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Mount Rinjani or Gunung Rinjani is an active volcano in Indonesia on the island of Lombok.
Administratively the mountain is in the Regency of North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara
(Indonesian: Nusa Tenggara Barat, NTB). It rises to 3,726 metres (12,224 ft), making it the
second highest volcano in Indonesia.

On the top of the volcano is a 6-by-8.5-kilometre (3.7 by 5.3 mi) caldera, which is filled partially
by the crater lake known as Segara Anak or Anak Laut (Child of the Sea) due to blue color of
water lake as Laut (Sea). This lake is approximately 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) above sea level and
estimated to be about 200 metres (660 ft) deep; the caldera also contains hot springs. Sasak tribe
and Hindu people assume the lake and the mount are sacred and some religious activities are
occasionally done in the two areas. On 31 October 2015, Mount Rinjani started erupting again.


1 Geography
1.1 Geologic summary
2 Volcanology
2.1 Volcanic composition
2.2 Recent activity
2.3 Previous activity
2.4 Monitoring program
3 Rinjani National Park
4 Eruption history of Rinjani
5 Gallery
6 See also
7 References
8 External links

Lombok is one of the Lesser Sunda Islands, a small archipelago which, from west to east,
consists of Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba and the Timor islands; all are located at the
edge of the Australian continental shelf. Volcanoes in the area are formed due to the action of
oceanic crusts and the movement of the shelf itself.Rinjani is one of at least 129 active volcanoes
in Indonesia, four of which belong to the volcanoes of the Sunda Arc trench system forming part
of the Pacific Ring of Fire – a section of fault lines stretching from the Western Hemisphere
through Japan and South East Asia. The islands of Lombok and Sumbawa lie in the central
portion of the Sunda Arc. The Sunda Arc is home to some of the world’s most dangerous and
explosive volcanoes. The eruption of nearby Mount Tambora on Sumbawa is known for the most
violent eruption in recorded history on 15 April 1815, with a scale 7 on the VEI.

The highlands are forest clad and mostly undeveloped. The lowlands are highly cultivated. Rice,
soybeans, coffee, tobacco, cotton, cinnamon, cacao, cloves, cassava, corn, coconuts, copra,
bananas and vanilla are the major crops grown in the fertile soils of the island. The slopes are
populated by the indigenous Sasak population. There are also some basic tourist related activities
established on Rinjani primarily in or about the village of Senaru.

Rinjani volcano on the island of Lombok rises to 3,726 metres (12,224 ft), second in height
among Indonesian volcanoes only to Sumatra’s Kerinci volcano. Rinjani has a steep-sided
conical profile when viewed from the east, but the western side of the compound volcano is
truncated by the 6 x 8.5 km, oval-shaped Segara Anak caldera. The western half of the caldera
contains a 230-metre-deep lake whose crescentic form results from growth of the post-caldera
cone Barujari at the eastern end of the caldera. Color infrared view of Rinjani Volcano on
Lombok Island, May 1992. Lombok Strait and Bali are on the top, Alas Strait and Sumbawa
Island are on the bottom.
Geologic summary

On the basis of plate tectonics theory, Rinjani is one of the series of volcanoes built in the Lesser
Sunda Islands due to the subduction of Indo-Australian oceanic crust beneath the Lesser Sunda
Islands, and it is interpreted that the source of melted magma is about 165–200 kilometres (103–
124 mi) depth.

The geology and tectonic setting of Lombok (and nearby Sumbawa) are described as being in the
central portion of the Sunda Arc. The oldest exposed rocks are Miocene, suggesting that
subduction and volcanism began considerably later than in Java and Sumatra to the west, where
there are abundant volcanic and intrusive rocks of Late Mesozoic age. The islands are located on
the eastern edge of the Sunda shelf, in a zone where crustal thickness is apparently rapidly
diminishing, from west to east.

The seismic velocity structure of the crust in this region is transitional between typical oceanic
and continental profiles and the Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho) appears to lie at about 20
kilometres (12 mi) depth. These factors tend to suggest that there has been limited opportunity
for crustal contamination of magmas erupted on the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa. In
addition, these islands lie to the west of those parts of the eastern-most Sunda and west Banda
arcs where collision with the Australian plate is apparently progressing.
The volcano of Rinjani is 165 to 190 kilometres (103–118 mi) above the Benioff Zone. There is
a marked offset in the line of active volcanoes between the most easterly Sumbawa volcano
(Sangeang Api) and the line of active volcanoes in Flores. This suggests that a major transcurrent
fault cut across the arc between Sumbawa Island and Flores. This is considered to be a feature
representing a major tectonic discontinuity between the east and west Sunda Arcs (the Sumba
Fracture).Further, a marked absence of shallow and intermediate earthquake activity in the
region to the south of Lombok and Sumbawa is a feature interpreted to represent a marked break
in the Sunda Arc Zone. Faulting and folding caused strong deformation in the eastern part of
Lombok Basin and is characterized by block faulting, shale diapirs and mud volcano.

Gunung Rinjani atau Gunung Rinjani adalah sebuah gunung

berapi aktif di Indonesiapada pulau Lombok. Secara
administratif Gunung berada di Kabupaten Lombok Utara,Nusa Tenggara Barat (Indonesia: Nus
a Tenggara Barat, NTB). Itu meningkat menjadi3,726 meter (12,224 kaki), sehingga kedua gunu
ng tertinggi di Indonesia.

Gunung adalah sebuah kaldera 6-oleh-8.5-

kilometer (3,7 oleh 5.3 mil), yang sebagiandipenuhi oleh danau kawah yang dikenal sebagai Seg
ara Anak atau Anak Laut (anaklaut) karena warna biru danau air Laut (Sea). Danau ini berjarak s
ekitar 2.000 meter(6.600 kaki) di
atas permukaan laut dan diperkirakan sekitar 200 meter (660 ft)mendalam; kaldera ini juga berisi
air panas. Suku Sasak dan orang-
orang Hindumenganggap danau dan gunung suci dan beberapa kegiatan religius yang kadang-
kadang dilakukan di dua wilayah. Pada 31 Oktober tahun
2015, Gunung Rinjani mulaimeletus lagi.


1 Pembagian wilayah

1.1 geologi ringkasan

Vulkanologi 2

2.1 vulkanik komposisi

2.2 aktivitas terakhir

2.3 aktivitas sebelumnya

2.4 program monitoring

Taman Nasional 3 Rinjani

Sejarah letusan 4 Rinjani

Galeri 5

6 Lihat juga

7 referensi

8 Pranala luar


Lombok adalah salah satu Kepulauan Sunda kecil, Kepulauan kecil yang, dari Barat keTimur, ter
diri dari Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba dan Pulau Timor; semuanyaterletak di tepi land
as benua Australia. Gunung
berapi di daerah terbentuk karenatindakan kerak Oseanik dan gerakan dari rak itu
sendiri. Rinjani adalah salah satu setidaknya 129 gunung
berapi aktif di Indonesia, empat di antaranya milik gunung berapidi sistem palung busur Sunda y
ang membentuk bagian Pacific Ring of Fire–
bagian garispatahan yang membentang dari belahan barat melalui Jepang dan Asia Tenggara. Pul
auLombok dan Sumbawa terletak di bagian tengah dari busur Sunda. Busur Sunda adalahrumah
bagi beberapa gunung berapi di
dunia yang paling berbahaya dan eksplosif.Letusan gunung Tambora terdekat di Sumbawa terke
nal untuk letusan yang paling kerasdi sejarah pada 15 April 1815 dengan skala 7 pada VEI.

Dataran tinggi adalah hutan berpakaian dan sebagian besar belum berkembang.Dataran
rendah sangat dibudidayakan. Beras, kedelai, kopi, tembakau, kapas, kayu
manis, kakao, cengkeh, singkong, jagung, kelapa, kopra, pisang dan vanili adalahtanaman utama
yang tumbuh di tanah subur pulau. Lereng yang dihuni oleh pendudukSasak asli. Ada juga beber
apa dasar Wisata aktivitas didirikan pada Rinjani terutama diatau sekitar desa Senaru terkait.

Gunung Rinjani di pulau Lombok naik ke 3,726 meter (12,224 kaki), kedua tinggi antaragunung
berapi Indonesia hanya ke Gunung Kerinci di Sumatera. Rinjani memiliki sisi curam berbentuk
kerucut profil bila dilihat dari Timur, tapi sisi barat Gunung berapisenyawa yang terpotong oleh
6 x 8.5 km, kaldera Segara Anak berbentuk oval. Bagianbarat kaldera berisi sebuah danau 230-
meter-dalam bentuk crescentic yang hasil daripertumbuhan kerucut pasca-
kaldera Barujari di ujung timur kaldera. Warna inframerahpemandangan Gunung Rinjani di pula
u Lombok, Mei 1992. Selat Lombok dan Baliberada di atas, Selat Alas dan pulau Sumbawa adal
ah di bagian bawah.

Geologi ringkasan
Berdasarkan teori lempeng tektonik, Rinjani adalah salah satu seri gunung berapi yang dibangun
di Kepulauan Sunda kecil karena subduksi kerak Samudera Indo-Australia di
bawah Kepulauan Sunda kecil, dan hal
itu ditafsirkan bahwa sumber meleleh magmaadalah tentang kedalaman 165-200 kilometer (103-
124 mil).

Geologi dan tektonik pengaturan Lombok (dan dekat Sumbawa) digambarkan sebagaiberada di bagian t
engah dari busur Sunda. Terkena batu tertua adalah Miosen,menyarankan bahwa subduksi dan vulkanis
mulai jauh kemudian daripada di Jawa danSumatra Barat, dimana terdapat batu-
batu vulkanik dan mengganggu berlimpah dariakhir masa Mesozoik. Pulau–
pulau yang terletak di tepi timur paparan Sunda, dalamzona mana ketebalan kerak rupanya cepat berkur
ang, dari Barat ke Timur.

Struktur seismik kecepatan kerak di wilayah ini transisi antara profil Kelautan dankontinental ya
ng khas dan diskontinuitas Mohorovičić (Mold) nampaknya terletak sekitar20 km (12 mil) kedal
aman. Faktor-
faktor ini cenderung menyarankan bahwa telah adakesempatan terbatas untuk kerak kontaminasi
dari magmas yang tercetus di pulauLombok dan Sumbawa. Selain itu, pulau-
pulau ini terletak di Barat bagian–bagian dariSunda paling
timur dan Barat Banda busur mana tabrakan dengan piring Australiarupanya maju.

Gunung Rinjani adalah 165–190 kilometer (103-118 mil) di

atas zona Benioff. Ada offsetditandai di baris dari gunung berapi yang aktif antara gunung
berapi Sumbawa tertimur(Sangeang Api) dan garis gunung berapi aktif di Flores. Hal
ini menunjukkan bahwakesalahan transcurrent besar memotong di busur antara pulau Sumbawa
dan Flores. Inidianggap sebuah fitur yang mewakili diskontinuitas tektonik utama antara Timur d

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