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Three questions from a sociological perspective:

1: What role does gender play in stalking?

2 :Are women more likely than men to report being a victim of cyberstalking?

3 :What is the level of fear associated with victims of stalking?

Three questions from a communication study perspective:

1: Is there an effective way to persuade Krik to stop his actions?

2: What could Jazmyne do to protect herself from Kirk’s stalking.

3: Whether Kirk’s language violence be considered as the crime?

Three questions from criminal justice perspective:

1: Whether Kirk’s stalking behavior could be convinced?

2: Are Kirk’s behavior violated Jazmyne mental health?

3: Are Kirk’s behavior bring more harm to Jazmyne than it appears to be.

I choose “what role does gender play in stalking” as my research question. Stalking is a crime

that can terrify its victims and ultimately take a severe emotional toll. In recent decades, both

woman and man have been the victim of stalking. However, it is a few of research on

whether men and women differ in their perceptions of stalking. I plan to gather data of

stalking case from government official website I will examine differences is how men and

women view stalking and whether gender differences were moderated by prior stalking

experience. Specifically, I will examine whether there were gender differences in perceptions

of the pervasiveness of stalking. In addition to that, I also plan to indicate the fact how the

harm stalking does, who tends to be stalked, if stalking mainly involves former relational
partners, possible motivations for stalking, the line between courtship and stalking, and

notions of victim blaming.

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