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2019 Indigenous Youth Overseas Study Tour July 2019, the National UNITY Conference welcomed over 2300 indigenous youths fom ‘sceos the United States to Ostndo, Hdd fora five-day conference. With the theme, “You belong: Home is here" the conference held talks and workshops focusing on skill leadership development aswell s varied topics from Funding to college preparation. The 2019 keynore speakers ince Joho Herrington, the frst Native American to ravel space and Kahars Hodges a peofessional mode and vocalist. Galt dinner, sports competion and beauty contest swore lt par of the agenda creating a youthful rlsed yet inspiring ambience. Read mie, ‘The Alliance Cultural Foundation: Changbin-Fengbin Media FAM Trip 12:14 November, ACE, National Scene Arex Administration and Vigor co-organized ‘medi FAM trip tothe Changhin and Fengin townships Besides iting local shops, ses and st Com experiencing the eegoe’s seh indigenous culture, they were introduced to Athletic Performance Coaching In tei Athlese Performance Coaching sessions, the group practice! muscle taining tnd lernt correct porte foe exesie inthe vieitity of naute; they leaacd to focus on dake ‘ind, hod and roul while coexieting with the environment. As one journalist says ot made For turin, but rahe, tia place for ling” Th retin eps or catia efor th pele of he ren ‘The Alliance Cultural Foundation: 10th Year Anniversary Reflections - Youth Camps ‘Since ACF's founding in December 2008, each year it hosts summer and winter ‘camps. After ton years, ACF has accumulated 2,300 campers and 800 high schoo! ‘and university volunteers. The aim of the camps are for both volunteers and campers to mutually giscover oneself, o find joy in learning and to build self Confidence. Each volunteer undergoes structured pre-camp training as an effort to nurture the leaders of tomorrow who will be able to implement their experiences into real ite, ‘Taiwan Connection: Introducing Classical Music to Xingren Elementary 25 November, as part of Taiwan Connections (TC) inintve t introae and promote classical misc wo schon the remote ats of Taivan, a group of TC musicians vist the Xingren Elements School in Tamas Hor the entie 10minte performance and tl, seadess not oly saya oeuse but were enthused and expresve in tee aferthouphts The TC musicians shared that a conductores orchestra, cvery member of the orchestaplaps an importa oie and each has a responsi thn performances beg, eilferen instruments tak turns to lead. TC's fons isin hopes to planta sed inthe student’ hears, wheter tit insite ther earning ot ny kt Junyi School of Innovation: Sustainable Green Architecture Class “The tpi of canon a Jans 118 grade Sonal Green Arcitecare cas was pac’ and “vranment.Snidcnte were encouraged to consider how human beings and the environment ca bet cenit etabinhsusinle ring In one project stadente were tasked to build a Suet. They learned 1) ides the pros and the coos of the envionment, allowed by thong, buiding mars they gathered fom nearby ndghboorinds reporpsed garbies found secondband god and Gal, if thre was an Hem dey cold not Gd ey wil purchase it nein the proer, tants alo lero budgsting In efining fom sing dew mate and repurposing aig, ssadena sav at they wee able 1 play 2 tle in ceaing up the cevironment which ia valuable takes from the clas, Sharestart: Classroom Observations 2ts1 November, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Suntu Fan, Dean of National Academy for Educational Research, Tian-Ming Sheu, and Directors of various ministries and commissions of the K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education went to Guangfu Elementary School to observe Teacher Caixla Huang’s classes. Teacher Huang is the school's lead Sharestart teacher. The Sharestart troup at the Guangiu Elementary has been established for five years; one-third of teachers have joined the group: they practice implementing the Sharestart method ‘and come together to co-design Sharestart curriculum. Since adopting the method into classrooms, besides the change in teachers, the learning abilty of studanis, Improved and the student-teacher relationship is stronger. Coaching students to use the Sharestart method to self-leam is an abilly much needed in the information era. Fan, Sheu and Directors will continue on to observe classrooms that has adopted the method in middle and high schools to see real-classroom situations in hopes to better understand and share with more educators of Taiwan.

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