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EMBA Spring 2020

Faculty of Economics and Administration University

King Abdul Aziz University
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

BUSE617: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Spring 2020


Faculty: Dr. Sajjad Haider
Semester: Spring 2020 (2nd Semester)
Course Code & No.: BUSE 617
Office location: Room 467, FEA Building 121
Course Consultations Sunday & Tuesday 10:00-12:00
Hours Other Days: by appointment
Class Day Friday [allocated dates for EMBA]
In Room FEA: 512

PhD, MBA, MS, PG Diploma (teaching), PG Diploma (Research), B. Comm.
Dr Haider is a graduate of Cardiff Business School, UK. He has worked at a number
of international universities including Cardiff Business School, Edinburgh Napier
University and Lahore University of Management Sciences. He has taught subjects
in the area of Marketing, Corporate Strategy, Management, Human Resource
Management, and International Business at undergraduate, post-graduate and
doctoral level. He is also a keen researcher and his research interests include
knowledge management, collaborative strategies, internationalization and clusters
dynamics. He has presented his work in a number of International conferences and
has acted as a reviewer for many international academic periodicals. Before joining
KAU, he has also worked as a consultant for a number of international companies
and has completed a number of national and International consultancy projects.

You can find further details about me from…..

Google site:
Facebook Page:
EMBA - King Dr Sajjad Haider
Abdul Aziz University
BUSE617: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Spring 2020


This course will provide students with very practical business tools for starting a new business or
for use within an existing business. Emphasis will be placed on the key aspects of
entrepreneurship including: the attributes of entrepreneurs, identifying and evaluating
opportunities, writing a business plan and developing a business model, marketing for
entrepreneurs, the elevator pitch, financing the venture, raising capital, and building a successful
team. The course will be interactive in nature, with lectures, group activities, start-up problem
solving scenarios, videos, and mini presentations. Guest speakers will visit the class to provide
expert knowledge and perspectives on entrepreneurship in selected sessions


Class contact hours will include both lecture and seminar discussion. Group working and
discussion is central to these sessions where operation and production management issues are
analysed through case studies, exercises and assignments. In addition to published case studies,
real life examples are used to illustrate learning points. Students will be expected to make use of
online learning resources and published material.


36 hours in-class lectures [6 hrs/week for 6 weeks] -

½ lectures on fundamentals of entrepreneurship and ½ workshops -
Students work in teams on an enterprise project brief -
Market research assignment -
Term project – full commercial feasibility report for a company they select. -
Lots of in-class presentations [communication skills development] -
Business community participation is essential [guest speakers, source of business ideas, -
Academic community involvement is highly encouraged [source of technology, technical -
mentorship, partnership, etc.]

EMBA - King Dr Sajjad Haider
Abdul Aziz University
BUSE617: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Spring 2020

The course contains very little theoretical work or academic approaches. -
It is designed to familiarize the students with the kind of opportunities (problems) likely -
to be encountered in an entrepreneurial career.
The term project is a full commercialization plan and is intended to give students hands- -
on experience in developing a document that is absolutely essential if they will get into
Communication skills, oral in class and written in reports is essential – students must learn -
how to present their ideas in business-like manner
Inviting visitors from business community to contribute to class discussions -
Inviting inventors from the university or from companies to propose technologies looking -
for commercialization

10% Project brief with (context background) -
20% Market research report -
20% Commercialization feasibility report -
10% Investor pitch -
10% Team member/Class assessment -
20% Challenges faced in “putting idea into practice” -
10% Class attendance and participation -

Whether it is the group project/assignment/class discussions or the examination you should bear
the following points in mind:
Credit will be given for the use of conceptual constructs applied during the execution of ●
the given piece of work which aids analysis of the issues under discussion.

Wherever appropriate, relevant examples should be used to illustrate the main points or ●
arguments being made. Examples help illuminate and give depth to arguments
propounded. Examples may be taken from textbooks, lecture notes, journals and
newspapers, or from your own experience, if any.

Do not regurgitate the lecture notes when answering a question. You are expected not ●
only to simply show an understanding of the problem but also synthesize, prioritize and

EMBA - King Dr Sajjad Haider
Abdul Aziz University
BUSE617: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Spring 2020

analyse the material at your disposal in relation to the problem set and in so doing provide
logical solutions.

Exams will consist of short answer questions, multiple choice questions, true and false ●
etc., reflecting material presented in the textbook, outside readings, class lectures,
discussions, and videotapes.

The team member assessment will be determined by your team members based on your ●
participation in team activities. It will be submitted to the instructor in confidence. The
instructor reserves the right to adjust this evaluation to provide even standards and

Note: if you have any concerns about your grade on a specific assignment, I would be happy to
discuss it with you. (though no negotiations; no extra credit).

Final grades will be based on the following scale:
B+: 85%-89% A: 90%-94% A+: 95%-100%
C: 70%-74% C+: 75%-79% B: 80%-84%
F: 0%-59% D: 60%-64% D+: 65%-69%

It is important that you attend all class sessions. Your participation and interaction with other
students, as well as the professionalism you display in all aspects of this class, will be a major
component of the class instruction. Your attendance in class is a necessary, but not sufficient,
condition for good participation. I value class participation. I like seeing you. Your presence and
participation during each and every class period contributes to everyone's overall learning.

Persistent absence, tardiness or chatting in class will harm your grade. If you must be absent for
any reason, you are still responsible for any materials covered or assignments given during the
session you missed. Please notify me in advance of your absence (including for work
assignments), so we can plan for make-up work/exams, if necessary.

The student’s grade on the assignments in question will be reduced by 10% for each class period
beyond the due date that the assignment is not completed, unless the student has provided me
with a valid excuse prior to the due date.
EMBA - King Dr Sajjad Haider
Abdul Aziz University
BUSE617: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Spring 2020

All university, school of business, and department policies on academic dishonesty (including, but
not limited to plagiarism, copying answers on exams or assignments, and unauthorized use of
notes or other aides during exams—any student found violating the academic dishonesty policy
will receive a grade of zero for that assignment or exam), drop-add, grading, incompletes and
final exams, as stated in the KAAU, college, and department documents will be observed in this


# Tentative Topics Workshop/Acitivities

1 Introduction to Team formation Goldmine case discussion
Entrepreneurship & Team
selection rules
2 The Entrepreneur: Dragon’s Den Video
The Project
Assignment: Write a short report on what you learn from the video
3 Finding a Business Idea: Brain storming exercise & Team Business
Opportunity recognition ideas identification
4 Value Proposition/ Team presenting VP / Competitive advantage
Competitive Advantage of their ideas
5 Team Building & Personal Personal & Team Role Testing
Assignment: Enterprise Project Brief
6 Market Feasibility Market Research Workshop
7 Technical Due Diligence Workshop on VOC to Technical Specs
8 Expected Commercial Value Work the ECV of students’ projects
Assignment: Feasibility report
9 Business Model Teams develop their Business Model
10 Management Challenges and Developing SWOT & Decision Matrix
11 Commercialization Plan Work session on commercialization plan

EMBA - King Dr Sajjad Haider
Abdul Aziz University
BUSE617: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Spring 2020

12 Presentation skills Presentation skills practice

13 Commercialization feasibility Commercialization feasibility pitch
Assignment: Commercialization Feasibility Report

…. Good luck ….

EMBA - King Dr Sajjad Haider
Abdul Aziz University

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