Outline For NCM 102 Report

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When planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating an chronological age corresponds perfectly to the various stages

educational program, the nurse as educator must carefully of development.

consider the characteristics of learners with respect to their
developmental stage in life. Yes, age is an influential factor to assess learning readiness,
but it should never be examined in isolation. Other factors such
Developmental stages refer to the physical, mental and as growth and development, physical and emotional health
emotional stages a child has to go through as they grow up. status, personal motivation and others can affect a person’s
ability and readiness to learn.
An individual’s developmental stage significantly influences the
ability to learn. There are 3 major developmental factors Dependence
associated with learner readiness— ● Manipulative behavior, do not listen, is insecure, and do
not accept responsibility for their own actions.
Physical - which involves developing control over the body,
particularly muscles and physical coordination. The major question underlying the planning for education
experiences is: when is the most appropriate or best time to
Cognitive - is the development of knowledge, skills, problem teach the learner?
solving and dispositions, which help children to think and
understand the world around them. The teachable moment, is defined as the point in time when the
learner is most receptive to a teaching situation. It is important
psychosocial - involves both the psychological and social to note that the teachable moment is not a spontaneous and
aspects in human development. unpredictable event. The teacher can actively create
opportunities for a teachable moment by taking an interest in
These factors must be taken into account at each and attending to the needs of the learner.
developmental period throughout the life cycle.
main focus of instruction for health maintenance of children is
It has been established that the age is not the only predictor of geared toward the parents, who are considered to be the
learning ability. There are times where in any given age, a primary learners rather than the very young child.
person may find a wide variation in the acquisition of abilities
related to the 3 developmental factors; physical, cognitive and
psychosocial. In this discussion then are used as merely
approximate age reference points but they do not imply that the
The operant conditioning model was developed by B.F.
Skinner. It focuses on the behavior of the organism and the Example is when a nurse is being scolded for being late during
reinforcement that occurs after the response. meetings, she says something humorous. The head of the
team stops scolding her and laughs. Because the use of humor
In this model, there is a reinforcer - which is a stimulus applied has allowed the nurse to escape an unpleasant situation,
after a response that strengthens the probability that the chances are she will use humor to alleviate a stressful
response will be performed again. encounter.

When specific responses are reinforced on proper schedule, The second type of negative conditioning is the avoidance
behaviors can be increased or decreased. conditioning: unpleasant stimulus is anticipated rather than
being applied directly. This has been used to explain some
Giving positive reinforcements such as rewards greatly people tendency to become ill to avoid doing something they
increases the likelihood that a response will be repeated in a do not want to do.
similar circumstance.
Example: a child fearing an exam may tell his mother that he
For example: if patient who moans and groans as he attempts has a stomachache. If the child is allowed to stay home from
to get up after a surgery is given praise and encouragement school, the child may increasingly complain of sickness to avoid
(reward) fo4 his attempts at walking (response), it will improve unpleasant situations.
the chances that he will continue struggling towards
independence. Skinner said that the simplest way to extinguish a response is
not to provide any kind of reinforcement for an action.
There are 2 types of negative reinforcement, and the difference
between the 2 relates to the timing. Example: offensive jokes in the workplace may be handled by
showing no reaction. After several experiences, the joke teller,
The first type of negative reinforcement is the escape who is likely seeking attention, may stop his or her use of
conditioning: as an unpleasant stimulus is applied, the offensive humor.
individual responds in a way that causes the uncomfortable
stimulation to cease.

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