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American Educational Research

AERA, founded in 1916, is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry
related to education and evaluation and, by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results.

National Education Association

National association is for those working in public education.

International Reading Association

IRA is a professional organization for reading teachers. It also publishes several prominent reading journals, such
as The Reading Teacher and Reading Research Quarterly.

National Council of Teachers of

NCTM is an association for math teachers. Teaching Children Mathematics, Mathematics Teacher and other math
journals are published by this organization.

National Science Teachers Association

This website contains a good deal of free content from the preeminent association for science teachers.

The National Council for the Social Studies – Another K-12 organization. Its
journals, Social Education and Social Studies for the Young Learner are chock-full of
ideas, sources of materials, and information about contemporary topics. Middle and
High School teachers of any subject will find the ideas and materials useful. Think about
using the study of maps and globes to teach algebra and the study of public utilities to
teach chemistry, physics, and biology. For many years, NCSS has worked to improve
the quality and range of tradebooks nd multimedia resources for students.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics – Here again a rich source of ideas,

materials, and networking possibilities. The range is from Teaching Children
Mathematics and The Arithmetic Teacher to ways of designing the most advanced high
school courses.

National Science Teachers Association – As above. This organization serves K-12

teachers in all the sciences. The Science Teacher feeds ideas and sources of materials
for all levels. NSTA’s list of best children’s books in science is an exceptionally fine
resource not only for elementary teachers and students but for middle and high school
students of modest reading ability. You will find heaps of information about science in
books directed at young students–trust us on this.
BSCS — The Biological Curriculum Study provides curriculum development,
extensive professional development opportunities, and excellent networking
opportunities. This organization has had a major impact on research on science
teaching and curriculum. Its high standards and models of teaching improved teaching
and curriculum for decades before the CCSS were developed. In our view, BSCS is
always ahead of the curve.

National Council of Teachers of English – a comprehansive organization that

provides plenty of information on common practices for teaching the English Language
Arts K-12 and beyond. Has the virtues of the other organizations, but tends to be
“middle-of-the-road” on curriculum and instruction.

National Writing Project – A network of researchers and practitioners, for forty years
this organization has been the leading force in promoting best practices in the teaching
or writing. Some of the other organizations have large executive offices and extensive
formal publications. This is more low-key but, in terms of influence on practice, equals
that of most of its peers.

Learning Forward is the national organization on professional development. It has

played a leading role in helping school districts develop better support for teachers. In
recent years it has offered support directly to professional learning communities in

ASCD – Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development – is a very large

organization many of whose members are school district speaialists in curriculum and
instruction. It offers a large range of supports in publications, videos, and, recently
through distance courses, chiefly online ones.

here are many great professional organizations for teachers, but this article will inform you
about five of your options. It is a fact that there is never enough time in the day for what a
teacher has to accomplish. Why would you want to add “one more thing” to your full plate?
Joining a professional organization will give you opportunities, resources, and connections
that could save you time. Most likely, you will receive publications giving you the most up to
date practice and research, which you can apply to your classroom.
1. National Education Association
Advancing the cause of public education is the goal of the National Education Association.
The professional teaching organization has three million members and is represented in every
state. Both digital and print publications provide educators with the most recent happenings
within the realm of public education. Educators can find helpful tools and ideas on the
website to immediately use in their classrooms and assist their students. Another benefit to
membership include discounted legal services. The NEA is adamant that every child in
America deserves the right to a quality education, no matter where they reside or what the
family income might be. With more than three million members, the NEA has helped to
improve teaching and learning.

2. American Federation of Teachers

Democracy and political activism is a major part of the American Federation of Teachers,
which was founded in Chicago in 1916. This professional organization engages in collective
bargaining and has professional interests in mind when working for human and civil rights
within schools. Historically, AFT has led the way in educational reform and are dedicated to
taking action.

3. Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)

Kappa Delta Pi is an International Honor Society in Education and promotes working with
educators throughout their teaching careers. Networking, resources, and leadership
opportunities have been a cornerstone of the organization founded in 1911. KDP’s mission is
to provide teachers with research-based strategies and professional growth opportunities to
help retain teachers and encourage them to become masters within the profession.
Furthermore, KDP partners with teacher preparation programs to mentor beginning teachers
in the skills necessary to be responsive to diversity within the educational climate.

4. Phi Delta Kappa (PDK)

“Growing and connecting leaders in education,” is the slogan of Phi Delta Kappa. Like some
of the other professional teaching organizations, PDK offers a professional education
magazine to keep you up to date on the latest in education. Other member benefits include
scholarships, international study tours, discounted insurance, PDK book club, and much
5. Computer-Using Educators (CUE)
Technology is on the rise within schools and classrooms. CUE has a written strategic plan to
“inspire innovative learners” and has encouraged relationships between educators within
various stages of their careers. They work to engage educators as speakers, volunteers,
attendees, and leaders within its organization. A few goals include promoting educational
backing, thinking about the future, and supporting student success. Conferences, professional
development and providing connection to a community are all good reasons to join this
professional community.

Related Resource: 50 Most Affordable Small Colleges for a Master’s in Education 2016

By joining a professional teaching organization, you will have the opportunity to network
with other concerned educators. If you want to stay up to date in the field of education, then
it is beneficial to join at least one professional organization for teachers.

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