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Recipe 2

5 lb Ground beef – lean

3 Packages of Beef Cubes
5 lg Onion -- chopped
40 oz Tomato puree -- cann
15 oz Tomato paste -- can
20 oz Kidney beans -- rinsed & drain
20oz Chilli Beans
2 1/2 qt Water -- or more
10 tb Chili powder
2 1/2 Garlic -- to taste
SAUTE THE ONION in a non-stick pan, or in a little butter until tender. If you want the
chili hot, saute with the chili powder. When the onions are limp, add the beef, and brown,
breaking up with a spoon. (Drain if you like). Add puree, paste, chili powder if you didn't
brown it, beans, and 16 oz. water. And salt & pepper if you like it. Cover and simmer
over low heat for 2 hrs., stirring occasionally. Add more water if it gets too thick. Good
served over mashed potatoes. You may need more water, depending on the cooking
temperature. And you can adjust the amount of chili powder to taste. And you can add
spices of your choice. This is an easy dish for camping.

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