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Demographic Variables

Age: 20-30

Genders: Male Female

Note: Please mark your appropriate response.

1= Strongly disagree 2=Disagree 3=Neutral 4=Agree 5= Strongly agree

Employee Motivation and Empowerment (Items) 1 2 3 4 5

1. Our complaints and suggestions are taken for granted by the management.

2. My managers are helpful in settling disputes with my coworkers and customers.

3. Holidays and leave days are effective on my motivation.

I have the authority to make necessary decisions in order to complete assigned
5. I have access to the information I need to do my job well.

6. I have control over those aspects of my job for which I am accountable.

Organizational Commitment (Items)

1. The employees show their pride to the company to the other people.

2. The employees will spend their career at the company.

The career meets the expectations.

4. The employees are required to stay at the company

Participatory management (Items) 1 2 3 4 5
When some important matter comes up that concern me, my manager seeks
out my ideas before a decision is made.
Our manager is inclined to accept the opinions of workers in important
decisions about job related matters.
3. I feel involved in important decisions in my work unit.

4. Employees who will be affected by decisions are asked for their inputs.

5. I feel free to suggest changes in my assignments or projects.

Employees Turnover Intensions (Items)

1. I often don’t think of leaving my current job.

2. I have a strong personal desire to continue working for this organization.

3. I am not looking for a new job in the coming years.

4. Overall I am satisfied with my current job.

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