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Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations

of the United States Geological Survey

Chapter Ai



By H. C. Riggs

Book 4


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CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary


V. E. McKelvey, Director

First printing 1968

Second printing 1969

Third printing 1977


For sale by the Branch of Distribution, U.S. Geological Survey,

1200 South Eads Street, Arlington, VA 22202
The series of manuals on techniques describes procedures for planning
and executing specialized work in water-resources investigatioas. The
material is grouped under major headings called books and further sub-
divided into sections and chapters; section A of Book 4 is on statistical
The unit of publication, the chapter, is limited to a narrow field of
subject matter. This format permits flexibility in revisio,n and publication
as the need arises.
Provisional drafts of chapters are distributed to field offices of the
U.S. Geological Survey for their use. These drafts are subject to revision
because of experience in use or because of advancement in knowledge,
techniques, or equipment. After the technique described in a chapter is
sufficiently developed, the chapter is published and is sold by the U.S.
Geological Survey, 1200 South Eads Street, Arlington, VA 22202 (author-
ized agent of Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office).

Page Page
P~f~e_~~_-~~~~_~~~~-~~~~~~__-~_~__--_-_-_ III Regression methods-Continued
Abstrrtct__~~~~~~~~~~_~---~~~~~~~~_-~-_----_ 1 Graphical regression _____-__-_ _ _ __ _-_ -_ _ - 21
Introduction-~~_-~__--~~~~-~_--~-_-________ 1 Graphical multiple regression ______ _ _ __ _ _ _ 22
Distributions--------- ___________ ------ _____ 1 Graphical multiple regression when the
Cumulative distributions _ _ _ _ _- _ _- -_ _ __ _ _ 3 independent variables are highly corre-
Statistical inference _______-___-__ ------_--_- 4 lated between themselves- _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ 24
Correlation and regression- _ - _ __ _- __ _- - _ __ _ __ 6 Choice of graphical or analytical method for
Serial correlation.. _ __________ -----_-___- 9 multiple regression--- ________ - ____ ---- 26
Regressionmethods ___________ --_---- _____ -- 9 Determining equations of graphical relations. _ - 27
Regression models _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _- - _ _- 9 General methods---- _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _- _ __ _ __ _ _ 28
Transformations---- _-______- -__-- _____ - 10 DeEnition of equations- _ _ - - _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _- 29
Simple linear regression-- __ __ _ ___ __ - - - - - _ 11 Othertools_--_~~-~_~_~_~_~~~~~~~_________~_ 31
Multiple linear regression---------------- 12 Analysis of variance--- ___ __ _ _ - _- __ _ __ _ __ 31
Regression computation using “c” multi- Analysis of covariance-- _ _ __ _ _- _ __ _ __ _ _ __ 33
piers-------_---__-.________________ 15 Multivariate analysis-..- __ _ __ - _ ___ _ _- __ __ 35
Regressions having various numbers of inde- Characteristics of hydrologic data _____________ 36
pendent variables-.. _- _______ -_ _______ - 18 Effects of data characteristics on analysis- 36
Use of digital computers _____ ___________ - 18 Outliers- _ _ _ __ __ _-_ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ 37
Application of the regression method- - - _- - 18 Selected references-- _ __ _ __ _-_ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ 38

1. Histogram, or frequency distribution, of 1,000 tree-ring indices---- - - - - _ - - - _ 2
2. Probability density curve of 1,000 tree-ring indices- - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ __ _ __ - _ _ _- - - - 2
3. Probability density curve and its cumulative form_-- - - - __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ 3
4-8. Diagrams showing-
4. Normal distribution---------- __________________________________
5. Distribution of means of samples from a normal distribution _ _ - - - - - -
6. Distribution of variances of samples---- _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ - _ _ _ __ - _
7. Hypothetical sampling distribution of means ______---_-_-- ------ --
8. Normal distribution of plotted points about the regression line- _ _ _ - -
9. Graph showing plot used in demonstrating the effect of sample rangt on
computed correlation coefficient ____ --_---_-_-------- ________________ 8
10. Equations and graphs of some common regression models- _ ___-_-_--- ---_ - 10
Il. Data plotted on natural and log scales showing the achievement of equal
variance about the regression line by use of the log transformation- - - - - - - 11
12. Plot of data from table 2 showing computed regression line ____________ __-- 12
13. Equations and graphs of three models based on the plotted data- _ _ -------- 20
14. Graphs showing four possible outcomes of plotting Y against X- - __ _ _ __ _ _ __ 21
15. Plot showing the two regression lines and the structural line ___-_-------- - 21
16. Graph showing method of est.imating the standard error of a graphical re-
gression~---~~~__-~~~~----__-__---~~_~_~_~~~~__~_~----------------- 22
17. Example of graphical multiple regression- _-__ _ _-_ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ - _- _ - - - - - - 23
18. Example of graphical multiple regression using arithmetic scales-- __- - - - - - - - 25
19. Graphical regression using highly correlated independent variables--- _- _ - - - - 25
20. Graphical regression in which one variable is used twice-- _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ - - 28
21. Graph showing multiple linear regression by the method of residuals- _- - - - - - 30
22. Graph showing coaxial graphical multiple regression- _- _________________-_ 31

FIQURE 23. Diagrams showing two conditions for which analysis of covariance will
produce conclusions different from those of analysis of variance- _ - - __ __ __ 34
24-26. Graphs showing-
24. Plotofdatafromtable5---------- _____ - ______ -- _______ - ______ 34
25. Spurious relation using nonhomogeneous data- _ _ _- - _ _ __ __ - - - __ __ _ 37
26. Discharge relations for individual months, two Utah stations- __ _ _- _ 38

1. Ftesultsof dice-toasingexperiment-------....------..---- -_________..--___--..- -- 2
2. Data and computations for example of two-variable regression- __ __ __ - _ _ _- - - - - - 11
3. Multiple regression example: Tennessee low-flow characteristics- _ - - __ __ __ __ - _- - 13
4. Data for graphical regression using highly correlated independent variables------ 26
5. Annual precipitation index and annual runoff, for example of analysis of covari-
ance---__--___-_-_----------~------------------------------------------ 34

By H. C. Riggs

Abstract statistical procedures most useful in hydrology.

Although it starts with the basic concept of a
This chapter of “Techniques of Water-Resources
distribution, many elementary details are
Investigations” provides background material needed
for understanding the statistical procedures most use- omitted. The reader is assumed to have some
ful in hydrology; it furnishes detailed procedures, with familiarity with statistical terminology, com-
examples, of regression analyses; it describes analysis putation procedures, and elementary prob-
of variance and covariance and discusses the char- ability such as would be obtained from a class-
acteristics of hydrologic data.
room course in statistics for engineers or from
the U.S. Geological Survey correspondence
Introduction course “Elementary Statistics in Hydrology.”
Although theory is emphasized in this chap-
As hydrologic analyses become more sophis- ter, the treatment is intuitive rather than
ticated, the proper design and interpretation rigorous. Many practical approaches to graph-
of these analyses require a greater knowledge ical regression are given, and the pitfalls as-
of statistical methods. In fact, two long-used sociated with computation of least-squares lines
hydrologic tools, the flood-frequency curve and are located. The chapter concludes with a
the duration curve, require an understanding discussion of the statistical characteristics of
of the theory of statistics for proper evaluation. hydrologic data.
The more elaborate statistical methods are
mathematical, but graphical methods are ex-
tremely useful and adequately accurate for Distributions
many purposes, if made with an understanding
of the underlying assumptions and if properly The concept of a population’ of objects
interpreted. having a distribution of sizes (or of some other
Until recent years most statistics texts em- characteristic) is basic to the statistical method.
phasized procedures applicable to normally It is not possible to collect enough data to
distributed data because the assumption of define a frequency distribution exactly, but the
normality is appropriate to many types of existence of a particular one can be proven to
biological and agricultural dat.a. But much of the desired degree of confidence by repeating
the data used in hydrology either is not nor- an experiment many times.
mally distributed or does not have a prob- Kendall (1952, p. 23) reported the results of
ability distribution at all. Most hydrologists a dice-tossing experiment in which 12 dice were
learned statistics from texts or courses directed tossed simultanepusly and the number of sixes
toward analysis of normally distributed data. was recorded for each toss. The dice were
Consequently some early hydrologic analyses tossed 4,096 times with the results shown in
were either incorrectly done or incorrectly table 1. Also shown are the relative frequency
interpreted. computed from the experimental results and
This chapter of “Techniques of Water- the theoretical relative frequency computed
Resources Investigations” provides the back- from the binomial distribution. The close agree-
ground material needed for understanding the ment between the theoretical and experimental

frequencies indicates that the binomial distri- range, that the variable is continuous, not
bution is applicable to this problem. discrete.
Table 1 .-Results of dice-tossing experiment
[After KendaU (1952)1 I! 60
No. of FE- Relative Theoretical
frequency relative B 40
sixes quency
frequency E
iii 20
0 ________ -__- 447 0. 109 0. 112 2
l-_-----_---- 1,145 .280 .269
2------------ 1; 181 .288 . 296
3 ____________ ‘796 . 194 . 197
4--------..--- 380 . 093 . 089 WIDTH INDEX
5--------_--- 115 mm”
. uxs . 029
6 ____ - _______ 24 . 006 . 007 Figure 1 .-Histogram, or frequency distribution, of 1,000
7 and over.._-- 8 . 002 . 001 tree-ring indices.

Total-- ___ _ _ 4,096 1. 00 1. 00

t r
The binomial distribution is a discrete dis-
tribution, that is, it can take values onlJ; at
specific points along a scale. In the dice-tossing
experiment, it is possible to obtain an integer
number of sixes only; there is no such thing as
5.5 or 3.2 sixes. 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
More commonly, a variable may take any WIDTH INDEX
value along a scale. Such a variable and its
Figure P.-Probability density curve of 1,000 tree-ring
distribution are known as continuous. A indices.
variable may be classified as continuous if it
can take any value along a scale even though A theoretical probability distribution de-
the limitations of measurement restrict the scribes the relation between size (or some other
observations to discrete values. This condition other characteristic) and probability. For this
exists with most natural phenomena. relation to be valid, the individuals must occur
To aid in understanding a distribution, con- randomly or be drawn randomly. The size of
sider 1,000 tree-ring indices ranging in size from any individual drawn should not depend on
2 to 240. If these are grouped by six-unit in- the size of any one previously drawn. Probabil-
crements of size, a histogram, or frequency ity, in the concept of frequency distributions,
distribution, is obtained (fig. 1). The irregu- is defined as relative frequency. The distribu-
larity of the profile of this distribution is due tion of the number of sixes obtained from re-
to the small (in a statistical sense) number of peatsed tosses of 12 dice may be illustrated by
indices used in its preparation. The greater the plotting the theoretical relative frequencies of
number used, the smoother would be the profile table 1. The relative frequencies of each of the
of the frequency distribution. If the number of 6-unit increments in figure 1 could likewise be
observations approaches infinity and the size cotiputed. In the first of these examples, a
increment approaches zero, the enveloping line probability is associated with each possible
of the frequency distribution will approach a outcome. In the second, a probability is associ-
smooth curve. Then if the ordinate values are ated with each increment of size; here the
divided by a number such that the area under probability is of obtaining not a specific indi-
the curve becomes one, the resulting curve is a vidual but any individual within the increment
probability density curve, or probability dis- of size. This interpretation is required for con-
tribution, such as figure 2. The process just tinuous distributiods because there is an infinite
described requires the additional assumption number of possible values and, thus, no proba-
that the variable can take any value within the bility of occurrence of a particular individual.
Referring again to figure 2, probability is related
to the continuous distribution in the following
way: The area under the curve represents the
sum of all probabilities and therefore must
equal one. Because every item was used in
defining the distribution for which the total
area is one, then the probability that any item
will fall in the distribution is one and the
probability that an item will fall in any segment EXCEEDANCE
of the distribution is the ratio of the area of
Figure 3.4’robability density curve (left) and its cumulative
that segment to the total area. form (right).
The distributions just described, both
discrete and continuous, are called relative-
frequency distributions, probability distribu- Another form of the probability curve can
tions, or just distributions. However, the be prepared by cumulating the probabilities
probability interpretation is valid only if the from one end of the curve and plotting each
data used are random. :For example, the daily of these cumulated probablities against the
mean flow of a stream is closely related to the magnitude of its appropriate event. The
flows of previous days, so the distribution of cumulation is usually done mathematically.
daily means is not one to which the proba- The result is the right-hand curve of figure 3.
bility intefpretation strictly applies. It is Cumulative distributions are commonly plotted
possible also to approximate a distribution to a probability scale such that the theoretical
which merely describes the sample. For instance, curve is a straight line. Such a scale can be
the distribution of grain sizes of a sample of devised for any two-parameter distribution.
a streambed is measured to characterize the Normal probability plotting paper is widely
material; there is no interest in the probability known and used. Gumbel plotting paper is
of obtaining a grain in a particular size range used in many hydrologic frequency analyses.
by additional sampling. Here the sample is (Although the Gumbel extreme-value distribu-
not the individual grain but an aggregate of tion is a three-parameter distribution, one
grains of various sizes. parameter, the skew, is constant for the form
Only a few standard theoretical distributions used and permits the construction of a scale
are widely used. Sampling theory and inference which gives a straight-line plot). Both the
are based largely on the normal distribution normal and Gumbel probability plotting papers
with which the reader is assumed to be familiar. are available with either arithmetic or log-
Other theoretical distributions will be intro- arithmic ordinate scales. Thus plotting papers
duced in this and succeeding chapters as for four distributions-normal, log-normal,
appropriate. Gumbel, and log-Gumbel-are available.
When the probability density curve is cumu-
Cumulative distributions lated from the right end, the probabilities of
exceeding the various magnitudes are obtained.
Suppose we know the probability density If cumulated from the left, probabilities of not
curve (probability distribution) for a variable sxceeding those magnitudes are obtained. The
and are interested in the probability of a
appropriate cumulative curve, commonly called
random event being greater than some par-
e frequency curve in hydrology, depends on
ticular value E. This probability can be ob-
tained by measuring or computing the propor- the desired use.
tion of the total area above the base value. The various theoretical cumulative distri-
For instance, the left curve of figure 3 shows an autions used in hydrology and methods of
area under the curve to the right of E of 0.1, estimating their parameters from a sample of
that is, P=O.l. Thus the probability of a data are discussed ,in another chapter of this
random event exceeding E is 0.1. series.

Statistical inference
Distrlbutlon of means
We have 54 years of record on the Rappahsn-
neck River of Virginia and might ask two ques-
tions about the mean flow. First, what is the
mean flow for the period of record? This is a
unique value which can easily be computed.
The second question, what is the mean flow of
the stream?, cannot be answered definitely. We
can only assume that the mean of the 56year
sample is au estimate of the true (population)
mean. In other words, we infer the population
characteristics from those of a sample from that
population. t
Statistical inference is based on the theory
Figure 5.4istribution of means of samples from a norma.
of sampling. From a population of known char- distribution.
acteristics many samples are drawn (either
actually or conceptually), and the relation of samples of size N is an unbiased estimate of I.C.
the sample characteristics to the population Furthermore, the mean of one sample is an
characteristics is defined. unbiased estimate of P. Consequently, we infer
Sampling theory requires use of the concept that the sample mean, x, is an estimate of the
of a probability distribution. Assume that the population mean. Obviously, if we used other
distribution of some random variable is normal samples we would obtain different estimates
with mean P, and standard deviation, U, as of the population mean.
shown in figure 4. (The term “random,” as From a single sample, we can appraise the
reliability of the estimate, x, of the population
mean. The distribution of means of values
drawn from a normal distribution is normal.
Consequently, two-thirds of the values should
fall within one standard deviation (a/FM
on each side of the mean. However, we do not
know Q so we have to substitute S for it (where
S is the standard deviation compuied from the
sample). The distribution of X having a
standard deviation of S/fi is known as the
h Student’s t distribution, values of which are
Figure A.-Normal distribution.
tabulated in statistics texts for various sizes
of N.
used here, means that the probability of drawing Suppose now that we have K samples of
any one item of the population is the same as size N and have defined K different sampling
for any other.) distributions of the mean of size N. For each
Now suppose we take many samples of size sampling distribution, we can define a mean
N from this distribution, compute the mean of and a range of reliability, and we are interested
each of these samples, and compute the mean in whether such a range includes the true mean
and variance of these sample means. The dis- p. Considering the range as a random interval,
tribution of the means of samples of size N is we may state that the probability (P) that
superposed on the original distribution in figure the random interval includes p is 1 --e, where e
5. It can be shown that the distribution of is the level of significance. Mathematically, for
the means is centered at cc and that the stan- e==0.32,
dard deviation of the distribution of means is
o/n. Therefore, the mean of the means of P[(y-&N)<p<(z+&N)]=l-e=O.68.
The interval in brackets is called a confidence 6’. It can be made unbiased by multiplying it
interval and the extremes are called confidence by N/(N-1) as shown in the lower sketch of
limits. Note that the above relation holds only figure 6. The standard deviation of the sampling
if we use u instead of S. If we use S, then 1 -e distribution of S2(h/N- 1) can also be
is a function of the sample size, and the computed.
appropriate probability statement is

where Student’s t is 1.09 for 10 degrees of

freedom, for example. The width of the con-
fidence interval increases as the level of signifi-
cance decreases. For example, the 95-percent
confidence limits (e=0.05) are
s2 U’

where 2.23 is from the t table for 10 degrees of

The confidence interval described in the
probability statement is a random interval,
not a specific one. The probability statement
(for e=0.05) means that 95 percent of a large
number of intervals similarly obtained would
include the true mean. This probability statement
cannot be extended to one specific interval
because a specific interval either contains the S’fN/N-1 )
true mean or it does not and the probability u2
is either one or zero. The true mean is not a Figure 6.-Distribution of variances of samples.
variable, it is unique.
But we are interested in making a probability A further use of inference is in testing hypoth-
statement about one specific interval. We may eses. One example will be given. Suppose we set
say that the probability of our obtaining a up the null hypothesis, H,, that the mean of a
random interval which includes the true mean population is zero; that is, we hypothesize that
is 0.95, or that we have 95-percent confidence there is no difference statistically between the
that the interval obtained includes the true mean and zero. This null hypothesis is written
mean. Ordinarily in hydrologic reports it is H,:p=O.
only necessary to state the computed confi-
dence interval and its level, not to interpret We draw a sample from this population and
the meaning. See Mood (1950, p. 221-222) for compute the statistics of the sampling distribu-
a precise statement of the interpretation of a tion of the mean. We need some estimate of the
confidence interval. hypothetical sampling distribution of means,
Using the above theory, from a random and so we define it as normal with mean zero
sample, we can compute an estimate of the and standard deviation equal to S/dTV as com-
population mean and a measure of its relia- puted from the sample (fig. 7).
bility. This is an example of statistical inference. Now if x (as computed from the sample) lies
Returning to the sampling theory, consider within one standard deviation of zero, we would
the distribution of variances of samples of size conclude that there is no basis for doubting
h from a normal distribution. This distribu- the hypothesis. If, on the other hand, x were
tion is not centered around a2 but is to the left two or three standard deviations away from
of it, as shown by the upper graph of figure 6. zero, we would conclude that it is unlikely that
Therefore S2 is known as a biased estimator of the mean of the population is zero. For this

and interpret either of the methods. These

distinctions are very marked although they may
seem of little importance because of the simi-
larity of the computation procedures. Dixon
and Massey Q957, p. 189) made the following
distinction between the two:
“A regression problem considers the fre-
- I I quency distribution of one variable when
X another is held fixed at each of several levels. A
correlation problem considers the joint varia-
Figure 7.-Hypothetical sampling distribution of means. tion of two measurements, neither of which is
restricted by the experiment.”
latter condition the probability is small of
Correlation is a process by which the degree
obtaining an x of such size from a population
of association between samples of two variables
having a mean of zero. Therefore, we would
is defined. The correlation coefficient is a
reject the hypothesis and would state that the
mathematical definition of that association.
result was significant at a certain probability
It is, of course, possible to compute a correlation
level, meaning that the results obtained differ
coefficient from any two sets of data. The
significantly from the hypothesis.
mathematical definition of association implies
A common problem is the test of significance
no cause-and-effect relation nor even that the
of a regression coefficient. The null hypothesis
relation between the two variables results
is again that the true value of the regression
from a common cause.
coefficient is zero, and the test may be made in
Correlation theory requires that the data be
the same way as before. However, the pro-
cedure commonly used is somewhat different. drawn randomly from a bivariate normal dis-
The confidence limits about the theoretical tribution. However, McDonald (1957) reported
value are computed. If the regression coefficient that experimental sampling studies show the
is b, its standard error Sa, and its population nonnormality effects, usually regarded as dis-
value 6, then the limits are found to be turbing by statisticians, to be of inconsequential
magnitude geophysically. A further require-
b--tSb<8<b+tSb. ment of correlation is that both variables X
where t is the appropriate value for the chosen and Y be without error due to measurement.
significance level and sample size. If the limits Nothing can be measured without error, so the
include zero, the hypothesis is accepted, that above requirement is one of degree. The
is, the regression coefficient is not significantly question of the error allowable is subject to
different from zero. If the limils are both on arbitrary decisions, particularly since the true
one side of zero, the hypothesis is rejected and error of the data is never known.
the regression coefhcient is considered sig- The end product of the process of correlation
nificantly different from zero, that is, it is is the correlation coefficient; it is not an equa-
considered meaningful. tion. The equations which describe Y as a
function of X, and X as a function of Y, are
Many other tests of significance are available,
regression equations, not correlation equations.
but all parametric tests are based on the theory
Another way of stating the distinction between
of sampling and follow the general procedure
correlation and regression is that correlation
described above. A less powerful group of non-
measures the degree of association between two
parametric tests may be used when the prob-
variables, whereas regression provides equations
ability distribution of the statistic is not known.
for estimating individual values of one variable
(See Siegel, 1956.)
from given values of the other.
Reliability of correlation results depends on
Correlation and Regression
the number of items used to compute the
The distinctions between correlation and correlation coefficient and the magnitude of the
regression must be recognized in order to apply computed correlation coefficient. Confidence

limits are quite wide for samples of 30 items gression is directional. In contrast, correlation
or less, unless the correlation coefficient is very gives one index of the relation between variables.
large. For example, a chart shown by Bennett The regression equation gives the average
and Franklin (1954, p. 275) indicates that a amount of change in the dependent variable
correlation coefficient of +0.8 computed from corresponding to a unit change in the independ-
a sample of 20 items would have a confidence ent variable. Thus it gives more specific in-
belt extending from 0.6 to 0.9 for 95-percent formation than correlation. The regression
probability. Because of this uncertainty, com- coefficient can be tested to determine whether
parison of two correlation coefficients differing it is significantly different from zero, and this
only by a few hundredths cannot be meaning- test is identical to the test of significance of the
fully interpreted. There also seems to be no correlation coefficient (providing the data are
justification for reporting correlation coefficients drawn from a bivariate normal distribution).
to more than two significant figures. The reliability of a regression is measured by
If the data can reasonably be assumed to the standard error, which is the standard devia-
be drawn from a normal bivariate distribution, tion of the distribution (assumed normal) of
then both correlation and regression analyses residuals about the regression line (fig. 8 shows
are appropriate. It is under this assumption distribution of residuals). By definition, the
that most of the examples in statistics texts standard error is the same throughout the range
are analyzed. However, regression is also of X. This standard, error was called the
appropriate under certain other conditions standard error of estimate by Ezekiel (1950,
when correlation is not. The only assumptions p. 131). It is also referred to as the standard

required for regression are: error of regression and as the standard deviation
1. The deviations of the dependent variable from regression.

.‘.’. 9
about the regression line (for any fixed X)
are nqrmally distributed, and the same 4

variance exists throughout the range of
2. Values of the independent variable are . l
. . l *’
known without error. The dependent vari- ‘0.
. .
able is considered as an observation on a l 0

random variable, and the independent .

variable as some known constant as- ’ .

sociated with this random variable.
3. Observed values of the dependent variable
are uncorrelated random events.
4. Each of the variables is homogeneous;
that is, all individual values of a variable
measure the same thing. Data are consid-
Figure E.-Normal distribution of plotted points about the
ered homogeneous if any subgroup towhich regression line.
certain of these data may be logically as-
signed has the same expected mean and
The standard error of a prediction from
variance as any other subgroup of the regression is made up of three parts: the error
population. Neither variable need have a of the mean, the error of the slope of the line,
probability distribution in regression (but, and the standard error of estimate. All three
of course, Y values corresponding to a may be expressed in terms of the standard error
fixed X are assumed to be normally dis- of estimate so that the standard error of a
tributed). prediction (S,) is
The end products of a regression analysis
are two equations, Y=f(X) and X=f(Y) (X-X)’
s,=s, 1+1+-,-Y
(usually only one is computed), because re- 4 7% X(X-X)’

where S, is standard error of estimate, n is on S,, which depends on the range of data
number of items in the sample, and X is the selected for problems such as the concrete
independent variable. Thus the error of a strength relation to time of setting. Therefore,
prediction increases with distance from the if the variables used in a regression are not
mean (Snedecor, 1948, p. 120). randomly sampled, the computed value of r
Most analyses require use of multiple corre- changes with the range of the arbitrarily se-
lation or regression. A multiple correlation is lected ,sample and is therefore meaningless.
evaluated by partial correlation coefficients and Empirical verification of this statement is
by an index of total correlation. A partial cor- given by the data plotted in figure 9. (These
relation coefficient is an index of the degree of data were selected to demonstrate this principle;
association between one independent variable the relation is not hydrologically significant.)
and the dependent variable after the effects of Using all the points, the relation is computed
the other independent variables have been tobe
removed. log MAF=2.27+0.59 log DA;
In a multiple regression equation the regres-
sion coefficients are called partial regression the standard error is 0.22 log unit and the
coefficients. Each shows the effect on Y of a computed correlation coefficient is 0.97. MAY
unit change in the particular independent vari- is mean annual flood and DA is drainage area.
able, the effects of the other independent vari-
ables being held constant.
If the independent variables in a regression
analysis are related to each other, the partial
regression coefficients will be of a different mag-
nitude from the simple regression coefficients.
(The independent variables in a regression
usually are related to each other as well as to
the dependent variable.) See the section on
“Application of the Regression Method” for
elaboration on this subject (p .19).
The assumptions required for correlation are
infrequently met in engineering problems and lo21
loo 10’ lo2 103 IO4 lo5 lo6
not generally met in hydrologic problems. DRAINAGE AREA, IN SQUARE MILES
Many of these problems to which the correla-
tion method does not apply can be handled by Figure 9.--Plot used in demonstrating the effect of sample
the regression method because of the less re- range on computed correlation coefficient. Dashed line
is the relation for 14 drainage areas ranging from 40 to
strictive assumptions. Thus the regression
2,000 square miles.
method may be used for such relations as that
of concrete strength to time of setting, where
neither value is randomly selected and neither If only the 14 points for drainage areas
variable has a probability distribution. Ob- ranging from 40 to 2,000 square miles (fig. 9)
viously the range of such a relation is limited are used, the relation is
to the range of the data selected.
log MAF=2.31$0.57 log DA.
Under the above conditions the correlation
coefficient does not apply but, of course, can This relation has a standard error of 0.23 log
be computed from the relation unit (almost the same as the previous standard
error), but the computed correlation coefficient
r= Jl-we~sv)2,
is 0.83, much lower than that obtained by
where r=correlation coefficient, &=standard using samples from a greater range. Obviously
error of estimate, and S,=standard deviation such variability in the correlation coefficient
of the values of the dependent variable. From would render it unsuitable as a measure of the
the above formula it can be seen that T depends degree of relation for this type of application.
This manual emphasizes regression over to obtain the first-order serial correlation
correlation, not only because correlation is coefficient.
commonly inapplicable to particular hydrologic 21 -
data but because regression provides quantita- 22 Xl
tive answers to specific problems. In general, z3 2%
regression is preferred over correlation for . .
hydrologic problems even when the data are . .
suitable for a correlation analysis. Uses of . .
regression analysis are : . .
1. To estimate individual values of the de- %I x,-l
pendent variable corresponding to selected
Computational details are the same as for the
values of the independent variables.
relation between two variables and are given
2. To determine the amount of change in the
in the section on “Simple Linear Regression.”
dependent variable associated with a unit
A test of significance of a first-order serial
change in an independent variable.
correlation coefficient is given by Dawdy and
3. To determine whether certain variables
Matalas (1964).
(which do not have probability distribu-
tions) are related to a dependent variable.
4. To improve estimates of the parameters Regression Methods
defining the probability distribution of the
dependent variable. The previous section described regression
Correlation is most useful in theoretical in general terms and concluded with some uses
studies and in time-series analysis. of regression. This section describes the compu-
tation and interpretation of regressionequations,
both analytical and graphical, and some char-
Serial correlation acteristics of the regression method.

It has been pointed out that for a probability Regression models

distribution to be valid the individuals must
occur randomly or be drawn randomly. Hydro- We begin a regression problem with a de-
logic data such as daily stream discharges form pendent variable which we want to predict
a time series, that is, a sequence of values from one or more independent variables. The
arranged in order of occurrence. The character- independent variables are values or character-
istics and analysis of hydrologic time series istics which seem to be physically related to the
have been described by Dawdy and Matalas dependent variable. Next we need a model
(1964). A common characteristic of a time which describes the way in which the inde-
series is the existence of a nonrandom element pendent variables are related to the dependent
which produces a dependence between observa- variable. The model should be in accord with
tions k units apart. This dependence is called known physical principles, but its exact form
serial correlation, and its degree is measured may be dictated by the data used.
by the serial correlation coefficient. Using a dependent variable, Y, and inde-
First-order serial correlation is the depend- pendent variables, X and 2, the equations and
ence between observations adjacent in time; graphs of some more common regression models
the kth order is the dependence between are shown in figure 10. Joint relations, those
observations k units apart. A plot of the serial which include a variable which is the product
correlation coefficient against order is a correlo- of two other variables, have been discussed in
gram (Dawdy and Matalas, 1964). detail by Ezekiel and Fox (1959). The product
To determine the serial correlation, the time of two variables is called an interaction term.
series is related to itself offset k units. For Combinations of the models shown in figure
example, the time series in the first column 10 can be used to describe more complicated
below is related to itself shifted one observation relations, and the equations can be readily

is known as polynomial regression in which

additional variables in successively higher
powers of the independent variable are added
to the model. But suppose we know or postulate
that a relation should be of the form


By taking logarithms of both sides of the equa-

tion the resulting linear equation is obtained:

log Y=log a+b log X,

in which log a and b are constants which can be

computed by a least-squares analysis using the
variables log Y and log X. Likewise the relation


can be transformed to
Y=o+bX+cZ Y=o+bX+cZ+dXz
log Y= log a+X log b,
Y ‘\ Y
where log a and log b are the constants and
g@ log Y and X are the variables. Other transforma-
tions are sometimes used, but the logarithmic
transformation is by far the most common.
Figure 1 O.-Equations and graphs of some common regression The second reason for transforming data,
and the more important. one, is to achieve
equal variance about the regression line. One
extended to include additional independent
of the assumptions basic to the regression
method is that the distribution of errors about
Having selected a suitable model, the coef-
the regression line is normal and constant
ficients in that model equation are computed
throughout the range (fig. 8). Again a log
from sample data by the method of least
transformation is often used. For example,
squares as described subsequently.
the graph on the left of figure 11 (from U.S.
Note that although two of the graphs in
Geological Survey, 1949, p. 488) shows in-
figure 10 are curved, all of the model equations
creasing scatter of points with increasing
are in linear form. This linearity of the model
rainfall. But when the variables are plotted
equation is a requirement for direct least-
on the log chart (right graph, fig. ll), the
squares solution. Linearity can sometimes be
scatter of points is almost uniform throughout
attained by transforming the variables.
the range. Thus, if it had been desired to
carry the analysis beyond the graphical pres-
entation, a transformation of the variables
There are two principal reasons for trans- should have been made. (Ordinarily the vari-
forming data before analysis: (1) to obtain a ables would be reversed on the chart if a
linear regression model, and (2) to achieve equal regression were to be made because runoff is
variance about the regression line throughout the dependent variable.)
the range. Other reasons for transforming data are to
We have seen from figure 10 that certain introduce additivity to the model and to
two-variable regressions may be linearized achieve normality. The use of transformations
without transforming the variables. The method is discussed by Acton (1959, p. 219223).’
I10 b= _CXY-Nfi-,
4 xx2 -- cEx>2 Cx2-NF
8 N
I2 (1,801)(1,799)
d b= =1.325.
7 (lZ)2
-0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.5 1 23 5
Regression coefficient
Figure 11 .-Datafrom U.S. Geological Survey (1949, p.
488) plotted on natural and log scales showing the a=F-bx=99.94-(1.325)(100.06)=-32.6.
achievement of equal variance about the regression line
by use of the log transformation. Intercept
Only the log transformation has been used or
in the above examples because it is by far
the most common and useful. Other trans- Y=F+b(X-z)=99.94+(1.325)(X-100.06),
formations such as the square root may be
appropriate for certain data.
Equation of least-squares line
Table I.-Data and computations for example of two-
variable regression
xx2 (C-v’
-___ 189,291- (1,8O1)2
Year “mc)ff ’ F$$p(ll XY X’ N
N-l = 17
102% _ _ _. _ __ _. __
1929- _ _ _ - _- __ ___ -
=534.76. Variance of X

0 1031- _ _ _ -_______ _
1933. - __ _- - _. ___-
1934- - _ _ _ _- ___ __ -
-- czy)”
197,373- (l,7W2
1933----.-....... s,-
1936 ___- ________- N-1 = 17
1938- ____. - _- ___-
1939____________- =1,033.71. Variance of Y
1940. _ - _ -_ - _ __ __-
lw2 -___ ______.__
lQ43.--.-..-.-... s, .z=N& [SE-b’s:]=~[l,O33.71
1944- - - __ - ____ _ _ _
1046---- _--__ ____
z --_-_________.. 1,790 -- 1,301 - 192.042 - 139,291 197,373
Mean ________ ____ 99.94 loo. 03

1 Annual runoff inpercent of mean (Bum ing River near Nile, Wash.).
s, ..=lO.O. Standard error of estimate of Y
2 Annual rahfall ln percent of mean (at 3 urnping Lake, Wash.).

Simple linear regression

Computation of a regression equation using Correlation coefficient
the model Y=a+bX is demonstrated using the
data given in table 2. That table also shows The regression coefficient can be tested for
computations of means, cross products, and significance as follows (Bennett and Franklin,
squares. The individual cross products and 1954, p. 228):
squares need not be recorded; the sum of cross
products, or squares, can be cumulated on a g&i!L 100.8
~(z2)-189,291-(1,801)2/18= ‘*01’
desk calculator. Such calculations are ordinarily
checked by repeating the operation. The coeffi- Testing the hypothesis that /3=0,
cients a and b in the regression equation, and
the standard error of estimate are computed as t _ ~b--8~1~325---0= 12 fj
” 2
shown below. Sb 0.105 *

From a table of t, tla, o.01=2.92; therefore b is simpler to compute the squares and cross prod-
significantly different from zero. The 99-percent ucts of the variables in terms of X and then
confidence limits for /3 are convert the results in terms of z than to begin
with deviations from the mean. The conversion
1.325-2.92(0.105)<8<1.325+2.92(0.105) equations are
1.02 <a<1.63
The locus of the regression equation and the
data used are shown in figure 12.

II II II 1 If . 1 and

where the last term in each equation is called

the correction item and N is the number of
items in the sample. In this notation X, is the
dependent variable.
For three independent variables the normal
equations are

80 and

where the symbols are the same as before. 0

The method of computation is best described
60 80 100 120
by use of an example. The model, the data, and
140 160
ANNUAL PRECIPITATION AT BUMPING LAKE, the preliminary computations are shown in
IN PERCENT OF MEAN (X) table 3. Note that the logs of the original values
Figure lI.-f’lot of data from table 2 showing computed are the variables being related. The need for
regression line.
this transformation was indicated by a pre-
Another example showing the detailed com- liminary graphical analysis. Only the culmula-
putation of a regression equation is given by tive sums of cross products and squares are
Ezekiel and Fox (1959, p. 57-63). taken from the calculating machine and re-
corded in table 3; individual values arle not
Multiple linear regression needed. Calculations are carried to five figures
The regression constants in a multiple linear behind the decimal point when the variables
regression model are computed from normal are logarithms because the converted sums may
equations. For two independent variables the be small relative to the numbers being: sub-
normal equations are tracted from each other. The correction items
shown in table 3 are obtained from the last term
in the appropriate conversion equation. For
X,X,, the appropriate equation is

C(ZA) =C(X,X,) - N-%-%

where the symbol 8, represents the mean of the and the correction item of table 3 is NZ-%
ith variable, X, represents a particular value of Subtracting the correction item from Z(&XS)
the ith variable, and xi represents (X,-x*), the gives Z ( rZr3), which is the corrected sum in
deviation from the mean of that variable. It is table 3. This and the other corrected sums are



then substituted in the normal equations. The

computation of regression coe&ients is shown
below with the explanation following.

Normal equations (see Ezekiel, 1950, p. 198):

I C(s”)bz +C(~225)b2 +c(sdb4=c(wd
II C(z222)b2 + C(G% +C(~2dh=C(w2)
III C(aaP2 fC(23%:4)& + C(d>h=C(ad
I 10.20183b2 + 6.38133b3 + 0.62554bd=11.74691
I’ -bp -0.62550833 -0.061316br=-1.15145
II 6.38133bs) + 6.9063233 - 0.069528,=6.57458
(-0.625508) I -6.38133bz - 3.99157bs - 0.39128br= -7.34779
c2 2.91475b3 - 0.460806,= -0.77321
II’ 1 -b;i +0.158092b,=0.26527
III 0.62554b2 - 0.06952ba + 0.33512b,=1.16244
(-0.061316) I -0.6255432 - 0.391283, - 0.0383664= -0.72027
(0.158092) x2 0.4608Obs - O.O7285br= -0.12224
c2 0.223913,=0.31993
b,= 1.42883
II’ -b,+ (0.158092) (1.42883) =0.26527
b3= -0.03938
I’ -b,-(0.625508)(-0.03938)-(0.061316)( 1.42883)=-1.15145
bz= 1.08847
III (0.62454)(1.08847)-(0.06952)(-0.03938)+(0.33512)(1.42883)=1.16244
1.16245X.16244 Check
The above computation utilizes the Doolittle The regression constant is obtained from
method, a simplified method of solving simulta-
neous equations having a certain symmetry. a=~-b2&-bbs~3-b,~,
The normal equations are on the first three a=1.53888-(1.08847)(1.80814)
lines. Next is the first normal equation with - (-0.03938)(2.54489)-((1.42883)(1.89078)
converted sums from table 3 substituted in it. a= -3.03061
Line 5 is obtained by dividing the equation next
Substituting the computed coustauts in the
above by its coefficient of b2 with the sign
regression model gives
changed. Line 6 is the second normal equation,
with converted sums from table 3 substituted log Qzo= -3.03+ 1.09 log Q2
in it. Line 7 is obtained by multiplying the -0.04 log 11+1.4;3 log s.
equation of line 4 by the coefficient of b, in
line 5. Line 8 is obtained by subtracting line 7 By taking antilogs this becomes
from line 6. Line 9 is line 8 divided by the
coefficient of b3 with the sign changed. Line 10
is the third normal equation. Line 11 is line 4 The standard error of estimate, S, is cornpIlLed
multiplied by the coefficient of b, on line 5 with as follows
the sign changed. Line 12 is line 8 multiplied
by the coefficient of b, on line 9 with the sign
changed. Line 13 is the sum of lines 10, 11, and
12. Lines 14-18 complete the computations of
the regression coefficients. Lines 20 and 21 are where N is the number of items in the sample
used to check the results. Only the third normal and M is the number of lost degrees of freedom
equation provides a complete check. (one degree of freedom is lost for each constant

in a regression equation). Substituting, need a test of significance of each regression

coefficient. To make this significance test the
S2= (-0.03938)(6.57458)-(1.42883)(1.16244), regression needs to be computed somewhat
40-4 differently, as described in the next section.

Regression computation using
=standard error in log units. “c” multipliers

The standard error of a regression having a In this method the normal equations are
logarithmic dependent variable is a constant expressed in terms of “c” multipliers rather
percentage of the curve value throughout the than regression coefficients. The method affords
range of Y rather than a constant magnitude two advantages, (1) significance tests of the
in terms of the untransformed variable, as in regression coefficients are simply made, and (2)
the example of table 2. the regression equations for different dependent
To compute the standard error in percent variables can be obtained from the same “c”
look up the antilogs of 1 +S and 1 -S. These multipliers. The method has been described by
antilogs are ratios to 10, from which the per- Ezekiel and Fox (1959, p. 499-503), Fisher
centage deviation is obvious. Consider the (1950, p. 156-166), and Bennett and Franklin
standard error of 0.0584 log unit, computed (1954, p. 248-255). The normal equations are
1+&‘=1.0584 Antilog 11.4, cmc<z;> +c23mwk) +ca(~z~) = 1,
and cz2Ccwd +c2.3c(4> +‘24cbJ3~4) =o,
l-S=O.9416 Antilog 8.75.
The percentage errors are

100(11.4-10)/10=+14 percent, From the above equations czz, c23, and czr may
lOO(lO-8.75)/10= - 12.5 percent. be obtained. The additional elements needed,
csa,ca3,c34and c~, c43,cu, are obtained by solving
The computation can be made very rapidly on similar equations with the right-hand sides re-
a log-log slide rule. placed by 0, 1, 0 and 0, 0, 1, respectively.
A correlation coefficient is not computed for The regression coefficients may then be eval-
this problem because (1) the purpose of the uated by the equations
problem is to get an estimating equation and
(2) the data used cannot be considered as
drawn from a multivariate normal distribution;
therefore correlation is not appropriate and a
computed correlation coefficient would have
little meaning.
The standard error of estimate of this re- where X1 is the dependent variable.
gression is a measure of its reliability and can To test the regression coefficients for signifi-
be used to estimate the reliability of predictions cance, first compute the variance, S2, of the
made from the regression equation as described observations X, about the regression surface.
in the section on “Correlation and Regression.” This variance is the square of the standard
But the question may arise as to whether we error of estimate and is obtained by the same
might get as good a result using fewer variables, formula used in the previous computation, that
or whether each of the independent variables is is,
related to the dependent variable. We could
answer the first question by recomputing
gression equations and standard errors using
fewer variables, but to answer the second we
p., 1-

- b,C(wr)

Then ba--tnr-rSJc22<82<ba+tN-4SJC22,
variance of ba=S2(caz), where t,+, is from the t distribution with N-4
variance of b3= S2(cB), degrees of freedom at the selected LYlevel.
and The regression coefficient, bz, is signihcantly
variance of b,=S2(cH), different from zero if the confidence limits do
and the standard errors are the square roots of not include zero.
the\variances. The regression computation using “c” multi-
The confidence interval for &, a population pliers and the data of table 3 are given below.
regression coefhcient, at a probability level a, Solutions of the normal equations follow the
may be expressed as same pattern as previously described. Solving
- for b, b, and ~24:
I Cb2b2 + C(za23>ea3+ Cb~~h~~=l
11 Cbdc22 + CWb3 + Cbw4)e24=0
111 ~(%~4)c22 + cbb~4h2 + ch2)c24=o
I 10.2018& + 6.38133~~ + 0.62554c2,=1
I’ -cpl -0.625508e2, -0.061316c24=-0.0980216
6.38133~~ + 6.90632c2,- 0.06952&,=0
(-0.625508) :’ -6.38133~~2 - 3.99157c2,- 0.39128ca4=-0.625508
Ca 2.91475cs3- 0.46080~~~=-0.625508
II’ -e3 +0.158092~,=0.214601
III 0.62554~~ - 0.06952e2:+ 0.33512e24=0
(-0.061316) I - O.O3836q,=-0.061316
(0.158092) x2 - 0.07285&=-0.098888
Ca 0.22391c2,= -0.160204
ear= -0.71548
II’ -c,,+O.158092(-0.71548)=0.214601
= -0.32771
I’ -I&- (0.625508)(-0.327~)-(0.061316)(-0.71548)=-0.0980216
ago Check (to five places)
Solving for &, c~, and car:
I C(sEa2h2 + C(zaza>c33+ cb2~4h=o
11 C(a22a)ca2 + CWh3 + CCw4h4=1

111 Cb25h2 + Cbmh3 + C(z43s4=0

I 10.20183~~+ 6.38133~~ + 0.62554c,=O
I’ -62 -0.625508~~ -0*061316c~4=0
6.38133~2 + 6.90632ca3- 0.06952ca=1
(-0.625508) : -6.38133~~ - 3.99157& - 0.39128c;u=O
c2 2.91475c, - 0.46080e34=1
II’ --en +0.158092e34=-0.343082
III .62554ca - .06952cx,+ 0.33512cti=0
(-0.061316) I - O.O3836ca=O
(0.158092) x2 ‘- 0.07‘i!85Ca4=0.158092
c3 0.22391c,=O.158092
II’ -ec33+0.158092(0.70605)= -0.343082
I’ -~32-(0.625508)(0.45470)-(0.061316)(0.70605)=0
o=o Check (to five places)
Solving for Cam,c~, and c44:
I c(%‘)c42 + ~(~2:zq)cJ3 + ~(~~&~~=o
11 ~(%~3)%2 + c(s2)h3 + ~(5+44=0
III C(ao%2 + C(5dc43 + cwc44=1
I 10.20183~~~ + 6.38133~~~+ 0.62554c14=0
I’ -c42 -0.625508~~~ -0.061316c44=0
6.38133~~ + 6.90632cd3- O.O6952c,,=O
(-0.625508) I' -6.38133~~ - 3.99157cy - 0.39128cd4=0
c2 2.91475cd3- 0.46080~~~=0
II' -c43 +O.l58092c4,=0
III 0.62554~~~- 0.06952ca + 0.33512cd4=1
(-0.061316) I - 0.03836c4,=0
(0.158092) x2 - 0.07285c14=0
c3 0.22391C&=l
II’ -c,,+O.158092(4.46608)=0
I’ -~42-(0.625508)(0.70605)-(0.061316)(4.46608)=0
III (0.62554)(-0.71548)-(0.069j2)(0.70605)+(0.33512)(4.46608)=1
1.00003~1 Check
Computing b coefficients and checking against those previously computed:
b2=C22~(%%) +c23c(%x3) +c24~(%4),
b2= 1.08851 (1.08847 from previous computation ; check).
~3=%2T;7(wh) +c33c(w3) +c34c(515),
b3= -0.03938 (- 0.03938 from previous computation; check).
h=G2(mw2) +c43c(w3) +~,,cb,~4,>,
b*= 1.42885 (1.42883 from previous computation; check).
The coefficient a would be computed as described previously.
Computation of standard errors of b coefficients (Bennett and Franklin, 1954, p. 249) :
&.234=0.0584 from previous computation.
=0.0344 Standard error of b2.
=0.0394 Standard error of b,.
=0.1234 Standard error of b,.
Computation of confidence intervals of @coefficients (Bennett and Franklin, 1954, p. 250) :
t3B. ,,.==2.03 (Dixon and Massey, 1957, table A-5, p. 384)

The table presented by Dixon and Massey for infinite degrees of freedom the t and normal
(1957, table A-5, p. 384) gives values for one- distributions are the same. In the normal
half of the distribution. For W-percent limits distribution, 1.96a on each side of the mean
there would be 0.025 in each tail, and the value includes 95 percent of the items. In table A-5,
is taken in the column headed tO.g,S.Notice that 1.96 is listed under t0.915.

The confidence limits are:

b- &3.0.95)c&2> <A<b+ (b3.85) (&>
1.08851- (2.03) (0.0344)</32<1.08851 + (2.03) (0.0344)

fi is considered the true slope. Therefore the lator; use of a desk calculator for computations
confidence limits give the range within which of these sizes may be advantageous.
@ lies with g&percent probability. In this ex- Regression programs for digital computers
ample the limits of & include zero. This indi- vary but usually require listing of the data in
cates that & is not significantly different from floating decimal notation. These values are
zero at %-percent level and that the parameter then punched on cards which are entered in
A should be eliminated from the regression. the computer. Results are printed by the com-
puter. A wide variety of options as to output
Regressions having various numbers of is available. Detailed instructions for prepara-
tion of data and instructions to the computer
independent variables should be obtained for the particular computer
Examples have been given of computations and program to be used.
for regressions having one and three inde- Although no knowledge of regression analysis
pendent variables, and the normal equations is necessary for preparing data for a computer
for a regression of two independent variables program, some experience is needed to appraise
have also been given. The method of solution the results. Opportunities for errors to be intro-
involving two variables is similar to that for duced into the process exist in the listing of
three independent variables, but is much the data and in its transferral to cards.
shorter. Questionable results may also be obtained if
Normal equations for regressions of four or too few significant figures are carried through
more independent variables have been given the computations. Only a person who has made
by Ezekiel and Fox (1959, p. 181-183). Because regression computations the hard way can ade-
computation of such regressions on a desk quately judge whether the results of a regres-
calculator is very time consuming, digital com- sion analysis by digital computer (or any other
puters are being used. method) are correct. The availability of digital
computers has permitted ready computation
of regressions using many variables, which has
Use OF digital computers sometimes led to substitution of the computer
Programs for regression computations are for the analyst’s brain. The problem should be
available for most computers, and regressions solved by the analyst; the computer does the
of more than two independent variables should arithmetic.
ordinarily be made by digital computer rather
than on a desk calculator. Simple regressions Application of the regression method
and regressions of two independent variables An analytical problem to be solved by
may be made quite rapidly on a desk calcu- regression involves (1) selection of factors which

are expected to influence the dependent variable, efficients would be the same. However, such
(2) describing these factors quantitatively, (3) conditions rarely occur in nature. The multiple
selecting the regression model, (4) computing regression method provides a way of separating
the regression equation, the standard error of the total effect of the independent variables
estimate, and the significance of the regression into the effect of each independent variable
coefhcients, and (5) evaluating the results. and an unexplained effect. Consider the simple
Selection of the appropriate factors should regression
not be a statistical problem, but statistical Y=a+blXiferror, (1)
concepts must enter into the process. If the where Y also is affected by another variable,
analyst merely wants to know the relation of X2, which is related to X1. The regression using
annual precipitation to annual runoff, he can X1 and Xz will be
proceed directly to selection of a model. But if
his problem is to make the best possible estimate Y=a’+b;X1+b2Xzferror, (2)
of runoff, he will include other factors, some where b; #b,. If X1 and X, are the only variables
of which may be related to each other as well affecting Y (and the effects are linear), then
as to runoff. The problem of determining if equation 2 completely describes Y, and b;
certain factors are related to the dependent and bB are the true values of the regression
variable requires careful selection of indices coefficients (except for sampling errors). If
describing these factors quantitatively. These Xl and X, are positively correlated with each
indices should accurately reflect the effects, and other and with Y, consider the effect on the
no two should describe the same thing. It is a magnitude of bl. For each value of X1 in
characteristic of regression that if a factor is equation 1, Y will appear to be more closely
related to a dependent variable and this factor related than it actually is because X, increases
is entered in the regression model twice (as with X1 and its influence on Y is real though
two different variables), the effect on the unmeasured. Therefore the regression coefficient
dependent variable will be divided equally bl is larger than its true value bl.
between the two. Thus, if the total effect is Similar changes in b, and b2 would occur if
small, the result of dividing it in two parts another factor, related to X1 and X, and Y,
may be to produce nonsignificance in each were included in the regression. These changes
of the parts. Likewise, several closely related in the magnitudes of the regression coeffi-
variables may compute as nonsignificant, cients due to addition or deletion of a variable
whereas one properly selected index would are characteristic of regression. They are some-
show a real effect. Thus, the independent times interpreted as indicating that partial
variables should be selected with considerable regression coefficients have no physical meaning.
care; the shotgun approach should not be used. Such interpretations are not necessarily correct.
Another consideration in selection of var- If the variables used in the regression are
iables is to avoid having a variable, or a part selected on physical principles and the effects
thereof, .on both sides of the equation. Such a of each of the variables is appreciable, then the
condition may be acceptable for certain prob- partial regression coefficients should be in
lems, but the results must be evaluated accord with physical principles. In fact, it is
carefully. A spurious relation may result, or good practice to compare the sign and the
the relation may be correct but its reliability general magnitude of each partial regression
difficult to assess. Benson (1965) described coefficient with that expected. Benson (1962,
ways in which spurious relations may be built p. 52-55) made a thorough comparison of
into a regression. this kind.
The user of the regression method should The regression coefficients of certain var-
understand the effect of related independent iables may change sign when another related
variables on the computed regression coeffi- variable is added to or deleted from the re-
cients. If the independent variables are entirely gression. This effect may result because (1) the
unrelated, the simple regression coefficients variable is not a good index of the physical
and the corresponding partial regression co- feature represented, (2) the effect of the var-

iable is small relative to the sampling error, 7r

logb=0.50-1.49 logQ,-0.40(logQ,)*
(3) the variable is so highly correlated with 6-
one or more other vsxiables in the regression
that the real effect is divided among them and 5-
no one variable shows a significant effect,
and (4) the range of the variable sampled may
be too small to define .a significant effect. log b =0.30+0.12 Q,--0.06 0,’
A regression equation does not imply a
cause-and-effect relation between the inde-
pendent variables and the dependent variable.
Both may be influenced by some other factor
not readily measured. However, there should
I I I I I I I I ,
be some physical tie between the variables if 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the results can be considered meaningful. Q,
Selection of a regression model usually begins
Figure 13.-Equations and graphs of three models based on
with a graphical analysis. A model which the plotted data.
plots as a straight line is commonly used unless
there is strong evidence to the contrary. significance have been described. One important
If the sample data exist near an asymptote task remains, that of evaluating the results.
or near a maximum or minimum point on the First, the analyst should recognize that the
curve, a simple model may be inadequate to regression equation developed, even though it
describe the relation and a more sophisticated is a good fit to the data, is not necessarily
one may not be justified unless many data correct if extrapolated. For example, the curve
are available. An example showing the char- corresponding to the bottom equation of figure
acteristics of three common models when 13 is a good fit to the seven points but increases
applied to data defined near zero is given in directly with Q, for values of Q, greater than 7.
figure 13. Physical considerations suggest that On the other hand, the dashed curve of figure 13
neither b nor Q, should be less than zero and fits the lower five points but becomes asymptotic
that the line should be curved. The zero to zero as Q, increases. Available information
limitation can be obtained by using the var- does not indicate which extrapolation is more
iables log b and log Q, and thus making the nearly correct.
curve asymptotic to zero on both axes. The The signs of all significant regression coeffi-
addition of a term (log Q7)2 will provide the cients should be in accord with physical
necessary curvature. The regression equation principles. The regression is not necessarily
using these three variables is the top one on incorrect if they are not; the nonconformity
figure 13. It is not a good fit to the data. may be due to interrelations among the inde-
Next, assume that it is not necessary that pendent variables. Such a regression is useful
the curve be asymptotic to Q,=O. Then a semi- for estimating values of the dependent variables
log model using the variables log b, Q,, and Q”, from known values of the independent variables,
would be appropriate. But the equation based and the reliability of the results, if within the
on this model reaches a maximum too soon and debed range of the regression, can be com-
is a very poor fit. As a last resort assume a puted.
simple model with the variables b, Q,, and Q”,. The more difhcult problem of determining
This equation is a good fit to the data, largely whether a particular variable is related to the
because of the locations of the data. An addi- dependent variable may not have a definite
tional point of b=O at Q,=lO or more would answer. Even though a regression coefficient
have brought the curve below b=O at Q,= 7. is statistically significant, there is a small
The curve shown on figure 13 reaches a mini- probability that this result occurred by chance.
mum at Q7=7 and increases beyond. Other samples could produce conflicting results.
The mechanics of computing the regression On the other hand, if many regressions produce
equation, the standard error, and the tests of nonsignificant coefficients of a particular vari-

able, all coefficients having the same sign, then

we would conclude that the effect of that vari-
able was real but, of course, small.
A distinction should be made between statis-
tical significance and practical significance. The
regression coefficient of a variable may test
highly significant, and yet the effect of that
variable on the dependent variable may be
Uses and interpretations of regression analy-
ses in hydrology have been discussed by Riggs
(1960) and Amorocho and Hart (1964). .
.: :
Graphical regression X X
Figure 14.-F our possible outcomes of plotting Y against X.
The assumptions required of graphical re-
gression are the same as those required for one would draw through the plotted points.
analytical regression. The results of a graphical There are two regression lines, one for Y=j(X),
regression can be expressed mathematically if and another for X=j(Y) (fig. 15). The struc-
no restrictions are added to the graphical tural line, which balances the plotted points in
analysis, and the standard error can be both directions, has a slope approximately mid-
estimated. way between the two regression lines. The
Graphical regression is less restrictive than differences in slope among the three lines depend
analytical regression in that the model need on the degree of correlation of the variables.
not be completely specified in advance. In For perfect correlation all three lines have the
fact, f an analytical model cannot be selected same slope. Regardless of the correlation, both
on a physical basis, it is conventional to prepare regression lines pass through the mean; the
a preliminary graphical regression which will structural line may or may not pass through
indicate an appropriate model. For example, the mean.
consider the four data plots of figure 14. The To approximate the regression Y=j(X),
first (upper left of fig. 14) indicates use of the (I) group the points by small increments of X,
The second (upper right) requires I I I I I I

Y=a+ bX+ blX2, .

where the direction of curvature determines

the sign of bl. The third plot (lower left) indi-
cates the need for a transformation unless the
divergence can be explained by an additional
variable. The fourth plot (lower right) shows
no relation between Y and X, and, if only a Y-
two-variable relation is being considered, no
further analysis would be made. A relation,
however, between Y and X in the fourth plot
may be obscured by the effect of another
variable Z which has not been included. This
aspect is discussed on page 23. I I I I I I
The preparation of simple linear relations X
between two variables is well known. The re- Figure 15.-Plot showing the two regression lines and the
gression line is not necessarily the same line as structural line.

(2) estimate the mean of each group in the Y

direction, and (3) draw a line which averages
these means. The procedure can be understood
by referring to figure 15 and remembering that
the distribution of points about the regression
line in the Y direction is assumed to be the same
throughout the range. Obviously that assump-
tion cannot be true for a small number of
points, but it is the condition which we try to
approximate. The regression line of Y=f(X)
will have a flatter slope than that of a line drawn
to balance the points in both Y and X
The standard error of estimate of a graphical
regression cau be estimated readily. Remem-
bering (1) that the standard error of estimate
is the standard deviation of plotted points
about the regression line, (2) that two-thirds
of the points should be within one standard
deviation on each side of the mean of a normal
distribution, and (3) that a regression line “1 2 4 8
theoretically passes through the mean value X

of Y corresponding to any value of X, then Figure 16.--Method of estimating the standard error of a
two lines, parallel to the regression line and graphical regression.
one standard deviation above and below (in
the Y direction), should encompass two-thirds line, the graphically computed standard error
of the plotted points. In practice it is simpler will underestimate the computed standard
to draw the lines so as to exclude one-sixth error when a few plotted points are far from
of the points above and be‘ow, and then use the line but the majority are close. ln any
the average of these two deviations from the caee the graphically determined standard error
mean as the estimated standard error of esti- is only an approximation but is adequate for
mate. The procedure is illustrated in figure 16 many problems.
for a log relation. The standard error can be The correlation coefficient may also be esti-
described in log units but more common y is mated from a graphical regression by the
expressed in percent. This value is readily relation
obtained by using div’ders to lay off one T= Jm,
standard error above and below a cycle separa-
tion if the relat’on is plotted on log paper. where S, is the graphically determined stand-
The percentages are measured from one, as ard error and Sd is the standard deviation of
shown in figure 16. the Y variables about their mean determined
For regressions on arithmetic plots, the in the same manner as the standard error.
standard error will be in the same units as Y Obviously, the correlation coefficient should be
and can be read from the plot. estimated only for relations between variables
The reliability of the graphically determ ned which can reasonably be assumed to be drawn
standard error is influenced by two factors from a bivariate normal distribution.
having opposite effects. If the graphical-regres-
sion line has a steeper slope than the least- Graphical multiple regression
squares regression line, the graphical standard
error will be la ger than the computed standard There are two general methods of graphical
error. If we now assume that the graphical multiple regression. The method of deviations
line of relation is the same as the least-squares is based on the model

Y=a+b,X,+b&+ . . . b,X,,, considering one independent variable at a time

because the independent variables are usually
or a similar one allowing for curvilinearity. correlated to some extent with each other.
This method is probably the simplest and This statement can be verified by analyzing
most useful one available. the following synthetic data:
The coaxial method of graphical multiple NO. Xl X2
regression, used for runoff-precipitation rela- l..~--~~~~~~~~~ too 100 25
2 ___________ -__ 250 150 160
tions, is a more flexible method than the method 3 - - - ____- __- - - - 300 50 30
of deviations in that it allows both for inter- 4-------------- 100 30 110
actions and curvilinearity. However, these 5----- ________ - 200 100 150
advantages are obtained at the expense of 6~~.-~~~~~~~~~~ 200 20 20
7...~_____~..__~ 50 50 700
much additional work and at the loss of a simple
method of evaluating the reliability of the Assume that the logarithms of the variables
result. Linsley and others (1949, p. 659-655) are linearly related. This relation calls for
described the procedure in detail. Unless stated plotting on log paper. First make a graphic
otherwise, the descriptions of graphical multiple comparison between Y and X, by plotting the
regression in this section refer to the method of appropriate data (see plot 1, fig. 17). (In
deviations. statistical work the dependent variable is
The purpose of multiple regression is to usually plotted on the ordinate scale.) Also
determine how a dependent variable changes plot Y against X2 (plot 2, fig. 17). These plots
with changes in two or more independent indicate that Y cannot be estimated reliably
variables. This problem cannot be solved by from either parameter.

X, X*
I I I I II-,,,
1 111
500 I ’ I I I I I I7%\ _a I - 500

i-+-l Plot 7


Item number

Platte: point

Correspondmg value of X,

Plotted point &usted for X2

from plot 3

Figure 17.-Example of graphical multiple regression.


Now determine the relation between Y and illustrate the procedure and (2) to point out
both of the other variables. The procedure is that a good relation may not be recognized if
as follows: only two variables at a time are studied.
1. On figure 17, plot 1, write beside each point Graphical regressions involving more than
the corresponding value of &. It will be two independent variables can be made. The
seen that the high values of X2 tend to be residuals from each line are plotted against the
on one side of the group and the low next variable until all variables are used. Then
values on the other. This condition is an the residuals from the last line are replotted
indication that X, values are related to Y. from the first as described in step 4. In practical
Draw a straight line through the points work it is usually difficult. to define the effects
in such a way that it represents roughly of more than t.hree independent variables,
some constant value of X,. The line particularly when the influences of one or two
probably will not balance the plotted of the variables are small,
points. Linear regression should be used whenever
2. Plot deviations (also called residuals) of the plotted points do not definitely define a
Y from the straight line of plot 1 against curve and when no physical reason is known
X2 as the abscissa on plot 3 (fig. 17). The for expecting the relation to be curved. If a
deviations may be scaled from plot 1 or curve or curves are indicated by both of the
transferred by dividers. Because they are above criteria, then curves should be used.
ratios, they should be measured above or Complicated curves require four or more points
below 1.00 on plot 3. for definition. They should be avoided when
3. Draw a straight line averaging the points on only a relatively few points are available to
plot 3. . define the relation.
4. Measure the deviations of the points from Graphical multiple regressions need not be
the curve of plot 3 and replot them on made on logarithmic paper. Arithmetic plots
plot 1. These deviations are measured can be handled as readily. Figure 18 relates
from the straight line in plot 1 and define summer runoff to spring water content of the
the relation between Y and X1 with the snowpack and to summer precipitation. The
effect of X2 removed. Sometimes these graphical procedure is the same as in the first
replotted points are not randomly dis- example, except that deviations are measured
tributed about the line, in which case the in the same units as the dependent variable
line should be redrawn and the whole and the deviation scale must have its center
process repeated. When a satisfactory at zero with positive values above and negative
balance is attained the regression is values below. Obviously the mathematical
complete. The scatter of the adjusted model describing this relation would be different
points about the line of plot 1, is a measure from one for a graphical relation developed on
of the error. The standard error of a log paper.
graphical multiple regression may be The plotting paper selected for a particular
approximated by using the adjusted problem should be that on which the distribu-
points, as described in the section on tion of the dependent variable for a fixed
“Graphical Regression.” The line on plot value of the independent variable is approxi-
1 is the relation between Y and X1 for mately the same for all values of the inde-
pendent variable. This criterion is more im-
the X2 value at which the line of plot 3
crosses the 1.0 line (X2=66). The relation portant than that of attaining linearity.
of Y to X1 for any other value of X, will
be a line parallel to the line of plot 1, at a Graphical multiple regression when the
position defined by the curve of plot 3 for independent variables are highly cor-
the desired value of X,. related between themselves
The example used gave much better results
than ordinarily would be expected in hydrologic Figure 19 demonstrates a technique that is
analyses. The data were manufactured (1) to sometimes useful in graphical regression. Data
0 60

00 5.07

9.41 Preclpltation
0 Plotted point
X Pomt adjusted for efi ‘ect
of precipitation fr om
curve at right
0 :
10 20 31D 0 4 8 12

Figure 1 O.-Example of graphical multiple regression using arithmetic scales.

are given in table 4. Curve 1 (fig. 19) is the The numerator of the fraction flagged to each
relation between loo-year flood (Q& and plotted point is the mean annual discharge
mean annual flood (Q2J for 17 stations. (Q.J of the stream. Because this discharge


100 500 10 100 500 -


Figure 19.-Graphical regression using highly correlated independent variables. Based on data given in table 4.

Table 4.-Data for graphical regression using highly correlated independent variables
[From Riggs (195S)I

Mean Average
River and location fo% annual discharge
(cfs) flood (cfs)

1. Neosho-Iola, Kans- _ _-_ _r __ _ _ ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ 105,000 28,300 1,680

2. Big Blue-Rand01 h, Kans- __________________- 1,680
3. Miami-Dayton, Ohio-- __- ______________ ___- _ 1% xiz zg’ !ii 2,260
4. Savannah-Augusta, Ga- _ _- _____________ __ __- 350: 000 112: 900 10,540
5. West Branch Susquehanna-Williamsport, Pa- _ _ 260, 000 104, 100 8,910
6. Susquehanna-Towanda, Pa--- - ____________ ___ 236,000 107,200 10,370
7. Susquehanna-Harrisburg, Pa- _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ 594,000 282,600 34,700
8. Kanawha-Kanawha Falls, W. Va- _ - __ ________ 276,000 125,600 12,670
9. Allegheny-Red House, N.Y _______ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ 24,500 2,795
10. Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa ______ - _________________ 2 ;:x 13, 100 1,560
11. Tennessee-Knoxville, Tenn- _______________ ___ 228: 000 94,700 12,820
12. French Broad-Asheville, N.C- ___________ __ ___ 45,500 17,500 2,112
13. Des Moines-Keosaugua, Iowa- _ _ - ____________ 103,000 41, 100 5,351
14. Connecticut-White River Junction, Vt _________ 122,000 53, 100 7, 190
15. Cumberland-Nashville, Term- _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ 208,000 122,200 20, 400
16. Hudson-Mechanicville, N.Y __ _ _-_ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ 89,300 42,500 7,430
17. Ohio-Cincinnati, Ohio- _ _ __ _ __ -_ _ _ __ _- _ -_ _ _ __ 800,000 443,700 97,700

increases with Q2.33it is impossible to tell by Choice OFgraphical or analytical method

inspection whether use of QaO will improve
for multiple regression
the relation.
The following procedure may be used to A standard graphical method is particularly
define the effect, if any, of &an on the scatter useful for exploratory work and for making
of points about curve 1: preliminary estimates. The graphical method
1. Plot QaDagainst Q2.= (as abscissa) and draw has the following advantages:
the mean line (curve 2).
2. Divide each QaOby its value from curve 2 1. It is rapid.
at the same value of Q2.33.These divisions 2. It helps define the appropriate model.
are shown on the graph sheet for each 3. It points out the need for transformations,
plotted point (curve 1). They could have if any.
been obtained directly by measuring the 4. It brings attention to extremely wild points
deviations from curve 2 in percentage with if they exist in the data. (See the wild
dividers (only on log paper); in practice point in fig. 18.)
they would be obtained this way. Disadvantages of a graphical method are:
3. Use the dividends obtained in step 2 as the 1. Small effects of independent variables cannot
third variable. be identified.
4. Proceed with the graphical multiple regres- 2. The number of independent variables is
sion as described previously. limited to about three because of the cu-
The triangular symbols near curve 1 are the mulative effect of inaccuracies in plotting
points adjusted, for the effect of Qao. The fact and in locating the lines.
that they show less scatter than the original 3. Tests of significance of the effects of individ-
points indicates that estimates of Qloo are im- ual variables are not available.
proved by using Q.. as an additional variable. 4. The resulting relation involving three or
It can be shown by computing the equation of more variables is confusing to the user
the graphical relation that it is of the form unless expressed mathematically or re-
plotted in another form.
log Qm=log a+& log Qm-6s log &a.. An analytical method has the following
The introduction of the dividend is merely an advantages:
expedient; it cancels out of the final relation. 1. For the model used, it gives the best estimate

of the equation constants, and of the The limits of definition to the right of the equa-
standard error. tion tell the reader that he applies the equation
2. It allows testing of the coefficients for sig- to values of S and P outside those limits at his
nificant difference from zero. own risk.
3. Results can be presented in a clear, concise Another advantage of defining the equations
manner which most hydrologists can under of graphical relations appears when it is desired
stand. to compare relations of the same type but
4. Results are unique for the model and sample developed from different data. For example,
used; different investigators would get the Riggs (1965) related base flow discharges of
same results. nine small streams to drainage area and per-
Disadvantages of an analytical method are: centage of basin cleared. He made eight different
relations, each based on measurements of the
1. Computation is time consuming, especially
same streams but at different times. Interest was
for several variables and complicated mod-
in the variability of the effect of the percentage
els, use of computers reduces the actual
of basin cleared; this variability was apparent
computation time but requires consider-
when the equations of the relations were defined
able time to prepare the data.
and the regression coefficients of the percentage
2. The existence of wild points is masked as
of basin cleared were compared.
would be the existence of a group of points Still another use for the equation of a graphi-
much different from the majority (unless cal relation is to reduce a relation to its simplest
departures of all points from the estimates terms. This reduction is a desirable procedure
are computed). if the graphical analysis uses compound vari-
3. The model selected may not be the appro- ables. The graphical regression of figure 20 is
priate one. the result of an exploratory study of data for a
In general a graphical method should be used basin in Western United States and indicates
for exploratory work and the final conclusions that MAF may be estimated quite reliably from
should be based on a computed relation. drainage area and mean flow in cubic feet per
second per square mile. Because drainage area
is used twice, the actual effect of drainage area
Determining Equations of Graphical should be assessed. We begin by writing the
equation of the relation (by a method described
subsequently), which is
Graphical analyses are often adequate for log MAF= 1.OO+log A+ 1.02 log g,
certain problems. The results may be reported
by furnishing copies of the graphs, but interpre- where A is drainage area in square miles and
tation of graphs in more than two variables is g is mean flow in cubic feet per second per
di5cult for someone not familiar with the pro- square mile. Let G be mean flow in cubic feet
cedure. For instance, consider the three-variable per second. Then
relation of figure 18. What is the expected runoff ?j=j/A.
corresponding to a water content of snow of 20
inches and a precipitation at Three Creek of 10 Substituting this for g in the first equation gives
inches? It is 40,000 acre-feet from the left curve log MAF= l.OO+log A+1.02 log @A)
plus 14,000 from the right curve, a total of
54,000 acre-feet. A better method of presenta- = 1 .oo+log A+ I .02 log ;- 1.02 log A.
tion would be as a family of curves. Another Thus the net regression coefficient of log A is
way would be to write the equation of t,he graph- -0.02 which is negligible and, if eliminated
ical relation. The equation for the relation of from the relation, leaves
figure 18 is
log MAF= 1 .OO+ 1.02 log ;,
R= -22+1.65+4,.4P 12<5<28 or
4<P<ll. MAF= 10?.02.


I I lllll I III
100 1000 .05 0.1 0.3 0.6

Figure IO.-Gmphical regression in which one variable is used twice.

General methods define a gentle curve rather than a straight line.

The locus of the points can sometimes be made
All linear equations in two variables are of linear by adding or subtracting a constant from
the form one of the variables. The relation would be of
Y=a+bX, the form
log Y=log a+b log (x+c),
and this general form is the equation of a
straight line on rectangular graph paper. The
linear form on log paper is

log Y=log a+b log x, To determine the equation of any linear two-
variable relation, compute the slope of the line,
which, when expressed in the original variables, 13, as vertical distance divided by horizontal
is the power equation distance. These distances are always measured
in arithmetic units even though the plot is on
Y=aXb. log paper (the b values are not transformed).
A straight line on semilog paper has the linear The scale interval should be the same on both
form axes or an appropriate arithmetic adjustment
log Y=log a+bX, made. The intercept, a, is usually read off the
graph sheet on the ordinate scale at the appro-
which reduces to the exponential equation, priate value of X. For the relation
Y=a(lO)“. Y=a+bX,
Y=a when X=0,
If b=c log k in the above equation, then
and for the relation
Y=ak”. log Y=log a+b log X,
Occasionally, points plotted on log paper Y=a when X=1.

If the graphical line cannot be conveniently definition of the equation of a graphical re-
extended to X= 1 or X=0, the coordinates of a gression is limited to linear regressions.
point on the curve can be substituted in the
equation and the intercept can be computed.
Definition of equations
The standard equations given in analytic
geometry texts are of little use in empirical
The methods for defining the equation of a
analysis. More flexible mathematical expres-
graphical regression will be demonstrated by
sions are needed, and ones that may be put in
two examples. The procedures used in these
linear form are desirable because of ease in
examples can be adapted readily to other
computing the equation. If a transformation
problems. The first example, shown in figure
cannot be found that will make the relation
21, is a multiple linear regression by the method
linear, then a model of the type
of residuals. The equation of this relation is
Y=a+blX+bzXZ+bJF+ . . . +b,X”, obtained as follows. Consider first the relation
between Y, and X, where Y, is the curve value
or some portion of it, will fit most plotted
from the left part of figure 21. This relation is
smooth curves. If the curvature is only in one
of the form Y=a+bX, where a is the intercept
direction, the X2 term will introduce the needed
at X1=0 and b is the slope of the line. For this
curvature. For a curve having a point of inflec-
tion, both the X2 and the x3 terms are needed.
Terms having higher exponents are rarely used Y,=5.4+0.86X,.
in empirical work. The equation of the second line is obtained
The above model is equally applicable where similarly and is
X is replaced by log X. A line curved in one
direction on log paper is expressed by Residual= -10+2.78X2.
log Y=log z+bl log X+bz (log X)2. The residual (call it R) is the individual point
value, Y, minus the value obtained from the
Reducing this to power form gives first equation; that is,
y=ax"'p Ioks,ax*l+‘l mgx*
The general form of linear relations in Substituting for Y, in the above equation gives
several variables is
Y- (5.4+0.86X,)= - 10+2.78X2
Y=a+blXl+b2X2 . . . +b,X,,.
from which the desired relation,
Sometimes the regression coefficient for one
variable changes with another variable. This is
known as an interaction. In the model is obtained.
The second example (fig. 22) is a relatively
simple coaxial graphical multiple regression
adapted from one made by the Hydraulic
the last term is called a product interaction
Research Branch of the Bureau of Public
term. Its use provides a systematic change in
Roads. This regression is linear, and the lines
for S and P are systematically spaced and
Curvilinear relations in several variables may
parallel. Under these conditions the equation
be described by adding terms in powers of the
of the graphical relation can be determined.
independent variables. The equation of a curved
The following facts are evident from a study
line or of a multiple relation involving an inter-
of figure 22:
action is not easily computed. The advantage
of recognizing the general form of equation 1. Q10is the dependent variable.
which would represent a particular graphical 2. A is t,he principal independent variable.
relation lies in the need for a model if a least- 3. Lines of equal P are linearly spaced on
square regression is to be computed. The logarithmic paper and are parallel.

0 2 4 6 8

Figure 91 .-Multiple linear regression by the method of residuals.

4. Lines of equal S are logarithmically spaced instance, for Qaa,=l,OOO, A=7.3. Then
at twice the logarithmic scale of the paper
and are parallel. 1,00O=K(7.3)‘~~~, from which K=78.
To solve, separate the regression into two Similarly, for Qadl= 10,000, A=445 and K=78.
parts by introducing an intermediate variable Introducing P as a variable makes it neces-
Qad, (to an arbitrary scale) so that sary to define the intercept K in terms of P
(because the intercept is different for each
Qw=f(A, P>
value of P). The interval per tenth difference
in P when projected on the Qad, scale is 1.36,
Qau=.f(S,Q3. that is, for each tenth increase in P, the inter-
Consider the first relation. For a fixed P, the cept increases 1.36 times (the intercept is on a
model would be logarithmic scale). This increase can be meas-
ured for individual intervals or computed from
QW=I(An, the total increase: For instance, for A= 10 :

in which K is the intercept on the Qadf scale QGa,=1,480 for P=1.2,

(at A=l) and n is the slope of the line. In this and
example, n=1.28, which is the ratio of the Qad,= 17,000 for P=2.0.
linear vertical to horizontal lengths. When
P=2.20, the intercept K is 78. To obtain this The increase for eight intervals is 17,000/
intercept graphically requires a long curve 1,480=11.5, and (1.356)*=11.5.
extension. It is simpler to compute the intercept Then
from some other value of A than one. For
600,000 ,(


Figure Il.-Coaxial graphical multiple regression.

in which 78 is the intercept at P=1.2, the The spacing of the lines in a vertical direction
increase in K per tenth is 1.36, and the factor (parallel to the Qad, scale) is twice the paper
lO(P-1.2) is the number of tenths above 1.2. scale. Therefore, the intercept K varies directly
Substituting the values of K and n gives, for as S2, and the equation is
the tist relation
Qadj=0.0025S2Q:~78. (2)
Qad~=78(1.36:)10~P-1~2~A1~28. (1) Equating equations 1 and 2 gives
The second relation,
Qw=.W, Q3 which, in logarithmic form, is
is handled by considering again that Qaaj is the
log 0.0025+2 log S+1.78 log Qlo=log 78
dependent variable. Neglecting S, the model
would be +lO(P-1.2) log 1.36+1.28 log A.
Qm=KQfl;. Solving for Qlo gives
The slope m is 1.78 by scaling. The intercept K
log QIo=1.61+0.72 log A-l.12 log S+0.75P,
is computed at S= 1, Qadj= lOO,dOO, and
QlO= 19,000, as follows: which is the desired result.

or Other Tools
log lOO,OOO=log K+1.78 log 19,000,
Analysis OF variance
log K=5-7.60=-2.60=7.40-10,
Analysis of variance is a procedure by which
K=0.0025. the variation embodied in the data of the

sample may be resolved into component varia- Sum of squares of all individuals
tions due to independent factors. It is closely
related to correlation but is applicable to
problems where some of the factors can be (Sum of squares of sums)/n=C c/n
described only by classes, not as numerical
variates. =[(238.3)2+(170.1)2]/15=5,714.7.
The analysis depends on the additive
characteristic of variances. Its purpose is to Between-periods sum of squares= C Tf/n
test whether several means are alike or not. - T2/N=5,714.7-5,559.7= 155.0.
The basic features of the process are (1) the
measurement of variance among experimental Within-periods sum of squares= CY,”
data by the sum of the squared deviations of
the observations from their mean, (2) the par-
titioning of the total sum of squared deviations Total sum of squares=CYi- T2/N=6,067.3
into independent parts, each part associated
with some physical feature of the experiment, -5,559.7=507.6.
(3) the estimation of parameters in the distribu-.
tions postulated to underlie the data, and (4) The analysis of variance table is
tests of significance regarding these parameters.
Sum of Degrees of Mean Average
Results of the test give the probability of there Source squares freedom square mean
being a significant difference between the effects square
of a factor or factors at different levels.
A very simple example of an analysis of Between
periods _ _ _ 155. 0 1 **155 fJ+n *;
variance concerns whether the mean runoffs Within
for two periods of record at a gaging station periods- _ _ 352. 6 28 12. 6 d
Total--- 507. 6 29 -_-_-_ ---------
are estimates of the same population mean. The
annual runoffs are given below: **Statistical signillcanee above the 0.01 level.

Pedali 1 Period 8
17.3 _________________ - 6.4 The degrees of freedom, D.F., are one less
21.9 _______ -__- ______ - 15.2 than the number of periods, p, for the between-
13.6 __________________ 9.7 periods sum of squares and N-l for the total.
10.8 _______________ -__ 4.4 Thus the degrees of freedom associated with the
19.7 __-------- - -__--_- 9.9
20.7s- ____________ -___ 11. 9
within-periods source is N-p. Mean square is
16.3 _____ -_- ____ -__-__ 11.9 obtained by dividing the sum of squares by
16.2 ____ --- ___________ 15.4 D.F.
12.5 ______________ -___ 9.4 The last column in the analysis of variance
11.3-- ----_-----_- --__ 7.0 table shows expected values of the mean
14.0- _____________ -___ 16.0
squares. If the means for the periods are alike,
16.5-_________________ 17.0
15.3 _____ - ___-_-_____ - 11.2 the term nai would be zero. Estimates of the
19.2 _____________ --___ 13.2 ratio [a2+na$a2 may be greater than one,
13.0 ______ --_-___--___ 11.5 because of chance or because there is a real
difference. This ratio has the F distribution and
238.3 170.1
can be tested statistically. The ratio in the
Computations are as follows: above table is 155/12.6=12.3. The value of F
for 1 and 28 degrees of freedom and a proba-
Grand total=T=238.3+170.1=408.4. bility of 0.01 is F~,2e,o.ol=7,6 from a table of
F distribution. Because the sample ratio
Total number of items=N=30. exceeds the tabular ratio, we conclude that
Number of items in each period=n=15. there is a real difference between periods; that
is, the probability is less than 0.01 that such
7-/N= (408.4)2/30=5,559.7. a .differkce in means would have occurred by

chance if there were no real difference between variance. In the example comparing mean run-
periods. The double asterisk on the mean offs for two periods of record, it was concluded
square for between periods (in the analysis-of- that a real difference existed between periods.
variance table) denotes statistical significance But there is no physical reason to expect a
above the 0.01 level. change in this basin. The earlier period was
Now consider a similar problem, to deter- one of high precipitation; the later period in-
mine whether mean annual precipitation at cluded the drought of the thirties. It is also
three stations is different. The data are given possible that some of the annual runoffs were
in the following table. serially correlated. Thus the characteristics
of the data tend to discredit the results of this
Precipitation, in inches, at- particular application of the analysis of
Year site 1 Site 2 Site 3 In the last example, the precipitation at site
2 is greater than that at site 1 for every year
shown, yet the analysis of variance shows no
1945-------_-_--- 40. 6 48. 2 47. 5
difference in means. (An analysis of variance
1946----.------_- 36. 1 40. 2 34 8
1947- ____________ 37. 5 37. 8 42. 2 between site 1 and site 2, only, shows a dif-
1948--..~~~-~~~~~~ 52. 3 58. 2 59. 9
ference at a probability level of about 0.25.)
1949------_----_- 42. 2 43. 3 51. 7
1950-----~~-~~~~~ 40. 6 41. 4 42. 5 The annual precipitations at8 a site may be
1951--------_--_- 38. 3 42. 3 40. 5
independent, but the precipitations at the sev-
1952--__--_---.._- 45. 8 48. 2 47. 8
-- ___ eral sites for the same year are not. Therefore
F- Sums------- “if 7” 359.
45. 60 366. 9
__ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - . 45. 9 the requirements of the method are not, met,
and the results must be accepted with
From the data in the table we can make the The two examples given utilize a very simple
following calculations : statistical model. For more complicated prob-
lems, several models may be considered. Selec-
T= 1,059.c-I tion of the appropriate one is difficult for the
T=/N=46,807.8 “part-time” statistician. Many statistics texts
ZY72=47,784.0 treat analysis of variance in detail. See Bennett
2T,2/n=46,885.4 and Franklin (1954), Brownlee (1960), and
The analysis-of-variance table is Dixon and Massey (1957). In general, an
analysis of variance made by someone not
Sum of Dw;- Mean thoroughly familiar with the process should be
Source squares square
freedom reviewed by a statistician for suitability of the
model and correctness of the interpretation.
Among sites-------
Within sites_______
Total------- Analysis of covariance
The analysis of variance of the runoff data
Fa,21=38.8/42.9<1; therefore there is no dii- for two periods (see p. 32) indicated that the
ference statistically among the three means. population means were probably different, yet
A perusal of hydrologic literature will turn other information, particularly precipit.ation
up very few applications of analysis of variance. records, leads to the opposite conclusion. The
Most analyses of variance are based on data precipitation data can be incorporated in the
from a designed experiment, and it is this ap- analysis by using an analysis of covariance.
lication for which the best results are obtained. This method includes concepts from analysis of
Hydrologic data are usually parts of a time variance and regression and is applicable where
series which may not be stationary. Thus the a variable represents a measurement for each
individual values may not be entirely inde- individual as opposed to a variable which can
pendent as required for a valid analysis of only be separated into a few categories.

Two general conditions for which an analysis periods. The two results do not conflict. There
of covariance will produce conclusions different is a difference in means for the two periods,
from an analysis of variance are shown in but this difference is due to a difference in X
figure 23. In each condition, Y is the variable values for those periods.
being analyzed and X is the independent varia- Analysis of covariance requires t,hat slopes
ble. Plot A of figure 23 shows means of Y for of the regression lines for the individual periods
the two periods to be practically equal. For be virtually parallel. A test for parallelism has
this condition an analysis of variance would been described by Dixon and Massey (1957,
show no significant difference between means. p. 218).
But a major change in the relation of Y to X
occurred between periods 1 and 2, and it is this Table S.-Annual precipitation index and annual runoff, for
change that the analysis of covariance can example of analysis of covoriance

identify. Period 1 Period 2

Precipitation Runoff Precipitation Runoff
Plot A index (X) W) index (X) 07
27..-_-------- 17.3 14------_--- 6. 4
36m.-----_-_m 21.9 26---------m 15. 2
26---------m- 13.6 15 __________ 9. 7
18- _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - lo. 8 ll-~--_~-~_~ 4. 4
27--e- _______ 19.7 19---~-~_~~~ 9. 9
30-..-------_- 20.7 21-_-------- 11. 9
25-------w--- 16.3 18 ______ -_-_ 11. 9
--- 28--------~_~ 16.2 22-_-.---m-m 15. 4

Xlxtx2 X
17 _-_-_-_---
16.5 30--_-_---m- 17. 0
Figure 23.- Two conditions for which analysis of covariance
15.3 16-----m---- 11. 2
19.2 23---------- 13. 2
will produce conclusions different from those of analysis
13. 0 23---------- 11. 5
of variance. __-
388-----~-~~~ 238. 3 304 ___._..__ 170. 1
The analysis of covariance test is made on
deviations from regression rather than on Tz=692; T,=408.4.

means. The test involves the sum of squares

of deviations from a regression defined by all Details of an analysis-of-covariance compu-
points plotted about their own period means tation are given below using (1) the same runoff
and the sum of squares of deviations from an data as in the previous section for !he analysis-
overall regression line (Dixon and Massey, of-variance example and (2) some assumed
1957, p. 210). In effect the test indicates values of a precipitation index, all of which
whether the two periods are different when are listed in table 5 and plotted on figure 24.
adjusted to the same X value. As previously The plot indicates that there is no change in
stated, an analysis of variance of data of the
condition of plot A, figure 23, would indicate I o Period 1

no diReren& between periods because the

means 7, and Fz are nearly alike. But analysis
of covariance would show a significant differ-
ence in Y values corresponding to the overall
mean Ft.
Plot B of figure 23 shows two periods having
very different mean Y values but no real
difference in the regressions of Y on X for the
two periods. An analysis of variance would
show a significant difference between means,
but an analysis of covariance would show no
significant difference in regressions for the two Figure 24.-Plot of data from table 5.
relation between periods and that the difference sion is obtained by subtraction. The data are
in runoff means between periods was due to shown in the following covariance table.
differences in precipitation. For these data it
would not be necessary to make a covariance Data Deviations
analysis. However, if separate regressions were source Degreg DegP2S MC!811
of zzz =u w of Z( Y- 552 square
indicated by the plotted points, it might be freedom freedom
desirable to make a covariance analysis in order Between
UlWIlS-.. 1 235 191 155.0 1 5. 5 5. 5
to test whether the two regressions were signifi- Within
periods. _ 23 701 443.3 3526 27 72.3 2.7
cantly different statistically. Total-. 29 936 634.3 507.6 28 77.8 __.....

The following computation illustrates the Sums of squares for within periods (in the first part of the table) are
procedure : obtained by subtraction. Degrees of freedom for deviations from regres-
sion, Z(Y-Y)s, for within periods and total are one less than for means.
Total sum of products=CXuYtt- T,TJnk,
where T, and T, are grand totals of X and Y, The test of significance compares F (the ratio
n is the number of items in each period, and k of mean squares from the covariance table), to
is the number of periods. values of the distribution of F at the 5-percent
Between-means sum of products and lo-percent levels. For this example they are
=cT,,T, Jn- T,T,jnk, F=5.5/2.7=2.0,
where T,, and TV, are column (period) totals. F 1.2,.0.05=4.2,
For this example, and I
the total sum of products= (27) (17.3)
+(36)(21.9)....+(23)(11.5) Because 2.0 is less than 2.9, the difference in
periods is not significant at the lo-percent level
- (692) (408.4)/(15) (2) when runoffs are adjusted for precipitation.
=10,054.7-9,420.5=634.3 Seethe article by Wilm (1943)) which includes
a discussion by Davenport, for an application of
Between-means sum of products covariance analysis to a hydrologic problem.
= (388) (328.3)/15-l- (304) (170.1)/15
Multivariate analysis
- (692)(408.4)/30=9,611.4
Multiple regression on independent variables
which are related among themselves sometimes
Total sum of squares on X=xX’,, produces inconsistent results from different sets
of data. For example, the regression coefficient
- T,2/N=l6,898- 15,962=936
of an independent variable may range from
Between-periods sum of squares on X positive to negative in different regressions and
yet test statistically significant in each. Under
these conditions, the conclusions regarding the
Sums of squares on Y are taken from the effect of that variable on the dependent variable
analysis-of-variance example. might be wrong if only one set of data was
Deviations from regression are computed by analyzed. The use of multivariate analysis has
the formula been proposed as a way out of this dilemma.
Multivariate analysis is concerned with the
relationship of sets of dependent variates and
which, for totals, =507.6- (634.3)‘/936=507.6 includes several different procedures, each in-
-429.8=77.8. tended to accomplish a different objective.
For within periods, the deviations from regres- Snyder (1962) investigated the use of multi-
sion are variate analysis in hydrology where the struc-
352.6-(443.3)2/701=352.6-280.3=72.3, ture of the solution was of primary interest.
and the between-means deviation from regres- Kendall (1957) described the theory.

In its present (1965) state of development, cept,ion of annual minimum flows which include
multivariate analysis is- not a useful tool for effluent from ground-water recharge of a
defining cause-and-effect relationships in hy- previous year).
drology; regression analysis is still the best Precipitation, temperature, sediment dis-
method available. charge, water quality, transpiration, evapora-
tion, and solar radiation vary throughout the
year; indices describing them may be nonran-
Characteristics OF Hydrologic Data dom and nonhomogeneous.
Obviously the distinction between random
Streamflow is a continuous process which and nonrandom data and between homogeneous
varies with time, and thus streamflow data are and nonhomogeneous data is not always clear
said to form a time series. A plot of streamflow cut. The analyst will have to determine whether
against time would show a pattern of variation the effects of possible moderate nonrandomness
recurring each year; that is, high flows tend to or nonhomogeneity will invalidate the conclu-
occur at particular times of the year and low sions of his particular analysis. It is important
flows at others in response to climatological that the character of the data be considered
characteristics which also vary seasonally. in designing the analysis and in interpreting
Because streamflows are not discrete values, the results.
we need to chop the hydrograph into pieces So-far we have described variables that may
which we will consider as individual stream- be considered samples from a population if the
flows. The particular pieces we use have certain individuals are homogeneous. If the individuals
characteristics which must be considered in are also random, we can estimate the frequency
analysis. The most common piece is the daily distribution of the variable from the sample.
mean discharge. A daily mean discharge is Another type of variable used extensively in
related to the discharge of the previous day hydrology cannot be considered to have a
and lies within a range which depends on the probability distribution, or even to be drawn
time of year. In statistical terms, daily mean from a population as thought of in the usual
discharge is a serially correlated variable, that sense. Basin characteristics such as drainage
is, it is nonrandom. The daily mean discharges a,rea, slope, elevation, and vegetal index are in
for a year are also not homogeneous; they are this category. (It is possible to conceive of
more likely to be larger at one time of the year certain physiographic parameters as random
than at another. Data are considered homo- variables, but rarely can the available sample
geneous if any subgroup to which certain of be considered randomly selected or represent-
these data may be logically assigned has the ative.)
same expected mean and variance as any other Time is sometimes used as a variable in
subgroup of the population. regression. It has no distribution and is used
Monthly mean discharges for different. calen- only as a substitute for the real factor or
dar months are also serially correlated and factors (which are unknown or cannot be ex-
nonhomogeneous. Annual mean discharges may pressed by indices) associated with changes in
be homogeneous values. They may or may not a dependent variable.
be serially correlated, depending on the amount
of basin storage at the time that the hydrologic Effects OF data characteristics on analysis
year begins.
Instead of a streamflow variable made up of We prepare a frequency distribution of daily
adjacent segments of a hydrograph, we may mean discharges from several years of data;
consider variables such as July mean, annual this is the duration curve. The individual
peak discharge, or annual minimum flow. These values are nonrandom and nonhomogeneous.
variables are made up of one individual from Therefore the duration curve cannot be con-
each year and thus are independent of the sidered a frequency curve. The probability of
yearly cycle of streamflow. They are also inde- exceeding a certain value on a particular future
pendent of each other (with the possible ex- day depends both on the preceding value and
on the time of year. Thus, the duration curve relation between monthly mean discharges of
is merely the distribution of daily means that Lake Fork above Moon Lake, Utah, and
has occurred. It can be considered an estimate Duchesne River at Provo River Trail, Utah,
of the distribution during a future period sev- for the calendar month of January; there is a
eral years long. fair relation for the calendar month of June
On the other hand, frequency curves of (fig. 26). With few exceptions the relation be-
annual flood peaks can be interpreted as prob- tween monthly discharges from two adjacent
ability curves because the individuals are drainage basins for a particular calendar month
unrelated and homogeneous. Most low-flow is not the same as the relation for a different
frequency curves can be similarly interpreted, calendar month. When monthly discharges for
but occasionally a serially correlated sample all calendar months are used together, the
will be found. computed correlation coefficient will be too high
The effect of using nonhomogeneous data in and the computed standard error will be an
a regression problem is shown by figure 25 in average of the standard errors for the individual
which is plotted 4 years of monthly mean dis- calendar-month relations.
charge for each of the 12 calendar months for
two stations, one in Turkey and one in Idaho. Outhers
The relation looks fairly good, but there is
actually no relation between the two streams Many factors influence the flow of a stream ;
for a particular calendar month. The apparent some exert great influence at one time and none
relation using all calendar months arises be- at another; most exert effects which are inter-
cause the yearly cycle of streamflow in Idaho related with effects of other factors. Only a
resembles that in Turkey. Discharges in winter few factors can be included in a regression used
months are low and in spring snowmelt months to estimate streamflow, and the effects of these
are high. factors are only approximated. Consequently
0 I-
there is a scatter of points about the regression
hue and occasionally a wild point occurs (see
fig. 18 for an example). Such wild points are
0 act
x Nov
0 Jan 0 called outliers in statistics,
tests are available
and statistical
for use in determining

/ P. .
0 Feb
m March whether or not a particular point should be
A Apr rejected as not belonging to the group. It seems
0 Mav
questionable whether outliers in hydrologic

analyses should be rejected on the basis of a
statistical test. Consider the wild point in figure
18. If the precipitation had been about 7 inches
instead of 3.4 inches, the point would not bc
wild. It is possible that precipitation at the
higher elevations in the Jarbidge River basin
was much greater than at Three Creek. If it
were, the same thing could happen again and
more weight should have been given to that
100 1000 41 0 point in the analysis. However, if some of the
data for that year are found to be unreliable
IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND we could reject the point.
Acton (1959) devoted a short chapter to the
Figure PS.-Spurious relation using nonhomogeneous data.
rejection of unwanted data. He says, in part’,
“But the plain truth is that physical scientists
Less extreme conditions are shown by rela- and engineers need not be encouraged to ignore
tions between monthly mean discharges from obstinate outlying data-rather they need to
contiguous basins. For example, there is no be held in check”.

Jan /

10 1 ) 7 D

Figure 26.-Discharge relations for individual months, two Utah stations.

Brownlee, K. A., 1960, Statistical theory and method

Selected References ology in science and engineering: New York
Acton, F. S., 1959, Analysis of straight-line data: New John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 570 p.
York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 265 p. Dawdy, D. R., and Matalas, N. C., 1964, Analysis of
Amorocho, J. and Hart, W. E., 1964, A critique of cur- variance, covariance, and time series, in Chow,
rent methods in hydrologic systems investigation: V. T., Handbook of applied hydrology: New
Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, v. 45, no. 2, p. York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., p. 8-68 to 8-90.
307-321. Dixon, W. J., and Massey, F. J., 1957, Introduction to
Bennett, C. A., and Franklin, N. L., 1954, Statistical statistical analysis: New York, McGraw-Hill Book
methods in chemistry and the chemical industry: Co., Inc., 488 p.
New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 724 p. Ezekiel, M., 1950, Methods of correlation analysis: 2d
Benson, M. A., 1960, Characteristics of frequency ed., New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 531 p.
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p. 51-74.
Fisher, R. A., 1950, Statistical methods for research
~ 1962, Factors influencing the occurrence of
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Charles Griffin and Co., Ltd., 185 p. - 1965, Effect of land use on low flows in Rap
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