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Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2000, 32(2), 454±464 Experience before and throughout the nursing career

1 A model of burnout and life satisfaction

amongst nurses
Evangelia Demerouti PhD
Carl von Ossietzky UniversitaÈt Oldenburg,
Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oldenburg, Germany

Arnold B. Bakker PhD

Utrecht University, Department of Social and Organizational Psychology,
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Friedhelm Nachreiner PhD

Carl von Ossietzky UniversitaÈt Oldenburg,
Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oldenburg, Germany

and Wilmar B. Schaufeli PhD

Utrecht University, Department of Social and Organizational Psychology,
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Accepted 11 January 2000

Advanced Nursing 32(2), 454±464
A model of burnout and life satisfaction amongst nurses
This study, among 109 German nurses, tested a theoretically derived model of
burnout and overall life satisfaction. The model discriminates between two
conceptually different categories of working conditions, namely job demands
and job resources. It was hypothesized that: (1) job demands, such as
demanding contacts with patients and time pressure, are most predictive of
exhaustion; (2) job resources, such as (poor) rewards and (lack of) participation
in decision making, are most predictive of disengagement from work; and (3) job
demands and job resources have an indirect impact on nurses' life satisfaction,
through the experience of burnout (i.e., exhaustion and disengagement).
A model including each of these relationships was tested simultaneously with
structural equations modelling. Results con®rm the strong effects of job
demands and job resources on exhaustion and disengagement respectively, and
the mediating role of burnout between the working conditions and life
satisfaction. These ®ndings contribute to existing knowledge about antecedents
and consequences of occupational burnout, and provide guidelines for inter-
ventions aimed at preventing or reducing burnout among nurses.

Keywords: job demands, job resources, burnout, life satisfaction, nursing,

exhaustion, disengagement, working conditions, stress

Correspondence: Evangelia Demerouti, Carl von Ossietzky UniversitaÈt

Oldenburg, Department of Work and Organizational Psychology,
26111 Oldenburg, Germany.

454 Ó 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd

Experience before and throughout the nursing career Burnout and life satisfaction

tioned burnout dimensions. Unfortunately, earlier studies

with the MBI have encountered problems with the repro-
Nursing is considered to be inherently stressful (Schaefer & ducibility of its factor structure (Powers & Gose 1986,
Moos 1993, Decker 1997). The occupation is plagued by a Fimian & Blanton 1987), and the limited internal consis-
wide variety of stressors, such as demanding patient tency of the depersonalization sub-scale (Schaufeli et al.
contacts, time pressure, and work overload. Moreover, 1993). In addition, limitations of the MBI include the
nurses are confronted with increasing job demands due to one-sided wording of the items (Demerouti & Nachreiner
the introduction of sophisticated technologies and budget 1996), and its restriction to human service professions.
cuts (Schaufeli et al. 1995). However, their job resources To avoid these psychometric problems, Demerouti
are often insuf®cient to cope effectively with these (1999) and Ebbinghaus (1996) proposed and constructed
demands. Indeed, research among nurses has shown an alternative measure of burnout, called the OLdenburg
positive relationships between stress-reactions and lack Burnout Inventory (OLBI). The OLBI has been developed
of social support from colleagues (Cronin-Stubbs & Rooks for use in different kinds of occupations, including
1985, De Jonge & Schaufeli 1998), poor performance feed- non-service work. It includes two sub-scales, namely
back (Eisenstat & Felner 1984, Pfennig & HuÈsch 1994), and exhaustion and disengagement. The OLBI does not refer
limited participation in decision making (Lee & Ashforth directly to working with people, and includes both
1996). Such working conditions form a breeding ground for negatively and positively worded items. Thus, the
burnout among nurses (De Rijk et al. 1998). To prevent or exhaustion items are generic, i.e. they do not refer to
reduce burnout, it is important to assess and monitor the emotionally demanding contacts with service recipients
workplace, identify problems and propose interventions. as the source of exhaustion as in the MBI. Exhaustion is
Such preventive efforts may bene®t substantially from de®ned here as intensive physical, affective and cognitive
conceptual models that integrate previous research ®nd- strain, as a long-term consequence of prolonged exposure
ings regarding work-related stress and burnout among to work stressors. This conceptualization is quite similar
nurses, and that establish speci®c relationships between to other de®nitions of exhaustion that have been proposed
categories of stressors and burnout components. It is the (Aronson et al. 1983, Shirom 1989). In addition, whereas
central aim of the present study to develop such a model of depersonalization in the MBI refers to distancing oneself
burnout and life satisfaction among nurses. emotionally from service recipients and to the develop-
ment of cynical attitudes towards them, disengagement in
the OLBI refers to distancing oneself from one's work, and
to negative attitudes towards the work object, work
content, or one's work in general. Note that, in our
Burnout: de®nition and measurement
conceptualization, depersonalization is only one form of
Burnout has been described as a speci®c kind of occupa- disengagement.
tional stress-reaction among human service professionals,
as a result of the demanding and emotionally charged
Burnout among nurses
relationships between caregivers and their recipients
(Maslach & Schaufeli 1993). More speci®cally, burnout Nurses are considered to be particularly susceptible to
is most commonly de®ned as a syndrome of feelings of burnout. According to two European epidemiological
emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced studies, burnout affects approximately 25% of all nurses
personal accomplishment (Maslach et al. 1996). (Landau 1992, Saint-Arnaud et al. 1992). Their jobs are
Emotional exhaustion refers to energy depletion or the typically stressful and emotionally demanding, since
draining of emotional resources. Depersonalization refers nurses are repeatedly confronted with people's needs,
to the development of negative, cynical attitudes towards problems and suffering. Several studies have shown that
the recipients of one's service or care. These two burnout burnout is positively correlated with the amount of time
dimensions are generally considered the core symptoms of nurses spend with their patients (Cronin-Stubbs & Brophy
burnout (Shirom 1989), and they show the most robust 1985), with the intensity of the emotional demands posed
relationships with work-related stressors (Schaufeli & by their patients (Lewinson et al. 1981), and with expo-
Enzmann 1998). The third dimension, lack of personal sure to patients with a poor prognosis (Hare et al. 1988).
accomplishment, is often studied only as an afterthought. Moreover, a review of the literature referring to the
It refers to the tendency to evaluate one's own work with nursing profession shows that there is a `myriad' of
recipients negatively, and is accompanied by feelings of stressors leading to strain and stress reactions among
insuf®ciency (Schaufeli & Buunk 1996). nurses (International Labour Organization 1998). In addi-
The instrument most often used to measure burnout is tion to emotionally demanding patient contacts, it has
the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (Maslach et al. been shown, for example, that lack of time to plan and
1996). This questionnaire includes the three aforemen- prepare work, frequent interruptions, and responsibility

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E. Demerouti et al.

in the absence of decision-making power, can be import- studies found relationships between job demands and
ant stressors in the nursing profession. Such job demands emotional exhaustion, as well as between job resources
seem to be particularly stressful when nurses lack a good and depersonalization. However, as far as we know, this
support network and do not have the possibility to discuss speci®c pattern of relationships has not been tested
and improve patients' quality of life. However, until now, simultaneously in earlier studies.
there exists no conceptual framework in the literature to
categorize these stressors in a theoretical model. In the
Life satisfaction
present study, we will develop and test such a model of
burnout among nurses. Overall life satisfaction is de®ned as the degree to which
the experience of an individual's life satis®es that indi-
vidual's wants and needs, both physically and psycho-
logically (Rice 1984). These wants and needs may exist in
several domains of life, for example when individuals take
Towards a model of burnout among nurses
the role of employee, parent, spouse or friend (Biddle
Based upon general stress theories (Lazarus & Folkman 1979). A job is assumed to have important effects on
1984, Hobfoll 1989), the burnout model presented in this overall life satisfaction in several ways. Work is the source
article distinguishes between two categories of working of income that helps people to meet their needs and
conditions relevant to the experience of stress and the wants. In addition, work accounts for a large amount of
development of strain among nurses, namely job demands waking hours per day of most people, and there is
and job resources. evidence that work has a substantial in¯uence on people's
Job demands are working conditions that potentially self-concept and self-esteem (Kahn 1981). The stressful
evoke stress-reactions, when they overwhelm nurses' effects of losing one's job, i.e. unemployment, are also
personal limits and abilities. In Karasek's (1979) in¯uen- well-documented (Warr 1987). As the link between work
tial job demands±control model, it is assumed that work- and life satisfaction is undoubted, one major goal of
load and time pressure are, in general, the most important research has been to generate theoretical models that
work-related stressors. The job demands±resources model provide useful ways of thinking about the problem of
presented and tested in the present study expands this improving life satisfaction or quality of life through
view by proposing that several (demanding) characteris- changes in the workplace.
tics of nurses' working environment may lead to the Rice (1984) has developed such a conceptual model,
experience of burnout, including demanding contacts which proposes that working conditions have an impact
with patients, poor environmental conditions and prob- on overall life satisfaction through perceptions of the
lems related to shift-work. Thus, the job demands± quality of working life and non-working life. In short, the
resources model is more comprehensive than earlier model proposes that working conditions in¯uence life
models presented in the literature (Karasek 1979, Johnson satisfaction, by changing characteristics of the person or
& Hall 1988). In line with earlier research on occupational the environment. Such changes include short-term effects
stress and burnout (e.g. Leiter 1993, Lee & Ashforth 1996), of work (e.g. changes in mood, energy level and interests),
our model predicts that long-term exposure to job and long-term effects of work (e.g. changes in skills,
demands leads to feelings of exhaustion, but not neces- personality and health). As burnout may be conceived of
sarily to disengagement (hypothesis 1). as a long-term consequence of work (Shirom 1989), it can
Job resources are working conditions that potentially be used as an indicator of the perceived quality of one's
evoke stress-reactions among nurses when they are lack- working life. According to our model, working conditions
ing or insuf®cient. The job resources in our model are are precursors of burnout, which further in¯uences overall
equivalent with their conceptualization in `conservation life satisfaction. Thus, a ®nal prediction in this study is
of resources' theory (Hobfoll 1989). Examples of working that exhaustion and disengagement mediate the impact
conditions that may be considered job resources are of job demands and job resources on life satisfaction
performance feedback and task variety (cf. Hackman & (hypothesis 3).
Oldham 1976), participation in decision making and job One may argue that impaired job satisfaction is an
control (cf. Karasek 1979), social support (cf. Johnson & immediate consequence of burnout. Indeed, this relation-
Hall 1988), and ®nancial rewards (Hobfoll & Freedy 1993). ship has been con®rmed in several studies (see Schaufeli
Our second hypothesis states that lack of job resources & Enzmann 1998), including a study using a longitudinal
will be more predictive of disengagement, than of exhaus- design (Wolpin et al. 1991). However, Judge and Watan-
tion (hypothesis 2). This hypothesis is consistent with the abe (1993) used a cross-lagged panel design to show that
research literature using the MBI (Friesen & Sarros 1989, job satisfaction and life satisfaction are positively and
Shirom 1989, Cordes & Dougherty 1993, Leiter 1993), and reciprocally related to each other. Therefore, we decided
with a recent meta-analysis (Lee & Ashforth 1996). These to include life (instead of job) satisfaction as an outcome

456 Ó 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(2), 454±464
Experience before and throughout the nursing career Burnout and life satisfaction

Figure 1 The model of burnout and life satisfaction.

of burnout, in order to test the hypothesis that work- (n ˆ 15), surgery (n ˆ 14), oncology (n ˆ 15), intensive care
related feelings might spill over to general life. Note that (n ˆ 21), cardiology (n ˆ 19), and neonatal care (n ˆ 15). The
in our study we do not include indicators of non-work majority of the sample (80%) was female, and the mean age
quality of life as in the model of Rice (1984). The was 32 years (SD ˆ 7á6). The mean organizational tenure of
hypotheses that are tested in the current study are the nurses was 4 years and 4 months (SD ˆ 4 years). Seventy
2 summarized in Figure 1. per cent of the sample was full-time employed.

METHOD Measures
Life satisfaction
Participants and procedure
The measure of life satisfaction is based upon Rice (1984),
The present study is part of a larger project (see Demerouti and includes four items. Example items are: `In general, I
1999) and was conducted among a sample of 185 nurses, am satis®ed with my life', and `My life is interesting and
employed at one hospital and two nursing homes for the full of variety'. The participants could respond to each
elderly in Germany. At the time of the study, the nurses statement using a four-point scale: (1) totally disagree, (2)
worked at one of two nursing homes, or at one of the disagree, (3) agree, and (4) totally agree. The internal
following hospital units: surgery, oncology, intensive care, consistency of the scale was reasonable: a ˆ 0á67.
cardiology, and neonatal care. After a brief personal intro-
duction to the study, the ®rst author distributed self-report Burnout
questionnaires and envelopes among the nurses. They were The Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) used in the
kindly requested to ®ll out the questionnaire in private, and present study has been constructed and validated in an
to post it in a special box at the workplace. The con®den- independent study among 293 employees from different
tiality and anonymity of the answers was emphasized. A occupational ®elds, including human services and blue
total of 109 nurses ®lled out and returned the questionnaire colour workers (Ebbinghaus 1996). The inventory meas-
(response rate ˆ 59%). The number of participants for each ures burnout independent of vocational aspects on two
setting was: nursing home I (n ˆ 14), nursing home II dimensions, namely exhaustion and disengagement. The

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E. Demerouti et al.

seven items of the Exhaustion sub-scale are generic, and Eleven items refer to job resources: performance feed-
refer to general feelings of emptiness, overtaxing from back (two items, e.g. `I receive suf®cient feedback about
work, a strong need for rest, and a state of physical my performance'), job control regarding methods, time,
exhaustion. Examples are: `After my work, I regularly feel etc. (two items, e.g. `I can arrange myself how I perform my
worn out and weary', and `After my work, I regularly feel work'), task variety (two items, e.g. `My tasks are very
totally ®t for my free time activities' (reversed) (1 ˆ totally simple and repetitive'; reversed), supervisor support (two
disagree, 4 ˆ totally agree). In the present study, Cron- items, e.g. `My supervisor keeps distance from the
bach's alpha of the exhaustion scale was 0á84. Disengage- employees'; reversed), performance rewards (two items,
ment refers to distancing oneself from one's work (work e.g. `My performance is rewarded properly'), and partici-
object and content), and to negative, cynical attitudes and pation in decision making (one item: `The management
behaviours towards one's work in general. This sub-scale decides on its own what everybody has to do'; reversed).
encompasses eighteen items, including: `I frequently talk Participants could respond to each statement using a four-
about my work in a negative way', and `I get more and point scale (1 ˆ totally disagree, 4 ˆ totally agree). After-
more engaged in my work' (reversed). The same answer wards, all answers were coded in such a way that higher
categories as for exhaustion were used (a ˆ 0á92). scores on job demands and job resources refer to a higher
A factor analysis con®rmed the two-dimensional factor- prevalence of both working conditions.
ial structure of the burnout construct (Ebbinghaus 1996).
In addition, discriminant and convergent validity of the
exhaustion and disengagement sub-scales were examined
by assessing their relationships with the sub-scales of the The job demands±resources model was tested through
BMS (Belastung, Monotonie, SaÈttigung; Plath & Richter structural equation modelling (SEM) analyses (JoÈreskog &
1984) a reliable and valid German questionnaire measur- SoÈrbom 1993), using the AMOS computer program
ing short-term stress-reactions at work. A series of ®rst and (Arbuckle 1997). AMOS generates a LISREL generates a
second order factor analyses supported the OLBI's discri- chi-square goodness of ®t statistic to test the extent to
minant validity: Both burnout dimensions could, for which the hypothesized model is consistent with the data.
example, be discriminated from measures of psychological JoÈreskog and SoÈrbom (1993) suggest several other ®t indices
fatigue (i.e. reduced performance ef®ciency), and satiation to investigate the overall ®t of a postulated model, includ-
(i.e. a state of high irritability and reluctance to continue ing the goodness of ®t index (GFI), the adjusted goodness of
work tasks). More speci®cally, it was found that the items ®t index (AGFI), and the root mean square residuals (RMR).
of both burnout sub-scales loaded on the intended sepa- The values of these ®t indices can be compared with the
rate factors, whereas the items of the BMS-subscales values of the ®t indices of a Null-Model, which assumes no
loaded on other factors. In addition, Ebbinghaus' (1996) relationships between the variables in the model. For the
study supported the convergent validity of the OLBI, by AGFI and GFI, values of 0á90 or higher indicate a close ®t
showing that both burnout dimensions were only (mod- between the model and the data. RMR values of 0á05 or
erately) related to the conceptually most relevant con- lower indicate a close ®t. AMOS provides maximum
structs. Exhaustion was signi®cantly related to likelihood parameter estimates of the speci®ed paths in
psychological fatigue (r ˆ 0á52, P < 0á05), but not to satia- the model, t-values indicating the signi®cance of the
tion (r ˆ 0á00), whereas disengagement was signi®cantly speci®ed relationships, and so-called modi®cation indices.
related to satiation (r ˆ 0á53, P < 0á05), but not to psycho- The latter provide information about the relationships in a
logical fatigue (r ˆ )0á10, n.s.). model that should be added or altered to improve the ®t
between the hypothesized model and the empirical data
Job demands and job resources (Hayduk 1987). In addition, AMOS provides several ®t
Nurses' working conditions were self-assessed using 21 indices that re¯ect the discrepancy between the hypothe-
items. Ten of these items refer to job demands, namely sized model and the Null model. In the present series of
physical workload (one item: `My work does not tax me analyses, the incremental ®t index (IFI) (Bollen 1989), the
physically'; reversed), cognitive workload (two items, e.g. normed ®t index (NFI) and the comparative ®t index (CFI)
`In my work, I have to make complex decisions'), time are utilized. For each of these statistics, values larger than
pressure (one item: `I always have enough time to perform 0á90 are generally considered acceptable.
my tasks'; reversed), demanding contacts with patients Job demands and job resources were both operational-
(two items, e.g. `I have demanding contacts with my ized by six variables (see Method section). This means that
recipients'), unfavourable environmental conditions (two the measurement model includes 12 so-called exogenous
items, e.g. `During my work, I am continuously interrup- observed variables and two-latent factors. In addition, the
ted'), and a shift-work schedule that is unfavourable for structural model includes three endogenous observed
physical health, family life and social life (two items, e.g. variables, namely exhaustion, disengagement and life
`It is taxing for me to get used to my working times'). satisfaction. Thus, the measurement and structural model

458 Ó 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(2), 454±464
Experience before and throughout the nursing career Burnout and life satisfaction

are tested together in the SEM-analysis. The analysis gagement and control, which were elliptically distributed.
includes a comparison of competing models, which can be Therefore, the factor values for exhaustion, disengagement
described as follows: and control items were calculated using principal com-
ponent analysis and varimax rotation and included in the
1 The proposed or indirect model, that includes only
SEM. The one-factor solution explained 45%, 40% and
indirect paths from job demands and resources to life
48% of the variance of each construct respectively. Inter-
satisfaction, through the two burnout components
correlations among all variables are presented in Table 1.
(exhaustion and disengagement).
Because previous studies have shown that gender,
2 The direct model, in which the latent exogenous factors
family status, age and working experience may be related
job demands and job resources and the burnout com-
to burnout and life satisfaction (see Schaufeli & Enzmann
ponents are supposed to have only direct effects on life
1998), we performed additional analyses in which these
demographic variables were controlled for. Only age and
3 The full model, in which job demands and job
occupational tenure showed a signi®cant, positive rela-
resources are supposed to have both direct and indirect
tionship with exhaustion. Age was signi®cantly, negat-
effects through exhaustion and disengagement on life
ively related to life satisfaction. However, the
demographic variables did not modify the results of the
4 The ®nal, revised model, which includes only the
SEM. In addition, regression analysis of the demographic
signi®cant paths (as resulting from the previous
variables on exhaustion, disengagement and life satisfac-
models) and paths that may be proposed by the
tion showed that the demographics could not explain a
modi®cation indices.
signi®cant amount of variance in any of the dependent
Model comparisons were made using the chi-square measures. Only age made a signi®cant contribution to
difference test. Both restricted models 1 and 2 were explaining life satisfaction. We decided to exclude the
compared with the more general model 3. In addition, the demographic variables from the SEM-analyses in order to
hypothesized model 1 was compared with the revised avoid testing a large model on a relatively small sample. A
model 4. model including demographic variables would require at
least 360 participants (for the 72 free parameters).
Table 2 summarizes the results of the SEM-analyses for
the competing models. We concentrate initially on the ®rst
A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that all scales were three models. Models 1 and 2 are nested in model 3.
normally distributed except those of exhaustion, disen- Model 1 is described in Figure 1. Model 2 includes the

Table 1 Intercorrelations of the variables (n = 104)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Physical
2. Cognitive 0á10
3. Time pressure 0á27** 0á29**
4. Patient 0á22** 0á05 0á22*
5. Environment 0á19 0á29** 0á25* 0á40**
6. Shift-work 0á29** 0á13 0á24* 0á39** 0á33**
7. Supervisor 0á20* 0á11 )0á05 0á22* 0á05 )0á02
8. Feedback 0á04 0á30** 0á16 0á31** 0á31** 0á00 0á32**
9. Participation 0á05 0á05 )0á04 0á07 0á07 0á16 0á30** 0á32**
10. Control 0á16 )0á15 0á07 0á19 0á19 0á16 )0á07 0á12 )0á07
11. Rewards 0á20* 0á29** 0á26** 0á33** 0á35** 0á26** 0á12 0á40** 0á17 0á06
12. Task variety 0á01 )0á18 )0á18 0á15 )0á10 0á02 0á12 0á21* 0á35** 0á09 0á05
13. Exhaustion 0á44** 0á24* 0á40** 0á46** 0á39** 0á36** 0á08 0á28** 0á21* 0á19 0á46** )0á06
14. Disengagement 0á22* 0á05 0á09 0á40*'' 0á24* 0á27** 0á28** 0á50** 0á42** 0á11 0á45** 0á49** 0á38**
15. Life satisfaction 0á32** 0á00 0á09 0á21* 0á13 0á30** 0á16 0á11 )0á06 0á11 0á27** 0á16 0á30** 0á50**

** P < 0á01, * P < 0á05.

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E. Demerouti et al.

Table 2 Goodness-of-®t indices of structural models of burnout and life satisfaction among nurses

Model v2 d.f. P GFI AGFI RMR NFI CFI IFI Comparison Dv2 d.f. P

1. Indirect effects 114á45 81 0á009 0á87 0á81 0á06 0á75 0á91 0á91 M1±M3 2á05 2 n.s.
2. Direct effects 239á67 81 0á001 0á78 0á69 0á13 0á48 0á56 0á58 M2±M3 127á27 2 0á001
3. Direct & indirect effects 112á40 79 0á008 0á88 0á81 0á06 0á76 0á91 0á91
4. Final revised 100á67 80 0á059 0á88 0á83 0á05 0á78 0á94 0á95 M1±M4 13á78 1 0á001
5. Null 461á28 105 ± 0á51 0á44 0á15 ± ± ±

v2 = chi-square; d.f. = degrees of freedom; GFI = goodness of ®t index; AGFI = adjusted goodness of ®t index; RMR = root mean square
residuals; NFI = normed ®t index; CFI = comparative ®t index; IFI = incremental ®t index.

covariation between both latent factors, and only the positive on job resources, it has a negative loading on the
direct relationships between job demands, job resources, latent factor `job demands'. This suggests that having
exhaustion and disengagement on the one hand, and life different tasks is seen as a positive aspect of work, but also
satisfaction on the other hand. Model 3 contains all direct one that increases work requirements. The ®nal model
and indirect effects. The chi-square value for each of these explains 55% of the variance in exhaustion, 66% of the
models achieved the signi®cance level, indicating a poor variance in disengagement, and 29% of the variance in life
®t to the data. As can be seen from Table 2, the improve- satisfaction scores.
ment in ®t provided by the addition of the direct paths As can be seen in Figure 2, the ®nal model con®rms the
from job demands and job resources to life satisfaction ®rst two hypotheses: job demands have a positive impact
(comparison of models 1 and 3) is not substantial, v2 on exhaustion, and job resources have a negative impact
(dif) ˆ 2á05, 2 d.f., n.s.. Furthermore, the comparison of on disengagement. The modi®cation indices did not
models 2 and 3 resulted in v2 (dif) ˆ 127á27, 2 d.f., suggest a further addition of paths from job demands to
P < 0á001. Thus, the addition of indirect paths from job disengagement, or from job resources to exhaustion (cf.
demands and job resources to life satisfaction via exhaus- hypotheses 1 and 2). Finally, both burnout components
tion and disengagement respectively, resulted in a signi®- have signi®cant, negative relationships with life satisfac-
cant improvement of the model. tion. This means that hypothesis 3 about the mediating
In each of the ®rst three models, all manifest variables role of burnout in the relationship between job demands
loaded signi®cantly on the intended latent factors, with and job resources on the one hand, and life satisfaction on
the exception of `job control' (indicator of job resources). the other hand, is also supported. Interestingly, job
Nevertheless, it was decided to include this variable in the demands and job resources correlate negatively with each
models, because it is recognized as an important aspect of other, / ˆ )0á61, P < 0á001.
work (see Karasek 1979). The paths from job demands and
job resources to life satisfaction were not signi®cant. All
other path-coef®cients in the ®rst three structural models
reached the signi®cance level (t > 1á96, P < 0á05). Specif- In this article, we integrated previous research ®ndings
ically, results show that job demands have a strong regarding categories of working conditions, burnout and
positive effect on exhaustion (cf. hypothesis 1), and that life satisfaction. The resulting conceptual model of burn-
job resources have a strong negative effect on disengage- out and life satisfaction proposes that job demands are
ment (cf. hypothesis 2). Exhaustion and disengagement, in most strongly related to feelings of exhaustion, and that
turn, both showed a negative relationship with life satis- job resources are most strongly related to disengagement.
faction. In addition, results show that the impact of job demands
A ®nal, revised model was based on the results of the and job resources on life satisfaction is mediated by
tests of the three models and the modi®cation indices. In burnout. The results of a series of SEM-analyses provide
this model, the paths from job demands and job resources clear evidence for this model, and uncover some of the
to life satisfaction were excluded, whereas a path from job antecedents and consequences of burnout among nurses.
demands to task variety was included. Table 2 shows that Of particular interest are the differential relationships
the revised model 4 shows a satisfactory ®t to the data, found between two classes of working conditions and the
v2 ˆ 100á67, 80 d.f., P ˆ 0á059, GFI ˆ 0á88, AGFI ˆ 0á83, two burnout components. Consistent with hypothesis 1,
RMR ˆ 0á05, NFI ˆ 0á78, CFI ˆ 0á94, IFI ˆ 0á95, and that particularly nurses who evaluated their contacts with
this model is signi®cantly better than model 1, v2 patients as demanding, and who reported high time
(dif) ˆ 13á78, 1 d.f., P < 0á001. All included relationships pressure, high physical and cognitive workload, unfa-
were signi®cant. Interestingly, while task variety loads vourable environmental conditions, and problems with

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Experience before and throughout the nursing career Burnout and life satisfaction

Figure 2 Standardized parameter estimates and square multiple correlations of the revised model of burnout and life satisfaction,
n ˆ 105. Note: All relationships are signi®cant at the P < 0á05 level.

their shift-work schedule, reported relatively strong feel- to satisfaction. When they are not adequately present in an
ings of exhaustion. These ®ndings are consistent with organization, employees develop a neutral and indifferent
earlier studies (Leiter 1993, Lee & Ashforth 1996) and can attitude towards their work. In addition, according to
be understood using stress theories such as Selye's (1956) Maslow's (1954) `hierarchy of needs' theory, individuals
physiological general adaptation model. According to this who have ful®lled their basic needs, will try to achieve the
model, long-term exposure to a stressor (in this case ®nal level of psychological development (self-actualiza-
negative job demands), and repeated unsuccessful tion). In most of the industrialized Western countries,
attempts to adapt to this stressor, can deplete the body's work is a domain where important growth needs (e.g. skill
reserves and lead to physical exhaustion. and knowledge development) can be satis®ed (Hackman &
Importantly, nurses who reported high job demands did Oldham 1976, Hall 1986). However, when the organiza-
not necessarily dissociate themselves from their work, the tion does not provide enough (or not the right) resources,
hospital or the nursing home. In contrast, an attitude of employees will withdraw. Indeed, Lewis and Thomas
disengagement was primarily found among nurses who (1987) have found that growth-related career needs were
were exposed to a working environment with insuf®cient the most frequently mentioned underlying reasons for
resources (cf. hypothesis 2). The (lacking) job resources occupational change. This ®nding is conceptually similar
important in predicting disengagement included perform- to a main ®nding in the present study: particularly when
ance feedback, job control, task variety, support from nurses perceived insuf®cient job resources, they devel-
supervisors, rewards, and participation in decision oped a distancing attitude towards their nursing tasks.
making. An explanation for the relatively strong relation- Rice (1984) has argued that working conditions can have
ship between job resources and disengagement can be a negative impact on overall life satisfaction by in¯uen-
found in theories about work motivation. cing both the environment and the person. Results of a
The crucial role of a strong initial motivation in the series of SEM-analyses in the present study provide
development of burnout is widely recognized (Schaufeli & evidence for his conceptual model. It was shown that
Enzmann 1998). Herzberg's two-factor theory of motiva- the development of burnout plays a central, mediating role
tion (see Herzberg et al. 1959) proposes that motivators in the relationship between job resources on the one hand,
such as achievement, recognition and responsibility lead and life satisfaction on the other hand (cf. hypothesis 3).

Ó 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(2), 454±464 461
E. Demerouti et al.

As the direct relationships between job demands and job with model testing and all hypothesized relationships
resources on the one hand, and life satisfaction on the were signi®cant. Moreover, alternative ®t indices for the
other hand, were not con®rmed, we can assume that ®nal model, such as the CFI and IFI, had values higher
working conditions in¯uence life satisfaction via the than 0á90, indicating a close ®t to the data. These latter
impairment of health. indices depend less on sample size and are thought to
Our theoretical model explained 29% of the variance in provide superior information on model ®t (Marsh et al.
overall life satisfaction even though the present study 1988).
restricted itself to the working domain. It is evident that
other domains of an individual's life in¯uence life satisfac-
tion as well, such as marriage, leisure time, and the family
(Andrews & Withey 1976, Campbell et al. 1976). Future According to our ®ndings, intervention programmes
studies are needed, in which the unique effects of each life aimed at preventing or reducing burnout among nurses,
sphere on life satisfaction are simultaneously tested. may focus upon the proposed dual framework of the
working environment. However, given that the prevalent
working conditions in each working position may differ,
Study limitations
we expect that the process (high job demands ® exhaus-
Limitations of this study clearly must be noted also. First, tion, lacking job resources ® disengagement) will hold for
the analyses in the current study are correlational and various environments, but that the operationalizations of
thus do not con®rm causality. In addition, since the job demands and job resources may vary. By using job
design of the study was cross-sectional, more complex redesign methods, ®rst, a careful analysis of nurses' daily
forms of non-recursive linkages could not be examined. tasks may give more insight into these aspects of their
Second, the present study is based on self-reports like the tasks that are particularly demanding or poorly designed.
majority of burnout and stress studies (Schaufeli & A rescheduling of the working programme, technical
Enzmann 1998). Self-report data might be contaminated support and an ergonomically redesigned workplace
by common method variance, because both the indepen- may, in turn, lower the workload and reduce time pres-
dent and dependent variables are based upon one source sure. Second, hospitals and nursing homes may consider a
of information, i.e. the participants (Spector & Jex 1991). reduction of the case load, or a reallocation of tasks related
However, in general, there exists a fairly high consistency to patient contacts in nurses' daily programme in order to
between objective and subjective ratings of variables such reduce demanding contacts with patients. In addition,
as the ones used in the present study (Spector 1987). shift-work systems may be optimized in order to meet
A third limitation is that the speci®c job demands and job ergonomic criteria and the personal preferences of the
resources included in the present study were all measured nurses. Such interventions may prevent or reduce feelings
with only a limited number of items. The result of such a of exhaustion among nurses.
procedure can be that the separate indicators of working Regarding job resources, which act as facilitators in the
conditions have low internal consistencies. In the present performance process and as personality promoters (see
study, these problems were foreseen and circumvented by Richter & Hacker 1998), ®rst of all, according to our results
using the separate measures of job demands and job and consistent with job enrichment approaches, it is
resources as indicators of latent factors in the SEM- important to increase nurses' participation in decision
analyses. Note that long questionnaires may reduce the making. More speci®cally, representatives of the nurses
response rate, particularly when employees are requested could be invited to join regular meetings with supervisors
to ®ll out questionnaires at home (instead of during or management. Second, supervisors can play a key role in
working time). creating a healthy working environment. Supervisors'
Fourth, although our measure of life satisfaction was roles may range from instrumental support to nurses
®rmly rooted in theory, its internal consistency was rather during task execution, to con¯ict management and emo-
limited. Future studies should ideally include more items tional support. Thus, supervisors may be trained in
to measure the concept of overall life satisfaction, since a adopting a coaching leadership style, to give adequate
more reliable measure can be utilized to provide more feedback about nurses' performance, and to avoid role
insight in the crossover of work-related health problems to con¯icts. Performance feedback, leading to awareness
general well-being. A ®nal limitation pertains to the about the quality of performance, seems to be a very
limited power of the present study. Note that the likeli- important job resource. Performance feedback and task
hood that SEM-analyses produce non-signi®cant P-values variety are also postulated in the model of Hackman and
for overall ®t of a model to the data increases with Oldham (1976) as factors that promote motivational
smaller samples. Thus, limited power may lead to the potential. Furthermore, our ®ndings suggest that it is
wrong conclusion that a model ®ts to the data (cf. Bentler important to establish congruence between nurses' work-
& Chou 1987). However, we confronted no problems load and their rewards. Each of these interventions may

462 Ó 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(2), 454±464
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development and validation of a measurement instrument for
application in various working domains). Unpublished manu-
Acknowledgement script, Department of Work and Organizational Psychology,
University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany.
This research was supported by the German Academic
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