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Reaction on the Stage Play

Entitled “Matam-is an Gugma, Mapait an Kahadlok”

The “Matam-is an Gugma, Mapait an Kahadlok: stage play by Donya Benie

Entertainment Production in cooperation with Kbox Studios Production with the

marvelous direction of Professor Joey Lianza was held at the Leyte Normal University

Gym last July 27, 2019 @ 8:00 in the evening.

It was my first time to watch a stage play and I was captivated by the title of the

play itself. The words weren’t new to me but it still arouses my curiosity for it talks about

the bitterness and sweetness of love and what is it in the play to be afraid of. Thrilled as

first timer as I am, my mind was filled with questions as to how is really a stage play is

being done, what are the things I should pay attention the most, is it the cast/actors, the

story, the setting, the direction, etc., would it catch my interest, how am I going to react to

different scenes, am I allowed to scream if the scene is terrifying or should I keep quiet

the whole time the play is being shown? I was ready and looking forward to discover the

concept this play had to offer.

The story was set in the 1980’s and took place in Anibong, Tacloban City where

people find quest in love. The protagonist on the story, Fernando Poe, was challenged

by the pressure of not having a work and his undisclosed feeling of love towards a girl.

He finally realized the need to change himself for the better which later on helped him to

become a better person. His life changing experience created an effect towards the

people around him.

The story was clearly delivered and very much relatable. It showed the struggle of

the persons in dealing with the different faces of love; the unconditional love of a mother,
love with same sex, love with full of deceptions and pretensions, and the unreachable

love. It tried to tell the viewers that once you fall in love, its not all about happiness,

complications and different emotions will be felt.

The actors identified well with the characters that they are portraying. They

engaged my emotions and held my attention until the very last second of the play. They

leaped out of their lines. They were captivating in every scene.

I must say that the play was well casted, and well directed. Based on the

performance of the actors, the director got the cast to really understand the underpinnings

of the story. They drew the scene to bring the audience to a good emotional climax and

ending. The light was adequate and amazing. The effects of the lightings add to the

beauty of every scene. The stage set-up was effective. The backdrop helped in delivering

the message of every scene. The sound track was enticing to really feel the emotion of

each scene. The songs were perfectly chosen as it complements to the scene.

Overall, the play was astounding and worth watching.


MAT- Student
FD 503 Foundation of Education
Summer Class

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