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Surviving in the city: higher apparent survival for urban birds

but worse condition on noisy territories

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Tulane University, 400 Boggs, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 USA
Department of Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, California 93407 USA
Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 USA
Biology Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 22030 USA
Smithsonian Mason School of Conservation, 1500 Remount Road, Front Royal, Virginia 22630 USA
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1610 USA

Citation: Phillips, J. N., K. E. Gentry, D. A. Luther, and E. P. Derryberry. 2018. Surviving in the city: higher apparent
survival for urban birds but worse condition on noisy territories. Ecosphere 9(9):e02440. 10.1002/ecs2.2440

Abstract. Anthropogenic landscapes and soundscapes impose strong selective pressures on a number of
species, which can manifest in changes in vocalizations, foraging strategies, predator vigilance, and repro-
ductive success. However, few studies have examined survival rates, a major component of fitness, across
urban landscapes and soundscapes. White-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) persist in both urban
and rural landscapes and change their behavior in response to the soundscape. We color-banded adult
white-crowned sparrows and collected noise levels on their territories in the urban San Francisco Bay Area
and adjacent rural Point Reyes National Seashore in California. We collected mark-encounter data on terri-
torial males from 2014 to 2017. Using the Program MARK, we tested the effects of habitat (urban/rural)
and territory noise level on annual survival rates and body condition. We predicted that survival and body
condition would be lower in urban habitats and decrease with increasing background noise level on terri-
tories. We found that survival estimates vary according to year, and males in urban landscapes have higher
survival. Noise levels best predict body condition, such that soundscape negatively correlates with male
body condition. Taken together, the urban landscape and soundscape shape the survival and health of
birds in and near cities.

Key words: body condition; MARK; soundscape; survival; urban ecology; white-crowned sparrow.

Received 28 March 2018; revised 10 August 2018; accepted 20 August 2018. Corresponding Editor: Paige Warren.
Copyright: © 2018 The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION around tall structures such as buildings with

many reflective surfaces (Jung and Kalko 2010),
Environmental conditions affect the relative fit- and are affected physiologically by environmental
ness of populations, which is measured by repro- pollutants where body condition is decreased in
duction and survival. On an evolutionary urban areas (Bailly et al. 2017). Human activities
timescale, urban habitats are relatively new and also pose novel soundscapes or background
create novel selective pressures on animal popula- noise, and many animals modify communication
tions that could affect their fitness (Swaddle et al. behaviors and predator vigilance in anthro-
2015). For example, in cities, some animals use pogenic noise (Luther et al. 2015, Ware et al. 2015,
new types of ornamental plants for food and nest Kleist et al. 2016). These adjustments to noise
sites (Corlett 2005), interact and compete with may ultimately affect relative fitness. Therefore,
introduced species and predators that thrive in the evolutionarily recent urban landscape and
cities (Koenig 2003, Shochat et al. 2010), navigate soundscape may have various costs and benefits,

❖ 1 September 2018 ❖ Volume 9(9) ❖ Article e02440


and researchers are just beginning to understand seems to benefit from urban habitats (Horak and
how urban areas affect relative fitness. Lebreton 1998). However, there are some costs to
Anthropogenic environments are thought to these activities. For example, supplemental feed-
have negative effects on wildlife by decreasing ing may favor introduced species (Galbraith
survival (Aronson et al. 2014). Domestic preda- et al. 2015), increase disease transmission (Robb
tors, such as cats, are often abundant, which can et al. 2008), or increase predator abundance at
have profound effects on wildlife (Loss et al. feeding locations (Malpass et al. 2017). Thus, the
2013). Parks, yards, and agricultural fields are true survival trade-offs of an urban life for many
often treated with pesticides (Moore 1967, Kohler wild species remain unknown.
and Triebskorn 2013). The fragmentation of suit- A handful of studies have examined differ-
able habitat makes it difficult for juveniles to dis- ences in survival between urban and rural popu-
perse (Fischer and Lindenmayer 2007), and lations (Horak and Lebreton 1998, Ryder et al.
roadways can cause a high occurrence of mortality 2010, Stracey and Robinson 2012, Evans et al.
across taxa (Fahrig and Rytwinski 2009). The land- 2014), yet few have delved deeper into specific
scape is not the only thing that changes with pressures associated with urban life. In particular,
anthropogenic activity—soundscapes also change. no study has examined whether both anthro-
Urban soundscapes are dominated by the pogenic habitat (landscapes) and anthropogenic
noise produced by traffic, generators, and the noise (soundscapes) together influence adult ani-
day-to-day hum of other human-built machines. mal survival and body condition (Shannon et al.
Correspondingly, animals, such as birds, increase 2016). Here, we test whether anthropogenic land-
the pitch (Slabbekoorn 2013, Derryberry et al. scapes and soundscapes affect annual survival in
2016) and change the tempo of their vocaliza- Nuttall’s white-crowned sparrows (Z. l. nuttalli).
tions (Luther and Derryberry 2012, Slabbekoorn Because Nuttall’s white-crowned sparrow is a
2013), probably in order to increase signal detec- year-round resident with high site fidelity (Bap-
tion for receivers in noise. Nestlings raised in tista 1975, Dewolfe et al. 1989), and occurs in
noisy conditions are exposed to increased stres- both urban and rural areas, it is an ideal subject
sors and have decreased body condition, which to test for a relationship between survival, land-
may have cascading effects into future reproduc- scape, and soundscape. We focus only on males,
tive success (Crino et al. 2013, Salmo n et al. as females disperse from the natal area, but males
2016, Raap et al. 2017). Animals may also have tend to hold a territory close to their natal area
to change their territorial behaviors in noisy for their lifetime (Petrinovich and Patterson 1982).
urban conditions, such as approaching more clo- First, we predict that urban areas will have lower
sely to be able to hear an acoustic signal, which apparent survival and body condition, because of
could lead to aggressive territorial interactions higher mortality due to a number of potential fac-
and potentially affect body condition, reproduc- tors, such as environmental pollution, increased
tion, and survival (Phillips and Derryberry 2018). predator abundance, and higher vehicular colli-
Although the detriments of anthropogenic sion rates. Alternatively, urban areas may
activity may be numerous, anthropogenic envi- increase survivorship and body condition, poten-
ronments may also have some benefits to wild- tially due to an increase in anthropogenic year-
life. Supplemental feeding, such as backyard bird round food resources (i.e., bird feeders and trash).
feeders, can increase the value of otherwise pat- Second, we predict that males holding territories
chy habitat (Marzluff and Rodewald 2008). with relatively high noise levels will have lower
Although predator abundance can be higher in survival and body condition, potentially due to
cities, predator diversity is often lower which an inability to detect approaching predators and
might help explain the increased survival of increased vigilance and/or stress levels.
some species in cities (Moller 2005, Shochat et al.
2006). Humans also often introduce nest boxes METHODS
which can increase important nesting resources
and thus the ability of species to reproduce in Study locations and survey methods
urban habitats (Vincze et al. 2017). Great tits We captured 258 adult male white-crowned
(Parus major) are one such cavity nester that sparrows during the breeding seasons across

❖ 2 September 2018 ❖ Volume 9(9) ❖ Article e02440


2014, 2015, and 2016 in two regions—urban San We sampled four rural sites and five urban sites
Francisco, California (N = 162), and rural Point (Fig. 1, Table 1). We captured males using mist
Reyes, California (N = 96; Fig. 1). Point Reyes nets and playback of song or alarm calls. Age
National Seashore consists of a mix of grassland, was determined by crown plumage, where sec-
native scrub, and Douglas fir forest (Pseudotsuga ond-year Z. l. nutalli males often retain some
menziesii) with some agricultural structures scat- brown in the crown, and after second year
tered throughout the landscape (Fig. 1, upper left (ASY), birds have white and black crowns (Pyle
portion of map). San Francisco is the fourth lar- 1997). A second-year bird or older is considered
gest and the most densely populated city in Cali- a breeding adult. Sex was determined by cloacal
fornia, with little native vegetation remaining protuberance during banding and confirmed
outside of public parks (Fig. 1, lower right por- with subsequent singing and territory defense
tion of map). We considered sites within these behaviors. We took morphological measures,
two regions to be urban or rural based on noise including tarsus length and mass, and calculated
at the regional level (Lee and MacDonald 2011, scaled mass index (SCI; Peig and Green 2009).
2013) following (Gentry and Luther 2017, Fig. 1). Each male received a unique combination of four

Fig. 1. Study locations in the San Francisco Bay Area (urban) and Point Reyes National Seashore (rural) in
California, USA. Map created in ArcMap 10 using ESRI World Imagery. (Sources: ESRI, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye,
Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community).

❖ 3 September 2018 ❖ Volume 9(9) ❖ Article e02440


Table 1. Banding data and noise levels for each urban and rural location by year.

Year Location No. banded No. males Avg. noise (LAeq) Noise range (LAeq)

2014 Golden Gate 10 7 59.3 59.3
2014 Lobos Dunes 24 19 48.4 43.7–52.0
2014 Inspiration Point 23 20 45.3 42.1–49.6
2014 Lake Merced–Fort Funston 41 29 54.4 47.0–65.7
2015 Lobos Dunes 11 6 48.3 43.6–5
2015 Land’s End 8 5 50 46.1–58.5
2015 Lake Merced–Fort Funston 1 0 58.5 45.5–66.8
2016 Golden Gate 32 30 56.1 45.0–66.3
2016 Lobos Dunes 13 10 56.4 46.1–60.9
2016 Lake Merced–Fort Funston 27 21 55.1 45.9–65.1
2016 Richmond 17 15 51.3 45.7–57.9
All Urban 207 162 53.0 42.1–65.7
2014 Commonweal 30 16 39.8 35.1–45.4
2014 Abbott’s Lagoon 22 8 40.1 38.0–44.1
2014 Schooner Bay 14 8 44.7 42.2–47.0
2015 Abbott’s Lagoon 8 8 40.9 40.0–41.8
2016 Commonweal 28 21 47.8 41.3–57.2
2016 Abbott’s Lagoon 31 21 42.9 35.9–50.3
2016 Limantour 20 14 47.4 42.3–53.4
All Rural 153 96 43.4 35.1–57.2
Total 360 258
Notes: No. banded includes total banded (males, females, and juveniles), while No. males indicates only the number of
males. Of the 87 rural and 154 urban non-transient males banded, 42.5% and 62.3% were resighted across years, respectively.
Average noise is the mean noise for that site in a given year, and noise range shows the lowest and highest noise levels in a
given site for that year.

colors, including a silver Fish and Wildlife alu- A-weighted equivalent continuous level value
minum band (Permit 23900). After banding, sites (LAeq) was calculated from the 1–s LAeq values,
were revisited in the same year to determine where the meter was pointed one minute in each
whether males were holding territories on or cardinal direction (Brumm 2004). LAeq is a mea-
near the site of banding or whether they were surement of equivalent continuous sound that
transient. If males were never seen after banding, contains the same sound energy as a noise that
they were considered transient and were varies over time. The A-weighting filter is an
excluded from analyses. Territories were re- international standard that approximates the
surveyed opportunistically. Each neighboring human hearing range, which is similar to avian
territory was also searched, and when new hearing (Dooling and Popper 2007). All reported
unbanded males were observed, they were pre- sound pressure levels are in absolute units of
sumed to have taken over the territory. LAeq dB re: 20 lPa (8–20 kHz). These territory
noise levels were recorded opportunistically at
Noise level data the time of banding or during subsequent
To estimate territory background noise, we resighting surveys or before playback experi-
used a calibrated sound-level meter (SLM; Lar- ments. All noise readings were taken in the
son Davis model 831, firmware version 2.206 absence of wind noise (Beaufort Wind Scale of 3
with the settings of A-frequency weighting, fast or less) and away from singing birds within
time weighting, linear averaging, and 0.0 dB 30 m (Francis et al. 2012). Because noise levels
gain) that calculated 1 s LAeq, or A-weighted were sampled opportunistically, not all males
equivalent continuous level value, based on the had an individual territory noise level value. For
sound pressure levels (SPL) sampled 10 times a these males (N = 59), we instead used a calcu-
second. For each territory, a four-minute (240 s) lated site average noise level value.

❖ 4 September 2018 ❖ Volume 9(9) ❖ Article e02440


MARK analysis and statistics averaging was used to estimate relative variable
We analyzed the mark-encounter (resight) data importance (RVI; Burnham and Anderson 2002).
in Program MARK (White and Burnham 1999) to Apparent survival and resighting estimates were
investigate the effects of noise and habitat on model-averaged across all candidate models, and
apparent annual survival (Ф), and we considered results were interpreted based on the weighted
the effect of habitat on resighting probability (p). average annual estimate, unconditional standard
Hereafter, we use “survival” to describe appar- errors (SEs), and 95% confidence intervals.
ent annual survival. We used a Cormack-Jolly-
Seber data structure to fit a fully grouped and Body condition
time-dependent global model and then tested for We estimated whether body condition was
goodness of fit using the median c-hat approach. influenced by landscape (habitat type) or sound-
The median c-hat generated from the goodness- scape (noise level; N = 249). Males that lacked
of-fit test confirmed model fit (^c = 1.51, morphological data or site ambient noise levels
SE = 0.06), so we constructed a set of 15 candi- were dropped from the analysis. To reliably esti-
date models based on the global model structure mate body condition, we calculated a scaled
(Table 2). The influence of habitat, territory noise mass index following Peig and Green (2009).
level, and temporal period (year) was considered All statistical analyses were done in R
when developing the candidate model set. Can- (R Core Team 2016). The qqp function in pack-
didate models with constant and time-dependent ages car and MASS was used to confirm our data
survival parameters were included, as well as were normally distributed (Venables and Ripley
both interactive and additive effects. Resighting 2002, Fox and Weisberg 2011). Akaike’s informa-
effort was consistent across years, so we did not tion criterion adjusted for small sample sizes
include candidate models with a time-dependent (AICc) was used to examine the fit of linear
resighting parameter. mixed models by maximum-likelihood using
An information-theoretic approach and multi- nlme (Pinheiro et al. 2013), where we tested all
model inference was used to account for model combinations of habitat and territory noise level
selection uncertainty and to obtain robust parame- as fixed effects and site as a random effect. Linear
ter estimates. Candidate models were ranked using mixed effects model residuals were examined
the Quasi-likelihood Akaike’s information criterion visually in QQ-plots for validation.
(QAIC) based on the variance inflation factor Models were ranked according to the strength
(^c = 1.51; White and Burnham 1999). Full-model of support of each model, and models with delta

Table 2. QAIC candidate models.

Candidate model DQAIC QAICc Model weight Likelihood K QDeviance

{Ф(time) p(.)} 294.39 0 0.46 1 4 286.27

{Ф(time) p(habitat)} 296.45 2.06 0.16 0.36 5 286.27
{Ф(habitat 9 time) p(.)} 296.56 2.17 0.15 0.34 7 282.23
{Ф(habitat 9 time + LAeq),p(.)} 298 3.61 0.07 0.16 8 281.57
{Ф(habitat 9 time) p(habitat)} 298.66 4.27 0.05 0.12 8 282.23
{Ф(habitat 9 time + LAeq)p(habitat)} 300.11 5.72 0.03 0.06 9 281.574
{Ф(habitat) p(.)} 300.56 6.17 0.02 0.05 3 294.49
(NULL MODEL){Ф(.) p(.)} 301.13 6.74 0.02 0.03 2 297.09
{Ф(LAeq)p(.)} 302.27 7.89 0.009 0.02 3 296.21
{Ф(habitat + LAeq)p(.)} 302.60 8.22 0.008 0.02 4 294.49
{Ф(.) p(habitat)} 303 8.61 0.006 0.01 3 296.93
{Ф(habitat 9 LAeq)p(.)} 304.06 9.67 0.003 0.007 5 293.88
{Ф(LAeq)p(habitat)} 304.32 9.93 0.003 0.007 4 296.21
{Ф(habitat + LAeq)p(habitat)} 304.67 10.28 0.003 0.006 5 294.49
{Ф(habitat 9 LAeq)p(habitat)} 306.13 11.74 0.001 0.003 6 293.88
Notes: Model parameters are denoted as Ф() for survival and p() for resighting, and “.” denotes a constant. LAeq is the noise
measurement parameter. The top model is time, with the second model including time + habitat.

❖ 5 September 2018 ❖ Volume 9(9) ❖ Article e02440


AICc < 4 were considered to be equally well followed by the interactive effect of time and
supported. For the models with delta AICc < 4, habitat (RVI = 0.31). The noise level LAeq param-
we calculated model-averaged parameter esti- eter and its interactive effect with habitat were
mates with unconditional standard errors (SEs) the least important predictor variables of sur-
and confidence intervals using the AICcmodavg vival (RVI = 0.21, RVI = 0.05, respectively),
R package (Mazerolle 2016). We report the rela- which suggests that there is not a strong effect of
tive variable importance (RVI) of model parame- background noise level on survival in either
ters and consider a fixed effect to influence body urban or rural habitats. The resighting probabil-
condition if the 95% confidence interval of its ity was estimated on the boundary (1.00), and
parameter estimate did not include zero (Naka- thus, the standard error could not be computed
gawa and Cuthill 2007). We evaluated the signifi- properly; a 95% profile likelihood interval for
cance of models with delta AICc lower than 4 constant resighting probability in the top-ranked
using an F test with Kenward-Roger approxima- model was estimated as (0.999, 1.000).
tion in comparison with a null model through
the KRmodcomp function in the pbkrtest pack- Soundscape has a greater effect on body
age (Halekoh and Højsgaard 2014). We used the condition than landscape
doBy package (Højsgaard and Halekoh 2016) to The top model for body condition included
compute least squares means for habitat using only noise level as a fixed effect with an evidence
adjusted degrees of freedom. ratio of 45.2 over the null model (Table 4) and is
highly significant (F1, 103 = 9.2, P = 0.003). The
RESULTS next models within 4 AICc were Habitat and
then Noise 9 Habitat (Table 4). Model averaging
Landscape but not soundscape affects survival of the most supported models suggests that body
The top-ranked model (Фtime, p.) had an AICc condition significantly decreases as noise levels
weight of 46%, with an evidence ratio of 2.88 rel- increase (Fig. 3), and noise is more important
ative to the next ranked model (Фtime, phabitat; than habitat for scaled mass index (noise:
Table 2). Of the survival parameters, time was by b  SE = 0.07  0.02, 95% CI = 0.1, 0.02,
far the most important (RVI = 0.93), which indi- RVI = 0.98, LMS estimate = 31.4  0.27; habitat:
cates survival estimates vary according to year. b  SE = 0.01  0.09, 95% CI = 1.4, 0.3,
For each year, the urban survival rate was esti- RVI = 0.02, LMS  SE = 31.38  0.42).
mated to be consistently higher than the rural
survival rate (see Table 3 for urban and rural sur- DISCUSSION
vival estimates per year; Fig. 2). The survival
parameter habitat ranked next highest in terms Despite many anthropogenic stressors in cities,
of importance (RVI = 0.35) and was closely we found that urban male birds have a higher
survival rate than rural male birds. Territory
noise level did not have a strong effect on sur-
Table 3. Model-averaged apparent survival (Ф) and
recapture (p) estimates, unconditional standard error
vival relative to time or habitat type. However,
(SE), and the 95% confidence interval for urban and
the noise did have an important effect on body
rural male white-crowned sparrows for each study
condition, such that males holding territories
with higher noise levels had lower body condi-
year time interval from 2014 to 2017 (from MARK).
tion. Together, our results show that anthro-
Parameter Estimate SE Lower Upper pogenic landscapes affect apparent survival and
Urban: Ф soundscapes affect our measured index of body
Time 1 0.68 0.07 0.52 0.80 condition, which may lead to long-term evolu-
Time 2 0.74 0.10 0.52 0.88 tionary consequences for populations adapting
Time 3 0.47 0.06 0.36 0.59 to city life.
Rural: Ф Although it is well known that many species
Time 1 0.59 0.13 0.34 0.80 cannot persist in cities, there is mounting evi-
Time 2 0.71 0.12 0.44 0.88
dence that some have higher survival in urban
Time 3 0.46 0.06 0.34 0.58
than in rural habitats (Chamberlain et al. 2009,

❖ 6 September 2018 ❖ Volume 9(9) ❖ Article e02440


Fig. 2. Mean and SE of the number of years resighted for male white-crowned sparrows banded in (a) 2014
(Rural N = 32, Urban N = 75) with 4 yr of resight surveys; (b) 2015 (Rural N = 8, Urban N = 11) with 3 yr of
resight surveys; and (c) 2016 (Rural N = 56, Urban N = 76) with 2 yr of resight surveys. Overall, urban males
tend to live longer than rural males, although 2015 has a slight opposite trend when less birds were marked
compared to other years.

Table 4. AICc model ranking for body condition (N = 249).

Model K AICc DAICc AICcWt Wi Evidence ratio Likelihood

Noise 4 1001.90 0.00 0.64 0.64 45.7 496.87

Habitat 5 1003.90 2.10 0.22 0.87 15.7 496.87
Noise 9 Habitat 6 1005.50 3.60 0.10 0.97 7.1 496.59
Null 3 1009.50 7.60 0.014 0.99 1 501.71
Noise + Habitat 4 1009.80 7.90 0.012 1.00 0.9 500.83
Note: Noise is the top model, followed by Habitat, then Noise 9 Habitat.

❖ 7 September 2018 ❖ Volume 9(9) ❖ Article e02440


less fit individuals to breed and reproduce, lead-

ing to differences in survival between urban and
rural populations (Evans et al. 2014, Marzluff
et al. 2016). Supplemental feeding was observed
in at least two of our five urban sites (Lake
Merced, Land’s End) on multiple occasions, and
the remaining urban sites have backyard bird
feeders and trashcans nearby that may also pro-
vide food sources. However, even if food sources
are abundant in cities, anthropogenic food
sources may be less nutritious, potentially lead-
ing to lower body condition (Meillere et al.
Our data are the first to support reduced body
condition on noisy territories. We found lower
body condition among males holding territories
in areas with higher noise levels in both urban
and rural habitats. Our results are consistent with
other studies that found reduced body size, mass,
Fig. 3. Scaled mass index is a measure of body con-
or condition in urban conditions (Liker et al. 2008,
dition (y-axis), and LAeq is a measure of background
Meillere et al. 2015), but we suggest that noise,
territory noise (x-axis). As noise increases, body
rather than solely habitat, may be the driver. For
condition decreases in both urban and rural birds
example, one study did not find nutritional stress
(N = 239).
differences between urban and rural adult house
sparrows (Passer domesticus), but juvenile fat
scores were reduced in urban areas (Meillere et al.
Marzluff 2017). A number of non-exclusive 2015). Similarly, food supplementation in cities
reasons could explain higher urban survival (re- was associated with reduced body condition in
viewed in Marzluff 2017), but one important rea- great tits (Parus major; Demeyrier et al. 2017).
son in the white-crowned sparrow system might These studies suggest urban habitats, food sup-
be year-round food resources in urban habitats plementation, and predation pressures as mecha-
compared to fluctuating food resources in rural nisms to explain lower body condition in urban
habitats. Seasonal changes and environmental areas, but did not consider background noise as a
events, such as drought, affect rural areas more contributing factor. Our data suggest that future
than urban areas (Diffenbaugh et al. 2015, Mann studies should also consider territory noise levels
and Gleick 2015). Notably, there was a significant and test the relative impact of these different
drought in the region during the years of the potential mechanisms on body condition.
study. Therefore, it is likely that irrigated urban There are several potential mechanisms that
managed lands provide more food and less could explain how noise levels affect body condi-
vegetation die-off (i.e., more cover) than rural tion. Physiological studies show noise can be a
non-irrigated areas. In times of limited resources stressor for birds (e.g., fecal corticosteroid
such as drought, birds may be putting more effort metabolites, Blickley et al. 2012, glucocorticoids
into finding food resources, rather than increas- reviewed in Potvin 2017), and stressors often
ing signaling opportunities provided by quiet lead to lower body condition (e.g., increased cor-
areas, which may play a more important part in ticosterone and decreased fat stores; Wingfield
overall fitness. These landscape-level factors may et al. 1983). A recent study links exposure to
play an important role in why habitat is more noise with decreased baseline corticosterone in
important than noise in our survival models. nestlings and female birds and increased acute
Similarly, disproportionate supplemental feed- stressor-induced corticosterone in nestlings,
ing in cities can offset seasonal variation and has which suggests chronic stress (Kleist et al. 2018).
the potential to increase adult survival, allowing In addition, high levels of anthropogenic noise

❖ 8 September 2018 ❖ Volume 9(9) ❖ Article e02440


tend to result in increased vigilance and less time CONCLUSIONS

foraging for food, which could also lower body
condition (Ware et al. 2015). Predator abundance Anthropogenic landscapes and soundscapes
or diversity may change based on noise levels selected for higher survival but worse body con-
and also could affect vigilance behavior and con- dition in individual adult male white-crowned
dition (Shochat et al. 2006, Francis et al. 2012). sparrows. Our results are the first to show that
Experimental work is needed to test the relative body condition of adult birds decreases with
importance of these different potential mecha- noise level, suggesting that exposure to higher
nisms linking the soundscape to body condition. noise levels in the city may have fitness conse-
Our finding that noise levels do not affect quences. While these consequences were not seen
apparent survival of male white-crowned spar- in our four-year measure of apparent survival,
rows is not consistent with previous studies in further research should combine survivorship of
other species. One study that removed the con- adults with monitoring of nestlings, fledglings,
founding effects of urban–rural dynamics while and adult females to better understand the long-
retaining increased noise levels showed that term impact of cities on populations and fitness
predator–prey dynamics changed due to noise, of animals. Understanding whether noise levels
such that small birds that nested closer to the affect different life stages separately or
noise source were less affected by predatory cumulatively over a lifetime can elucidate overall
birds (Francis et al. 2011). Such a finding sug- fitness impacts of anthropogenic activities on
gests increased survival in areas with higher populations.
noise levels. Crino et al. (2013) found that
increased noise in a natural forest positively ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
affected chick condition, which may give birds a
survival advantage, although survival was not The authors would like to thank Kathleen Grady,
measured. Thus, while noise is not the most Michael Kryzwicki, Irene Koulouris, Mae Berlow, and
important factor driving our apparent survival Leanne Norden for field assistance. Point Blue staff
models, it may still play an active and complex Diana Humple and Mmark Dettling provided training
role in shaping how animals such as small birds and housing, while Bill Merkle, Michael Chasse
survive in a city. (Golden Gate National Recreation Area), Ben Becker
We examined adult males, but other life stages (Point Reyes National Seashore), Doug Bell (East Bay
Regional Parks), and Lisa Wayne (San Francisco Parks
may also be sensitive to urban soundscape and
and Recreation) provided site access and permits. This
landscape conditions. Chronic noise is known to
work was funded by NSF IOS—1354763 and 1354756,
elevate haptoglobin immune response, which can Tulane Gunning Award, Tulane One-Term Dissertation
be energetically costly (Raap et al. 2017), Award, Wilson Ornithological Society Grant, and an
although a recent study found no correlation American Ornithologist’s Union Van Tyne Award. JNP,
between decreased body size and nutritional KEG, and DAL collected data, JNP and KEG analyzed
stress (Meillere et al. 2015). Other recent studies data, JNP wrote the manuscript with input and final
show that fledglings are negatively affected by approval from KEG, DAL, and EPD. The authors
suburbs, which act as sinks rather than sources, declare no conflict of interest.
due mainly to cats and crows (Balogh et al. 2011).
Although adult male survival is increased in our LITERATURE CITED
urban study area, the first year of life might be
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