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A definition is an explanation of the meaning of a certain word or phrase.

There are different kinds of definitions, among which are technical definitions and operational


A technical definition is an explanation or description that introduces vocabulary making

communication in a specific field easier to understand.

Types of Technical Definitions

 Parenthetical definitions

 Sentence definitions

 Extended definitions

Parenthetical Definitions
A parenthetical definition introduces a word then makes use of a synonym or a brief description directly
after it. The synonym is usually set off using commas or enclosed in parenthesis.
Penguins, of the family Spheniscidae, are black-and-white flightless birds that use their wings for
The phrase of the family Spheniscidae is a parenthetical definition of the term penguin.
Sentence Definitions
A sentence definition usually appears in a glossary, within the text, or in margin notes. Most sentence
definitions introduce the term, give its category, and cite its distinguishing features.
A pentagon is a polygon with five sides.
The term is pentagon, its category is polygons, and its distinguishing feature is that it has five sides.
Extended Definitions
An extended definition is used when a technical term has to be explained in great detail. This kind of
definition may be a few sentences but can also be several pages long.
Definitions in an encyclopedia or a wiki site are extended definitions.
Definitions that provide a lot of detail are extended definitions.
An operational definition defines something in terms of a process that it undergoes to determine its
existence, quantity, and duration.
Rain is the substance formed by many drops of water falling from the clouds in the sky.
The process of drops of water falling from the sky is used to define the term rain.

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