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Based on my experience What I've learned in Manila City Jail as a OJT are many to mention.

Like in our first day in

the MCJ Sir JO1 Javinar and Sir JO1 Aparta conducted a seminar to Do and Dont's) in my 1st day as OJT l assigned
in Biometrics. I've learned is the Visitors of the PDL need to biometric and bring the said requirements. If the visitors
had failed to bring the requirements he can't visit, the personnel of Biometric are very strict. Before entering the
visitors need to go to the searcher to search whatever they have/bring and after it he/she can visit in my 2nd day I
assigned in Gate I've learend is if theres a car the driver and the passenger need to get out to body search to prevent
entering of contrabands and their compartment also need to search
I observed the life/work of Jail Officers are not easy Everybody said that the work of Jail Officers are easy. They are
wrong, the life work of Jail Officer are not just to guard. They have the counselling and rehabilitation program ALS
and TESDA and Religous Program The rehabitation program, ALS and TESDA if he served his sentence and back to
the community he has the knowledge and skills that can help and apply to his self to be a better person or find a job.
As a student of Criminology of Coleigo de San Gabriel Arcangel. I humbly giving thanks to the personnel of Manila
City Jail for their patients at supervising us to our on the job training

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