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Tam-awen , Kym Christian S

Equilibrium Moisture Content

Example: determine the values of c and n from the Henderson’s equation for the following data
obtained from thin layer paddy drying studies:
RH= 30 Percent, t= 50o C, Me = 10.5 percent
RH= 55 Percent t= 50o C, Me = 15.5 percent

Henderson’s equation is expressed as,
1-RH = exp [-CTMen]
Where: RH= Relative humidity, decimal
c= a constant, dimensionless
T= temperature, Kelvin
Me= equilibrium moisture content, EMC, dry basis ,percent
n= a constant, dimensionless
Putting condition (eq.1) in Hendorson’s equation we get
1-0.3 =exp [-c (50+273) (10.5)n]
0.7 = exp [-c x 323 X (10.5)n]
e-0.357=exp [-c x 323 X (10.5)n]
0.357 = c x 323 x (10.5)n
Substituting condition (eq.2) in Henderson’s equation we get
1-0.55 = exp [-c (50 +273) (15.5)n]
0.45 = exp [-c x 323 x (15.5)n]
e-0.796 = exp [-c x 323 x (15.5)n]
0.796 = c x 323 x (15.5)n
Dividing equation (2) by equation (1),
0.796 𝑐 𝑥 323 𝑥 (15,5)𝑛
0.357 𝑐 𝑥 323 𝑥 (10.50)𝑛
15.5 𝑛
2.23 = (10.5)

(1.475)n = 2.23
Therefore, n = 2.07
Substituting the value of n in equation (1),
0.357 = c x 323 (10.5)2.07
c =323 𝑥 130

Therefore, c= 8.5 x 10-6

Reference: Singh, R.P. 2001, “Postharvest Technology, Cereals,

Pulses, Fruits, Vegetables”, Science Publisher Inc.

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