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National Trade Measurement

Regulations 2009
Select Legislative Instrument 2009 No. 233

.6! ;<=7145>4#! 4?7>2@! :>78! 780! 4A/>?0! .6! 780! B0A0145! &C0?<7>/0!
,.<2?>5#! 94D0! 780! 6.55.:>2@! *0@<547>.2=! <2A01! 780! National
Measurement Act 1960E!




Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479
Part 4 Packaging
Division 4.3 Marking of name and address
Regulation 4.6
4.6 Exemptions for certain inner and outer packages
! ! "! #$%&'#$($)*! +,! *-'.! /0#*! 01+&*! *-$! (0#2')3! +,! 0! 405203$!
! :0;! 0)8! '(($6'0*$! 405203$! +#6')0#'78! .+76! +)78! ')! 0)! +&*$#!
405203$! *-0*! '.! (0#2$6! ')! 055+#60)5$! <'*-! *-$!
! :1;! 0)8! +&*$#! 405203$! ')! <-'5-! *-$! '(($6'0*$! 405203$! '.!

Division 4.3 Marking of name and address

4.7 Marking of name and address on packages

! :?;! @,! 0! 4#$405203$6! 4#+6&5*! '.! 4052$6! +#! .+76A! *-$! 405203$!
5+)*0')')3! *-$! 4#+6&5*! (&.*! 1$! (0#2$6! <'*-! *-$! )0($! 0)6!
066#$..! +,! *-$! 4$#.+)! <-+! 4052$6! *-$! 4#+6&5*! +#! +)! <-+.$!
Note B$$!07.+!#$3&70*'+)!C>D!,+#!#$%&'#$($)*.!01+&*!4#$405203$6!4#+6&5*.>!

! :E;! F-$!(0#2')3!(&.*!1$9!
! :0;! #$06'78!G'.'17$!0)6!7$3'17$=!0)6!
! :1;! 044#+4#'0*$! *+! $)017$! *-$! 4$#.+)! *+! 1$! '6$)*','$6! 0)6!
! :H;! F-$! 066#$..! (&.*! 1$! 0! 4705$! ')! "&.*#07'0! <-$#$! 0! 6+5&($)*!
Note "! 4+.*! +,,'5$! 1+I! 066#$..! '.! )+*! 0! 4705$! <-$#$! 0! 6+5&($)*! (08! 1$!

4.8 Exemption for packaged seed

! :?;! J$3&70*'+)!C>K!6+$.!)+*!04478!*+!0)8!+,!*-$!,+77+<')39!
! :0;! 4&17'5L1#$6!03#'5&7*&#07!.$$6!+,!0!4#$.5#'1$6!G0#'$*8!*-0*!'.!
! :1;! 4&17'5L1#$6! 03#'5&7*&#07! .$$6! *-0*! '.! )+*! 03#'5&7*&#07! .$$6!
! :5;! )+)L4#+4#'$*0#8! G0#'$*'$.! +,! -+#*'5&7*&#07! .$$6! *-0*! '.!

94 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 2009, 233

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Part 4 Packaging
Division 4.4 Marking of measurement
Regulation 4.10
4.10 General position of measurement marking
! "#$! %! &'()*+'&',-! &(+./,0! 1,! (! 2(3.(0'! &*)-! 4'! &(5'! 1,! -6'!
! ":$! ;<!-6'+'!/)!&1+'!-6(,!#!2+/,3/2(7!5/)27(8!2(,'7=!(!&'()*+'&',-!
&(+./,0! &*)-! 4'! &(5'! 1,! (-! 7'()-! :! 1<! -6'! 2+/,3/2(7! 5/)27(8!
! ">$! ?*4+'0*7(-/1,)! "#$! (,5! ":$! 51! ,1-! (2278! -1! -6'! 2(3.(0/,0! <1+!
! "A$! ;<! -6'! ?'3+'-(+8=! 48! ,1-/3'! 2*47/)6'5! /,! -6'! Gazette=! )2'3/</')!
#!1+! &1+'! 1-6'+! (33'2-(47'! (++(,0'&',-)! <1+! -6'! &(+./,0! 1<! (!
./,5! 1<! 2(3.(0'! )2'3/</'5! /,! -6'! ,1-/3'=! -6'! 2(3.(0'! &(8! 4'!

4.11 Set-out and form of measurement marking

! "#$! C6'!+'D*/+'5!&'()*+'&',-!&(+./,0!&*)-!4'E!
! "($! 371)'! -1! (,8! ,(&'! 1+! 4+(,5! 1<! -6'! 2+15*3-! -1! B6/36! /-!
! "4$! &(+.'5! -1! 4'! +'(5! /,! -6'! )(&'! 5/+'3-/1,! ()! (,8! ,(&'! 1+!
! "3$! (-!7'()-!:!&&!<+1&!-6'!7/&/-)!1<!-6'!2(3.(0'F!(,5!
! "5$! )'2(+(-'5! 48! (-! 7'()-! :! &&! /,! (77! 5/+'3-/1,)! <+1&! 1-6'+!
! "'$! /,!(!<1+&!/,!B6/36!*,/-)!1<!&'()*+'&',-!*,5'+!-6'!&'-+/3!
! ":$! ;<! -6'! &'()*+'&',-! /)! (! 5'3/&(7! )*4H&*7-/27'=! -6'! +'D*/+'5!
! ">$! ;<! -6'! 2(3.(0'! /)! ',-/+'78! 1+! )*4)-(,-/(778! 387/,5+/3(7=!
! "($! -6'!&'()*+'&',-!&(+./,0!&*)-!(7)1!4'!21)/-/1,'5!)1!-6(-!
,1! 2(+-! 1<! -6'! &(+./,0! /)! <*+-6'+! -6(,! 1,'H)/J-6! 1<! -6'!
4/)'3-)! -6'! 2(+-! 1<! -6'! 2(3.(0'! 1,! B6/36! -6'! &(+./,0! /)!

96 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 2009, 233

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Packaging Part 4
Marking of measurement Division 4.4
Regulation 4.12
! "#$! %&'! ()*(+,-'*'.('! /-! %&'! 01(213'! )4! %12'.! %/! #'! %&'!

4.12 Size etc of characters in measurement marking

! "8$! 9&'!(&1*1(%'*4!+4'6!).!1!,'14+*','.%!,1*2).3!,+4%!#':!
! "1$! (;'1*<!1.6!
! "#$! 4%1,0'6=! 0*).%'6=! ',#/44'6=! ,1*2'6! #>! 1.! 100*/?'6!
! "@$! 9&'!(&1*1(%'*4!,+4%:!
! "1$! #'! 4%1,0'6! /*! 0*).%'6! ).! 1! (/;/+*! %&1%! 0*/?)6'4! 1! 6)4%).(%!
(/.%*14%! 5)%&! %&'! (/;/+*! /-! %&'! #1(23*/+.6=! 1.6! #'! /-! 1%!
;'14%! %&'! ,).),+,! &')3&%! *'A+)*'6! #>! %&'! %1#;'! ).!
! "#$! #'! 4%1,0'6! /*! ',#/44'6=! 1.6! #'! /-! 1%! ;'14%! B! %),'4! %&'!
! "($! #'!,1*2'6!#>!1.!100*/?'6!0*).%).3!6'?)('!).!(&1*1(%'*4!1%!
! "6$! #'!;'3)#;>!&1.65*)%%'.!)-!0'*,)%%'6!#>!4+#*'3+;1%)/.!"C$7!
! "B$! D/*!01*13*10&4!"@$!"1$!1.6!"#$=!%&'!%1#;'!)4!14!-/;;/547!
Item If the maximum dimension of the the minimum height of
package is … the characters is …

8 8@E!,,!/*!;'44! @7E!,,!
@ F?'*!8@E!,,!#+%!./%!/?'*!@BE!,,! @7C!,,!
B F?'*!@BE!,,!#+%!./%!/?'*!BGE!,,! B7B!,,!
H F?'*!BGE!,,!! H7I!,,!

! "H$! J.!%&'!%1#;'!).!4+#*'3+;1%)/.!"B$:!
! "1$! )-! %&'! 01(213'! )4! *'(%1.3+;1*=! %&'! ,1K),+,! 6),'.4)/.! )4!
%&'! 6),'.4)/.! /-! %&'! 3*'1%'4%! /-! %&'! #*'16%&=! &')3&%! 1.6!
! "#$! )-!%&'!01(213'!)4:!
! ")$! (>;).6*)(1;<!/*!
! "))$! 40&'*/)61;<!/*!
! ")))$! (/.)(1;<!/*!

2009, 233 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 97

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Part 4 Packaging
Division 4.4 Marking of measurement
Regulation 4.13
! "#$%! &'!()!&$(*!+,&--.-/+0#&)1!&,!
! "$%! &02/,3#-/!)&0!,/+0()45*(,1!!
! ! 02/! 6(7#656! 8#6/)-#&)! #-! 02/! 8#6/)-#&)! 02(0! #-! 02/!
4,/(0/-0! &'! 02/! 2/#4209! */)402! ()8! 6(7#656! 8#(6/0/,! &'!
! "+%! 02/! 6#)#656! 2/#420! &'! (! +2(,(+0/,! #-! 02/! 2/#420! '&,! /(+2!
! "?%! @!6/(-5,/6/)0!6(,;#)4!6(<!=/!2()83,#00/)!&)!(!:,&85+0!&)*<!
! "(%! 02/!:,&85+0!#-!:(+;/8!0&!=/!-&*8!&)!02/!:,/6#-/-!&)!32#+2!
! "=%! 02/!:(+;(4/!+&)0(#)-!+(;/1!&,!!
! "+%! ,/45*(0#&)!B>CD!(::*#/-!0&!02/!:(+;(4/1!&,!
! "8%! 02/! :(+;(4/! +&)0(#)-! (! ,&**! &'! ,#==&)9! *(+/! &,! /*(-0#+! &,!
! "/%! 02/!E/+,/0(,<9!8/+*(,/-9!=<!)&0#+/!:5=*#-2/8!#)!02/!Gazette!
02(0! 02#-! -5=,/45*(0#&)! (::*#/-! 0&! 02/! :,&85+09! ()8! ()<!
+&)8#0#&)-! &,! ,/-0,#+0#&)-! -:/+#'#/8! #)! 02/! )&0#+/! (,/!

4.13 Unit etc of measurement to be used

! "F%! E5=G/+0!0&!-5=,/45*(0#&)!"C%A!
! "(%! 02/! 6/(-5,/6/)0! 6(,;#)4! &'! (! :,&85+0! 02(0! #-! &,8#)(,#*<!
-&*8! =<! )56=/,! 65-0! =/! /7:,/--/8! =<! ,/'/,/)+/! 0&!
! "=%! 02/! 6/(-5,/6/)0! 6(,;#)4! &'! (! :,&85+0! 02(0! #-! &,8#)(,#*<!
-&*8! =<! *#)/(,! &,! -5:/,'#+#(*! 6/(-5,/6/)0! 65-0! =/!
! "+%! 02/!6/(-5,/6/)0!6(,;#)4!&'!(!:,&85+0!02(0!#-!(!*#H5#8!65-0!
! "8%! 02/!6/(-5,/6/)0!6(,;#)4!&'!(!:,&85+0A!
! "#%! 02(0! #-! -&*#8! "#)+*58#)4! #)! 02/! '&,6! &'! :&38/,! &,!
'*(;/-%9! -/6#.-&*#8! &,! :(,0*<! -&*#8! ()8! :(,0*<! *#H5#81!

98 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 2009, 233

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Packaging Part 4
Shortfall Division 4.7
Regulation 4.35
4.34 AQS thresholds
! ! "#$! %&$&'$&%(! )*! +,-! +.-! #/! 0(1! 2304! 0(1! /#55#678'! 0&951!
1:%5&78;! 0(1! 2<=! 0($1;(#5>;! /#$! 78;%1307#8! 5#0;! /#$! 0(1!
%?$%#;1;! #/! =?9>7@7;7#8! ABC! #/! D7@7;7#8! A! #/! E&$0! FG! #/! 0(1!
Item If the inspection lot the sample size and the and the
size is … is … sample number of
correction prepackages in
factor of a sample
, ! allowed to
( 0 ) !:!
,−α exceed the
8 tolerable
is … deficiency is …

,! 20!51&;0!,**!&8>!8#0! J*!%&3K&'1;! *LAMN! A!

)! 20!51&;0!J*,!&8>! O*!%&3K&'1;! *L)NJ! J!
A! 20!51&;0! ,)J!%&3K&'1;! *L)AP! M!
Note 2!Student’s t distribution!7;!&!;0&07;073&5!01$IL!
n 7;!0(1!8?I91$!#/!%&3K&'1;!78!0(1!;&I%51L!

4.35 Sampling procedures

! +,-! "#$! %&$&'$&%(! )*! +,-! +$-! #/! 0(1! 2304! 0(7;! $1'?5&07#8! 1:%5&78;!
! +)-! 2!;&I%51!I?;0!91!;151301>!/$#I!&!5#0!#/!%&3K&'1;!&0!$&8>#I!78!
&33#$>&831! 670(! '181$&55S! &331%01>! ;0&07;073&5! ;&I%578'!
! +A-! G/! 0(1! ;&I%51! ;151301>! /$#I! &! 5#0! #/! %&3K&'1;! %$#>?31>! #8! &!

2009, 233 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 111

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Part 4 Packaging
Division 4.7 Shortfall
Regulation 4.36
! "#$! %&! '()! *+,-.)! *).)/')0! &12,! +! .2'! 2&! -+/3+4)*! -1205/)0! 26! +!
-1205/'726! .76)! 87'(! +! ,+97,5,! (251.:! 25'-5'! 2&! ,21)!
'()!*7>)!2&!'()! ?+'/(!&12,!8(7/(!'()!*+,-.)!7*!/2..)/')0!,5*'!
! "B$! %&! '()! *+,-.)! *).)/')0! &12,! +! .2'! 2&! -+/3+4)*! -1205/)0! 26! +!
-1205/'726! .76)! 87'(! +! ,+97,5,! (251.:! 25'-5'! 2&! 62'! ,21)!
'()!*7>)!2&!'()! ?+'/(!&12,!8(7/(!'()!*+,-.)!7*!/2..)/')0!,5*'!

4.36 Test procedures

! ";$! C21! -+1+41+-(! D<! ";$! "*$! 2&! '()! E/'=! '(7*! 1)45.+'726! )9-.+76*!
EFG! ')*'! -12/)051)*! &21! '()! -51-2*)*! 2&! G5?07H7*726! IJK! 2&!
! "D$! %0)6'7&:!'()!76*-)/'726!.2'!5*764!1)45.+'726!#AIBA!
! "I$! L)')1,76)! +! *+,-.)! *7>)! '(+'! 7*! +--12-17+')! &21! '()! 76*-)/'726!
! "#$! L)')1,76)! '()! '2.)1+?.)! 0)&7/7)6/:! "T$! +--12-17+')! &21! '()!

Nominal quantity of product Tolerable deficiency (T) a

(Qn) in g or mL Percent of Qn g or mL

<!'2!B<! O! P!
B<!'2!;<<! P! #AB!
;<<!'2!D<<! #AB! P!
D<<!'2!I<<! P! O!
I<<!'2!B<<! I! P!
B<<!'2!;!<<<! P! ;B!
;!<<<!'2!;<!<<<! ;AB! P!
;<!<<<!'2!;B!<<<! P! ;B<!
;B!<<<!'2!B<!<<<! ;! P!
!T H+.5)*!+1)!'2!?)!12560)0!5-!'2!'()!6)9'!;Q;<!2&!+!4!21!,R!&21!Q6!
” ;!<<<!4!21!,R!+60!'2!'()!6)9'!8(2.)!4!21!,R!&21!Q6!S!;!<<<!4!21!,R!

112 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 2009, 233

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Packaging Part 4
Shortfall Division 4.7
Regulation 4.36

Nominal quantity of product Percent of (Qn)

(Qn) in length

Q"!”!#!$! %&!'&()*+,()!-)./0/)"01!+((&2)-!
Q"!3!#!$! 4!

Nominal quantity of product Percent of (Qn)

(Qn) in area

5((!Q"! 6!

Nominal quantity of product Percent of (Qn)

(Qn) in count

Q"!”!#7!/')$8! %&!'&()*+,()!-)./0/)"01!+((&2)-!
Q"!3!#7!/')$8! 9!,!
!:&$;<')!'=)!>+(<)!&.!T ,1!$<('/;(1/"?!'=)!"&$/"+(!@<+"'/'1!,1!9!A!

! E#F! G)')*$/")! '=)! "<$,)*! &.! ;*);+0H+?)8! +((&2)-! '&! )B0))-! '=)!
'&()*+,()! -)./0/)"01! <8/"?! 0&(<$"! #! &.! '=)! '+,()! /"!
! EJF! K&*!?*+>/$)'*/0!-)')*$/"+'/&"8L!
! E+F! *+"-&$(1! 8)()0'! +"! /"/'/+(! '+*)! 8+$;()! &.! 97! &*! $&*)!
;+0H/"?! $+')*/+(8! E.&*! )B+$;()M! .*&$! '=)! 8+$;()! '+H)"!
! E,F! $)+8<*)!'=)!2)/?='!&.!)+0=!;+0H/"?!$+')*/+(C!
! EPF! G)')*$/")! '=)! +>)*+?)! '+*)! 2)/?='! +"-! '=)! 8+$;()! 8'+"-+*-!
! EQF! K&*!)+0=!8+$;()!8)()0')-M!-)')*$/")!'=)!+0'<+(!@<+"'/'1!&.!'=)!
;*&-<0'! +"-! 8<,'*+0'! .*&$! /'! '=)! "&$/"+(! @<+"'/'1! EQ"F! &.!

2009, 233 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 113

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Schedule 3 The AQS Mark

Schedule 3 The AQS Mark

(regulation 4.2, definition of AQS mark)

! ! "#$!%&'()$*!+,!-#$!./)0!1$2+3!*#+3!-#$!)$2/-&4$!5&.$,*&+,*!+%!

150 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 2009, 233

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Exemptions from marking Schedule 4

Schedule 4 Exemptions from marking

(subregulation 4.4 (1))

1 Textile goods
"#"! ! $%&'()%*!+%,-(./!,00,-%)!,.1!2'3%-!4(5(),-!,-'(6)%4!'3,'!,-%!.2'!
"#<! ! $%&'()%4!'3,'!,-%=!
! >,?! 0,67%1! 82-! 4,)%! 9:! 5,44! ,.1! ,-%! 42)1! (.! 0,67,/%4! %,63!
! >9?! 0,67%1! 82-! 4,)%! 9:! )%./'3! ,.1! ,-%! 42)1! (.! 0,67,/%4! %,63!
! >6?! 0,67%1! 82-! 4,)%! 9:! ,-%,! ,.1! ,-%! 42)1! (.! 0,67,/%4! %,63!

2 Food goods
<#"! ! C.:! ,/-(6;)';-,)! 0-21;6%! /-2+.! ,.1! 0,67%1! 2.! '3%! 4,5%!
<#<! ! D2.8%6'(2.%-:*! .;'4*! 02062-.*! 02','2! 6-(404! ,.1! 4,E2;-(%4! '3,'!
! >,?! 0,67%1!2.!0-%5(4%4!82-!4,)%!2.!'324%!0-%5(4%4!(8=!
! >(?! '3%! 0,67,/%! (4! 1(40),:%1! 82-! 4,)%! 2.! '324%! 0-%5(4%4!
(.! ,! -%6%0',6)%! '3,'! 9%,-4! ,! 4','%5%.'! '3,'! 6,.! 9%!
-%,1():! 4%%.! ,.1! %,4():! -%,1! (.! 63,-,6'%-4! .2'! )%44!
! >((?! '3%!5,44!28!'3%!62.'%.'4!12%4!.2'!%&6%%1!<FF!/A!2-!
! >9?! 0,67%1! (.! 2-! +('3! ,.2'3%-! ,-'(6)%! (8! '3%! E,);%! 28! '3%!
<#G! ! D2.8%6'(2.%-:!0,67%1!4(./):!(.!,!.2E%)':!43,0%!,.1!,.!H,4'%-!

2009, 233 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 151

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Schedule 4 Exemptions from marking

"#$! ! %&'()!*'!+,(!-&./!*'!&0*1*'23!402.(5#!
"#6! ! %2)#!
"#7! ! 8-(!-0(2.!92-:(;!*'!2!<=2'+*+)!3(55!+,2'!">>!.?#!
"#@! ! A*99(05#!
"#B! ! C*(5!&0!925+*(5!.2;(!4&0!=5(!25!2'!*';*D*;=23!5(0D(!&4!E,*-,!+,(!
"#F! ! G2:(5H! 9=;;*'15! 2';! 59&'1(5! 92-:(;! 5*'13)! *'! 2! <=2'+*+)! 3(55!
"#I>! ! J3-&,&3*-!3*<=&05!92-:(;!*'!2!<=2'+*+)!.&0(!+,2'!I>!?#!

3 Medicinal and toilet goods

K#I! ! L,(029(=+*-!1&&;5H!/(*'1!1&&;5!+,(!523(!&0!5=993)!&4!E,*-,!+&!
+,(! 9=/3*-! *5! 90&,*/*+(;! /)! 32E! (M-(9+! &'! +,(! E0*++('!
90(5-0*9+*&'! &4! 2! 9(05&'! 0(-&1'*5(;! /)! 32E! 25! -&.9(+('+! +&!
K#"! ! J! +&*3(+! 90(9202+*&'! *'! 2! -&.92-+! 2';! 2! 0(4*33! &4! 2! +&*3(+!
K#K! ! N*'13(! 2993*-2+*&'! ,2*0! ;)(5! &0! ,2*0! /3(2-,(5! &0! 5*'13(!
K#$! ! O2--*'(!92-:(;!*'!2!<=2'+*+)!3(55!+,2'!"6!.?!&0!2!5*'13(!;&5(!

4 Hardware goods
$#I! ! J0+*-3(5!&4!,20;E20(!+,2+!20(Q!
! R2S! '&+!92-:(;!4&0!523(!/)!.(25=0(.('+T!2';!!
! R/S! '&+!&0;*'20*3)!5&3;!/)!.(25=0(.('+#!
$#"! ! L*'+(05!&0!-&3&=0*'1!21('+5!4&0!=5(!*'!92*'+!+,2+!20(!92-:(;!*'!2!
$#K! ! G&3&=0*'1!.2+(0*23!*'!2!92-:21(!&'!E,*-,!*5!.20:(;!;*0(-+*&'5!

152 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 2009, 233

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Exemptions from marking Schedule 4

$&*6! #&.! *57**$! 89! ,*3! 7*#.! &+! .0*! %&'()*! &+! .0*! ,"-#.! :-.0!

5 General goods
<;8! ! =3.-7'*6!&3$-#"3-'2!6&'$!42!#()4*3!.0".!"3*!,"7>*$?!
! @"A! -#!"!1("#.-.2!&+!'*66!.0"#!BC!"#$!
! @4A! -#!"!,"7>"D*!)"$*!:0&''2!&3!,"3.'2!&+!.3"#6,"3*#.!)".*3-"'!
"3.-7'*6! 7&#."-#*$! -#! .0*! ,"7>"D*! -6! 3*"$-'2! ",,"3*#.! .&! "!
<;E!! ! =#! "3.-7'*! &+! :0-70! .0*! )"66! *57**$6! F<! >D! &3! .0*! %&'()*!
<;H! ! =#!"3.-7'*!.0".!-6?!
! @"A! ,"7>*$!-#!"!1("#.-.2!'*66!.0"#!8<!D!&3!8<!)GC!"#$!
! @4A! -6! #&.! "#! "$0*6-%*/! $3-*$! %*D*."4'*6/! +3**I*J$3-*$!
%*D*."4'*6/! 0*346/! -#6."#.! .*"/! ,*,,*3! "#$! &.0*3! 6,-7*6/!
<;K!! ! L-3*!*5.-#D(-60*3!3*+-''6;!
<;<!! ! M0&.&D3",0-7!+-')!"#$!,0&.&D3",0-7!,3-#.-#D!,",*3;!
<;N!! ! =!4"D!&+!7'"2;!
<;F! ! L-60!4"-.;!
<;O!! ! P"3$*#! '"#$67",*! )".*3-"'/! -#7'($-#D! ,-#*J4"3>! +*".(3*! )-5/!
,-#*J4"3>! #(DD*.6/! ,3*J,'"#.*$! )(603&&)! 6,":#/! .3**J4"3>/!
"#2! "3.-7'*! .0".! -6! &3! 7&#."-#6! 7&),&6./! +"3)2"3$! )"#(3*/!
<;B! ! =3.-6.6Q!,"-#.!,"7>*$!-#!"!1("#.-.2!'*66!.0"#!899!D;!
<;89!! ! R"#$'*6;!
<;88! ! G*D()*!6**$!-#&7('"#.6;!
<;8E!! ! =! ,3*,"7>"D*$! ,3&$(7.! 6&'$! "6! "(.0&3-6*$! 42! 6*7.-&#! 8OST &+!

2009, 233 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 153

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Schedule 5 Expression of measurement marking

Schedule 5 Expression of measurement

(subregulation 4.13 (2))

Item Description of article Kind of measurement permissible

"! #$%&'!%(!)%*+%&!,-./!! 01''!-.!2-)+/3!

4! #3.-'-)!5.-&+$6'! 01''!
7! 8-/5.3''3&!-.!)%*+3,%3&!91'3'! 01''!-.!3*+%21)3(6!2-)+/3!:$+;%$!
=! 8.31/!1(&!$.31/!'+;'6%6+63'! >-)+/3!
?! @3($%(9!A%.3!! B3(96C!
D! @)12-+.%(9!3''3($3'!! 01''!-.!2-)+/3E!%,!6C3!*+1(6%6F!%'!(-6!
H! I312F!.3'%&+1)!,+3)!-%)E! 01''!-.!2-)+/3!
J! I-(3FE!/1)6!3K6.1$6E!9-)&3(! 01''!
L! M$3!$.31/!! >-)+/3!
"G! B%('33&!-%)!1(&!-6C3.! >-)+/3!%,!6C3!*+1(6%6F!%'!(-6!/-.3!
239361;)3!-%)'!! 6C1(!?!B!
""! B%*+3,%3&!536.-)3+/!91'!! 01''!
"4! B%*+%&!$C3/%$1)'!! 01''!-.!2-)+/3!
"7! N1%(6!:-6C3.!6C1(!51'63!51%(6<E! >-)+/3!
"=! N1'63!51%(6!! 01''!
"?! N3.,+/3!$-/5-+(&'!! 01''!-.!2-)+/3E!%,!6C3!*+1(6%6F!%'!(-6!
"D! N3.)%63!! 01''!-.!2-)+/3!
"H! N36!)%663.!1(&!'%/%)1.!5.-&+$6'!! 01''!-.!2-)+/3!
"J! O3'%('!! 01''!-.!2-)+/3!

154 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 2009, 233

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Expression of measurement marking Schedule 5

Item Description of article Kind of measurement permissible

"#! $%&'(!)%*+!,-+!./-'!%0!,! 7'-824!,-+!1,33!&'*!3&')/0/'+!.'-824!

9:! $%&'(!)%*+!,-+!./-'!%0!,! 7'-824!,-+!+/,1'2'*!
9"! ;</-!)*',1!/-!=,*3!! >,33!%*!?%.@1'!
99! A%1,2%!3,@)'!! B%.@1'!
9C! A%%24&,32'!! >,33!
9D! AE/-'3(!2E/323!,-+!.,34/-83!! 7'-824!,-+!1,33!&'*!3&')/0/'+!.'-824!
96! F%84@*2!! >,33!

2009, 233 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 155

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Schedule 6 Permissible units of measurement

Schedule 6 Permissible units of

(subregulation 4.13 (3))

1 Mass
"#"! ! $%! &'(! )(*+,-()(.&! )*-/0.1! 0+! &2! 3(! (45-(++(6! 0.! &(-)+! 2%!
! ;*<! /0821-*)!0+!5(-)0++038(!0.!*88!=*+(+>!
! ;3<! 1-*)! 0+! *8+2! 5(-)0++038(! 0%! &'(! )*++! 62(+! .2&!
! ;=<! )08801-*)! 0+! *8+2! 5(-)0++038(! 0%! &'(! )*++! 62(+! .2&!

2 Volume
@#"! ! $%! &'(! )(*+,-()(.&! )*-/0.1! 0+! &2! 3(! (45-(++(6! 0.! &(-)+! 2%!
! ;*<! 80&-(7!6(=080&-(!2-!=(.&080&-(!0+!5(-)0++038(!%2-!80B,06+!0.!*88!
! ;3<! =,30=!)(&-(!0+!5(-)0++038(!%2-!+2806+!0.!*88!=*+(+>!
! ;=<! )088080&-(! 0+! *8+2! 5(-)0++038(! 0.! &'(! =*+(! 2%! *! 80B,06! 0%! &'(!
! ;6<! =,30=!=(.&0)(&-(!0+!*8+2!5(-)0++038(!0.!&'(!=*+(!2%!*!+2806!0%!

3 Linear measurement
C#"! ! $%! &'(! )(*+,-()(.&! )*-/0.1! 0+! &2! 3(! (45-(++(6! 0.! &(-)+! 2%!
80.(*-! )(*+,-()(.&7! &'(! 5(-)0++038(! ,.0&+! 2%! )(*+,-()(.&! *-(!
! ;*<! )(&-(!0+!5(-)0++038(!0.!*88!=*+(+>!
! ;3<! =(.&0)(&-(! 0+! *8+2! 5(-)0++038(! 0%! &'(! 8(.1&'! 62(+! .2&!
! ;=<! )0880)(&-(! 0+! *8+2! 5(-)0++038(! 0%! &'(! 8(.1&'! 62(+! .2&!

156 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 2009, 233

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

Permissible units of measurement Schedule 6

! "#$! %&''&%()*(!&+!,'+-!.(*%&++&/'(!&0!)1(!2,+(!-34!
! "&$! .,.(*!'(05)1+!0-)!(62((#&05!78!888!%&''&%()*(+9!,0#!
! "&&$! /:&'#&05!%,)(*&,'!&0!+1(()!3-*%9!,0#!!
! "&&&$! 2-,)(#!,/*,+&;(!/(')+9!
! "($! %&''&%()*(!&+!,'+-!.(*%&++&/'(!&0!)1(!2,+(!-3!,0!,*)&2'(!&3!&)!
<,+! 2:+)-%,*=! /(3-*(! )1(+(! >(5:',)&-0+! 2-%%(02(#! )-!
(6.*(++! )1(! '&0(,*! %(,+:*(%(0)! -3! )1(! ,*)&2'(! &0!

4 Superficial measurement
! ! @3! )1(! %(,+:*(%(0)! %,*A&05! &+! )-! /(! (6.*(++(#! &0! )(*%+! -3!
+:.(*3&2&,'! %(,+:*(%(0)B! ,0=! :0&)! -3! +:.(*3&2&,'! %(,+:*(%(0)!

5 Mass per specified length

! ! @3!)1(!%(,+:*(%(0)!%,*A&05!&+!)-!/(!(6.*(++(#!&0!)(*%+!-3!%,++!

7?! C''!'(5&+',)&;(!&0+)*:%(0)+!,0#!2-%.&',)&-0+!,*(!*(5&+)(*(#!-0!)1(!D(#(*,'!
>(5&+)(*! -3! E(5&+',)&;(! @0+)*:%(0)+! A(.)! :0#(*! )1(! Legislative
Instruments Act 2003. F((!1)).4GG<<<?3*'&?5-;?,:?!

2009, 233 National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 157

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2009L03479

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