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Through Lenses

One of the many things I hate to see along the road especially when I’m at the wheel

is when people cross the streets, oblivious to their surroundings. Okay! So what is so

wrong about this scene which we experience every day? Well, these people cross

the streets when they have a footbridge right above their heads. Worse, they take

their sweet time doing so, even if you blow your head together with your horn out of

the car window. This scenario does not happen only in regular- to medium-sized

roads but to the dreaded Epifanio delos Santos Avenue as well. Pedestrians choose

to play patintero with cars all over the road rather than use a footbridge to cross the

street safely.

Footbridge projects actually take a big chunk out of the national budget. I think that it

is over-budgeted yet under-used. I believe there was even a law passed to properly

address the apportionment of highway funds, including that of “right of way” projects

where footbridge undertakings are included.

The way I see it, people have apprehensions in using a footbridge that they ignore

safety and consider the convenience of not having to climb a number of steps to be

able to cross to the other side. One of these is the danger of encountering lawless

elements of the society along the bridge. I have heard people say that they will lose

more if they use the overpass what with the snatchers and holdapers lurking high

over and above the passing vehicles. They would rather take risks on running head-

on with a car than probably run the danger of losing not just material possessions but

their lives as well.

Another issue among pedestrians with regard to the use of footbridge is the usual

neighborhood bazar along the bridge that there is little space left for people to walk

on. Since the idea of a footbridge means pedestrians passing along everyday every

time, “business-minded” people thought it feasible for them to setup stalls and sell

their wares. Whenever I use that one along Aurora Boulevard in Cubao and that one

in Quezon Boulevard near Raon, I have to wait for some people to pass through first

before I can continue walking because the width of the space left by the vendors is

just enough for one person to pass. This may also be considered as a contributing

factor for the snatchers to find a new ‘haven.’

Still another issue on the use of footbridge is on its being a health-hazard. Apart from

not being securely covered with a roof, the steps are unevenly spaced, sometimes

there are even cracks which render it dangerous to pedestrians. Also, because of the

minimal space for walking, people find themselves entangled with each other with

their umbrellas. I myself have suffered several, especially along that one in Quiapo.

During rainy season, I usually slip, if not along the walkway, it is while going down

the steps.

Excuse Me!

As I have mentioned early on, this project is one which is over-budgeted yet under-

used. The Department of Public Works and Highways, together with the

Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, spend billions of the national budget in

building these bridges. As part of the police power of the State, it is its duty to

safeguard the welfare of the people. This project is one of the ways to do so. But this

is where it fails.

The law which guarantees the Highway Special Fund provides that a certain portion

should be allocated for the maintenance of these right of way projects. However, if

we consider the aforementioned apprehensions of the walking public, the funds are

not being applied properly. Misuse of said funds may even be thought of by the

taxpayers since nothing good has come up from these constructions. Take for

example that footbridge built over high-tension wires. It is exasperating how our city

engineers could have designed a walkway which assures safety yet goes across

livewires which is really hazardous. No amount of precautionary measures will

address that risk.

Fast Brake

Now, let us not be too quick in finding fault in the authority in terms of handling of the

projects. There are also laudable actions relative to this footbridge which the

government has undertaken.

There was a controversial issue raised by some social media critics about a

malicious post in the internet on an alleged mini-footbridge constructed somewhere

in Manila. It was even tagged as the “weirdest project in the world” and the person

who posted the same said it made the Philippines look dumb in the International

Engineering Community.

Not to sound in defense of MMDA, it was proven that the said structure was actually

a part of a good project of the agency. The said mini-footbridge, along with other

miniature structures, is part of the “Children’s Road Safety Park” in Malate, Manila.

The Park aims to teach school-aged kids the value of knowing and following road

rules. The Park is actually patterned after our Singaporean neighbors where road

signs, rules and safety are taught at an early age so that when they are ready to be

independent, they may already have a clear grasp of road policies.

I think this is what the adults need, a traffic and road safety school or training venue

where highway and roadside manners are taught. That is what is missing among

many Filipinos – discipline. It is what is so difficult to teach among many citizens, the

sense of following rules and regulations. People tend to do things deliberately if they

can get away with it.

This brings me back to my initial “sigh” about people crossing the street right under a

footbridge. This is a gross representation of an undisciplined Filipino community.

Funny thing is, when these pedestrians are nearly sideswiped by motorists, they

have the nerve to curse and raise the finger towards the drivers. Worse, if they are

actually hit, the motorists are naturally the culprits and have to pay for the expenses

the willing victims incur. Even worse, if the victim dies, the driver bears the death

through his conscience forever, aside from paying not just for the expenses incurred

but also for the supposed earnings of the person if he is from the working class.

That is why I find the Park of the MMDA an ideal venue to train people as early as

kids of school age so that they will actually absorb the proper road conduct and bring

it with them as they grow up. Children are good emulators and if they are taught

early on, there is an assurance that they will live the discipline. Further, this will work

as a slap on the face for adults who remain stubborn in terms of following rules and

regulations. The old adage of “Sa mata ng bata, ang mali ay nagiging tama pag

ginagawa ng matanda” will no longer hold true since the kids are now wiser and

intellectually stimulated into doing what is right and proper. It would be best for adults

to take after the kids this time.

Formula One

Sometimes it is difficult to give solutions to concerns which are national scale.

People in the Administration would often frown upon suggestions from the public

because they always think that it is not the project that the people are concerned

with but rather on their personal lives. They tend to ignore recommendations from

the stakeholders themselves and come up with their so-called tried and tested fixers.

However, it is always a good exercise to dream of solving the problem and when you

start dreaming, DREAM BIG!

The next entries are a few measures to enhance the way people look at a footbridge.

These are amateur ideas maybe, but I hope with a slight tweak here and there, the

shoe will eventually fit:

F1.Pimped-up Hike

My boss always says that climbing up the steps up the footbridge is like a hike on a

mountain. Apart from the tens of slippery steps, the bridges look so dilapidated that

people would think twice using it.

Dressing it up is a good way of attracting pedestrians in using it. Republic Act No.

917 assures of a budget in maintaining the footbridge so why don’t we use it in

aesthetics. They should be well-lighted, day-in day-out. A clear fiber glass roof may

be installed on it for protection against the rain as well as other elements of nature.

This will also utilize the sun, natural light at that, during daytime. At a specific time

near evening, lamp posts with LED lights will be turned on to illuminate the entire

walkway. Inspirational quotes may be placed along the bridge where pedestrians

may readily see and read them. These may be sponsored by some Philippine

corporations which have safety and health as advocacies. This way, we not only

promote knowledge, we also help the companies realize that their roles are vital in

the promotion of national projects.

F2. Secure It!

Since safety and security is also a factor to be considered to push everyone to use

the bridge, we may ask that a guard or police be detailed and make their rounds

every now and then along the walkway.


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