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Ang, Jeff Clarence L.

180273 02/05/20

Reaction Paper on Forks Over Knives

The movie entitled Forks Over Knives is about the possible implications of a shift in
people’s diet from animal-based to plant-based. According to the film, the change to a plant-
based diet helps in the prevention of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes,
and some forms of cancer. The film essentially advocates the importance of shifting to a plant-
based diet which is much healthier, as it shows how eating plant-based food results to the least
number of health problems.

Personally, I believe that the message of the movie is very important because the
importance of having a healthy diet is often understated. A majority of people choose to eat
unhealthy food centered on an animal-based diet because for these people, food from animals
are more delicious. However, the importance of eating vegetables should be taught to people
at a young age. The importance of living a healthy lifestyle is often neglected by the youth
because its effects are not immediately felt. What we consume plays a big role in our health,
and it is important for each individual to realize the consequences of what they consume on a
daily basis. This includes the unhealthy effects on our body when we eat too much animal-
based food, and we should learn to incorporate a plant-based diet on our nutrition as well.

As years pass by, the cases of certain diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes
continue to increase, despite the improvements in medical technology. Among the youth, this
has increasingly become a pressing issue as well, because a lot of people fail to properly look
after health based on what they consume. A lot of money is spent by people in an attempt to
“battle” certain diseases, but a lot of people fail to realize that a shift in diet is what it takes to
live healthier and successfully combat these diseases.

Personally, I avoid eating vegetables, and my diet is mainly composed of animal-based

food. While I have always tried my best to live healthy through proper exercise, I often neglect
the component of eating the proper food. This film has shown me the importance of eating a
proper diet which I must consider starting now while I am still relatively young.

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