NCM101-Blood Pressure

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NCM 101 – Taking Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure
 When ventricles contract blood force into the arteries and the pressure reaches a maximum
value (systolic pressure)
 Pressure of the force blood exerts against blood vessel walls
Diastolic Pressure
 Ventricles relax, blood pressure in the arteries falls to a minimum value
Korotkoff Sounds
 Blood flow sounds that are observed while taking blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer
over the brachial artery in the antecubital fossa
Regulation of Arterial Pressure
 Baroreceptor Reflex Mechanism
o Carotid and aorta arch
o Sends action potentials to brain
o Medulla oblongata: cardio regulatory system
o Increase parasympathetic stimulation of the heart, increases the heart rate
o Increase sympathetic stimulation of the heart and increases heart rate
o Increase sympathetic stimulation of blood vessels, increase vasoconstriction
 Chemoreceptor Reflex Mechanism
o Chemoreceptor in the carotid and aortic bodies monitor blood O2, Co2 and pH
o Decrease blood O2, increase Co2, decrease pH level
o Increase sympathetic stimulation of heart
o Increase heart rate and stroke volume
o Increase sympathetic stimulation of blood vessels, increase vasoconstriction
 Hormonal Regulation – Adrenal Medullary Mechanism
o Same stimuli : sympathetic stimulation of the heart and blood volume cause action
potentials to be carried to medulla oblongata
o Decreasing pathway from medulla oblongata to the spinal cord and increase sympathetic
stimulation of the adrenal medulla, resulting in secretion of epinephrine and some
 Hormonal Regulation- RAAM(????)
o Kidneys: decrease blood pressure, increase renin secretion
o Renin: convert angiotensin (protein secreted from liver) to angiotensin I
o Angiotensin: converting enzyme in the lungs converts to Angiotensin II
o Angiotensin II: potent vasoconstriction, increase blood pressure
o Angiotensin II: stimulate adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone
o Aldosterone: holds sodium (reabsorption)
o Increases blood volume level
o Increase blood pressure
 Anti-diuretic hormone
o Hypothalamic nerve cells
o Hypothalamus
o Contacts posterior pituitary to release ADH
o Blood vessel: vasoconstriction
o Kidney: increase water reabsorption
o Increase blood volume, increase urine volume and increase blood pressure

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