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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my fellow friends and

honorable judges.
First of all let us give our best thanks to God, because it is only by
His grace that we can gather here in this magnificent moment. It
would be an honor for me to stand right here in front of all of you
to deliver my speech about Teens for Christ. But first, let me
introduce myself. My name is Evanggelion Bawonte, I am 15 years
old and I am from Imanuel Bahu, the Evangelical Church in
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when
you hear the words Teens for Christ? Is it only by going to Sunday
service? Or, we must be like Mother Theresa which helped, saved
other people, in fact inspired herself to help others, or we must be
like Riedel & Schwarz who had told the commandment witness of
God and be a servant of God? Matthew 5:16 (KJV) said “Let your
light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and
glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Based on that Bible verse,
as a Christian teenager, we have a very glorious duty. It is to be the
light of Christ and shine upon the darkness in this world. So, what
Mother Theresa, Riedel & Schwarz did is very extraordinary but to
be Teens for Christ we could start by creating a good impact to
others. Now, how could we do that? Well, I have two things that
would help you.
First, asking God, but not with just a regular asking.
Asking God stands for always seeking the kingdom of God.
Nowadays, many teenagers have started to go to a different path
from God. Lots of them prefer to hang out with their friends, spend
24 hours a day with their phone, and surfing the internet. God is
not their first priority. Many of them go to worship infrequently.
Although, in Psalms 119:9 (KJV) said “Wherewithal shall a young
man cleanse his way? by taking heed there to according to thy
word.” So, let’s start to always seek the kingdom of God.
Second, SWIM Deep Within Yourself. Confused
already? SWIM deep within yourself which I said earlier stands for
Start With Ideal Manner Deep Within Yourself. Do not think we can
emit the light of Christ when we just seek kingdom of God. We also
need ideal manner. Because our ideal manner could bring out the
light that could lit the darkness in this world. But, if we bring an
unsavory manner, surely we cannot emit the light of Christ. I have
met many teenagers who always seek the kingdom of God but does
not bring ideal manner. They are always active in worship, but their
manner is unsavory. Like, they always curse, lie, and others that
banned from the words of God. So, don’t just always seek kingdom
of God, but we have to take action in real life to bring ideal manner.
Thomas Manson once said, “If you want to give light
to others, you have to glow yourself.” So, we should glow ourselves
first, and bring good impact for others to see our light. And with
that, they can dignify the name of God and we could do that by
always seeking the kingdom of God and bringing ideal manner.
Through my speech, I want to enlighten yourself teenagers, and
abandon our unsavory manner from now on. Now, we already
know the ways to emit the light of Christ and I have decided to be
the light of Christ. How about you?
That is all of my speech, Thank you for the attention. God bless us

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