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Crispher Joy Cosicol

CAED 500

CODE: 0095

1. Tell me about a time you were involve in a work conflict

Back when I was 4th year High School we have this so called
C.A.T Officer in which we are assigned in different work places
and I was assigned then in registrar’s office. To make the story
short, it was final examination at that time when our head of the
office called us to gave the test questionnaire in the respective
classroom of the 4th year advisers, when all of a sudden the
answer key was lost and we couldn’t find it in the office we search
every corner of the office but it wasn’t there. Me and my co officer
was so worried at that time it is because we were the one given
that task to arrange the test papers and one of our teacher who is
assigned also there has arrived and she ask what happen because
our faces are so worried at that time and she said that she was the
one who keep the answers keys in a safe place and after that me
and my co officer was in relief about that conflict and we are si
happy and thankful at that time because we didn’t got scolded.

2. How do you manage your time?

In order to manage time we should know first our priorities.
As student I managed my time in order to cater what I am going to
do. As of now my top priority is my studies, when it comes to my
academic subject first thing that I do is to list down the the difficult
task one of the example is reporting. It is difficult to prepare this
task because there is a lot to prepare specially your power point
presentation and the material that are needed in the discussion.
The next will be the assignments of other subject that is research.
Managing time is very important it affects our daily doings
3. What are your strength?
My strength is my determination. I am determine in every
work that I do, I am also flexible whenever there is change
because change is constant it may be in work or in daily life. And I
am athletic also and what I like most is playing volleyball, in
playing volleyball I can show ability and my skill when it comes to
teamwork. And also I kind of person who is open-minded when it
comes to different topics or situation that I will in counter.

4. How would you describe your work ethics?

My work ethics can be describe as reliable, honest and
determined and I wake up every single day woth full hopes and go
to school/work and ready to learn and work hard.

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