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Good morning Grandpa Grandma, how are you today? Healthy and vibrant right?

Alhamdulillah. Okay, let me introduce our groups, we are nurse student from Ministry of
Health Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang. My name Syayekti and my friends she is Alfiana, Kiki,
and Wahyu. Okay, now we are gathered here for educate you to do diabetes foot gymnastics.
Before that, I will explain what diabetes it is. Diabetes is a disease that caused by excess
sugar. These foot exercises can help improve blood circulation, strengthen leg muscles, and
prevent diabetes complications. Now we will explain and demonstrate diabetic foot exercises.
Does Grandpa Grandma have known about diabetes exercises before? Okay, then let's just
demonstrate. Oh yes, we need one sheet of newspaper to do it. Alright Granpa Grandma, let's
start right away, please following our steps.
1. Place your heels on the floor, then move your toes up and down
2. Lift your left sole foot up, and then make a circular motion out with the movement on the
ankle. Repeat alternately from left feet to the right feet
3. Lift your feet in line, and then move your feet back and forward
4. Straighten one leg and lift up, rotate on the ankles as if writing numbers from 0-10
5. Put a sheet of newspaper on the floor, forms the newspaper into a ball with both of your
feet, and then flatten the newspaper again
7. Then, divide the newspaper into two pieces
8. And the, divide it again into a small pieces
9. Move this small pieces into the next newspaper, and then roll it
10. And then, roll it until the newspaper forms like a ball.
And finish yeayyy. Okay, so that was the steps of diabetes foot exercises. Grandpa grandma
can try it yourself at home. Is there something unclear from here? Any question Grandpa,
Grandma? Oh, so it's clear to everyone. Okay, that's all the foot diabetic gymnastic from us,
hopefully the knowledge that we demonstrated can be useful and can be applied in your
home. Thank you for your time. See you later.

Untuk memenuhi tugas matakuliah
Bahasa Inggris
yang dibina oleh Bapak Yulius Irham S.Pd, MM

Syayekti Antini Dwi Palupi 1601460008

Alfiana Tirta Ningrum 1601460017
Kiki Nur Ro’ismawati 1601460031
Wahyu Artyningsih 1601460035


Oktober, 2019

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