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Scientific Attitudes:

Curiosity or Inquisitiveness
- is the desire to learn.A curious person constantly asks questions about the
world around him/her.

- means gathering true observations and not hearsay.An objective person is
free from personal prejudices or biases.

- is the ability to accept new ideas and information.An open-minded person is
adaptable and flexible.

- is the ability to continue work in spite of many obstacles.One is determined
to see that one’s work is finished .

- means being free from arrogance and false pride.

Ability to accept failure

- Failure may be considered as a kind of success to a scientist.Failing in one’s
work means finding a new way to resolve a problem.

- means questioning the validity and authenticity of something considered
factual. “Healthy skepticism” is an important attitude of a scientist.
Intellectually honest
- Intellectual honesty is realizing and admitting what you don't know, so that
you can take steps to learn and improve in those areas.

- Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something
new (a product, a solution, a work of art, etc.) that has some kind of value.

- A scientist bases suggestions and conclusions on evidences. When in doubt,
he questions the veracity of a statement in relation to the evidences

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