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Zinc and Manganese in the Schizophrenias

Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D. and Scott LaMola, B.S

blood pressure in patients over 40 years of

First published in Journal of Orthomolecu- age. Zinc alone can lower blood pressure in
lar Psychiatry, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1983 some hypertensive patients. Chronic use of
hydralazine (a manganese chelator) in rats
Abstract produced manganese deficiency which re-
The essential trace elements zinc and sulted in convulsions. Low blood and serum
manganese have been noted as factors in manganese levels may play a role in epilepsy
brain disease since the 1920s. The combined possibly by interfering with membrane sta-
use of zinc and manganese in schizophre- bility. Prolonged use of pheno-thiazines
nia is based on: 1) Increased urinary ex- causes tardive dyskinesia. Phenothiazines
cretion of copper when both zinc and man- might chelate manganese making it una-
ganese are given orally; 2) Zinc alone causes vailable for some presumed function as an
a decrease in blood manganese; 3) The enzyme activator.
double deficiency of zinc and manganese
frequently is found in patients with excess Historical
copper. The mauve factor (Kryptopyrrole) is The first suggestion that a trace ele-
known to increase the excretion of zinc and ment deficiency might be a factor in men-
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). In children, insuf- tal disease was that of Derrien and Benoit
ficient levels of zinc and manganese have (1929) who found a high level of urinary
been associated with lowered learning abil- Zn in a dying porphyric female patient
ity, apathy, lethargy and mental retarda- showing abnormal psychiatric symptoms.
tion. Hyperactive children may be deficient The first use of a trace element as treat-
in zinc, manganese and vitamin B6 and ment for schizophrenia was that of Reiter
have an excess of lead and copper. Alcohol- (1927) who found intravenous Mn to be
ism, schizophrenia, Wilson’s disease, and effective. He found that 23/50 patients
Pick’s disease are brain disorders dynami- improved after the injections. Schrijver
cally related to zinc and manganese levels. (1928) gave manganese chloride intrave-
Zinc has been employed with success to nously to 23 patients with good improve-
treat Wilson’s disease, achrodermatitis ment in three and possible improvement
enteropathica, and specific types of schizo- in seven. Helweg (1928) treated 95 chronic
phrenia. Manganese is important in the schizophrenics, with negative results.
building and breakdown cycles of protein Tindinge (1929) used either oral or intra-
and nucleic acid. For RNA chain initiation, venous Mn in 75 patients and found only
manganese was found to be a better effec- one dramatic improvement. Reed (1929)
tor than magnesium. Manganese stimulates used a control schizophrenic group (30)
adenylate cyclase activity in brain tissue. and found that 18 percent of the controls
Because cyclic-AMP plays a regulatory role were discharged from the hospital in one
in the action of several brain neuro- year while 37 percent of the Mn treated
transmitters, manganese is important in schizophrenic patients (30) were dis-
brain function. Owing to the fact that zinc charged. Reed used 2 to 8 ml of a 0.02 molar
is well absorbed from the gut but manga- Mn solution intravenously twice weekly over
nese is poorly absorbed all diagnostic cat- a period of 15 weeks; followed by a 0.3 g of
egories may be harmed by large prolonged manganese chloride twice daily by mouth.
oral doses of zinc without manganese. In W.M. English (1929) studied many schizo-
oral doses manganese occasionally elevates phrenics but had the best results with Mn
Zinc and Manganese in the Schizophrenias

in those who had been psychotic only two we had perfected the method for whole
weeks to three years. Of 38 such patients blood Mn determination so we now en-
an increase in body weight, physical im- counter schizophrenics who initially are
provement and mental improvement oc- high in serum Cu and low in both serum
curred in 22 patients. Some of the chronic Zn and whole blood Mn. These biochemi-
patients also improved. R.G. Hoskins (1934) cal abnormalities revert to normal as the
used suspended manganese dioxide patient improves mentally and physically.
intramuscularly in 30 patients with only In our opinion the use of Mn and Zn to
two improved, two worse, and 26 un- reduce the Cu burden of the body and res-
changed. Although Hoskins failed to follow toration of Zn in the hippocampus allows
the experimental procedure and design of for a reduction in the need for major tran-
the successful investigators his study tri- quillizers in the schizophrenic. In some
umphed and manganese hydrochloride in- cases this Cu excess with Zn and Mn defi-
travenously was no longer used. ciency is the only biochemical imbalance.
We found in 1968 (Pfeiffer and Iliev) By 1971 we had objective data showing
that oral Mn produced a three fold increase that mauve positive schizophrenic patients
in excretion of Cu in schizophrenic patients [Kryptopyrroles in the urine - (Irvine et al.,
and that the combination of Zn and Mn 1969)] actually excreted almost twice as
was even more effective in promoting uri- much Zn as did schizophrenic patients who
nary Cu excretion. Since many schizo- were not mauve positive. Kryptopyrrole is
phrenics had a Cu overload we used an avid aldehyde reacting agent which we
“ziman” drops (10 percent Zn sulfate with have shown to combine irreversibly with
0.5 percent Mn chloride) to reduce their Cu pyridoxal phosphate. The new molecule then
burden. Six drops of Ziman morning and chelates Zn with the combined product ap-
night provides 10 mg of Zn and 3. mg of pearing in the urine. The whole syndrome is
Mn which is about 3/4 of the estimated stress induced so the susceptible patient
daily need - namely 15 mg of Zn and 4 mg when stressed, quickly becomes vitamin B6
of Mn. In 1965 Professor Roger Williams and Zn deficient. Armed with this knowledge
called our attention to the paper of Kimura we can effectively treat the pyroluric patient
and Kumura who found the brains of (“malvaria” of Hoffer and Osmond) and we
schizophrenics at autopsy to have only 50 have written several papers on the signs,
percent of the Zn content of control brains. symptoms and treatment of pyroluria
This low level of Zn held constant for the (Pfeiffer et al., 1974; Pfeiffer and Bacchi, 1975).
frontal, occipital and hippocampal portions By 1977 our method for whole blood
of the brains studied. We know that Zn is Mn was applied to all out-patients both
essential in the hippocampal portion of the new and old. This revealed that many pa-
brain where histamine is stored in hista- tients who had been treated with Zn alone
minergic nerve endings. We, therefore pur- had become Mn deficient. With new pa-
chased an Atomic Absorption Spectropho- tients the diagnostic categories with the
tometer and analyzed body tissues and lowest Mn levels were the epileptic, nu-
juices. We have seen over 15,000 out-pa- tritional hypo-glycemics, pyrolurics and
tients and each outpatient has had blood schizophrenics. Zinc is easily and rapidly
serum and hair analyzed for both the trace absorbed from the gut but Mn is poorly
and toxic elements. absorbed and we don’t know at present
In the period 1966 to 1971 we observed how to increase the whole blood Mn other
lasting clinical benefit with ziman drops in than by the administration of large doses
many patients who had high hair or serum of Mn gluconate daily over a long period
Cu levels and low serum Zn levels. By 1977 of time. We have tried all of the presently

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 14, No. 1, 1999

marketed oral preparations of Mn. We normal serum folate and vitamin B12 levels
have not tried parenteral or intravenous and the macrocytosis responds to a dietary
Mn as a supplement. supplement of Mn with the Zn supplement
reduced to a maximum of 15 mg per day.
Practical Aspects of Manganese With Zn alone and sometimes with
Supplements in Man Ziman Fortified AM and PM, the patient’s
The physicians at the Princeton Brain- whole blood Mn will decrease over a treat-
Bio Center have now had four years’ experi- ment period of 4 to 12 months. These low
ence in the use of Mn supplements. In the Mn levels can result in depression, intoler-
1977-79 period we noted low blood Mn lev- ance to oral Zn, possible increase in auto-
els in many of our schizophrenic patients immune reactions and the aforementioned
and, therefore, increased the dose of oral Mn macrocytosis. The finding of a lowered Mn
using either 10 mg or 50 mg of Mn as the blood level with prolonged Zn supplemen-
gluconate. To our surprise the blood Mn tation has occurred in psychiatric, arthritic,
level in many instances continued to be low senile and cardiac patients. Thus all diag-
or go to a lower level. Most of these patients nostic categories can be harmed by large
were receiving 30 mg of Zn as the gluconate prolonged doses of Zn without Mn. With
morning and night, which in retrospect is a this new concept we have treated problem
large dose since the body needs only 10 to patients with large oral doses of Mn. In one
15 mg/day. Patients with normal eating hab- severely allergic male, age 45 whom we had
its would require less supplementation since treated for 15 years, we suggested 50 mg of
5 to 8 mg is obtained from a good diet. Mn as the gluconate morning and night.
When the Zn supplement is reduced He felt somewhat better with this dose, so
to 15 mg a day the blood Mn level will usu- he cautiously increased the dose to 100 mg,
ally rise with a daily dose of 10 to 20 mg of three times per day. Before starting this
Mn. Note that this dose is two to four times dose his blood Mn was 6 ng/g (ppb). After
the recommended daily intake. three months of the big dose, his blood Mn
We are at present studying the factors was 11 ng/g (ppb). One month later the
which may increase the absorption of Mn level was 8.5 ng/g (ppb) and after a year
from the intestinal tract. When normal and a half later it was 10.5 ng/g (ppb).
subjects in the fasting state take 150 mg of Normal is 10 to 20 ng/g (ppb). Physical
Mn as the gluconate (or amino acid chelate) examination, blood pressure, pulse and
this dose does not cause a significant rise chem screen showed no abnormalities.
in the serum Mn level over a period of four During the period of 300 mg of Mn orally
hours. The eating of a breakfast high in per day he gained 11 needed pounds in
manganese content does not significantly body weight and was able to tolerate foods
elevate the serum Mn levels. The normal that normally caused severe depressive re-
serum level is 1.20 + 0.99 ng/g (ppb). Ninety actions. With the higher blood levels of Mn
percent of the blood Mn (normal level, this patient now can tolerate small doses
14.80 ± 3.9 ng/g [ppb]) is contained in the of Zn which previously caused severe de-
erythrocyte which has a life of 120 days. pression.
The determination of whole blood Mn
is useful in our clinic since patients are seen Manganese Levels in the Hair of
every three to six months. Patients with a Schizophrenics
blood Mn below 8 ng/g (ppb) slowly develop Other than the therapeutic trials of Mn
a macrocytosis as characterized by a high in schizophrenics by Reiter and English in
mean corpuscular volume and elevated con 1929, the first demonstration of a possible
puscular hemoglobin. These patients have deficiency of Mn was reported in our sur-

Zinc and Manganese in the Schizophrenias

vey in 1974. We found Mn to be low in the dal system. He reasoned that pheno-
hair of schizophrenics, and in males (but thiazines might chelate Mn, thus binding
not in females) Mn decreased with age. it electrochemically, and that this might
Barlow (1979) found Mn to be significantly make it unavailable for some presumed
lower in the hair of schizophrenics com- function as an enzyme activator. It seemed
pared to a control population. Bowen plausible that by providing extra dietary
(1972) found the Mn in hair of Indonesian Mn the deficiency would be corrected and
children to be normal but protein deficient the dyskinesia might thereby improve.
Indonesian children had a level five times Kunin (1976) found in 15 cases of tardive
higher. The hair copper level in these same dyskinesia treated with Mn, seven were
children was two times higher. Perhaps the completely relieved; three cases were much
continuous ingestion of tropical fruits (high improved; four were improved and only one
in Mn) with a low protein diet might ac- was unimproved. Good results followed Mn
count for the very high Mn level of the pro- doses of at least 15 mg and up to 60 mg/
tein deficient Indonesian children. Ryan et day. Niacin, at doses of 100 to 500 mg, was
al. (1978) reported Mn hair levels of both of significant benefit in treating dyskinesia
male and female patients diagnosed as in three of the 15 cases. Mean content of
multiple sclerotic (MS) to be one-half that Mn in the hair of a psychiatric patient
of a normal population. The hair Zn levels population averaged 0.8 ppm. The tardive
of the MS patients were not lower than the dyskinesia patients averaged 0.46 ppm. It
controls. is concluded that Mn appears to be of value
in treating many cases of tardive dyskinesia
Manganese and Tardive Dyskinesia and it may also be of value in preventing
Excesses of the polyvalent metal ions the occurrence of dyskinesias.
of manganese, mercury, copper, cadmium
and lead all appear to cause malfunctions Manganese and Blood Pressure
of the CNS in animals and man. Manga- In oral doses Mn has not been found
nese is unusual among these ions since harmful, although in patients over 40 years
neurological abnormalities have been asso- of age Mn supplementation has occasion-
ciated with both a deficiency and an excess ally elevated blood pressure. The elevated
of Mn. Neuroleptic drugs are known to blood pressure returns to normal when Mn
cause tardive dyskinesia in which the pa- is discontinued and Zn alone is used. Zinc
tient exhibits involuntary, rhythmic move- is effective in lowering the blood pressure
ments of the tongue, lips and facial mus- of some hypertensive patients which is
cles; sometimes exhibiting abnormal trunk reminiscent of some of the early work of
movements or choreoathetoid movements Schroeder and his coworkers. Comens
of the extremities. This condition is usu- (1960), working in Schroeder’s laboratory,
ally reversible but in the long run may be- found that chronic hydralazine (a Mn
come irreversible in some patients. chelater) in rats produced Mn deficiency
In his earlier work with psychiatric which resulted in convulsions. These con-
patients who developed tardive dyskinesia vulsions were antidoted by Mn but not by
on neuroleptic drugs, Kunin (1976) tried potassium, calcium, cobalt, zinc or nickel
antiparkinson agents and Rauwolfia to no injections. Comens (1956) also postulated
avail. He then recalled the work of Borg and that Mn deficiency could be a factor in lu-
Cotzias (1972) who reported that pheno- pus erythematosus and other collagen dis-
thiazines form free radicals with manganic eases. Two of the side effects of hydrala-
(trivalent) ions in vitro. Manganese is found zine therapy, when used to lower blood
in high concentrations in the extrapyrami- pressure in man, are arthritis and lupus

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 14, No. 1, 1999

erythematosus. An acute rheumatic state Mn since at least six important enzymes

occurs in as many as 10 percent of the hy- require Mn for normal function. Compared
pertensive patients treated with hydrala- to Zn, Mn is poorly absorbed and both Mn
zine. From these findings we can conclude: and Zn are rapidly excreted. The absorp-
1) Zn, by antagonizing Mn, may lower the tion of Mn and Cu are equally slow but Cu
blood pressure of some hypertensives. is sequestered in the absence of Zn and Mn
2) Zn, when used to treat arthritic patients, and may cause harmful effects. Because of
should be carefully balanced with adequate the slow absorption of Mn the beneficial
Mn to sustain any beneficial effect. effects of Mn in man may not be evident for
3) Mn may be important in preventing weeks and months. Except for the occa-
autoimmune reactions. sional elevation of blood pressure, oral Mn
is without serious side effects. The use of Mn
Manganese and Seizures food supplements and foods high in Mn can
Mn deficiency also affects cerebral be tried in some of the diseases which still
motor function. Hurley et al. (1963) dem- baffle the medical profession. Patience may
onstrated a relationship between seizure provide good rewards with Mn.
activity and Mn deficiency in rats. The sei-
zure threshold was found to be significantly Manganese and the “Empty” Basophil
lower in Mn deficient animals. Tanaka The blood histamine level correlates
(1977) has presented a preliminary report with the absolute basophil count since
on low blood Mn levels in epileptic patients. most of the blood histamine is contained
Sohler et al. (1979) compared blood Mn in the basophils (Pfeiffer, 1972). On all pa-
levels in a group of patients with seizure tients we perform both determinations and
activity to a control group. Blood Mn lev- expect the histamine to be near the mean
els from control subjects had a mean of 14.8 of 48 ng/ml and the basophil count at
ng/g (ppb) while serum levels were 1.2 ng/ about 35 cells per cu milliliter. When the
g (ppb). The blood Mn levels were signifi- patient is Mn deficient some patients may
cantly lower in the patients with seizure have a high basophil count, i.e. 75, with a
activity, 9.9 ± 4.9 ng/g (ppb) p < 0.005). The normal or low blood histamine. We call this
clinical significance of the low blood Mn the “empty” basophil syndrome. The pa-
levels remains to be evaluated. In uncon- tient responds clinically to an oral Mn sup-
trolled trials we find that Mn is helpful in plement and has a rise in the blood hista-
controlling seizures of both minor and mine level to correlate with the high ba-
major types. sophil count. The opposite - a high blood
Both Mn and choline deficiencies are histamine and a low absolute basophil
believed to interfere with membrane sta- count is usually a laboratory error - fre-
bility and this could be responsible for fa- quently we find that the blood was taken
cilitating the propagation of seizure activ- late on Friday and the basophils were then
ity. We suggest these findings warrant the counted on Monday. The elapsed time of
use of dietary supplements of Mn for the 48 hours allows disintegration of the
control of seizure activity. The remission of basophils.
seizures is frequently dramatic. Apparently
the essential trace element Mn is a basic, Summary - Manganese
direct legacy from vegetable life to animal Although often ignored by nutrition
life. Tropical fruits are naturally high in Mn conscious individuals, Mn is an essential
with tea leaves the highest. Plants cannot trace metal frequently deficient in our diet.
convert the sun’s energy without Mn (pho- A component of at least six known en-
tosynthesis) and man cannot live without zymes, Mn is required for efficient sugar

Zinc and Manganese in the Schizophrenias

metabolism, for the production of cartilage bles lacking adequate levels. And, many of
- a vital structural component of our bod- our frequently eaten foods contain little
ies, and for the manufacture of cyclic AMP Mn. For example, meat, even liver, provides
- a cellular second messenger. little Mn. Foods rich in Mn include nuts,
We know that Mn deficient animals whole grains, spices, legumes, and tea
suffer impaired growth, reproductive prob- leaves. Tropical fruits such as pineapple,
lems, and a shortened life span. With a banana, papaya, and mango are particularly
severe deficiency, animals cannot stand up good sources. However, patients with low
because of defective cartilage formation. Mn blood or hair Mn levels will need sup-
Humans with low Mn levels can suffer plementary Mn in addition to a good diet.
chronic joint pains, particularly in the Fortunately, Mn is well tolerated, even at
knees and back. “Growing pains” often dis- high doses (up to 300 mg/day). However,
appear when our young patients take ad- occasionally in patients over forty, Mn can
equate Mn with zinc along with their vita- raise blood pressure and produce tension
mins. And, since the discs between the headaches. If this occurs, the Mn dose
vertebrae consist largely of cartilage, wide- should be stopped until the blood pressure
spread Mn deficiency might be responsi- normalizes and the headaches disappear.
ble for the high incidence of back problems Dried or fresh tropical fruits and tea can
in the developed, more carnivorous, world. then be used as a source of Mn.
In addition, low Mn levels have been
associated with epilepsy and schizophrenia. Low Zinc and High Copper in Some
Studies dating back to 1929 indicate that Schizophrenics
schizophrenics improve with supplementary In 1966, when we found that some
Mn and our experience with Mn deficient schizophrenic patients had low levels of
schizophrenics at the Brain Bio Center sup- blood histamine, we turned to a study of
ports this. We have also discovered that Mn their Zn and Cu levels as possible factors
deficient patients may suffer depression in the storage and destruction of body his-
which clears up when Mn is included in the tamine. Those patients registering low in
treatment program. Seizure patients may histamine were also low in zinc and serum
respond dramatically to Mn. Deficiency may folate and high in serum Cu (Pfeiffer and
lead to autoimmune diseases. Iliev, 1972). Occasionally a high Cu level was
We find that patients with either accompanied by a high serum creatine
hypoglycemia or diabetes need extra Mn to phosphokinase (CPK) level. Meltzer et al.
help normalize blood sugar levels. This isn’t (1969) have studied serum CPK extensively.
surprising since in Mn deficient animals, In sheep poisoned with Cu, the CPK levels
the insulin secreting cells of the pancreas are tremendously high (Thompson and
atrophy - and insulin is the body’s crucial Todd, 1974), so that a high serum Cu level
regulator of sugar metabolism. Interest- plus increased motor activity may cause a
ingly, low levels of this trace metal during rise in CPK in the occasional schizophrenic.
early development may lead to malforma- Over a 10 year period we have used folic
tion of the ear’s vestibular system, the ear’s acid and vitamin B12 to treat patients with
mechanism responsible for maintaining low serum histamine levels and high serum
balance. Young children who are slow to Cu levels. These two vitamins reduce the
walk may require Mn supplements. need for the large doses of niacin used in
Unfortunately, most diets, even the megavitamin therapy; the use of folate and
best planned, tend to be deficient in this vitamin B12 in histapenic patients makes
important trace metal. Our Mn deficient reasonable doses of niacin effective. With
farmlands often produce fruits and vegeta- these nutrients, plus Zn and Mn, the Cu

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 14, No. 1, 1999

burden of the patient decreased over a methyltetrahydrofolate. Methylation of ho-

three month period, and the blood hista- mocysteine was thus impaired, resulting in
mine level usually rises to a normal level. homocysteinuria. Folate and pyridoxine
Experience in the diagnosis and treat- greatly improved the patient’s condition
ment of large numbers of schizophrenic (Barber and Spaeth, 1969). There have been
patients has led us to separate three main many well-documented reports of other
biotypes: 50 percent are histapenic (low folate-responsive behavioral disorders
blood histamine, high serum Cu, low (Botez et al. 1977; Botez and Lambert, 1977;
folate), 20 percent are histadelic (high blood Carney, 1975).
histamine, low or normal serum Cu), and
30 percent are normal in Cu and histamine Folic Acid in Low-Histamine
but excrete large quantities of High Copper Patients
kryptopyrrole in their urine, depleting We have used folic acid plus vitamin B12
them of vitamin B6 and Zn (Pfeiffer, 1975). for over 12 years to treat histapenic high
We have continued to characterize schizo- copper patients who have hallucinations or
phrenia around the histamine axis, accu- paranoia in the early years of life or depres-
mulating empirical, experimental, and sion in later years. This is effective therapy
theoretical support for these biotypes. that augments the effects of zinc, niacin, and
Many biochemical abnormalities have been vitamin C. With this therapy the serum Cu
reported in schizophrenia; rather than be- level is reduced, and the blood histamine
ing contradictory, much of the previous rises to the normal range of 40 to 70 ng/ml
research supports our classification. after five to six months of therapy. The psy-
The low-histamine (histapenic) bio- chiatric symptoms decrease as the bio-
type of schizophrenia is frequently an en- chemical values approach more nearly nor-
vironmentally produced copper overload mal levels (Pfeiffer and Braverman, 1979).
with a resultant nutrient imbalance. Pa-
tients may be deficient in folic acid, vita- Folic Acid in High-Blood Histamine
min B12, niacin, Zn and Mn. The biochemi- Normal-Copper Patients
cal imbalance is characterized by oxidation Histadelic (high-blood histamine) pa-
of amines, low serum folate (Pfeiffer and tients are characterized by fast oxidation,
Braverman, 1979), slowed metabolism little fat, long fingers and toes, severe depres-
(Carmel, 1978), fat accumulation, and de- sion, compulsions, and phobias. These pa-
creased mean energy content of the quan- tients respond to mild antifolate drugs such
titative EEG (Dow, 1971; Goldstein and as phenytoin and agents that decrease his-
Sugerman, 1969). Behavioral symptoms in tamine such as calcium salts and methio-
high-copper histapenia include paranoia nine in doses one to two g/day. Folic acid
and hallucinations in younger patients, but makes histadelic patients worse, and even
depression may predominate in older pa- the folic acid in food may cause seasonal
tients. The patient is usually classified as depression, which we have termed “salad
having chronic or process schizophrenia. bowl depression.” A reducing diet composed
Others have found that the administration mainly of New Zealand spinach or lettuce
of folic acid will correct severe psychosis has caused depression in some histadelic
caused by folate deficiency. A 15-year-old patients. These examples are obviously di-
girl was found to suffer homocysteinuria etary extremes, but the patient who is de-
and symptoms of “schizophrenia”. She was pressed each summer in the salad season
shown to have impaired N5,10-tetrahydro- may be histadelic. Even the 0.4-mg (400-μg)
folate reductase activity. Enzyme inactiv- dose of folic acid in many multivitamins is
ity caused diminished production of N5 enough to produce increased depression in

Zinc and Manganese in the Schizophrenias

the histadelic patient. When a mildly de- antigen-antibody interaction. Thus, our
pressed histadelic patient is given one mg allergic patient may have an abnormally
of folic acid per day, a severe agitated de- low blood histamine.
pression may result. Therefore, we do not use Excess copper is the primary imbal-
folic acid in any schizophrenic patient until ance of histapenics. The Cu comes from the
we know the absolute basophil count or the drinking water, food, and “vitamins plus
blood histamine level. Since the blood his- minerals,” which are overloaded with 2 mg
tamine is contained primarily in the of copper. Diphenylhydantoin (DPH) el-
basophils, the absolute basophil count may evated copper levels (Vasiliades and
frequently serve to differentiate histapenic Sahawneh, 1975). High Cu levels antagonize
and histadelic patients. Therapy with niacin, folic acid through a complex web of trace
folic acid, and zinc-manganese can change metal interactions. Pregnant women and
a low-blood histamine (histapenic) patient young women on the birth control pill will
into a high-blood histamine depressed pa- have abnormally low blood histamine lev-
tient (Foreman and Mangor, 1973). This has els because of the high estrogen levels.
occurred many times in our experience and Copper levels also rise with the increase in
is corrected by a reduction in the dose of estrogens. High copper levels increase the
folic acid or elimination of folic acid for a activity of histaminase (diaminoxidase),
week and thereafter the use of a smaller which is a copper-containing enzyme
dosage. Our usual one to two mg/day dose (Jensen and Olesen, 1969; Jonassen, 1976;
of folic acid is sufficient for the histapenic Torok, 1970). Vitamin C-deficient guinea
high copper patient. pigs show progressive rises in serum cop-
Some of the florid symptoms in the per levels.
high copper histapenic patient will respond Pellagrins have elevated serum, hair,
promptly to therapy with folic acid, niacin, and urinary copper levels; skin histidine is
vitamin C, zinc, and manganese. The drippy low (Rifkind and Heim, 1977; Vasantha,
palm syndrome which forces the patient to 1970). These return to normal with niacin
carry a wad of tissues in each hand to ab- treatment. Reduced availability of NADH has
sorb the sweat, responds within one to four been reported in folate deficiency. The skin
weeks to this vitamin-mineral regime. The of pantothenic acid-deficient rats has a five-
hypomania, hallucinations, and mind rac- fold increase in copper level, as compared
ing are subdued within three to four weeks. with controls. It has been reported that a sin-
In other patients insomnia may be recti- gle large dose of pantothenic acid effectively
fied in the same period. The degree of para- lowers the high serum Cu level for a one week
noia decreased very slowly, so that full re- period. Plasma concentrations of Zn decrease
mission may take 12 to 15 months. Relief during pregnancy, whereas Cu levels increase.
of paranoia parallels the attainment of a Zinc and Cu are antagonistic in the human
normal Cu level in the blood serum. body and probably compete for the same
The simple histapenia-histadelia con- sites on the protein carrier, metallo-
cept allows a therapeutic trial of “running thionine. Histamine is stored in the mast
for the other goal line.” If a patient wors- cells and basophils in a zinc-heparin-his-
ens with folic acid and niacin, this therapy tamine complex (Kazimiercza and
is stopped. Then the history and laboratory Maslinski, 1974; Keller and Sorkin, 1970).
data are reviewed, and the patient may be
tried on methionine, calcium, and pheny- Zinc and Neural Function
toin therapy to see if this provides improve- Zinc appears to play a role in axonal
ment. Many allergic patients do not store transport and neuronal microtubule and
histamine in their basophils because of tubulin synthesis and assembly (Amos and

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 14, No. 1, 1999

Baker, 1979; Baker and Amos, 1978; Larsson brain. Rats Zn deficient in prenatal and
et al., 1977; Tamm et al., 1979). Axoplasmic early postnatal periods (gestational-
flow and axonal and dendritic transport are lactational) develop abnormal brains. In
responsible for delivery of various macromol- adults rendered Zn deficient only postna-
ecules to distant parts of the neuron. Axonal tally, abnormal behavior is manifest with-
transport occurs for opiate receptors in rat out demonstrable abnormal structure.
vagus nerve, and muscarinic cholinergic Both hippocampal and cerebellar develop-
receptors in vagus sciatic and splenic nerves. ment in rats occur postnatally with the
Axonal flow may be common to all receptors cerebellar cortex acquiring nearly all its
(Young et al., 1980). Zinc ions induce tubulin cellular constituents and the hippocam-
to form transport sheets as well as increase pus acquiring 85 percent of its neurons
the number of neurofilaments. Toxic concen- during the first three weeks of life (Hurley
trations of Zn can produce abnormal tubulin and Shrader, 1972). Zinc is involved in the
aggregates (Gaskin et al., 1978). In segments maturation and function of the mossy fi-
of rat peripheral nerves immersed in zinc bre pathway. Histochemical observations
chloride solutions buffered with Zn ions indicated increasing levels of Zn in the
neurotubules are stabilized. Zinc also has an hippocampal mossy fibre layer after 20
essential role in brain tubulin phosphoryla- days of age. Between 18 and 22 days hip-
tion (Larsson et al., 1977). pocampal Zn increased by 35 percent to
Small amounts of zinc 5X10-6 M stimu- reach adult levels. Axoplasmic transport
late rapid axonal transport of proteins in an of Zn occurs from granule cell perikarya
in vitro system using frog ganglia and nerve to their terminal boutons (Crawford and
(Edstrom and Mattsson, 1975). Zinc probably Connor, 1972). Zinc deficiency during the
stimulates axonal transport by stabilizing rat critical period for brain growth perma-
brain microtubules and ribosomes (Edstrorn nently affects brain function. When this
and Mattsson, 1975). Zinc, at concentration deficiency is imposed throughout the lat-
of 5X10-6 increased synthesis to 140 percent ter third of pregnancy, brain size is de-
of the control and protein transport to 175 creased, there is a reduced total brain cell
percent of the control value. In certain con- count and the cytoplasmic nuclear ratio
centrations, Zn appears to be important for is increased, implying an impairment of
both protein synthesis and axoplasmic flow. cell division in the brain during the criti-
Metal chelation of Zn causes nerve degenera- cal period of macroneuronal proliferation
tion, while Zn toxicity causes fast axonal (Hurley and Shrader, 1972). In adult life,
transport resulting in a distal concentration male rats so treated display impaired
of membrane protein which may proceed to shock avoidance and female rats are sig-
defective maintenance of axon terminal nificantly more aggressive at a high level
structures and loss of function. of shock than adult females whose dams
Zinc is also the most important trace were Zn sufficient during pregnancy
metal in subcellular DNA and RNA fractions. (Halas and Sandstead, 1975; Underwood,
Both DNA and RNA polymerases are Zn 1971). Zinc deficient animals are more
metalloenzymes. Zinc’s primary importance susceptible to a standard stress.
in nucleic acid metabolism may explain much Zinc deficiency has been shown to
of its role in neuron maturation and prolif- impair DNA, RNA and protein synthesis
eration. in the brains of suckling rats (Fosmire et
al., 1975). Zinc deficiency results in im-
Brain Development and Zinc paired incorporation of thymidine into
Zinc is an essential nutrient in the brain DNA. Incorporation of sulfur into
development of neurons of the normal protein is also decreased. Zinc deficiency

Zinc and Manganese in the Schizophrenias

also decreases the concentration of total al., 1979). Hypothalamic Zn ions rise with
lipid in brain while phospholipids and gonadotropin secretions (Merriam et al.,
fatty acids are not affected. 1979; Root et al., 1979). Hypogonadism
Rat pups suckled for 21 days by dams occurs with Zn deficiency (Caggiano et al.,
fed a zinc deficient diet demonstrated im- 1969; Prasad, 1966).
paired body growth and smaller cerebella Zinc deficiency inhibits essential fatty
and hemispheres compared to pups given acid metabolism to prostaglandins (PG)
adequate zinc (Fosmire et al., 1975). A either by blocking linoleic acid desaturation
smaller hippocampus and a marked reten- to gamma - linoleic acid or by inhibiting
tion of the external grandular layer of the mobilization of dihomo - gamma linolenic
cerebellum are associated with zinc defi- acid from tissue membrane stores
ciency (Buell et al., 1977). A deficiency of (Cunnane and Horrobin, 1980). Prolactin
dietary Zn during the suckling period of the and Zn have similar actions on PGE1 for-
rat results in the pups having smaller mation and prolactin enhances flow of fluid
forebrains, reduced cell numbers, and de- from fetal to maternal compartments
creased RNA and DNA (Fosmire et al., (Manku et al., 1975; Manku et al., 1979).
1975). Zinc deficiency in pregnant rats af- Zinc deficiency can result in polyhydra-
fects pups’ liver greater than brain. Livers minos (Manku et al., 1979). Opiates may
contain only one-third of the normal have an effect on PGE1 synthesis which is
amount of Zn. Total brain Zn was spared opposite to that of Zn and there is evidence
by comparison. Buell et al. (1977) found that reduced PGE1 production (possibly
that postnatal Zn deficiency in rats results due to an endogenous opioid) may play a
in fewer brain neurons with a decrease in role in schizophrenia (Horrobin et al., 1978;
the total amount of DNA. The hippocam- Horrobin and Morgan, 1980). An
pus showed similar deficits. enkephalin degrading amino peptidase
from rat brain homogenates is a Zn
Zinc and Hormones metalloenzyme(Schnebli et al., 1979). A
Zinc deficiency affects hypothalamic higher than normal proportion of
pituitary thyroid function. Thyrotropin re- arachidonate was found in the fatty acids
leasing hormone content was decreased in of Zn deficient skin (Bettger et al., 1980).
the zinc deficient rat (Morley et al., 1980). PGE2 and PGF2 have opposing effects on
Ultimately triiodothyronine (T3) and thy- Zn transport and may act as regulators of
roxin levels were decreased. The the intestinal mucosa transport of Zn
hypothalamic axis susceptibility to Zn de- (Song and Adham, 1979).
ficiency may explain the dynamic relation- Zinc deficiency and thyroid hormone
ship between testosterone and Zn. Injec- shortage occurring in both cretinism and
tions of testosterone or dihydro-testoster- myxedema have similar signs, ie. retarded
one in mice restores normal zinc content growth, reduced appetite and activity, im-
(Donovan and Thomas, 1980) while Zn paired development of skin and hair
deficiency decreases serum production and (Hartoma et al., 1979). Zinc deficiency
delays puberty (Prasad, 1966). symptoms may be mediated by excess
Elevations in hypothalamic Zn con- glucocorticoids since Zn depletion results
centrations in the rat appear to correlate in elevation of glucocorticoids. Elevated
with the release of gonadotropin releasing glucocorticoids and Zn deficiency both
hormone and gonadotropins which occurs result in death of thymic lymphocytes (Do-
between proestrus and estrus and after novan and Thomas, 1980). A deficiency of
castration, although this, of course, does nerve growth factor may occur with Zn
not establish a causal relation (Merriam et deficiency. One nerve growth factor is a

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 14, No. 1, 1999

small basic protein with three distinct types in amino acid utilization and excretion
of sub-units (Vinores and Guroff, 1980). (Wallwork et al., 1981). Unfortunately, amino
Two molecules of Zn are present in the acid distribution in the brain of Zn deficient
complex and Zn participates in holding the animals has not been studied, although the
structure together (Dunn et al., 1980; brain is not as sensitive as some of the tis-
Pattison and Dunn, 1975). In the absence sues described. For example, Zn concentra-
of Zn the subunits separate. Nerve growth tion in the brain is unaffected by marasmus
factor is required for the survival and de- or kwashiorkor (Lehmann et al., 1971).
velopment of certain sympathetic and sen-
sory neurons. It is equally clear that nerve Zinc and Behavior
growth factor affects a wide variety of other Zinc deficiency in humans is associ-
cells as well. Nerve growth factors are ated with apathy, lethargy, amnesia, and
present on the plasma membrane and al- mental retardation, often with considerable
most certainly at the synaptic ending as irritability, depression and paranoia (Prasad
well (Dunn et al., 1980). Nerve growth fac- et al. 1978). Caldwell et al. (1973) have
tor action increased dendritic attachments shown that the rats born to mildly Zn de-
which requires elevated levels of RNA syn- ficient mothers are mentally retarded and
thesis, which is Zn dependant. do not learn as well as rats from Zn sup-
plemented mothers. Prior to the above
Zinc and Amino Acids studies Caldwell and co-workers observed
Zinc deficiency greatly alters amino a significantly inferior learning ability, as
acid metabolism and balance. Some amino measured by water maze and platform
acids have important neurotransmitter avoidance conditioning tests, in the surviv-
functions in the brain. Hsu (1977) studied ing offspring of mildly Zn-deficient moth-
the effects of Zn deprivation on the levels ers, compared to similar rats from Zn-sup-
of free amino acid in plasma, urine, and plemented mothers. These effects of Zn
skin extracts of rats. He found significantly deficiency were subsequently confirmed
higher concentrations of threonine, leucine, and extended (Halas and Sandstead, 1975;
and isoleucine both in the urine and Sandstead et al., 1972; Sandstead et al.,
plasma of Zn-deficient animals. Higher 1977; Underwood, 1971). Colleagues visit-
concentrations of taurine, glutamic acid, ing Iran and Egypt are told that 30 percent
valine, and lysine as well as urea were also of the young children are slow learners. It
observed in the Zn deficient urine. A Zn may not be a coincidence that these areas
deficient diet causes anorexia and cyclic of the world which have been farmed for
feeding behavior in rats. Zinc deficiency centuries no longer have much available Zn
causes a significant increase in the brain in the soil (Prasad, 1966). Hesse et al. (1979)
catecholamines; norepinephrine and have found that adult rats chronically de-
dopamine (Wallwork and Sandstead, 1981). prived of dietary Zn do not behave as hip-
Total plasma amino acids are increased pocampal intact animals; the evidence sug-
(Wallwork et al., 1981). Histidine was es- gests that the deficiency alters the
pecially elevated while plasma glutamic electrophysiological properties of normally
acid was depressed. Histamine from histi- Zn rich hippocampal mossy fibers (Hesse,
dine, glutamic acid directly, acetylcholine 1979). The behavioral characteristics of
from choline, serotonin from tryptophan these animals differed from controls and
and catecholamines from tyrosine are were substantially parallel to those re-
neurotransmitters affected by dietary con- ported for animals with excess gluco-
trol. Changes in amino acid levels in Zn corticoids, i.e., impaired passive avoidance,
deficiency were affected by abnormalities open field activity and maze alternation

Zinc and Manganese in the Schizophrenias

(Hesse et al., 1979). Zinc deficient rats show more zincophilic, the thalamus especially
latency in the platform box test, cul de sac under chloropromazine and the hippocam-
and retrace errors, and open field errors pus under perphenazine treatment. Zinc
(Caldwell et al., 1973; Sandstead et al., 1972; deficiency clearly alters behavior through
Sandstead et al., 1977). Zinc deficient rats both primary and secondary metabolic
(Bradford et al., 1981) show significant dif- pathways.
ferences in stereotypic behavior (grooming
licking) and motor function (rapid changes Brain Content of Zinc and Disease
in position, backward locomotion and rapid McLardy (1973) observed a 30 percent
jerky movements). These behavioral abnor- deficit of Zn brain content in early onset
malities correlated with high levels of stri- schizophrenics and chronic alcoholics.
atal catecholamines. Other researchers have observed a decrease
Zinc ions can mimic ouabain when in hippocampal Zn in schizophrenics
injected intraventricularly and can produce (Kimura and Kumura, 1965). Zinc deficiency
epileptic seizures in rats. Serum zinc levels elevates catecholamines in rat brain (Brad-
in treated epileptics are significantly de- ford et al., 1981; Wallwork and Sandstead,
creased as compared to age and sex 1981) and zinc deficiency with dopamine
matched controls (Barbeau and Donaldson, excess might be a frequent biological dyad
1974). In contrast, elevated Zn levels (pos- in schizophrenia.
sible B6 deficiency?) in serum have been Lead displaces Zn from the hippocam-
found in baboons moderately sensitive to pal mossy fiber system (Bushwell and Bow-
photically induced seizures (Alley et al., man 1979; Niklowitz and Yeager, 1973). Rab-
1981). The hippocampus is implicated in bits exposed to lead-poisoned water have
epileptic seizures (Silfvenius et al., 1980). uniformly elevated frontal cortex, cerebel-
Zn may also have an important role in lar, and hippocampal lead. Copper, iron, and
transmitter release on the basis of the in- Zn are significantly decreased in these re-
hibitory effect on Na-K ATPase (Barbeau gions. The decrease in Zn was most signifi-
and Donaldson, 1974). Seizures which oc- cant in the interior hippocampus.
cur after burns of the skin are possibly due Staton et al. (1976) have also described
to Zn or Mn deficiency caused by excess Zn deficiency-Cu excess presenting as
demands of tissue regeneration (Hughes schizophrenia. In the Wilson’s disease pa-
and Cayaffa, 1973). Zinc and Mn are im- tient only Zn uptake is increased since Cu
portant for normal otolith formation and, is already overloaded (Aaseth et al-, 1979).
therefore, necessary for normal balance. It is clear that brain Zn content changes
Disperception can occur during deficiency during disease states and that brain Zn de-
states and Zn has been useful in otology ficiency is possibly dynamically related to
(Ruggles and Linquist, 1976). Henkin et al. schizophrenia, alcoholism, Wilson’s disease
(1975) have noted that one of syndromes and lead poisoning.
of acute Zn loss is cerebellar dysfunction.
Zinc supplementation following Zn defi- Excess Zinc
ciency reverses excessive emotionality Zinc excess appears to have almost no
(Pfeiffer, 1975). Each of three major brain toxicity, although patients show some
phenothiazines increases the total brain significant somatic effects (Pfeiffer et al.,
zinc uptake in all animals tested, more in 1980; Snyder, 1979). Zinc has very little tox-
rats than in mice (Czerniak and. Haim, icity measured by morphological and his-
1971). The following regional changes were tochemical changes occurring in the brain
detected in rat brains. Occipitotemporal of rats fed 100 mg of zinc oxide (via gastric
cortex, thalamus and hippocampus became tube) Kozik, 1979; Kozik et al., 1980). The

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 14, No. 1, 1999

rats developed minor degenerative changes Zinc and Schizophrenias

of neurocytes (vascularization) along with The schizophrenias are biochemically
moderate proliferation of the oligodendroglia numerous, so the simplistic term “schizo-
and of undifferentiated subependymal glial phrenia” should be avoided. At least seven
cells. Cerebral activities of acid phosphatase different biochemical imbalances can pro-
(elevated in prostatic cancer), ATPase and duce clinical symptoms which are indistin-
acetylcholinesterase were found, while in- guishable by the so-called research diagnos-
creased activity of thiamine pyrophosphatase tic criteria for simplistic schizophrenia. As
was observed. The activity of carbonic anhy- an example, Wilson’s disease, a Cu overload
drase, a Zn enzyme, normally increases with disorder, can be marked by psychosis and
age but was lower than normal in white hallucinations. Oral zinc has an antagonis-
matter from Krabbe disease and tic effect on the reabsorption of Cu in the
adrenoleukodystrophy (Lees et al., 1980). gastrointestinal tract and, for that reason,
Pick’s disease is a degenerative de- is considered valuable in the treatment of
mentia with onset in the 5th to 7th dec- this disease (Hoogenraad et al., 1978). We
ades, characterized by apragmatism, stere- have already mentioned the work of
otyped gestures, bizarre behavior, de- Derrien and Benoit (1929), and Kimura and
creased speech leading to complete mut- Kumura (1969) who suggested or found Zn
ism, prefrontal signs and in some cases, to be involved in mental disease. In 1967
pyramidal and extrapyramidal signs. Mor- Pfeiffer and Iliev reported low blood hista-
phologically, its most characteristic form mine levels in schizophrenic patients his-
consists of atrophy of the temporal and tamine is stored with zinc. A definite per-
frontal lobes, with gliosis and demyelina- centage of psychiatric patients have been
tion. In addition, two types of pathologi- found to have the chemical kryptopyrrole
cal changes in the neuronal bodies are ob- in their urine. Kryptopyrrole reacts avidly
served: argyrophilic inclusions and neuro- with all aldehyde chemicals, including py-
nal ballooning. The lesions in Pick’s dis- ridoxal (Pfeiffer et al., 1974). The resulting
ease are observed initially in the hippoc- kryptopyrrole-pyridoxal complex by
ampus, and subsequently extend to the chelating Zn produces a Zn deficiency as
temporal, insular and orbitofrontal cortex, well as a severe pyridoxine deficiency. These
and sometimes even to the parietal cor- patients, whom we have termed pyroluric,
tex. The hypothesis of an excess of Zn in respond for the most part to vitamin B6
patients with Pick’s disease is supported and Zn therapy (Pfeiffer and Bacchi, 1975;
by postmortem hippocampal Zn measure- Pfeiffer, 1976). Pyroluria is a form of schizo-
ments (Constantinidis et al., 1977; phrenic porphyria, similar to acute inter-
Constantinidis and Tissot, 1980). Hippoc- mittent porphyria where both pyrroles and
ampal Zn is higher in Pick’s disease than porphyrins are excreted in the urine in ex-
in Alzheimer’s disease or controls. Simi- cess (Braverman, 1978). Both Zn, ALA de-
larly, the blood cells and urine of patients hydratase, vitamin B6 , and ALA synthetase,
with are important co-factors in the pyrrole
Pick’s disease contain more Zn than porphyria-heme pathway.
those of patients with Alzheimer’s disease Evans (1980) found that rats absorb
or controls. Zinc chelators (Disulfiram, one and one-half times as much dietary Zn
calcium EDTA) increase urinary excretion if given vitamin B6 . Specifically 71 percent
of Zn. This increase is greater in patients of dietary Zn was absorbed when the ani-
with Pick’s disease than in patients with mals were given 40 mg of the vitamin per
Alzheimer’s disease (Constantinidis and kilogram of diet. Only 46 percent of the Zn
Tissot, 1980). was absorbed when two mg of vitamin B6

Zinc and Manganese in the Schizophrenias

per kilogram were given (Evans and more than normal sweating, intolerance to
Johnson, 1980). This effect may be due to alcohol and transient worsening of depres-
vitamin B6‘s role in the tryptophanpicolinic sion of hallucinations. All of these reactions
acid pathways. respond to lessening of the dose or taking
the 15 mg of Zn with food. The immediate
Practical Aspects of Zinc Supplements effect of Zn may be a decrease in serum iron
in Man level. With 15 mg of Zn this is rare and is
The physicians at the Princeton Brain usually self-corrective so that iron supple-
Bio Center (PBBC) have had 15 years of ments are not needed, (No iron therapy
experience in the use of trace element di- unless serum iron level drops below 50 mcg
etary supplements since Zn therapy was percent!). Continued massive doses of Zn,
started in 1967. In 1968 we found in man up to 5000 mg per day decreased both se-
that Zn plus Mn was more effective than rum Cu levels and ceruloplasmin levels in
Zn alone in eliminating Cu via the urinary one female patient (Pfeiffer et al., 1980). This
pathway. Approximately one half of the was corrected by the daily use of Theragran-
patients coming to the PBBC have a Cu M which contains 2 mg of Cu. Patients on
overload as shown by blood serum or hair Zn supplements may have more persistent
analysis. Molybdenum and occasionally d- visual after-images and the time for dark
penicillamine are used with Zn and Mn to adaptation of the eyes may be prolonged.
control Cu overload. The Zn recommenda- The most insidious effect of excess Zn
tions are based on our experience in 70,000 over a period of years is the reduction of
clinic visits of over 15,000 patients wherein blood Mn, 90 percent of which is contained
the blood, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn were deter- in the erythrocytes. This produces macro-
mined at each visit. In many patients blood cytosis (increased mean cell volume [MCV]
aluminum, molybdenum, lead and rubid- and mean cell hemoglobin [MCH]) when
ium were also determined. Oral Zn salts are the blood Mn level falls to less than 8 ppb
readily and equally well absorbed (Sohler (normal 15 ppb). Low blood Mn levels may
and Pfeiffer, 1980). So called “chelates” (Zn accentuate depression, allergies, and sei-
added to amino acid digests) have no ad- zure activity in epileptics. Manganese is
vantage and are more costly. The surgeons, poorly absorbed from the intestine and,
pioneering in the use of adequate Zn for while only 5 mg is needed per day, the pa-
wound healing, introduced the 50 mg Zn tient may need as much as 300 mg of Mn
(as the sulfate) tablet. The actual weight of as the gluconate to attain the normal blood
Zn as the sulfate (ZnSO4.7H20) is 220 mg. level of 15 ppb. Zinc dietary supplements
The body needs only 15 mg of elemental increase grand mal seizures in epileptics so
Zn per day so this original 50 mg tablet is Mn supplements should be started initially
too large and may produce nausea and and Zn cautiously added one month later
diarrhea. The use of Zn, 15 mg (as the when the blood levels of Zn, Mn, and Cu
gluconate) should be standard. This lower are known.
dose seldom produces nausea if taken with The reduction in Mn may be benefi-
food. For children, infants and senile pa- cial in older patients in that long term oral
tients a liquid preparation of Zn plus vita- Zn will lower blood pressure probably as a
min B6 and ziman (Zn plus Mn) with vita- result of lowered Mn levels. One antihyper-
min B6 are available from either Willner tensive drug, hydralazine, is a Mn chelating
Chemists, New York City or Bronson Labo- agent which lowers blood pressure and
ratories, LaCanada, CA. blood Mn levels. Manganese orally in sus-
Immediate side effects of dietary Zn ceptible older patients may produce hyper-
supplement may be occasional nausea, tensive headaches which subside when the

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 14, No. 1, 1999

Mn is discontinued. One of the side effects of vitamin B6 each morning are well toler-
of hydralazine therapy is lupus erythe- ated but oral vitamin B6 in doses of more
matosis, an autoimmune disease. Thus, than 2000 mg may produce tingling or
prolonged large doses of Zn may, by lower- numbness of toes and fingers. This indi-
ing Mn levels, increase the patient’s suscep- cates the need for reduction in the vitamin
tibility to autoimmune reactions. B6 dosages. With lower doses of vitamin B6
We postulate that some part of the the numbness is relieved.
cerebral side effects of Zn supplementation The beneficial effect of Zn, Mn and vi-
are mediated by the mobilization of Cu tamin B6 in pyroluria, is important since this
from storage in liver and muscle. With Zn defect extends through many diagnostic
by mouth the serum Cu may increase for a categories. The most urgent need is for daily
period of one to three months before fall- supplements in those children now labelled
ing to a normal level, With d-penicillamine mentally retarded, learning disabled, mini-
therapy and Zn/Mn supplements this does mal brain damaged, autistic, dyslexic and
not occur. In some instances such as se- hyperactive, For this purpose some philan-
vere paranoia, or retinal disease, the thropic foundation might wish to make
prompt decision to start therapy with d- available at cost (or free of charge) a simple
penicillamine plus Zn and Mn can be jus- supplement consisting of the daily need for
tified. The use of Zn and Mn with vitamin Zn and Mn, namely 15 and 4 mg respectively
B6 makes d-penicillamine therapy safe be- plus 25 mg of pyridoxine (vitamin B6 ). The
cause as a chelator d-penicillamine re- patients could be used as their own controls
moves Cu, Zn and Mn. The loss of taste and other vitamins could be used as placebo
with d-penicillamine is a sign of Zn defi- medication for the first two weeks of medi-
ciency. cation while the basic behavioral observa-
tions are being made
Drug Flood Syndrome
Patients who come to the Princeton Signs of Zinc Deficiency
Brain Bio Center on large doses of In order to diagnose Zn deficiency of
neuroleptics may get very sleepy when Zn the brain, peripheral signs of Zn deficiency
and vitamin B6 are used in treatment. This must be recognized. These are: white spot-
is the effect of the neuroleptic on a brain ted fingernails, cutaneous striae, nasal pol-
made more normal and the dose of neu- yps, amennorhea, impotency, tinnitus, ab-
roleptic should be rapidly reduced. For ex- dominal pain, stuttering, poor dental
ample, 40 mg of haloperidol can be reduced enamel, loss of taste, frequent infections,
to 5 to 10 mg at bedtime. The patient’s af- depression, insomnia, disperceptions and
fect improves with the Zn and vitamin B6 hallucinations.
so that the parents may suggest that the
neuroleptic dose is too large. Signs of Zinc and Vitamin B6 Deficiency
Zinc is needed for phosphorylation of
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Toxicity pyridoxal to make pyridoxal phosphate so
An occasional patient will show high adequate vitamin B6 should always be given
hair and high serum Zn levels with elevated with Zn. Patients without dream recall are
spermidine and low erythrocyte GOT ac- vitamin B6 deficient and vitamin B6 defi-
tivity. We postulate that these patients have ciency is the basic nutrition deficit in Car-
vitamin B6 deficiency and cannot utilize the pal Tunnel Syndrome and Chinese Restau-
Zn present until adequate vitamin B6 is rant Syndrome (Folkers et al., 1981). Dou-
provided. With vitamin B6 therapy the high ble deficiency of Zn and vitamin B6 , as in
Zn level drops to normal. Doses of 1000 mg pyroluria, may cause the following: no

Zinc and Manganese in the Schizophrenias

dream recall, sweet breath and body odor, ably accounts for many symptoms, includ-
morning nausea, crowded upper incisors, ing the low blood histamine level.
splenic pain, pallor with itching in sunlight, The treatment program consists of the
constipation, achy knees, amennorhea, administration of Zn, Mn, vitamin C, niacin,
impotency, seizures, disperceptions, hallu- vitamin B12, and folic acid. The rationale un-
cinations, amnesia, paranoia, eosinophilia, derlying the treatment is that folic acid in
lymphocytosis, high bilirubin, and low im- conjunction with vitamin B12 injections raises
mune globulin A (Pfeiffer, 1974). We have the blood histamine while lowering the de-
found a deficiency of Zn and B6 in all girl gree of symptomatology. Zinc and Mn allow
families we have treated also. for the normal storage of histamine in both
the basophils and the brain. With this treat-
Summary - Zinc in Schizophrenia ment the high blood Cu is slowly reduced and
The mauve factor (kryptopyrrole) de- symptoms are slowly relieved in several
pletes patient of both Zn and vitamin B6 months time. Zinc and Mn with vitamin C
(pyridoxine) because the pyrrole combines remove Cu from the tissues. The largest tis-
with pyridoxal and then with Zn to produce sues of the body, namely the liver and mus-
a combined deficiency. These patients suf- cles, are flushed of their Cu first so the serum
fer from “pyroluria”, a familial disorder Cu may rise to aggravate mental symptoms.
which occurs with stress. If this occurs then the dose of Zn should be
Pyroluria is treated by restoring the reduced for a two week period. Excess Cu may
vitamin B6 and Zn so that this double de- be acquired from commercial vitamins and
ficiency is corrected. A dose of vitamin B6 minerals or drinking water flowing through
which results in daily dream recall (a nor- copper pipes. Distilled water may occasion-
mal phenomenon) as well as a Zn-Mn sup- ally be needed to reduce Cu intake.
plement are given daily. One should in- David et al. (1976) found significant
crease the daily AM dose of vitamin B6 (up lead in the hyperactive child but at a level
to 2-0 g/day) until dream recall occurs. less than that of lead poisoning. We find
With Zn, Mn and vitamin B6 therapy the similar levels of lead and high levels of Cu
pyroluric patient may start to respond in 24 which is also a CNS stimulant. We believe
hours and certainly some progress is noted that with a high Cu level, any lead level
within one week. However, total recovery may above the age of the child is suspect. These
take three to four months. The biochemical patients are also Zn, and vitamin B6 defi-
imbalance and symptoms will usually recur cient. With adequate Zn and vitamin C
within one to two weeks if the nutritional both the lead and Cu levels return to nor-
program is stopped (Pfeiffer, 1974). mal within a period of six months and the
Pyroluria may occur together with hyperactivity is decreased. These children
other imbalances such as histapenia, frequently have an elevated serum uric acid
histadelia, high Cu or cerebral allergies and level which may indicate that the heavy
in these instances progress will be slower. metals are adversely affecting the kidneys.
Low histamine patients are typically Excess Cu usually comes from the drink-
overstimulated with thoughts racing ing water and lead exposure may be from
through their minds making normal idea- air pollution (traffic), contact with the
tion difficult. Low histamine children are printed page, etc. Zinc deficiency occurs
hyperactive while often healthy in other re- with faulty eating habits.
spects. Serum Cu levels in these patients are
abnormally high. Since Cu is a brain stimu- Epilogue
lant and destroys histamine, the elevated Nutrients at their best can be smart
serum (and presumably brain) Cu level prob- drugs that know exactly where to go and

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 14, No. 1, 1999

what to do. In contrast, other drugs are non- References

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