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The Alliance Cultural Foundation’s Tenth Year Reflection Huatong is bebeved wo be the last remaining wntouched land of Taiwan. Its sch indigenous cure sets apars foe the rest of the nan ies aural envitonenet eas be the best teacher for iy dveles to lesen to coexist with nature; however, even with its abundance of resources, "as lack of opportunites deve yours vay ftom eit homes to nd wor ia the city. Te ye go, The Allance Cultural Foundation (ACF) set the mission to develop an economical sstuinableFature for the region, anc! forthe youths to have the eoice to move hac to thir bomes and sustiin a ving for themselves and their fale. This feature shates the story of ACE's journey in achieving its mission ad ts ison foe the fur. Read more, ‘The Alliance Cultural Foundation: Huatung Reading Program The Hoatong Reading Progesm inroduce the online Reading AZ. program to schools and altersciool shelters in the Huanung region, The iniative aims to encolmge studens in che Gist to ninth grade ro ren and rend Engbsh through ebooks as well as arate their slf leaning Iuabie and ails the program also monitors every stents learning progres. Introducing the progtam isin effort to belp change the Ick of English teaching rexourecs in the rural regions of Thien. 18% c0 20 December, Huatung Reading Program iidator Debra Lin and 15 volunteers visited the $i Pao Primary School, Renewal Foundation, Vile Le Shelter, Tubal Hementary Schl, ‘Ganghou Elementary School, Chenggong Church, and Changbin Junior High School together they prided 114 students wo use the Reading A-Z progam, Adkkiondll, ACF will co ‘organizactiviies throughout the school year and summer holidays help nurture sods to selflearn English, and will expand the initiative to more schools in dhe Huang region in the program’ future We hope that dhrough oral reading exercises, students who once were hesitated to speak English will demonstrate more confidence in thir speaking ably Junyi School of Innovation: MOE Representatives joins the Winter Spiral Festival “Tis year, Jans Winter Spitl Festival es on dhe same days its annual appreciation diner oa the winter solkce. Guests inclide donors, vohinicers as wel as the Parlamentary Under- Secretary of State, Fan Sur-Lu and Directors of various ministries and commissions of the K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education ‘Guests had the opportunity to observe the chssrooms of Jans Focus programs such a sccnee, the oudoor education program, and the combined studies program. They aso enjoyed a pliy produced and performed by Jonyi high sehooles. When dhe sun set, cach guest walked the Wnkdort advent spiral which symbolizes reflecion and resolution. At dinner, they experienced ‘he oaidence sl hosplalt tleing of Juni high schoolers winessing dele service aude and ctiguene. The guests left with deep impressions thar education can be different wen it fucuseson the discovery of talents and nertures etch of them 2019 Sharestart Asia Conference: Grassroots Development ‘7 Decenber marks the fourth snl Sharestct Asia Conference, Held atthe Nationsl Chix ives, the event earned support fom the Chay Chy Goversment, Navonal Chiyi Universig’s Teacher Training Center and The Hugo Foundation of Culture and Laueztion, Shaestart founder Benson Chang and 17 Shares lead teachers ll participants to eodearn and pracce the Sharestae method considering the 2019 Master Framework for the 12yexr Basie Edveation Curriculum Guidelines. The conterenee provided partcpants the opporsnity to explore the Sharstare methox! on a deep eve ‘Taroughowt 2019, Shatest’ lead tacher team coached pricing Shaestact teaches in effort to support dhe learning progress. They designed. prtiing curriculum for beginner, imermediae, and advanced levels: Shacesare’s current focus ie spreading the method in the ‘Yulin, Chay and Taina ates, This yeas,» total oF 420 parcipantsstended the conference, mong them 44M% ofthe teachers ae from the Yunlin and Chia aes Promoting Classical Music School-wide Initiative 11" December, at the Sibws! Elementary School in Taichung, Thisan Connection’ Aric Seing Quarter’ performed Hada’ String Quartet ia C mij, Op76 Na3, HollL77 Emperor’. Vionist Lin Yitlsin desrib the fist movement aa banguet pay setting £0 image in each of the student's minds. Seodents vere encouraged to imagine efferent sence ‘when listening to the piece and 10 share their stories. "The are opportunity to have musicians perform on eames broadened the horizons of many: The Alliance Cultural Foundation: AEM Program Reflection A program sponsored by the Brigham Young Univerity-Hawaii and ACF, 2019 wae when the siuth Asian Executive Maragernent progam candidate Chen Chi‘ enmplted het fist semester ‘of courses. Besides improving her English abi, Chen pursued International Calre and CCommaniation Stuies and had the opportuity to exurally exchange with pects of diverse Imckgrounds, lern diferent lessee and life experioces. ‘The exchanges gave her new Perspectives and opened her borizons, While she sere! fr an internship, she Fou tt be ‘callenging experience, but with exch rection, she understood that every succes eomes with ‘mniy Slane

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