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Organizational Behavioural Theory

Human Relations Behavioural Theory

Human Relations theory was introduced by Professor Elton Mayo with the aim of proving the
significance of employee for productivity but not machines (Perry, 2017). Professor Elton
belief that people desire to be part of a supportive team that facilitates development and growth.
If employees receive more attention and been encouraged to participate in organizations’
activities, they perceive their work has significance and they will be more productive through
motivation and it will show high-quality work. Professor Elton proved that the most important
factor in influencing productivity is the relationship

In the same way, the involvement of individual employees through their group and informal
leader is the most crucial part in this theory that produced an effective decision whereby
employees aware what they might affect from the decision (Chand, 2017). This theory is used
to promote the idea that employee is human, and they should treat as a human being, and it
promotes working as a group.

Moreover, the researcher of Hawthorne experiment, Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor
figure out how the motivational theory linked with human relation, 5 basic needs suggested,
physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualization were motivating factors to observe
employees’ work values. The Hawthorne experiment concludes that most of the employee’s
desire to have a sense of belonging and significance including treating them with value and
respect. (Gail, 2011)

For instance, that organization could provide benefits such as free daycare service for
employees’ children, this policy can let employees feel more secure and appreciate to the
organization due to their company is meeting their needs. Once the organization is able to let
employees believe that management level cares about their needs, they will be loyalty to the
company, which often leads to increase the organization’s productivity. (Samson, 2019)

In short, this theory can be used under different work circumstances by studying employee’s
productivity, the organization able to let employees feel satisfied and validated at the workplace,
the productivity and efficiency will be increased.

Poor interpersonal communication

One of organizational behaviour issue found in the topic of strategy of teamwork is poor
interpersonal communication in healthcare. From the article Team-based efforts, in this respect,
values such as interpersonal communication and awareness of the professional skills are
important issues in the teamwork process (Kossaify,Hleihel & Lahoud, 2017). The popular
example of poor interpersonal communication is between nurse and doctor and it may be
intentionally or unintentionally. Due to healthcare always faced lots of urgent situation that
may be very complicated, such as the patient’s health condition may be changed rapidly. That
unpredictability would happen on patients will cause unplanned communication between nurse
and doctor, and this will lead to a communication breakdown.

Based on the review article, one of the example of poor communication is when a patient’s
health is rapidly declining due to heart attack, the nurse informs the doctor and provides all the
information as quickly as possible due to an emergency, such as a vital sign, patient’s medical
history, or any possible events cause the patient’s current state. The miscommunication may
occur due to this situation which is too much information while time is short. Any lack or error
information may cause the doctor to make the wrong judgment and harm the patient’s life.

Moreover, hesitation due to power differential is one of the reasons cause poor communication
that normally happens between nurse and doctor. This is a bad culture of hierarchy and power
differential that some doctor will ignore the recommendation made by nurse even though nurse
tries to point out the issue, and nurse will be started to give up due to the uncomfortable feeling
repeating their advice and dismissed by doctors. (Nicole, 2018)

In conclusion, the issue of poor communication between nurses and other health care providers,
especially doctor directly effect on patient safety, patient outcome and quality of care basically
it is a significant negative effect.

1. Perry, G. L (2017) Human Relations Management theory Retrieved from

2. Chand, A., (2017) Comparative Employment and Industrial Relations Retrieved from
3. Sampson.Q (2019) Behavioral Organizational Theories Retrieved from
4. Perry, G. L (2011) Human Relations Management theory basics Retrieved from
5. Nicole,K. (2018) The Impact of Poor Communication Patterns between Nurses and
Providers Retrieved from
6. Kossaify,A.,Hleihel,W. &Lahoud, J. C. (2017). Team-based efforts to improve quality
of care, the fundamental role of ethics, and the responsibility of health managers:
monitoring and management strategies to enhance teamwork. Public Health 153, 91 –
98. Retrieved from

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