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100 Bodyweight Pushups divided in sets according to your endurance.


1.Dumbbells Pec Fly x 4 sets(20,15,12,10)

Resting time between the sets: 20 seconds

2. Bench Press x 6 sets(12,10,8,6,4,2)

Resting time between the sets : 60 seconds

3. Tri Set(Below mentioned exercises to be perfomed in a circuit with 0 second rest in between the sets
and 30 seconds rest between the circuits)

Incline Db Press x 3(15,12,10)

Pec Dec Flys x 3(15,12,10)

Incline Svend Press x 3(15,12,10)

4. Super Set of below mentioned exercises to be performed:

Decline Dumbbell Press x 3(12,10,8)

Around The World x 3(10,10,10)

Resting time after performing 1 superset : 30 seconds

5. Db Pullovers x 4(20,15,10,10)

Resting time between the sets: 30 seconds

6. Annihilation of the Pec

Decline cable crossover fly + Decline cable press + sitting on the knees decline cable crossover fly x 3
sets(15+15+15 , 12+12+12 , 10+10+10)
Resting time between the sets : 20 seconds

7. 50 pushups divided in sets according to your strength.


Stand in front of a mirror and flex your pecs as hard as possible for 30 seconds. X 3 sets

: This would fill your Pecs with blood and you would get the best pump of your life if you perform
everything mentioned above the way it is directed.

:Please let me know about your experience by posting a picture on Instagram with #ekanshtanejafitness.

-The picture should contain two slides , one slide containing the picture of your pump you get after
performing this workout and another slide , a screenshot of the description of this video containing the
link of this workout.

-I will repost the picture with the best pump and the best transformation after 8 weeks of following this
workout schedule would get free GOODIES!

Looking forward to working with you!

Warm Regards,

Mr. Ekansh Taneja

- Certified Functional and Strength Trainer

- Government Certified Level 4 Personal Trainer

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