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Adam Andrei

Group 398

The Benefits of Coaching

A modern approach of developing personal and business performances, which efficacity’s

became obvious in the current economy, coaching’s globally growing rate was overcome only by
IT industry. As we know, this term comes from sport’s area bringing the idea of training for
obtaining accomplishments and we can use it in: personal development, day by day issues,
organizational development and also in various fields of activity: education, sport, music, or

The last one has the role to make the entrepreneurs, managers and employees to achieve a
higher level of performance during their activity. The business coaching it’s not only about
success, it can be also about surviving in this fierce environment. Usually this type of clients are
people wanting to achive certain professional milestones, to produce a change in the professional
routine, or who want to obtain or maintain a specific business level. In another set of words, the
business coaching is a way of developing the human resources by supporting, guiding, providing
feedbacks, advices with the purpose of raising the performance in various fields of activity.

Taking into consideration all of the facts from above the general benefits of coaching are
the following:

 Helping you discovering whenever you need new things about yourself, difficult to find
them without a skilled coach.
 Developing nuances: The created “mirror” will show new images about you and about
world. Suddenly more options appear. The binary thinking will disappear and the world in
black and white will no more be an option, true or false, guilty or unguilty, or another way
of thinking in such a mechanism.
 Helps you take decisions: having more options doesn’t mean that the decisions will be
better. Coaching will help to have wise choices showing you those decision making
processes less visible.
 Make you more responsible: after this process a much more clear line between what
happens to you and your area of responsibility/actions.
 It trains a solution oriented thinking
 Anchors you in present oriented for future outcomes
 Supports the acceptance
 Motivates: There are recognized the motivational effects brought by coaching when
planning, when reaching an objective, when seeing the outcomes, numerous chemical
substances are creating motivational energy.
 Help focusing. As we know, multitasking is bad and inefficient with bad effects for the
brain. Coaching shows you evaluating the true working capacity
 Trains the brain: Imaginary projections, stimulated creativity, or autobiographic learning
techniques which trains the episodic memory
 Makes the trainee more flexible by changing the way of doing some things, the way of
thinking in order to obtain certain objectives
 Continuous improvement by becoming dependent on changes for better versions
 Makes the trainee to be present by always focusing, thinking clear and listening.

Treating numerous general advantages we should take into consideration some organizational
coaching benefits:

1. A better resource usage by becoming more oriented for solutions, efficiency and
The coaching process may facilitate a clarification of the zones when team’s resources must be
allocated, of the necessary resources type and way of usage them for raising the efficiency and
performances in order to obtain the desired outcome.

2. It determines the usage of a more efficient and creative way of resources possessed by
each team member

There are resources in each of us, therefore in each team member. The employees are not always
aware of the possessed skills and moreover of the way to contribute for gathering performance and
self or organizational development.

3. Diminishing the resistance to change and usage of potential energies in order to

achieve certain business objectives

In the company’s change stages, the resistance to change, manifested in different forms, may be
difficult to overcame and it might affect the organization’s processes if it is not properly managed.

4. Consolidating teams and providing a proper dynamism designed for performance

Team members are different but in the same time they share common values. They action and
interact differently and the involving grade for obtaining the desired common result it’s different
for each of them. It is not enough for each team member to individually achieve the goal, they
need to perform efficiently and to reach the outcomes as a team.

5. Changing the culture towards corporate entrepreneurship and innovation

The coaching creates a safe space which promotes the creating and exploitation of new ideas,
solutions and perspectives stimulating the process of taking initiative.

6. Designing a clear image of teams/departments/individuals roles and responsibilities

for reaching certain business objectives.

A skill of a productive and successful team is dodging the effort extra usage of certain members
and understanding by each one of them its own role and relationships with the other team mates.

7. Fast adaptation to new roles and responsibilities of employees

Assuming a new role and new tasks might create difficulties for the one who takes the new job
and implicit for the managed team by him if it’s the case. Might appear obstacles generated by the
fear of not being as expected by others, or by communication with the new team and even because
of the need of adaptation to a new organizational culture.

8. Assuming executive and strategic roles for the top management teams

Inside the organizations, the coaching might facilitate even taking the executive and strategic roles,
on individual level and even for the entire top management team

9. Making clear the career path for top talents and managing the individual skills
according to the organizational development
The synchronization of the individual career aspirations with the organizational developing needs
it’s essential for the company’s success and employees retention valuable for the firm. Through
coaching the employees can make clear their own professional path plus the skills to be grown and
the organization can see their needs for human resources in order to grow.

10. Training successors for key positions

The coaching can sustain the developing of certain skills necessary to occupy new positions by
successors especially trained for them. It might facilitate entering in a top management function
which implies strategic approach and also leadership skills unnecessary for the old position.

Treating the coaching at the organizational level we have to understand in the same time the
relationship between the management and coaching, two interdependent tools. Thus, the coaching
is necessary for the managers for the following reasons:

- The coaching makes them to have a much more clear image about the changes which

need to be implemented in the company

- Helps them to understand the organizational culture

- Provides them the experience for organizing coaching workshops for the employees

- Provides a clear picture of the organigram

- Helps them to have a clear image about the specific challenges from the internal

environment and external environment

- Makes them to recognize the resistance forces for change and how to deal with them

- Teaches them how to be conscious about their minuses

- Makes them to action more quickly

- Determine them to let the others to take responsibility for their own acts

- To invent the future and to stay creative

Taking into consideration all of the above, we are able to draw a conclusion by
accepting a certain fact: even if we discussed more the business part of this tool, coaching
is suitable and recommended for any of us in any field of activity. We cannot say that there
are professions, or moments in life when the maximum performance it’s not desired,
therefore the coaching’s utility it’s designed for any situation. Started from sport and
reaching to life coaching when we deal with day by day problems which need to be
overcome in order to be successful in any task, the numerous benefits of coaching are
representing simple reasons of why it’s need to be mass adopted this crucial practice.


A Scheryogg and C Schmidt Lellek The Professionalization of Coaching 2017 Springer

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