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1. The State of Hellas is a country located in Southeast Qurope. Its coastline is the longest in
the Terranian Basin, and the Eleventh longest in the world.
2. In the beginning of April, 1973, the government of Hellas through its Prime Minister
learned, through private sources, that the Legislative Assembly of Alania had just given its
approval, in secret session, to a treaty (also covered by secrecy) that had been concluded
between the Government of the Republic of Alania and the Government of the United
States of Halala, among other things, for the opening of an inter-oceanic canal through
Hellas’ territory.
3. The prime minister moved the Hellan Government to instruct its Minister of foreign affairs
in Alania to present to the Government of Alania a formal diplomatic protest against the
execution of the canal pact. On the ground, the Government of Hellas conceived, and would
continue to conceive, such an act to constitute a flagrant violation of existing bilateral and
multilateral treaties.
4. La Republica, an independent newspaper of the city of Dashington, in its issue No. 8810
of July 4, 1973, published the text of the treaty which, according to that paper, had been
signed by the Governments of Alania and the United States of Halala, relating to the
opening of the canal.
5. Halala, who was aware of the publication, did not disavow it either through the press or
otherwise; La Republica is a journal violently opposed to the Government of Hellas.
6. The Minister of Hellas in Amalia, in obedience to the instructions of his Government,
placed in the hands of the Amalian Government a copy of the issue of the newspaper
together with a note in which he requested to be informed categorically whether the text of
said convention as therein published was authentic.
7. The government of Alania and the United States of Halala went ahead on 27th February
1974 and started the building of the inter-oceanic canal in early 1975 with the
groundbreaking being done on 2nd January 1975.This dredging led to the discovery one of
the world’s largest untapped collections of rare-earth elements. Some 4,000 metres below
the ocean surface, a young Amalian ecologist named Pritash Kadir noticed the abyssal ooze
of the CCZ which after numerous and extensive studies showed that it holds trillions of
polymetallic nodules — potato-sized deposits loaded with copper, nickel, manganese and
other precious ores.
8. Mr. Pritash notified his superiors but also included a warning that mining of these precious
ores would affect marine life catastrophically.
9. His warning was ignored, and the Republic of Amalia heavily funded the project.
10. There followed an expose by the Central Media Network detailing the corrupt ways of the
government of Alania in acquiring land belonging to the Ajida community in a ruthless
manner causing the death of over two hundred people including women and children, and
the displacement of thousands more.
11. These people found temporary shelter in refugee camps around Razab, Medonia, which is
now home to the world’s largest refugee camp.
12. The Ajida people have since then faced decades of systematic discrimination, statelessness
and targeted violence in Nera Province, Hellas.
13. The republic of Amalia further went ahead to pass a bill that prevented any refugees or
persons of Muslim religion from acquiring citizenship or refugee status within its border
which bill technically illegalized the current and future Ajida Generations from being
citizens of the country thus leaving them stateless.
14. The state of Hellas through its Attorney General instituted a claim for violation of Human
Rights against the Ajida minority group by the Republic of Amalia.

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