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Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 30 (2012) 497–510 497

DOI 10.3233/RNN-2012-120227
IOS Press

Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate

with motor improvements after robotic stroke
G. Pellegrinoa,1,∗ , L. Tomasevicb,1 , M. Tombinia , G. Assenzaa , M. Bravic , S. Sterzic , V. Giacobbed ,
L. Zollod , E. Guglielmellid , G. Cavallod , F. Vernieria and F. Tecchiob
a Department of Neurology, Campus Bio-Medico University, Via A. del Portillo, Rome, Italy
b LET’S – ISTC – CNR – Ospedale Fatebenefratelli – Via di Ponte Quattro Capi, Rome, Italy
c Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione – Campus Bio-Medico University, Via A. del Portillo, Rome, Italy
d Laboratory of Biomedical Robotics and EMC – Campus Bio-Medico University, Via A. del Portillo, Rome, Italy

Abstract. Purpose: In the chronic phase of stroke brain plasticity plays a crucial role for further motor control improvements.
This study aims to assess the brain plastic reorganizations and their association with clinical progresses induced by a robot-aided
rehabilitation program in chronic stroke patients.
Methods: 7 stroke patients with an upper limb motor impairment in chronic phase underwent a multi-modal evaluation
before starting and at the end of a 12-week upper-limb neurorehabilitation program. Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) Scale
scores and performance indices of hand movement performance (isometric pinch monitored through a visual feedback) were
collected. Cerebral reorganizations were characterized by 32-channel electroencephalography (EEG) focusing on ipsilesional
and contralesional resting state properties investigating both bipolar derivations overlying the middle cerebral artery territory
and the primary somatosensory sources (S1) obtained through the Functional Source Separation (FSS) method. Power Spectral
Density (PSD) and interhemispheric coherence (IHCoh) at rest were measured and correlated with clinical and hand control
robot-induced improvements.
Results: After the robotic rehabilitation we found an improvement of FMAS scores and hand motor control performance and
changes of brain connectivity in high frequency rhythms (24–90 Hz). In particular, the improvement of motor performance
correlated with the modulation of the interhemispheric S1 coherence in the high beta band (24–33 Hz).
Conclusions: Recently it has been shown that an upper limb robot-based rehabilitation improves motor performance in stroke
patients. We confirm this potential and demonstrate that a robot-aided rehabilitation program induces brain reorganizations.
Specifically, interhemispheric connectivity between primary somatosensory areas got closer to a ‘physiological level’ in parallel
with the acquisition of more accurate hand control.

Keywords: Chronic stroke, robotic rehabilitation, resting state EEG, primary somatosensory hand area (S1), interhemispheric
coherence, Functional Source Separation (FSS)

1 These authors contributed equally to this work.

∗ Corresponding author: Giovanni Pellegrino, Department of
Neurology, Campus Bio-Medico University, Via A. del Portillo,
00128 Rome, Italy. Tel.: +39 06 225411286; Fax: +39 06 225411955;

0922-6028/12/$27.50 © 2012 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
498 G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate

1. Introduction Porcaro et al., 2008; Porcaro et al., 2009), using as fin-

gerprint information the earliest response to the median
Stroke is the third cause of mortality and the first nerve stimulation that is known to be generated within
of disability. Annually, 15 million people worldwide S1 area 3b. Once the sources are identified, FSS allows
suffer from a stroke, and it has been evaluated that in us to investigate them in other experimental conditions.
the next years the health burden due to this disease will Here, S1 cortical patches in the two hemispheres were
rapidly increase. Despite many different interventions tracked while the subject was at rest.
aimed to ameliorate patients’ clinical condition, 30% Furthermore, in patients with a chronic stroke lesion
or more among all stroke survivors are significantly in the MCA territory and sensorimotor hand impair-
disabled due to a neurological impairment involving ment it has been demonstrated that primary sensory
force, motion, sensory perception and sensory-motor cortical areas change their responsiveness to median
integration (Roger et al., 2011). nerve stimulation and their topographical organization
Among mechanisms sustaining clinical recovery, involving regions usually not reached by a dense sen-
cerebral or synaptic plasticity, defined as the neu- sory input from the opposite hand (Forss et al., 1999;
ral ability to change brain functional organization Rossini et al., 1998; Rossini et al.; 2001). These plastic
over time producing different responses to the same mechanisms are linked to the hand functional recovery
stimulus (Tecchio et al., 2007), seems to play a cru- (Altamura et al., 2007; Rossini et al., 1998; Rossini et
cial role (Cramer, 2008; Cramer et al., 2011; Rossini al., 2001; Tecchio et al., 2007). FSS allows to track
et al., 2003). The neuroplastic changes linked to a resting activity of such newly recruited areas devoted
stroke lesion in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) ter- to hand somatosensory perception.
ritory leading to a sensory/motor impairment of the Several studies clearly documented that the neuronal
upper limb are able to modulate activity, position and reorganization occurring after an ischemic insult may
representation of hand sensorimotor areas bilaterally be positively influenced by motor practice, somatosen-
(Rossini et al., 2003; Tecchio et al., 2007). Moreover, sory input, pharmacological agents (Dimyan and
such changes affect interhemispheric interactions as Cohen, 2011; Laufer and Elboim-Gabyzon, 2011;
shown by evaluating both cortical excitability through Nudo et al., 1996) and neurorehabilitation techniques
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) (Grefkes including the most innovative ones (Cramer, 2008;
et al., 2008; Shimizu et al., 2002; Takeuchi et al., 2010; Dimyan and Cohen, 2011). In this sense, specific
Traversa et al., 1998) and brain metabolism and acti- robotic systems have been developed as a new and
vation through functional magnetic resonance imaging promising tool to improve motor recovery follow-
(fMRI) (Grefkes et al., 2008). ing stroke (Brochard et al., 2010). Even if their
A powerful method that gives us the opportunity to effectiveness compared to standard rehabilitation is
investigate sensorimotor plasticity is the evaluation at still under debate (Kwakkel et al., 2008), the use of
rest of brain connectivity between ipsilesional hemi- robotic devices shows several advantages: the abil-
sphere (ILH) and contralesional hemisphere (CLH) ity to provide a repeatable, programmable, controlled
brain areas reactive to median nerve stimulation rehabilitation and the capability of assessing motor fea-
(Wikstrom et al., 2000; Rossini et al., 2004). This tech- tures in a quantitative manner (Volpe et al., 2009).
nique is repeatable and not influenced by the patient’s Recently, Lo and colleagues (Lo et al., 2010) con-
degree of motor impairment or attention (Allison et ducted a multicentric, randomized, controlled trial
al., 1991); it provides the same input amount to both on stroke people with long-term disability, to test
hemispheres, and is able to track sensorimotor regions, the effectiveness of robot- based rehabilitation pro-
thanks to an adhoc procedure named Functional Source gram: the benefit obtained was comparable to that
Separation (FSS) (Porcaro et al., 2008). obtained when a therapist provided intensive therapy.
The FSS technique models the set of EEG signals as The study indirectly proved that robot-assisted rehabil-
a linear combination of several sources. FSS identifies itation procedures, even in a chronic phase of stroke,
a single source at a time, building a contrast function for are capable of inducing plasticity sustaining clinical
that source that exploits some ‘fingerprint’ information improvement.
typical of the neuronal pool to be identified. FSS was The aim of the present study is to evaluate clinical
used to identify hemispheric cortical sources devoted changes and brain plastic reorganizations induced by
to hand representation within S1 (Barbati et al., 2006; a robot-aided rehabilitation program using InMotion2
G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate 499

Fig. 1. Experimental setup. Left: Robot employed for the rehabilitation program. Centre: Experimental Flow- chart. Right: Hand motor control
and brain activity and connectivity evaluations applied pre- and post-robotic rehabilitation program.

and InMotion3 robots in a population of chronic stroke At the beginning (Tpre ) and at the end (Tpost ) of the
patients. 12-week upper-limb robot-aided neurorehabilitation
program all patients underwent a multi-modal eval-
uation that included the assessment of clinical status,
2. Materials and methods quantitative motor performance and neurophysiologi-
cal features (Fig. 1).
The study was approved by the local Ethical Com-
mittee and informed written consent from all subjects 2.2. Clinical and hand motor control evaluation
was obtained.
The patients’ clinical state was evaluated through
2.1. Patients the FMA before and after robotic therapy . Moreover,
in order to asses motor performance, we selected a
We enrolled seven right-handed patients (age physiological and simple motor task: the isometric
60 ± 18y, 5 males), with an upper limb sensory/motor opposition of the thumb to index and middle fin-
impairment who had suffered a first ever ischemic ger against resistance of a semicompliant specifically
stroke in the MCA territory (5 right side, 2 left side). designed device. The module used was the ALLADIN
Time since stroke ranged from 1 to 5 years. In order Finger Device (AFD) which consists of a rigid
to assess the stability of clinical conditions the Upper hand orthesis for isometric tasks, embedding three
Limb Fugl-Meyer Assessment Scale (FMA) (Sivan force/torque sensors (JR3 model No. 50M31A-I25)
et al., 2011) was administered once every six weeks that are located on the outer side of the hand. During the
for three times before the start of the study. MRI measurement the hand is positioned between the sen-
examination confirmed the diagnosis and provided sor for the thumb and the two sensors for the index and
lesion site characteristics. Patients affected by periph- middle finger, while the forearm is resting on the arm
eral neuropathy, dementia, severe aphasia or with an support. The fingers are attached to the finger support
impairment that could bias the correct execution of the using Velcro straps (Figs. 2–3). Visual feedback was
task were excluded. provided by means of a purposely developed graphical
500 G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate

Fig. 2. ILH and CLH sensorimotor areas variables. Centre: Spatial positioning according to the international 10–20 system of the electrodes
considered for the EEG bipolar derivations overlying the middle cerebral artery territory sensorimotor districts (MCA SM, red) and Primary
Somatosensory Sources (S1, blue) localization for an indicative patient. Left and Right: Power spectral densities (PSD) and Interhemispheric
Coherence (IHCoh) of the Ipsilateral Hemisphere (ILH) and of the Contralateral Hemisphere (CLH) obtained from both Primary Somatosensory
Sources (S1) and EEG bipolar derivations overlying the middle cerebral artery territory sensorimotor districts (MCA SM) at the beginning
(Tpre ) and at the end (Tpost ) of the rehabilitation program for an indicative patient. For MCA CM, PSDs were separately calculated in the
ipsilesional (ILH) and contralesional hemisphere (CLH) averaging the bipolar derivations of each hemisphere. The inter-hemispheric coherence
was calculated with a similar procedure. (Colours are visible in the online version of the article;

interface to control that the applied pressure matched (Zollo et al., 2011; Zollo et al., 2011). The MIT-
the required level of force. Initially the subjects were Manus machine is a planar, two degree-of-freedom
asked to perform the task at maximal voluntary con- robot providing assistance to the patient upper extrem-
traction (MVC) force with each hand separately, to ity motion while executing a series of “video games”
calculate their residual ability. After a rest period of that involve positioning the robot end effector (Krebs
at least 5 minutes, in order to avoid fatigue in the test et al., 2007). The wrist robot, instead, has three
task, subjects alternated 20 seconds of isometric con- active DOF: abduction–adduction; flexion–extension;
traction to 20 seconds of rest for 15 times repeatedly pronation–supination. The two side-mounted actua-
with each hand. The target force level was set to 20% tors are connected to a differential mechanism, which
of MVC and for each hand about 300 s of contrac- enables flexion/extension, abduction/adduction move-
tion were recorded. Paretic and non-paretic hand motor ments and their combinations. Joint torque production
control abilities were estimated by: 1) MVC; 2) the on the differential mechanism is a result of the
level of applied force along the whole task (average of proper combination of motor torques. When the two
the applied force during all contraction periods, Con- motors rotate in the same direction, motion is purely
traction level); 3) an index incorporating the capability abduction/adduction; when they rotate in the oppo-
to apply a strength within ±5% of the established level site direction, the resulting motion is flexion/extension.
of contraction and its duration (the product of time and The entire differential mechanism is mounted onto a
mean force level, Contraction quality). curved rack so that it can be actuated from beneath
the forearm, enabling pronation and supination move-
2.3. Robotic rehabilitation ments (Krebs et al., 2007). Thus, a third motor is used
to actuate the pronation/supination degree of freedom.
All patients underwent a 12-week robotic rehabil- Each subject has been trained 1 hour a day for three
itation program with the shoulder- and -elbow and days a week. All subjects underwent 6 weeks of train-
wrist robotic machines, namely the InMotion2 (or ing with the InMotion2 robot and 6 weeks with the
MIT-Manus) and the InMotion3 robots, respectively InMotion3 robot.
G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate 501


60 * 15 * ** **
* **
** * 6

** **


Robotic rehabilitation Robotic rehabilitation Robotic rehabilitation

Moved hand

Paretic Non Paretic

Fig. 3. Robotic rehabilitation effects on hand motor control. Top: Error bars indicate mean ±1 SE for the three indices considered for hand
motor control assessment: Maximal Voluntary Contraction (MVC), Contraction Level and Contraction Quality. X-axis PRE and POST Robotic
Rehabilitation. Y-axis: For Maximal Voluntary Contraction (MVC) and Contraction Level, strength applied expressed in N; for execution quality
strength within ±5% of the established level of contraction and its duration (N*sec). Blue Bars: Paretic Hand; Red Bars: Non Paretic Hand.
Significant differences: *corresponds to p < 0.05; **corresponds to p < 0.001. Bottom: Alladin device (finger module) employed for Hand Motor
Control measures of the Paretic and Non Paretic Hand. (Colours are visible in the online version of the article;

2.4. Neurophysiological investigation and during median nerve stimulation. Stimulation

consisted in short electric pulses (0.2 ms duration,
2.4.1. EEG recordings intensity set at three times the subjective sensory
Thirty-two channel EEG (Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, C3, threshold producing a painless clearly visible thumb
C4, P3, P4, O1, O2, F7, F8, P7, P8, T7, T8, FZ, opposition, and interstimulus interval of 631 ms) deliv-
CZ, PZ, FC1, FC2, CP1, CP2, FC5, FC6, FT9, FT10, ered unilaterally to the right and left median nerve at
FCZ, CP5, CP6, TP9, TP10) with binaural refer- the wrist. Stimuli were delivered through a pair of non-
ence was recorded with scalp electrodes mounted on magnetic, 2.5-cm spaced, Ag–AgCl disc electrodes
an elastic cap, according to the 10–20 international filled with conductive jelly.
system. Vertical and horizontal electro-oculogram
were recorded bipolarly in order to control for eye 2.4.2. Primary sensorimotor hand area
movement-related artifacts. Impedances of all elec- identification
trodes were kept below 5 k. EEG data were sampled Two different methods were applied to identify the
at 1024 Hz (pre-sampling analogical band-pass filter sensorimotor area of the ILH and CLH: a) EEG bipolar
set at 0.48–256 Hz, BrainAmp System). EEG record- derivations overlying the (MCA) territory sensorimo-
ing was performed at rest with eyes opened (5 minutes) tor districts (MCA SM) considering scalp EEG (for
502 G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate

the left hemisphere: F3-C3; C3-P3; FC1-CP1; FC5- noise-reduction. Thereafter, artifact-free rest EEG data
CP5 and the homologous sites for the right side). were multiplied by the inverse of the demixing matrix
b) the somatosensory source extracted from the 32 of S1 (WS1 = 1/AS1) to obtain activity in the resting
EEG signals by applying the previously mentioned state.
FSS procedure (Porcaro et al., 2009; Tecchio et al., Once the source extraction was completed, the FSS
2007). method allowed to evaluate features such as activity,
FSS models a set of signals X a linear combination connectivity and position of the two primary cortical
(through an unknown mixing matrix A) of sources S: neuronal pools devoted to the contra-lateral hand (S1,
ILH S1 for ipsilesional hemisphere and CLH S1 for
X = AS (1) contralesional hemisphere), also at rest.
The single source FS is obtained optimizing the con- The S1 source localization was suitably obtained by
trast function: applying the sLoreta algorithm (
F = J + λR (2) (Pascual-Marqui, 2002). The source position
coordinates were expressed in the Talairach system.
where J can be any function normally used for Inde-
pendent Component Analysis (in our case kurtosis),
2.4.3. Sensorimotor area properties at rest
while H accounts for the prior information we have on
Hemispheric power spectral density (PSD) and
sources. Parameter λ is used to suitably weigh the two
inter-hemispheric coherence (IHCoh) were estimated
parts of the contrast function.
for both S1 and MCA SM at the resting state (Fig. 2).
To identify neural network devoted to somatosen-
The PSD was calculated through a standard FFT
sory perception from the hand (territory supplied by
approach using Welch technique and a Hanning win-
the median nerve), the ‘reactivity’ to the stimuli was
dowing function (window 2048 ms, no overlap). The
taken into account. It was defined as follows: the
IHCoh was calculated using a fixed number of 120
evoked activity (EA) was computed by averaging sig-
averaged trails.
nal epochs centered on the stimulus of the median
S1 PSDs were calculated separately in ILH and
CLH, and MCA SM PSDs were obtained averaging
The reactivity coefficient (R) was then computed as:
each hemisphere’s bipolar derivations. The inter-
40 10
− hemispheric coherence was calculated with a similar
R = |EA(t)| dt − |EA(t)| dt (3) procedure. PSD frequency bands were defined on
the basis of the individual alpha frequency (IAF):
20 −30
delta (2, 3.5), theta (4, IAF−2.5 Hz), alpha (IAF−2,
with t = 0 corresponding to the stimulus delivery to the IAF+2 Hz), low beta (IAF+2, 23.5 Hz), high beta
median nerve at wrist. The time interval ranging from (24–32.5 Hz), low gamma (33–47.5 Hz), high gamma
20 to 40 ms includes the maximum activation (Tec- (52.5, 90 Hz). Each band power was normalized to the
chio et al., 1997) and the baseline (no response) was total power in the (2, 90 Hz) frequency range.
computed in the pre-stimulus time interval (−30 to
−10 ms). 2.5. MRI
The FSS algorithm was applied to EEG recordings
during contralateral median nerve stimulation to iden- Brain MRI was carried out at 1.5 T, using spin-
tify time signal and field distribution of bilateral S1 echo (SE), turbo spin-echo (TSE), and fluid-attenuated
neuronal pools. EEG channel weights, in turn, allowed inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences. All sequences
position identification of the two sources by applying provided contiguous 5-mm-thick slices on sagittal,
proper inverse problem algorithms. To investigate right coronal, and axial planes. Lesion characterization was
and left S1 at rest, a semi-automatic artifact rejection performed on axial slices. Lesions were classified as
procedure (Barbati et al., 2004) was applied to EEG “cortical” (C) when mainly the cortical gray mat-
data recorded in a resting state to minimize the con- ter was involved or “subcortical” (S) when there
tribution of non-cerebral sources (such as the heart, was no visible cortical involvement and white mat-
eyes, muscles) which can critically exceed the brain ter, internal capsule, basal ganglia, and thalamus were
signal in absence of stimulus synchronized average affected.
G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate 503

2.6. Statistical analysis parametric correlation analysis was performed

between neurophysiological measures impacted by
After checking the frequency distribution of each robot-aided rehabilitation and the clinical conditions
measure, suitable transformations, in order to achieve of patients (FMA and motor performance).
a better approximation to gaussianity and a good
control of outliers, were applied if necessary. The
main statistical analysis aimed at assessing the 3. Results
effects of robot-aided rehabilitation on clinical patient
conditions, in terms of both FMAS scores and afore- 3.1. Effects of robot-aided rehabilitation: Clinical
mentioned motor performance indices, and on the aspects
cerebral reorganization possibly paralleling the clini-
cal changes. In agreement with single FMAS scores NIHSS at stroke onset was 8.4 ± 3.0. Patients suf-
in each condition for each patient, paired samples fered a moderate to severe residual impairment before
t-tests were performed. Since motor performance being admitted to the robotic rehabilitation program.
indices for each patient were obtained in several tri- Patients improved their clinical state as indicated by
als (15) for the movement of both the paretic and ameliorations of both shoulder (15.0 ± 7.2 at Tpre
non-paretic hand and in pre- and post- robotic reha- 17.6 ± 7.0 at Tpost (p = 0.007) and wrist items (Tpre
bilitation evaluations, we decided not to collapse all 16.8 ± 12.4 and Tpost 19.4 ± 13.8, p = 0.041). MRI
the available information, thus avoiding consider- examination provided lesion site characteristics, show-
ing the averages of the 15 values. We therefore did ing that six patients had a subcortical lesion while one
not apply a traditional ANOVA for repeated mea- only had a cortical lesion.
sures. Instead, we considered all data points and
applied a General Estimating Equation model, with
3.2. Effects of robot-aided rehabilitation: Motor
the patient as the “Subject” (or cluster) variable,
hand control
motor performance values as the dependent variable
and Moved hand (paretic, non-paretic) and Robotic
The ability to perform the experimentally required
rehab (pre-, post-robotic rehabilitation) as predic-
motor task was improved by the robotic rehabilitation
tors. Since motor performance indices were estimated
on consecutive epochs, we chose the autoregressive
(lag = 1) as the working correlation within subjects.
The alpha-inflation due to multiple comparisons was 3.2.1. Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)
faced according to Sidak’s procedure (similar to Bon- A strong interaction Moved hand*Robotic rehab
ferroni’s procedure but slightly more powerful). When effect [Wald chi-square = 8.159, df = 1, p = 0.004]
evaluating cerebral reorganizations in terms of S1 posi- revealed that the changes were more evident for the
tions and responsiveness to median nerve stimulation, rehabilitated paretic hand [Fig. 3, post-hoc analysis
spectral features and inter-hemispheric coherence of Sidak’s corrected p = 0.001] than for the non-paretic
primary somatosensory areas and cortical regions sup- hand [Fig. 3, p = 0.050]. Furthermore, we observed that
plied by the middle cerebral artery similar models the significant disparity in the ability to execute the task
were applied. Predictors were Robotic rehab (pre-, between the two hands at Tpre [Fig. 3, p < 0.001] was
post- rehabilitation) and Hemisphere (ILH, CLH). Fre- reduced at Tpost [p = 0.035].
quency band (delta, theta, alpha, low beta, high beta,
low gamma, high gamma) was added for spectral pow- 3.2.2. Contraction level
ers and coherences. Patients were able to maintain a higher level of con-
traction at Tpost compared to Tpre [Fig. 3, Robotic rehab
2.6.1. Relationship between cerebral variables factor Wald chi-square = 6.775, df = 1, p = 0.009].
and performance and clinical indexes Interestingly, the improvement was observed bilat-
The neurophysiological measures were studied erally, as indicated by the absence of interaction
to investigate their functional relevance in relation Moved hand*Robotic rehab [p = 0.974]. Nonetheless
to motor performance before and after robotic reha- and needless to say, at both Tpre and Tpost the non-
bilitation, and to clinical recovery levels. Bivariate paretic hand performed better than the paretic one
504 G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate

[Moved hand effect Wald chi-square = 52.893, df = 1, pre- than post-rehabilitation (p = 0.008; 0.022; <0.001
p < 0.001]. respectively. p = 0.019 on the whole spectrum, Fig. 5).

3.2.3. Contraction quality 3.3.4. MCA SM territory resting state activity

A strong interaction Moved hand*Robotic rehab No significant changes in resting state activities
effect [Wald chi-square = 6.824, df = 1, p = 0.009] linked to robotic rehabilitation were found.
revealed that the execution quality of the test task
highly increased for the rehabilitated paretic hand 3.3.5. Resting state functional connectivity
[Fig. 3, post-hoc analysis Sidak’s corrected p < 0.001] between ILH and CLH MCA SM
and not at all for the non-paretic hand [Fig. 3, Robotic rehabilitation did not modify the lev-
p = 0.711]. Noteworthy, paretic hand execution quality els of coherence among the neuronal activities of
become similar to the non-paretic hand after rehabili- ILH and CLH regions by MCA. We noted that
tation [post-hoc analysis Sidak’s corrected p = 0.571], the inter-hemispheric coherence was hugely higher
while it was much worst before [p < 0.001]. between ILH and CLH S1s than between whole
homologous regions supplied by MCAs [S1s about
46 times MCA territory regions, Fig. 4; Cerebral
3.3. Effects of robot-aided- rehabilitation:
Region (S1, MCA SM) Wald chi-square = 16.273,
Sensorimotor hand representation
df = 1, p < 0.001].
3.3.1. S1 position and responsiveness to median
3.4. Relationship between robotic rehabilitation
nerve stimulation
effects on inter-hemispheric sensorimotor
Robotic rehabilitation did not impact on the posi-
connectivity and hand motor control
tion of S1 source in ILH or CLH [Robotic rehab and
interaction factors p > 0.200 consistently].
Hand control changes after robotic rehabilitation
were correlated with changes of brain sensorimotor
3.3.2. S1 resting state activity organization.
No significant changes in resting state activities
linked to robotic rehabilitation were found. 3.4.1. Inter-hemispheric coherence
Contraction level of the paretic hand improved after
3.3.3. Resting state functional connectivity robotic rehabilitation in strict correlation with pre-
between ILH and CLH S1s and post- rehabilitation S1 IHCoh changes [r = 0.758,
Robotic rehabilitation impacted the level of p = 0.048 in high beta band, Fig. 6]. The non-paretic
inter-hemispheric coherence between S1 [Robotic hand Contraction level displayed a similar trend
rehab factor Wald chi-square = 4.971, df = 1, [r = 0.739, p = 0.058 in high beta band, Fig. 6]. No
p = 0.026, Figs. 4–5]. This change after the reha- significant effects were observed for MCA SM IHCoh.
bilitation period depended on frequency content
[Robotic rehab*Frequency band factor Wald chi-
square = 54.575, df = 6, p < 0.001, Figs. 4–5]. IHCoh 4. Discussion
reduction after rehabilitation was evident in high beta
and gamma bands [high beta p = 0.027, low gamma Upper-limb robotic rehabilitation produces inter-
p = 0.019, high gamma p = 0.015; Figs. 4–5]. Note- hemispheric connectivity changes associated with
worthy, the inter-hemispheric S1 coherences were improved task performance.
more spread before than after robotic rehabilitation. The main evidence of the present study is that 12
In fact, Levine test on the differences between IHCoh weeks of upper limb robotic rehabilitation treatment
standard deviations pre- and post-rehabilitation had in chronic stroke patients change the inter-hemispheric
significances p = 0.002, 0.015, 0.009, 0.011 for low functional connectivity between primary sensorimotor
and high beta, low and high gamma bands respectively hand areas in correlation with the paretic hand motor
(Fig. 5). In delta, theta and alpha bands, while the control improvement.
mean level did not differ between pre- and post- We found that the inter-hemispheric connectivity
rehabilitation, the S1 IHCoh values were more spread was distributed across a wide range before robotic
G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate 505

Fig. 4. Robotic rehabilitation effects on inter-hemispheric sensorimotor connectivity. Left: Interhemispheric coherence (IHCoh) for S1 and
MCA SM regions at Tpre and Tpost . Error bars ± 1 SE. S1 IHCoh levels are 46 times higher than MCA SM IHCoh. Frequency bands defined on
the basis of the individual alpha frequency (IAF): delta (2, 3.5), theta (4, IAF−2.5 Hz), alpha (IAF−2, IAF+2 Hz), low beta (IAF+2, 23.5 Hz),
high beta (24–32.5 Hz), low gamma (33–47.5 Hz), high gamma (52.5, 90 Hz). Significant differences: *refers to S1 IHCoh difference between
Tpre 4 and Tpost and corresponds to p < 0.05; Right: Larger view of MCA SM IHCoh. There are no significant differences between Tpre and Tpost .

Fig. 5. S1 IHCoh values distribution before and after robotic rehabilitation. S1 IHCoh values distribution (colored dots) and level (empty dots,
mean ± 1SE) at the beginning and at the end of the rehabilitation program. At the top of the figure, the upper line refers to Levene test applied
to Tpre and Tpost values distribution, the lower one refers to Tpre and Tpost S1 IHCoh difference. Note that the inter-hemispheric coherence
was distributed across a wide range before robotic rehabilitation and distributed tightly to a final level after treatment. Significant differences:
*corresponds to p < 0.05; **corresponds to p < 0.001.

rehabilitation and distributed tightly to a final level found at the end of the rehabilitation program corre-
after treatment. Since a clear motor improvement sponds to a more functionally efficacious and ‘physio-
induced by robotic rehabilitation was observed, it could logical’ condition. Previous findings on improvements
be speculated that the inter-hemispheric connectivity after robot-aided rehabilitation in stroke patients
506 G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate

Fig. 6. Relationship between robotic rehabilitation effects on inter-hemispheric sensorimotor connectivity and hand motor control. Left: S1
IHCoh distributions and levels at the beginning and at the end of the rehabilitation program (High beta band has been chosen as indicative).
Centre: Contraction Level distributions and levels at the beginning and at the end of the rehabilitation program. Both Paretic and Non Paretic
Hand improve their hand motor control. Right: Graphical representation of correlations between the change of S1 interhemispheric coherence
(Tpost -Tpre , X Axis) and the improvement of Contraction Level (Tpost -Tpre , Y Axis).

(Brochard et al., 2010) are confirmed in the present occur as patients make a functional recovery (Strens
study; they are also expanded by the demonstration that et al., 2004). At difference from previous studies, in
a robot-based rehabilitation program is able to induce the present investigation brain connectivity between
brain reorganizations and that inter-hemispheric the cortical areas devoted to the paretic and non-
connectivity between primary somatosensory areas paretic hand perception was investigated at resting
changed as more fine hand control was achieved. state. Recent evidences suggest that the networks
related to specific functional domains show relevant
4.1. FSS enabled the description of a specific functional properties evident in the resting state (Deco
network at rest and Corbetta, 2011). It has been suggested that evalu-
ating functional connectivity in resting state could be
Previous EEG studies on cortical connectivity in useful for assessing the health of brain networks, with
stroke patients used task–related protocols and showed crucial functional importance of inter-hemispheric
reorganizations with a drastic reduction of information interactions (Carter et al., 2010). Moreover, a defi-
flow and the engagement of only few cerebral areas in nite advantage of functional connectivity study during
beta and gamma bands (de Vico Fallani et al., 2009). resting state, especially in the sensorimotor function
In well recovered chronic stroke patients, task- assessment of stroke patients, is to get rid of dif-
related EEG connectivity exhibits a shift mainly ferent task-related neural engagements (i.e., attention
towards contralesional sensorimotor areas, showing and monitoring in planning and executing the motor
an increase of low beta inter- hemispheric coher- task with a paretic hand), not comparable between
ence between sensory-motor regions (Gerloff et al., patients and controls and between paretic and non-
2006). The increased coupling between cortical areas paretic hands. In this respect the use of FSS to evaluate
in particular in beta band (Wheaton et al., 2008) may functional connectivity in resting state for the spe-
represent a compensatory mechanism secondary to cific regions devoted to the hand sensorimotor control
stroke and an interhemispheric coupling decrease can independently of their location was extremely helpful.
G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate 507

Since functional sources (S1) are identified on the base et al., 2006; Tecchio et al., 2007). In parallel with
of their specific response to the hand stimulation, they regional activation changes, it is well known that the
can be suitably investigated although sensorimotor modulation of brain areas connectivity plays a crucial
areas displacements may occur due to plastic reorgani- role (Grefkes and Fink, 2011; Siegel et al., 2012). The
zation phenomena following ischemic lesion (Tecchio level of brain connectivity depends on the epoch of
et al., 2006, Tecchio et al., 2007). Interestingly, we evaluation from stroke onset (Wang et al., 2010), on
found that robotic treatment improved hand control the condition studied (rest vs. task related) and on
ability in patients and modulated the inter-hemispheric the technique applied for the evaluation (Muthuku-
connectivity in resting state. In this sense we hypoth- maraswamy and Singh, 2008). In animal models (van
esized that a causative correlation between changes Meer et al., 2010) and humans (Carter et al., 2010) low
of interhemispheric coupling and clinical outcome inter-hemispheric connectivity are typically observed
may be possible. The inter-hemispheric coherence in acute phase coupled to severe clinical state, while
parameter is not able to define whether the functional progressive recovery of motor control is paired to an
engagement of the bilateral sensory areas is linked increase of sensorimotor homologous areas connectiv-
to excitatory or inhibitory activity. It has been well ity. In this framework in acute stroke patients studied
demonstrated that local inhibitory networks receive longitudinally along one year, Wang et al. (Wang et al.,
major transcallosal projections, mediating the inter- 2010) showed that the resting state inter-hemispheric
hemispheric connectivity (Lee et al., 2007); thus, it coupling between fMRI BOLD signals of homologous
could be argued that hemispheric inhibitory structures primary motor cortices played a crucial role for motor
are involved in the functional connectivity between improvements. Overall, the resting state fMRI investi-
homologous cortices in the two hemispheres. Further- gations suggest that the interaction between different
more, an imbalance of sensorimotor inter-hemispheric brain areas enter the recovery of lost functions due to
interaction, in which the affected hemisphere is exces- a stroke lesion, with both increases and decreases of
sively inhibited by the unaffected hemisphere, has been functional coupling marking both adaptive and mal-
extensively demonstrated (Murase et al., 2004; Oliveri adaptive phenomena (Grefkes and Fink, 2011; Wang
et al., 1999; Traversa et al., 1998). Both motor (Shimizu et al. 2010).
et al., 2002; Takeuchi et al., 2010) and somatosen-
sory cortex (Floel et al., 2004) are involved in this 4.3. Sensitivity of source identification procedure
phenomenon. Neuromodulation interventions are set
up exploiting this concept: inhibitory rTMS applied We measured the connectivity between affected and
over the unaffected hemisphere, aiming at reducing its un-affected sensorimotor regions, either by consider-
depressive influence on the affected one, produces an ing the EEG activity in the central region supplied
improvement of motor function (Mansur et al., 2005) by the middle cerebral artery (MCA SM), or focusing
and reduces hyper-activations of the unaffected hemi- on the somatosensory sources devoted to the paretic
sphere (Nowak et al., 2008), increases the activation and the non-paretic hand (S1, by FSS algorithm (Por-
of the affected hemisphere (Conchou et al., 2009) and caro et al., 2009)). Exclusively the coherence between
induces a reduction of interhemispheric effective con- S1 hand sources activities was impacted by robot-aided
nectivity paired to clinical improvement (Grefkes et al., rehabilitation, selectively in high beta and gamma
2010; Landi and Rossini, 2010; Rossini et al., 2003). bands. The level of connectivity between S1s resulted
Conceivably in our case, rearrangements of excitatory- 46 times higher than between MCA SMs, conceivably
inhibitory local and interhemispheric balances subtend since FSS method is able to more accurately iden-
the modulation of functional connectivity between tify the primary sensory neuronal pools devoted to
affected and unaffected sensory hand areas. hand representation. In fact, this investigation strat-
egy allowed to clearly reveal the inter- hemispheric
4.2. Inter-hemispheric connectivity is crucial for coupling modulation between homologous areas that
behaviour was not evident considering the whole MCA SM ter-
ritory signals. Further advantage of FSS method is to
Brain plastic reorganizations occurring after an better catch high frequency rhythms than EEG scalp
ischemic stroke can contribute to functional recovery activity (Porcaro et al., 2009). Thanks to this proce-
(Cramer et al., 2011; Rossini et al., 2003; Tecchio dure, significant changes in beta and gamma bands
508 G. Pellegrino et al. / Inter-hemispheric coupling changes associate

coherence subsequent to robotic rehabilitation have Alonso, J.M., Usrey, W.M. & Reid, R.C. (1996). Precisely correlated
been recognized. The involvement of beta band syn- firing in cells of the lateral geniculate nucleus. Nature, 383,
chronization in sensory motor integration has been
well demonstrated (Engel and Fries, 2010; Tombini Altamura, C., Torquati, K., Zappasodi, F., Ferretti, A., Pizzella, V.,
Tibuzzi, F., Vernieri, F., Pasqualetti, P., Landi, D., Del Gratta,
et al., 2009). Nonetheless, gamma-band connectivity C., Romani, G.-L., Maria Rossini, P. & Tecchio, F. (2007).
plays a role for the dynamic construction of small- and fMRI-vs-MEG evaluation of post-stroke interhemispheric
large-scale neuronal networks related to sensorimotor asymmetries in primary sensorimotor hand areas. Exp Neurol,
integration (Alonso et al., 1996; Szurhaj and Deram- 204, 631-639.
bure, 2006; Tecchio et al., 2007; Tecchio et al., 2008). Barbati, G., Porcaro, C., Zappasodi, F., Rossini, P.M. & Tecchio,
F. (2004). Optimization of an independent component analysis
Consistent with these data we found that the modifica-
approach for artifact identification and removal in magnetoen-
tion of inter-hemispheric connectivity in resting state cephalographic signals. Clin Neurophysiol, 115, 1220-1232.
associated with hand control improvements occurred Barbati, G., Sigismondi, R., Zappasodi, F., Porcaro, C., Graziadio,
in frequency ranges crucial for active motor control. S., Valente, G., Balsi, M., Rossini, P.M. & Tecchio, F. (2006).
Functional source separation from magnetoencephalographic
signals. Hum Brain Mapp, 27, 925-34.

5. Conclusion Brochard, S., Robertson, J., Medee, B. & Remy-Neris, O. (2010).

What’s new in new technologies for upper extremity rehabili-
tation? Curr Opin Neurol, 23, 683-687.
The FSS method, fully independent on patient’s
Carter, A.R., Astafiev, S.V., Lang, C.E., Connor, L.T., Rengachary,
compliance, allows to highlight plastic changes linked J., Strube, M.J., Pope, D.L.W., Shulman, G.L. & Corbetta,
with motor improvements and adds new evidence M. (2010). Resting interhemispheric functional magnetic reso-
that resting state inter-hemispheric connectivity could nance imaging connectivity predicts performance after stroke.
Ann Neurol, 67, 365-375.
impact behavioral control. Finally, our study demon-
strates that robotic rehabilitation obtains in chronic Conchou, F., Loubinoux, I., Castel-Lacanal, E., Le Tinnier, A.,
Gerdelat-Mas, A., Faure-Marie, N., Gros, H., Thalamas, C.,
stroke patients a modulation of resting state func- Calvas, F., Berry, I., Chollet, F. & Simonetta Moreau, M. (2009).
tional connectivity between homologous sensorimotor Neural substrates of low-frequency repetitive transcranial mag-
regions directed toward an ‘in-between’ more effective netic stimulation during movement in healthy subjects and acute
level linked to better motor performance. stroke patients. A PET study. Hum Brain Mapp, 30, 2542-2557.
Cramer, S.C. (2008). Repairing the human brain after stroke. II.
Restorative therapies. Ann Neurol, 63, 549-560.
Cramer, S.C., Sur, M., Dobkin, B.H., O’Brien, C., Sanger, T.D., Tro-
Acknowledgments janowski, J.Q., Rumsey, J.M., Hicks, R., Cameron, J., Chen,
D., Chen, W.G., Cohen, L.G., deCharms, C., Duffy, C.J., Eden,
Authors would like to thank Professor PM Rossini G.F., Fetz, E.E., Filart, R., Freund, M., Grant, S.J., Haber, S.,
Kalivas, P.W., Kolb, B., Kramer, A.F., Lynch, M., Mayberg,
for the inspiration of this study, his encouragement and
H.S., McQuillen, P.S., Nitkin, R., Pascual-Leone, A., Reuter-
his continuous support and NFPT Rita Fini for excel- Lorenz, P., Schiff, N., Sharma, A., Shekim, L., Stryker, M.,
lent technical assistance. The research leading to these Sullivan, E.V. & Vinogradov, S. (2011). Harnessing neuroplas-
results has received funding from 1. Italian Ministry of ticity for clinical applications. Brain, 134, 1591-1609.
Health Cod. GR-2008-1138642 ‘Promoting recovery de Vico Fallani, F., Astolfi, L., Cincotti, F., Mattia, D., la Rocca, D.,
from Stroke: Individually enriched therapeutic inter- Maksuti, E., Salinari, S., Babiloni, F., Vegso, B., Kozmann, G. &
Nagy, Z. (2009). Evaluation of the brain network organization
vention in Acute phase’ [ProSIA]; 2. Royal Society from EEG signals: A preliminary evidence in stroke patient.
International Joint Project - 2010/R1: ‘The Key Move- Anat Rec (Hoboken), 292, 2023-2031.
ment Controllers: an EEG/fMRI study of the hand Deco, G. & Corbetta, M. (2011). The dynamical balance of the brain
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Dimyan, M.A. & Cohen, L.G. (2011). Neuroplasticity in the context
of motor rehabilitation after stroke. Nat Rev Neurol, 7, 76-85.

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