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1. Buatlah soal sesuai dengan KD, Indikator Kompetensi, teks dalam bentuk tulis dan lisan yang
telah disediakan.
2. Batang soal (Stem) dan jawaban ditulis di tempat yang sudah disediakan di bawah teks.
3. Soal no 1 - 25 untuk teks dalam bentuk tulis (reading), sedangkan no 26 – 30 adalah teks dalam
bentuk lisan (listening).

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna News Item Text dalam bentuk tulis
Indikator Menentukan topik berita/news item
Teks Teks 1: News Item

PLN Commits To Build Emergency Power Plant For Jakarta MRT After Blackout
Paralyzes Trains
•Norman Harsono. The Jakarta Post
State utility company PLN is committed to building a 101 megawatt (MW)
diesel-fired power plant in Jakarta to provide emergency electricity for the
city’s MRT train system.
The power plant, which is to be built in the Senayan neighborhood in Central
Jakarta, is estimated to cost about Rp 1 trillion (US$71.19 million) and is slated
to begin operations by October.
“This emergency power is, of course, solely for evacuating the MRT,” said PLN
acting president director Sripeni Inten Cahyani at an open-door meeting with
legislators in Jakarta on Tuesday.
The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s director general for electricity,
Rida Mulyana, added that PLN chose a diesel-fired power plant over a gas-fired
one because diesel was safer for long-term storage, even though it took longer
to fire up.
The PLN realized the new power plant was needed after technical problems
with its transmission lines disrupted the electricity supply to Jakarta for more
than six hours on Aug. 4. The unexpected blackout forced dozens of passengers
to evacuate MRT trains halted in tunnels.
According to MRT president director Wiliam Sabandar, the blackout resulted in
13 percent fewer passengers in August compared to previous months.

Soal 1:
What is the text about?
A. PLN realize the new power
B. MRT will build 101 megawatt
C. Jakarta build a new MRT
D. Jakarta provide emergency electricity
E. PLN committed build 101 megawatt

Indikator Soal Disediakan sebuah teks News Item, siswa dapat menentukan topik dari teks
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban E (PLN committed build 101 megawatt)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna News Item Text dalam bentuk tulis.
Indikator Menentukan informasi rinci TERSIRAT
Teks Teks 1: News Item
PLN Commits To Build Emergency Power Plant For Jakarta MRT After Blackout
Paralyzes Trains
•Norman Harsono. The Jakarta Post

State utility company PLN is committed to building a 101 megawatt (MW)

diesel-fired power plant in Jakarta to provide emergency electricity for the
city’s MRT train system.

The power plant, which is to be built in the Senayan neighborhood in Central

Jakarta, is estimated to cost about Rp 1 trillion (US$71.19 million) and is slated
to begin operations by October.

“This emergency power is, of course, solely for evacuating the MRT,” said PLN
acting president director Sripeni Inten Cahyani at an open-door meeting with
legislators in Jakarta on Tuesday.
The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s director general for electricity,
Rida Mulyana, added that PLN chose a diesel-fired power plant over a gas-fired
one because diesel was safer for long-term storage, even though it took longer
to fire up.

The PLN realized the new power plant was needed after technical problems
with its transmission lines disrupted the electricity supply to Jakarta for more
than six hours on Aug. 4. The unexpected blackout forced dozens of passengers
to evacuate MRT trains halted in tunnels. According to MRT president director
Wiliam Sabandar, the blackout resulted in 13 percent fewer passengers in
August compared to previous months.

Soal 2:
Personally, emergency power plant for its…
A. Provide emergency electricity
B. Built Senayan neighborhood in Central Jakarta
C. Evacuating the MRT
D. Disrupted the electricity supply
E. Begin operations of MRT

Indikator Soal Disediakan sebuah News Item Text, siswa dapat menentukan informasi tersirat
dari teks tersebut.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban C (Evacuating the MRT)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna teks tulis Narrative
Indikator Menentukan karakter tokoh utama
Teks Narrative
In a village in Bali there once lived a boy called Belog. “Belog” means
“Blockhead” in Balinese, and Belog was well known around his village because
of the things he was always doing. The people of the village never grew tired of
telling each other stories about Belog’s behavior.

One day Belog’s mother accidentally dropped her last box of matches into a
puddle of water. The matches got wet and would not light. She needed
immediately matches to light her stove, so she called out to her son and said.
“Belog, please go to the shop and buy some matches. The matches that I have
are wet, and I cannot light the fire to cook our meal.”
She gave Belog some money and then added, “Do make sure that the matches
you buy are dry and can light easily!”

So Belog took the coins for the matches from his mother, and happily walked to
the village shop. He walked inside and asked the owner for a box of matches.
Then Belog carefully counted his coins and paid for the box and began to walk

No sooner was he outside the shop, then a thought struck Belog. He opened
the box and looked inside. “They look like good matches to me.” he thought.
“But how can I be certain? I’d better try one.” Belog took out one of the
matches and lighted it. It caught fire easily.
“Ah, that match is all right,” he said. “But how about the others?” so Belog
took out all the matches one by one and lighted them to see that they were
good. “This is a good box of matches. “Belog said to himself. Then he returned

“Here mother,” said Belog with a smile on his face. “I bought a good box of
matches. They all work. I tested all of them!” then Belog handed his mother the

box of used, burnt matches.
His poor mother, what could she say? After all, Belog was her only child, and
she loved him dearly.

Soal 3:
From the text above, we can know that Belog?
A. Plain
B. Wicked
C. Arrogant
D. Bad
E. kind

Indikator Soal Disediakan sebuah Narrative Text, siswa dapat menentukan karakter tokoh
utama dalam teks narrative tersebut.
Level Kognitif 2
Jawaban A (Plain)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna teks tulis Narrative
Indikator Menentukan informasi RINCI TERSURAT (Explicit) dari dalam teks
Teks Narrative
In a village in Bali there once lived a boy called Belog. “Belog” means
“Blockhead” in Balinese, and Belog was well known around his village because
of the things he was always doing. The people of the village never grew tired of
telling each other stories about Belog’s behavior.

One day Belog’s mother accidentally dropped her last box of matches into a
puddle of water. The matches got wet and would not light. She needed
immediately matches to light her stove, so she called out to her son and said.
“Belog, please go to the shop and buy some matches. The matches that I have
are wet, and I cannot light the fire to cook our meal.”
She gave Belog some money and then added, “Do make sure that the matches
you buy are dry and can light easily!”

So Belog took the coins for the matches from his mother, and happily walked to
the village shop. He walked inside and asked the owner for a box of matches.
Then Belog carefully counted his coins and paid for the box and began to walk

No sooner was he outside the shop, then a thought struck Belog. He opened
the box and looked inside. “They look like good matches to me.” he thought.
“But how can I be certain? I’d better try one.” Belog took out one of the
matches and lighted it. It caught fire easily.
“Ah, that match is all right,” he said. “But how about the others?” so Belog
took out all the matches one by one and lighted them to see that they were

good. “This is a good box of matches. “Belog said to himself. Then he returned

“Here mother,” said Belog with a smile on his face. “I bought a good box of
matches. They all work. I tested all of them!” then Belog handed his mother the
box of used, burnt matches.
His poor mother, what could she say? After all, Belog was her only child, and
she loved him dearly.

Soal 4:
Which statement is FALSE about the text above?
A. Belog’s mother accidentally dropped her last box of matches
B. The matches of Belog’s mother got wet and would not light
C. The matches of Belog’s mother has is burning
D. Belog took out all the matches
E. Belog carefully counted his coins and paid for the box

Indikator Soal Disediakan sebuah Narrative Text, siswa dapat menentukan informasi RINCI
TERSURAT dari dalam teks.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban C (The matches of Belog’s mother has is burning)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna teks tulis Narrative
Indikator Menentukan NILAI MORAL dari dalam teks narrative
Teks Narrative
In a village in Bali there once lived a boy called Belog. “Belog” means
“Blockhead” in Balinese, and Belog was well known around his village because
of the things he was always doing. The people of the village never grew tired of
telling each other stories about Belog’s behavior.

One day Belog’s mother accidentally dropped her last box of matches into a
puddle of water. The matches got wet and would not light. She needed
immediately matches to light her stove, so she called out to her son and said.
“Belog, please go to the shop and buy some matches. The matches that I have
are wet, and I cannot light the fire to cook our meal.”
She gave Belog some money and then added, “Do make sure that the matches
you buy are dry and can light easily!”

So Belog took the coins for the matches from his mother, and happily walked to
the village shop. He walked inside and asked the owner for a box of matches.
Then Belog carefully counted his coins and paid for the box and began to walk

No sooner was he outside the shop, then a thought struck Belog. He opened
the box and looked inside. “They look like good matches to me.” he thought.

“But how can I be certain? I’d better try one.” Belog took out one of the
matches and lighted it. It caught fire easily.
“Ah, that match is all right,” he said. “But how about the others?” so Belog
took out all the matches one by one and lighted them to see that they were
good. “This is a good box of matches. “Belog said to himself. Then he returned

“Here mother,” said Belog with a smile on his face. “I bought a good box of
matches. They all work. I tested all of them!” then Belog handed his mother the
box of used, burnt matches.
His poor mother, what could she say? After all, Belog was her only child, and
she loved him dearly.

Soal 5:
What do we learn from the text?’
A. Be kind mother
B. Be mother that always love their child
C. Be arrogant mother
D. Be powerful mother
E. Be strong mother

Indikator Soal Disediakan sebuah Narrative Text, siswa dapat menentukan NILAI MORAL YANG
Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban B (Be mother that always love their child)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna dalam sebuah lagu
Indikator Menentukan tujuan penulisan lagu
Teks Song
Hello, it's me, I was wondering
If after all these years you'd like to meet to go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal, yeah
But I ain't done much healing

Hello, can you hear me?

I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet

There's such a difference between us

And a million miles

Hello from the other side

I must've called a thousand times

To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside

At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Hello, how are you?

It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry
I hope that you're well
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?

It's no secret
That the both of us are running out of time

So hello from the other side

I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside

At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Ooh, anymore
Ooh, anymore
Ooh, anymore

Hello from the other side

I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside

At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Soal 6:
What is the writer’s purpose in writing the song
A. Do apologize
B. Give apologize
C. Share apologize
D. Accept apologize
E. Decline apologize

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah lagu, siswa dapat menentukan tujuan penulisan lagu tersebut
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban A (Do apologize)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna dalam sebuah lagu
Indikator Menentukan TEMA lagu
Teks Song
Hello, it's me, I was wondering
If after all these years you'd like to meet to go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal, yeah
But I ain't done much healing

Hello, can you hear me?

I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet

There's such a difference between us

And a million miles

Hello from the other side

I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside

At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Hello, how are you?

It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry
I hope that you're well
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?

It's no secret
That the both of us are running out of time

So hello from the other side

I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Ooh, anymore
Ooh, anymore
Ooh, anymore

Hello from the other side

I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside

At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Soal 7:
What is the song about?
A. Pleasure
B. Grateful
C. Surprise
D. Sadness
E. Regret

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah lagu, siswa dapat menentukan TEMA lagu tersebut
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban E (Regret)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna teks tulis Recount
Indikator Menentukan topik teks
Teks Recount Text
It happened on Sunday morning a few days ago. When I was about to have my
routine cup of coffee along with a bagel, I realized that I did not have any bread
at all. I have to admit that I am unable to enjoy coffee without some kind of
baked goods.

Then I decided to run out to buy something, but all the stores were closed, but
one. That store did not have any fresh pastries, and I ended up buying four
slices of wheat bread. I was frustrated for two reasons: firstly, I couldn’t enjoy

drinking my coffee on Sunday morning; and secondly, the sales woman charged
me $3.00 for four slices of bread!

Next, I returned to the building where I live on the tenth floor, stepped into the
elevator, pushed the button, and got out. When I reached my apartment and
tried to unlock the door, I could not turn the key. I made a few attempts
without success. I started banging on the door hoping to wake up my daughter.
I was not successful at that either.

I can’t explain how it crossed my mind to check the number of the apartment.
The apartment number was correct, except for the first digit: the apartment
was on the ninth floor, not the tenth. I was shocked to realize that I had been
banging on somebody else’s door.

I still muse over what might have happened if somebody had opened the door
and what he or she would have said to me at 6:00 am on Sunday morning.

Soal 8:
The text above is about…
A. Misfortune someone
B. Lucky someone
C. Greed someone
D. Longing someone
E. Fortitude someone

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks Recount, siswa dapat menentukan topik teks tersebut.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban A (Misfortune someone)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna teks tulis Recount
Indikator Menentukan ide pokok paragraph 2
Teks Recount Text
It happened on Sunday morning a few days ago. When I was about to have my
routine cup of coffee along with a bagel, I realized that I did not have any bread
at all. I have to admit that I am unable to enjoy coffee without some kind of
baked goods.

Then I decided to run out to buy something, but all the stores were closed, but
one. That store did not have any fresh pastries, and I ended up buying four
slices of wheat bread. I was frustrated for two reasons: firstly, I couldn’t enjoy
drinking my coffee on Sunday morning; and secondly, the sales woman charged
me $3.00 for four slices of bread!

Next, I returned to the building where I live on the tenth floor, stepped into the
elevator, pushed the button, and got out. When I reached my apartment and

tried to unlock the door, I could not turn the key. I made a few attempts
without success. I started banging on the door hoping to wake up my daughter.
I was not successful at that either.

I can’t explain how it crossed my mind to check the number of the apartment.
The apartment number was correct, except for the first digit: the apartment
was on the ninth floor, not the tenth. I was shocked to realize that I had been
banging on somebody else’s door.

I still muse over what might have happened if somebody had opened the door
and what he or she would have said to me at 6:00 am on Sunday morning.

Soal 9:
Paragraph two mainly tell about?
A. Luckily of writer’s
B. Sadness of writer’s
C. Happiness of writer’s
D. Unlucky of writer’s
E. Surprisingly of writer’s
Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks Recount, siswa dapat menentukan ide pokok paragraph 2
dari teks tersebut
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban D (Unlucky of writer’s)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna teks tulis Recount
Indikator Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat (implicit information)
Teks Recount Text
It happened on Sunday morning a few days ago. When I was about to have my
routine cup of coffee along with a bagel, I realized that I did not have any bread
at all. I have to admit that I am unable to enjoy coffee without some kind of
baked goods.

Then I decided to run out to buy something, but all the stores were closed, but
one. That store did not have any fresh pastries, and I ended up buying four
slices of wheat bread. I was frustrated for two reasons: firstly, I couldn’t enjoy
drinking my coffee on Sunday morning; and secondly, the sales woman charged
me $3.00 for four slices of bread!

Soal 10:
According the text, what should writer’s do if somebody opened the door?
A. Give a greeting
B. Say “good evening”
C. Do apologize
D. Pretend nothing happened
E. Keep quiet and go

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks Recount, dari paragraf terakhir, siswa dapat memprediksi
apa yang seharusnya dilakukan tokoh dalam teks tersebut kepada pemilik
apartemen di lantai 9 bila membuka pintu.
Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban C (Do apologize)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Descriptive Text
Indikator Menentukan topik dari paragraf 2
Teks Descriptive
The Great Wall of China is the collective name of a series of fortification systems
generally built across the historical northern borders of China to protect and
consolidate territories of Chinese states and empires against various nomadic
groups of the steppe and their polities. Several walls were being built from as early
as the 7th century BC by ancient Chinese states;[2] selective stretches were later
joined together by Qin Shi Huang (220–206 BC), the first Emperor of China. Little of
the Qin wall remains.[3] Later on, many successive dynasties have built and
maintained multiple stretches of border walls. The most currently well-known of
the walls were built by the Ming dynasty (1368–1644).
Apart from defense, other purposes of the Great Wall have included border
controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk
Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and
emigration. Furthermore, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were
enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations,
signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path
of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor.
Soal 11:
What does the second paragraph tell us about?
A. The historical northern borders of China
B. The first Emperor of China
C. The characteristics of the Great Wall
D. The Several walls of Great wall
E. The function of Great wall China

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks deskripsi, siswa dapat menentukan topik pada paragraph
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban E (The function of Great wall China)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Descriptive Text

Indikator Menentukan makna kata.
Teks Descriptive
The Great Wall of China is the collective name of a series of fortification systems
generally built across the historical northern borders of China to protect and
consolidate territories of Chinese states and empires against various nomadic
groups of the steppe and their polities. Several walls were being built from as early
as the 7th century BC by ancient Chinese states;[2] selective stretches were later
joined together by Qin Shi Huang (220–206 BC), the first Emperor of China. Little of
the Qin wall remains.[3] Later on, many successive dynasties have built and
maintained multiple stretches of border walls. The most currently well-known of
the walls were built by the Ming dynasty (1368–1644).
Apart from defense, other purposes of the Great Wall have included border
controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk
Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and
emigration. Furthermore, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were
enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations,
signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path
of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor.
Soal 12:
Regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and
emigration. (Paragraph 2) What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Booster
B. Resistor
C. Continuer
D. Catcher
E. Spreader
Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks deskripsi, siswa dapat menentukan makna sebuah kata
tertentu dalam teks.
Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban A (Booster)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Descriptive Text
Indikator Menyimpulkan isi sebagian atau keseluruhan teks
Teks Descriptive
The Great Wall of China is the collective name of a series of fortification systems
generally built across the historical northern borders of China to protect and
consolidate territories of Chinese states and empires against various nomadic
groups of the steppe and their polities. Several walls were being built from as early
as the 7th century BC by ancient Chinese states; selective stretches were later
joined together by Qin Shi Huang (220–206 BC), the first Emperor of China. Little of
the Qin wall remains. Later on, many successive dynasties have built and
maintained multiple stretches of border walls. The most currently well-known of

the walls were built by the Ming dynasty (1368–1644).
Apart from defense, other purposes of the Great Wall have included border
controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk
Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and
emigration. Furthermore, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were
enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations,
signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path
of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor.
Soal 13:
After reading the text, we know that …
A. China protect and consolidate territories
B. China built a highest wall
C. China has the Great wall
D. China keep the several wall
E. China spoil highest wall

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks deskripsi, siswa dapat menyimpulkan sebagian atau
keseluruhan isi teks.
Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban C (China has the Great wall)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Exposition Text
Indikator Menentukan topik teks
Teks Hortatory Exposition Text
When we go shopping we get the plastic bags to carry the items we buy. When
we go to a friend’s or relative’s house and we want to give him/ her items, we
use a plastic bag to carry them. In facts, plastic bags are really needed. However
they are dangerous for environment and human beings.
Firstly, plastic bag needs a long time to decompose. Plastic bag takes 1000 years
to decompose on land and 450 years on water.
Secondly, people use up natural resources to make plastic bags. The most
common plastic bags you see today are made of polyethylene. This material is
made of crude oil and natural gas.
Moreover, they harm wildlife and marine life. Plastic bags are now ubiquitous
in our environment, and animals on both land and water are being strangled,
choked, and killed by them. Plastic bags are now the fifth most common debris
item found on beaches.
Plastic bags are also dangerous for our health. Colored plastic bags are really
dangerous for our health if we use them to keep food because they are
recycled products and their previous history is not known. They may have been
used to carry pesticide containers, hospital waste or heavy metal waste. Long
term consequences of the use of these plastic bags can lead to various diseases
like cancer, kidney disorders and others.
Based on the facts above, plastic bags should not be used anymore. There are

several alternatives to replace their functions such as paper bags, or reusable
canvas bags.

Soal 14:
What does the text above talk about?
A. Paper bag
B. Fabric bag
C. Canvas bag
D. Plastic bag
E. Lumber bag

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks Hortatory Exposition, siswa dapat menentukan topik dari
teks tersebut.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban D (Plastic bag)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Exposition Text
Indikator Menentukan informasi tersurat dari dalam teks
Teks Hortatory Exposition Text
When we go shopping we get the plastic bags to carry the items we buy. When
we go to a friend’s or relative’s house and we want to give him/ her items, we
use a plastic bag to carry them. In facts, plastic bags are really needed. However
they are dangerous for environment and human beings.
Firstly, plastic bag needs a long time to decompose. Plastic bag takes 1000 years
to decompose on land and 450 years on water.
Secondly, people use up natural resources to make plastic bags. The most
common plastic bags you see today are made of polyethylene. This material is
made of crude oil and natural gas.
Moreover, they harm wildlife and marine life. Plastic bags are now ubiquitous
in our environment, and animals on both land and water are being strangled,
choked, and killed by them. Plastic bags are now the fifth most common debris
item found on beaches.
Plastic bags are also dangerous for our health. Colored plastic bags are really
dangerous for our health if we use them to keep food because they are
recycled products and their previous history is not known. They may have been
used to carry pesticide containers, hospital waste or heavy metal waste. Long
term consequences of the use of these plastic bags can lead to various diseases
like cancer, kidney disorders and others.
Based on the facts above, plastic bags should not be used anymore. There are
several alternatives to replace their functions such as paper bags, or reusable
canvas bags.

Soal 15:
Why plastic bags dangerous for our health?
A. Because plastic bags can make our body healthy

B. Because plastic bags made from natural material
C. Because plastic bags made by recycled products
D. Because plastic bags contain benefits material
E. Because plastic bags can make our environment clean
Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks Hortatory Exposition, siswa dapat menentukan informasi
tersurat dari dalam teks
Level Kognitif
Jawaban C (Because plastic bags made by recycled products)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Exposition Text
Indikator Menentukan fungsi social/tujuan teks tersebut
Teks Hortatory Exposition Text
When we go shopping we get the plastic bags to carry the items we buy. When
we go to a friend’s or relative’s house and we want to give him/ her items, we
use a plastic bag to carry them. In facts, plastic bags are really needed. However
they are dangerous for environment and human beings.
Firstly, plastic bag needs a long time to decompose. Plastic bag takes 1000 years
to decompose on land and 450 years on water.
Secondly, people use up natural resources to make plastic bags. The most
common plastic bags you see today are made of polyethylene. This material is
made of crude oil and natural gas.
Moreover, they harm wildlife and marine life. Plastic bags are now ubiquitous
in our environment, and animals on both land and water are being strangled,
choked, and killed by them. Plastic bags are now the fifth most common debris
item found on beaches.
Plastic bags are also dangerous for our health. Colored plastic bags are really
dangerous for our health if we use them to keep food because they are
recycled products and their previous history is not known. They may have been
used to carry pesticide containers, hospital waste or heavy metal waste. Long
term consequences of the use of these plastic bags can lead to various diseases
like cancer, kidney disorders and others.
Based on the facts above, plastic bags should not be used anymore. There are
several alternatives to replace their functions such as paper bags, or reusable
canvas bags.

Soal 16:
The communicative purpose of the text is to …
A. Explain the benefits of plastic bags
B. Persuade readers to not be use plastic bags
C. Retell the damage of plastic bags
D. Describe about plastic bags
E. Persuade readers to use plastic bags

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks Hortatory Exposition, siswa dapat menentukan fungsi
social atau tujuan teks tersebut.

Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban B (Persuade reader to not be use plastic bags)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Exposition Text
Indikator Menyimpulkan sebagian atau seluruh isi teks
Teks Hortatory Exposition Text
When we go shopping we get the plastic bags to carry the items we buy. When
we go to a friend’s or relative’s house and we want to give him/ her items, we
use a plastic bag to carry them. In facts, plastic bags are really needed. However
they are dangerous for environment and human beings.
Firstly, plastic bag needs a long time to decompose. Plastic bag takes 1000 years
to decompose on land and 450 years on water.
Secondly, people use up natural resources to make plastic bags. The most
common plastic bags you see today are made of polyethylene. This material is
made of crude oil and natural gas.
Moreover, they harm wildlife and marine life. Plastic bags are now ubiquitous
in our environment, and animals on both land and water are being strangled,
choked, and killed by them. Plastic bags are now the fifth most common debris
item found on beaches.
Plastic bags are also dangerous for our health. Colored plastic bags are really
dangerous for our health if we use them to keep food because they are
recycled products and their previous history is not known. They may have been
used to carry pesticide containers, hospital waste or heavy metal waste. Long
term consequences of the use of these plastic bags can lead to various diseases
like cancer, kidney disorders and others.
Based on the facts above, plastic bags should not be used anymore. There are
several alternatives to replace their functions such as paper bags, or reusable
canvas bags.

Soal 17:
What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Plastic bags is damage
B. Plastic bags is useful
C. Plastic bags is healthy
D. Plastic bags is simply
E. Plastic bags is really needed

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks Hortatory Exposition, siswa dapat menyimpulkan
sebagian atau seluruh isi teks.
Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban E (Plastic bags is really needed)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Invitation Text
Indikator Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat

Teks Invitation

Soal 18:
Who is having event of swearing in of peace corps volunteers ?
A. Joni Zulvikar
B. Jl. Sunan Ampel
C. IAIN Kediri
D. Peace corp
E. Volunteers
Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks Invitation, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci
Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban C (IAIN Kediri)


Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Invitation Text
Indikator Menentukan topik undangan
Teks Invitation

Soal 19: What is the invitation about?

A. Swearing Joni Zukvikar
B. Swearing IAIN Kediri
C. Swearing Peace Corp
D. Swearing Peace Corp volunteers
E. Swearing volunteers

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks Invitation, siswa dapat menentukan topik undangan.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban D (Swearing Peace Corp volunteers)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna sebuah Explanation Text
Indikator Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat dalam teks.
Teks Explanation

Hurricanes begin as tropical storm over the warm moist waters

of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans near the equator.
As the moisture evaporates it rises until enormous amounts of
heated moist air are twisted high in the atmosphere. The winds begin to
circle counter clockwise north of the equator or clockwise south of the
equator. The relatively peaceful center of the hurricane is called the eye.
Around this center winds move at speeds between 74 and 200 miles per
hour. As long as the hurricane remains over water of 79⁰ F or warmer, it
continuous to pull moisture from the surface and grow in size and force.
When a hurricane crosses land or cooler waters, it loses its source of
power, and its wind gradually slow until they are no longer of hurricane
force- less than 74 miles per hour.
Because of the destructive force of hurricanes during late
summer and early autumn, scientists constantly monitor them with
satellites and sometimes even fly airplane surveillance to keep track of
tropical storms that might develop into hurricane.

Soal 20:
Which statement is correct according to the text, EXCEPT …
A. The hurricanes begin as tropical storm over the warm
B. the moisture evaporates it shelter until enormous amounts of
C. The winds begin to circle counter clockwise north of the equator
D. The hurricane remains over water of 79⁰ F or warmer
E. The scientists constantly monitor hurricanes with satellites

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah Explanation Text, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci
tersurat dalam teks.
Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban B (the moisture evaporates it shelter until enormous amounts of heated)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna sebuah Explanation Text
Indikator Membuat kesimpulan dari isi paragraph 2
Teks Explanation

Hurricanes begin as tropical storm over the warm moist waters

of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans near the equator.

As the moisture evaporates it rises until enormous amounts of
heated moist air are twisted high in the atmosphere. The winds begin to
circle counter clockwise north of the equator or clockwise south of the
equator. The relatively peaceful center of the hurricane is called the eye.
Around this center winds move at speeds between 74 and 200 miles per
hour. As long as the hurricane remains over water of 79⁰ F or warmer, it
continuous to pull moisture from the surface and grow in size and force.
When a hurricane crosses land or cooler waters, it loses its source of
power, and its wind gradually slow until they are no longer of hurricane
force- less than 74 miles per hour.
Because of the destructive force of hurricanes during late
summer and early autumn, scientists constantly monitor them with
satellites and sometimes even fly airplane surveillance to keep track of
tropical storms that might develop into hurricane.

Soal 20:
The second paragraph focuses on …
A. The process of hurricanes
B. The damage of hurricanes
C. The benefits of hurricanes
D. The impact of hurricanes
E. The weather of hurricanes

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah Explanation Text, siswa dapat menyimpulkan isi dari
paragraph 2
Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban A (The process of hurricanes)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Procedure Text
Indikator Menentukan tujuan tujuan/fungsi sosial teks.
Teks Procedure
Materials: 3/4 cup sugar, 2 cups half-and-half (made of an equal-parts mixture
of two substances, including dairy products, alcoholic beverages, and soft
drinks), 2 cups heavy cream, 1 tbsp vanilla extract, groceries, wire whisk, ice
cream maker, plastic wrap, mixing bowls.

Here are the steps: first, combine the heavy ice cream and the half-and-half in a
large bowl. Then, gradually whisk in the sugar until blended. After that, whisk in
the vanilla. Next, cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 3 hours
or until very cold. Then, whisk the mixture and then pour into the canister of an
ice cream maker. Next, freeze according to manufacturer's directions. After
that, transfer ice cream to a covered container and freeze up to 8 hours. Vanilla
ice cream is ready to serve!

Soal 21:
What is the social fuction of the text above?
A. Describe about vanilla ice cream
B. Retell about vanilla ice cream
C. Describe how to sell vanilla ice cream
D. Describe how to make vanilla ice cream
E. Retell about the taste of vanilla ice cream

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks prosedur, siswa dapat menentukan tujuan/fungsi sosial
teks tersebut.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban D (Describe how to make vanilla ice cream)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Procedure Text
Indikator Menentukan tujuan informasi rinci/langkah dalam teks.
Teks Procedure
Materials: 3/4 cup sugar, 2 cups half-and-half (made of an equal-parts mixture
of two substances, including dairy products, alcoholic beverages, and soft
drinks), 2 cups heavy cream, 1 tbsp vanilla extract, groceries, wire whisk, ice
cream maker, plastic wrap, mixing bowls.

Here are the steps: first, combine the heavy ice cream and the half-and-half in a
large bowl. Then, gradually whisk in the sugar until blended. After that, whisk in
the vanilla. Next, cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 3 hours
or until very cold. Then, whisk the mixture and then pour into the canister of an
ice cream maker. Next, freeze according to manufacturer's directions. After
that, transfer ice cream to a covered container and freeze up to 8 hours. Vanilla
ice cream is ready to serve!

Soal 22:
How many steps to make vanilla ice cream?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 8
D. 9
E. 7

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks prosedur, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci
berupa langkah dalam teks prosedur.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban E (7)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Announcement Text
Indikator Menentukan topik announcement

Teks Announcement
We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green
brands even closer together. Effective as of December 5, 2005, our official
name will be: GREEN MILES WEST

The substitution of “West” in our name-replacing “California”- is the result of

an agreement we reached with California Gardening Association, following a
protest over the original use of “California” in our name. We hope this does not
create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this represents a
change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of
products we offer to our consumers.

Soal 23:
What does the text announce?
A. Naming of brand
B. Replacing the name of brand
C. Adding the name of brand
D. Removing the name of brand
E. Clarification the name of brand

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks announcement, siswa dapat menentukan topik
announcement tersebut.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban B (Replacing the name of brand)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Announcement Text
Indikator Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dari sebuah teks announcement
Teks Announcement
We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green
brands even closer together. Effective as of December 5, 2005, our official
name will be: GREEN MILES WEST

The substitution of “West” in our name-replacing “California”- is the result of

an agreement we reached with California Gardening Association, following a
protest over the original use of “California” in our name. We hope this does not
create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this represents a
change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of
products we offer to our consumers.

Soal 24:
What the name of brand before replace?

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah teks announcement, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci
tersurat dari dalam teks tersebut.
Level Kognitif 1

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna Procedure Text dalam bentuk tulis
Indikator Menentukan urutan yang benar (informasi rinci tersurat) dari sebuah
Kompetensi prosedur.
Teks Procedure Text
1. Let me tell you how to make crispy shortbread.
2. Then, roll out and cut into shapes.
3. To make this, you need 4 ozs sugar, 4 ozs butter 4 ozs margarine and 12
ozs flour.
4. Finally, bake at 200°C for 20 up to 30 minutes.
5. First, cream butter, margarine and sugar.
6. Add flour.
7. Here are the directions.

Soal 25:
1. Roll out and cut into shapes.
2. To make this, you need 4 ozs sugar, 4 ozs butter 4 ozs margarine and 12
ozs flour.
3. Add flour.
4. First, cream butter, margarine and sugar.
5. Finally, bake at 200°C for 20 up to 30 minutes.
Arrange these sentences below into a good order
A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
B. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 3
C. 1 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 3
D. 1 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 4
E. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 3

Indikator Soal Disajikan beberapa kalimat acak, siswa dapat menentukan urutan prosedur
yang benar.
Level Kognitif 3
Jawaban C (1 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 3)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna dialog tentang giving suggestion dalam bentuk lisan
Indikator Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat (saran) yang disebutkan dalam dialog.
Teks Dialog Giving Suggestion

Soal 26:
Sarah:”Joyce, do you know where is the nearest salon?.”
Joyce:”Yes it is around two block from here?. Do you want to cut your hair?.”
Sarah:”No I want to dye my hair.”
Joyce:”Wow it is cool. What color do you want to dye your hair?.”
Sarah:”I will dye it blue. What do you think?.”
Joyce:” What a colorful hair you will have. But I think it will not suit your skin it
is too colorful”
Sarah:”Really? So what color do you think I should dye?.”
Joyce:”I recommend you to dye it golden-brown. I will suit your skin-tone.”

Based on the dialogue, why Joyce do not recommended the dye blue color?
A. Because blue color is too interest
B. Because Sarah do not like blue color
C. Because Sarah want has the dye blue color
D. Because not suit in Joyce skin
E. Because not suit in Sarah skin

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah dialog giving suggestion dalam bentuk lisan, siswa dapat
menentukan informasi rinci (saran) dalam dialog tersebut.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban E (Because not suit in Sarah skin)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna dialog deskripsi tentang seseorang dalam bentuk lisan
Indikator Disajikan sebuah dialog lisan tentang deskripsi seseorang, siswa dapat
Kompetensi mengidentifikasi topik dari dialog tersebut.
Teks Deskriptive Text
Dialog Descriptif tentang Walt Disney
Ratih: “Hi sar, do you know about Walt Disney”?
Sarah: “Yes, of course I know. He is a founded Disney production”
Ratih: “Hemmm, he is very interesting”
Sarah: “Yes, Walt Disney was born in Chicago in 1901. Walt Disney is a legend
in the 20th century entertainment. Its popularity is complemented by
imagination, optimism, and creativity”.
Ratih:” He seems like a very great person”?
Sarah: “ Yes, Walt Disney has received more than 950 awards in the world,
including 48 awards from the Academy Awards and 7 awards from the Emmys
Soal 27
What is the topic of dialogue above?
A. Walt Disney
B. Disney production
C. Entertainment
D. Disney
E. Entertainment Disney

Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah dialog deskripsi lisan, siswa dapat menentukan topik dalam
dialog tersebut.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban A (Walt Disney)

SOAL 28 28
Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna dialog deskripsi mendeskripsisikan seseorang dalam bentuk
Indikator Disajikan sebuah dialog lisan tentang deskripsi seseoarang, siswa dapat
Kompetensi menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dari dialog tersebut.
Teks Deskriptive Text

Dialog Descriptif tentang Walt Disney

Ratih: “ Hi sar, do you know about Walt Disney”?
Sarah: “ Yes, of course I know. He is a founded Disney production”
Ratih: “Hemmm, he is very interesting”
Sarah: “Yes, Walt Disney was born in Chicago in 1901. Walt Disney is a legend
in the 20th century entertainment. Its popularity is complemented by
imagination, optimism, and creativity”.
Ratih:” He seems like a very great person”?
Sarah: “ Yes, Walt Disney has received more than 950 awards in the world,
including 48 awards from the Academy Awards and 7 awards from the Emmys

Soal 28
Who is Walt Disney?
A. Interesting people
B. Founded Disney production
C. Famous people
D. Founded Chicago production
E. Legend of entertainment in 21th century

Indikator Soal Dialog Descriptif tentang Walt Disney

Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban B (Founded Disney production)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna monolog dalam bentuk lisan
Indikator Disajikan sebuah dialog lisan tentang pro kontra penggunaan laptop, siswa
Kompetensi dapat menentukan topik dialog.
Teks Discussion Text
Monolog tentang Laptop
Technological developments have had a significant influence on the quality of
an increasingly heavy curriculum and teaching and learning style in schools.
Today, many schools choose laptops or tablets as learning tools replacing

school books and notebooks.
The United States Military Academy initiated a study of the effectiveness of
learning to use technological devices in the classroom. The result, not at all as
expected, considering that technology should facilitate the lives of many
people. The experiment used was to divide a number of children into three
classrooms. The first class, child respondents learn to use a laptop. The second
class, children learn with a tablet that is modified for educational purposes.
Then, in the third class, respondents learn in a conservative way, notebooks
and textbooks. As a result, the researchers found that respondents in the first
and second grades produced identical exam scores, in the final scores were
below average. Conversely, these results are not seen at all in children in the
third grade.
This condition does not occur in children who study only with notebooks and
textbooks. Because the level of concentration is higher and their ability to pay
attention to people while talking is much better. The study, led by Susan Payne
Carter, Kyle Greenberg, and Michael S. Walker, concluded that the classical
learning method is still the most effective way of learning for school-age
children. Researchers emphasize that this does not mean having to keep
children away from technology. They instead encourage schools to provide
information technology knowledge, but do not implement technology into
everyday life for children at the age of development and adolescence.

Soal 29:
What is the text above about?
A. The use of laptop
B. The advantages of use laptop
C. The disadvantages of use laptop
D. Pros and cons of laptop
E. The benefits of laptop

Indikator Soal Disajikan monolog tentang Laptop, siswa dapat menentukan topik monolog
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban D (Pros and cons of laptop)

Kompetensi Dasar Menangkap makna monolog dalam bentuk lisan
Indikator Disajikan sebuah dialog lisan tentang pro kontra penggunaan laptop, siswa
Kompetensi dapat mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat dalam monolog tersebut.
Teks Discussion Text
Monolog tentang Laptop
Technological developments have had a significant influence on the quality of
an increasingly heavy curriculum and teaching and learning style in schools.
Today, many schools choose laptops or tablets as learning tools replacing
school books and notebooks.
The United States Military Academy initiated a study of the effectiveness of
learning to use technological devices in the classroom. The result, not at all as

expected, considering that technology should facilitate the lives of many
people. The experiment used was to divide a number of children into three
classrooms. The first class, child respondents learn to use a laptop. The second
class, children learn with a tablet that is modified for educational purposes.
Then, in the third class, respondents learn in a conservative way, notebooks
and textbooks. As a result, the researchers found that respondents in the first
and second grades produced identical exam scores, in the final scores were
below average. Conversely, these results are not seen at all in children in the
third grade.
This condition does not occur in children who study only with notebooks and
textbooks. Because the level of concentration is higher and their ability to pay
attention to people while talking is much better. The study, led by Susan Payne
Carter, Kyle Greenberg, and Michael S. Walker, concluded that the classical
learning method is still the most effective way of learning for school-age
children. Researchers emphasize that this does not mean having to keep
children away from technology. They instead encourage schools to provide
information technology knowledge, but do not implement technology into
everyday life for children at the age of development and adolescence.

Soal 30
Based on the text above, which more effectively between use laptop or
A. Notebook and laptop
B. Laptop
C. Notebook
D. Textbook and laptop
E. Laptop and computer
Indikator Soal Disajikan monolog tentang Laptop, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi rinci
tersurat dalam monolog tersebut.
Level Kognitif 1
Jawaban C (Notebook)


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