for some her intellectual pursuits, and fine arts.
time near the cloth -shops where they have They do not want mean-minded partners.
kept the figures of both the sexes, are But they forget that such qualifications
those born in Pisces. It is due to Moon, of the partners lead them to be jealous of
the lord of the 5th house. Every figure is their partners and they look at them
a thrill for them. It supplies them always with suspicion which slowly kills
enough food for imagination alone. their love. The partners should under
stand this suspicious nature of the Pisces-
Friends and Benefactors: As these borns and try to assure them of their
people are good by nature, kind by sincere love to them, and flatter them to
disposition and very helpful, they will their satisfaction. The Pisces-borns will
have many friends. Further they have be ever dreaming about love and they will
the personal magnetism which adds more be delaying and. postponing doing any-
friends. Bui the friends will use the servi- thing to develop it. They should not
ces of the Pisces-borns to the maximum select any partner who is free with all.
extent as the latter are prepared to sacri- Suspicion will keep the love in suspense.
fice, forget" their personal problems and As Pisces is a dual sign, on some occa-
sions they will not be warm but will be Because they will teach their parents a
reluctant for some time whereas in other lesson which is the dividend for their firm
moments they admire, adore and be undesirable and unwise attitude. The
amorous and affectionate. children will be normally intelligent and
Look at the peculiarity of Pisces-borns- successful in their lives. They will 'turn
They are by nature kind, sympathetic out to be good artists.
and loyal. But thinking that they arc If Prices-borns arc not moody and
wise by putting on a show, they are harsh, suspicious, they arc the good social workers
etc. They arc classified as good people and they lead a very happy and harmoni-
and also moody people. ous wedded life.
Throughout their life they will be attrac- As 2, 5 and 11 indicate children, mostly
ted to the romantic side. Mars, Moon and Saturn rule these signs.
If Mars, ruling the second house, is the Hence they will be rich, business people
strongest significator, the partner will be dealing in mine products, metals boilers,
bold, brave and independent. If the oils, etc.
Pisces-borns ill treat the martians type of Lucky days: Thursdays, Tuesdays and
partner, there can be no harmony at all, Sundays.
If Venus and saturn form evil aspect, the Mondays and Saturdays, tempt and
married life will be short. It may end in cause loss.
a divorce. Wednesdays and Fridays are inauspi-
If Mercury is the strongest significator, cious to Pisces-borns whereas they are
the partner is very clever like the faith- beneficial to their partners or opponents.
ful animals, they will keep silent when the For profession, reputation, etc. select
master is angry and they will fondle when Thursdays.
the master is jolly. So, the . partners will
be tactful and clever. For finance, higher studies and long
.If Saturn is the strongest ruling planet, journey prefer Tuesdays.
the Pisces-borns have to be a little careful For competition, overdraft facility,
and. they have to correct themselves. never miss Sundays.
Otherwise the partner will share the joy Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are
of Pisces-borns and like the rat in the auspicious. to make purchases for the
sinking ship, desert them when they are in partner.
difficulties. Saturdays must be avoided for dispute
The above statement applies to partners agreement, etc.
in business and friends also. Lucky Colours : Red and yellow, pre-
Pisces-borns can lead a happy life with ferably orange will prove to be fortunate.
Virgo-borus and Cancer-borns. Avoid blue. White, cream and green
Children: Jupiter, lord of Pisces, gets are good for partner. Pisces-borns should
exalted in the 5th sign, Cancer, and the not use them.
5th house indicates the offspring. That Coral mounted in gold ring may be
is why, probably, Piscesians love and used with advantage.
adore their children who also reciprocate.
They are more like a mirror. The children Lucky Numbers:
will always return in the same coin. The 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55 and so on
Pisces-borns should not be strict with 4,13, 22, 31, 40, 58
their children. Then they will reap the
consequences. 3, 12, 21, 30, 48, 57
If children have not scored sufficient 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54
marks, if they are playful etc., they should avoid
be well advised and never threatened. 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53
Prefer to partner but you should avoid places in undated, damp and wet places,
for yourself make up soil, oil fields, oil tanks, temples,
6, 15, 24,33, 42,51 harbour, asylum, sanatorium, places of
5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50 . „ segregation, isolation, jails, water-mills,
2,11,20,38,47,56 old hermitage, wells, cisterns, etc.
7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52 Countries and Cities: South of Asia
Objects, etc. indicated by . Pisces: Minor, Calabria, Portugal, Normandy,
Poorvapathrapada constellation denotes Fezzan, Egypt, Gallacia in Spain, Zara
politicians, ministers, bank agents, travel- desert-Nubia Ceylon.
lers, tourists, advocates, professors, Cowes, Bournemouth, Orimsby, Christ-
generous people, religious minded people, church, Farnham, King'sLynn, Lancaster,
arbitrators, etc. Alexandria Preston, Southport, Compo-
Uttrapathraphada refers to very rich stella Regensbury Ratisbon, Seville,
persons, rulers, valuable dhanyam, corns, Worms, Chicago.
rishis, those who are charitable, who do Products : Fisheries, breweries, rubber,
penance and sacrifices. submarines diving operation, shipping,
Revati constellation refers to pearls, navigation, liquids.
couch-shell, lotus, fragrant or aquatic Whom to Pray : Narayana : Krishna:
flowers, salt, perfumes, gems, business Also, Parvathi, Sakthi, Raja Rajeswari,
people, literates, Journalists, accountants, Lalitha. If Mars is strong Narasimha,
auditors, bankers, electric thermal 'station, Muruga, Kali. If Venus is beneficially
etc. posited Lakshmi. If Saturn receives good
Places indicated by Pisces; Pond, aspects, Krishna. . (Saturn, Venus and
ocean, fisheries, fish canneries, backwater. Moon denote Lord Krishna) read Gectha.
K. S. K.
The following are the horoscopes of two persons in Calcutta who had lost their
movable property by theft between 1 and 2 P.M. on 9-7-1965. The question is (a) why
they had to lose and (b) whether they can recover the lost property.

1 Mars,
Ncpturie Sun,
| Moon

Kethu Dasa*—Balance at birtb 2 years 11 months 12 days.

Lagna Uranus
245 12* 47' Mercury Rahu

.Sun 18036r
Jupiter Neptune :
11° 11'-
Rahu Mars Sun
0° 36' I
Venos Dnsa—Balance 5 years 8 months and 12 days.
(a) By theft, we have to understand (b) The opponent represented by the
that one loses one's movable pro- seventh house, that is the thief to
perty without one's knowledge be successful in his attempts in
which is indicated by the twelfth knocking away other's possessions.
house representing loss, secret inimi-
cal activity counted from Lagna or (c) Gain or profit to the opponent
Moon sign whichever is strong. which is judged by the eleventh
house to the 7th house, i.e., that 5th Hence Saturn is to causeloss.
house from either unafHicted Lagna (b) The thief is indicated by the 7th
or Moon sign. house. 7th house is Aquarius. It is
The stolen property becomes his owned by Saturn. It is in the 12th
temporary or permanent possession Bhava. Therefore the thief is an
which is denoted by the second aged person-more aged than the
house to the seventh, i.e., the 8th nativc-as the lord is Saturn; he is
house. not related, but he is a stranger as
Therefore one has to consider the houses lord of 7 is in 12. No planet is
in Saturr.'s constellation, except
12,7, 5 and 8 to ascertain the loss to the Saturn. Hence Saturn indicates thief.
person, the successful attempt of the thief,
his gains and possession. (c) Houses 2 and 11 to the 7th house
arc Pisces-Meena and Sagittarius-
So, one is to judge the strength of the Dhanus. Both are unoccupied. Both
planets in the following manner:— the signs .are governed by Jupiter—
(a) The planets situated in the constel- no planet was in the constellation
lation of the occupants of the of JupiJer. But Jupiter was Var-
houses 5, 7, 8 and-|2; gothama and strong. Jupiter is a
significator. Therefore Saturn and
(b) occupants of the houses 5, 7, 8 and Jupiter are the two strong signifi-
12; cators.
(c) ' the planets in the constellation of Mars is in the constellation of the lord
the lords of the houses 5, 7, 8 and of 12 and is aspected by Saturn..
(d) the lords of these houses ; .Venus is in Mar's star and aspected by
the malefic.Satiirn.
(e) planets conjoined with them ; or Thus it will be seen that Saturn and the
<f) planets aspected by them. planets aspected by Saturn, as well as by
Jupiter, the lord of 5 and 8 are the signifi-
In the chart of the native, born on cators.
26-8-1946, the Lagna is afflicted as in the
same sign, Rahu was posited and the lord At the time of birth, the lady had a
of Lagna is debilitated. Moon was in Leo- balance of 2 years 11 months and 12 days
Simha. Sun, its lord is strong in its own of Kethu Dasa. On 9-7-1965 she had been
house and is conjoined with Moon. Hence running Venus Dasa, Saturn Bhukti, Jupiter
the Moon sign is stronger. Anthara and Mars Sookshma.
Let us see the lord of the day, the lord
Leo represents the person. of the star on the day of theft, the lord of
(a) Loss to her its indicated by the 12th the rasi where Moon was on the day of
house which is occupied by Saturn theft and the lord of the Lagna.
and Mercury. Saturn is in its own On 9-7-65 between 1 and 2 P.M.,Ahelord
constellation and is definitely evil. of the day—Friday—is Venus, the dasa-
Mercury in the 12th house in the natha;
constellation of the lord of 2- and
11 to Leo, is not adverse. Any the lord of the star—Anuradha—is gov-
planet or planets in any Bhava, erned by the Bhuktinatha-Saturn;
occupying the constellation of the the lord of the rasi - Where moon was-
lord of 2 and 11, will prove to be a Scorpio (Vrischika) is owned by Mars and
benefic. They are tdrantogeous to the Lagna of theft was Libra owned by
the person. But a planet or planets ' Venus.
in the constellationls) of the !ord(s)
of '5 and'8, in'any sign threaten{s) Hence Stellar astrology can pinpointthe
loss. nature of event and the time of event.
Horoscope (b): (d) to consider the recovery as a
(1) Lagna is strong: It is neither occu- treasure and a profit denoted by
pied by, nor aspected by any male- 11th house.
fic. Lord of Lagna is in its own Hence houses 6, 2, 1 and 11 are to be
sign and is not in 6, or 8 or 12. considered.
(2) 5th house is occupied by Moon. It
is also the lord of the 5th house. It To the first native, the lady, Leo-Simha,
is under the sway of Venus, the lord the Moon sign is to be considered as the
of 8, as it was in the constellation first house.
Pooram-Poorvaphalguni governed Sun is strong in the First Bhava.
by Venus. So Moon is to cause loss Mars and Venus are in the second house.
to the native and gain or profit to Rahu and Jupiter arc in the constellation
the opponent or thief. of Mars. No planet is in the constellation
(3) 7th house is occupied by Mars. It of Venus.
is in its own constellation and is
strong. Kethu and Venus ar^ in 6th house is unoccupied. It is owned by
the Constellation of Mars. Saturn who is also the lord of 7. Saturn
alone is in its own constellation. Saturn
(4) 8th house is unoccupied. Venus has to play bolh the roles. Success to the
rules the 8th house and is under the thief and later loss to him.
infiuence of the planet in 7th Bhava.
(5) 12th house is owned and occupied 11 th house is unoccupied. It is owned
by Saturn. The loss wasduring the by Mercury. Its constellations are Ash-
time when this person was running lesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. Mercury and
Mars "Dasa, Moon Bhukti, Saturn Kethu are in Ashlesha and Jyeshta
Antbara and Venus Sookshma. respectively.
Therefore during Venus Dasa, Mercury
When did he lose the property? On Bhukti, Kethu Anthara,Saturn Sookshma,
the day. the property which is stolen will be
(a) When Moon transited in Scorpio- recovered.
Vrischika ruled by Mars, the dasa- A property cannot be recovered if the
natha; lords of 2 and 11 are in the constellation
(b) On Anuradba star day governed by of the lords of either 5, 8 or 12 (as these
Saturn-the anthara lord; three houses are 11th, 2nd, 6th to the thief).
(c) on Friday, ruled by <yenus,-irt whose It is, then, once for all lost.
constellation, the Bhuktinatba, Luckily Mercury is the lord of 2 and 11.
Moon was and also on the day of It is in its own constellation. It is con-
Venus as Venus Sookshma was on 1 joined with Saturn who is to act both ways
(d) and in the Lagna Libra owned by as lord of 7 and 6. "■
Therefore between 15-2-66 and 24-2-66,
Will he recover? the property will be recovered mostly on
Recovery of the article includes a Wednesday governed by Mercury, in
Poorvashada star day ruled by Venus, in
(a) loss of the temporary possession of Sagittarius Rasi owned by Jupiter and in
the stolen property with the full the Lagna Gemini-Mithuna lord of which
knowledge of the thief (12 to 7 that is Mercury. So, on 16-2-66 at about
is the 6th house); 3 P.M. the property will be recovered, by
(b) regaining the lost property indica- this person.
ted by the second house; At that time the other person will have
(c) to come out successful in finding out Rahu Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Jupiter Anthara,
the thief shown by the Lagna; and Jupiter Sookshma.
Rahu is in Moolam star, ruled by Kethu ed period of Jupiter, Mercury and Mars.
which has to act as an agent of Mercury, Jupiter is the lord of 1 and 10, in the 9th
the lord of the sign and Mars, the lord of house. Mercury is in the 11th house in the
the constellation. constellation of the Sun, the lord of 6.
Therefore, Rahu is- to act as a represent- Mars, the lord of 2, is in its own
ative of Jupiter with whom it is conjoined constellation.
and in whose sign it is ; also Rahu has to Hence, the editor declares that these
offer the conjoined results of Mercury and two persons who had lost their property
Mars. will recover it at about 3 P.M. on Wednes-
day, 16-2-1966 and in April 1966 issue, the
So, Rahu Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Jupiter • fulfilment of the prediction will be
"Anthara may be considered as the conjoin- announced.
In ahospital on 8-11-1945, there were, correct time of birth by applying Pre-
two births. One child was born at 5-30 natal Epoch.
P.M. The same nurse went to the next The horoscope of the child born at
room and attended upon another lady and 5-50 P.M. on 8-11-1945 at 25° 19' N and
another child was born at 6 P.M. on 82° 30' E and that of the other at 6 P.M.
8-1 1-1945. Both want to find out the in the same hospital are as under:
Asc Ura
29* 29' 16° 35;
Rahu Rahu
2* 19' 2° 19'
Sat24* 54' Sat 24' 54'
5-30 P.M. Mars Mars
. 8-11-45 29® 4' 29® 4'

24" 11' . Sun, Ven 25® 16'
Jup 15®15' 24 26 Sun,
M ercury, 15° 43' Ncp 7" 35' Mercury 15" 44' ^ ^
6® 12'
Sidereal time at Noon on 8-11-45 15 hours 9 min.
Deduct for East Longitudie 82° 30'
at | sees! per degree 0 0 55
Add Interval between previous noon
and the time of birth in L.M.T. + 5 30 0
Add correction for interval + 0 0 55
Therefore sidereal time for 5-30 P.M."
on 8-11-45 at 82° - 30'E = 20 39 4
The sidereal time for 6 P.M. on -
8-11-45 at 82° 30' = 21 9 19
The ascendant for the latitude of
25° 19' for the sidereal time 20 hrs.— ] = 51° 6'
39 mts. 14 sees.
The ascendant for the latitude of 25° " _ 59°
19' for the sidereal time 21* hrs. 29'
9 mts.— 19'secs.
A couple may have pleasant time every ova at any time after copulation ^within a
night. Yet, one cannot say which night period of 38 hours. Therefore "at which
function would have been fruitful.- The moment, the epoch commences, nobody
day itself is not definite. Further, the can say, even though one knows the few
male spermatozoa can enter into female minutes of pleasure.
Generally, from (he time of epoch, the Sagittarius (which was the position of
growth commences and the intra-uterine Waxing Moon at the time of birth).
life will be around nine months, i.e., nine Further the day of Epoch will be 18th
solar months or ten lunar months. February 1945 (9 months before the birth
I. There may be an increase or decrease time) when Moon was transiting around
in this period. It is found that it depends 21° 6' Taurus.
upon four factors: i.e., (a) whether Moon In the second example, the position of
was waxing—Sukla Paksha—increasing in Lagna at the time of Epoch will be 24* 26'
light or the longitude between Sun and in Sagittarius (as it was Waxing Moon at
Moon is increasing from the New Moon ; the time of birth) and the day of Epoch
or (b) Moon was waning—Krishna will be 19—2—1945 when Moon transits
Paksha, decreasing in light or the longi- 29° 29' Taurus.
tude, between Sun and Moon decreasing
from the time of Full Moon ; (c) whether III. Find the exact time on
Moon is found above the horizon, any- the day of Epoch when the Lagna will rise
where in the houses 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 or 7; on the day of Epoch which is the position
(d) or Moon is found below the horizon, of Moon at the time of birth.
anywhere in the houses 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1. For this, one is to take the table of
Then, the period of intra uterine life in Houses for the Latitude -at which the
above nine solar months if (a) Waxing mother stayed during those pleasant days.
Moon, is below horizon (1 to 6 houses) or Herein these examples,' the mother was
(b) Waning Moon is above horizon (7 to during the pleasant days and the painful
12 houses) and it is less than nine solar day, all along, in the same place. So from
months if (a) the Waxing Moon is above the table of Houses for Latitude 25° 19',
horizon (7 to 12 houses), or (b) the Waning note the sidereal time given for the Ascen-
Moon is below horizon (1 to 6 houses). dant in Sagittarius 24° IT i.e., Ibok down
the column " Ascendant ". When you
II. To find out which sign would have come to the 7th line on the right side
been Moon on the day of page, you will find Asc. 24° 15' Sagittarius
Epoch and which pant of the Zodiac will when the sidereal time would be 12 hours
be rising at the time of Epoch one is to 22 mts. and 2 sees, i If you calculate, you
follow the following rules. will find that 24° 11' Sagittarius would
have risen when the sidereal tinie was 12
Suppose, at the time of birth, it was hours 21 minutes 44 seconds. Suppose a
Sukla Paksha, i.e., it is Waxing Moon, Child is born on 18—2—1945 and you find
then the Ascendant at the time of the sidereal time at.the time of birth of a
epoch will be the sign and the position of child is 12 hours 21' min. 44 seconds,
Moon at the time of birth. The day of then what is the actual time of birth.
epoch is that day on which (around 9
months prior to birth) Moon transited in HrS. Min, Sees.
that sign and around the degree of the On 18—2—1945, the side-
Lagna at the time of birth. real time at noon is
given as 21 52 20
In the above examples, Moon gets Gut the sidereal time
separated from Sun. New Moon was obtained is 12 21 44
over. It is increasing in light. It is called
WaxingMoon. As the Lagna in the first (Add 24 hours) 36 21 44
example is 21° 6', Taurus, 7th cusp will be Then the interval between")
21° 6' Scorpio. Therefore Aries, Pisces, previous noon and the I 36 21 44
Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius and the time obtained plus the L minus
portion between 3CP Scorpio and 21° 6' correction at 10 Sees/ j 21 52 20
Scorpio are above the horizon. hour. J
Hence the position of Lagna at the = 14 29 24
moment of Epoch should be 24° IT
If you calculate deducting rectification Calculate the position of Moon for this
for the interval at 10 sees, per hour, you time 2 hours 28 mts. 5 sees. A.M.
will get the figure 14 hours 27 mts. as the 19—2—1945. It is 23" 36' 1" in Taurus.
interval between previous noon and the Therefore the Lagna at the time of birth
time of birth i.e., 2-27 A.M. on for one born at 5-30 P.M. is arrived at as
19—2—1945: 23° 36' Taurus and for the other born at
6 P.M. it is found to be 23° 36' 1", as the
Find out the position of Moon at 2-27 position of Moon at Ihe time of Epoch is
A.M. on 19—2—1945. Moon at 2-27 the position of Lagna at the time of birth,
A.M. on 19—2—1945 will be 23° 36' in if Moon at birth was waxing.
Taurus. How, far this method of rectification is
Similarly if one works for the time on useful is left to the readers.
19—2—1945 wheni Asc. 24° 26' Sagittarius The editor suggests the useful method
rises, it will be found that the sidereal time according to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, in
would be 12 hours 22 mts. 50 sets, and his valuable book " Krishnamurti
the time of birth will be 14 hours 30 mts. Padhdhati". It answers for twin births
30 sees, added to previous noon i.e., and births with a diflference of a few
2-2S—5 A.M. on 19—2—1945. minutes.
" ProTDOtion—when " is generally asked What may be your profession ? Rahu
by persons who already hold an appoint- Dasa was running at the time you had to
ment and who have got some higher scales start your life. Rahu was in Jupiter's
of pay. star Rahu sub- (Rahu indicates Jupiter
as it'is in its constellation, Rahu is to act
Service is judged from the houses 2, 6 as an agent of Mars as it is in its sign and
and 10: Sun is the chief governor for also that of Mercury as it is conjoined
profession ; Jupiter is concerned with one's with it.) Hence Rahu in the conjoined sub
financial position, ilth house indicates sub periods of Jupiter or Mercury gives
gains. Hence you self-acquisition. Actually you'joined
(a) planets in the constellation of the as a civilian in the Defence Department on
occupants of the houses 2, 6 or 25-2-42 on a Wednesday and in Arudhra
or 10, star day (Rahu's star in Mercury's sign).
(b) the occupants of the houses 2, Later during Rahu Dasa Venus sub period
or 6 or 10, and Jupiter sub sub period you joined the
Revenue Department ' on 18-10-1954.
(c) the planets in the constellation of Now when can you expect an increase
the lords of 2, 6 or 10, in income and improvement in status?
(d) lords of 2, 6 or 10 and (e) those You can expect it during Jupiter Dasa,
conjoined with or aspected by them Venus Bbukthi Jupiter Anthra or Mercury
denote whether one is in service Anthra—as Jupiter was in the constel-
and if so, the nature of the job and lation of Mercury, one is to prefer
prosperous and adverse time in his Mercury Anthra. Jupiter in the 11th house
service. can bring you both social and financial
success. But Mercury has everything to
(a) Sun, Mercury and Rahu are in the do with profession as it is the lord of 10
'second house. Rahu in close and is in the constellation of the lord of 6.
conjunction with Mercury is the So beginning of January 1969 will be
stionge'st. Sun is in one of the 3 the time when Sun transits in Jupiter's
constellations of Rahu- Venus sign and Venus star Poorvashada.
and Kcthu are in the constellation
of Sun who is in the 2nd Bhava. In the meanwhile when you are running
Jupiter is in the constellation of Jupiter Dasa, Mercury Bhukthi, Saturn
Mercury ashlesha. Therefore Rahu, Anthra it indicates not only outstanding
Kethu, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and remarks in your confidential report but also
Sun are the strong significators. change of seat or the nature of work is
Aspect between Jupiter, the dasa lord shown. It is to come immediately, i.e.,
and Kethu is applying square. The aspect in November 1965. This is only a change
between Jupiter and Mercury is separation in the nature of the duty.
square and applies to 108* aspect. Jupiter Promotion and prosperity are promised
to-Venus is 36° aspect which is favourable. in Januarv 1969.' It is likely that you may
Jupiter and Sun will be applying square. have to scrutinise deal with people who
Hence Westerners will prefer Jupiter have something to do with money of the
and Venus as the benefics to bestow you deceased as Kethu is in the Sth Bhava and
with desirable results. Kethu Bhukthi follows immediately-

Sloka 11. SUN - MARS-MERCURY - VENUS: Quarrelsome, sleepy, mean,
JUPITER : Courageous, bereft of wife husband of a woman of ill-repute, sorrow-
and riches, extreme sorrow, wanderes, ful, unhappy, enmity tyith relatives.
originator of rules and laws (like Panini). Sloka 23. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-
Sloka 12. SUN-MARS-MERCURY- SATURN: Brave, will do harm to his
VENUS: Addicted to others' wives, parents, born in a base family, will have
thievish, bad-manners, lack of bravery, many children, wives and relatives,
unequal limbs. righteous conduct.
SATURN : Warrior, learned, cruel, best VENUS: Deformity of organs, good
of the poets, fit to be a king or a Premier, wife, will patiently bear all sorrows, self^
mean habits. respect, learned, many relatives and
. Sloka 14. SUN ■ MARS - JUPITER - Sloka-25. MOON - MARS-JUPITER-
VENUS : Prosperous, worshipful by all, SATURN : Deaf, rich, brave, crooked
rich, pleasing to the king, very reputed,
righteous. behaviour, clever at speech, intelligent,
charitable, Steady.
Sloka 15. SUN - MARS - JUPITER -
SATURN: Lunatic,- fit for respect- in Sloka 26. MOON - MARS - VENUS -
assemblies of good people, successful in SATURN: Unchaste wife, lustrous,
undertakings, always in the company of look like that of a snake (venemous).
relatives and friends, liked by king. Sloka 27. MOON - MERCURY-JUPI-
Sloka 16. SUN - MARS - VENUS - TER-VENUS: Learned, bereft of father
SATURN : Deformity of limbs, ill- and mother, handsome personality,
manhered, enmity with relatives, failure luxurious life, rich, no enemies.
in undertakings, both eyes not similar. Sloka 28. MOON - MERCURY-JUPI-
- Sloka 17. SUN-MERCURY-JUPITER- TER-SATURN: Charitable, leader, liked
VENUS: Rich, pleasurable pursuits, by relatives, intelligent, minister, reputed
successful in undertakings, relatives, poet.
respect everywhere. Sloka 29. MOON. - MERCURY
Sloka 18, SUN-MERCURY-JUPITER- VENUS-SATURN: Addicted to others'
SATURN: Lack of manliness, fond of wives, wife of questionable character, no
quarrel, brothers, lack of enthusiasm, relatives, educated, disliked by public.
self-respect. Sloka 30. MOON-JUPITER-VENUS -
Sloka 19. SUN-MERCURY-VENUS- SATURN: Loss of mother in infancy,
SATURN : Talkative, prosperous, in- prosperity, skin disease, unbearable
telligent, happiness, brave and neat, help sorrow, incessant travel, very talkative.
by relatives. Sloka 31. MARS - MERCURY - JUPI-
Sloka 20. SUN - JUPITER - VENUS- TER-VENUS: Troublesome with ladies,
SATURN : Gready, poet, high status, aristocratic, universal respect, noble quali-
leader of low-class people aud labourers, ties, immune from diseases.
liked by king. Sloka 32. MARS - MERCURY-JUPI -
Sloka 21. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-. TER-SATURN ; Brave, learned, eloquent
JUPITER: Very learned, expert, profici-. in speech, poor, truthful and neat, forbea-
ency in Manthiras, very intelligent. rance, intelligent.
Sloka 33. MARS MERCURY - - Sloka 8. SUN - MOON - MERCURY-
VENUS-SATURN : Proficiency in box- JUPITER - SATURN: Fear complex,
ing, wrestling, reared by others, well- forsaken by relatives, cheat and a swind-
developed and strong physique, reputed, ler will depend on others for food.
play with dogs (hunter). Sloka 9. SUN -MOON - MERCURY-
Sloka 34. MARS - JUPITER-VENUS- VENUS - SATURN: Tall; hairy body,
SATURN : Handsome appearance, weal- prepared to die any time, bereft of riches,
thy, fond of sex pleasures, fickle-minded, children and pleasure.
deceitful, bad-mannered. Sloka 10. SUN - MOON - JUPITER -
-Sloka 35. MERCURY - JUPITER - VENUS - SATURN; Good speaker,
VENUS - SATURN: Liberal minded, expert as a conjurer, fickle-minded, intelli-
enamoured of women, many servants, gent, many enemies, fearless, enamoured
fond of taking meals in places where of ladies.
ceremonies are performed. Sloka 11. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-
possess many associates and horses, a
RESULTS OF YOGA OF CONJUNC- commander, free from sorrow, liked by
TION OF FIVE PLANETS IN A SIGN king and very lucky.
(Pancha—Graha Yogas) Sloka 12. SUN - MARS-MERCURY -
If FIVE planets are conjoined in any JUPITER - SATURN: Always afflicted
one sign at birth time, their effects are as with misery and disease, eke livelihood by
follows: begging, wear torn and dirty clothes. ■
Sloka 1. SUN - MOQN - MARS - Sloka 13. SUN - MARS-MERCURY -
MERCURY JUPITER : Ever sorrowful, .. VENUS - SATURN: Sufferings from
has to do much manual labour, anguish various diseases and enemies, forsake
due to'separation from-wife. house and go out, outcaste, ever sorrow-
ful, wandering with worries.
Sloka 2. SUN - MOON - MARS -
MERCURY-VENUS : Work for others- Sloka 14. SUN - MARS - JUPITER -
sake, lose fighting spirit due to associates, VENUS - SATURN: Inventor of
befriend people who lack manliness. hydraulic machines,-work with gold and
Sfoka 3. SUN - MOON - MARS - silver, and their chemistry, gain popularity
in making medicines.
MERCURY - SATURN: Short life,
internment (bondage), poverty, devoid of Sloka 15. SUN MERCURY -
prosperity, wife, children and wealth. JUPITER - VENUS - SATURN: Highly
Sloka 4. SUN - MOON - MARS - learned, liked by relatives and preceptor,
JUPITER - , VENUS: Born blind,' will charitable and generous.
suffer untold miseries, forsaken by parents, Sloka 16. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-
interest in music. JUPITER-VENUS: Good-natured, healthy,
Sloka 5. SUN - MOON - MARS - will possess good education, wealth, pros-
JUPITER-SATURN: Clever in warfare, specify and relations, liked by relatives and
expert in trade, will covet others' riches, truthful.
trouble others, miser. Sloka 17. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-
Sloka 6. SUN-MOON-MARS-VENUS- JUPITER-SATURN : Will be blind, and
SATURN : Never will enjoy wealth and poor and beg for food, insult his relatives.
happiness, no self-respect, base instincts, Sloka 18: MOON-MARS-MERCURY--
addicted to other's wives. VENUS-SATURN: Many enemies, help-
Sloka 7. SUN - MOON-MERCURY- ful to relatives, will work for others, mis-
JUPITER-VENUS : Produce machinery chievous, self-respect.
immense wealth, will grace a king's Sloka 19. MOON-MARS-JUPITER-
council, world famous. VENUS-SATURN : Minister, equal to. a
king, leader of an association', respected Sloka 7. MOON-MARS-MERCURY- .
by tbe public, rigbteous- JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN
Sloka 20. " MOON-MERCURY-JUPI- Neat and tidy, boastful, will enjoy tbe
TER-VENUS-SATURN: Minister, equal company of large number of ladies, f
to a king, leader of a community, respected pleasing to a king or minister, possess'
by all. children and enjoy all the pleasures and
Sloka 21. MARS-MERCURY-JUPI- comforts of life.
TER-.VENUS-SATURN : Pleasing to a Sloka 8. If five or six planets arc
king, temperameotal, will sleep for long conjoined in one Rasi, the subject will be .
duration, no worries of any kind, poor," poor, suffer many sorrows and very dull.
beneficient in mentality.
Sloka- 9-10. If all the seven planets are
CHAPTER XIX conjoined in one Rasi, the yoga is called
GOLA YOGA. Its effects will be dealt
SHAD-GRAHA YOGA with later.
(Conjunction of six Planeis) The effects of all the seven planets in
If sir planets are conjoined in a sign at Lagna: Short-lived, sinister mentality,
birth time, their effects are as given below : pauper, life in a foreign place, mean
Sloka 1. SUN-MOON-MARS - MER- profession of art, vulgar in speech.
CURY-JUPITER-VENUS : In the Second house : Devoid of wealth,
Penchant for education, wealth and intelligence and eyes.
charity, talkative, and mean mentality. Sloka 11. In the Third house: Bereft
Sloka 2. SUN-MOON-MARS-MER- of brothers, evil-minded, deaf.
CURY-JUPITER-SATURN: In the Fourth bouse: Bereft of mother,
Fickle minded, very generous and relatives and pleasures.
charitable, fond of helping others; pure" Sloka 12. In the Fifth house : Bereft
in mind, will seek solitude to practise yoga. of children and a lunatic.
Sloka 3. SUN-MOON-MARS-MER- ^ In the Sixth house : Troubled by ene-
CURY-VENUS-SATURN: mies, afflicted with many diseases, wound
Thief, will seek others' "wives, leper, marks on the body, sorrowful.
forsaken by relatives, dull-witted, will fall
from status, childless. Sloka 13. In the Seventh bouse : Loss
Sloka 4. SUN-MOON-MARS-JUPI- of wife and conjugal bliss.
TER-VENUS-SATURN In the Eighth house : Jeopardy to life,
Rogue, will take delight in others' happiness and livelihood.
activities, afflicted with T.B., or disease of Sloka 14. In the Ninth house: No
the lungs, irritable to relatives. preceptor, enamoured of preceptor's wife,
Sloka 5. SUN-MOON-MERCURY- loss of father.
JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN : In the Tenth house: No profession,
Minister, surrounded by wealth and talked ill by all.
luxury, patient (polite), afflicted with Sloka IS. In the Eleventh bouse:
sorrows, possess wife but no money. Immense wealth and earnings but ultima-
Sloka 6. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-JU. tely loss will be greater than earnings and .
PITER-VENUS-SATURN: will become pauper.
Take bath in holy rivers, bereft, of In the Twelfth house : Sinful acts, poor,
children and wealth, dwell in forest or will commit heinous crimes, attain hell
mountain (solitude). after death.

When will it materialise? Born at from Aries. As a house becomes weak,
- 5-55 P.M. on Saturday 31-10-1931 at if its lord occupies the 6ih or the 8th or
13° 04' N and 80* 15' E. the 12th sign counted from the house.
Aries Lagna becomes weak, since Mars,
UranusJ ^ its lord, is in the 8th sign. [One may
23® 48 Lagna Moon think that it is in its own sign. It is true.
Rahu 18° 35' |0a25' But it is strong to offer the results indi-
10° 44' cated by Scorpio and it is really weak to
give the results denoted by Aries. There-
Jupiter fore Lagna is weak.]
* ' 27° 28'
Moon is in Gemini. Its lord is Mer-
Rasi cury-Budha. Mercury is in the 5th house
Neptune counted from the Moon sign. Hence Moon
14° 46' sign is stronger.
If a doubt arises, follow Krishnamurti's
Saturn technique. What is the date, today when
25° 7' Mars Mere.22,® £3 Ketlm
Fortuna HO< ee.
" Sm. li' 20' 1° 44 you want to see your chart. It is 22-9-1965.
14° 40' What is the day? Wednesday. Who is
its lord?—Mercury. What is the time
Balance of Rahu Mahadasa is 12 years now and where is the Lagna at this
11 months and 8 days. moment? Now the Lagna is at 13°—
Marriage includes increase in the num- Aquarius? According to Krishnamurti
ber'of the members of the family which is Padhdhati, which planets rule 13th degree
indicated by the 2ad house, legal bondage Aquarius? It is the sign <5f-Saturn: the
with the other sex to lead a family life star is Sathabisha ruled by Rahu and the
with whom one shares his or her pleasure stib is governed by Mercury. So which
and pain, shown by the seventh house and are all, your ruling planets? Mercury, the
with whom one has to enjoy life and try lord of the day, Mercury, the lord of the
to maintain permanent tie of friendship, Star, and the Lagna governed by Saturn
co-operation, etc. and have children indi- in Rahu star. Therefore Mercury, Rahu
cated by the 11th house. and Saturn are your ruling planets.
Therefore one has to study these three Consider your horoscope? If you take'
houses 2, 7 and 11 counted from either the Lagna, it is ruled by Mars. As Mars
Lagna or from Moon sign, whichever is does not rule at this moment, consider the
stronger and unafflicted. Moon sign. You . are born in Rahu's
Venus is the planet which is the chief ■ star, Mercury's sign aspected by Saturn
governor for matrimony, whether it and your birth day was ruled also by
occupies or owns the houses 2, 7 or 11 or Saturn.
not. Of whichever house, Venus is the Hence, take your Moon sign and judge
lord, its inherent natural result is to contri- all the results. Forget your Lagna.
bute for one's marriage and married Follow anyone principle. (Never bring
life. each person one rule and somehow to
In this chart, Aries-Mesha is the Ascen- quote something or other. That is the
dant-Lagna. The lord of the sign Aries job of those who have to learn more and
is Mars. It is in the 8tb sign, counted who have not yet matured.)
Always Anuradha is occupied by Mars and
is in Uthrapathra.
(a) Note the planets occupying those
houses which signify a particular No planet is in the 11th house..
matter. Write down the constella- Jupiter and Saturn are in 2 and 7.
tions governed by these occupants;
note whether there is any or are The second house is owned by Moon.
many planets in an^'of those cons- Its stars are Rohini, Hastham and Srava-
tellations. These planets in the nam. Kethu alone is in Hastham.
constellation of the houses 2, 1 or The seventh house is ruled by Jupiter
11, are the main significators. The and it is already, stated that Venus and
strongest of these occupants is the Kethu should be taken as though they
main significator. are under the sway of Jupiter.
(b) If there is no planet in any of the
stars occupants, then take the occu- 11th house is owned by Mars. No
pants. Consider their strength. planet is in its star. Therefore take
(c) If there is no planet in any of the Saturn, Kethu, Venus, Mars, Rahu and
houses 2, 7 or 11, then find out Jupiter: Rahu is stronger, than Jupiter.
the planets situated in the constella- So drop away Jupiter : Of these, Saturn,
tion of the lords of the houses 2, 7 Kethu and Venus are very strong. Rahu
or 11. and Mars unaspected by Saturn, but aspec-
ted by Jupiter is weak to oiler the results
(d) Next, judge the lords of these indicated by Saturn as Jupiter is in 8 to
houses and their strength. Saturn and Mars-is in 12 to Saturn.
(e) Finally note those planets which Thus by a thorough analysis and syste-
are conjoined with, or aspectcd by, matic elimination one can boldly pitch
any of the strong significators. upon the three significators, Saturn, Kethu
Never miss to note that Rahu orKethu and Venus.
occupying either of the signs ruled by a You have entered into Saturn Vasa on
significator is stronger than the significator 8-10-60. Now you are running Mercury
owning the sign, occupied by either of the sub period—Bhukti till 20-6-1966. Then
nodes. This is very important, Then follows Kethu Bhukti. Venus Anthra
Rahu orKethuconjoined with a significator will operate between 13-7-1966 and
takes the role of the significator: hence 20-9-1966. This is the period when
one is to judge carefully. marriage will be celebrated. Why was
In this horoscope, it is decided to take there so much delay in marriage?
Gemini—Mithuna—as the first house, (1) Saturn in 7 to Moon delays (Moon
where Moon was. Therefore Cancer- was in Mercury's sign Rahu star)
JCataka is the second house; Sagittariusr till you enter into the period of a the seventh house and Aries- planet either not aspected by them
Mesha is the eleventh house. or forming adverse aspect. Kethu
Cancer is occupied by Jupiter. Its stars squares moon.
arc Punarvasu, Visakham, Poorvapathra- (2) According to progression, Venus
pada. was squaring Rahu and Kethu after
opposing Moon. Now only, Venus
Mercury and Venus are in Visakha. is getting separated, from these
Mercury's sign is occupied by Kethu. aspects from March 1965.
Hence take that Kethu and Venus are the (3) According to transit, the significa-
significators. tors have to transit in the constel-
Next, the 7th house is occupied by lation or sub of the significators i.e.,
Saturn. Its stars are Pushyi, Anuradha Saturn, Kethu and Venus have to
and Uthrapathra. No planet is in Pushya. transit, their signs or stars or sub.
' Now, the date of marriage will be old method of finding cut whether milk i
31-8-1966. genuine or not, was by dripping a drop on
the floor. Later, ladtometcr was introduc-
Kethu has no day. But anything, the ed. Even there, certain manipulation gives
Bhuktinatha Kethu is to give, it will do so wrong judgment i.e., removing butter and
only on the day of the lord of the sign in adding water gives the same result. But,
which it was. As Kethu is in Kanni, the when it is tested in a laboratory for fatty
day will be Wednesday. Moon will be in and non-fatty solid, etc.', how correctly one
the rasi or constellation of Dasanatha and can give the result, so also, one following
Bhuktinatha. As Kethu and Venus have Krishnamurti Padhdhati can give the date
no stars in Saturn's sign and as Rahu, a of event. But by following the ancient
.little weaker significator indicating marri- rules alone, one cannot satisfy the custo-
age, has its star Sathayam in Saturn's sign. mers, the clients, the students and the
Moon will be in Sathabhisha star. research scholars. One cannot convince
the non-believers.
The time of marriage will be at the
moment when 10* 44' of Virgo rises in the The days are advanced. Everything must
east, as the Lagna will be the position of have a scientific approach and a scientific
Kethu i.e., 7-48 A.M. on 31-8-1966. treatment. People want the exact date
when a thing will happen. Pooram asks
Whenever the exact date is to be fixed, whether for every event in one's life, there
wise astrologers will follow (u) the dasa is any method to fix the exact date. What
Bhukti system for a few areas due to per- is the use of saying when a planet transits
mutation and combination of periods in a particular sign, one's health will fail
which may extend between 1 month and 6 or one will lose his career. When? on
months ; (b) the progression fixes in which which day ? What is the scientific explana-
of these periods the matter will materia- tion? Is that rule applicable to all? These
lise and (c) the transit according to are the questions posed by the people.
Krishnamurti Padhdhati gives the date. Here is the solution, says Sravana and
If you consider that dasa bhukti system is gives it to all those who have the genuine
the hour hand and the progression is the desire to learn and all those who want to
minute hand, then the transit according to find out at least one mistake. Alas! A
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, invariably in all friend of Sravana Sathasivam tried in vain-
cases is the hand used for ' alarm '—signal. to find fault with him and died with
It will strike only when that second comes professional jealousy. .

Sir, anything else. How many methods aie
My friend is a student of astrology. propounded by our sages? They are as
He has' the research mind and he is many in number as the methods followed
actually doing research since a long num- by those who try to find out the winner
ber of years. He wants you to write in the races. There is no meeting point
artfcles on 'Profession'. I am also in the treatment of the subject, among
equally interested in it. I request you to these authors. What is worse, there is a
take this subject and deal it in your welter of bewilderment, for the aspiring
method. I am enclosing his letter written student in following a method which
to me. Thanks. would be scientific, simple and at the
Your sincerely, same time lead to a hundred per cent
B. Sundaram. accurate results. That is why those who
have not progressed further, have found
Dear Sir, out an excuse. What is it? They call
Please send this letter to Krishnamurti that the readings of the astrologer are
your friend. nothing but an indication and a tendency
of the planets which can be modified or
"Astrology " is one of the most ancient altered by the will of the person or by
sciences practised all over the world doing some Santhi or wearing some gem,
from time immemorial, In India, its etc. But, if one is learned and is sure of
ancestry dates back to the ages of the his grounds, he declares that a particular
Vedas and it is acclaimed as most impor- result must happen at a particular time
tant angas of the Vedas. It is compared and it does take place, in spite of one's
to the eyes of a person. efforts. That is astrology. Mr. Krishna-
But, in fact, all the criticism hurled murti has conducted systematic study for
against astrology has arisen due to incom- many long years and also coached up
plete study, incoherent learning of the students, most of them I.A.S. Officers,
subject and lack of research. What is and very, intelligent people with high
really available in various languages are academical qualification for many years.
bits of data torn out of context, so much He puts forth this subject on scientific
so that it has not been possible to estab- lines. Indeed, he has struck at some
lish any continuity of thought or cogency truths arrived at by the application of the
in the matter of learning this science. advanced method of stellar system which
In recent years, the interest taken in the' appears to be novel but is based upon
study of this subject has both in the East sound principles of astrology.' It is
and West proved beyond doubt that there convincing. It is clear. It corrects the
are some substantial truths which this vague and confusing rules and dicta. It
noble science can unfold, provided a is exact and precise. While we are grouping
systematic and analytical study is under- in the dark. in search of a system of
taken. Readers of the various books and prediction which is simultaneously simple
the magazines published in the old tradi- and accurate, this Padhdhati is a boon to
tion are aware of the mesh of rules and real astrologers one will surely and boldly
aporisms confusing them because there is declare that one cannot have more simple
much of contradiction to each other. and correct method than Krishnamurti
There are innumerable methods of treat- Padhdhati. Other than that,^ what we
ment of one particular subject and these have today is useful for a symposium, but
too lack a scientific form. it is not useful for the consultant as
nobody says which of these methods is to
Take, for instance, the determination of be followed and why. What is the finding
longevity which is more essential than after going through a symposium. I find
that Krishnamurti gives oui the science, 5. If the navamsa sign is owned by
holding nothing with him and follows (a) Sun l medicine, wool, grass,
only one principle. Now may I request water, grain, gold, pearls,
, you to_ write to Mr. Krishnamurti to respectable post under the
deal with " Profession " as 1 am interested government including minters.
to study and do research on this subject."
(b) Moon: dealing in things
PROFESSION derived from water, agriculture,
earth, indulging in controver-
First of all, let us know all the methods sial matters, apparel etc-
propounded by our sages. Then Krishna- (c) Mars: metallurgy, war, rob-
murti Padhdhati will follow. You will ber, using fire, daring action,
find that the latter is a refined and a clear etc.
one like distilled water, -whereas the other
methods will be like muddy water.. After (d) Mercury: arts, poetry, astro-
the first rains, only discoloured and logy, vedas, to recite mantras
opaque water will flow. But later comes for the benefit of others,
crystal clear water, as the sediment is priests, etc.
allowed to settle down. (e) Jupiter: Teacher, Purohit,
law, etc.
Jataka Parijata (f) Venus : gold, ruby, elephants,
1. Count from Lagna or from the horses, cattle, jaggery, cooked
Moon sign and note which planets rice, salt, curdled milk,
"occupy the tenth house. One can female, etc.
acquire wealth through father; if (g) Saturn: woodcutter, carpen-
Sun is in the 10th house. Moon in ter, servants, etc,
10 indicates wealth through mother:
Mars shows that which he gains 6., Beneficial planets owning the
through foe. Similarly Mercury ■Navamsa signs occupied by the
through friend ; Jupiter through lord of the 10th house in the
brother; Venus through wife; Navamsa chart shows that the
Saturn through servants. person will be beneficial to others.
.He will have authority. But mali-
2. Find out the lords of the 10th house ■ ■ fic planets owning the Navamsa
counted from Lagiia, Moon and sign, indicates that the person is
Sun. Judge the strongest of the evil minded or a hard task-master
lords. Note in which navamsa rmd he has to serve another.
sign, the strongest of the lords of
the 10th house is counted from 7. If the tenth house from Moon is
Lagna, Sun or Moon. Then find occupied by
out who rules the Navamsa sign. (a) Sun : the person is successful
This lord is the indicator of the in his enterprises'.
profession. (b) Mars: he will be wicked
3. But Bhattotpala is of opinion that and rash.
one should not make a selection (c) Mercury : he will be learned
among the lords of the 10th house person
counted from Lagna, Sun and
Moon and among the occupants of (d) Jupiter: he will be royal
the 10th house counted from person.
Lagna and Moon sign. All must (e) Venus: he will be a volup-
be taken for consideration. tuous man.
4. Bhattotpala^ supports the view of (0 Saturn : he will be a pessimis-
Garga, which is said in item 3. tic fellow.
S. Sun in conjunction with Mars : Thus, an idea is given by Vaidyanatha
He will be addicted to wine and Dikshita in Jataka Parijata.
women. Let us refer Mantraeswara's Phala -
Sun in conjunction with Mercury : Deepika. He also advocates to note the
Astrology, valuable articles lord of the navamsa occupied by' the
obtained from liquids, ladies and strongest of the planets owning the 10th
jewels. house counted from Lagna, Moon and
Sun in conjunction with Jupiter: Sun. If the lord were to be
Respected by Government. Sun : Fruit trees, Mantras, by fraudu-
Sun in conjunction with Venus: lent action or by gambling, by speaking"
Favour from Government, wife untruth, dealing in wool,medicine, metals,
with good wealth. Government service or service under some
Sun in conjunction with Saturn : nohle person.
He will be illpaid, depressed and Moon : Business, pearls, corals, agri-
dejected. culture, cattle farming, pilgrimage,
Mars in conjunction with Mercury : serving a damsel, textiles.
He will be a scientist. Mars: metals, military, service, cook-
Mars in conjunction with Jupiter : ing, agriculture, gold, troubling or black-
He will dominate over others. mailing others, weapons, ' bold actions,
Mars in conjunction with Venus: wicked company, spy, thief.
Foreign trade. Mercury : poet, reader, clerk, magici-
Mars in conjunction with Saturn: an, astrologer, vedanthi, priest, etc.
Bold action. Fearless job. Jupiter: Favour from good people,
Mercury in conjunction with Government service, reciting mantras and
Jupiter : He will be famous and Puranas, studying sastras, money lending
favoured by Government. Law.
Mercury in conjunction with Venus: Venus: Women, cows, buffaloes, ele-
He will be learned and will earn phants, horses, dance, silver, scents, silk,
wealth. milk, jewels, Aid-de-Camp-Kavi.
Mercury in conjunction with Saturn: Saturn: Bulbs, fruits, labour, serving
He will be a copyist dirty job. with low. morality, bad grains, cooly, uirly
Jupiter in conjunction with Venus: jobs, sculpture, carpenter, butcher etc.
He will be helpful to good - place of acquiring wealth is indi-
natured people, respected by cated by the sign representing the tenth
Government and learned. house or the navamsa sign occupied by
Jupiter in conjunction with Saturn ; the ruler of the 10th house.
Mischief monger, promoter of He can make money in his own place if
quarrels. ^ sjgn js 0CCUpje(] by its owner or
Venus in conjunction with Saturn : at least aspected by him. If the lord of
He will manufacture fragrant the 10th rasi occupies in Navamsa, a fixed
powder, cosmetics; will practise sign he earns in his own'place. If this
medicine or do'business. navamsa sign receives aspect from planets
9. If Mars and lord of the 4th house 'he 0.wner; ,he Iiative wil1 earn
are in 1, 4, 5, 7,9, 10 or 11th money in a foreign place.
house and if the lord of the tenth If we take a twin birth, we find that one
house is conjoined with, or aspec- looks after agriculture and remains in the
ted by, Venus and Moon, the village, whereas the other roams about
person will have cattle and will and like a rolling slone does a variety of
attend to agriculture. service and never stays in one place.
If we take another twin birth no doubt, Similarly study all the 12 signs and
for both, the Lagna, the position of what they indicate.
Sun and Moon should be the same. 2. Understand what each planet
Hence the lord of the tenth house must denotes i.e.,
be the same. The Navamsa sign occupied
by it, is the same. Yet one is a very Jupiter: Law, administration, religion,
famous medical practitioner remaining in finance, education, physician, judge,
his own residence and making money, political career, production, expansion,
whereas tbe other twin brother is an advo- Venus: Music, art, paint, poet, actor,
cate, an orator, a vice-chancellor, an union, flower, scent, silk, milk, embroi-
educationist, and an Industrialist moving dery, fancy articles, costly ones, jewels,
from one place to the other and earning etc,
in all places which be visits and wherever
' he stays. Saturn; Land, property, mine, coal,
lead, jail, cremation, burial ground
Let us take another twin at Delhi. One digger, watchman, cooly, etc.
is a Government official and another is a 3. Now combine the Rasi and the
speculative businessman.
planet.. Aries-Mesha is ruled by Mars. In
Suppose the parents of the twins show it there are 2i stars. First is Aswini ruled
both the horoscopes, how will you predict: by Kethu. The second is Bharani govern-
(a) in which college medical, Engineer- ed by Venus. The third is Karthikai, lord
mg, arts or technical—they will get of which is Sun. Hence, according to
admission? and Krishnamurti Padhdhati, suppose the
(b) which profession they will have ? meridian falls between 20° 6' 40" and
21° 53' 20" then this area is in Aries owned
Mind, there is no choice for the indivi- by Mars, in the star Bharani governed by
dual; Planets portray. They promise Venus and the sub is ruled by Jupiter.
whatever they presage that alone will Therefore Mars, Venus and Jupiter indi-
happen. When one is doubtful because cate his profession. Suppose ,one is born
he himself is not sure of anything, one with the meridian between 21° 53' 20" and
may offer advice and say that he may 24° 0' in Aries, then Mars rules the sign,
study medicine. But if the boy is Venus the star and Saturn the Sub.
keen, he may join Engineering : If he To note the position of meridian and the
does not like either, put him again in lords of the sign, star and sub will not
Arts College. But if you follow the princi- take even a minute. You can invariably
ple expounded by Krishnamurti, you can find that people working in animal hus-
predict that which .is to happen. Elimina- bandry or as a judge will have the
tion is easy. Fixation is simple. Rules are connection between Mars, Venus and
very clear. Result is correct. No laborious Jupiter. Why? Venus and Mars indicate
calculation for days is needed on one kama and strength to unite. Jupiter is the
horoscope. It is after all a matter of a chief governor for progeny. So he will be
few minutes. The method will be published animal husbandry or a (veterinary doctor
in Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Text Book on also). Mars indicates authority and power.
advanced Stellar astrology. Jupiter shows law and Venus denotes assess-
Let me state very very briefly the com- ment, judgment, balancing the merits
binations etc. to fix a profession. It will and demerits of the case. So-he can be a
give the readers an idea about the method. judge.
1. Study what each sign indicates e.g. But if it is in the sub of Saturn, Mars,
Venus, Saturn show that he works in a
Aries: Police, Defence Military, Indus- slaughter house or deals in skins and hides
try, Land, Brick kiln, Soldiers, Surgeons, or manufactures of shoes, etc. Why?
Chemists, those who deal in metals, iron, Mars and Venus indicate "animals".
steel, etc. butchers, barbers, cooks, those Saturn is called 'yama', the chief
who use sharp instruments, etc. governor to slaughter. So he may work in
a slaughter house. Or Venus is for (c) with which planet it is conjoined ; or
' Thejas' - skin (beauty) Saturn denotes (d) by which planet it is aspected.
the dead. Mars shows industry, an indus-
try dealing in skiusand hides. Thirdly one should note according to
Udu-dasa which period he runs.
Hence every point in the zodiac indicates
a profession. ' 218 in Mesha Aries shows Never miss to find the position of the
animal husbandry, 22* in Mesha—Aries Dasa lord and Bhukti lord.
indicates slaughter house. A person may be a teacher to start with,
When a twin is born, having their during Jupiter Bhukti. Then he may be a
meridian in this manner, it appears funny legal adviser in a company dealing with
when one understands that one of the labour during Saturn, Mercury and Kethu, •
twins breeds cattle, while the other sub periods. Later he can be taken as a
destroys them. public prosecutor in Venus . sub period.
Therefore, the sub periods indicate the
Consider well! For both, the Lagna is changes and one should be careful while
the same. The positions of planets etc., passing a judgment.
do hot change in the interval of 5 minutes
between the time of birth of one child and Further one should apply the mind and
that of the other. But look at the results. select the correct one. As Aries represents
Afler fixing the meridian, consider the profession surgeon, barber, butcher,
etc. can any one following the tradition,
in which positidn the significator of simply repeat and recite the Sloka ? No
profession is. Suppose Sun is in 21° one should know that a barber is to
Aries then he serves in a place where there remove the hair indicated by Saturn,
is security of service as Sun is to give a (weaker than Venus) bring back beauty
steady life; also it indicates maximum (Venus) using sharp instrument (Mars). A
labour and minimum wages. He may be butcher is to kill (Saturn stronger than
a veterinary surgeon. If Moon is in 21* Venus) an animal (Venus) using a sharp
Aries, then the light of Moon is modified instrument (Mars). A surgeon uses the
by Mars, Venus and Jupiter, Therefore he service of a barber, is allowed to cut open
may be a captain of a ship, where Moon the body, is expected not to kill the patient,
indicates ocean, Venus the vehicle. Mars, but tries to end his trouble and not him.
to handle with authority and power, So a Surgeon should have Sun (for medical
Jupiter to manage and administer. Or one Dhanvantry), and Mars (to use a sharp
who supplies water to animal. If Mercury instrument). Therefore the area of the
is in 21° Aries, the combination is sub of Sun in Aswini star or Bharani star
Mercury, Mars, Venus and Jupiter, when and Karthik star in Aries indicates
he is a building contractor. Sanitary surgeons. The sub of Saturn in Aswini or
Engineer or an Accountant or clerk in Bharani indicates butcher. The sub of
animal husbandry or a law court. Selec- Venus denotes a barber.
tion of any of these depends on the
strength of a planet. Thus one is to take, Thus research has beeu made for the
into consideration. past three decades and the following
(a) Which planet signifies one's pro- combinations are given in alphabetical
fession ; order for various jobs, business, etc.
(b) in which sign, star and sub it is ; [To be continued]

■ Mr. Krishnamurthy, gers, but I think the technique generally
I would like to thank you. I want to is the same. But yours is extraordinarily
thank you because after ten months search different. It changes the whole com-
in India, I had at last found a man who plexion and as a matter of fact, it fills in
deals in the truth, the whole truth of the the obviousblankstbatexist in the others.
science of astrology. Right from last They are not consistent. Because we all
November, I began searching for or recognise the truth in the science, we
studying the science of astrology. I have make allowances. We stretches our
met other -experts—and there arc experts imagination a little to fill in the blanks.
who have a great knowledge in Madras, That should not be necessary in a science;
Bangalore, right up to the North and because we recognise basically the science;
across to the East and I thought I had met we do that to fill in the blanks.
the best in this field of study, and d know Your personal reading of my horoscope
I hadn't. Because now that fortune has— shows also your great competence and the
or the planets have—introduced me to .effectiveness of your technique and how
you, I know the cue or The quintessance correct it jk. You told me much of the
of what I was searchingfor in this science. past that others have told me and much
Now I visited you at your home on the more than, they-have told me and it was
recommendation of some one in a book- all correct. You told me about the present
shop after I had asked for someone and that too is correct. What you told
genuine in this science. I came for ten me about the future, on the basis of your
minutes and stayed for three hours. Then predictions of the past and present, I can
in the evening I attended your class Cat only assume that too will be correct and
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan) which showed another most impressive thing I must
how much impressed I was. Even now record here is the dexterity with which you
I am with you in the thirty-six hours of arrive to fix the periods and the times in
my stay in Delhi. your head as you read the chart.
The way you conduct your class was Within a matter of minutes, to my
probably the most impressive thing to me amazement, you are able to elucidate those
because my experience with astrologers is things and which, what is more, prove
that nowhere does a man want to give correct. You are convincing, you are
away too much of this science. It is clear and it has been a pleasuje for me,
occult. There is this human element of if I can say this, to study (your technique)
secrecy that stops him from giving all. at the peaceful hours I have on the hills.
With you, that does not apply. You give, Thank you.
and give and give as much as the student AN AUSTRALIAN ASTROLOGER
can absorb and 100% more too. But the
thing is, you give, and you hold back (Sydney).
nothing. You give for the love of giving
for the science that you loye. And I From
thank you again because I am going to L. N. Bhanja Deo, M.P.
receive from you for many years I can say (Lok Sabha)
and you can say, the pile of your New Delhi.
magazines I am taking with me to the Dear Sir,
hills. I have gone through your magazine
Regarding your technique, this is an since its inception. I have found it very
extraordinary thing. As I have said, I useful and educative to beginners like me
have studied under a number of astrolo- whose knowledge is little in this vast
subject, I am confident it is doing very I am a regular reader of the esteemed
useful service in making available to the magazine of which you are the editor.
seekers of this abstract knowledge in easy Your astounding predictions on the basis
language sTJ that a layman can learn some of stellar astrology in which you have
thing from it if he so desires. I am told a made research and propounded its theory
very useful book on ' Krishnamurti with successful experiments, has inspired
Paddhati' is to come out from press in me to learn the same. I am registering
January, 1966 most of which was publi- my name for 'KRISHNAMURTI PADH-
shed in your esteemed journal. We are all DHATI'a great granthraj which is under
awaiting for it eagerly as I am sure it will print.
be a very useful addition to the existing With best regards.
limits number of books on Astrology in Yours sincerely,
English language!
Yours faithfully, Sd. L. P. DESHPANDE
Sd. L. N. Bhanja Deo
Please accept our most respectful Dear Sir,
Pranams. We have been very'keen student When there are many books on
of Astrology for a number of years and Astrology, what is the necessity for this
have read books of Alan Leo and Indian book "Krishnamurti Padhdhati." Does
Authors too. We have also followed the it differ from others or does it bring
magazines in Astrology. Sir, we must out more truth? Is yours an advanced
gratefully acknowledge you and -your Study
esteemed magazine—ASTROLOGY AND Nath N.D.I.
ATHRISHTA as our true 'Guru' found Reply;—
after,a long search. Let me reproduce the extract of four of
Our conception of this science has the letters received by me and published in
definitely become clearer and at last we the magazine " Astrology and Athrishta."
have been getting a scientific grasp of this " I had the good fortune to meet you
subject. and attend your classes this year, and I
We are eagerly awaiting for the publica- have been very much impressed by your
tion of two PRICELESS volumes of logical, rational and 'scientific approach
KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI. to astrology and the excellent results got
Your'most obedient students, by the application of your (Krishnamurti)
Padhdhati which are fairly simple. In fact
1. Akram Hussain, these methods are consistently applied to
2. Parthadeb Sen, all horoscopes by you and they yield
Theatre Road, Calcutta-17. remarkably accurate results. I have seen a
number of horoscopes which are so confu-
Revered Sir, sing and baffling lhalthey defy all astrolo-
According to your tour programme you gical rules and reasoning. The same
will be in Nagpur between 1-11-65 and horoscopes can be easily understood and
3-11-65. Kindly let me know where you correct indications given by following
will stay as 1 .have an earnest desire to your methods.
call on you there. I have myself achieved a fair amount
Secondly I would like to know if you of success by the application of your
will be holding a class at Bombay during methods which are very precise and clear-
your one month stay there ; if so, I will cut."
apply for the requisite leave so as to enable Student I.M.N.
me to attend the same. New Delhi.
[He is an Officer, very highly placed in larly going through your monthly
life and is a student after studying most magazine.
of the books available—published by It is very educative. I can say that it is
Hindus and Westerners.] a corrective one. Normally, doubts arise
II. " The articles which are presented while reading the text books. But ladmire
in a wonderful and impressive way with a your clarification with scientific explana-
^scientific approach have not only captured tion and appropriate examples. Krishna-
my heart, but also the hearts of thousands murti Tarika (Padhdhali) is indeed, simple,
of persons who have had the real fortune supreme and most convincing, ft does
to have access to your most illuminating offer astoundingly accurate results which
magazine. cannot be arrived at or explained by any
For an amateur and a beginner like me other method Your explanation for
with a thirst for knowledge—I can say Vimshothari dasa system in original and
without fear of contradiction that there is unsurpassed.
no magazine . like "Astrology and V. D. K., Calcutta.
Athrishta" to present the subject in a
very simple lucid style and above all in a These letters are reproduced only to
language which is understandable to all impress on you what a student feels, a
without recourse to much of technical scholar says, a saint approves and a savant
jugglery, a right marc to most of the lay- admires. Krishnamurti Padhdhali
man. This is not an exaggeration but a
feeling expressed with throbbing sincerity (a) states everything very clearly, ex-
after having experienced the pleasure of haustively with numerous examples.
reading your valuable magazine, which I (b) There is no contradiction and con-
have started preserving now as a priceless fusion.
tretsure." 1. (Even in Uttarakalamrita—
V. S., Bombay-71. Jupiter is declared to be good
to Makara Lagna Khanda IV
III. "Anything useful. grows "— Sloka9. Again in Dweedheeya
Your new methods of teaching astrology Kanda Sloka 95, Jupiter is said
are "spectacular and striking. You have to bean Asubha.)
made easy the occult science sublime— 2. 6th house is said to be one of
this difficult celestra! science of Astrology the 4 Upachayasthana, and it
and Astronomy and your researches have is said that planets in Upacha-
proved unimpeachably the integrity of the yasthana do good; also it is
Law of Nature. Working in the lives of said that planets in 6 are evil.-
men, applicable to the 2Gth century—
Standard of this' advanced scientific age, Similarly there arc hundreds of contra-
spiritual and -.Mundane, practical and dictions which will confuse the students.
During our mutual comparing of notes Such can never be found in this book..
Whereas proper, correct and convincing
and consultation and debates and discus- explanation will be given then and there.
- sions on world events (as you apprehended
in your 1962 lectures) the passing of (c) In all the Western Text books, they
Mr. Nehru in May 1964 last week and take only the solar mansion (rasi
particularly the dates 28th and 29th of extending to 30° each), planets,
May came true as good as a Godsword." houses etc., and whether it is
V. J.S, S. N. K., Visakhapatuam. exalted or debilitated and offer a
general prediction.
IV. " Over 3 decades, I bad been In the Hindu System, they include con-
studying astrology both Western and stellations of 13*20' and find the qualities
Hindu System. Since a year, I am regu- of planets both in the signs and asterisms.
To find out the strength of planets, to lagna. Experience -has con-
calculate Ashtagavarga, to erect these firmed that the results vary
maps etc., involve a laborious task and when the cusp or the planet is
even then, one is not able to predict the in different parts in the same
inequalities, differences etc., in a twin constellation.
birth. According to the available data, in
ashtagavarga, Suppose one says that a person is run--
(a) to get the same result in husband's ning Venus Dasa and he has to enjoy
and wife's charts for children is Rajayoga.
very rare mostly they differ; (a) Venus is allotted 20 years,
(b) it is not helpful and correct in the he enjoy all the 20 years. No.
case of twin-borns where one lives, He may get married during Venus
the other dies; one is rich, the sub period, he may start a business
other is poor; one is healthy, the in Sun sub period, may go overseas
other is invalid ; one is a profligate, with wife in Moon sub period, may
the other is a good person. have a child and prosperity in Mars,
may face some difficulties and
Also everybody will agree when the . suffer from some disease or other
following is carefully studied;— during Rahu sub period, again enjoy
1. It is said that people born in large turnover, expansion of busi-
Karthikai star are fond of ness and one more child in Jupiter's
other's wives. There are, in sub period untold miseries, diffi-
fact, many who possess sterl- culties and bereavement of an aged
ing character. No doubt, just relative, etc. in Saturn sub period,
like other asterism-borns, take up agency and tour frequently
there are a few who are adul- during Mercury sub period and visit
terous. So this is a' general holy places during Ketu sub period.
statement. But according to
Krishnamurti Padhdhati one Therefore, note that he gets married,
can say Who is Who clearly starts a business, goes overseas, has child-
and categorically even though fen, expands business, suffers for some
they are born in the same star. time, there is bereavement, pilgrimage etc.
On the whole the overall picture is that he
2. In transit—Cocharapalan, it enjoyed his life.
is said that Saturn in 3 is aus-
picious and in 8 evil. Then Suppose a person is given a general
(a) is Saturn beneficial all the prediction that he will have profits much
2£ years when Saturn is in 3 larger in a year than what he had in
. and (b) is Saturn evil, all the previous years- But there will be-the ups
" 2| years when Saturn is in 8? and downs, periods of profit, dull days,
Further one cannot predict periods of loss etc., within that one year;
exactly when Saturn can either To predict these clearly Krishnamurti
do good or bad aIso,~ what Padhdhati is helpful.
desirable results it can offer Further, suppose there are 4 planets
and which disagreeable ones it in the same star and Navamsa also. With
threatens. The data available the available data, one has to predict
is insufficient. whether those planets are auspicious or
- 3. The results attributed to a not by their" occupation. All the four will
planet by occupying a sign or be classified as either good or bad and it
a star is not the same to all is not possible to precisely predict what
those who have the same favourable results one can bestow or what
planet in the same constella- unfavourable results these planets can
tion, born in the same "sign, as offer.
- For example, consider that planets A, the lord of the constellation. The lord
B, C and D are in Sagittarius—Dhanus of the constellation may indicate many
between 26° 40' and 30°. matters. But the lord of the sub, elimi-
Dhanus is ruled by Jupiter. nates many of them and specifies a
particular matter. Planet ' B' in between
Longitude 26" 40' to 30° is governed by 27* 20' and 2R° 26' 40'' is in Jupiter's sign,
Sun. Sun's star Uthrashada and sub of Moon.-
Both rasi and Navamsa are Dhanus. " Planet 'C in between 28* 26' 40" to
Normally the modification to the planets 29° 13' 20" is under the sway of Jupiter—
A, B, C & D is the same. lord of the sign—Sun, lord of the star and
But according to Krishnamurti Padh- Mars, lord of the sub.
dhati Planet ' A ' in between 26° 40' and Planet 'D' in between 29° 13'20" to
27° 20' gains strength or gets weakened the end of the sign is in Rahu sub, the
according to the sign, Dhanus, ruled by sign lord and star lord being Jupiter and
Jupiter; The planet ' A ' instead of Sun respectively.
giving results according to its nature and For Sagittarius, the following profession
lordship, offers the results indicated by is mentioned:
Physician: Health Department ■ Jupiter Ketu Ketu
Priest Goddess Temple Jupiter Ketu Venus
Druggist-Chemist Jupiter Ketu Sun
One who deals in Tonics Jupiter Ketu Moon
Ayurveda Jupiter Ketu Mars
Jail Department Jupiter Ketu Rahu
Teacher—Education Department Jupiter Ketu Jupiter
Priest—Religious endowment Jupiter Ketu Jupiter
Gallows—Slaughter house Jupiter ■ Ketu Saturn
Advertisement Jupiter Ketu Mercury
Publish—Press Jupiter Ketu Mercury
Transport Jupiter Venus Venus
Income Tax Jupiter Venus Sun
Tourist Jupiter Venus Moon
Shipping Jupiter Venus "Moon
Animal Husbandry Jupiter Venus Mars
.Tail for Women Jupiter Venus Rahu
Banker—Revenue Department Jupiter Venus Jupiter
Company Law Jupiter Venus Jupiter
Advocate Jupiter Venus Jupiter
Banker—Finance Department Jupiter Venus Saturn
Mines—mine ores Jupiter Venus Saturn
Death duty Jupiter Venus Saturn
Auditor Jupiter Venus Mercury
Inspector in a Bank Jupiter Venus Mercury
Civil Engineer Jupiter Venus Mercury
Income Tax Jupiter Venus Mercury
Reserve Bank Physician Jupiter Sun Sun
Education College: Jupiter Sun Sun
Politician Jupiter Sun Moon
Mayor—Minister Jupiter Sun Mars
Orator Jupiter Sun Mars
Civilian in Military Jupiter Sun Mars
Foreign Embassy Jupiter Sun Mars
Judge Jupiter Sun Mars
Jail Department Jupiter Sun Rahu
Let us take Character
Jupiter Sun Sun ..i Magnanimous True
Jupiter Sun Moori ... Submissive to women; does subversive activities
Jupiter Sun Mars ... Bold—fond of bad deeds.
Therefore one can note, . that hundreds that result. If it is lord of 5, through
of Professions are indicated by the sign— speculation, music or children he enjoys
Dhanus. But if we take constellations, the result. Thus the planet who transits
each represent a few dozens of them. or the planet whose period is running,
Therefore, he who has the planets A, B, shows how one gets the result, i.e. the
C and D if he runs 'A ' dasa, he will then source of the result.
be magnanimous, reliable, honest, serve The sign and its lord indicate the extent
in Education Department or bank or be a to which one can enjoy as it shows
physician. whether the planet is strong or weak.
But when he runs 'B* the period of the The lord of the constellation is that
planet 'B ', he may be a politician or one which shows the nature of the result, i.e. to
benefitted by a politician then, if it is a which houses, the lord of the constellation
benefic. is the owner. Then the matters signified
When he runs the period of the planet by those houses will manifest.
'C' he may be a civilian in Military, Suppose the lord of the constellation
Defence Department,- or an orator or a owns' the houses'3 and 10, i.e., Mars to
mayor or a minister. Aquarius-borns or Venus to Leo-borns.
Planet 'D' may authorise him as one Then the planet in Mars constellation
of the visitors of Jails. to Aquarius-b'orns or in Venus constella-
Thus the planet within these 3* 20' has tion for Leo-boms show that one corres-
to indicate many varieties. When the ponds, interviews or makes a short
sub is applied, one can eliminate most of journey for a.job. Then the favourable or
them, and pinpoint on one or two items, unfavourable sub denotes whether he is
when alone it is helpful to the querist. successful or not.
If one gives a list of appointments When? It will be during the conjoined
assigned to a sign, just like the server period of the planet, star lord and sub-
presents a 'Menu' card in a hotel, what lord-
is the advantage. Specific ones are needed
in these days, just like one wants to know Suppose a planet transits in a sign,
the special dish of the day. e.g. take Jupiter.
Suppose there is a planet in a sign. According to principles available, one
Then, the planet is the source of light. cannot definitely state when he can have
It indicates the source of a result which its beneficial results and what results it can
a native enjoys. offer at a particular time-
If the planet is lord of 1, he gains by But by studying the book and following
his own efforts and influence. If it is the magazine astrology and athrishta
lord of 3, through brother or publication, published at Mtdrts one can say 9 diffe-
he gains or loses, depending on the sub. rent results when a planet is in a star.—
If it is lord of 4, through mother or the Asterism.
matters signified by the 4th house, he has (7'o be continued)

What is the difference between Sravana Sathabisha gave the bigger packet 1 to
and Sathabisha ? the winner and the smaller packet 2 to the
runner. But Sravana gave that packet to
Constellation Sravana is ruled by Moon. the boy in which a shaving set was kept,
Sathabisha star is governed by Rahu. and that in the Lip Stick and eyelash to
Moon has weight and it throws light. the girl. The winner and runner in the
Rahu has none. Moon represents mind. School' A ' found it funny and embaras-
So there will be fertile imagination and sing where the boy receives stick and the
proper application of mind. Rahu cannot. girl the shaving set. Do you find the
Rahu can follow only one route, steadily differenced
but it is ever retrograde. Moon's speed
may vary, but it is ever direct and in Again to Sravana, Makara rasi, Satha-
forward motion. bisha is in the second sign Aquarius, i.e..
Moon, the lord of 7 to Capricorn is in the
Suppose there are two schools where second sign. Therefore ' Sravana gains.
both boys'and girls compete. Alsoi But to Sathabisha (Aquarius rasi) Moon
presume that the first two candidates alone is the lord of 6 and it is in its own star, in
are to be given prizes. Sravana has to' the 12th house. Therefore to Sathabisha,
distribute the prizes in School ' B' which is Sravana is a danger—for what ? to lose in
popular since a decade whereas Satha- any competition; transaction or in any
bisha has to distribute .in School ' A \ attempt. Just like Waxing Moon, Sravana
constructed years ago. Sravana opens the ■will ever shine. Look at Sathabisha.
packets and knows what is kept inside Rahu swallow the luminary; but
each packet. Sathabisha keeps the it is not able to do so, except for a few
bigger packet marked as 1 and the smaller hours to hide it, that too, from a few
packet marked as 2 and did not .notice the people on earth. ' Sathabisha can try.
contents. In both the schools, one boy But mind you, luminaries appear brighter
and one girl came. first and second. after eclipse.

(POUNDED: 1-4-1963)
(Astronomy Made Easy)
Phone; 4 2449

Jyotbisha Marthabd
13, Brahmin Street, Saidapet

Vol. 3 DECEMBER 1965 No. 12

Teacher's Profession 3
Transfer—When? "6
Five-Year Plan 8
Erection of a Chart: Correct
Method 11
Mars Dosha IS
Marriage—When 1 18
Time of Death—When ? 20
Desire fulfilled oh Chandra Asthama
Day? 23
Letters to the Editor 25
The Nodes 27
When is the Interview ? 38
Luclcy Stars to each Rasi born 41
MadHav Krishna Athalye,
" Urun-lslampur [SangIt)
The Teacher's Profession is regarded as As per Raphael and Max Heindel, the
a pious occupation since very remote Teacher's profession is enlisted under the
times- He cannot become an excellent influence of Mercury. Perhaps, it may be
teacher unless he. has sufficient knowledge ' due to Mercury because he is the general
of the subject he teaches. He commands indicater of intellect. But, if we refer to
his reverence due to knowledge he our ancient book Jatak-Parijat by Vaidya- •
possesses. How can he teach a certain nathan, this profession is placed under the
thing unless he has full grasp of the influence of Jupiter. This can be seen from
subject matter? In ancient times the the stanza 48 of Chapter 15 of the
pupils were required to go to their above as—
preceptor's hermitage and stay there till Jeevanshake Bhusura devatanam upasa-
they complete their education. As times nadhyapaka roopa Margat i
passed by, the preceptor's hermitage has
turned into a school. There are now Puran shastragamh neetimarga dharmo-
varied subjects to be.taught and learnt. padeshaira kuseedam ahuh II
One will never'be able to have mastery in Meaning thereby —Worshipping Gods
all the subjects at one time or even and Brahmins, Teachers, Teller of Puia-
throughout his life. It is not even so that nas, one well-versed in scriptures, pre-
one ivell-versed in a subject, can teach it to ceptor, are the occupations of Jupiter.
his pupils successfully. For, teaching is an
art. In everyday life we see that a teacher Good intellect is possible due to benefic
of.ordinary qualifications can impress his position of Mercury but there is no gain
pupils by his ability of making his pupils of knowledge without the benefic position
learn by making them properly understand of Jupiter and that is why Jupiter must
and thus win popularity within the student have been conferred with the authority
circle. But a man having degrees but of teaching. In" my opinion, therefore,
void of Teaching art becomes unpopular instead of taking either Mercury or Jupiter
in the student world within a short time. as indicator of this profession, • both
Intellectual class is seen generally engaged Mercury and Jupiter must be supposed as
in this profession. In British regime, indicators of the Teaching profession.
when there was not much progress of our For that man's nature or Pinda must be
nation there were only two professions connected with Mercury. So we must
open viz., Teachingand Clerical, and it is take into consideration the Ascendant
no wonder the intellectual class was first first. Ascendant means the ascending
attracted towards these two vocations. It point, its lord or the planet or planets
was not so that such a teacher or a clerk therein. Secondly, the teacher has to talk
was not able to follow any other pursuit much. The speech is governed by the 2nd
in life but the fact is that there was no house. So consideration of this house is
other profession available and that was necessary. Besides second house deals
why he became a teacher or a clerk. It is with wealth and it must be considered to .
not that he liked those professions but he know about one's nature of earning.
ivas compelled to .follow either of the two Oratory of the teacher depends on the
by sheer necessity. This was the circum- strength of the intellect he possesses
stance in the beginning. Now. there are means the 5th house, i.e., the house of
several branches of education.. Several one's intellect. This ■ is third conside-
opportunities are open to him to choose ration. The fourth consideration is that
any one of his own choice. generally we consider profession from the
lOtb bouse as it is the bouse of action. So Mercury in the 2nd house is in trine t
the planets, Mercury and Jupiter, and the Asc. lord Moon, M.C., and Jupiter is in.
houses, Isl, 2nd, 5th and lOtb, lay the his sign in the 5th This gentleman has
astrological foundation of this occupation raised himself from ordinary clerkship to .
and this can be well marked from tbe Headmastership. Now he is B.A., B.T.
following birtb charts which belong to
Professor and Head masters of Secondary
schools and these factors can very well be
found useful to the charts of Primary
to tbe highest in rank in the line. Higher
or lower rank may be recognised by other
aspects. I give below some example
charts with the description of tbe appli-
cation of principles as shown above. Nep. 3.12
These are Sayan positions. Mars
I Mc.
. 5.2711.17

Jup, 12.3 9 Uranus Rahu Sun 0.8

Moon 17.17 . ASC
' 28.3
28.52 Nep.S.57
Asc. 13.49 Sani 28.10
Ven. 2.14
Mercury opposite the 5th.i.e.,
Sun 26.12' in the 12th in sexttle to the Asc., second
Met. 15.34; lord Jupiter exactly opposite to M. C.
In this chart. Mercury is in tbe bouse of
Jupiter and makes trine to the Asc*—lord
Saturn and sextile. to M.C. and Uranus
in the 2nd and is conjoined to the 5lb and
lOtb, lord Venus. This genUeman is
M;A», B.T. and now a Professor.

Uranus Mc, 14.36

21.16 Moon 9.27 Sun 23.55
Kethu 5.6
Mars 5.15 Venus 1.6 Mc. 8.00 Jup. t4,46
Kethu Asc. 20.5 Uranus Mer. 19.8
24.14 Sun 23.53 25.6 Mars
Sat. 24.26 24.10
iMer. 15.47
iWp. 19.19
Mercury in the 7th i.e., opposite to Asc.
and in conjunction with 2nd lord Mars
and M.C. lord Jupiter and in sextile to
Venus in the 5tb bouse.
Asc. lord Mercury opposite to M.G
Jupiter in 1 lib, i.e., opposite to 5th. 2nd
lord Moon in 5th in trine to Asc.

Mc. 16.00
Mars 22,4 24,59
. , Asc. 15.11

Mercury in seXtile to Saturn in the Asc.

and Herschel in the 5th. 2nd lord Jupiter
is in conjunction with M.C—lord Sun. Mercury in parallel to the Asc. and
^ -nH in 'Jupiter's house,
tion with Herschel, the
Rahu 18.4 'ine to Venus, the lord
of a teacher is never
ofiteer's business. It is
ilanets such as Mercury
llT 8 their benevolent, in-
{Mai. 27.47 ing nature, should be
hupi. 20.53 Asc. 6.43 I ■ is profession. I caanot
Baoi ,17.27 Sun 1.16 Nep. 29.3 lat a teacher endowed
Sun 7.24 Moon O.m
Merc. 5.21 ;ood intellect and pious
M«rc. 22.4 ' ~ held, in high esteem in
$ani 12.37 Venus Mc. n.oo 3e sjgn pOS;tjons the
Mars It.S 17.14
KethulS.4 , we see that Mercury
Asc. and M.C. Lord Mercury in sextile occupies uery and earthy signs. Jupiter,
to Rahu in the 2nd and 5th lord Saturn in Asc. lord and M.C. lord may be in any
conjunction with Jupiter. sign. 5th lord i3 in other than airy.
' It seems difficult to declare on the face
Asc. 8.38 of block horoscope that it belongs to a
Rahu . teacher but if we apply the principles as
24.10 laid down above to the Sayana charts, it is
no wonder lhat one will easily be able to
declare whether be is a teacher or not and
for that this is a scientific effort.
In short it seems that the Teacher's
profession requires—
(1) Mercury, connected with the Ascen-
(2) Mercury and/or Jupiter connected
/Merc, 3,33 wi th the 2nd, 5th and 10th houses.
Sun 6.24 (3) Mercury placed in fiery or earthy
Venus signs.
[Mars 23.3 (4) 5th lord placed in non-airy sign.
K. V. R. Anianeyulu, B.A.
Generally, in service, transfer involves VI.
that a native has to change the place of VII.
service, and in many cases his residence VIII. Mars, Merc, Rahu
also. In a horoscope the 3rd house indi- IX. Moon Jup, Sun.
cates change of place and journey, lOlh
house shows,' employment and 12th house X. Venus.
signifies life in a totally different environ- XI.
ment. So whenever one wants to know XII.
regarding transfer which presupposes a
journey, change of place and duties at a First cusp or Ascendant is the beginning
different place, we have to take into con- of Lagna Bhava, and not about, 1SD
sideration the houses 3, 10 and 12. behind the Ascendant. In this respect
westerners are quite right in the prepara-
A person asked me on 24—9—1965 at tion the Bhava Chart and Sri K. S.
11-25 A.M. at Visakhapatnam: "When Krishna Murthy, the esteemed Editor of
will I be transferred? " and also furnished this Magazine rightly declares that the
his horoscope. Itis as under: lagna cusp i.e.. Ascendant, should be
taken as the beginning of a house. We
Mars Moon Jupiter shall publish, in due course of time, the
Raliu ■ Mercury Sun statistical material to prove the above
declaration. ■ Truth is to be accepted even
though it is bitter to us. Sri K. S. Krishna
Venus Murthy, the. erudite scholar and truth
seeker, speaks.only truth without fear or
Rasi Chart ■— favour3 The above Bhava chart is as per
the method of Krishna Murthy.
The following are the positions of the
planets with reference to the consellations
and subs in accordance with the method
Saturn [ 5 Kethu Lagna of Krishna Murthy:—
Sun is in the constellation of Rahu, in
the sub of Jupiter.
Balance. of Moon periods at Birth: Moon is in the constellation of Moon,
0 year—3 months 27 days. The following in the sub of Sun.
is the Bhava table:— Mercury is in the constellation of Moon,
I. Kethu. in the sub of Venus.
II. Mars is in the constellation of Venus, in-
III. Saturn. the sub of Saturn.
IV. VenusJsJn the constellation of" Saturn,
V. in the sub of Rahu.
Jupiter is in the constellation of Rahu, So the significators that can cause trans-
in the sub of Rahu. fer are Mars, Mercury, Rahu, Jupiter and
Saturn is in the constellation of Venus, Venus. Whenever the conjoined period of
; in the sub of Sun- these planets operate, the native gets
Rahu is in the constellation of Kethu, in
the sub of Rahu. The native was transferred on 28-1-51
Kethu is in the constellation of Mars, in when he was running the major period of
t the sub of Moon. Rahu, sub period of Venus and in the
anthra of Jupiter.
Now about the Transfer, consider Again he was transferred on 20 12-60
houses 3. 10 and 12. 3rd house is occupied when he was running Jupiter's major
by Saturn. The constellations ruled by period, Mercury's sub period and in the
Saturn arc Pushyam, Anuradha and Uttra- anthra of Venus.
bhadra. Mars alone is in the sub of.
Saturn. So Mars is the signihcator. Again he was transferred on 30-10-61 in
his Jupiter major period, Mercury sub
The 10th house is occupied by Venus. period and in the anthra of Rahu.
The constellations ruled by Venus are
Bharani, Pubba and Poorvashada. Mer- Again he was transferred on 10-9-62 in
cury is in the sub of Venus. So Mercury his Jupiter's major period, Venus* sub
is the significator, period and in.the anthra of Saturn.
12th house is vacant. And again he was transferred on 26-2-65
So the planets that can cause transfer in his Jupiter major period, Venus sub
are Mars and Mercury. Now we have to period and in the anthra of Jupiter.
find out whether any node is in the sign What next?
owned by any one of the significators since When again he will be transferred?
the nods are always stronger than the
planets to bestow .results in preference to He will be transferred in the major
the planets themselves. Rahu is in Aries period of Jupiter, in the sub period of
owned by Mars. • So Rahu is a strong Venus, in the anthra of Mercury when
p ■ significator. Any planet in the sub of Sun transits Vjsakha constellation, in the
Rahu will reflect the results as caused by sub of Mercury on 10-11-1965. He will
rj, Rahu. In the present horoscope Jupiter is report for duty at the new place on
V in the sub of Rahu. Venus is in the sub of 15711-1965. His place of Transfer will be
a I, Rahu. Rahu itself is in its own sub. south-west of Visakhapatnam.

From the table of houses, for the Lati-
Is Mars in Aquarius or Pisces. Can you tude 31° 19', turn over the page where the
i erect the chart for the birth at 35 Ghatis, table is given for 31° 12'. The difference
44 vighatis after sunrise on Saturday will be negligible.
5,5-1928 at 31° 19' Morth and 25° 54' Sidereal time at the time of birth is
East: (Sd) K. 10 hours 26 minutes 27 seconds.
Birth was at 35 Ghatis 44 vighatis The cusps are given for the sidereal
after Sun rise on 5-5-1928. time 10-23.-35 and 10-27-22". That is, if
1 day = 60 Ghatis. the sidereal time were to be 10 hours
1 hour = 2t Ghatis. 23 min. 35 sec., then
1 -0110016 = 24 Vighaties. the meridian will be Virgo 4°
Therefore 35 Ghatis 44 Vighatis = 14 the 11th cusp will be Libra 6°
hours, 17 minutes 36 sees. the 12th cusp will be Scorpio 3°
Sunrise on 5-5-1928 at 31° 19' North the Ascendant is Scorpio 25° 46'
Latitude was 5-16 A.M. L.M.T. the Second cusp is Sagittarius 26°,
As the place of birth is 75° 54' East, the Third cusp is Capricorn 29°,
the difference between3 I.S.T. and L.M.T. If the sidereal time were to be 10 hours
= 82* 30' minus 75 54'= 6° 36'= 6° 36' 27 min. 22 seconds,
' x 4 or 26 minutes 24 sees.
Therefore birth after 35 Ghaties 44 the meridian will be Virgo 5°
Vighaties. the 11th cusp will be Libra 7° ;
= 14 hours 17 minutes 36 sees after the 12th cusp will be Scorpio 4° ;
Sunrise. the Ascendant will be Scorpio 26° 34' \
= 19 hours 33 minutes 36 sees L.M.T. the 2nd cuslp will be Sagittarius 27°
= 20 hours 0 mi 0 sees I.S.T. the 3rd cusp will be Capricorn 30° ;
= 8 P.M- I.S.T. Calculate the proportion. Then the
Hrs. Mia. Sees,
= 7-33-36 P.M. actual position for the sid. time 10-26-27
L.M-T. will be.
The sidereal time at Meridian Virgo 4° 45';
noon on 5-5-1928 11 th cusp Libra 6° 45';
Add Interval between 12 cusp Scorpio 3° 45';
previous noon and Ascendant Sdorpio 26° 22'
birth time in 2nd cusp Sagittarius 26° 45';
L-M.T. 3rd cusp Capricorn 29° 45'.
Add correction for If you add 180°, the cusp of the oppo-
Interval @ 10 sees site houses can be worked out. .
per hour
Deduct correction Hence
for Longitude @ 4th cusp will be Pisces 4° 45';
2 sees per 3 5th cusp Aries 6° 45';
degrees 6th cusp Taurus 3° 45';
Therefore sidereal 7th cusp Taurus 26° 22' ;
time at the time 8th cusp Gemini 26* 45';
of birth 9 th cusp Cancer 29* 45'.
Sayana position of the 12 cusps is as Planets 5-5-1928 6-5-1928m
follows:— Mars 21° 21' Pisces 22° 7' ;U
Ascendant Scorpio 26° 22' minus 22° 45'; Mercury 17° 8' Taurus 19° 18';®
II cusp Sagittarius 26° 45' „ Jupiter 23° 27'Aries 23° 41';'!
III Capricorn 29° 45' Venus 29° 24' Aries—Taurus 0° 37'; |
IV Pisces 4° 45' Saturn 18° T Sagittarius 17° 58'; |
V Aries 6° 45' Rahu 11° W Gemini 10° 57'; |
VI Taurus 3° 45' »» Ketu 11° 0' Sagittarius 10° 57'; 5
VII Taurus 26° 22' Uranus 5° 39' Aries 5° 41'; |
VIII Gemini 26° 45' Neptune 26° 24' Leo 26° 23'. ^
IX Cancer 29° 45' Fortuna — — ■
X „ Virgo 4' 45' Calculate how far each planet has.
XI Libra 6° 45' moved. 1
XII Scorpio 3° 45' Sun 0° 58' (15° 42' minus 14* 44'); 1
Ayanamsa according to Krishnamurti is Moon 11° 48' (Sagi 3° 40' minus Scorpio
22° 45' for that year. 21° 52');
The Nirayana position is as follows:— Mars 0° 46' (22° 7' minus 21° 21');
Nirayana Position Mercury 2° 10' (19° 18' minus 17° 8');
Jupiter 0° 14' (23° 41' minus 23° 27');
Ascendant 3° 37' Scorpio Venus 1° 13' (Taurus CF 37' minus Aries
II 4° 0' Sagittarius 29° 24);
m 7° <X Capricorn Saturn minus 0° 3' (and so on);
TV 12* 0' . Aquarius Rahu minus 0° 3';
14° 0' Pisces Kethu minus <f 3';
VI 11° o; Aries Uranus direct 0° 2';
VII 3° 37' Taurus Neptune minus 0° 1'.
VIII 4° 0' Gemini The positions of the planets arc given
IX 7° 0' Cancer . for 5-30 P.M. I.S.T. But birth was at
X 12° 0' Leo 8 P.M. LS.T.
XI 14° (y Virgo Hence work out how far each planet
XII ir. o' Libra would have moved in 8 hours—Si hours or
Now, calculate the position of planets. 2i hours i.e., 4-2 x 24
i = -r^of
In the Ephemeris, the position is calcu- 48 the motion
lated for 12 noon Greenwich which is in twenty-four hours.
5-30 P.M. LS.T. Then each has moved as follows in
Therefore you have to take the position 2i hours.
of planets on two dates, so that their Sun 0° 5' ;
position is given just before and after Moon 1° 14';
Mars 0° 5';
The positions of the planets at Mercury 0° 14'; 1
5-30iP.M. on 5-5-1928 and 6-5-1928 are to Jupiter 0° T;
be taken.
Venus 0° 8';
Position at 5-30. P.M. on All other planets 0° 0';
Planets 5-5-1928 6-5-1928 Add this difference to their respective
Sun 14° 44' Taurus 15° 42'; positions at 5-30 P.M. l.S.T. on 5-5-1928,
Moon 21° 52' Scorpio: Sagi 3° 40'; if they are in direct motion, or deduct the
"difference if the planet is in retrograde Ratu 18* IS' Taurus;
motion- Kethu 18° 15' Scorpio;
Then you get Uranus 12° 54' Pisces;
Sun 14° 49' Taurus ; Neptune 3° 39' Leo;
Moon 23° 6' Scorpio; Fortuna 10° 58' Taurus.
Mars 21° 26' Pisces ; The following is the Rasi kundali or
Mercury 17° 22' Taurus; birth chart or Rasi chakram:—
Jupiter 23° 28' Aries ;
Venus 29° 32' Aries ; lap. 0° 43'
Saturn 18° 1' Sagittarius; Ven, 6" 47'
Rahu 11* 0' Gemini; I Sun. 22" 4'
1 Mercury
Kethu 11° 0' Sagittarius; 24° 37' '
Uranus 5° 39' Aries ;
Neptune 26° 24' Leo.
Fortune is obtained by adding the
Longitude of Moon counted from Aries 0° Nirayana Chart
to the Longitude of the Ascendant counted
■ from Aries 0° and then deducting the
Longitude of Sun counted from Aries 0°.
Therefore Fortuna will be at
Moon 23° Scorpio 6' Plus Ascendant 26° Sat. 25' 16'
Scorpio 22' minus Sun 15° Taurus 45'. Ketu 18° 15'
Asc, 3° 37'
= 233° 6'+236° 22' minus 45° 45' Moon 0o2r .
If the reminder is above 360°, deduct
360°. For, Navamsa, divide the longitude of
Therefore 469° 28' minus 45° 45' the planet by 40. Take only the remains
-423° 43°. Deduct 360° der. Enter in the sign as shown below,
= 63° 43' • according to the remainder obtained
•by dividing its longitude by 40°.
= 3° Gemini 43'.
Now we have got the Sayana position If the remainder is between
of all the planets. For the position of 0* to 3° 20' enter in Mesha—Aries;
Kethu, add 180° to the position of Rahu, 3° 20' to 6° 40' Rishaba—
as Kethu's position is always 180° away Taurus;
from Rahu's. Thus Sayana position is 6° 40' to 10° 00' Mithuna—
calculated. For Nirayana position, Gemini;
deduct the ayanamsa for the year of birth. 10* 00'to 13° 20' Kataka—
Ayanamsa, . according to Krishnamurti Cancer;
for the year 1928 is 22* 45'. By deduct-
ing this the position of the planets is as 13° 20' to 16° 40' Simha—Leo;
follows: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Kanni—Virgo;
Sun 22° 4' Aries ; 20° 00' to 23* 20' Thulam—
Moon 0° 21' Scorpio; Libra;
Mars 28° 41' Aquarius; 23° 20' to 26° 40' Vrischik—
Mercury 24* 37' Aries; 26° 40' to 30° 00' Dhanus—'
Jupiter 0° 43' Aries ; Sagittarius;
Venus 6° 47' Aries ; 30* 00' to 33° 20' „ Makara—
Saturn 25° 16' Scorpio ;
33° 20' to 36° 40' enter in Kumba— The ready reckoner must include
Aquarius; sub periods at least when also for the •
36° 40 to 40° 00'' Meena— future, it will be useful. Better to do it
Pisces. in detail from the time of bjrth, so that
without effort, one can note the past events
The following is the Navamsa Chart:— and verify.

r venus,
L'rlun'; Neptune Rahn
Jupiter 5. 5-1928 4-12-1931
Saturn 4-12- 31 4-12- 50
Saturn | Moon Merc. Merc. 4-12- 50 1- 5- 53
Kethu 1- 5- 53 28- 4- 54
— 1 Navamsa Venus 28- 4- 54 28- 2- 57
Sun 28- 2- 57 4- 1- 58
r Asc, Moon 4- 1- 58 4- 6- 59
Mars 4- 6- 59 1- (S- 60
Rahu 1-6-60 19-12- 62
Kethu j Mercury Jupiter : 19-12- 62 25- 3- 65
Saturn 25- 3- 65 4-12- 67
Kethu Kethu 4-12- 67 1- 5- 68
Venus- 1- 5- 68 I- 7- 69
The chart will be in a way fit for predic- Sun 1- 7- 69 7-11- 69
tion of the Vimshothari dasa period is Moon 7-11- 69 7- 6- 70
also worked out and a ready reckoner is Mars 7- 6- '70 4-11- 70
gi ven. Rahu 4-11- 70 22-11- 71
Jupiter 22-11- 71 28-10- 72
Moon was in 0° 21' in Scorpio—Visakha Saturn 28-10- 72 7-12- 73
constellation (16th star) extends from 20° Merc. 7-12- 73 4-12- 74
Libra to 3° 20' in Scorpio. Therefore .Venus Venus 4-12- 74 4- 4-. 78
Moon has to cover 2° 59' to complete Sun 4- 4- 78 4- 4- 79
Visakha star. The longitude'is 2° 59'or Moon • 4- 4- 79 4-12- 80
179'. The whole star is 13° 20' or 800'in }f Mars 4-12- 80 4- 2- 82
longitude. All stars are each 800; in Rahu 4- 2- 82 4- 2- 85
longitude. Therefore, the balance of Jupiter . 4- 2- 85 4-10- 87
Ududasa at birth = 179 of the number of Saturn -
4-10- 87
4-12- 90
4-12- 90
4-10- 93
years allotted to the lord of the constella- Kethu 4-10- 93 4-12- 94
tion. 4-12- 94 4-12-2000
| | & so on |
Visakha is. governed by Jupiter which
rules for 16 years.
[If you use the ayanamsa published in
Hence the balance of Jupiter dasa at my magazine—Astrology and Athrishta
179 yrs — 3 years
the time of birth = 16 x 800 or follow Lahiri, C. G. Rajan or use Drik
almanac, then Mars will be in Aquarius
6 months and 29 days- only.]
Boy: Born on 21-2-1940 at 11-30 A.M.
Sukra M-ir's
- Ketha . Bu
<lha Lagna
Sun, . Mars
Mercury Mcton
Rssi - * Amsa ■

? 1
• ., '
Lagna Rahu Sukra Moou Rahu

Girl: Born on 22-5-1946 at 9-57 P.M.

■ '• • 1 ■ S ,tr , . , . - I
' Budha S"!
Rahu '
San » r ' .j Sllltra

: ^ Rnri Amsa
Moon Lagna

t> Budha Moon

Lagna- Kethu Guru Sani ■ Guru "9°°
M! s
Rahu , "
Respected Sir, Dear Sir,
1 have given above the chart of my son Both the horoscopes agree most satisfac-
and also a girl's chart. Some say there is torily.
"Kuja Dosha" and it cannot be matched.
There is dasa porutham:" Ruling pla-
Kindly give your opinion, i.e., whether nets to both are the same. The bride is
there is Kuja Dosham or not and whether born in Moon's star Saturn sign on Mer-
the charts agree. cury's Budha's day. Moon Saturn and
Thanking you. Mercury are the ruling planets. The bride-
groom is born in Moon's sign, Saturn star
Yours sincerely, and Budha day. Hence temperaipent,
K.R.y.R. agreement, understanding, harmony ' are
Madras. promised. Her name'CHANDRALghows
that Moon is a strong significator. Name Mars in the 8th sign either in Kataka or
Shri Janakiraman, a dual name is due to Makara is free from affliction.
Mercury. Janaki is due to Moon and Therefore there is no dosha at all in the
Saturn: because Saturn is for geology, girl's chart. Further she had Mars Dasa '
that which is taken from earth. Moon is between her age of 2 yrs. 4 mths. & 23 days •
a female: Hence Janakiraman name is till 9 yrs. 4 mths. and 23 days. Future
given because Moon Saturn, Vaishnavite dasa lords'are not in&uenced by Mars.
Budha are the ruling planets.
When we Count form the Moon sign.
The only rule printed in the books, but a Mars is in 7. To Sukra Venus, Mars is in
failure, is that samasapthaniam to Cancer the 2nd sign. It is said that Mars in 2 or
and Capricorn do not concord. In prac- 7 in the girl's chart has no dosha.
tice, Samasapthamam between Moon's
sign Cancer as well as Sun's sign Leo with Further, -
the signs owned by Saturn Capricorn and " Chathush Sapthamakoe Bowmoh
Aquarius do live for long number of years Mesha Kaikali Nakraha
with health and harmony and happiness. Yattia Rasow Subbaf Proktha
Kujaih Doshoh Na Vidhyathae."
Regarding Mars dosha: Just like no
two professionals agree, no two clocks If Mars in the Charts of both the bride
agree, inexperienced astrologers with half and the bridegroom in the 4th or 7th sign
baked knowledge can say . anything they which is either Aries—Mesha, Scorpio-
like. Honestly there is no dhosha in either Vrischika, exalted sign Capricorn-Makara,
of the horoscopes. or debilitated sign Cancer-Kataka, no evil
result is to be expected.
Bride: Mars owns the Sth and 12th
houses : It is in the 8th sign, in the cons- In the bridegroom's chart Mars is in its
tellation of Saturn lord of 2 and 3 receiv- own sign in Mesha, in 7 and hence there is
ing aspect from the lord of the sign no dosha at all.
Moon: Not only Neechabanga Raja yoga Just as. Mars is in 2 to Venus in the
is caused by Mars there is Chandra Man- bride's chart so also Mars is in 2 to Venus
gala yoga too. in the bridegroom's chart.
" Chara rosiGatbow Bowma Moon and Mars square in the boy's
Chathur Ashta Vyayac map whereas Moon and Mars oppose in
Dwayae Lagna Papa Vhasasyath the girl's chart. The boy will have Mars
Chaeshae Papoh Visheshathaha
Dasa commencing at his age of 60 years 2
If Mars is in 1,2, 4, 8, or 12 in a mova- months and 24 days. Hence both the
ble, chara rasi there is no dosha for Mars. horoscopes agree.
Cancer-Kataka is a movable sign. Mars is
in 8. Hence its evil result will be warded Regarding Praptham-Destiny:—
off. For matrimony consider as follows and
There is also the verdict of a few sages select the signiheators:— .
' that Mars in the 8th sign is not harmful. (a) Planets in the constellation of the
It can delay Marriage due to the interfer- occupants of the houses 2, 7 or
ence of a person-Martian type and the n;
partner will spend liberally. (b) the planets situated in 2, or 7 or
"RavilnduKshethra Jathanam 11;
Kujfl Dhosho Na Vidhyathae
(c) the planets in the constellation of
If Mars occupies either Leo or Cancer, the lords of 2, 7 & 11 ;
■governed by Sun or Moon, there is no
dosha at all. (d) the lords of 2 or 7 or 11th house;
Again another author says (e) those conjoined with any of the
" Ashtamac Kuja Doshashyath above, or
Kataka Makaryore Viria '' (f) those receiving aspectfrom them.
In the girl's chart, Moon in 2, Saturn Therefore Moon, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter
and Venus in 7 gain strength. So a boy and Mars are the significators and they
born in the Moon's sign Cancer, Saturn must be the ruling planets of the partner.
Star Pushyam and Thulam-Libra lagna Actually .the bride is born in Moon's
ruled by Venus can marry her. star, Sravana. Moon is in Saturn's sign
Similarly, if one analyses the boy's Capricom-Makara. Sagittarius—Dhanus
chart one will find that Moon rasi is Lagna owned by Jupiter and Lagna is
stronger than Lagna as the lord of Lagna aspected by Venus.
(though exalted) is in the 6th house, Hence the marriage of Mr. Janakiraman
counted from Lagna. No planet is in 2, 7 with Sowbagyavathi Chandra, during his
of 11. Venus Dasa, Venus buklhi, Jupiter anthra
Sun, the lord of 2, is in 8 to Moon and and during the bride's Rahu dasa. Mercury
no planet is in its star. bukthi,'Saturn anthra, Venus Shookshma
Saturn rules the 7th house. Moon is in is proper.
its star Pushyam. So Moon is a ruling To me it appears that the marriage will
planpt of the partner. be celebrated on 27-1-1966 on a Thursday
governed by Jupiter on Ulhrattathi star
Saturn is conjoined with Kethu-Mars day ruled by Saturn (MeenaRasi owned by
alone is in Kelhu's star-Aswini. Venus and Jupiter) and in Aquarius Lagna between'
Jupiter are conjoined with Saturn. Venus Sri5 and 9-15 A.M.
is exalted. Jupiter is in its own sign. Good Luck
Venus is lord of 11. It is exalted. It is
in rapt conjunction with Jupiter.r K.S.K.

" I shall be glad jf I am given the exact (d) the lords of these houses ;
time of my daughter's marriage. The (e) planets conjoined with them ;
horoscope is as under."
Born on 2-5-1931 at 3 P.M. at 13° 04' (fj those aspected bythesignificators.
North and 80" 15' East. Though Kethu is in the second sign,
according to Westerners it comes' to Lagna
V tus. Sun Bhava and Moon comes to the second
Rabu ' Merc. house. Therefore note the stars of Moon.
Rohini; Haslham and Sravanam are ruled -
by Moon. Kethu is in Moon's star. ■ It is
a sign ificator.
w Venus and Rahu are in the 7th Bhava—
House. Rahu's stars are Arudhra, Swathi
and Sathabhisba: Venus' stars are Bharani,
Phoorvapalguni and Poorvashada.
Moon Kethu No planet is in Rahu's star. .
Sun atid Mercury arc in the constella-
tion of Venus. Therefore Sun and Mer-
cury are the significators.
Mars in the I2tb sign is in the llth
house. Its stars are Mrigasira, Chitra and
Dhanishta—No planet iS in its star.
The Lord of 2 and 1 L is Mercury. Mars .
and Rahu are in the constellation of Mer-
The Lord of 7 is, Saturn. Venus is in
its star, Uthrapadrapada.
These planets are to be considered, only
Dasa Balance at the time of birth. Jupiter when there were no significators, accord-
Dasa 15 years 5 months and 25 days. ing to the first dicta,.
Kethu, Sun and Mercury occupying
For marriage, consider the houses 2, 7 Moon's star and Venus' stars are the indi-
and 11. Lagna is strong as lord of Lagna cators.
is exalted and is in the 9th sigh.
Saturn who is the lord of 7 is very
The signiQcators are: strong and it is in the 12th sign to its own
(a) the planets in the constellation sign, Aquarius (the 7th) and is in the 5th
of those occupying the houses 2,. Bhava. It aspects Venus, Rahu, Mars
7 or 11 ; and Moon. Hence these 5 planets are to
(b) occupants of these three Jiouses ■_ — delay the marriage. Those which are not
afflicted by Saturn, if they are the signifi-
(c) the planets in the constellation of cators of marriage, will surely give the
the lords of the houses 2, 7 or 11; marriage.
Neither Kethu, not Sun nor Mercury the lord of 12, squares its original posi-
(the significators) receive aspects from tion. Sun applies sextile with Uranus. It
Saturn. (Even though Jupiter is not is not helpful to elect either of the two
associated with Saturn, it is not a signifi- dates.
As per transit, Sun, one of the signifi-
Hence she will get married only when cators will transit in Dasanatha Mercury's
Saturn Dasa is over. It comes to an end star, Revathi and the sub of Kethu or Sun.
on 27—10—1965. Moon may transit in one of the three
The time of marriage will be Mercury constellations belonging to Mercury, Kethu
Dasa, Mercury.Bhukthi, Kethu's or Sun's and Sun.
Anthra, i.e., between I—J—1966 and Therefore, on 4—4—66, Uthrapalguni
23—4—66 or between 18—9—66 and star day, the marriage will be celebrated.
31—10—66. (Kethu has no star in Mercury's sign. Sun
Now, to select one of the two periods, rules Uthrapalgani. Makham is ruled by
judge from the progression and transit. Kethu in Sun's sign. But the day is a.
Never omit1 to note when this chart is Saturday when this party will not celebrate
taken for reading (6 P.M. Sunday, as they consider that it is inauspicious in
24—10—65), As per progression, Moon, their community.)

K.. V; R. Anjaneyulu, b.a.

To ascertain the time of death, consider 1. Lagha is Cancer, a movable sign.
houses 2, 7 and 12; also Badhakaslhana Hence badhakaslhana is eleventh
and Subha Kendra Adhipathi. house. Eleventh house is occupied
The strength of the -planets is to be by Rahu. The constellations of
considered in the following order, Rahu are Arudra, Swati and Sata-
bhrsham. Venus is in the'.sub of
> 1. Planets in the sub of the occupants Rahu. So Venus is the significator.
of Badhakaslhana, houses 2, 7,12 2. Lagna is Cancer. So Kendras are
and in the sub of Subha Kendradhi- Thula, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer
pati; The Lord of Thiila Rasi is Venus
2. Occupants of 2, 7, 12 and Badhaka- who is a'natural henefic. The Lord
sthaha'j of Capricorn sign is Saturn who is
3. Planets in the sub of the lords of malitic. The Lord Of Aries sign is
2, 7, 12, Badhakaslhana and Subha Mars who is again a malefic.; The
Kendradhipati; . Lord of Cancer' is Moon. In the
A:, Lords of 2, 7, 12 and Badhaka- present horoscope. Moon is in the
slhana Adhipali and Suba Kendra dark-half. Hence she is considered
Adhipadi; to be malefic. Therefore Subha
5. Planets conjoined with or aspected Kerfdra Adhipati._is only Venus.
by significators, .The constellations ruled by Venus .
are Bharani, Pubba and Poorva-
Let us consider three horoscopes and shada. Mercury is in the. sub of
apply the above principles- Venus. Jupiter is also'in the sub of
Example : Horoscope No. 1. Venus. Therefore Mercury. and
A male born on 14-11-18S9 at 11-30 - Jupiter are significators.
P.M. (I.S.T.) 3. The 2pd house is occupied by Mars,
Mrigasira, chitra and Dhanista are
Lat 25° 26' N. Log. 81° 52' E. the constellations ruled by Mars.
No planet'is in the sub of Mars.
4. The 7lh house is vacant
5. The 12th house is occupied . by •
Moon whose constellations are
Rohini, Hastha and Sravaha. Mars
is in the sub of Moon. Sun is also
in the sub of Moon. Therefore
- -Mars and Stin are the significators.
• ';:So"the planets' that cln'cau'se death are'
Venus,.Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Sun-
.'Jupiter - • Venus Now.we have—to—see whether—any^node -■
7° 29' Mars occupies any 1 house_ conjoint - with . thc
Kethu"' S^<)° ir Mercury 10" 5r _ -ulanets jvho are the significators, as nodes
.. 12° 49'"' :" " "17! 15'." _are stronger than, the planets. .- Rahu is in
Gemini ruled by Mercury who is one of the tions of Kethu are Aswani, Magha
significators. Kethu is in the sign Sagit- and Moola Mercury is in the sub
tarius ruled by Jupiter who is also the of Kethu. So Mercury is one of the
significator. Hence Rahu and Kethu are significators of death-
strong to inflict death on the native in
preference to the planets themselves. Of Sun's constellations are Krithika, Uttara
the significators Venus is both Subha and Uttarashada. No planet is in the sub
Kendra Athipati and BadhakaSthana of Sun.
Adhipati; hence it acquires maleficience ' 2- Subha Kendradhipati is Venus.
to cause death. That planet in' the sub of The constellations ruled by Venus
such first rate malefic will acquire greater are Bharani, Pubba and Poorva-
power to inflict death next. in preference shada. Rahu and Moon are in the
to the nodes. In the present horoscope, sub of Venus. So Rahu and Moon
Mercury is in the sub of Venus. Hence are significators of death.
Mercury is strong to cause death next to 3. 2nd house is posited by Saturn and .
the node. The native breathed his last in Jupiter.
the major period of Rahu, in . the sub
period of Mercury, in the anthara of Rahu Pushyam; Anuradha and Uttarabhadra
on Wednesday when Moon was in the arp the constellations ruled by
constellation of Jyeshta, in the sign of Saturn. Jupiter is in the sub of
Mars, when the constellation Uttara ruled Saturn. Therefore Jupiter is the
by sun rose vin the east in the sub of significator. .
Mercury, Lord of sign Virgo, on 27-5-63 Jupiter's constellations are Punarvasu,
at about 2 P.M. This exaatly answers the Visakba and Poorvabhadra. No planet is
method of reckoning according to the in the sub of Jupiter.
principles of Krishna Moorthy Paddhathi,
the advance method of steller astrology. ' 4. 7th house is vacant
Let us <take up another horoscope, 5. 12th bouse is vacant!
A male was born on 5-9-61 at 0-42 P.M. So it would be seen fronftEe above parti-
(I.S.T.) at Madras. The following is the culars that Mercury, Rahu, Moon and
horoscope: Jupiter are the significators ofdeath.
Mercury is in association wtith Mars;
Jupiter is in association with Saturn and
Venus is aspected by Jupiter. Therefore
Venus, Saturn and Mars also contribute
to the demise of the native.
As is already known, nodes are stronger
than the planets. Rahu, one of the signifi-
tors, is posited in the sign Aquarius ruled
by Saturn. So -that planets who is in
association With or receiving the aspect of
Saturn will aquire greater significance in
causing death in preference to other
planets. In the present case,-Saturn is
with Jupiter.and aspects Venus. Therefore
Jupiter and Venus get greater_ power to
Balance' of 'Jupiter's period at birth ; . cause death.
7 years B months and 19 days. The native died during the. major period
1. Lagna (Scorpio) is a fixed sign and of Jupiter, in the'sub period of-Venus and
hence Badbaka sthana is the 9th in the anthara of Venus", on-6-9-61 at
house. The 9th house is occupied" • 7-"30~P.Mr-^at.iMaaras.,^hej,day was
by Kethu and Sun. The constella- 1 Wednesday, ruled by Met cm y~. :'
The ruling comellation was Pushyam Robini, Hastha and Saravana are ruled _
ruled by Saturn. by Moon. No planet is in the sub of|
The ascendant at the time of death was Moon.
Pisces; The constellation rising in the east Bharani, Pubba and Poorvashada are
was Utharabhadra, ruled by Saturn. ruled by Venus. Sun is in the sub of >'
The sub rising' in the east was that of Venus. So Sun is a sighificator of death. '
Rahu. This again confirms how accurate 3. The 2nd house is vacant.
results are arrived at by the application of 4. The 7th house is vacant.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati.
Let us now examine a third horoscope, 5. The 12th house is posited by Mer-
of a male born on 2-11-1935 at 5-4fi A.M., cury and Venus.
Bangalore. The following is the horoscope: Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revathi are ruled
by Mercury. Venus and Jupiter are in the
sub of Mercury.
So Venus and Jupiter are significators.
Bharani, Pubba and Poorvashada are
ruled by Venus.
Sun is in the sub of Venus. Hence Sun is
a strong significator.
Sun, Venus, and Jupiter are therefore
the significators of death. Rahu is in sign
Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter. So planets in
i- Rahu Lagna association with Rahu, and planets in the
23® 10' TV sub of Jupiter are strong significators^to
Moon Jup 5° 37' Sun cause death, Mars and Moon are in asso-
Mara 10* 8' 15° 47'
0e 27 ciation with Rahu and Mercury is in the
sub of Jupiter. Therefore Mercury, Mars
Balance of Venus Dasa at birth 8 years and Moon acquire death-inflicting power.
1 month and 24 days. The native died on 9-9-63 at 4-30 P.M.
1. Lagna is libra, movable sign. (I.S.T.) on Monday when Srayanain was
Therefore Badhakasthana is the rising in the east in the sub of. Mercury,
Uth house (Leo). It is vacant. during the major 'period of Mars, in the
sub paid of Mercury and in the aothara of
2. Subha Kehdra.Adhipathis are Moon Venus, when the ruling constellation was
and Venus. Krithika.
The following is the letter and horos- chika where Moon transiting and
cope of Mr. H- Viswanathan who wants Jyeshta was the constellation in which
the scientific explanation for his success Moon was passing at 3-30 P.M. and the
on Chandra Ashtama day. Ascendant was the 1st degree in Aquarius.
"On Thursday 30-.9-65 at 3-30 P.M., On the day you were relieved, you had
I have been relieved on leave by my pre- been running Mars Dasa, Mercury Bhukti,
sent employer for undergoing training in Mars Anthara. It commenced on
a leading firm after passing a professional 19-3-1965.
examination. There had been delay in
my relief to this day. Can you explain (1) Generally if the Dasa lord and
why 1 had my desire fulfilled on a Chandra Bhukthi lord are strong in the sign and
Ashtama day? Navamsa position, then the matter signi-
(Sd) H. Viswanathan. fied by them can be had when Moon tran-
Khandari Colony, sits in the sign, star and sub ruled - by
Bombay. them. Actually on that day the star was
Jyeshta, governed by Mercury in Scorpio,
owned by.Mars. Whether Moon is in a
favourable position or not to its original
position in the horoscope, whether, it is
Chandra Ashtama or not, the matter will
be fulfilled.
Born on
26-3-1936 (2) You are born in Capricorn ascen-
dant. Moon owns Cancer thou 7th house.
It indicates those with whom you transact.
It shows one with whom you work, one
who is to issue orders, etc..
■ Jyeshta is governed by Mercury which
rules both the-6th and 9th houses. 6th
Mars, house signifies service: 9th house is nega-
Venus Saturn, tive (12) to the profession house 10.
Jupiter Hence to get relief in service, the lords of
6 and 9 will prove to be helpful, Further
Mercury was in the constellation Poorva-
padra, ruled by Jupiter owning the houses
3 and 12 indicating 'changes' in the
Mercury owns the houses Gemini-
Mithuna and Virgo-Kanni. It is to be
remembered that Rahu or Kethu in Gemini
or Virgo will offer the results themselves,
At the time of bir h, balance of Venus and during the period of the planet in its
Dasa was 9 years 5 months and 23 days. constellation. Kethu is in Gemini. It
represents_Mcrcury, the lord of^ the sign
Answer: On 30-9-65, Jupiter rules the and Jupiter, the planet which "aspects
day. Mars governs the sign Scorpio-Vris- Kethu. Hence Kethu is the agent of
Mercury and Jupiter who indicates Scorpio owned by Mars, the officer had to
change in the routine, transfer, higher relieve you.
education, training or probation?
The moment when you were relieved
Mars and Jupiter are in Kethu stars, also needs explanation. The Lagna was
Aswini and Moolam respectively. Aquarius at 3-30 P.M. on 30-9-65. It was
Mars Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Mars in the 1st degree. According to Krishna-
Anthara shows that you should have a murti Padhdhati, 1° Aquarius is Dha-
transfer. Mars, the lord of 4 in the 3rd nishta star ruled by Mars and the sub
house indicates change of place : Mercury, belongs to Mercury. (Suppose a child
the lord of 9, promises further study. is born with Moon in the 1st degree
of Aquarius. Then according to
Hence on a Jyesbta star day you are Vimsbothari Dasa, what dasa and bhukti
relieved. will the child have at the time of birth.'
To your ascendant. Moon, the lord of 7, Is it not Mars Dasa, Mercury Bhukti ?
with whom you have to deal, was So that area is ruled by Mars and
transiting in the 11th house. So the Mercury.) The "general rule is that
officer was helpful on that day and relie- Chandra Asbtama day is evil and that one
ved you. cannot have his desires fulfilled.
Moon is the lord of 7. It was in the The readers can verify in all horos-
constellation of Venus who rules the 11th copes and invariably one can find that.the
house counted from the 7th house. So results depend on the lord of the constel-
when the lord of the 7th transits in a sign, lation in that sign and the general state-
8, eighth from the sign occupied by it in ment fails.
the horoscope, and if that lord is in the The next transfer
constellation of the lord of 11 counted
from the bouse which it owns, it'shows Kethu is to act as an agent of Merqury
separation. The period was Mars Dasa, and Jupiter, promising changes. There-
Mercury Bhukthi, Mars Anthara. Mer- fore Mars Dasa, Kethu Bhukthi, Mars
cury was in Jupiter's star. Hence on a Anthra i.e., 18-5-1966 on a Wednesday
Jupiter day Thursday, on Jyeshta star day when Moon will transit in Kethu's star
ruled by Mercury, when Moon was in and Mars' sign.
There is in existence a vast amount of and finally (6) Their place in predictive
literature both descriptive about the seven astrology.
planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Now what do we mean by Rahu and
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. From time Kethu? They are not substantial heavenly
immemorial these seven planets have been bodies with an observable body, shape or
recognised, studied, understood and mass like the Sun, Moon and other
honoured. The very fact that the seven planets. So our ancients have not
days of the week have been named after allotted to them any houses in the Zodiac
the seven planets in the order mentioned to be called their own, though their
above shows that our ancients had a influence has been recognised, their
profound knowledge about them and that motions studied and accurately calculated
they, in their characteristic way, defined as will be seen from the successful and
the planets and named the days of the correct predictions of eclipses even from
week after them. But very little is said very ancient days.
about Rahu and Kethu. Some of our
' ancient seers have entirely left these two Hindu mythology has in their characte-
out of the galaxy of influential planets ristic way, symbolised these two as two
and taken into cognisance only the seven. parts of a single body. In Puranic litera-
Astronomers have worked out the paths ture, we find stories about all heavenly
of planets in the heavens and in explaining bodies and influences, and a scientist will
all -heavenly phenomena recognised the understand that these stories are allegori-
need and existence of Rahu and Kethu. cal and learn from them, the nature,
Later astrologers have by intuition built characteristics and periodicity of the
up a theory about the existence and various heavenly bodies and influences. In
influence of these two chayagrahas or describing their natures and the divine
,shadowy points. Observation and scien- laws governing them, our seers have gone
tific analysis has fully confirmed of their far beyond what scientific observation and
intuition and to-day we have an amount deductions can lead us to. The descrip-
of knowledge, though meagre and uncon- tions are surprisingly accurate though the
nected, of Rahu and Kethu, whereby it is expositions may be smiled at by the
well recognised that they have a distinct, modern minded as childish stories or fairy
profound and predictable influence on tales fit for old women and young children.
human lives and destinies. Western The profound truths . contained in the
science is even poorer in their knowledge Hindu Puranas can be understood only by
of these planetary points, though recently deep and reverential study. Scoffers, after
tbey have begun to apply their scientific a cursory reading can only grasp their
minds to their study. We propose, here- apparent absurdity. Pearls are not
under, to collect, collate and arrange, on fathered by surf riders. Only divers
a logical and understandablSbasis,existing arvest them.
knowledge, so that students of astrology Let us digress here for a moment and
may find a scientific guide. consider the nature of Puranic tales about
We shall consider them in the following the planets in general and about Rahu and
order: (1) What are Rahu and Kethu? Kethu in particular. This digression
(2) Their natures and characteristics; would benefit us by making us understand
(3) Their influence in various houses; how immutable laws of nature and great
(4) Their effects through aspects and com- truths that are perennial and that govern
binations ; (5) The effects of their Dasas ; the world are imparted to us in the form
of allegorical tales. This will provide as "Rahu" and the body and the tail
with a key to open the treasure chests of " Kethu ". That Rahu and Kethu should
divine wisdom that our old Rishis have hate the Sun and the Moon is but a
bequeathed to us. Let us now consider natural outcome of this incident and hence
two such tales. for ever they are at war. Periodically they
The forces of good and evil are as old succeed in swallowing the Sun and the
as creation, and the clash between them Moon but they escape as they are
has been symbolised in Hindu Theology immortal. Eclipses are the moments when
as war between Devas and Asuras. Devas Rahu and Kethu swallow the Sun or the
are by nature good and are powers that Moon. In this allegory, the origin and
do good to the world. . Asuras are by nature of Rahu and Kethu are symbolised.
nature evil and are powers that do evil to We shall consider the second tale of the
the world. The war between them is Moon and his wives. The orbit of the
eternal and the aim of the creator can Moon is studded with stars and 27 groups
only be the ultimate victory of good over ol stars through which the Moon passes
evil. Hence, the Supreme Lord is in one circuit are called the 27 wives of
supposed to aid the forces of good or the Moon. Our Puranas say that the
Devas as against the forces of evil or Moon, quite like us mortals, was fonder
Asuras. The churning of the ocean of of some of his wives than of others and
life by two contending armies of Devas thus there was dissatisfaction and jealousy
and Asuras on each is a picture of this among the wives. Krithika and Rohiui
perennial strife and according to the were loved best by the Moon and so the
puranas, the results were various; a divine rest complained about this preference to
elephant, a horse, a physician, the their common father, Thakshaprajapathi
Goddess of wealth, and finally, Amritha or creator. The father cursed the Moon
or immortality. It is but natural that and ordered that his effulgence should
strength, skill, wisdom, wealth and success wane each day. The moon, bclover^ of
should result from this struggle between Lord Siva or the Supreme being, ran to
elemental forces and that ultimately good Him for succour and was counter-blessed
should prove victorious. In this allegori- to the effect that he should grow again and
cal representation, the Supreme Lord is wax. Hence for a fortnight the Moon
described as distributor of the Amrita wanes and for a fortnight waxes till she is
among the contestants. He deludes the full again. The natural phenomenon of the
wicked by assuming the shape of an allur- waxing and the waning of the Moon has
ing woman Mohini, which literally means been allegorically represented in this story
confusing the brain. Forces of evil fall a and astrologically, the Moon is at her best
victim to temptation while the Devas or in the constellations, Krithika and Rohini-
forces of good get a share of the Amrita A prosaic or plain statement of the above
or good that resulted. One among the would be that, in every lunar month, the
Asuras, has also impulses to do good even Moon passes through the 27 constellations
though he was by nature so and in general and during a circuit passes through all its
evil. He stealthily joined the rauks of the phases waning from Full Moon to New
Devas and got a share of Amrita but was Moon and again waxing from New Moon
discovered and exposed by the Sun and the to Full Moon. The Moon is exalted in the
Moon. As luminaries, it is but consistent constellations, Krithiga and Rohini.
and reasonable that they reveal or expose
the evil or darkness. The Supreme Lord A similar reading of the previous alle-
cannot allow a force of evil to become gory about Rahu and Kethu would be that
immortal and so he cut at it with his they are not independant planets like the
sword. The Asura got beheaded but as a Sun, the Moon, Mars and.others; that
drop of Amrita has been tasted by him, they do not have different and indepen-
both the sundered parts remained alive, dant orbits or periods: that, as two parts
though separated. This is spoken as the of one body, their movement is inter-
serpent cut into two, the head being called related or joint; that they are at all times
at opposite points of the zodiac like the planes of the orbits of the Sun and Moon
head and the tail; that though they ate by appear to the observer on Earth to be
nature evil and are generally evil in inclined to each other at an angle of 5
influence, yet by association they are capa- degrees. When two circles cut each other,
ble of doing good, that, by association there are two points of interception. The
with benefics, they turn benefic; that their two points at which the orbit of the Moon
juxta positions with the Sun and the cuts the orbit of the Sun are called the
Moon cause eclipses. nodes, and they are exactly 180 degrees
Hindu Mythology has symbolically indi- apart. The point of intersection formed
cated the existence and nature of Rahu when the Moon's motion is from South to
and Kethu. Except a few who have ignor- North, is said to be the ascending node
ed them, most of the ancient sages have and named Rahu, and the point of inter-
divined their influences on the world and ception formed when the Moon's motion
mankind. They have described them as is from North to South is called the
" chayagrihas" or shadowy planets, descending node or Kethu. It has been
meaning thereby that they have no mass, observed that the nodes have a retrograde
shape or substance and that they are celes- movement in the zodiac at the rate of
tial points on the Zodiac, with regulated 19 degrees 20 minutes per year.
movement and orbit and that they have a When the transit of the Sun and the
distinct and predictable influence on Moon are close to these nodes, the Moon
mankind, readable from individual horos- can intercept the light of the Sun from
copes. The motion of these points deno- reaching the Earth, and thus cause a Solar
ted as Rahu and Kethu has been accurately Eclipse. The degree of proximity of the
computed and judged, so that their posi- planets to the nodes determines the extent
tion, at any particular moment, can be of size of the eclipse; when the Moon is
calculated as accurately as the position of within 5 degrees of the node on a New
thic Sun or the Moon, though owing to Moon day there will be either a total or
thSft nature being without substance this annular eclipse of the Sun. If the New
cannot be verified by visual observation. Moon is more than 5 degrees away from
Westerners have named these points the node and the Sun is at the node then
Rahu and Kethu as Dragon's Head and we have a partial eclipse. When a full
Dragon's Tail, their very nomenclature Moon is formed while the Moon is cros-
revealing their origin from the Hindu sing the points of the nodes the shadow of
Mythological tales. Caput and Cauda are the Earth falls on the Moon and a Lunar
also the names given to Rabu and Kethu Eclipse is the result. This too may be full
by Western astrologers. These sensitive or partial, according as the Sun is at the
points are also called nodes, the ascending node or a little away from it.
node being Rahu and the descending node
Kethu. To understand how these imagi-
nary points are accurately located and their Thus, the only apparent phenomena
movements are calculated, we have to that can be connected with Rahu and
consider the apparent paths in the Heavens Kcth» are the eclipses when shadows obs-
of the two planets Sun and Moon (i.e.) cure the Sun and Moon. Hence Hindu
the paths along which the Sun and the astrologers have called these "chaya-
Moon appear to an observer on Earth, to grahas " or "shadowy " planets.
rotate. The Sun appears to move along an
ellipse of which the Earth is a focus. We have now seen that Rahu and Kethu
The plane of this ellipse is inclined to the are the points of Ecliptic where the plane
terrestrial Equator at an angle of 23 deg- of Moon's orbit intersects the plane of
rees. The Moon, as the satellite of the the Sun's orbit. Let us now consider their
Earth moves round it and its path also is nature and influences, and what their
elliptical with the Earth as a focus, and places are in predictive astrology, accord-
plane of this orbit is inclined to the Equa- ing to Westerners, the Hindu Sages and
tor at an angle of 28 degrees, so that the the Editor of this magazine.
Lfewelfyn George: and Kethu indicates horsegram. For both
" The point of the zodiac where a the nodes, a gate is the precious stone
planet crosses from south to north (Phaladecpika).
Latitude is called the North Node and Rahu indicates the paternal grandfather
vice versa. The motion of the Moon's whereas Kethu shows the maternal grand-
Node is retrograde about 3' per day. father. Both the nodes can cause impri-
Caput Draconis or Moon's North node sonment. Sinking with the ship or
is also called Dragon's Head. Its place is drowning, pleasure with diseased women,
the sign and degree occupied by the Moon. amputation, leprosy, giddiness, wrestling,
When she crosses the ecliptic from the life in a cave etc., are attributed to Rahu,
south to the north Latitude it is considered Fear complex, insanity, allergy, leprosy,
a benelicient degree. The Dragon's Tail injury, fire accident, punishment from
(Canda Draconis) is the opposite point Government, renunciation, Moksha, wis-
and is considered malefic. dom after sufferings and bitter experience,
weakness to have pleasure with other
The north node is called the ascending, ladies.
and the south, the descending node. The To live in a rented house, to enjoy life
Sun, never crossing the ecliptic, has no at other's expense, to use other's vehicles,
node ; and likewise the Earth which is to have an office car, to take one in
considered as moving in the same plane:as adoption, danger to the offspring pilgri-
the Sun." mage ill-health to the native and defect
Westerners are of opinion that Rahu is to the children and defect in vision, arc
a benefic whereas Kethu is a malefic. also judged from the position of Rahu
They do not take these nodes for con- and Kethu in one's horoscope.
sideration to predict events in one's life or Rahu and Kethu do not own any house
in mundane astrology. as all the twelve houses are distribute;1 to
According to the Hindus, Rahu and the seven planets. But some sages allot
Kethu indicate one born in a low caste; certain signs as owned by the nodes,
one who may have intrigue with girls; one certain signs as their exaltation ones and
whose thoughts and actions will be evil; the opposite signs as their debilitation
one who will resort to out-castes and low- ones, etc. They themselves do not agree
born as well 'as ill-bred people. with each other. For prediction, one can
One who is dissatisfied; fond of offer correct results without taking into
travelling; likes residences facing south; consideration, tbeir ownership, exaltation,
may like to go to a mountain, a big etc.
jungle, or stay outside ; finds pleasure in As Rahu and Kethu do not own any
uttering falsehood; continues to speak sign, they represent the lord of the sign.
untruth, knowing fully well that he utters But, the readers have to note that Rahu
a lie; one who will not mind tocohabitate or Kethu will act as a strong agent to the
with quadrupeds or like the animals one planet with which it is conjoined. If they
who is harsh in speech ; one who will be arc not conjoined with any planet, then
looking downward while walking or they give the results of the planet which
talking with others: if a male, he will use aspects them. Only when they are neither
umbrella: if a lady, she will use chowrie conjoined with, nor aspectcd by any
and also umbrella (Uthra Kalamrita). planet, they represent the lord of the
Rahu and Kethu afifect the spleen. Gas house. This finding can be inferred from
trouble and sharp acute pain are attri- the following principle (utbrakalamrita—
buted to the nodes. Buddhist, snake Khanda VI Sloka 14 onwards).
catchers ass, ram, wolf, camel, serpent, " If Rahu or Kethu were to occupy the
poisonous insects, a dark place, culex beneficial houses, 5 or 9 and if they are in
mosquito, bug, insects, owl, etc., belong conjunction with, or aspectcd by, the lord
to the nodes. Rahu denotes blackgram of the maraka houses, 2 or 7, then they
cause death in their periods, even though are in evil houses. But Kalidas does not
the lord of the houses, 5 and 9, are to mention with whom he agrees.
produce Rajayoga." He continues to say that Rahu and
If the nodes are in 2 or 7 (the maraka Kethu will cause death to the person if
houses—danger to life) and if they are they occupy evil houses even though they
conjoined with or aspected by the lords of may be conjoined with benefics.
5 or 9, they do not cause death; but they If Rahu or Kethu be occupying the
increase one's wealth, improve one's health houses 6 or 8 or 10 or 12, and if they receive
and contribute for a iong span of life. aspect from any of the three lords or be
But if the nodes arc in 2 or 7 and if those conjoined with any of them, then during
lords are conjoined with either of them their dasas, the native will suffer.
or if they aspect them, they cause death.
If Rahu or Kethu were to be in 6 or 8
Therefore Rahu and Kethu offer the or 12 and if they are conjoined with or
results of the planets with which they are aspected by lords of 2 or 7, they affect the
conjoined ; or by which they are aspected longevity of the native.
or the ruler of the sign in which they are
posited. If Rahu or Kethu were to be in either
6 or 8 or 12 and if they are connected
If Rahu or Kethu were to be in Gemini- with the lords of Kendra or Kona houses
Mithuna, or Virgo-Kanni or Sagittarius- i.e. (1, 4, 7 or 10 i or 1, 5 or 9) then the
Dhanus, or Pisces-Meena, conjoined with native will enjoy the beneficial results
the lord of 1 or 4 or 5 or 7 or 9 or 10th during the sub period of such a lord and
house, then the person enjoys life gaining they suffer from disease, undergo varieties
wealth and becoming influential in their of difficulties, meet with accidents, and
periods and sub periods. either succumb to such injuries or commit
Jf Rahu or Kethu were to be in any of suicide or be drowned.
the above 4 signs—Common rasi and if the If Rahu or Kethu occupy the houses 1
lord of the sign owns any of the houses or 3 or 4 or 7 or 9 or 10 and if Rajayoga
1 or 4 or 5 or 7 or 9 or 10th house also, planets conjoin the nodes or aspect them,
then also, in their periods and sub periods one can expect happiness, health, wealth,
one can expect promotion, prosperity and children, power, prosperity and comforta-
power. ble conveyance in their periods.
If Rahu or Kethu were to be in a dual According to Kalidas Rahu is exalted
rasi, as mentioned above, and if it is in Taurus-Vrishaba and debilitated in
conjoined with, or aspected by, any of Scorpio-Vriscbika vice versa is that of
the lords of the houses 6 or 8 or 12, then Kethu. Rahu owns Aquarius-Kumba.
the person will not receive much benefit Kethu rules Scorpio, Vrischika-Moolatri
in their periods, but he may lose any elder Kona sign of Rahu in Gemini-Mithuna
member of the family belonging to his or whereas that of Kethu is Virgo-Kanni.
maternal side. As Rahu and Kethu eclipse Sun and Moon,
If Rahu or Kethu were to be in a mova- Leo-Simha and Cancer-Kataka are their
ble (chara) or fixed (Sthira) rasi, conjoined enimical signs. The friendly signs are
with the lords of the Kendra (1, 4, 7 or 10) Libra-Thulam and Capricorn-Makara.
or Kona (1 or 5 or,9) signs, they confer The neutral ones are Aries-Mesha ; Sagit-
on the person wealth and power. tarius-Dhanus and Pisces-Meena. Shri
Ramadayalu in Sanketanidhi, says that
If Rahu or Kethu were to occupy an Gemini-Mithuna is the exaltation sign of
evil house, but they arc conjoined with the Rahu and Virgo-Kanni is the Swakshetra
lords of Kcndraor Kona house they cannot or the sign ruled by Rahu-
produce beneficial results. Sagittarius-Dhanus is the sign of exalta-
But some other scholars say that the tion of Kethu and Pisces-Meena is owned
nodes can bring in fortune even if they by Kethu.
He says that according to some fics can ward off the evil; yet he will be
Sstrologers Scorpio-Vrischiltais the exalta- proud, arrogant, headstrong, diseased.
tion sign of Rahu and Aquarius is the sign Rahu in 8: Will be always ill .* ever
of exaltation of Kethu. worried: confused: delay in achieving/
Readers can understand that there is one's aim, depressed.
only confusion and contradiction and the
new students will find it difficult to follow Rahu in 9 : Unhelpful to children : will
any of the authors. enjoy with one born in a low caste : will
have servants : will never oblige any: will
Kalidas says Rahu and Kethu are very hate parents: will become rich and
strong when exalted. popular.
Rahu is beneficial when it is in any of Rahu in 10 : Prefers widows' company
the houses 4,7,9,10 or 11. Kethu is and lives in dirty places if Rahu is not
favourable if it is in the 3rd house. connected with a benefic—can compose
These are the general rules. songs—cannot be straightforward—wicked
Let us consider what Rahu and Kethu person.
indicate when they occupy the twelve Rahu in 11 : Many children: wealthy:
houses-Bhavas in a horoscope. will own lands and building-—a little deaf
Rahu in 1: A still-born child to the —reputation in the war front—a pandit, a
native", moles or scar in the head: wicked learned man, will achieve victory over
temperament, unsympathetic, diseased. enemies.
Rahu in 2: Ever in want: diseased: Rahu in 12 : Will have a few children,
worries due to loss of children; dark will have defective vision, will be a sinner,
complexion: may have more than one unprincipled and unscrupulous : may
wife: will have a mark or mole near the get amputated ; will be helpful to others.
chin; does not hesitate to pick up Kethu in 1 : A still-born child; mciks
quarrels. in the face: diseased—miserly—if connec-
Rahu in 3: Interested in agriculture: ted with benefics—rich and will have long-
bold: rich: never suffers from the living children.
scarcity of foodstuff. Kethu in 2: No savings; unhealthy;
Rahu in 4.- Puts on jewels: may have worried about the family; especially about
two marriages; will engage servants; in- children : black complexion ; may marry
auspicious to mother unless it is connec- twice: benefics conjoined with Kethu;
ted with a benefic; mostly a person of cause a mole in the chin ; lucky will hate
suspicious mind ; keeps his wife and also people and will be hated by them.
the concubine inside and will not allow Kethu in 3: Agriculturist: good-natur-
them to be social one, not reliable. ed, rich, successful messenger, contractor.
Rahu in 5: Danger to children; it is Kethu in 4: Will possess wealth, jewel-
evil; likely to- stammer. Cruel mindud ; lery, may marry twice; not good to
maybe punished by the Government; mother—if it is connected with benefics,
may live in a dirty house or village; then the evil results will be mitigated-^—will
funky; sympathetic; miserly. hate relatives.
Rahu in 6: Very bold; brave; will Kethu in 5 : Inauspicious to children,
enjoy life ; If Moon is also in 6, he will may stammer, a bad person—may be
be liked by career women or ladies in punished by the Government—will reside
good position; wastes money; will be in a place where there are indecent people
ever victorious ; will win in any dispute ; —will be cunning—Hydrophobia—unheal-
will have long life. thy.
Rahu in 7 : May have two wives espe- Kethu in 6: Courageous: enjoys life
cially when there is another malefic; bene- to entire satisfaction: Moon conjoined
with Kethu threatens loss: no gains: born children or abortion, etc. Does it
no savings—will be clever: liked by not appear to be funny? No, Rahu in U
relatives : famous : learned : studious. will protect the children during his dasa
Kethu in?:. May marry again after and its sub periods whereas Kethu in 5
losing the first wife: second wife may will affect the health or cause abortion
suffer from some chronicdisease: it is true during its period and sub period. Any
if a malefic is also conjoined with Kethu : planet indicating any result can offer such
but if a bencdc is conjoined with Kethu, the during its period and sub period. Rahu 's
evil will be warded off and he will have beneficial results cannot be cancelled by
only one long living, lucky wife, Malefics Kethu's malefic ones and vice versa—Each
spoil the character of the partner and will operate separately in their respective
deny the pleasure of married life: always periods.
sleeping: no principles in life: cannot Results to be expected due to certain
command any: always touring: a cruel relative positions of Rahu and other
person. planets are dealt with by a few authors.
Kethu in 8 : Will have chronic disease: Mars, Rahu and Saturn in the 8th house
gets legacy; enjoys at others' cost; finds deprive one of his nostrils.
pleasure in the company of others' wives: Mars in 6, Rahu in 7 and Saturn in 8
venereal disease,: miserly. Benefics con- causes loss of partner and independent
joined with or aspecting Kethu give long life,
life and wealtb- Venus in 2, Moon in 1, Mercury and
Kethu in 9: Affects the longevity of Sun in 12 and Rahu in 5 will involve one
children, finds pleasure with low class in murder and punish him with imprison-
ladies and servants is never sympathetic; ment.
never donates : gets easily irritated: can If Rahu is in 7 and if it is strong, the
ai^jje : will talk nicely ; will also talk ill complexion of the partner will be black.
of others: an indecent person, though
very bold : self boasting : arrogant: likes Rahu in the 7th house reduces the
only such arrogant or foolhardy people. strength of facundity in the female to
nothing. Saturn and Rahu in 7 cause
Kethu in 10: Finds pleasure in widow's Hysteria. Mercury and Rahu in 6 cause
company : lives in dirty places : benefics Typhoid. Venus, Saturn and Rahu cause
mitigate the affliction: will have faithful venereal disease. Jupiter and Rahu cause
servant: will be clever, diplomatic, brave ; surgical treatment for birth control.
good at engraving: will have social Mars, Saturn and Rahu cause accidents.
success : will tour always.
Kethu in 11: Will have many children : Sun and Rahu indicate difficulties
will be rich, courageous ; will have social through Government Officials, litigation
success: will spend the minimum; will andjoss of profession and prestige-
desire to do meritorious deeds. Moon and Rahu threaten worry, anxiety
and inferiority complex, etc.
Kethu in 12: Will have a few children; These are the1 findings of the Hindu
defective vision : will be a sinner; weak- sages.
minded; unprincipled; will lose the
ancestral property and reputation. Krishnamurtbi Padhdhati: Rahu or Kethu
Again another doubt will arise among will prove to be a benefic if they are con-
the students. What is that? It is said that joined with or aspected by the lords of
Rahu and Kethu are always 180° away. If beneficial houses or if they occupy the
Rahu is in the 11th house, then Kethu must constellation and sub of the planets owning
be in the 5ih house. It is said that Rahu favourable houses, i.e., for one born
in 11 gives many children, etc., whereas in the ascendant Capricorn. Venus is a
Kethu which will be in 5 threatens loss of benefic by owning the 10th house. Hence
children, Putradhosha, will have still- Rahu will prove to be a benefic, if it is
conjoined with or aspected by Venus or Venus itself. If Venus is the significator,
if Rahu occupies the constellations belon- then Rahu takes its effect and acts as the
ging to Venus, i.e., Bharani, Poorvapal- strong significator of the matter in one's
guni and Poorvashada or the sub of horoscope.
Venus which will extend to 2 degrees 13
minutes 20 seconds in each constellation- If the lord of 2,6 or 10 is conjoined with
The same principle applies to Kethu also. or if they aspect Rahu or Kethu, then the
node, so connected will indicate one's
Rahu in the constellation of the lords profession and one gets into service
of 6, 8 and 12 will produce undesirable during the node's sub periods if the lord
results, even though the house (Solar of the constellation is also a significator.
mansion and bhava) may be considered as
a beneficial one—Upachayasthana. If the lord of 2, 7 or 11 or the planets
in 2, 7 or II aspect Rahu or Kethu
Similarly, Rahu or Kethu will do the marriage will be celebrated in Rahu's
greatest evil, causing death to the person sub periods, provided the lord of the
in its period or sub period if it is in the constellation also is a significator.
constellation of the planet in Bhadha-
Jrasthana, or if it is in that of the owner of Rahu or Kethu in 2, 5 or II, receiving
the Bhadhaleasthana or in any manner good aspects will give children in their
connected with Kendhradipathi or occu- periods and sub periods in any of the
pies the constellation of the lords of 2 following stars Arudhra (Mercury and
and 7 or is conjoined with, or aspected Rahu periods), Swathi (Venus and Rahu
by them. periods), Sathabhisha (Saturn and Rahu
Suppose one is born in Thula Lagna periods), Aswani (Kethu and Mars),
Makam (Sun and Kethu), Moolara (Jupiter
(Libra ascendant). As it is a movable sign, and Kethu).
the 11th sign is Bhadhakasthana. If there
is any planet in Leo, Simha the 11th sign, Thus it will be seen that Rahu and Ketju
then note the constellation of the occu- are much stronger than the planets Con-
pant. If Mars is in 11, then Rahu in joined with them or the lord of the sign
Mrigasirisha or Chithra or Dhanishta will in which either of them is posited.
prove to be evil whether it is in the 8th or Rahu and Kethu are declared to be evil
9th or 12th or 1st or 4th or 5th house by the Hindu sages. But it is a fact
counted from Lagna. It is found that one that they are not always evil. Under
passes away in Rahu's sub or sub sub- certain circumstances, they will prove to
period, irrespective of the house it occupies. be more auspicious than any other planet.
If there is no planet in Bhadhakasthana, If Rahu or Kethu be in the constellation
then take the lord of that house. In this of the lords of beneficial houses and is
example, Leo is the Bhadhakasthana and conjoined with or aspected by bcnefics by
its lord is Sun. Hence Rahu in Sun's sub lordship they will offer the most favoura-
or in any of the 3 constellations of Sun, ble and agreeable results.
Karthikar, Uthrapalguni or Uthrashada
will definitely prove to be a Maraka. Thus If Rahu or Kethu be in a sign, they will
one is to judge, when alone correct predic- give the results of not only the matters
tion can be offered. signified by that house and sign but also
Rahu and Kethu are ever stronger than the matters indicated by the other sign
other planets whether they are conjoined ruled by the same lord. Excepting Sun and
with, or aspected by a planet. Moon, each of the other planets rules two
signs. So the nodes will offer the results
Suppose Venus and Rahu are conjoined of both the signs.
in Pisces or Libra or Taurus. Even though
Venus may be exalted or Vargothamamsa Rahu and Kethu are to be taken as the
or occupying either the day house or night agents of the lord of the sign, the lord of
house, Rahu will predominate and offer the star and the lord of the sub. They are
the results of Venus to a greater extent than capable of producing the results caused by
the combination of the sign lord, star lord will have a large number of acquaintances,
and sub lord. friends and benefactors: will be fond of
A person had Rahu in Taurus at frequent travels: will earn satisfactorily
26° 30'; then it is in Venus sign Taurus, in many ways: will save much: will gain
Mar's star Mrigasirisha and Jupiter sub. royal favour: will come in contact with
So it offers one the job of a manager in an strangers: and enter into agreement with
automobile industry in Rahu Dasa, Jupiter them ; will lead a happy life: will have
sub period, Venus sub sub period and birth of many children; will purchase
Mars shookshma. Invariably Rahu's or conveyance, gain through business, agency.
Kethu's results are modified by the lords If Mercury is the lord of an evil house,
of the constellation, sign and sub. the person will be a fraud, will give word
easily to everybody and will never keep it
Rahu in the constellation of Sun, i.e., up or fulfil it: will put on show: will
Karthikai, Uthrapalguni or Uthrashada. appear outwardly to be honest and inwardly
High fever: heart disease; giddiness: cunning, a cheat, so enemies will increase
enmity, quarrels: Unpleasant domestic in number because of his own action; will
environments; fear and will suspect the never hesitate utter falehood or commit
partner, will not trust anybody : changes forgery, will suffer from Vitamin 'B'
the occupation and also residence: suffer deficiency and Typhoid.
from contageous disease also: mental
■ unrest, especially when Sun rules over Rahu in the constellation of Jupiter,
evil houses. But if Sun is a Rajayogadhi- Punarvasu, Visakham or Poorvapathrapada
pathi, promotion, reputation name, fame, (and if Jupiter rules beneficial houses)
cessation of enmity and charity are promises that the enmity will come to an
indicated. end, one can come out victorious at
Rahu in the constellation of Moon, i.e., election ; will win in litigation, enjoy the
Rphini, or Hastham or Sravanam shows good-will of Government servants, acquire
success in agriculture, good crop, purchase wealth, will have the birth of children,
of cows: increase in income, a pleasant increased, pleasure, will gain influence
life, life with kith and kin, sea voyage: and position through persons in power;
.and purchase of wet lands. But if Moon will have good relationship with politicians
is afflicted or ill-posited or if it owns evil benefits from superiors: success in all
houses, it threatons danger by drowning, efforts) happy celebrations in the family,
trouble in micturition, change of residence visits to holy places and dips in sacred
and transfer, loss or danger to wife, rivers.
pain and swelling in the limbs, injury to
person, mental worries and anxieties. Rahu in the constellation of Venus,
Rahu in the constellation of Mars, i.e., i.e., in Bharani, Poorvapalguni or Poorva-
Mrigasirisha, Chithra or Dhanishta threa- shada. The persot^ will purchase vehicles
tens loss by fire, theft or robbery; loss in and costly articles fancy ones and good
litigation: loss of money: difflculties furniture, on hire purchase or will import
sorrow, open inimical activity: fondness them, will have good relationship with
for easy and dissolute habits, disputes, relatives, especially ladies; will acquire
irritation: rash action, violence, dishar- wealth, compromise; will have friendly
mony with partner, calamities, failure of alliance; will be fortunate, happy; will
memory, danger from officials, government, gain advantages from superiors; will have
the Police, and Military etc. chances for promotion, popularity, marriage, birth of
imprisonment, etc. If Mars is a bcnefic children etc. If Venus rules over evil
service in jail department and other houses he will be liable to deception : will
favourable and agreeable results are suffer from venereal disease: will have
indicated. troubles from enemies: will be unfriendly
with the other sex: will suffer illrepute
Rahu in Mercury's constellation.—Ash- and scandal through ladies, loss of money
lesha, Jyeshta or Revathi shows that one and honour.
Rahu in the constellation of the to paternal relatives, long journey>
malefic Saturn i.e., in Pushyam, Anuradha separation from family members, unfavou-
or Uthrattadhi threatens ill-repute, injury rable Government order, loss in specu-
by the person falling down or something lation.
falling on the person : bad association :
misunderstanding with partner. It may Kethu in Moon's constellation, i.e., in
lead even to divorce. There will be Rohini, Hastham or Sravanam star : men-
incessant contests and disputes with every- tal depression : disputes—worry about fair
body; chronic ailment-rheumatism bilious- sex—trouble through daughters and;
ness and disease due to wind and bile. m»lher : cold, Pleurasy, Bronchitis, Pneu-
The correspondence will be depressing. monia, T.B., loss of relatives and also
Relatives will be in distress: Friends and money. But if Moon owns good houses—
well-wishers also will be in a helpless bhavas, one will have both social and
situation; will remove the residence to an financial success.
unfrequented, remote place and will prefer Kethu in Mar's constellation, i.e., in
seclusion. Mrigasira.Chithra orDhanishta : Trouble
Rahu in its own constellation, Aru- due to rash action; injury, amputation,
dhra, Swathi or Sathabisha will cause dispute with brothers, partition, enemies,
disturbance in mind:' anxieties, petty difficulty to have any progress, difficulties
quarrels; misunderstanding with relatives, through lands, poor yield from field, high
death of elders or partner in life: danger fever, loss by theft, imprisonment, piles,
of poisoning, transfer to undesirable operation, profuse bleeding, abortion,
quarters; all varieties of scandal and etc. If Mars is a benefic by lordship,
ill-repute: ill-health : pain in jointsl: bites marriage, purchase of houses, maintain-
of insects: injury: may have to attend auce of good health may be expected.
court as a witness at least: failure of Kethu in Mercury's constellation, i.e.,r'n
intellect: loss of wealth ; if it is in the sub Ashlesha, Jyeshla or Revathi—no rilbre
of a benefic one can become the head of evil—end of troubles (reunion with) rela-
the family, enjoy life; have promotion; tives—Favourable friends—no anxiety—
visit foreign places, etc. no jealousy—no deception—gain of know-
Rahu in Kethu's constellation i.e., in ledge—probation—training-long journey
Aswani, Makham or Moolam star threa- —marriage—entering into contract and a
tens confusion, contradiction, danger from new cycle of pleasant life.
insects, fracture, piles, fistula, untimely Kethu in Jupiter's constellation, i.e., in
meal, susceptibility to infectious diseases, Punarvasu, VisakhamorPooraltadhi. Free-
ill-health to the' members of the family, dom from disease and debt—earning of
troubles through partner in lile, enmity money—satisfactory bank position—birth
with superiors, loss of money, prestige of children—profitable transactions. Suc-
honour, etc, loss of children, death of pet cess in efforts—association with politi-
animals and cattle and misfortune of all cians, bankers and judges; cure to allergy
kinds. But if Kethu is well posited in the —marriage, etc.
horoscope, purchase of costly jewels,
marriage, promotion, ownership of a Kethu in yen us, constellation, i.e., Bha-
building or car, starting of a business, rani, Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada
birth of child, etc., are indicated. star—The person will enjoy life—will have
a good house to live in—well furnished—
Kethu in Sun's constellation, i.e., in will have increase in income—improve-
Karthikai, Uthrapalguni or Uthrashada ment in status, wife's health will be
the following are indicated. Bodily pain, indifferent—may own a comfortable con-
disappointment in attempts, danger, blood veyance—will pray to Gnddess who
poisoning, cardiac trouble, obstacles in crowns him with success; will redeem
profession, disagreement with superiors, jewels and other pledged articles overdraft
enmity, troubles in one's service, sickness facilities will no longer be needed.
Kethu in Saturn's constellation, i.e., in imprisonment, dispute—disagreement—
Pushyam, Anuradha or Uthrapathrapada with friends also prestige at stake—loss of
star. Loss of close relatives—trouble power and property, punishment by
from enemies, danger of imprisonment, Government, loss by theft, failure of
loss of money, sale of property, loss business adultery with low class ladies, ill-
through'floods, failureof agriculture, heavy repute— reversion in service and reversals
loss in all ways, change of residence, liti- of attempts—disappointment.
gation with landlord, cutaneous disease, Kethu in Kethu's constellation, i.e., in
mental anguish, disagreement with rela- Aswini, Makatn or Moolam t confusion,
tives, running away from the house, secret worries, much loss, delay, separation,
activities with servant maids. estrangement, bereavement, blood poison-
Kethu in Rahu's constellation, i.e., ing, depression, etc. But if Kethu is in a
Arudbra,' Swathi or Sathabhisha : Sale of good house and its lord is also well posi-
the possessions, litigation, chances for ted, the evil will be less.

On Thursday 4-11-65, I, my friend and interviews individually. Really, thousands

his wife reached Puttaparti, a village 2] were waiting outside when we arrived
miles from Penukonda in Andhra Pradesh there. With all humility, sincerity and
"What for? " may be asked. devotion we took our seats behind the
crowd. It was 4 P.M. We could hear
There is a Siddha Maha Puriisha. He the clock striking four times. The door
is called Bhagwan Sri Satya Sai Baba. was opened. Maha Purusba Sri Sai Baba
People call him as the Avathar of God stepped out. The whole mass got up.
and also as Sri Sai Baba II. Everyone was praying within himself or
herself that he or she should be given an
opportunity to interview him and have a
private talk. Swamiji took a glance of
the people assembled there and he asked
all to sit down.
What a pindrop silence! What a discip-
line! All took their seats and were
eagerly looking at Swamiji with fear and
for his favour. At random, he called
about 30 people and went in, Thfese
people with their family members, in an
order, went inside a room with their
problems and after a few minutes came
out smiling and appeared as though they
were fully satisfied and the heavy load they
had was removed instantaneously. It was
about 7 P-M. when the interview was over.
'Bajan 'followed'in a big hall and over a
thousand devotees participated in the
My friend's wife was very anxious to
have an interview. Neither of us was
called in. We had our own fears whether
we would return without an interview but
satisfy ourselves with his Darshan. Now
the lady asked me "Uncle, when can we
have an interview ?"
Indeed, he is super-human. He has many "Tell me a number within 108," I
astounding, remarkable and extraordinary asked.
powers. Volumes may be written about bis
mysterious actions. I was told that all the " 69" replied she, after once mentioning
devotees can have his Dharsan ; but one " Baba
should be fortunate to be one of the 20 or
30 people whom he selects and gives The chart for the number 69 at
about 8 P.M. on Thursday 4-11-65 is as luckily they form aspect with each other.
follows:— Actually the interview was at a time
when the Lagna Scorpio ruled by Mars
was rising in the east. The exact posi-
Rahu Jupiter R tion of the part rising in the east from
12.26 7.39 the time Sai Baba called in (all the three
of us) and till we came out was 6* Scorpio
Moon I to 9* Scorpio, i.e., the area is ruled by
25.00 ' Mars (Sign Scorpio) Saturn (Star Anu-
Sat R17.19 . j radha) and the subs were Mercury and
Rasi ! Kethu, i.e., 7-25 to 7-35 A.M. Further I
am running Saturn Dasa Venus Bhukthi
[ura. 25.14 Mars Anthra and Saturn Shookshma. I
I had the interview during the time when
Mars aQ.'20 | Scorpio was rising. Scorpio is ruled by
VenuS5.25.^XV N=P2«.]2| Mars, The ascendant was in Anuradha
ho 12.20 Sun 1B.40 || star ruled by Saturn. The day is Friday
governed by Yenus. Thus it can be seen
that important and memorable events can
The ascendant is in Scorpio and the happen only when the moment is gover-
Navamsa pada is the 6 th in it. 69 = (9 x 7) ned by the lords of the dasa, buktbi and
4-6, i.e., 6 is the remainder- 7 signs are anthra.
completed. 8th sign, 6th pada is the According to me, houses 1, 3 and 11 ate
Lagna. Jyestha star first quarter rises. to be taken for consideration and one is
Success or failure is shown by the to judge whether one can have an inter-
houses 1 and 11. view and if so, the time of interview will
ars is the lord of the Ascendant. It be at the moment when the ascendant is
is strong in its own sign, in Mercury star, governed by the significators. Those
Jyeshta and in Saturn sub. Lord of 1 in who had tried all varieties of treatment,
the constellation of lord of 11 shows who are tired of attending on invalids
success. who want solutions for any of their prob-
lems, however difficult they may be, there
The third house is to be judged for is this Siddhar—Mahapurusha, who does
interview. Saturn is in the 3rd Bhava not accept anything from the devotees but
and iris also the lord of the 3rd house. robs away from us our worries, anxieties,
Its stars arePushya, Anuradhaand Uthrat- difficulties, etc. He waves his right hand.
tadhi or Uthrapadrapada. Mercury and What a thrill! What an amazement! To
Ketbu are in Saturn's star Anuradha. 1 give us mental strength, to impress on us
Kethu is stronger. [Nodes are stronger that be is superhuman, to create faith, to
than the planets.) Therefore Kethu is remove our burden and to make us happy,
the strong significator. he gives ' Holy Ash ' or his photo or that
11th bouse shows realisation of one's of any God or Goddess whom one has to
ambition. No planet is in the 11th pray. Wherefrom he gets, is a mystery.
How he cures, is another wonder.
house. Its lord is Mercury. The constel-
lations governed by Mercury arc Ashlesha, One may ask " How can he do anything
Jyeshta and Revathi. Mars alone is in against one's fate? "
Mercury's star. Therefore Mars, Saturn,
Kethu and Mercury arc the significators. The correct answer is this. Those
Mars and Saturn aspect mutually (Hindu whose evil days are over, are alone called
system). by him, given an interview. He blesses
Interviews are to be judged and gives His Prasadam. Those, who
from the 3rd and the 11th houses and have to suffer for some time more accord-
ing to tbeir fate cannot have his inter-
view. Moon
Readers are requested to give
their findings. Number given is 69.
We met him at 7-25 A.M. and were Rahu j ^ Mars J
with him till 7-55 A.M. The chart j Navamsa ]
givco above is erected for the
moment of query, for ready ! I Saturn,'
reference. The editor applies the Kethu
same method to find out when one JapLtcr.
can have an interview or when a Merc. Sun,
Trunk Call will materialise, etc. Logna .
His horoscope is as follows - Rahu Dasa Balauce 1 year 2 months
5 days. Now he is running Mercury Dasa
Born on 23—11 —1926.. Nakshathra Kethu Bhukthi from 25—6—65.
Arudhra. Time. Sunrise 6-26 A.M. I.S.T.
During Mercury Dasa Rahu Bhukthi, i.e.
Birth place—Puttaparthi 14° 22' Lat: between 25—7—1972 and 13—2—1973 his
76° 58' Long. mysterious powers will reach a great
Monday just ended; Tuesday just star- height. What does it mean ? During this
period whomsoever visits his place and
ted : Sun rising. has his dharsan will surely be benefited
Horoscope is as follows instantaneously even without an interview.
Interview guarantees 'Cure'.
I haveto say that during his Kethu Qfia,
i.e., between 28-1-1980 and 28-1-1987 be
will observe ' Mounam '—Silence and he
will reach the highest rung of the ladder.
Rasi May He bless and may we have Peace
Jupiter and Prosperity.
Moicary, ,■<' In the subsequent issue, his horoscope
Saturn, will be- discussed as to why he has such
KctbU L-VcflTia,
gun, mysterious powers and his followers con-
San sider him as an Avathar.

Which are the lucky stars for each The Lagna indicates the person. The
Lagna-born? According to your Padh- 7th house from the Lagna should be taken
dbati, the planets occupying the constella- as the Lagna of the opponent, competitor,
tions of some planets at the time of birth etc.
are declared to be fortunate and that such The Lagna of the native denotes his
planets produce beneficial results when health and success in his efforts. The
they transit in these constellations. Can second house shows his financial gain-
you explain this in detail through^ the The third represents the providential help.
columns of your magazine? The tenth denotes his reputation and
NVR, New Delhi. income. The eleventh stands for his
Answer;—What is your conception of profit. The sixth indicates loss to the
" Fortune '' ? Does not Fortune include opponent since it is the twelfth to the
everything? Don't you consider it a seventh, and inversely, gain to the native.
fortune if you maintain good health, free Thus, houses 1,2, 3,6, 10 and 11 signify
from defects and diseases? Does one certain advantages to a person.
ever wish to suffer from Asthma, T. B., Similarly, if one counts from the 7th
Leprosy, Elephantiasis, Gastric Ulcer, etc. house i.e., the houses 1,2,3, 6, 10 and 11,
Don't they curse themselves saying that they are auspicious to the competitor.
they are unfortunate? Is not the lot of a They are the houses 7,-8, 9, 12, 4
blind man much worse? A deaf person and 5 counted from the Lagna of the
may feel better than the blind, but look at native. They are favourable to the
his fate in a music concert! Think of a opponent and unfavourable to the native.
rjch person and a poor fellow, also one
woO owns houses and another finding it The following classification will be
difficult to live even in a rented accommo- helpful. Find out which houses are ruled
dation ; one owning a car and another not by a planet. As Sun and Moon each owns
being able to purchase even a bi-cycle one only one house, the asterisms of Sun or
who has married a beautiful wife and is Moon when occupied or transited by
enjoying life and another remaining un- planets will offer such good results as
married or having married an ugly, mentioned above if they own the houses
uncouth, diseased girl. Hence one may be 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 or 11. If they own the other
fortunate in certain aspects of life whereas houses, planets occupying or transiting
the same person may be unfortunate in the constellations oT luminaries will
others. I am yet to sec a person who is threaten failure and loss in the transaction.
satisfied that he is fortunate in all respects Sun's stars are Karthik, Uthrapalguni
and enjoys absolute peace of mind. It is and Uthrashada.
common knowledge that everybody wants Moon's constellations are Rohini,
peace, even at a certain premium but Hastham and Sravanam.
rarely does he get it wholly.
In the article, let me discuss a person's To people born in the signs Leo, Cancer,
luck in so far as success and financial Gemini, Pisces, Scorpio and Libra, the
gains are concerned since failure in asterisms of Sun promise beneficial results.
attempts and financial losses are the To people born in Cancer, Gemini,
experiences of unfortunate people. Taurus, Aquarius, Libra and Virgo, the
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, stars of Moon will give favourable results.
houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11 offer victory The other planets own each 2 houses.
over enemies, success in competition, They can be classified as follows. The
election, games, betting, litigation etc. and planets owning the first group of houses
financial benefit. The other houses are give grand success and much gain." The
unfavourable in these respects. planets owning the second group are
moderately good; those owning the third From the following table, you
group offer mixed result; the fourth, bad know which two houses are owned
and the fifth very bad, single planet:—
Very good Good Mixed Bad Very bad

1 and 6 1 and 2 2 and 5 1 and 4 1 and 8

2 and 7 1 and 10 4 and 11 3 and 4 1 and 12
2 and 11 2 and 3 5 and 6 3 and 8 4 and 5
6 and 7 2 and 9 5 and 10 3 and 12 5 and 12
6 and 11 3 and 6 8 and 11 4 and 7 5 and 8
10 and 11 3 and 10 11 and 12 4 and 9 7 and 12
6 and 9 7 ahd 8
7 and 10 8 and 9
9 and 10 9 and 12
Let us take the example of a person houses to the opponent. (In litigation one
with Aries as Ascendant. Then Mars has to appeal to a higher court.)
rules the houses 1 and S which is self- Saturn as lord of 10 and 11 gives
destructive and planets in the constella- success during the period of the planet in
tions or sub of Mars will cause failure, the constellation of' Saturn or by sub of
loss etc. Mrigasirisha, Chithra and Saturn. It is certain. Thus for each sign
Dhanishta are governed by Mars. Venus one has to note down to which group a
owns the houses 2 and 7. It means 'that planet belongs and find out their constel-
Venus owns the houses 1 and 8 to the lations. The reader should not however
opponent. As lord of 8 is to throw fail to note that for an Aries Lagna-bonp,
'obstacles and bring about loss, it is bad to planets in the constellations of Moon
the opponent and thereby it is good to the during their period can do good to mother;
native (Ex-party decrees in Law Courts or the native can buy a car or build a
will be had during the period or sub house or prosecute his study; But if there
period of the planet occupying Venus is a litigation, competition etc., he will
star, Bharant, Poorvapalguni or Poorva- lose. For fourth house matters. Moon
shada, or the sub of Venus). - may be good. But to the native, it is a
Mercury rules the houses 3 and 6. It period of drain, issuing cheque, deterio-
may create enmity but ends it by giving tion of bank position and failure in com-
success. Also it may cause some diseases petition. Similarly, Sun and planets in
but success in litigation, help, financial Sun's constellations and its sub can give
assistance, receipt of entangled money, the mind an opportunity to speculate. But
receiving money as loan to complete one's as Leo is the 11 th house, counted from the
project etc., are promised. So planets in 7th house to Aries-born, the opponent
the constellation of Mercury or in the will gain and the native will lose. He
sub of Mercury give success in elections, cannot keep quiet without risking. As for
competition, etc. and sudden gains in other matters relating to the fifth house,
betting, lottery, speculation, etc. for example. Sun can give children. The
Moon and Sun own the houses 4 and 5 planets in Sun's constellation or sub can
respectively and planets in their stars or give birth to children in their periods and
sub are advantageous to the opponent as sub periods. One may attend any music,
they arc the 10th and 11th houses to him. concert, cinema, drama, opera, etc. But
Jupiter owns 9 and 12 and success in so far as financial expectations are con-
during the period of the planets in the cerned, no profits can be anticipated by
constellation or sub of'Jupiter is out of an Aries-native, since Leo is the 11th
question since they are the 3rd and 6th house to the opponent.

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