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“kenakalan remaja”

Assalamu alaikum wr. Wb.

Good morning ,which I respect and friends whom I love,

On this day I am honored to participate contribute thoughts, opinions and ideas in order to
optimize the function of the first family as a place of socialization. Therefore, in this happy
occasion, let us praise and gratitude to God Almighty for His grace and inclusion, so we still get
a chance to gather on this day. I am also grateful to Mrs. Ika for his guidance and generosity
during the making of this manuscript. Do not forget to convey my gratitude for the support and
participation of friends in this valuable opportunity.

Beloved friends, in this day and age, children's behavior increasingly uncontrollable. Many
young men who prefer to spend Saturday night in a discotheque with getting drunk or playing
games to stay in the cafe. Teenage girl hit by too much dazzled him 'the world's sparkling' it.
Various problems are no longer makes us wonder if there are parents who complained about
the attitude of his son. Complaints these parents was natural because of their complaint was
based on concerns about the future of their children.

Maybe your friends examples of juvenile delinquency rate that I mentioned earlier too fantastic
and not in accordance with the life of friends. Therefore, let us take an example of parents who
frequent complaint we hear at the time of receipt of report cards. After seeing his report card is
mediocre, a mother says "Oh, my child is very naughty. Often truant to the point that many
zeros in ulangannya. "And then get home is usually the mother will pass the complaint to the
child," Try if you like Daniel's, smart in sports and lessons. "Let my friends all thought, what a
feeling the child? The Mom was right in terms of concern about the future of the child. However,
the mother's words that say it will destroy the child's mental, especially when uttered repeatedly
over the years. If the comparisons so on, who would not lower myself? The child then feels he is
a failure who will never succeed and of course, by maintaining that thought, the child ultimately
will never be truly successful. After growing up, the child may have reached an optimal self-
actualization, and managed to expel all the negative thoughts that have been settled since
childhood. However, the risk of the worst, if the child could not get rid of negative thoughts
caused her mother's actions that it will become unstable due to the personal has no confidence.
The child will be easy to despair when facing failure and ultimately easy to fall on negative
things. If it is happening like this, who blame the parents? Of course, the child again. If not, yes
the teacher. Sometimes parents do not realize that every action they do is the basic formation
properties of the child. But, perhaps, their children's misbehavior is a result of an error of
parents in the socialization process in childhood. What is socialization, friends?

Socialization is a process whereby a person influence others because of the interaction. People
are interconnected and affect the person's behavior is called social agents. 3 most important
social agents are parents, siblings and play groups. Every social agent will determine the
differences in the socialization process of children. Greatest influence on child development
during the first five years of his life occurred in the family. Parents, especially mothers, have an
important role in shaping a child's personality because personality of the parents had a big
influence on the formation of the child personally. According to the research in America shows
that a mother who treats children with the rough, whether physical or verbal will produce
children who tend to be personally abusive. Therefore, to produce a quality individual, family is
very involved in socialization values and norms prevailing in society starts from a small problem
that occurs in families according to age of child developmental stages.

Maybe some of my friends there who already know the socialization, but may still foreign friends
about how the socialization process that occurs in children and what to do with the family?
There are 3 very important things, which can determine individual children and their future as
well, namely:

o Conditioning

Son of man is passive in the socialization process, so most of his behavior created by the
parents through this process. Children will maintain a certain behavior if what is done in return.
Instead, the child will avoid certain behavior if it is what is done will be punished.

o modeling / Imitation

If just imitate foreign aspect, the process of imitation will be quick. Conversely, if the children
wanted her character is identical with her idol, impersonation would be more deeply so that here
the parents and families need to give examples of good behavior for children.

o Internalization

How to require a child to volunteer to be aware that there berberapa things (such as norms,
values and behavior) has a specific meaning that is valuable to themselves or to society for
future reference or action over time will become part of his personality.

My friends are happy, the first child socialization experiences gained in the home, the family
who most precisely determine the process of socialization. My friends and gentlemen, although
we are still not married and have children themselves, but when we have a family later, do not
forget friends forget this. Therefore, socialization is a personal basis in order to form a
responsible, independent, creative and respectful. And lest we regret in the future because it
determines the future of our children.

All friends, so many speeches that I have to this day. I apologize if my words are less
acceptable in the hearts of friends. I am very grateful for the participation of friends and this
information can prepare the understanding of friends when it was time for a family later. All and
thank you.

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