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The Official Publication of Lumbo Elementary School

Volume 1, Issue 1

May-October 2016

Editorial Staff

ShandyZue N. Reyes

Angel Marie Z. Lacbayo

Associate Editor

Managing Editor

Dale John T. Jabagat

Marinyl A. Abregana
News Writers

Andrie P. Bacor
Feature Writer

Kathlene Rose B. Caculba

Sports Writer

Frency Dawn A. Bana

Health and Fashion

Angie Mae A. Lungay


Stefani Louise M. Maloloy-on


Mary Jane A. Bana

Klaridette V. Dahilan
Aquilina A. Paelden

Merejoy D. Sumalinog
School Press Coordinator

Editha V. Dahilan
Head Teacher III
The BREEZE Page 1

Table of Contents
―If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. If
you have come to because your liberation is bound up in

Editorial 2 mine, we can work together.‖ — Lilla Watson

Editorial Column 4 ―Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed

people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing
that ever has.‖ — Margaret Mead
News 6

―Students should not only be trained to live in a democracy

Captured Events 14 when they grow up; they should have the chance to live in
one today.‖ – Alfie Kohn

Special Feature 16
―Great changes in the destiny of mankind can be effected
only in the minds of little children.‖ — Sir Herbert Read
Science News 17

The mind is everything. What you think you become. –

Literary 18

Crossword Puzzle 20
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. –Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe

Buy Experiences, Not Things

Live in anticipation, gathering stories and can think about waiting for a delicious meal at a nice
memories. New research builds on the vogue mantra of restaurant or looking forward to a vacation," Kumar
behavioral economics. told me, "and how different that feels from waiting
for, say, your pre-ordered iPhone to arrive. Or when
Forty-seven percent of the time, the average
the two-day shipping on Amazon Prime doesn’t
mind is wandering. It wanders about a third of the time
seem fast enough."
while a person is reading, talking with other people, or
taking care of children. It wanders 10 percent of the
time, even, during sex. And that wandering, according Gilovich's prior work has shown that
to psychologist Matthew Killingsworth, is not good for experiences tend to make people happier because
well-being. A mind belongs in one place. During his they are less likely to measure the value of their
training at Harvard, Killingsworth compiled those experiences by comparing them to those of others.
numbers and built a scientific case for every cliché For example, Gilbert and company note in their new
about living in the moment. In a 2010 Science paper co- paper, many people are unsure if they would rather
authored with psychology professor Daniel Gilbert, the have a high salary that is lower than that of their
two wrote that "a wandering mind is an unhappy mind." peers, or a lower salary that is higher than that of
their peers. With an experiential good like vacation,
that dilemma doesn't hold. Would you rather have
For Killingsworth, happiness is in the content of
two weeks of vacation when your peers only get
moment-to-moment experiences. Nothing material is
one? Or four weeks when your peers get eight?
intrinsically valuable, except in whatever promise of
People choose four weeks with little hesitation.
happiness it carries. Satisfaction in owning a thing does
not have to come during the moment it's acquired, of
course. It can come as anticipation or nostalgic longing. Experiential purchases are also more
Overall, though, the achievement of the human brain to associated with identity, connection, and social
contemplate events past and future at great, tedious behavior. Looking back on purchases made,
length has, these psychologists believe, come at the experiences make people happier than do
expense of happiness. Minds tend to wander to dark, possessions. It's kind of counter to the logic that if
not whimsical, places. Unless that mind has something you pay for an experience, like a vacation, it will be
exciting to anticipate or sweet to remember. over and gone; but if you buy a tangible thing, a
couch, at least you'll have it for a long time. Actually
most of us have a pretty intense capacity for
Over the past decade, an abundance of
tolerance, or hedonic adaptation, where we stop
psychology research has shown that experiences bring
appreciating things to which we're constantly
people more happiness than do possessions. The idea
exposed. iPhones, clothes, couches, et cetera, just
that experiential purchases are more satisfying than
become background. They deteriorate or become
material purchases has long been the domain of Cornell
obsolete. It's the fleetingness of experiential
psychology professor Thomas Gilovich. Since 2003, he
purchases that endears us to them. Either they're
has been trying to figure out exactly how and why
not around long enough to become imperfect, or
experiential purchases are so much better than material
they are imperfect, but our memories and stories of
purchases. In the journal Psychological Science last
them get sweet with time. Even a bad experience
month, Gilovich and Killingsworth, along with Cornell
becomes a good story.
doctoral candidate Amit Kumar, expanded on the
current understanding that spending money on
experiences "provide[s] more enduring happiness."
When it rains through a beach vacation, as
They looked specifically at anticipation as a driver of
Kumar put it, "People will say, well, you know, we
that happiness; whether the benefit of spending money
stayed in and we played board games and it was a
on an experience accrues before the purchase has
great family bonding experience or something."
been made, in addition to after. And, yes, it does.
Even if it was negative in the moment, it becomes
positive after the fact. That's a lot harder to do with
Essentially, when you can't live in a moment, material purchases because they're right there in
they say, it's best to live in anticipation of an experience. front of you. "When my Macbook has the colorful
Experiential purchases like trips, concerts, movies, et pinwheel show up," he said, "I can't say, well, at
cetera, tend to trump material purchases because the least my computer is malfunctioning!"
utility of buying anything really starts accruing before
you buy it. "At least my computer and I get to spend
more time together because it's working so slowly," I
Waiting for an experience apparently elicits
more happiness and excitement than waiting for a "Yes, exactly."
material good (and more "pleasantness" too—an eerie
metric). By contrast, waiting for a possession is more "Maybe we should destroy our material
likely fraught with impatience than anticipation. "You
The BREEZE Page 3

possessions at their peak, so they will live on in an Reasonable people are just more likely to talk about
idealized state in our memories?" their experiential purchases than their material
purchases. It's a nidus for social connection. ("What
"I don't know if I'd go that far," he said. "The did you do this weekend?" "Well! I'm so glad you
possibility of making material purchases more asked ... ")
experiential is sort of interesting."
The most interesting part of the new
That means making purchasing an experience, research, to Kumar, was the part that "implies that
which is terrible marketing-speak, but in practical terms there might be notable real-world consequences to
might mean buying something on a special occasion or this study." It involved analysis of news stories about
on vacation or while wearing a truly unique hat. Or tying people waiting in long lines to make a consumer
that purchase to subsequent social interaction. Buy this transaction. Those waiting for experiences were in
and you can talk about buying it, and people will talk better moods than those waiting for material goods.
about you because you have it. "You read these stories about people rioting,
pepper-spraying, treating each other badly when
"Turns out people don't like hearing about other they have to wait," he said. It turns out, those sorts
people's possessions very much," Kumar said, "but they of stories are much more likely to occur when
do like hearing about that time you saw Vampire people are waiting to acquire a possession than an
Weekend." experience. When people are waiting to get concert
tickets or in line at a new food truck, their moods
I can't imagine ever wanting to hear about tend to be much more positive.
someone seeing Vampire Weekend, but I get the point.

How Internet Affects Life

users can enjoy themselves at anytime

watching their favourite artists'
performance for free.

Internet does not only offers

benefits for students but also to those
who want to gain more money. It also
provides business opportunities.

However, as I said earlier,

Internet also brings bad effects to its
users. Firstly, it can encourage cyber
crimes. Besides that, students who
spend too much time on Internet may
neglect their studies and do not finish
their homework. This should be
avoided as studies are important
especially to teenagers.

Although Internet can add more

friends to our list, yet, it still can
develop anti-social behaviour. Not all
of the users use Internet to make
friends, some of them only play video
games or just sit down watching videos
on Youtube. They will only sit and
ignore what is happening around them.
The worst thing is, they may not realise
Nowadays, the use of Internet Internet provides vast information and that there is an earthquake out there!
is increasing especially among knowledge which is very beneficial for This anti-social behaviour may leads to
adolescence or more accurately, the students. health problems. The users will just
students. The Internet issue is stay at home and sit in front of
discussed by the adults and parents. Next, Internet also provides computer and this will cause them to
Most of them are worried that the use lots of social networks such as be lazy couch potatoes. It will also lead
of Internet is dangerous to their kids. Facebook , Twitter, MySpace and to obesity.
Some others said that Internet may many other. Through these social
bring benefits to their children networks, we can add more friends Next, most students will not
especially to those who will be sitting and make new friends. We can also attracted to surf knowledgeable
for an examination. know friends from other country as websites, but wasting their time on
these social networks are used other non-beneficial things. Wasting
On my opinion, Internet has internationally. Other than adding time on Internet can cause students to
both benefits and drawbacks. First of friends, we can also strengthen our neglect their studies. Not only time is
all, let me talk about the benefits relationship with our friends and wasted but also money. With the uses
first. As we know, Internet is mostly family who are staying far away from of more electricity non-stop, utility bills
used by students. By surfing internet, us using Skype. We can see them in may increase dramatically. We just not
students can visit various websites to front of our eyes even though they pay for the electric bills but also
assist their studies. The examples of are actually far away from us through internet monthly bills.
popular websites are , web camera. , and They The conclusion is, everything has
can visit the websites and revise their Besides, Internet also offers its own benefits and drawbacks.
studies in more exciting way. Some entertainment. We can watch videos However, it depends on how we are
of them are free. Students can visit it of our favourite artists by just one using it. If we spend more time using it
anytime they want. The websites also click through 'Youtube' website. We for benefits, we will get positive effects.
provide useful notes and exercises. can also watch favourite movies But if we use it more to non-beneficial
At the same time, students can get without paying. Plus, there are many things, we will get negative effects. So,
additional information that they artists born from 'Youtube'. So, fans it depends on you.
cannot find it in books. For instance, can know more about the artists from
they can go to 'Google' or 'Yahoo' Youtube. Meanwhile,
search engines to search for more provides tracks, videos and files that
ideas to write an essay. In short, can be downloaded for free! Internet

Bullying: Students themselves may be key to solving problem

Anyone who was bullied as a student – which teasing,‖ Hagler said. ―It has a lot to do with intimidation. It’s
includes most of us – remembers that the best defense was not just a rite of passage. It becomes fear-based.‖
always to avoid the bully, if possible. If you took a different
way to class, skipped lunch or darted for the door the October is National Bullying Prevention month.
second the bell rang, you might just survive another day Winston-Salem/Forsyth County school officials are working
without an embarrassing confrontation. with community groups to raise awareness about bullying
and cyber-bullying. A survey of students last year revealed
It used to be that bullies were creatures of opportunity. If that 53 percent of eighth-graders, 43 percent of fifth-graders,
they came across a potential victim, they would act, and 28 percent of high-school seniors agreed or strongly
especially if they had an audience. They didn’t necessarily agreed that bullying was a problem.
seek out their victims.
Last Wednesday was Unity Day, sponsored by the
That’s how students who went to school before the
PACER National Bullying Prevention Center, an effort to
age of the Internet and social media dealt with bullies. But
raise awareness and show support for students who have
things have changed and those who dismiss the issue
been bullied. Schools and community groups also gathered
today, those who say, ―I was bullied in school and I turned
for a Bully Walk on Saturday at BB&T Ballpark.
out OK,‖ don’t understand how the world has changed for
young people.
It’s important that students themselves are getting
involved to combat bullying. They may be the solution
In the age of ubiquitous electronic communication,
because while bullies may seem like fearless rebels, most
the bully cannot be avoided. There is no place to hide, no
often they are troubled and insecure and looking for
alternate routes to take, no way to stay out of the bully’s
acceptance. The last thing they probably want is to be on the
way. In short, no relief.
Social media has left bullying victims with few
Which brings us to the parents of bullies, and you
ways to escape, Andy Hagler, executive director of the
probably know who you are. Do your child a big favor and let
Mental Health Association in Forsyth County, told the
them know that you also think that bullies are uncool.
Journal’s Arika Herron. And perhaps because of the nature
of social media, the bullying can be more extreme, leading
some students to commit suicide. Gay and lesbian students
are often specifically targeted.

"Nowadays with bullying, it’s more than just the

Student Life is Golden Life

It is said that ―student life is golden life,‖ because student life is the most important part of human life. It is the period of
pure joy and happiness, because the mind of a student is free from cares and worries of a grown-up life.

In this period, the character of man is built. So, it is called the formative period of human life. Every student should try
his best to make the best use of his student life.
The primary duty of a student is to learn and to acquire knowledge. He must do all his work at the right moment and maintain
punctuality and discipline. He must remember that if a student becomes successful in his student career and his character is built
on a sound basic, he will be able to shine in any sphere of life and serve his society and countries.

A student should spend most of his time of this golden period in reading and learning. A good student never waste his
time fixed for reading uselessly. But he must not be a book-worm being always engaged in his studies. He should also be careful
about his health and spend some time daily in some sports and games. He should try to develop his body and mind at the same

As a student he must try to develop his intellect. He should also try to acquire some good qualities like obedience,
dutifulness, respect on elders and love and sympathy for fellow man in the society. The duty of a student is to obey his parents
and teachers and respect the elders of the society.

Students are the future hope of country. So every student should try to be the best citizen in all respect, so that he may
serve his country as far as he can.

Lumbo Elementary School Joined Hands for BrigadaEskwela 2016

The Department of was an opening program
Education (DepEd) conducted and grand caravan around
the Brigada Eskwela 2016 also the town which was
known as the National Schools participated by schools in
Maintenance Week from May 30 the coastal areas together
to June 4, 2016 with the with the stakeholders
theme ―Tayo Para sa Paaralang including Municipal and
Ligtas, Maayos, at Handa Mula Barangay LGU to
Kindergarten Hanggang Senior encourage other people to
participate in the said
High School”to help make our
event. Then we proceed to
schools clean, safe, and ready
our respective school and
for our learners. This school
we had a Brigada Plus like
maintenance effort engages all
getting Blood Pressure with
education stakeholders to
the help of Barangay
contribute their time, effort and
Health Worker and had
resources in ensuring that public
manicure and pedicure. In
school facilities were prepared in
the second day we started
time for the forthcoming school
to clean the school ground
and classroom for
In this connection, cleanliness and
Lumbo Elementary School took beautification. In the third
part of the Brigada Eskwela and day the 58th Infantry
took the role in planning the Battalion help us in painting
activities geared in making our our classroom ceiling and
school disaster-prepared, had door replacement. In
ecologically conscious, clean the 4th day the Barangay
and conducive to learning. All Council help us in finishing
parents, teachers and students the concrete fence of the
will exercise its spirit of school to ensure the safety
volunteerism for one week. of our school children. Next
Employees and stakeholders day some parents help in
were encouraged to join the repainting our blackboard
Brigada Eskwela. activities by and chairs. On the last day
offering their skills, sharing their I had a classroom
time or providing their in-kind structuring of the subject
support to public schools near areas and bulletin board.
their residence. Indeed the Brigada
Eskwela was successful
The following activities
with the participation of the
were done in the first day there

―You have to grow from the inside

out. None can teach you, none
can make you spiritual. There is
no other teacher but your own
soul. ―
- Swami Vivekananda

Lumbo Elementary School during the BrigadaEskwela 2016


BalikEskwela 2016 School-Based Deworming 2016

Everybody is always seemed excited when it comes to going back The Department of Health (DOH), in
to school after spending a couple of weeks during summer break. partnership with the Department of
During the enrollment for the school year 2016-2017, Lumbo Education (DepEd) through the Health
Elementary School has listed the following number of students for &Nutrition Section implemented the First
Round of National School Deworming Month
each grade level:
for school year 2016-2017 for the whole
Kindergarten - 36 month of July. They aimed to deworm all the
Grade 1 - 44 school children enrolled in both public and
Grade 2 - 38 secondary public schools.
Grade 3 - 46
Grade 4 - 43 Last July 19, 2016, the students of
Grade 5 - 46 Lumbo Elementary School were scheduled to
Grade 6 - 63 be dewormed. The school head, as well as
the teachers of the school assisted the
health personnels in the process of
All in all, the total number of enrollees of Lumbo Elementary deworming the students. 306 pupils were
School is 316. dewormed in the school while 10 pupils were
dewormed in their respective homes.

LES Induction of GPTA & HRPTA Officers 2016-2017

Balingasag North District
Auditor : Arlene Miso Holds the Unit Meet 2016
Soc. Managers : EnjilAwitan Last September 9, 2016, Balingasag Central
Neil Eric Caro School holds the Unit Meet in preparation for the
JenelynAbao Provincial Meet on October.
Odith Razo The deafening cheers from the spectators gave
Helen Tahoynon way to maximum intensity of excitement as they
Hazel Jane witness their team to won the said competitions.
The event were participated by five districts
Sgt. At Arms : Harlan Taliding belong to Unit 2 namely; Claveria 1, Claveria 2,
RoteloZafra Balingasag South. Balingasag North, Jasaan, and
Mrs. EditaDahilan for the opening of the Lagonglong.
Ruben Adajar

On 26th of July 2016, Lumbo

Elementary School held the annual
election of General and Homeroom
Scouting 2016
PTA (Parents and Teachers
Association). The newly-elected club Scouting is celebrated in all schools
officers and the PTA (Parents and every year. For Girl Scouts, it is to highlight the
Teachers Association) took their Oath- heroic deeds of the Founder Josefa Llanes
taking Ceremony at the school Escoda, who is an inspiration for all Girl Scouts.
grounds. Barangay Captain Edwin This year’s celebration goes with the theme,
Ramonal was the honored guest and ―GIRL SCOUTS: LEADING THE CHANGE‖.
he personally inducted the PTA.

The following are elected as School based Scouting was observed

General PTA officers for the school and was held last October 7, 2016.
year 2016 - 2017:
Officers taking their oath led by Brgy. Capt.
President :AnalynZafra Edwin Ramonal
Vice Pres. : Ruby Cablinda

Secretary : Eden Reyes

Treasurer: Aileen Barban


Homemakers Club Launches Nutrition Month

Mrs. Luntayao and Mrs. Paelden facilitating the poster making and cooking

Mrs. Merejoy Sumalinog giving her inspiring

Lumbo Elementary Grabs First Place in Copy
message Reading and Headline Writing (English )
The Division of Misamis Oriental held the Division
Month of July was the month Schools Press Conference on July 22,2016 at Alubijid Central
for the Homemakers Club. They launched School, Alubijid Misamis Oriental.
a month long activity as a celebration for
nutrition month with the theme “First This 1-day event was highlighted with different
1000 Days ni Baby Pahalagahan Para journalistic skills participated by the Schools in the Division of
saMalusog naKinabukasan” Misamis Oriental.
The activities were facilitated by the
teachers and stakeholders of Lumbo Elementary The opening program started in the morning of July
School. Moreover, students, as well as their 22.2016 Mr. Gerry G. Fabria Public Schools District Supervisor.
parents actively participated in the activities.
welcome all the participants.
During their launching they presented all
their contests within the month which includes The following events were participated by the students
Essay Writing, Poster Making, Cooking Contest and of Lumbo ES:
Quiz Bee. The culminating activity was held on the
26th day of July “16 at the school ground.
Here are the winners in the contests:  Copy Reading & Headline Writing English — Shandy N.
Essay Writing
Angel Marie Z. Lacbayo
 Copy Reading & Headline Writing Filipino — Angel Marie Z.
Poster Making: Category A Lacbayo
Faith Desiree A. Bana
 Editorial Cartooning in English — Angie Mae A. Lungay
Category B
Marinyl A. Abregana
 Photojournalism — Stefanie Louise M. Mololoy-an

Cooking Contest-
Shandy N. Reyes won the 1st place for the Copy
Grade Vi- Mellow
Reading and Headline Writing in English while Angel Marie Z.
Lacbayo won the 10th place for the Copy Reading and Headline
Quiz Bee – Category A Writing in Filipino.
Grade III- Merciful

Category B There were 7 Schools in Lagonglong District

Grade VI- Mellow participated the said event and Lumbo Elementary School
grabs the first placer in Copy Reading and Headline Writing
The Homemakers Club aims to enhance (English).
the pupils knowledge and awareness about the
health habits that they must practice to stay smart
and healthy. The winners of the DSPC were qualified for the
Regional Schools Press Conference which will be held at
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon on November 8 – 10, 2016.

Brave Heroes with Kind Hearts

A country would not be able to
maintain its peace and order if not with the
help of our soldiers and the police. These
people are assigned by the government to
protect us against all sorts of crimes. But
despite of their busy schedules and duties,
they still include in their yearly program the
community service and outreach program.

Lumbo Elementary School was lucky

to be one of the recipients of these activities
arranged by our brave and generous soldiers
and policemen/policewomen.

The 58th IB from Claveria visited

Lumbo Elementary School last August 5, 2016
and distributed school supplies to the students
as part of their outreach program called
―SHOEBOX‖. And on the next month,
September 20, 2016, the Lagonglong Police
Personnel also had their outreach program at
Lumbo Elementary School. They gave school
supplies too in connection to their ―ONE
MILLION LAPIS‖ campaign.

Science Month Culmination

September is a month of the year when everybody is busy
The following awards are received by the students of
about celebrating Science month. All schools, colleges and
Lumbo Elementary School who actively participated in the said
universities including preschools, whether private or public across
the country celebrate the month of September the National Science
Club Month (NSCM). · Quiz Bee : Grade 3-5 - 4th place
Grade 6 - 5th place
The Department of Science and Technology, Department
of Education, Commission on Higher Education, and the Science
Club Advisers’ Association of the Philippines working hand in hand · Water Patrol - 2nd place
to achieve success for this endeavour. This year’s theme is · Power Patrol - 4th place
“AGRINNOVATE: Revolutionizing Agricultural Outlook for Sustainable
Lumbo Elementary School celebrated the National Science This Science Month celebration together with the
Club Month (NSCM) together with the other schools of Lagonglong, others within the year, manifest the desire of our government
Misamis Oriental held at Lagonglong Central School last September to reinforce the classroom instructions with other curricular
30, 2016. There were many activities featured that the students activities so that our students will be more trained and
joined and enjoyed which includes Quiz Bee for Grades 3 to 6, Sci- equipped to face the global competition. We hope next year,
Damath, Water Patrol For Grades 3 and 4, and Power Patrol for more innovations will be added to the celebration.
Grades 5 and 6.

Buwan ng Wika 2016

Isang tagumpay ang Buwan Katutubong Tula
ng Wika na idinaos sa aming ―Napakasaya ko at
Paaralang Elementarya ng Lumbo Kategorya A naging matagumpay ang
noong Agosto 30, 2016 kasabay 1st - Heart Angel Talidong palatuntunan na ito. Nawa’y
ng temang―Filipino : Wika ng III-Merciful magpatuloy pa ang pakikilahok
Karunungan‖. ng ating mag-aaral sa mga
2nd - RJ Brian Bana ganitong bahaging selebrasyong
Sa pamumuno ni Bb. III-Merciful ito ―. Ayon kay Gng. Editha V.
Cherryl G. Tangara, Guro sa Dahilan,ang Gurong
IkalawangBaitang.Nagtagisanng 3rd - Princess Chrisna Asilum Tagapamahala.
galling ang mga kalahok sa bawat I-Blessed
katergorya: Katergorya A — Pre-
School hanggang Ikatlong Baitang, Kategorya B
Kategorya B — mula Ika-apat 1st -Edcel J. Caneos
hanggang Ika-anim na Baitang. VI-Mellow
LES Stage Extension
Ipinakita nila ang kani-kanilang
A small structure, if
galing at talento sa iba’ tibang 2nd -Frency Dawn A. Bana worked little by little will eventually
larangan katulad ng Tula at IV-Generous become a big structure. Lumbo
Elementary School was once
3rd - Stefanie Louise Maluloy-an started as an institution with few
Kasabay ng kulminasyon V-Modest room and function areas but
sa Buwan ng wika, itinanghal rin slowly expanding into a bigger
ang mga nanalo sa Ginoo at Sa pagsapit ng pang hapong institution with the help and
Binibining Buwan ng Wika 2016. programang selebrasyon sa Buwan cooperation of the teachers,
ng Wika 2016, ipinakilala at School Head, students, and
Sa pagtatapos ng kinuronahan ang mga nanalo bilang parents.
umagang programa, pinarangalan Ginoo at Binibining Buwan ng Wika
ang mga nanalo sa mga 2016. During the culmination of
kompetisyon na nabanggit: BuwanngWika last August, Lumbo
Hari -Robet Gibz L. Luntayao Elementary School had raised
KatutubongAwit funds from their search for Ginoo
Kategorya A Reyna - Angie Mae A. Lungay at BinibiningBuwanngWika 2016.
1st – Kin Evan John Adajar the money raised from the said
III-Merciful contest was used for the
Unang Lakandiwa: Marlo James
2nd – Ritchel N. Cablinda extension of the school’s stage.
A. Lungay
Pre-school - Cheerful
3rd – Claire M. Taytay Once the stage was
Unang Lakambini - Claire M. extend, it would be better for the
III-Merciful Taytay school to hold programs as well as
Kategorya B Ikalawang Lakandiwa -Euseff
1st - Angel Jane C. Palunang Angelo M. Quiboquibo
Ikalawang Lakambini - Irish Nova
2nd -Richelle Joy N. Cablinda C. Cambel
Maituturing na matagumpay ang
3rd -Shandy N. Reyes pagdaraos ng Buwan ng Wika 2016
VI-Mellow sa Lumbo Elementary School.
Naipakita ng bawat manlalahok ang
ganda ng ating wika at naiparating sa
lahat kung bakit ito mahalaga sa
ating bansa.

Duck, Cover and Hold! LCS Holds Zone Meet 2016

No one is ever prepared when an emergency or a
disaster will occur especially if an earthquake will take place. No
Lagonglong Central School hosted the District
one can tell when, what places will be affected, and how strong Athletic Meet last September 1,2016. This yearly event
will it be. We can only take action on the time that the was participated by the 11 schools in the District of
earthquake is happening. Thus, in the observance of the 2016 Lagonglong. The eleven schools were group according to
National Disaster Consciousness Month, PDRRMO-Misamis zones.
Oriental conducted an Earthquake Drill Orientation and
Earthquake Drill.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Different games were played to select the
Council (NDRRMC) through the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) in qualified athletes namely; Volleyball, Basketball,
collaboration with the Metro Manila Disaster Risk Reduction and
Badminton, Table Tennis, Athletics, and Swimming. The
Management Council (MMDRRMC) spearheaded the conduct of
the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) and Swimming competition was held in Sapong Cold Spring
Metrowide Shake Drill last June 22, 2016. In connection with located at SitioLilo, Tabok, Lagonglong, Misamis Oriental.
this, all elementary an secondary schools, both private and
public, including DepEd offices were directed to conduct
Earthquake Drills simultaneously.


On the Second state of the school address ( SOSA) of Lumbo Elementary School headed by Mrs. Editha V. Dahilan,
Head Teacher III; she has given out how far the headway the school brought the improvement over the past year. The school
has definitely gone miles toward learning progress and improvement of systems in teaching-learning process as pointed out by
the school head during the SOSA. This she has done so with substantial facts and figures.
Achieving plans into Action
Proving the headway of the school this are some achievements carried out in to action. From the teachers’ house to
house campaign to encourage learners to go to school, the number of enrollees have increased. The health status of the
learners is being monitored and assisted by the school feeding program given to those learners who fall under normal health
and nutritional status of a child. Financial statement and transparency was been presented by the school PTA treasurer Mrs.
AilynBarbon from the ―BuwanngWika‖ fund raising the school stage was extended. The learning – teaching process by the use
of technology based is being catered to learners. Putting up 4P’s gardening, implementation, and processing waste segregation
to produce plastic chairs for the learners. Teachers attended trainings for the betterment of teaching. These are the evidences
that indeed put into realization.
School awards and Recognition
Learners excellent in varied fields bloom. 1 Place for Copy Reading and Headline Writing English Division Level and
Regional qualifier, 10 place Copy Reading |& Headline writing Filipino Division Level ,Unit Meet Swimming ( Boys and Girls).
Water and power Patrol SciDamaDeped Division Office District Level Students/water 2nd Place Power 4th Place.
Teacher for the Learners
Laws concerning the welfare of the Filipino citizens have also passed for the betterment of progressive learners.
Lumbo Elementary School improving nation future citizens that will serve the nation.

District Teachers Day

The month of October is a · Modern Dance
month for all the teachers around 1 place –Lumbo
the world. It is on this month that Elementary School
we show our gratitude,
appreciation, and love for our dear · Folk Dance
teachers who helped us, mold us, 1st place - Umagos
teach us, and guide us to Elementary School
everything we have to know, may it
be academically, morally, and · Choral
spiritually. 1st place - Lagonglong
Central School
Teacher’s Day
celebrations are undertaken to · Song Solo
honor teachers for their sincere 1st place - Kauswagan
efforts to impart knowledge to their Elementary School
students. By having celebrations
on Teacher’s Day, we convey the Teachers play a very
message that we care for our important role in making the
teachers, just as they do. world a better place to live in.
Teacher’s Day is the right time for They not only educate students,
the students to express their but also help turn them into
feelings of thankfulness and responsible adults.
gratitude towards the teachers.

On the 3rd day of October 2016,

the teachers from all the schools in
Lagonglong, Misamis Oriental
gathered together to celebrate
their District Teachers Day at
Lagonglong Central School with
the Theme ―Guro Kaakibat sa
Pagbabago‖. The celebration was
attended by their special guest,
Municipal Mayor Jay Albert C.

The teachers held a lot of

activities and contests
which includes modern dance,
Folk dance, Choral, and Song
solo. The following schools were
the winners of the contests

Teachers Day Celebration 2016

Page 14 The BREEZE

The BREEZE Page 15

Our Kind of a Superwoman

A woman who welcomes you with a smile. A
leader who inspires others to devote their time, effort,
and compassion to serve. A teacher who nurtures
and molds a child’s future, and a mother to her
dearest children. Mrs. Editha V. Dahilan, Head
Teacher III and in her ninth year of service as a
School Head of Lumbo Elementary School.

By the Name Editha

Editha V.Dahilan already lost her beloved

mother at the age of five and was raised all alone by
her father. In her primary years, she became a
consisted honor student. She started as a working
student in a Marian Ignacian Academy back in her
high school days. When she reached college, she’s
one of the dean listers at Bukidnon State University.
She passed the Licensure Exam for Teachers in her
first attempt.

During her first teaching at Viray Elementary

School, she served the school for some year and was
transferred to Buko Elementary School handling
Grade 6. On the year 2007, she was transferred to
Manaol Elementary School and now serving Lumbo

Elementary School as School Head until now as her

mother school and still manage Manaol Elementary
School as clustered School. She finished her master’s
degree at Cagayan de Oro College.

Achieving plans into Action

The number of learners for the past years has

risen. School buildings were structured with the active
involvement and support from the stakeholders for the
benefit of the learners. The means of utilizing the use of
technology such as computers and printers in ICT
Room in every activity the school has been conducted.
The school learners are gradually blooming in their
respective aspect.

Mrs. Dahilan encourages everybody to

incorporate themselves in different activities our school
hold which aim to hone the skills of the learners in
various fields. As the school head, she gives emphasis
about the activeness of the learners. Encouraging the
learners, teachers and stakeholders to hold hand in
hand to support and nurture our learners for the
betterment of our future generation.

Childhood hypertension associated with cognitive issues

Hypertension, more diagnosed hypertension and 75 hypertension were not
commonly known as high blood matched children without cognitively impaired, but rather
pressure, has increased hypertension. Children who had other performing less well than
significantly in children, factors that are known to affect children without hypertension.
paralleling the current childhood cognitive skills were excluded from
obesity epidemic. Although we the study (e.g., ADHD, learning Overall, this study
know that adult hypertension can disabilities, sleep disorders). provides evidence that
affect the brain, little research has According to Dr. Lande, "We wanted hypertension in children is
been done on the cognitive to make sure that if we found associated with a subtle
effects of childhood hypertension. differences between children with pattern of decreased
In a new study scheduled for and without hypertension, it was performance on cognitive
publication in The Journal of likely associated with the testing. Notes Dr. Lande, "In
Pediatrics, researchers found that hypertension itself, not any of these the future, we want to better
hypertension is associated with other factors." understand if there are physical
cognitive issues in children and changes to the brain in children
adolescents. The researchers found that who have hypertension that
the children with hypertension could explain these cognitive
Marc B. Lande, MD, performed worse on the cognitive test results." Knowing how
MPH, and researchers from the tests that measured visual and verbal these physical changes might
University of Rochester, Emory memory, processing speed, and affect cognitive skills could be
University, Maimonides Medical verbal skills. Additionally, more important in future studies that
Center, University of Texas at children with sleep issues had assess whether
Houston, University of North hypertension, which intensified the antihypertensive treatments
Carolina, Thomas Jefferson effect of poor sleep on cognition and could improve cognitive
University, University of executive function. It is important to performance in children with
Maryland, and the University of note that the differences between hypertension and reverse or
California at Los Angeles, groups were small and that the prevent future adult
compared different tests of average cognitive test scores of both hypertension-related problems.
cognitive skills between 75 10-18- groups were largely within normal
year-old children with newly- ranges. The children with

Protect students from Zika, DepEd tells school officials

Education Secretary Leonor
Briones has urged schools nationwide to
support the Department of Health’s anti-
Zika campaign and take steps to lower the
chances of students getting infected.
In a memorandum, Briones said, ―In the
face of alarming developments, the
Department of Education (DepEd) deems it
urgent to address the Zika virus infection
through the dissemination of information
and coordination with health authorities for
vector control measures in and around

Briones reiterated a 2009 DepEd

memorandum on ―preventing dengue H
(hemorrhagic) fever in schools‖ and other
previous issuances ―to protect the school
populace from the day bites of the Aedes
aegypti mosquito which proliferates at a heightened vigilance and stronger community efforts of every household for
fast rate during the rainy days.‖ vector control,‖ said Briones, citing the DOH’s coordination with local
governments to enhance mosquito control efforts, including fogging, destruction
The 2009 memorandum enjoined of mosquito breeding sites and precautions to be observed.
all school officials to mobilize all personnel
to spread information on the prevention The simplest vector control measure that schools and the community
and control of mosquito-borne illnesses. can take is removing standing or collected water that can serve as mosquito
breeding sites.
―The key to Zika prevention is

The Powerful Teacher

“I’ve come to a frightening

conclusion that I am the decisive
element in the classroom. It’s my
personal approach that creates the
climate. It’s my daily mood that
makes the weather. As a teacher, I
possess a tremendous power to make
a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can
be a tool of torture or an instrument of
inspiration. I can humiliate or humor,
hurt or heal. In all situations it is my
response that decides whether a crisis
will be escalated or de-escalated and
a child humanized or de-humanized.”




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