Fried Foods

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Why Are Fried Food Bad For You?

Fried foods can be found from main dishes to snacks. The savory and crunchy taste of fried
foods can sometimes make the audience forget themselves, even though there is a risk behind the
Fried foods tend to contain lots of fat, calories and salt. Because, the process of frying food can
change the quality of nutrients and increase calorie content. Moreover, if the oil used for frying
has been used repeatedly so that it contains trans fat.
But, only few are aware of the fact, what harm they do to themselves and by how much,
unneeded calories along-with extra fats, that somebody adds to their body while munching on the
deliciously harmful fried food, It just adds you to the list of disease demon’s where you could be
their next targets.
These are some of the reasons why we should reduce consumption of fried foods :
1. Trans fat can be so harmful
Believed by many well-known researchers Trans -fat provides a playground for, wide arena
of illnesses. As this type of fat increases the risk of hardening of the arteries
(atherosclerosis), inflammation in the body, insulin resistance, autoimmune disease and
Alzheimer’s disease while Inflammation and insulin resistance themselves are linked to
higher risks of many other health conditions, including cancer.
Trans fat also raises low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels (commonly known as
“bad” cholesterol) while decreasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels
(“good” cholesterol). Further, it could cause delays infant development when the mother
consumes too much Trans fat. Fried foods clog arteries and lead to strokes and Alzheimer’s.
2. Fried foods can lead to malfunctioning of the human brain
Some oils like the sunflower and flaxseed oils degrade when heated up to long hours, and
are the ones that create the most toxic aldehyde’s in the least amount of frying time. These
oils are high in polyunsaturated fats and breakdown quickly to form the health-demoting
aldehyde compounds that permeate the air and penetrate into the food. But to the contrary,
only few oils like, olive oil, known to be high in mono-saturated fat, generates aldehyde to a
lesser degree, even though heated at low temperatures. It is important to avoid cooking with
low flash-point oils that produce aldehyde’s and increase the risk of neurology disorders
such as, causing improper functioning of the brain
3. Fried foods are nutrients destroyer
Deep frying is bad as it adds lots of bad fats and empty calories to your food; it destroys the
good nutrients in the food so we end up eating empty calories. There is nothing in it our
body can use to enhance its functions. Many carry the myth, that deep-fried vegetable like
mushroom or cauliflowers are nutritious. But the fact is, deep-frying process can actually
destroy a lot of beneficial minerals and vitamins, as nothing that’s been deep-fried will ever
be even close to healthy.
4. The oil being used is always not the good one
Apart from the calories, the bigger problem is actually what the natural food is fried in. In
restaurants, almost across the world, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils
are used which is code for Trans-fat. Trans fat is a man-made fat that improves the shelf life
of processed foods, but at the same time, raises cholesterol and increases risk of heart
disease and stroke.
All fats and oils a “smoke point” – a typical temperature at which the chemical structure
deteriorates and starts forming toxic compounds. This is when oils turn rancid/toxic; and
eating foods, fried in rancid oil cause increased oxidative stress on our body, leading to
some complication’s like glucose intolerance, protein malfunction, hypertension and high
5. Extra calories can be malicious
First, we have the calories. When something is deep fried in oil, it multiplies the caloric
density. If any food in oil is submerged, whether it’s a potato or some flour items, oil
increases the calories, as fat is soaked up into every available space, in the food being fried,
and also oil steals the natural mineral and oxidants required for our body, and turns the food
into a tasteful dish with nothing to offer. And as we all know extra fat lead’s to obesity,
which itself is the cause of many diseases. And then we have to make the struggle to get rid
of those extra pounds.

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