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Name: Natalya Giron

WD – Business Etiquette Site: External CSS

You will be developing a Web Site based on Business Etiquette. You will begin by researching business etiquette.
Gather information in the following areas Business Etiquette, Dress, Behavior/Conduct, digital etiquette/phone and
Table Manners. You must include an External CSS file that is linked to all 5 pages. The external CSS file must contain at
least 5 selectors.

 Develop an Outline containing specific Information.

 Develop a Storyboard to represent your web site.
 Develop a website based on the information on your storyboard.
o Include the index page (home page)
 Navigation to all other pages
 Links to research sites (at least 3)
 Appropriate graphics (at least 2)
 Include a table
 Include a list
o Dress page
 Navigation to all other pages
 Content regarding appropriate dress for males and females
 Graphics displaying examples of appropriate dress
o Behavior/ Conduct
 Navigation to all other pages
 Content regarding appropriate behavior and conduct within a business environment & meetings
 Graphics displaying examples of appropriate behavior and conduct
o Digital Etiquette
 Navigation to all other pages
 Content regarding electronic etiquette within a business environment, social networking,
emails, etc.
 Appropriate phone etiquette
 Graphics displaying examples of appropriate eEtiquette
o Table Manners
 Navigation to all other pages
 Content regarding appropriate table manners at a dinner business meeting
 Graphics displaying examples of appropriate table manners

IT-FWD-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry. IT-FWD-3 Create documents using a variety of tags following coding practices
commonly used to create web pages. IT-FWD-5 Define and apply essential aspects of the Cascading Style Sheets to format elements within a web site.
Name: Natalya Giron
WD- Business Etiquette Site Grading Rubric – Remember, Neatness counts.

Requirements Possible Points Points Earned Comments

Outline 5 5
Storyboard 5 5
index.html content 5 5
about BE
Dress.html with 5 5
appropriate content
Conduct.html with 5 5
appropriate content
DigitalEtiquette.html 5 5
with appropriate content
Tablemanners.html 5 5
with appropriate
Links to three 15 15
absolute/ external
Business Etiquette
External CSS File w/ 25 25
at least 5 selectors
Site Design & Color 5 5
Scheme, font, etc.
Appropriate Graphics 20 20
(at least 2 per page)
Table 5 5
List (at least 1) 5 5
Navigation on every 5 5
Mechanics: Spelling, 5 5
Grammar &
Presentation: Intro, 10 10
eye contact, voice
conclusion, etc.
Total: 130 130 Well Done!

IT-FWD-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry. IT-FWD-3 Create documents using a variety of tags following coding practices
commonly used to create web pages. IT-FWD-5 Define and apply essential aspects of the Cascading Style Sheets to format elements within a web site.

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