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Celenie B.


I. Fallacy of Language
A. Equivocation
1. I have the right to watch "The Real World." Therefore, it's right for me to
watch the show. So, I think I'll watch this "Real World" marathon tonight
instead of studying for my exam.
2. God: "One million years to me is a second." Man: "What about one million
dollars, my Lord?" God: "A penny." Man: "May my Lord give me a penny?"
God: "No problem, just a second."
3. Noisy children are a real headache. Two aspirin will make a headache go
away. Therefore, two aspirin will make noisy children go away.

B. Fallacy of amphiboly

Ex. "Last night I caught a prowler in my pyjamas."

Did the speaker (1) find a prowler who was wearing their pyjamas, (2) find a prowler
while the speaker was wearing their pyjamas, or (3) ensnare the prowler using their
pyjamas as a net?

Ex. Don't let worry kill you off — let the Church help."
Does the Church help reduce worry, or kill people, or both?

C. Accent Fallacy

Example #1: In the movie, My Cousin Vinny, Ralph Maccio's character, Bill, was
interrogated for suspected murder. When the police officer asks him, "when did you
shoot the clerk?" Bill replies in shock, "I shot the clerk? I shot the clerk?" Later in the
film, the police officer reads Bill's statement as a confession in court, "Then he said, 'I
shot the clerk. I shot the clerk.'"

Explanation: In the movie, it appeared that the police officer did understand Bill's
question as a confession. So, it did not appear to be a fallacious tactic of the police
officer, rather a failure of critical thought perhaps due to a strong confirmation bias (the
officer was very confident that Bill was guilty, thus failed to detect the nuance in the
D. Fallacy of Division
(also known as: false division, faulty deduction, division fallacy)
Description: Inferring that something is true of one or more of the parts from the fact
that it is true of the whole. This is the opposite of the fallacy of composition.
Logical Form:
A is part of B.
B has property X.
Therefore, A has property X.
Example #1:
His house is about half the size of most houses in the neighborhood. Therefore, his
doors must all be about 3 1/2 feet high.
Explanation: The size of one’s house almost certainly does not mean that the doors
will be smaller, especially by the same proportions. The size of the whole (the house) is
not directly related to the size of every part of the house.

E. A fallacy of division is the error in logic that occurs when one reasons that something that is
true for a whole must also be true of all or some of its parts.
An example:
1. The 2nd grade in Jefferson elementary eats a lot of ice cream
2. Carlos is a 2nd grader in Jefferson elementary
3. Therefore, Carlos eats a lot of ice cream

F. Fallacy of Word Construction

Infers a similarity of meaning from the similarity of the material pattern of the two words.

Infinite means without limit;

indefective means without defect;
ergo, indebted means without debt.

 Should abortion be allowed?

NO, basically it’s a sin it is against God’s well, but abortion is rather

widespread in all countries worldwide. Because there is some reason behind it,

maybe their country is allowing them to do it. Purposeful abortion has been a

controversial topic for many decades and that is still the problem nowadays,

that’s why they need to stop these actions.

I read some article about this issue, that abortion is commonly classified

into two types: spontaneous and purposeful. The former refers to the kind of

abortion that takes place without any outside interference (or, to be more precise,

without any interference from the third parties, i.e. doctors). It is also called a

miscarriage and is more connected to some health problems that a woman has

that prevent her from carrying the child. Maybe this issue is acceptable for the

sake of the women’s health condition.

Name: Villarin, Celenie B.
Year & Section: IV
Course: BSED


1. Explain how God can become a sufficient reason as the origin of man?

From the Bible itself. The sovereignty

“Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things?
It is the One who brings out their army by number; he calls them all by name. Because
of his vast dynamic energy and his awe- inspiring power, not one of them is missing.”
Isaiah 40: 26

“Know that Jehovah id God. He is the one who made us, and we belong to him.”
Psalm 100: 3

“I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, nor my praise to

graven images.”
Isaiah 42.8

2. As what science proposes, man has evolved from an ape. How can you explain the
origin of man?

Many may believe that there is a wide array of fossil evidence that clearly shows
how apes have become humans. Religion and mythology are often viewed as some
evolved coping mechanism to explain things that our brains have not been able to
understand or directly experience. The scientific community must reject a supernatural
origin based on its naturalistic/materialistic definition of science. People who believe in
the God of the Bible accept and believe that humans were created by God.

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