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Peter Zumthor

Thinking Architecture



A way of looking at things 9

The hard core of beauty 27

From passion for things to the things themselves 35

The body of architecture 48

Teaching architecture, learning architecture 57

A way of looking at things

In search of the lost architecture

When I think about arrh itccture, images come into my mind. Many
of these images arc connected with my training and work as an
architect. Th ey contain th e professional knowledge about architec-
ture th at I have gath e red over the years. Some of the oth<'r images
have lo do with my c hildhood. Th e re was a time when I e xperi enced
architecture without thinking about it. ometimes I ca n almost feel
a particu lar door handle in my han d, a piece of metal shaped like
the back of a s poon.
I used to lake ho ld of it whe n 1 went into my aunt's garden. That
door hand le still see ms to me like a pecial sign of entry into a
world of diffe rent moods and sme lls. I re membe r the sound of th e
grave l und e r my feet, th e soft gleam of the waxed oak stai rcase,
I can hea r the heavy front door closing be h ind me as I wa lk a long
th e dark corridor and e nter the kitche n, th e only really brightly
lit room in the house.
Loo king bac k, it see ms as if this was the only room in the house
in whic h th e ceiling did not d isa ppea r into twil ight; the small
hexago na l tiles of th e noor, dark red and fitted so tig htly togeth er
that the c racks be t\\ een them were almost imperceptible, were
hard and unyielding und er my feet, and a sm ell of oi l pa int issued
from th e kitchen cupboard.
Everything about this kitch e n wa typical of a traditional
kitc he n. The re was nothing special abo ut it. But perhaps it was just
the fact t hat it was so very muc h, so very natura ll y, a kitchen that
has imprinted its memory inde libly o n my mind. Th e atmosphere of
this roo m is insolubly linked with my idea of a kitchen.

No" I feel like go ing on and talkin g about th r door handlrs I try to U $<' materials likr this in my work. I brlinc that lht·y can
whirh <'a mc aftrr thr handl e on my aunt's gard r n gate, aboul thr assume a portie quality in the l'Onlrxt of an a rch itrctural objPct,
gro und and th r flo ors, about th e soft asphalt warmed b) thr un , a lthough onl) if tlw arehi tect is ahlr to generate a meaningful situ-
about the paving stones fO\rre d \\ith rhrstnut leaves in th e ation for tlwm , since matrrials in tlwmsc h es a re not poetic.
autumn, and about all thr doo rs which closed in s uch diff<'rrnt Th e sense' that I try to instill into material s is bryond all rules of
wa) S, o nr repl rte a nd dignified, a nothrr \\ith a thin , e hl'a p r latter, eomposition. and thei r tangibilit) , mell and aeoustic qualit iC's are
others hard , impla ca bl e and intimidating ... mrrf'ly elrnw nt s of the language that we arr obligrd to w.r. Se nse
Mcmoril.'s likr these con ta in the decprst arr hitcetura l cxprrirn cc emerges whrn I suC'ceed in bringing o ut thr s peeifi<' meanings of
that I know. They a re thr rrservoirs of the architectural atmos- ecrtain matrrials in m~ bui ld ings. meanings that can on ly be
ph e res and im ages that I rx plorc in my work as an arc hitect. perceived in just thi s way in thi s one buildin g.
\Vh rn I design a building, I frequ e ntly find mysc·lf" sinking into If we work towards this goal, wr must co nstant ly ask o urse lves
o ld, half-forgotten memori es, and thrn I try to rrcollert ''hat "hat th e use of a parti cu lar material could mran in a spccifir archi-
thr rr me mbcrcd architectura l situati o n was rea lly like, what it tectural co ntext. Good answers to these questions can throw new
had meant to me at the time, and I try to think how it cou ld he lp li gh t onto both the way in which thr material is ge nrra ll y usrd and
me no\\ to rcviH' that vibrant atmosphere pervaded by th e simpl e its own in h r ren t se nsuou s qualities.
prese nce of th ings, in which everythin g ha d its own specific pla ce If we suecrcd in this , materials in arc hitecture can be made to
a nd form. And a lthough I can not trace any specia l form s, there is a shine and vibrate.
hint o f fullness and of richness which makes me think: this I h ave
Sl.'l.'n before. Yct, at the sa me t ime , I know that it is a ll new a nd
diffcrrnt, and that there is no direct refe rence to a formrr work Work within things
of a re hitccture ''hi c h mig ht di,ulgr the secre t of thr memo ry- It is sa id th at o ne of t he m ost imprcs ivc things abou t the music of
lade n mood. ,Johann Sebastian Bach is its "arch it ecture." Its constructi o n seems
clear and transparent. It is possible to pursue the details of th e
melodic, harm onic and rhythmi ca l f' lem cnts "ithout losing the
Made of materials fee ling for thf' com position as a whole - thr who le whic h makes
To me, there is so mething revea ling a hout th e work of Josl'ph se nse of th e details. The music seems to be based upon a clear
Beu) S an d somr of th e artists of the Arte Povera group. Wh at structure, and if \IC trace the indi' idua l th reads of the mus ical
impresses me is thr prec ise and sens uou s way th ey use ma tl'ri - fab ric it is possible to a ppre he nd the ru les that govern the stru cture
a ls. It seems anchored in an ancient, e lemental know led ge about of the mu sic.
man 's use of matr ria ls, and at th e samr time to expose the very Construct ion is the art of making a mcaningful ,~hole out of man y
esscnee of thesl' mate rial s whieh is hcyon cl a ll cultura lly conveyed parts. Buildings arc witncssrs to tlw hum a n a bility t o construct
meaning. C'Oncrt>tc thin gs. I believe t hat th!' real co re of a ll a rc hitectural
\1ork lies in the act of C'Onst ru cti on. At the point in time \1hen con-

10 11
c ret<' mate ria ls a rc assembled a nd e rected, th e a rc hit<'cture we as soo n as we unde rsta nd its statc mr nt o ur r u riosity dies, a nd a ll

have bee n loo ki ng fo r becomes pa rt of the real world . th at is left is t he questi o n of the building's practica l usefuln ess.

I fee l respect fo r the a rt of joi ning, the a bil ity o f cra ftsmen and Arc hit ecture has its ow n rea lm . It has a specia l physica l re lati on-

e ngin ee rs. I a m im pressed by th e kn owledge o f how to ma ke th ings, ship with life. I do not t hi n k of it prima r ily as eithe r a message o r a

wh ich lies at th e bottom of hum a n s kill. I try to design bu ildi ngs symbol, but as a n e nve lope a nd bac kgroun d fo r life whi c h goes o n

th at a rc wo rt hy of this kn owledge an d me rit th e cha lle nge to t his in a nd around it, a sensi ti ve conta in<' r for the rhythm of foo tste ps

skill. on t he Ooor, fo r th e conce ntra ti o n of wo rk , fo r the sile nce of slee p.

Peo plr oft e n say, "A lot of work we nt into this" whe n they se nse
the ca re a nd skill that its ma ke r h as lavishe d o n a care full y con-
stru ct<'d o bj ect. The noti on that our work is a n integra l pa rt o f Preliminary promises
wh at we acco mpl is h takes us to th e ve ry limi ts of ou r musings In its fin a l, constru cte d form , a rchitecture has its place in the co n-

abo ut the va lue o f a wo rk of art, a work of a rc hitecture. Arc th e cre te wo rld . Thi s is wh e re it ex ists. This is whe re it ma kes its state-

effo rt and skill we put into th e m reall y inh ere nt pa rts of the things me nt. Portraya ls of as yet unrea li zed a rc hi tectura l works represe nt

we make? So metimes, whe n I am moved by a wo rk o f a rch itecture an a tte m pt to give a voice to something wh ich ha not yet fo und its

in th e same way as I am moved by mu sic, li terature o r a painting, pl ace in the co nc rete world fo r whi c h it is mea nt. Arc hitectu ra l

I a m te mpted to thi nk so. drawings try to ex press as accu rate ly as possi ble the aura of the
build ing in its inte nde d place. But precisely th e effort of the por-
traya l ofte n serves to und e rl ine the a bsence of t he actu al object,
For the silence of sleep a nd what the n e merges is a n awa re ness of the inadequ acy of a ny

I love mu sic. Th e slow move me nts o f th e Moza rt pi ano concertos, kind of portrayal, curi osity a bo ut th e rea li ty it prom ises, and

John Co ltra ne's balla ds, or th e sound of th e hum a n vo ice in ce rtain pe rha ps - if the promise has the powe r to move us - a longing for

son gs a ll move me . its presence.

Th e hum an a bili ty to inve nt me lodies, ha rmo ni cs, a nd rh ythms If the natura lism and graphi c virtuosity of a rc hitectural po rtray-

amazes me. a ls a re too great, if they lack "open patc hes" wh e re our imaginatio n

But th e world of sound a lso e mbraces th e opposite of me lody, a nd curiosity a bout th e rea lity of t he drawing ca n pe netrate t he

ha rmony, a nd rh ythm . T here is di sharmo ny a nd broke n rhythm , image, the portrayal itself becomes th e o bject of our desire, a nd ou r

fr agme nts a nd clusters of sou nd, a nd th ere is a lso th e pure ly fu nc- longing fo r the rea lity wanes beca use th ere i little or nothing in

tiona l sou nd th at we ca ll noise. Conte mporary mu sic works wi t h t he representation th at points to t he inten de d rea li ty beyond it. Th e
th ese elc mr nts. portraya l no longer h olds a promise. It refer o nly to itself.

Contemporary architecture s hould be just as radi ca l as co nte m- Des ign dra wings t hat re fe r to a rea lity whi ch still li es 111 th e

pora ry music. But the re a rc li m its. Although a work of a r<'h itccture fut ure a rc imp<lrtant in my work. I continu e workin g on my d rawings

based o n di sha rm ony a nd fragmenta tion, on broke n rhythms, c lu s- until th ey reach t he de licate po int of re prese nta ti on wh e n the pre-
tering an d structural di srupti ons may be a ble to co nvey a message, va iling mood I see k e me rges, a nd I stop befo re in essenti a ls start

12 13
detracting from its impact. The drawing itse lf must lake on the qua l-
ity of th e so ug ht-for object. It is like a s ke tc h hy a sculpt o r for hi s
sc ulpture, not mere ly a n illu stration of a n id ea hut an innate pa rt of
t he work of c reation , whi c h e nd s with th e constru cted o bject.
Th ese so rt of drawings Pnabl e us to ste p ba ck, to look, a nd to
lea rn to unde rstand that wh ic h has not yet come into being a nd
whi ch has just sta rted to e merge.

Chinks in sealed objects

Buildings are a rtifi cial constructions. Th ey co nsist of single parts
wh ich must be joined together. To a la rge degree, th e qua li ty of th e
finish ed obj ect is determin ed by th e qu a lity of the joins.
In sculpture, there is a tradition whi c h minimi ses th e express ion
of t he joi nts and joins be twee n th e single parts in favou r o f t he
ove rall form . Ri chard Se rra's stee l objects, for exa mpl e, look just as
homogcnous and integral as the stone a nd wood sc ulptures o f the
older sculptural traditions. Many of the installations and objects
by a rtists of the 1960s and 70s re ly o n t he simplest and m ost obvi-
ous me thods of jo ining a nd co nn ecti ng that we know. Beuys, Me rz
and oth e rs often used loose settings in space, co ils, folds and layers
wh e n deve loping a whole from th e indi vidual pa rts.
Th e direct, see mingl y se lf-evid ent way in whic h th ese obj ects are
put togeth e r is inte resting. Th ere is no inte rruption of t he ove rall
im press io n by sm a ll parts whic h have noth ing to do with t he
obj ect's statem e nt. Our pe rce ption of th e whole is not distracted
by inesse ntial details. Every tou ch, eve ry join , every joint is t h ere in
order to re inforce the idea of th e quiet prese nce of t he work.
Wh en I des ign buildings, I. try to give them this kind of presence.
Howe ver, unlik e the sculptor, I have to start with fun ction a l and
tech n ica l requireme nts th at represe nt th e fundamenta l task I have
to fulfill . Architecture is a lways fa ced with t he c hall e nge of deve l-
opi ng a whole out of innum e rabl e deta il s, o ut of various fun ctions

and forms, materials and dimens ion s. Th e architect must look for Postmode rn li fe cou ld be described as a state in which eve ry-
rati onal co nstructions a nd forms for edges and joints, for th e points thing beyond our own p<' rsonal biography see ms vague, blurred,
where surfaces intersect and diffe re nt mate rials meet. These formal and some how unrea l. The world is full of s igns and information,
d etails determine the se nsitive transitions within the la rger propor- which stand for things that no one fully understands because th ey,
tions of th e building. Th e deta ils establi sh the forma l rhythm , the too, turn out to be me re signs for oth er things. The rea l thing
building's fin e ly fractionated sca le. remains hidden. No one eve r gets to see it.
De tails express wh at th e basic idea of th e design requires at the Nevertheless, I am co nvin ced that rea l things do exist, however
relevant po int in the object: belonging or se paration, te ns ion or endangered th ey may be. Th e re arc ea rth a nd water, the light of
lightness, friction, so lidity, fragility. the sun , la ndscapes and vegetation; a nd there are objects, mad e by
De tails, whe n th ey are successful, are not mere decoration. They man , such as mac hines, too ls or mu sica l in strume nts, whi ch are
do not distract or entertain. They lead to a n understanding of the what th ey are, which are not mere vehicles for an artistic message,
whole of wh ic h they are a n inhere nt part. whose presence is self-evide nt.
Th e re is a magical powe r in every comple ted , se lf-contained Whe n we look at objects or buildings which see m to be at peace
creation . It is as if we succumb to th e magic of the full y developed within the mselves, our pe rce ption beco mes ca lm and dulled. Th e
architectural body. Our attention is ca ught, pe rhaps for the first objects we perceive have no message for us, th ey arc simply the re.
time, by a detail suc h as two nails in the floor that hold the steel Our perceptive faculties grow quiet, unprejudiced and unacqui si-
plates by the worn-out doorstep . Emotions well up. Something tive. They reach beyo nd signs and symbols, they a rc open, e mpty.
moves us. It is as if we could sec something on whic h we cannot focus our
consciousn ess. H erc, in this perceptual vacuum, a memory may
surface, a memory whi c h see ms to issue from the depth s of time.
Beyond the symbols Now, our observation of the object embraces a presentiment of the
"Anything goes," say the doers. " Mainstreet is a lm ost all right," says world in all its wholeness, because there is nothing that can not be
Venturi , th e architect. "Nothing works any more," say those who understood.
su ffe r from the hostility of our day and age. These stateme nts stand Th e re is a powe r in th e ordinary things of e veryday li fe, Edward
for contradictory opinions, if not for contradictory facts. We get Hopper's paintings see m to say. We on ly have to look at them long
used to li ving with co ntradictions a nd there are seve ral reasons e nough to see it.
for this: tradition s c rumble, and with the m cultural identities.
No one seems really to understand and control the dynamics deve l-
oped by economics and politi cs. Everything merges into everything Completed landscapes
else, and mass co mmunication creates an a rtifi cial world of sign s. To me, th e prese nce of ce rtain buildin gs has something secret
Arbitrarin ess prevails. about it. Th ey see m simpl y to be th ere. We do not pay any special
attention to them . And yet it is virtua ll y impossible to imagin e th e
pla ce where they stand without the m. These buildings appear to be

16 17
anchort>d firml y in Lh c g ro und . They ma ke the impress ion o r lwi ng not try to convince a11d impress like proje<"L drawings. They see m lo

a st> lr-evid c nt part of th r ir surroundings an d lh<'y see m lo he say- be sayi ng: '"This is exactly how it wi ll look."

in g: " I am as yo u sci' me a nd l belong he re." Working draw ings a re like anatomical drawings. Th ey reveal

I have a passionate desire to des ign such buildings, buildin gs so mething of tlw st>crt>t in ner tension thal 1hc finis hed ard1i1ectu-

that. in lime, grow natu ra ll y into being a part o r the for m a nd his- ral body is rt>luctant to divulge: th e art of joining, h idden geomt>l ry,

tory o r their plat·c. the frict io n of materials, the inne r fo rces of bearing anrl holding,

Every new wo rk oJ archilerlurc intervenes in a spPcific historical the human work wh ich is inhe rent in man-made things.

siluatio n . It is essentia l to the qualit y of the int f' rvent io n lhat Pt>r Kirke by once did a brick sculptu re in t he fo rm of a houst>

the new building should e mbrace qua liti es which can e nte r in to a for a Documenta ex hibition in Kassel. Th e house had no entrance.

mea ningfu l di a logue with the existing situation. For if the interve n- Its intnior was inaccessible and hidden. II rema ined a secret,

tion is to find its place, it must make us see what already ex ists in whi ch added an aura of mystical depth to the sculpture's othe r

a new lighl. We throw a stone into the water. San d swi rls up a nd qualiti es.

settles aga in . The stir was necessa ry. The stone has found it s place. 1 think that the hidd en stru etures and const ru ctio ns of a hou se

But the pond is no lon ger the sa mf'. should be o rgan ized in such a way that they endow th e body of th e

I bcli evt> that buildings only be acce pted by their surroundings if building with a quality of inn er te nsion and vibration. This is how

th ey havf' th e ability to a ppea l to our e motions a nd minds in vari- vio lins arc made . They re m ind us of the living bodies of nature.

o us ways. Si nce o ur fee lings a nd understanding are rooted in the

past. o ur sensuous co nn ectio ns with a building must rt>spect the
process of rem c mbt>ring. But, as John Berger says, what Wt> re m em- Unexpected truths
ber ca nnot be compared lo the end of a lin e. Various possibilities In my yo uth I imagined poetry as a kin d of colored cloud mad e up
lead to and m eet in th e act o f rt>rne mbcring. Im ages, moods, form s, of more or less diffuse metaphors and allusions which, a lt hough

words. signs or compa riso ns ope n up possib ilities of a pproac h. Wt> th ey might be t>njoyable, were difficult to associate with a reliable

mu st co nstru cl a radial syste m of a pproach t hat c na blt>s us to see view of the world . As an archjtect, I have learned to understand

tht> work o f a rchitecture as a focal po int from different a ng les thal the o pposite of this yo uthfuJ defi nition of poetry is prohahl y

simultaneously: histo ri call y. aesthe tically, fun ctiona lly. persona ll y, closer to the truth.

passionately. If a work of a rchitecture consists of fo rms and contents whi ch

com bine to create a strong fundam (•ntal mood that is powe rfu l
t>nough to afft>c'l us, it may possess the qualities of a work of art.

The tension inside the body This arl has, however, not h ing to do with inl e resting co nfig urations

Am ong a ll the drawings produce d by architects, my favorilt>s art> or originality. It is concerned wi th insig hts and undnstanding, and

th e working drawings. Working drawings a rc d pta il cd and ohjec- abovt> all with t ruth . Pe rhaps por lry is unt>xpected truth. It lives in

tivc. Create d for thr crafts men who ar!' to g iv<' tht> im agined object stillness. Arch itecture's a rtistie task is Lo give thi s still ex pectancy a

a material form, they arc fret· of associative manipulation. They do form. The bu ild ing itse lf is nf'vt>r poeti c . At most, it may pos~css

18 19
subtl e qualities which. at ce rtain m omen t ~ , pl'rmit us to understand Composing in space
something that we were nevt' r ablP lo undt>rsland in quite thi ~ way Gromrtry is auout th e laws of lin rs. plane surfaces, and thrcr-
before. dim ensional bodirs in space. Geomrtry can he lp us und erstand
how to bandit> spate in a rchitecture.
In architecture, there arc two basic possibilitirs of spatial com-
Desire position : the elo ·eel an;hit cctural uody whirh isolates space within
The elea r, logical de velo pment of a work of arehite1·ture de pe nd s itself, a nd thf' Opf'n body whi ch embraces an area of space that is
on rational and objective crite ria. Wh en I permit subjecti ve and connected with thl' endl ess eontinuum. The ex lt>nsion of :;pace can
uncon sidert>d ideas to intervene in the objective cour~c of th e be mad<' visible through bodies such as slabs or pol rs placed freely
design process. I ackn owledge thC' significance of pc·rsu nal feelings or in rows in th r s patial ex panse of a room.
in my work. 1 do not claim lo know what space reall y is. Tht> longer I think
When architects talk about th eir buildings, what th ey say is often about it, the morr mysterious it becomes. About Ont' thing, how-
at odds with the statements of the buildings th emselves. This is eve r, I am sure: when we, as architects, arc co ncnned with space,
probably co nneetcd with the fact that they te nd to talk a good deal we arc co nce rn ed with but a tiny part of the infinity that surrounds
about th e rational , thought-out aspects of th eir work and less about the earth, and yet each and eve ry building marks a uniqu e place in
the sec ret passio n which inspires it. this infinity.
Th e design process is based on a constant interplay of feeling and With this idea in mi nd, I start by sketching th e first pla ns and
rraso n. Thr fee lings, prefe re nres, longings, and des ires that emerge sections of my design. I draw s pat ial diagra ms and simple volum es.
and demand to b(' given a form must be controlled by critical powers I try to visualize th em as precise bodies in space, and I feel it is im-
of reasoning, hut it is our feelings that tell us whether abstract con- portant to sense exactl y how they define and se parate an area of
side rations really ring true. intc rior space from th e space th at surrounds th em, or how th ey con-
To a large degree, designing is based on understanding and tain a part of th e infinite spatial continuum in a kind of open vesse l.
establis hing systems of order. Yet 1 believe th at the esse ntia l sub- Buildings that have a strong impact always co nvey an inte nse
stance of th e architecture we seek proceeds from foeling and fee ling of th eir spatial quality. Th ey embra ce th e mysteri ous void
insight. Precious mom ents of intuitio n result from pati ent work. call ed space in a special way a nd mak e it vi brate.
With th e sudden e mergence of an inner image, a new lin e in a
drawing, th e whole design c han ~cs and is newl y formulated within
a fraction of a second. It is as if a powerful drug were sudden ly Common sense
taking elTcel. Everyt hin g I kn ew before auout the thing I a m Crl'al- Design ing is inventing. When I was still al arts and c rafts sc hool, we
in g is noodcd by a bright new li ght. I ex perience joy a nd passion, tri ed to follow this principle. We looked for a ne w so lution to every
and somrthin g dee p in side me see ms to affirm: ··r want to huild thi s problem. We f'clt it was important to be avant-garde. Not until later
house!" did I rea li ze that th ere are basically onl y a very few a rchitrl't ural
problems for whic h a va lid so lution has not already bee n found .

20 21
In retrospect, my education in design seems som ewhat a-histori-
ca l. Our rol e mode ls were the pion ee rs and inventors of " Das Nt>uc
Ba uen." We rcgardt>d a rch itectural history as a part of ge nt>ra l edu-
cation , whic h had little inlluf'n ce on our work as designers. Thu s,
we frequ e ntl y invented what had already bee n invented , a nd we
trif'd our hand at inve nting the uninve ntabl e.
Thi s kind of tra ining in design is not without its educational
value. Late r, howe ver, as practi cin g architects, we do well to get
acquainted with the enormous fund of knowle dge a nd expe ri e nce
contain ed in the history of architecture. l believe that if we inte-
grate this in our work , we have a bette r c han ce of making a genu-
ine co ntribution of our own .
Architecture is, howeve r, not a linear process that leads more or
less logicall y a nd dirt>ctly from a rchitectural hi story to new build-
ings. On th e search for th e architecture that I e nvisage, I fr eque ntly
ex pe ri ence stifling mom ents of emptin ess. Nothing I can think of
seems to ta ll y with what I want and cannot yet e nvisage. At th ese
moments, I try to shake off th e academic knowl edge of a rc hitecture
I have acquired because it has sudde nly started to hold me back.
This helps. I find I ca n breath e more free ly. I catch a whiff of the
old familiar mood of th e inventors and pioneers. Design has once
again become invention.
Th e creative act in which a work of architecture co mes into
bein g goes beyond a ll historical and tec hni ca l knowledge. lts fo cus
is on the dialog ue with thf' issues of our time. At the moment of its
creation, architecture is bound to t he present in a ve ry special way.
It refl ects th e spirit of its inventor and gives its own answers to th e
questions of o ur time through its fun ctional form and appea rance,
its re lationship with other works of architecture and with the place
where it sta nds.
Th e a nswers to these qu estions whi ch I can formulate as an a rc hi-
tect a rc limite d. Our tim es of chan ge and tra nsition do not permit
big gestures. There a rc only a few re maining comm on values le ft
upon which we can build and which we all share. I thus appeal for its body is SPnsi ti vt' pnou gh . it can assum e a qu a lity th at b ea r~ wit-
a kind of architecture of common senst' based on the fundam e ntals ness lo the rea lity of past life.
that we still know, und erstand . and feel. I carefull y ob,crve th e
con crC'le a ppt'aran cC' of the world, and in my buildings I try lo
e nhance what seems to !Jc valu a bl e, to correct what is di sturbing, Steps left behind
a nd lo create an ew what Wl' l'c c l is missing. When I work o n a desig n I a llow mysel f lo be g uided by im ages a nd
moods that I rr mr rn bC' r and can rela te lo lh<' kind of arThitl'clurt'
.I am looking fur. Most of the im ages that r.o me to mind o rig in a te
Melancholy perceptions from my subj<'cti ve experie nce and a rt' onl y rare ly accompanie d by
Ettore Scola's film ··Le bal'' r<'eounts fift y yea rs of European history a re membered arf'hitectural commrntary. \Vhilr I am desig ning
with no dialogu e and a complete unity of place. It consists solely of I try to find out what th ese images mean so that I can learn how to
mu sic and th<' motion of peo ple moving and danc ing. We re main in neat!' a wea lth of visual form s an d atmosphe res .
the same room with the same people throughout, whil e time goes After a ce rta in time, the object I am desig nin g takes on w mc of
by and the dance rs grow older. the qualities of th e images l use as models. lf I ca n find a m ean in g-
The fo cus of the film is on its main c haracte rs. But it is th e ball- ful way of interior.k ing and supe rimposing these qualities. the
room with its tiled noor and its pane ling, the stairs in th e back- o bject will assum e a depth and ric hn ess. If I am lo ac hieve thi s
ground and th e li on 's paw at th e s ide whi ch c reates the film 's effect, the qualities I am givi ng the desig n must merg<' and bl e nd
dense, powe rful atmosphe re. Or is it th e other way round'? Is it th e with the co nstru ctiona l and formal structure of the finished build-
people who endow the room with its partic ular mood ? ing. Form and constru ction , appearance and !'unction are no longer
I ask this question because I am convin ced tha t a good building separate. They belong togeth e r and form a whole.
must be capable of absorbing th e tra ces of human life and thus of Wh e n we look at t he finished building, ou r eyes, g uide d by our
ta king o n a spec ifi c richness. a na lyti cal mind, te nd to stray and look for deta il s lo hold o n to. But
a turally, in thi s co nte xt I think of the patina of age on materi- the sy nth esis of th e whol e docs not become com pre hensible
a ls, of innumerable sma ll scratc hes on surfaces, of varnish that has throu gh isolated details. Eve rything refers to e ve rything.
grown du ll a nd brittl<', and of e dges polished by use. Hut wh en I At this mo ment, the initia l im ages fa de into the bac kg round. The
closP my eyes and try to forget both these physica l traces and my mode ls, words, an d compa risons that were necessa ry for th e crea-
own first associations, what remains is a diffe re nt impress ion , a tion of the who le d isappea r like ste ps that have been left behind .
deeper fee ling - a co nsc iou sness of lime pass ing and an aware ness Th e ne w buildin g assumes the foca l position an d is itsel f. Its history
of th e human li ves that have bee n acted out in these places and bcgirr s.
rooms and charged them with a special aura. At th ese mo ments,
architecture 's aesth etic and practica l values, stylisti c and histori ca l
sig nifi ca nce arc of secondary importance. What mattr rs now is o nl y
this feeling of dee p me la nchol y. Architecture is exposed t o life. If

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Resistance The hard core of beauty
I be lieve th at a rd1iter ture today needs to rcOert o n thr tas ks and 1991
possi biliti rs whi r h a re inherently its own. Arc hit ecture is not a \ e hi -
elr or a symbo l fo r things th at do not be long to its essence. In a
society th at ce lebrates the inesse nti a l, a rc hitecture can put up a
resistance, counteract th e \\astc of form s a nd mea nings, and spea k T wo weeks ago l happe ned lo hear a rad io prog ra m o n the Ame ri-
its ow n lang uage. can poet Willia m Ca rlos Willia ms. Th r p rogra m was entitled '·The
I be li e ve that th e lang uage of architecture is not a qu esti on of a Hard Co re of Beauty." Thi s phrase ra ught my atte nti o n. I like the
s pecifi c style. Every bui lding is built for a specifi e use in a specifi c ide a t hat beauty has a ha rd core, an d whe n I think of arch itecture
place and for a spec ific so ciety. My buildings try to an swrr the thi s association of beauty and a hard rorr has a ce rtain familiarit y.
qu estio ns th at e mrrg<' from these simpl e fa cts a s precisd y and c rit- " T he mac hin e is a thing that has no supe rflu ous parts," Williams is
iea ll y as t lwy ra n. s upposed to haw sa id. And I imm edi ate ly th ink I kn ow what he
mea nt. It's a tho ught that Pe te r ll andkc alludes to, I fee l, wh e n he
says that beauty lies in na tural , grown things that do not carry any
sig ns or messages, and wh e n he a dds th at he is upset when he can-
not disco ve r, dis-cove r, th e mea ning of things fo r himse lf.
And then I learned from thr rad io program that t he poetry of
Willia m Carlos Williams is based on th e co n\ iction that t here a re
no id eas except in t he things th e mse lves, a nd th at the purpose of his
art was to direct his se nsory perce pti o n to th e world of things in
o rd e r to ma ke them h is own .
I n William s's work , sa id th e speaker, this takes pl ace see mingl y
une mo ti o nal ly and laconically, and it is precise ly for t hi s reaso n
that his tex ts have suc h a strong e motiona l impact.
What I heard a ppeals to m e: not to wish to stir up e motion s with
bui ldings, I t hink to myself, but to a llo w e moti o ns to e me rge, to be.
And: to re main close to th e thing itse lf, c lose to th e esse nce of th e
thing I have to shape, co nfid e nt tha t if th e building is eoneeived
accurately e nough for its place a nd its fun eti o n, it wi ll develop its
own strength , with no need for artistic a ddition .
The hard core of bea uty: co nee ntrated substa nce.
But where arc a re h iteeture's fi e lds of forc e t hat constitu te its
substa nce, a bove and heyond a ll supe rfi c ia lity and arb itrar iness?

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